
cyberangerhow's everything going?01:36
cyberangeroh how this channel gets quiet, I swear you could hear a ping drop01:36
vychunehey guys01:42
cyberangerhey vychune01:44
vychunehow you doing?01:44
cyberangerit was getting so quiet in here, I could hear a ping drop01:44
cyberangerworking on work, dns nameserver config01:45
vychunei went to Midsouth Makers01:45
vychuneit was great01:45
cyberangerhopefully I can get there at some point, gotta cross a long state for it01:46
cyberangerpresent something01:46
vychunei ate and named the spark dog machine lol01:46
cyberangerprobally a router mod01:46
vychuneall i got is an un finished website01:46
cyberangerI'm about as far east as I can get without calling it north carolina01:47
cyberangerso it'll be a little while01:47
vychunehold on01:47
cyberangeryeah, but considering how much I gotta blog, on prior projects, might as well keep the router on ice01:48
cyberangerholding on01:48
vychuneim using irssi now01:48
* cyberanger wonders why the railing I'm holding onto is so sticky01:49
vychunei learn how to screen to01:50
* cyberanger <3's irssi01:50
vychunevychune not so much lol01:50
vychunechris how you doing01:51
chris4585vychune, I'm tired, I volunteered today, you?01:53
vychunewanted to go to a meeting oh Midsouth Makers today01:53
vychunemy mom went to the Grizzles game01:53
chris4585midsouth makers?01:54
cyberangermemphis hackerspace01:54
vychunevolunteered doing what?01:54
cyberangerman, you've been "out of state" too long now chris4585 ;-)01:54
vychunethanks cyber01:54
chris4585vychune, at my mom's work (thrift store)01:55
vychuneoh cool01:55
chris4585cyberanger, I wouldn't have known that even if I was still in TN lol01:55
cyberangerreally, 1 7|-|0ug|-|7 0f y0u 45 m0r3 0f 4 h4x0r chris4585 :P01:58
vychunechi whats up01:59
chris4585cyberanger, nope01:59
vychunecyber ?01:59
cyberangerhey chibihogoshino01:59
chibihogoshinoyo cyberanger01:59
chibihogoshinowuz up01:59
cyberangervychune: annoying leetspeek, little bit of a joke01:59
cyberangerchris4585: well, your enough of one to read it ;-)02:00
cyberangerchibihogoshino: not too much, working on work02:00
cyberangerand chatting02:00
chris4585yeah I was about to say how sad it is I can actually read that02:00
chibihogoshinogotta go tho.. im at a coffee shop and its time to leave i guess.. lol02:01
chibihogoshinopeace out yall02:01
cyberangerenough time to say hello02:01
cyberangerand I gotta run, heh02:01
cyberangersee ya chibihogoshino02:01
vychunesee ya guys02:01
chibihogoshinoill be back on l8tr02:01
cyberangerhey wrst02:43
wrstcyberanger:  i find myself fixing another winders install02:43
cyberangerit had been quiet all afternoon, I swear I could hear a ping drop02:43
cyberangerwrst: rm -Rf /windows/02:44
wrstquickbooks is a necessary evil here02:44
wrstbut i do agree with you02:44
cyberangerwell, if your that stuck, might I suggest some wine ;-)02:45
cyberangerI know I'm a vodka person myself, but that wine might help you02:45
wrsti really wouldn't want to attempt it and I don't think quickbooks works very well with it02:46
cyberangerwell, with that attitude I know you haven't tried, you sound too sober still02:46
* cyberanger has killed the joke02:46
wrstwell if it werefor my use i would try it maybe but i don't think i would trust wine with mission critical02:47
wrstbut wow taking 10 minutes to get into quickbooks and of course they have lost the cd02:48
wrstit really needs a wipe clean and restart02:48
chibihogoshinocan i hold a program from starting right away in xsession  ?03:05
cyberangerdelay it's start?03:14
chris4585chibihogoshino, use sleep03:14
chris4585sleep 10s; program-executable03:14
cyberangersleep 10; kill chris458503:14
cyberangerseems to work fine ;-)03:15
chris4585well that may work in xsession, if not just try creating a script with the contents of sleep03:15
chris4585cyberanger, :P03:15
cyberangeropps, got one zombie process03:15
chris4585chibihogoshino, I used sleep a lot to delay processes while using openbox03:15
chibihogoshinoright in the xsession file or in a bash script ?03:15
chris4585either or?03:15
chris4585chibihogoshino, what do you want to delay?03:16
cyberangeropenbox really is simple, but for gnome I'd make a bash script, delay and excute03:16
chibihogoshinoconky from starting right away03:16
chris4585cyberanger, yeah03:16
cyberangerthen have xsession invoke that03:16
chris4585yes what cyberanger said03:16
chris4585and pretty much what I said earlier03:16
cyberangerit was, I was just endorsing it03:16
