
mahmoodno i install kubuntu but my sound card do not work00:12
james147mahmood: run alsamixer in a terminal and make sure non of the channels are muted00:13
mahmoodthanks james you right00:16
mahmoodi have 512 mb graphic card how can i test that its work properly on my kubuntu?00:16
james147"glxgears" is a good test to see if its working00:17
GeekManhow do i get help documentation for kmail00:27
GeekManits not avalible00:28
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eternalstupid people01:01
Space_Maneternal: do you have any evidence?01:10
eternalyou never proved otherwise01:11
bazhangeternal, did you have a kubuntu support question?01:12
eternalyou know what is my question01:12
eternalwhat do you think aboiut my idea?01:13
bazhangeternal, related to kde/kubuntu ?01:13
eternali will enter more channels if you won't change your attitude01:13
bazhangeternal, please discuss with me in PM01:14
eternaldon't tell me please stupid01:14
=== francisco is now known as Guest52915
eternalavihay, i know you are stupid01:14
DaskreechWho is this joker?01:14
Daskreech!coc | eternal01:15
ubottueternal: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .01:15
eternalIcarianHeights, go away. ubuntu is a shit01:18
avihayeternal: sorry, I'm probably too stupid to be able to comprehend your idea from what you wrote, so I think nothing of it.01:18
Daskreechavihay: :-)01:19
eternalyou never think of anything good. this is the problem01:19
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Guest52915hi, can't open kubuntu additional drivers anymore01:21
Guest52915anyone knows why?01:21
bazhangGuest52915, using jockey-kde ?01:21
Guest52915kubuntu 10.1001:21
bazhang!find jockey-kde01:21
ubottuFound: jockey-kde01:21
james147Guest52915: try launching jockey-kde from a terminal and see what it says01:21
Guest52915Traceback (most recent call last):01:22
Guest52915  File "/usr/bin/jockey-kde", line 26, in <module>01:22
Guest52915    from PyQt4.QtCore import QTimer, QSize, QStringList, SIGNAL01:22
Guest52915RuntimeError: the sip module implements API v8.0 but the PyQt4.QtCore module requires API v7.101:22
FloodBotK3Guest52915: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:22
james147Guest52915: running waht kde version?01:24
eternaluse windows. don't use silly ubuntu01:24
james147eternal: please stop01:24
Guest52915kde 4.5.1 james14701:26
james147Guest52915: hmm, that error sounds like a version missmatch to me ^^ i suggest you make sure everything is fully uptodate by running "sudo apt-get update&& sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"01:27
eternaluse windows. don't use silly ubuntu01:28
Guest52915im runing updates now01:28
Guest52915eternal, are you son of bill gates or something?01:28
james147Guest52915: just a troll, ignore him01:28
eternalno i'm just not stupid01:28
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Hobbsee, Tm_T, Nalioth, Riddell, seth, imbrandon, gnomefreak, nixternal, ryanakca, mneptok, PriceChild, tsimpson, jussi, Pici, ikonia, genii, Mamarok, claydoh, maco, apachelogger, seele, Nightrose, JontheEnchidna, rgreening, or txwikinger01:28
Guest52915which distro did u like then eternal?01:29
Guest52915or you are window$ user01:29
eternali'm not answering that until you answer me01:29
Guest52915so what was your answer01:30
DaskreechBack to your previous support discussion01:37
txwikingereverything ok here now, or still need of ops help?01:37
james147txwikinger: hope not ^^ sorry for the bother, didnt want it to escalate01:38
txwikingerjames147: no problem.01:38
claydoh@comment 36997 language, trolling?01:38
Daskreechtxwikinger: Just a child with a mouth01:42
james147Thanks claydoh  :) sorry for bothering you01:43
franciscothnx james 147, it works again01:43
=== francisco is now known as Guest98924
claydohjames147: no problem01:44
Guest98924and upgrade to kde 4.601:44
Guest98924looks great01:44
DaskreechI'm not sure looks better is a super compelling reason to upgrade01:46
DaskreechThough it was for Gnucash01:46
DaskreechMostly cause Gnucash 1 was horribly ugly01:46
Guest98924Daskreech I just auto updated kubuntu 10.10 & installed kde 4.601:47
james147Guest98924: well, an upgrade should install 4.6... unless you had the backports enabled..01:48
DaskreechGuest98924: Oh it's in the normal updates now?01:49
Guest98924I think01:49
Guest98924kmess never works01:49
Guest98924any fix for that? or better messenger for kde?01:50
james147Guest98924: you can try kopete.... not sure if its any better though... there is also amsn or pidgin (its gtk though)01:50
Guest98924kopete doesn't connect as hide01:51
Guest98924i don't like for that01:51
james147gigasoft: connect as hide?01:55
james147gigasoft: sorry, tab fail01:55
tg__I have a question - how do I get my KDE application fonts larger.  My X display is 1600x1200, and the fonts are too small.01:58
Daskreechtg__: press alt+F2 -> fonts -> enter02:00
claydohtg__: System Settings >> application appearance >> fonts02:00
claydohdang Daskreechis faaast :)02:00
DaskreechOr the long way that claydoh said :)02:00
DaskreechI'm really upset they  took that out02:01
claydohkrunner ftw!02:01
Daskreechpedro: Hi welcome to #kubuntu02:01
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.02:02
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t-raskI'm running KDE 4.6 on Ubuntu 10.10, and my Plasma notifaction area keeps filling itself up with empty "Finished" tasks, what are these and how do I make them stop?02:21
Daskreecht-rask: hmm? do you initiate any copies?02:22
t-raskDaskreech: no, I basically don't have anything going on right now.02:22
t-raskIt happened earlier, so I rebooted to see if it was something like that that got locked up, but it's doing it again after I rebooted.02:23
Daskreechand what happens? You get what looks like a finished transfer?02:23
t-raskI can post a screenshot if you like.02:23
t-raskOne moment.02:23
t-raskhttp://ompldr.org/vNzgxeg/snapshot1.png sorry, it's full-size02:24
t-raskThe number of them keeps jumping around (I assume some clear after a set amount of time, but they just keep popping up)02:25
tog000hello, im having a very weird bug running 10.10 and kde 4.6: sometimes i wont be able to click things, and if i right click that same point, i would get the context menu of a different application, like it it was running on top of the current one, but invisible. Sometimes switching desktops and ant-tabbing fixes it for a few clicks, but it always comes back to the same spot. It was a challenge to log in here just by using the02:27
tog000keyboard and stuff... anybody have any ideas? Thank you!02:27
t-raskDaskreech: plasma just crashed and after it restarted itself it hasn't done it yet..02:28
t-raskI also disabled the Amarok system notifications, to see if that was causing the issue.02:29
tog000t-rask: you could try to disable file transfer notifications on the "notification settings" and see if the regular window that will pop up gives more info of what program is creating those02:29
Daskreecht-rask: the number on the notification area?02:29
Daskreechtog000: Which window manager?02:30
tog000Darskreech: kwin02:30
tog000Daskreech: i mispelled your nick, im using kwin02:32
sidekCan anyone point me to a guide for fixing GRUB from within a USB install of Kubuntu? I just reinstalled Kubuntu and it seems like GRUB was screwed up majorly- it doesn't even throw an error.02:33
Daskreechtog000: try kquitapp kwin && kwin --replace02:34
