
PhotoJimpiercedwater: not sure, but Ubuntu works ok on these machines.  I have a 2450.  booting off the internal SCSI, but have a SATA PCI card for a pair of SATA drives for my actual server directories.00:00
CppIsWeirdwhere does ubuntu store the uuid for the /dev/mapper for cryptodrives in the initramfs?02:23
CppIsWeirdi went to edit /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/cryptroot only to find that i do not have one.03:03
anzenkethI attempted to schrink some logical volumes and now /home and /var will not mount03:18
anzenkethCan somone help me fix that03:19
CppIsWeirdhow come im on an encrypted system yet /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/cryptroot does not exist? how do i modify my kernels cryptroot file?03:27
boxbeatsyhi, i'm on an ubuntu server, and i'm finding that my python scripts are randomly terminating.  i don't have any apparent internal or external signals that would cause this, so i'm thinking that it is a memory issue.  does anyone know where i should look for logs to confirm this?06:06
jmarsdenboxbeatsy: If you can make the issue happen at will, you could try running one of the scripts inside strace and check the resulting (long!) output to see what killed the script?07:09
boxbeatsyjmarsden: aah thanks for the suggestion.  i acutally think i found the problem.. i was running 100 instances of polipo not knowing that it has an inmemory cache that over time builds up to 25MB07:20
jmarsdenOK.  100 * 25MB = ~2.5GB of RAM... shouldn't be a major problem on a server, though, should it?07:21
boxbeatsyi believe my server only has 1.7GB of RAM07:23
boxbeatsyis that unusual?07:24
boxbeatsyi thought it was on the small end, but didnt know (pretty new to workign with external servers)07:24
boxbeatsyit's an EC2 medium sized instance07:24
uvirtbotNew bug: #710038 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.41-3ubuntu12.8 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 20" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71003807:26
jmarsdenWell, it all depends.  At work, real physical servers tend to have 4GB to... well, 128GB of RAM :)07:26
jmarsdenI'm not sure what the common sizes are for virtual server machines in an EC2 cloud, that's a whole different world.07:27
boxbeatsyholy crap07:28
boxbeatsyyea...i just checked..it's a measly 1.7gb07:28
jmarsdenSounds like you could either find a different program to do what you want, or hack polipo to set a smaller max cache size, maybe 4Mb instead of 25MB?07:31
boxbeatsyjmarsden: yea im setting it to <1mb now cause i'm not even using the caching capabilities.  i'm just using it to assist in proxy authentication07:37
jmarsdenOK.  Sounds like that should work for you.07:37
boxbeatsythanks for the help :)07:38
jmarsdenYou're welcome.07:39
thisIsNashCan I get ubuntu server tech support here?08:10
jmarsdenthisIsNash: Maybe... it's a little late at night, not many people are around... ask your specific question and see who answers :)08:28
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uvirtbotNew bug: #710084 in mysql-5.1 (main) "package mysql-client-core-5.1 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/mysql', which is also in package mysql-client 5.5.8-1.linux2.6" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71008410:36
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Woutje123Dustin Kirkland in?13:34
NafalloWoutje123: he's been idle for 21h... not likely.13:41
Woutje123Thanks for replly...13:41
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Chat8152this is so cool. I am actually chatting from my blackbwrry15:18
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compdochope youre not driving15:20
evonlol no15:20
evonnow I can get help with my ubuntu box if it is broken15:21
binBASHevon: It would be cool indeed when you're chatting from your blackberry while being in cairo15:25
storrgiehow can I check to see if my NIC is running at gigabit speeds?16:01
compdoccould copy large files, or look at the lights on your switch16:03
compdocmany have a different color or some way to indicate what speed16:03
compdocdmesg |grep eth016:05
