
adilhi i installed xubuntu on my dual bootedxp system from ubuntu and removed ubuntu.now i cant see my windows disks on thunar and places, but it is mounted on media05:55
adilpls help05:55
bazhangadil, how did you remove ubuntu05:56
adilby following this http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce05:57
bazhangwhats the output of sudo fdisk -l05:58
bazhangadil, also the output of mount and uname -r06:04
bazhangadil, please pastebin the whole thing06:08
adilits d oly output06:10
bazhangadil, what about uname -a06:11
adilLinux harman 2.6.35-22-generic #33-Ubuntu SMP Sun Sep 19 20:32:27 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux06:12
adil@bazhang: any help?06:20
bazhangsorry adil a bit busy at the moment06:23
adilk i'l wait06:24
adilbazhang still busy??06:50
adilany other to help me?06:55
AndroidGoatHi xubuntuites09:51
leoquanthi AndroidGoat09:55
AndroidGoatI meant to join xubuntu offtipic09:56
AndroidGoatYou remember me?09:56
leoquantofftopic he?09:59
LivHello. I'm installing 10.10 using my old (/dev/sda7) /home partition. Can someone confirm that this document is document is valid ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/komputes/HowToUbuquityPreserveHome )? Specifically, the existing /dev/sda7 partition contains user 'asdf' which I'd like to keep: if during the installation I ask Ubiquity to create user 'asdf', does the installer make sure that the existing /dev/sda7/asdf Home folder is used for the 'asdf'10:00
Livuser, and that this folder is not overwritten by a newly created Home folder? Otherwise, is it better to take a more manual approach ( https://tarpon.wordpress.com/2009/05/01/ubuntu-904-upgrade-reuse-home/ )? For example, I could create user 'dummy', finish installation, then use 'adduser –home /home/asdf –no-create-home asdf –uid 1002' to recreate 'asdf' user while preserving existing Home folder. What approach is best to make sure that10:00
Livthe installer doesn't mess with my personal files? Thanks!10:00
AndroidGoatWholly crap that's a lot of stuff10:01
SysiLiv: i've reinstalled with separate /home, always created user with same username, always worked10:02
Sysi(and you of course have up-to-date backups)10:02
LivI don't have up-to-date backups, it's a big folder, that's why I'm taking extra precautions for it to work. Thanks for the info10:04
eduardoHello friends11:26
eduardoCan you help me? I'm trying to transfer files from one xubuntu notebook to another pc also with xubuntu across cabled network11:27
eduardoBut I dont know where to start11:27
eduardothere is no "remote file systems" on my system menu11:29
gr8m8there's always netcat for transfers but you have to hang around to find out these things..11:56
gebbionehi ...  i m installing xubuntu from usb and the "Load debconf preconfigration file" step fails, what can i do from the shell to make sure the installer finds the file that is located on the USB drive (not cdrom as the installer thinks)12:08
gebbioneanyone in the house?12:11
gr8m8I know nothing about the usb install sorry gebbione12:13
gebbioneit is not a usb install specific release12:13
gebbioneit is just started from usb12:13
gebbioneand for some reason the installer thinks it needs to find the file from cdrom rather than usb12:14
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate12:14
gr8m8^ might have a clue12:14
gebbionethat looks like a process to create a bootable install from the hardrive12:16
gebbionei m using http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ instead12:16
gr8m8the second link seemed relevant12:18
gebbionedoesnt really say how to go about that problem12:41
gebbionebut thanks anyway12:41
gebbionetrying to google on how to change the loading of the debconf from another location12:41
gebbionebut google is not being my friend12:41
bazhangpoint it to the iso12:42
gebbionebazhang what do you mean?12:42
bazhangor put the iso on hdd and put in grub212:42
gebbionebazhang:  the installation is already running12:42
gebbioneno need to do that12:42
bazhangso what's the issue12:43
gebbionei get a failure because he "Load debconf preconfigration file" step fails12:43
bazhangusing unetbootin?12:43
gebbioneit looks for the debconf file from cdrom12:43
bazhangbad 'burn'12:43
gebbionebut there is no cdrom in this system12:43