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.02:34
Daskreechunless you have a new version of Kubuntu then it's !grub202:34
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub202:34
tog000Daskreech: done, but problem persists, cant click to focus window, must alt-tab to get windows into focus, but even then clicks are being done in original app, altough app is "behind" the current one02:35
sidekwhen it says 'boot from a live CD', a USB will do too, right? 'Cause I don't really have any way to get to a live CD....02:36
t-rasktog000: I remember having a similar issue before.. Sadly, I don't remember how I resolved it >_<02:36
tog000sidek: yes, USB will do02:36
tog000t-rask: too bad... its driving me nuts, and i dont even know how to reproduce it02:37
tog000t-rask: it just happens out of the blue...!02:37
t-raskDaskreech: it just randomly started happening again, the notification area >_<02:37
tog000t-rask: i was having the same problem you had in the notification area haha XD i THINK it was amaroks last upgrade. after reboot it all worked normally02:38
Daskreechtog000: I'm with t-rask I remember this happening like 5 releases ago but I dont remember what the fix was02:38
Daskreechsidek: Yes02:38
t-rasktog000: have you fully rebooted?02:38
Daskreechtog000: Ask in #kwin ?02:38
tog000t-rask: yes, rebooted many times, and everything is OK for a while until it happens02:38
tog000Daskreech: i'll head over there next, thanks02:38
t-raskI only remember having the issue once, just the other day I when I fully installed Kubuntu 10.10. Not sure what caused it but it hasn't happened since.02:39
no4how do i add repositiores so i can get a precompiled package for kdeveloper02:39
tog000t-rask: i remember having that same problem that you describe, i found out it was creating tons of empty files in /tmp/kde-[username]/plasma-desktop*******02:40
tog000t-rask: but after a few reboots it was gone02:40
t-rasktog000: whoofta, yeah, that folder is bursting!02:40
t-raskHopefully after a few it will be gone for me too. Do you still use Amarok for music playing?02:40
tog000t-rask: it started happening about an amarok upgrade sometime yesterday i think02:41
tog000t-rask: im using it right now without any problem02:41
t-raskHm, alright, I'll reboot and hope for the best, thanks!02:41
tog000t-rask: hope that does it :D02:42
tog000no4: if you search for kdevelop in kpackagekit you should get what youre searching for02:43
Daskreechno4: Can you open kpackagekit?02:49
sidekAlright, doing what the guide linked asked me to do made GRUB throw this error:02:56
sidek/usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: Attempting to install GRUB to a partition instead of the MBR.  This is a BAD idea..02:56
sidek/usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: Embedding is not possible.  GRUB can only be installed in this setup by using blocklists.  However, blocklists are UNRELIABLE and their use is discouraged..02:56
sidek/usr/sbin/grub-setup: error: if you really want blocklists, use --force.02:56
FloodBotK3sidek: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:56
sidekIs there anything I'm doing wrong?02:57
tog000sidek: can you paste at paste.ubuntu.com the result of "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda" without the quotes02:59
sidektog000: my MBR is on /dev/sdb, but do you want /dev/sda too?03:01
tog000sidek: if you are 100% possitive that its on sdb then forget about it03:01
tog000sidek: when you use grub you should leave the paths at /dev/sda or /dev/sdb never /dev/sda1 for instance03:02
sidek.....that would be my error, then03:02
darthanubisk3b can't find normalize-audio03:03
sidekthanks, tog00003:03
tog000sidek: try just giving it the whole drive (sdb), not the partition and see what happens03:03
darthanubiseven though it is installed03:03
sidektog000 : it worked.03:04
sidekthanks again, rebooting now.03:04
tog000sidek: im glad :D and youre welcome!03:04
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tog000darthanubis: do you have the command "normalize-audio"?03:05
darthanubisof course03:06
darthanubis[22:03] <darthanubis> even though it is installed03:06
tog000darthanubis: can you run a whereis normalize-audio03:09
darthanubiswhy? I know where it is03:09
darthanubisk3b does not03:09
darthanubisit is a bug that does not seem ot be fixed in kubuntu yet03:09
darthanubisThe fix is to add this line to the normalize detection, to force it to look for03:10
darthanubisnormalize and not normalize-audio:03:10
darthanubissetVersionIdentifier( QLatin1String( "normalize" ) );03:10
tog000darthanubis: why? simple, you could symlink the one you have to the location where k3b expects it to be03:10
darthanubisbut I can't find a bug report in kubuntu for it03:10
darthanubisk3b expects it to be where it is03:10
tog000then fill a report!03:11
darthanubisand I would not have to symlink it when I can tell k3b where to look for it from within k3b03:11
darthanubiskubuntu is supposed to follow upstream03:11
darthanubisthere already is a bug report upstream03:11
darthanubisanyone know about this or have come across this problem?03:12
se3nsorry for bother you guys... is there some Kde 4.6 users ?03:15
DaskreechI are a KDE 4.6 user03:15
se3nhow is it :D03:15
darthanubisplasma is still laggy with nvidia card03:16
se3ni have some bug i want to ask is this usuall for beta version03:16
darthanubisk3b still can't find normalize-audio03:16
se3nyea i'm with nvidia too03:16
darthanubis4.6 is not in beta any longer03:16
se3nyea i saw in the kde site and add the ppa of kde but i don't what happen i'm now with ubuntu natty not maverick...03:17
darthanubisse3n: well you messed that up03:18
darthanubisdon't know how you upgraded all the way to natty by just adding the kubuntu-backport or beta ppa03:18
se3nyea i think so...03:18
darthanubisyou need to know first03:18
se3nwhen i want to close some application the application crash seconds after close03:19
se3nand ask me to report bug03:19
se3nthat happen with almost every app03:19
se3ni can't restart correctly03:20
se3nits says "Signal: Segmentation fault (11)" after close allmost every app... and when i want to reboot the half of apps can't quit and the only way i can restart is to swithc to other init and type "reboot"03:23
tog000se3n: ive done that before too and its very hard if not impossible to rollback the version after a dist-upgrade... maybe there is a way, i dont know. I just backed up /home and reinstalled03:24
se3ni though this is a "ppa" if something get wrong i can still purge it but the kde 4.6 installation freeze at the half of packeges and when i look at the softwere source's they were allready of natty.... all of them, also the kde 4.6 ppa i added was gone03:26
se3nso there is no way to back :D03:27
se3ni still have no serios problems except this with quiting apps03:28
se3ni just wanted to ask is there someone with similar problem03:28
se3nSignal: Segmentation fault (11)03:28
ZoRBaSmust say I'm lovin ubuntu03:37
Daskreechse3n: ask in #kubuntu-devel03:42
Daskreechbut I think that you are on the wrong repo03:42
darthanubispressing the kmix icon takes seconds before the acutal interface appears03:43
darthanubiswhere is all this lag coming from?03:43
valoriese3n: I have 4.6 and am NOT running natty03:44
se3nvalorie strange right...03:44
valorieI've run an alpha before, however03:45
se3ni don't know what happen03:45
se3nits just happen :D03:45
valorieand though it was a bit unstable, it generally worked03:45
