
* phillw I am getting tired of this,,,,,00:22
phillw;kickban evilMH000:22
phillw;part DragonEyes00:26
phillw;kickban evilMH000:30
DragonEyesError.  The syntax for that command is: part <channel>00:30
phillw;part #lubuntu00:31
phillwYou got to love that little dragon :D00:31
phillw;ban evilMH000:46
phillw;part #lubuntu00:46
mavericksometimes when i login i have this app that keeps flashing. it is makng it hard to type right now01:41
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lightahi, having an issue during installation, look like hdd or iso is bad written, but I doubt about iso since i'm on it atm. I can't lauch chronium to get another iso so is there another option ?02:19
jmarsdenhyperair: Any idea what might be causing bug #710049 -- a bunch of packages are showing up ready to autoremove after a Lubuntu 10.10 install... which probably shoudn't be!03:18
ubot5Launchpad bug 710049 in lxdm (Ubuntu) "missing dependency allows encryptfs-utils to be autoremoved" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71004903:18
mythidcan anyone help me with something please??03:27
mythidAnyone there?03:27
jmarsdenmythid: Ask your actual specific question and see if anyone can answer it.03:39
bioterrormythid, where's the prolem?03:51
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murpholinoxI am installing lubuntu in an old lap04:49
murpholinoxtoshiba satellite for windows xp04:50
jmarsdenmurpholinox: OK.  Do you have a question about Lubuntu?  Or are you just letting everyone know?04:52
murpholinoxsorry...I have 3 computers here...04:53
murpholinoxuhmmm ok...I was in the live install thing and after double clicking on the "install lubuntu 10.10 icon"04:54
murpholinoxa message appeared >> "failed to run /usr/bin/ubiquity as user root"04:55
murpholinoxunable to copy the user's Xauthorization file04:55
murpholinoxcan I solve the problem?04:56
jmarsdenThat was the first thing that happened?  You may want to boot from the CD and run the "Test this CD" option to verify the CD was created correctly.04:57
murpholinoxI'll do it now04:58
murpholinoxcheck finished : no errors found05:15
jmarsdenmurpholinox: OK.  I've installed Lubuntu 10.10 a few times, and never seen that, but it does not seem to be something that would be machine-specific.  Can you boot from the CD and run the "Install Lubuntu" option, instead of running the LiveCD and then double clicking the installer icon?05:17
murpholinoxI did "install lubuntu"... it takes me again to the blue desktop with the installation-icon....(it's strange 'cause I can see for a moment the lower panel with the clock, and the internet connection, and also the menu with thr programs)05:59
murpholinoxafter doing...nothing...06:00
murpholinoxa new message says that "Sorry he program "ubiquity" closed unexpectedly. If u were not doing anything confidential (entering passwords or other private info.) u can help to improve the application by reporting the problem)"06:01
murpholinox() ignore future crashes of this program version06:03
murpholinoxreport problem or close06:03
bioterrortry that one06:04
bioterrorwith alternate install, you dont have to deal with ubiquity06:13
murpholinoxok...It's time to sleep ....I'll do it in a few hours06:32
psyklownis there an easier way to add an application to startup rather than this -> http://wiki.lxde.org/en/Autostart  ?07:59
bioterrorthere's section ;)08:09
psyklowni dont understand why there is not an "add app" in desktop session.08:11
jmarsdenpsyklown: If you install a package using Synaptic, doesn't it get automatically added to your menus?08:13
bioterrorshould get08:13
psyklownjmarsden i used ubuntu software center. it added some programs, but not compiz or emerald08:13
bioterrorsomeone have not made .desktop fiels for compiz and emerald08:14
JackyAlcineIs Qt a good idea of a framework to use for Lubuntu application development?08:14
bioterrorhas not08:14
bioterrorI was taking nap here :D08:14