oCeanethtool <interface>16:08
Woutje123Mr. Kirkland?16:10
daisyhey compdoc16:43
daisyI'm trying to set up 'new mail' emails from my server to another email account16:43
daisyI'm not sure how to16:43
daisyany ideas?16:43
daisyI don't want to just forward the mails16:43
daisyI'm using Postfix on Ubuntu16:44
daisyif that helps16:44
compdochang out and see if someone helps. Im not a Postfix guru by any means16:45
compdocyou can also google postfix issues - doesnt have to be on an ubuntu system16:45
daisyI'd use mailbox_command and insert echo "New Mail" | mail whoever@wherever && before it, except I disabled it because it stops execution, and messed up my Maildir config16:46
daisythanks anyway :)16:46
compdocusually, one account can have several email addresses, if thats what youre doing16:46
daisyyeah, I've had a look, it doesn't seem to be a common problem16:46
daisyyeah, I've set up some aliases, so for example webmaster -> root16:47
compdocyou know more than I thought :)16:47
daisyand if I wanted the whole email to get sent, I'd just put other email addresses in .forward16:47
daisythanks :)16:47
daisybut I want at most the subject in the notification, if that16:48
daisyDragonshadow: do you know Postfix well?16:49
DragonshadowI've got a kind've odd postfix problem and was directed to this irc to ask for help xD16:49
Dragonshadowdaisy: lol ^16:49
daisywell, lets see if we can help each other16:49
Dragonshadowwhat's your problem?16:49
daisyI'm trying to set up 'new mail' emails from my server to another email account, without just forwarding the email16:49
daisyand without using the mailbox_command variable16:50
DragonshadowRecipient address rejected: gmail.com when trying to send mail16:50
Dragonshadowreceiving works just fine though16:50
daisyis your isp blocking port 25?16:50
Dragonshadowthis is local testing with telnet16:51
daisytry telnetting p25 from outside16:51
daisyit could be that your isp requires you to relay outgoing messages through their servers, to stop spam16:52
Dragonshadowthis is on a dedicated server so...16:52
daisyok, so not a dynamic ip then? :)16:52
Dragonshadowand telnetting from outside works16:53
daisycan you send to non-local, non-gmail accounts?16:53
Dragonshadowgimme one to try16:54
daisybe nice :)16:54
DragonshadowI won't spam :p16:55
DragonshadowRecipient address rejected: nightcoat.info16:55
DragonshadowBtw, I don't really understand what you want to do16:57
Dragonshadowonly forward new mail?16:57
Dragonshadowor rewriting the headers so it looks like its supposed to go to the new mail16:58
daisywell, I get emails to nightcoat, and I want my gmail address to be notified that there's a new message, without just forwarding the message16:58
daisyif that makes sense?16:58
Dragonshadowthat could get rather spammy if you could do that16:58
Dragonshadoweach time you get an email on nightcoat you'd get an email notif that you have new email on your gmail16:59
daisyyeah, I know16:59
daisyhopefully I'll be able to set some rules16:59
daisylike max daily or whatever16:59
Dragonshadowhttp://serverfault.com/questions/228828/postfix-new-mail-notification-to-gmail is this you? xD16:59
daisycan you post your main.cf?17:02
Dragonshadowits kind've a mess17:04
daisyembarrassed? I won't laugh17:05
DragonshadowI honestly dunno if anything in there is a security flaw so I just query'd it to you :p17:05
DragonshadowI'm wondering if it might be reject_unknown_recipient_domain17:08
daisyDragonshadow: Mine has reject_unknown_recipient_domain too, I don't think it's that17:15
daisyyou've not got anything for mydestination, any reason? or any myorigin.17:17
azertyui installed ubuntu 10.10 server17:19
azertyuand also installed ubuntu-desktop17:20
azertyunow my question is how to run gnome ?17:20
Cromulentwhy do you want to run gnome on the server?17:20
compdocI do :)17:20
azertyusometime it is helpfull to troubleshoot problem17:21
azertyuto install no machine17:21
azertyuno machine ns17:21
azertyuno machine nx17:21
daisyazertyu: it'd be easier to just install desktop ubuntu, and apt-get apache etc17:21
compdocI did what daisy suggests - works better17:22
