
=== ka6sox is now known as ka6sox-away
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Kamondeliouswhat sort of voodoo do I have to do to allow a serial login for maverick on a beagleboard (rev C3)?05:48
Kamondeliousoh,remove "quiet splash"?  I've tried adding "console=ttyS2,115200n8 serialtty=ttyS2"05:53
persiaKamondelious, You'll need to have some upstart job that generates a getty on ttyS2.  jasper-initramfs should generate one on first boot if you're using that sort of image, and passed the console= on first boot.  If not, you can probably get one with a quick copy&edit of e.g. /etc/init/tty5.conf06:14
Kamondeliouspersia, ahhh ok thanks06:18
Kamondeliousand I'm in, awesome, thanks again persia06:27
persiaThere may be a few other things you have to adjust in a similar vein: maverick is really focused on the desktop/laptop use case.  There's a few things in progress for Natty that ought make it simpler (like automatic provision of getty on serial consoles)06:30
Kamondeliouslike how the kernel can't find the driver for my usb wifi dongle now?06:33
persiaNo, that's likely a general problem.  I doubt the kernel has that driver for any environment/architecture.  Please file a bug with `ubuntu-bug linux` and report as much about the dongle as you can.06:34
Kamondeliousit's been working fine for the past couple weeks06:34
persiaOn an Ubuntu system?06:35
persiaVery odd.  That really oughtn't happen.  Did you recently get a kernel upgrade?06:36
Kamondeliousnot unless it did it by itself06:36
persiaYou would have at least been advised (needs your password).06:37
KamondeliousI did an upgrade a few days ago, but the system's been rebooted a few times since then06:38
persiaIt ought to have shown up the first time, if it was a regression.06:39
Kamondeliouskernel hasn't changed06:39
Kamondeliousnow the wifi dongle doesn't even show up under lsusb06:45
Kamondeliousthat's really odd06:45
Kamondeliousthe other devices are there, maybe the wifi dongle died06:45
Kamondeliousthat would suck06:45
persiaMaybe a power thing?  How is it attached?06:46
Kamondeliouspowered usb hub06:47
Kamondeliousit's been working great for the last couple weeks06:47
persiaDoes a plug/unplug show anything in syslog?06:48
Kamondeliousgood question06:49
Kamondeliousbut I can't test that tonight, it'll require too much dis-assembly06:51
persiaWell, if you get messages, you probably ended up with it hibernating unexpectedly.  If not, you may want to try in another environment, but I suspect it's gone.06:51
Kamondeliousthanks again for your help06:52
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sveinseWhat is consolekit? It seems its a system for managing permissions and such for logged in users. Am I right?08:52
sveinseI'm building an embedded system which will run exclusively off daemons/services. Can I be without it? It seems to me that consolekit pops up everywhere...08:53
LetoThe2ndsveinse: well i've got an embedded system without consolekit.. more than one even, i think. depends on what distribution you are running and what it's supposed to do.08:57
sveinseLetoThe2nd: maverick08:58
LetoThe2ndsveinse: mine don't even run ubuntu :P08:58
LetoThe2ndcalling a machine running ubuntu embedded feels rather strange to me anyway ;-)08:59
sveinseMy problem is pulseaudio ATM. Sound worked before the weekend, now I keep getting connection refused08:59
sveinseLetoThe2nd: Well, that's the choice we made. We found it better to use maverick over OE, since it offers a system more similar to "ordinary"/host linux systems09:00
LetoThe2ndsveinse: choose whatever you like, it's your project ;-) i just wanted to point out that i personally don't consider ubuntu being something worth calling embedded, for it brings all that stuff that i don't want to see there or that wouldn't fit into flash anyway (like all that funky gizmo-stuff that you are at the moment struggling with) :-)09:06
LetoThe2ndsveinse: therefore - sorry, can't help you with that one.09:06
* hrw will seek for sponsor to get flash-kernel with efika support into archive09:18
hrwwriting patch and waiting for merge is just waste of time09:19
hrwogra_: flash-kernel is still somewhere on a list?09:56