valorieupgrade and dist-upgrade are different03:45
valorieyou might read up on natty testing, and make lemonade out of your lemon03:46
valoriestart filing bugs, and working with the devels03:46
valorieall very nice people03:46
se3nallways see a good side03:46
se3ni thought that too03:46
valoriethat's why I ran the alpha -- to do just that03:46
se3ni have to reg in kubuntu bugs and reporting03:47
valoriehelps you see each crash in a bit different light03:47
valorietrue, but only once03:47
se3nand about my proble i whink its only happen when i'm enable kwin effects03:47
valorieand b.k.o isn't SO bad once you get used to it03:47
valorielaunchpad is friendly too, when it's working03:47
se3ni will keep it disabled for now03:48
valorieok, but the kwin people want bugs filed also03:48
valorieand plasma people03:48
se3nbut everythink its laggu :D03:48
se3nmy video is on board....03:48
se3ni don't know when i will buy a good video card :D03:49
valorieI have a laptop, so you have my sympathy03:49
valorieawful gcard03:49
valorieoh, well03:49
se3ni have desktop and integrated card what a irony03:50
se3nmy video is geforce 6100 on board my brother have a laptop with intel i915 integrated and his linux is faster then my :( :D03:51
se3nfeeling so good to chat in irc with linux users :D03:52
valorieyeah, my son bought an alienware lappy to play WoW03:52
valoriefastest computer he's ever had03:53
valoriebut the graphics card burned out or something, which sucks03:53
se3nsorry to hear03:53
valorieafter spending all that money03:53
se3nfrom where you come from03:53
valorieso at least I have one, even if it sucks03:53
* valorie lives south of Seattle Washington, in the US03:54
valorieoops, join #kubuntu-offtopic03:54
valoriethis is support only03:55
se3nyea my country sucks... geforce 8 series are more then 100lv (about 50 dolars) and the salary of a mouth is 220 lv i will buy a card when i get the pension :D03:56
se3nbut i'm addicted to linux since i buy a disc of ubuntu 4 :P03:57
valorieI've been using linux since Mandrake, which no longer exists as such03:59
valorieand Kubuntu since.... Dapper Drake, i think04:00
valorienot sure04:00
se3ni'm not so new to ubuntu but i'm new in KDE... and i think is great04:01
se3ndid you saw gnome 304:01
se3ngnome 3 will be hard to work for the novices04:02
Daskreechse3n: Everything new is hard to work04:07
Daskreechvalorie: Wait what? Mandrake doesn't exist?04:07
FanfareSomeone awake? to reread my draft for a brainstorming idea?04:08
se3nawake here :D04:10
valorienow it's mandriva04:11
valorieand something else since it split04:11
valoriemangeia? something like that04:11
valoriefanfare: how about using opendesktop.org for this?04:12
valorieand yes, I've always looked at Gnome too, but I just can't seem to use it without becoming frustrated04:13
Fanfarevalorie: sure would be a good place... but also a hge amount of work... i prefere frank to work on owncloud though04:14
valoriei can't set things up as I want them in Gnome04:14
Daskreechvalorie: Right of course it is :)04:14
valorieFanfare: ok, but then you are setting up infrastructure all over again04:15
valoriethat said, are you thinking of this for a GSoC project?04:15
DaskreechFanfare: not sure I get the purpose of the project04:16
se3nyea i can too but the default settings are little different for new guys... i think the most new guys will use Kde in the future.... just like me :D04:16
Fanfarevalorie: first this is an idea... im no dev... but i'd love to see this FLOSS and opendesktop is closed source...04:17
valoriepoint taken04:17
valorieand that's sort of ironic04:17
Daskreechvalorie: :)04:18
Fanfarevalorie: well, sort of...04:18
DaskreechGiven the name04:18
Fanfareits a closedsource plattform dealing with opensource...04:18
Fanfareso u guys think its worth posting?04:19
valorieI think you need to think a bit more04:20
valorieright now it's a bit all over the map04:21
Fanfarevalorie: ok, u mean more specific usecases and more detailed server part?04:21
se3nhey i want to ask something that is not entirly about linux... is there somebody who play "pokerTH"04:29
valoriese3n: this is a support channel04:29
valorieuse #kubuntu-offtopic for chat04:30
se3nwhere is that :D04:30
se3nok can i ask you on private...04:31
valoriein konversation, I just click that channel name in my statement04:31
se3nhowever its stupit04:31
valorieor you can do: /join #kubuntu-offtopic04:31
valoriei can verify that it is an actual channel, since I'm in it04:32
se3nок и'м ис #kubuntu-offtopic04:32
se3nok i'm in #kubuntu-offtopic04:32
olskolircanyone got a good program for online radio streams and genres please?  please don't say amarock04:45
ralph__olskolirc: vlc04:45
=== ralph__ is now known as Fanfare
olskolirci meant a stand alone radio program where it has all shoutcast generes already loaded i had it before but don't remember the name04:46
Fanfareolskolirc: kmplayer, kaffeine, ...04:49
Temarafter i did an upgrade to dist, 1 of my ssh account now sorta broke, it only shows $ not current dir, and i cant use history as before, pressing arrows bring up weard symbols04:52
Temar$ ^[[C^[[A^[[D^[[B04:53
Temarthats me pressing 4 arrows04:53
tsimpsonTemar: looks like the user you are connecting as has /bin/sh (or /bin/dash) set as the shell, or /bin/bash has become a link to /bin/sh05:00
Temarwebmin says its set to /bin/sh05:01
Temarthat why? it got change to sh?05:02
tsimpsonsomeone (I guess) changed it to /bin/sh05:02
tsimpsonyou can use "usermod --shell /bin/bash" to set it back to bash05:02
Temar:D much better05:02
Temarthank you05:03
Temarnow see if i can get it up upgrade again05:03
Temaronly at 9.0405:03
Temarthen got error trying next dist05:03
Temarthe user was www-data05:04
Temarbut im on that ssh alot due to php bots/script managing05:04
Temarhave em running in screens05:04
tsimpsonah, www-data (and other "system" accounts) default to /bin/sh05:05
Temarany way to share screen between users?05:07
tsimpsonnot really, no05:07
tsimpsonit's designed to be per-user05:07
Temark just wondered05:07
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Temaryer failed05:27
TemarAn unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade:05:28
TemarE:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.05:29
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bigbrovarHI guys. I am on Kubuntu 10.10 running kde 4.5.5, of recent I have started to experience some plasma-desktop freeze when I log on to my system. The whole desktop is completely frozen, sometimes for as long as 5 min sometimes forever.07:26
bigbrovarthe disturbing part of this is that when this happens, restarting kdm or even restarting the whole pc does not seem to help at all as the same thing happens again.07:27
gr8m8I would check the memory or at least reseat it07:27
bigbrovarI first thought it might have something to do with network manager plasmoid because I experienced it alot when my system is not connected or close to a wireless / ethernet port. hence I removed the network manager plasmoid and replaced it with the gnome network manager, that seems to work a bit, but this morning when I restarted the system, it was frozen again. I could launch krunner but every other thing is completely unresponsive07:29
bigbrovargr8m8, I did that the memory and cpu are fine07:29
gr8m8bigbrovar:  any recent updates like graphic drivers?07:31
