
* spiv frowns at https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/70934900:11
pooliespiv, welcome back02:55
spivIt's not every day that I see a 'bzr commit' autopack 28 files (7580) revisions and suddenly take 50 seconds more than I'm used to :)06:53
pooliehi spiv!06:56
spivHi poolie06:56
pooliei guess you just passed a big round number06:56
spivIt's a launchpad repository, so lots of big numbers ;)06:57
spivI'm just dealing with the review of https://code.launchpad.net/~spiv/launchpad/haproxy-for-twisted-services/+merge/4699606:57
pooliemm, that's great06:59
spivThe kanban board told me to! :)07:00
pooliethat's like an ideal demonstration of something nice in twisted: that it's easy to just add an http status page07:01
pooliei made some quite nice progress on lp:wrested on my flight back and last week07:01
spivI saw that post, it certainly sounds nice07:02
poolieit makes it very easy to fan-out multiple requests, which really helps with latency07:06
poolieideally, the api it exposes would not require so many round trips07:06
poolieeg to get the bug for a task or vice versa07:06
pooliebut, it's useful07:06
poolieto be able to work around it, and it will probably always be useufl07:07
spivYeah, definitely.07:07
pooliehi jelmer08:38
pooliei see you're trying out +reviewed tags08:38
pooliedo you think it's worthwhile or is it just an experiment for the kanban?08:39
pooliewhich i just updated btw08:39
poolieoops, but from the wrong team08:41
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jelmerpoolie: thanks :)08:59
jelmerpoolie: yeah, I tried them for a bit to see if it'd make by kanban more managable but it'd be nicer to just get rid of that column.09:00
jelmerw00t, down to "only" 24 assigned bugs :-)09:01
* jelmer goes back to fixing more bzr-hg bugs09:27
vilahi all09:27
* vila hates crashes to start weeks09:27
* vila blesses backups09:28
vilajelmer: _o/09:28
jelmervila: that doesn't sound nice.. what crashed?09:28
vilamy main desktop, for mail and chat09:28
vilaI think I've got it all sorted up by now09:29
lifelessvila: again ?09:29
vilalifeless: not the same :)09:29
jelmervila: do you have any experience with python code coverage analysis in bzr?10:23
vilajelmer: there is an selftest option to activate it, it was fixed for threads long ago, this summarizes my memories10:24
vilajelmer: may be you have a more precise question ?10:24
jelmervila: I'm just curious how hard it would be to check the code coverage of e.g. the bzr-builddeb and bzr-hg test suites.10:25
vilajelmer: run them with --coverage <dir>, inspect the corresponding files10:26
jelmervila: I'll give that a try - thanks10:26
spivjelmer: what vila said :)10:27
vila--coverage is not specific to selftest10:27
spiv--coverage is a global option, so it can be handy as a quick spot check for finding out which code paths are hit by any random command.10:27
jelmermaxb: hi10:41
jelmermaxb: I'm trying to update bzr-hg to work with mercurial 1.7, but it seems there've been quite a bit of API breakages. Do you know if there are any recommendations documented as to how to update to a newer hg API?10:44
maxbhm, all I remember is that there is some commentary on api changes on the hg wiki10:46
jelmerthere is /ApiChanges, but it is incomplete10:48
jelmere.g. mercurial.changegroup.iterchunks disappeared but is not listed10:48
maxbhmm, that's rather annoying - sorry, I don't have an answer11:04
jelmermaxb: np11:06
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maxbAnyone know how to adjust the font size used in "bzr qdiff" ?12:29
johnfPossibly dumb question, when adding a file to bzr, or at any commit. Is any ctime, or mtime meta data stored with the commit? ie can I tell when a file was originally created or only when it was committed?12:35
cbzonly when it was committed12:39
johnfThat's what I though, lawyers ask some funny questions :)12:40
cbzit's not a bad idea though - but i guess it comes down to the fact that a vcs is primarily a version control mechanism rather than a backup mechanism12:49
maxbFor the classical use case of actually version-controlling *code*, no one cares about per-file timestamp12:50
pfarrellhi. can anyone point me at where in the docs it talks about these '.~1~' files? unfortunately google doesn't recognise the string13:03
pfarrellbzr seems to put them all over the place13:03
beunopfarrell, IIRC, they are generally created when you revert files13:04
beunoas backups13:04
pfarrellah, ok13:05
pfarrellthat wasn't obvious to me13:05
vilapfarrell: bzr help revert13:15
farfromrefugehi everyone13:18