ogra_hrw, indeed09:56
ogra_i'll try to get to it this week09:57
ogra_i think i'll skip the merge and just apply the waiting patches though09:57
hrwI have to dig patch from lp again...09:57
ogra_there is nothing overly important in debian we need09:57
ogra_i am subscribed to all the bugs09:57
hrwI want to upgrade kernel on efika - flash-kernel started...09:59
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ogra_hrw, are you going to the emdebian sprint ?11:03
hrwogra_: yes, Cambridge, UK one11:04
ogra_i'm looking for a hotel to stay11:05
ogra_i dont see any options on the wiki11:05
hrwholiday inn express11:05
ogra_got a url or so ? i'll book through the travel agent11:05
hrwogra_: I booked thought agency11:06
ogra_well, works :)11:06
ogra_ah, cool11:06
ogra_so they know it then, thanks11:07
hrwno problem11:07
hrwthis hotel is nearest to ARM11:08
hrwand its ~15-20minutes walk11:08
ogra_good, thought far from downtown then i guess11:08
ogra_i.e. dinner options are likely not great11:08
hrwoops. google said 7 minutes even11:08
hrwogra_: it is near11:09
hrwyou just need to know shortcut ;D11:09
ogra_heh, k11:09
ogra_i'll ask you then11:09
hrwogra_: use satellite view11:09
hrwogra_: there is a bridge over railway11:09
hrwand long sidewalk near the water11:09
ogra_i guess i'll find my way around, first the booking :)11:10
hrwogra_: so you go to represent ubuntu/arm and me same for linaro11:11
ogra_i'm replacing david11:11
hrwI land at 11:40 in luton, then bus to cambridge11:12
hrwon sunday11:12
hrwback on saturday 11:20 from STN11:12
ogra_hmm, i will likely just get a flight to heathrow11:12
hrwlonger trip you will have then11:13
hrwSTN has best connection to cambridge11:13
hrwdirect train11:13
ogra_but no good lufthansa connection to FRA11:14
hrwuse cheaper airline?11:14
ogra_cheaper ?11:14
ogra_LH flies me to LHR for 98€ roundtrip11:14
ogra_even with train thats a cheapo11:15
hrwyou have good local airport ;D11:16
hrw~curse me11:17
hrwhotel -> arm is 30-35 minutes by walk. 7 by car :D11:17
hrwanyway near enough11:17
ogra_no, when i lived in cologne i had a good local airport11:17
ogra_it's germanwings home base11:18
ogra_they offer CGN->STN for 5€11:18
hrwogra_: http://wiki.openembedded.org/index.php/Oedem/2009#Travel will be useful for you11:18
hrw@ is €?11:19
hrwswitch to de_DE.UTF-8 finally?11:19
ogra_hmm, i thought i had utf-8 everywhere11:20
ogra_does it work now ?11:22
ogra_sorry, caps11:23
ogra_dunno why there was IRC preset as charset by default11:25
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NCommanderogra: so I poked cjwatson, and thought it over. I agree that your right with a new target and not reusing base (which also lets us break out a new seed easily if we need it). I just think we should call it something else beside 'headless'12:49
ograwe could extend it to headless-chicken ;)12:49
ogramake a name suggestion, i'm fine with anything thats descriptive12:49
ograits janimo's spec he should make the final call12:50
NCommanderogra: probably 'ubuntu-cli'. The reason I don't like headless is it could be confused with netboot or LTSP stuff12:50
ograi dont see where that would clash name widse12:51
ograltsp doesnt have any headless option or anything that would even sound remotely like headless12:53
ograi would probably call it ubuntu-minimal-server or so ... but that would clash even more than headless12:53
ograthe name i'd like most would be ubuntu-core ... but that would clash with a product description mdz works on12:55
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janimoNCommander, any name is fine, headless is used by linaro for their current dev image though13:03
janimoNCommander, I am wondering whether preinstalled should be in the name for further clarification13:04
* NCommander mutters something about the hardest part of implementing a spec is naming the name things13:04
janimoas for cli wouldn't that be confused with Mono (CLI) centric build? No need to be overly tesre in naming these images13:04
janimoNCommander, indeed, that is why I said I am fien with any names but want to get it done, and then polish (naming, etc)13:05