bigbrovargr8m8, nope, not that I can remember. The laptop uses Intel (Arrandale chipset) which comes with core i5, works pretty much out of the box07:32
gr8m8it was a guess anyway...07:33
bigbrovarThe saddest part of all this is how this almost got me in trouble at work, I was suppose to take some notes for a meeting and do a presentation when the problem started.07:33
bigbrovarI had to reboot the system like 5 times and still it wont work, in the end I could not handle my presentation :(07:34
valoriebigbrovar: have you tried booting onto a LiveCD or LiveUSB?07:34
valoriejust to see if it's software related?07:34
bigbrovarthis morning again I was suppose to meet my girl friend for a chat (long distance relationship) and when I started the pc it just froze. I mean I restart kdm restarted the whole system nothing07:35
gr8m8I would install another window manger, something light like fluxbox or openbox and check if it has the issue - plus it will be there as a backup07:35
bigbrovarvalorie, well the whole problem goes away for a while if I remove the plasma configs .kde/share.config07:35
bigbrovarwhich is more of less reset plasma07:35
bigbrovarbut the always come back after a while07:36
bigbrovarits very hard to debug and totally random07:36
valoriethat sucks07:36
valoriehave you checked with #plasma ?07:36
gr8m8randomness in my experience is mostly hardware related07:36
bigbrovargr8m8, I wish i had the luxury to play around07:36
valorieright, what came to mind was running badblocks or something07:37
valorieto be sure you don't have a failing bit of your HD07:37
bigbrovargr8m8, well I have been running the laptop on Kubuntu now since lucid and even with 10.10 this issue started or recent really07:37
bigbrovarvalorie, and the badblocks goes away when I remove plasma configs ?07:38
bigbrovarlet me do some googling to see if this is an isolated issue.07:39
valoriewell, I've been using computers for a loooong time07:39
gr8m8bigbrovar:  it's not like hardware gives a warning it is going to play up - lines of code don't change so my first reaction is some part of your hardware is failing07:39
valorieand when you get a HD starting to fail, all kinds of weird things happen07:39
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bigbrovargr8m8, valorie while I seriously doubt its a hardware problem (being a new laptop and all) I am not ruling anything out. I will do some further investigation of the issue and get back to you guys. thanks very much07:44
gr8m8np :-)07:45
bigbrovarjust for the record, no one running Kubuntu 10.10 and kde 4.5.5 (who is also using the plasma-widget-menubar) and smoothtask widget is experiencing this issue?07:45
valorieI hope you find the answer07:45
valoriebecause that sounds like it truly sucks07:45
valorieI've never heard of smoothtask07:45
kt_hi i need help07:45
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:46
kt_i have installed pcbsd on my hard disk (one which was free, partition) now when i reboot i dont see it there07:46
kt_i cant see it where to select it from07:46
kt_i see windows, linux (the 2 other os'es installed) but i cant see pcbsd07:46
kt_why is that?07:46
gr8m8is pcbsd an operating system? - do they have a chat channel?07:47
gr8m8never heard of it?07:47
kt_oh crap07:48
kt_i forgot to install the pc-bsd boot loader07:48
kt_now what should I do?07:48
gr8m8try    /msg alis list *bsd*07:50
olskolirchey where is the kubuntu women channel08:07
Tm_Tthere is none08:07
valorieolskolirc: why?08:12
olskolircnever mind valorie08:12
valorieyou were just trolling #Ubuntu-Women08:13
olskolircthose frigid b*es kcked me08:13
valoriewe kubuntu users are welcome there also08:13
olskolirci posted a link to check out his work and all they seen was dick and got pissed08:13
valorieyou are wrong, and a troll08:13
olskolircfuck off valorie08:13
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .08:13
olskolircyou called me a troll08:14
olskolircare you narcissistic?  narcissis can't see what they do wrong08:14
valorieand you've just shown yourself to be one08:14
valorieplease leave08:14
olskolircfuck off going twice valorie08:14
gr8m8I'd call you a bit sad olskolirc08:14
olskolirci posted a link to check out my friends work on facebood and all they seen was dick and got sick08:15
olskolircsensitive and uptight08:15
olskolircohhhhhhhh snap08:15
olskolircim so sorry08:15
olskolirci get08:15
FloodBotK3olskolirc: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:15
bigbrovar_I think I have tracked down the issue I am having with random plasma freezing on start on KUbuntu with smooth task  http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Smooth+Tasks?content=101586 the system seems to work fine when I disabled it. Its still early days though so I am still keeping my fingers crossed08:48
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valoriewhat does smoothtasks do?09:06
valorieseems rather buggy!09:06
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faLUCEhi, is that compatible with ubuntu? http://www.jetwaycomputer.com/NC97.html10:46
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openstandardsHi just recently switched back to kde from gnome and would like to know if dolphin has a similar view to nautilus (treeview)11:05
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tsimpsonopenstandards: not sure what nautilus has, but maybe the "Column View" (Ctrl+3) or the "Folders Panel" (F7)11:18
yofelprobably folders panel would be closest11:20
yofelnautilus has a folder tree/ file list mixed view11:20
yofelif I remember it correctly, haven't used gnome in a while11:21
openstandardscheers yeah i was looking for the mixed view.... folder/tree11:21
openstandardskde is over wealming when it comes to customizing, i'm liking some of it already11:22
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|snikker|when i try to mount my usb hard drive, i've got this error: "Bus::open: Can not get ibus-daemon's address. IBusInputContext::createInputContext: no connection to ibus-daemon"11:57
|snikker|i'm under maverik11:57
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eMyllermy laptop got washed by a rain; the only thing that doesn't work is the Alt Gr key, that is needed for the '?'. can i map '?' to another shortcut?13:48
eMyllerright now i'm using the charmap+clipboard to use it13:48
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c2taruneMyller: see if this may help u? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30735413:52
eMyllerc2tarun: looks promising, thanks13:54
c2taruneMyller: you'r welcome :)13:54
bomberi tried to install the newer kubuntu but the screen just goes blank once the cd starts to load14:05
bomberand the same thing happens when i do the distro upgrade.. after it upgrade and i reboot no video.... any ideas whats happeneing14:06
bomberseems to happen on all the newer distros and this system is fairly up to date14:06
bomber /msg NickServ help14:09
divinefuryhi everyone14:15
divinefuryi have a hp printer14:16
divinefuryhp 425014:16
divinefurywhen i print to it from my linux box, instead of printing once, it prints 4 times14:17
divinefurylets say i have a 2 page document, no matter what settings i choose, it prints the document out 4 times, resulting in 8 pages14:18
divinefurywindows vista and 7 work perfectly14:19
divinefuryany help would be appreciated14:19
divinefuryand i have 3 machines running kubuntu and i have the same problem on all of them14:21
ArGGu^^well only thing I think of is trying newer hplib if there is newer14:22