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farfromrefugei am seeking help about bazaar explorer13:18
jelmerhi farfromrefuge13:23
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farfromrefugei am trying to customize bzr explorer by adding new toolbars and i was wondering if someone could help me13:32
farfromrefugethere is an action i cant manage to add13:32
farfromrefugei dont event know if its possible13:32
farfromrefugei am trying to add "bzr mv --auto" as a button action13:33
farfromrefugeand i cant get it to work13:36
jelmerfarfromrefuge: I dn't have a lot of experience with the bzr explorer source code13:52
jelmerperhaps one of the qbzr folks (bialix, GaryvdM) can help?13:52
farfromrefugethanks i will ask them13:53
bialixwhile testing bzr 2.3b5 I've discovered nice addtition to status14:07
bialix1 shelves exist. See "bzr shelve --list" for details.14:08
bialixI wonder why "1 shelves exist". Is not it should be "1 shelve exists"?14:08
vila1 shelve(s) exist(2) :D14:09
vila1 shelve(s) exist(s) :D14:09
bialixhi vila14:11
bialixtypo ruins jokes, right?14:11
vilaindeed :)14:12
bialixI'd like to provide the patch to fix this, it's pretty easy14:12
bialixI hope it can be accepted for 2.3.114:12
mgzI hope you include an entire pluralisation framework in that patch.14:13
mgzjust in case we ever need to get it right in czech or something.14:13
bialixoh, that's be toio easy14:14
bialixoh, that's be too easy14:14
bialixwait, we don't use gettext yet14:15
bialixsilly me14:15
mgznor is gettext actually any good for... well, anything really.14:15
mgzbut fun plural rules specifically.14:16
jelmermgz: it sort of does the job doesn't it?14:16
jelmeremphasis on sort of14:16
bialixhi guys14:16
bialixhappy to see you14:16
mgzyes, I was being a little cruel. it's fine as a way of hacking some localisation on to an existing C program.14:16
jelmerhey bialix14:16
bialixmgz: I know14:17
mgzand language bends, people are used to the sort of mistakes simplistic translation systems make.14:18
vilamgz: or they learn english if only to translate back into it and get some idea of what has been lost in the translation :-/14:19
mgzhttps://developer.mozilla.org/en/Localization_and_Plurals <- for anyone who wants to read up on the fun.14:20
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bialixwhich testools I need for bzr 2.3?16:14
bialixlp:testtools is okay?16:14
bialixmgz should know ^16:14
mgzyou need 0.9.5 or later, which lp:testtools is.16:15
bialixrats, python setup.py bdist_wininst: ImportError: No module named bzrlib.workingtree16:17
bialixwho wrote that setup.py %-/16:18
mgzsomeone who expects all peoples of the world to have bzr installed :)16:19
mgzI had a hack around it...16:19
* bialix should hack that too16:20
mgzah yeah, edit the script to set the version manually.16:20
bialixbug filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/testtools/+bug/71073616:20
mgz -     version=get_version(),16:21
mgz +     version="0.9.5",16:21
bialix0.9.5 from tarball is not affected by that problem16:21
mgzperhaps not, bug was worth filing anyway.16:22
bialixI hope old way to file merge proposals still work (push to lp and use web interface to propose merge)16:50
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samgeeI have the cia plugin installed and it's in the "bzr plugins" list, but for some reason it's not doing anything? Is there any way to sort of reload a plugin?17:19
jelmersamgee: you need to configure it per project, it has to know what project on cia.vc to submit to.17:21
samgeeYes, I did that. It was even working before. I have a feeling it has something to do with suspending my computer.17:22
samgeeIt also didn't work when I initially installed it. After a while it started working. I don't know what I did.17:22
jelmerthere isn't any way to reload it - if it shows up in "bzr plugins" it should be installed17:23
samgeeHm. Maybe I should try uninstall + reinstall.17:24
samgeeCrud. Still nothing.17:27
jelmersamgee: I don't see why that would help17:42
jelmersamgee: does running "bzr cia-project" in the branch where you're committing print anything?17:42
majorquestion, bzr baz-import created a pretty weird shared-repository layout..   Is this directory structure mutable?17:43
jelmermajor: yeah, you can move branches about freely (within the same shared repository)17:44
majorand I can shorten directory paths so long as the removed directory doesn't contain a .bzr directory within it right?17:44
samgeejelmer, I uninstalled the distro package and branched lp:bzr-cia into ~/.bazaar/plugins and now it works.17:47
