
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== Amaranth__ is now known as Amaranth
micahgis there a blame option in cgit?05:09
abhijeethi guys. i m using ubuntu 10.10. but when i checked the "about ubuntu" it is showing "You are using Ubuntu 11.04- the Natty Narwhal - released in April 2011 and supported until October 2012". It's kind of strange.. I have not upgraded my os10:04
micahgabhijeet: there's an open bug for that10:04
micahgbug 69024810:05
abhijeetmicahg, ok.. then.. i think someone made typo mistake..10:05
ubot2Launchpad bug 690248 in ubuntu-docs "In Maverick 'About Ubuntu' displays Natty info" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69024810:05
abhijeetor is it picking dynamically10:05
abhijeetmicahg, ok. thanks i will check it10:05
sivanghi all15:33
sivanghas anybody managed to build spidermonkey from source?15:33

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