ArGGu^^divinefury what version of kubuntu you are using?14:23
bomberi have a c4795 that doesnt do that although im using an older kubuntu... the newer one has video issues14:23
bomberfor me anyways14:23
GHHHow can i change scree resoulation ?14:27
bombergo to system settings then display and make your changes14:27
KyranBeis there a way to install lionmail in kde 4.6 on maverick?14:30
divinefuryArGGu: 10.04 LTS14:32
divinefuryArGGu: KDE 4.4.514:34
divinefuryArGGu: the kernel version is 2.6.32-27-generic14:35
divinefuryArGGu: and its a hp system with 4 GBs of DDR2 RAM and intel core 2 quad Q820014:38
t2zhuHi, after updating KDE to 4.6, I find that I can't suspend properly anymore.  Every time I try to suspend, it resumes right away. Does anyone have any idea as to what's going on?14:42
BluesKajHi all14:43
BluesKajt2zhu. kde 4.6 is actully meant to be default in 11.04..bound to have probs in 10.04 and 10.1014:45
t2zhuBluesKaj. Hmm... do you know of any way I can solve the problem, then? Or do I have to wait for 11.04?14:47
ArGGu^^divinefury well there is newer hplib so maybe you should try it14:47
BluesKajt2zhu. dunno sorry14:48
divinefuryArGGu^^: just doin that now14:49
Mario__hi, i have some problems with my cpu under kubuntu 10.10 with kubuntu-beta ppa installed. cpu is an amd t1090 be o.c. to 4 ghz. but kubuntu only shows me 2.8 ghz under /proc/cpuinfo ... i have already disabled "ondemand" with rcconf and uninstalled everything which seems to be throttle the cpu ... does anybody have a solution how my kubuntu can work with th 4 ghz?? (under archlinux with the same kde - 4.6 - everything works fine)14:52
Mario__maybe some nec. info: this also happens under kubuntu 10.10 with the default kde (without the kubuntu-beta ppa)14:55
apparlewhich ppa to install for kde 4.5 updates.  also which ppa for amarok 2.4. I don't want to install 4.614:57
apparleI have somehow messed my system in such a way that man:something opens firefox... how to fix it14:59
apparlecome on... plz guys someone must be knowing how to fix man thing. I know its somewhere in file association15:10
divinefuryArGGu^^: just updated hplip and all the related software15:13
divinefuryArGGu^^: still the same problem15:14
ct529something serios going on here .... npviewer either or firefox or on chrome on watching a video, and it reboots the computer when I try to turn on virtualbox15:19
ct529anyone has experience random reboot before?15:19
ArGGu^^divinefury well you could try ubuntu live cd and see if it has same problem.15:24
ArGGu^^If it has same problem then maybe the problem is in hplip15:25
noaXesshey all15:25
noaXessa friend get an error that video codec WMV3 can't be played... he is on 10.04.. what package i need to install him so he can watch WMV3?15:26
noaXesshe get's this error with vlc, 1.0.6-1ubuntu1.415:27
ArGGu^^noaXess try kubuntu-restricted-extras package15:30
noaXessArGGu^^: thanks.. found it right now... sometimes a second seraah will give the result ;)15:31
ArGGu^^divinefury have checked that in system settings->printer configuration->your printer->job options that copies is 0?15:34
sysop3hi whats agood channel for  kubuntu 10.10 wine iise?15:34
sysop3issue i mean15:35
Picisysop3: If its regarding installing wine, then here.  If its about running software under wine, then in #winehq15:35
sysop3well its install directx 9.0c15:36
sysop3so you tell me.15:36
sysop3ok thanks.15:36
divinefuryArGGu^^: it is 0 :(15:38
ArGGu^^divinefury try the ubuntu live cd if it has same problem. That last thing I can think of then it just maybe googling or asking from somewhere/someone else :S15:41
divinefuryArGGu^^: already tried the googling...there seems no1 else with similar problems15:42
ArGGu^^divinefury just thinking can these thing to be configured directly to printer?15:42
ArGGu^^and could it be windows is able to bypass it?15:43
BluesKajdivinefury. which printer15:45
ArGGu^^BluesKaj hp 425015:47
ArGGu^^I was thinking some printers has settings like that, so manual could be useful to check that is there setting of copy amount in the printer15:48
BluesKajhmm, that's the same driver I use the HPcups 3.10.6 version on the 4200 series printer15:50
BluesKajdivinefury, ArGGu^^  I know this doesn't hellp but I just did a clean install and the printer test printed just fine with default settings15:53
ArGGu^^The quick copy feature prints the requested number of copies of a job and stores a copy on15:56
ArGGu^^the optional hard disk or, if a hard disk is not installed, it stores the copy on the RAM disk.15:56
ArGGu^^Additional copies of the job can be printed later. This feature can be turned off in the printer15:56
FloodBotK3ArGGu^^: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:56
ArGGu^^divinefury you could check that setting is not on in your printer15:57
ArGGu^^Because maybe windows driver can be not to use it, but maybe linux driver do not support disabling it.15:58
divinefuryArGGu^^: im just looking at the printer now16:08
divinefuryi hope theres some setting on the printer itself that i can disable/enable to fix this problem16:08
divinefurynow if everyone on windows would stop using the printer...it would be really nice :)16:09
iulian_divinefury:  do you have instaled printconf16:13
divinefuryArGGu^^: i love you :)16:14
divinefuryit was on the printer16:14
divinefuryit was set to 4 copies per print job16:14
divinefurysomehow the windows driver bypasses/ignores that setting16:15
divinefurylinux driver does not16:15
BluesKajHP printers are very linux friendly :)16:16
divinefury(the best part being everything from kde-printer configuration tool to the hp printer configuration tool, kept telling me that the printer was set to print one copy16:16
divinefuryhp is not that bad with linux support16:17
divinefurythe only bad experience iv had with them being a compaq 6230s laptop which had a broadcom wifi card16:17
divinefuryextremely unreliable drivers16:17
divinefuryit would work every once in a blue moon and then go back to teasing me with displaying all the avaialble wireless networks and not connecting to the selected n/w16:19
divinefuryhah, fun days :) :p16:19
divinefury(intel chipsets are the best in my experience btw, really good driver support)16:19
indHi evrybody16:21
indI dl a kde theme but it doesn't work16:22
inda .emerald file16:22
indI open it with emerald theme manager but nothing happen16:24
GHHI need some help for editing from mounted iso16:28
sysop3hey guys since Cedega is going to be free now. any chance of it making it into the repos?16:30
GHHAnyone here to help me editing ISO please?16:31
tsimpsonGHH: I don't think you can edit an ISO, ISO9660 is designed to be a read-only file system. the only way I know would be to extract the ISO, edit files, and regenerate the ISO16:31
divinefuryind: do the other emerald themes work? just checking to see if you have been using it for a while and this is the first time you have been having problems with it?16:31
sysop3GHH,  I have never been ablle to doit in linux. but I have a windows program that actually works16:31
GHHtsimpson, correct.16:32
inddivinefury: none of them work16:32
sysop3GHH, magic iso. I run it under a micro xp under qemu or virutal box with no problems.16:32
divinefuryGHH: i don't really understand the question...what do you want to edit?16:32
GHHtsimpson, I just mounted the iso and then unsqushed the filesystem.squshfs16:33
divinefuryind: is emerald set as your window manager or is it kwin?16:33