jmarsdenpsyklown: Ubuntu Software Center, in Lubuntu?  I don't see it in the Lubuntu menus.  Compiz and Emerald seem aimed more at modern higher end hardware than Lubuntu is, to me.  Are they commonly used with Lubuntu?  If your hardware can run Compiz well, why not just run GNOME too?  Maybe I'm just not the usual Lubuntu user :)08:18
bioterroractually you're08:18
bioterrorlubuntu users hardly wishes to have desktop effects08:18
psyklownjmarsden compiz and emerald run smoothly, but with gnome it is slow. hence me using lubuntu08:19
bioterrorthey just wants a smooth and working dekstop without too much "candy"08:19
psyklownall of this being moot since i was asking about start up apps08:19
jmarsdenpsyklown: Really?  You are in #lubuntu, so why is it moot?  The answer is that in general packaged apps add themselves to the menus, in Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu and Lubuntu, and if they do not, that's a bug against that package which should be filed.08:20
psyklownjmarsden discussing why i am using compiz and emerald. that is moot.08:21
jmarsdenThis should help answer your comment that "i dont understand why there is not an "add app" in desktop session."08:21
bioterror /wii jmarsden08:23
bioterrorwhops :D08:23
bioterrorgotta stalk some08:23
phillw;kickban MichaelH09:08
phillw;kickban MH009:08
phillw;part #lubuntu09:09
AscavasaionI have an AMD Duron 1300MHz machine, 30Gb HDD and 384M RAM.  I have two different graphics cards and two monitors.  What Distro would run the best on it?  I tried Puppy, but its kernel does not allow VGA arbiter which is key to enabling dual display support.  Any advice pelase.10:40
bioterroras you joined #Lubuntu, you've made your decission, right?-)10:42
Ascavasaionbioterror: Not sure... PuppyLinux was my first choice, but its kernel does not support VGA arbiter.10:43
bioterrortry lubuntu LiveCD (as your computer doesnt seem to support USB pendrives?!)10:43
Ascavasaionbioterror: Does lubuntu have VGA arbiter enabled?10:45
JackyAlcineIs ALSA shipped with Lubuntu? or is it PortAudio?10:45
bioterrorAscavasaion, trying to sniff from somewhere what modules we have10:48
JackyAlcineAlright, that saves me fifty years of work.10:48
JackyAlcineI personally think ALSA's easier to use than Pulse.10:48
JackyAlcineAnd it's so much more efficient.10:49
bioterrorAscavasaion, as I quickly googled, seems to be10:49
bioterrorbut now I have to flee to help new ceo with his phone :P ;)10:49
Ascavasaionwhat site???10:49
JackyAlcineWhat on earth is NAS?10:51
bioterrorJackyAlcine, network attached storage11:04
JackyAlcineQSound calls it Network Audio System, and it's horrible.11:04
bioterrorhi leszek12:55
zkriessehello leszek12:56
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afinkHello everyone.  How can I make it so that lubuntu keeps the resolution I set after a reboot?16:56
leszekafink: I think you need to execute lxrandrs tool on startup17:00
afinkok I'll give that a try, thank you17:07
afinkdoes lxrandr write to xconfig?17:08
afinkI installed lubuntu on old older guys computer and made the resolution 800x600 so he could see it.  I would like to find a way to have it set to 800x600 default.  Can I do it in xorg.conf?17:09
leszekafink: you can do it in xorg.conf aswell17:10
afinkok great thanks.17:11
leszeklxrandr is a gui for xrandr which is a specification for xorg and allows you to change settings of xorg on the flx17:11
esinghi lubuntians17:54
esingI wonder how I can turn off the wlan connection window popping up after every booting, although my wlan key is already safed. How can I turn this off17:56
esinghehe hi szczur :D18:11
szczurh i esing18:12
esingkak dela18:12
esingszczur I wonder if you know how I can shutoff the wlan windows after every reboot18:13
esingalways it asks me to enter the wpk2 key18:14
esingbut it is already safed18:14
esingthen i click cancle and go into internet18:14
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esingif I click ctrl + alt + F2/F3 I turn to a full screen terminal , is that place with chroot rights?18:47
Timo_esing: if you want chroot you just do sudo su18:51
Timo_in any terminal18:51