daisyI don't think you want to be messing with X/gnome manually17:22
azertyui got ubuntu-desktop and apache allready present on my sys17:23
azertyudoing an ssh session -X how to run ubuntu-desktop ?17:23
compdocstartx doesnt work?17:24
Dragonshadowdaisy: you setup to use amavis aswell?17:26
daisyit's on my to-do list :)17:26
DragonshadowI don't think it17:27
Dragonshadowcontent filter wouldn't touch domains17:27
DragonshadowCan I see your main.cf?17:27
daisyit could be a banned from: to: address combination17:27
daisyyeah, ok17:27
awantiHi. I need to login ubuntu server remotely. I am in different place. But that server is in LAN environment. So how could i login through ssh or any?17:28
Woutje123anybody here with power management expertise?17:28
Woutje123pm-suspend and that stuff?17:28
azertyuno startx not working also daisy17:28
Dragonshadowawanti: you'd need to connect to a machine on it's network17:28
Dragonshadowand then ssh from it17:28
Woutje123azrtyu is gdm installed?17:28
daisyawanti: if you're behind a router you'll need to set up port-forwarding17:29
Dragonshadowor you could do that..17:29
daisyby going to or wherever, it'll probably have it's own config page17:29
daisyyou can use traceroute to find it's address, it'll prob be the first entry17:30
awantiplz. How? Can u give steps or any ...?17:30
azertyuyes gdm allready present17:30
daisyok, type 'traceroute google.com' and paste the first few results here17:30
azertyuyes gdm allready present Woutje12317:30
Woutje123what does "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" do?17:31
daisyrestarts gdm :P17:32
daisyDragonshadow, I've query'd it to you17:32
DragonshadowI see it, thnaks17:32
Dragonshadowthanks even17:32
Woutje123thanks daisy.... ;-)17:32
Woutje123Mr. Kirkland not online yet?17:33
azertyurestart gdm but there is no display on my screen17:34
daisyless pedantically, it'll incorporate changes to config files17:34
Woutje123sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg17:34
Woutje123anybody know why my eth0 wol setting are reset just before suspend?17:35
azertyudone Woutje12317:35
awantiThanks Dragonshadow & daisy i found the answer thanks once again17:36
daisyno worries17:36
Woutje123now restart gdm again17:36
daisyW123: maybe something to do with powersaving17:37
Woutje123when i do:"sudo ethtool -s eth0 wol pug"17:37
Woutje123ethtool eth0 says: "Wake-on: pug"17:37
Woutje123then i issue "sudo pm-suspend"17:37
Woutje123it doesn;t wake from unicast17:38
azertyurestart but there is no display , don't forgot i connect to my server with ssh -X17:38
Woutje123when I wake the server with "wakeonlan [mac-address]"17:38
Woutje123it wakes17:38
daisydoes your motherboard support wol? often they don't, or they default turn off certain features17:38
Woutje123then ethtool eth0 says:"Wake-on: g"17:38
Woutje123I can wake it using magic packet17:39
patdk-laphmm, waking from off, and waking from suspend are totally different :)17:39
Woutje123I used to be able to wake it with unicast (ping)17:39
patdk-lapwake from suspend doesn't use the bios17:39
Woutje123I think with either 9.10 or 10.0417:39
patdk-lapalso make sure it's not set to turn off the nic, on suspend17:40
Woutje123azerty, sorry bout that.17:40
Woutje123all that stuff i let you do wont work.....17:40
Woutje123patdk-lap: how would I go about that?17:40
patdk-lapI wouldn't know, I never suspend linux machines :) only windows17:41
Woutje123patdk-lap: remember I can wake the system with magic packet (from suspend)17:41
patdk-lapabove you said it wouldn't?17:41
patdk-lapso what exactly will and won't it do?17:41
Woutje123patdk-lap: I set ethtool to wake on unicast, physical and magic packet17:42
Woutje123when I issue a suspend it will only wake from magic packet17:42
patdk-lapoh, so wakeonlan works17:42
Woutje123when I check the settings after suspend and wake it's reset to only wake on magic packet17:42
daisyW123: you say the same machine used to wake from unicast in a previous ubuntu?17:43
Woutje123that is correct daisy17:43
patdk-lapthe setting doesn't survive reboots/suspend17:43