GHHdivinefury, Remastering16:33
inddivinefury: i think it's kwin16:33
openstandardsind: kwin doesn't support emerald you'll need to make compiz your WM16:33
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility16:33
divinefuryind: which version of kde are you using?16:33
inddivinefury: maybe the 4.516:34
tsimpsonGHH: there are tools and guides for remastering the live CD above :)16:34
indor 4.616:34
indI'm on Kubuntu 10.1016:34
GHHtsimpson, I have done the ubuntu guide . But i need to edit the menu16:34
divinefuryind: go to kde help in kickstart16:34
divinefuryind: you can check your kde version from there16:35
divinefuryind: although that does not really matter16:35
openstandardsdivinefury: hes on 10.10 so its 4.5 :)16:35
GHHIf there is anyone interest to know the details i can explain it... can i?16:35
tsimpsonthat's just generated from .desktop files in /usr/share/applications16:36
GHHtsimpson, right16:36
GHHtsimpson, But i do not know how to add a new menu16:36
inddivinefury: it's the 4.5.116:38
GHHtsimpson, i have a directory /my-applications and i want to add a menu called my-applications top of the all menu16:38
GHHtsimpson, Can it be done?16:39
openstandardsind: figured out how to enable compiz or need help still?16:40
divinefuryind: you have to replace kwin with emerald as the default window manager16:40
inddivinefury: where to find it16:41
divinefuryind: now the issue you would have with that is, you also loose any compositing16:41
openstandardsind: system settings -> default applications -> window manager16:41
tsimpsonGHH: I'm not sure16:41
indI've been searching it since yesterday16:41
openstandardsyou'll find it there16:41
divinefuryind: along with all the fancy animations unless you are using beryl (or whatever it is called now, no disrespect to the folk working on beryl but kwin animations have been pretty awesome lately and i havent seen the point in replacing them)16:42
esmirlinhi everyone! does anyone use kde onto a netbook? i have a few of questions16:42
macodivinefury: its called Compiz Fusion now16:43
openstandardsdivinefury: compiz does window grouping :)16:43
inddivinefury: I found but I can't set emerald as window manager16:43
openstandardsselect compiz ind16:43
macoind: emerald is not a window manager16:43
indI can choose only compiz, métacity16:43
openstandardscompiz is the one you'll want :))16:44
macoind: emerald is an old, unmaintained window decorator for beryl that crashes frequently and upstream wishes would die16:44
Torchopenstandards: what does compiz do with window grouping that kwin cannot do?16:44
maco(upstream stopped development on emerald in 2007 iirc)16:44
Torchind: unless you're really certain you need anything else, stay with kwin.16:44
openstandardsTorch: how does kwin group windows i haven't seen or experienced much of kwin16:45
indok thanx it works16:45
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Torchopenstandards: well, it's had that feature for at least a year now i think.16:46
tsimpsonGHH: I guess you could just run kmenuedit from the squashfs chroot and edit the menu there16:46
Torchopenstandards: i suggest you just try it out yourself.16:46
divinefuryind: as openstandards said, go to system settings->default applications->window manager and select use a different window manager and select compiz fuzion with wrapper for kde16:47
GHHtsimpson, i tried that but it do not execute as gui(fail error)16:47
tsimpsonGHH: you will have to bind-mount /tmp to the chroot and export DISPLAY=:0, you may also need to run "xhost +LOCAL:"16:49
divinefuryopenstandards: kwin has matured into a pretty solid piece of s/w16:49
divinefuryopenstandards: i havent had it crash on me once in recent memory16:50
openstandardsi've been using kwin myself but the features and functions are kinda hard and kwin crashed on me yesterday trying to play an avi full screen16:50
divinefuryopenstandards: its got an array of animations/effects16:50
openstandardssometimes happened with compiz16:51
GHHtsimpson, I did that also but nothing work16:51
* BluesKaj doesn't understand why ppl still use emerald and ccsm ...the desktop effects has plenty of graphical tricks with a lot more stability16:51
divinefuryopenstandards: it does not have the burn-out and teleport effects (which i used to love under compiz) but it can hold its own against compiz16:52
GHHtsimpson, There is local directory ~/.config/menus/applications-kmenuedit.menu16:52
GHHtsimpson, and /etc/xdg16:52
openstandardsi love the burn effect with random colours16:52
BluesKajcompiz ...bah  humbug ! :)16:52
GHHtsimpson, But i am not understanding that how to edit it16:52
divinefuryopenstandards: where compiz has more effects, kwin makes up for it in terms of stability16:52
GHHtsimpson, Editing menu is new to me but i just need to do it16:54
openstandardsdivinefury: to be fair i've never had a problem as such as with compiz and i've used it since it was first released16:54
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GHHtsimpson, perhaps you will understand here something : http://humanreadable.nfshost.com/howtos/kde-menus.htm16:54
divinefuryopenstandards: what really put me off compiz was when i was showing off my 'cool' operating system with all the 'fancy' effects to mates at university and compiz decided to take a memory dump....extremely embarassing :p16:54
openstandardsi suffer the black window effect where it ran out of ram but16:54
openstandardsvery rare16:55
divinefuryopenstandards: i suppose everyone has their own experience :)16:55
tsimpsonGHH: the spac for the .menu file is at http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/1.0/ar01s04.html but it's not easily human-editable16:56
divinefuryopenstandards: i was using a laptop with intel graphics (i think the 3000 series) so that could have been an issue, underpowered graphics card16:56
GHHtsimpson, Yeah i have read that also and too many instruction and i can't understand much16:57
openstandardsi had compiz set up various way my nvidia 4200 ti i think it was loved compiz i had it set up within mins16:59
lucidfoxOkay, tempted to write a messaging indicator patch for Akregator17:01
divinefuryopenstandards: do give kwin a try, you might actually like it ;)17:01
openstandardsi've been using it and i must admit kde still has usablity issues17:03
openstandardsi don't like how kde does the theming17:03
openstandardsits like what the hell shouldn't window decorations be grouped with application appearance17:05
ArGGu^^divinefury good to hear that you got it working :)17:05
divinefuryopenstandards: http://jeffhoogland.blogspot.com/2010/09/are-your-desktop-effects-slowing-you.html :)17:06
divinefuryopenstandards: what dont you like about it?17:06
openstandardsthe insaneness of the devs, the gnome guys got it right when it comes to customizing the appearance17:07
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divinefuryopenstandards: you can't really customize gnome, removing the panels is such a pain17:08
openstandardsthe fact that you go to system settings you'll find one part of changing the look application appearance and then you'll find workspace appreance17:09
openstandardsand divinefury removing panels involves hacks... and then you'll lose key parts of gnome...17:10
openstandardsi've experienced this first hand when playing about with cairo-dock17:11
openstandardswhich is the best dock currently17:11
berrahi TR olan var mı?17:11