bazhanghappens sometimes.12:44
gebbionei can actually see the debconf file in the usb12:44
bazhangI'd recommend re 'burning' via unetbootin12:44
gebbioneok ll try that12:44
gebbionesuch a shame12:45
gebbioneit is the first time the installer actually gets so far on this Viglen MPC12:45
TornadoXubuntuHello! Please I am using [Xubuntu 10.10]. Is there any way to add a search feature in the XFCE menu?13:17
nysosymhi there13:28
nysosymdamn 11.04 has f**** my windows partition13:29
quantumbitits prolly still there, just not linked to the bootloader or something13:33
knomenysosym, please watch your language, even if "hidden"13:39
bazhang!natty > nysosym13:39
ubottunysosym, please see my private message13:39
LivHi, the 10.10 installer always hangs at 'removing conflicting os files' (3 times out of 3). I'm using manual partitioning, existing home partition, and request to format / partition and /boot. As far as I can see Ubiquity is buggy. Ideas on how to proceed? Should I go with the alt cd? Is the debian-installer more reliable? THanks14:14
bazhangLiv, I always go for the debian-installer (ie alt cd). much more control and reliability imo14:16
Livi see. thanks14:19
TornadoXubuntuHello! Please how to change the default programs for all applications under xubuntu 10.10 (XFCE)?14:21
Sysidefault programs for opening files?14:22
TornadoXubuntuyes! Sysi, i want to change the default programs for all associated files like audio, video..etc14:24
TornadoXubuntufor opening them14:24
TornadoXubuntuam using Thunar14:24
Sysiright click → properties -Z14:25
Sysi→ open with14:26
TornadoXubuntubut if i need to change lots of formats likes .gif, .jpg ... etc |14:27
TornadoXubuntuubuntu tweak is not working when am modifying the extensions using it14:29
TornadoXubuntuany ideas?14:29
bazhangchange the extensions? why?14:29
bazhangor convert14:30
TornadoXubuntufor example i need to open all the .gif, .jpeg...etc using gthumb and i need to open all .cpp, .c files using gedit14:30
TornadoXubuntui can't change them one by one... they are a lot of extensions. Currently the default programs for opening them are kinda messed up14:31
TornadoXubuntusorry for the bad explanation above14:32
TornadoXubuntui mean opening not modifying14:32
bazhanghow'd they get messed up?14:32
TornadoXubuntuwell for example mousepad is handling most of my text files while i need gedit to do that. Similar examples stands for audio, video and others14:34
TornadoXubuntuin ubuntu tweak there is this kind of option for changing the default programs that opens all associated files14:34
TornadoXubuntubut it is not working for me14:34
TornadoXubuntuthey are still getting opened by the old settings14:35
bazhang!find tweak14:35
ubottuFound: mousetweaks, freqtweak, gtweakui, tweak14:35
bazhangubuntu tweak? some kind of 3rd party app?14:35
TornadoXubuntuyeah it is...14:35
bazhangsorry no idea then14:36
TornadoXubuntuis okey14:36
TornadoXubuntui found a solution by installing Ailurus14:42
TornadoXubuntuthanks bazhang14:42
nijaboIs it possible to upgrade to the final release from Xubuntu 11.04 Alpha?14:54
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Maverick Meerkat and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Maverick. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.14:55
nijaboI take that as I yes :) I thought I'd switch to Xubuntu as my main OS15:11
bazhang#ubuntu+1 for support and you may wish to subscribe to the natty changes rss as well nijabo15:25
bazhangI'll link you there15:29
bazhangah, you're not in there15:35
derinovHello. I've gust installed Xubuntu, and I have some kind of problem, migrating from gnome and nautilus. May I ask a question about it here?15:42
bazhangderinov, sure15:44
derinovWhen I open Thunar, I don't see my other hard drives, which I want to mount. I surely can try to mount them from shell, but I wanted a more graphical, GUI way to do this15:46
derinovIn nautilus there was a list of other hard drives, in Thunar I just can't find them15:46
TornadoXubuntuHello! Please how to install (Ubuntu System Panel - USP) under Xubuntu 10.10?16:35
bazhangTornadoXubuntu, whats the package name16:36
TornadoXubuntuhere it is: http://code.google.com/p/ubuntu-system-panel/16:37
TornadoXubuntuI think it is not supported under XFCE right?16:38