samgeeNot what I'm looking for though. Getting lp:bzr-cia first and then switching back to distro's version made it work a few days ago. Not so now.17:50
jelmersamgee: That's odd - I wonder if the installation thing is a red herring, as the required hooks get registered at the same moment as the data in "bzr plugins"17:55
samgeeBack to bzr-cia in $HOME. Works again. Let's see what suspend does.17:56
samgeeHm. Still works after suspend and hibernate. Then again, I don't remember having the problem with the one in $HOME.18:00
jelmersamgee: I'd be really surprised if suspend actually has an effect on whether or not bzr-cia works18:07
samgeeI'm just clutching straws. I don't know what else it could be.18:08
samgeeI'm trying some things on another machine.18:08
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pooliehi all19:04
jelmer'morning poolie19:05
jelmerjames_w: Thanks again for all the reviews!19:05
james_wthey are small and correct, easy to review :-)19:05
poolie:) hi james_w19:06
james_whi poolie19:06
james_wyou're up early?19:06
pooliei am19:07
pooliei have an interview with the DMB to see if i can get PPU rights for bzr*19:07
pooliei hope enough of them come to make it worthwhile19:07
james_wah, good luck19:07
jelmeroh, that reminds me19:10
jelmerjames_w: I need to ask for another favor :)19:10
james_wjelmer, sure19:11
samgeejelmer, found it. I reverted lp:bzr-cia to rev 33: didn't work. Then rev 34: worked. So looks like distro's version is broken after all and I just got confused. Thanks for your time.19:15
jelmersamgee: can you file a bug against the distro?19:15
samgeejelmer, I might, but I doubt it will get much attention for Lenny with Squeeze nearing release.19:17
jelmersamgee: it'd be great to get fixed for squeeze + 1 though19:17
jelmersamgee: (I'm one of the maintainers)19:17
samgeeAh. Well, cia-clients in Squeeze = 20100528. rev 34 is from 2008-02-12. I'm guessing it's fixed. :)19:19
lifelessjam: is loggerhead trunk in 2a?19:20
jam lifeless: trunk is19:37
pooliehi jam19:39
jamhi poolie, you're up early19:40
jelmerhey jam20:29
jamhi jelmer, good morning20:29
jamor, late evening?20:29
jamlate, late evening, I guess20:30
jelmerjam: I was about to say, I think it's morning in .au but not for either of us :)20:30
jelmerit's not too late, 9:3020:30
jamjelmer: well, late enough that I shouldn't see you *come on* at this time :)20:35
jamanyway, good to say hi20:35
pooliehi, it is good to see you20:38
pooliejelmer could bug 519709 and bug 692901 be the same?20:38
ubot5Launchpad bug 519709 in Launchpad itself "Import fails with infinite recursion through _reconstruct_manifest_and_flags_by_revid" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51970920:38
ubot5Launchpad bug 692901 in Bazaar Hg Plugin "Crash with KeyError in incremental mirroring" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69290120:38
jelmerpoolie: yes, they are20:38
jelmerpoolie: congrats :)20:41
poolieyou could do it too20:44
james_wcongratulations poolie20:46
speakmanhow can I revert just one hunk in a file with many changes?20:46
speakman(they're not committed yet)20:46
speakmansomething like git's checkout -p20:46
james_wbzr shelve --destroy <file>20:46
james_wselect the hunk that you want to disappear20:46
james_wnot sure if it writes a backup file first20:47
poolienow i need to use it! :)20:47
jelmerpoolie: I'm going to apply for the March meeting, I was too late this time around20:50
speakmanhow do I split a hunk?20:51
james_wspeakman, shelve is a bit like git stash. It's used here as it has a mode to drop the changes rather than shelving them20:53
james_wanyone know where the documentation for setting up an editor to use for editing hunks during shelve is?20:54
pooliespeakman, james_w: bzr help shelve says 'change_editor = PROGRAM @new_path @old_path'20:56
fenrigHi i'm looking for a good up to date guide of setting up bazaar on linux, but google doesn't seem to find much, could someone point me in the right direction?20:56
fenrigWell setting up a bazaar server I mean :D20:56
speakmanpoolie: which editor is to recommend?20:58
pooliefenrig, there's an admin guide under docs.bazaar.canonical.com20:58
poolielet me know what's missing/wrong in that and we'll fix it20:59
pooliespeakman, well, i'd probably use vimdiff, but meld would also be a good choice20:59
speakmanhm... will this work on 2.2.1?21:01
fenrigpoolie: I'm looking at your link right now but I don't seem to find where they explain how to set up a bazaar server21:01
