
DoctorTruththe book I bought on Ubuntu has also been helpful as a reference tool00:01
holsteini bet00:01
DoctorTruthand of course helpful people in the community are good too.00:01
DoctorTruthhey I am looking at the link for scribus - which is the better - 32 or 64 bit?00:04
DoctorTruthit looks like a decent program00:05
holsteinDoctorTruth: i think you can debate which is better all day00:05
holsteinyou need the one for your machine00:05
holsteini think its in the repos00:05
DoctorTruthalright - synaptics you mean00:06
holsteinDoctorTruth: however you feel comfortable accessing the repositories00:08
holsteinsoftware center00:08
holsteinsudo apt-cache search scribus00:08
DoctorTruthok - getting it to try out00:09
holsteinit literally cant hurt ;)00:09
holsteini tried it for something00:09
holsteinin windows00:09
holsteinand it did the job00:09
holsteinthis was years ago00:10
holsteinnow-a-days, i would probably just do a blog00:10
holsteinin the cloud or whatever00:10
holsteinno backup necessary00:10
holsteineasy to share/print00:10
DoctorTruththanks for your time - oh now that I have you here. Do you know if I would be able to run a printer through wine. I was unable to find the drivers for it when I got ububntu a few months ago00:11
DoctorTruthits a cannon mp19000:11
DoctorTruthclor printer/scanner all in one00:12
DoctorTruthoops color00:12
holsteini would say no00:12
holsteinwe used to have ndiswrapper00:12
holsteinfor wifi drivers00:12
holsteinnot sure how much of that carried over to other devices00:13
DoctorTruthI ended up having to by a new printer - a brother00:13
holsteinprobably better off00:13
DoctorTruthbut its not color and does not have a scanner00:13
DoctorTruth: (00:13
holsteinnew printers are usually about as cheap as replacing the ink cartridges now00:13
DoctorTruthits better for documents though which I like00:13
DoctorTruthyeah i agree00:14
holsteinDoctorTruth: plug it in00:14
holsteinthe printer/scanner00:14
holsteinand go to...00:14
DoctorTruthmaybe it will just magically work now?00:14
holsteinit will search for a scanner it can use00:14
holsteinas far as the printer... let me look00:15
DoctorTruthI could always buy a new one I suppose but i don't print to many photos anyway00:16
holsteini have a laser printer00:16
holsteinold brother00:16
holsteinblack and white00:16
holsteini cant tolerate dealing with ink jet ink anymore00:16
holsteini just go to the kinkos if i need that00:16
DoctorTruthyeah thats what I should do too ink is expensive and not worth it in the long run anyhow00:18
holsteini have some fancy cannon00:18
holsteinwith no ink anymore00:19
holsteinthats the scanner i use00:19
DoctorTruthI just wanted my scanner running again00:19
holsteinits recognized with linux though00:19
holsteinplug and play00:19
holsteinDoctorTruth: sometimes you can find them at the charity shops00:19
DoctorTruthscanners u mean00:20
DoctorTruthold drivers though00:20
holsteini see printer/scanners all the time for a couple bucks00:20
holsteinDoctorTruth: doesnt matter how old00:20
DoctorTruthharder to find?00:20
holsteinas long as its in the kernel00:20
holsteinor availalbe in the repos00:20
DoctorTruthgot ya00:21
holsteinDoctorTruth: i take my netbook with me for stuff like that00:21
holsteinBUT, if its a charity shop00:21
holsteinthey sometimes have a 7 day return on electronics00:21
DoctorTruthI don't have a laptop. ... yet : )00:21
DoctorTruthgoing to get one00:21
holsteinand worst case scnerario, you get a 5 dollar scanner that doesnt work00:21
holsteinand you donated 5 bucks to whatever cause00:21
DoctorTruthjust chuck it00:22
DoctorTruth: )00:22
DoctorTruthur very helpful00:22
DoctorTruththank you00:22
holsteinDoctorTruth: anytime00:22
DoctorTruthok talk to ya again sometime00:23
DoctorTruthgotta run00:23
chepazHello everybody. Can someone tell me what the theme is called that is shown on the scrots on the ubuntu-studio-homepage?09:37
holsteinchepaz: hey15:14
holsteinare you running ubuntustudio?15:14
holsteinthere are quite a few ubuntustudio metapackages15:15
holsteinyou can search in whatever package-manager ubuntustudio15:15
holsteinand read about them15:15
chepazHello holstein. No, not yet. Primary i'm running Archlinux, just want to know the name of the theme.15:16
holsteini think you'll want ubuntustudio-lool15:16
holsteinubuntustudio-theme **15:16
holstein^^ -desktop might pull all of it in15:17
holsteinchepaz: if you wanted it in arch15:17
holsteini bet gnomelook has it15:17
holsteinthe original ;)15:18
chepazHey, nice. All that i need :)15:26
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