Woutje123azerty: what happens if you do a "gnome-session"?17:43
patdk-lapadd that setting into /etc/network/interfaces in post-up17:43
Woutje123havent tested reboot, but suspend doesn't work17:44
Woutje123I think it's reset just before suspend17:44
Woutje123otherwise it should wake up and have the wrong settings for the next suspend/wake17:45
daisyW123, perhaps it's just not persistent, and isn't being set at waketime17:48
daisyannoying, but have you tryed this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=234588 ?17:48
daisythe init.d script might help17:49
daisybye guys17:50
azertyufrom xterm unable to connect to ubuntu-desktop18:28
gobbeunable to connect with how?18:29
azertyufrom ssh18:35
azertyuthis is what i got if i try startx from my xterm18:35
gobbeeh? you don't start X from there, you just start programs, like xterm or something else18:42
gobbeso what you are trying to achieve?18:43
Dragonshadow550 5.1.1 <myaddy@gmail.com>: Recipient address rejected: gmail.com18:48
thesheff17azertyu: there is a package called xvfb which is a x frame buffer...simply do apt-get install xvfb then tunnel x through an ssh command example: ssh -X root@ and then you can run any X program though the frame buffer and it will appear on your machine. I use it all the time to run firefox on servers that don't have GUI remotely.18:48
azertyuyes me also i  use to do same as use thesheff1719:10
azertyubut the problem i can't able to run startx from xterm19:10
azertyui got this error : http://paste.ubuntu.com/560318/19:11
thesheff17it looks like the xserver is already started19:11
thesheff17did you try to hit ctrl-alt-F719:11
thesheff17you can also try to do /etc/init.d/gdm restart should restart everything for x.19:12
thesheff17or are you trying to do this all remotely?19:12
azertyuyes correct19:16
thesheff17azertyu: well I never tried to run the whole xserver remotely....usually people use vnc or freeNX19:17
azertyui isntalled freenx on server19:18
azertyui use no machine X from client19:18
azertyui also installed ubuntu-desktop on my server19:18
thesheff17azertyu: you might also ask in the ubuntu irc.  I don't know about running an entire xserver remotely.19:19
azertyuwhen i try to connect to my server from no machine X i just only got xterm opening but can't open ubuntu-desktop19:19
patdk-lapyou shouldn't be able to19:19
patdk-lapcause you need a way to access it19:19
patdk-lapbe it vnc, nx, or some other remote desktop viewer19:20
azertyuand if i do startx from server i got error that error : http://paste.ubuntu.com/560318/19:20
azertyupatdk-lap: i installed freenx on my server and nomachine x on client19:21
azertyucan't open ubuntu-desktop that's my problem19:21
patdk-lapwell, you shouldn't be running startx19:21
patdk-lapcause it's already running19:21
patdk-lapwell, sounds like you need to configure nx correctly then19:21
patdk-lapto get access19:21
azertyuthen why i don't have display ?19:21
patdk-laphow did you login to it?19:21
azertyuwhat you meean " correctly " ?19:21
azertyuno from nomachine x19:22
patdk-lapand if it doesn't give you a display, then something is messed up19:22
patdk-lapfollow the instructions on how to set it up again19:22
dominicdinadaquestions about pgsql ? in unbuntu server19:25
xperiahello to all. anybody here with some knoweledge about networking problem debuging. i have a ubuntu server and all people say it is heavy slow. i need somehow to analys or better isolate where the problem is located. IS it My ISP with the Fixed IP that is maybe bad Routed, is it my Linksys WRT54GL Router or is it my Ubuntu Server itself.20:02
xperiaanybody here how can help me a little maybe ?20:02
thesheff17xperia: wireshark will log everything that is going in/out of the server on the network.  top will show you current cpu/ram load on the server.  Sounds like your clients are connecting through wireless....if you hook a cable directly to the network is it faster?20:07
tdnAfter installing Kubuntu 10.10 my NFS mounts does not work anymore. I just get "mount.nfs: Connection timed out" when trying to mount them. How do I fix this? I am asking here in hope there is someone who knows NFS as I get no reply in #kubuntu.20:09