speakmanbzr help shelve doesn't mention change_editor here21:02
james_wspeakman, it should work. The documentation was added after the feature21:02
fenrigpoolie: I can use "Serving Bazaar with Apache"??21:03
pooliefenrig, if you want to publish things over http that's a good choice21:05
speakmanjames_w: how do I set the parameter?21:06
lifelessjelmer: hi; bug 308283 - open question fo ryou21:06
ubot5Launchpad bug 308283 in loggerhead "start-loggerhead does not follow symlinks" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30828321:07
james_wspeakman, I believe you put it in ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf in the [DEFAULT] section21:08
speakman$ grep change_editor ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf21:08
speakmanchange_editor = meld21:08
speakmanunder [DEFAULT]21:08
james_wchanged_editor = meld @oldpath @newpath21:08
james_wchanged_editor = meld @new_path @old_path21:09
james_wchange_editor = meld @new_path @old_path21:09
james_wthird time lucky21:09
jelmerlifeless: I'll have a look21:09
jelmerthanks for the ping21:09
jelmerI would've missed it in the massive amounts of bug mail about loggerhead I received the last couple of days :)21:09
speakman$ grep change_editor ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf21:14
speakmanchange_editor = meld @new_path @old_path21:14
speakmanstill nothing...21:14
mkanatlifeless: I'm glad you're doing bug triage for loggerhead. It might be best to assign it to somebody who's familiar with the codebase, though.21:14
james_wspeakman, you can't hit "e" at the shelve prompt?21:14
lifelessmkanat: what do you mean? I'm reasonably familiar with the codebase - I wrote the search integration for instance21:15
webm0nk3yI am getting a strange authentication error and a traceback on a laptop that was working: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/560733/21:16
mkanatlifeless: That would have been quite some time ago, the search integration.21:16
webm0nk3yI don't want to file a bug unless I'm sure it's a real problem21:16
mkanatlifeless: It's changed a fair bit since then.21:16
webm0nk3y  OSError(13, 'Permission denied')21:16
speakmanjames_w: oh, yes I can. Just didn't know :p21:16
james_wspeakman, ah, sorry, should have explained21:16
mkanatlifeless: I think both jam and mwhudson have done work on it more extensively and more recently.21:17
lifelesssure, but whats the functional problem21:17
lifelessthe whole LP team is doing triage21:18
spivjames_w: looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/udd/+bug/653307 quite a few BzrCheckErrors seem to have recurred after resetting the imports :(21:18
lifelessmkanat: 'giving it to someone' would defeat the point21:18
mkanatlifeless: Defeat what point?21:18
mkanatlifeless: I don't see anybody but you doing loggerhead triage.21:19
lifelessmkanat: the point of spreading it over the whole team21:19
mkanatlifeless: Ah, but it's not being spread, you're doing all of it.21:19
mkanatlifeless: At least for loggerhead.21:19
lifelessmkanat: thats because I got it in shape for the team first, so they don't deal with backlog21:19
james_wspeakman, I can just see icu?21:19
lifelessmkanat: whats the point here, what do you think is wrong?21:19
james_werr, spiv ^21:20
speakmanjames_w: ?21:20
james_wspeakman, sorry, wrong nick highlighted21:20
mkanatlifeless: Well, one thing is that you're in charge of the team, so if you make some decision then other people will feel somewhat bound to follow it.21:21
speakmanbtw, is it the "new" file that's getting shelved?21:21
speakman(or destroyed)21:21
mkanatlifeless: FWIW, I agree with most of your triage--most of those Undecided bugs were Low.21:21
james_wspeakman, if you run without "--destroy", make the changes, and then run "bzr unshelve --preview" you will see what was removed21:22
james_waka, I don't know21:22
spivjames_w: they're categorised as slightly different errors: dsdo + 3 others, igaelic + 1 other, icu, autofs (maybe that one is new?)21:22
spivjames_w: but are all BzrCheckErrors about missing CHK root keys21:22
james_wassuming we deleted all the branches then that's bad21:23
james_wspiv, have you tried recreating one of them locally?21:23
spivOn the plus side I couldn't figure out how to reproduce before21:23
spivBut now there's a narrower set of things to try...21:23
jelmerlifeless: marked fixreleased21:23
spivjames_w: not yet, but will today.21:23
lifelessjelmer: thanks21:23
james_wspiv: ./import_package.py --persistent-download-cache --no-existing --no-push <package>21:24
james_wthat should be an isolated import21:24