chris4585darn, I'm cleaning my room and I've almost found a home for everything except my baseball bat03:17
cyberangeras the better method03:17
cyberangernext to your baseball?03:17
chris4585don't own a baseball lol03:17
chris4585I have it purely for enjoyment of knowing I have it, and one day I will beat the living poo out of 'something' :-)03:17
* chris4585 plots against watermelons03:18
* cyberanger plots against chris458503:19
cyberangerif it's a contest of evil, I win03:19
chris4585well I do have some anger issues I need to sort out, not because of any one thing, but for a good while I've just wanted to go all out on a watermelon :D03:20
* cyberanger hands chris4585 the worlds biggest sledgehammer and smallest watermelon03:36
cyberangeroh, and a camera03:36
* chris4585 goes bonkers03:37
* cyberanger expected a little more comical results03:39
cyberangeroh I forgot the tape03:39
chris4585haha sorry :p03:41
cyberangerthat's a shame, now we're out of the worlds smallees watermelon03:46
cyberangerhey orangeninja03:47
orangeninjahey cyberanger03:48
orangeninjanmap -sP
orangeninjaha wrong box03:50
cyberangerdie hacker scum03:52
orangeninjaha, it's my network no hacker here anyway..03:52
cyberangersays the hacker03:52
cyberangernaw, I don't care03:53
orangeninjathat's why I want to learn lnux so I can be 133t03:53
orangeninjasup chibihogoshino03:54
chris4585wb chibihogoshino, how did that thing go?03:54
chibihogoshinotrying to get compiz xfce4 and tilda to play nice03:54
chibihogoshinothanks chris458503:55
chibihogoshinodidnt work03:55
chibihogoshinoif i start conky after everything loads its ok but if i use a auto launch it covers tilda03:55
chris4585chibihogoshino, did you try making the geometry of tilda not cover conky or is that a possibility?03:56
chibihogoshinoi wish xfce4-session had a no window manager option03:56
chibihogoshinoi want tilda to cover it ..03:56
chibihogoshinoits just a blank part of conky .. i have everything on one line but it still has like 3 lines down that are blank03:57
chris4585then in that case, sounds really tricky03:57
chibihogoshinoif i could get it all to fit on one line it would be ok03:57
chibihogoshinobut conky isnt that great at making things work on one line without all the text moving all around03:58
chris4585chibihogoshino, are you using xfce panel on the bottom or something?03:59
chibihogoshinoi use awn03:59
chris4585ah, I'm not sure then, I myself don't really have enough conky-fu to know a fix...04:00
chibihogoshinoi load xfce4-session to load all the key bindings and gnome theme stuff04:00
chibihogoshinoguess i could try to load gnome-session instead04:01
chris4585chibihogoshino, you just gave me a great idea friend, although it wont help you lol..04:01
chris4585I have a empty space on my screep all the time I can utilize conky for :D04:02
chibihogoshinoall the time  ?04:02
* chris4585 goes online to steal a decent conky config to mod the crap out of04:02
chibihogoshinohow big is it04:02
chibihogoshinohow is it all the time04:03
orangeninjayall got a scrip to start conky at start up or just starting it in console each time?04:06
chris4585orangeninja, at startup04:09
chibihogoshinocant do it..04:11
chibihogoshinoi cant run gnome04:11
chris4585chibihogoshino, I couldn't find my best recent screenshot04:12
chris4585but http://i.imgur.com/tjFU1.jpg04:12
chris4585to the right of the ubuntu icon (bottom left) that space is shown always04:12
chibihogoshinowont the bar expand if more programs are open ?04:15
chris4585yeah but I'll see what will happen..04:16
chibihogoshinoi kinda have the same thing going on.. but at the top is the conky bar04:16
chibihogoshinohttp://i.imgur.com/p56dc.png this right now is how it looks..04:20
chris4585ah thats cool04:24
chris4585the only thing that would bug me is the icons04:24
chibihogoshinowhy the icons ?04:25
chris4585don't seem to match the overall theme04:26
chibihogoshinoyeah.. im trying to work on that04:26
chibihogoshinognome is just so messed up on the icon part its crazy04:27
chibihogoshinoi made a few but its really annoying cuz im not that great at making icons04:28
chris4585I don't think I could...04:29
chris4585I got my desired effect :D04:29
chibihogoshinoi would be fine if i could just change the color to match the theme and keep all the icons the same04:29
chris4585I think I'll increase my font a tiny bit..04:30
chris4585chibihogoshino, http://i.imgur.com/WV3JA.jpg04:31
chibihogoshinoooo thats nice04:31
chris4585why thank you :)04:32