xperiathesheff17: thank you a lot for your answer:20:09
xperiai just maked a ping to one of my domains where my server is running and got very high ping times of about nearly 1 Second.20:09
xperia64 bytes from zux182-249.adsl.green.ch ( icmp_req=9 ttl=64 time=0.933 ms20:09
xperiaAsking me what here the Problem could be20:09
thesheff17xperia: high ping times usually means bad internet connections on one of the two sides.  Or bad routing.  You can use tracepath on linux to see where it is routing through.20:13
thesheff17xperia: also maybe slow DNS lookup.  See if you get the same ping times just pinging the IP.20:14
xperiaahh okay yes i have bind running ony my server. could be really the bind server the problem20:15
qman__your local bind is unlikely to be causing that problem20:21
jmarsdenxperia: 0.933 ms is almost one millisecond, not almost one second :)20:22
uvirtbotNew bug: #710319 in apache2 (main) "CPU usage is incorrect on server-status page" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71031920:23
jmarsdenxperia: Those are fast pings not slow ones :)20:23
thesheff17xperia: yea if your dns lookup is local then that prob isn't the problem.  Try to run speed tests on both sides of the connection.20:28
xperiahmm okay 0.8 ms is sure fas i thinked it is more like 800ms but how does it looks on your side really outside of the lan ?20:29
xperiacan maybe someone ping my server and say the times with20:29
xperiaping www.wificom.ch and ping
xperiathanks in advance for help20:29
jmarsdenthesheff17: No, I think he just misread the ping output20:29
RoyKfox news ftw! http://gibboni.apcdn.com/full/38135.jpg20:30
jmarsdenxperia: That is not pingable from here -- do you have it firewalled off?20:30
xperiajmarsden: hmmm will just look at it but normally at least the router should bepingable. maybe you can try port 80 ip adress
xperiato ping this for sure must works as it is open over the router to the server20:32
jmarsdenxperia: You can't "ping" a TCP port :)  Ping uses ICMP.20:32
patdk-lapyou can ping a tcp port, tcpping :)20:33
xperiaohh tcping would be great at port 80 ip adress
xperiaor domain www.wificom.ch port 80 for testing20:34
jmarsdenpatdk-lap: Well... OK, but that's not really a ping according to W. Richard Stevens TCP/IP Illustrated :)20:34
patdk-lapya, it's more of a single port, portscan20:35
jmarsdenxperia: httping http://www.wificom.ch gives me lines like:    connected to www.wificom.ch:80, seq=0 time=513.75 ms20:37
xperiajmarsden: thank you really a lot. you are great. that is at least some numbers that i can work with it20:38
xperiacan you maybe make same for my isp site www.green.ch to see what he has for a number to see how does it looks on his side ?20:39
xperiahttping http://www.green.ch20:39
xperia513.75 ms is quite a lot that is half second20:39
thesheff1764 bytes from webz.agrinet.ch ( icmp_req=1 ttl=244 time=136 ms20:40
jmarsdenxperia: httping http://www.green.ch is a little better: connected to www.green.ch:80, seq=2 time=372.49 ms20:40
jmarsdenxperia: Bear in mind this includes some response from the server, httping http://www.yahoo.com and see what you get.  Maybe 280ms or so.20:41
xperiahmmmm 100 ms faster but still a lot20:41
xperiaand how does it looks for google from your side as reference20:41
xperiahttping http://www.google.ch20:41
thesheff17For google I get 64 bytes from iad04s01-in-f99.1e100.net ( icmp_req=1 ttl=55 time=35.8 ms20:42
xperiathe sheff17 are you from swiss itself like me. you have very low numbers one time 35.8ms and other time 136ms20:43
thesheff17I'm in Chicago, IL USA20:43
jmarsdenI'm getting 70ms or so to Google, from Southern California, USA.20:44
thesheff17google though may be able to do some crazy routing to the closet server.20:44
thesheff17*nearest server.20:45
thesheff17haha yea...if I use www.google.com or www.google.ch it both resolves to the same IP for me:
xperiathesheff17 yeah they have a lot if geoip stuff20:47
xperiai just maked this here and got shocked20:47
xperiahttping www.google.ch20:47
xperiaPING www.google.ch:80 (www.google.ch):20:47