parduistberra: var17:12
rork!en | parduist17:12
ubottuparduist: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList17:12
se3nis there a bulgaria channel ?17:13
tsimpson!bg | se3n17:14
ubottuse3n: опитайте #ubuntu-bg за български потребители . try #ubuntu-bg for bulgarian users, and please idle there patiently17:14
se3nthanks :P17:15
se3ni will try it :)17:16
divinefuryopenstandards: exactly my point, gnome is not half as customizable as kde17:17
openstandardsdivinefury:  what stops the grouping of workspace and application customising?17:19
divinefuryopenstandards: i kind of agree that kde 4.4 onwards, the kde guys have made the customization options slightly unintuitive but they are still there17:19
divinefuryanyways, got to go17:20
divinefurythanks for the help folks :)17:20
openstandardscyass have fun17:20
divinefuryand adios for now :)17:20
openstandardsgoing to try out kde 4.617:43
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t-raskI can't seem to open GIMP in Kubuntu 10.10 (KDE 4.6), when opening from menu it shows the GIMP window in task bar, but then just closes that. From terminal I just get "segmentation fault", any ideas?18:07
t-rask(I just tried to re-install all GIMP things, to no avail)18:07
BluesKajt-rask, looks like kde 4.6 isn't ready for prime time yet18:17
t-raskBluesKaj: would 4.6 really cause issues with loading GIMP, which doesn't even rely on KDE..?18:18
BluesKajt-rask, it runs on kwin18:20
t-raskI suppose.18:22
BluesKajt-rask, I looked around google-linux for gimp probs on kde 4.6 but didn't see anything , there other probs with ke=win and kde 4.6 tho18:28
BluesKajerr kwin18:28
t-raskCuriouser and curiouser.18:28
yofelt-rask: curious, what does 'env | grep QT_GRAPHICS' say in konsole?18:28
amorphous1Hello guys. when using quassel...how do I access old chat logs?18:28
yofelamorphous1: by scrolling upwards18:29
t-raskyofel: nothing.18:29
yofelt-rask: ok, then it's not what I thought18:29
yofelamorphous1: there is a log exporter somewhere on the quassel homepage18:29
yofelthere's not a GUI for that yet18:29
amorphous1yofel, Yes, but how about private dialog cobersations...that are not in the main channel?18:30
yofelyou can select those from the all chats chatview?18:30
BluesKajt-rask, run gimp in the terminal , see what spits out18:31
amorphous1yofel, let me try..18:31
t-raskBluesKaj: I already said, it only says 'segmentation fault'18:31
BluesKajt-rask, just installed gimp on kde 4.5.1 , launches ok18:37
t-raskBluesKaj: hm, must be something with 4.6 then. Strange :\18:37
d0cyesterdays update left my kdm dead18:46
d0cprobably common problem.. can anyone link me to solution18:46
t-raskd0c: are you using 4.5.1 or 4.6?18:49
t-raskI'm using 4.6 and I haven't run into any issues with KDM (as far as I can tell), but I would recommend Googling your problem if you haven't yet.18:51
Guest54017I was thinking about picking up Kubuntu, but I couldn't find any documentation or the like (tutorials, how t ouse the command line etc...)18:51
rorkGuest54017: look for ubuntu or linux tutorials, there are plenty of them, also the wiki ( http://wiki.ubuntu.org/ ) could be a good place to start18:53
BluesKajGuest54017, which OS are you runnining right now ?18:53
Guest54017Windows 7 to be specific18:54
rork* http://wiki.ubuntu.com/18:54
Guest54017So I can use an ubuntu wiki for kubuntu?18:56
tsimpsonubuntu refers the project, not the gnome variant18:58
Guest54017So, what's the difference between Ubuntu and Kubuntu then except the desktop environment?18:59
macoGuest54017: thats it18:59
tsimpsonUbuntu is really Ubuntu + Gnome, Kubuntu is Ubuntu + KDE18:59
tsimpsonthat's all18:59
MkaysiGuest54017: Some default applicaltions are different and Kubuntu CD includes also Netbook interface.19:00
maco(reason you sometimes see people say "Ubuntu Desktop" not just "Ubuntu")19:00
macoMkaysi: that can be summed up at "desktop environment" though19:00
Guest54017oh, then why was there a youtube tutorial on how t oget kubuntu to look like ubuntu? Doesn't that seem a little unescesary?19:00
macoGuest54017: because gnome and kde look very different?19:00
macobut yes it does seem unnecessary19:01
macojust use the other one :P19:01
Guest54017Yea, that's what I meant19:01
Guest54017Well, I'll have a look at the desktop environments and see which one I like best, thanks for your support guys^^19:01
d0ct-rask: 4.5.119:03
d0capt-cache shows for kdm 4.5.119:03
d0cservice kdm start tells me that service is running19:07
d0cbut it boots to shell, not GUI19:07
d0ctried the first few google hits but no luck19:07
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Snowhogd0c: Likely you need to edit /etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc and edit the line: Theme=/usr/share/kde4/apps/kdm/themes/ to point to an existing theme, or remove all after the = and also edit the line: UseTheme=true and change it to =false19:10
d0cthe theme seemed to exist19:11
d0ci'll double check19:11
d0ci tried false and rebooted - nothing19:12
d0cthe directory ethais exists as the kdmrc Theme variable states19:14
Snowhogd0c: Do you get to the KDM Login screen at all?19:14
d0cactually... i think kdm didnt start the first time. when i tried service kdm start it complained about some message19:15
d0cwhen i tried the UseTheme=false.. now service kdm start states that it is already running19:15
Snowhogd0c: What happens when you press Ctrl+Alt+F7 or Ctrl+Alt+F819:16
d0cf7 tab has some console output form sfch, apparmor and firefox19:18
d0cf8  has only blinking cursor. no login screen, no output19:19
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BluesKajSnowhog, d0c ,tty=ctrl+alt +f1 to f6 , f7 should open the desktop if kdm is on , afaik f8 does nothing19:22
d0clast line on f7 is skipping profile in /etc/apparmor.d/disable: usr.bin.firefox19:23
d0cmaybe additional proprietary nvidia drivers are the problem? kubunut default one didnt work19:24
SnowhogBluesKaj: I'm aware. See: [Jan 31@10:16:26] <Snowhog> d0c: What happens when you press Ctrl+Alt+F7 or Ctrl+Alt+F8 <<< Sometimes, Ctrl+Alt+F8 gets me the KDM Greeter, not Ctrl+Alt+F7.19:25
BluesKajSnowhog, really? never tried ctrl+alt+f819:26
SnowhogBluesKaj: I discovered this when Ctrl+Alt+F7 only took me to a tty. Don't ask me why this is, it just is -- sometimes. ;p19:27
BluesKajSnowhog, just tried it from the tty , no response19:32
SnowhogBluesKaj: I've found, that on a reboot, and at the KDM Greeter, I go to tty1 (ctrl+alt+f1), login, do my CLI stuff, and then type exit, that ctrl+alt+f7 doesn't "always" get me back to the KDM Greeter. When that happens, ctrl+alt+f8 does. My feeling is that in this scenario, X has not yet been started, because I didn't login via KDM yet.19:35
BluesKajSnowhog, ok , I thought X started with kdm in tandem to open the login scrn19:39
SnowhogBluesKaj: Only a guess on my part. Like I said, I don't really know why it does this (here), when it does.19:40
BluesKajSnowhog,  but my knowledge of the sequence is sketchy at best :)19:40
james147^^ as far as i know X needs to be running with or before kdm...19:41
BluesKaji guess as long one can get to tty then a rescue is possible when X fails19:41
Snowhogjames147: Any idea then, why at times, X isn't on tty7??19:41
james147Snowhog: X takes the first free one, if tty7 was taken for some reason (i find its notmally because the last one didnt die soon enough) then it goes to the next free one, tty8... or tty9 if 8 is also not free...etc19:42