bazhangthat's nearly 3 years out of date16:39
TornadoXubuntui see16:39
bazhang!find ubuntu-system-panel16:40
ubottuPackage/file ubuntu-system-panel does not exist in maverick16:40
bazhang!find usp216:43
ubottuFile usp2 found in hibernate16:43
bazhanghttps://launchpad.net/~malacusp/+archive/ppa TornadoXubuntu here's the ppa (its at your own risk)16:45
TornadoXubuntuThanks bazhang... i really appreciated16:47
bazhangTornadoXubuntu, best to make  a backup just in case anything goes wrong, or at least have a separate home partition16:50
ubottuYour home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome16:50
TornadoXubuntuPlease how to install the XfApplet under Xubuntu 10.10?17:29
TornadoXubuntuHere is the link: http://goodies.xfce.org/projects/panel-plugins/xfce4-xfapplet-plugin17:30
TornadoXubuntuafter downloading the .tar file what shall i do?17:31
Sysiit should be available in repositories17:32
bazhang!find xfapplet17:32
ubottuFound: xfce4-xfapplet-plugin17:32
bazhangsudo apt-get install xfce4-xfapplet-plugin17:33
bazhangTornadoXubuntu, always look in Package Manager first :)17:33
TornadoXubuntuok thanks a lot! i really appreciate all your time. Sorry for my beginner questions.17:33
bazhangeveryone starts at the beginning hehe17:34
TornadoXubuntuthanks for the support bazhang! am just new here! one of my first days around :)17:34
bazhangTornadoXubuntu, a useful command to search is apt-cache search package (in the terminal) to find stuff in the software repositories17:35
TornadoXubuntuI will write that down. Indeed it is useful :)17:36
bazhang!manual | TornadoXubuntu this may help too17:37
ubottuTornadoXubuntu this may help too: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/17:37
bazhangthats for gnome, but pretty much the same under the hood17:37
bazhangie the command line stuff etc17:37
TornadoXubuntui see... For sure a handy manual will help around. Thanks for the info! i am really pleased by the support here.17:39
bazhangdon't be shy to ask stuff you don't know about right now.17:40
TornadoXubuntusure... I will do my best :)17:49
Sysigmrmmh, my creative audigy2 fails with kubuntu 10.10, let's hope better luck with xfce19:27
Sysiworked exellently with fedora 14 xfce19:27
Sysigstreamer error..19:35
Sysiso i could try integrated chip instead19:47
Sysi(if nobody knows distro that works well with gtx 460 and audigy2)19:48
Sysidarn xine20:59
TornadoXubuntuHello! Please the right click on my mouse is not working any more at the desktop. It is working everywhere else just at the desktop it is displaying nothing and causing the whole system to freeze for a while.21:03
TornadoXubuntuany suggestions what might be the problem?21:03
Sysixfdesktop's crashed, did you try ro relogin?21:03
TornadoXubuntui tried to restart my pc but it did not work21:04
TornadoXubuntucould be something related to some other programs i installed today?21:07
Sysido you have nautilus?21:07
TornadoXubuntuam using Thunar21:08
TornadoXubuntunot nautilus21:08
TornadoXubuntuxubuntu 10.1021:08
Sysino nautilus installed at all?21:09
Sysii can't move launchers in 10.10?21:27
Sysiin panel21:27
TornadoXubuntuno i can't move anything21:37
TornadoXubuntuthe launchers are not movable Sysi21:37
TornadoXubuntuin my system i mean21:37
TornadoXubuntudo i have to install nautilus or something?21:38
Sysiit could cause the problem21:38
TornadoXubuntuor maybe delete some packages that might be causing some conflicts.21:38
TornadoXubuntuit was working fine though yesterday21:39
TornadoXubuntui mean the right click of the mouse21:39
TornadoXubuntujust today... it stopped working after i finished installing my programs21:39
TornadoXubuntuDoes Ubuntu System Panel (USP) has anything to do with this problem?21:40
TornadoXubuntubecause i installed it today21:40
TornadoXubuntu(it is working fine)21:40
TornadoXubuntui installed the gnome-main-menu as well21:42
ubuntu_How do I get XFCE 4.8?21:54
ubuntu_Im installing nattty but it says I am running XFCE 4.721:55
ubuntu_Will 11.04 update to XFCE 4.8?21:57
skiwithpeteI've installed XFCE22:46
skiwithpeteon a minimal Ubuntu22:46
skiwithpeteI want to install Bluetooth - but don't know what packages I need22:47
skiwithpetewhere can I find out?22:47

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