xperiaconnected to www.google.ch:80, seq=0 time=588.58 ms20:47
xperiathat is 0.5 Second for Pinging Google while you have 0.0320:48
xperiawhat is on my side wrong hmmm20:49
xperialet ping google itself with normal ping20:49
thesheff17try using the ip only and see if you have the same response time.20:49
xperiaping www.google.ch20:49
xperiaPING www.l.google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.20:49
xperia64 bytes from dy-in-f99.1e100.net ( icmp_req=1 ttl=55 time=51.8 ms20:49
xperiaso with normal ping is much better only 51ms20:50
xperiawhile with httping it need 500ms or better 10 times more hmmmm20:50
xperiathesheff17: pinging the ip itself gives same result as pinging the domain20:51
xperiaPING ( 56(84) bytes of data.20:51
xperia64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=55 time=51.5 ms20:51
xperiahmmm need to find out why on your side and on my side httping is such high20:51
thesheff17mine is around double/triple when using httping gives me 117.76ms and ping gives me 36.5 ms20:51
thesheff17httping went down to around ~80.00 ms after a couple pings20:52
xperiayeah have same effect here. if i repeat the command several times it get very low. looks like some caching20:53
xperiasome network analysis tool would be great which can give information if router is porblem, server is problem or ISP Connection or IP Problem20:55
jmarsdenxperia: Have you tried mtr?20:56
xperiajmarsden: unfortunately no. i am total new to this kind of problems but i will just look at it. thanks a lot for the tip !20:58
jmarsdenOk, I need to go, but it might help, it is an enhanced traceroute that shows time and packet loss per hop.20:58
xperiaokay thank you still for your help. saved the numbers for sure that you give me !20:59
xperiai think best is that i replace the server with a new one and remove the router and instead put the router software direct on the new Server21:04
xperiabut i will need additional Ethernet Plugs where i can put then the switches for the other Computers21:04
xperiaone last question. does anybody know some server dignossis script/tool that meassure diskacess performance, memory performance and such things and give some information about the server performance itself ?21:12
jmarsdensysbench, lmbench, iozone3, bonnie++ ... there are plenty of benchmarking tools around.  Try   apt-cache search benchmark21:13
xperiaokay thanks jmarsden. allways a pleasure to read your very helpfull posts21:15
jmarsdenxperia: You're welcome.21:15
binaryhatthesheff17, how can my server's ip address which is .107 even be able to connect to my router when iv only allocated ip addresses from .101 to .106?21:38
binaryhatit does connect21:38
binaryhatbut i dont understand y21:39
qman__if by "allocated" do you mean set the DHCP pool?21:44
qman__in any case, you're probably using a class C subnet, which means any address from .1 to .255 will work21:44
binaryhatqman__, im using a bridged connection22:14
qman__that really has no bearing on subnetting22:15
qman__bridging just means connecting the lines at layer 2 instead of routing22:16
qman__there's still a router somewhere further down the line22:16
qman__or nearer22:17
gineti was suprised how fast ubuntu server startup after cold boot22:17
qman__on my file server, I've noticed the 'mkdir' command taking a very long time22:23
qman__creating, moving, and copying file is no problem, just mkdir22:26
binaryhatbut what i cant figure out is how my guest VM can see 1 network PC even tho the .xml file for the machine has interface type='network'22:26
binaryhatnot  <interface type='bridge'>    <source bridge='br0'/>22:27
thesheff17binaryhat: just got home...did it work?23:30
thesheff17binaryhat: usually most networks are subnet mask which means anything from to should be able be on the same network.23:31
thesheff17binaryhat: and able to talk to each other.23:31
thesheff17binaryhat: your DHCP range is usually a subset of that so usually is setup for DHCP.23:32
quizmeis there any good reason to upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 ?23:51

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