
Dakravwho could help me with Evolution mail?00:00
SnakkahI will say this though: I intentionally neglected activating the proprietary ATI driver, coldfront00:00
SnakkahShould I activate it?00:00
coldfronti would give it a try snakkah see if it fixes the problem00:00
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coldfronti can't find anything on how to fix it yet00:01
almoxarifeDakrav: you have to setup gmail first within google00:01
CondoritoBut actually I want to unistall EVERYTHING to do with nvidia x-org drivers off the system. I do not intend to use one again as its the second card to go in a year. How to?00:01
Dakravalmoxarife: i already have a gmail account, but i want to use evolution mail to read it00:02
coldfrontthis is for archlinux snakkah but might help you https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=6143300:02
almoxarifeDakrav: and you want to use what method, pop or imap?00:02
Dakravalmoxarife: what's the difference?00:03
schwinn434is there a way I can restart cups?00:03
coldfrontbut he is using a intel card00:03
soreauschwinn434: service cups restart00:03
nunyapleeese, how can I login as root...00:04
almoxarifeDakrav: I can't tell all the diff, I will say that imap keeps me from having to use up storage at my pc, it's a choice I guess, and you need to decide which method00:04
gimpy4982Ubuntu Server 10.04 x64 here, I have 6 drives in an LVM VG and for some reason one of the drives (I'm not sure if it is the same one each boot) loses the primary GTP table after a reboot.  Any ideas?00:04
erUSULschwinn434: sudo /etc/init.d/cups start00:04
barfFATAL ERROR: Cannot open disk drive00:04
barf                                                  Press any key to exit cfdisk00:04
soreaununya: Never run any user apps as root: sudo -i00:04
barfwhich disk partitioning tool to use?00:04
barfI tried fdisk and cfdisk, none of them wants to read the disk00:05
Dakravalmoxarife: so either will work, but IMAP doesn't use up storage on the pc?00:05
soreaubarf: gparted00:05
almoxarifeDakrav: yes, if you don't allow it to mirror00:05
coldfrontnunya boot into recovery mode and do nano /etc/sudoers00:05
Dakravalmoxarife: okay, thanks!00:05
barfsoreau: but then I’d have to install GUI?00:06
soreaubarf: ubuntu has a gui by default00:06
barfI just did base install00:06
gunndawgcould someone tell me how to change the color of text boxes on websitse? the new theme I got changes the color of them and I kinda wanna keep them the default color00:06
* Ener Eat a cake00:06
barfonly package installed is openssh server00:06
soreaubarf: Why?00:06
barfsoreau: I never really used the GUI, and it’s a 1U server00:07
erUSULcoldfront: use visudo and only that to edit sudoers00:07
barfmeant to run vbox headless00:07
Snakkahcoldfront, thanks for the link but I don't think xorg.conf even exists in Ubuntu 10.1000:07
jribcoldfront, nunya: you should always use « visudo », not « nano /etc/sudoers »00:07
tommylommykinshi, I'm having trouble setting the virtual resolution high enough to accommodate both of my screens. gnome-display-properties suggests it can resize it for me, but fails. Is there any other way I can do this?00:07
billywhy doesn't Ubuntu keep repositories up todate for versions that are still current?00:07
SnakkahThere's no file for it.00:07
jrib!sru | billy00:07
ubottubilly: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates00:07
barfbilly: landscape?00:07
coldfrontSnakkah yeah it doesn't:P forgot about that you need to make one00:08
solexiousWhat version will be the next LTS?00:08
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.00:08
rwwsolexious: 12.0400:08
alkcoldfront: it actually worked :) I saw that page before but was too afraid to try it :P00:08
soreau! lts | solexious00:08
ubottusolexious: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)00:08
Snakkahcoldfront, okay. Where should I put it then?00:08
soreausolexious: lts is released every couple years or so00:08
solexiousrww: thanks00:08
rwwevery 2 years, to be exact00:09
Dakravalmoxarife: should i use SMTP or Sendmail server type for the gmail account?00:09
rww6.06 (delayed from 6.04), 8.04, 10.04, 12.04.00:09
WalterBishopI don't suppose anyone knows anything about TinyOS here?00:09
soreaurww: I don't think that was the case in some past instances00:09
soreauoh yea.. 6.06 is what I'm thinking of00:09
Dakravalmoxarife: and does it require authentication?00:09
rwwsoreau: only because dapper got delayed by two months ;)00:09
soreaurww: Right, now I remember00:09
coldfrontumm one min Snakkah00:09
aeaI have a fairly stupid question, I've just installed Ubuntu on my new machine, and after install drivers (or possibly performing a system update, I didn't restart in between) the style of the top panel, bottom panel, and windows (and plenty of icons) has changed into an ugly boxy white style (I have 10.10). How do I revert to the original style I had when I first installed?00:10
soreauaea: sys>prefs>appearance00:10
aeaI'm in that, and "Ambiance" is selected, the windows retain the same look, the panels don't.00:11
aeaThe look of all the icons on them has changed as well, would a screenshot help?00:11
soreauaea: "and after install drivers (or possibly performing a system update, I didn't restart in between)" <-- how exactly did you do accomplish this?00:11
coldfront!panels | aea00:11
ubottuaea: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »00:11
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Snakkahaea, logout and login again. It should revert to normal.00:12
SnakkahI had that happen to me awhile back.00:12
billybetter keep that a secret - imagine if Windows XP could only use packages released prior to 2001!00:12
soreauaea: Yea did you even try restarting (X)?00:12
aeaSorry, this happened after a restart and me doing those two things.00:13
aeaLogout / login didn't work, let me try the command,00:13
almoxarifeDakrav: either will require authentication00:13
soreauaea: How exactly did you accomplish 'those two things'?00:13
sayusephhello? i have a question with installation for Ubuntu Netbook Ed.00:13
Dakravalmoxarife: but both will work?00:13
billyno wonder I'm stuck with stuff 10 versions out of date!!!00:14
aeaI'm not quite certain what you're asking, I used the restricted drivers setting + ubuntu software update (I don't think I did anything special)00:14
soreau! ask | sayuseph00:14
ubottusayuseph: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:14
coldfrontsayuseph: whats up00:14
fluvvellLifeEscalade, what happens if you nmap your ip address, does it show port 5900 open ?00:14
soreauaea: If you run 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade' in your terminal, does it complete without errors?00:14
almoxarifeDakrav: yes, unless you mean at the same time, I don't think both pop and imap can be run at the same time, according to the google setup00:14
sayusephooh ok. Then I'll start. Ubuntu is not letting me click "Forward" at the Who Are You? portion, even though everything is filled out.00:14
Dakravalmoxarife: but will SMTP work for sending mail?00:15
almoxarifeDakrav: of course00:15
Dakravalmoxarife: or should i use sendmail?00:15
aeaYes both commands work.00:15
Fudgethanks erUSUL  but I get bad magic block with those00:15
gunndawgsayuseph, make sure you use lowercase letters for your username00:15
soreauaea: Do you have any third party repos installed? Can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file to ubuntu.pastebin.com ?00:15
Dakravalmoxarife: thanks!00:15
almoxarifeDakrav: I use either or, both work00:15
gunndawgsayuseph, if your username starts with a capitilized letter then you cannot continue00:15
sayusephLowercase only? Hmm lemme try that00:16
LifeEscaladefluvvell: I was having hardware issues with my computer locking up, so I took it offline, but ill try it on my laptop real fast00:16
sayusephDidn't know, one sec!00:16
gunndawgsayuseph, yes, should work fine00:16
Dakravalmoxarife: will STMP require authentication?00:16
erUSULFudge: dunno; read the rest of the -b section in « man e2fsck  » there a few more things you may try to find a valid superblock00:16
almoxarifeDakrav: yeap00:16
sayusephpppfftt yes it worked. Hahaha I'm such a noob at this. Sorry, and thanks again for the help xD <300:16
LifeEscaladefluvvell: once i run nmap it shows that 5900/tcp filtered vnc00:16
gunndawgsayuseph, no problem, its a common mistake :)00:16
Dakravalmoxarife, will the authentication type be PLAIN? and for the Username, should i put my email?00:17
aeasoreau: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/JrGJZgEG00:17
almoxarifeDakrav: plain and with the complete username@gmail.com00:18
aeaThe terminal command did restart the panels, but the style is still not what I had when I started with when I installed.00:18
Dakravalmoxarife: thanks!00:18
TTilusnunya: would http://www.debuntu.org/recover-root-password-single-user-mode-and-grub work for you?00:18
Sandmanwhat is the command to open the gui window file viewer from terminal?00:18
erUSULSandman: nautilus00:19
almoxarifeDakrav: google has a help page for setting up email clients, look at it00:19
Sandmanthanks erUSUL00:19
fluvvellLifeEscalade, thats on the local ip, eg something like ?00:19
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Dakravalmoxarife: oh, thanks00:19
tommylommykinshmm, ok, I'm told ubuntu doesn't use an xorg.conf file; how would I go about changing things that would usually be in that file?00:19
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LifeEscaladefluvvell: if i scan from my local ip it shows that all ports are closed00:20
erUSULtommylommykins: if you really need you can create one and it will be followed00:20
almoxarifeDakrav: and if I had to do over I think I would have stuck with thunderbird, but I can't say that is better or worse00:20
fluvvellLifeEscalade, what does dpkg -l |grep ufw   give you ?00:20
soreauaea: Did you check sys>prefs>appearance?00:20
aeasoreau: Yes I did, theme is set to Ambiance00:20
barfsoreau: sudo fdisk /dev/sda made me able to partition the drive00:21
tommylommykinserUSUL: if I autogenerate one with Xorg -configure, x will not start correctly00:21
soreautommylommykins: Newer versions of X are smart enough to guess what's best without a conf file, though it still respects settings in the file if it exists00:21
soreaubarack_osama: great00:21
tommylommykinsmy problem is that I cannot set the virtual resolution00:21
soreaubarf: great00:21
robertpayneOn ubuntu 10.10 is there default software that trys to resolve dns and forward requests before it would hit a webserver listening on port 80 by chance?00:21
LifeEscaladefluvvell: it shows "ii   ufw                  0.30-lubuntu200:21
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tommylommykinsTHe only way to do that is thourhg an xorg.conf?00:21
soreautommylommykins: Which driver are you using and what are you trying to do exactly?00:22
TTiluswhenever i try any (it seems) dual head mode with my tp t41 (ati rv250) + external display on vga, i get massive screen corruption, external works alone, laptop lvds works alone, they both work mirrored00:22
valdashello everyone00:22
fluvvellLifeEscalade, Im hoping that sudo iptables -L will list 3 empty chains?00:22
tommylommykinssoreau: AMD/ATI proprietary drivers; I want to set the virtual resolution high enough that I can fit both my monitors on the desktop without any overlap00:22
aeasoreau: Thanks for the help, this looks like a non-standard issue, I'll make a forum post.00:23
soreautommylommykins: just need a virtual line in xorg.conf then I assume00:23
soreautommylommykins: btw, with fglrx you already have /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:23
soreautommylommykins: X will not load any proprietary drivers without being explicitly told00:24
lewixis there anyone in hee using a portable netbook00:24
soreauaea: take some screenshots too00:24
lewixim looking into buying one; i would like some suggestions00:24
LifeEscaladefluvvell: http://pastebin.com/njxVbbFq is what it shows after that command00:24
SukkaUmmm problem with Ubuntu Clipboard. Copy and paste terxt / files to directory etc., and in Open Office Draw, go to copy paste an image, and the text of the previous commands stays stuck in the clipboard and pastes instead of image. How to fix "sticking" clipboard?00:24
Dakravalmoxarife: yeah, i used that before, i'm trying out Evolution now00:25
tommylommykinsI have an etc/X11/xorg.conf00:25
tommylommykins'Virtual 3072 1152'          (that's big enough to fit everything in)00:25
tommylommykinsxrandr states that screen 0's maximum size is 1440x144000:25
barfsoreau: I have used Ubuntu since version 5, I still have not gotten used to sudo00:25
tommylommykinsSo something's a bit wrong?00:25
almoxarifeDakrav:  tell me how to integrate the address book from google into evolution, there is suppose to be a way00:25
tommylommykinslewix: My suggestion for a netbook would be one with a high screen resolution :)00:26
fluvvellLifeEscalade, ok go ahead and post the output of ifconfig    and  nmap localhost00:26
fluvvellLifeEscalade , better use sudo00:26
lewixtommylommykins, aha why bother even wasting your time typing dude00:26
Dakravalmoxarife: i will when i find it!00:26
lewixso my guess is nobody in here use a netbook00:27
iflemalewix dell mini 10 works well00:27
SukkaOld Laptop - runs like dog = TOO underspecced00:27
Sukka Ummm problem with Ubuntu Clipboard. Copy and paste text // files to directory etc., and in Open Office Draw, go to copy paste an image, and the text of the previous commands stays stuck in the clipboard and pastes instead of image. How to fix "sticking" clipboard?00:28
lewixiflema, thanks00:28
lewixill check it out00:28
iflemalewix: wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks00:29
LifeEscaladefluvvell:http://pastebin.com/VZmZsQt1   I ran ifconfig twice, once with sudo, once without and both gave same that i pasted in the pastebin for ya00:30
gunndawghow do you launch fluxbox to configure it once you've installed it00:30
Bushmanbluetooth dongle dies. need help! https://lkml.org/lkml/2011/1/19/16800:31
shcherbakSukka: How do you copy/paste image? You mean location of the image?00:32
fluvvellLifeEscalade, and sudo nmap  seems you are connected via wireless.  This is the same machine you are on irc with?00:35
x20twelvehello all00:36
x20twelveis soreau online?00:36
x20twelveanyways question: how can i use the git command in ubuntu 9.10?00:37
x20twelve! git00:37
ubottuGit is a distributed revision control/software code management project created by Linus Torvalds. For more information, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git_(software)00:37
LifeEscaladefluvvell: yep00:37
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maciej_can i spin down/idle an external boot drive while 'suspended'?00:37
a3ther_fluvvell, LifeEscalade you shouldn't run nmap against as some programs might only bind to outside interfaces. a much better alternative is 'sudo ss -lp'00:38
x20twelvedoes 'git' not work on ubuntu 9.10?00:39
x20twelve<---- Tryna get some help with the 'git' command in terminal pls. thanx00:40
itaylor57x20twelve: git is written in perl00:40
JoeTheGuestWhat cmd would i use with zip to zip a folder into a pre existing zip file?00:40
d3centhello, got this problem after updating (included new kernel) now i am on grub shell.... checked forums, etc... lucid, wubi, anybody an idea?00:40
x20twelvedoes that mean i cant use it in terminal?00:40
itaylor57x20twelve: yes but you need to install it00:41
meteis there a programm to monitor a traceroute?00:41
metelike winmtr?00:41
barf?Am I doing anything obvious wrong here: sudo debootstrap –arch i386 lucid sda/ http://no.ubuntu.com/ubuntu00:41
x20twelvecan i paste in here 2 lines of what i did to try and install 'git'?00:41
freddiespaghetiWould someone be able to help me connect to a wireless network through the cmd line?00:41
iflema!git | x20twelve00:42
ubottux20twelve: Git is a distributed revision control/software code management project created by Linus Torvalds. For more information, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git_(software)00:42
flapscan somebody help me with oidentd please?00:42
x20twelvei tried that...doesnt really bring me to anything really00:42
x20twelveso can i paste in here 2 lines of what i did to try and install 'git'?00:43
LifeEscalade!pastebin | x20twelve00:44
ubottux20twelve: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:44
barfThis works :-) sudo debootstrap lucid /media/sda/00:44
x20twelvewhat if it turns out to be just one line00:44
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:44
x20twelve! paste00:44
x20twelvehere ye go: http://paste.ubuntu.com/560072/00:45
Dakravalmoxarife: i can't find it00:45
a3ther_LifeEscalade,  are you trying to connect from a remote machine to a vncserver on your current machine? if you are you can use the command 'sudo tcpdump -i wlan0 'port(5900) and port(3389)'' to check that you are recieving packets on those ports when you use the port tester.00:46
maciej_can i idle a external usb drive after I suspend the computer?  The drive won't stop spinning00:46
x20twelvei actually had to edit and change compiz-bcop to compiz-fusion-bcop because i got a message saying that it was replaaced with the latter00:46
almoxarifeDakrav: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Evolution <-- look here, both contacts and calendar00:46
LifeEscaladea3ther_: im trying to use the machine im on right now to access the desktop I have at my house. When im connected to the network I have set up at my house, rd works just fine. once I leave the network, nothing happens and the prompts I get are equivalent to "serverim.tryingto.connectto has closed the connection" or "could not connect to server.imtrying.toaccess"00:48
fluvvella3ther_, thanks  ss has heaps more info.  LifeEscalade, want to try that ?  (sudo ss -lp)00:48
piper69ok so my server got two built in NIC card eth0 and eth1. eth0 is disconnected and i have eth1 config on dhcp. when i /etc/init.d/networking restart it is still looking for eth0? why is that00:49
fluvvellLifeEscalade, oh you're at work now?00:49
d3centdual boot... wubi, after choosing ubuntu i'am ending in grub shell.... ---> after updating to kerner...28 on lucid.... should update grub but don't know how??00:49
ubuntuubuntu is not as cool as mAC00:49
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LifeEscaladefluvvell: no im at home00:49
x20twelveanother look at what i did: http://paste.ubuntu.com/560074/00:49
fluvvellLifeEscalade, but you're on the same local lan?00:49
LifeEscaladecorrect fluvvell00:49
Ubuntu_1010It cost less00:50
maciej_d3cent, u might need to boot into recovery mode and low graphics mode and install graphic drivers then reboot00:50
a3ther_maciej_, 'hdparm' will spin down the disks with either a -y or -Y check what they do with 'hdparm --help', you probably want to do 'sudo hdparm -y /dev/YOURDISK'00:50
fluvvellLifeEscalade, and your desktops ip address?00:50
LifeEscaladeexternal or internal?00:50
fluvvellLifeEscalade, pm ?00:51
LifeEscaladesure :D00:51
x20twelveany ideas?00:51
d3centmaciej_:  hmm, don't think so... something to do with grub.cfg... is missing, i mean, i can't find00:51
x20twelvewas git not installed?00:52
barfdebootstrap ran complete, how do I install grub2?00:52
maciej_d3cent, reinstall grub from live cd?00:52
done365hello all, I need assistance tuning my radio using ivtv.  I keep getting device busy error00:52
a3ther_LifeEscalade,  check that the ports are forwarded correctly on your router. run tcpdump on the server to check that it is recieving packets from the outside on the specific port. if it is then it might be a firewall restriction of the network you are connecting from... check that you can connect to someone else who has the required service set up.00:52
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d3centthat's the problem, when running live cd can't run command update-grub....00:53
lgn12Hello, it is ok to have a dial boot of ubuntu and kubuntu00:53
lgn12I know I can put kubuntu on ubuntu, but I don't want to intermingle apps00:53
d3centmaciej_: how can i ???00:55
joe_happyhey does any one know a way were i can share my music files with other users of the same computer without having then to go into my files00:56
done365hello all, I need assistance tuning my radio using ivtv.  I keep getting device busy error00:56
a3ther_joe_happy, move you music to a neutral location and then symlink that directory to both of your home directories00:57
shcherbakjoe_happy: make directory /musicforal amd set right permissions.00:57
x20twelvedo i have to take a number to get help?00:57
joe_happyok great i think i know to move it to a neutral location but whats symlink??00:58
slacker_x20twelve : no but this is irc be patient00:58
slacker_what is your question00:58
x20twelvei am patient. even when ppl come in the room way after me and ask a question and get help pronto00:58
x20twelvequestion was regarding git00:58
done365I have used the ivtv via command line before with success but now it seems not to work00:58
maciej_d3cent: if you google reinstall grub from live cd there will be quite a few tutorials , pretty common, you'll want to mount the drive you have ubuntu installed and install grub onto the drive00:59
tiffanoooi am looking for help with some missing files / an input/output error i receive.01:00
slacker_x20twelve :anongit.compiz-fusion.org/users/metastability/atlantis2 doenst appear to be valid01:00
d3centi already on my way thx01:00
Ademanis there an appropriate user-specific analogue to /opt? (like ~/.local/opt or something?)01:00
johnmrename u13 u_ser_13_fb01:00
jribAdeman: you could make ~/.opt I suppose... there's no convention I'm aware of01:01
Ademanthanks jrib, that's likely what I'll end up doing01:01
done365anyone here familiar with ivtv01:01
jribdone365: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)01:01
x20twelveok i'll see what else i can find...is there a way to check all the repositories to see if atlantis2 is anywhere at all?01:02
a3ther_joe_happy, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbolic_link 'ln -s /location/Of/Your/Music /home/user/AccessMUSIChere'01:02
slacker_x20twelve: you forgot the // in the git01:02
x20twelvegood man with a good eye!01:02
piper69i keep getting this msg "DHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 interval 7" why ?01:02
done365@jrib I agree but that never seems to get me anywhere...thanks01:02
x20twelvei'll see how that works for me01:02
slacker_thats why no one pry answered they seen that and just thought hey he needs to read it01:02
done365hello all, I need assistance tuning my radio using ivtv.  I keep getting device busy error01:02
x20twelvejust a lil weeded right now so i may have missed that ... thanx01:03
tiffanooowhen i try to view the contents of a folder in the terminal it gives me a input/output error. this folder should be full of mp3s. rhythmbox plays these mp3s, yet i can't view the actual files.01:03
Guest40530i can't login on my ubuntu01:03
slacker_yeah well that stuff doe effect reading01:03
Guest40530afeter the upgrade to 10.1001:03
x20twelveok same error when i add in the //01:03
jribtiffanooo: well what sort of device is it?01:03
Guest40530i'm root now straight from startx...01:04
tiffanoooexternal hard drive. 160gb. was looking at the files yesterday. now i'm told the folder contains zero items.01:04
slacker_x20twelve :paste bin it again01:04
x20twelveyu said ...it://anon... and not ...it//:anon... correct?01:04
a3ther_tiffanooo, :(, what filesystem was on the drive?01:04
u13hi, does someone know how to add a rule to IPTables, to do PortForewarding for rdesktop between two Interfaces? There is no nat/routing/bridging between these interfaces because I want them isolated (except that port)01:04
spuddogghello all01:05
tiffanoooi don't know the filesystem. right click properties does not show me.01:05
Guest40530just to know, anyone reading me?01:05
spuddoggGuest40530: yes01:06
maciej_a3ther:      hdparm -S180  doesn't put HD to sleep just displays hdparm commands01:06
jribtiffanooo: what does dmesg tell you about the device?  Are you getting errors there?01:06
Guest40530OK good01:06
a3ther_tiffanooo, open a terminal type 'mount'01:06
Guest40530i can go sleeping then01:06
Guest40530by all01:06
piper69anyone here good with networking ,,,i need help please01:06
x20twelve--->slacker : http://paste.ubuntu.com/560076/01:06
a3ther_tiffanooo, paste the output to http://paste.ubuntu.com/01:06
barfAnyone got a recent howto on installing and making bootable using debootstrap and grub2?01:07
gunndawgCould anyone recommend a good dock that has a matrix style (green/black) theme with it to go with my already matrix style theme ?01:07
tiffanooodmesg returns several pages of text. don't know what i'm looking for.01:07
barftiffanooo: ?01:08
x20twelvedo i need that 'clone' in there as well?01:08
barfWhat are you looking for?01:08
a3ther_tiffanooo, type 'mount'01:08
barfdmesg | grep sd01:08
tiffanoootyped mount. a page of text.01:08
=== mario12_ is now known as mario12
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Guest17162need sum weed01:09
barftiffanooo: try: dmesg | grep sd01:09
a3ther_maciej_, 'sudo hdparm -Y /dev/EXTERNALDRIVE' replace external drive with the correct sdX01:09
x20twelvei have weed but i dont share01:10
a3ther_tiffanooo, paste that text to http://paste.ubuntu.com/01:10
* barf suspects tiffanooo’s problem to be wrong drive letter already01:10
maciej_a3ther: /dev/sdb1: issuing sleep command HDIO_DRIVE_CMD(sleep) failed: Invalid exchange01:10
Guest17162come on dude -  why u gotta hate like that?01:10
x20twelvecuz 2012 is around the corner. every man for himself.01:11
bazhangGuest17162, x20twelve please take that elsewhere01:11
Guest17162u shld help out ur fellow stoner01:11
Guest17162its da rite thing01:12
rglI'm trying to update ubuntu 10.04 ... but it never moves from the point: Setting up openssh-server (1:5.3p1-3ubuntu5) ...01:12
rgl     any ideia how to troubleshoot this? :(01:12
bazhang!ot | Guest1716201:12
ubottuGuest17162: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:12
Guest17162im lookin for support01:12
x20twelvemaybe i should just get the git-gui ------->Slacker what yu think?01:12
u13@tiffanoo: maybe you get dev by typing 'sudo fdisk -l' and looking for 160G01:12
bazhangGuest17162, there's no support for that01:12
CokeCanNinjaWhat's the best torrent client for Xubuntu?01:13
Guest17162ok - how bout drbd then - anybody hip on dat action?01:13
x20twelve!weed | Guest1716201:13
bazhang!torrent | CokeCanNinja try some out01:13
tensorpuddingCokeCanNinja: transmission, deluge01:13
ubottuCokeCanNinja try some out: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P01:13
a3ther_maciej_, try with a lower case -y. how old is the drive? im reading that hdparm -y/-Y only works with newer USB drives01:13
bazhangGuest17162, stop now01:14
Guest17162any got hadoop experince here?01:14
barftiffanooo: pls pastebin the output from: dmesg | grep sd01:14
DrummerBoy38this is a simple question. Is there an X-Chat Gnome bug ?01:14
Guest17162or r yall all bunh of weed smokers?01:14
bazhangDrummerBoy38, what bug01:14
a3ther_tiffanooo, is your music on JUMPDRIVE?01:15
DrummerBoy38i thought my tor install or polipo was the cause. a long time ago after i installed those and did some config i noticed xchat gnome edition opens and closes super fast01:15
barfGuest17162: You can smoke my socks if you feel like it01:15
DrummerBoy38i just installed plain x-chat and it ran fine01:15
x20twelveso again im stuck: http://paste.ubuntu.com/560076/01:15
tensorpuddingGuest17162: there are better places to ask questions about hadoop than #ubuntu01:15
gunndawgAnyone know a good matrix theme for docky ?01:15
tiffanooomusic is in jumpdrive Roe/~music/artist/album01:16
DrummerBoy38i used sudo apt-get remove polipo and sudo apt-get remove tor01:16
bastidrazormete: mtr ?01:16
barftiffanooo: what is the size of the drive with the content you are looking for?01:16
DrummerBoy38when typing polipo or tor into the console it says niether is installed. so what gives for xchat gnome opening and closing01:16
maciej_a3ther:  drive is a OWC mercury from macsales, 5-6 yrs old, -y doesn't work :/01:16
tiffanooothe drive is 160gb.  134.7 used 14.3 free.01:17
x20twelve<---Slacker yu still there?01:17
slacker_x20twelve one sec installing git01:17
a3ther_tiffanooo, sudo umount /dev/sdb1 && sudo fsck.vfat -v /dev/sdb101:17
x20twelveok np thanx01:17
slacker_im here just busy with my own stuff too01:17
x20twelvedid i have the right commands at the beginning to install git?01:18
barftiffanooo: du -sh /media/Roe/*01:18
LifeEscalade!cookie | fluvvell01:19
ubottufluvvell: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!01:19
LifeEscaladethanks for the help guys! im gonna head out01:19
tiffanoooa3ther, i entered that and received "umount: /dev/sdbl: not found"01:19
barfLifeEscalade: Out? to outter space?01:19
a3ther_maciej_, http://www.nslu2-linux.org/wiki/FAQ/SpinDownUSBHarddisks01:19
a3ther_tiffanooo, thats a number 1 not a letter L01:20
barfa3ther_: it’s not a vfat volume01:20
DrummerBoy38do you think compiz confusion might be related to the window closing01:20
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tiffanooobarf i got this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/560082/01:20
joanneHey, trying to add a yahoo mail account to evolution. I can't figure out where to put the password. Where is it?01:20
barf /dev/sdc1 on /media/Roe type fuseblk01:20
a3ther_barf,  yes your right... i was looking at the other pastebin01:20
barftiffanooo: df -h01:21
tiffanooosorry, a3ther. i got this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/560083/01:21
tiffanooodf -h returned this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/560084/01:22
maciej_a3ther:  ok thanks01:22
barftiffanooo: sudo du -sh /media/Roe/*01:22
dgathrightSooo.... I'm getting this error after an upgrade to Lucid.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1475673   I'm unable to boot to an editor without a boot disk, which I made (Ubuntu Rescue Remix).  But now am having trouble trying to mount my hard drive (/dev/sda).  running `mount` with ext(2,3,4) all throws "wrong fs type" errors.  Ideas?01:23
maciej_a3ther:  looks like segates don't do so well with power management01:23
tiffanooobarf: http://paste.ubuntu.com/560085/01:23
barftiffanooo: there is only 4GB of used space01:24
tiffanoooi understand what you are saying, yet Rhythmbox has no problem playing 100+ gb of mp3s01:24
barftiffanooo: how about find /media/Roe/01:24
barfsudo find /media/Roe/01:24
* fluvvell munches on cookie [munch munch] mmm. chocolate chip.01:25
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tiffanooothat's a huge list that scrolled off screen: http://paste.ubuntu.com/560086/01:26
slacker_x20twelve; the git your using isnt real01:26
slacker_do this it will get you what you want01:26
x20twelvei was gonna send yu a link of what im actually trying to accomplish01:26
x20twelvecan i paste the link in here?01:27
x20twelveits just one line01:27
scorp007is it possible to tell if rc.local ran? Perhaps some logs?01:27
barftiffanooo: Is ~music~ the desired folder?01:27
tiffanoooyes. ~music~ contains all mp3s01:27
barfWhich format is it?01:28
x20twelveSlacker yes/no? it might clarify things for yu01:28
tiffanoooformat of what? the files are mp3, the drive appears to be fat3201:28
jribscorp007: rc.local ran01:28
barfI have never used fuseblk01:29
jribscorp007: why?01:29
x20twelveor should i just pm it to yu01:30
barfI believe the problem is in the naming ~music~ translates to /home/tiffanooomusic/home/tiffanooo in a unix/linux environment01:30
scorp007jrib, because I had a sleep 30 in there, and I'm not sure it had any effect.01:30
done365how do I playback my ivtv stream01:30
Oli``Anybody know how to grep a file for a newline? `grep '\n' file` finds "n"s as does \\n and \\\n01:30
jribscorp007: why are you even bothering with rc.local?01:30
barfare you able to do cd "/media/Roe/~music~" ?01:31
scorp007jrib, I seem to be having a problem where a service loads before a driver, causing the service to malfunction.01:31
scorp007emphasis on "seem".01:31
slacker_x20twelve:  go ahead01:31
barfand then pwd?01:31
flapscan somebody please help me out with oidentd as it is driving me mad?01:31
jribscorp007: can you describe in more detail where rc.local is coming into play in your troubleshooting process?01:31
barfls -lAhR "/media/Roe/~music~"01:31
scorp007jrib, because after the system fully boots, and I execute sudo service <foo> restart, it fixes the problem.01:32
tiffanoooi just renamed the folder to 'music' with no punctuation01:32
scorp007so I tried adding that (omitting the sudo) to rc.local to try to fix it automatically01:32
jribscorp007: heh, what service?01:32
a3ther_tiffanooo, barf i think it is an ntfs volume01:32
scorp007jrib, mythtv-backend (using mythbuntu)01:32
barfsudo du -sh /meda/Roe/*01:32
jribscorp007: does it still use a sysv style init script or upstart?01:33
barfsudo du -sh /media/Roe/*01:33
scorp007jrib, I don't know *nix well enough to tell you -- how can I find out?01:33
jribOli``: well you can grep for the end of a line ($), but why?01:34
Oli``jrib: I'm trying to match a multi-line string01:34
jribscorp007: examine /etc/init/mythtvblahblah and /etc/init.d/mythtvblahblah01:34
barftiffanooo: does that drive work on a different computer?01:35
scorp007jrib, lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21 2011-01-21 22:28 /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend -> /lib/init/upstart-job*01:35
scorp007looks like the latter01:35
tiffanoooit did last time it was connected to one, maybe two weeks ago. and it WORKS on this one: again, all files play from Rhthmbox01:35
done365how do I playback my ivtv stream?01:35
barfbut does not show in the filesystem?01:36
barfWhat is this? Black magic?01:36
tiffanooojust yesterday i could see all the files in the filesystem. could rename things and add things.01:36
roooobHi, I'm new to Ubuntu's Linux. I'm trying to download Java, but it won't work correctly. It wont' run the .bin file01:36
tiffanooothat's all i'm trying to do right now is move more mp3s into this folder. but i don't want to do that if something fishy.01:36
barfYou should copy all files on the volume ASAP01:36
jribscorp007: upstart is event driven (go ahead and read /etc/init/mythtv-backend) so you can tell it what events need to be emitted before it tries to start.  Of course, this should just work though.  Before we spend some time investigating, have you searched bugs.ubuntu.com for relevant bugs?01:36
Gigabyteanyone here?01:36
barfIf you have another drive01:37
jrib!java | roooob01:37
ubotturoooob: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.01:37
tiffanoooyes, need to get one.01:37
sambagirlxnope nobody here01:37
barfSounds like that drive is dying01:37
sambagirlxjust 1,471 bots01:37
tiffanooookay. well thank you very much for all your help.01:37
corrytonapple<Gigabyte>We are here.  Do you have a problem?01:37
bazhangdone365, mythbuntu?01:37
done365@bazhang no desktop ubuntu.01:38
Gigabytemy chat was stuck01:38
Gigabyteor something01:38
scorp007jrib, side-question: is it possible to install a "proper" version of vim via apt-get since the one with mythbuntu doesn't have mouse support?01:38
bazhangdone365, you can use mythbuntu01:38
x20twelve<---Slacker---did yu check that out?01:38
Gigabytei was nor able to see what you wrote01:38
Gigabytenow i ok01:38
corrytonappleThat is good.   Do you have a problem or are you looking around?01:39
jribscorp007: yeah, install vim or vim-gnome or vim-gtk (apt-cache search -n vim  and choose what you want)01:39
Gigabytei installed01:39
corrytonappleTell us'01:39
bazhangGigabyte, a single line please01:39
Gigabyteon vmware01:39
jribOli``: actually, I'm not sure you can use grep for that :o01:39
done365@bazhang I'll install it01:39
Oli``jrib: just found pcregrep that has a nice multiline option01:40
bazhangdone365, you have an hauppage card?01:40
sambagirlxWell what is the problem Gigabyte?01:40
corrytonappleI would like to know too01:40
bazhang!find mythbuntu-desktop01:40
ubottuFound: mythbuntu-desktop01:40
roooobJrib, it asks me for my password...and it wont let me enter it01:40
jribOli``: yeah, was about to suggest you use a language like python or perl where you can specify multiline01:40
Gigabytei have installed ubuntu on vmware and i installed lamp to try yoomla ... when i need to install some module i give me error ...wait sec01:40
bazhangdone365, you can get there by installing mythbuntu-desktop01:41
slacker_x20twelve that tutorial is over 2 years old try the stuff i sent you01:41
scorp007jrib, ahh, nice. I thought the vim package was already installed. Guess not.01:41
jribroooob: you won't see anything being written (for security purposes); just type your password and press enter though01:41
done365@bazhang I do and at one time could access the stream using vlc but now nothing seems to catch the stream01:41
jribscorp007: yeah, ubuntu comes with vim-tiny unfortunately01:41
corrytonappleIs this VMware in Windows I assume? <Gigabyte>01:41
bazhangdone365, I see.01:41
scorp007jrib, did you mean /etc/init/mythtv-backend.conf?01:41
jribscorp007: yes01:41
x20twelvei already did. plugins got installed. i didnt see it in ccsm, so im gonna restart and check back with yu.....01:41
bazhangdone365, if you had it working perhaps better to fix the issue with vlc01:41
Gigabyteyes this is on vmware on full sreen01:42
sambagirlxyou have to explain the situation Gigabyte01:42
GigabyteWarning! Failed to move file.01:42
corrytonappleGigabyte :Full screen would not change anything.  I do not really understand.  Where are you trying to install this plugin?01:42
scorp007jrib, well it says : http://codepad.org/rQpppmky01:42
jribscorp007: check your logs for the same errors: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mythtv/+bug/60940201:43
sambagirlxGigabyte that doesnt tell me a thing :)01:43
done365@bazhang I agree but I believe that it was a couple of version ago that I last used it.  So I have no idea where to start.  ivtv says that the stream is established at video24, but tuning vlc to that I get nothing, which is better than the static I got before01:43
Gigabytei am trying to install some module on localhost01:43
sambagirlxhave you followed the installation instructions for Joomla?01:44
Gigabytethere is a joomla and when i pick module from desktop and press upload and install it gives me Warning! Failed to move file.01:44
corrytonappleWhat application are you using to install this Module01:44
Gigabyteyes i followes instruction i got it on win 701:44
sambagirlxGigabyte have you installed joomla?01:44
sambagirlxok so it works01:45
bazhangdone365, okay, so its been a while. did you want to check for bugs with vlc, or try the mythbuntu approach01:45
Gigabyteyes it works fine01:45
sambagirlxyou need to ask in #joomla01:45
scorp007jrib, well, for info, the errors in my mythbackend.log looks like http://codepad.org/rqjoLzWO01:45
sambagirlxit is probably permissions01:45
id10tAnyone offer advice, I am trying to find a solution my bittorrenting problem. I have tried transmission and Deluge, they both continually fill up my memory in cache until the system is unusable... Any ideas, maybe a new program?01:45
scorp007mainly the problem with the dvb device unable to load, or something01:45
corrytonappleGigabyte Please do what sambagirlx said. That must be a good forum01:45
jribscorp007: seems like it can't connect to mysql, right?01:45
sambagirlx#joomla is great01:45
scorp007jrib, but yes, that too01:45
jribscorp007: what version of ubuntu?01:46
scorp007jrib, 10.401:46
sambagirlxto be honest gigabyte i think that wordpress is much easier to work with01:46
a3ther_id10t, how much ram do you have?01:46
done365@bazhang how resource heavy would it be to use the mythbuntu desktop, will it run on my reg desktop and will I still be able to multi task?01:46
sambagirlxgigabyte more robust too01:46
scorp007jrib, I was concerned more with the dvb card failing though -- and fixing everything including mysql with a restart of the service01:46
scorp007but they're all probably related.01:46
Gigabytethe problem is not in joomla..Warning! Failed to move file....is it bechose this is protectes or something idk :/01:47
jribscorp007: yeah, then you likely suffer from bug #609402.  What's the version the "mythtv" package you have installed?  Might the dvb card failing be related to mysql?  I don't know.  But at least the mysql issue I have some clue on :P01:47
corrytonappleGigabyte It is permissions issues then01:48
bazhangdone365, pretty much the same as generic mythtv requirements, how much ram would of course be an issue, as well as hdd size, as mythtv is a PVR (like tivo)01:48
sambagirlxgigabyte you might have to change the permissions01:48
scorp007jrib, what's the command to tell the package version?01:48
jribscorp007: apt-cache policy PACKAGE01:49
sambagirlxgigabyte you know chmod stuff01:49
Gigabytetoday i lerned ls01:49
scorp007jrib, Installed: 0.23.0+fixes24158-0ubuntu201:49
sambagirlxi think you need to try #joomla really. but i suggest you use wordpress it is really really nicer i think.01:49
sambagirlxunless you just have requirement for joomla01:50
done365@bazhang I am getting mythbuntu now any special setup or config I should be aware of in order to get the card working01:50
Gigabytewhat is #joomla?01:50
bazhangGigabyte, a channel for support01:50
corrytonappleAn IRC channel.  It is their support forum just like this01:50
aeon-ltdGigabyte: a channel for joomla01:50
corrytonappleExcept, for their product01:50
sambagirlxtype /join #joomla01:51
scorp007jrib, come to think of it, the dvb failure could well be due to mysql.01:51
sambagirlxthat is the channel for superior joomla support01:51
corrytonappleThat is a strange message, above these three01:51
bazhangdone365, I'm not really able to answer that apart from reading the documentation, as I don't have an hauppage card01:52
sambagirlxyou mean wazzup corrytonapple?01:52
corrytonappleJust very long,that is all01:52
jribscorp007: yeah, I'd at least try to grab the changes in the upstart script made since then01:52
scorp007jrib, heh, is that possible without a distro upgrade?01:52
jribscorp007: sure, grab the package from packages.ubuntu.com (for example), extract it, read the upstart script, make sure changes are sane for your version, update your upstart script01:53
scorp007oh, just manually hacking the file?01:53
jribscorp007: sure, it's in /etc/01:54
jribscorp007: if you prefer, rebuild the source package from maverick01:54
x20twelve<---Slacker---ok im back, additional items were added to my ccsm01:54
scorp007would it perhaps be easier to upgrade the package in its entirety?01:54
jribscorp007: I'd say just fixing the upstart script is easier01:55
x20twelvebut not what i wanted. i guess flying windows is too outdated and hi-tech for ubuntu 9.10? lol01:55
id10tanyone know a good bittorrent client that doesn't bleed into cache?01:55
done365@bazhang thanks for the input.....off to play with it now01:55
bastidrazorid10t: transmission01:55
aeon-ltdid10t: rtorrent,01:55
edbianid10t, That's called a memory leak.  Try using an older version of the same program01:56
scorp007jrib, I'll try that -- just have a feeling it may depend on other new things in the new version...01:56
id10tbastidrazor: tried the installed version of transmission and its crashing my comp with memory leak01:56
id10tedbian: how can I revert to an older version?01:56
bastidrazorid10t: i've had it running for 3 days. no leaks01:56
scorp007jrib, so would I get one of these files? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mythtv/2:0.24.0+fixes.20101214.1405782-0ubuntu101:57
edbianid10t, You can use synaptic to install the package.  Just right click on it and choose properties or something.  There is some gui way of forcing an older version which is much easier01:57
id10tthe problem could be that I am trying to torrent between hard drives...01:57
scorp007they don't look like .deb files to me.01:57
edbianid10t, (easier than the cli method)01:57
id10tedbian: thanks I will give it a shot01:57
jribscorp007: I would just use packages.ubuntu.com and grab the maverick one.  You don't want the .deb, you want the source package01:58
=== nick is now known as Guest29869
magn3tsI know you can do this is bash easily, I want to wget {2011}{01}{29}.gif all possible combinations of that path.01:58
magn3tsAny tips?01:58
jribscorp007: sorry.  I just noticed it was only fixed in natty01:59
scorp007jrib, ah ok02:00
Gigabytehey is here any channel for c++ pascal?02:00
scorp007jrib, so does this page even have source packages? http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/amd64/mythtv-backend/download02:02
scorp007looks like only debs02:02
aeon-ltdGigabyte: that may be under #c++02:02
rwwGigabyte: ##c++ is fairly active. #pascal is not. The first also requires nickserv registration to talk, see the incoming message from ubottu.02:02
rwwubottu: register > Gigabyte02:02
jribscorp007: that page does not, no02:02
ubottuError: That operation cannot be done in a channel.02:02
ubottuGigabyte, please see my private message02:02
* rww appends to list of special factoids he can't do that way >.>02:02
jribscorp007: go back before your last click and look at right column though.  If you have dget, you can just « dget uri_of_file.dsc »02:03
scorp007oh, the dsc is what I need?02:03
jribscorp007: no, but that will get you the rest of them too02:03
scorp007I'm about to get http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/m/mythtv/mythtv_0.24.0+fixes.20101214.1405782-0ubuntu1.debian.tar.gz  is that ok?02:04
jribscorp007: that's one of the files you need, you need the three listed in the right column under "source package" (thus why using dget makes it easier :))02:05
scorp007jrib, oh. I tried sudo apt-get install dget, but no such package.02:05
jribscorp007: it's in the devscripts package02:05
scorp007but why do I need all three files if I just want to inspect the upstart script?02:05
scorp007oh, thanks02:06
jribscorp007: well, that way you can do dpkg-source -x and have a folder with everything in it.  The actual data you want is in the debian directory.  I guess you can just grab the debian.tar.gz if you want02:07
scorp007oh ok02:07
scorp007looks like that tgz has only changes since the .orig file02:08
scorp007ok, well, it's going to take a while to download -- going really slow. I'll let you know when it's done.02:09
jribscorp007: hold on, I'll grab it for you02:10
NaeblisEhh...I ran a C++ program in xubuntu...its stuck in an infinite loop in xterm and is not closing, what the hell do I do?02:10
scorp007ah, ok02:10
jribscorp007: http://pastebin.com/4UGScmab02:11
Gigabytehey i got ubuntu on vmware(1ghz &512 RAM) and normal i have installed win702:11
Gigabytemy ubuntu is slow02:11
Naeblisnvm, killed it from the task manager02:11
Gigabytehow can i fix it02:11
edbianGigabyte, ubuntu is in the virtual machine?02:11
edbianGigabyte, Install it proper ;)02:12
edbianGigabyte, It is slow because the system has to run 2 os's at once02:12
Gigabyteheh total 4gb ram and 2.8ghz dual core02:12
Gigabyteit need to work propertly02:13
edbianGigabyte, You just aid it was 1Gzh and 512 Mb ram02:13
scorp007ok, so perhaps I should replace mine with that one? I'll back up the old one02:13
Gigabytei gave from total to ubuntu use that02:13
aeon-ltdGigabyte: use lighter software, gnome is too heavy, so is compiz (if your using stock ubunutu)02:13
jribscorp007: sure, seems sane02:13
edbianGigabyte, well that should be enough hardware02:14
Gigabyte9.10 id version02:14
sambagirlxgigabyte what is the problem you are experiencing? ubuntu works fab.02:15
Gigabyteubuntu is really slow02:16
Gigabytei want it fast02:16
sambagirlxgigabyte something is wrong on your end cause ubuntu is lightining fast02:16
edbianGigabyte, Install it normally ;)02:17
sambagirlxi run  osx vm and other os's and they fly. and i am on a slow acer laptop with 1 gig ram for testing anyway and i dont have any issues02:17
Gigabytei woud install it normaly02:17
sambagirlxwell then do so gigabyte02:17
gdizdoes anyone have an easy way to convert a vmdk file to a bootable .iso (run live / install)02:17
Gigabytebut i can't find for my webcam driver02:17
edbianGigabyte, what difference does that make?  It won't work in the VM or normally02:18
sambagirlxgigabyte you have to give to get02:18
Gigabytelove open source <302:18
Gigabytei am planing02:18
Gigabyteto buy new HDD02:19
sambagirlxyou are smashed :)02:19
Gigabyteand install ubuntu02:19
Gigabytei am planing to study FIT02:19
sambagirlxi dont know what fit is02:19
sambagirlxi knwo what flt is from playing chaos strikes back on my dads amiga :)02:20
Gigabytefaculty of informacion tehnology(can't spell)02:20
Gigabytethere you learn form c++ ubuntu and everything02:21
sambagirlxyou can talk to others on that subject in #fit02:21
sambagirlxtype /join #fit02:21
Gigabyteonly me02:22
Gigabytenobody there02:22
aeon-ltdno course can cover everything02:23
aeon-ltdi've never understood why people take computer related courses (besides a diploma to get a job)02:24
Gigabyteidk but here one year you just study c++02:25
edbianaeon-ltd, Are you kidding?  Learning to program in the classroom is fantastic02:25
Gigabytewhole year02:25
Gigabyteone year linux02:25
edbianGigabyte, awesome02:25
Gigabyteand you  must get all that02:25
jribaeon-ltd, edbian: likely to depend on the classroom :)02:26
Gigabytepc on faculty have linux02:26
Gigabyteyou must have laptop02:26
Gigabytewith linux02:26
Gigabyteand nobody use win02:26
Gigabyteonly for games02:26
Gigabytebye it is three o'clock in the morning02:28
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:28
edbianxangua, good timing02:29
kendrickLeiterinstalled DLink wda2320 on desktop; Ubuntu 9.04 does not recognize hardware02:29
scorp007jrib, I *think* that fixed it! Thanks02:30
roc_WHAT sey china02:31
share!cn | roc_02:32
ubotturoc_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk02:32
sharelater ubuntuers02:32
=== mike is now known as Guest95690
Guest95690i have 2 questions, when did UBUNTU 11.04 come out???  and second, is there a way to prevent ubuntu from going in to sleep mode once you unplug your laptop?02:38
rwwGuest95690: It isn't out yet.02:38
rww!version-bug | answer to inevitable question02:38
Guest95690im running 11:0402:38
ubottuanswer to inevitable question: Ubuntu 10.10's About Ubuntu application erroneously says "You are using Ubuntu 11.04". This is a bug. Run "lsb_release -a" in a terminal to see your Ubuntu version. Bug report at http://tinyurl.com/versionbug02:38
UTFhi guys - any of u knows of a good place to rent a virtual server wiv ubuntu on it?02:38
Guest95690just checked it before i logged on.02:38
Guest95690ooh ok.02:38
snarkstercan evolution open msg and imm files?02:39
rwwUTF: Try asking in #ubuntu-offtopic.02:39
Guest95690ok, second part? when i unplug my laptop is there a way to NOT get the system to sleep??02:39
UTFkk i will.. thanks02:39
edbianGuest95690, the 11 means 2011, the 04 means april.  It is a bug02:39
edbianGuest95690, yeah, look at the power settings02:40
Guest95690there is nothing  in there , i set everything to  never except close lid.02:40
Guest95690and it still does it.02:40
gurkhali69hello! I installed my edubuntu system with eth2 and now I have replaced the nic which is named eth3. how can I assign eth3 to ltsp server?02:41
Guest95690i have to hit the power button to bring it back up.02:41
Guest95690not a big complain, but just annoying.02:42
Guest95690other than this. i love this OS!!!02:42
Guest95690well, ill look on google some more.02:42
a3ther_Guest29869, the power settings should be in 'settings > preferences > power management'02:43
induzhow do i know what ipOd touch i have i mean Model 1st gen or 2nd gen??02:44
Guest29869Guest95690,  the power settings should be in 'settings > preferences > power management'02:44
* andrew__ waves02:44
induzi have black 8 Gb version 1.1.402:45
=== Guest29869 is now known as thisircnewrandom
Dakravi know this isn't ubuntu, but could some one help me with gimp on ubuntu?02:45
a3ther_Guest29869, thanks for redirecting that to Guest95690 :). also Guest95690 try using acpi_listen02:45
sacarlsongurkhali69: you want to use just one of your 3 nics?02:45
klyncanyone have experience creating an autorun.sh file on removable media? will it work on a fat drive (sdcard)?02:45
=== thisircnewrandom is now known as IRCRndNmeGenSux
edbianDakrav, there is a gimp channel, #gimp02:45
clavin12How might one go about remove a package that is neither fully removed or installed?02:46
gurkhali69sacarlson: ya because i have only one nic now...named eth3.....but during installation it was...eth202:47
klyncclavin12: `apt-get purge pkg` should do it02:47
a3ther_klync, do you mean for windows? i think there is a flag in the hardware that tells windows if it should use autorun.inf, also this can be disabled on the windows machine, apart from that try copying a regular autorun.inf and editing the lines in it to point to the correct exe/icon. also this channel isnt for windows support ;)02:47
klyncclavin12: although i don't know if that will run pre/post scripts if the pkg isn't installed correctly02:48
sacarlsongurkhali69: you should be able to just plug a cable into it and maybe sudo dhclient eth3  should start to work unless you want to setup something static02:48
klynca3ther_: no, it's a bash script i wrote02:48
clavin12klync: I tried that. It doesn't work.02:48
clavin12klync: the package is ttf-droid.02:48
snarksteranyone know if evolution can open imm, and msg files, or import pst files02:48
klyncclavin12: if it doesn't have a lot of deps, you can always do apt-get install --reinstall and then purge02:48
gurkhali69sacarlson: thank you i will try it right now...02:49
CajunTechieHey everyone, can someone help me out? I'm doing a network install and it fails at the package manager step (after I select the software I want to install). Any idea why that might be?02:49
klynca3ther_: http://library.gnome.org/devel/autostart-spec/02:49
MrWillyso I've got a laptop with either Ubuntu 10.04 32 or 64 bit installed, and I'm not sure which.  it's broken, so I'm stuck at command line at the moment.  how can I confirm which one it is?02:49
Jordan_UMrWilly: uname -m02:49
MrWillyJordan_U, that's the one.  thanks!02:49
klynca3ther_: sadly, when i google for support, all i get is windows noobs02:50
clavin12klync: I'll try it02:51
=== DreadKnight_ is now known as Dread
=== Dread is now known as DeadNIght
=== DeadNIght is now known as DeadNight
a3ther_klync, do you have the script on the media? is the media mounted with the noexec option? i think this is the default.02:53
clavin12klync: I got the same error. I'll post it.02:54
klynca3ther_: hmm, noexec might be the problem ... i'm just relying on automount magic, so not sure what the options are - i'll check02:54
induzcan i copy 'fonts' folder from XP computer to /usr/share/fonts folder to use fonts on OO??02:54
klyncclavin12: yeah, please do. removing a font shouldn't be so hard :/02:54
clavin12klync: I agree.02:55
induzor they have to be copied to /home/my_name/.fonts??02:55
Jordan_Uklync: According to that specification (if I understand correctly) you can't auto run executable files contained on the removable media: "If the relative path points to an executable file then the desktop environment MUST NOT execute the file."02:55
clavin12klync: Removing ttf-droid ...02:56
clavin12/etc/defoma/hints/ttf-droid.hints: Unable to open, or empty.02:56
clavin12dpkg: error processing ttf-droid (--purge):02:56
clavin12 subprocess installed pre-removal script returned error exit status 102:56
clavin12Errors were encountered while processing:02:56
clavin12 ttf-droid02:56
FloodBot2clavin12: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:56
clavin12E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)02:56
induzwhere do the fonts reside to be used on Open Office on Lucid?02:56
klyncclavin12: that's not it. :(  /dev/sdb1 on /media/NO NAME type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks,uid=1000,gid=1000,shortname=mixed,dmask=0077,utf8=1,showexec,flush)02:56
clavin12klync: that's not what exactly?02:57
induzshould i copy the fonts to /home/my_name/.font folder or /user/share/fonts folder??02:57
klyncclavin12: it's not that the fs is mounted noexec02:57
klyncJordan_U: the way i read that, that only applies to "autoopen", not to "autostart" files02:58
klyncJordan_U: considering that "autostart.sh" is a valid name for the autostart file, you'd think it'd accept a shell script :/02:58
Jordan_Uklync: Yes, re-reading I agree.02:58
=== JimmyJ_ is now known as JimmyJ
klyncclavin12: oh, ok .... that's an error that's safe to ignore... defoma was supposed to analyze and cache some "hints" about the font02:59
induzwhere are the fonts files on Lucid?02:59
klyncclavin12: i'm not sure why it didn't - should've been called on post-install to do so ... i suppose if the install didn't go correctly, then the uninstall would fail on that step, but if the install worked, you could probably get that uninstall to work without error by running defoma by hand (not sure off the top of my head, maybe with "dpkg-reconfigure defoma"?)03:00
aeon-ltdinduz: /usr/share/fonts iirc03:00
herroIs there such thing as a private way to change your ip. Or all the ways are the same? Like completely change your ip?03:01
induzaeon-ltd, what is iirc??03:01
rwwinduz: If I Remember Correctly03:01
clavin12klync: I'll try it.03:01
aeon-ltdherro: your external ip is assigned by your isp, so you have little control03:02
clavin12klync: nope.03:02
induzaeon-ltd, what about /home/my_name/.fonts??03:02
Jordan_Uklync: What happens when you insert the media? What happens when you try to run the script directly like "/media/foo/autorun.sh" (*not* like "sh /media/foo/autorun.sh")?03:02
aeon-ltdinduz: those are fonts for user use, the one i said was system wide03:03
induzaeon-ltd, ok I got it now03:03
klyncJordan_U: first a prompt "this media contains an autorun file; do you wish to run the autorun program?" .. then a second dialog with a run button, then an error "cannot find the autorun program"03:04
sacarlsonherro: you can use a vpn service to appear to be at a different ip address in a different country,  but I'm not sure that's what your looking for03:04
herroaeon-ltd: Theres a guy on a forum selling a way to completely change your ip without a vpn or proxy he says its private03:05
delamanmy computer is in spanish, is there a way to setup ONE program to be in english?03:05
Jordan_Uklync: That's certainly odd.03:05
klyncJordan_U: yeah, the 10 min i spent writing this script was in vain. curses!03:05
induzaeon-ltd, under /usr/share/fonts there are 3 folders...can i include one more folder?03:05
sacarlsonherro: you can change your ip on your local lan network,  but again I'm not sure what your goal is03:05
edbianherro, Are you talking about IP-spoofing?03:06
Jordan_Uklync: What happens when you try to run the script directly from a terminal like "/media/foo/autorun.sh" (*not* like "sh /media/foo/autorun.sh")?03:06
herrono he says you dont need any programs nothing03:06
edbianherro, What does he do?03:06
aeon-ltdJordan_U: it won't execute unless its set to03:07
herroIdk he selling it 10$ trying to prove hes a scammer lol his stuff does not make any sense. Hes saying like if it started with 24. it would change it to 70. But its not spoofing or anything he says its a "private method"03:08
Jordan_Uaeon-ltd: Unless what is set to what?03:08
kmchi, i'm interested in creating an ubuntu installer USB stick without deleting what's on my USB stick or using fancy GNOME software03:08
kmci just want to put vmlinuz and initrd and an iso image on the stick, as i do with debian03:08
kmcis this possible?03:08
a3ther_herro, sounds like a scam03:08
induzhow can i log in as root on Lucid?03:08
Jordan_U!root | induz03:09
ubottuinduz: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:09
klyncJordan_U: uh-oh ... syntax error - i wonder if that was the problem.... i was worried about that line :/03:09
a3ther_kmc, unetbootin YMMV03:09
Jordan_Ukmc: Yes.03:09
induzJordan_U, i thought root is a command line03:10
clavin12klync: should I use that command by istelf?03:10
bazhang!nox | induz03:10
ubottuinduz: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode03:10
sacarlsonherro: at work that had a static ip system at the time I would just ping and find something that wasn't in use and change my ip to that03:10
klyncclavin12: not sure what the exact command is, but that's what's happening. if it's not causing you any other trouble, i'd just ignore it03:11
a3ther_herro, link??03:11
kmcwill unetbootin delete my exitsing files a3ther_?03:11
Jordan_Ukmc: No.03:11
kmcJordan_U, could you elaborate please?03:11
induzbazhang, how i copy a folder from a directory to another?03:11
a3ther_i don't think so, but if you value the files i would do some reading first / make a back up03:11
clavin12klync: it's preventing me from installing the Prey security package.03:11
=== DealingWithFools is now known as ExplodingPiglets
bazhanginduz, what are you trying to do03:11
kmci set iso to load the initrd and kernel i copied from the install cd, but it complains that it "can't find medium with live filesystem"03:12
clavin12klync: possibly all .deb files that rely on ttf-droid.03:12
kmci set isolinux*03:12
drthothanyone know how to run bitdefender from console?03:12
clavin12klync. idk yet.03:12
bazhangdrthoth, bitdefended03:12
bazhangerr bitdefender drthoth03:12
=== eagle20fox2 is now known as eagle20fox3
faelni have 11.04 and with a recent update it always hangs when i am booting or a get a blank black screen, how can i fix it>03:12
herroa3ther_: its invite only put heres a screen shot03:12
klyncclavin12: i thought you were trying to remove the pkg?03:12
herro<a target="_blank" href="http://min.us/mveDffo"><img src="http://i.min.us/jcfP7o.png" border="0"/></a>03:12
drthothdo i have to restart after installing it?03:12
bazhangfaeln, #ubuntu+1 for that please03:13
faelnrgr, ty03:13
Jordan_Ukmc: The easiest way to do it is to use unetbootin or Ubuntu's "Startup Disk Creator", neither of which will delete existing files. If for some reason that's not acceptable (why?) then you can copy the iso to the flash drive, create a grub.cfg as explained here: http://www.supergrubdisk.org/wiki/Loopback.cfg#How_do_you_use_a_loopback.cfg_to_boot_an_iso.3F then install grub2 to the drive with grub-install.03:13
induzbazhang, i am trying to copy FONT folder to /usr/share/font folder03:13
clavin12klync: I can't remove ttf-droid.03:13
induzI tried copy command but..03:13
kmcnice, thank you Jordan_U03:13
Jordan_Ukmc: You're welcome.03:14
clavin12klync: or install it.03:14
clavin12klync: I want to install Prey.03:14
__yhvh__hey guys, running 10.04 server in virtualbox on windows, I've tried to change the console resolution but I'm at a loss, grub has new resolution fine03:14
clavin12klync: but the ttf-droid thing prevents it.03:14
UbuntuNewbcan anyone help me with upgrading to 10.10?03:14
klyncclavin12: i see.... what error do you get when you try installing it? (use pastebin this time)03:15
clavin12klync: ok03:15
a3ther_herro, he is going to tell you to change you local ip from to, he is a scammer03:15
drthothi installed, bitdefender-scanner03:16
drthothbut sees no app03:16
__yhvh__herro: second name Protaganist?03:16
piper69howdy folks03:16
xangua!upgrade | UbuntuNewb03:16
ubottuUbuntuNewb: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade03:16
piper69i need some assistance config eth103:16
piper69i keep getting dhcpdiscover on eth103:16
a3ther_piper69, pastebin plz03:17
UbuntuNewbI keep getting a specific error when I try to upgrade and can't find info in the notes03:17
piper69a3ther_: i wish i could do that now...it is a headless server and as you can see i can't get it to see internet03:18
aeon-ltdJordan_U: sorry for the late reply, unless its set to execute (as in permissions)03:18
piper69DHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 interval 603:18
piper69DHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 interval 803:18
a3ther_ah, generally  'DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 6' is sent when the computer is trying to get an IP address03:19
nathanspohnim getting this error wen i try and shutdown http://pastebin.com/ZeD8HgcQ ubuntu 10.10 eeepc sheashell series03:20
a3ther_try setting a manual ip address with 'ifconfig eth1 ip.add.re.ss && route add default gw gate.way.ip.addy && echo "nameserver name.server.ip.addy" > /etc/resolv.conf'03:21
drthothah hah! bdscan03:22
a3ther_replacing ip.address with the correct ip addresses03:22
anzenkethAfter shrinking a LVM volume /var will not mount correctly03:22
anzenkethcan somone help03:22
a3ther_anzenketh, can you check dmesg for errors? have you run fsck.ext on the partition?03:22
=== Aaron5367 is now known as Aaron5367|detach
Dwade09 everytime i open a movie with gnome mplayer i get a box pops up Failed to open VDPAU backend libvdpau_nvidia.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory  how do i fix this so it doesnt show that anymore?03:23
anzenkethWhen I boot it told me to run fsck but a bit unsure on how to correctly do that03:23
anzenkethDo I need to boot in single user mode first.03:24
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
anzenkethI get a fsck /var 997 terminated with status 803:24
a3ther_Dwade09, do you have a nvidia gfx card? have you tried using vlc instead?03:25
UbuntuNewbcan anyone help me understand this error I get when I try to upgrade to 10.10?03:26
a3ther_anzenketh, if /var isnt mounted then you dont need to reboot 'sudo fsck.ext3 -f /dev/VARPARTITION'03:26
edbianUbuntuNewb, what's the error?03:27
nathanspohnim getting this error wen i try and shutdown http://pastebin.com/ZeD8HgcQ ubuntu 10.10 eeepc sheashell series03:27
UbuntuNewbshall I post it in here on on pastebin?03:27
UbuntuNewbor on*03:27
edbianUbuntuNewb, pastebin03:27
a3ther_nathanspohn, i think that is something to do with your wifi card03:28
=== Spacewalker_ is now known as Spacewalker
klyncnathanspohn: i don't know what's checking for unattended upgrades, but i'm pretty sure it's complaining that your wireless connection is down03:28
a3ther_UbuntuNewb, paste bin please03:28
transhello guys, I have problem with microphone and mic03:28
edbianUbuntuNewb, run this: sudo apt-get upgrade03:29
kingsleyWhat's the best music synthesis package?03:29
clavin12klync: well that's odd. Upon using dpkg in the terminal to install rather than Gdebi it worked.03:29
trans"cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#0 | grep -i codec" this command yield no such directory, how to fix this03:29
a3ther_UbuntuNewb, 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'03:29
klyncclavin12: heh .... well, i can't explain it, but it sounds like it's solved, so that's good!03:29
nathanspohnwell klync and a3ther_ i saw that and i was confused by what it was trying to tell me should i like try a sudo force shutdown? or should i turn off wireless before shut down because this error makes my computer very unreliable i have to hard restart it alot because whenever it trys to sleep or save power it freezes03:30
transmy mic works fine I start computer, after sometimes mic just stops working, how to fix this03:30
UbuntuNewbthank you03:30
clavin12klync: thanks for the help!03:30
klyncclavin12: np .... i guess :P03:30
induzI want to copy Fonts to /usr/share/fonts folder but It says i dont have permission, i am the root of this comp??03:30
edbianinduz, your user is not root.  You can use sudo to do things as root03:31
a3ther_nathanspohn, could you please tell us what wifi card you using 'lspci' and what ubuntu version your using thx.03:31
edbian!sudo | induz03:31
ubottuinduz: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo03:31
transDo I need to install additional packages for microphone to work, plz help03:31
a3ther_induz, if you precede the copy command with 'sudo' it should work.03:32
klyncnathanspohn: sounds like one of many wifi cards that don't work all too well under linux. you might want to play around with the cmds using iwconfig and iwpriv (such as turning off powersaving). once you find the most stable settings for it, you can save them in your networking startup script03:32
klyncnathanspohn: also, if the card goes down and your system's buggy, try removing the module using rmmod03:32
anzenkethWhen I run fsck.ext4 -f /dev/mapper/kazumi-home I get a error03:32
nathanspohnhttp://pastebin.com/xEdNJbjc ubuntu 10.10 a3ther_03:33
a3ther_trans, please check the volume properties in 'system > preferences > sound > input'. also try playing with the input adapters03:33
badpenguin86How do I go back to the noveou drivers?03:33
anzenkethThe filesystem size according to the superblock is 73241600 blocks the physical size of the device is 42027200 blcoks either the superblock or the partition table is likely to be corrupt03:33
anzenkethWhat do I do.03:33
induzOk, i am the user not the root, now i get it03:33
piper69in gnome desktop when i click on the network icon it shows in gray and say its not managed03:34
transa3ther_: I checked that, its not changed, mic works when I reboot computer, it stops working after sometime03:34