spivThanks, that'll save me from figuring that out again :)21:24
spivAlthough the wiki pages are actually quite helpful.21:25
james_wspiv, would it be useful to have a "--local" option, or similar?21:27
james_wor to turn it around and have a "--service" option that is used on package-import.u.c21:27
james_wso that developers don't have to remember these things?21:27
vilaspiv: you know that the p-i is running bzr-2.1.1 right ?21:32
jelmer'evening vila21:33
vilajelmer: _o/21:34
* vila off21:34
* vila hopes so ;)21:35
jamsleep well vila21:40
Ronniei have a problem merging 2 branches: https://code.launchpad.net/~ronnie.vd.c/loco-directory/570613 into https://code.launchpad.net/~loco-directory-dev/loco-directory/0.2 . It looks like a few files from rev 345 (urls.py and views.py) fail to merge21:40
Ronniethose files show no conflict nor modified tag21:41
pooliehi ronnie21:44
Ronniehey poolie21:45
Ronniepoolie: i use these commands to merge http://paste.ubuntu.com/560746/21:45
pooliei'm just trying it21:46
speakmanis there a way to make multi-branch merge? (octopus merge iirc)21:47
pooliespeakman, just do multiple merges; use --force to let them run even though there are uncommitted changes21:48
poolieRonnie, merge tells me about 4 conflicts and bzr conflicts tells me about 4 too21:48
pooliei didn't run the intermediate commands though, only the merges21:49
Ronniepoolie: yes, it gives indeed 4 conflicts. i can resolve these. but none of them is related to the files urls.py and views.py from r 34521:49
Ronniethe intermediate commands are not important to run, it just fills the database21:50
poolieRonnie, it looks to me like urls.py is the same in both branches21:52
poolieisn't it?21:52
Ronniepoolie: my bad, i mean the views.py and urls.py in the folder /loco_directory/events/21:53
Ronniehttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ronnie.vd.c/loco-directory/570613/revision/345 and http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~loco-directory-dev/loco-directory/0.2/view/head:/loco_directory/events/urls.py21:54
lifelessmkanat: https://dev.launchpad.net/BugTriage is the process I'm following21:54
mkanatlifeless: Okay.21:55
lifelessmkanat: we want 0 untriaged bugs so that we know an engineer has assessed all our bugs21:56
mkanatlifeless: Fair enough.21:59
mkanatlifeless: The Launchpad project as a whole is definitely yours to run as you see fit to run it, and as you have a broad view and knowledge on it, you would certainly be more qualified to make decisions about the policies for Launchpad as a whole than I would be.22:00
lifelesswell its flacostes, I'm just a caretaker :) - but sure.22:00
mkanatlifeless: Yeah, but I figure that day to day, the major technical stuff is all you. :-)22:00
lifelessmkanat: me and my closest 30 friends :P [seriously]22:01
mkanatlifeless: :-)22:01
mkanatlifeless: Yeah, I just meant that the buck stops with you for most technical things. :-)22:01
lifelessby which I mean that I'm an enabler/tie breaker, and should only rarely be setting specific things22:01
mkanatlifeless: That sounds more like an ideal though than the way things actually run now, though, no?22:02
lifelessmkanat: I think it runs that way22:02
mkanatlifeless: Fair 'nuf. I don't know too much about Launchpad day-to-day.22:02
lifelessmkanat: try keeping up with the output of 30 folk :)22:03
jamlifeless: I think mkanat's point is that I've never seen someone else on the LP team triage 50 bugs in a day on a project I'm subscribed to22:03
mkanatlifeless: Yeah, that's why I don't read most of launchpad-dev.22:03
lifelessjam: there was a very significant backlog22:04
jamlifeless: I'm not denying it, but saying "it is part of the team", but you're the one who actually steps up to the plate time and again22:05
bdrungpoolie: bug #402814 matters the most IMHO. i had to work around it for vlc: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~videolan/vlc/master.manual22:05
ubot5Launchpad bug 402814 in Launchpad itself "Importing revisions with submodules is not supported" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40281422:05
jamI've seen poolie do it, and jelmer, but not "generic person" in launchpad teams22:05
jambut I'm also not subscribed to all of lp, so I might miss when someone else does it22:05
lifelessjam: :) - well, in this case sure. I think that there's possibly a measurement bias here22:05
lifelesssinzui for instance, is a questions + triage fanatic22:06
jelmerCurtis rocks22:06
pooliejam: do what?22:10
Ronniepoolie: are you already able to reproduce my problem above?22:12