chris4585I have a separate awn instance running very bottom left that intelhides and only has the ubuntu menu04:32
chibihogoshinoi thought about doing that but i have the bar loaded at the bottom anyway so i just stuck it all on one04:33
chibihogoshinoi wish i could take the top part of the windows off04:34
chris4585I have key points.. I have muscle memory built now, mouse moves that is, top left = close; top right = session stuff; bottom left = menu; and *usually* bottom left = volume04:35
chris4585last one should be bottom right*04:35
chris4585I have floating gnome-panel with global menu, windows actions and windows title04:36
chibihogoshinothats allot of mouse movement04:36
chibihogoshinowhy not hot keys ?04:37
chibihogoshinoalt f4 to close04:37
chris4585I'm too much of a mouse addict lol04:37
chris4585while watching / listening to stuff I like to know where the volume icon is exactly without looking and same for closing windows04:38
chris4585the ubuntu menu is a fluke and ended up where it is lol, I rarely use it04:38
chris4585thus why I hide it04:38
chris4585only reason I don't have awn fully expanded is because the space where conky shows info I need my mouse to be able to scroll to a new desktop04:39
chris4585I'm pretty specific with my desktop.. I get cranky when I don't have it my way lol04:39
chibihogoshinoyeah im the same way ..04:39
chibihogoshinoit has to do what you want or its not right04:40
chris4585exactly, it feels so limiting04:40
chris4585only thing gnome-panel even has to offer me is force quit lol04:40
chibihogoshinodidnt know it had that04:41
chibihogoshinoi just double click the close icon and a window pops up with a kill option04:41
chibihogoshinoit would be cool to have a database of different desktop configurations and how they got it that way04:42
chris4585would be neat04:43
chibihogoshinoi have thought about hiding the bar at the bottom but the icons are notifications too.. so i wouldnt know if something was going on or not04:44
chris4585ah true04:47
chris4585only if there was a do-it-all space saving option04:47
orangeninjadid yall get your conkies figured out?04:48
chibihogoshinoyeah that would be nice04:48
chris4585my notifications if I wanted could be placed in my top gnome-panel but you see my screen is rather large.. and I don't like looking up there lol04:48
chibihogoshinoits still messed up04:48
chibihogoshinosomething is up with the conky config04:49
chibihogoshinoit dosnt transparent the background right04:49
orangeninjahow big is your monitor chris? I like your setup nice and clean.04:49
chris4585orangeninja, thanks, its a lot of aesthetics, and its 28"04:50
chibihogoshinothats nice.. i miss my 21"04:51
chibihogoshinoi thought i would never get used to a 14" screen04:52
orangeninjaI have a 21" vizio lcd Im using on desktop04:52
chibihogoshinosweet orangeninja04:53
orangeninjaI'd like to get a duel setup sometime.... key word sometime04:56
chibihogoshinothat would be cool.. or a triple screen04:57
orangeninjabe nice to have several things up at once......ha ha04:57
chibihogoshinobrowse the web have irc and play tux racer at the same time04:58
orangeninjaall about time managment right?04:58
chris4585I learned that unless you have similar monitors it doesn't work well..05:00
chibihogoshinowhy ?05:01
chris4585just seems weird05:01
chibihogoshinoi had my 21 and a 1505:01
chibihogoshinoused the 15 to watch tv05:01
chris4585just didn't work for me05:01
orangeninjayeah I figured if I ever got to do it I would need to buy two exact same monitors05:01
orangeninjayeah I messed with it with different monitors and not great. different size and resolutions05:02
orangeninjabut if you set it up for two different desktops i guess it might work better.05:03
orangeninjaon same computer of course05:03
chibihogoshinothats what i did05:03
chibihogoshinoi love curry05:04
orangeninjathe food?05:06
orangeninjaeating some now or just thinking about curry? ha05:08
chibihogoshinoi made some curry rice05:08
orangeninjanice, that is one type of food I have not had yet. I need to try some out05:08
chibihogoshinoyou never had rice ?05:09
orangeninjanevery had any indian food05:11
chibihogoshinoits amazing05:11
orangeninjaare you starting conky with terminal or scriping it to start on boot?05:16
chibihogoshinoon boot ?05:17
chibihogoshinothat would be before x starts05:17
chibihogoshinoim starting it with super key c05:18
chibihogoshinotill i figure out why its messed up05:18
orangeninjaI thought conky was all texted based anyway?05:18