badpenguin86How do I go back to the noveou drivers?03:34
induza3ther_, when i do cp coomand it says cp: omitting directory ""03:34
a3ther_anzenketh, if you shrunk the file partition then the physical size of the drive is right and the superblock is wrong03:35
ezyhello folks...looking for help regarding ID3 tagging...anybody familiar in that area ? please help03:35
a3ther_trans, intermittent errors suck:( bad hardware / bad drivers / bad luck :(03:35
transand yest might microphone worked properly but with little noise, now it showing this prob03:35
edbianezy, I'm familiar what's the issue?03:35
anzenkethI attempted to shrink using the LVM tools and must have done it wrong03:35
a3ther_induz, 'sudo cp -rv SOURCE DESTINATION'03:36
transyesterday night*03:36
tgywaMy network connection to NFS server drops for some unknown reason. Is there any related bug to this problem ?03:36
anzenkethIs there a way I can recover from this?03:36
transa3ther_: Don't it has any solutions03:36
=== Guest53891 is now known as Freeaqingme
a3ther_anzenketh, can you paste the output of fsck.ext4 please03:37
a3ther_trans, can you post the model of sound card you are using please, 'lspci'03:37
ezyedbian, a bit confused about how tagging works. I used the python module to extract the tags from mp3 and some show as having no tag but when playing the mp3 in a media player it shows the artist album title etc...I wonder where it pulls this information from if not in the ID3Tag03:37
tgywarpc.statd[969]: STAT_FAIL got the error in syslog03:38
anzenkethSure it was in recovery mode let me see if it will boot up normaly.03:38
anzenkethSo I can ssh into it03:38
transa3ther_: http://pastebin.com/ziqdHY3203:39
gaofengwhat's your name03:39
induza3ther_, It did something and created a folder on Destination but it says i dont have permission to dispaly03:40
kmcJordan_U, I pressed the wrong button in unetbootin and it wrote to my system's boot drive.  that's why i don't like fancy GNOME utilities03:40
edbianezy, It's much easier to edit the tags using something like ex-falso03:40
gaofengmy name is gaofeng!03:40
Jordan_Ukmc: Do you need help fixing it?03:41
edbianezy, The tags are stored in the file along with the data for the music and such.  Usually when you add a song to a music player like banshee or something it makes a data-base entry for the song.  At that time the ID3 tags are read.  If they're changed later it never notices cause it only looks one03:41
trismezy: if you're using the python-id3 package, it only supports id3 1.1, your file likely has only version 2 tags03:41
kmcJordan_U, well, i removed the files it wrote there, and re-installed my system grub to that device03:42
kmci hope it works03:42
induzwhat is inode/directory??03:42
skilzhi im having trouble installed debian at the aptitude sources part, something wrong with my network configuration, my server is ubuntu, ip, running firestarter to share the connection, the debian client pc is, I edited /etc/resolv.conf and put in the nameservers, so it should be working but its not03:42
kmcso nobody here can just tell me what unetbootin is going to do to my stick, so i can do it myself?03:42
kmcif it's supposedly safe03:42
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anzenketha3ther_ http://pastebin.com/y2DekqQE03:43
kmcalso the unetbootin packaged in debian doesn't have 10.1003:43
anzenkethThat is the results03:43
induza3ther_, it has created a folder but its a inode/directory ..what is that??03:43
a3ther_induz, 'sudo chown YOURUSER:YOURUSER /DIRECTORY -rv'03:43
anzenkeththanks for your help03:43
Jordan_Ukmc: If you're doing it manually the grub2 route is easier.03:43
anzenkethI really need to learn how to do this.03:44
anzenkethHopefuly you can help me recover without reinstalling03:44
a3ther_anzenketh, dont about when it asks, answer 'no'03:44
rwwskilz: Debian support is in #debian, not here.03:45
Crash1hdlookig for advice I am setting up a computer for my 4 and 6 year old and I was thinking of installing ubuntu (I am pretty new to ubuntu myself been using it long enough to be confortable with shell ssh and simple commands and I am good with google lol :) what I was thinking was to install something run vmware and another version of ubuntu desktop either mint or regular thats locked down and streamlined as I need but in vmware so I c03:45
Crash1hdan have backup and blow it away if they mess it up, which I expect they will thoughts on linux / ubuntu distros and what would be easiest03:45
skilzrww, thought I'd try my luck in both rooms03:45
transa3ther_: I didn't understand03:45
skilzIt's the same theory03:45
a3ther_Crash1hd, i think there is a ubuntu version for children / schools03:46
anzenketha3ther_ did that one before now I keep getting errors like Error reading block 47185920 (Invalid argument) while reading inode and block bitmaps.  Ignore error03:46
induza3ther_, what is  YOURUSER:YOURUSER??03:46
buckyCrash1hd,  get the Miley Cyrus remix of ubuntu03:46
a3ther_trans, you need to change YOURUSER to your normal username. you can find that out with the command 'whoami'03:46
Crash1hda3Dman, yeah edbuntu03:47
Jordan_Ukmc: If your flash drive were "/dev/sdb" then it would basically be: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt; sudo cp /path/to/ubuntu_10.10.iso /mnt/; sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sdb; sudo vi /mnt/boot/grub/grub.cfg" where the grub.cfg would follow the template here: http://www.supergrubdisk.org/wiki/Loopback.cfg#How_do_you_use_a_loopback.cfg_to_boot_an_iso.3F03:47
Crash1hdbucky, they dont know who that is and if I can help it they wont now lol03:47
piper69can anyone please help me , this is driving me crazy...i can't connect to the internet... iwas able fine this moring until i unplugged my cat5e and changed it from port1 to port 4 in my router03:47
anzenkethinduz he is meaning those would be youruser followed by a : then a youruser03:47
ezytrism, version mismatch seems to be the likely candidate as all the ones my program was not able to read are v2.3 v2.2 and v2.403:47
anzenkethpiper69 does changing it beck to the origional port work fine?03:48
induzanzenketh, a3ther_ i am the owner and the user03:48
a3ther_anzenketh, did you resize the file system before you resized the partition ?03:48
anzenketh umount /home03:49
anzenketh   71  lvreduce -L -100G /dev/kazumi/home03:49
ezyedbian, thought media players like banshee pulled it from the tag but having their own database makes more sense03:49
a3ther_induz, can you do a 'ls -la' of the destination please.03:49
ezyedbian, trism, thank you both...really appreciate your help03:50
a3ther_Anzufvytar, http://www.terabyteunlimited.com/kb/article.php?id=13203:50
BlankAs it appears I've somehow installed the bootloader to USB, is it 'grub-install --root-directory=...' I need to fix things?03:50
edbianezy, they pull it from the tag and put it in the data base.  Then from then on they just read the database (it's faster)03:50
edbianezy, no problem03:50
piper69anzenketh: OMG i was thinking the same thing and decided to do that. except when i went to do just that i found that i forgot to plug it in the first place03:50
trismezy: you could try using a different library, I think python-mutagen supports the more recent versions03:50
a3ther_anzenketh, lvreduce is only going to shrink the partition, before you do that you should shrink the file system that lives on that partition03:51
transa3ther_: where is that YOURUSER, I couldn't find. Plz don't mind I'm new to linux03:51
Dementioanyone know how to get dvd playback working with audio? keep getting failed to initialize audio device. vid device is nvidia gt430. dvd playback works with vlc03:51
piper69wasted hours trouble shooting software side and it was all physical03:51
Dementiooops, using xbmc03:51
ezyedbian, so when you make changes on the information of the mp3 on banshee, it makes change only in its database not the actual tag of the mp3 right ?03:51
anzenketha3ther_ I figured I was shrinking the parition wrong. Is there a way that I can recover from this and what is the correct way to resize a Logical volume.03:51
jtannenbaumI'm on 10.04... should I even bother trying to update tool03:52
edbianezy, Banshee I know for a fact only changes the database not the ID3 tags03:52
a3ther_trans, 'export YOURUSERNAME=`whoami` && sudo chown YOURUSERNAME:YOURUSERNAME /where/you/copied/stuff/too'03:52
induza3ther_, it has green with drwxr-xrwx03:52
ezytrism, I will have to use the python-mutagen together with the module for v1 right or python-mutagen also supports older versions so I just have to use only one module ?03:52
a3ther_anzenketh, you can try resizing the filesystem now and hope that it isnt that broke03:52
anzenkethI am unaware on how to resize the filesystem.03:53
anzenkethNew to LVM.03:53
techitchhey guys, i'm having this problem - i mount a windows share using cifs and fstab..this works fine..i'm mounting the shares to /mnt - i need to get access to these folders from another application running within a chroot so im trying to mount /mnt using bind to another folder inside a chroot however when i mount it i cannot see the contents of the windows shares...03:53
induza3ther_, it has created a folder on /usr/share/fonts as FONTS but that folder has a LOCK and X mark on it03:53
Dementioanyone know how to get dvd playback working with audio in xbmc? keep getting failed to initialize audio device. vid device is nvidia gt430. dvd playback works with vlc03:54
trismezy: you'd have to test that, I'd imagine it would read both, since files can have both at the same time, but I don't know03:54
vikasQUESTION: I want to download' VLC media player' via "AXEL", How can I do so?03:54
induzwow a3ther_ so many commands , I am never going to remeber them03:54
xanguavikas: via axel¿03:54
anzenkethDementio did you install restricted formats.03:54
a3ther_anzenketh,  resize2fs  -p  /dev/sdb2  SIZE_IN_MB_followed_by_A_M ... 4000M03:54
vikasxangua: yes03:54
Dementio(anzenketh): probably not, remember the package name?03:54
techitchi know my question is kinda fucked03:54
techitchbut it could just be a mount flagged thing..03:55
anzenkethI do not Dementio03:55
techitcherr *flags03:55
ezytrism, sure...will play around with it. Thanks a lot bud03:55
Dementiodamn, thanks though, i'll look for it03:55
rww!dvd | Dementio03:55
ubottuDementio: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:55
techitchis there some kind of issue where u cant mount ur cifs folders to another place?03:55
mythonI can connect to windows shares through Connect to server... but why can't I see any computers in Network?03:55
a3ther_induz, linux is case sensitive ... if you do a 'cp source deStiNatIon' that is different to destination03:55
techitchcuz i've used something like sshfs to mount stuff to mount and then used bind to send it to another oflder03:56
vikasxangua: Is it possible?03:56
Dementiothanks rww03:56
anzenketha3ther_ it wants me to run e2fsck03:56
xanguavikas: no ide whath axel via is03:56
transa3ther_: thanks03:56
Zero-CoolHi I want install Ubuntu Unity OS from where can I download it and install on my laptop03:56
anzenkethIt is looking like I am going to reinstall arn't I. I am not worried about the data just want to learn how to fix this type of issue.03:56
vikasxangua: okk03:57
induza3ther_,   The command u gave me worked fine and it has created a folder under /usr/share/fonts...but it says i dont have rith/permission to see/dispaly the contents03:57
xanguaZero-Cool: ubuntu netbook uses unity, 11.04 will use unity as default desktop03:57
xanguacurrent ubuntu netbook*03:57
a3ther_anzenketh, then run e2fsck and say yes to all the fixes03:57
induza3ther_, How can i get permission for that folder so i can use those fonts on openoffice03:57
Zero-Coolxangua ok so can I download 11.0403:57
x20twelvehello all... is there a nexuiz channel?03:57
BlankI know 10.10 Netbook Edition uses Unity.03:58
xanguaZero-Cool: on april 201103:58
vikasQUESTION: I want to download' VLC media player' via "AXEL", How can I do so?03:58
BlankAs it appears I've somehow installed the bootloader to USB, is it 'grub-install --root-directory=...' I need to fix things?03:58
rwwUbuntu 10.10 Unity and Ubuntu 11.04 Unity are completely different. They rewrote it from the ground up to use Compiz instead of Mutter, and it makes a large difference.03:58
xanguavikas: will you explain what via axel is¿03:58
Roasted_It doesn't seem as if my scrolling on the laptop trackpad works. It worked earlier today. Any ideas?03:58
anzenketha3ther_ Still getting a bunch of error writing ignore messages. I will just ignore them03:59
mrapplehow would i get the memory usage (in MB) for a program and percenage CPU usage?03:59
x20twelvei have a question about nexuiz....can i ask it here?03:59
Guest95690ok i found the solution to the power management problem, but i could not find it on google.03:59
Blankmrapple: system monitor?03:59
Guest95690i found the tutorial on youtube.. lol03:59
a3ther_induz, 'sudo chmod 751 -rv /usr/share/fonts'04:00
skilzI need help to share my internet04:00
mrappleBlank: this is going to be grabbed using php, so i need something that will just output it, not something like top04:00
skilzwith firestarter04:00
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/04:00
mrapplealso, ubuntu server04:00
induza3ther_, WOW the command worked great but without -rv04:00
a3ther_mrapple, ps aux | grep program name04:00
induznow I can see the fonts on that folder04:00
a3ther_induz, sorry change the -r to a -R04:00
mrapplea3ther_: it needs to be by PID04:00
x20twelveso no channel for nexuiz?04:01
mrapplebecause there will be other programs with the same process name04:01
skilzdo I need to put any ip for the gateway on my server?04:01
a3ther_ps aux | grep pid04:01
Dementio(anzenketh): they were installed already. but, i just noticed that if i set xbmc output to analog, it works, but only in 2.0 sound, no 5.104:01
induza3ther_, now I can see the fonts on that folder..thanks a lot but could i use them on open office now??04:01
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anzenketha3ther_ nope still not working.04:01
anzenkethShall I just give up?04:01
a3ther_induz, maby it depends if open office finds them or not ...04:02
induza3ther_, u mean -Rv04:02
mrapplea3ther_: that gives %mem, not mem usage in MB04:02
Jordan_UBlank: The Ubuntu installer installed grub to your USB drive instead of to the internal drive?04:02
vikasxangua: I am using internet via GPRS via I have just moved to Ubuntu Maverick. So I'm downloading plugins & all things. If I download anything via AXEL it gives me a good speed of around 25-35kbps,04:02
x20twelveis there an index listing for this Ubuntu IRC? im lookin for help with nexuiz04:02
Jordan_Ux20twelve: Index listing?04:03
Zero-CoolI have a question I want to install ssh server to my ubuntu desktop so people can login with putty to my machine04:03
BlankJordan_U: That's what the situation looks like - OS is definitely installed to HD, yet it only boots correctly via USB.04:03
Zero-Coolhow can Ido that04:03
x20twelvelike how on mIRC you could see what other channels are available04:03
anzenketha3ther_ I am justing going to give up it is a new install not much on it anyways04:03
induza3ther_, Now i restred Open office and it can find those fonts04:03
AbhiJit!ssh | Zero-Cool04:03
ubottuZero-Cool: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)04:03
a3ther_induz, cool!04:03
induza3ther_,  Thanks a lot, u r great04:03
vikasxangua: now I want to download WINE & VLC , if I download via aptget or aptitude it gives me speed of around 5-9kbps.04:03
a3ther_mrapple, check the 'man ps' page it should be in formatting look for rss04:04
x20twelveunless you can help me...i want to start nexuiz the fps game i guess outside of ubuntu, in other words before logging into the desktop04:04
dylan_anybody think they could help me with getting my sound to work?04:04
anzenkethdylan_ depends on what is wrong with it04:04
vikasxangua: so I was thinking if I could use AXEL to download VLC?04:04
a3ther_anzenketh,  you can probably just delete the filesystem and create a new one on the partition04:04
Dementioanyone have experience with xbmc?04:04
Jordan_UBlank: If you can boot the installed system (not the live one) by booting from the flash drive, then do that then run "sudo dpkg-recongure grub-pc".04:04
dylan_anzenketh, any ideas on how to figure out?04:04
sacarlsonmrapple: maybe top -b -n1   -n1 will iterate only one time instead of loop04:04
Dementioand yes, tried #xbmc, in there now, they keep saying try windows04:05
anzenkethdylan_ has it ever worked04:05
dylan_but not with this install04:05
dylan_i dont think04:05
a3ther_anzenketh,  you will lose all the data on /var, but i _think_ that will get rebuilt as apps access it.04:05
dylan_not sure04:05
anzenketha3ther_ ya I am sure that would work. But sounds like too much work04:05
dylan_definitely with ubuntu on this machine though04:05
Jordan_UBlank: That will prompt you for where grub should be installed, and in addition to installing it will remember that drive when grub needs to be upgraded in the future.04:05
x20twelvei remember when i used to use sabayon years ago, there was a way before logging to desktop, to go to a prompt to run nexuiz04:05
anzenketha3ther_ I need to resize it anyways04:06
Roasted_It doesn't seem as if my scrolling on the laptop trackpad works. It worked earlier today. Any ideas?04:06
anzenkethNow that I know why I used up so much data04:06
badpenguin86x20twelve, I just change the session when I log in to failsafe to get a terminal to run a single app without loading gnome/kde04:06
a3ther_anzenketh, how big is the partition?04:06
BlankJordan_U: That should be what I'm after, doing now.04:06
anzenkethIt was a 400G parition04:06
Dementioanyone, bueller?04:06
a3ther_anzenketh, and now after the resize?04:07
mrapplea3ther_: thanks, i think this will work04:07
x20twelveoh ok .. when i quit the game, would it bring me back to that screen or is it safe to just restart the computer as it'd only take about 25secs04:07
anzenkethoh /var it was 50G I was trying to resize it to 1004:07
anzenkethand /home was 400G was trying to resize it to 10004:07
a3ther_you should resize the filesystem first then the partiton04:08
anzenkethYep know that now04:08
badpenguin86x20twelve, I think that when you exit the game, it would take you back to the prompt, and you just type "exit" and that would take you back to the login screen04:08
x20twelveok im gonna try it now...brb!04:08
x20twelveand thanx04:08
anzenkethI am not upset I learned a good lesson.04:08
StarminnQuestion:  I have various *ubuntu variations on my desktop for testing purposes (always curious). Nothing happened while it was only Xubuntu or Kubuntu, but now that I downloaded Edubuntu.iso (only ever LiveCd'd once) I can't download some programs or set up a Physical Address Extension without the Edubuntu CD. Quite annoying. Any suggestions?04:08
anzenkethand all the data is backed up04:08
a3ther_if you have done it the other way round with /var then try and force a resize with 'sudo resize2fs  -f -p  /dev/sdb2  1000M'04:09
a3ther_anzenketh, but change sdb2 to the /var partition04:10
kmci can't believe what a pain this has been compared to installing debian04:10
vikasxangua: Can u help?04:10
ubottuFTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd04:11
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ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP04:11
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)04:11
kmcdebian makes it as easy as "bzcat foo > /dev/sda" and also has a simple method for people who know what isolinux is04:11
kmcubuntu wants me to use all these gui progs which make dangerous assumptions about what i want to do04:11
kmcor maybe install grub2 by hand and then write a config file04:12
Roasted_Can you organize photos manually in Shotwell, or does it automatically do it on its own with 2007, 2008, etc?04:12
anzenkethWhat is the application that mounts USB drives when they get plugged in?04:12
StarminnRoasted: It does so automatically.04:12
Dementiocan vlc output 5.1?04:13
Dementiocan't remember04:13
a3ther_kmc, try using the alternate(advanced) installation disk instead https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation04:13
StarminnAfter downloading the Edubuntu.iso and testing it out on a LiveCD once, Ubuntu asks for the CD anytime I wish to download some programs or set up a PAE (as I'm on 32-bit).04:13
Loki^Dementio: yes04:14
Loki^is there anything vlc cant do? :p04:14
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a3ther_Starminn, check your /etc/apt/sources.list for the entry and hash'#' it out04:15
Zero-Coolwhich ftpd should i use ?04:15
Zero-Coolproftpd or vsftpd04:15
a3ther_Dementio, i think so, i know it can on windows,04:15
anzenkethZero-Cool does the system have a low memory footprint?04:15
anzenkethMost pepole use proftpd04:16
john38does ubuntu netbook edition work better for certain laptop function keys04:16
Dementiook, vlc04:16
a3ther_anzenketh, any luck with the resize?04:16
anzenkethNa I am not going to worry about it.04:16
Roasted_Can you organize photos manually in Shotwell, or does it automatically do it on its own with 2007, 2008, etc?04:16
Dementiovlc's just outputting stereo, how do i get it to output 5.1?04:17
anzenkethChocking it up to a learned lesson it was a fresh install anyways04:17
induzI want to upgrade GTKpod from .99 to 1.00 how can i do it?04:17
vikasQUESTION: Is there any way to increase the speed of mobile broadband in Ubuntu 10.10? Via AXEL I get 25-30kb/s but normally in terminal, I'm getting at max 10kb/s. Please help!!!04:17
Loki^Dementio: try at preferences -> audio -> output module and dolby surround04:17
Dementio(Loki^): did04:17
Loki^also make sure you got the right settings in ubuntu sound prefernces04:18
Loki^sound preferences -> hardware -> profile04:19
Loki^@ Dementio04:19
Dementio(Loki^): using xfce/xbmc04:19
StarminnThank you, a3ther_, I have done so; however I can't say if it worked or not as now I have another problem which has been persisting for quite some time. Let's say I open up the Software Center, hit Install on something, it gives me a message saying another Synaptic is running. I've yet to find that duplicate.04:19
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Loki^Dementio: but you will have sound preferences somewhere04:20
BlankStarminn:  update notification, or something similar?04:20
c2tarunwhenever I increase adjust volume or brightness, my mouse switches to drag mode. left click stops working, can anyone please help04:20
intxanyone ever compiled a kernel under ubuntu?04:20
BlankJordan_U: Thanks for that, fixed now.04:20
AbhiJit!kernel | intx04:20
ubottuintx: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages04:20
StarminnBlank: Want me to paste the error in here?04:21
Dementio(Loki^): what command shows if you're using alsa, oss, pulseaudio, etc?04:21
BlankStarminn: I only have vague memories of it, but I think I had similar problems when trying to use update-manager while there was an update notification in the taskbar.04:22
tarelerulzHow do you tell if your wireless connection is really using all you connection speed to your router?  When I run windows 7 , my surfing seems fast.04:22
Starminn"Failed to lock package manager Check if you are currently running another software management tool, e.g. Synaptic or aptitude. Only one tool is allowed to make changes at a time." Under Details it tells me that "The package indexes are currently changed by apt-get."04:22
BlankStarminn: er, package manager.04:22
Loki^Dementio: i dont understand?04:22
StarminnBlank: Yes, that's what it sounds like, and every so often I'll boot and it says I need to re-update my system, but I can' find a fix for it regardless. =)04:23
Dementio(Loki^): which drivers i'm using, i can't remember. i think it's either alsa or pulseaudio04:23
BlankStarminn: Try closing/canceling the update notification.04:23
Loki^i use pulse04:23
StarminnReboot and the message is gone and I can install stuff until I close Package Manager/apt-get/Synaptic.04:23
Loki^Dementio pulse04:23
StarminnThere's no update notificatin now though.04:23
a3ther_Starminn, close all instances of any package manager etc then 'sudo rm var/lib/dpkg/lock'04:23
a3ther_that should do it04:24
a3ther_'sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock'04:24
a3ther_then you should be able to update with the usual 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'04:25
vikasQUESTION: Is there any way to increase the speed of mobile broadband in Ubuntu 10.10? Via AXEL I get 25-30kb/s but normally in terminal, I'm getting at max 10kb/s. Please help!!!04:25
Dementio(Loki^): i can't seem to find anywhere to set 5.1 audio. i've checked the mixers04:25
Loki^Dementio: check out if this works please04:25
Loki^Dementio: speaker-test -Dplug:surround51 -c6 -l1 -twav04:25
Loki^in terminal04:25
Starminn=) I knew what you meant a3ther_. However it didn't work.04:26
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a3ther_Starminn, what is the error when you do 'sudo apt-get update'04:27
StarminnIt removed the directory (I ran it again to make sure and the directory didn't exist.) I tried running sudo apt-get update and it gave me the message: "E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)04:27
StarminnE: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/04:27
Dementio(Loki^): "Playback open error: -2,No such file or directory"04:27
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Loki^Dementio: "alsamixer" in terminal04:29
Loki^play around04:29
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a3ther_Starminn, could you do 'ls -la /var/lib/apt/lists/lock' and if it exists delete it04:29
DementioLoki^; just shows s/pdif04:29
a3ther_also check the the directory structure exists... that /var/lib/apt/lists/ is there04:29
Loki^Dementio you can pick soundcard with f604:30
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Dementio(Loki^): only one device installed. onboard disabled in bios04:30
StarminnI removed /.../lists/lock and /.../apt/lists does indeed exist04:30
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Lunarllmay I ask does ls -C do anything?04:31
Lunarllthe man page says it arranges everything in columns but that's usually done anyway o.o04:31
Assiderr.. when i use the nvidia graphics driver current.. which version is it?04:31
roooobMy java still will not work....04:32
opus_hey guys, does the latest version of Ubuntu support gcc-4.3 as an older compiler for Sdk work?04:32
Assidit says version 173 and version current04:32
a3ther_Starminn, same error then?04:32
a3ther_Starminn, 'ps aux | grep apt && sudo dpkg --configure -a04:34
Zero-CoolI want to build a perfect Ubuntu Server for IRCD shell services04:34
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Zero-Coolcan anyone help me with that04:34
di_giorgioMp3player [Área Restrita - Último Primeiro Beijo] CeBoLiNhA 201104:34
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billy_ok, I just installed lmde & did the updates - now we have no icons on the menu - what is the fix?04:35
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StarminnAlright, hit that command. Now what?04:35
Dementiono matter what -D switch i use with speaker-test, i get no such file or directory04:35
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rww!mintsupport | billy_04:36
ubottubilly_: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org04:36
billy_sorry - wrong group - sheepish grin04:36
a3ther_Starminn, any luck with apt-get upgrade?04:36
StarminnDone. thank you. I'll try one more thing.04:37
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BlankWhy would Synaptic Package Manager be asking for an administrative password when none was set, and my normal password doesn't work yet it does for sudo?04:37
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Zero-CoolCan Someone Help me Building a Perfect Ubuntu Server For IRCD Business04:38
StarminnThank you a3ther_, completely works. Everything works like a charm.04:38
Lunarllyour admin pass works for sudo by default Blank04:38
a3ther_Starminn, :)04:38
Lunarllif that's what you mean o.o04:38
Starminn:) Alright, see ya.04:38
Zero-CoolCan Someone Help me Building a Perfect Ubuntu Server For IRCD Business04:38
a3ther_Zero-Cool, you could start by reading about freenode and how they set up ircd, IMHO they have the best irc setup going http://freenode.net/04:39
roooobhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/ReleaseNotes#Sun Java moved to the Partner repository <<<< didn't work04:39
Assidwoohooo.. raid0 rocks04:39
Assidgot my ubuntu to boot in under 3 seconds04:39
BlankLunarll: no admin password has been set.  General account password works for sudo, does not for SPM.04:39
Zero-Coola3ther_ no u haven't understand my question mate04:40
Zero-CoolI want to build a Server Ubuntu based04:40
Zero-CoolSo I can Offer people to Buy Shell for IRCD use04:40
BlankZero-Cool: There should be a server-based downloadable iso, checking.04:40
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Zero-CoolBlank I ok04:41
a3ther_Zero-Cool, you want to sell ssh access to a server so that they can they access an irc server from your shell server?04:41
Zero-Coola3ther_ That's right mate04:41
Zero-Coola3ther_ nope stillu haven't got itbro04:42
Dementioanyone know why speaker-test gives me "Playback error: -2,No such file or directory"04:42
Zero-Coola3ther_ I want to build a Server Based on Ubuntu So that People Can Buy Shell Access From Me And Can Use That Shell to Build Their Own Irc Server04:43
a3ther_Zero-Cool, by build do you mean code or run/admin?04:43
Zero-Coola3ther_ admin04:43
Zero-Coolnote build04:44
t-1000good luck in your "mission imposible" deal04:44
Zero-Coolsetup a Server04:44
Lunarllyou mean like a VPS?04:44
roooobmy java dont work04:45
Zero-CoolLunarll ok search on google IRCD shell04:45
Zero-Coolso u will get the idea what I mean04:45
BlankWhy would Synaptic Package Manager be asking for an administrative password when none was set, and my normal password doesn't work yet it does for sudo?04:45
Blankroooob: How exactly isn't it working?04:46
Zero-CoolI want to Setup A Server Just Like Them But They run FReeBSd I will Setup Ubuntu They Provide IRCD Shell Service so that people can buy that service and can run their own irc server04:47
induzwhat is an application for iPod touch like GTKPod04:47
a3ther_Zero-Cool, thats tough, your probably going to need some sort of Virtualization, with some sort of image management04:47
roooobblank, it just wont set up04:47
timewritermanage songs and playlists on an Apple iPod04:48
Zero-Coola3ther_ I don't know what have u understand man04:48
induzam  looking for a  a software which can read files/folders on my IPOD touch 1gen Black04:48
induzI have been going round and round and round about it04:48
switch10_induz: rhythmbox04:49
induzi tried GTKPod but it does not have options for black 1st gen model, it has for silver iPod touch04:49
allgandui need help04:49
a3ther_i think rythembox can with the correct plugin enabled,04:49
induzswitch10_, rythambox is music player like Banshee04:49
allganduany body who can help me with update manager error???04:49
Dementio(Loki^): in paman, it's showing alsa_output.pci-0000_04_00.1.hdmi-stero.monitor know how to make it 5.1?04:49
AbhiJitallgandu, whats the error?04:50
induza3ther_, rythambox is not recognising my iPod touch04:50
switch10_induz: corrent.04:50
Loki^Dementio: no sorry04:50
Dementio(Loki^): all the channel maps just shjow front-left,front-right04:50
Blankroooob: You could try downloading it from java.sun.com04:50
allganduabhijit u from india? me too tell me where do i show u screens upload?04:50
a3ther_induz, enable the plugin by going to edit > plugins04:50
Loki^Dementio: im also not on my 5.1 machine right now, only on my laptop :(04:50
Dementiothanks for trying though04:50
dugger5688Does anyone know how to choose which device to sync to when using multiple monitors and compiz?04:51
AbhiJitallgandu, i dont know. just ask your question to channel in general with all details in one line04:51
allganduAbhiJit,  where do i post screens upload?04:51
Dementioanyone know how to make hdmi do 5.1?04:51
LunarllBlank are you still here?04:51
AbhiJit!imagebin | allgandu04:51
ubottuallgandu: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.04:51
roooobblank but i get a .bin file and i dont know how to open those04:51
Lunarllhave you tried reinstalling synaptic?04:51
Dementioanyone know how to make hdmi do 5.1?04:51
roooobi try to do ./java.bin and it doesn't work04:51
allganduAbhiJit,  not imagebin wats it for text uploads?04:51
AbhiJitallgandu, you asked for screens upload04:51
AbhiJit!paste | allgandu04:52
Lunarllnot sure if it'll work but it's worth a try I think04:52
ubottuallgandu: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:52
a3ther_roooob,  you shouldnt need to install java like that, but if your sure you want to the do 'sh java.bin' or 'chmod +x java.bin && ./java.bin04:52
BlankLunarll: I'll try that, though it's a completely fresh install.04:52
_jesse_roooob: just install java from the repositories04:52
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:52
_jesse_!java | roooob04:53
ubotturoooob: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.04:53
roooobjesse i tried04:53
roooobit doesn't workj04:53
timewriterinduz, i dont have a iPod , but you can find some in Ubuntu Software Center04:53
_jesse_roooob: details?04:53
a3ther_roooob, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-java-runtime-environment-jre-in-ubuntu-904-jaunty.html ... 'sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts'04:53
BlankLunarll: No difference.04:53
_jesse_roooob: what do you mean by "it didn't work"?04:53
allganduPici, can anybody help me with this error?? http://paste.ubuntu.com/560120/04:53
Lunarlldarn :s04:54
roooobi did the repositories and no java applet plugin or anyting wrk04:54
allganduhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/560120/ need help update manager issue04:54
BlankLunarll: At least, if apt-get install synaptic --reinstall was what I needed to do.04:54
allganduAbhiJit, http://paste.ubuntu.com/560120/04:54
Lunarllthat was what I had in mind :s04:54
_jesse_roooob: did you make sure to install the plugin?04:54
timewritercheck Hipo Ipod Management Tool04:55
_jesse_roooob: `sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin`04:55
timewriteroh , he timed out04:55
roooobyeah i did that04:55
_jesse_roooob: and restarted your browser?04:55
allgandu_jesse_,  can  help me with this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/560120/ its update manager not working04:55
timewriteryou need the jre04:55
AbhiJitallgandu, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-752705.html04:55
a3ther_allgandu, could you paste the contents of /etc/apt/sources/list and /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.canonical.com_ubuntu_dists_maverick_partner_binary-i386_Packages04:56
allganduAbhiJit,  thanks let me check it04:56
a3ther_and by paste i mean pastebin04:56
roooob:o that might be an issue04:56
di_giorgioMp3player [Bob ft. Hayley Williams - Airplanes] CeBoLiNhA 201104:56
BlankLunarll: Maybe it's just forcing me to use the terminal more.04:56
timewriteri love the ugly boot plymouth resolution after i installed the nvidia proprietary drivers04:57
Lunarlltry gksu synaptic04:57
Lunarllscratch that04:57
Lunarlldefeats the purpose :s04:57
allganduAbhiJit,  help with this http://paste.ubuntu.com/560121/04:58
roooob_Jesse_: I restarted the browser and still doesn't work04:58
BlankLunarll: Still the same 'enter the administrative password' anyway.04:58
Lunarlltry entering a password04:58
Lunarllit might display an error04:58
Lunarllif anything04:58
C4NoCi have problem with atheros ar8152 ethernet, after install linux-backports-modules-compat-wireless , and modprobe atl1c , but it show this in dmes: atl1c refused to change power state, currently in D104:58
PinchiukasAnybody can paste me the contents of /etc/dhcp3/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/samba ?04:59
AbhiJitallgandu, http://blog.bodhizazen.net/linux/apt-get-how-to-fix-very-broken-packages/04:59
allganduAbhiJit,  thanks04:59
BlankLunarll: No error beyond just asking for the password again.04:59
Dementioanyone know how to make hdmi do 5.1?04:59
allganduAbhiJit, may i ask where in india are you from?04:59
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AbhiJitallgandu, no05:00
roooobBlank: can u teamviwer me and help me out?05:00
AbhiJitallgandu, your nick relveals what kind of person you are. i dont want to talk with such a peson.05:01
LunarllBlank this person seems to have the same issue maybe it'll help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161576305:01
x20twelvehey there thanx for da help penguin05:02
x20twelveprolly not here but its all good05:03
_TristanHey. I was wondering why ubuntu isn't considered a "good" server os by some. Does it have more overhead, or security issues, or something?05:03
thesheff17_Tristan: I don't know who told you that but ubuntu is a great server based os.05:03
switch10__Tristan: who says?05:03
YankDownUnder_Tristan, I've migrated myself and all my clients to Ubuntu server - dunno where ya gots yer info from...05:03
_TristanI just have read it a lot on the internet, people don't usually approve of my using ubuntu on my server, just wondering if I'm missing something05:04
tiyowan_Tristan: Good is a subjective term, really.05:04
PinchiukasAnybody can paste me the contents of /etc/dhcp3/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/samba ?05:04
gunndawghow can I use wine to open a .msi file? trying to isntall steam05:04
thesheff17_Tristan: I actually prefer ubuntu to fedora & redhat and other commercial ones.  I would argue ubuntu is better.05:04
C4NoCi have problem with atheros ar8152 ethernet, after install linux-backports-modules-compat-wireless , and modprobe atl1c , but it show this in dmes: atl1c refused to change power state, currently in D105:04
Blankgunndawg: Right click and run with wine should work.05:05
_jesse_gunndawg: generally just, `wine file`05:05
Lunarllany luck Blank?05:05
gunndawgBlank, _jesse_, its saying its not a valid .exe file because its .msi05:05
BlankLunarll: I must have overlooked that in searching.  Changing the authentication via gksu-properties fixed it.05:05
Lunarllawesome :D05:05
goobarI've looked at the Ubuntu server and it looks pretty good05:06
=== Jason is now known as Guest77177
* YankDownUnder looks at the console login => thinks it looks heaps great05:06
_jesse_roooob: trye `sudo apt-get install icedtea6-plugin`05:06
Blankgunndawg: try wine msiexec /i SteamInstall.msi05:06
Barridushow can you change laptop screen brightness if the hardware keys on the keyboard are non-functional?  (from a coffee spill, not a linux problem)05:07
_jesse_roooob: then restart your browser05:07
x20twelvei have a question guys, how can i get the sound to work in nexuiz when i run it in xterm05:07
Barridusthere used to be a slider somewhere for brightness, but it's been several distro vers ago i ever used it and i can't find it now05:07
gunndawgBlank, that worked, thx05:07
BlankLunarll: It's strange though how the default setting there wasn't how it should have been.05:07
buckyPinchiukas, http://paste.ubuntu.com/560123/05:07
thesheff17Barridus: if you right click on the toolbar and click add to panel and select brighness applet you should be able to adjust the brightness.05:08
switch10_Barridus: power management I believe.05:08
PinchiukasThanks bucky. :)05:08
goobarBarridus, you could do it remotely is the only thing I can think of... goobarred05:08
Lunarllindeed it is :s05:08
x20twelvewhen i play nexiuz from within the gnome/kde the sound is kinda good but its there. when i play in xterm there is no sound ... what am i missing??05:08
Lunarllsome installs end up strange sometimes05:08
Pinchiukasbucky: btw, what ubuntu version, what Samba version?05:10
Loki^got a question: when i type in "glxinfo | grep rendering" to terminal, i receive "direct rendering: No (LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT set)" how can i set it to yes?05:10
skorv[droid]Hello... Is there a way to modify boot animation in ubunto?05:11
Barridusthesheff17, cool thank you05:12
buckyPinchiukas, samba-common  2:3.5.4~dfsg-1ubuntu8.2 from maverick05:12
YankDownUnderskorv[droid], You can install different Plymouth themes.05:12
thesheff17Barridus: np05:12
eyebyteello all05:14
skorv[droid]Not talking about when x starts... before that (ubuntu with the dots changing color on 10.04)05:14
chaospsychexhi there05:14
Assidlots of splits?05:14
Assidskorv[droid]: nvidia card? and you just activated the restricted drivers?05:15
eyebytei was trying to burn from convertxtodvd earlier and didn't really work out for me05:15
chaospsychexi am getting an error trying install updates through update manager05:15
chaospsychexsomething about un-authenticated sources?05:15
chaospsychexnever had the problem when trying to update before05:16
_jesse_chaospsychex: I'm gonna take a guess that you have an unauthenticated source in your source list ;)05:16
chaospsychexif i had an unautheticated source would they be sending05:16
chaospsychexi think i added one to install something using apt-get05:16
_jesse_apt-get will query it for updates, sure05:16
chaospsychexyou mean if i type apt-get right?05:17
_jesse_well then05:17
Assidok i just loaded up ubuntu.. activated the restricted drivers... and did the updates05:17
chaospsychexwill it download updates from an unauthenticated source automatically?05:17
Assidand now when i boot. the boot screen looks horrible05:17
_jesse_chaospsychex: I don't think so at least05:17
chaospsychexlol assid05:17
_jesse_chaospsychex: you can add that source's GPG key to your system to authenticate it05:18
Assidthe 4 dots look like VGA screen stretched. and the backend "commands/init" shows up05:18
a3ther_does apt-get do gpg signature checking?05:18
Assidalso it says it cant find the modules.dep before that05:19
goobarhammer time05:19
rwwa3ther_: yes05:19
chaospsychexany lua scripters in here?05:19
Assidchaospsychex: any idea whats up?05:20
_jesse_chaospsychex: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SecureApt05:20
gunndawghow can I display video card information ?05:20
chaospsychexi probably have an unautheticated source added05:20
chaospsychexgunndawg, lspci?05:20
_jesse_chaospsychex: right, that link has instructions on how to get the GPG key and install it05:20
Assid_jesse_: any way to have apt download 4 files at a time instead of 1 ?05:20
buckygunndawg, lspci |grep VGA05:21
gunndawgchaospsychex, it doesnt show its memory though, I wanna know how much memory this laptops video has05:21
_jesse_Assid: never tried to do that05:21
chaospsychexgunndawg, is it onboard or integrated video?05:22
gunndawgchaospsychex, onboard05:22
chaospsychexprobably 8mb05:22
chaospsychexif your lucky05:22
gunndawgits more than an 8mb video card, lol05:22
chaospsychexthat was 10 years ago05:22
chaospsychexmy bad05:22
gunndawgso how can I figure out the memory of the card ?05:23
chaospsychexgo into the BIOS and it should  tell you. there is a command also but i forget05:24
_jesse_Assid: take a look through `man apt.conf`05:24
java_So, if i open my laptop and it won't boot, what did I most likely break?05:24
java_(And yes, i'm an idiot.)05:24
_jesse_java_: by won't boot, you mean won't turn on? Or what?05:25
chaospsychexjava, no one is an idiot. theres the learned and unlearned05:25
java_I mean won't turn on yes.05:25
_jesse_java_: is it plugged in?05:26
x20twelvecan someone help with my nexuiz problems pls05:26
java_Well, not now, but when i tried yes.05:26
_jesse_java_: could be anything, definitely hardware though05:26
java_Would removing a microphone do it?05:27
chaospsychexjava, what do you see on the screen when you turn it on05:27
chaospsychexjava, ofcourse not05:27
java_Nothing, it doesn't turn on.05:27
chaospsychexthe power light doesnt even light up?05:27
chaospsychexis it a HP ?05:27
java_(worse I know, it was free.)05:27
chaospsychexhave you tried plugging  it into the charger and trying to turn it on?05:27
_jesse_java_: perhaps the PSU, motherboard, or even just the connection between the button and motherboard is broken05:28
_jesse_chaospsychex: Haha are you purposely ignoring lines?05:28
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chaospsychexmaybe the battery is dead and your charger is boxed05:28
java_Lol, very funny.05:28
chaospsychexjesse ?05:28
x20twelvewhen i run nexuiz in xterm i have no sound, even if i try the -sndspeed and -sndstereo triggers, it doesnt load. tho i dont think im in the right dir. how do i get to the right dir?05:28
mOHawkjava: try checking battery on your laptop i had same problem once and just took battery out and put back in see if that solves it?05:29
_jesse_chaospsychex: he said it wouldn't turn on and that he had it plugged in before you asked either of those questions :P05:29
eyebytei was trying to burn from convertxtodvd earlier and didn't really work out for me05:29
eyebytei was using wine05:29
chaospsychexjesse, oh sorry05:29
_jesse_chaospsychex: np, I was just poking fun05:29
java_Yeah, I'd say of all those, probably the connector.05:30
roooobI got the javas workin05:30
_jesse_roooob: nice05:30
java_Anyway, not worried about data, I back up. I'm just curious as to what I did that killed it.05:32
Sinisterwhen i plug in my phone it pulls up my external hard drive same when i plug in my camera anyone know why or how to fix ?05:32
_jesse_Sinister: are you sure it isn't just mounting the phone/camera?05:33
java_Well, assuming it's not the above, you've probably got your mount points fucked for some reason.05:33
Sinisterwhen i open it it shows the dir of my /dev/sdb05:34
java_Is that your external or built in HDD05:36
Sinistermy printer card reader works right just not the phone05:37
Sinisterit worked on 10.4 and fedora 1305:37
made2shredwhats a good IPblocker? (like peerblock)05:38
java_Well, unless I'm more of a newb then I think I am (Which is quite likely) like I said, your mount points are incorrectly configured.05:38
skilzhow do I change the console resolution?05:38
java_Don't know how to fix, sorry.05:38
Sinisterok thanks05:38
snowrichardoh didn't realize i was idling in here05:39
john38Cannot install 10.10 on laptop??05:39
* jhoe http://kostallnetwork.blogspot.com05:40
* jhoe http://kostallnetwork.blogspot.com05:41
john38is there another way05:41
Jon--No way to stream Netflix outside of VM or something right?05:44
Dementio(Jon--): as of right now, no05:45
Dementiothere is Moonlight, but it doesn't support DRM yet05:46
AbhiJiti got dependency erros while installing a .deb. any way i can tell it to automatically download and install those dependencies?05:46
bc81hi.  i can't get sound working for fceu (an NES emulator).  when i load the rom with e.g. "fceu -fs 1 -opengl 0 donkeykong.nes" terminal says, "Initializing sound...Error opening a sound device."  so how do i get sound working?  it works fine in gfceu, but i need the terminal for scripting purposes.05:46
Dementiothe devs are supposedly working with MS to get that working, though there is no EDTA05:46
x20twelvestill waiting for some nexuiz assistance. thanx.05:46
Blue1what would cause chroot to fail on a livecd with an error of: chroot:  can not run command 'bin/bash' exec format error05:48
a3ther_Blue1, 64bit on 32bit?05:50
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bc81if i attempt to install libsdl1.2debian-all in maverick, it wants to remove ubuntu-desktop..will i break my system if i install it???05:52
paq7512is there  a reason why sometimes my nic won't connect at startup and other times it will? via DHCP?05:52
a3ther_paq7512, dodgy cable? dodgy dhcp server? dodgy nic?05:54
prod_hi all05:54
prod_Hi, im in serious need of help as google isnt giving me any relevant results so i am obviously doing something seriously wrong. I am building a perl programme, I need this programme to be able to adduser but im afraid running this programme as root will be unwise as my skills are not very impressive with linux yet. I need the programme to adduser so that it can automatically set up ftp accounts05:58
prod_for my users. if anyone can help me in the slightest i would appreciate it very much05:58
AbhiJitprod_, you can set use virtual machine and use a root account from there?06:01
prod_thatnk you for your help abbijit, im going to google this and get back to you.06:02
=== ubuntu is now known as SageX
boxbeatsyhi, i'm on an ubuntu server, and i'm finding that my python scripts are randomly terminating.  i don't have any apparent internal or external signals that would cause this, so i'm thinking that it is a memory issue.  does anyone know where i should look for logs to confirm this?06:07
SageXis this the help channel06:07
bazhangSageX, yes06:08
x20twelvehey bazhang hows it goin...06:10
x20twelvei need some help with nexuiz sound06:10
x20twelvecan yu help06:10
themalikhey, is it possible to completely replace evolution with thunderbird06:11
bc81i need help with fceux "Loading SDL sound with �(�� driver...No available audio device"06:11
SageXI had grub previously configured automaticly to dual boot windows but I had to reinstall windows so I formatted the partition except where I couldn't format the sub partition which label was /dev/sdb  ... after reinstalling windows to that partition I specified and tried to boot back into ubuntu grub didn't even load please help06:11
themalikim trying to get thunderbird to pop up when i click mail in the notifier06:11
themalikis it possible?06:11
=== Vobine is now known as Psychoholic
x20twelveim gonna pick a number [91] and wait my turn to be assisted. =)06:12
Dementio(x20twelve): usually, it's because the one's actually paying attention just don't know06:13
Dementioi've been trying to get help with hdmi audio for days06:13
x20twelvei hear ya..06:14
x20twelvewell np still, i'll stick with my number [91] seems a good luck number06:14
Dementiowhat was your problem anyway?06:14
* themalik confuzzled06:14
bc81has anyone installed libsdl1.2debian-all on maverick without breaking the system?  is it possible?06:14
themalikim guessing thunderbirds the best i can get client wise06:15
themalikor is evolution better...06:15
bc81evolution is better, but more convoluted and bloated with features you probably won't need06:15
Dementio(themalik): it's really just personal preferance06:15
pookyyou know I have mutt set up, but mostly, I just end up using gmail via web interface06:15
bc81thunderbird is more streamlined for the average emailer06:15
themalikthe only issue i have with thundrbird is i cant get it into the notifier06:15
Dementioevolution has more features, but thunderbird is more user friendly06:15
themaliki want to replace evolution so when u click mail thunderbird appears06:16
pookythemalik: I bet if you looked you could find a notifier06:16
themalikbut it wont work :(06:16
voozeHey, i'm moving files from my external harddrive.. My book WD.. And its really slow.. is my my book then in a "bad linux format" or?06:16
bazhanghttp://ubuntuexplore.blogspot.com/2010/05/ubuntu-how-to-add-thunderbird-in.html themalik use gksudo gedit instead of sudo gedit though06:16
voozeits like 800kb/s.. like my real internet :(06:17
x20twelveif i play nexuiz in gnome/kde it would run fine except be a bit laggy. so i decided run it in xterm, but then theres no sound06:17
nexehx20twelve: i dont know the awnser and this is a complete guess but check if you sound drivers load when starting in xterm06:18
themalikyeah but the notifier has compose new message and such06:18
themalikthose were linked to evolution06:18
themalikbut i uninstalled evolution06:18
leachim6I want to map mod4+backpace to delete, how can I do this, I've googled and can't find anything06:18
themalikand now they do nothing06:18
themalikreally annoys me lol, im ocd, so i wanted to get thunderbird to work with it06:18
nexehx20tweleve: and if there are not loaded then manually load them06:18
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Assidis there a way to get ubuntu to recognize windows "dynamic drives"06:19
made2shredhow do i use firestarter to block ips from acessing my computer?06:19
x20twelvei tried running with -sndspeed 48000 -sndstereo but i think i might have been in the wrong dir to be running that command from06:19
bazhanghttp://ubuntuexplore.blogspot.com/2010/05/ubuntu-how-to-add-thunderbird-in.html themalik use gksudo gedit though06:20
x20twelveand i kinda forgot how to get back to the dir im lookin for. the dir nexuiz is installed in06:20
nexehx20tweleve: but if the drivers arnt loaded then that wont matter what options your using in the game... do you know how to veryfy your sound drivers are loaded?06:21
x20twelveso i think my obstacle is knowing the commands to backtrack to that dir06:22
x20twelveit plays fine with audio in gnome/kde06:22
nexehx20twelve: ok so when your in gnome how do you start the game?06:22
nexehare you using a launcher?06:23
x20twelveapplications>games>nexuiz cuz i installed it from software center06:23
nexehok.. one sec06:23
x20twelvebut when i restart the system then login to xterm thats where i have the problems06:23
XOPBAT-GHcan somebody help me with vfstpd?06:23
XOPBAT-GH* vsftpd06:23
XOPBAT-GHI need to create 2 virtual users there, who's will have different home dirs06:24
XOPBAT-GHand rules to write,read,delete etc06:24
mr_chrisI'm trying to run nm-applet and gnome-keyring without gnome. Nm-applet runs fine but even though gnome-keyring-daemon is running I'm unable to save password I enter into nm-applet. How do I get gnome-keyring manager to function?06:25
made2shredhow do i use firestarter to block ips from acessing my computer?06:25
sasori2501hey guys,  question, anyone know a good phone syncing program? specifically for android, htc desire.  thanks!06:26
nexehx20twelve: type into a console 'whereis nexuiz'06:26
nexehthis will give you the location06:26
x20twelveit just gives me one line, one word ---> Nexiuz: <----06:27
x20twelvethen back to the prompt06:27
nexehno good ok.. one sec06:28
gunndawgCould someone tell me why steam doesnt go past "Pareparing to launch game" but never launches it (Using wine)06:28
mah454peyvandha.ir automatic open in firefox .06:29
nexehsorry.. i spelt it wrong didn't i06:29
mah454help me ... !06:29
nexehtry whereis nexuiz06:29
x20twelveoh yea duh and i typed it wrong too06:29
x20twelveand im the one that plays it....lol06:29
x20twelveok i see where it is06:30
nexehok, cool06:30
nexehso you think you will be good with the dir location to nav to now?06:30
x20twelvewhen i login to xterm where in the tree am i?06:31
x20twelveam i on top06:31
nexehim guessing your home holder06:31
nexehbut if just type cd /the/dir/you/just/got06:31
x20twelveok i was thinkin that06:32
made2shredanyone here know anything about firestarter/linux firewall06:32
x20twelveok great thanx...i'll be back if i have the issues i was havin which was no sound06:32
nexehyeah, good. so it wont matter where you are it will bring you straight to the location you enter... if you wana go back home just type cd by it self06:32
gunndawgCould someone tell me why steam hangs in wine when I try to run TF2? it stops launching the game after steam says "preparing to launch game"06:32
nexehgoodluck x20twelve06:33
A_Jhow can configure my second Alternate DNS ?06:33
A_Jany1 ?06:34
nexehAj: i dont know that off the top of my head06:34
x20twelvehehe im back already06:35
nexehif you give me a second i maybe able to find the awnser06:35
nexehx20: hehe no luck?06:35
Assidwoohooo, the raid rocks06:35
icedteadoes anyone know how to change the amount GTK scrolls when you use the scroll wheel?06:35
x20twelvewell not really...in terminal i tried running that line, and the result came back with bash at the beginning of what i typed...is that normal result as im still in gnome/kde?06:36
A_Jnexeh, i put it now in search domains06:36
Loki^i need help enabling direct rendering for my ati hd3xxx card, i googled till page 10 -.-06:37
nexehAJ: in network manager, just add a comma delimited list, starting with the primary.06:37
nexehsame with resolv.conf. should work in the order declared.06:37
nexehx20: which command are you talking about?06:37
icedteahow do you restart/stop and network interface on the command line with ubuntu?06:38
x20twelvecd /the/name/of/folder/ and it came back ---> bash: cd /the/name/of/folder/06:38
x20twelveand that its not a dir...when i did the whereis, it actually pointed to a *.gz file06:39
nexehx2-: well now im showing my in experince... im booting my other machine into xterm.. one second06:39
x20twelveso i think im not doing something right06:39
nexehoh good catch06:39
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nexehOk its booting into Xterm06:40
x20twelveyu can boot into xterm while in kde?06:40
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tehbautis there a program that can document files on a hard drive? Like a tree list of files?06:40
nexehx20: ok question 1.. where you log into when starting xterm is home... you can find this by typeing pwd... it stands for present working dir06:41
nexehi booting in on another machine06:41
A_Jthanks nexeh, that seemed to work06:41
A_Jone last question06:41
boxbeatsyhi, how does ubuntu determine which processes to kill when it is maxed out on memory?06:41
buckyboxbeatsy, do you have swap ?06:42
x20twelveok fair enough...where i choose xterm instead of gnome or failsafe gnome06:42
boxbeatsybucky: yea06:42
boxbeatsyi'm looking at dmesg and i can see the log from the kernel killing a process, and it's always the same process06:42
buckyboxbeatsy, You're not running out of swap are you?06:43
boxbeatsydoes that meant hat process is causing the memory usage problem?06:43
A_Jmy current resolution is 1024 X 768, my monitor supports upto 1280 X 1024 anyway i can increase it ? I use to get this resolution in windows.. Using On-board Graphics06:43
buckyboxbeatsy, type top in a term and see what's hogging the system06:43
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boxbeatsybucky: i looked at top but it seems like the memory has freed up since the problem occured06:43
buckyhmmm.... dunno06:44
boxbeatsyit did use up all the swap too06:44
boxbeatsyi can see from dmesg "Free swap = 0kB"06:44
sasori2501hey guys,  question, anyone know a good phone syncing program? specifically for android, htc desire.  thanks!06:44
A_Jany1 can help me ?06:44
tehbautI thought that having hfsprogs allowed me to write to HFS+ formatted partitions?06:44
tehbautdo I need to mount manually, rather than via nautilus/disk utility?06:45
buckyA_J, System > Preferences > Monitors06:45
A_Jit's not showing up06:45
A_Jthe resolution06:45
A_Jgetting a max for 1024 X 76806:46
mostcome si scaricaa06:46
buckyA_J, you might need better video drivers for your specific video card06:46
A_Jit's on-board06:46
TheAnarchistLinux needs the hd to be ext4?06:47
TheAnarchist /noob question06:47
buckyA_J, System > Admistration > Additional Drivers    ...but the discovery routine locks up my computer, YMMV06:47
A_JIt's Searching06:48
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »06:48
selig5TheAnarchist: It doesn't have to be ext4.06:48
A_Jbucky,  it says no propriety drivers are used on this system06:49
A_Jnow what ?06:50
A_Jam i yet here ?06:51
A_Jor got dc'ed ?06:51
voozeyour here :P06:51
buckyA_J, what kind of lappy is it06:51
A_Jnot a lappy06:51
A_Ja desktop PC06:51
buckyA_J give me a clue here06:52
A_JMotherboard is Asus P5GC-MX06:52
A_Jany1 can tell me how to see log in pigim i can get more details06:54
voozeHey, just checked aparently i'm using 11.04.. when did i choose this? :D just installed 10.10 from live CD yestoday06:55
rww!version-bug | vooze06:55
ubottuvooze: Ubuntu 10.10's About Ubuntu application erroneously says "You are using Ubuntu 11.04". This is a bug. Run "lsb_release -a" in a terminal to see your Ubuntu version. Bug report at http://tinyurl.com/versionbug06:55
boxbeatsyhi, does anyone know how ubuntu determines which process to terminate when it's all out of memory?06:55
voozerww,  thanks :P06:56
bc81is there a way to test out the latest libsdl in ubuntu?06:57
kstar66how do i load mirc themes from wine?06:58
kstar66this is my first time using mirc on my linux OS netbooks.. I got this far but I need help loading an IRC theme I just downloaded07:00
A_Jidk how to load themes in windows07:01
A_Jlemme check07:01
squiggletesting... Can you guys see this?07:01
kstar66i just downloaded the theme and put it into my irc file07:02
kstar66i used wine to run irc from my jolicloud OS07:02
squiggleThx.can't figure out this iPad irc client07:02
kstar66its pretty much a compilation of ubunto 11, jolicloud and randomness07:02
A_Jbucky,  any luck07:03
A_Jbazhang, are u here ?07:08
buckyA_J, you running maverick07:09
A_Jwhats that ?07:10
buckyA_J ubuntu 10.1007:10
buckyI tried to find this ppa... maybe if you just replace jaunty with maverick it will work, use these drivers07:11
buckyA_J ^^07:11
phpmagicianhow do I setup my Plantronics DSP-400 for Skype but have audio from the rest of the apps come through my normal speaker?07:11
chalcedonymy husband has new ubuntu 10.10, he's trying to copy pictures to a CD, and he gets an error saying they are not JPGs .. is there better burning software or why is he getting that error that won't let him copy the pictures?07:11
frosterosup yallz07:12
chalcedonyhi frostero07:12
SysunixHi everyone, I've got a little problem with my packard bell laptop. my headphone doesn't work and they seem to not even be in alsamixer..07:12
SysunixAn idea?07:13
chalcedonyhello Sysunix07:13
phpmagicianchalcedony, you will need to explain a bit more07:13
frosteroheya chalcedony07:13
chalcedonyphpmagician, maybe if you tell me some ideas for how to burn a cd on ubuntu 10.10?07:13
frosterohey does anyone know of a simple open source inventory management system?07:14
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chalcedonyphpmagician, i think maybe he lost the program he liked07:14
Loshkichalcedony: imo, the best app for burning cds/dvds is k3b, even if you don't run kde...07:14
chalcedonyLoshki, hmm k07:14
A_JHow do i edit my souces.list ?07:14
phpmagicianchalcedony, under Applications->Sound and Video->Brasero07:15
bullgard4'e2fsck -f -y -v /dev/sda7' reports: "3723ind blocks." What is an ind block?07:15
A_Jwhen i try to type nothing happens07:15
kstar66no one here can help me add a theme for IRC? Arent all of you using ubunto??07:15
chalcedonyphpmagician, ok - ill go try those and see if they also produce errors. thanks :)07:15
voozekstar66,  why do you need a theme for IRC?07:16
phpmagicianchalcedony, when you say lost... what do you mean?07:16
kstar66i suppose i dont need one. I just have one i like to use.07:16
chalcedonyphpmagician he changed hard drives and things, maybe he forgot what he was using07:16
phpmagicianchalcedony, in Brasero you should select Data project for JPG's07:16
A_Jcan some1 help me edit my sources.list07:16
chalcedonyphpmagician, he's had ubuntu for years07:16
kstar66are you suggesting its not worth the hassle?07:16
A_Jkstar66,  use the default themes which they have07:17
bullgard4A_J: Do' ~$ gksu gedit /etc/fstab'. But before please make a backup of /etc/fstab.07:17
frosteroanyone into ubuntu cli or system administration?07:17
phpmagicianchalcedony, Brasero is the default app shipping with 10.10 but you can search using the software center for another app07:17
phpmagicianchalcedony, Application->Ubuntu Software Center07:17
A_Jhow do i make a backup ?07:17
bullgard4frostero: Please put a more specific question here in this channel.07:18
chalcedonyphpmagician, i appreciate your help :)07:18
frosteroim looking for an inventory management system or crm07:18
A_Jbullgard4, can i pm you ?07:18
frosteroi run server cli07:18
frosterosomething i can web interface07:18
Loshkibullgard4: I'm guessing an 'indirect' block, i.e. an interior node in a tree structure whose leaves are disk blocks, if you know what I mean...07:18
frosteromaybe offa mysql07:18
IcarianHeightsthe future is predetermined by the character of those who make it07:19
frosteroand possibly RoR07:19
A_Jpm ?07:19
bullgard4Loshki: And, in contrast, what are dind blocks?07:20
Loshkibullgard4: dual indirect, parents of indirect? I haven't looked at this stuff for a long time. You should confirm this by googling unix files system or some such...07:21
skurakaiHi. I have trouble with ubuntu 10.10 after i install some games from Software Centrum.07:22
voozetell us your problem then07:22
bullgard4Loshki: Thank you for your help. --  Based on you information I will continue snooping.07:23
bullgard4Loshki: Thank you for your help. --  Based on your information I will continue snooping.07:23
skurakaiand it is all. I can login to Ubuntu.07:24
skurakaiMaybe trouble with some KDE packages, i'am not sure.07:25
kstar66is there anyway I can add mIRC to my AWN launch paneel?07:25
voozewhy do you use mIRC in linux?07:26
kstar66i use it to talk to people, esp individuals who help me,07:27
kstar66I also use it for other servers.07:27
voozeare you running it though wine?07:27
skurakaion linux are many nice irc clients07:27
skurakaior multiclient like Pidgin07:27
kstar66can your recommend some?07:27
voozei use xchat, thats quite close to mIRC07:28
kstar66yeah I use pidgin for AIM and a few others07:28
bestwithucan anyone tell me how to learn ubuntu07:28
skurakaipidgin support irc too07:28
kstar66I just got an acer one netbook and loaded jolicloud07:28
llutz_!manual > bestwithu07:28
ubottubestwithu, please see my private message07:28
voozebestwithu, : read07:28
kstar66ill post a pic of my current desktop07:28
kstar66i just started using this progamming07:28
Loshki!manual | bestwithu07:28
ubottubestwithu: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/07:28
bestwithuthank you friend07:28
voozealso google is your friend :P07:29
skurakaino one can help me?07:29
frosteroanyone know of a good open source inventory system?07:29
x20twelve------->nexeh yu still on?07:30
Loshkiskurakai: it is a difficult problem to debug. In the end, it might be simpler to reinstall from scratch. Do you have any important data on the machine?07:31
chalcedonyfrostero, windows or linux?07:31
skurakaiLoshki: No. Only setting and software07:32
kstar66thats where I am at right now.07:32
chalcedonyfrostero, i see and is this for work07:33
skurakaiok. i try reinstall but i don't understand why it crash me07:34
frosteroi have a small business and im trying to create a database for inventory that can be accessed by a limited number of users07:34
superlinkxHey everyone, my computer keeps crashing on any kernel newer than 2.6.32. Does anyone know how I can fix it? I suspect graphics issues, but haven't been able to find a fix. Loads fine, but crashes between a few minutes and a few hours, and often times I cannot boot into that kernel after a crash.07:34
kstar66is anyone else in here using a modified version of jolicloud on a netbook??07:34
chalcedonyfrostero, because i don't know your product, I can't google to find 'the perfect sytem' however i got a list of results with: inventory system software ubuntu07:34
Loshkiskurakai: you can reinstall then. What version were you running?07:34
frosteroim on the latest release of ubuntu server07:35
A_J my current resolution is 1024 X 768, my monitor supports upto 1280 X 1024 anyway i can increase it ? I use to get this resolution in windows.. Using On-board Graphic Motherboard : Asus P5GC-MX07:35
kstar66frostero how long?07:35
frosteroi have running RoR/openJDK07:35
kstar66have you been running that?07:35
frosteroi have been running cli ubuntu for years07:36
frosterobut the last release about a month07:36
kstar66I really like the jolicloud os, i just like having a mac os style launcher and modified features07:36
kstar66jolicloud is so restricted as far as desktop options07:36
frosteroi only use cli with linux07:36
kstar66you on a desktop?07:36
frosteroi have set up linux desktops that rox07:37
frosterobut for myself i only need a cli server07:37
chalcedonyfrostero, http://code.google.com/p/enterprise-inventory-system/07:37
frosteroubuntu live cd just saved one of my windows systems tho07:37
frosterowin7 even07:38
Loshkisuperlinkx: try also #linux and/or #kernel07:38
frosterotho all the frustration i found it to be very ironic07:38
bahamas10anybody know why my ubuntu 10.10 desktop would just suddenly lock up and the kernel outputa  trace to syslog07:38
frosterothanx chalcedony07:38
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frosterolooking now07:39
chalcedonyfrostero, i hope?07:39
bahamas10something like unable to handle kernel paging request at 000000000000140007:39
A_Jmy current resolution is 1024 X 768, my monitor supports upto 1280 X 1024 anyway i can increase it ? I use to get this resolution in windows.. Using On-board Graphic Motherboard : Asus P5GC-MX07:39
A_Jsom1 help me please07:39
alesanhi how do I "update" my ubuntu fom the command line?07:39
alesanI mean to install all the new packages and security patches07:40
Yuuichisudo apt-get update07:40
frosterochalcedony, close... looking for a product inventory management07:40
alesanapt-get update seems to only "update" the database, not download and install the packages... am I correct?07:40