BluesKajSnowhog, you have open the desktop/kwin before dropping to a tty , I think19:43
BluesKajhave to19:43
james147^^ what are you gues trying to do?19:43
james147guys ^^19:43
SnowhogBluesKaj: No. As I said, when it happens (but not all the time), it's when I drop to tty1 from the KDM Greeter "before" I login.19:43
BluesKajthen you can get the dsktop back with ctrl_alt+f719:43
BluesKajsorry I should have been more clear19:44
BluesKajanyway yesterday I had no X at all, no tty ...couldn't even ssh into this media-server pc , after upgrading to X1.10 in natty 11.04...so i just had reinstall maverick19:46
BluesKaji think there's gonna be plenty of trouble on natty , even after it's official release in April , that new X stack looks like it's going cause a lotta grief for a lotta ppl19:48
d0cstartx say no screens found19:53
james147d0c: what graphics card and driver are you using?19:55
d0cthx anyway... i'll wait few more days.. maybe google then can help me19:58
d0cand proprietary nvidia drivers19:58
james147d0c: rename /etx/X11/xorg.con19:58
james147d0c: rename /etx/X11/xorg.conf19:58
james147d0c: rename /etc/X11/xorg.conf  << that one :p19:59
james147d0c: dosent matter, as long as its something different :) (adding .bak or .backup or .old is usually good)19:59
d0cand reboot?19:59
james147d0c: if X cant find that file then it will default to the autodetect... which should work20:00
james147d0c: no, just try to start x (sudo start kdm)20:00
Ash-FoxI'm being driven slightly mad, I'm trying to port forward a DNS server and this iptables rule does not appear to work, I don't understand why - Any ideas?: sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d -p udp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to
james147or whatever way you like to20:00
d0creboot worked20:01
d0csimple. thx20:01
james147d0c: you may want to regenerate your xorg.conf file to use the nvidia drivers again (sudo nvidia-xconfig will do taht)20:02
* james147 cant remember if that requires X to not be running20:02
d0cyes it does20:03
d0cthanks again20:04
se3nHi there20:04
se3ni'm trying to get sound for one game... the game run with normal sound only with oss20:05
se3ncan i have oss and alsa at the same time :D20:06
macono, they're two separate sets of drivers. alsa has a compatibility layer for oss though20:06
se3nyes i tryit allready20:07
se3naoss and then run the game20:07
se3ni have sound but its very slow20:07
se3nthere is a delay between sound and game20:07
se3nbig delay20:07
se3nwith padsp is the same20:08
se3nthe sound is normal only when i install oss modules but when i did it i don't have sound on the desktop... nowhere only in games :(20:09
se3nin ubuntu 9.04 everything was fine why the new distros doesn't use oss by default20:13
vanvansomebody (who speak french if possible) can help me with a touchpad bug??21:01
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:03
se3nany help21:05
se3ni install oss4 but i dont21:05
se3n'i don't have "/dev/dsp"21:05
se3n290 user and all of them away :|21:21
james147se3n: not all of them21:22
james147se3n: just no one seems to know the answer to your problem21:22
se3nno one :(21:22
james147(or at least no one thats paying attention)21:23
se3nhow i have to install oss4 to make /dev/dsp device21:23
se3nits saying i don't have audio device21:23
se3nall i need is /dev/dsp/ link but i don't know what link is it... link to what21:24
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iulian_se3n: check there http://www.khattam.info/solved-cant-open-devdsp-in-ubuntu-10-10-maverick-meerkat-2010-06-09.html21:34
se3nbut this is oss emolution21:37
se3ni have allready oss21:37
se3nbut oss doesb't create device's21:38
se3ni also don't have any snd modules loaded when type i konsole "lsmod"21:39
BluesKajalsa-base and alsa-utils  will link to your soundcard , check by typing alsamixer in the terminal , se3n21:39
se3nBluesKaj, No such file or directory21:41
se3ni'm using oss421:41
se3noss4 use /dev/dsp and /dev/mixer21:41
se3nbut i don't have them21:42
iulian_yep but sbagen will run without oss21:42
iulian_just install it and change /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf.21:42
BluesKajse3n, why are you using oss , are you on an old kubuntu version?21:44
se3ni have just one game i want to play and he runs only with oss21:45
se3naoss and padsp doesn't work for me21:45
se3nnow will try installing oss from http://www.opensound.com/21:45
BluesKajse3n, which soundcard?21:45
se3ni'm not sure21:46
se3nintel but what exacly21:46
15SABGCQZhi, sorry to be rude, but does anyone know if there's an irc channel for knetworkmanager?21:48
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james147decktrio: knetworkmanager is being replaced by the network managment widget ^^21:48
decktriojames147: hmm... ok. thanks for the help! :)21:50
* BluesKaj avoids network manager for ethernet configuration... /etc/network/interfaces is basic abd effective21:55
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=== raffaele is now known as Guest53709
Guest53709hi. i have a notebook with 10.10 on. I want to disable the synaptics touchpad when another mouse is connected thought USB (like in Windows). How can i do that?22:49
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Guest32191hi, anyone knows how to add adblock to reqonk?22:56
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SnowhogGuest53709: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad#shmconfig and a bit of crafty scripting should allow you to disable/enable the touchpad when a mouse is plugged/unplugged. Sorry, I don' know how to do it, but I do know that it can be done.23:00
Guest32191hi, anyone knows how to add adblock to reqonk?23:01
SnowhogGuest32191: Adblock is already part of Reqonk. You have to enable it. Click on the Wrench icon, Configure reqonk and you'll see it.23:05
Guest53709Snowhog: thanks you23:11
SnowhogGuest53709: Google is your friend. This might be what you are looking for: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=162943323:15
Guest53709Snowhog: thanks you very much. Try it now23:20
Guest32191Snowhog i know but only easyliists appears, and lots of adds shows23:21
Guest32191how to add more filters?23:21
SnowhogGuest32191: If you click on the Manual Filters tab, you can add your own. As to adding to the existing list, I suggest you visit the Adblock site. I believe they have instructions there.23:23
Guest32191Snowhog thnx23:24
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SnowhogGuest32191: In reqonk, it appears that Adblock isn't 'full-featured' like you would have in Konqueror and/or Firefox.23:31
Guest32191so, whats the better browser in kde?23:36
Guest32191i mean, firefox & chrome are kinda slow23:36
Guest32191only reqonk works good23:37
Guest32191but can't set adsblock properly23:37
SnowhogGuest32191: That's a matter of opinion. Depends on your hardware, video card/driver, personal likes/dislikes.23:37
Guest32191well i only want 2 things on a  browser: fast , no adds23:38
SnowhogGuest32191: In Firefox, check that you have ipv6 disabled. Launch FF and in the URL type: about:config and then search on ipv6. If it shows as false, double-click and change the value to true.23:44
Snowhog^^double-clicking changes the value.23:45
Merlin__I am new to linux and running Kubuntu 10.10 and have some how delted/uninstalled kpackeeit  how do i reinstall?23:47

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