orangeninjaI dont really know anything about other than I have seen some cools tuff with it.05:19
chris4585oh speaking of conky..05:19
* chris4585 finds link05:19
orangeninjacan you lock it down to be kind of like it is part of the desktop walpaper?05:20
chris4585the first one mentioned is seriously badass http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/01/five-seriously-cool-conky-set-ups-for-linux-desktop/05:20
chris4585orangeninja, it just sits on the desktop, and has a billion options05:20
chris4585I didn't even know the text in conky could be tilted.. unless thats a trick..05:21
chibihogoshinoorangeninja: yeah it kinda becomes part of the desktop05:21
orangeninjalooks awesome.05:22
chibihogoshinoi think the tilted text is with lua05:22
orangeninjathe first time I messed with it I just rand conky in term and started it, then I was like how do I get this crap off here.....lol But then I started eeing stuff like this and it makes me want to try somethings again.05:23
orangeninjasorry for the flood05:23
chris4585its all about the configuration05:23
chibihogoshinothats the fun part05:24
orangeninjalol, yeah back then i didnt know how to kill jobs....lol05:24
chibihogoshinoback in the day05:24
chris4585wow, conky's man page is 2790 lines long05:24
orangeninjayeah back about two or three months ago....I didnt realize that closing term did not stop the job...lol05:25
chibihogoshinoyou just started using linux a few months ago ?05:26
orangeninjareally trying to learn with it, yes. I have dabbled here and then for a couple of years. you know, live cd or two. I actually complied gentoo on and old machine a few years back but I did the step by step from the online documantaion05:28
orangeninjacrashed the x server and stopped messing with it05:28
chris4585you're far braver than I am, I don't think I could do gentoo lol05:29
chris4585arch is my one true love.. I feel like I'm cheating on arch by using ubuntu :/05:29
orangeninjawell, I still don't know enough about any distro. But I only got so far with gentoo because I fllowed the setup step by step. I still probably could not get it working if I tried now.05:30
chris4585its alright, even attempting gentoo requires guts I think :<05:31
orangeninjawhat was it.... make install ......05:31
orangeninjaI don't understand why gentoo wont make the install a little easier. probably have a lot more try it out.05:33
orangeninjawhere did yall go?05:35
chibihogoshinoi kinda mis fighting with slackware05:35
chris4585well there are distros out there based on gentoo but make things easier (saybaion linux)05:35
chris4585I think thats how its spelled..05:35
chibihogoshinothats a bit bloated tho05:35
chris4585chibihogoshino, I miss arch's aur so much, but ppa's work for now05:36
chris4585a tiny bit05:36
chibihogoshinoi never used arch05:36
chibihogoshinoi went from slack then redhat, mandrake, mandriva and ubuntu05:37
chibihogoshinoi need to finish clannad05:38
orangeninjawhat is that?05:38
chibihogoshinoits a anime05:38
orangeninjadoes steam and games run well in wine?05:39
chris4585steam runs.. but at a snail's pace05:39
orangeninjaI don't do much gaming but I do some05:39
chibihogoshinoi ran half life 2 fine05:39
chris4585I was surprised civilizations 5 even ran..05:40
chris4585but its pretty clunky05:40
orangeninjathat is about the only thing holding me back from making my main machine run linux.05:40
chibihogoshinothe start menu was messed up with hl205:40
chris4585orangeninja, I dual boot and even then rarely boot into windows to play games... but if I had a totally kickbutt system I'd take windows gaming more seriously05:43
orangeninjayeah, I have thought about the dual boot but I'll need to redo some partitions on the maind disk.05:44
orangeninjaI built a pretty nice set up about a year ago05:45
chris4585this was a hp media center.. but I upgraded the ram, video card, and power supply, and its served me pretty good05:46
chris4585I'd just like to get a nice mobo / cpu setup..05:46
orangeninja920 i7 2.6ghz, 6 gb ram, evge geforce gtx 260 core 216 x2 sli, bluray, 1 650gb drive, 1 tb drive05:47
chris4585yeah you beat mine lol05:48
chris4585os[Linux 2.6.35-25-generic i686] distro[Ubuntu "maverick" 10.10] cpu[2 x AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5200+ (AuthenticAMD) @ 1000MHz] mem[Physical: 3.2GB, 50.1% free] disk[Total: 1.5TB, 57.7% free] video[nVidia Corporation GT216 [GeForce GT 220]] sound[HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia1: HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia2: USB-Audio - USB Camera-B4.04.27.1]05:48