chalcedonyfrostero, you don't want much, do you? .. i'll try more07:40
frosterosorry mang07:40
Yuuichisudo apt-get upgrade07:40
frosteroi have looked at a few, but haven't found a good fit07:41
frosteroso i figured i would test some heads here and see if someone had better options07:41
superlinkxOk. I will try that as well, but I'm thinking it may be a ubuntu issue. Actually, I believe it has something to do with video drivers, as that's what people have mentioned so far. I've seen a couple kinds of crashes, usually involving the GUI to turn off and either errors to display or just a black screen and frozen white cursor. I have a Radeon HD 4650 and I have heard there may be driver issues in the newer kernels, but I can't s07:41
frosteroati support sucks balls on ubuntu07:41
frosteroits getting better tho07:42
frosteroits getting better across all linux platforms07:42
slavawhat do i install to get make, gcc, and all the headers07:42
superlinkxfrostero: yeah I noticed that ATI support is hit and miss. I really like their cards, and I need to get a better one, but running linux can be a bit painful with them.07:43
frosteroi will say this though07:43
Loshkislave: sudo apt-get install build-essential usually does the trick...07:43
frosterome and a bro of mine set up a newer vaio laptop not to long ago07:43
superlinkxslava: do sudo apt-get install make gcc07:44
frosterowe had just about all the new games running under an ubuntu desktop distrib07:44
frosteroit was pretty sick07:44
Yuuichido you play urban terror?07:44
frosteronuther year or so and gaming wont be an issue with linux07:44
frosteronever played urban terror07:45
frosteroto busy playing with myself07:45
Yuuichiif your a first person shooter then give it a try07:45
chalcedonyfrostero, http://www.clearspider.com/?gclid=CIXK8te34aYCFRRg2godW0ZL5g07:45
frosteroclearspider eh?07:45
chalcedonyfrostero, i doubt anyone has marketed an open source commandline solution07:45
chalcedonyfrostero, google came up with 4 identical matches to advertising sites07:46
frosteroi can implement a ui if needed07:46
chalcedonyfrostero, you didn't say that .. do i get commission?07:46
frosteroi have a solution but its burried somewhere in 4 terabytes07:46
frosterochalcedony: if you assist me in finding a solution i will totally paypal you07:47
frosterohonestly, i gots mad goog skilz i just get tired of having to do the research07:48
frosteroits always research this and that and so on07:48
tioxHi, My name is Brandon, and I'm a Linux noob...07:48
frosterohello noob07:48
* frostero lubs noobishness07:48
slgmamy name is brandon too07:48
* A_J says join the club07:48
slgmatherefore, you are awesome07:48
bullgard4[Live-CD] 'ubuntu@ubuntu:/$ ls -a' listet u. a. auf: "root".  'ubuntu@ubuntu:/$ cd root; bash: cd: root: Permission denied." 'ubuntu@ubuntu:/$ sudo cd root; sudo: cd: command not found.' --  What am I doing wrong?07:48
superlinkxWelcome noob.07:49
tioxlol. Anyway, I installed this stuff to enable RGBA on Maverick.07:49
frosterodoes this channel have a pastebin for problems?07:49
tioxI had it working before, but I was wondering what in mother mary of pearl is keeping it for working now.07:49
Gneafrostero: yes, check /topic07:49
A_Jany pro's here can help me ?07:49
llutz_bullgard4: ls -ld /root           tells you (watch permissions/ownership)07:49
frosteromy bad07:49
Gneano worries07:49
tioxLet me link to the page's guides I have followed.07:50
Loshkibullgard4: cd doesn't work the way you think it does. Try 'sudo -i' to get a shell and then cd...07:51
llutz_bullgard4: "sudo -i (or sudo su)"  and THEN "cd /somewhere"07:51
tioxRGBA transparency - Should be global, but it's not working as it should at the moment for me: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/05/enable-rgba-transparency-in-ubuntu-910.html07:51
KrishnanduHi, I bought belkin wireless usb adapter, can anyone help me to setup wifi?? Any good docs would also be fine. I guess the driver is not detected....07:51
tioxThis guide was appearently a prereq, installing Nautilus Elementary: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/09/install-nautilus-elementary-in-ubuntu.html07:52
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skilzhow do I get the 'Network' feature in the 'Places' menu to work, so I can browse between Ubuntu pc's on my network?07:52
tioxIt was when i followed this guide, the shit fell from the sky and hit me in the head. http://www.webupd8.org/2010/04/nautilus-elementary-breadcrumbs-for-any.html07:52
twurKrishnandu: What model?07:52
skilzDo I need to install 'Samba' or something of the likes?07:52
Krishnandutwur, N15007:53
twurYou can either share folders from each machine or connect via ssh07:53
Krishnandutwur, And another model is http://cgi.ebay.in/Belkin-Wireless-USB-G-Adapter-Wifi-Connect-PC-5Yr-Wty-/310290974783?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_203&hash=item483ec8883f07:53
col0urHello, I'm on 8.04 (please no upgrade comments). My wireless was working fine until today, when I restarted, and only wired was available. At the same time, the Hibernate option, which wasn't previous available from the Shut Down menu, appeared on said menu. Any ideas?07:54
twurKrishnandu: Have you tried using ndiswrapper?07:55
Krishnandutwur, Nope, didn't tried anything, just connected the device.07:56
twurKrishnandu: ndiswrapper lets you use the windows driver07:56
Krishnandutwur, I don't have the driver, windows 7 detected it's driver automatically07:56
frosterochalcedony: thats not open source07:56
skilzcol0ur, Why don't you want to upgrade?07:56
col0urskilz, Long story :p07:57
twurKrishnandu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper07:57
chalcedonyfrostero, true .. you're asking for a hard to find product07:57
frosteronot really07:57
twurKrishnandu: You can download it, probably from the Belkin web site07:57
frosteroi have found a few07:57
KrishnanduOkies...thanks, let's try twur :)07:57
frosteroreally im just looking for something a bit easier to implement07:57
col0urIt appears to simply not be detecting eth1 at all (which is my wireless interface)07:57
twurKrishnandu: http://en-us-support.belkin.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/2752/~/f6d4050---n150-enhanced-wireless-usb-network-adapter---software-and-drivers07:57
frosterothe new 1010 ubuntu obsoleted java jdk for openjdk07:57
frosterowhich makes installation of a system i found quite difficult07:58
KrishnanduThanks.... twur07:58
skilzHow do I restart a session?07:58
frosteroofbiz looks like da bomb07:59
Krishnandutwur, What should I do for this?? http://cgi.ebay.in/Belkin-Wireless-USB-G-Adapter-Wifi-Connect-PC-5Yr-Wty-/310290974783?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_203&hash=item483ec8883f It doesn't have any model number07:59
chalcedonyfrostero, i'll guess that you have spent some time working with it, perhaps what you need is someone to do some coding for you?07:59
KrishnanduLemme search in Belkin's site07:59
frosterobut i cant get java jdk installed on the 1010 release07:59
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frosteroi code07:59
frosterobeen coding 14 years07:59
frosteroadministrating since 0708:00
frosteromy admin skills are still a bit ruf08:00
llutz_frostero: get sun-java6-jdk from partner-repo08:00
twurKrishnandu: Since you seem to have a Windows machine, maybe you can stick it in that and let it autodetect :)08:00
gkasinathHello all - Quick question on subversion - Are individual projects in a top level /svn repo, repos themselves?08:01
twurThen look at the properties of the device08:01
frosteroadd-apt-get repository wasnt workign08:01
Krishnandutwur, Sorry, I didn't got that. What would I do in Linux, I login to Windows only on sunday's to play games, whole week I use Linux. So I need it here on Linux too08:01
KrishnanduCan't depend on Windows08:01
frosterospell check on all o that08:02
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:02
twurKrishnandu: Today is Sunday, right? :)08:02
Krishnandutwur, yes :)08:02
col0urHello, I'm on 8.04 (please no upgrade comments). My wireless was working fine until today, when I restarted, and only wired was available. At the same time, the Hibernate option, which wasn't previous available from the Shut Down menu, appeared on said menu. It appears to simply not be detecting eth1 at all (which is my wireless interface). Any ideas?08:02
frosterobasically i was unable to add the repository in order to install a java sdk08:02
twurKrishnandu: I'm saying, you can use Windows to find the model number then get driver and try to use it with ndiswrapper08:02
gkasinathcol0ur, what wifi card do you use?08:02
col0urI'm not too sure.08:03
frosteromaverick repositories are open for biz08:03
col0ur@ gkasinath08:03
Krishnandutwur, Ohh, got it :)08:03
xichen_fuck up08:03
Krishnanduthanks twur :)08:03
gkasinathcol0ur, what does dmesg say?08:04
col0ura lot :)08:04
=== eXistZ is now known as eXistZ|Away
A_JHello All, My current resolution is 1024 X 768, my monitor supports upto 1280 X 1024 anyway i can increase it ? I use to get this resolution in windows.. Using On-board Graphic| the  Motherboard is : Asus P5GC-MX | Graphic Drivers Are Installed for VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)|08:04
gkasinathcol0ur, specifically about your wifi card. If you looked at the log output, there should be a clue.08:04
col0uri looked for several things by piping to grep08:04
col0uri couldnt find anything08:04
col0urwant me to pastebin it?08:04
gkasinathQuestion - SVN repo set up - anybody?08:05
Dementio_awayanyone wanna help me get hdmi to outout 5.1?08:05
gkasinathcol0ur, sure.08:05
skilz_When I try to browse my network on my other Ubuntu box to this Ubuntu box it say something about Unable to mount08:05
A_Jany1 can help me ?08:05
col0urgkasinath, http://pastebin.com/ynMRqShM08:05
=== Dementio_away is now known as Dementio
frosteroi was looking at that08:06
skilz_failed to retreive share list from server08:06
chalcedonyfrostero, looking08:06
A_Jfrostero, can u help me08:06
frosterocant get the java sdk installed08:06
frosteroA_j: was up08:06
A_Jshd i paste my question again ?08:07
frosteroonboard video?08:07
llutz_frostero: enable partner repo08:07
gkasinathcol0ur, couldnt find anything right away in my first quick parse.08:07
tehbautI thought that having hfsprogs allowed me to write to HFS+ formatted partitions...08:07
tehbautdo I need to mount manually, rather than via nautilus/disk utility?08:08
col0urgkasinath, ya me neither08:08
frosterollutz: partner repo?08:08
Dementiorunning 10.10 with geforce gt430, using pulseaudio for audio. it outputs stereo only atm, trying to get it to output 5.108:08
chalcedonyfrostero did you consider contacting the developers and explaining that their product won't work with the new ubuntu and asking what their plans are?08:08
Guest33316How to set default mounted subvolume back to main?08:08
col0urgkasinath, what do? D:08:08
llutz_frostero: to get sun-java6-jdk you need to enable the partner-repo, yes. check your sources or ask your admin to do that08:08
gkasinathcol0ur, can you try a sudo lshw?08:08
frosteroi was hoping the openjdk would take care of the java end08:08
frosterollutz, i am the admin08:09
col0urgkasinath, sure08:09
frosteroits my server08:09
col0urgkasinath, test@billy:~/Desktop$ sudo lshw08:09
col0ursudo: lshw: command not found08:09
frosteroyou running nvidia?08:09
llutz_frostero: then you should know how to work with sources08:09
gkasinathhhmm thats weird.08:09
frosterolike i said before my skills with admin are not comparable to my coding08:09
A_Jno, no nvidia08:09
chalcedonyfrostero you may wish to contact the team(s) responsible for the different parts you need08:09
A_Jjust onboard GFX08:10
Dementiodamn windows08:10
Dementioso, anyone good with audio?08:10
llutz_frostero: add to your sources.list a line like "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu maverick partner"08:10
llutz_frostero: apt-get update   then08:10
gkasinathcol0ur, try installing it08:10
chalcedonyllutz, glad you're able to help :)08:10
=== gkasinath is now known as gka
Dementiodo nvidia hdmi cards need snd_hda_intel modules?08:11
coder2accidentely i have pemanantely deleted some important data via shift+delete...............how can i recover them???please help08:13
frosterothanx llutz/chalcdony: updating, gonna try to rerun java jdk08:14
tsimpsonDementio: snd_hda_intel is the Intel High Definition Audio driver, not a graphics driver08:14
gkaQuestion - SVN repo set up - anybody?08:14
frosteroA_J: figure out what graphics your board is running08:15
Dementio(tsimpson): i realise that, but i'm using hdmi on the nvidia card, so a sound module is needed08:15
llutz_tsimpson: but needed for sound over hdmi08:15
Dementioi'm trying to get the card to output 5.1. atm, it's only outputing stereo08:15
coder2how can i restore my deleted data in ubuntu lucid??08:15
jacekowskiyou can't08:15
jacekowskinot easily08:15
jacekowskiphotorec may help08:16
col0urgka, http://pastebin.com/Vx4NJHHb08:16
llutz_coder2: easiest: restore from backup08:16
jacekowskibut otherwise nothing will help08:16
Dr_Willisdepends on how the data was lost also.08:16
frosterohey llutz08:16
Dr_Willisand what FS it was on.08:16
frosterojdk is installing08:16
frosterothanx broseph08:16
gkacol0ur, looking at it. Thanks08:17
coder2llutz_: i was not having backup08:17
col0urgka, thanks :)08:17
frosterogood lookiin out08:17
frosteroim gonna go puke in the closet like kesha08:17
tsimpsongka: see https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/cvs-server.html08:17
Dementioanyone ever had any lluck getting output to 5.1?08:18
gkaThanks tsimpson, well, I just discovered http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.5/index.html08:18
frosterodang i feel retarded, i shoulda dug through the repository info more08:18
gkacol0ur, Yours is a broadcom card.08:18
frosterosorry guy08:18
gkacol0ur, BCM4312 802.11b/g08:18
tsimpsonDementio: have you seen https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SurroundSound ?08:18
col0urgka, ah ok08:18
col0urso the card is still there08:18
col0urbut it just doesn't make the connect from "wifi card -> eth1"08:19
Dementio(tsimpson): haven't seen that one yet, thanks08:19
bonjoyeehow to add/install en_GB locale?08:20
gkacol0ur, it's bizzare dmesg doesnt list any broadcom at all.08:20
col0urya eh?08:20
col0urthis happened once to me before08:21
col0uri can't remember how i fixed it08:21
gkacol0ur, have you tried http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&q=ubuntu+8.04+BCM4312+802.11b/g&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=08:21
frosteroanyone know why the latest ubuntu dist obsoleted java jdk in fav of openjdk?08:21
gkacol0ur, the first set of results seem to give a few tips08:21
col0urwiill try08:22
col0urthen again, im not sure if that's the issue. it spontaneously stopped working after a restart, and that hibernate thing happened too08:22
frosterothis kesha album is freaking retarded if you listen to the lyrics08:23
col0urgka, then again, im not sure if that's the issue. it spontaneously stopped working after a restart, and that hibernate thing happened too08:23
bonjoyeefrostero: its not...you have to enable the partnet repos!08:23
frosterothats not what the site says08:23
bonjoyeefrostero: but sure its in the repos!08:24
tsimpsonfrostero: Sun open-sourced Java, so openjdk should work just as well as Suns. but you can still install and use the Sun JDK if you wish08:24
frosterobut the site is saying to install openjdk not javajdk, i am sure that it works regardless but im just pissed cauz i was mis informed08:25
tsimpsonthe default is the open source version, because Ubuntu uses open source wherever possible08:25
frosteroi get that08:25
frosteroits just bad info i guess08:25
frosteroor bad info on the site08:25
frosterosomething like that08:26
gkacol0ur, I m not sure what's up with the system. You could try the forums to see if anyone else has had the exact same problem.08:26
frosteroi got java SDK installing now, thanx llutz08:26
col0ur:/ okay then08:26
col0urHello, I'm on 8.04 (please no upgrade comments). My wireless was working fine until today, when I restarted, and only wired was available. At the same time, the Hibernate option, which wasn't previous available from the Shut Down menu, appeared on said menu. It appears to simply not be detecting eth1 at all (which is my wireless interface). Any ideas?08:26
gkacol0ur, sorry I couldnt be any useful.08:26
col0urgka, that's OK thanks anyway08:27
coder2which tool can help me recovering my data???please help08:27
gkabye all08:27
sacarlsoncol0ur: if it was working you might want to know if the wifi device is set to active with command rfkill list08:27
llutz_coder2: try photorec08:28
frosterocoder2: you got another desktop or laptop and a usb external you can stick a drive in?08:28
Dementiowhat's the meta package for gnome?08:28
coder2frostero: yes08:29
frosteropull your drive08:29
tsimpsonDementio: you probably want ubuntu-desktop08:29
frosteropop it in the external, plug it into another box and copy your data08:29
frosterounless its encrypted08:29
frosteroif it was i doubt you would be asking the question08:29
Dementio(tsimpson): that's close, but it installs a LOT of stuff i don't want08:30
coder2frostero: then what is the next step??08:30
sacarlsoncol0ur: but I think the device would still be seen with iwconfig if that was the case,  you should also look at what is seen with iwconfig08:30
col0urtest@billy:~/Desktop$ iwconfig08:31
col0urlo        no wireless extensions.08:31
col0ureth0      no wireless extensions.08:31
col0urvboxnet0  no wireless extensions.08:31
llutz_!info gnome | Dementio08:31
FloodBot3col0ur: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:31
ubottuDementio: gnome (source: meta-gnome2): The GNOME Desktop Environment, with extra components. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.28+1ubuntu4 (maverick), package size 16 kB, installed size 56 kB08:31
tsimpsonDementio: there is "gnome-desktop-environment" too08:31
Dementio(tsimpson): yeah, just found that one08:31
frosterowell if you box you plugged the drive into through a usb external drive adaptation reads the drive then you should just open the drive and copy it to a local location08:31
Dementioit's a little slower looking for packages from command line08:31
motzI've installed ubunt from live cd, but It doesn't work. As the computer start I am asked a textual login, then I type startx and the computer crashes. I get a blank dark page and all I can do i reset it. ca somebody help me?08:32
java_Ghraphics card?08:32
frosteromotz, leave it blank and press enter?08:32
Dr_Willismotz:  and your video card is what exactly?08:32
frosterofreakin ati / linux compatibilities... when will it end?08:33
motzfrostero, I don't know. How can I get these informations?08:33
frosterothats gonna be the day windows dies08:33
java_When ATI stops being a bunch of.......08:33
frosteroheh, everyone either bitches about ati or nvidia08:34
Dementiois there a way to to make gdm use a certain desktop no matter what your last choice was?08:34
frosterosome bitch about both, like me08:34
java_Wha, I bitch about both too.08:34
col0ursacarlson, eth1 doesn't appear in iwconfig08:34
frosteromotz, if you booting from a live cd and it has any problems...08:34
frosteroyou need a new cd08:35
frosteroalso remove your bios password08:35
Dr_WillisDementio:  if your user has no .dmrc (thats where the last selection is saved) it would use the system default.08:35
motzfrostero, I don't have a bios password08:35
frosterothen you should have no prob booting from a live cd into the OS08:35
frosteroif you do, try another cd08:35
motzfrostero, you mean I have to burn the same image file again on a new cd, or I have to use a different image file?08:36
ssokolow_My ISP just announced that their hand has been forced by Bell Canada and the CRTC and that, come March, they'll be charging ridiculous overage fees. Can anyone point me to a guide to setting up a local apt-get cache for my LAN?08:36
frosteroget a earlier dist and burn a new cd08:36
Dr_Willismotz:  you did verify the md5 of the image? you can tell your video card by checking the output of 'lspci' command also.08:36
frosterotry from that08:36
sacarlsoncol0ur: then I assume the rfkill list also returns nothing?08:36
Dementio(Dr_Willis): thanks, was looking for that file. checked custom.conf, but it kept using last choice08:36
java_I don't know, PClinux either didn't write to disk well or didn't like my hardware.08:36
frosteroi agree Dr_Willis08:36
frosterodid you verify it?08:36
ssokolow_One of my PCs has several hundred gigs of free space, so I'd prefer to cache everything possible.08:37
col0ursacarlson, what is rfkill/08:37
frosterossokolow_: you wanna cache several hundred gigs?08:37
Dr_Willisssokolow_:  install the apt-cacher-ng program on one box on the lan. and let it cache the pacakges for the rest of the lan.08:37
Dr_Willisssokolow_:  as for cacheing othe rthings.. theres  a few http/web cachers out there. but i dont use those.08:38
ssokolow_frostero, I'm saying I have several hundred gigs free.08:38
ssokolow_Dr_Willis, *nod* Already planning to use Polipo for HTTP since, as I understand, it'll cache HTTP 1.1 Range requests like partial YouTube requests better than Squid.08:38
java_Top ten things linux users know they should do but consistently don't: #9 Check the MD5 sum on downloads that will eventually be written to write once media.08:39
frosteroyour fukd08:39
motzfrostero, now i was writing in textual mode and the computer crashed. Why?08:39
frosterocheck your logs08:39
motznow I can only restart08:39
java_Are you getting an error message when you have to restart?08:40
ssokolow_All that's really left is to lock down BitTorrent to a single shared WebUI for the house, decide on an FTP cache, thank my ISP for capping to 64kbit once overage kicks in so I never pay more than the rounded-up $1.90 for the first overage gig, and design an "inverse BitTorrent" to make SneakerNet a viable mitigation option.08:40
Dr_Willismotz:  sounds like you are either having some hardware issues, or currupted files when you installed.08:40
tsimpsonssokolow_: there is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptProxy or https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Debmirror or the apt-mirror tool08:40
motzWhat if i try the live cd 64 instead of the 32 one?08:41
ssokolow_tsimpson, Thanks.08:41
frosterois your hardware capable of a 64 bit sys?08:41
frosteroare your running a 32 live now?08:41
motzI don't know. I just bought a new laptop, so I guess it is advanced08:42
java_Is a processor named on a label somewhere?08:42
frosterotry running a 32bit live first08:42
java_Like "AMD 64"?08:42
motzfrostero, yes, I'm running a 32 now08:42
frosteroget a hardware profile for the laptop08:43
motzthe processor is a intel dual core08:43
java_And it doesn't advertise being 64 bit?08:43
frosterosometimes linux doesnt deal with multicore very effectively08:43
frosteroit happens08:43
motzfrostero, so, what do you suggest me?08:44
Dr_Willismotz:  brand new (as in just came out this month) laptops can be very problematic.08:44
Dr_Willismotz:  You might watnt to test the next reelase ( but  it IS in testing right now)08:45
frosterotry the lastest and see what happens08:45
frostero1010 has been really solid for me08:45
motzDr_Willis, which release, the 10.10?08:45
Dr_Willismotz:  with any of the releases.. over the years.. every time i get a 'brand new' laptop. it seems i often have issues. untill the next release after the laptop came out.08:46
Dr_Willissome times trivial, some times not.08:46
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »08:46
Dr_Willisi would test out 11.04 on it. and file any bugs if it dosent work properly.08:46
motzCould you have better chances with other, distro, like debian for instance?08:46
frosteromotz:google is your friend, you need to exactly identify you problem before you can diagnose it tho08:47
motzfrostero, I'm not able to do this08:47
frosterokeep your logs running strong and you will08:47
_`-`in other news, banshee has managed to royally screw my iPod08:47
Dr_Willismotz:  You need to research what video card chipset the thing has, and be sure you had a good 'cd' made. or boot/install from a flash drive.08:47
frosterotake nots08:47
frosteroboot log that biatch08:48
motzDr_Willis, what is a flash drive?08:48
Dr_Willismotz:  one of those cheap 1+GB drives that plug in the HD....08:48
sacarlsoncol0ur: rfkill is a tool that turns your wifi device on and off and in this case rfkill list shows the status if it's on or off,08:48
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Dr_Willisusb.  i mean.08:48
FloodBot3java_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:48
java_Lol, sorry.08:48
frosteroi need some more beer after that comment08:49
java_I think the flooding was warranted though.08:49
frosterobbiab, gonna see what kind of gain I can make on my issue08:49
frosterolaterz y008:50
frosterothanx for the help yalzz08:50
java_Lol, I still have a laptop that won't turn on.08:50
sacarlsoncol0ur: but from reading your pastebin above it seems it's an unclaimed device so it has no drivers attached,  I guess you will have to manually modprobe the 5 or so drivers that are available for that device untill you find the one that works,  you should see what's presently blacklisted08:50
Dr_Willisseems ive been getting a lot more lag/disconnects on freenode lately.. anyone else been seeing this issue?08:55
tehbautCould someone tell me how to "burn several discs" in Brasero? Simply hitting the "Burn Several Discs" button doesn't appear to actually do anything...08:56
ikoniaDr_Willis: #freenode is the place, but yes08:56
Dr_Willistehbaut:  ive noticed issues with that and some systems. it depends on jhow they eject the disk. some laptops have issues ive found where they cant prtoperly eject. so they get confused when a new disk is inserted.08:56
Dr_Willistehbaut:  you may want to try some other burning tool. Brassero is often.. well.. problematic.08:56
tehbautdurn, I already made my file selection and pared it down08:57
johnmrename u13 u_ser_13_fb08:57
java_So, just a question, of the three, Dell, HP, Apple (mac), which ones users do IT guys stereotype as being the stupidest? (Not trollin.)08:57
tehbautI guess I'll just remove some more, and do a second disc manually08:57
Dr_Willistehbaut:  make a single iso of the disk to the HD. perhaps. . then you can burn copies easially.08:57
sacarlsonDr_Willis: I assumed my disconects were my isp changing my ip address,  I see it on average about 2 times a day but sometimes more08:57
ikoniajohnm: you've done that twice now, what's the problem ?08:57
tehbautbah, Brasero just crashed :/08:58
java_Brasero, kinda sucks.08:58
Dr_Willistehbaut:  yea. Brasero really should be replaced with somthing else..08:58
tehbautwhy's it included then?! :P08:58
Dr_Willistehbaut:  we often ask that on the forums... :)08:58
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto08:59
java_The same reason you get rhythmbox instead of amorak (LolJK)08:59
Dr_Willispersonally i tend to use k3b.08:59
Dr_Willisgtoaster is not to bad.08:59
Dr_Willisdepends on your needs.08:59
col0ursacarlson, thanks!08:59
sacarlsoncol0ur: so it worked?09:00
=== windkids is now known as windGone
MrMintanetHey fellas/ladie3s09:01
MrMintanetGot a question really quick, if anyone is awake out there.09:01
ikoniajust ask it09:01
col0ursacarlson, im not too sure how to find what to modprobe, but thanks for continuing to help :)09:01
java_we all live by the glow of the terminal.09:01
Dementio(Dr_Willis): friggin finally, omg thank you09:01
MrMintanetI am presently on an old machine that I haven't used in a while.  10.10 is installed on it... (continuing)09:01
MrMintanetI wanted to know how the disk drives were setup09:02
Dr_WillisDementio:  Huh? :) what was it.09:02
Dementioi honestly don't know09:02
MrMintanetI went to disk utility and it shows I have two 1TB drives09:02
Dr_WillisMrMintanet:  'sudo fdisk -l' to see their layout.09:02
Dr_Willisor gparted. or that disk utility can show. but i tend to use fdisk -l, or gparted.09:02
MrMintanetWell, my question was-  How can I setup uTorrent to download to either disk, because when I go to "Computer", I see nothing but "file sysetem" and the optical drive.09:02
Dementioi installed gnone-desktop, and an alsa update, and then there was a pulseaudio update09:03
assurbanipalhi guys. I need to find a way to convert dicom video files to something more compatible... is this possible under ubuntu?would definatelly prefere a gui thingy!!tnxz in advance!!09:03
Dementioso who knows09:03
Dementioall i know is i finally have 5.1 in mkv's and dvd09:03
Dr_WillisMrMintanet:  you tell the torrent to dowload to a directory. are you saying you dont understand the filesystem layout and mountpoints of all the disks on the system? The mount command will show whats mounted where.09:03
MrMintanetWell, that was my question, I'm not sure how to test if this is a raid or not09:03
Dementionow just hope it'll all work when i switch it to a blu-ray drive monday09:03
Dr_WillisMrMintanet:  its possible the filesystems on the other disks are not mounted anywhere.09:03
MrMintanetMay I copy/paste the results from sudo fdisk -l?  If so, what is the link to do that?\09:04
Dr_WillisMrMintanet:  start with fdisk, and mount.09:04
Dr_Willis!pastebin | MrMintanet09:04
ubottuMrMintanet: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:04
ikoniaMrMintanet: if it's raid or not isn't really anything to do with Linux, unless you are using Linux softrware raid, in which case that would show in the disk tool09:04
Dr_WillisMrMintanet:  you may want to install the pastebinit command - it makes pasting that info easier.09:04
Dementio(Dr_Willis): it was linux-alsa-driver-modules-2.6.35-25-generic that i installed09:05
MrMintanetI'm not sure how I configured this, and I was hoping someone could not only tell me what kind of disk configuration I have setup, but if they could also explain the logic behind the sudo fdisk -l command and the results I receive09:05
Dementioand a PA update09:05
Dementiowho knows which fixed it09:06
sacarlsoncol0ur: you can look at the blacklist file I think at  /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-bcm43.conf or near there,  I think you can try the blacklisted ones to see if they work also see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=141867609:06
Dr_WillisHmm MrMintanet  ive no idea what filesystem 'SFS' is on the 2nd hd.. --> /dev/sdb1               1      121602   976761528+  42  SFS09:06
azlobo0output of the command df -h : if you have a 1TB entry with "/dev/md#" (# == a number) then its a software raid.09:06
Dementioanyway, i'm out, cya later09:06
=== Dementio is now known as Dementio_away
MrMintanetazlobo0, I never setup a software raid with Ubuntu, so I am certain that's not right...09:06
azlobo0MrMintanet: sounds right - you'd have to have one up.  Does df -h command have any 1TB entries ?09:07
gtroyMrMintanet: here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-certifying_File_System09:07
Dr_Willisdynamic disk partitions (SFS in fdisk)09:07
col0ursacarlson, http://pastebin.com/hC8PbXeS09:08
ikoniaMrMintanet: if it's raid or not is nothing to do with Linux, the only reason you'd be able to tell is if you did Linux software raid, which you've just said you didn't do09:08
MrMintanetKind of annoying that I find something so simple so difficult!!!  Grrrrr!09:08
MrMintanetThanks for the help, but I still am confused on what kind of disk configuration I have setup.09:09
ikoniaMrMintanet: not really, boot your box, if it detects a raid disk in the bios, you know it's raid, if it doesn't, it's not raid09:09
ikoniaMrMintanet: as I've said 3 times it's nothing to do with linux09:09
java_It happens, my hardware switch for my wifi once reversed, not funny.09:09
azlobo0MrMintanet: based on the output, your / is one of your 1TB drives (906G) and the other does not appear mounted.  did you setup/format a partion on the second drive ?09:09
ikoniaMrMintanet: stop pasting the output of df - it shows nothign of value09:09
Dr_WillisMrMintanet:  you got everything on sda, single partiion a nd a swap.  No idea what that SFS is on sdb. Try mounting it by hand and seeing whats on there.. if nothing.. then i would reparittion it to be some other more usefull filesystem,09:09
fffddfafter btrfs subvolume set-default , how to make it back09:09
bullgard4[Live CD] Opening a terminal obtains here the prompt 'ubuntu@ubuntu:~$'. Why does http://gparted.sourceforge.net/larry/tips/save_details.htm obtain the prompt 'root@GParted:~#'?09:09
ikoniabullgard4: because it's running from a livecd09:10
sacarlsoncol0ur: I"ve already seen that,  you need to try look at that after each modprobe attempt,  example sudo modprobe b43; sudo lspci -v09:10
Dr_Willisbullgard4:  beause its just the Prompt PS1 settings showing the  user/hostname.09:10
ikoniabullgard4: or someones set the PS1 prompt,09:10
col0ursacarlson, kk will try09:10
bullgard4ikonia: Both men are running from a Live CD.09:10
Dr_Willisthe ~ in the prompt is the 'current working directory' in most cases.09:10
MrMintanetCould this be a mirrored raid?09:11
Dr_Willisbullgard4:  the 2 live cds can be set up differntly09:11
MrMintanetOk, I'll reboot09:11
MrMintanetCya soon!09:11
FloodBot3MrMintanet: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:11
sacarlsoncol0ur: I don't know what driver you had that worked so a look at the blacklist will give you a clue09:11
ikoniabullgard4: yes, but the gparted project on sourceforge is not run from the ubuntu livecd09:11
llutz_Dr_Willis: ~ == $HOME09:11
Jordan_Ubullgard4: Ubuntu's liveCD logs you in as user "ubuntu". GParted's logs you in as root.09:11
azlobo0MrMintanet: just guessing at layout, but try fdisk -l /dev/sdb09:11
Dr_Willisllutz_:  which is the guys current dir at the time. :) so yes..09:11
Dr_Willisbullgard4:  the last character # vs $ is also commonly used to indicate a 'root' shell vs a normal users shell.09:12
col0ursacarlson, http://pastebin.com/vvPCpL5z09:12
bullgard4Jordan_U: Does there exist a "Gparted Live CD'?09:12
Jordan_Ubullgard4: Yes.09:12
bazhangbullgard4, yes09:12
Dr_Willisbullgard4:  yes theres is a gparted live cd.  I use them all the time09:12
sacarlsoncol0ur: probly mean the sta driver was used09:13
col0ursacarlson, what is that?09:13
Dr_Willisbullgard4:  theres also a nice 'system rescue live cd' that includes gpared and other tools.09:13
Dr_Willisbullgard4:  i alwyas keep a ubuntu cd, system rescue cd. and gparted live cd, in my PC tool box.09:13
bullgard4Jordan_U, bazhang,  Dr_Willis: Ah! Thank you very much for explaining.09:13
col0urDr_Willis, :)09:13
Jordan_Ubullgard4: You're welcome.09:14
Dr_Willisactually i got a usb flash drive also set up with all 3 (and more) on it.09:14
sacarlsoncol0ur: I think it's the propriatary driver normaly installed with System>admin>hardware drivers09:14
bullgard4Dr_Willis: I should do likewise in the future.09:14
Dr_WillisDosent everyone have a little toolbox, with screwdrivers, parts, and spare system disks..? :)09:14
col0urDr_Willis, not as many as should09:15
bullgard4ikonia: Yes, apparently someone set the PS1 prompt differently. --  Thank you.09:15
java_If you don't your failing computers 101. The difference is what's IN the toolbox.09:16
llutz_bullgard4: good start for a "Multi-live-usb-drive" http://blog.p-mt.net/archives/64409:16
java_(Though for most people, replace toolbox with "Desk drawer in my office/kitchen/bedroom."09:18
col0ursacarlson, so now that i know what09:18
motzhere is my hardware: http://www.ubuntu.com/netbook/get-ubuntu/download. Any suggestion?09:18
col0urwhat can i do?09:18
sacarlsoncol0ur:  so the sta driver name should have the name wl  so you might be able to try sudo modprobe wl  ; sudo lspci -v09:18
col0ursacarlson, ermm. ya09:19
col0urit just fixed itself09:19
frosterobtw, anyone trying to run 1010 from a usb installation I have had probs with 2 differnt utilities09:20
frosteroso be aware09:20
col0urright after sudo modprobe wl  ; sudo lspci -v09:20
frosteroboth are recommended via the site09:20
skilz_Im having a big problem, I have 2 pcs with ubuntu networked, let's call this pc1 (my pc) and pc2 (my girlfriends)... pc1 can browse the network shares on pc2, but pc2 cannot browse the network shares on pc1???09:20
ikoniafrostero: thousands of people have had no problems....it's unlikey it's a bug09:20
motzfrostero, here's my hardware: http://pastebin.com/sjj5F2pi. Do you have any suggestion?09:20
sacarlsoncol0ur: well that didn't show what I had hoped,  what does iwconfig show now?09:21
frosteroare you using user account validations for both pc's skilz?09:21
motzfrostero, here's my hardware: http://pastebin.com/sjj5F2pi . Do you have any suggestion?09:21
frosterothousands havent ikonia09:21
frosteroi have09:21
frosteroon a usb and a usb hard drive09:21
col0ursacarlson, http://pastebin.com/fpHJ2iCT09:21
col0ursee above09:21
ikoniafrostero: agreed, but "warning" the channel over one users problems is a bit over the top09:21
ajaxErrorHi - I hear a weird buzz09:22
ajaxErrorwith my ca0106 (Creative SoundBlaster 5.1 VX) card on ubuntu 14:5009:22
ajaxErrorI reinstalled pulseaudio also 14:5009:22
ajaxErrorWhenever I play a media file it plays a buzz instead of the song09:22
FloodBot3ajaxError: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:22
sacarlsoncol0ur: ok seems to be working now,  try method to use eth109:22
frosterojust giving a heads up, it looks like the iso provided by the site has issues09:22
ajaxErrorsorry, not flooding - pasted from alsa (no one is replying there :(09:22
col0ursacarlson, it connected09:22
ikoniafrostero: I doubt that, or there would be a ton of reports, while it is possible, I doubt it09:22
frosteroas i attempted several installs of differnt types all via usb with 2 different utilites working off the same iso09:23
ikoniafrostero: a lot of people use that ISO - I would expect a ton of discusison in here and in bug reports if there was a problem09:23
sacarlsoncol0ur: cool, now I wonder why it didn't work at boot time?09:23
col0ursacarlson, i honestly don't know09:23
frosteroi know, but no harm in letting people know09:23
col0urthanks alot :)09:23
ikoniafrostero: there is if it's not fact, if it's just your problem09:24
frosteroim sure09:24
ikoniafrostero: then why are more people not complaining about it, why are there not a mass of bugs09:24
ikoniafrostero: that doesn't mean you're wrong, just pre-emptive09:24
aurillianceI'm looking for a screen ruler that lets me measure either by drawing a rectangle (and giving me the size of the box), or by letting me draw a ruler in any direction.09:24
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »09:24
frosteroit was worth putting out if someone else had a similar prob or maybe i would have been able to help someone experiencing the same09:24
aurilliance^ is close, however it is constrained to horizontal and vertical09:24
ikoniafrostero: have you logged a bug ?09:25
frosterono, i have been to busy trying to get my systems back uyp09:25
frosteroback up09:25
java_*Sigh* I think most, if not all the people in this channel, are connecting from a ubuntu box, I highly doubt anyone set on it wouldn't try an ubuntu ISO for USB because of one comment.09:25
ikoniafrostero: but not to busy to comment in here.09:25
ikoniafrostero: log a bug, get it validated09:25
frosteroim getting there09:25
frosterodont judge me09:25
A_Jfrostero, mate, did u get anything with my problem09:25
ikoniafrostero: I'm not judging you09:25
frosteromy systems are back up, i will start logging bugs again09:26
frosteroim sure you know how it is09:26
frosterowhen you have all your systems fail simultaneously09:26
ikoniajava_: *sigh* giving people miss-leading information is not useful,09:26
frosteroit sucks09:26
java_No, no, it's not.09:26
java_I never said he was right, I was saying the argument is silly.09:27
ikoniajava_: it's not an agrument, it's explaining to not do it and how to get the issue logged and validated09:27
java_Well okay then.09:28
bullgard4llutz_: Thank you for providing this link to a very interesting article.09:30
yonderinghola.  Anyone here have any experience/opinions of installing and working with UNR maverick on an ION based gpu?09:32
ikoniayondering: I've never even heard of an ION GPU, who makes it ?09:32
yonderingikonia, Nvidia09:32
java_Uh.........Nvida could be trouble.09:33
frosterobtw, if anyone is looking for a new case i have tons for a super deal09:33
frostero10th the cost of retails09:33
yonderingjava_, why do you say that?  I only use Nvidia gpu in my desktop workstations.09:33
MrMintanetAll worked out great09:33
MrMintanetIt's just a separate drive09:33
bullgard4I'd like to move to the left and enlarge my /home partition using GParted. I obtained 3 times: "Input/output error while reading from /dev/sda." (http://paste.ubuntu.com/560143). But the sector number was different each time. --  How to proceed?09:33
ikoniayondering: looking at the support drivers page there are not drivers in the 10.10 nvidia package, although I'm not certain.09:33
MrMintanetOk, so next question-  How do I get this spare drive to mount on every startup?09:33
ikoniabullgard4: are you running from a livecd ?09:34
bullgard4ikonia: Yes.09:34
Gneaikonia: it's been out for awhile now, used mostly in nettops and mini-itx09:34
ikoniaMrMintanet: put it in /etc/fstab09:34
ikoniaGnea: never heard of it,09:34
motzfrostero, here's my hardware: http://pastebin.com/sjj5F2pi . Do you have any suggestion?09:34
MrMintanetikonia, I am a highly novice user09:34
frosterocoolermaster atcs-840, 100 bones... new09:34
MrMintanetWhat do you mean, "put it in /etc/fstab"?09:34
yonderingikonia, cool, thanks.  I've been considering (drooling) over an Asus 12" netbook for some time. =/09:34
ikoniaMrMintanet: ok, open the file /etc/fstab, look at the entries for / use that as a template to add the second disk09:34
frostero250-300 hundy new09:35
MrMintanetikonia, can you try to talk down on my level?  I have no idea what you are saying.  Perhaps I should go back to windows?  I really wish I could do simple things, but it seems that I constantly have to rely on CLI and I really don't understand much ofi t.09:35
Gneaikonia: http://www.nvidia.com/object/sff_ion.html09:35
ikoniaMrMintanet: if you want to go back to windows, go back to windows if that's easier for you09:35
MrMintanetOk, can you talk down on my level, or do you not know how?09:36
ikoniaGnea: pretty much the link I'm just reading09:36
MrMintanetIf you have trouble communicating, I understand.  I appreciate you trying to help.09:36
MrDudleMrMintanet: no one here wants to do everything for you09:36
ikoniaMrMintanet: open the file /etc/fstab, look at the entry for your / mount point.09:36
GneaMrMintanet: have you tried #ubuntu-beginners?09:36
ikoniaMrMintanet: are you able to do/see that ?09:36
MrMintanetI will go there.09:36
MrMintanetI apologize for asking simple questions.09:36
ikoniaMrMintanet: I'm walking you through it09:36
MrMintanetNo you are not09:36
aurillianceI'm looking for a screen ruler that lets me measure either by drawing a rectangle (and giving me the size of the box), or by letting me draw a ruler in any direction.09:37
aurilliancehttp://gnomecoder.wordpress.com/screenruler/ is close, however it is constrained to horizontal and vertical09:37
MrDudlei hope he goes back to windows09:37
ikoniaMrMintanet: there is no need to apologise for asking a question09:37
ikoniaMrDudle: no need for that09:37
java_*pssst, he's like me when I started, and doesn't know what a directory is.*09:37
Gneahe left09:37
MrDudleoh he's already gone ikonia09:37
voozeWhat filesystem should i use for my external harddrive? Its currentl msdos from when i was using windows.. but it sucks on ubuntu linux.. I use it for backup, mediacenter etc. (boxee mediacenter)09:37
GneaMrDudle: that sort of attitude really doesn't fit in here09:37
MrDudleGnea: sure it does when someone doesn't even want to think09:38
GneaMrDudle: no, no it doesn't.09:38
MrDudleGnea: people should want to think09:38
MrDudlenot have it done for them09:39
GneaMrDudle: if you can't be patient with people, then you have no business trying to follow the CoC09:39
Gnea!coc | MrDudle09:39
ubottuMrDudle: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .09:39
ikoniaMrDudle: either help them - or don't, but it's not up to you to state what people should want to do09:39
MrDudleyou can't help those who don't want to be helped09:39
GneaMrDudle: and if you refuse to follow the CoC, then you have no place here.09:39
Gneawell he obviously came here in the first place09:40
ikoniaMrDudle: then don't help them, but don't make comments,09:40
sacarlsonaurilliance: maybe qcad http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=qcad09:40
Gneatherefore, he was looking for help. but if you aren't flexible enough to understand how to help someone, because not everyone needs the same type of help all the time, then what good are you?09:40
ikoniaback to the topic....09:40
aurilliancesacarlson, thanks mate09:40
java_If people are trying to help the guy, and you jump in with a bedsheet over your head and spook em...09:40
ikoniajava_: enough09:40
MrDudleoh please09:41
MrDudlehe said he didn't know how to open a file09:41
ikoniaMrDudle: enough09:41
ikoniaMrDudle: final request, enough09:41
GneaMrDudle: take the trollish attitude and stuff it.09:41
ikoniaGnea: enough09:41
skilz_when I try to ssh to my other box I get @    WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!     @09:41
tonghuix请求了音乐信使会话。请单击 MM 图标接受。09:41
Dr_Willisskilz_:  your ssh keys have changed for some reason.09:42
Gneaikonia: sorry, it just gets on my nerves how inconsiderate some people can be at times09:42
ikoniaskilz_: looks like the box at the other end has either changed (differnt box/rebuild) or had it's keys re-generated09:42
Dr_Willisskilz_:  this is on a local lan? over the internet?09:42
skilz_local lan09:42
skilz_I just installed ubuntu on it and installed the package 'ssh'09:43
Dciteskilz_: Is it re-using an IP from earlier?09:43
skilz_hmm, I used to have a different box using the same ip address, could that be the prob?09:43
sacarlsonskilz_: I think that happens when the system dhcp ip address has changed for that box connected to before09:43
Dcite!ru | home09:43
ubottuhome: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke09:43
Dr_Willisskilz_:  so the ip has stayed the same. and you did a reinstall.. you proberly want to remove the incorrect key in your ~/.ssh/known_hosts09:43
ArtVandalaeHi guys, I'm using Ubuntu 10.04, i386, Intel sound (so drivers should be pretty sweet). And every X number of days of uptime, my sound stops working. I kill pulseaudio, but that does not fix it. Can anyone help me get to the root of this issue? i.e. Is there any other services that I can reset (other than a full system reboot)?09:43
motzfrostero, I started ubuntu in "try mode", from cd and it works perfectly. What does that mean?09:43
skilz_Dr_Willis, do I do that on this box or the one I can't ssh to?09:44
Dr_Willisskilz_:  your local box keeps a cache of known hosts.. thats the one sending you the warning.09:44
skilz_ah k09:44
skilz_Dr_Willis, what do I change? its one BIG LONG line of jibberish09:45
Dr_Willisskilz_:  thers  one line for each host you have sshed to..09:46
Dciteskilz_: It should have given you some sort of line number with the warning.09:46
Dr_Willisif theres just 1 line for one host.. delete the line then09:46
yonderingskilz_, iirc.. delete the entire line, save the file, and try to shell into the other box again.09:46
skilz_what about if I just rm the file?09:46
yonderingskilz_, that'll work too.09:46
DciteDr_Willis: As for more recent versions I don't think raw ip/addresses are shown anymore.09:46
tehbautfor some reason, I can't delete a certain partition (HFS+ formatted) in Disk Utility, even though I have hfsprogs installed... any idea why, or how to get it to delete?09:47
Dr_Willisskilz_:  hats another way09:47
Dciteskilz_: rm would work, but it's a poor security choice normally.09:47
Dr_Willistehbaut:  try gparted.09:47
skilz_ok awesome, problem solved, thanks guys but one more problem I do have, hmm yessss09:48
Dr_WillisI wouldent think hfsprogs would be needed to delete a hfs partition.09:48
DrummerBoy38it is not just up to me. it is up to them. they are the owners. they will decide if it will function. there are thousand and thousands of other people who have had contact like me and it continue to this day.09:48
skilz_Im having a big problem, I have 2 pcs with ubuntu networked, let's call this pc1 (my pc) and pc2 (my girlfriends)... pc1 can browse the network shares on pc2, but pc2 cannot browse the network shares on pc1???09:48
ikoniaa partition is just a partition, the file system doesn't matter09:48
tehbautDr_Willis: gparted always crashes because the disk contains partially copied partitions... but this partition I'm trying to delete is whole09:48
Dr_Willistehbaut:  theres always the fdisk command i guess..09:49
ikoniaDrummerBoy38: have you logged a bug09:49
Gigabytehey i have problem with changing language09:49
Dr_Willisskilz_:  you may need to install some of the various samba pacakges on  the pc's some may be missing.09:49
DrummerBoy38ikonia, I think I have narrowed it down to about 1 cause09:49
ikoniaDrummerBoy38: no, have you logged a bug09:50
Dr_Willisskilz_:  make a share on pc1,. add see if pc1 can see its own shares.09:50
DrummerBoy38what are you saying09:50
ikoniaDrummerBoy38: I'm saying "have you logged a bug against xchat"09:50
voozeHey.. i just plugged in nr. 2 external harddrive.. should that not be possible? i can only see nr. 1, and NOT nr. 2... both are WD MY books (500GB and 2TB)09:50
tehbautDr_Willis: that command scares me, frankly :P09:50
DrummerBoy38it is x-chat gnome that is the problem. this x-chat is fine09:50
DrummerBoy38it is still crashing :O(09:51
ikoniaDrummerBoy38: have you logged a bug against x-chat-gome ?09:51
takoylisneed help enabling sound on my imac09:51
Dr_Willistehbaut:  i cant imagine why gparted would crash due to data on the hd pattions.. thats scarier..09:51
takoyliswith ubuntu 10.10 64bit09:51
Dr_Willistehbaut:  if you just want to delete things , fdisk isent too hard :)09:51
skilz_Dr_Willis, yes pc1 can see its own shares09:51
Dr_Willisskilz_:  you can also try entering the full path to the shares on the pc's using the ip# instead of the hostname. that may get it working.09:52
Dr_Willis ie:  smb://
skilz_hey whats that console chat application called09:52
Dr_Willisskilz_:  i use weechat for the console irc client. theres irssi, and others.09:53
llutz_skilz_: irssi, weechat09:53
skilz_you install it on a box and you ssh to it and can chat with each other, used it back in the day can't remember the name09:53
DrummerBoy38ikonia, a piece of super strong metallic cloth may have protected the alien bug in its space craft.09:53
skilz_nah not irc client09:53
skilz_local system chat09:53
takoylisany help?09:53
takoylisi dont have any sound09:53
takoylison my imac09:54
DrummerBoy38sorry ikonia, i sometimes fuse sentences . one moment09:54
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:54
ikoniaDrummerBoy38: I just want a yes or no response. "have you logged a bug against x-chat-gnome" ?09:54
jpsmanhow can i run a .exe using wine from a CD?  it says it needs an executable bit, but I can't change a CD file...09:55
Dr_Willistakoylis:  theres a lot of different imacs out. You did check the forums09:55
DrummerBoy38ikonia, no i have not. i had fallen asleep.09:55
Dr_Willisjpsman:  easy way. use the command line...  wine /media/wheverthecdisat/watever.exe09:55
takoylisI have NO SOUND on my iMac 21" 3.06 GHZ , Ubuntu 64bit09:55
ikoniaDrummerBoy38: then I suggest you log a bug, as detailed as you can, as nothing will get fixed if people don't know about a bug09:55
motzfrostero, where do I find the logs I have to read?09:55
skilz_Dr_Willis, 'talk' is what I was trying to think of :)09:56
motzDr_Willis, here's my hardware: http://pastebin.com/sjj5F2pi . Do you have any suggestion?09:56
Dr_Willismotz:  i dont even recall what the original problem was.09:56
=== max is now known as Guest39359
bullgard4I'd like to move to the left and enlarge my /home partition using GParted. I obtained 3 times: "Input/output error while reading from /dev/sda." (http://paste.ubuntu.com/560143). But the sector number was different each time. --  How to proceed?09:57
motzDr_Willis, it crashes, i get a blank screen and I just can resete09:57
ikoniabullgard4: that paste is useless, it's just html09:58
Dr_Willismotz:  but a live cd works?09:59
Dr_Willisbullgard4:  io errors coming from HDs are  not a good sign.. You do have backups of anything imporntant?09:59
motzDr_Willis, you the "try mode" ?09:59
motzDr_Willis, yes, it works09:59
bullgard4ikonia: I do not understand why the paste is useless. Please elaborate.09:59
Dr_Willismotz:   thats odd.. it could be some files are messon the cd and you dont have the issue untill they get installed.  or some hd issue.10:00
bullgard4Dr_Willis: Yes, I do have a backup of /home10:00
ikoniaDr_Willis: based on the partition table I saw from bullgard4 yesterday, I suspect he's getting IO errors as he's probably trying to move an extended partition outside the bounds of the extended container, or something along those lines10:00
ikoniabullgard4: because the paste shows a lot of html code,10:00
Dr_Willismotz:  i would check the md5 of the cd. and perhaps put it on a flash drive. and try a reinstall.10:00
tehbautDr_Willis: well I was able to gparted via terminal, by doing gparted /dev/sdb3 ...and I was able to delete the partition, and now it shows as unallocated. However, the partition is still there, still mountable and still shows up in disk utility... this is ridiculous!10:00
Dr_Willistehbaut:  reboot.. the system is using the old patition tabke.10:01
bullgard4ikonia: The GParted program offers this file output format.10:01
Dr_Willistehbaut:  used to be fdisk would say a message aliong the lines 'Warning: system is using old partition table'10:01
ikoniabullgard4: that doesn't make it good - it's usless10:01
tehbautDr_Willis: yes, this is after rebooting10:01
Dr_Willistehbaut:  i rarely notice that issue these days.. disk contro.ers may be smarter.10:01
bullgard4ikonia: Ah! Understood.10:01
zetherootrying to connect a friends machine to a VPN ... the same VPN my system connects to ... and his keeps saying "VPN service failed to start" ... why?10:01
Dr_Willistehbaut: also you used gparted /dev/sdb  no sdb3 ?10:02
=== phantom is now known as Guest43412
Guest43412Hey there10:02
tehbautDr_Willis: no, using just /dev/sdb will crash gparted10:02
abhijeethi guys. i m using ubuntu 10.10. but when i checked the "about ubuntu" it is showing "You are using Ubuntu 11.04- the Natty Narwhal - released in April 2011 and supported until October 2012". It's kind of strange.. I have not upgraded my os10:02
Lxshello, I'm trying to install ubuntu 10.10 on a hardware raid0, I had Windows 7 on it but grub doesn't show Windows 7 Loader and when I select Ubuntu it shows me BusyBox, what should I do please ?10:02
Dr_Willistehbaut:  you got some deeper issues then.   how about just 'sudo fdisk /dev/sdb' ?10:02
tehbautDr_Willis: after rebooting, I re-ran gparted /dev/sdb3 and it still shows as unallocated, so I've no idea what's up10:03
voozeHow can i check the filesystem on my external drive? i can check in properties on one of them (i have 2) but the new one (2TB WD, my book) i cant see what filesystem it uses.. any ideas?10:03
Dr_Willistehbaut:  gparted on /dev/sdb should definatly not be crashing gparted.  Unless theres somthing very weird on the disk layout/partition table.10:03
Dr_Willisim suprised that gpar5ted /dev/sdb3 even worked..10:04
tehbautDr_Willis: I'm sure there is... I've been using dd to copy other partitions, and some only partially copied, and I may not have even copied the partition table at the front of the disk, so it probably created its own...10:05
* tehbaut shrugs10:05
feiyannetwork test10:05
Dr_Willisin fact.. gparted /dev/sdb3 would seem totally WRONG from what i just tried with it.10:05
linuxtechI just found something disturbing while cleaning up some old kernels.  title           Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS, kernel 2.6.32-28-generic10:05
linuxtechuuid            98c9ecd2-6fe8-4eb6-88a7-f0f39be1564510:05
linuxtechkernel          /vmlinuz-2.6.32-28-generic root=UUID=32e6fdfb-5e4d-4e6c-8850-4a3f0062040d ro quiet splash10:05
linuxtechinitrd          /initrd.img-2.6.32-28-generic10:05
linuxtech and it appears to have been this way a whil and was booting.  Anyone know why it is missing the /boot/vmlinuz...?10:05
FloodBot3linuxtech: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:05
Dr_Willisit seems to be looking on partition sdb3 as if it was a whold hd.. which its not.10:05
=== trijntje_ is now known as trijntje
edwardteachabhijain,  use  lsb_release -a   will tell you you ubuntu version10:06
Dr_Willistehbaut:   You may want to zero out the whole hd and repatition it from the beginning.10:06
tehbautDr_Willis: this is only a temporary stop on a data recovery adventure... so I'll get to that point eventually10:06
LxsWhat device should I choose for the bootloader installation ? /dev/sda ? /dev/mapper/.... Linux Device-mapper ? /dev/mapper... Windows 7 (loader) ?10:07
Dr_Willistehbaut:  using a disk partioning tool on a specicic partion. is not correct. :) for example 'sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb3' is basically going to print jibberish.  /dev/sdb should work10:07
abhijainedwardteach, ???10:08
bullgard4ikonia: I copied the GParted error output file to a USB stick, plugged the USB stick into another Ubuntu computer and Firefox could perfectly read the file in a well-formatted manner.10:08
Dr_Willisgparted may be a bit smarter. it seems to be at least.10:08
tehbautDr_Willis: well I can give you a backtrace of the errors when I try /dev/sdb... but I have no idea what they mean10:08
Dr_Willistehbaut:  i doubt if i know either.10:09
abhijeetis there anyway can i hibernate ubuntu ??10:09
AbhiJitDISCLAIMERp: do not confuse three of us! we three are different persosns10:09
Dr_Willistehbaut:  if you still have the orignal data. I would repartition the spare/problem hd. and rebackup10:09
abhijeetthere is no option at power button10:09
AbhiJitedwardteach, ^^^^10:09
tehbautDr_Willis: the original data is from a dead/dying hard drive, so no... I'd rather not do that ;)10:09
Dr_Willistehbaut:  how can yu even verify what you copied is good.. catch-22 situation.10:10
tehbautif only I could add another partition beyond the four already on there... I'd be okay, but I never created an extended partition, so until I delete this one, I'm stuck at the four10:10
Dr_Willistehbaut:  you may alwso want to try fsarchiver, or ddrescue or dd_rescue in the future. not normal 'dd'10:10
skilz_how to check what tty or pts a user is on?10:10
tehbautDr_Willis: yeah, that's ideally the next step in the process... but I'm getting there slowly, with lots of bottlenecks :\10:11
bullgard4abhijeet: One possibility: Grep help.ubuntu.com for "ACPI" and "Hibernate"10:11
tehbautDr_Willis: yeah, I used both dd and ddrescue... both failed to completely copy, and the drive got ridiculously slow... like 1kB/s transfer speeds10:12
abhijeetbullgard4, i will check that site10:12
Dr_WillisHibernate/suspend Often causes more issues then its worth.10:12
fakeerUbuntu 10.10 partition is being shown as "unallocated" after Windows 7 install. How to get it back? Anyway to recover the partition rather than just the data?10:12
_java_Windows writes a new partition table on install, good luck.10:13
Dr_Willisfakeer:  try booting a live cd. and mointing the patition. see if it can be recovered10:13
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.10:13
voozeHey.. i just plugged in nr. 2 external harddrive.. should that not be possible? i can only see nr. 1, and NOT nr. 2... both are WD MY books (500GB and 2TB)10:13
edwardteachabhijain, sorry lol10:13
motzDr_Willis, the md5 corresponds10:14
fakeerDr_Willis: I tried but the partition is being shown as unallocated. So it couldn't mount.10:14
Dr_Willisvooze:  clarify what you mean..  I have about 5 usb hds on here.10:14
tehbautDr_Willis: so do you know any way to tell what data might be partially missing/corrupted due to fragmentation beyond the copied threshold of the original partition, or due to data missed because of bad blocks not being copied over?10:15
Dr_Willisfakeer:  theres some tools out that can try to recover the  partiton tables.. but ive never used them. IF the data is still there in theory you could use gparted to set its type. and Just its type and not reformat it.. and it may work..10:15
voozeDr_Willis, oh sorry wrong line, 2 sec10:15
voozeHow can i check the filesystem on my external drive? i can check in properties on one of them (i have 2) but the new one (2TB WD, my book) i cant see what filesystem it uses.. any ideas?10:15
Dr_Willistehbaut: Not really. perhaps fsarchiver10:15
Dr_Willisvooze:  'sudo fdisk -l' is one way. f its a new HD. its proberly NTFS10:15
motzDr_Willis,  what do we have to conclude? hd problem?10:15
fakeerDr_Willis: Could you please be more clear. And great if a few links/tuts you might be knwoing.10:16
Dr_Willismotz:  hard to tell. could be a hd issue. or memory issue. or some odd quirk in the drivers that got updated during install.10:16
MrMintanetI have a question, and I am certain it is not a "beginner" question.  Could someone help me, or have I worn out my welcome already?10:16
Dr_Willisfakeer:  Ive not had to recover such things in 7+ years. so i dont even know aht new guides are out there on the topic.10:16
Dr_Willis!info parted10:17
ubottuparted (source: parted): The GNU Parted disk partition resizing program. In component main, is standard. Version 2.3-2ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 72 kB, installed size 196 kB10:17
bullgard4 MrMintanet Please put a specific question here in this channel.10:17
Dr_WillisI recall some partion recoveruy cli tool  on a rescue cd. but cant recall its name10:17
fakeerDr_Willis: However, it was 9.10's GParted that shows me Ubuntu partition as unallocated10:17
llutz_Dr_Willis: testdisk (parted package)10:17
voozeDr_Willis, finally thanks! :) it was NTFS.. its just because the "old 500GB" is FAT32.. and that REALLY sucks in linux :D10:17
_java_Mr. we all agreed that guy was a jerk, your fine.10:18
fakeerDr_Willis: Okay. Actually earlier XP and Vista did only grub overright and 7 has gone one step ahead. Thanks anyway...10:18
Dr_Willisfakeer:  ive never noticed or heard of windows 7 deleteing linux patitions..10:18
Dr_Willisfakeer:  i just have the 1 windows 7 box however..  so i dont use it a lot.10:18
motzDr_Willis, what do you suggest me to do? should I give up?10:19
Dr_Willismotz:  try a 11.04 cd perhaps. this is a 'brand new' laptop ? you may want to check teh ubuntu forums. they often have more up to date things then what we know here.10:19
MrMintanetWhen I boot up my system, i have two brand new drives (one hooked up externally via eSATA and the other connected internally SATA) both on the same controller.  The drives pass smart tests and all diagnostics, however... when I boot my system, my boot haults and says that there is a critical error with my system, I can "Ignore" "Skip" or "Manually Repair" the problem.  I have added "dev/sdb1 /media/DATA ext4 defaults 0 1" to10:20
MrMintanetthe end of my /etc/fstab file so that these spare drives mount on startup.   Can anyone advise what I am doing wrong?10:20
motzDr_Willis, where do I find a 11.04 cd?10:20
_java_I was reading a FAQ the other day, like I said, windows 7 supposedly rewrites the partition table during install. (I assume as an "F U" to the owner of the machine.)10:20
Dr_Willismotz:  it sould be ojn the ubuntu dowmnloads/torrents. or check topic in #ubuntu+110:21
Dr_Willis_java_:  it wouldent make sence for it to delete/modify existing partitions.  but you may want to ask for clarifiation in #windows ive never 'reinstalled' windows 7 yet.10:22
=== marku379 is now known as newlad
Dr_Willischangeing the partiion table is one thing.. but thats a list of existing partitions.. . altering an actual partiioon is another whole thing..10:23
_java_True, "unallocated10:23
_java_Crap accidentally pressed enter. "Unallocated" is a bit different isn't it.10:24
ajahwhere is the location of db of winehq i had some programs installed and then i was probably removed them from the disc but wine show me that they are installed10:24
ajahi need to remove them10:24
frosterohey yallz10:25
frosteroi need someone good with hardware and drivers,10:26
Dr_Willisajah:  wine shows them as instaslled where exactly?10:26
frosterospecifically hardware and drivers10:26
Dr_Willisajah:  how is wine showing that.10:26
X11Hello Guruz. Anyone please know, how to keep an X11 app running in the background that I started via an ssh forwarded X11 session?10:26
frosteroon board video10:27
X11not sure if bg and Ctrl-Z would help in this case10:27
frosterolooks like a specific chipset10:27
ajahDr_Willis, from the start menu wine>programs and list me some programs installed10:27
X11or how to bring it back to the front again10:27
motzDr_Willis, could you give me the whole path to the 11.4?10:27
frosteroit requires more then i can give right now10:27
frosterocan someone help him out?10:28
Dr_Willisajah:  thats not 'wine' showing anything.   when a wine app installs.. the process gernates a .destktop and other files that gnome menus use. :)10:28
Dr_Willisajah:  i think they are stored in ~/.config/menus/applications-merged10:28
steinexhi, for upgrades that come to my ubuntu box, can i see a changelog somewhere?10:29
frosteroits not that much i know, but someone more knowledgable can quick fix this10:29
steinexfor the packages that get upgraded?10:29
fakeerDr_Willis: Neither did I. Erlier (Vista and XP) all I had to do was bot off a LiveCD and reinstall grub and update it.10:29
ajahDr_Willis, but i start wine>Uninstall wine software it shows me tthat programs10:29
v3traeI just came from Crunchbang to ubuntu netbook. I had 'multitouch' capability natively in crunchbang (specifically to do the two finger scroll), but can't seem to find the same support for ubuntu anywhere. I dont remember installing any packages to get this working in crunchbang. Anyone familiar with how to do this?10:29
Dr_Willismotz:  the topic in #ubuntu+1 channel gave a url -> http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/natty/alpha110:29
ajahDr_Willis, and list them in the add/remove programs window10:30
Dr_Willisajah:   I tend to just purge my whole .wine dir every so often. :) i rarely fight with wine much.10:30
Dr_Willisajah:  i rarely even mess with th extra things in the wine 'menu' either.10:31
Dr_WillisHmm. the menu -> wine -> uninstall wine software   program even has a button to INSTALL apps from a cd...10:31
Dr_Willisthat may work better for some people fighting with isntalling stuff from cd perhaps.10:32
aaron11I have a problem with my Ubuntu 10.10, I just downloaded an update and after that, the screen will go to a console saying something about a batery power and firefox. I restart it and it was gone, while I was watching a You Tube video the black screen poped up again. I have to restart again and now im here. What should I do?10:32
fakeerDr_Willis: can you suggest any channel in particular for this issue?10:32
ohzieaaron11: The error is very very important.10:32
ohzieaaron11: It sounds like a graphics card problem to me10:33
aaron11ohzie, There is no error.10:33
motzDr_Willis, what if I give a look at the logs? where do I find them?10:33
ohzieaaron11: I don't know what the battery/firefox thing could possibly be10:33
Dr_Willisfakeer:  Not really. I dont mess with windows7, so cant prove it did the damate. and i dont use that 'testdisk' app mentioned earlier.10:33
aaron11ohzie, Or atleast no error message. But only after this update i have this problem10:33
Dr_Willismotz:  all logs are normallin in /var/log/  and check out put of the 'dmesg' command10:33
ohzieaaron11: what is your system10:33
ohzieaaron11: can you do an lspci and an lshw and post them to a pastebin?10:34
sacarlsonfrostero: maybe you could give us a clue as what you are working with by: sudo lshw | pastebinit10:34
=== Alcapun is now known as noobuntu
v3traeContinued question. I assume ubuntu generates it's xorg.conf using the files in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d, is that correct?10:36
aaron11ohzie, my system is acer aspire 4736z10:36
aaron11ohzie, the lspci, 1 sec10:36
Dr_Willisv3trae:  X auto configures for the most part these days. not even generating a xorg.conf10:37
sacarlsonv3trae: that file will only exist if you run propriatary video drivers or if you make custom mods to it10:37
aaron11ohzie,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/560167/10:37
v3traeDr_Willis: well if one needed to make a manual change to the xorg configuration i'd imagine it would be done in these files10:37
ohzieI actually think that's the worst feature ever10:37
v3traeDr_Willis: suppose that's what i'm asking. I apologize10:37