esingi see18:52
Timo_I believe that ALT+Fx terminals are exactly the same as gnome-terminal18:52
Timo_well, have the same functionality18:52
Timo_but not sure about that18:52
esinglubuntus uses gnome right?18:52
esingi know that ubuntu uses the gnome environment .. does lubuntu this too? or kdeß18:54
Timo_oh no18:56
Timo_Sorry for saying gnome-terminal, Lubuntu uses Xterm18:57
Timo_as Lubuntu stands for LXDE - Ubuntu18:57
Timo_it's using the Lightweight X Desktop Envirement18:57
Timo_which is used for old pc's mostly (so it's very fast :))18:57
esingah perfect18:57
esingi like lxde very much18:57
esingi dont like full desktops18:58
* Timo_ hides - uses Linux Mint 10 => Gnome18:59
Timo_but I guess, if I would've had an old pc, I would've used LXDE18:59
Timo_as it's booming fast :)18:59
phillw;unban MichaelH19:00
Timo_Hey we've got some Dragon Eyes here19:00
phillw;part #lubuntu19:00
phillw;unban MH019:06
phillw;part #lubuntu19:06
ubuseryeah, what19:46
ubuseruh huh okay19:46
ubuseryea uh huh, what19:46
ubuserokay yeah uh huh19:46
ubuseru used ubuntu?19:47
ubuserim bout to install lubuntu 10.1019:47
ubuseri was wondering if you could put the iso on a flash drive19:47
mark76That's good19:48
mark76I can't, no19:48
ubuseris there an option in the boot settings to load OS from it?19:48
mark76I should think so19:48
ubuserknow a command to clear a flash drive?19:48
mark76If you press ESC when the bios screen comes up it should give you an option to change the boot from device19:49
mark76If it's the bios screen19:49
mark76If it isn't then it's the first one that comes up after the manufacturer's spalsh screen19:50
szhHow can I add a startup application, i.e. a program that automatically starts at boot?20:07
leszekszh: at boot or after logging in ?20:08
szhafter logging int20:09
szhI mean after logging in20:09
leszekthere is a session management configuration under settings20:10
leszekthere you can set autostart apps20:10
szhBut there's no option to add a new one20:10
bioterrorszh, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ20:11
bioterrorthe last one20:11
szhthanks :)20:11
* bioterror knew that will be handy20:12
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esingive got in my grub 3 different kernels for starting lubuntu, 2.6.35-25-generic,  2.6.35-22-generic,  2.6.31-0206..-generic     Can I just delete the 2 oldest or is it suggested to keep them?21:54
esinghi mark76 :)21:54
MrChrisDruifesing: If the newest kernel isn't giving you any troubles, than it's okay to delete the oldest two :)21:54
esingah super :)21:55
esingthx MrChrisDruif21:55
MrChrisDruifYour welcome esing :)21:55
MrChrisDruifLinux like to keep older kernels as back-up O:-)21:55
mark76Hi esing22:06
esingheh ^^22:06
mark76I have so many tabs22:07
MrChrisDruifHai mark76 :)22:08
mark76Hey Chris22:08
MrChrisDruifHow's it going?22:08
mark76Not bad22:08
mark76Leicester have signed ex Portugal No 1 Ricardo22:09
MrChrisDruifAlright...and that's a good thing? :P22:10
mark76I hope so22:11
mark76And I'm finally at the upper limit of my recommended BMI22:12
MrChrisDruifCongratulations :)22:14
MrChrisDruifI know that is definitely is a good thing :)22:14
mark76Yeah. Though I am aiming for the middle of the range22:16
mark76Which around 144 lbs22:16
phillwbug #122:16
ubot5Launchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122:16
mark76That way I can eat more cake :)22:16
MrChrisDruifFunny phillw ;)22:16
MrChrisDruifAre you a small man mark76? :)22:17
MrChrisDruifYour middle bmi is 65 kg, that's not much...22:17
MrChrisDruifI need to weight about 80 kg for bmi of 2422:19
MrChrisDruifMeh....current BMI is 32.3 <_<"22:19
mark761You must be really short22:20
* phillw this convo would be better suited to offtopic?22:20
MrChrisDruifThat's quick :)22:23
hajouri am 163 cm and 60 kg my bmi is 22.6 healthy weight. before i had medicine i was 75 kg22:28
MrChrisDruifhajour: we've continued this conversation in -offtopic :)22:28
hajouroops sorry22:29
hajourwrong chat22:29

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