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micahgchrisccoulson: I'm going to try a test build locally of thunderbird with enable-thumb2 to see if that fixes the FTBFS08:35
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=== micahg changed the topic of #ubuntu-mozillateam to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Mozilla Team (Chromium too!): | Firefox 4.0b10 in Firefox Beta PPA 9.10-10.10 http://is.gd/f6TM4 | Firefox 3.6.14/Thunderbird 3.1.8/Seamonkey 2.0.12 in http://is.gd/dsudW need testing | Firefox 3.6.13 in Hardy-Maverick | Thunderbird 3.1.7 in Lucid-Maverick and Stable PPA | Report Mozilla PPA bugs here: http://is.gd/hdZc1
micahgchrisccoulson: was nspr-config supposed to be in the @LIBDIR@ for xulrunner, it seems to be installed in sdk/bin now, I think that's why the installer can't find it19:32
chrisccoulsonmicahg - the upstream SDK has it in LIBDIR, and also "make install" doesn't actually install it anywhere ;)19:32
chrisccoulsonit gets built, but never installed19:32
chrisccoulsoni hit the same issue last week when doing a debug build19:33
micahgchrisccoulson: hmm, well, most of the builds seem to be failing on it19:33
micahgthe ones using nspr 4.8.6 still19:33
chrisccoulsonwow, the upstream SDK is 223MB!19:36
chrisccoulsonthat's crazy19:37
chrisccoulsonso, make install doesn't install anything in sdk/bin (only sdk/lib)19:37
micahg/build/buildd/xulrunner-2.0-2.0~b11~hg20110129r61581+nobinonly/build-tree/mozilla/objdir-i686-linux-gnu/config/nsinstall -R ../../nsprpub/config/nspr-config ../../dist/sdk/bin19:39
chrisccoulsonright, it goes in to the wrong place ;)19:40
* micahg is confused19:40
chrisccoulsonmake install only runs stage-package and then copies everything to LIBDIR19:40
chrisccoulsonstage-package copies everything from dist/bin to dist/xulrunner if there is no package manifest19:41
chrisccoulsonand then it copies everything from dist/xulrunner to LIBDIR19:41
chrisccoulson"make sdk" is what you use to build the actual SDK, but that builds a tar19:41
chrisccoulson(i think)19:41
chrisccoulsonyes, it does. i just tested it here19:42
chrisccoulsonmicahg - we're sending tbird crash reports upstream now :)19:58
chrisccoulsonhaven't actually tested if it works yet though19:58
chrisccoulsonbut our symbols are uploaded19:58
chrisccoulsontime to see if ted's crashme extension works in tbird19:59
micahgchrisccoulson: only natty?20:03
chrisccoulsonfor now, yes20:03
chrisccoulsonnice - https://crash-stats.mozilla.com/report/index/20ab7711-33dc-4872-9524-67dfc211013020:04
micahgchrisccoulson: cool20:04
micahgchrisccoulson: BTW, FF4 stopped crashing on my all the time finally, but memory usage is still crazy, did you chat with bdmurray at all?20:05
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i didn't. i saw the comment, but i was too busy with couchdb to respond20:05
chrisccoulsona couple of people have mentioned the memory usage. i can't reproduce it though, and i'm not sure what to do about it. it would be easier for me if i saw it too20:06
chrisccoulsonthe best thing i can advise for now is to report those sorts of bugs upstream, where they might be seen by someone who knows what to ask :)20:06
micahgchrisccoulson: I might end up doing mediatomb with xulrunner-1.9.2 just so I can fix Lucid and Maverick easily, then port to xul20 in natty20:06
micahgchrisccoulson: I have 5 tags groups in one window and 2 in another, with about 100 tabs open20:07
chrisccoulsonheh, i don't open anywhere near 100 tabs20:07
chrisccoulsonperhaps i should try it ;)20:07
micahgit seems like the tab groups aren't unloading the memory when they're not in the foreground20:08
micahg 3977 micah     20   0 3348m 1.5g  19m S   12 39.3 446:02.27 firefox-4.0-bin20:08
chrisccoulsonperhaps i should try that, but i guess that might be deliberate anyway ;)20:09
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i'm wondering whether to switch tbird to use internal nss and nspr :/20:09
chrisccoulsonwould make our crash reports more readable20:09
micahgit'll be bumped w/the next point release anyways20:10
chrisccoulsoni think we probably should. we need to be using internal libs for the reports to be useful really20:10
micahgwell, not having to read the crash reports is worth it20:11
BUGabundofta: don't the gmail notifications work in ubuntu ?20:30
BUGabundohad no prob in debian20:30
BUGabundobut here can't make it work :(20:30
ftaBUGabundo, no idea, not using it20:30
ftasaw that this morning: bug 71012720:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 710127 in chromium-browser "Desktop notifications from Chromium can not be closed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71012720:31
BUGabundonot that20:32
ftait means it's working ;)20:32
BUGabundofta: removed and readded20:44
BUGabundonow it asked to enable it20:44
BUGabundonow to see if it works20:44
ftaBUGabundo, good21:17
ftaBUGabundo, i use gmail but only on my android tablet and in evolution (through imap)21:17

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