ohzieI went to modify my xorg for my nvidia drivers and was like "Wait what"10:37
ohzie"where is it"10:37
ohzieand I freaked out and thought I'd done someting immensely stupid10:37
Dr_Willismy nvidia systems have a minimal xorg.conf that basically enables twinview.10:38
ohzieI mean I love that xorg has advanced far enough to autoconfigure so well, but like...it could autogenerate an xorg conf. :P10:38
Dr_Willisohzie:  thats sort of self-defeating.10:39
Dr_Willisxorg.conf overrides the auto-configring last i checked.10:39
ohzieDr_Willis: It does10:39
aaron11ohzie, Did u get the link?10:40
ohzieaaron11: what link10:40
Dr_Willisv3trae:  if i need to make a change. you can put specific entries in a rather minimal xorg.conf file and they get merged/used i belive is how its donw.10:40
motzDr_Willis, [EE] open /dev/fb0 no such file or directoty10:40
aaron11ohzie, :-| u wanted the lspci.10:40
aaron11ohzie, http://paste.ubuntu.com/560167/10:40
motzDr_Willis, could this be the problem?10:41
Dr_Willismotz:  fb0 is the framebuffer. which is not even used by default on ubuntu last i checked.10:41
ohzieaaron11: TY. Sorry if I overlooked it, I usually only notice lines with hilight on them unless I'm paying a lot of attention.10:41
ohziemotz: Joseph?10:41
Dr_Willismotz:  so i doubt thats the issue.. unless its a very weird driver/plymouth issue.10:41
NET||abusehey guys. my tomboy notes won't open with alt-f12      using gnome on netbook remix, 10.1010:41
v3traeDr_Willis: you're referring to creating an xorg.conf file in /etc/?10:41
NET||abuseanyonne know why the shortcut would be unresponsive?10:41
Dr_Willisv3trae:  my nvidia systems have a xorg.conf in /etc/ yes.10:42
motzohzie, no, sorry, I'm not Joseph10:42
v3traeDr_Willis: understood. Thank you10:42
ohziemotz: Thanks. =)10:42
edwardteachDr_Willis, is there a way to check the settings of the xorg auto-config ?10:42
Dr_Willisedwardteach:  never really looked into it.10:42
motzDr_Willis, could it make sense to try with another distro?10:42
Dr_Willismotz: May as well try.. dosent hurt to try.10:43
Dr_Willismotz:  tinuy core linux = 10mb download = good to 'test' things with.10:43
voozeI'm having some "problems" with my external harddrives.. in win there was no problem.. Filesystem is FAT32 + NTFS.. both transfer REALLY SLOW in ubuntu.. both to and from the harddrive.. any ideas??? Shoudent NTFS be fine ??10:43
Dr_Willismotz:  your system is a 'brand new just relased' laptop correct? it may be many disrtos may have simile rissuesd with it.10:44
BelkinUSBhello, having a tought time trying to connect to my Ubuntu 10.10 machine from WindowsXP in my home network. No problem the other way around10:44
icefyrevooze: NTFS is a different filesystem than the one used by Ubutnu so there is a conversion toll. It will be noticably slower to use an NTFS partition than a native ext4 partition10:44
ohzieDr_Willis: Is there any way to tell what driver xorg is using without telling it to create an xorg conf?10:45
calvinthis is specified in xorg.conf..10:45
voozeicefyre,  should i use a tool? or just wait?10:45
voozeits like 8 hours for 25GB :(10:45
ohziecalvin: ubuntu 10.10 doesn't have an xorg.conf file by default. :310:45
icefyreVooze:  this should only apply for copying files10:45
ohziecalvin: Hence the question.10:45
calvinit just uses default vesa10:46
icefyrevooze: just accessing files shouldn't be as much of a problem10:46
ohziecalvin: if I have an nvidia card it won't default to the 'nv' driver?10:46
Dr_Willisohzie:  the x log files can tell you that.10:46
sacarlsonohzie: I think sudo lshw will display what driver each device is using and if they use any at all10:46
voozeyeah okay, that was what i was afraid off.. I use the external harddrive for mediacenter.. = i copy files ALOT :(10:46
motzDr_Willis, so it's a mistake to buy a brand new laptop if you want to install linux on it?10:47
calvinohzie: noveau is the way to go imo10:47
Dr_Willis$ grep Driver /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:47
Dr_Willismotz:  it pays to research your hardware.10:47
ohziemotz: linux-laptop.com has a huge database of machines people have installed linux on10:48
edwardteachBelkinUSB, how are you connecting the boxs10:48
ohziewhat flavors, what worked, and what didn't10:48
Dr_Willismotz:  Ubuntu is reelased every 6 months.. so the current release is almost 4+mo old..10:48
Dr_Willismotz:  the next release may fix any issues you have.10:48
ohzieaaron11: run that command, "grep Driver /var/log/Xorg.0.log" that Dr_Willis mentioned.10:48
icefyrevooze: then it shouldn't be as much of a problem as long as you aren't copying the content from the external HD to your linux filesystem before playing movies10:49
minixkinganyone here know about proftpd?10:49
Dr_Willisminixking:  i know it has docs :) and guides out...10:49
ohziecalvin: what is noveau?10:49
motzDr_Willis, are you telling me I have to let the computer blank for about two months and wait?10:49
Dr_Willisminixking:  if you have a spcidic question about it. state the question. see who knows  about.10:49
zdway2010hi all10:49
ohziesacarlson: It does, thank you so much!10:49
zdway2010any one can help me plz10:50
serializednouveau is the open source nvidia driver10:50
motzohzie, my computer (lenovo b560) is on the the list in linux-laptop.com10:50
Dr_Willismotz:  i suggested tryiong 11.04, i also suggested trying some other disrtos.. I dont even recall your original issue any more.10:50
voozeicefyre: i dont.. but i download files on my linux system, and then transfer to external HD10:50
BelkinUSBedwardteach, via LAN10:50
calvinohzie: the open rev. eng nvidia driver10:50
calvinhas experimental 3d support10:50
ohziecalvin: That's cool10:50
BelkinUSBedwardteach, I have Samba running on my ubuntu machine and normal network services on my XP10:50
Dr_Willismotz:  just be aware that 11.04 is in 'alpha testing' so may have lots of other issues. You may also want to check the ubuntu forums for your exact laptop make/model.10:51
calvini'd anytime prefer it over the propetiary drivers ;d10:51
edwardteachBelkinUSB,  i meant what software and for what reason ? ahh  so its a samba issue  !    only one way connection ?10:52
minixkingdr: oddly enough that has done me no good, when i install it in ubuntu i set DefaultRoot /usr/sharedfiles users,!staff and it still lets ppl have access to other dir's10:52
BelkinUSBedwardteach, yup, i can see all my files on the win machine but not the other way around10:53
Dr_Willisminixking:  i dont use ftp any more. ssh is the way to go. :)10:53
minixkingwas wondering if this was a standard problem in ubuntu10:53
calvinwhatś your samba tbdsam db?10:53
minixkingdr: am i the only one that cant get ps to work in 10.10?10:54
calvinand have you enabled the nmbd daemon?10:54
minixkingkinda hard to tell who is talking to who in this chan10:55
staar2for ssh access, there must be some kinda server daemon always running ?10:56
ankur_trapasiyai want to do open source projects ..how can i join it ?10:56
calvinstaar: yeah, the openssh daemon10:56
balachmarHi, How can I change the backlight intensity of GDM? it always goes back to full. (Which in my case shuts it down, a weird glitch in the driver).10:57
erUSUL!sshd | staar210:57
ubottustaar2: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, sshd is the server (or daemon) of SSH. For setting up the SSH server, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openssh-server.html . Advanced SSH uses: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Advanced . For SSH client information, see !ssh . Related: !scp (Secure CoPy)10:57
cor_rI had a problem where I couldnt install grub-pc, now switched to 11.04 . There are even more packages not installing, any idea? http://paste.ubuntu.com/560054/10:57
Dr_Willisminixking:  i dont even know  what you mean by 'ps'10:57
sacarlsonminixking: I'm now running proftpd,  look at sudo netstat -pant to see if port 21 is active10:57
=== jairo is now known as Guest60947
minixkingsacar: yes, my problem is that it is giving other people access to dir's outside of DefaultRoot /usr/sharedfiles users,!staff10:58
Dr_Willishttp://mywiki.wooledge.org/FtpMustDie   :) Interesting bit of history and ranting about FTP.10:58
Guest60947necesito ayuda10:59
minixkingdr: does ubuntu not have the ps command i.e. ps -e xor ps -A10:59
oCean!es | Guest6094710:59
ubottuGuest60947: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.10:59
erUSULDr_Willis: greycat allways such a gentleman :)10:59
Guest60947alquien sabe commo configurar el moden e1752 en ubuntu 10.1011:00
ikonia!es | Guest6094711:00
ubottuGuest60947: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:00
sacarlsonminixking: yes we have a ps command,  not sure your user has priv to us it so maybe try sudo ps -A11:00
Dr_Willisminixking:  ps command works here.11:00
calvinHm, trying to get borderless eterm in fluxbox, anybody has a pointer?11:00
Dr_Willisps ax | less11:00
splashotehey, synaptic can't load the source of VirtualBox (Fehlschlag beim Holen von http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian/dists/maverick/Release  Unable to find expected entry  contrib/source/Sources in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)11:01
edwardteachBelkinUSB,  i was going to say it sounds like a permission issue . but you can access from windows ?11:01
splashoteany suggestions?11:01
minixkingits the weirdest error ive seen yet and ive been nix'in for years11:01
minixkingit just says "command inactive"11:01
minixkingnothing in forums11:01
sacarlsonsplashote: did you add the lines to the repository list?11:01
Dr_Willisminixking:  whats the exact command you are using?11:02
minixkingps -e11:02
splashotesacarlson: of course, and I added the key. the error output is from synaptic11:02
minixkinghell ive punched just ps11:02
Dr_Willisps -e works here..11:02
minixkingwhich distro you running11:02
oCean!who > minixking11:02
ubottuminixking, please see my private message11:02
Dr_Willisi was thinking the - was not needed in many cases with ps these days..11:03
BelkinUSBedwardteach,  no, I can access Windows from Ubuntu, not the other way around11:03
cor_rcalvin: -x, --borderless11:03
sacarlsonsplashote: well then you must have also done the update list  atp-get update  or equiv in synaptic11:03
ikoniaminixking: please show me the output of uname -a11:03
Dr_Willisbut seems ps e, and ps -e, are radiaclly differnt. :) i tend to just use ps ax,11:03
cor_rI had a problem where I couldnt install grub-pc, now switched to 11.04 . There are even more packages not installing, any idea? http://paste.ubuntu.com/560054/11:03
minixkingikonia: there is that error again even sudo11:04
splashotesacarlson: of course. actually that is what I'm trying to do when the error pops up: Failed to fetch http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian/dists/maverick/Release  Unable to find expected entry  contrib/source/Sources in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)11:04
splashoteE: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.11:04
minixkingikon: "Command Inactive"11:04
ikoniaminixking: so "uname -a" shows the error "command inactive11:04
ikoniaminixking: can you please take a screen shot of this11:04
minixkingikon: yeah where you want me to post it for the rest of the world to wonder in my headache :P11:05
ikoniaminixking: image shack or any other image service11:05
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.11:05
sacarlsonsplashote: that's a sytax error in your repository list I'll give you an example of what it should look like11:06
Dr_Willisminixking:  just as a test. launch a new terminal, see if it does same thing in there.11:06
ikoniaDr_Willis: lets wait for the screen shot11:06
sariolakys_hi there, I am experiencing weird problems when trying to install ubuntu 10.10 from live cd on a new machine. After checking that my system has enough space, plugged to the el network and connected to internet I get to the place where I should be partitioning my disk and there is where the problem comes since I cannot do anything. Any tip?11:08
sacarlsonsplashote: you should have a line in /etc/apt/source.list like: deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian lucid contrib11:08
Dr_Willissariolakys_:  what os was on the 'new' machine in the first place?11:08
edwardteachBelkinUSB,  sounds like a permission problem ! have you edited the samba.conf file to allow access from remote client11:08
sariolakys_there is a Windows 7 on it. System had 2 partitions of 500GB each11:09
splashotesacarlson: but i'm using maverik and this is how it looks like:  deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian maverick contrib11:10
splashotesacarlson: so it's ok, isn't it?11:10
=== mj is now known as Guest74386
bullgard4I'd like to move to the left and enlarge my /home partition using GParted. I obtained 3 times: "Input/output error while reading from /dev/sda." (http://paste.pocoo.org/show/329102/). But the sector number was different each time. --  How to proceed?11:10
Dr_Willissariolakys_:  i would double check that. (via sudo fdisk -l, from the live cd) - My Win7 box i got at xmas. had 4 Primary partitions..  this made it impoxxible to install ubuntu onto. Untill i did some hd-rearangeing.11:10
sariolakys_in the allocate/partitioning screen I see a table where I guess I should have my current partitions, labels, etc but that table is completely empty11:11
ikoniabullgard4: please pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l"11:11
Dr_Willissariolakys_: You could resize (from within windows7) one of the HD's leaving part of the hd Unallocated. and tell the installer to use the unallocaed space.11:11
sacarlsonsplashote: yes that seems to exist11:11
sacarlsonsplashote: can you browse that address with your browser?11:12
splashotesacarlson: yes, i can11:12
cor_rI had a problem where I couldnt install grub-pc, now switched to 11.04 . There are even more packages not installing, any idea? http://paste.ubuntu.com/560054/11:12
edwardteachBelkinUSB, http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/install-samba-server-on-ubuntu/11:13
Dr_Williscor_r:  if you are now useing  11.04 =  You should be asking in #ubuntu+111:13
j0nnymoea h11:13
j0nnymoe*Anyone here using a Apple Magic Mouse with ubuntu 10.10?11:13
Dr_Willisgrub-pc = grub2 - which is installed by default i thought.11:13
cor_rDr_Willis: I c thank you11:14
razz1I am planning on getting logitech keyboard k300 and M500 logitech mouse. any one using these11:14
christhecoolboyhey all, I have a problem....11:14
sariolakys_hmmm nice Dr_willis, I think I might be suffering from the same problem, yes, my HD was partitioned in 4 primary parts, so I have tried resizing from the live CD using Gtparted, removing one of the primary partitions and creating an extended there leaving some space unassigned. My problem is that it looks like the installer does not ask for any question regarding the partitioning I want, it is just showing that empty table by default. I th11:15
sariolakys_ink it should be asking if I want to manually edit the partitions, use the entire disk, etc, right?11:15
christhecoolboyI have an elonex webbook11:15
christhecoolboyand I need to edit xorg.conf11:15
bullgard4ikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/56017211:15
christhecoolboybut I need to do it before I install ubuntu11:15
christhecoolboyhow do I edit files on my USB stick11:15
razz1want a corded keyboard and mouse, not too expensive are the logitech k300 and M500 a good choice11:15
Dr_Willissariolakys_:  i tend to use a gparted live cd. set up the partitions how i want, and tell the uubnut insatller to mount the partions where i want.11:15
Dr_Willischristhecoolboy:  thers no xorg.conf to edit on  a livecd/flash drive..11:16
christhecoolboywhat do I do then?11:16
christhecoolboyI cant see anything11:16
christhecoolboyits all TV static like11:16
Dr_Willischristhecoolboy:  there are often boot optiomns for specific problems... so whats your eact issue.11:16
bullgard4christhecoolboy: Mount the stick. Then use gedit.11:16
BelkinUSBedwardteach, tried it but no luck... time to go now :(11:16
sacarlsonsplashote: I'm not sure maybe it's just a temp server update problem,  how long has this problem been seen?11:16
erUSULrazz1: aything you buy will do even cheapo china hardware. all usb kb mouse use the same protocol11:16
Dr_Willischristhecoolboy:  whats your video chipset?11:17
christhecoolboyI read about this: http://webbookblog.com/reinstalling-ubuntu-or-other-linux-on-the-webbook/11:17
jazzticoi need it your hell11:17
jazzticoalguien habla español?11:18
erUSUL!es | jazztico11:18
ubottujazztico: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:18
Dr_Willischristhecoolboy:  you can make that file if you wanted.. but theres no xorg.conf by default on a live cd. and provberly not on the usb-live setup either11:18
christhecoolboyhow could I change it so it boots...11:19
Dr_Willischristhecoolboy:  that URL is stateing to change the file After it installs.. it seems.11:19
benedicthi, i get a message at boot saying "echo 2 > /proc/sys/kernel/pref_counter_paranoid" - it is somehow connected the virtualbox. i only have /proc/sys/kernel/pref_event_paranoid in the folder. i didn't find any uselfull info on the web. any advice for me?11:19
christhecoolboyIt needs to be in 1024 x 60011:19
christhecoolboyand I cannot install it11:19
razz1erUSUL: I know all keyboards do the same job but when you need to use them for more than 10 hrs a day, then it really matters and I have used really cheap ones and they do not cut it11:19
christhecoolboysince when I start it, its all static11:19
Dr_Willischristhecoolboy:  that url is also like 3+ yrs old..11:19
sariolakys_my problem is that I cannot tell the installer where I want the things to be because it does not show anything. I can see my partitions and their file system using GParted, but I see nothing in the installer. The only thing it says at the bottom is that my deviced for boat loader installation would be /dev/sda but in the table above it the table where I should see device, type, mounting point, etc is completely empty and the buttons below11:19
sariolakys_it (new partitioning table, add..., edit...,etc) are all inactive11:19
jipsyhi how can I install my need for speed cd? I cant mount the cd..newbie here... please assist ^^11:19
christhecoolboymy computer is also like 3 years old11:20
erUSULrazz1: i thought you were asking about linux compability :) sorry for the noise11:20
Dr_Willischristhecoolboy:  whats your exact video chipset? theres the 'nomodeset' option that may  help11:20
Dr_Willischristhecoolboy:  and if you are following a 3 yr old guide.. to try to change a disrto that is just 6 mo old.. that guide may be totally wrong.11:21
christhecoolboyDr_Willis, http://www.elonex.com/products/webbook_spec.shtm11:21
skilz_something wrong with my box, cant ping anything11:21
voozeWhen my LAN Card is not working (wireless is fine) is there a way to troubleshoot this??? like a terminal command to check errors??11:21
benedictskilz_: please paste the output of ifconfig -a11:21
erUSULskilz_: what is the error from ping ?11:21
AlanBellhi christhecoolboy, I wrote the webbookblog article11:22
christhecoolboyHi, AlanBell11:22
benedictvooze: is your lan card getting recognized?11:22
jipsyhow to mount cdrom? ^^11:22
AlanBellchristhecoolboy: what version of Ubuntu are you trying to install?11:23
jipsyim planning to install need for speed.11:23
erUSULjipsy: udisks --mount /dev/cdrom11:23
christhecoolboyUbuntu 10.10 Netbook11:23
erUSUL!appdb | jipsy11:23
ubottujipsy: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help11:23
jipsyI already have wine... thnx... ill try it now ^^11:23
MrMintanetDoes anyone here use the Web Client provided with Transmission Torrent Downloader?11:24
AlanBellchristhecoolboy: don't think I have tried 10.10 on the webbook, I think support for the odd graphics chipset might have been dropped or something11:24
=== benedict is now known as needow
bc81how can i set my usb speakers as default output device?11:26
christhecoolboymy sister wants it on her webbook :(11:26
AlanBelljust looking about the office to see if I still have a working webbook somewhere11:26
jpdsbc81: Sound Preferences → Output.11:26
erUSULbc81: click on sound icon. choose sound preferences and change device in output tab ?11:26
AlanBellchristhecoolboy: /join #ubuntu-uk, this is going to take a while and this channel makes my head spin :)11:27
bc81yes, but sometimes it goes back to the onboard speakers, jpds & erUSUL11:27
j0nnymoeAnyone Using Apple's Magic Mouse on ubuntu 10.10?11:32
* Descriptioned it's kinda wird my question but since im not join other chat's/forums, i may ask here even if am offtopic. :P ... If anyone knows witch is better "Male or Female Bull Terrier" ??11:33
edwardteachvooze, what is the output of cat /etc/network/interfaces11:33
edwardteachhes gone11:33
GneaDescriptioned: since it's offtopic, you may not ask that here.11:34
boxbeatsyhi, i'm having a really weird problem and i realy need help.  for about half of my page loads in my browser, the page won't resolve but if i keep refreshing my page, it will eventually load.  i know it's not my internet connection because i have a persistent connection through chat.11:34
boxbeatsydoes anyone know what might be going on11:34
DescriptionedGnea: since im gonna buy one i think it's good idea, im not talking about a software or something that i can change tommorow.. :)11:34
Benkinoobyon bootup my 10.04 complains about something related to virtuaalbox and says i should "echo 2 > /proc/sys/kernel/pref_counter_paranoid" but "ls -al /proc/sys/" gives me "dr-xr-xr-x   0 root root 0 2011-01-30 12:03 kernel" so i am not supposed to create any files there. any advice?11:34
GneaDescriptioned: yes, and so you should ask it in #ubuntu-offtopic11:35
uni4dfxhow do i remove plymouth?11:35
Gneauni4dfx: you don't.11:35
Dr_Willisuni4dfx:  not reccomended.. You can turn it 'off' by editing the /etc/default/grub  and changeing 'quiet splash' to be just ''  (ie blank)11:35
boxbeatsyAlso, i'm trying to update my svn repository, and i keep getting "urlopen error" and if i just keep trying over and over it eventually works.  it's like i'm losing connection, but i'm not.11:35
uni4dfxDr_Willis that's a very bad workaround since it's going to be overwritten each time there is a kernel update11:36
rumpe1Benkinooby, you have to be admin to do this11:36
Dr_Willisuni4dfx:  ive never have had it overwritten  been doing it that way since beta..11:36
Dr_Willisuni4dfx:  so i think yoru statement is wrong.11:36
Benkinoobyrumpe1, when doing "sudo vim /proc/sys/kernel/pref_counter_paranoid" and enter a 2 it won't let me save11:37
Dr_Willisevery kernel update reruns update-grub that reads that config.. that setting makes it the 'default' for all new kernels also.11:37
Dr_Willisuni4dfx:  you May be confuseing /boot/grub/grub.cfg (you DONT edit that file) you edit /etc/default/grub11:37
uni4dfxDr_Willis oh yeah, my bad11:38
boxbeatsyhi, does anyone know waht might be going wrong with my machine? i realy need to fix this :\11:38
boxbeatsyit's like i have a connection that's ocming in and out but my internet connection is definitely still here11:38
civixierOkay, so I need help. When I installed nano from apt-get and edited the nanorc file nothin happened. So I googled around and got to the conclusion that you have to compile nano with --enable-nanorc for it to read the nanorc file. I don't have a clue on how to do that. So what do I do to enable nanorc?11:39
boxbeatsyit's so weird..i dont know how to explain it any better11:39
sergiüpoiuztrewsadfghjuikopäö.,mnbvcx cvbghzu89olö-öä#11:39
FloodBot3sergi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:39
sergiis here anybody form germany11:40
uni4dfxDr_Willis thanks, i think this solved my problem (it failed to boot at random...)11:40
Benkinoobysergi, what do you need11:40
Benkinoobyi can't update to kernel-2.6.32-28 http://pastebin.com/TzcBMKtk11:43
edwardteachboxbeatsy, have you checked your dmesg logs while using firefox11:44
Benkinoobyi can't update to kernel-2.6.32-28 http://pastebin.com/TzcBMKtk - someoen uderstands these aptitude messages?11:45
=== vivid` is now known as vivid
boxbeatsyedwardteach: hi, thanks for answering.  i jsut checked. it seems like there is something relevant.  does this mean anythign to you? http://pastebin.com/iNxHHEAk11:46
rumpe1Benkinooby, well... i guess there are some problems with the nvidia-kernel-modules (line 30)11:47
rumpe1Benkinooby, maybe try full-upgrade (man aptitude:  "..full-upgrade.. is capable of upgrading packages that safe-upgrade cannot upgrade."11:49
Benkinoobyrumpe1, thx for the hint. research sys purge and resintall will help... i'll report back11:49
IsrafelUbuntu doesn't mount HDDs other than the root at boot... So I added them to my fstab. But now I have duplicates in "Places"11:50
Benkinoobyrumpe1, purging nvidia-common helped11:52
edwardteachboxbeatsy, your wireless connection keeps cutting out because  your wired connection is interfering at a guess .. what is the out put of cat /etc/network/interfaces11:52
rumpe1Benkinooby, ok... good to know :)11:53
gebbionehi guys, i m installing xubuntu from usb and the "Load debconf preconfigration file" step fails, what can i do?11:53
Benkinoobygonna reboot to the new kernel and reisntal nvidia-comman - thx for your hint rumpe111:53
boxbeatsyedwardteach: hmm i see.  it's  auto lo and then iface lo inet loopback11:53
boxbeatsyedwardteach: the odd thing is that my ssh connections and irc connections are staying connected11:53
boxbeatsyedwardteach: it's just the svn updates and the browser page loads are erroring out randomly11:54
edwardteachboxbeatsy, hmm11:54
edwardteachboxbeatsy, whats it like when downloading a vid from youtube or you would'nt like to try lol11:56
Benkinoobyany ideas on the "sudo vim /proc/sys/kernel/pref_counter_paranoid" problem thoug rumpe1 ?11:56
boxbeatsyedwardteach: i actually am trying that right now.  it's streaming perfectly fine right now11:56
boxbeatsyedwardteach: going 1:30 onwards11:57
rumpe1Benkinooby, i would a) ignore the warning if virtualbox runs just fine or b) try the echo 3> thingy...  proc is not a "usual" filesystem11:57
boxbeatsyedwardteach: could it be something with DNS resolution?11:57
edwardteachboxbeatsy, are you using a usb wireless device11:57
boxbeatsyedwardteach: no, it's an internal one11:58
boxbeatsyedwardteach: hmmm weird...my wireless card has been disabled this whole time11:59
edwardteachboxbeatsy, yeah and your connected !?11:59
boxbeatsyedwardteach: i'm connected through ethernet, yea12:00
skilz_something wrong with my box, cant ping anything12:00
skilz_I just get 100% packet loss12:01
edwardteachboxbeatsy, well ubuntu always   defaults to wired over wireless unless configured otherwise !12:01
boxbeatsyedwardteach: ah i see.  well, that's what it's doing now also.12:02
phpmagicianhow can i make skype app use my plantronics headset *without* effecting the other apps?12:02
phpmagicianat the moment, all audio goes to the headset12:03
phpmagicianany takers for my headset audio problem? :/12:04
gebbionehi guys, i m installing xubuntu from usb and the "Load debconf preconfigration file" step fails, what can i do?12:06
gebbionei m in the shell now12:06
gebbionehow can i tell the path of the xubunto conf file to the installer12:06
gobbemaybe #xubuntu can help12:07
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »12:08
SyriaIs the latest version of kde available for ubuntu 10.10?12:08
sieI want to start xchat when my ubuntu starts up. Are there some gnome init scripts in which I could write my "xchat &"?12:09
moz_ohzie, are you there? now I'm connected from my ubuntu-laptop too12:09
bazhangSyria, ask in #kubuntu , should be in the topic12:10
Syriabazhang:  Thank you.12:11
bazhangsie, why not just put in Startup applications12:11
bazhangsie system prefs startup apps12:11
azlobo0sie: System->Preferences->Startup Applications12:11
ikoniabullgard4: the reason you are having problems resizing is due to a lack of available space (unallocated) space on your disk12:11
azlobo0sry bazhang you nailed it12:12
bazhangazlobo0, :) we both did12:12
siebazhang, azlobo0, And where exactly do those settings go? Into gconf?12:13
sssCan someone help me dual boot Wubi into Windows XP? I need some help with partitioning.12:14
edwardteachsie its the gui app in your menus12:14
azlobo0sie:  .config/autostart/<name>.desktop12:15
azlobo0that is, in ~/12:16
edwardteachsie,  which ubuntu are you using ? unity ?12:16
shmupso i'm attempting to install dropbox on my 10.04 server, and am going by this blog's instructions12:16
sieazlobo0, Awesome, tanks.12:16
sieedwardteach, 10.1012:16
shmuphe tells you to just run: .dropbox-dist/dropbox, however it just says "dropbox: command not found"12:17
edwardteachsie,  unity ? or gnome ?12:17
sssCan someone help me install Wubi? I need help with partitioning12:17
zenithdk_-how do I re-add the "presence" applet?12:18
zenithdk_-it seems to have crashed and have not started again12:18
sieedwardteach, gnome12:18
zenithdk_-sss: what is the problem?12:18
azlobo0sie:  I should point out that I'm on 10.04, so ymmv =)12:18
azlobo0but probably similar/same12:18
ssszenithdk_, I have Windows XP and I want to dual boot Ubuntu 10.10 to it12:19
sieShould be the same.12:19
MrMintanetAnyone know any decent USB Camera Security programs for 10.10 Desktop?12:19
sieWhat do you mean by that?12:19
edwardteachsie, System->Preferences->Startup Applications    add12:19
zenithdk_-sss: yeah? so run Wubi and have it make a container, no need to reformat12:19
gunndawgazlobo0 you shouldl get rid of windows entirely :)12:19
edwardteachsie, menus at the top pannel12:19
sieedwardteach, tnx12:19
edwardteach panel12:19
MrMintanetI'm wanting to setup a web based camera surveillance program that I can access from anywhere.  I also want to be able to use pan/tilt/zoom.  Anyone?12:19
ssszenithdk_-, In the installation I can either erase whole drive (don't want this) or specify partitions manually12:20
zenithdk_-how do I re-add the "presence" applet? it seems to have crashed and have not started again - I need it to logon to my accounts12:20
jetboyjetgirlwhat's the next most used linux distro after ubuntu?12:20
MrMintanetRed Hat12:20
gunndawgjetboyjetgirl, none other12:20
zenithdk_-sss: have you booted into Windows?12:20
=== unix is now known as Guest12893
mongyMrMintanet, zoneminder?12:21
jetboyjetgirlOk, so ubuntu must be really popular12:21
jetboyjetgirlI take it Red Hat is running a distant 2nd12:21
gunndawgjestboyjetgirl, yes, its the most used linux distro at like 9012:21
ssszenithdk_-,  I have windows xp already installed and I have used it , and now I want to install Ubuntu using the LiveCD12:21
gunndawg90% the population12:21
MrMintanetMongy, did you just google that, or do you actually use the program?12:21
jetboyjetgirl90% ? wow12:21
zenithdk_-so have you booted up on the Live CD into Ubuntu or are you in Windows?12:21
gunndawgjetboyjetgirl, 90% of linux users use ubuntu as far as I have read12:22
mongyMrMintanet, I searched in software centre, I forgot the name of it, Ive never used it but have seen a few guides about it.. it supposed to be good..  you wont know till you try it12:22
ubuntu_1004is there a way to show the remaining hours when running on battery for Ubuntu 0buntu 10.04?12:22
ssszenithdk_-, I am now using Ubuntu through the LiveCD and I want to install it12:22
gunndawgjuetboyegirl, not saying 90% of the population uses linux12:23
jetboyjetgirlyeah I understand12:23
jetboyjetgirl90% of linux users12:23
zenithdk_-sss: I just wanted to know if you were running Ubuntu, or were in Windows, you are in Ubuntu, right12:23
mongyMrMintanet, http://www.howtoforge.com/video_surveillance_zoneminder_ubuntu12:23
jetboyjetgirlI asked because the ubuntu channels are so packed copared to other channels12:23
zenithdk_-so for the partitioning, have it create a 40GB partition for Ubuntu12:23
ssszenithdk_-, Right now I am chatting with you using Ubuntu12:23
gunndawgjetboyjeygirl, there is a lot you can do with ubuntu, if I showed you my desktop you would be blown away12:24
zenithdk_-so it just needs to resize your existing partition, which version of Ubuntu are you running? I thought newer installers assumed this by themselves12:24
barbadillohi all12:24
ssszenithdk_-, 10.10. I don't have an option to automatically install alongside current OS12:24
zenithdk_-I think if you run Wubi from Windows it should ask you that, to resize your existing partition12:25
jetboyjetgirlI bet gunndawg, I'm really impressed so far... it's too bad it took me this long the check linux out.12:25
barbadilloi'm not able to login to gnome after upgrade to 10.1012:25
zenithdk_-sss: ok, then just shrink your existing partition12:25
gunndawgjetboyjetgirl, enjoy the experience :)12:25
jetboyjetgirlI'm running windows 7/ ubuntu 10.10 and 90% of the time I've been using ubuntu now12:25
ssszenithdk_-,  I am not using Wubi! I am using the LiveCD12:25
coz_sss,   during th e  live cd installer partitioning options... there should be an options "slider"  to set the size for the ubuntu installation next to your other OS12:25
oCeanjetboyjetgirl: this channel is technical support, /join #ubuntu-offtopic for social chat12:26
sam-_-gunndawg: where did you read 90%?12:26
gunndawgjetboyjetgirl, I ran win7 and linux for a while then I got rid of win7 entirely to give my linux system more HDD space :)12:26
zenithdk_-rigth, but you mentioned Wubi at the start :P I think if you boot into Windows Wubi or something like it can be run from Windows to start the install also12:26
sam-_-gunndawg: i very much doubt that12:26
jetboyjetgirlok oCean, thanks12:26
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »12:26
bazhanggunndawg, #ubuntu-offtopic for chit chat please12:26
barbadilloi'm using linux since 2.2 kernel and this is the weirdest thing ever seen12:26
zenithdk_-but regardless, can you make out how to configure it to resize the partition?12:26
gunndawgjetbluejetgirl, I am no longer able to talk to you due to chat room rules12:26
shmuphow can i check if my server is 32 or 64bit?12:27
shmupfrom the terminal12:27
barbadilloi can't believe that in 2011 "linux" have this problems again12:27
jipsyi typed in --mount in terminal and it gave a bunch of option... i am trying to mount my cdrom..what's next?12:27
ssszenithdk_-, I am using already 4 prime partitions, I think, Can I add another partition?12:27
shmupnvm, got it12:27
securityxxxpert_anybody famaliar with manually adding a entry to the arp cache?  I can add the entry I need but I'm not sure if it's right the very beginning as a ?12:27
bazhanggunndawg, you can, just /join #ubuntu-offtopic12:27
danst_Have anyone faced the strange issue with language switching: sometimes when you begin to type it automatically starts to change language after every typed symbol?12:27
zenithdk_-aaaarh, that is another issue, you can only have 4 primary partitions, you need to make an "extended" partition if I remember correctly12:27
barbadilloi need to complain with some official ubuntu people12:28
danst_I'm running 10.1012:28
Dr_Willissss:  4 primaries Max. One can be a Extended that holds logicals.12:28
bazhangbarbadillo, about what12:28
ssszenithdk_-, I heared I need to make an extended partition, but I have no idea how to12:28
barbadillobazhang, about i'm not able to login via gdm anymore12:28
Dr_Willissss:  if you have 4 primaries.. you will need to delete one. and remake it as an extended.12:28
GHHIs it not possible installing Nvidia Optimus driver?12:28
barbadilloi can login in tty12:29
codingenesissss you can extend partition using gparted12:29
jipsyim trying to mount my cdrom..typed in in terminal --mount /dev/cdrom and it gave me options..what to do next?12:29
zenithdk_-what do you have on the other partitions?12:29
sssDr_Willis, Imy sda2 is my window's D: drive and I don't use it so I don't mind deleting it12:29
codingenesissss: do it using a live cd. get gparted on a live disk12:29
Dr_Willisjipsy:  You need to give it more options.. :) thats not a complete command.12:29
ikoniabarbadillo: what happens when you try to login via gdm ?12:29
=== AbhiJit is now known as AbhijiT
danst_jipsy: mount /dev/cdrom /mounttarget12:30
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount12:30
coz_GHH,    look here   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=165766012:30
barbadilloikonia, a loop12:30
bullgard4ikonia: How did you calculate that? 20.20 GiB are not allocated. I'd like to use them.12:30
solar_I got this error when start ktorrent on kubuntu. What does it mean and how to solve it?  -  "KGlobal::locale::Warning your global KLocale is being recreated with a valid main component instead of a fake component, this usually means you tried to call i18n related functions before your main component was created. You should not do that since it most likely will not work"12:30
barbadilloblank screen adnd then login screen again12:30
ikoniabullgard4: look at the start/end cylinders, they are all allocated12:30
Dr_Willissolar_:  since its a warning. I wouldent think that would stop ktorrent from working.12:30
ssscodingenesis, I am using the LiceCD and I have GParted, but I think I can also do without making an extended partition but overwriteing an existing one12:31
danst_bullgard4: are you logging into gnome session?12:31
barbadilloikonia, i googled for it, it seems a bug but no one is caring12:31
ikoniabarbadillo: has it ever worked ?12:31
zenithdk_-does anyone know how to re-add the "status" applet to the panel? I cannot change my status anymore, I think it crashed and went AWOL12:31
Dr_Willisbarbadillo:  if you stop the gdm service, then login as a user at the console. does 'startx' work?12:31
danst_bullgard4: oh sorry for mistyping12:31
sssHow many partitions do I need for Ubuntu?12:31
barbadilloDr_Willis, yes it works12:31
ikoniabarbadillo: show me the bug report for it12:31
Dr_Willissss:  at a min, 2 , one for / and one for swap.12:31
Dr_Willissss:  conerting that primary to an extended. and putting 2 logicals in it.. should work.12:31
sssDr_Willis, Should I use GParted?12:32
tehbautwhen copying files in nautilus... if there's an i/o read error caused by a bad sector/bad read, will it retry those sectors, or what will happen?12:32
antiihow can i disable cpufreq at startup? im keeping this loading cpufreq modules failed all the time.12:32
codingenesissss, overwriting may some time hamper ur installed ubuntu12:32
Dr_Willisbarbadillo:  last i saw gdm login issues.. it was the ownership of the .dmrc file that messed things up.12:32
codingenesisso its better to resize it.12:32
Dr_Willissss:  you can.12:32
TalkSouphi, i cannot update my computer, reposities problem i think. i played with is yesterday.. when i try to open Synaptic Pagkage Manager ` it gives this error and close12:32
bullgard4ikonia: Between sda6 and sda7 3631 through 6267 are not allocated.12:32
ikoniaDr_Willis: hard disk space is a common one, if it's 100 full and can't write to it12:32
codingenesisdo any one here can tell me about coverting linux binaries into win??12:33
Dr_Willisbarbadillo:  as a second test. try making a new user and se eif it works for them.12:33
barbadilloDr_Willis, my .dmrc is ok12:33
ikoniabullgard4: but they are logical so they are contained in /dev/sda2 so "allocated"12:33
Dr_Williscodingenesis:  short answer.. you dont? :) there are linux's that can run inside windows at the same time.12:33
barbadilloDr_Willis, also if i try with root it's the same12:33
ikoniabarbadillo: root won't let you login, so that's not a bug12:33
Dr_Willisbarbadillo:  try making a new user.12:33
barbadilloikonia, i can't find it anymore but i saw it on bugs.launchpad12:33
ikoniabarbadillo: ok, so best not to reference something you can't find12:34
sssDr_Willis, If I convert my unused partition to an extended partition and then put in it two logical partitions for Ubuntu -- the next time I boot into windows will it know not to use that partition?12:34
codingenesisi know it's not possible .....but still my heart says some where it is possible12:34
sam-_-codingenesis: take a look at cygwin12:34
Dr_Willissss:  windows will ignore the partitions.. worst case.. if you try to access them from windows. it may ask to format them.12:34
codingenesiscygwin just does for limited application......12:35
VaatiHello, my Ubuntu crashed and I am unable to get it running again; upon selecting it at startup, it says that it cannot find wubildr (I used the windows ubuntu installer).  Yet, wubildr exists in the C:\ubuntu\ folder (or one of its subfolders); why is it not working?  Because it crashed, I lost two of my physics lab assignments, and would really like an alternative to reoing them12:35
ikoniacodingenesis: it's not possible, and it's offtopic for this channel12:35
sam-_-codingenesis: y. well the rest you have to port by hand12:35
barbadilloDr_Willis, the same with a brand new user12:35
Dr_Williscodingenesis:  andlinux (anlinux?) runs ubuntu inside a virtal machine.  you just see the Linux apps appear as windows apps :)12:35
ikoniabarbadillo: what version of ubuntu is this ?12:35
sssDr_Willis, I think I will first delete the unused partition (which is D: of Windows) and then check what will windows do when I boot to it12:35
Dr_Willissss:  if d: is not a boot partion.. then wdnows wont care. :)12:36
barbadilloikonia, 10.1012:36
codingenesisis cygwin able to run all the Dr Willis , whats the name of that linux?12:36
Dr_Willissince you are not booting it..12:36
sssDr_Willis, it isn't, so I will try it12:36
bullgard4ikonia: I admit that thery are within /dev/sda2. But: This is not important. /dev/sda6 is also there. Still, I manged to move it.12:36
barbadilloit happens just after the upgrade12:36
ikoniabullgard4: it is important, if you look at how the free space is laid out12:36
Dr_Williscodingenesis:  cygwin is 'weird' in ways.. there are ways to run ubuntu/linux in virtual machines. I used andlinux, or anlinux in the past. but there may be other ways12:36
Dr_Williscodingenesis:  or just use virtualbox and the disto you like.12:37
sssDr_Willis, Thank you, I'll try deleting it. Bye!12:37
bullgard4ikonia: /dev/sda2 allwed me to move partition sda6. So it should allow me to move the partition sda7 likewise.12:38
zenithdk_-does anyone know how to re-add the status / presence applet to the panel? I cannot change my status anymore, I think it crashed and went AWOL12:38
Dr_Willis!resetpanel | zenithdk_-12:38
ubottuzenithdk_-: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »12:38
barbadilloikonia, if you google for "gdm login loop 10.10" you will find many people with this problem but no solutions at all12:38
ikoniabullgard4: I disagree due to how the space is laid out. It may not hurt to re-read the partition table if you have done resizing so gparted knows it's current status12:39
ikoniabarbadillo: google is not a bug report12:39
tehbautNo one knows what will happen if, when copying files in nautilus, there's an i/o read error caused by a bad sector/bad read? Will it retry those sectors, or what?12:39
ikoniabarbadillo: if you google "gdm working fine" you'll find many more people with no problem, so it's not a good reference12:39
Dr_Willistehbaut:  i think it tries for a few times.. but then gives up and spits out an error.12:39
zenithdk_-Dr_Willis: cheers, that worked, thanks!12:39
tehbautDr_Willis: ok, so if there's no error, then I should expect files are copied successfully?12:40
Dr_Williszenithdk_-:  yea. the panel can get a bit confused..12:40
bullgard4ikonia: The output of '~$ sudo fdisk -l' which I pasted is the current state. No upgrading needed.12:40
tehbautit's getting stuck on some possible bad blocks, but it's been picking up again after getting stuck a while12:40
Dr_Willistehbaut:  in theory yes. If you want to be extra-paranoid about it. You may want to use rsync, or fsarchiver, or some other copy tools that can verify12:40
tehbauthmmm, ok12:41
ikoniabullgard4: again, I disagree as gparted things there is no space free or none-readable. If you want advice, follow it, if you want to ignore it and argue it, good luck12:41
tehbautwait, nope... I got my first error here12:41
tehbautmay try rsync later12:41
frieseive got an ubuntu 10.10 server with egroupware 1.8 running. i want to install a simple mail server to work together with egroupware. so i dont need anything like send/recieve mails from other domains, only connections from localhost=egroupware12:42
bullgard4ikonia: Thank you for advising.12:42
VaatiHello, my Ubuntu crashed while I was running minecraft beta 1.2_02 and I am unable to get it running again; upon selecting it at startup, it says that it cannot find wubildr (I used the windows ubuntu installer).  Yet, wubildr exists in the C:\ubuntu\ folder (or one of its subfolders); why is it not working?  Because it crashed, I lost two of my physics lab assignments, and I would really like an alternative to re-doing them...12:43
Onia ***  I am back.  Gone for 9hrs 4mins 5secs  ***12:44
jrib!away | Onia12:45
ubottuOnia: You should avoid noisy away messages and -nicks in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»12:45
bazhangOnia, no need to announce that12:45
ikonia!away > Onia12:45
ubottuOnia, please see my private message12:45
barbadilloikonia, this is one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-openchrome/+bug/70678312:48
ikoniabarbadillo: that's a bug witht he chrome video drivers12:48
ikoniabarbadillo: are you using the chrome video card ?12:48
ikonia(chrome based)12:48
barbadilloikonia, don't think so12:49
ikoniabarbadillo: then that bug isn't relevant to you12:49
danst_Have anyone faced the strange issue with language switching: sometimes when you begin to type it automatically starts to change language after every typed symbol?12:49
bazhangdanst_, sure.12:50
codingenesis_can anyone  tell me whether i can convert linux binaries into win binaries?12:50
barbadilloikonia, you right, but it is the same behaviour12:50
quiescensVaati: your data should still be in c:\ubuntu\ in one or more .disk files12:50
ikoniabarbadillo: but it's caused by a video card you're not using, so it's not relevant12:50
bazhangdanst_, hit ctrl space to disable ibus input12:50
barbadilloikonia, what's your suggestion then?12:50
Vaatiquiescens: how do I access it?12:50
danst_bazhang: oh, thank you12:50
danst_I hope it helps12:51
codingenesis_and if i have a windows binary than how should i compile it12:51
bazhangdanst_, how many languages you have in ibus-setup12:51
ikoniabarbadillo: when you do "startx" from the tty, what happens ?12:51
aeon-ltdcodingenesis_: no, not directly, though some open source projects compile for windows though12:51
codingenesisDr Willis :  can u tell me from where i can get the list of channels .......??12:51
barbadilloikonia, it's all ok from tty12:51
Dr_Williscodingenesis:  for irc?  the freenode website has a list of the popular ones.12:51
barbadilloikonia, i get to the root gnome desktop12:52
ikoniabarbadillo: what happenes when you run startx from the tty12:52
ikoniabarbadillo: you should not be able to login as root12:52
barbadilloikonia, are you hearing me?12:52
codingenesis_aeon-ltd, can u name them pls??12:52
danst_bazhang: I suppose two12:52
ikoniabarbadillo: I can see what you're typing, but it doesn't respond to any of my questions12:52
danst_Russian and English12:52
codingenesisthanks Dr Willis !! :)12:52
ikoniabarbadillo: how are you at the root gnome session when you should not be able to login as root12:53
barbadilloikonia, if i run startx from tty i get directly to the root gnome desktop12:53
bazhangdanst_, the top one creates issues, ie won't launch?12:53
ikoniabarbadillo: what user are you logging in as ?12:53
aeon-ltdcodingenesis_: i don't know all the open source projects that supply win binares12:53
quiescensvaati: that depends on what you want to do with it, you can probably backup/move/rename them, reinstall wubi and then restore them, or you could boot a livecd and mount them manually, or you might be able to find some directions on fixing wubildr without reinstalling anything12:53
barbadilloikonia, root12:53
ikoniabarbadillo: that should not be possible12:53
barbadilloin tty12:53
ikoniabarbadillo: it's not possible in a tty12:53
codingenesis_aeon-ltd, thanks ! :)12:53
ikoniabarbadillo: the root user is disabled in ubuntu12:54
danst_bazhang: no, it's just when I type something it changes language every next letter and it goes something like that "sщmуtрiтg lшkу еhфt"12:54
barbadilloikonia, at the login prompt i type root and my password and i'm root12:54
ikoniabarbadillo: then you have changed your ubuntu config as the root account is disabled12:54
Vaatiquiescens: ok -- I will try that.  Thanks for your advice.  I was thinking of that earlier, but backing up a 16 gb + file is going to take some time12:54
coz_barbadillo,   so you already bypassed the disabled root account...yes?12:54
barbadilloikonia, it is not a brand new installation12:54
bazhangdanst_, my ibus is acting very strangely as well, identical setup. I'll check launchpad for bugs12:54
ikoniabarbadillo: so ? it's always been disabled in ubuntu12:54
barbadillopeople i can't understand if you are kidding me12:55
ikoniabarbadillo: I'm not joking12:55
bazhangbarbadillo, we're  not12:55
ikoniabarbadillo: show me the permissions on your .dmrc file please.12:55
barbadilloso you people can't su root?12:55
danst_bazhang: maybe you know if it's possible to use xorg.conf for configuring layouts in maverick12:55
ikoniabarbadillo: no12:55
ikoniabarbadillo: please show me the permissions on your dmrc file12:55
danst_bazhang: I was unable to type when I tried to add keyboard stuff into there12:56
barbadillo-rw-r--r--   1 marco marco        64 2011-01-30 13:43 .dmrc12:56
ikoniabarbadillo: ok, so what happens if you login as marco and do startx12:56
bazhangdanst_, does ibus-setup let you change12:57
thebrasseI'm trying to tell my Apache to redirect www.bandbonds.com to bandbonds.com using this configuration: http://pastebin.com/z8JWFQtx It almost does what I want... It redirects to bandbonds.com//, where do the extra // come from?12:57
danst_bazhang: it told me that ibus is turned off12:58
quiescensVaati: well, if you are able to, it is definitely safest to back up at least your home.disk before you attempt any recovery12:58
barbadilloikonia, is already active for disply :012:58
danst_bazhang: is that because I pressed ctrl+space12:58
Vaatiquiescens: thanks.  I'll try doing that.12:58
ikoniabarbadillo: how are you getting to the tty ?12:58
icoaniskoHi everyone12:58
gunndawgAnyone know how to change the incoming text color on messages coming from MSN using pdigin ? I have a black background theme and default text is black so Ihave to hightlight the text to read the message12:58
Vaatibye everyone12:58
danst_bazhang: anyway, it works after pressing ctrl+space just fine12:58
barbadilloikonia, ctrl+alt+f112:58
bazhangdanst_, what about alt f2 ibus-setup , should launch a configuration wizard12:58
ikoniabarbadillo: ok, so that explains a lot12:58
danst_bazhang: thank you very much12:58
bazhangdanst_, okay12:59
ikoniabarbadillo: boot into single user mode, become the user marco and try startx12:59
bazhanggunndawg, try #pidgin12:59
gunndawgbzahang, I am using pidgin....12:59
gunndawgbazhang, nvm I see what you mean12:59
d3afNdumbhey guys had a rude awakening last night... updated 10.04 (kernel including) then it broke my grub... after starting manually from grub shell i reinstalled grub. now it works again... but i wonder how to prevent from breaking again??? i locked grub but is this enough??13:01
icoaniskoI need help with audio ,Subwoofer does not work. I start sound options and change hardware from SB Audigy 5.1 stereo output + analog input to SB Audigy 4.1 stereo output + analog input. Subwoofer starts to work, but sound is not perfect. I change hw back to initial state (SB Audigy 5.1 stereo output + analog input) and everything is ok. This behavior is everytime when I turn on PC. Sometimes subwoofer turn off when I change player13:01
coz_GHH,   did that work?13:01
icoaniskois there someon who knows how to slove this problem13:01
GHHcoz_, no ..13:02
coz_icoanisko,   did you already check in    alsamixer13:02
jribd3afNdumb: figure out what exactly caused it to break13:02
coz_GHH,   sorry guy   I am guessing someone else here may have the information and also try the ##linux channel13:02
GHHcoz_, I need to install nVIDIA driver for some specific work13:02
coz_GHH,   ok  also try #nvidia channel   along with ##linux channel... I am not familiar enough with that particular driver to help13:03
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barbadilloikonia, it's ok i get to my marco desktop13:03
jribd3afNdumb: well you can try to recreate the breakage and you can try to get a better description than "broke"13:03
barbadilloikonia, it's just a gdm issue13:04
d3afNdumbjrib: it's about the known bug from lucid *mom*13:04
icoaniskoyes, coz_13:04
ikoniabarbadillo: how did you swap to single user mode ?13:04
icoaniskoi did13:04
jribd3afNdumb: eh?13:04
bazhangmom = moment13:04
GHHcoz_, OK and thanks13:04
barbadilloikonia, i rebooted and entered recovery mode13:05
coz_icoanisko,  mm did you try  the  #alsa  and #pulseaudio channels??13:05
ikoniabarbadillo: then what ?13:05
d3afNdumbwait a second i try to find the exact descr, thanks bazhang ;-)13:05
barbadilloikonia, the root password for maintenance, su marco and startx13:05
ikoniabarbadillo: ok, that's not a good test, you need to "su - marco" not "su marco"13:05
aLemmerIs there a way to get Conky to display logs via SSH?13:06
aLemmerAs in, I have logs on an SFTP share I want to "tail.'13:06
jribaLemmer: you could use sshfs...13:06
barbadilloikonia, ok did it, all ok13:06
A_Jany1 can recommend me a FTP client, which provides Pausing ?13:07
ikoniahow did you stop X once it was running, to retest it13:07
ikoniaA_J: you've been asking this for days, you're going to need to try some13:07
securityxxxpert_anybody able to help me with a arp cache problem?13:07
barbadilloikonia, ctrl+C from the tty13:07
A_Ji did didn't like filezilla13:07
A_Jcause it shifts to fails13:07
icoaniskoyes,i did .  when i change from pulse audio to stereo or 4.1 the subwoofer starts and when i bring it back to 5.1 it continios to work,but when the player stops and i play something else the subwoofer stops again13:08
ikoniabarbadillo: how, you should have lost your tty one you started x13:08
A_Jand gFTP is ugly13:08
ikoniaA_J: so try more13:08
barbadilloikonia, no it was on ctrl+alt+f113:08
securityxxxpert_is there some way to fix my arp cache?13:08
TetracommI just installed OpenCascade using configure, make, and make install, but I can't find it to run it, could someone help?13:08
A_Jcare to tell me one ?13:08
ikoniaA_J: look through the package manager13:08
icoaniskosory for my english ,I`m from Bulgaria13:09
bazhangA_J, try filezilla.13:09
aeon-ltdTetracomm: should just launch through terminal, or create a launcher '/usr/bin/opencascade' or whatever the executable name is13:09
A_J\o/ bazhang13:09
=== dreamtraveler is now known as noobuntu
icoaniskoi hope you understand what im trying to explain13:09
Tetracommaeon-ltd: How?13:09
A_Jbazhang, if incase of a break, it moves the files to failed, and i gotta start a fresh transfer13:10
ikoniabarbadillo: is there anything in the gdm log ?13:10
aeon-ltdTetracomm: by typing its name (if its the same as the executable)13:10
tehbautwhen copying files in nautilus, if I say "skip all" to i/o errors on files that span bad sectors, is there an output of all files with errors kept somewhere?13:11
Tetracommaeon-ltd: That didn't work. Let me try another case. It still doesn't work.13:11
ikoniaTetracomm: no13:11
ikoniatehbaut: no13:11
barbadilloikonia, nothing serious in /var/log/gdm/13:11
aeon-ltdTetracomm: look in /usr/bin for its actual name13:12
ikoniabarbadillo: I wonder if it's pam....rather than gdm13:12
tehbautmaybe I should try using rsync, but I don't see any options in the rsync manpage to blatantly skip files without retrying when bad sectors are reached...13:12
tehbautanyone know if that's possible?13:12
maroyis there an _easy_ way to do UDP port forwrading on an ubuntu box. I'm reading through all documentation, about netcat, iptalbes, etc. but can't seem to figure things out :(13:13
A_Jbazhang, i need help with my resolution.. if possible13:13
steinexDocky users here?13:13
A_Ji paste the question ?13:13
barbadilloikonia, wait, is there something13:13
ikoniaA_J: don't ask for ftp recommendations again13:13
bazhangsteinex, ask the channel13:13
A_Jno not again13:13
A_Jnew one :D13:13
A_JHello All, My current resolution is 1024 X 768, my monitor supports upto 1280 X 1024 anyway i can increase it ? I use to get this resolution in windows.. Using On-board Graphic| the  Motherboard is : Asus P5GC-MX | Graphic Drivers Are Installed for VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)|13:14
steinexi have some issue with docky - i have several starters for console  programs like mutt, irssi... now the problem is this: if i open mutt, docky thinks also  irssi is open... :/13:14
steinexany idea?13:14
ikoniabarbadillo: did you say you'd found something ?13:15
aeon-ltd!resolution | A_J13:15
ubottuA_J: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution13:15
barbadilloikonia, yes many errors13:15
ikoniabarbadillo: pastebin them, lets see13:15
A_Jubottu, it doesnt show up in my monitor dialog box13:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:16
barbadilloikonia, http://pastebin.com/4UKdF7sQ13:16
A_Ji went trough that, didn't help13:17
ikoniabarbadillo: grep marco /etc/passwd for me please13:17
technikfreakhey does exist a software where i could put my umts card as a bridge with my wireless card13:17
technikfreakthat other ppl use my umts card for going into the web13:18
barbadilloikonia, marco:x:1000:1000:Marco,,,:/home/marco:/bin/bash13:18
aeon-ltdA_J: got drivers installed?13:18
erUSUL!iptables | maroy13:19
ubottumaroy: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.13:19
A_Jit's onboard so idk13:19
A_Jstandard drivers13:19
ikoniabarbadillo: Hmmm, a valid shell there, so that's ok (may want to check in /etc/shells) I wonder why message bus isn't responding13:19
barbadilloikonia, /bin/bash is in the /etc/shells file13:19
A_J  $ xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1280X1024 <-- Says cannot find mode13:19
=== Guest79364 is now known as silent
maroyerUSUL, thanks, I already looked at the iptables manual, but couldn't figure it out13:19
maroyalso looked at ufw13:20
bazhangA_J, tell us the actual card.13:20
erUSULmaroy: then use ufw should be easier ...13:20
ikoniabarbadillo: that's one thing to tick off safely then13:20
angelsli am dual booting osx86 with kubuntu on a disk with GPT (instead of MSDOS/MBR). the mac partition is first, followed by an unused partition, followed by ubuntu and swap.13:20
aeon-ltdA_J: so you have the intel drivers installed?13:20
A_J@ bazhang13:20
A_JVGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller13:20
A_Jno, they never came with any13:20
bazhangA_J, what res do you have, and what do you want13:20
ikoniayou don't need drivers for intel13:20
maroyerUSUS, with ufw, I only see allow / deny rules13:21
angelsli am dual booting osx86 with kubuntu on a disk with GPT (instead of MSDOS/MBR). the mac partition is first, followed by an unused partition, followed by ubuntu and swap. after deleting the unused partition, the device numbers changed; now grub says 'error: no such disk/device' on start; i need to manually set root/prefix and insmod normal to boot.13:21
angelsli can't seem to get it to boot normally anymore.13:21
A_JMy current resolution is 1024 X 768, my monitor supports upto 1280 X 1024 so i want that13:21
bazhangangelsl, which mac model13:21
angelsli've did update-grub and update-initramfs -u13:21
angelslbazhang: osx86 not mac13:21
OlatheA_J: If you run `xrandr` with no arguments, what modes does it list?13:21
bazhangangelsl, hackintosh is not supported here13:21
angelsli'm not asking for support with hackintosh13:22
technikfreakdoes anyone knows if a ubuntu software exist that makes a umts connection into a access point?13:22
angelslif the linux root partition's device number changes, how do I fix grub.13:22
angelslthat's the question.13:22
bazhang!grub2 > angelsl13:22
ubottuangelsl, please see my private message13:22
A_JOlathe,  i paste here?13:22
A_Jor pastebin ?13:22
OlatheA_J: Pastebin.13:23
Symmetriaman I hate rebooting huge servers that take forever13:23
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »13:23
erUSULmaroy: yes was checking myself as i do not use it ...13:23
erUSULmaroy: see this threath in forums http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=336b8bac6edc4f6121dcab5a8c3eadbd&t=833844&page=2 last commant has the final solution13:24
OlatheA_J: OK, you have to add the mode to the list. Run `cvt 1280 1024 60` to get the mode line.13:24
erUSULmaroy: shouldn't be hard to addopt to your needs13:24
barbadilloikonia, this was the first line of gdm greeter log:13:24
angelslbazhang: i've already tried update-grub and update-initramfs -u. neither worked.13:24
barbadillo ** (process:9886): DEBUG: Greeter session pid=9886 display=:0.0 xauthority=/var/run/gdm/auth-for-gdm-PtRXOR/database13:24
angelslgrub-install /dev/sda complains about GPT13:25
A_J# 1280x1024 59.89 Hz (CVT 1.31M4) hsync: 63.67 kHz; pclk: 109.00 MHz13:25
A_JModeline "1280x1024_60.00"  109.00  1280 1368 1496 1712  1024 1027 1034 1063 -hsync +vsync13:25
=== marku135 is now known as newlad
OlatheA_J: OK, now do `xrandr --newmode "1280x1024_60.00"  109.00  1280 1368 1496 1712  1024 1027 1034 1063 -hsync +vsync13:26
A_Jwith the ' ?13:26
maroyerUSUS, looking...13:26
OlatheNo, just starting with the x in xrandr13:27
A_Jnothing happened13:27
OlatheA_J: Then, do xrandr --addmode name_of_monitor "1280x1024_60.00"13:27
OlatheA_J: Then, open up the normal screen resolution changer in the System menu and see if it shows up.13:28
A_Jxrandr: cannot find output "name_of_monitor"13:28
A_Jno it did not show up13:28
OlatheA_J: What does `xrandr` say is connected?13:28
OlatheA_J: For me, it says "DVI-1 connected 1184x888+0+0"13:29
OlatheA_J: What about for you?13:29
psUpdating using the update manager under Ubuntu 10.10 causes a system upgrade to Ubuntu 11.04.13:29
A_Jminimum 320 x 200, current 1024 x 768, maximum 4096 x 409613:29
A_JVGA1 connected 1024x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis13:29
Symmetriahow do I delete a gparted partition table on a disk if I wanna completely wipe it13:29
SymmetriaI wanna get rid of gparted entirely13:29
OlatheA_J: OK, then do xrandr --addmode VGA1 "1280x1024_60.00"13:29
OlatheA_J: Just so you know, these changes will all disappear when you reboot, so this is just to see if this method will work. We'll set it permanently later.13:30
erUSULSymmetria: create a new partition table... is in ther disk menu iirc13:30
A_Jit worked <313:30
A_Jthank you13:30
OlatheA_J: You're welcome. You have to save those two lines (the newmode and addmode) in a startup script.13:31
OlatheA_J: Then, it will do that forever.13:31
OlatheA_J: Let me find out which file to put it in.13:31
A_Jthis one ?13:31
A_Jxrandr --addmode VGA1 "1280x1024_60.00"13:31
mykalsup all, having trouble playing a DVD. error, could not read from resource13:31
erUSULA_J: and xrandr --newmode "1280x1024_60.00"  109.00  1280 1368 1496 1712  1024 1027 1034 1063 -hsync +vsync13:31
erUSUL!dvd | mykal13:32
ubottumykal: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:32
mykalerUSUL, thanks, looking at that now13:32
theadminhow to totally disable any splash things on boot in grub2 on lucid?13:32
A_J ok so whenever i don't see the option i put in13:32
A_Jxrandr --addmode VGA1 "1280x1024_60.00"13:32
A_Jxrandr --newmode "1280x1024_60.00"  109.00  1280 1368 1496 1712  1024 1027 1034 1063 -hsync +vsync13:32
A_Jcorrect ?13:32
theadminI use nosplash noquiet   but still I get the  blue background with animated dots saying "kubuntu" while system is booting13:32
SymmetriaLOL, found a way evil way to do it13:33
barbadilloikonia, gdm greeter log: http://pastebin.com/fcQ5qzwq13:33
Symmetriajust dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdd13:33
Symmetrialet it run for 10 seconds13:33
Symmetriaand stop it13:33
A_JOlathe,  ?13:33
securityxxxpert_anybody have any idea why on my notebook i can get a ip address on wireless, but I can't browse the web?13:33
ikoniabarbadillo: that looks worth researching13:34
OlatheA_J: What you've done so far has changed it temporarily.13:34
ikoniasecurityxxxpert_: no dns probably, or wrong gateway13:34
OlatheA_J: When you reboot, the resolution changes will be lost.13:34
A_Jso i put this in ?13:34
theadminsecurityxxxpert_: DNS ?  firewall? routing not set?13:34
A_Jxrandr --addmode VGA1 "1280x1024_60.00"13:34
A_Jxrandr --newmode "1280x1024_60.00"  109.00  1280 1368 1496 1712  1024 1027 1034 1063 -hsync +vsync13:34
A_Jcorrect Olathe  ?13:35
theadminso.. how to kill the boot splash?13:35
bazhangtheadmin, start with no x?13:35
securityxxxpert_ikonia:  well I really have no idea?  Any way to trouble shoot it?  I was looking at my arp table and it has a ? in front of the host13:35
theadminbazhang: hm?13:35
bazhangtheadmin, how to kill the boot splash?13:35
ikoniasecurityxxxpert_: arp will have nothing to do with your dns or gateway13:35
ikoniasecurityxxxpert_: look at what your dns servers are set to and what your default gateway13:36
securityxxxpert_ikonia: location?13:36
theadminbazhang:  I added   nosplash noquiet  and instead of black scrolling text, after a moment I see  the blue background + white dots "Kubuntu"  splash thing (it is still in text mode, you can see some boot messages there occassionally and a text cursor)13:36
OlatheA_J: Yeah, but the newmode line goes first.13:36
RoDiMuS-XAnyone know of a Gmail Notifier that is not a screenlet?13:36
ikoniasecurityxxxpert_: /etc/resov.conf for your dns servers, netstat -rn for your default gateway13:36
A_Jso like this ?13:36
A_Jxrandr --newmode "1280x1024_60.00"  109.00  1280 1368 1496 1712  1024 1027 1034 1063 -hsync +vsync13:36
A_Jxrandr --addmode VGA1 "1280x1024_60.00"13:36
OlatheA_J: You should try gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc13:37
OlatheA_J: Then, in that file, there should be a section that starts with #Add your own lines here...13:37
securityxxxpert_ikonia:  the gateway matches with the other config file you mentioned13:37
OlatheA_J: Put the newmode line right under that and the addmode line under the newmode line.13:37
OlatheA_J: Then, save.13:38
ikoniasecurityxxxpert_: so that means your gateway device is also acting as your dns server, is that what you'd expect ?13:38
OlatheA_J: Yeah, that's right.13:38
securityxxxpert_ikonia: the destination says gateway
=== emanuel is now known as Guest54944
A_Jthe last line is13:38
A_J. /etc/X11/Xsession13:38
=== Guest54944 is now known as UbuBoy
theadminwhy even with noquiet no splash  I see on boot  the blue background (kubuntu) + white dots  (all in text mode)  ?? how to disable that13:38
securityxxxpert_ikonia: I just have one of those garbage att 2wire modem/router combo's13:38
A_JOlathe,  i can't edit it also13:39
ikoniasecurityxxxpert_: I'll say again "that means your DNS server is also your router, is that what you'd expect?"13:39
=== cesar is now known as Guest70530
securityxxxpert_ikonia: I guess so13:39
ikoniasecurityxxxpert_: from the laptop, can you ping the default gateway address ?13:39
securityxxxpert_ikonia: no13:39
securityxxxpert_ikonia: no I cannot ping the gateway.  however for some reason I can ping
securityxxxpert_but i  only have 1 router/modem hooked up and it's the att one13:40
ikoniasecurityxxxpert_: what is your ip address on the laptop ?13:40
securityxxxpert_I can get a ip, but no web connectivity13:40
ikoniasecurityxxxpert_: because you have no DNS or gateway.....13:40
bazhangRoDiMuS-X, gmail-notify checkgmail13:40
securityxxxpert_ikonia: how can I add one?13:41
RoDiMuS-Xthanks bazhang13:41
A_JOlathe, how do i edit it ?13:41
ikoniasecurityxxxpert_: you already have one...they are in the files you mentioned, however they don't appear to be working13:41
bazhangRoDiMuS-X, apt-cache search gmail turns up a few13:41
ikoniasecurityxxxpert_: what happens if you "ping www.google.com"13:41
securityxxxpert_ikonia: "host not found"13:41
bazhangRoDiMuS-X, or /msg ubottu find gmail13:41
theadminAhhh !13:41
theadminthe stupid animated dots are created by  "plymouth"13:41
* theadmin uninstalls it13:41
bazhangtheadmin, dont uninstall plymouth13:42
ikoniasecurityxxxpert_: ok, so your router is either not acting as a DNS server, or it's giving out the wrong DNS server info by dhcp13:42
lfyou should look for you dns13:42
securityxxxpert_ikonia: well everyone in the house has connectivity but me on the wireless access point13:42
ikoniasecurityxxxpert_: that doesn't change what I said13:42
securityxxxpert_ikonia: ok..so what then?13:43
ikoniasecurityxxxpert_: look at what dns servers the working machines are using and what gateway address they are using13:43
oCeansecurityxxxpert_: Can it be that the is your actual gateway?13:43
A_JYou should try gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc <-- Som1 help me edit this13:43
bazhangtheadmin, you dont want to uninstall plymouth13:43
securityxxxpert_ikonia: they are using