chris4585simplified.. 2.4ghz dual core, 4gbs ram.. etc..05:49
orangeninjastill pretty nice05:49
chibihogoshinodid anyone see the specs for the ngp ?05:50
chris4585chibihogoshino, that thing is crazy05:50
chris4585they have everything but the kitchen sink!05:50
chris4585if it was decently priced... I might.. just might get one05:50
chibihogoshinothey said it wasnt going to be a arm and a leg05:50
chris4585orangeninja, that looks nice05:51
chris4585I wish mine was as pretty as that05:51
orangeninjagot a bunch of dust in there now05:51
chibihogoshinoclean setup05:52
chris4585does anyone know if vlc can broadcast from audio-in to a local network the same time as some video in a single stream?..05:52
chibihogoshinoi have no idea05:52
chris4585I think its too complicated to work..05:53
chris4585my tvtuner that does work with linux has a separate audio jack.. and it works, but I'm not sure how because I haven't been able to find the device name for it..05:53
orangeninjagot this off ebay last summer http://www.flickr.com/photos/30911192@N06/3872313116/05:53
chibihogoshinosweet orangeninja05:54
chris4585orangeninja, I saw a commodore a few months ago at my local thrift store, I have no idea if it worked though05:54
chibihogoshinogonna play some platoon ?05:54
orangeninjamaybe gunship......mmmmm05:54
orangeninjaok i guess i built that computer in 09 lol05:55
chris4585I think I've had this machine since late 06, and its served me really well05:56
orangeninjagetting something to drink brb05:58
chris4585lol I just texted my friend "can I call right meow?"05:59
orangeninjacat calling your friend?06:02
chris4585have you seen super troopers?06:03
chris4585it wont be funny unless you've seen it06:03
orangeninjayep seen it06:03
chris4585lol ah06:04
orangeninjawhere are yall at? Im in Nashville06:04
chris4585orangeninja, I used to live in Morristown, then Kingston, but moved to florida near tampa06:05
orangeninjaahhhh fla spy huh06:05
chris4585oh noes you discovered my top secret plan06:06
mhall119florida spies are everywhere15:01
cyberangersome are just slower than others15:44
cyberangeroh well, that's "intelligence"15:44
cyberangerhow's your day mhall11915:45
mhall119clogged kitchen sink16:03
mhall119no coffee16:03
* cyberanger hands mhall119 some bawls16:40
exodus_mshows everyone today?17:30
exodus_msthe weather as been awesome17:31
cyberangermhall119: energy drink17:31
cyberangerexodus_ms: not too bad17:32
cyberangerjust pondering ditching charter and going all celluar again17:32
cyberangerI love the idea, and hate it too17:32
exodus_mswhys that?17:32
cyberangerbut the wallet might force my hand17:32
cyberangerwell, the cost, charter makes it irratiting to be internet only customer, and will charge me more for it too17:33
* cyberanger ponders starting a little pricewar to kickstart things17:34
cyberangervirgin mobile or t-mobile, 40 bucks and done17:34
cyberangerunlimited, virgin mobile will throttle after 5GB, T-Mobile after 10GB17:35
exodus_mswhen i ditched charter they told me I could keep Internet only, it would cost only $30 a month and I would have to lock into a 2yr contract17:35
cyberangerbut it would be a mess17:35
cyberangerthey're selling it to me for 40, two year contract (and I own my bloddy modem)17:35
cyberangerand when I go internet only, I'll be charged another 15 for not being bundled17:36
cyberangerand they'll try and charge me 20 bucks to disconnect17:36
exodus_msI have my own modem as well, from what i was told, $30 a month with a 2yr contract no other fees17:38
exodus_msif I choose to disconnect before the 2yr contract is up I would be charged a fee17:38
exodus_msbut ive disconnected from charter twice since Ive moved into my apartment, both times I was never charged for disconnected the service. I had both cable and Internet17:39
cyberangerone thing I like about this idea, stick the card in a backpack, I've moved my service17:40
cyberangerdon't buy another top up card (in virgin mobiles case) I've quit my service17:41
cyberangerbuy another card, I've reconnected17:41
exodus_msyeah, thats convenient17:41
cyberangerall without having to go through sales17:41
cyberangerwhich seems to assume I've got money to spare17:42
exodus_msbtw cyberanger do you know how i can stream pandora without using a web browser?17:42
cyberanger(I'm not saying I'm broke, but things are tight, and they make me fear for that day)17:43
cyberangeruh, I'll answer that when you get back...17:43

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