poolieRonnie, looking22:13
jampoolie: triage lots of bugs22:22
poolieit does seem to me that the lp devs are very quiet compared to bzr people22:25
poolieRonnie, sorry, i need to do something else now22:30
pooliecan you please file a bug explaining what you expected would happen?22:30
Ronniepoolie: thx for your help. Where can i file the bug, lp?22:30
radixI'm trying to push an earlier revision onto a branch that has a later revision with --overwrite, but it seems to just be ignoring me with "No new revisions to push"22:32
lifelessradix: is bug, fixed in 2.4 I think22:35
radixah, okay, thanks22:35
Ronniebug filed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/71096922:40
mkanatpoolie: My theory would be that folks who start open source and become corporate are more likely to use the community tools than people who start corporate and go open source.23:33
lifelessmkanat: doesn't explain launchpad :)23:34
mkanatlifeless: Ah, well, LP itself started as a corporate project.23:35
lifelessit did, but the developers didn't.23:36
mkanatlifeless: None of them?23:36
lifelessThere are two sets you might mean, the original crew, and the current devs23:36
lifelessI don't know the detailed history of the current crew, though I know many well enough to say they are open source folk first23:37
lifelessthe original crew were all open source heads - folk like spiv, me, etc23:37
* mkanat nods.23:38
mkanatAll of you are pretty involved in using the community tools, too.23:38
* mgz requests the code from lifeless' skull23:39
pooliehello mgz23:39
mgzhey poolie.23:39
pooliemkanat, i'd generally agree, but what's that in connection to?23:39
mkanatpoolie: Oh, you were commenting on how the LP devs are very quiet compared to bzr people.23:41
poolieoh i see23:41
maxbRonnie: I see what is happening here. bzr is doing what it has been told to do correctly.23:42
poolieyes, i think that does explain some of it23:42
maxbRonnie: The problem is that "Michael Hall" has committed a bad merge in the past, which reverts some of your changes23:42
poolieso then it's not so much community tools, as community mores or customs23:42
mkanatpoolie: That makes sense, yeah.23:42
Ronniemaxb: is there a way to resolve this, or should i make a diff and copy the contents myself by hand into the merged branch?23:43
pooliemaxb, you can invalidate bug 710969 if you're happy with that answer23:44
ubot5Launchpad bug 710969 in Bazaar "Merge did not work as expected" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71096923:44
maxbRonnie: That would work, though there's probably a more bzr-ish way to do this23:45
maxbDo you use "bzr qlog" by the way? It's probably the best way to examine and visualise what has happened here23:45
Ronniemaxb: never heard of that command23:45
Ronnieoh, it isnt installed default23:46
maxboopsie, I am falsely impugning "Michael Hall" here23:46
maxbRonnie: Actually, *you* reverted your own changes23:46
Ronniemaxb: how did i do that, and in what revision. how can i see such ' mistakes' ?23:47
=== Ursinha-sick is now known as Ursinha-afk
maxbrevid:peter.puk@gmail.com-20101219212501-141eds74nzwexdlt "User syncing should now work"23:48
maxbSo, at some point in the past, you merged your 570613 branch into your 611304 branch. Then, on your 570613 branch, you reverted most of the changes. Later, the 570613 branch got merged into the upstream branch23:50
maxbSo, there's now a revision merged to trunk which says to bzr "I know about those changes, and they're backed out"23:51
Ronniemaxb: i think i understand...23:52
maxbRight, so I think the best way to get out of this is as follows:23:52
Ronniethose were one of my first real uses of bzr and didnt always use new folders for other branches. My workflow has impoved lately.23:53
maxbFirst you merge the revision *before* the revert into your current branch. So by that I mean you merge revid:peter.puk@gmail.com-20101219212247-c3sq6z9sh7tbsflj into your 570613 branch23:54
maxbThen you merge the revision that did the revert i.e. revid:peter.puk@gmail.com-20101219212501-141eds74nzwexdlt into your 570613, branch, but you revert the revert before committing - i.e. "bzr revert ." - the . is important23:55
maxbit says to revert the tree, but not the what-I-have-merged metadata23:55
maxbBy doing this you are telling bzr "I know about this revert, but I've decided I don't want it to happen"23:56
maxbAfter which you should be in a position to consider doing the original merge you were intending23:57

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