securityxxxpert_I checked htem all13:43
theadminHow  can I use  cryptsetup (and mountall)  but kill  the Plymouth (because it shows stupid animations instead of the normal black screen!!)13:43
theadminbazhang: ^13:43
securityxxxpert_oCean: no that's impossible.  It's a one router setup13:43
Chalkiehi, i have just installed ubuntu 10.10 on a dedicated server, got home and realised i didnt enable remote desktop, can i enable it via SSH?13:43
bazhang!nox | theadmin13:44
ubottutheadmin: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode13:44
=== marcelo is now known as Guest44233
oCeansecurityxxxpert_: but you get ping reply from that right, so it's a device within your network.13:44
OlatheA_J: Sorry, try putting it right above the last line.13:44
antivirtelHi! What can I do, if samba doen't allows me log in when I set to prompt for usr passwd, it allows me log in when I enable guest log in... in my laptop usr. login works fine, but here in my desk not... :$13:44
OlatheA_J: Those two lines.13:44
securityxxxpert_oCean: yeah I get a ping reply from it..no idea why though13:44
ikoniasecurityxxxpert_: they are using that address for their DNS and gateway ?13:44
theadminbazhang: this shows the good old text oly black screen with text,  like normal people are used to? ;)13:44
bazhangantivirtel, what version of ubuntu13:45
A_Jbut how do i edit it ?13:45
securityxxxpert_ikonia: yes is the default gateway13:45
A_Jit's comming read only Olathe13:45
ikoniasecurityxxxpert_: and dns server ?13:45
securityxxxpert_ikonia: same thing13:45
antivirtelbazhang both are 10.0413:45
=== emanuel is now known as Guest53406
theadmin...instead of macos like faggotized uninformative screen thing?13:45
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX13:45
ikoniasecurityxxxpert_: ok, so can the working machine ping the gateway address?13:45
theadminsystemf1: english here13:45
lfwhat's your mask?13:45
bazhangtheadmin, watch the language please13:45
oCeantheadmin: ??13:45
bazhang!cn | systemf113:45
ubottusystemf1: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk13:45
JustCJShm, i have a problem with cairo-dock in fluxbox. Despite having enabled compiz I can only achieve fake transparency13:45
JustCJSbut this is a waste of resources as iḿ running compiz anyway13:46
OlatheA_J: Ahh, OK.13:46
securityxxxpert_ikonia:  a working machine as in one that's not the box i'm having issues with13:46
OlatheA_J: One second.13:46
Dr_WillisJustCJS:  err... you run fluxbox OR compiz..13:46
* A_J waits13:46
OlatheA_J: I think I finally found where I put mine.13:46
barbadilloikonia, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/63872713:46
ikoniasecurityxxxpert_: you said you had other working machines...yes, one of those13:46
theadminoCean: the idea of hidding information in order to show me 2 animated dots that are supposed to amuse me, I call "mac os x"-tization, or the other word ;)13:46
barbadilloikonia, gdm 2.30.5-0ubuntu4 the same package13:47
securityxxxpert_ikonia: yes13:47
ikoniabarbadillo: looks a pretty good find13:47
barbadilloimportance "low"...13:47
ikoniasecurityxxxpert_: ok, so either a.) you are not on the network b.) the router is blocking yuou13:47
OlatheA_J: Close that gedit window.13:47
OlatheA_J: Without saving.13:47
OlatheA_J: Then, do gksudo gedit /etc/gdm/Init/Default13:47
ikoniabarbadillo: probably because it only affects a very small amount of people13:47
JustCJSlol, i mean xcompmgr13:47
Chalkiecan anyone help me install vnc via command line?13:47
securityxxxpert_ikonia:  what about this.  I had to do a virtual lab for my university and it required me to use ettercap to arp poison my host to sniff traffic.  Could something of gone wrong there?13:48
A_Jokie Olathe13:48
OlatheA_J: There should be a line not too far down in the file that says "/sbin/initctl -q emit login-session-start DISPLAY_MANAGER=gdm"13:48
systemf1ubuntu cn13:48
ikoniabarbadillo: attatch your logs to that bug report13:48
ikoniasecurityxxxpert_: doubtful13:48
theadminbazhang: someone probably should google translated the !cn message to correct langauges too btw13:48
OlatheA_J: Put the two lines (newmode then addmode) right *above* that line.13:48
ikoniasecurityxxxpert_: if that's the case, a reboot would fix it13:48
securityxxxpert_ikonia: well it was going great until that..then shit hit the fan13:48
ikoniasecurityxxxpert_: control your language13:48
securityxxxpert_blah..explititve delted13:48
securityxxxpert_yeah I know..I forgot13:48
OlatheA_J: And make sure to use /usr/bin/xrandr instead of xrandr for both lines.13:48
bazhangsystemf1, /join #ubuntu-cn13:48
securityxxxpert_ikonia: anyways..what should I be checking?13:49
theadminsystemf1:  said "Where to find Chinese channels"13:49
A_Jone sec Olathe  lemme find13:49
ikoniasecurityxxxpert_: I'd be looking at if you are really on the network, and talking to the person who wrote your lab to find out how to undo what you did13:49
theadminsystemf1:  您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk13:49
bazhangtheadmin, I know. lets move on.13:49
OlatheA_J: So, it should go /usr/bin/xrandr --newmode blah blah blah; /usr/bin/xrandr --addmode blah blah blah; /sbin/initctl blah blah blah.13:49
OlatheA_J: OK.13:49
securityxxxpert_ikonia:  well it says i'm on the network as far as the network manager is concerned13:49
securityxxxpert_ikonia: how can I really determine?13:50
JustCJSDr_Wallis: i meantm running xcompmgmgr in fluxbox, but somehow Cairo-Docś transparency still fails13:50
zabavaSorry! Where to find Russian channels?13:50
A_JOlathe,  user being my username ?13:50
AbhijiT!ru | zabava13:50
ubottuzabava: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke13:50
bazhangzabava, #ubuntu-ru13:50
antivirtelWhat can I do, if samba doen't allows me log in when I set to prompt for usr passwd, it allows me log in when I enable guest log in... in my laptop usr. login works fine, but here in my desk not... :$ (I use 10.04)13:51
oCeansecurityxxxpert_: your netmask is ok?13:51
OlatheA_J: Oh, no. usr as the actual word usr without an e.13:51
ikoniasecurityxxxpert_: if it says you are, you are13:51
JustCJSwould i need to have transset?13:51
systemf1现在出现了 theadmin13:51
A_Jok Olathe  should i give an enter after it ?13:51
securityxxxpert_oCean: netmask?13:51
RoDiMuS-XIs there an unrm command?13:52
bazhangsystemf1, its english here13:52
A_JOlathe,  and before /sbin/initctl -q emit login-session-start DISPLAY_MANAGER=gdm13:52
Dr_Willis!undelete | RoDiMuS-X13:52
ubottuRoDiMuS-X: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel13:52
OlatheA_J: Yep. Make sure blah blah blah is replaced with the stuff you had before.13:52
oCeansecurityxxxpert_: use ifconfig and see what value it says at Mask13:52
A_Jok done13:52
A_Jshould i try with a restart ?13:52
OlatheA_J: Once you have it, go ahead and copy the contents of the file to a pastebin.13:52
Dr_Willisantivirtel:  you did set an actual samba password for the user via 'sudo smbpasswd -a USERNAME' ?13:52
securityxxxpert_oCean: yeah man the mask is
systemf1 my english bad,如何提高13:53
antivirtelDr_Willis I didnt use that command, I try it now13:53
bazhangsystemf1, #ubuntu-cn for Chinese13:53
A_JOlathe, here : http://pastebin.com/WE7AKjYA13:53
=== windkids is now known as windGone
RoDiMuS-XUgh nothing about ext413:53
bazhangsystemf1, ##english to improve english13:53
bazhangsystemf1, /join13:54
Cube``hey, i cant get to install the emacs24.x snapshot on ubuntu 10.10, i dont seem to be able to add the repository for somereason :(13:54
BigRickyAfternoon, all13:54
Dr_WillisRoDiMuS-X:  undeleting stuff on ext2/3/4/  is most liklely.. not going to happen.13:55
BigRickyAfter my installation of Ubuntu 10.10 32 bit updated to the newest kernel (2.25, yeh) it has been extremely unstable.13:55
OlatheA_J: OK, one more thing. Right on the line after addmode, put /usr/bin/xrandr --output VGA1 "1280x1024_60.00"13:55
securityxxxpert_ikonia: any other idea's?13:55
antivirtelahh Dr_Willis now it works... I changed pwd 2-3 months ago... why it doesn't synced it? smb.conf is contains that setting13:55
OlatheA_J: So, you should have newmode, addmode, output all one after the other.13:55
securityxxxpert_oCean: ?13:55
BigRickyHow in the hell do I get it to boot the old kernel again?13:55
RoDiMuS-XDr_Willis: Unless you can grep your files back together13:55
A_Jok Olathe done13:56
OlatheA_J: OK, pastebin that once more.13:56
OlatheA_J: I think that should be it, but I want to make sure.13:56
A_JOlathe,  here : http://pastebin.com/kuT1ySvi13:57
ray_hi all, very new here and im a complete n00b. its there a n00b spot for 1st time user of ubuntu?13:57
A_Jlol ray13:57
bazhangray_, just ask here13:57
Dr_Willis!manual | ray_13:57
ubotturay_: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/13:57
yeatsBigRicky: if you just want to boot into another kernel once, hit Esc on boot to get to the GRUB menu; startupmanager will let you pick your default kernel if you want it to be more permanent13:57
OlatheA_J: OK, go ahead and save that.13:57
A_Jshould i try a restart ?13:57
OlatheA_J: And your monitor is running nicely in 1280x1024 at the moment, right?13:58
BigRickyThank you very much, yeats!13:58
yeatsBigRicky: sure13:58
A_Jyea very nice Olathe13:58
OlatheA_J: OK, go ahead and restart. It should have the right resolution either right away or after you login.13:58
RoDiMuS-XWhats your question ray_13:58
Chalkiei have installed vnc4server when i log in via vnc its just a terminal window, any advice?13:58
OlatheA_J: If it doesn't, let us know.13:59
A_Jthanks Olathe13:59
OlatheA_J: You're welcome.13:59
Chalkiewhy is no one helping me out?14:00
usuariosoy dee españaa14:00
DJones!es | usuario14:00
ubottuusuario: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:00
RoDiMuS-XChalkie: I am not familar with VNC for Ubuntu14:01
A_Jperfect Olathe14:01
Chalkiewell what about enabling remote desktop via ssh?14:01
usuarioahh pero komo se pone xD14:01
yeatsChalkie: ssh -X will let you run GUI programs14:01
A_Jman a thousand thanks to you Olathe14:01
ray_thanks....im fam with all that. got my rig running sweet. didnt realized linux is sooo cool. been a win fam too long. i didnt realized till yesterday... got bored and tried it and wow im a believer now:)14:01
A_Jreally helped me14:01
RoDiMuS-XChalkie: you enabled remote desktop from System > Preferences > Remote Desktop Connection14:02
Chalkierodimus im trying to do it via putty14:02
OlatheA_J: Ahh, glad to hear that :) You're welcome.14:02
A_JOlathe, can u give me a link to learn CLI ?14:02
RoDiMuS-XI thought Putty was only for shell access14:03
Chalkieit is14:03
yeatsChalkie: you'd need to do something like this: http://www.math.umn.edu/systems_guide/putty_xwin32.html14:03
OlatheA_J: Oh, sorry, I don't know one.14:03
OlatheA_J: Others here might, though :)14:03
A_Jok thanks anyway14:03
=== bencahill_ is now known as bencahill
A_J!manual | A_J14:04
ubottuA_J, please see my private message14:04
RoDiMuS-XChalkie: so you only need the shell14:04
ray_do i need a antivirus with ubuntu?14:04
bazhangray_, no14:04
RoDiMuS-Xray_ its not a bad idea14:04
A_Jno ray_, linux don't get viruses14:04
bazhang!virus > ray_14:04
ubotturay_, please see my private message14:04
=== Bipul` is now known as Bihari
Dr_Willisray_:  the av software out for linux.. scan windows files for windows viruses normally.14:05
A_Jany1 here can tell me a competent music player ?14:05
bazhang!players > A_J14:06
ubottuA_J, please see my private message14:06
yeats!player | A_J14:06
ubottuA_J: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs14:06
AbhijiTA_J, vlc14:06
Dr_WillisA_J:  go down the list.. try them all.14:06
d3afNdumbjrib: that was my problem, btw http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9932369&postcount=514:06
bazhangA_J, try some. please dont poll here14:06
A_Jkk thanks bazhang14:06
Dr_WillisRoDiMuS-X:  with putty and xming, you can 'forward' X applications to a windows box.14:06
thearmj/ #ubuntu14:06
RoDiMuS-XWhy not just use sigwin14:07
Dr_WillisRoDiMuS-X:  you mean cygwin ?14:07
A_JYou people are a really great bunch thanks for all your help people <314:07
RoDiMuS-Xyeah thats it14:07
Dr_WillisRoDiMuS-X:  its a bit old, outdated, and problematic.14:07
Dr_WillisRoDiMuS-X:  vnc, freenx, or xming. often work better.14:07
Dr_WillisRoDiMuS-X:  its all in the 'details' of what you need to do.14:07
ray_when a new version of ubunta comes out, do i have to reinstall?14:08
Dr_Willisray_:  not normally.14:08
bazhangray_, no14:08
AbhijiTray_, no14:08
RoDiMuS-XWe attempted to use VNC at work and it fails on the VPN14:08
bazhang!upgrade > ray_14:08
ubotturay_, please see my private message14:08
Dr_WillisRoDiMuS-X:  vnc over the 'internet' is not that good of an idea.14:08
theadminbazhang:  did not helped14:08
A_Jis there anyway i can get Gimp Shop, it doesnt show up in the Software Centre..14:08
bazhangray_, please have a read of the manual linked to you earlier14:08
Dr_WillisRoDiMuS-X:  freenx, would be a better tool. or ssh, and x forwarding.14:08
theadminhow to stop stupid plymouth from ever showing its ugly  blue dotted "kubuntu" screen14:09
Dr_WillisAJ_Z0:  look for a 'ppa' of it. Im not sure its still actively developed.14:09
delinquentmewhats the command in CONSOLE to attach to " ifconfig " to get the IP of whatever router you're using to connect up to get internet?14:09
thearmHello.  I need help getting resolution correct.  It's like it's displaying in 1080x1920 instead of visa versa.  I can't see the taskbar at the bottom.14:09
bazhanghttp://ubuntu-manual.org/ ray_14:09
RoDiMuS-XDr_Willis: i will have to check out freenx14:09
erUSULdelinquentme: « route -a » or « ip route »14:09
thearmIt's currently in 2040x1536 but even if I change it to 1920x1080, the aspect ratio is still wrong.14:10
theadmin"Plymouth is an application that runs very early in the boot process (even before the root filesystem is mounted!) that provides a graphical boot animation while the boot process happens in the backgro"  <--- I DO NOT WANT ANY STUPID animation.    how to totally  disable this?     "text" option to kernel does not help14:10
delinquentmethearm, on the top bar System > administration > hardware drivers14:10
thearmdelinquentme: I tried installing the recommended nvidia driver but then I could not boot to the desktop.14:10
lionrafaelI've been having problems booting Ubuntu. Apparently, there's something wrong with my initrd. Can anyone help me?14:10
A_Jthanks bazhang  and Olathe, greets14:11
A_Jme off14:11
FloodBot3A_J: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:11
delinquentmethearm, are you sure of what gfx card you have?14:11
delinquentmeerUSUL, could i get that in a statement bc "ifconfig router -a " is no good14:11
lionrafaelMy problem: http://pastebin.com/Syz3aFfk14:11
thearmI am but I just installed waht Ubuntu recommended.  I didn't look to see what model driver it was isntalling.  Would it install the wrong one?14:11
erUSULdelinquentme: no they are independent commands. ifconfig has no option to show routes nor default gw14:12
thearmdelinquentme, I am but I just installed waht Ubuntu recommended.  I didn't look to see what model driver it was isntalling.  Would it install the wrong one?14:12
theadminI get "link is slow to respond, please be patient" on boot.  how to fix that, because it delays boot by 30 seconds per hard drive?14:12
thearmdelinquentme, I'm brand new to Linux.14:12
delinquentmethearm, it tries to install the closest driver14:13
Symmetria./dev/sda              6.8T  4.5T  2.2T  68% /diskspace214:13
Symmetria./dev/sdc               13T   13T  244G  99% /diskspace314:13
Symmetria./dev/sdd               26T  4.9M   26T   1% /diskspace414:13
ray__can i run sc2 or is it a pain?14:13
FloodBot3Symmetria: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:13
Symmetriareinstalled the system with 64bit and now I can uber big file systems14:13
delinquentmethearm, it would help if you had your card designation14:13
thearmdelinquentme, Ok, any idea how I can fix this?  In the past, when I first tried Ubuntu, I downloaded the nvidia driver from Nvidia and the same issue occured.  Coudn't boot in normal mode.14:13
thearmdelinquentme, ?14:13
thearmdelinquentme,  you mean, know what card I have?14:14
delinquentmethearm, correct14:14
thearmI do know, and I treid to DL it from the Nvidia web site and I could not boot.14:14
ray__will starcraft 2 run faster in ubunta than windoze?14:14
thearmdelinquentme, I do know, and I treid to DL it from the Nvidia web site and I could not boot.14:14
delinquentmethearm, id also try running it in whatever resolution allows you to see all your stuff14:14
thearmI tried many.  All behave the same way.14:15
delinquentmethearm, do you have a system > admin > nvidia x server settings14:15
thearm delinquentme, there are a lot of resolution option and I've tried most of them.  My display is 1920x1080 Vaio laptop.14:15
lionrafaelUbuntu isn't mounting my disks correctly when booting from lilo. http://pastebin.com/Syz3aFfk How to fix it?14:15
thearm delinquentme,I doubt it because the driver is not installed.  I'll look14:15
RoDiMuS-Xray_: probably not since it is not native14:15
Dr_Willisthearm:  text option disables plymouth here. and gdm.14:15
Dr_Willisthearm:  or just replaceing 'quiet splash' with ' ' just disables plymouth for me.14:15
Lovecookieshello everybody14:16
Worfray__ : since there is no starcraft 2 for linux ( at least i don't know of any ), you would have to run it in emulation. emulation adds an additional layer of complexity, so if it works at all, it's most defenitely running slower. thank blizzard for not creating a version for linux.14:16
DrummerBoy38I was playing in the yard. Swinging the pool hose and the air was moving through it so well that i took flight. I had to drop the hose before i went to high up into the atmosphere. when i fell, my neighbor daughter caught eye of me. she liked to swim. she was very pretty. she had a cat, and had to jump in my pool. i felt overprotective. but in time she had me do tests.14:16
thearm delinquentme, no Nvidia x server settings.14:16
DrummerBoy38i had to identify the circles. i said 10, but it was probably 9 circles of love14:16
DrummerBoy38the house was so different at hers14:16
Lovecookieswho can explain me why when i'm trying to listen for a song it's fast forwarding all the songs?14:16
DrummerBoy38i was pulled between swinging the pool hose to fly away or just stay with her .14:17
oCeanDrummerBoy38: stop that14:17
bazhangDrummerBoy38, what?14:17
thearm delinquentme, and if I remember right, when I installed the driver and had to boot into recovery mode, I was not able to launch the xserver interface.  Probably understandably.14:17
theadminhow to fix the boottime "link is slow to respond, please be patient"  delays of 30 second14:17
Dr_WillisHmm.. freenode lagged me out again.14:17
Lovecookieswho can explain me why when i'm trying to listen for a song in Amarok, it's fast forwarding all the songs?14:17
delinquentmeerUSUL, so " route -a " returns nothing but issues  and " ip route " returns a ip address but its ... when i just verified that the address of my gateway is what gives...?14:18
ray__how can i make ubuntu scream (faster)? any utils that will do that like tuneup utilities?14:18
delinquentmethearm, so you still cannot launch the xserver?14:18
lionrafaelLovecookies, amarok has some issues right after updating the collection. Does that happen all the time or only after adding more songs?14:18
bazhangray__, use a lighter de14:18
erUSULdelinquentme: you should see a line like this « default via dev wlan0  proto static »14:19
thearmNo in recovery mode, no.  If I remember right.  I do not have an xserver at the moment because this is a fresh install of Ubuntu.14:19
thearm delinquentme,No in recovery mode, no.  If I remember right.  I do not have an xserver at the moment because this is a fresh install of Ubuntu.14:19
erUSULdelinquentme: where is the router ip and wlan0 is the network device14:19
bazhangray__, try installing lubuntu-desktop package14:19
delinquentmeOHHHH erUSUL yeap its there .. ha ok im a space job .. thanks!14:19
theadminhow to tell kernel to NOT probe ata1 driver, because it causes 60 second delay on boot "link is slow to respond, please be patient"  and anyway nothing is connected on ata1?14:20
delinquentmethearm, Hmmmm whats your gfx card?14:20
thearmI'll get it.  One sec.14:20
delinquentmethearm, sure14:20
thearmdelinquentme, I'll get it. One sec14:20
Worftheadmin: maybe blacklist the module or so?14:20
ray__ok all l8er....14:21
sacarlsonmrmist: theadmin: I guess taking the disk out of /etc/fstab won't help?14:21
thearmdelinquentme, GT 33014:21
LovecookiesIlonrafael, i'm new in Ubuntu, but most of the problems i might have fixed. The only probleme i can see it still remains is that with Amarok. Some minuts ago I have installed it and I wanted to listen to a song, but it keeps "bouncing" over songs . . .14:21
delinquentmeUBUNTU! can i crack into my iced raspberry mocha yet?!14:21
k4g6hey guys14:21
thearmdelinquentme, GT 330M14:21
j0nnymoeanyone using a magic mouse with ubuntu 10.10?14:22
tinsschsorry,but i have question about kubuntu and hsdpa connection!would everybody help me please????14:22
lionrafaelLovecookies: close it. Use the mouse in the dock and select exit or something like that. After that, restart the program14:22
TornadoXubuntuHello! Please how to change the default programs for all applications?14:22
sacarlsonmrmist: sorry don't know how you got added to my last, ignore14:22
jrib!defaultapp | TornadoXubuntu14:23
ubottuTornadoXubuntu: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting.14:23
thearmdelinquente, I  assume, on the Nvida web site, I choose Linux 32-bit?14:23
theadminsacarlson: it is not there14:23
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theadminwolfric: just ata1. need ata2 etc. I found that something like  sdf=noprobe can help14:23
Lovecookiesk, soz14:23
sacarlsontheadmin: well you might look at: sudo lshw  and see if that controller driver that is seen can be blacklisted or renamed14:24
tinsschit is an  i need some hsdpa software to connect14:25
Lovecookiessame thing happens, lionrafael :-s14:25
thearmdelinquentme, I have choosen on the Nvida web site: GeForce > 300M Seriesl Notebook > GT 330M > Linux 32-bit > English14:25
LovecookiesI'm going to reinstall it14:25
lionrafaelUbuntu doesn't boot! http://pastebin.com/Syz3aFfk14:29
AlexSLVRhi all. how i can add new tabs in gnome menu (Applications Places System)14:31
LovecookiesWhat choice can i make beside Amarok? Because it doesn't work. I mean, it keeps skipping all the songs from my playlist . . .14:31
thearmdelinquentme, are you still available?14:31
RoDiMuS-XAlexSLVR: http://library.gnome.org/admin/system-admin-guide/stable/menustructure-usermenus.html.en14:32
sacarlsonAlexSLVR: I think you right click on Application>edit menu14:32
AlexSLVRi doesn't mean add new icons in menu. i want to add new tab like System14:33
GHHPerhaps nvidia and some laptop company take extra money from Microsoft that is they support them first and do not think about Linux.... Is it?14:33
bazhang!ot | GHH14:33
ubottuGHH: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:33
Dr_WillisGHH:  nvidia actually pays MS to 'certify' their drivers..14:33
lionrafaelAnybody, please help. http://pastebin.com/Syz3aFfk Ho to fix that?14:34
Dr_Willislionrafael:  you could at least summary it a little bit for the channel.14:34
lionrafaelThe kernel mount /dev/sda as /dev/sde14:34
lionrafaelas a consequence, it doesn't boot14:35
thearm<delinquentme, this is my laptop: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1683412705614:35
GHHbazhang, I am also trying to install Nvidia optimus driver in Ubuntu14:35
Symmetriawheeeee my 64bit install and tcp tuning stuff all worked :) I got it down to 54 seconds to transfer 4.5gigs of data from london to south africa over a 230ms latent path14:35
Dr_Willisyou can edit the grub menu at boot up to change where the system sets 'root' to be.14:35
Symmetriadown from 1 minute 45 :)14:35
MadScientisthey is there a way to installl untrusted packages in the software center14:36
lionrafaelDr_Willis: no using grub. It's lilo14:36
Dr_Willislionrafael:  you are using lilo? Egads.. what year is this..14:36
lionrafaelLilo is still being developed14:36
Dr_WillisMadScientist:  you can use teh command line if you wanted.14:36
Ramseizei have a problem, im using ubuntu desktop 10.0 and trying to install python-virtinst but it always keep saying that unable to locate package, can someone help me address this problem?14:37
Dr_Willislionrafael:  i will pass on lilo..14:37
RoDiMuS-XMadScientist: just add the PPA14:37
MadScientistalright thank you14:37
delinquentmethearm, sorry about that you still around?14:38
thearmdelinquentme,  I am14:38
lionrafaelDr Willis: thanks for trying at least14:38
Lovecookieslionrafael, sudo apt-get install libxine1-ffmpeg solved my problem with Amarok14:38
delinquentmethearm, alright this is a newer processor right?14:38
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lionrafaelLovecookies: great. congrats for figuring it out14:38
thearmDelinquentme, this is my laptop I7 720QM processor http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1683412705614:39
delinquentmethearm, you're on 10.04 or 10.1014:40
TopCathow can i backup additional software sources (repos) and their GPG keys ?  i guess what i'm asking is where is where is that data stored?14:40
BlueFish_i need to reinstall windows for a new job on my laptop but i have ubuntu  how do i delete the grub and get everything where it needs to be for windows to be able to reinstall???14:40
thearmI just downloaded this ISO yesterday so I think I'm at the latest.14:40
delinquentmethearm, erm well i guess "what version of ubuntu" is a better question14:40
BajKhey, what's the difference between /tmp and /var/tmp ?14:41
thearm<delinquentme, 10.10 it looks like14:41
BlueFish_plz sum 1 hlp14:41
delinquentmethearm, http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9996039   .. and ..  http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=165731914:41
thearm<delinquentme, Maverick Meerkat14:41
delinquentmethearm, hehe cool14:41
sacarlsonTopCat: you can create a private repo if you want and you deb files are kept in a cache that can be used if not clean to create it14:41
BlueFish_i need to reinstall windows for a new job on my laptop but i have ubuntu  how do i delete the grub and get everything where it needs to be for windows to be able to reinstall???14:42
delinquentmethearm, so those two above links should point you in the right direction .. i run 10.04 so im not going to be of as much help as someone running 10.1014:42
TopCatno, i'm upgrading to 10.04 from 9.1014:42
TopCatand i want to backup my skype and amarok 1.4 repos14:42
chaospsychexBlueFish_: check your PM14:42
TopCatwithout having to search all over the internet for howtos to do that again14:43
antivirtelcan I ask, that in OpenOffice.org Calc, how can I set a custom cell border withd, 2,5pt is too much, but 1pt is not enough?14:43
thearm<delinquentme, Ok.  I'll save these and check them out today when I have a moment.  They look related to my issue.  Thank you for your attnetion delinquentme14:43
delinquentmethearm, i gotta get back to work here man :D good luck !14:43
thearmThank you sir14:43
Dr_WillisBlueFish_:  windows will rewrte the MBR when it installs.. other then that.. just delete the partitions you dont want. and boot iwnodes installer14:43
Lovecookieslionrafael, now i have other problem. I made my audio system work, but not all the speakers work. I've used alsamixer, but the RR and RL doesnt work. What may be wrong? I have also checked the hardware and it's the right choice.14:43
Dr_WillisLovecookies:  it could be they are workin.. but you dont have a 5.1 source? or how are you testing them.14:44
sacarlsonTopCat: there are many docs on how to do it here is one: http://mediakey.dk/~cc/howto-create-your-own-debian-or-ubuntu-package-repository/14:44
=== Mark_ is now known as grid_
GaLaXY_just dd if=/dev/sda/ of=/path/to/file bs=446 count=1 imo14:45
TopCatsacarlson: no i don't want this because i'm upgrading to 10.04 from 9.10 and i just want to save the sources for the skype and amarok 1.4 repos that i added14:45
TopCatsacarlson: upgrading from 9.04 to 10.0414:46
=== MrUnagi_ is now known as MrUnagi
LovecookiesWell, Will I am listen to music, and I grab the RL and RR in my hands and there's no sound14:46
Dr_WillisLovecookies:  if its stero audio.. that would make sence.14:47
sacarlsonTopCat: normaly when you upgrade you can't move most of your already installed package I guess some might still go I'm not sure14:47
Lovecookiesits Realtek Ac'97 5.114:47
Dr_WillisLovecookies:  is the music actual 5.1? or just stero is what i am getting at. I only have rear output when i watch SOME movies.14:47
TopCatsacarlson:  do you have any idea what you're talking about?14:48
sacarlsonTopCat: maybe something like this? http://aptoncd.sourceforge.net/14:48
bazhangTopCat, just make a copy of your sources.list?14:48
TopCatTHANK YOU!14:48
TopCatwhere is sources.list14:48
Lovecookiesoh, let me check. Damn, i was so mind-locked14:48
Dr_Willisif you Upgrade.. you may need to alter your sources listing...14:49
bazhang /etc/apt/sources.list14:49
TopCatyes i know14:49
Dr_Willissince it will still be for the older version.14:49
eternalstupid people14:49
bazhangTopCat, thats not really the best way to go here though14:49
TopCatwhat about the GPG keys ?14:49
GaLaXY_thats why i like rolling release distros ;z14:49
TopCatbazhang:  what do you suggest ?14:49
bazhangeternal, please stop that14:49
Dr_WillisGaLaXY_:  they have their own issues... such is life.14:49
br0kenpipeis it a recommend way to install ubuntu via the minimal/netinstall image?14:49
LjLbr0kenpipe: well it always worked just fine for me14:50
LjLbr0kenpipe: it's handy14:50
LjLbr0kenpipe: of course you miss the whole fancy graphical installer that way14:50
br0kenpipethx! will provide the feature for ~ encryption?14:50
jribLjL: they should add a dancing tux in ascii to the curses installer14:50
bazhangjrib, heh14:51
LjLbr0kenpipe: i am not sure. i vaguely recall it provides encryption while the desktop cd doesn't, but that might be wrong or apply to an older version14:51
LjLjrib: careful, shuttleworth would probably make one of his blunders and require a naked dancing tux14:51
=== denny- is now known as denny
bazhangTopCat, I missed the earlier parts, apologies; did you wish to create a kind of clone,ie can restore to that point, or something you can recreate ie with specialized 3rd party repos etc14:52
root__I have an Dell latitude D600 with Broadcom that cant find any network. Help?14:53
Gazzywell this is arkward14:53
Gazzy1500 people in here? damn14:53
bazhangGazzy, what is14:53
Gazzyi dunno prolly nothin14:53
Gazzyin reality anyway14:53
bazhangGazzy, ubuntu support question?14:53
Gazzyi did have but reinstalling it now it messed up thanks though14:54
joshbhi, i just booted into ubuntu, i have a wide screen but its not detected14:54
eternalstupid people14:54
Gazzyharsh words14:54
GaLaXY_joshb: what video card have you got?14:54
bazhangeternal, not the right channel14:54
Gazzywhat makes you a smart person14:54
GaLaXY_joshb: you might need to reconfigure xorg14:54
joshbAsus ENGTS450 directCU14:54
joshbGnome detected it tho ;)14:55
joshbbut on another card...14:55
GaLaXY_joshb: yore using vesa drivers atm?14:55
joshbhaven't checked on that14:55
joshbgoing to....14:56
eternalGazzy, i've some ability not to follow the crowd. if you will kick me i will return forever14:57
bazhang!ot > eternal14:57
ubottueternal, please see my private message14:57
Gazzygood for you lol14:57
sacarlsonTopCat: you might find the deb files your now have as I said here: /var/cache/apt/archives14:57
eternaland i will go to other linux channels to tell them that also14:58
Gazzywhere did the crowd come from though?14:58
Gazzyand whos following them14:58
Gazzyis this a religious thing14:58
bazhangGazzy, #ubuntu-offtopic for chat please14:58
Gazzyok sorry14:58
adi11hi all.14:59
joshbits running with this empty xorg.conf15:00
GaLaXY_joshb: you ought to try installing propetiary nvidia drivers15:00
GaLaXY_or else nouveau15:00
azizLIGHTSdonde para espanol?15:00
erUSUL!es | azizLIGHTS15:01
ubottuazizLIGHTS: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:01
=== MrUnagi_ is now known as MrUnagi
GaLaXY_joshb: iirc vesa doesn support widescreen15:02
adi11i am having some scary problems with my lucid dual boot with xp. the var/log file is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/560242/15:02
xiamxHow to know the length of an existing rsa public key.15:03
GaLaXY_anybody knows if grub legacy stage 1.5 points to stage 2 through bios numbering15:04
GaLaXY_or UUID? ikr it supports fs15:04
joshbthx GaLaXY_ i'll look into that then15:04
GaLaXY_have been wondering about this for ages :p15:05
Psycho_Mariohi, i have replaced gnome with openbox on my netbook running ubuntu 10.10, however, gnome-session is still started (bootchart tells me). i am unable to use xdm or slim as my graphica login. How can i uninstall gnome-session without touching gdm?15:05
=== toti is now known as Guest23332
vigsQUESTION: When I try to add any repository, it gives me an error like : "Error reading https://launchpad.net/api/1.0/~libreoffice/+archive/ppa: <urlopen error [Errno 111] Connection refused>"15:06
vigsWhy does this happen?15:06
vigsIf it helps, I am behind my Institute's proxy server15:06
vigsI use the command like this: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa15:07
bazhangvigs, did you update your sources.list ?15:07
Carpe|DiemIs it possible to call symmlinks with GRUB1?15:07
GaLaXY_would altering grub stage s pbios partition number render stage 1.5 unable to find 2? :p15:07
Carpe|Diemkernel symlinks for example15:07
vigsbazhang: Would that be necessry?15:07
=== MrUnagi_ is now known as MrUnagi
=== Guest23332 is now known as totiBolivia
GaLaXY_iirc grub stage 1.5 doesn have sector count hardcoded15:08
k4g6hey sorry that i keep joining and disconnecting15:08
* christhecoolboy needs help...15:08
=== k4g6 is now known as beefncheese
christhecoolboymy laptop is getting a kernal panic15:08
christhecoolboywhen it tries to boot15:09
sacarlsonvigs: well I can't seem to get there with my browser so maybe it's broken15:09
beefncheesehow do i make irssi auto connect to this #ubuntu channel?15:09
vigssacarlson: The same problem happens with every ppa that I try to add15:09
azertyuhi there15:09
christhecoolboyit works now? :)15:10
sacarlsonvigs: well give me another that might be able to find15:10
eibor123holaaaa is not spek inglis15:10
GaLaXY_beefncheese: irssi.org/documentation/startup#c315:10
Pudabudigadaeibor123: La francais? Vous ca parle?15:10
eibor123español plis15:11
tuxhackhi.. anyone ddrescue or rsync  when I have to copy a whole partition to a new disk ?15:11
LjL!es | eibor12315:11
ubottueibor123: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:11
* christhecoolboy has a question15:11
cellardoorwhy does everything in Ubuntu have such intense Hard Drive activity15:11
christhecoolboyHow do I add my own boot screen?15:11
compdoccellardoor, could be a really slow hdd15:12
Pudabudigadachristhecoolboy,  You mean splash?15:12
cellardoorcompdoc, nope, its a decent one, but compared to windows it is so HDD intensive15:12
PudabudigadaThere's an app for that ;)15:12
Pudabudigadachristhecoolboy,  Check the main repo for it15:12
christhecoolboyPudabudigada, yeah15:12
GaLaXY_i prefer diskpart for disk cloning15:12
Gigabytehy all15:12
christhecoolboyI wanna make my own one15:12
beefncheeseive looked and tryed /channel add -auto. but it says unknown chat network15:13
azertyui got two pc, both pc runs  on ubuntu, when i try to access to pc2 from pc1 i do this : ssh root@, but the problem is when i  run a command from my pc1 and if i quit the ssh session the command get off is there any solution to do not off that command after the end of an ssh session ?15:13
azertyu ?15:13
Pudabudigadachristhecoolboy, The application will take any image and turn it into a splash.15:13
Psycho_Mariois it safe to disable winbind?15:14
christhecoolboycan I make an animated splash?15:14
Pudabudigadachristhecoolboy, Idk, sorry.15:14
erUSUL!screen | azertyu15:14
ubottuazertyu: Screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen15:14
beefncheese!grep | beefncheese15:14
ubottubeefncheese, please see my private message15:14
christhecoolboycan I make an animated splash, Pudabudigada?15:14
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal15:15
Pudabudigadachristhecoolboy, Idk, sorry.15:15
sacarlsonPsycho_Mario: It should be I didn't have it installed before, it might make windows samba resolve a bit a problem15:15
TopCathow big should i make /var / usr /tmp /home /boot partitions during install ?15:15
Pudabudigadachristhecoolboy, I haven't used it, I just know it exists.15:15
azertyubut using screen the command the session gets Off after 3hours erUSUL15:15
TopCatlike what percentage of disk space15:15
vigssacarlson: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kevin-mehall/pithos-daily Error reading https://launchpad.net/api/1.0/~kevin-mehall/+archive/pithos-daily: <urlopen error [Errno 111] Connection refused>15:15
sacarlsonPsycho_Mario: I meant shouldn't be15:15
GaLaXY_azertyu: unix.stackexchange.com/questions/479/keep-ssh-sessions-running-after-disconnection15:15
Psycho_Mariosacarlson; dont have any windows machines to samba with.15:15
erUSULTopCat: do you really need it to be all separated partitions. imho in a destop machine with / and /home and swap is enough15:16
GaLaXY_azertyu: deatch using screen15:16
multiplatinumhello everybody15:16
multiplatinumi got this link to convert flv to mp315:16
multiplatinumbut i dont understand15:16
TopCaterUSUL: i want to have a desktop system running file server services for another windows box i have on the network15:16
MasterOfDisasterTopCat: I usually keep 20G for /, 1xram as swap and assign the rest to /home15:16
compdocTopCat, let the automatic partitioner show you proper size for the /boot partition - thats always the same. then you can set it manually. as for the others, that's your decision15:17
TopCatstill okay to have / /home & swap?15:17
GaLaXY_is it still true swap partition size is limited to 2 gb?15:17
Gigabytehey how can i start lamp(i instlled it)15:17
christhecoolboyI have a problem :'(15:17
GaLaXY_it was the case on i386 in the old rhel days15:17
christhecoolboysometimes my netbook15:17
christhecoolboywont boot15:17
christhecoolboyand it comes up15:17
FloodBot3christhecoolboy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:17
christhecoolboywith this "kernal panic"15:17
erUSULmultiplatinum: what is the part you do not understand?15:17
multiplatinumerUSUL,  everything, idk what to do15:17
sssI've just dual boot Ubuntu 10.10 into Windows XP. When I turn on the computer the GRUB menu show both "Ubuntu with linux 2.6.35-25-generic15:17
compdocthe /swap can be shown to you with the automatic partitioner too15:17
beefncheesechristhecoolboy: any other information15:18
lvhAnyone know if there are wxWidgets 2.9 packages anywhere for Ubuntu? I need 2.9.0 development headers, and I was hoping to not have to do it manually.15:18
GaLaXY_imo on a desktop swap is only useful nowadays for hibernation15:18
GaLaXY_but opinions differ ;z15:18
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erUSULmultiplatinum: ffmpeg -i file_you_want_toconvert.flv -acodec libmp3lame -aq 4 file with_the_resulting_mp3.mp315:18
erUSULmultiplatinum: you have to run that command in a terminal15:18
erUSUL|terminal | multiplatinum15:18
multiplatinumok ill try that15:18
sssI've just dual boot Ubuntu 10.10 into Windows XP. When I turn on the computer the GRUB menu show both "Ubuntu with linux 2.6.35-25-generic" and linux 2.6.35-22-generic (both have normal and recovery options). - Why is it?15:18
GaLaXY_sss: those are different kernel images15:19
azertyuthanks GaLaXY_15:19
sssGaLaXY_, Why do I have 2 kernel images?15:19
GaLaXY_sss: it probably got added after an update15:19
multiplatinumi dont have ffmpeg installed apparently erUSUL15:19
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
GaLaXY_sss: if you current kernel runs without issue you can safely remove it :p15:20
erUSULmultiplatinum: you may want to try with a gui program like winff15:20
erUSUL!info winff | multiplatinum15:20
ubottumultiplatinum: winff (source: winff): graphical video and audio batch converter using ffmpeg. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.2.0-1ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 1416 kB, installed size 4496 kB15:20
sssGaLaXY_, So how do I remove the old one?15:20
erUSULmultiplatinum: use the ubuntu software center to install it15:20
multiplatinumnot synapic?15:20
=== guest9211 is now known as newbie112
newbie112hello everyone15:20
newbie112i have some questions about domain registration15:21
sssGaLaXY_, So how do I remove the old kernel image?15:21
erUSULmultiplatinum: either will do; use whatever is easier for you15:21
newbie112do i have to purchase domain and hosting space separately or from 1 company?15:21
GaLaXY_ss: just apt-get autoremove linux-image-`uname -r`15:22
erUSULalso you may have to enable medibuntu so ffmpeg can use mp3 libs15:22
multiplatinumerUSUL,  it will remove VLC :S15:22
GaLaXY_sss: but tbh they take little space so i don see the need15:22
erUSUL!medibuntu | multiplatinum15:22
ubottumultiplatinum: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org15:22
multiplatinumugh nvm t hen15:22
erUSULmultiplatinum: !!!?15:22
multiplatinumim not messing with medibuntu again15:22
Chalkieis there anyway to enable remote desktop via ssh?15:22
Switchhey guys15:22
erUSULmultiplatinum: what; installing winff removes vlc?15:22
SwitchI have a redirect going or something15:23
GaLaXY_chalckie, enable x tunneling15:23
erUSULSwitch: explain what a "redirect" is15:23
Switch.b/k | grep -z < `l`15:23
Switchthat's the command, k and l are programs15:23
Switchhow do I undo it15:23
erUSULSwitch: crtl + c ?15:23
SwitcherUSUL: No, I did this under SSH and it's still going15:24
erUSULSwitch: kill the processes involved15:24
sssWhere can I learn some basic commands for the terminal?15:24
ChalkieGaLaXY_: i have enabled X11 via putty, now what do i do?15:24
erUSUL!cli | sss15:24
ubottusss: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro15:24
GaLaXY_sss: you might try Introduction to Linux15:24
SwitcherUSUL: well how do I find it?15:25
SwitcherUSUL: what do I grep for in ps aux?15:25
GaLaXY_Chalkie: set X11Forwarding to yes in /etc/ssh/sshd_config15:25
fongweekimHi everyone I need some help15:25
erUSULSwitch: pkill ".b/k"15:25
GaLaXY_chalkie: if using putty u should install xming if you haven yet15:26
fongweekimI just installed 2 harddisk and is recognised by the BIOS. How do I make Ubuntu recognise it?15:26
GaLaXY_on client machine15:26
sssWhat is the keyboard shortcut for opening the terminal?15:26
erUSULfongweekim: format the disks/partitions ( gparted ) then mount them somewhere15:26
erUSUL!fstab | fongweekim15:27
ubottufongweekim: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions15:27
erUSULsss: alt + f3 iirc15:27
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fongweekimok thanks I will check it out.15:27
GaLaXY_if you are using gnome there is no standard shortcut, sss15:27
GaLaXY_in fluxbox edit ~/.fluxbox/keys15:27
erUSULalt + f3 works15:27
SwitcherUSUL: that didn't work15:28
ChalkieGaLaXY_: i have installed xming, and i am now looking to enable x11 in /etc/ssh/sshd_config15:28
erUSULSwitch: pgrep -l ".b/k"15:28
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SwitcherUSUL: .b is a folder by the way15:29
SwitcherUSUL: you know that, right?15:29
ChalkieGaLaXY_: X11 fowarding was already enabled, i guess from my VPS provider15:29
GaLaXY_Chalkie: just add X11Forwarding yes and X11DisplayOffset 10 to /etc/ssh/sshd_config15:29
^mNotIntelligenthi all!15:29
sssCan I change the speed of scrolling in touchpad? I can't find it in the Preferences15:29
root__is there anybody help me start backtrac4?/15:29
erUSULSwitch: is a folder ? then what is the point of doing « .b/k | grep -z < `l` » !!!???15:29
fongweekimIs it possible to use Ubuntu desktop to set up my 3 harddisks as NAS or must I use the Server Edition?15:29
root__i'm newbiie  and plz helpme ;;15:30
erUSULSwitch: even if .b/k was a progema the command makes no sense15:30
SwitcherUSUL: .b is a dot folder, k is a program inside the folder15:30
bazhangroot__, not here #backtrack-linux15:30
SwitcherUSUL: nothing came up in that pgrep15:30
ChalkieGaLaXY_: i have done all that, now what do i do?15:30
bazhang!backtrack > root__15:30
ubotturoot__, please see my private message15:30
erUSULSwitch: feeding grep two streams of data. i am amazed it simply did not error out15:30
GaLaXY_Chalkie: just open an ssh session, and try xclock15:31
SwitcherUSUL: I just want all l to stop being redirected to .b/k15:31
GaLaXY_chalckie: ensure x forwarding is enabled in putty as well and xming is running15:31
SwitcherUSUL: do you know what I mean?15:31
erUSULSwitch: pkill grep15:31
GaLaXY_chalckie: and restart the sshd daemon15:31
Chalkieyep i see a window popup :)15:31
Chalkiewith a clock15:31
GaLaXY_chalkie: great =D15:31
Chalkieis there a way to get a whole desktop up?15:31
GaLaXY_chalkie: not with xming iirc. try dbus-launch for several progs though15:32
ComradeHaz`Hi all. I wish to PXE boot an Ubuntu machine from a Debian server. Is there anyone who is in a position to assist me with this?15:32
Chalkiecan i use this to try and get vnc installed?15:32
Chalkieor remote desktop15:32
SwitcherUSUL: pkill grep had no output, and there's still the problem of the redirecting15:32
SwitcherUSUL: this is via SSH by the way, to a remote server15:33
dfahi everyone, i need help, my parent can't open gnome session after upgrade15:33
BlueEagle!anyone ComradeHaz`15:33
GaLaXY_Chalkie:m sorry, i dont'really have  experience with vnc15:33
erUSULSwitch: pgrep -l grep ( in the server) shows anything ?15:33
Chalkiewell can i enable the remote desktop this way?15:33
dfathey can log and the session close juste after and return to login page15:33
SwitcherUSUL: no, nothinbg15:33
GaLaXY_chalkie: you could use ssh port forwarding15:33
BlueEagle!someone ComradeHaz`15:34
erUSULSwitch: so grep is not running? it is `l` running?15:34
BlueEagle!someone| ComradeHaz`15:34
ubottuComradeHaz`: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:34
BlueEagleThere we go. :)15:34
magicblaze007I'm a new ubuntu user and installed it on my new machine. Any pointers on how i can improve security for my ubuntu machine?15:34
SwitcherUSUL: I guess so?15:34
knxvillemagicblaze007: learn about iptables and ufw15:34
erUSULSwitch: check with top? or « ps -elyf | less » ?15:34
GaLaXY_chalkie: i suppose you have checked help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC15:34
edbianmagicblaze007, I think step 1 is probably understanding why Ubuntu and linux in general is more secure than other OSs15:35
dlgshockHello, I installed Ubuntu on a laptop (EliteBook 2540p). Every time I boot up the screen flickers until I change the monitor settings with gnome-display-properties. It works fine in Windows.15:35
magicblaze007knxville: isnt there a gui for iptables?15:35
Dr_Willismagicblaze007:  spend time and learn the fundamentals/basics of linux. :) The biggest 'threat' i see to a ubuntu box in here on a daily basis. is users doing weird or silly things. :)15:35
edbianmagicblaze007, firestarter15:35
lvhAnyone know if there are wxWidgets 2.9 packages anywhere for Ubuntu? I need 2.9.0 development headers, and I was hoping to not have to do it manually.15:35
Chalkieif i download a .deb file how do i install it?15:35
GaLaXY_dpkg -i filename15:35
lvhChalkie: dpkg -i f.deb15:36
lvhDamn, too slow.15:36
edbianChalkie, sudo dpkg -i <fileName>.deb15:36
magicblaze007wow, my ufw says inactive!15:36
edbianI'm reallys low15:36
magicblaze007is that the default when installed?15:36
edbianmagicblaze007, running a firewall is not a necessity on linux15:36
|Long|just fixing grub boot menu, now stuck at initramfs screen can someone plz help?15:36
Dr_Willismagicblaze007:  by default theres no rules.. so thats correct.15:36
ComradeHaz`BlueEagle: that is my question, I want someone who can explain to me just about everthing about PXE booting.15:36
GaLaXY_tcpwrappers do a decent job if youre behind a nat15:36
sacarlsonmagicblaze007: there is a gui called firestarter for iptables15:36
ComradeHaz`the basics of course.15:36
Chalkieim getting an error when trying to open teamviewer, "TeamViewer must not be executed as root!" any advice?15:37
erUSUL!info gufw15:37
ubottugufw (source: gui-ufw): Configure system firewall. In component universe, is optional. Version 10.10.1-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 225 kB, installed size 1296 kB15:37
erUSULChalkie: do not execute is as root15:37
erUSULChalkie: i.e. do not use sudo with it15:37
Chalkiewell root is the only user on my box, how do i create a new user in ssh>?15:37
magicblaze007installing gufw now15:37
llutzChalkie: adduser15:38
kane77hi, how can I automatize input in bash scripts? for instance I want to use gpg to encrypt file in a script and I want it to be automatized, so the script would fill the password automatically15:38
erUSULChalkie: what ibox is that? not ubuntu, becouse ubuntu has the root user disabled ...15:38
sacarlsonmagicblaze007: but you don't need a firewall unless you want different parts of a network to have access to different things, for no access just turn the listen port off and close the app behind it15:38
SwitcherUSUL: it's not in there, but it's still redirecting! this is weird..., how could this be15:38
BlueEagleComradeHaz`: I do recomend reading up on it and instead ask spesific questions when  you run into issues.15:38
erUSULSwitch: what do you mean redirecting? « ./b/k  » is growing?15:38
magicblaze007sacarlson: I'm trying to make sure that there is nothing else that can connect to this machine except ssh. is that the default?15:38
edbiankane77, Have it generate random letters / numbers using a random number generator and converting thing using their ascii values15:39
magicblaze007sacarlson: and i want all the access from inside to outside15:39
sacarlsonmagicblaze007: nope15:39
edbianmagicblaze007, What about web traffic?15:39
magicblaze007I guess if i enable ufw-- my ssh would turn off15:39
erUSULSwitch: l is not running grep is not running ./b/k is not running... what is "still redirecting"? how do you know it is "still redirecting"?15:39
Dr_Willismagicblaze007:  no services installed.. nothing should be comming in.15:39
GaLaXY_magicblaze, just use tcpwrappers15:39
magicblaze007edbian: i want to allow users from inside to initiate web traffic --- to and from servers...http/ftp etc15:40
magicblaze007but nothing from outside15:40
GaLaXY_hosts.deny ALL:ALL ftw15:40
sacarlsonmagicblaze007: do us a dsl router?15:40
edbianmagicblaze007, So this computer is a web server and an ssh server?15:40
erUSULkane77: see if gpg has means to be passed a password in a script15:40
edbianmagicblaze007, That's the point of a firewall, you can do this with ufw or firestarter15:40
magicblaze007Dr_Willis: how do i see what services are installed?15:40
magicblaze007sacarlson: nope, its a switch at work which is being an organizational firewall15:40
ComradeHaz`OK, BlueEagle, let's start with "What's the best method to use to boot a diskless but not thin, Ubuntu machine from a Debian server, presumably, but perhaps not neccessarilly, with PXE booting.15:40
Dr_Willismagicblaze007:  what ones have you installed.. by default theres basically none.15:40
edbianmagicblaze007, to install ssh: sudo apt-get install openssh-server to install web server: sudo apt-get install apache15:40
MasterOfDisasterwhy use $frontend for 4, maybe 5 iptables rules?15:41
edbianMasterOfDisaster, for ease of use15:41
MasterOfDisasteredbian: hehe, good one :)15:41
GaLaXY_magicblaze, just deny access to all services in hosts.deny and allow whatever needed15:42
GaLaXY_if yore  behind a nat bothering with ip lvl security might be overkill15:42
tuxhackhi.. any one used gnuddrescue ?15:42
edbianmagicblaze007, Or just don't even set up the firewall ;)15:42
sacarlsonmagicblaze007: you can see what listening with sudo netstat -pant will show you a list if any15:42
GaLaXY_though a few iptables rules are very powerful15:43
Switchhow do I find the type of a file? I mean find out if it's a directory or a program or a text file..15:43
GaLaXY_file filename15:43
magicblaze007sacarlson: thanks15:43
MasterOfDisasterSwitch: ls, file15:44
edbianSwitch, file filenamee15:44
GaLaXY_ls -FC |grep filename15:44
SwitchMasterOfDisaster, edbian, which is a better one?15:44
Switchalso thank you.15:44
GaLaXY_:P file usually does the job15:44
MasterOfDisasterSwitch: just use file15:44
edbianSwitch, file is 'better'15:44
Switchkay, thank you15:45
MasterOfDisasterdidn't know it accepts directories, sorry15:45
Dr_Willisls -l foo :)15:45
edbiani pity the foo15:45
Switchedbian: lol15:46
theadminhi, my system takes 60 seconds longer to boot because it is probing ata1: that is not responding. How to tell it to ****off from probing it? There is no device on ata1: according to dmsg. boot option sda=noprobe and sdf=noprobe did not help. I have hard drives sda,b,c,d,e when booted (strage that I have sda1?)   eventuall sda is connected as    sd 4:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI disk15:46
xrdodrxHow do I format the whole disk so I can start from scratch with the partition manager?15:46
Switchhow would I use the output of one program as an argument to another program that doesn't take stdin as an argument, it only takes just standard command-line args?15:47
Pudabudigadatheadmin, is it doing it at post?15:47
theadminPudabudigada: no, it is done by linux kerne15:47
GaLaXY_Would a change in the bios numbering of the grub stage 2 partition render grub stage 1.515:47
GaLaXY_unable to find grub stage 2?15:47
Dr_WillisSwitch:  that can be tricky.   depends on the programs.  years ago one could use 'expect' to sort of fake it..15:47
erUSULxrdodrx: use the partition manager to create a new partition table on the device15:47
sssHow do I change the order of OS that GRUB will show when I turn the computer on?15:47
theadmin[    4.812947] ata1: SATA max UDMA/133 cmd 0xe170 ctl 0xe160 bmdma 0xe130 irq 19   [   10.460045] ata1: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0)  [   14.840078] ata1: SRST failed (errno=-16)   ......   [   64.910113] ata1: reset failed, giving up15:48
Dr_Willissss:  edit the grub config files is the normal way.15:48
erUSULSwitch: command "$(command2)"15:48
MasterOfDisasterxrdodrx: this gets rid of your bootsector + partition table: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/xxx bs=512 count=115:48
Dr_Willissss:  grub has a 'saved default' option also to rember what one as a default, or can rember the 'last selected entry'15:48
sssDr_Willis, what/where are the grub config files?15:48
Dr_Willis!grub2 | sss15:48
ubottusss: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub215:48
edbianSwitch, make the script store the output in a variable (a string) parse the string and separate it into the arguments you need to run for the next command.15:48
GaLaXY_hm, nobody? :z15:48
MasterOfDisasterxrdodrx: handle with care though15:48
xrdodrxerUSUL» Device >> Create Partition Table?15:49
erUSULxrdodrx: yes15:49
xrdodrxMasterOfDisaster» I'd prefer to use gparted :)15:49
GaLaXY_i don really feel like messing with hex editors15:49
sacarlsonmagicblaze007: you might setup something simple with astablished/releated almost what you could use in this example: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo15:49
SwitchDr_Willis, edbian, erUSUL: well, I want to pipe the output of one program to grep -V, then have grep -V search the program for a string contained in the output of another program15:49
MasterOfDisasterxrdodrx: whatever floats your boat :)15:49
theadminhow to execute a console program  that will input a text in command line-like from user  and mount one device  on boot, before mounting /home and so on?  (but / is needed)15:49
xrdodrxerUSUL» and that will replace everything will unallocated space? :D15:49
=== dreamtraveler is now known as noobuntu
Dr_WillisSwitch:  check the advanced bash scripting guide (or other guides) on redirection of output. There may be some sopecial methods you need to use.15:50
erUSULSwitch: command1 | grep -v "$(command2)"15:50
linelevelHi. I've been reading threads about flushing the DNS cache in Ubuntu, and the consensus is that by default, Ubuntu does not keep a DNS cache. I don't understand this, because Chrome, Firefox, and the `dig` command-line tool all seem to use the same DNS cache. I'm still trying to figure out how to flush the cache used by `dig`. Can anyone help?15:50
SwitcherUSUL: thanks <315:50
erUSULxrdodrx: correct; that's what you wanted. now you can create new partitions as you see fit15:50
newbie112what is the difference between linuxhosting and windows hosting?15:50
Dr_Willistheadmin:  you want to run somthing befor the user logs in. can be done in rc.local. but as for that ASKING for any user input.. that might be harder.15:50
MasterOfDisasterlinelevel: dig doesn't cache...15:51
xrdodrxerUSUL» ok, thanks...yeah, I'm on a netbook so it takes a long time to format usually so I want to make sure I choose the right thing to avoid having to do it twice15:51
MasterOfDisasternewbie112: 2 different operating systems?15:51
edbianlinelevel, I can help.  When you dig it lists the server it got the result from (closest zone of course) if it lists it was cached otherwise it was not cached on your machine15:51
sacarlsonlinelevel: well I use bind9 on my local system and I think that keeps a cache15:51
DThoughtnewbie112: well, in the one case its linux running on the server, in the other case its windows...15:51
theadminDr_Willis: yeah, I see that f****** pymount c***** gets in the way of doing so15:51
newbie112yes, but is there any difference website owner?15:52
newbie112difference for website owner*15:52
GaLaXY_newbie112: itś just a matter oof preference15:52
linelevelmasterOfDisaster: When I run `dig mydomain.com` it gives the old info, when I run `dig @my-domains-nameserver mydomain.com` it gives the new DNS info. So it must be cached, no?15:52
MasterOfDisasternewbie112: usually not15:52
newbie112then why the 2 exists? which is more preferrable?15:53
Switchwhat's the best way of searching ls results? just standard piping to grep15:53
edbianlinelevel, cached yes but where is the question.  Look at the server line in the output of dig.  Pastebin both and I can maybe explain better15:53
GaLaXY_newbie112: ;D linux hosting ftw15:53
Dr_Willistheadmin:  actually rc.local and other services can be running at the same time.. so they can cause clutter on the screen.15:53
edbianfor the win15:53
Dr_Willistheadmin:  but rc.local SHOULD in theory be the last service going.. but GDM may start up and be running befor rc.local is even finished.15:53
DThoughtnewbie112: why do windows and linux exist in the first hand? why do people use windows as a desktop operating system?15:53
GaLaXY_but you shouldn expect to receive a different answer in this channel, newbie112 :p15:53
sacarlsonlinelevel: that's due to the time you have setup for your dns to expire, so if you try at the last dns server from your isp then it won't look it up again till the ttl has expired15:54
newbie112which is the curtial thing which I should look while buying hosting space?15:54
erUSULSwitch: what are you trying to do? explain in english, probably you want find and not parsing ls output15:54
newbie112GaLaXY_, :D15:54
SwitcherUSUL: yeah probably15:54
lineleveledbian: MasterOfDisaster: d'oh, you guys are right. It's being cached upstream at my DNS server. I'm using one of Google's public DNS servers (, so I don't think there's anything I can do about that.15:54
theadminDr_Willis: I need to ask user the password,  before mounting most of filesystems, before GDM; it should be in text mode  (bash script with read option)15:54
SwitcherUSUL: what's wrong with grepping ls -R anyway?15:54
MasterOfDisasterlinelevel: linelevel hehe :D15:55
edbianlinelevel, The change will propogate in less than 24 hours (I don't like DNS, I think it's a very broken system)15:55
Dr_Willistheadmin:  i would disable the gdm service then, and then launch it from rc.local after the user puts in their info.15:55
erUSULSwitch: depends on what you will do what the output. if you are only loooking at it there is nothing wrong15:55
sacarlsonlinelevel: you can if you can change the ttl at your dns pointed to by your registry15:55
SwitcherUSUL: okay, thank you15:55
amalgamawhen i open system>about ubuntu, it says i am using 11.04 ... why is that??15:56
linelevelsacarlson: That's a great idea.15:57
erUSULamalgama: is a bug15:57
erUSULamalgama: what does « lsb_release -a » says?15:57
GaLaXY_one might use nscd as caching daemon though15:57
induzwhen i do sudo apt-get install ipodslave i get error that there is no DIRECTORY15:58
induz ipodslave is not listed on synaptic manager15:59
erUSUL!find ipodslave15:59
ubottuPackage/file ipodslave does not exist in maverick15:59
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induzhow can install  ipodslave??16:00
GaLaXY_build from source16:00
induzon Lucid Lynx16:00
eternalstupid people16:00
GaLaXY_or first build deb package16:00
edbianinduz, are you typing sudo apt-get install /ipodslave/    ?  with a slashes?  That tells the system ipodslave is a directory16:00
rats_n> induz, are you typing sudo apt-get  install /ipodslave/    ?  with a  slashes?  That tells the system  ipodslave is a directory16:01
induzI am typing  sudo apt-get install ipodslave16:01
edbianrats_, cite your sources!16:01
edbianinduz, mmm, well in any event that's not in the repos.  I suggest you use something that is.  Look in the Ubuntu software Center16:02
cousteau`irssisomething weird just happened to my PC. Last dmesg is: "nvidia 0000:01:00.0: putting AGP V2 device into 4x mode"16:02
induzit says  Couldn't find package ipodslave16:02
GaLaXY_you might just consider building it from source, as it isnt in the ubuntu repos16:02
erUSULinduz: it seems that it was in old versions of ubuntu ( hardy ) now it is not. that seems to indicate that is obsolete.16:02
rats_sry that was a irssi FU-glitch16:02
ericJinOhiocan anyone recommend an article on installing/setting up mysql..it won't be used with a web server, I just want the database with a gui for querying16:02
sssI read that Linux doesn't use file extensions to determine the type of the file, what about Ubuntu?16:03
cousteau`irssiI managed to restart X by pressing enter... now it seems to work ok, though16:03
erUSULinduz: and it is a kde component. maybe in #kubuntu they know more16:03
induzI want to moutpint my iPodtouch !st gen..GTKPod can not recognise16:03
cousteau`irssisss: well, it uses a mix16:03
rats_just here peeping - learning16:03
GaLaXY_*nix doesnt use extensions, sss16:03
induzi am using Lucid16:03
induzwith GNOME16:03
pankajmany gud software for designing websites in ubuntu16:03
erUSULcousteau`irssi: "nvidia 0000:01:00.0: putting AGP V2 device into 4x mode" <<< this is purely informative16:03
GaLaXY_hence ubuntu does neither16:03
erUSULcousteau`irssi: it is not an error. so whatever freezed the system left no traces in the logs?16:04
sssHow Ubuntu knows what's the type of the file?16:04
sacarlsonericJinOhio: I've never setup mysql without apache2 but it should work,  they have a gtk or some kind of gui app for it also16:04
induzI am looking something like http://www.imacsoft.com/ipod-to-mac-transfer.html16:04
a3thersss the 'file' command16:04
erUSULsss: it uses a magicfile db. « man file » has more details16:04
cousteau`irssisss: for example, you can guess a file is a zip by its content, but since an openoffice file is also a renamed zip, if its extension is .odt it'll recognize it as OpenOffice document16:04
erUSUL!ipod | induz16:04
ubottuinduz: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod16:04
ericJinOhiosacarlson: Yeah, most of the good articles are for apache setup..dont want to install stuff i dont need16:05
induzthey all talk about IPod touch 3 or 4 th gen ....16:05
bazhanginduz, you need gtkpod16:05
induzI have 1st gen16:05
induzbazhang, I have GTKpod16:05
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bazhanginduz, so do I it works fine16:06
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erUSULinduz: and does not work out of the box in banshee or RB ( once tyou enable the ipod plugins ) ?16:06
bazhanginduz, you did get the plugins, right?16:06
sacarlsonericJinOhio: simple as apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client mysql-admin  might work16:06
bazhanginduz, what exact errors are you getting?16:06
bazhanginduz, my 1st gen works fine with gtkpod16:07
bazhanginduz, with rhythmbox as well16:07
ChesterXHi, I just tried to download some software from the msdn academie alliance portal (software for students). The problem is the following: to download the software you have to execute an .exe file, however I don't think ubuntu can do this (or at least I have the right application installed). How could I make this work?16:07
induzbut It asks me to a seperate repo for iPod Touch as by mistake i plugged in my OLd iPOd not the touch,,,, iPOd got recognised, but i dont know what to do next16:07
bazhangChesterX, whats the software16:07
bazhanginduz, drag and drop?16:08
induzbazhang, I  have 8 Gb 1st gen black iPod Touch16:08
ericJinOhiosacarlson: eh..gonna go for it.  Can you recommend a gui for mysql?16:08
induzbazhang, how can i drag and drop16:09
mypasswordis1234question: are the ubuntu forums down as it doesn't let me sign in?16:09
ChesterXbazhang, it is windows 7 (student edition) - I ll need it in dual boot to work with some of my university's programs :-/16:09
induzwhen I  connect my iPod touch GTKPod does nothing16:09
bazhanginduz, you need to give concrete errors, 'doesn't work ' wont help troubleshooting16:09
MasterOfDisasterericJinOhio: there's mysql administrator16:09
bazhanginduz, and rhythmbox?16:09
sacarlsonericJinOhio: that included the gui mysql-admin but I think there are others you can try, they can all be installed at the same time try them and find out what you like16:09
Chalkiehow do i add users to the sudoers?16:10
MasterOfDisasterChalkie: visudo16:10
jk4my menu has too much stuff in it and I want to edit the menu settings but there's no-where for me to right click16:10
jk4because it is too full of panel apps there is no-were to click16:10
cousteau`irssi¿How can I change the tty background color?16:10
ericJinOhiosacarlson: so the gui is independent of the server program?16:10
induzbazhang, hold on i am going to post the screen shots16:10
Dr_Willisi think you are mixxing in the terms menu and panelapps together jk4  what are you wanting to change exactluy16:11
MasterOfDisasterericJinOhio: yes!16:11
sacarlsonericJinOhio: yes, it can even setup other servers on other systems16:11
AlexSLVRI have question about CMus (Console player). How add music in playlist? I see hot keys in settings, but not understand it means16:11
jk4I think I mean panel, not menu16:11
Dr_WillisAlexSLVR:  does it say stuff like ^a = add ? if so ^ = the control key.16:11
grumbelI think I remember seeing notifications send with notify-send being "stacked" and displayed as soon as they arrive, instead of being displayed one after the other. Do I remember right and is there a way to get the old stack'ing behaviour back?16:11
jk4I want to move it to the nottom of the screen16:11
ericJinOhioThanks!  I'm coming from a Microsoft world...learning16:11
Dr_Willisjk4:  you can just add it to the lower panel then remove it from the upper I guess..16:12
Dr_Willisjk4:  what are you moveing?16:12
AlexSLVRThanks. i will try it16:12
jk4moving the entire panel16:12
ComradeHaz`https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DisklessUbuntuHowto Step 4b, 'copy accross bootfile'. From where?16:12
Dr_Willisjk4:  err.. alt-click, then drag it down..16:12
c2taruncan anyone please take a look at this error? http://paste.ubuntu.com/560273/16:12
Dr_Willisclick anywhere in the panel. while holding alt.16:13
AlexSLVRIt's not working. i can add musc in queue only16:13
MasterOfDisasterericJinOhio: even with ms sql server, the server daemon runs independently from any client guis :-)16:13
jk4Dr_Willis: OK, thankyous16:13
sacarlsonc2tarun: what was done to create that error?16:14
ChesterXbazhang, any suggestions?16:14
ericJinOhioMasterOfDisaster: right, I was just making sure there weren't like flavors of mySql..where its all bundled together.  I'm capable of installing stuff..my skills at fixing/uninstalling are lacking :)16:14
jdieI want to know how I can copy a file from one direc and sent it to another with a completely different login pass. can someone help?16:14
AlexSLVRDr_Willis Have you any variants also?16:14
induzbazhang, when i try to load iPod touch it asks me ‘iPod directory structure not found’16:15
induzI click on ‘Create directory structure’…16:15
bazhangChesterX, whats the software you need to execute to get the windows 716:15
Dr_WillisAlexSLVR:  I rarely listen to muzack16:16
MasterOfDisasterjdie: permissions are assigned with chown/chmod16:16
jdieMasterOfDisaster, i dont get what you mean?16:16
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marjleneis there a way to modify some options when ntfs partitions are automounted ?16:16
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MasterOfDisasterjdie: same here :) elaborate16:16
AlexSLVRDr_Willis: It's console player? I need good Console music player.16:16
Dr_Willismarjlene:  install/run the 'ntfs-config' app is one way16:16
induzbazhang, http://i.imgur.com/f5jiy.png16:17
oCean!afk > scottrif_away16:17
ubottuscottrif_away, please see my private message16:17
c2tarunsacarlson: 'sudo update-grub16:17
jdieMasterOfDisaster, I have a file that is in one shell that I want to transfer to the next but how do i do that?16:17
Dr_WillisAlexSLVR:  i dont listen to  anything.. other then the radio sitting on a shelf next to me..16:17
lvhAnyone know if there are wxWidgets 2.9 packages anywhere for Ubuntu? I need 2.9.0 development headers, and I was hoping to not have to do it manually.16:17
MasterOfDisasterjdie: "the next shell"?16:17
sacarlsonc2tarun: from what a live cd boot?16:17
Dr_WillisAlexSLVR:  i belive 'mpd' is the big boy of the console/music players with out a fancy X interface16:17
induzbazhang, http://i.imgur.com/lHXDr.png16:17
Dr_Willis!info mpd16:17
ubottumpd (source: mpd): Music Player Daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.15.10-1ubuntu3 (maverick), package size 175 kB, installed size 504 kB16:17
jdieMasterOfDisaster, do you know what a shell is?16:17
c2tarunnope, I was trying to configure grub boot menu, this error came after update-grub16:18
AlexSLVRDr_Willis: Thanks16:18
induzbazhang, http://i.imgur.com/8Iavk.png16:18
c2tarunsacarlson: nope, I was trying to configure grub boot menu, this error came after update-grub16:18
marjleneDr_Willis, thx i m trying right now16:18
induzI have posted all 4 pics of the error o i am getting at GTKPOd16:18
bazhanginduz, so setup a mountpoint16:18
jdieMasterOfDisaster, ok how to I make a public_html file appear on the internet?16:18
sacarlsonc2tarun: so you modified some grub files?  what files are you playing with?16:19
induzeven if i setup a mountPoint, i get the last error'http://i.imgur.com/8Iavk.png16:19
MasterOfDisasterjdie: hm... easiest way for private content is google pages I guess...16:19
Symmetria*sigh* so I have this massive 15 disk array, and for some reason, its reporting 98% utilization when its only reading from it at like 50meg/second16:20
Symmetriathat cant be right16:20
induzbazhang, actually my black, 8 Gb touch is not listed on GTKPod,  there is one option as silver but mine is Black16:20
c2tarunsacarlson: 05_debian_theme file, I was trying to add a background in grub boot menu. I posted all the details here, can you please take a look: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10411743#post1041174316:20
MasterOfDisasterSymmetria: you're the only one to access it?16:20
ericJinOhioMasterOfDisaster: is workbench a good gui for mysql to start with?16:21
induzbazhang,  how i select MOdel on GTKPod as mine is black, 8GB touch16:21
MasterOfDisasterericJinOhio: no idea - cli user here, sorry.16:21
Dr_Willisbest for starting with Mysql would be a big Book on MySql :)16:22
SymmetriaMasterOfDisaster at the moment yes, Im looking at iostat16:22
Symmetriasdc               0.10     0.00  179.30    4.80 45205.60   995.80   250.96     2.81   15.25   5.38  99.0016:22
cousteau`irssierUSUL: my last dmesgs are: http://paste.ubuntu.com/560280/16:22
Symmetriathose figures seem... all wrong16:22
ericJinOhiomaybe I can trade in my sql server books16:22
Chalkiei have enabled remote desktop and when i try and connect via vnc it doesnt connect it just hangs, the ports are open, anything i can try?16:23
MasterOfDisasterSymmetria: +header please :D16:23
jdieMasterOfDisaster, how do i do it the public_html file for google?16:23
jdieMasterOfDisaster, whats the command is what im asking16:24
induzbazhang, here is the problem to setup http://i.imgur.com/rGTg6.png16:24
Symmetriaheh MasterOfDisaster the 45205.6 is r/sec and the last column is percentage utilization16:24
Symmetria(those are the only important columns there)16:24
induzbazhang, i dont know what  should be the mount point and my black model of 8 Gb 1st gen is not listed on GTKpod16:24
gvaldenegroalguien de chile por hay que me pueda dar una mano?16:25
Symmetriaoh well, will figure out the disk issue later, gonna go chill on the couch and watch some tv or something16:25
MasterOfDisasterjdie: there is no simple command to what you're asking16:25
swi have a little problem16:25
jdieMasterOfDisaster, ok i just needed to get a file from one direc to the next.16:26
cousteau`irssibrb, rebooting this - I want to see if I manage to disable the purple background on TTY16:26
Gigabytehey how can i remove restriction16:26
bazhangTo enable USB Tethering just install the ipheth-utils package. induz16:27
sacarlsonc2tarun: so you modified this line?  WALLPAPER="/usr/share/images/desktop-base/moreblue-orbit-grub.png"16:27
DciteGigabyte: restrictions on?16:27
c2tarunsacarlson: yup.16:27
GringoHi all, where can i get some cool ubuntu themes from?16:27
bazhangGringo, gnome-look.org16:28
HalkusI want to run a home server, and I'm considering Ubuntu, I have several questions....16:28
sacarlsonc2tarun: to what this?  WALLPAPER="/usr/share/images/desktop-base/splash3.png"16:28
Gringothank you16:28
HalkusI want to use ZFS, I understand in principle what it is16:28
paq7512anyone know of a tcss codec alternative ?16:28
HalkusI want a remote GUI, so should I be installing Ubuntu server, or just normal Ubuntu?16:28
swi have problem with ubuntu 10.10 connecting to wep open wifi16:28
HalkusCan I dynamically expand ZFS once it's set up?16:28
c2tarunsacarlson: ya i downloaded a splash image and pasted it on the location, then i modified this line.16:28
cousteau`nbkHalkus, what kind of remote GUI?16:29
HalkusJust something so I can set up downloads to the server - an FTP client16:29
HalkusAt the moment I use Windows Home Server, but I have a failing hard drive so now is a good time to switch away16:29
sacarlsonc2tarun: ls -l /usr/share/images/desktop-base/splash3.png ?16:29
HalkusI remote connect to the WHS box and run downloads from it, so that the PC I use can sleep16:30
Chalkiei have enabled remote desktop and when i try and connect via vnc it doesnt connect it just hangs, the ports are open, have i done something wrong?16:30
bethdo97Hi --- I am attempting to install Windows 7 minimal install on a Sony Vaio laptop using an USB drive.  I found a step by step guidde for doing this on the MsDN forums but I had one question.  The blog says to access the gnome partition manager thru the Ubuntu Live installation disc.  Can I use the Gparted application from the Ubuntu desktop to do thhe partion or is there some reason to use the one wwith the Live CD?  I am not real Lin16:30
bethdo97son is taking16:30
iulhki want to allow 10 ports to redirect at some specific ports and then i want to enable all the port like firewall is stopped ? anybody has any idea how to do that ?16:30
HalkusThe server is always on, this PC I'm using now is only on while I'm using it, so things like downloading are best done on the server16:31
compdocbethdo97,m the live cd might be better, since you cant work on drives you've booted from16:31
compdocdownload the gparted cd16:31
gpcbethdo97: you need to use the live cd because you can't resize a mounted partition16:31
coleAs root, how may I change the default window manager of another user?16:32
Dr_Williscole:  you can edit their .dmrc16:32
cousteau`nbkbethdo97, well, you should better do all partition stuff from a LiveCD session, so the disks aren't mounted16:33
bethdo97compdoc: ok I wasn't sure,  I must say I have always been a DOS - Windows computer person but Ubuntu has impressed me enough too want to put it onto my laptop to play around with as well.16:33
bethdo97Thanks all16:33
joshbhi, just installed ubuntu but what's the root passwd ? it didn't ask me for one16:34
MasterOfDisasterjoshb: there is none16:34
bazhangjoshb, use sudo16:34
MasterOfDisasterjoshb: use sudo su -16:34
joshbhmm, ok16:34
joshbok thx16:34
Dr_Williserr.. 'sudo -i' is sufficient..16:34
bazhangMasterOfDisaster, please dont recommend that16:34
Dr_Willisno need to do 'sudo su'16:34
ZykoticK9MasterOfDisaster, incorrect!  "sudo -i" is much better16:34
HalkusDoes Ubuntu give me an option during install to put ZFS on?16:35
broboI've been using Ubuntu for a few months now and I love it16:35
Dr_Willisjoshb:  use sudo as needed.. theres no need for a root password.16:35
joshbah yes, actually better16:35
broboI recently updated to Natty Narwhal but now I'm getting an error message...16:35
ZykoticK9Halkus, there is no native ZFS driver on Linux yet16:35
brobothere's a red ! in the upper right corner that says that the repository may be out of date16:35
HalkusZykoticK9: does that mean I cannot use ZFS, or does that mean I do a normal install and then stick it on afterwards?16:35
broboerr, update information is out of date16:35
ZykoticK9Halkus, there is some beta fuse/gfs ZFS driver16:35
bazhangbrobo, what version16:35
brobonatty narwhal16:35
Dr_Willisbrobo:  so update the pacakge manager system.16:36
xanguabrobo: is not supporter here #ubuntu+116:36
bazhangbrobo, #ubuntu+1 please16:36
ZykoticK9Halkus, i wouldn't consider ZFS for linux right now16:36
cousteau`nbk...oh, ZFS, not XFS16:36
brobook then16:36
brobosorry :)16:36
MasterOfDisasterbazhang, ZykoticK9, Dr_Willis: sorry16:36
bethdo97how do you shut down this irc client without sshutting the window in case I needd to come back later or do I need to just close window and reopen if I need to latter?16:36
ben_qhello, is only a fileowner allowed to change the modification time with touch ?16:36
HalkusNot stable enough to use, is that why ZykoticK9 ?16:36
k4g6bethdo97: what client are you using16:36
Dr_Willisbethdo97:  err... just minimize the window?16:36
MasterOfDisasterben_q: and root IIRC16:37
Dr_Willissend it to aother desktop :)16:37
oCeanHalkus: no ZFS support in linux kernel due to licensing issues16:37
MasterOfDisasterben_q: and everyone with +w16:37
cousteau`nbkbethdo97, what client? XChat?16:37
bethdo97I am using qwebirc16:37
ZykoticK9Halkus, i've never personally tried it on linux - so you might want to give it a shot.  Just don't expect it to be "stable" is all.  Best of luck.16:37
HalkusNo, I won't use it if that's the case16:37
ben_qMasterOfDisaster, I tried that with +w, but still get an error16:37
bethdo97jave based one linked from Ubuntu support page16:38
zach32i need the driver for my hp dv6000 laptop webcam ( i ran cheese it doesn't work ) anyone here familier with hp pavilon dv600016:38
ben_qMasterOfDisaster,  sudo su -c "touch -t 201101011730.42 file" www-data16:38
wildc4rdafternoon all16:38
oCeanHalkus: it would be great, though16:38
ben_qI'm trying to get my webserver to change filetimes16:38
ZykoticK9Halkus, i might be incorrect.  A quick search reveals http://zfsonlinux.org/ so maybe there is a native driver.16:38
cousteau`nbkben_q, su or sh??16:38
KiiKcan you create a user that can READ root user's files but no write or remove permission ?16:38
KiiKcan I16:38
ben_qwas just for testing16:39
macoZykoticK9: i think a fuse one is in the works maybe16:39
macoZykoticK9: due to licensing it cant be in the kernel though16:39
k4g6bethdo97: name of client please16:39
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ben_qphp's touch() gives the same error "operation not permitted"16:39
induzbazhang, I dont want tethering16:39
Dr_WillisKiiK:  normal linu file permissions  can let  users read files but not write to them,.16:39
ZykoticK9maco, that fuse one was my understanding.16:39
Dr_Willis!permissions | KiiK16:39
ubottuKiiK: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions16:39
HalkusDo you have any suggestions of a file system I could use which has data resilience in it? RAID5/6 doesn't protect against bit rot etc16:39
oCeanHalkus: ZykoticK9 more info on zfs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZFS16:39
MasterOfDisasterben_q: -r--r---w- 1 root root 0 2011-01-30 17:39 foo <-- my user can touch foo...16:39
cousteau`nbkoh, so `sudo su -c` and `sudo sh -c` do the same? funny :)16:39
induzbazhang,  ipheth-utils is alreday installed16:39
ZykoticK9oCean, thanks16:39
ben_qtouch alone works, but not with a time16:39
ben_qfunny enough =/16:40
induzbazhang, where should be the MOuntPoint or it doesnt matter16:40
induzbazhang, Also, my particular Model is not listed on GTKpod16:40
bethdo97k4g6: I responded earlier to that qwebirc16:40
induzbazhang, is there any way around the Model type?16:41
youngbloodcan someone see anything wrong with this mount coomand ?"sudo mount -t iso9660 -0 loop ubuntu-10.04.1-desktop-i386.iso/mntpoint" I created th mntpoint directory. The error I'm getting is that the file name can not be found.16:41
jribyoungblood: yeah, you're missing a space...16:41
HalkusHmm, I'm going to leave ZFS alone if it's not very well established on Ubuntu, I don't want data loss16:41
cousteau`nbkyondering, lowercase o, not zero16:41
ZykoticK9youngblood, you need a space between the iso and the mount point which must exist /mnt would work16:42
jribcousteau`nbk: that too16:42
k4g6bethdo97: sorry but i either suggest mizamizing, moving the window to another workspace or changing to xchat-irc client which can stay in the gnome tray16:42
amalgamain the disk utility>smart data, what is the Powered On value ??16:42
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto induz please have a read16:42
bethdo97k4g6: i'm chatting from my laptop while working on his16:43
amalgama..and the Power cycles?16:43
gogetabethdo97: been there man what ya trying to fix16:43
bethdo97mine only has win 7 64 bit on it right now16:43
ben_qcousteau`nbk, I used "su" so that www-data was executing the command.16:43
ben_qof course "sudo sh touch.." works as root16:43
ben_qthe filegroup is www-data and g+w is set16:44
* hotrod is away: Gone away for now16:44
ben_qstill, touch works, touch -t not16:44
enliI am trying to run a command _for_ specific time, is there something to do that? like run program X for 5 seconds and automatically terminate it.16:44
youngbloodSecond question, this a newly installed 10.01 and i don't have internet access. I'm assuming that i can use the iso image to install network software. Is this the right assumption?16:44
enliI need to do this preferably from a script.16:44
jribenli: try #bash16:44
gogetaenli: you can do that with sleep16:44
antiii have installed ubuntu server 10,10. cant seem to find my soundcard.. im using ion and i did a aplay -l and i got aplay: device_list:235: no soundcards found...16:44
bethdo97gogeta: I am attempting to install Windows 7 minimal install on a Sony Vaio laptop using an USB drive.  I found a step by step guidde for doing this on the MsDN forums but I had one question.  The blog says to access the gnome partition manager thru the Ubuntu Live installation disc.  Can I use the Gparted application from the Ubuntu desktop to do thhe partion or is there some reason to use the one wwith the Live CD?  I am not real Li16:44
induzbazhang, i have been reading and downlaoding and installing tons of programs...this Model is not getting recognised except  others16:44
geirhaben_q: sudo sh touch   is very different from   sudo touch16:44
gogetaenli: sleep 10 would bew 10 seconds16:45
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ben_qgeirha.. I'm trying to use it from php, there is no sudo there.. I only used sudo to test the command as user www-data16:45
sacarlsonenli: you can setup 2 crontab jobs one to run and one to kill16:45
youngbloodI just check the mount command on my other system, I do have a space before the /mntpoint.16:46
enlisacarlson: sure, but i would prefer a single script if its possible : )16:46
geirhaben_q: Ok, what does the timestamp you're using look like?16:46
enligogeta: sure, but that is not what I intend to do.16:46
sacarlsonenli: or just have your script kill itself after cron starts it16:46
ben_qin php, I tried touch() and exec("touch").. normal touch works, but as soon as I use a custom time, it doesn't16:46
gogetaenli: you whatted a dely16:46
HalkusOk... questions about Ubuntu.... Can I remote GUI to it easily enough?16:46
sacarlsonenli: there is the sleep command to wait a time then kill itself16:46
ben_qgeirha, already tried it with root, and the timestamp is ok.. YYYYMMddHHii.ss16:46
youngbloodcan someone see anything wrong with this mount coomand ?"sudo mount -t iso9660 -0 loop ubuntu-10.04.1-desktop-i386.iso /mntpoint" I created th mntpoint directory. The error I'm getting is that the file name can not be found.16:47
jribyoungblood: cousteau`nbk also told you that '0' should be 'o'.  If you still get the error, then the file doesn't exist in the directory you are in16:47
ben_qjust doesn't work from www-data =(16:47
nexehHaikus: yes you can.. very easy and a few different ways16:47
theadminmy mainboard vendor is an idiot that can't put SATA hubs on mobo in a working way16:47
gogetabethdo97: windows 7 has a partation installer16:47
theadminhow can I most easly change on small thing in kernel source and rebuild it?16:47
gogetabethdo97: dunno why they said to use ubuntus16:47
DSevignyAnyone use ftp from command line on a headless box?16:47
jrib!kernel | theadmin16:47
ubottutheadmin: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages16:47
marjlenesomeone know how to override ntfs automount options in Ubuntu ?16:47
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polymolytrying to install ubuntu server amd64 on my Dell poweredge T106 but the installer fails to find DVD after I choose the language and hit install. Tried adding mem=4G to the end of boot menu options as suggested in this post http://art.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8712087 but that did not work. Any suggestions?16:48
geirhaben_q: And it gives you no error message?16:48
cousteau`nbkmarjlene, USB or disk partition?16:48
marjlenecousteau`nbk, USB16:48
enlisacarlson, gogeta: can you  possible do this from a script? e.g. launch some program say pidgin -> wait 10 seconds -> exit script.16:48
ben_qgeirha, I get  "Operation not permitted"16:48
gogetaenli: yes you can floow any command with sleep16:48
HalkusIs Ubuntu any good at network shares?16:48
cousteau`nbkoh, then I don't... maybe has something to do with udev16:49
gogetaenli: eg sleep 10 exit16:49
youngbloodjrib, I do have an "o". the file is on a CD. How do i make that a part a path?16:49
marjlenecousteau`nbk,  i have to add utf8 option16:49
sacarlsonenli: yes  pidgin; sleep 10; exit 1;16:49
jribyoungblood: what you pasted has a '0', not an 'o'16:49
bethdo97gogeta: what doo you meann it has a partition installer? do u mean using Shift + F10 to get to thee disk part coommand screen16:49
DSevignyFtp from commandline? Anyone used to it?16:49
sacarlsonenli: opps pidgin&; sleep 10 ; exit 1;16:49
HalkusI mean can it take an array, say 6TB and split it into several drives all with all the available space, and share them all to different people on the network with different permissions?16:49
youngbloodjrib, I know, i typed it wrong16:49
marjlenecousteau`nbk, can t copy file with à,è,é character in it16:49
ben_qgeirha, although the file has "rw-rw-r--  nc:www-data"16:49
enligogeta: right ;)16:49
jribyoungblood: for the path, start at / and provide the absolute path to the .iso16:50
gogetabethdo97: you can do that but just using the standerd install brings up diskpart when you click advanced16:50
induzI am removing the GTKpod and re-installing it maybe as i connected it to the wrong/old iPod not the iPod touch16:50
gogetabethdo97: when it ask where to install16:50
geirhaben_q: Ah, guess you need to be owner, then.16:50
cousteau`nbkmarjlene, I'm sorry, I don't know... however you could unmount it and mount it again with the desired options16:50
youngbloodjrib, how do i do that if the file is on a CD?16:50
macoinduz: remove doesnt remove config16:51
macoinduz: per-user configs like that would be in your home directory16:51
induzmaco,  i dont know what to do with config16:51
jribyoungblood: /folder1/folder2/whateveryourfileiscalled  Probably /media/cdrom/.  If you know how to get there from the gui, then use that to aid you16:51
bethdo97I tried doing it that way but the installer still claimed it couldn't fiind a volume to install on16:51
marjlenecousteau`nbk, tried it already but seems it ignore every custom options i throw in16:51
geirhaben_q: Indeed, it only lets me change the timestamp if I own the file, write permission is not enough.16:51
macoinduz: if it has its own directory like ~/.gtkpod then delete it16:51
ben_qok geirha.. pity =( thanks anyway16:52
gogetabethdo97: you install from or to usb16:52
HalkusHmm, Samba is what I want to use to share files?16:52
macoinduz: otherwise, might need to run gconf-editor and dig through there to find its settings and remove them16:52
induzmaco, yes i am going to delet the .gtkpod folder too16:52
jribben_q: read the info pages (info coreutils 'touch invocation')16:53
Tigger__The Sound alert for new mail is not working on Thunderbird with 10.10 maverick... Any ideas anyone please?16:53
cousteau`nbkmarjlene, but don't extract it after unmounting, just use `umount` and `mount`16:53
gogetabethdo97: you probly gotta format whatever part you install 7 to16:53
HalkusShould I take 10.4 or 10.10? It's going on a server up my loft, so I'm thinking the one with long term support... right?16:53
cousteau`nbkmarjlene, other than that, I don't know what else can be done, sorry16:54
jribHalkus: if you want long term support, then take 10.0416:54
enligogeta, sacarlson: thanks a lot.. i was missing "&"16:54
gimpy4613Ubuntu 10.10 x64, for some reason random hard drives will lose their GTP table.  It's only one drive at a time, but not the same drive each time and seems to be any random one on a RAId controller I have.  Logs show no cause, these drives are in an LVM VG used as a datastore, no OS storage on them.  Ideas?16:54
HalkusAny reason not to go x64?16:55
bethdo97gogeta:  or/??  I have tried to accomplish this from CD and USB to no avail.  We put a new WD Scorpio blue 500 GB HD in the lap top I am trying to get set up for him.  There was nothing installed on it when I started trying too do this.  I have pulled my hair out foor over a week.  I have learned a lot about a whole little but I am impressed with Ubuntu and plan to get it going on my laptop using WUBI aftere I get my sons computer wor16:55
marjlenecousteau`nbk, don t be sorry, we have tried to find a solution16:55
gimpy4613Halkus: Some software does not like x64, but most would be fine if you install ia32-libs.16:55
FLJohnI have 64 but have some problems with Flash.  if you can not watch hulu because of this, try the Web browser Sea Monkey.  It works16:55
gimpy4613Halkus: Flash support sucks in x64 tough...16:55
Travis-42is there a program I can use to start and stop a stockwatch key strokes?16:56
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HalkusIs there much like that gimpy4613? I'll be using it as a server, with a GUI to do specific tasks...16:56
gogetabethdo97: 500gb to big for labby maybe?16:56
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cousteau`nbkgimpy4613, Flash support sucks, period.16:56
gogetabethdo97: if its not showing up it might be a hardware thing16:56
FLJohnAgreed about Flash Support.16:56
HalkusFlash is a great big privacy, performance and security hole :p16:56
ComradeHaz`Gentlemen, 4c of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DisklessUbuntuHowto Please could you explain lines 2 to 4, do you think? It would probably suffice to tell me how I find that information on any given linux system.16:56
gimpy4613Halkus: some binary only drivers and such may not like it, but I run all x64 and flash is my only real problem.16:57
youngbloodjrib, after putting my cd in, i see no indication where it is located, How would i find out its location?16:57
jribyoungblood: check /media16:57
induzbazhang, how can i update/upgrade GTKpod from .99 to 1.00 release on Lucid?16:57
HalkusThanks Gimpy - is there any way I can check in advance if my RAID card has drivers?16:57
polymolygoing back to CentOS 5.5 64 even though the kernel is ancient. Too many problems with ubuntu server 64 bit edition.16:57
mneptokHalkus: run a Live CD session16:57
bethdo97gogeta: I moved to Ubuntu when I couldn't get any form of Vista to install on the new hard drive.  Didn't have restore disks because son didn't know where they were and the old one was dead as a doornail when I started16:57
nexehI have sounds problems. I have been on UIbuntu for a while and my sound just doesnt work anymore. in sound preferences my hardware shows up but nothing in the input or out put tabs.. i have a ton of infomation and ground work pasted here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/560302/ . Could some one give me a hand?16:57
dominicdinadawell WTF ubuntu switches to upstart and doesn't ask webmin to at least make a new module and now they are pushing #ebox and EBOX has no support or functionality16:57
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HalkusCan I do that from the install CD?16:57
gimpy4613Halkus: Google to see if anyoine else is using it, and check the manufac site to see if they supply code...but they most likely only officially support RHEL.16:58
dominicdinadano support as in ZERO none NULL zip16:58
mneptokHalkus: not the -server install disk16:58
gogetabethdo97: humm gotta be a reasion its not seeing it16:58
dominicdinadaand it works like crap, is their a better alternative ?16:58
induzmaco, i have deleted the .gtkpod folder too16:58
gimpy4613mneptok: LiveCD is not a garuntee though, I've seen cards seem ok in there and give problems and heavier usage.16:58
joshbcard works :)16:58
Gigabytehey how can i start apache and all that(i installed it)16:58
sacarlsonbethdo97: I think you might have a problem partitioning the disk that you are booting from so you might still need the live cd or usb boot16:59
dominicdinadasudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart16:59
jribGigabyte: it's started automatically by default16:59
mneptokGigabyte: it's started by default when you install it16:59
HalkusNothing on there for Ubuntu - http://www.adaptec.com/en-us/support/raid/sas_raid/sas-3805/16:59
dominicdinadaGigabyte:  sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart      or start or stop16:59
bethdo97gogeta: The hard drive showed right up in BIOS after installing but then the problem became formatting it.  Used WD tool but Win install didn't recognize the format done.  I even dug out my old MS Dos 7.2 discs and tried to format the disc to no avail.16:59
gimpy4613Halkus: Which Adaptec controller?17:00
cousteau`nbkisn't it better to use `service foo` rather than `/etc/init.d/foo`?17:00
gogetabethdo97: maybe ubuntu can format it17:00
Dr_Williscousteau`nbk:  much better.17:00
dominicdinadaGigabyte: now if you installed lammp its in your opt dir17:00
bethdo97Ubuntu at least got me up and running again after staring at the no operating message or the c: prompt for days17:00
dominicdinadalammp start17:00
ZykoticK9cousteau`nbk, "service" is the proper method.  /etc/init.d is the pre-upstart (old) method17:00
ComradeHaz`Gentlemen, 4c of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DisklessUbuntuHowto Please could you explain lines 2 to 4, do you think? It would probably suffice to tell me how I find that information on any given linux system.17:00
HalkusGoogle gives me the answer - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=140990417:01
gimpy4613Halkus: I've got a 3081E-R and it works fine for me.17:01
cousteau`nbkboth work, but something about `service` doing `cd /` first17:01
Dr_Willisdominicdinada:  webmin was getting phased out of ubuntu and debian befor upstart was even implimented I belive.17:01
GigabyteDatabase Error: Unable to connect to the database:Could not connect to MySQL ?17:01
k4kDoes anyone here have an Asus motherboard with onboard HDMI and gotten it to work?17:01
bethdo97gogeta: The Win 7 installer finds partition and I select it, it is formatted in NTFS but when I go back to the installer it still says the same thing17:01
k4kin ubuntu I mean17:01
nexehI have no sound in Ubuntu 10.04. Hardware shows up in sound preferences but nothing under input or output tabs. this was working previously and is something i most likely messed up... i could use some help. i have attached use info here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/560302/17:02
dominicdinadaDr_Willis: funny alot of webmin still works just a few areas dont now ebox wants to take control of the system 100% and works like Sh*t and ZERO support17:02
Dr_Willisdominicdinada:  personally.. i dont use eitehr one.17:02
bazhangdominicdinada, watch the language please17:02
Dr_Willisdominicdinada:  webmin has also been noted for security issues in the past.  so use what you want.17:02
antiiwhere is inittab in ubuntu server?17:03
dominicdinadaDr_Willis: Security problems or not if i am blocking all inbound packets from outside the lan then whats the problem17:03
gimpy4613So anyone every experienced losing GTP tables randomly?17:03
Gigabytehey Database Error: Unable to connect to the database:Could not connect to MySQL how to fix this error when i go to http://localhost17:03
gimpy4613antii: It doesn't use one. RHEL6 barely uses it either.17:04
youngbloodjrib, I found it, it was mounted on /media. thanks for your help17:04
dominicdinadaGigabyte: http://localhost/     hmmmm17:04
Gigabytethe same thing -.-17:04
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antiigimpy4613: ok, u know where the ttys are located?17:04
dominicdinadaGigabyte: did you install it correctly ? which package did you install the Tasksel, or apt/aptitude17:04
gimpy4613antii: I do not.17:04
nexehgigabyte: try with the port 808017:05
dominicdinadaGigabyte: wait the database ? something is wrong if you just installed apache then it takes you to a html page that says HEY IT WORKS17:05
Gigabytei installed lamp...yesterday it was working fine when i install it...but when i restarted my pc i get failure v17:05
Gigabytei installed joomla17:06
dominicdinadaGigabyte: the database issue is your own17:06
nexehif you got the "hey, it works" hten your good on apache17:06
dominicdinadaGigabyte: this is not a support for joomla nor other applications that extend the core ubuntu package see the joomla support for those problems17:06
Tigger__The Sound alert for new mail is not working on Thunderbird with 10.10 maverick... Any ideas anyone please?17:06
Gigabytebut mysql is for ubuntu?17:07
Gigabytei installed it17:07
nexeh*cough* get rid of joomla *cough"17:07
Gigabytehow to run it again17:07
FloodBot3Gigabyte: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:07
sacarlsonGigabyte: I assume this is an application in appache2 at /var/www  ?  did you setup the user name and password in that application?  did you try install phpmyadmin?17:08
dominicdinadaGigabyte: mysql is running your configuration on the database connection within joomla is not configured properly hence that is not an ubuntu problem nor anything we support17:08
nexehI have no sound in Ubuntu 10.04. Hardware shows up in sound preferences but nothing under input or output tabs. this was working previously and is something i most likely messed up... i could use some help. i have attached use info here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/560302/17:08
JT13is anyone familiar with installing an os in virtual box?17:08
Dr_WillisJT13:  its rather common task...17:08
dominicdinadapersonally i think joomla is awful google the thousands of security flaws within it17:08
nexehJT13: ive done it in windows many times17:09
BlueEagle!anyone | JT1317:09
ubottuJT13: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?17:09
Dr_WillisJT13:  install vbox.. mount an iso in bbox.. boot it..17:09
dominicdinadaGigabyte:  personally i think joomla is awful google the thousands of security flaws within it17:09
Gigabytei installed everything and all was fine,joomla was working no errors..... till i restarted my pc..17:09
mellohey, i got a question if i may, why is it good to use mdadm and LVM together?17:09
nexehGigabyte: have you checked to see if Mysql is running?17:10
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Gigabytei asked how to start it?17:10
dominicdinadaGigabyte: THEN goto /var/www/    and find the index.php and rename it to indexback.php17:10
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dominicdinadaGigabyte: actually Your apache install is working fine it is once again your 3rd party app not being configured properly17:11
JT13nexeh,  ok here is my question about it. if i install via virtual box can i also install programs. example. i am running ubuntu 10.10 i wish to install my win 7 in virtual box, if i do can i install windows based programs inside the virtual box?17:11
MaxKophello !17:11
Gigabytei see all files17:11
Gigabytewhat are on server17:11
bethdo97gogeta:  When I resize the partition, since the new hard drive is so large should I make 2 partiotions on e of about 50GB for Windows, keep to one for Ubuntu and a third for the remaining space as a file store for digital media stores and documents?17:11
dominicdinadaGigabyte: it would not even try to connect to the database if apcache was not working correctly17:11
nexehgoogle simple thing like that and youll find stuuf like this : # To start MySql server:17:11
nexeh/etc/init.d/mysql start17:11
nexeh# To stop MySql server:17:11
nexeh/etc/init.d/mysql stop17:11
nexeh# To restart MySql server:17:11
FloodBot3nexeh: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:11
nexeh/etc/init.d/mysql restart17:11
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youngbloodjrib, when I cd to /media and then do ls command, this is what I see - "Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS i386". This is nothing like the file created when I did the download. I would have assumed that the file name on the CD would be the same as the filename. Can I use the the file name i see from the ls command?17:11
FatalnixTrying to set up Wubi on this machine. Going for a seccond try. I installed it to my E:\ partition and ran a chkdsk /r, and when I rebooted it failed to find the ISO image even though it was clean?17:11
dominicdinadanexeh: sucks to be you bud17:12
k4g6JT13: once you instal windows 7 in virtual box you can boot into it and install programs just like normal17:12
Fatalnixand I looked-, it's in there17:12
k4g6JT13: what program are you looking to install?17:12
nexehdominicdinada: normally... :P in what regards were you refering tho17:12
k4g6JT13: wait sorry didnt read the pre messages17:13
JT13k4g6 im unsure really. this laptop is my brothers and he was missing being able to play pc games as well as a few other windows only options so i am looking into the best way to give him the windows functionality back17:13
dominicdinadanexeh: he is looking for joomla support in here because he cant even install joomla properly cant wait to root his site :D17:13
keyboarddrummerHello.  Are there any programs that will remove temporary files (like cookies or leftover from installs) to help free space on my hard drive?17:13
Gigabyteheh i know how to install it on web nad wamp17:14
nexehdominicdinada: haha... its a learning curve we all must take sometimes, right? hehe17:14
mkanyicynexeh, also 'sudo service mysql start|stop|restart' works17:14
k4g6JT13: either use linux alternatives, wine or just virtualise windows inside virtual box. its proberly best just dual booting windows though17:14
dominicdinadakeyboarddrummer: sudo aptitude cache clear ?17:14
Gigabytebtw what do you think that is biste install pacage like joomla,dotnuke...17:14
cuznttry sudo apt-get --h17:14
cuzntor sudo aptitude -h17:15
nexehmkanyicy: oh yeah i recall using that now... i just gave him the first results in google for the point ....17:15
JT13k4g6 my personal laptop is dual boot with each os having a small partition and the remaining 600 gig as a shared mounted partition for media but he doesnt like the idea of dual boot for some reason17:15
nexehnow if i could find some help... id be good17:15
nexehI have no sound in Ubuntu 10.04. Hardware shows up in sound preferences but nothing under input or output tabs. this was working previously and is something i most likely messed up... i could use some help. i have attached useful info here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/560302/17:15
dominicdinadaGigabyte: to be honest i would suggest WP of all of them you can find millions of extensions out there to make it conform to what you want. And I write my own17:15
bethdo97When I use the gpart on the live CD to resiize the hard drive for Windows 7 to be installed, should I do it like this-- Originall starting with 467gb all in 1 partition created when installing Ubuntu 10.10.  Shrink to Ubuntu partition to 25 gb and create 2 more partitions on of 25 gb for Win7 and on foor the rest of the space as a digital and document storage area?17:15
k4g6JT13: try to convince him otherwise just get him to use wine with the programs or just virtulise windows17:16
keyboarddrummerdominicdinada: I don't have aptitude.  I will try that once it installs.17:16
dominicdinadakeyboarddrummer: their is also bleachbit17:16
JT13bethdo97,  yes that is correct17:16
JT13k4g6 im thinking virtualize windows just trying to get a little feedback on it first17:16
k4g6JT13: virtualising will work fine for programs but obviously the frame rate will drop when playing games17:16
bethdo97the large third partition should be formatted how?17:17
k4g6JT13: i would go with virtulising with exception for the games17:17
k4g6JT13: or just find him games to play which run native17:17
bethdo97JT13: The large 3rd  partition should be formatted how?17:17
JT13well i doubt the frame rate will drop significantlly enough to hinder anything considering this has an i5 proccessor in it17:17
k4g6JT13: such as warsow, etc17:17
JT13bethdo97, fat317:17
Gigabyteyou write your own installation pacage17:17
k4g6JT13: even quake live17:17
keyboarddrummerdominicdinada: aptitude doesn't have "cache clear" there is autoclean though, which I am going to try.  I'm also going to try bleachbit.  Thank you17:17
dominicdinadaGigabyte: i write my own sites in php/html    not good with javascript yet though17:18
JT13he likes his call of duty online play and there are no native games similar17:18
dominicdinadaGigabyte: pick up a php book or three and teach yourself17:18
azertyuhello there17:18
mellohey, i got a question if i may, why is it good to use mdadm and LVM together?17:18
JT13k4g6, thank you for your help17:19
keyboarddrummerdominicdinada: Bleachbit appears to be what I want.  Thank you.17:19
bethdo97tjNot NTFS or ext4 like it is now?17:19
youngbloodhow can i mount a file with a name like this, " Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS i386"?17:19
k4g6JT13: find out what games he wants and check the winehq apps db17:19
dominicdinadakeyboarddrummer: sorry bout the aptitude cache clear part i got 6tb of space so i don't need to worry about a few hundred megs here or there now on my laptop i use bleachbit17:19
bethdo97JT13: not ext4 like it is now or NTFS like it wiill bee in Win 717:19
JT13bethdo97,  no ntfs is win and ext4 is linux fat3 is multi format so both os will read it17:20
k4g6JT13: probs ntfs so its accesible within windows and ubuntu17:20
Old_Spike0What is the correct way to permanently disable a service from the command line (10.04) ?17:20
azertyui installed ubuntu 10.10 server17:20
keyboarddrummerdominicdinada:  That's fine.  I wish I had that much space though.17:20
JT13no you want fat3 for shard storage k4g617:20
azertyuand also installed ubuntu-desktop17:20
azertyunow my question is how to run gnome ?17:20
dominicdinadak4g6: depending on what install or what addons linux can read and write to fat/fat32 as well17:20
bethdo97k4g6: will it be accessable thru ntfs in both ubuntu and win717:21
JT13k4g6 that way it is fully accesible from either win or linux17:21
dominicdinadakeyboarddrummer: drives are cheap :)17:21
Gigabytedominicdinada: can you give me a link17:21
bethdo97ok haven't tried this setup option set  yet17:21
nexehdominicdinada: you think you could give me a hand with my sound?17:21
Gigabytefor good book to lear css and php17:21
dominicdinadaGigabyte: for ?17:21
bethdo97I'l be back .....17:21
JT13if ntfs you won't be able to read and write from linux trust me bethdo97 i have three dual boot pcs set up the same way17:21
dominicdinadanexeh: I would not be able to help you as all the installs use only onboard audio and i have never had anyproblems :(17:22
keyboarddrummerdominicdinada: I know, but I want to upgrade soon anyway.17:22
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bastidrazorJT13: ntfs is readable and writeable from Ubuntu17:22
jribJT13: you can read and write ntfs17:23
awantii want to remote login. Its located to other place but its in LAN.17:23
JT13bastidrazor,  k4g6 not on my dell. it wont allow root rights for an ntfs partition17:23
dominicdinadakeyboarddrummer: if you are somewhat pc smart you could buy a barebones system from the local computer shop for a hundred or so and build up the drives and such i use mine soley as a file server so no fancy video or sound or network cards just SATA controllers and drives17:23
bethdo97k4k: JT13  what should I align to: cylinder MIB or none?17:23
JT13ntfs also doesnt support a broad enopugh compression to make it sensible for multimedia storage17:23
JT13bethdo97, none17:24
k4g6sorry i dropped out17:24
jribJT13: what?17:24
Gigabytedominicdinada: can you give me a link for good book php and css?17:24
nexehdominicdinada: yeah that doesn't even work :P thanks anyways..17:24
azertyuhow to run ubuntu desktop from cli ?17:24
jribazertyu: sudo service gdm start17:24
dominicdinadaGigabyte: sure thing. let me get those links17:24
nexehGigabyte: if you want a simple start you can always go with the headfirst books series... easy start to php/mysql17:24
Gigabytewell i want step by step(till i learnd all)17:25
azertyuif i run sudo service gdm start i got this : start: Job is already running: gdm jrib17:25
jribazertyu: where are you now?  A tty?17:26
dominicdinadaGigabyte: http://www.amazon.com/PHP-Absolute-Beginners-Jason-Lengstorf/dp/1430224738/ref=sr_1_fkmr1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1296408364&sr=1-1-fkmr117:26
azertyuno in paris jrib17:26
keyboarddrummerdominicdinada: That might be a possibility.17:26
MaxKopI want to know what motherboard I can use for ubuntu, who is the best, with entyre compatibility ?17:26
azertyuis there any matter my presence here ?17:26
erUSULusually MB do not offer any problem17:27
jribazertyu: in ubuntu.......17:27
ikoniaMaxKop: there isn't a best17:27
ikoniaazertyu: what ?17:27
k4g6but yeah im off to bed guys. 4:30 here is aus17:27
dominicdinadaGigabyte: that will teach you the basics and skip over the mysql because using mysql is like bad... if you want to learn start with the new stuff mysqli ( which is more secure or a pdo )17:27
erUSULazertyu: wifi graphic cards could be problematic17:27
ikoniaMaxKop: look at the chipsets on boards, see how they are in terms of compatabilty with linux17:27
MaxKopI wish to buy an extreme III17:27
induzhello can some one please help me reinstalling GTKPod 1.00 on Lucid please17:27
azertyumay be i don't get ur question jrib17:28
induz i deleted it and now i want to start afresh with new iPOd touch17:28
jribazertyu: what do you see on your screen?17:28
dba_hello all is there a way to regenerate my grub.cfg?17:28
ikoniainduz: open the package manager remove it, re-install it17:28
erUSULdba_: sudo update-grub17:28
ikoniadba_: update-grub should do it17:28
dba_erUSUL: thank you17:28
dba_ikonia: thank you17:28
dominicdinadakeyboarddrummer: just remember settle for not cutting edge because there is a big price jump from fast and bleeding edge17:28
bethdo97dba_: which version  of ubuntu?17:28
azertyunothing just the terminal on my screen  jrib17:29
Gigabytedominicdinada: well i donwloaded first book for php what you gave...is there any easy for css?17:29
dba_erUSUL: ikonia will it update and add the second install of another linux install too?17:29
replmanHi! I would like to make a local backup of my googlemail email account (without deleting mails on the google-server). Therefore i installed getmail and configured a SimpleIMAPSSLRetriever. It seems that getmail always gets all mails from google instead doing an incremental update. How to do that?17:29
dba_bethdo97: 10.1017:29
jribazertyu: press ctrl-alt-f717:29
ikoniaGigabyte: dominicdinada this isn't really an ubuntu issue, maybe take it to #ubuntu-offtopic or ##php17:29
erUSULdba_: it depneds on os-prober to detect it17:29
dominicdinadaGigabyte: i never read a CSS tutorial but there are alot of issue17:30
dominicdinadaikonia: sorry17:30
azertyuno i m with an ssh  -X session on my server jrib17:30
keyboarddrummerdominicdinada: okay.  thanks.  got to go now.17:30
awanti Hi. I need to login ubuntu server remotely. I am in different place. But that server is in LAN environment. So how could i login through ssh or any?17:30
jo___hey, samba-problem: I can access all my shares in xp but not in vista... you guy's know why?17:30
ikoniaawanti: ssh is the most common option17:30
jribazertyu: then you start whatever X app you want.  If you want to login to a gnome-session, then you want vnc, not ssh17:30
dominicdinadajo___: perhaps you didnt allow those ips, perhaps you bound it to the linux users and their isnt a user with the same credentials17:31
induzwhere is my /media/directory?.... where iPod is supposed to be  mounted17:31
awantibut that server is in the LAN. how could i...!17:31
Gigabytehow to open rar files?17:31
ikoniainduz: that only happens when you plug a compatible device in17:31
ikonia!rar | Gigabyte17:31
ubottuGigabyte: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free17:31
induzdo i have to tweak fstab17:31
azertyui want to make link with ubuntu-desktop and no machine X17:31
ikoniainduz: no17:31
azertyuhow to do ? jrib17:31
ikoniaawanti: ssh into the machine17:31
jrib!freenx | azertyu17:32
ubottuazertyu: FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX17:32
erUSULawanti: you have to configure the router/gateaway to redirect the ssh port to your server17:32
induzikonia, its iPodTouch 1st gen bacl 8 gb version with 1.1.4 s/w17:32
Steve^I installed phpmyadmin from aptitude and it works fine, but I can't find any link to it in /etc/apache2. How does it manage to work?17:32
ikoniainduz: not sure why you are telling me that17:32
jo___dominicdinada: nothing of that sort. All ip's in the nat are allowed, I've put security=share.17:32
dominicdinadaGigabyte: search the ubuntu apps and there are many programs that read and allow you to decompress rar files off the top of my head 7zip does but its cli, a few others17:32
induzikonia, I thought u knew if this device is compatible or nOt./17:33
azertyuwhy no machine x not working well ? jrib17:33
dominicdinadajo___: my security is set to user17:33
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ikoniainduz: ipods are normally compatible if you have the software to read them17:33
jribazertyu: did you read the link ubottu gave you?17:33
sssWhen I started Ubuntu 10.10 I got an error message: "The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_IndicatorApplet". Do you want to delete the applet from your configuration?".What is Indicator Applet, and why did it happen?17:33
dominicdinadajo___: perhaps post your smb.conf on pastebin taking out any passwords, or such so we can review it17:33
bethdo97dba_: Here is alink for grub 1 http://apcmag.com/how_to_dualboot_vista_with_linux_vista_installed_first.htm  ad here is for Grub 2 http://www.hackourlife.com/?p=2496&upm_export=html if you are using ubuntu 9.10 or later17:34
jribazertyu: did you read the link ubottu gave you?17:34
dominicdinadaGigabyte: php really is the easiest language to learn as it is the most forgiving but at the same token once you learn, read up on security :P17:35
azertyuno okay17:35
induzikonia, I am talking here about GTKPod17:35
jo___dominicdinada: http://pastebin.com/j1NeufAX17:35
* hotrod_ is away: Gone away for now17:35
* hotrod_ is away: Gone away for now17:36
erUSULsss: indicator applaet is the one with the envelope iirc17:36
awantiThanks erUSUL i found the answer thanks once again17:36
erUSULawanti: no problem17:36
ssserUSUL, What does it do?17:36
erUSUL!resetpanel | sss17:36
ubottusss: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »17:36
replmani got it17:37
dominicdinadajo___:  for the moment take out the mask fields and check that17:37
jo___dominicdinada: tx, I'll give it a try17:37
dominicdinadajo___: sudo restart smbd17:37
dominicdinadabrb need to grab something17:37
sssubottu, I ran, the panel disappeared and reappeared17:38
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:38
Psycho_Mariohow do i replace ureadahead with sreadahead?17:38
erUSULsss: hopefully with all the applets restored :)17:39
induzI have deleted GTKPod... by the synapic manager and what other files should i delete to start a fresh GTKpod17:39
sssWhy's the exclamation sign (!) before the words?17:39
erUSULsss: to call the bot17:39
jribsss: it commands the bot17:39
bazhangsss bot commands17:39
turmotanybody advise me good html editor like a frontpage17:39
robbietzrcan someone give me an example of a SWAT configuration to share the laser printer attached to my main Maverick PC, that allows printing without any sort of authentication whatsoever please? Or failing that, point my in the right direction :)17:39
erUSUL!html | turmot17:39
ubottuturmot: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/17:39
sssWhat is the bot?17:39
erUSUL!bot | sss17:40
ubottusss: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots17:40
ssserUSUL, is this suppose to be some sort of a link?17:40
jacwibHello i just uninstal ubuntu 10.10 whithwindows 7 instaled if i only made this can i start my computer whitout making some more things???????17:40
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nilsson_I cannot update anymore, see this error dump http://crunchbanglinux.org/pastebin/927 can someone help?17:41
sss!bot | sss17:41
ubottusss, please see my private message17:41
jo___dominicdinada: still can't find it in vista, I can connect to it by ip. But it doesn't show up next to al the windows shares17:41
bazhangnilsson_, you using crunchbang?17:41
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ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:41
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nilsson_Just searched for a pastbin site...17:42
sss!resetpanel | sss17:42
ubottusss, please see my private message17:42
jacwibHello i just uninstal ubuntu 10.10 whithwindows 7 instaled if i only made this can i start my computer whitout making some more things??????17:42
bethdo97can a partition label have spaces?  label: Eric Storage as an example or does it need to be EricStorage17:42
erUSULjacwib: you have to restore the windows bootloader... ##windows can help with that17:42
bazhangjacwib, you removed ubuntu?17:42
llua@bethdo97, no spaces17:43
jacwibhow to do that?????17:43
bethdo97ilon: ok thanks17:43
jacwibmean need i to do a thing or re install ubuntu?17:44
sssubottu, hi17:44
dominicdinadajo___: my guess is that it is in your vista services that maintain a list of shares as my 7 does not find the shares either but i mapped the drives i will be happy to post my share for you17:44
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sss!ubuntu | sss17:44
ubottusss, please see my private message17:44
dominicdinadajo___: my windows computer does not maintain a list of network locations because i find it to resource intensive when i know what my shares are17:45
jo___dominicdinada: Thanks, that would be nice :)17:45
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erUSUL!gpgerr | nilsson_17:45
ubottunilsson_: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »17:45
bethdo97In creating the 3 partitions do I have to make the 1st  2nd ones thee spaces for the program andd the 3rd one the oe for storage or doesn't it maatter?17:45
Guest10536hi all, i'm testing17:46
SilivrenionI run an APC UPS, and I'd like email alerts sent out in case of power failure. Is there an easy way to do that? I'm using Ubuntu's default power management on my UPS, not anything special17:46
induzwhy GTKpod doesn not recognize my iPod touch17:47
bethdo97ilon: in creating 3 parttions on the primary hard drive one for ubuntu 10.10; one for Windows 7 and one for storage do th 1st 2 have to be the oes for the OS and the 3rd the one for storage or doesn't it mater17:48
robbietzrCan anyone tell me how to share a printer via SAMBA that does not require any authentication from a guest linux/windows pc please?17:48
dominicdinadajo___: http://pastebin.com/tDKCq4e1          i did not post any of my directives for security reasons but those are how i map my shares17:49
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »17:49
jo___dominicdinada: You've helped me well, tx!17:49
sssHow do I make a guest account without password so anyone can use my computer?17:50
shottycould someone please tell me the name of the software to create a live iso of my current running system. I'm trying Remastersys but i cannot remember the alternative i wanted to try. Apologies as always if i'm the wrong channel to ask this.17:50
bethdo97Does anyone know hao the new partitions have to be aranged in gparted?   in creating 3 parttions on the primary hard drive one for ubuntu 10.10; one for Windows 7 and one for storage do th 1st 2 have to be the oes for the OS and the 3rd the one for storage or doesn't it mater17:50
induzwhy its so difficult to read a folder on Ipod touch17:50
dominicdinadajo___: i did not really answer your question but i had the same problem and discovered it is more hassle to have windows maintain a currert list of shares etc than it is worth when i can just map the drives and be done with it17:50
nilsson_hmmm...no go...sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <437D05B5>17:50
nilsson_bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'17:50
bastidrazornilsson_: drop the < >17:51
vincip !bot17:51
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots17:51
induzplease suggest a website where i can read about GTKPod and LUcid17:51
erUSULsss: click on the power button in the panel. choose guest account17:51
ssserUSUL, is it possible in the login menu or only after I login into my own account?17:52
enyawixwhat is wrong with the fonts in 10.1017:52
erUSULsss: afaik only after...17:52
nilsson_thanks bastidrazor17:52
enyawixthey are all out of focus17:52
ssserUSUL, I want other people use the computer without me login into my account17:53
enyawixothers have posted in forums with no response17:53
erUSULsss: the use case is your using the computer and someone ask you the comp to check email. you choose the guest account they use it and logout when finished.17:53
erUSULsss: that account is completely virtual nothing of it is saved17:53
ssserUSUL, I want other people use my computer without needing me to login to my accound and start a guset session17:54
h4fany one know how do I check if my shell is not in jail?17:54
enyawixalmost like people are trying to cover up bugs17:54
erUSULh4f: linux dos not have jails ...17:54
h4ferUSUL :)17:55
ssserUSUL, never mind17:55
erUSULsss: create an account blank password or easy to guess. let them use it.17:56
enyawixfine i will make a youtobe video so others can see what 10.10 truly looks like17:56
ssserUSUL, OK17:56
calumOK I have a noob question: I have windows 7 installed in /dev/sda2, but grub2 wont detect it (ubuntu 10.10) - what do I do? All tutorials I find are for earlier Ubuntu17:57
sssgoodbye everyone!17:57
induzis first gen black model 8 Gb suppotreted on GTKPOd??? how do i know it.. I am sure its not listed on its Model on GTKPo17:58
calumI have no idea what commands to use because it is grub 217:58
DexterFhow do I rid maverick of pulseaudio?17:58
induzis there anyway i can transfer my pics from this iPod touch17:58
calumdoes grub2 not have a menu.lst file I need to edit?17:59
AbhijiTcalum, no17:59
AbhijiT!grub2 | calum17:59
ubottucalum: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub217:59
knxvillewhat is the default network manager in ubuntu?18:00
jribknxville: it's called "network manager"18:00
calumAbhijiT: What do I need to do to get grub2 to detect windows 7 in my /dev/sda2 partition?18:00
AbhijiTcalum, noidea18:00
jribcalum: was windows not installed when you installed ubuntu?18:01
EnerGood evening !18:01
compdocknxville, I dont think it uses the network manager by default18:01
RypervencheI have a few Chinese fonts in ttf form that I would like to use on my Ubuntu 10.10. Most of them work fine, but a few refuse to work. How can I get them to work?18:01
phibxrcalum, if you had it installed when installing grub2 it should have detected it by default, no?18:01
calumjrib: I installed windows xp in another partition then I reinstalled Ubuntu and ubuntu wont detect my windows 7 install18:02
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compdocseems every new version of windows uses a new version of ntfs18:03
calumthe problem is I can boot windows xp but not windows 7 which is in partition 218:03
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phibxrcalum, so you're triple-booting windows xp, windows 7 and ubuntu?18:03
calumwindows xp is detected fine18:04
phpmagicianhow do I setup my bash profile so that the files I write automatically belong to another group?18:04
phibxrcalum, my guess would be that the windows xp-install somehow screwed up the windows 7-boot, but I'll leave that to someone more knowledgeable about windows. :P18:04
bluefrogphpmagician, better have a look at acl18:05
calumphibxr: So I probably need to get xp to recognise windows 7 in its boot manager?18:05
phibxrcalum, i wouldn't rule that out. but as I said, I know more about the internal workings of kitchen blenders than about windows, which would be next to nothing. :P18:06
the-killeranyone with any idea how to use 2 graphic cards SLI in BT / i have intel one and nvidia one and i want to use the nvidia coz grafic sux with intel :s18:06
emany of you have one of those flip hd cameras that you successfully use with ubuntu?18:06
coz_the-killer,   I have not done this ..however is the intell an onboard video?18:06
calumstupid windows :( I will have a look at its boot options18:06
jribphpmagician: change your user's primary group, nothing to do with bash profile18:06
andreas_does any18:07
RypervencheI have a few Chinese fonts in ttf form that I would like to use on my Ubuntu 10.10. Most of them work fine, but a few refuse to work. How can I get them to work?18:07
ubunCAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN THIS TO ME. (SAMBA)   # cd source   # ./setup/provision --realm=YOUR.REALM --domain=YOURDOM \   #  --adminpass=SOMEPASSWORD --server-role='domain controller'  'YOURDOM' is the NT4 style domain name. 'YOUR.REALM' is your kerberos realm, which is typically your DNS domain name18:07
the-killercoz_ it is 2 cards in SLI !18:07
calumthanks for your help anyway phibxr18:07
victor__hello, how can i add a female voice at orca?18:07
the-killercoz_: computers asus doing it !18:07
coz_the-killer, oh ok..  well you may want to go to #nvidia channel   .. you will have to hang out there  ,,it generally takes a while for someone to answer ..unless someone here has experience with SLI  + Ubuntu18:08
emdoes the Flip HD camera work with Ubuntu?18:08
andreas_does anyone know how to load the md drivers in ubuntu 10.04 LTS I just installed it and it doesn't seem to be there?18:08
AraxisHey everyone, Ubuntu/Linux newbie here. I used Ubuntu for about 2 days and I formatted, leaving windows out of the equation. Now what? time to learn bash?18:09
jribAraxis: do whatever you want, you don't have to learn bash if you don't want to18:09
Kernel-PanicAraxis: Ubuntu is pretty easy to use nowadays18:10
RypervencheAraxis: Let me show you a really good PDF.18:10
jordanmandreas_: install mdadm18:10
grkbloodwhats some good webcam software that I can add text and pictures and stuff to my webcam18:10
Araxis:)  I love Ubuntu, it IS easy to use. And looks great.18:10
hajmolatrying to boot ubuntu desktop liveUSB and i'm getting "no itin found. Try passing init= bootarg."18:10
EnerHere's some people ?18:10
bazhangEner, yes18:11
AraxisI just ordered a new 6 core machine, can't wait to see how it performs on Ubuntu18:11
emAraxis: yeah learning about the command line and the things you can do from it is a good next step if your goal is to learn about Linux and Ubuntu.18:11
RypervencheAraxis: http://linuxcommand.org/tlcl.php then click on "Download it here".18:11
andreas_I already did but when I do modprobe md it says there's o such module18:11
AraxisRypervenche: Thanks! I'll get on there right now18:11
hajmolaanyone know about "no init found"?18:11
RypervencheAraxis: And read it from beginning to end. You can skip some chapters if they're too advanced or boring for you, but make sure to read it from start to finish.18:12
AraxisRypervenche: Definitely.18:12
AraxisRypervenche: Is it worth going through the courses @ linux.org? I already read the beginners course but there is still an intermediate and advanced18:13
andreas_but thanks for the suggestion jordanm, appreciate any help I can get18:13
ubunhow do i know if i have a nt4 style connection or a kerberos (or do they both apply)??18:13
RypervencheAraxis: I have never used them, so I don't know.18:14
jordanmandreas_: md includes more than one module. just perform your raid operations. its smart enough to autoload modules as needed18:14
andreas_ok thanks I'll try that18:15
jordanmAraxis: if your goal is to use linux, then just use it and learn as you go. if you want to be a linux sysadmin, then I recommend starting with http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide18:15
rajhello I need a quick fix how do you reverse this command? take it back to what it was before i changed the settings? sudo chmod ugo-r libpulse-simple.so.0.0.3   thank you18:16
victor__hello, can anyone please give me a hint about how to change orca'a default male voice to female?18:17
erUSULraj: subtitute ugo-r for ugo+r18:17
andreas_raj: sudo chmod ugo+r18:17
jribraj: impossible to tell the state before.  But a good guess is to give everyone read permissions again18:17
rajthank you18:18
ale_zanosomeone could help me with ubuntu 10.10 internal mic problem?18:18
JT13ok i have downloaded and installed the oracle vm virtual box to run my win 7. it created a "partition" and made it a folder but when i try to install the win 7 the virtual box gives me an error that i cannot install in this "folder" because it is in ext4 format. How do i change this to ntfs?18:19
azertyuhow to install kde ?18:20
andreas_thanks jordanm it worked a charm :D18:21
bazhangazertyu, the package kubuntu-desktop18:21
jordanmandreas_: np :)18:21
ale_zanodoes anyone can help me with a eeepc internal mic problem?18:21
ubottuInformation about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC . The Ubuntu EeePC Channel is #ubuntu-eeepc , main EeePC discussion in #eeepc18:22
azertyuhow to kubuntu-desktop once after installation ? bazhang18:22
fakeer_1How to recover Ubuntu 10.10 partition after Windows 7 made it  "unallocated"?  fdisk: http://pastebin.com/rBkpBQaB | disk utility: http://yfrog.com/h2mlyp | GParted: http://yfrog.com/hs1y8sp18:22
=== quiesense is now known as quiescens
bazhangazertyu, choose at the login screen18:22
azertyui m with an ssh session18:22
jordanmazertyu: if its anything like debian then kde will become the default x-session-manager. no additional configuration required18:22
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JT13ok i have downloaded and installed the oracle vm virtual box to run my win 7. it created a "partition" and made it a folder but when i try to install the win 7 the virtual box gives me an error that i cannot install in this "folder" because it is in ext4 format. How do i change this to ntfs?18:25
ale_zano#ubuntu-eeepc is empty! could anyone could help me?18:25
jordanmanyone else find it odd that ubuntu moves update-alternatives from /usr/sbin to /usr/bin?18:25
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ZykoticK9ale_zano, what eee model?18:25
ale_zanoasus R10518:26
ale_zanowith ubuntu 10.1018:26
jordanmits pretty useless as a regular user...18:26
nit-witJT13, how did you format to begin with18:27
UgonsQuestion: I'm on OS X as of now and I don't feel like partitioning my HD. I want to get an external HD to install ubuntu on, but I'm not sure which would be best. Any suggestions?18:27
barfIs grub-pc the same as grub2?18:27
nit-witbarbadillo, tes18:27
barfUgons: Good suggestion18:27
magicianlordUgons: it doesnt matter. you can get a 2.5 western digital for a low price18:27
nit-witbarf, yes18:27
jordanmbarf: yes18:27
magicianlordUgons: i have isntalled to an external drive18:27
JT13nit-wit the hard drive is ext4 but when creating the "folder for win7 it didnt give option to format18:28
barfUgons: One HDD pr OS is good18:28
jordanmbarf: version 1.98 is oddly enough, grub218:28
ale_zanothe internal mic doesn't work.. i try to find the resolution on forums but nothing!18:28
magicianlordjordanm: why18:28
barfjordanm: No wonder why I am confused18:28
nit-witJT13, what folder18:28
magicianlordwhy is grub2 version 1.98?18:28
UgonsAlright, and to install to the external HD I basically follow the same installation process but just choose that as the location?18:28
jordanmmagicianlord: you would have to ask the upstream developer18:28
magicianlordand who is that18:28
barfIs there a way to build the kernel with automatic optimization for the hardware where it is compiled?18:29
nit-witJT13, all you have to do is build a michine launch it with thw windows ISO or cd and install.18:29
JT13nit-wit /home/josh/virtualbox/win se7en18:29
vexati0nUgons: depends on how you want to do it. i run a copy of ubuntu on an external drive that i built from the liveCD so it boots and keeps its settings on any computer18:29
barfWhere to install grub? On sda? or sda1?18:29
nit-witJT13, is this a folder your building18:29
erUSULbarf: sda18:29
ComradeHaz`Hi all. Step 5 of 'Creating your NFS installation' on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DisklessUbuntuHowto ---- Can anyone tell me what I need to do with the more recent versions of Ubuntu?18:29
nit-witJT13, or is this the machine folder18:30
UgonsSo basically you can boot Ubuntu from any computer if you have the external HD with you?18:30
nit-witUgons, theoretically18:30
magicianlordUgons: yes18:30
pingbat__halloo, i am trying to getacard reader on my laptop working but it isn't showing up under lsusb18:30
ComradeHaz`Ugons: any machine that supports boot from USB, yes.18:30
ale_zanoI'm trying to use pulse but it don't connect to a network..18:30
jordanmmagicianlord: looks like thats not easy to find because the copyright is assigned to the FSF18:30
JT13nit-wit one sec18:30
vexati0nUgons: yeah, as long as the computer can boot from USB18:30
UgonsWell there is the issue about compatability but that's a different story.18:30
nit-witJT13, sure18:31
UgonsAnd to double check, a MacBook Pro can, yes?18:31
magicianlordUgons: make sure you select advanced in the partitioning scheme, and install grub2 to the external drive only, usually /dev/sdb18:31
ComradeHaz`Ugons: make sure you have a very simple graphixcs config and avoid proprietry graphics drivers18:31
magicianlordComradeHaz`: good point18:31
pingbat__it might be pci or something more esoteric18:31
vexati0nComradeHaz`: mine works fine even after setting up multiple monitors on one pc and moving to one without them. i have avoided nvidia blob and ati drivers tho18:32
magicianlordwhy is ubuntu 10.10 significantly faster when performing operations tahn 10.04? is this a result of hte newer kernel?18:32
=== pingbat__ is now known as pingbat_mob
Ugonsthanks magicican, I wrote that down on a sticky for later.18:32
jordanmmagicianlord: what operations?18:33
UgonsPeople weren't lying when they said the community was helpful, thanks a lot everyone.18:33
magicianlordjordanm: apt. responsiveness in opening files. stuff like tha18:33
owneris there an easy way to switch from netbook to desktop?18:33
sssHow do I change the order of the buttons of the window(exit, minimize, maximize)? I once found an guide for that but I can't find it18:33
vexati0nthe ubuntu community is helpful. one time i tried asking for help in #slackware and somebody sent me a dead cat in the mail.18:33
magicianlordowner: yes, in the gdm login screen, at the bottom, select desktop session18:33
Ugonshow sweet18:34
JT13nit-wit may i pm?18:34
ownerwutt. thanks i'll try that18:34
LinuxNoobam i in the right channel x_x18:34
nit-witJT13, sure18:34
magicianlordLinuxNoob: yes18:34
erUSUL!controls | sss18:34
ubottusss: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side18:34
LinuxNoobguys, i need help. i screwed up my labtop realllyy bad.18:34
magicianlordi prefer the buttons on the left, now that ive gotten used to it18:34
LinuxNoobim on my moms labtop..18:35
LinuxNoobcan someone help me?18:35
magicianlordLinuxNoob: what happened18:35
LinuxNoobalright, i had win7 on my asus labtop18:35
ComradeHaz`Hi all. Step 5 of 'Creating your NFS installation' on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DisklessUbuntuHowto ---- Can anyone tell me what I need to do with the more recent versions of Ubuntu?18:35
LinuxNoobhad 2 partitions on my hdd, c and d, installed linux to my D drive(as C: was full18:36
Ronniehow to debug nautilus. gdb nautilus > run does not work, because the process itself launches another instance18:36
LinuxNoobwrote over my recovery partition, and computer wont do shit18:36
LinuxNoobso..i formated the harddrive..18:36
ComradeHaz`lol :D18:36
LinuxNoobit has 1 partition of "unalloted memory"18:36
LinuxNoobi can get into bios and thats it..18:37
LinuxNoobi dont have a win7 cd18:37
LinuxNooband to reinstall the drivers on my labtop(for mb, gcard,w/ew/e/we18:37
ComradeHaz`If you formattedthe hdd completely the recovery partition is gone18:37
LinuxNoobthe driver cd requires win7 to run18:37
ComradeHaz`that is that.18:37
LinuxNoobmy question is how can i put the drivers on my comp and then put xp and linux on the hdd18:38
AraxisLinuxNoob: Just use Ubuntu!! It's great :)18:38
LinuxNoobi cant put ubuntu on it, cause my comp doesnt have the drivers..18:38
ComradeHaz`LinuxNoob: OS comes first, then drivers/18:38
magicianlordLinuxNoob: you need windows 7 back on the computer, and it was only on the recovery partition?18:38
ComradeHaz`First decision is what OS's you want on there18:38
* hotrod_ is away: Gone away for now18:38
* hotrod_ is away: Gone away for now18:38
swazzywhat is the screen command good for?18:38
LinuxNoobi want linux primary and winxp/vista for games18:38
magicianlordswazzy: tabbing in terminal18:38
magicianlordscreen is great18:39
Guest93212are amarok and rhythmbox the most popular media players?18:39
ComradeHaz`tmux is better.18:39
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LinuxNoobcomrad is there a way i can talk to you by urself. so im not flooding chat18:39
magicianlordit's particularly useful if you dont have xorg up and are operating from within terminal only18:39
ComradeHaz`LinuxNoob: I'm pretty busy18:39
LinuxNoobahh okay18:39
LinuxNoobwell then ill be short18:39
ComradeHaz`better we all take it in turns to help you.18:39
ComradeHaz`Talk here.18:39
LinuxNoobso i can but a copy of linux on a cd18:39
LinuxNoobrun it on my computer with, 0 drivers..18:40
LinuxNooband no partitions18:40
JXSup guys18:40
thropehi - had a warning pop up a while ago about disk problems... I think it was a SMART warning... is there a program in recent ubuntu to get more info?18:40
swazzylinuxnoob <<<<< im ah noob tooo18:40
thrope(how can I see the warining again)18:40
swazzylinux is great18:41
bullgard4GParted on a live CD cannot move a partition. e2fsck did not report an error. What hdparm command should I use to check thiis problem further?18:41
DrummerBoy38hello was the update manager suppose to give me a new linux kernel18:42
DrummerBoy38before i had .34 now i am on .3518:42
nilsson_bullgard4: maybe bootit NG can, burn it on a cd18:42
swazzyi'am trying to learn ubuntu so i can move on to other distro.18:42
bullgard4DrummerBoy38: Yes. Youll need the appropriate command-line option.18:42
DrummerBoy38what command?18:42
dylan_anybody think they could help me with my sound? it was working previously, but now I can only hear faint static when it's fully turned up18:43
* kstar66 slaps _dead_ around a bit with a large trout18:43
monxI installed Ubuntu alongside Windows. Is there any way I could remove grub and have windows boot automatically?18:44
magicianlorddylan_: in terminal, type alsamixer and press "m" to unmute any lines that may cause it18:44
DrummerBoy38to verify the kernel version changed what is the cheat code in the console or w/e18:44
swazzyany web site that helps using command line?18:44
dylan_ thanks magicianlord, but nothing is muted18:44
DrummerBoy38just need to it to display my current kernel and i will know18:44
Dice-Manswazzy: no need websites18:45
Dice-Manswazzy: man yourcmd18:45
Dice-Manie man cp18:45
swazzygood but don't kno where to start18:45
Dice-Manopen a terminal swazzy18:45
swazzyjust kno a few commands18:45
wouafHello guys, I have a big problem with nvidia driver, I have to re-build the driver on each update...18:46
wouafon each kernel update18:46
swazzyi do kno how to apt and stuff18:46
kstar66who here uses awn over dockey, and cairo?18:47
magicianlordswazzy: do you have a question?18:47
KM0201LinuxNoob: did you figure out your problem?18:47
KM0201there's a fairly easy solution18:47
LinuxNoobwhat is it o_o18:48
dylan_i use awn!18:48
digirakcan u tell me why i get this error18:48
LinuxNoobcomrad is helpin me, but all help is wanted18:48
digirakCMake Error: The source directory "/home/kde-devel/kde/src" does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt.18:48
digirakSpecify --help for usage, or press the help button on the CMake GUI.18:48
swazzyhow do check my wireless card>?18:48
KM0201LinuxNoob: well, let him help you.. if you need another opinion/point of view... lemme know.. but this should be very easy to resolve18:48
kstar66dylan_ did you have any issues loading apps using the drag method?18:48
swazzyon command line18:48
dylan_yes actually18:49
dylan_just launch the app, right click on the icon and select add launcher18:49
kstar66did u just load the awn launcher under applets to resolve this issue?18:49
grumbelIs it possible to obtain older versions of a .deb in a PPA?18:49
magicianlordswazzy: check the manual pages on ifconfig and iwconfig. man ifconfig, for example18:49
dylan_its a workaround, but its enough for me18:49
kstar66gotcha, let me hit it.18:49
magicianlordyou can connect wirelessly through terminal. also read the arch linux wiki. they have good steps documented on doing things manually, without gui18:50
clavin12I ran module-assistant auto-install with no module specified and now it is installing them all. How might I undo this without going through them one by one?18:50
dylan_anybody think they could help me with my sound? it was working previously, but now I can only hear faint static when it's fully turned up.18:50
magicianlorddylan_: the alsamixer didnt work?18:51
dylan_yeah no luck18:51
dylan_nothing is muted18:51
magicianlordhmm ok. that can be tough to figure out18:51
dylan_although one strange thing noted18:51
MusigregHi all!18:51
g_o_o!sound | dylan_18:51
ubottudylan_: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.18:51
dylan_the two headphone lines are at 00 and have no bars above them like speaker and master18:51
MusigregI'd like to know if it's possible to change the TTY1 graphics resolution. I saw a lot of things on the web, but nothing explains how to do it exactly. Does someone know?18:52
magicianlorddylan_: did you raise them up? which version of ubuntu isthis18:52
digirakguys can someone help me with the cmake issue18:52
dylan_10.10, i can't raise them18:52
g_o_odylan_: in alsamixer push the up arrow to increase the volume18:52
ComradeHaz`Gentlemen! Step 5 of 'Creating your NFS installation' on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DisklessUbuntuHowto ---- Can anyone tell me what I need to do with the more recent versions of Ubuntu?18:52
dylan_tried that, nothing happens18:52
dylan_but on the Speaker line, when i press the up arrow, only the graphics inside the rectangular box move up and down18:53
dylan_for the headphone lines, there is no rectangular box18:53
dylan_if that makes sense18:53
magicianlorddylan_: im not sure then. my next step would be to google it along with 10.10 in the search, and if you cant find anything, put ina bug ticket with your specific hardware. also, try booting into the desktop with a live session of 10.4.1 and see if the bug persists18:53
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions18:53
clavin12I'm trying to use module assistant to install the nvidia module but it cannot locate the nvidia-kernel-source18:54
dylan_oo trying 10.4.1 could be fun18:54
DexterFI'd prefer uninstall instructions....18:54
magicianlordyou cant uninstall pulseaudio easily in ubuntu18:54
clavin12how might I add to the source.list?18:54
magicianlordclavin12: in synaptic, sources from the menu18:54
dylan_ookay, thanks anyway magician18:55
clavin12magicianlord: alright.18:55
dylan_i've actually uninstalled and reinstalled already i think18:55
magicianlordyou can also try 10.4.1 like i said, or debian 618:55
sssubottu, Kubuntu18:57
ubottukubuntu is Ubuntu with the KDE Software Compilation instead of !Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde18:57
=== Robin is now known as Guest68851
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.18:57
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:57
ubottuThe "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/18:58
bethdo97It is finally installing windows Vista on my son's computer. Thanks to everyone for all their help18:58
clavin12magicianlord: I checked the box for source files in the synaptic package manager but I still cannot find the nvidia-kernel-source in the terminal with module-assistant18:59
magicianlordclavin12: what are you trying to do?18:59
MusigregI'd like to know if it's possible to change the TTY1 graphics resolution. I saw a lot of things on the web, but nothing explains how to do it exactly when it comes down to Grub2. Does someone know?18:59
clavin12magicianlord: I'm trying to install the nvidia module.19:00
magicianlordclavin12: then just use the hardware installer from the menu: system, administration, additional drivers19:00
erUSULsss: do "/msg ubottu man" and query the bot in private19:00
magicianlordmake sure you're connected to the net19:01
erUSUL!botabuse > sss19:01
ubottusss, please see my private message19:01
bethdo97Is anyone here familiar with EasyBCD or ireboot by NewSmart Technologies and could recommend one or the other as a means to easily boot a dual installed system witth Windows 7 and Ubuntu19:01
bethdo97Want to put somethig simple onto my son's laptop to maake it idiot proof for him to switch between systems19:02
kane77hi, how can I automatize input in bash scripts? for instance I want to use gpg to encrypt file in a script and I want it to be automatized, so the script would fill the password automatically19:02
SpinachHeadif I installed gnome I need to add the kubuntu repos to install kde ?19:02
erUSULSpinachHead: no19:02
magicianlordSpinachHead: do you want both or just gnome?19:02
clavin12magicianlord: ok so the driver for my card is installed but I can only run in failsafe mode. btw, i failed to mention earlier that I am running mint 10.19:02
SpinachHeadI want both, but I need 4,619:03
magicianlordclavin12: is nouveau blacklisted?19:03
clavin12magicianlord: How do you mean?19:03
ComradeHaz`"add required module names in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules (module names for your network adapters, like forcedeth or tulip) " What are these module names and how do I establish on a running system what they are?19:04
bethdo97When I  did my Gparted partition sizing I created 3 partitions One for Ubuntu on for Windows 7 and one ffor storage.  What do I have to do to make both the Windows and the Ubuntu systems be able to access the 3rd storage partition19:04
SpinachHeadokay, so I can install 4.6 without kubuntu repos?19:04
bethdo97Will it be given a different drive letteer somehow?  And if so how19:05
magicianlordclavin12: when you install nvidia from jockey, it should install and blacklist nouveau, the open source driver. if it didn't, i would uninstall nvidia and try again19:05
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erUSULComradeHaz`: "lsmod" list all the currently loaded modules19:05
clavin12magicianlord: I will try that.19:05
erUSULComradeHaz`: modules are linux drivers they are in /lib/modules/19:05
magicianlordclavin12: it's hard to tell without see what's going on. i've installed nvidia both manually and using jockey in 10.1019:06
magicianlordi can tell you how to do it manually too19:06
ale_zanohello. could someone help me to fix the microphone problem?19:07
clavin12magicianlord: I usually prefer the gui.19:07
ComradeHaz`hmm, ok erUSUL, can you look at the context of my question and advise further on a guide I am following.19:07
KM0201bethdo97: usually, as long as its NTFS.. Windows and Ubuntu should read/write it natively.. the thing is though, what you're doing is unecessary.... as ubuntu can just read/write directly with your "main" C: partition... or am i missing some reason to keep it all on a 3rd partition?19:07
erUSULComradeHaz`: what guide?19:07
magicianlordclavin12: yes, and it keeps across kernel upgrades19:07
ale_zanopulse audio don't work and the alsamixer don't have "00" under mic boost19:08
patrunjelhi everywone19:08
ComradeHaz`erUSUL: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DisklessUbuntuHowto My question stems from the first of the 'Gotchas' at teh bottom.19:09
clavin12magicianlord: So i hit remove driver, and it is now deactivated.19:09
bethdo97He manages 2 Christian Bands and does fille serving occasionally at conferences etc foor fans and possible job opportunities for the bands.  He wanted a separate file store, on the laptop as opposed to a sseparate portable hard drive.  That was one of the reasons we got such a large hard drive for the replacement one19:10
clavin12magicianlord: ought i to simply hit activate or completely remove it some how?19:10
patrunjelbasicaly, what i want is to watch anime online (like on youtube/other websites) from the bed, and if i fall to sleep, the computer to shut down automaticaly (like 2 hours after i set the "timer" or something like that).Can you guys give me a solution?19:10
samtorchwhen i start using gn3 in ubuntu my cpu start to reach 100% load why ? and how to to fix this19:10
makketotaHey, I'm trying to make a bootable Windows 7 usb in Ubuntu but the "Startup disk creator" only seems to support ubuntu. Please help :)19:10
erUSULComradeHaz`: well find out what modules your network card(s) use19:10
DThoughtpatrunjel: on the console (terminal) type "sudo shutdown -h 2h"19:10
bethdo97He didn't want someone downloading the media files to be able to access anything else while they were doing it19:10
samtorchwhen i start using gn3 in ubuntu my cpu start to reach 100% load why ? and how to to fix this19:11
ZykoticK9ale_zano, I have NO idea if this will work with your model (but this fixes internal mic on my EEE 1005PE) http://paste.ubuntu.com/560332/  there are two versions, try the first one first19:11
ComradeHaz`erUSUL: how exactly do I do that?19:11
patrunjelDThought, and will everything automaticaly close? (in windows i had to close everything with "end now" )19:11
erUSULComradeHaz`: « lshw -C Network | grep driver » you should see a few lines having driver=somethinghere19:12
bethdo97KM0201:  I fforgot to preface my response to you with your username19:13
makketotaIs there any program for making bootable Windows USB from iso in Ubuntu?  The startup disk creator only seems to work for Ubuntu .iso files19:13
=== gewt is now known as l33td00d
erUSULComradeHaz`:  « sudo lshw -C Network | grep -o driver=.* | cut -f1 -d' ' »19:13
=== l33td00d is now known as gewt
ComradeHaz`erUSUL: thanks alot.19:14
erUSULComradeHaz`: this is a common one driver=r816919:14
xanguamakketota: you should see #windows19:14
erUSULComradeHaz`: so the  modulename you need to add is "r8169"19:14
=== lance_ is now known as Guest31806
bethdo97KM0201: Do you know how I make that partition accessible to both.  I didn't format it in NTFS though, it was suggested much earlier tto formmat it in FAT32.  Should I change it NTFS after  Windows gets done installing?19:15
=== alex88_ is now known as alex88
makketotaxangua: But I'm using Ubuntu for making this usb though , are you sure they will have an answer for it on #windows?19:15
barfI made an install like this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux#Without%20CD now how do I make my keyboard no?19:15
DThoughtpepe_curdele: shutdown -h <time> is a system command. all running commands will be ended without having them to opt for save or similar19:15
rumpe1makketota, unetbootin19:16
makketotarumpel: thanks19:16
ComradeHaz`erUSUL: it returns e1000 on the machine I'm playing with atm, that sound OK?19:16
bethdo97Is anyone familiar with BCDEasy or iReboot by Neosmart Tech as a way to setup the dual boot?19:16
xanguarumpe1: that's only for linux distros19:17
rumpe1xangua, ah.. k19:18
ComradeHaz`also erUSULhow do I specify that in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules19:18
justinsaneI'm having wireless issues. I've read through the Ubuntu Wiki, nothing...19:18
clavin12magicianlord: I installed it and am now rebooting.19:18
justinsaneAll of a sudden by desktop can't connect to my router...19:18
justinsaneWireless help anyone?19:18
skurakaihi. i'am trouble with ubuntu 10.10 login after uninstall old kernel and image19:18
skurakainow start only statusbar and background picture and something like white terminal19:19
MusigregHi again19:19
MusigregCan someone please tell me how to change the tty1 or else graphics resolution?19:20
justinsaneis anyone here a wireless guru?19:20
skurakaiif i try reinstall and  manual partition setting it show me only HDD and no partition :(19:20
justinsaneis anyone here a wireless guru?19:20
greppy!ask | justinsane19:20
ubottujustinsane: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:20
KirkMcDonaldI recently installed Ubuntu Server 10.10 to a machine which has no video.19:20
justinsanePLZ HELP: I can't connect to my router!19:21
clavin12magicianlord: upon rebooting I got a plain text linux mint splash screen, then some terminal type stuff, and finally blinking caps lock and scroll lock. That is a kernel panick no?19:21
Slayerhey guys!!!19:21
KirkMcDonaldNow I want to install vlc on it, which depends on X.19:21
MusigregNobody knows?19:21
barfhow can I set my keyboard encoding in CLI?19:21
KirkMcDonaldCan I expect problems installing X when the system has no video?19:22
justinsanehow can i tell if my network adapter is working correctly?19:22
s0enkewhat's te19:23
SlayerI am unable to enable compiz ettings, though I have installed graphics driver19:23
s0enkewhat's the magic key to enter the grub menu since there is no menu displayed anymore?19:23
justinsanehow can i tell if my network adapter is working correctly?19:23
=== Kleo is now known as slvrrngr
tullKirkMcDonald, i suppose that you install it from anothert pc19:23
Slayerjustinsane- try to ping
s0enkeSlayer, that just checks the lo interface19:24
KirkMcDonaldtull: I put a video card in the machine for the purposes of installing the OS, then removed the video card once I could ssh in.19:24
spt_Hello folks, could someone tell me whats the best media srever software to stream from ubuntu server10.10 to ps3? - thanks19:25
clavin12magicianlord: I rebooted in recovery mode and chose reconfigure X19:25
barfWhy does it take 10 secs from I hit enter on a sudo command until it asks me for my password?19:25
KirkMcDonaldspt_: Funny you should ask. I am in the process of setting up that very thing.19:25
barfI followed this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux#Without%20CD19:25
KirkMcDonaldspt_: My current plan is to use ps3mediaserver: http://code.google.com/p/ps3mediaserver/19:26
marienzKirkMcDonald: did you find vlc-nox?19:26
tullKirkMcDonald, i think but not sure that you can install X, but it doesn't work without a graphic card19:26
KirkMcDonaldmarienz: Ah! That looks like a thing.19:26
marienzKirkMcDonald: it is, indeed, a thing!19:27
KirkMcDonaldtull: Obviously X won't work. I just want to use vlc on the command-line. vlc-nox looks like what I want.19:27
clavin12magicianlord: I selected new configuration for this hardware and still got the plain text splash.19:27
spt_thanks Kirk19:27
ProgrammerJoelwell hey guys this is my first time ever on a irc chat19:27
clavin12magicianlord: now all I have is terminal.19:27
tuzloI just tried installing Ubuntu on a Dell Poweredge 1850, perc 4e raid controller, but it doesnt seem to get far in the installation. Are there any known problems with this machine and ubuntu?19:27
tullKirkMcDonald, what do you want to do with vlc-nox?19:28
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KirkMcDonaldtull: Ultimately I want to use ps3mediaserver to stream video to my PS3.19:28
clavin12When I try to start X it say fatal: module nvidia not found.19:28
NixGeekclavin12: it sounds like x is tryin to use a nvidia driver you don't have19:29
ubuntuCEOhi, in ubuntu 10.10, how do I look at the error screen when loading ubuntu?19:29
clavin12ubuntuceo: but I just installed it in failsafe mode.19:29
steinexubuntu + elementary-theme + elementary-nautilus + docky + faenza-icons = pure awesomeness.19:30
ubuntuCEObecause i know there is some error, but it doesnt show the loading process like the old one does19:30
clavin12ubuntuceo: oops, srry. I meant NixGeek.19:30
justinsanei ran a lsmod and under "used by" column it says "0"19:30
justinsanewhat does this mean?19:30
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clavin12NixGeek: but I just installed it in failsafe mode, with jockey.19:30
steinexjustinsane: its not needed by any other module19:30
clavin12Nixgeek: iirc19:31
NixGeekwhat is your graphics card?19:31
NixGeekclavin12: what is your graphics card?19:31
justinsaneSteinex: so if it's 0, should i be worried that i don't have a driver for my netword adapater?19:31
clavin12NixGeek: lspci gives me Nvidia corporation nv5m6419:31
steinexjustinsane: that it's 0 doesn't mean anything. if your network driver works, fine ... ;-)19:32
ubuntuCEOis there a way to diagnose hard disk error in ubuntu?19:32
clavin12Nixgeek: Riva TNT2 model 64.19:32
justinsanesteinex: i'm having trouble connecting to my router. it finds it but can't connect to it... just recently had this problem19:33
bullgard4GParted on a live CD cannot move a partition. e2fsck did not report an error. What hdparm command should I use to check thiis problem further?19:33
NixGeekclavin12: man, is your graphics card ancient....19:34
* izinucs is going crazy trying to grab the edge of a window for resize19:34
drt39193Hello, how can i manually resolve domain name on the local machine, without it querying a dns server?19:34
clavin12NixGeek: lol probably.19:34
izinucsdrt39193: put it in /etc/hosts  .. a line like   server ... then you can ssh with ssh server@server19:34
drt39193izinucs: ok, thank you19:35
izinucsdrt39193: sure.. actually it'd be ssh <username on server>@server19:35
NixGeekclavin12: you should probably remove the nvida driver and stick with vesa for that card, or upgrade19:35
justinsanehow do i establish an access point with my router?19:36
clavin12nixgeek: alrighjt19:36
izinucsclavin12: if you look on nvidia site in the linux driver section you can find out which driver works with that card then load it from Synaptic..19:36
clavin12izinucs: I suppose. I will try it.19:37
izinucsclavin12: most likely it's the 96 driver but I could be wrong19:37
NixGeekclavin12: actually, remove the driver you installed and then try this driver, strait from nvidia: http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/71.86.14/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-71.86.14-pkg1.run19:37
nonix4hrm, looks like Maverick installer wiped one of my LVM data volumes instead of the swap volume, when asked to use 2nd swap. Good thing I refreshed backups properly before installation :)19:37
clavin12NixGeek: ok19:38
justinsanehow do i establish an access point with my router?19:38
buckyclavin12, did you try the nvidia-glx-legacy package in synaptic19:40
justinsanehow can i connect to a network?19:41
nonix4How do I set cryptswap to point to correct swap device instead of my /home ?19:41
DrummerBoy38strange how ubuntu is affected during this egypt stuff19:41
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buckyjustinsane, type ifconfig in a term.. does it show something other than lo ?19:42
DrummerBoy38ubuntu should run at full capacity even if in egypt?19:42
clavin12bucky: no I didn't19:42
justinsanebucky: yes, eth0, eth1, wlan019:42
feydI know totem can be integrated with chromium, but can mplayer replace totem for the browser?19:43
buckyjustinsane, does ping -c 3  do give you any pings?19:43
allballsGood afternoon. I just acquired a shiny new PCI sata controller. SiL3114. Ubuntu's (nee Redhat) sees it, in Disk Utility, but, it doesn't see the two drives I have plugged into it. I have a shiny new Thermaltake external drive dock with two sata drives in it. They don't show up.19:44
allballsHOwever(!) -- When I plug the USB cord into the Thermaltake, voila, there are my drives.19:44
allballsSo, why does disk util see my controller, but not my drives? Ideas?19:44
justinsanebucky: network is unreachable19:44
pankajmhow do i change my apache http folder to a home folder?19:44
allballspankajm: enable userdir mod19:45
nm5tfis there a separate channel for Ubuntu games???19:45
allballssuch that you can then do ~/public_html -> http://myserver/~myuser19:45
buckyjustinsane, do you have an ethernet cable hooked up or are you trying to do wireless?  try sorting it out in System > Administration > Network Tools19:45
justinsanebucky: wireless only.19:45
buckyjustinsane, you're going to need more packages prolly19:46
justinsanebucky: sorting it out how?19:46
buckyjustinsane, point and click19:46
allballspankajm: sudo a2enmod userdir && sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload or similar19:46
justinsanebucky: i've had no problem for about 5 months...19:46
justinsanebucky: all of a sudden i can't connect...19:46
buckyhmm... dunno19:46
justinsanek thx19:47
NixGeekWhy do newegg and firefox not like eachother in ubuntu 10.04?  newegg will load in chromium, but it just loads forever in firefox.19:47
j_ayen_greenran the normal 10.4 update manager stuff today, and when the system rebooted (xp/ubuntu dual boot) I ended up in Grub after selecting Ubuntu. LS shows (loop0) (hd0) (hd0,1) (fd0) ... no idea what to do19:47
Guest36415what is up19:47
kane77hi, how can I automatize input in bash scripts? for instance I want to use gpg to encrypt file in a script and I want it to be automatized, so the script would fill the password automatically19:48
Zevenbladewhich app would yourecommend to play windows-games on ubuntu ?19:49
eric333hey guys, having issues with a wifi card19:49
justinsaneeric333: whats wrong?19:49
NixGeekZevenblade: WINE19:50
eric333ubuntu sees the card but it says it's disabled19:50
_`-`Don't expect everything to work though, Zevenblade19:50
Zevenbladewill the 3d drivers work ?19:50
justinsaneeric333: ya im having trouble too ;(19:50
NixGeekclavin12: any luck yet?19:50
ShawnIs anyone here very .bash fluent?  I need a script that will keep my computer from going idle19:51
Zevenbladethx will try it out19:51
allballsShawn: can you be a little more specifc?19:52
drt39193Shawn: like u want to move the pointer every few mins or something?19:53
justinsanecould ipv6 be messing up my ipv4 connection?19:53
Shawnwell that can work19:53
Shawnanything to keep it from ever going idle19:53
allballsi mean... you could do... "while true; do echo 'blah'; done", and that would keep your CPU doint something...19:53
rewtjustinsane, i doubt it19:53
ShawnI don't need a specific method19:53
drt39193Shawn: have u seen this ? http://xkcd.com/196/19:53
Shawnmy CPU is always doing something19:53
grkbloodany webcamstudio users here?19:53
ShawnI do distributed computing and I'm using the frequency scaler to run in powersave mode so that I avoid overheating19:54
allballsdrt39193: that's about what I'm thinking (re: xkcd)19:54
justinsanerewt: when i do ping -c 3 it says network is unreachable.. i'm seeing a few different ESSID's19:54
Shawnbut there's some issue with the frequency scaler that makes my computer freeze up when ubuntu considers it idle19:54
ben_qis there any way to edit the bios from ubuntu server? (mine has no graphics card, but the bios tries to boot from a new empty hdd i installed)19:54
rewtjustinsane, i'd take a look at the routing table to make sure it's right19:55
ficarra1002Can someone help me?19:55
* ficarra1002 hopes the internet won't die again19:55
Shawnhehe, that's funny19:55
buckyjustinsane, try sudo dhclient wlan019:55
allballsGet out of Egypt, then.19:55
Shawndo you know a script that would do that and where I could put it?19:56
ficarra1002Im having problems with my wireless card on ubuntu19:56
allballsAren't we all.19:56
_java_Lol, she's trying to become a mummy. And what's the brand of card?19:56
justinsanerewt: the routing table (netstat -rn) only shows eth0 ...19:57
user124e242hi.i went to change my partitions size and lost my partition table, not being able to start my system as it says no system found..can anyone tell me what i can do to restore it?19:57
justinsanebucky: "no working leases in persistent database - sleeping"19:58
rewtjustinsane, do you have a deafult gateway listed?19:58
justinsanerewt: in the routing table, gateway's are both
justinsanebut i know it...19:58
drt39193Shawn: gimme a few mins, ill get back to you19:59
rewta default gateway has destination=, gateway=routerip, genmask=, flags=UG19:59
ficarra1002_java_: the card is a Dell Wireless 1470 Dual Band WLAN19:59
tdnAfter installing 10.10 my NFS mounts does not work anymore. How do I fix this?19:59
justinsanerewt: no, that is NOT listed.19:59
DefunctProcesswhat is responsible for the popups in systray inn gnome-panel?19:59
QoDhello world!19:59
rewtjustinsane, you need one of those19:59
KM0201ficarra1002: is it internal, or usb, or what?20:00
KM0201ficarra1002: well, open a terminal and type "lspci" no quotes, and hit enter, and find your wireless card in the output20:00
ficarra1002hold on20:01
justinsanerewt: actually, when i type 'route' in term, i see default, *,, U, ...20:01
francis__I have an ethernet internet connection on my laptop, how can I give off a wireless connection that others can connect to?20:01
justinsanedestination, gateway, genmask, flags respectively20:01
DefunctProcessNo one has any idea what binary is responsible for the mouse over popups in gnome panel's systray?  Like the evolution popup and the volume/rythmbox popup?20:02
QoDi need help please: i have a usb hd (NTFS), it mounts perfectly but i cannot set file permissions, especially execution permission, how can i fix this? thank you20:02
drt39193Shawn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/560347/20:02
rewtso you have an entry that's destination=, gateway=, genmask=, flags=U ?20:02
_`-`QoD: /cl20:02
Ibn_Ali_al-Turkihey guys20:02
_`-`i hate highlighting someone without realising.20:02
catfishhi, i need v1 of libmowgli.so.1 - audacious won't start anymore with out it20:03
Ibn_Ali_al-Turkiany way to check the contents of my MBR?20:03
Chalkie1983Hi people, i have a vps with ubuntu 10.04, it only has ssh access, is there a way for me to enable remote desktop or some kind of vnc access?20:03
drt39193chmod +x filename to make it executable,20:03
catfishwhere and how can i get it?20:03
user124e242hi.i went to change my partitions size and lost my partition table, not being able to start my system as it says no system found..can anyone tell me what i can do to restore it?20:03
QoD_`-`: that didn't help. :D20:03
Shawndrt39193:  so I just type those into the terminal one at a time?20:03
Shawnor copy and paste the whole?20:04
catfishuser124e242, try parted and/or testdisk from a live cd20:04
petkofuuu, neviem či my tu vie niekto poradiť či je tu daky slovak alebo čech, chcel by som len či nevie niekto akym prikazom sa dostanem do koša, mam ubuntu20:04
drt39193Shawn: noo   put all that in a text file20:04
drt39193Shawn: its a script20:04
drt39193Shawn: then do   chmod +x filename20:04
user124e242catfish: ok. thank you.If that dont work?20:04
ShawnI don't need to type a path?20:04
drt39193Shawn: and   sudo mv /usr/local/bin/filename20:05
francis__I have an ethernet internet connection on my laptop, how can I give off a wireless connection that others can connect to?20:05
drt39193Shawn: put it somewhere in your path, like /usr/bin/  or /usr/local/bin/20:05
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QoDno one can help?20:06
catfishuser124e242, you have to try it and study a bit as well20:07
fridgeratorI believe people may be attacking my home network,  is there channel i can find to get help on this?20:07
gobbeQoD: what do you mean that you cannot set permissions, do you get error-message?20:07
allballsQoD: what are you trying to do?20:07
user124e242catfish: ok. thank you20:07
catfishnp ;)20:07
drt39193fridgerator: #security ?20:07
Shawndrt39193:  Permission denied20:07
drt39193Shawn: dude use sudo20:08
Shawnto move it into /usr/bin20:08
rumpe1fridgerator, wlan? which encryption? why do you believe, it is under attack?20:08
drt39193Shawn: sudo mv filename /usr/local/bin/20:08
Shawnhow do I move a file from the terminal?20:08
_java_Fridge, you mean like a DDOS or a human opponent?20:08
QoDi store a c++ project on the usb hdd20:08
_`-`Shawn: mv20:08
Shawnsorry, I'm not use to this20:08
catfishuser124e242, testdisk is able to recovery almost every lost partion as long as it has not been rewritten20:08
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Shawnah, I think I get it20:08
justinsanehow do i add a default route?20:09
gobbejustinsane: with route-command20:09
QoDgobbe: with gnome when i set the file permission through "property->permission", it unsets itself automatically20:10
kstar66can anyone help me with the command line to run a upgrade for iceweasel??20:10
gobbeQoD: what happens if you do it from terminal?20:10
rumpe1justinsane, route add default gw <ip-of-router>   (afaik)20:10
fridgeratorrumpel when i turn on my firewall in ubuntu with firestarter i can view the events tab, and more than a dozen times every minute i get events from 3 or 4 different IP addresses...  Just now i was looking at the UPNP tab in my router config, and there was a serivice called Teredo enabled to my laptop running windows 7 that i never started20:10
justinsaneroute add default gw says SIOCADDRT: Operation Not Permitted...20:10
gobbejustinsane: sudo20:10
Shawnmoving it isn't working20:11
ShawnI have the txt file 'H' on the desktop20:11
rumpe1justinsane, sudo20:11
justinsanejust add sudo before it?20:11
gobbejustinsane: yep20:11
gobbejustinsane: but it's not permanent route add, if you want it permanent you need to add it to interfaces20:11
QoDgobbe: nothing happens and the permission is not set. the cmd i typed "chmod +x filename"20:11
gobbeQoD: what does it say?20:12
fridgerator_java_ rumpel is it normal to get more than a dozen events per minute in my events tab in firestarter?20:12
justinsanek i added it20:12
Gekohey guys i need some help i can seem to open my synaptic package manager. I get this error everytime E:Type 'sudo' is not known on line 65 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list'20:12
j_ayen_greengiven (loop0) (hd0) (hd0,1) (fd0) I don't know how to apply it to linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/sdXY loop=/ubuntu/disks/root.disk ro  ... I tried sd01, but the boot later failed saying there was no sd0120:12
justinsanegobbe: where can i permatnely add it?20:12
QoDgobbe: nothing, it just return to the terminal prompt20:12
gobbeQoD: aah, is it ntfs?20:12
justinsanebecause whatever i just did, didn't do much20:12
QoDgobbe: yess!20:12
gobbeQoD: ntfs doesn't support +x flag20:12
rewtjustinsane: /etc/network/interfaces20:13
gobbejustinsane: interfaces-file in /etc/network20:13
savageHey guys20:13
QoDgobbe: so no way to execute exe from my usb hdd?20:13
Gekoanyone know hot to fix this problem20:13
ZykoticK9QoD, FYI fat & ntfs doesn't understand ANY unix permission20:13
gobbeQoD: format it to other filesystem than ntfs20:13
Gekoi get an error when i open synaptic manager20:13
GekoE:Type 'sudo' is not known on line 65 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list'20:13
savageIm looking for a console text editor that behaves like Notepad, basically20:14
rumpe1Geko, open  /etc/apt/sources.list in editor... perhaps you accidently added a line with "sudo", which is no command in sources.list.20:14
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savagewhere you can use shift+down and shift+left arrow to change your selection, for example.20:14
savageor shift+end20:14
ZykoticK9QoD, if you have a wine issue - you can use command line "wine /path/to/executable.exe" and it will work20:14
Gekocan you tell me how to get into that directory rumpe20:14
Gekoiam new to linux20:14
QoDZykoticK9: but they understand rw permission, right?20:14
Gekoand dont know alot20:14
FloodBot2Geko: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:15
gobbeGeko: what do you have on line 65 in /etc/apt/sources.list20:15
QoDZykoticK9: it's a unix program20:15
ZykoticK9QoD, no they don't20:15
gobbeQoD: no20:15
rumpe1Geko, alt-f2, "gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list"20:15
gobbeQoD: ntfs doesn't support unix rights20:15
justinsanemy interfaces file says stuff about eth0, i need wlan020:15
ZykoticK9QoD, fat and NTFS are windows, not unix/linux file systems20:15
QoDgobbe: so how can i read/write files?20:15
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gobbeQoD: it's feature with mount, you can mount it readonly or read-write20:15
gobbeQoD: but unix-permissions are not supported20:16
_`-`what's the difference between su, sudo, gksu, gksudo, etc? never quite worked that out =p my hunch is that gk*** does something with inheriting permissions..no idea really =p20:16
gobbeQoD: so format it with other filesystem20:16
QoDgobbe: so can i mount it with exec?20:16
savageI really missed the Windows style SHIFT + LEFT/RIGHT to select texts in text editor, is there a terminal text editor that can do that??20:16
Gekook rumpe20:16
Gekoiam in20:16
jrib savage you may love vim then20:17
Gekonow what am i looking for20:17
_`-`i've settled for vim when i'm forced to work from the terminal20:17
_`-`but make sure you read the basics and keep a cheat sheet =p20:17
jrib_`-`: "settle", I cry when I can't have my vim20:17
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Gekorumpi what do i do next20:18
rumpe1Geko, line 65 or anything with the string "sudo" in it20:18
_`-`jrib: how many asm/c/c++/php projects do you multitask on at a time?20:19
jribsavage: if you're interested in vim, you can run « vimtutor » for a nice intro20:19
Gekoi see this at the end sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list20:19
yeats!gksudo | _`-`20:19
ubottu_`-`: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)20:19
justinsanewhat should my etc/network/inferaces file read if i use wireless only?20:19
jrib_`-`: umm, I work on one project at a time...20:19
rumpe1Geko, well... then you made a mistake. Delete the line.20:19
allballsSo, anyway. Anybody have a clue about my previous question about Sil3114 PCI SATA card and why my two drives don't appear?20:19
Gekoand push save20:19
allballslspci shows the dev on the bus... Disk Util shows the device, but alas, no drives appear.20:19
tuzloI just tried installing Ubuntu on a Dell Poweredge 1850, perc 4e raid controller, but it doesnt seem to get far in the installation. Are there any known problems with this machine and ubuntu?20:20
Gekorumpe then i just push save at the top20:20
rumpe1Geko, yes... save and quit20:20
allballstuzlo: I run Ubuntu 10.04 on several dell 1850 boxes. Make sure you have latest BIOS20:20
wannabetuzlo what is your problem exactly?20:20
Gekoit worked rumpe thanks a bunch20:21
yeatstuzlo: Ubuntu server?  In any case, if you're doing the non-GUI install, you can do Alt-F4 to see log messages20:21
alex2222my realtek rtl8187se-wlan stops working randomly after some seconds/minutes. how can I debug whats wrong?20:22
Gekoi have a question  iam trying to install this program called medeley20:22
edbianalex2222, Good starting point is to look at the output of dmesg20:23
edbianGeko, What's the question?20:23
Gekoand it tells me to unzip the contents of the folder and run this command right when i run the command it tells me No such file or directory20:23
edbianGeko, You have to cd into the extracted folder20:24
Gekohow do you do it ed20:24
justinsanewhy cant i modify the etc/network/inferfaces file? it wont let me save revisions...20:24
edbianGeko, where is the folder you extracted?20:24
Gekoright on the desktop20:25
edbianjustinsane, you have to be root to edit it20:25
aeon-ltdjustinsane: you need sudo20:25
edbianGeko, open a terminal: cd Desktop/<folderName>20:25
stillborn86I'm having a problem getting multi-touch working an my asus 1005ha with 10.10.  can anyone help?20:26
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alex2222edbian, dmesg is empty, but this are the last lines from syslog: http://pastebin.com/9sjMYBxE20:26
Wally42Hello again20:26
Gekogave me same message20:26
jribsavage: apparently nano has some shortcuts too.  I have no idea where they are in the official documentation but here you go: http://dwabbott.com/nano.html20:27
edbianalex2222, dmesg is not a folder.  type the dmesg in a terminal and press enter.  Look near the end20:27
tuzlowannabe, well, it's not installing20:27
yeatsGeko: how did you download the zip file?  If through a browser, it will probably be in Downloads20:27
edbianGeko, Then you're not in the right folder or you made a typo.  Read this: http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/articles/command_line_intro20:27
Gekoi got in20:27
Gekoit worked20:27
edbianGeko, great ")20:28
alex2222edbian, I did it, but there is nothing about the wlan20:28
Gekoi didn't capitalize the d20:28
jribsavage: oh, ^G in nano (built-in help) tells you about them :)20:28
Gekonow what do i do20:28
Gekois it supposed to install20:28
Wally42I have reinstalled Windoze XP on a drive with 2 250G partions and it rewrote the boot info and I cannot access my unbuntu instalation20:28
edbianalex2222, I see no errors in the file you pastebined.  Accept that your wlan0 associated with the same ap 3 times in under a minute20:28
Wally42Can some one help20:28
bullgard4GParted shows at some partitions a patent key symbol. What does this symbol mean?20:29
KM0201!grub2 | Wally4220:29
ubottuWally42: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub220:29
rewtWally42, boot with a livecd, and reinstall grub20:29
rewtor that ^20:29
j_ayen_greenall of the examples for booting from grub show sdXY, but my /dev has no sdxx or hdxx files, just loop20:29
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Gekoyest i donwloaded throug browser20:30
ChessTeach I am using Ubuntu, and when I resize a window I noticed that the area that my mouse has to drag it is very small. Is there a way to lower the needed accuracy? I hope this makes sense20:30
yeatsGeko: I'm assuming the package came with a README file... have you read it?20:30
alex2222edbian, yes it says associated, but I can't reach the router via ping nor http20:30
irisxavialguien de espa;ana20:30
Gekoyes it said extract the contents and run this in the terminal20:30
_`-`ChessTeach: I believe it's theme/style dependent20:30
edbianalex2222, what does it say?  the packets are just all dropped or... ?20:30
_`-`There may be an option in gconf-editor for it20:30
Gekowhen i did i geave me message no such file or diretory20:30
Wally42Ubotta, will try that. rewt, i have tried several live CD and none have been success, i guess I have not found the right one, I tried all the 9 , 8mand 10 versions20:31
alex2222edbian, I think a recent update caused the problem20:31
bullgard4!es | irisxavi20:31
ubottuirisxavi: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:31
ChessTeach_`-`: so where do i go to change it20:31
jribChessTeach: you could always edit the theme if there's no easier way20:31
edbianChessTeach, Change your theme.  Some themes have very thin borders around the windows (like 1px) and it is hard to grab.  I find it annoying too20:31
DEAD_BEEFI'm using a modified clearlooks theme and I want to remove the resize grip from the lower right corner. Can anyone help?20:31
alex2222edbian, I am using meerkat, but it worked until 2 or 3 weeks ago20:31
jribDEAD_BEEF: art.gnome.org has a theming tutorial that would probably be helpful20:31
kenjin2201Every time I log in gnome, all of my settings are gone.20:32
ChessTeachi hate to sound like an idiot, but how do i change the theme? I imagine in preferences?20:32
justinsanehow do i get super access and then modify the etc/network/interfaces file?20:32
jribjustinsane: why do you want to?  Why not just use network manager?20:32
ChessTeachoh appearance20:32
aeon-ltd!theme | ChessTeach20:32
ubottuChessTeach: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy20:32
justinsanei want to add "auto lo iface lo inet loopback"20:32
yeatsGeko: can you pastebin the README file? (use http://goo.gl/ixcN9 ) then share the URL in channel?20:32
Vendettajustinsane: why do you need to add it if i may ask?20:33
edbianalex2222, what do you get when you try to ping?20:33
Gekoyeats i figured it out20:33
Gekoit works now20:33
yeatsGeko: oh ogg20:33
yeatsGeko: *good20:33
justinsaneim trying to connect to my wireless network20:33
Gekothanks alot yeats20:33
Gekoi apreciate the help20:33
ChessTeachthanks guys20:33
jribjustinsane: also, are you sure that statement isn't already there?  It should be by default and has nothing to do with wireless afaik20:33
justinsaneright now the interfaces file just says eth0 stuff..20:33
DEAD_BEEFjrib, thanks20:33
Vendettadude i would strongly advice the network manager. if your using wpa20:34
VendettaJustinsane: the statement should be there20:34
justinsanethe interfaces file just says auto eth0, iface eth0 inet static ...20:34
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justinsanenothing about wlan020:34
jribjustinsane: what version of ubuntu is this?20:34
justinsanei think im using wep20:35
jribjustinsane: what did you install exactly?20:35
Vendettastandard ubuntu...20:35
justinsanemy internet use to work, now it doesn't....20:35
justinsanenothing but updates...20:35
jribjustinsane: did you modify this file previously?20:36
justinsanemy network adapter sees my router20:36
* jrib finds this odd20:36
justinsanei keep getting a box that says "authentication requred by wireless network"20:36
alex2222edbian, please give me a moment, it only occurs under higher network load20:36
justinsanei enter the CORRECT pw and it keeps trying to obtain access point20:36
Vendettajustinsane: when it shows that enter the wep key.20:36
edbianalex2222, What does?  You should be able to ping your router at any time20:36
yeatsjustinsane: that means your wireless *card* is working at least20:36
justinsaneyes, it is20:37
justinsanei see a bunch of networks, i just cant connect to the right one20:37
nordlehi, is anyone getting slow video playback in VLC under 10.10?  It's slightly jittery like its 23fps (instead of 25fps for PAL).  mplayer is fine.20:37
KM0201justinsane: try setting your network to "No Security" and see if you can sign on... that will tell you if its the device, your password, or whatever20:37
justinsaneit does a "loading thing" in my panel20:37
justinsanethen the box appears again prompting me for pw...20:37
alex2222edbian, thats right, the problem is not really reproduceable. I got to wait a moment20:38
Vendettayet anyoing20:38
alex2222edbian, I can ping for now, but don't remember the ping-message when the problem occurs20:38
edbianalex2222, So right now everything is working fine?20:38
alex2222edbian, yes20:39
KM0201justinsane: do what i said, see if you can connect to an "open" network... to start the trouble shooting20:39
edbianalex2222, And when there is high network traffic you get bumped off the access point?20:39
justinsanei cant20:39
alex2222edbian, right20:39
Vendettajustinsane: go with the km0201 idea think it could be usefull20:39
justinsaneit connected to an open netowrk20:39
alex2222edbian, it's really randomly20:39
edbianalex2222, Well nothing in configured incorrectly.  That's just what happens if there is too much traffic20:39
justinsane"very weak signal"20:39
edbianalex2222, It's random or it happens during high traffic?20:39
KM0201justinsane: ok, so your adapter is working properly... so your issue is either...1. you're tryin to connect to a protocol your device does not support, or 2. your password is wrong20:40
alex2222edbian, I cannot say exactly, it feels like a combination of both20:40
justinsanepassword is definitely correct.20:40
justinsaneand I've connected in the past.20:40
Wally42Too those who have helped. All these methods involved having linux running, I can;'t get a live Cd to boot20:40
justinsanemy xbox live works, my friends mac works, my laptop works. my desktop & kindle do not...20:40
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KM0201justinsane: well.. what type of network is it?, WEP< WPA< WPA2?   what20:41
justinsaneAs im on this open network, i cant seem to connect to any site...20:41
justinsane42% signal20:41
Vendettajustinsane: class wireless would be? class g i am guessing20:41
edbianalex2222, There is a 'keep alive packet' that the laptop and the router must exchange periodically so that the AP knows the laptop is still around.  If that packet can't get through then you get dropped "unassociated" from the network20:41
justinsanenevermind i got nytimes.com to open20:42
alex2222edbian, do you think it makes sense if I try the ndiswrapped driver?20:42
justinsanewhat command to tell?20:42
Vendettaquickly checking20:42
edbianalex2222, I don't recommend ndiswrapper as anything but a last resort.20:42
alex2222edbian, is there a way to set a kind of debug level to see the keep alive packet?20:43
edbianalex2222, Not that I know of.  I suppose you could use tcp dump but you'll see so much extra crap in there it'd be a mess.20:43
edbianalex2222, I can guarantee that's happening.  The keep alive packet not being transmitted is the ONLY reason you will get unassociated from an AP AFAIK.20:44
Vendettaiwconfig what i would use and reference frequency20:44
delamanI'm looking to make ERD's and class diagrams on linux.  What is a good program to use?20:44
skooz2011I click on google earth and nothing happens20:44
alex2222edbian, for now the connection is stable. I will the to use wireshark if it's happening again20:44
alex2222edbian, thank you very much20:45
justinsaneit is a 2.437 frequency20:45
bullgard4GParted shows at some partitions a patent key symbol. What does this symbol mean?20:45
edbianalex2222, good luck!20:45
KM0201skooz2011: did you download it from google.com?20:45
edbianbullgard4, the partitions are mounted20:45
alex2222edbian,  "I will the" -> "I will try"20:45
edbianalex2222, I gathered ;)20:45
bullgard4edbian: Thank you.20:45
feenWhere is the flash information stored in Ubuntu? I don't know if it is a cookie, but I wanted to back-up a saved game for a flash game.20:45
edbianbullgard4, np20:46
KM0201skooz2011: open a terminal and type   "sudo apt-get install lsb-core" no quotes, and hit enter... enter your password.. it will want to install about 10 packages, install them, and google earth will work20:46
ComradeHaz`Hi all. I have followed the unstructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DisklessUbuntuHowto but when I try to boot the client it successfully loads the pxelinux.cfg/default file(indicated by it saying 'ok' at the end of that line) but the very next message is "No DEFAULT or UI configuration directive found!" Can anyone assist, please?20:46
T-rock007I seem to have a problem with my ppa's that i add20:47
justinsanevendetta: any ideas?20:47
T-rock007Can someone help me with that20:47
HarnessIs there any way to perhaps mount the Music folder from my storage drive to /home/matthew/Music?20:48
edbianHarness, absolutely there is20:48
Vendettajustinsane: you say your buddies with mac and other stuff are connected to same router wireless connected20:48
edbianHarness, mount /dev/sdX /home/matthew/Music   (replacing the X of course)20:48
T-rock007When i add a ppa and then try to install a program through that ppa it doesnt see the ppa that im trying to connect to20:49
ari-tczewhow can I remove package if apt-get doesn't want to remove it? http://paste.ubuntu.com/560356/20:49
T-rock007So therefore i cant install the program that i want20:50
skooz2011KM0201: thank you!20:50
KM0201skooz2011: np20:50
HarnessBut, I don't want the whole drive on the folder20:50
HarnessAhnvm, I just thought of something.20:50
Harness$ rm -r Music | ls -l /mnt/Storage/Music20:50
HarnessSorry. Not thinking.20:50
FloodBot2Harness: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:50
edbianHarness, if you mount over some files they'll just be inaccessible while it's mounted.  They won't be deleted20:51
Vendettajustinsane: i know this sounds stupid but how far are you from that router?20:51
ubuntuCEOhow to list all hard drive i have in ubuntu?20:51
ZykoticK9ubuntuCEO, "sudo fdisk -l"20:51
KM0201ubuntuCEO: sudo fdisk -l20:51
Harnessedbian: yes, but the thing is the Storage drive has music/movies/pictures/etc on it; I don't need the whole drive mounted, I just need the one folder. My current music folder is empty so.20:52
T-rock007Can someone help me install the unity interface for Ubuntu20:52
justinsaneits upstairs20:52
justinsanenot far20:52
ubuntuCEOthen how do i use scandisk to check?20:52
justinsaneand at one point i was able to connect just fine..20:52
ubuntuCEOsudo fsck /dev/sda* ?20:52
edbianHarness, I'm prett sure you can do that.  sudo mount /dev/sdX/path/to/folder /home/matthew/Music20:52
HarnessOkay, thanks! :)20:52
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edbianHarness, replace the X of course!20:53
ZykoticK9T-rock007, if you are on 10.10 it should just be "sudo apt-get install unity" i think - then at login chose Netbook20:53
HarnessIndeed ^_^;; Thank you.20:53
_`-`i have never laughed so hard at an operating system as when i discovered typing 'man fsck' was valid.20:53
Vendettajustinsane: it keeps asking for auth. you cannot connect at all.20:53
T-rock007ZykoticK9, Im on 10.0420:53
adi_hi everyone. i need to upgrade to 10.10 from 10.04. can i do it from a CD but without booting into the cd?20:53
ZykoticK9T-rock007, ya me too.  You need to add some PPA first.  Sorry I don't have the exact steps.  Best of luck.20:54
_`-`> does not make sense20:54
Harnessadi_ any reason you can't do it over the internet?20:54
ZykoticK9T-rock007, i'm not personally a fan of unity20:54
_`-`oh, to/from, not from/to XD - i need sleep20:54
adi_my bios doesnt have option to boot from usb. and the only option i have is to boot from my only CDROM20:54
edbianHarness, you can do it over the internet20:54
edbianHarness, but you have to use sshfs20:55
Harnessedbian: That's what I'm telling him :p20:55
edbianHarness, oh, haha, sorry20:55
Vendettajustinsane : having a look at some articles online20:55
adi_but because my cd rom does not recognise my just burned cd with ubuntu 10.10 in it... can i just do un upgrade from the sytem?20:55
T-rock007ZykoticK9, There is a ppa that you have to add so i did add the ppa but when i type sudo apt-get install unity it doesnt work when there are people on youtube showing those exact steps and geting it to work in Ubuntu 10.0420:55
TheMusicGuyDoes anyone know why GEdit always inserts two quotes whenever I press the ' key? Or how I can get this to stop?20:55
hiexpohola all20:55
justinsaneyea i'm doing the same20:55
ZykoticK9T-rock007, did you "sudo apt-get update" after adding the PPA?20:56
mohamedsucksElow mates20:56
T-rock007ZykoticK9, Yes but it said that it ignored the ppa's that i added20:56
mohamedsucksI compiled an app in my home folder...how can I add it to my applications menu?20:57
aeon-ltdmohamedsucks: if its executable, just create a shortcut with the path to it20:57
Harnessadi_: if you go to System > Administration > Update Manager > Settings > Updates and where it says check for distribution upgrades click "All" you should be able to refresh and upgrade to 10.10 that way20:57
ZykoticK9T-rock007, did you use "sudo add-apt-repository FOO" to add it?20:57
TheMusicGuyActually, it looks like GEdit inserts two quotes because the automatic brackets plugin in enabled; is there a way to configure it so that it doesn't autocomplete quotes?20:57
mohamedsucksaeon - how would that go into the menu?20:58
aeon-ltdmohamedsucks: you add a shortcut while editing the menu20:58
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justinsanevendetta: could revert to factory settings so to speak?20:58
T-rock007ZykoticK9, Yep i sure did, its driving me crazy when i try ricotz ppa it does the same thing when i try anything except for Ubuntu updates it does the same thing20:58
mohamedsucksOh, I see now20:59
mohamedsucksThanks Aeon!!20:59
ZykoticK9T-rock007, sorry i have no idea man.  good luck.20:59
Vendettajustinsane: try to manually add it as a hidden wireless network20:59
T-rock007ZykoticK9,  Ok, thx for the replies20:59
justinsanevendetta: nothing21:04
lewixwhat do you us to extract *.rar file21:04
jrib!rar | lewix21:04
ubottulewix: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free21:04
Vendettajustinsane: no suprise there21:05
Vendettajustinsane: what pc do you have and what wireless chipset21:06
stefan1ai have a problem21:06
lewixjrib: so is it your long way of saying that you use unrar21:07
gbear14275hey guys, I'm having problems burning cd-rs.  I've been troubleshooting this problem for a while now but have only nailed it down to something with this machine/software.21:07
justinsaneintel e660021:07
justinsanecustom build21:07
justinsanei forget what wireless chipset21:07
adi11sory connection probs21:07
jriblewix: no that's the short and easy way of me telling you, you can install unrar and just use archive manager.  But it's only easy if you bother to read21:07
yeatsstefan1a: go ahead with your question21:07
Vendettajustinsane: okay21:07
KM0201justinsane: well, the wireless chipset is what matters21:07
justinsanehow can i check>?21:08
stefan1ai just built myself a new computer, and it has an NVIDIA xfx graphics card. At first, Ubuntu was working fine, but afaik the graphics card driver isn't installed and the screen resolution is a lot lower than it should be. I tried installing the driver for the gfx card, but it's not working.21:08
gbear14275working on a T61 with 10.10 running.  CD-r's wont be recognized when I put them in and if they are and start burning almost immidiately fail and are coasters.  The cd-r's work fine in my gf's windows machine21:08
gbear14275can anyone perhaps help me try and spot any mis configurations or anything?21:08
lewixjrib, you dont know why im asking dont assume i need to install it.21:08
KM0201gbear14275: first thought is a problem w/ the cdr drive21:08
yeats!nvidia | stefan1a  - have you read this?21:08
ubottustefan1a  - have you read this?: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:08
Vendettajustinsane: your access point brand and model?21:08
jriblewix: do you have a different question?21:09
justinsanenot sure, its my neighbors upstairs21:09
gbear14275KM0201, so I thought that too, but it will burn dvd-r's just fine...21:09
lewixjrib, the question was clear. what do you use to extract or read .rar21:09
justinsanei actually dont have access to it21:09
stefan1aubottu - I'll try it, thanks.21:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:09
Jon--How does Ubuntu handle multiple monitors by default? Xinerama?21:09
KM0201gbear14275: that is weird21:09
yeatsstefan1a: that was me ;-) - hope it helps21:09
jriblewix: please don't ask questions like that here.  If you need help accomplishing something, just ask that.  I assumed you just wanted to extract a .rar, but if that's not the case, then just ask your real question21:10
gbear14275do drive's use two different lasers for burning cd's vs dvd's?21:10
alex2222 alex12321:11
lewixjrib, that was the real question, you didnt have to assume you chose to. you should answered with one word, the package you use, or not answer at all. last time I read the the channel rules I was alowed to ask questions21:11
jriblewix: this channel is for ubuntu support, not polling package usage21:11
Vendettajustinsane: were the other pc and stuff added at a prior time( not today) ? cause if a clued up person added it...21:11
wootergbear14275, same laser, different focus21:12
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lewixjrib, so thats what you should have answered. thank you21:12
justinsaneno i did it all21:12
kstar66Please PM, if you know how to upgrade themes for iceweasel. I cant seem to get it installed. also running mozilla v. 3.621:12
justinsaneits something iwth the router21:12
bullgard4How long will a computer of the Centrino class take to do '~$ badblocks -nsv -o /root/badblocks.txt /dev/sda' on a 80 GB hard disk?21:12
Jon--How does Ubuntu handle multiple monitors by default? Xinerama?21:12
jriblewix: there's http://popcon.ubuntu.com if you're interested in package usage by the way21:12
T3CHKOMMIEhello all need some help installing ubuntu. i would really like to dual boot my windows machine but i dont want to over write my mbr for my windows partition by installing grub. is there a way i can install an ubuntu partition without tanking my windows mbr?21:12
lewixjrib, ah im just being a ass. sorry =)21:12
KM0201justinsane: so backup the router settings and reset the router, and reconfigure it...21:12
stefan1aI'm getting these errors: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)21:12
stefan1aE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?21:13
jriblewix: heh, external irc forces were affecting my mood too :P21:13
alex2222edbian, are you still there?21:13
KM0201T3CHKOMMIE: you can set up a /boot partition, but its totally unecessary... rewriting a windows mbr takes about 5sec21:13
Diamondcitestefan1a: Do you have Synaptic or Software Center or Update Manager running togerther?21:13
ZykoticK9stefan1a, you need to close any other Synaptic, U.S.C or Update programs - only 1 at a time is allowed21:13
lewixjrib, lmao - ya i was getting mad i didnt even know why.21:13
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Vendettajustinsane: the router is my guess. but it doesnt make sense the other stuff work but not the laptop. so it is either the class it is communicating on or some or another weird thing.21:14
stefan1aDiamondcite and ZykoticK9: thanks, didn't realize that21:14
fluvvellT3CHKOMMIE, windows is more than comfortable being booted from grub.21:14
digirakhi guys21:14
digirakcan someone help me with a cmake issue21:14
justinsanealright thanks21:14
Vendettajustinsane: meant pc not laptop21:14
justinsaneits soooo annnoying lol21:14
digiraki am trying to compile it from cli21:14
justinsanei cant do anything without the interweb!! ahh21:14
T3CHKOMMIEKM0201, ever time i have dual booted and wanted to uninstal ubuntu my windows mbr freaks out. how do you recomend repairing it if i decided later i dont want to run a dual booted machine?21:14
jribdigirak: you're compiling cmake?21:14
digirakno actually not cmake21:15
_java_Who designed the automated bot system on this channel?21:15
justinsanehow can i wipe everything on my pc and re install basically? without downloading ubuntu on a usb ?21:15
adi11hi. beacuse i cant upgrade frome the internet, and cant boot on the burned cd image with ubuntu 10.10... can i get the upgrades from the cd?21:15
jribdigirak: then...?21:15
lefty_Hey can anyone help me?21:15
digirakbut using cmake to compile dependencies21:15
jriblefty_: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)21:15
fluvvellT3CHKOMMIE, and you can backup your mbr if you want to restore it, it just "tanks" the ability to boot ubuntu. Windows disks have the ability to make the drive purely windows mbr again.21:15
KM0201T3CHKOMMIE: google "Easus Partition Master"   it has a free version that will fix a windows mbr w/ a few clicks.21:15
_java_Lefty, just ask.21:15
jribdigirak: what are you compiling?21:15
digirakand the error it gives is21:16
KM0201T3CHKOMMIE: backing up your mbr before you install grub, is also an option... Google MbrFix.. (but its not as easy to use as the Easus tool)21:16
jribdigirak: libattica is in the repositories, why not just use that?21:16
stefan1aokay! I've gotten this error more than once: Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 2.6.35-25-generic (i686)21:16
stefan1a(trying to install nvidia-current, methinks)21:16
digiraki am trying to build the kde build environment21:16
lefty_Okay so I am a new user and I want to install ubuntu on my netbook and since I dont have a Cd drive i need to set it so it boots on usb 1st so how do i do that?21:16
digirakso i am just following the standard recipe21:16
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mkquist_lefty_: what type of netbook?21:17
lefty_hp mini21:17
j_ayen_greenwhy would booting from a livecd (to try and repair the existing image on disk) result in being dumped into busybox and initramfs i/o error cannot mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs)?21:17
T3CHKOMMIEKM0201 thanks for the help im gonna do some reading then start partitioning thanks.21:17
digirakjrib: here is the error CMake Error: The source directory "/home/kde-devel/kde/src" does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt.21:17
yeatsj_ayen_green: could be a bad burn, a hardware error, or something else...  assuming you verified the .iso and the disk?21:18
ChesterXhi, I am trying to install ubuntu netbook remix 10.10 from a live usb. I created it with the .iso I downloaded from ubuntu.com and the Start Up Disk Creator. However, each time I start the netbook I directly come to my current 10.04 system (I don't even have a choice). I checked the boot-order, which is correct... What am I missing?21:18
jribdigirak: do you know about APT?  Why aren't you just using APT?21:18
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ubottupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/okular/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)21:18
j_ayen_greenyeats: I've boot from the cd on another system, so I assume it's ok21:18
mkquist_lefty_: on mine its during boot hit the f9 key to choose boot, or f10 to change boot order in bios21:18
digirakjrib: apt-get?21:18
jribdigirak: yeah21:18
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NixGeekT3CHKOMMIE: boot a windows recovery or install cd of the widnows version you have on the computer, bring up a terminal, and then run bootrec.exe /fixmbr21:18
digirakjrib: using synaptic right?21:19
yeatsj_ayen_green: I would try burning a new image on a CD or USB21:19
jribdigirak: sure, that's one way21:19
digirakjrib: the problem is i dontlnow which version to use21:19
j_ayen_greenyeats: ok. sheesh, just trying to get back into 10.4 to run an apt-get to hopefully fix the dual boot that the last update broke21:19
jribdigirak: well you usually don't choose versions in synaptic21:19
digirakjrib: will the standard ubuntu version work normal21:19
yeatsj_ayen_green: good luck with it ;-)21:20
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jribdigirak: you should be able to develop kde/qt apps using the packages in apt, yeah21:20
j_ayen_greenwhen booting drops me into grub...is there a way to boot from the prior kernel?21:20
Ma_NickPlease, please, I beg you all. I seeked the whole internet for solutions21:20
Ma_NickYou guys are my ONLY HOPE21:20
digirakjrib: hey thanks can you also tell me how to install a working gcc compiler21:20
jribdigirak: installing build-essential should accomplish that21:21
digirakjrib: my compilation tells me that gcc is broken21:21
digirakjrib: i did that it still gives me the same issue21:21
jribdigirak: what issue exactly?21:21
ubuntuCEOif ubuntu cant boot in a laptop how do i look at the error code?21:21
digirakjrib:it says checking for cxx compiler, cxx compiler broken21:22
Ma_NickMy PC has Windows XP and Ubuntu(3 partitions, counting swap), and I can't post on forums with ubuntu! When I try with firefox, after clicking at Reply, I get a download request for forum.php. HAALP21:22
digirakjrib:gcc compiler broken21:22
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wr0ngwayRunning 10.04.1, it has libxml-2.7.6, I need 2.7.7 to fix a bug, anyone got some pointers as to the best way to get just libxml2 2.7.7 from say Maverick?21:22
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KM0201ubuntuCEO: usuallyif you hit escape, it will drop the splash screen, and let you see the system running.21:23
gbear14275wooter, is there anyway the lens that focuses could be the problem?21:23
Pantaloonixthe best advice i can give is to not use libxml21:23
wr0ngwayPantaloonix: sorry, meant libxml221:23
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free21:23
ubuntuCEOKM0201, it doesnt21:23
jribdigirak: you're likely just missing dependencies.  Do you have an issue compiling something you created yourself?21:23
lewix!info unrar-free21:23
ubottuunrar-free (source: unrar-free): Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20071127-1 (maverick), package size 21 kB, installed size 108 kB21:23
smw!msgthebot > lewix21:23
ubottulewix, please see my private message21:23
ubuntuCEOKM0201, it stucks in the purple ubuntu screen21:23
jriblewix: use unrar, unrar-free won't work on later rar files21:24
KM0201ubuntuCEO: is it the live cd, or an actual install?21:24
Ma_NickSeriously, u guys...21:24
mkquist_Ma_Nick: does it work in another browser?21:24
digirakjrib: you mean compiling a helloworld program?21:24
ubuntuCEOKM0201, actual install21:24
lewixjrib, thats what i just found out =) thank you21:24
jribdigirak: sure21:24
ubuntuCEOKM0201, liveCD has no problem21:24
digirakjrib:i havent tried actually21:24
digiraki am guessing not, but i dont know21:24
lefty_mkquist i will try that21:25
ubuntuCEOKM0201, i suspect the hardrive of the laptop having problem21:25
Ma_Nickmkquis_, I tried chromium, but it partially work. I can't upload photos w/ chromium and it return error messages lots of times21:25
KM0201ubuntuCEO: then i would try adding quiet-splash to grub, so the splash doesn't come up, and watch for an error or soething21:25
KM0201ubuntuCEO: its possible21:25
Ma_Nickmkquist_, I tried chromium, but it partially work. I can't upload photos w/ chromium and it return error messages lots of times21:25
lefty_mkquist i will try that21:25
ubuntuCEOKM0201, but i can mount it in live CD and also i can instal ubuntu 10.10 in it but after it restarts, it doesnt load21:25
mkquist_Ma_Nick: trying to upload photos to the forum?21:26
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KM0201ubuntuCEO: dunno, thats a weird one21:26
thauriswulfaanybody here know anything about command m-x dunnet21:26
ubuntuCEOKM0201, how to add quiet-splash in grub?21:26
Ma_NickYeah. Imageshack, forums... Also, all those problems just started after I reset my router. Is it just coincidence?21:26
kstar66not coincidence21:27
patrunjelguys, i'm on Ubuntu 10.10 and using Code::Blocks 10.05 .I don't know how many C++ programmers are here, but the new setting of codeblocks (to auto-add the closing brackets) is incredibely annoying...so can anywone help me get rid of it, please?21:27
mkquist_Ma_Nick: maybe dns server settings got bonked?21:27
mkquist_Ma_Nick: but if its just for one site, thats not it21:27
gbear14275being able to boot from USB is a BIOS function correct?21:27
KM0201ubuntuCEO: if you can boot recovery mode, you can do this... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=136522921:27
=== Dimen is now known as Panzeta
KM0201otherwise, you have to do it manually, and i'm not sure how to do that21:28
gbear14275or can you get grub to boot from a USB?21:28
KM0201gbear14275: if the BIOS can boot USB.. i can't think of any reason grub couldn't be installed to usb21:28
user567hi , how can i get the uncompressed verstion of the linux kernel image21:28
kstar66is anyone else here running a modified version of the jolicloud platform on a netbook?21:29
gbear14275KM0201, what about the other way around?  If BIOS CAN'T boot to USB, could grub be configured to recognize a USB drive as a boot option?21:29
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)21:30
KM0201gbear14275: i've heard that it can.. but i'ev never done it.... i would ask that in #grub21:30
SnakkahCan anyone here tell me where the application icons are stored? Like, one that you would use for creating a custom launcher?21:30
hardbop200hey all! my wife has agreed to let me replace xp on her netbook w/ ubuntu (yay!), but she has an iphone and uses itunes. am I screwed, or is there a solution out there for this?21:30
gbear14275KM0201, thanks21:30
hardbop200is it just as simple as installing itunes via wine?21:31
DJones!itunes | hardbop20021:31
ubottuhardbop200: itunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee21:31
royale1223lewix: hi21:31
kstar66hardbop200 : Yes21:31
patrunjelcan anywone please tell me a C++ programmer's channel? I have a important question (linux related, somehow) ...please? :)21:31
hardbop200kstar66: thanks. I just don't want her to loose all of her music b/c of me ;)21:31
stefan1apatrunjel: c++21:32
stefan1apatrunjel: /join c++21:32
jribhardbop200: i think it's supposed to "just work".  I doubt you'll have much luck with itunes, but you can check appdb.winehq.org.  See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone21:32
hardbop200jrib: thanks, I'll check that out. appreciate the tip!21:32
CoinOperationalSo Im running ubuntu 10.10 and trying to open a program in wine. Acts like its loading but the program never starts. Any advice?21:32
ZykoticK9stefan1a, you need # or possible two ## for the c++ channel.  patrunjel21:33
fritz007i have a proble i dont know how to conetc my wireles card in usb on ubuntu 10.1021:33
fritz007im using ubuntu a day21:33
stefan1aZykoticK9: I don't o.O21:33
lewixare the instrustions on how to install apache up to date. I don't see ubuntu mavericks21:33
patrunjelit worked, thaks guys :)21:33
StevenSXI go to change the persions on a windows .exe file so it will work with Wine and I keep getting an error due to Read-only file system. ?21:33
cal_X crashes randomly after installing 10.10 .. however when running just the LiveCD it is very stable. not sure what to check for?21:33
StevenSXpermissions even21:33
jriblewix: it's the same, just use apt-get to install the apache2 package21:33
stefan1apatrunjel: np :)21:33
digirakjrib: c compiler seems ok21:34
lewixjrib, thank you. can you enlighten me with the different version of ubuntu. im a lil bit confused21:34
stefan1aokay, I'm trying to install my nvidia drivers, and I'm on step 2 (following this tutorial: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/06/how-to-install-nvidia-25635-display.html)21:34
lewixthe mavericks is supposedly the most recent, right21:34
royale1223lewix: try this http://tuxtweaks.com/2010/04/installing-lamp-on-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx/21:34
stefan1ahowever, I'm getting the following error when I do that21:34
=== eXistZ|Away is now known as eXistZ
stefan1aError! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 2.6.35-25-generic (i686)21:34
stefan1acan someone help?21:34
jriblewix: maverick is the latest stable release, yeah (they're in alphabetical order now: karmic, lucid, maverick (natty is in development))21:34
StevenSXHow do I fix an error whenever I try to change file permissions that says "Error setting permissions: Read-only filesystem"21:34
hardbop200final question: which one do most Ubu users prefer, UNR 10.04 or 10.10?21:34
fritz007help pls my wireles how to make it that comp see it ?21:34
lewixjrib, ok thank you21:35
StevenSXI prefer Ubuntu 10.1021:35
lewixroyale1223, thank you21:35
=== eXistZ is now known as eXistZ|Away
jribhardbop200: use 10.04 if you want long term support (3 years on desktop, 5 on server), 10.10 otherwise21:35
hardbop200thanks all, appreciate everyone's help!21:35
KM0201fritz007: what version of ubuntu and what wireless device21:35
fritz007wezion is 10.1021:36
yoyonedStevenSX: Wher is the file you are tring to change21:36
royale1223lewix: youre welcome. are you trying to set up a lamp?21:36
=== eXistZ|Away is now known as eXistZ
KM0201fritz007: ok, and what wireless device21:36
fritz007wireles is smc usb smc2662w21:36
stefan1acan someone help?21:36
StevenSXIt is a windows .exe file for a game.  It is located on a CD and I am using wine to launch it.21:36
cowbobhey guys21:36
lewixroyale1223, right21:36
StevenSXI cannot change the permissions on it to executable like I normally do.  Keep getting a read-only file system response kind of error when I try21:37
HalkusI'm not very experienced in Ubuntu/Bash.... I'm trying to run a script but I can't since I don't have permission. And I can't seem to chmod because I don't have permission to do that. My account is an administrator21:37
yoyonedStevenSX: you can not change a file on a CD, but it deos not have to be executable for winr to run it21:37
jribHalkus: what script?21:37
stefan1aError! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 2.6.35-25-generic (i686); does anyone know what this means/how can I get around it? I get it whenever I try to install my nvidia gfx card driver. using 10.10.21:37
royale1223lewix: i'm new to lamp too. just set one up. good luck.21:37
StevenSXyoyoned: Why won't it autorun or allow itself to setup then?21:37
HalkusAdaptec storage manager21:37
ubuntuCEOis the checkdisk command - sudo fsck.ext3 -f /dev/sdaX or sudo fsck -r /dev/sda ??21:37
StevenSXWhen I try to run it...I get the is not executable error...21:37
Halkusjriib - I'm following the directions here http://www.adaptec.com/weblog/?p=1521:38
wiwso i installed my wireless card's driver with an ethernet cable, and now i can't connect via ethernet... any ideas where to start21:38
digirakhey is there a script to build the kde environment on ubuntu?21:38
yoyonedStevenSX: open the Cd in nautalis, right clikck on the file, open with wine21:38
FalsAlarmi accidently erased my apache error log file and now that even though I recreated it, it doesn't work anymore21:38
FalsAlarmnothing gets appended to it21:38
royale1223Halkus: do you have a root password?21:38
StevenSXI do that. I get the must change permissions to be executable message21:38
rwwFalsAlarm: restart apache21:38
StevenSXIt tells me that I must mark it as executable.21:39
BluesKajwiw. reset your network manager to eth0 and dhcp21:39
lewixroyale1223, do you know what version of apache and php is installed with the command you i saw on the link you gave me?21:39
FalsAlarmrww, yes that worked, thanks21:39
jribHalkus: are you sure you want to use this?  There isn't a way to accomplish what you want with software that's already in ubuntu or available through the repositories?21:40
yoyonedStevenSX: I guess your stuck then because you cant change the permissions of a file on a CD.21:40
royale1223Halkus: does your current account belng to sudoers group?21:40
HalkusThere isn't jrib, as far as I know21:40
CoinOperationalSo I need to get a program to run  for school. Ubuntu 10.10, right click on the .exe to run with wine windows program loader, and it doesnt load.  Any advice?21:40
HalkusI'm not sure royale1223 , I'll see if I can work that out21:40
jribHalkus: what does it do?21:40
jribdigirak: well you can install the kde environment if that's what you want21:40
royale1223lewix: apache2 and php521:40
lewixroyale1223, thanks how did you find out21:40
Halkusjrib - It's a storage manager for my RAID card. Adaptec produce Linux binaries, but not a specific one for Ubuntu21:41
wiwBluesKaj: I deleted and recreated the ethernet connection profile, is that what you meant? because thats not working21:41
Halkusroyale1223: - I don't know how to find out if I;'m part of a particular group... I have checked and I am an administrator... which should mean everything?21:41
digirakjrib: how do i install the kde environment21:42
jribHalkus: ah I see. Well which step are you stuck on in the link you gave me?  Or are you installing it in a different way?21:42
RaidSoftWhy is everything minimizing when I press the letter "d" when I remote in through vnc? (10.10 desktop) (I am also using xrdp though, might be related)21:42
jrib!kde | digirak21:42
ubottudigirak: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information.21:42
GaLaXY_Halkus: just use id21:42
digirakjrib: as in the whole pacakage21:42
PokitHello.  Every time I run an update, grub-mkconfig is run and stomps over the changes i've made to grub.cfg.  Is there any way to prevent this from happening?21:42
royale1223lewix: try apache2 -v and php5 -v21:42
yeats!kde | digirak21:42
ubottudigirak: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information.21:42
BurzmaliHello everyone, does anyone know if there is a way to create something like a symlink to the various locations in /media that CDs mount to in ubuntu 10.10?21:42
royale1223Halkus: try sudo -i from terminal21:43
Halkusjrib - I've got hold of the rpm, I've used alien to change it into a debian package, and I've installed the debian package21:43
yeatsdigirak: sorry - I was viewing scrollback ;-)21:43
digirakoh awesome21:43
jribHalkus: ok, and now?21:43
yoyonedPokit: make your changes to the files in the /etc/grub.d folder21:43
CoinOperationalNew to ubunutu. So I need to get a program to run  for school. Ubuntu 10.10, right click on the .exe to run with wine windows program loader, and it doesnt load.  Any advice?21:43
Halkusjrib - Now I want to run the scripts it's created21:43
fritz007can i get help ?21:43
Halkussudo -i just seems to move me to a different directory21:43
GaLaXY_CoinOperational: sudo chmod +x foo21:43
Pokityoyoned: thanks, ill try that out'21:43
ubottuPokit: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub221:43
digirakubottu: Thanks buddy will check this out21:44
yeats!appdb | CoinOperational21:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:44
ubottuCoinOperational: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help21:44
htedromhi all, having problems logging in to my account on the forums.... every time I log in sends me to the "thank you for logging in" redirect page, then spits me back to the log in screen21:44
CoinOperationalThank you21:44
guntbertfritz007: simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:44
GaLaXY_Anyone else having trouble with Cairo-dock in fluxbox?21:44
jribHalkus: well sudo -i logs you in as root.  But how are you trying to run the scripts (just paste the line) and what's the output21:44
royale1223Halkus: so you are in sudoers group21:44
induzhow can I automount my iPod touch21:44
GaLaXY_i cant seem to enable transparancy with cairo-dock on fluxbox with compmgr. it works fine in openbox21:44
ThomasB2kHow do I take my GPG keys and settings with me when I upgrade Ubuntu?21:45
GaLaXY_would this be a fluxbox related issue?21:45
Halkusbash: ./StorMan.sh: Permission denied21:45
BluesKajwiw. which connection do you intend to use permanently , wifi or ethernet ?21:45
fritz007what mus i click that i can find my wireles usb card smc2662w and set up wireles. im using 10.10 ?21:45
jribThomasB2k: you don't have to do anything (though you should have backups regardless).  I assume you are upgrading through update-manager21:45
jribHalkus: ls -l StorMan.sh21:45
ThomasB2k@jrib: no, when I do a fresh install21:45
lewixroyale1223, thanks21:45
yeatsThomasB2k: back up your /home (or install /home on a separate partition so fresh installs don't clobber it)21:45
wiwBluesKaj: I mostly use wifi, but I'd like it to prefer ethernet when it's connected. I've done this before I reinstalled Ubuntu.21:46
Halkus-rwxrwx--- 1 root root 5218 2010-08-06 04:33 StorMan.sh21:46
induzwhat is iFuse?21:46
ThomasB2kyeats: is that the only way?21:46
induzhow can i install it on Lucid lynx21:46
jribThomasB2k: take ~/.gnupg/ with you21:46
BluesKajwiw. run sudo dhclient in the terminal21:46
Halkuschmod: changing permissions of `StorMan.sh': Operation not permitted21:46
royale1223Halkus: try sudo ./StorMan.sh21:46
htedromhi all, having problems logging in to my account on the forums.... every time I log in sends me to the "thank you for logging in" redirect page, then spits me back to the log in screen >> is my account disabled? how would I know this? I'm sure I haven't broken the ToS or anything, do accounts get deactivated due to inactivity? my last post was probably quite a few months ago21:46
ThomasB2kOkay jrib and yeats, thank you21:46
lewixroyale1223, the link you gave me is pretty straight forward. thank you, ubuntu.com might want to update their apache installation page mirroring this website21:46
jribHalkus: is this some gui application?21:46
HalkusThanks royale1223 and jrib  :)21:46
HalkusYes it is and it works21:47
ubuntuCEOwhat is fsck -pcfv ?21:47
_raven_how to decompress a zip using tar?21:47
erUSULComradeHaz`: e1000 is a network nic driver, yes21:47
BurzmaliOkay, is a symlink isn't possible, is there a way to go back to mounting CDs to a generic folder instead of a named one?21:47
ComradeHaz`thanks erUSUL, I am so close but yet so far.21:47
yeatsHalkus: try #ubuntuforums21:47
guntbert!tar | raven_21:47
jribBurzmali: isn't /cdrom what you want?21:47
ubotturaven_: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression21:47
royale1223lewix: but i installed lamp using the old guide, didnt find the new one till later21:47
_raven_how to decompress a zip using tar?21:48
yeatshtedrom: try #ubuntuforums21:48
HalkusYeats - It works. The sudo command to run the script was all I needed. It all works now21:48
ComradeHaz`I think I am still getting errors caused by something to do with this issue.21:48
htedromthanks yeats21:48
yeatsHalkus: sorry - mean that for htedrom21:48
lewixroyale1223, so you struggled huh21:48
Burzmalijrib: Nothing every mounts there, only in a subfolder of /media21:48
jrib_raven_: you don't use tar, you use "unzip"21:48
fritz007how to install windows driver ?21:48
DodgeThisHi people i'm doing  a raid 1 system   but i have a doubt on spare disk21:48
DodgeThiscan anyone help me21:48
wiwBluesKaj: dhclient output > http://paste.ubuntu.com/560378/21:48
royale1223royale1223: nah just used apt get21:48
jribBurzmali: I see.  I guess you have to mess with udev scripts.  My *guess* is: /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-cd.rules21:48
Halkusjrib - ASM is Adaptec Storage Manager which is used to administer all Adaptec arrays - add drives, verify/fix, swap out drives, assign hot spares etc. It's pretty essential for using an Adaptec RAID card on a server21:49
royale1223lewix: nah just used apt get21:49
DEAD_BEEFjrib, I'm not having any luck with the resize handle. I've googled for hours and this is all I've been able to come up with: GtkStatusbar::has-resize-grip = 021:49
_raven_jrib, no unzip on that machine21:49
royale1223lewix: installed fine21:49
stefan1acan someone please help me? I'm trying to install an NVIDIA graphics card driver. My screen resolution is really low atm. I've tried several things; I keep getting errors when I try to install it with gdm closed. Also, when I try to install it from the Additional Drivers menu, I get the error "SystemError: installArchives() failed". help please.21:49
DEAD_BEEFjrib, I checked the link you gave me without luck21:49
jrib_raven_: install it?21:49
BluesKajwiw. looks  like you're connected21:49
HalkusNext question is how do I add this StorMan.sh script as a menu option in Gnome?21:49
wiwBluesKaj: i should mention my ethernet cable is connected, but i haven't seen it flashing any little lights, and it doesn't seem like ubuntu is recognizing it, at all21:49
_raven_jrib, no option to do it with tar?21:50
ActionParsnipstefan1a: try:  sudo apt-get install nvidia-current21:50
jribHalkus: right click on the ubuntu icon, create a new launcher, use « gksudo /path/to/StorMan.sh » (use the actual path)21:50
BluesKajwiw. run ifconfig21:50
jrib_raven_: depends on what you mean by "zip file"21:50
DodgeThisi have two disks on raid 1 what kind of formation does de spare disk mus have???21:50
DEAD_BEEFany theme wizards have a minute to give me a hand?21:50
HalkusHmm. Ubuntu icon....21:50
ActionParsnipHalkus: copy it to /usr/bin   then use alacarte to make a launcher for it (you don't need the file extension, but it doesn't hurt to have it)21:50
stefan1aActionParsnip: tried it a thousand times, gives the error Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 2.6.35-25-generic (i686)21:50
royale1223Halkus: right click on yor panel > add to panel > custom app launcher21:51
wiwBluesKaj: ifconfig output > http://paste.ubuntu.com/560382/21:51
Dead_Storagethis is my first time on irc, can spmeone just sort of explain how things work21:51
jribDead_Storage: you just ask your question and hope someone knows the answer :)21:51
ActionParsnipstefan1a: do you have an older kernel you can boot to?21:51
Halkusroyale1223: panel?21:51
stefan1aActionParsnip: not sure21:51
jrib!who | Dead_Storage21:51
ubottuDead_Storage: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:51
royale1223Halkus: the bar on top21:52
ActionParsnipstefan1a: hold shift at boot and try to select an older kernel if you have on21:52
erUSULDead_Storage: in this channel you just ask your question in one line and wait till someone answers you21:52
BluesKajwiw. sudo etc/init.d/networking restart , you should see some action on your router/modem21:52
kendrickLeiterDesktop wireless desktop card WAS working; switched wireless cards to DLink; did not work. Switched back to Linksys, and now original card is not working. Possibly not mounted?21:52
HalkusI'm in a wizard to create a new Main Menu item - I think that's where I want to be21:52
stefan1aActionParsnip: when, specifically, at boot?21:52
HalkusThe path to the script is /usr/StorMan$ sudo ./StorMan.sh21:52
wiwBluesKaj: eth1 there looks like my wireless adapter (that's the one where i set it to bound to a static ip address on my router, *.1.112)21:52
ActionParsnipstefan1a: as soon as the system POSTs21:52
Dead_Storage!who | jrib is that how you do it21:52
ubottujrib is that how you do it: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:52
jribHalkus: no, use: gksudo /usr/StorMan/StorMan.sh21:52
stefan1aActionParsnip: I'll try it. hold on.21:52
jribDead_Storage: not quite, just write "jrib: " at the beginning, no "!stuff"21:53
ActionParsnipHalkus: make a launcher to run: gksudo /usr/StorMan/StorMan.sh21:53
Dead_Storagejrob oh ok21:53
wiwBluesKaj: you mean restarting my router? is that possible to do via terminal?21:53
BluesKajwiw. correction /etc//init.d/networking restart21:53
Dead_Storagejrib oops lol21:53
mkquist_Dead_Storage: if you start typing then hit tab, should auto the name for you21:53
jribDead_Storage: on most clients you can just type the beginning of a nick, like "jr", and then press TAB to have it completed21:53
wiwi cant restart the router atm, i'm not the only one on it...21:53
HalkusI now have a launcher item (I think that's what it is, in Windows I'd call it a shortcut) which after taking my password launches the Storage Manager21:54
BluesKajnope wiw , that just restarts the networking daemon21:54
HalkusThanks :)21:54
Dead_Storagemkquist_, oh cool, thanks guys21:54
quizmehow do i check if my HD is about to crash?21:54
lewixroyale1223, i see. well im done installing it. seems like so far so good21:54
=== Leman_Russ_ is now known as Leman_Russ
wiwso i'm going to disconnect from here, i assume. alright, brb XD21:54
ComradeHaz`quizme: smartmontools21:54
digirakubottu: hey can u give me the package name that needs to be installed for the build environmen t21:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:55
Dead_Storageso is this better than the forums for support?21:55
quizmeComradeHaz` tyu21:55
nexehI have no sound in Ubuntu 10.04. Hardware shows up in sound preferences but nothing under input or output tabs. this was working previously and is something i most likely messed up... i could use some help. i have attached useful info here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/560302/21:55
lewixdo you know a good package to monitor the cpu - and fan21:55
lewixthat I can instal =)21:56
lewixme is smiling at jrib21:56
ActionParsnipnexeh: what is the output of:   wget -O alsa-info.sh http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && bash ./alsa-info.sh      Thanks21:56
wiwBluesKaj: all it said was "Ignoring unknown interface eth1=eth1." and it still doesn't seem to recognize my ethernet cable.21:56
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.21:56
VCooliolewix: conky can show any output, but look at lm-sensors21:56
lewixVCoolio, okay cause my laptop is very noisy. and it heats up very fast21:57
mrmistDead_Storage: irc is not really  better or worse than forums, it's just different.  The real time element is useful for some things and less so for others.  If you have a question, you should just go right ahead and ask it :)21:58
wiwBluesKaj: it isn't possible to reset all internet preferences and configurations by any chance, is there?21:58
wiw*network preferences and configurations21:58
durandaldHi all!21:59
ActionParsniphi durandald21:59
nexehwget -O alsa-info.sh http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && bash ./alsa-info.sh21:59
nexehYour ALSA information is located at http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=2375ab41dff8a7b6d3783686106342dee1e572d421:59
durandaldI cannot see my screen21:59
nexehActionParsnip: Your ALSA information is located at http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=2375ab41dff8a7b6d3783686106342dee1e572d422:00
BluesKajwiw , I'm not much good on the wifi aspect of networking due to the complexities  for ethernet, take a look :http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/22:00
=== Guest32363 is now known as dab
rami1983hey, the update manager keeps asking me if i want to update certain thing which i habe already removed or unchecked22:00
ActionParsnipnexeh: get your ALSA upgraded to 1.0.23  http://monespaceperso.org/blog-en/2010/05/02/upgrade-alsa-1-0-23-on-ubuntu-lucid-lynx-10-04/    it may help22:00
nexehActionParsnip: Ok i can do that now22:01
wiwBluesKaj: thanks, i appreciate the help!22:01
feydI know totem can be integrated with chromium, but can mplayer replace totem for the browser?22:02
BluesKajwiw. it's agood tutorial...helped me a lot22:02
mkf00http://xkcd.com/323/ Balmers Peak22:03
mkf00probably the best xkcd ever :)22:03
tommylommykinshi, Is there a shortcut key to get a terminal?   ALT+F2 gnome-terminal    seems a bit tedious22:03
aeon-ltdfeyd: yeah, mplayer does have a web plugin, i'd assume you could just disable one and install and enable the other22:03
aeon-ltdmkf00: ot22:03
erUSULtommylommykins: alt + f322:03
mkf00tommylommykins there are various programms for a shortcut terminal22:03
mkf00you can install guake22:03
mkf00or yakuake22:03
tommylommykinsbut none default?22:03
mkf00Guake is Gnome22:03
feydaeon-ltd: I tried that with no luck so far, totem is gone but nothing lists in the browser as a substitute22:03
mkf00sudo apt-get install Guake22:04
aeon-ltdfeyd: is it installed?22:04
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dfenzgreetings. anybody know if there is a way to resolve ip from ip?22:04
feydaeon-ltd: yes, let me check what packages I do have just to confirm22:04
dfenzgreetings. anybody know if there is a way to resolve ip from ssid i mean22:04
aeon-ltdlol 1 person netsplit :)22:04
g_o_otommylommykins: ctrl alt t22:04
feydaeon-ltd: I have mplayer, gnome-mplayer. mencoder, and gecko-mediaplyer22:04
feydaeon-ltd: do I need another front end like smplayer or something?22:05
tommylommykinsThanks :D22:05
aeon-ltdfeyd: no you shouldn't, but some searching now has shown you may need to completely remove totem22:05
feydI thought I did, i'll check that too22:06
dfenzgreetings. anybody know if there is a way to resolve ip from wlan ssid?22:06
MathuinI need to install some packages from Natty on my Ubuntu Netbook Edition.  How do I do this?  I'm in a class on Arduinos, and the stuff in the repo didn't work. :-(22:06
feydaeon-ltd: only totem remnant that remains is libtotem-plparser17, which is needed for brasero22:06
Dead_StorageDoes anybody know how to add your external ip too conky?22:07
aeon-ltdfeyd: then sorry, i've no idea22:07
feydDead_Storage: can't you use a txt file and scape it from a site?22:07
feydaeon-ltd: thanks anyway22:07
lvidalcan i install 10.10 on an intel mac mini?22:07
MunchkinguyMy ODT file appears to be corrupted and I cannot open it. Any suggestions? OS is Ubuntu. Openoffice 322:08
aeon-ltd!mac | lvidal22:08
ubottulvidal: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages22:08
dfenzgreetings. anybody know if there is a way to resolve ip from wlan ssid?22:08
feydDead_Storage: I wrote a small PHP file using the $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; function, then I use wget to grab the ip, write it to a txt file locally, so I think conky can read that22:08
Dead_Storagefeyd, well i looked online and it told me to use wget in conkyrc but that didnt work22:08
MathuinCan someone point me at how to install Natty packages on UNE 10.10?  It's kinda urgent as I'm in a class. :-(22:08
feydDead_Storage: do  you have webspace to try my suggestion?22:08
Dead_Storagefeyd, yeah22:09
aeon-ltdMathuin: ask in #ubuntu+122:09
Mathuinaeon-ltd: thanks!22:09
feydDead_Storage: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=733959D should help with the conky implentation portion22:09
Dead_Storagefeyd, thanks22:09
feydDead_Storage: yep, I had trouble with wget too, so be sure and do it like this:  wget -Oip.txt http://domain.com/ip.php - the no space after O, that threw me off22:11
TheAnarchistI have an alienware, originally I had 2 SSDs in RAID, but now they are separate for some reason? is there a way I can fix that through Gparted?22:11
HalkusNext problem... I'm trying to edit a config file with nano and I get permission denied22:12
Dead_Storagefeyd, oh when i looked it up the tutorial told me to do it with whatismyip.com and it didnt work22:12
erUSULHalkus: sudo nano file22:12
jrib!sudo | Halkus22:12
ubottuHalkus: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo22:12
Dead_Storagefeyd, but that may have been why22:12
feydDead_Storage: yea that's a way to do it, but i think it's too much to sort through, a PHP file with just that function will give you just the IP so you don't need to filter it out, seemed easier to me22:13
HalkusAh, so I need to use sudo to do it22:13
HalkusI see22:13
BlueBomber7TheAnarchist: Softraid or on a hardware controller?22:13
Halkusubottu:  Thanks, that worked22:13
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:13
TheAnarchistNo idea22:13
=== canon is now known as Acid190
TheAnarchistnot a pro at all this.22:14
BlueBomber7TheAnarchist: Do you know if it was internal or external RAID?22:14
TheAnarchistHow would I know?22:14
TheAnarchistthe SSDs are inside the laptop22:14
BlueBomber7So they were *probably* in a hardware-controlled RAID.  What failed?22:15
BlueBomber7Errr, how and when did you first notice the failure?22:15
TheAnarchistThats a giant story22:15
thebootroo_how can i make my nvidia 9600 detect my flat screen in hdmi ?22:15
DurvalSnakeUSPlease, anyone may help me? I'm trying to compile the Arago (  an overlay for Angstrom ), but I'm getting an ftp error in coreutils do_fetch(). My connection is behind a proxy and I set all path variables and tried many things but no one works. For help, follow the Path: http://pastebin.com/j0NJeDnH  and Error: http://pastebin.com/cUSETk6t .Thanks22:16
TheAnarchistUmm, one of the SSDs had an issue..22:16
BlueBomber7Also, TheAnarchist, what level of RAID?22:16
TheAnarchist0 I think22:16
TheAnarchist99% sure22:16
thebootroo_help pls22:18
HalkusHow do I find out what the root password is?22:18
TheAnarchistYeah, I had 512GB Raid 0 (2x 256GB Samsung Solid State HDDs)22:18
erUSULHalkus: ubuntu has none22:18
erUSUL!root | Halkus22:18
ubottuHalkus: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo22:18
thebootroo_with nvidia 270 driver or with nouveau i can't get the hdmi out work (it doesnt see my external screen) please help me22:18
TheAnarchistBut the 512gb raid split22:19
HalkusBut I need to log into Adaptec Storage Manager as root22:19
Munchkinguy_If I sent my corrupted ODT file to someone, could they try to extract the data?22:19
TheAnarchistand I have 2 250gb drives showing22:19
BlueBomber7Are both drives showing up?22:19
TheAnarchistidk how22:19
BlueBomber7Oh ok.22:19
BlueBomber7Munchkinguy_: Yes, ODT is compressed XML if I recall correctly.22:19
BlueBomber7Munchkinguy_: The data inside will be unobfuscated; it's an open format.22:19
BlueBomber7TheAnarchist: Have you seen how palimpsest shows the drives?22:20
BlueBomber7You can check the health and other things with that tool22:20
WA0UWH3To set the Root passwd, type "sudo -i" then provide your passwd when required, then type "passwd" then provide a new root passwd.22:21
FlannelWA0UWH3: Please don't recommend that here.  There's zero reason to set a root password.22:21
thebootroo_has anyone here a nvidia card ?22:21
=== Lobo is now known as Guest5874
skiwithpetehi - I've setup a minimal install with XFCE - I want to install bluetooth, what packages am I meant to get?22:22
skiwithpeteand is there a resource where I can find this information22:22
WA0UWH3Don't agree22:22
HalkuserUSUL: I enabled root... and I'm now able to create arrays in ASM22:22
botcity!ask | thebootroo_22:22
ubottuthebootroo_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:22
HalkuserUSUL:  I understand why it's disabled by default, but Adaptec didn't take that into account :p22:22
erUSULHalkus: huh?22:22
erUSULHalkus: i see ; your choice22:23
HalkusYou said there was no root, and gave me a link which explained why, and at the bottom it explained how to enable root22:23
erUSULHalkus: if you enabled it then you know the password22:23
HalkusThere was none until I created it22:23
HalkusBut yeah, I know it now22:23
FlannelHalkus: It wasn't that there was none, it was locked.22:23
=== yossi_ is now known as Guest47821
FlannelWA0UWH3: You're welcome to personally disagree, but do not recommend it in this channel.  The official Ubuntu policy is to keep the root account locked, please don't recommend otherwise in this channel.22:24
HalkusI don't recommend it. I think it's a good idea to keep it locked22:24
HalkusI have no choice though, in order to use Adaptec Storage Manager and create arrays I need to log into it as root22:24
WA0UWH3OK, agree22:24
FlannelHalkus: And sudo doesn't work?22:24
HalkusIt;'s a GUI login22:24
BlueBomber7The root account *should* be locked (for most users).22:25
thebootroo_i have a laptop with ubuntu 10.10 32bit with nvidia 9600M GT and nvidia driver 270, and a eeebox with ubuntu 10.10 32bits with a ION LE (so nvidia 9400)    with nouveau driver,  and no one sees my flat panel wuth hdmi but both see it in VGA so how can i fix HDMI please ?22:25
=== Guest47821 is now known as issoy
FlannelHalkus: You use gksu for graphical admin stuff (or kdesu if you're using KDE)22:25
Munchkinguy__As I was saying before my computer crashed, I have a corrupted ODT file that I cannot open. Does anyone know how to extract the data from the file?22:25
BlueBomber7Munchkinguy__: I just told you.22:25
=== Guest5874 is now known as Jfleming9232
royale1223Halkus: try gksudo22:25
HalkusAll ASM presents you with is a dialog box with username and password, and all you can do is log in as root or log in as a guest with no privs22:25
BlueBomber7Munchkinguy__: If Openoffice/Libreoffice can't salvage it, gunzip it and take a peek inside22:25
digirak1hey guys22:25
digirak1i have installed the kubuntu desktop22:26
FlannelHalkus: Ah.  Alright.  That sounds like just a broken program then.  Yeah, you likely need one for that then.22:26
Some_PersonI need an ubuntu user on amd64 to test a repo I just put together. Any volunteers?22:26
HalkusIt's not designed for Debian/Ubuntu, I had to use alien to get it to work22:26
biiterhello. i want to install laptop-mode-tools but aptitude tells me that it installit lapto-mode-tools will remove pm-utils and acpi-support yet laptop-mode-tools recommends pm-utils.. is this reasonable solution?22:27
rmcmahonI have a bash shell question22:27
nsdHey people22:27
BlueBomber7Munchkinguy__: Also, I should not that if it's so corrupted as it can't be gunzip'd, then you should check to see if Open/Libreoffice created an automatic backup somewhere.  If you didn't have that option enabled before, you should know about it ;)22:27
thebootroo_i have a laptop with ubuntu 10.10 32bit with nvidia 9600M GT and nvidia driver 270, and a eeebox with ubuntu 10.10 32bits with a ION LE (so nvidia 9400) with nouveau driver, and no one sees my flat panel wuth hdmi but both see it in VGA so how can i fix HDMI please ?22:27
edbianrmcmahon, what's up?22:27
BlueBomber7!ask | rmcmahon22:27
ubotturmcmahon: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:27
sharehello ubuntuers22:27
Flannelbiiter: Probably not.  Are you mixing repositories or anything funky like that?22:28
nsdanyone know the name of the gnome screen reader? I'm using a machine hooked up to a rather small NTSC color television, which sucks bigtime for my eyes22:28
erUSULorca ?22:28
erUSUL!info orca22:28
nsdoh sorry22:28
ubottuPackage orca does not exist in maverick22:28
nsdnot the reader22:28
biiterFlannel: no.. i just installed and updated maverick 10.1022:28
nsdthe magnifier22:28
botcitythebootroo_:  did you boot the computer with the display attached?22:29
rmcmahonI'm trying to put echo -e into a bash sctipt so I can use the \n char but it's including the -e in the echo which is throwing things off22:29
issoyi have a sun ultra 5 workstation that i would like to put ubuntu on. the cpu is an UltraSPARC IIi. i downloaded the 64 bit ubuntu server 10.10 but when i say "boot cdrom" it says "bad magic number in disk label"22:29
Flannelbiiter: Odd, because yes, you're right, laptop-mode-tools recommends pm-utils.  I'm not sure why it would try and remove those packages.22:29
thebootroo_botcity: no22:29
botcityrmcmahon:  there's a bash channel22:29
thebootroo_botcity: only the eeebox22:30
erUSULrmcmahon: you are using /bin/sh ?22:30
rmcmahonerUSUL: yes22:30
nsdrmcmahon:try printf22:30
erUSULrmcmahon: dash echo sees to not support -e. use printf22:30
erUSULrmcmahon: or use /bin/echo if you insist22:31
thebootroo_ok work with the other hmdi input of the tv22:31
rmcmahonnsd: erUSL: I'll try that22:31
biiterFlannel: well. i have laptop obviously.. what should i do then? i want it to last longer on battery22:31
Flannelbiiter: Try `sudo apt-get install pm-utils acpid acpi-support laptop-mode-tools`22:31
biiter pm-utils : Conflicts: laptop-mode-tools but 1.52-1ubuntu2 is to be installed22:31
nsdso does anyone know what I could use for a magnifier?22:32
botcitythebootroo_:  i had to boot with the display attached for ubuntu to set up drivers properly at least on my set up works fine now!22:32
magellanDoes any one know how to setup a thunderbird to read mail from a ubuntu /var/mail log files.or some idea how to?22:32
issoyanyone has suggestions/tips about installing on SPARC?22:32
ubottuInformation on Ubuntu on SPARC platforms can be found here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Sparc22:32
zykes-anyone here on natty?22:33
biiterFlannel: pm-utils : Conflicts: laptop-mode-tools but 1.52-1ubuntu2 is to be installed22:33
stefan1aokay, I forget who, but earlier, someone told me to go to an earlier kernel version and type sudo apt-get install nvidia-current. That made my monitor turn black, and a bunch of blinking lines started flashing across it. Nothing improved/changed. Back on current kernel version. Any advice? Trying to install nvidia graphics card driver.22:33
zykes-and that has tested nxserver22:33
ZykoticK9zykes-, #ubuntu+1 is the channel you want ;)22:33
zykes-ZykoticK9: sorry ?22:33
ZykoticK9zykes-, natty in #ubuntu+122:34
HalkusThanks for the help I've had in this channel this evening... my array is now creating22:34
Dead_Storagestefan1a, when you use the command "make" try "make clean"22:34
Dead_Storagestefan1a, *durring install22:34
stefan1aDead_Storage: what? I never used the word make in the terminal22:34
stefan1ai just typed sudo apt-get install nvidia-current22:35
stefan1adoesn't work in this kernel version, though (keeps giving me an error if i try it here)22:35
Dead_Storagestefan1a, oh I wasnt sure because i had trouble installing some drivers and was told to use make clean, you installation steps must be diffrent22:36
stefan1aDead_Storage: what drivers? gfx?22:36
Dead_Storagestefan1a, that and wireless22:36
stefan1awell, rats22:37
stefan1amy resolution is still stuck to 800x60022:37
stefan1astuck at*22:37
stefan1awhat's the standard driver that comes with ubuntu? it's like nouveuo or something, right?22:37
induzwhat is FUSEPOD??22:37
pcypherany suggestions on a decent tutorial for setting up snmp for a beginner?22:38
ChogyDanstefan1a: yeah, something like that, maybe nouveau22:38
Seveaspcypher, step 1: go to the pharmacy, buy a lot of aspirin.22:39
induzhow to setup GTKPod on Lucid, i am having hard time mounting my iPodtouch22:39
Seveasstep 2: stick to snmp v2c unless you want to deal with even more madness (v3)22:39
pcypherseveas: ive been coming to find...22:39
induzcan anyone help me22:39
magellanDoes any one know how to setup a thunderbird to read mail from a ubuntu /var/mail log files.or some idea how to?22:40
|Long|have anyone here run glftpd on ubuntu OS?22:40
induzI have some pics on this ipod touch and i want them on my Linux22:40
pcypherseveas: im trying to get cacti going, I can pull basic info from hosts, but I need to get snmp for net monitoring22:40
botcitynsd: if you go to keyboard shortcuts there is key bindings for magnifier22:40
nouseinduz: Sounds like support for iOS in gtkpod is pretty experimental. You need a jailbroken iPod.22:41
Dead_StorageIs it still impossible to sync a zune hd in linux22:41
=== wemaflo is now known as wema|off
nouseinduz: Might give this a try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone22:41
stefan1aI need some help installing nouveau.22:42
erUSULpeople just have to stop buying apple stuff if they want to use it in somethying that is not an apple22:42
Seveaspcypher, install snmpd, set syslocation/syscontact in snmpd conf and work yourself through the cacti "add host" pages22:42
induznouse, I dont want to jailbreak it now as i have to save thos epics first22:42
stefan1awhenever I try to install nouveau, I get the error: Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 2.6.35-25-generic (i686)22:42
stefan1aPlease advise22:42
erUSULi.e. if they want to really own their stuff ...22:42
Seveaspcypher, maybe add a few "disk" entries22:42
Seveas(to snmpd.conf)22:42
ChogyDanstefan1a: maybe pastebin all the output including the commands you ran22:42
stefan1aOk ChogyDan22:42
BlueBomber7True, erUSUL22:42
pcypherI have disk, mem usage and user count for the local host up and running22:42
PhaseAnyway I can turn brightness up on just one window? (a game that doesn't have brightness settings), using the fglrx (sp) ati radeon drivers22:43
Dead_Storagecan you sync a zune in linux22:43
Seveas!search zune22:43
pcyphersyslocation is set to sitting on the dock of the bay...22:43
BlueBomber7Phase: I don't know about using the driver, but perhaps with your window manager?  I know compiz allows per-window HSB settings....22:43
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras22:44
PhaseBlueBomber7: Hmm, what would I need to get at that compiz setting?22:44
stefan1ahttp://pastebin.com/8RH9aKza ChogyDan22:44
[[n1x]]anyone using xfce 4.8?22:44
induznouse, I read that site  and installed all required library to communicated with iPod but my device fails22:44
induzEven GTKPod fails to load my Device[ipod touch]22:45
ChogyDanstefan1a: wait, why are you trying to install nauveau?22:45
pcypherseveas: is there a command to see which version of snmp I have installed and runnig... cannot find in the man page22:45
stefan1aChogyDan: just built myself a new comp w/ new gfx card (NVIDIA). NVIDIA driver hasn't been able to install yet (keep getting various sorts of errors). Screen resolution is stuck at 800x600 on 1280x1024 monitor. Kinda sucks :(22:46
nouseinduz: Sorry, that's all I can think to try22:46
pcypherversion 5.4.2 but cacti only has up to version 322:46
gimpy4613Ubuntu 10.10 x64, for some reason random hard drives will lose their GTP table.  It's only one drive at a time, but not the same drive each time. It's not any one port, controller, cable, or drive causing it.  Just a random one. Logs show no cause, these drives are in an LVM VG used as a datastore, no OS storage on them.  Ideas?22:47
LeDutchMornin gents.22:47
MunchkinguyBlueBomber7: I am going to try recovering the backup file using photorec before I do anything else.22:47
PhaseBlueBomber7: Found it, CompizConfig Settings Manager. Thanks :) going to play with it now22:47
gimpy4613pcypher: Then you are running net-snmp verison 5.4.2 which supports SNMP versions 1, 2c, and 3....22:48
ChogyDanstefan1a: yeah, but nouveau is installed by default, so Im curious how it got uninstalled.  Do you know?22:48
pcyphergimpy: cool... thank you.22:48
stefan1aChogyDan: not sure, I might have uninstalled it by accident while trying to install the new driver22:48
feydI'm using an openbox session, how can I style QT apps?22:49
ChogyDanstefan1a: ok, I guess I would start with removing nvidia-current22:49
stefan1aChogyDan: When I first started my comp, the resolution was fine, but the driver was having trouble installing... a few terminal commands and reboot later, and the resolution was shot down22:49
stefan1aChogyDan: doing that now.22:49
LeDutchLooking at whacking Ubuntu or similar on to a Dell Inspiron 1525.... Smart to do so, or terrible idea noob?22:50
stefan1aChogyDan: okay, nvidia-current is removed. What now?22:50
=== roaming is now known as INFURNO
EnrgySmthhi :)22:50
gunndawgLeDutch, sure, why not?22:50
LeDutchDesktop version, or does the netbook version work better on laptops?22:51
LeDutchgunndawg, Cause its about a million years old.22:51
ChogyDanstefan1a: you may want to just reinstall to start from scratch.  Otherwise you have to try installing the driver again, and dig into the error message more22:51
stefan1aChogyDan: reinstall what?22:51
coldfrontLeDutch it really doesnt matter all the netbook ver has is the Netbook interface22:52
EnrgySmthquick question - does ubuntu 10.10 benefit from use of the preload package?  anyone using it and want to share?22:52
=== flone is now known as flone|zZz
coldfrontthey are pretty much both the samething22:52
gunndawgLeDutch, well, worth a try I guess, cant hurt anything22:52
stefan1aI'm considering that, just because of the complexity of this >_>22:52
stefan1aI'm not a gamer, anyway22:52
LeDutchcoldfront, which would be of no use on this laptop. So I guess I'll get the desktop version. Cheers :)22:52
stefan1aI just want a usable resolution22:52
coldfrontyeah i have a tablet with the netbook installed22:52
stefan1aso, uh... how do I reinstall ubuntu?22:53
coldfrontworks wounders22:53
coldfrontbut if you just have a laptop i would go with the desktop ver22:53
ChogyDanLeDutch: I think the netbook addition uses more resources, you should try lubuntu if it is really low resource22:53
Dead_Storagestefan1a, why cant you just go to monitor settings?22:53
stefan1aDead_Storage: it says that it can't detect my monitor22:53
stefan1aand it's stuck at 800x60022:53
coldfrontstefan1a take the ubuntu disc and format reinstall?22:53
pcypherlol... snmp error in cacti22:54
LeDutchChogyDan, The laptop is running *shudder* Vista at the moment. So should be ok to handle normal ubuntu. I'd hope.22:54
chaospsychexomg vista22:54
Dead_Storagestefan1a, oh that sucks, for some reason sometimes mine will detect an "unknown" monitor even tho i dont have anything there and it will put stuff on it its really annoying22:54
ChogyDanLeDutch: yeah.  The netbook addition is more about screen space than resources22:54
pcypherprobably should have backed up the orig config22:54
LeDutchAhh ok. Cool.22:54
pcypheri need to find a cacti irc22:55
digiraki have installed the kdesktop22:55
digiraki want to know what to do now to install the build environment22:55
Dead_Storagedoes anybody know why ubutu would randomly detect an "unknown monitor" even tho i dont have anything connected. It does this to me quite often and will attempt to put programs on it, its an easy fix but i was wondering if there is a way to prevent it from happening22:56
ChogyDan!build-essentials | digirak22:57
ubottudigirak: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)22:57
digirakwhat is this ! signify in packages?22:57
HalkusHmm, I've blundered through creating a Samba share, but when I connect to it through Windows, it forces me to login, and the only working login is root.... how do I get around that?22:57
ChogyDan!factoid | digirak22:58
ubottudigirak: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots22:58
wiwSo I downloaded what i believe is an executable shell file (truecrypt setup), but when i try to run it by './file' or 'sudo ./file' it doesn't work...22:58
ChogyDandigirak: it just means it is a factoid22:58
digirakthanks ChogyDan22:59
PhaseI changed a setting in compiz, now everytime I log in the screen is black.. I can get to the gdm login, but after that I can't do anything. It was the brightness settings.. any ideas?22:59
feydAnyone know how I can style QT apps? I'm using openbox and they're not being converted like ubuntu normally does22:59
Dead_Storagecan someone help with my monitor issue23:00
erUSUL!dosentwork  | wiw23:00
erUSUL!doesentwork  | wiw23:00
erUSUL!details | wiw23:00
ubottuwiw: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:00
wiwsorry, i should have mentioned, i know i'm typing the correct path, but if i run './file' i'm getting permission denied, and by running 'sudo ./file' it says command not found.23:01
feydDead_Storage: whats the issue23:02
erUSULwiw: chmod +x file; ./file23:02
feydDead_Storage: nvm, reading23:02
wiwerUSUL: thanks! that worked.23:02
LeDutchDownload speed from steam: 40kb/s. Download speed from Ubuntu.com : 80mb/s23:03
feydDead_Storage: whats your setup for monitors? I know you don't have a 2nd, but are you using VGA, DVI?23:03
wiwusually, do these executable setup files install straight to the folder they are currently in?23:03
Dead_Storagefeyd, I am actually on a laptop toshiba l505 s598823:03
erUSULwiw: do not think so,23:04
Dead_Storagefeyd, it has a vga23:04
digiraki wanted to know whether I could just install all the dependencies for the build environment of kde using a single package23:04
feydDead_Storage: it has to be related to outputting to an external monitor, maybe it's just defaulting to that23:04
feydDead_Storage: what video drivers are you using, nouveau? nvidia?23:05
Dead_Storagefeyd, it happens at random times tho23:05
feydDead_Storage: oh, hmm23:05
ChogyDandigirak: I think just build-essentials and apt-get build-dep23:06
Dead_Storagefeyd, and i havent really messed with the video drivers23:06
feydDead_Storage: I really dont know a ton about video, but you could try doing a xorg conf from scratch instead of auto23:06
feydDead_Storage: its a huge undertaking from what I understand though23:06
digirakso does one have to go over the whole build with the kde standard23:07
Dead_Storagefeyd, i think i can just deal with it then, all i have to do to fix it is go to my monitor settings23:07
ChogyDandigirak: I don't know, sorry.  What are you trying to do btw?23:07
digirakChogyDan: i am trying to start kde development23:08
digirakChogyDan: and i have to install dependencies23:08
ChogyDandigirak: you just want to use QT?23:08
digirakChogyDan: apparently fedora has a single package install23:08
digirakno a lot of other dependencies23:09
feydDead_Storage: alright, sorry I couldnt be any help23:09
feydDoes anyone know anything about styling QT in GTK?23:09
Dead_Storagefeyd, its fine thanks anyway tho23:09
breVi think i have a strange variation of Bug #615803 ... it freezes if the power cord IS plugged in. I am thinking gnome-power-manager package is the culprit. any ideas ?23:10
BlueBomber7breV: Does dmesg give you any useful info?23:10
induzhow can i mount my iPod touch23:11
induzwjat would be the /mnt directory23:11
BlueBomber7induz: You can specify it yourself in fstab, but once it's connected, it should auto-mount and the command 'mount' will tell you its mount point.23:12
DominiCanesneed help with installing xamp23:12
BlueBomber7Probably somewhere in /media23:12
breVif i try to uncheck the screen brightness checkbox in the screensaver ... 'instant' freeze23:12
MunchkinguyBlueBomber7: I'm using gzip on Windows. What should I attempt to do?23:12
col0ursacarlson, hello. can you give me that modprobe | lpsci command again?23:13
BlueBomber7Munchkinguy: About your corrupted odt?23:13
BlueBomber7Munchkinguy: First, get out of Windows if you can :P23:13
feydis it possible to install drop box to a different folder name?23:14
MunchkinguyBlueBomber7: I'm running photorec on my Ubuntu box. Can't use it23:14
arbiter@feyd yes simplu star23:14
arbiter@feyd start up drop box and use the preferences menu under the advanced tab23:14
BlueBomber7You'll have to remind me what you're trying to do, Munchkinguy23:14
BlueBomber7Let's PM.23:14
feydarbiter: oh awesome, talk about a duh moment, thanks23:15
induzBlueBomber7,  here is the output of 'mount';http://paste.ubuntu.com/560405/23:15
klys4hello i have problem, when i type in terminal ./filename.bin I get bash:. ./filename.bin: No such file or directory | (but file is in this directory, and i have set chmod +x)23:16
BlueBomber7That's after the device has been mounted?  It doesn't look mounted to me.23:16
YankeesFanis there a program that can let me access my ti84+?23:16
_java_So, is there a way to control the GUI version of Ubuntu solely from keyboard without CLI?23:17
spt_can some tell me what --bind does when used with mount --bind /folder/...  /home/user .. thanks23:17
feydother question, I want MPD to startup with the computer and continue playing where it left off, how can I do that?23:17
Dead_Storagefeyd, maybe rember applications in the startup apps menu23:18
DEAD_BEEFklys4, what type of file is it?23:18
BlueBomber7_java_: Yes and no.  I love me some keyboard shortcuts, too, and would love to ditch the mouse, but I don't think it's ENTIRELY kb friendly yet.  Feel free to correct me, others.23:18
dw87anyone know of any good htaccess tutorials?  I've found a couple googling around, but they're not very clear on where your .htaccess file goes, where your .htpasswd file goes, and the permissions that should be on said files23:18
BlueBomber7_java_: Apps like gnome-do help, though ;)23:18
SerolosQuestion:   how can I tell  /etc/hosts  to do a "wildcard"  redirect?   meaning:  NOT   "   test.tld    www.test.tld"  ....  it should be more like    "    *.test.tld"   since  EVERY request (meaning every subdomain typed)  shall be redirected to
feydDead_Storage: I'd rather avoid session saving if possible, call me crazy23:18
klys4DEAD_BEEF it is executable file23:18
Dead_Storagefeyd, yeah i dissabled that too lol, im not really sure other than that23:19
BlueBomber7klys4:  What's ls -al filename.bin give?23:19
DEAD_BEEFklys4, a shell script? what language?23:19
markosowhats a good app to open rar zip etc23:19
DEAD_BEEFklys4, what does file filename.bin give?23:19
erUSULmarkoso: default file-roller23:19
erUSUL!rar | markoso23:19
ubottumarkoso: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free23:19
klys4one second23:20
induzmy Fstab is like http://paste.ubuntu.com/560408/23:20
hiexpothe system archiver works fine23:20
markosothe defualt does not work23:20
col0ursacarlson, nevermind i found it23:20
klys4DEAD_BEEF ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped23:20
induzBlueBomber7, FsTab http://paste.ubuntu.com/560408/23:21
induzhow can i change my FSTab so that I can get this iPod touch mounted23:21
klys4BlueBomber 7 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3513408 and file name in green color23:21
biiterwhere is the config for setting the hdparm -B for disk when i un/plug AC ?23:22
DEAD_BEEFkloeri, and you're sure it it's in .23:22
gimpy4613Ubuntu 10.10 x64, for some reason random hard drives will lose their GTP table.  It's only one drive at a time, but not the same drive each time. It's not any one port, controller, cable, or drive causing it.  Just a random one. Logs show no cause, these drives are in an LVM VG used as a datastore, no OS storage on them.  Ideas?23:22
BlueBomber7induz: fstab won't have changed unless you change it, as far as I know.  It doesn't look like it stores your ipod mount point.23:22
DEAD_BEEFklys4, and you're sure its in .23:22
erUSULgimpy4613: i would report it as a bug against the kernel23:22
DEAD_BEEFkloeri, wrong kl<tab>23:22
induzBlueBomber7, i am learning to change the FSTab, but so far i have not changed it... How can i change it so that i can mount my iPod/23:23
klys4DEAD_BEEF yes when i type dir i can see file here23:23
hiexpodoes anyone one know how to make the gnome terminal colored like gentoos23:23
klys4DEAD_BEEF maybe i don't have some packages23:23
gimpy4613hiexpo: Just edit your terminal settings....edit-> profile settings23:24
DEAD_BEEFklys4, where did you get the file from ?23:24
gimpy4613erUSUL: Can you explain a but more?  As in how I would go about doing this?23:25
andrefreitasTesting from android23:25
hiexpogimpy4613, how will that make all the differant colors as when your say updateing23:25
klys4it's safe file and it work on other systems23:25
erUSUL!bugs | gimpy461323:25
ubottugimpy4613: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots23:25
Dead_Storageare there any good games that run nativly on linux23:25
erUSULgimpy4613: so « ubuntu-bug linux-image »23:25
erUSUL!games > Dead_Storage23:25
ubottuDead_Storage, please see my private message23:25
klys4DEAD_BEEF is other command to unpack it ?23:25
DEAD_BEEFklys4, it is unpacked?23:26
induzHow can i change my FStab so that my iPod touch gets mounted23:26
lucas_Hi everyone... Any suggestions on which virtualisation software to use to run windows 98?23:27
TsGhInSaNerunnin this23:27
erUSULlucas_: virtualbox?23:27
DEAD_BEEFklys4, is it actually a .bin file?23:27
erUSUL!vbox | lucas_23:27
ubottulucas_: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox23:27
TsGhInSaNe!hack tsghinsane23:27
klys4DEAD_BEEF yes it is bin file, I think i need some packets23:28
=== spt_ is now known as _spt_
barfAnyone with experience from DELL EMC SAN?23:29
DEAD_BEEFklys4, idk It sounds like its a self-extracting archive?23:29
ComradeHaz`Hi all, I have been trying to pxe boot a system all day and I seem to be 'so close and yet so far'. I am following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DisklessUbuntuHowto but alsoplenty of other guides but I can't seem to sort out the error I get with it not bringing up the network interface successfully. Is there anyone here now that can help me, please?!23:29
gimpy4613barf: We need more details on what your problem is.23:29
ybinI need urgent help23:30
lucas_ubottu: Thx! I already use it for win7. Seems there are no drivers for win98. Any solution to this?23:30
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:30
^aDaMOn my iphone here not been on here for a bit long time no see x23:30
DEAD_BEEFklys4, you could try: bash ./filename.bin23:30
klys4DEAD_BEEF i think i need compress package23:30
barfgimpy4613: I am about to assemble the DELL EMC SAN 3x or x3, but I have no clue to how it works23:30
klys4DEAD_BEEF when i type bash i have filename.bin: cannot eecute binary file23:30
ybinI I need help whejn installing the kernal23:31
gimpy4613barf: What does that have to do with Ubuntu?  This channel is for Ubuntu issues....23:31
ybini get following error23:31
DEAD_BEEFklys4, maybe try changing the owner of the file23:32
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »23:32
ybinALERT! /dev/desk/by-uuid/fxxxxxxx-xxxxxx doesnot exist droping to a shell23:32
ybinwhat does this mean23:32
MunchkinguyIs there a way to deleted files from a specific directory?23:33
ybinhow do u list23:33
DEAD_BEEFklys4, chown yourusername:yourusername file.bin23:33
erUSULexactly what it says. the disk grub/kernel ( i am guessing is grub or the kernel ) think it is root is not there23:33
erUSULMunchkinguy: rm /espcific/directory/file ?23:33
gimpy4613ybin: It means Ubuntu searched for one of your drives/partitions but it could not find it.  Remove the entry in /etc/fstab if you don;t need it to boot, or fix the drive/partition.23:33
erUSULybin: did you resized or moved or messed up with the paritions of your disk?23:34
MunchkinguyerUSUL: No, I mean to restore deleted files23:35
ybinI dont know this is the first time I am installing the kernal23:35
trithizzhey would anyone know a good walkthru guide for installing ubuntu ?23:35
ybingeneric has same code in grubb and it works23:35
erUSULMunchkinguy: you used the gui? look in the trash folder. if you used rm they are gone23:35
fabiosnWhy my video player freezes when I try to load the subtitles?23:35
MunchkinguyerUSUL: It was a backup file that the system automatically deleted.23:36
erUSUL!undelete | Munchkinguy23:36
ubottuMunchkinguy: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel23:36
erUSULybin: is a custom kernel you buid yourself?23:36
excelsiortrying to burn a few movies onto a dvd, keep ejecting DVD before burning saying "No parent could be found in the tree for the path". Is my encrypted file system at fault? What do I need to do too fix this?23:38
ComradeHaz`Hi all, I have been trying to pxe boot a system all day and I seem to be 'so close and yet so far'. I am following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DisklessUbuntuHowto but alsoplenty of other guides but I can't seem to sort out the error I get with it not bringing up the network interface successfully. Is there anyone here now that can help me, please?! I think the critical error line is:23:38
ComradeHaz`"mknod: invalid number '/srv/netboot/nfsroot'"23:38
MunchkinguyerUSUL: Can any of these look through specific directories?23:39
excelsiortrying to burn a few movies onto a dvd, keep ejecting DVD before burning saying "No parent could be found in the tree for the path". Is my encrypted file system at fault? What do I need to do too fix this?23:39
excelsiortrying to burn a few movies onto a dvd, keep ejecting DVD before burning saying "No parent could be found in the tree for the path". Is my encrypted file system at fault? What do I need to do too fix this?23:40
FloodBot2excelsior: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:40
gordonjcp!repeat | excelsior23:40
ubottuexcelsior: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:40
excelsiortrying to burn a few movies onto a dvd, keep ejecting DVD before burning saying "No parent could be found in the tree for the path". Is my encrypted file system at fault? What do I need to do too fix this?23:42
gordonjcpexcelsior: stop it23:43
gordonjcpexcelsior: what do you think pasting the same question over and over is going to achieve?23:44
id10tanyone else running ubuntu x64 with an ati gcard?23:44
arbiterdoes empathy let you use irc commands like /msg and /me? or is the syntax different?23:45
id10tok is anyone running ubuntu x64?23:45
gmgI have a big problem with my bluetooth mouse...In suspend mode it doesn't wake up with mouse movement. Can someone help?23:45
bazhangid10t, please state your question23:45
excelsiorgordonjcp: , in case someone who can answer my question missed it, well, maybe they'll see it if I post it again. Also, they'll know I'm still here paying attention and waiting for a possible response. Sorry to bug you.23:45
erUSULid10t: me23:45
aurillianceI'm installing XAMPP but I don't have the icon at /usr/share/icons/Tango/scalable/devices/network-wired.svg for the XAMPP control panel .desktop file. Where can I find this file?23:46
klys4what package name is for compressor ?23:46
id10tI am having memory leak problems with transmission and deluge, I am running x64  and have the latest ati drivers23:46
bazhangexcelsior, using what software to achieve this23:46
hellothere88Offtopic I guess: Hi there. sorry if this is a bit off topic. I was just wondering if someone here knew how I could automatically sentd prewritten emails when a certain event happens. I know in gmail i can create filers, but the action to take after certain criteria are met are things like moving the mail to a folder and not replying. I basically would want something like "if(email subject contains words "blah1" and "blah2") rep23:46
hellothere88back with prewriteen email 05 . Thanks23:46
bazhangaurilliance, xampp is not supported, use lamp23:46
id10tanyone else having this issue?23:46
bazhang!xampp | aurilliance23:46
ubottuaurilliance: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.23:46
excelsiorbrasero and the default burner, (which seems to be the same, because they both give hte same result)23:46
bazhangexcelsior, from avi or the like?23:47
erUSULid10t: no memory leaks from deluge here ...23:47
ybinno i didnot resize23:47
excelsior.mkv files23:47
id10terusul, are you experiencing memory leak issues with bittorrenting?23:47
bazhangexcelsior, yeah, that wont work23:47
erUSULno that i noticed23:47
gmgBIG problem with my bluetooth mouse...In suspend mode it doesn't wake up with mouse movement. Can someone help?23:47
excelsiorwhat, compress them then?23:48
bazhangexcelsior, you need to re-encode then burn23:48
induzstill trying to figure out how to mount my iPod touch23:48
gordonjcpexcelsior: don't repeat like every 30 seconds, though.  Every few minutes, maybe23:48
induzhey bazang23:48
excelsiorwell I'm not trying to get them to play on a dvd player, just be on portable media23:48
id10terusual: both transmission and deluge start caching everything until my memory is full and the system crashes...23:49
id10tdidn't have this issue with x8623:49
erUSULid10t: well it does nothappen to me...23:49
gmgLooks like everyone here is also neewbies23:49
theTravok, so I've got rhythmbox going as the jukebox in the corner of our project room, currently we can ssh into the machine and control it using rhythmbox-client.  We've got a few BA's though and they don't like terminal.  Is there a way (apart from vnc) for them to have the GUI running on their windows boxes?23:49
NandoI just downloaded Ubuntu.23:49
excelsiorso I'm trying to burn a data disk23:49
NandoBut the wifi doesn't work, HELP>23:49
theTravlike, I've seen stuff that lets you have X send its stuff over the network23:50
quizmeis there any good reason to upgrade to 10.10 from 10.04 ?23:50
id10tnando: what type of wifi card?23:50
hellothere88Any idea how to do what I asked? thanks23:50
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1662667 excelsior23:50
someonelikemecan any one explain why a manually created folder in the main menu suddenly changes name to alacarte-made-2... this is quite annoying and i am not allowed to rename it back23:50
=== satamusic_ is now known as satamusic
induziPod touch a1123 is not getting recognized on any of the Lucid programs23:50
theTravlike a way of attaching to a computer saying "I want to control this app X" and then that particular app is now sending and receiving input/output from the network ?23:51
erUSULtheTrav: Xwindows has network transparency built in23:51
excelsiorbazhang: thanks for the link, but specifically, I'm not trying to make a playable DVD movie, I'm trying to make a data disk.23:51
id10terusul: what version of deluge are you using?23:51
excelsiorthe data happens to be the movies23:51
theTraverUSUL but can it pick individual apps for that?23:52
erUSULid10t: i use a ppa is 1.3.1 in ubuntu 10.0423:52
bazhangexcelsior, a data disk? ah right. I'd use gnomebaker then if brasero is having issues23:52
gmgHow can I run a command at automatic startup which needs root access?23:52
excelsiorThe error says: "No parent could be found in the tree for the path".23:52
Loshkiquizme: looking at the 10.10 release notes, I'd say there isn't much: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickMeerkat/ReleaseNotes23:52
bazhanginduz, probably a PPA with a version of libgpod that can handle that version23:53
ComradeHaz`Hi all, I have been trying to pxe boot a system all day and I seem to be 'so close and yet so far'. I am following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DisklessUbuntuHowto but alsoplenty of other guides but I can't seem to sort out the error I get with it not bringing up the network interface successfully. Is there anyone here now that can help me, please?! I think the critical error line is:23:53
ComradeHaz`"mknod: invalid number '/srv/netboot/nfsroot'"23:53
gmgGood luck...no one here can help!!!23:53
bazhang!ppa | induz23:53
ubottuinduz: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.23:53
chr0nosI installed Adobe Reader 9.4 in Maverick but the plugin doesn't install in Firefox, the plugin works in Opera, but not Firefox, why?23:53
theTravmore importantly I suppose would be whether it can switch from working over the network to not working over the network23:53
theTravlike, having the UI attach and detatch from the running process or something23:54
id10terusual: sorry what is a ppa?23:54
excelsiorshould I move the files to my root directory?23:54
quizmeLoshki that's what i figured. thanks.23:54
NandoI RECEB23:54
induzbazhang, Thanks for helping me on this23:54
id10tnando: what type of widi card are you using?23:54
bazhangNando, what?23:55
LoshkiComradeHaz`: what is the exact mknod line that produces this error? My first guess is the args to it are incorrect...23:55
bazhangNando, stop that23:55
id10tbad nando!23:55
id10tdont make me get the newspaper23:55
ComradeHaz`Loshki: that is the complete line as far as I can see.23:55
bazhangid10t, please stop as well23:56
gpc!caps | Nando23:56
ubottuNando: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.23:56
ComradeHaz`Loshki: Unless I missunderstand you...23:56
LeDutchI wanted to know what porn he found!23:56
bazhangLeDutch, keep it family friendly23:56
chr0nosI installed Adobe Reader 9.4 in Maverick but the plugin doesn't install in Firefox, the plugin works in Opera, but not Firefox, why?23:56
ComradeHaz`Loshki: certainly that is the first error.23:58
IamredWhen I logged on Ubuntu, porn came up...23:58
bazhangIamred, stop it23:58
IamredA naked woman on a car...23:58
afmanDoes anyone happen to know how to go about installing a USB wireless card? I've got an Ubiquiti SRX 300 plugged into a PCMIA to USB converter and I can't get Ubuntu to detect it.23:59

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