NCommanderpersonally, both ogra and I wantedto call preinstalled images 'oem', but we nuked that for obvious reasons13:05
janimoI thikn headless-preinstalled is pretty descriptive13:05
* rsalveti agrees13:06
ograadding preinstalled will add duplication, preinstalled is in the patch already13:06
rsalvetihm, ok then13:06
ogradamned finger memory13:06
janimowell but in project names at least in debian-cd13:06
janimoubuntu-mid, toc, kubuntu-mobile , ubuntu-netbook are quite nondescriptive imo13:06
janimoat least this would convey it is preinstalled and not cd and that it is cmd line only13:07
janimoanyway I'll continue on it today after pathc piloting is over13:07
ograimho ubuntu-core would be great, but that would need signoff from mdz13:09
ogra(since he refers to -core with product stuff)13:09
janimocore is vague13:11
janimoso it minimal and standard. headless is clearer imho as it actually says omething about a techincal characteristic - the other can be interpreded very differently13:11
* NCommander would actually would have liked to call it 'base' but that was already taken ...13:32
apwrsalveti, yo ... how are your CDs ... the .38 kernel seems to be in the i386/amd64 kernel and they are looking good13:39
rsalvetiapw: our latest image is still from friday, so no images to test atm13:42
rsalvetiapw: but let me try the latest deb available13:42
rsalvetiFinished on 2011-01-29 (took 19 hours, 36 minutes, 38.4 seconds)13:43
apwrsalveti, ?13:43
apwwhat took 19 hours?13:43
rsalvetithe latest kernel for armel13:43
apwrsalveti, oh yeah ... thats why we whine when you want new flavours13:43
ograrsalveti, thats why i wanted the linaro kernel ... got tired of the whining ;)13:46
ograapw, we're waiting for mvo to fix update-manager before we can attempt a new image build13:47
ograhe's on it though, should be fixed today13:47
rsalvetiand GrueMaster is also getting his new xm today probably13:49
apwogra, heh he is cutting it fine for the freeze :)13:49
ograwell ...13:49
ograhaving images before the freeze really helps fixing issues :)13:50
apwrsalveti, so i am assuming this kernel will be as good for you as the ones we hand made and tested late last week... in which case we are planning on this being the alpha-2 kernenl13:50
rsalvetiapw: yeah, should be fine13:50
lilsteviis there a userspace usb ethernet gadget driver for armel? the kernel level driver for my platform is horribly broken14:16
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rsalvetiapw: 2.6.38-1-omap seems to be working fine, the only annoying thing is the call trace for the erratum, that will probably be fixed later16:43
rsalvetionce upstream gets the changes16:43
apwrsalveti, yeah, nothing major then good :)16:46
rsalvetiyup :-)16:46
GrueMasterogra: rsalveti:  alsa-1.0.24 was released today.  http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Changes_v1.0.23_v1.0.2417:02
GrueMasterUCM is in.17:02
TheUniGrueMaster: will that make Natty ?17:50
GrueMasterTheUni: I am hoping it will get pulled in after A2 this week (too late for A2).17:52
GrueMasterI'll hunt down our alsa guy and see.17:53
TheUnihave they figured out a sane way for applications to detect available cards yet?17:54
TheUnihmm, seems that what ucm is?17:55
GrueMasterI think UCM is more for a sane way to configure the hardware than through the drivers directly.  For example, the Beagle & Panda boards have audio codecs that contain a lot more connections than are available to the user.  UCM allows you to map the correct ports for the board in userspace so apps (pulseaudio) will just work.17:59
TheUniGrueMaster: seems there's a serious lack of information. Alsa has provided a changelog and that's all? I have to hope more is coming18:07
ograTheUni, ^^^18:10
GrueMasterIt's mostly in alsa-lib.  UCM is mainly an API interface.  Very little is needed at the driver level.18:12
GrueMasterThere is also a utility in alsa-utils, but apps can interface directly with the ucm api in alsa-libs.18:13
=== ka6sox-away is now known as ka6sox
sonny80ubuntu maverick on beagleboard c4: the problem when opens webrowser the system is freezing... i've got  http://rcn-ee.net/deb/rootfs/maverick/ubuntu-10.10-r3-minimal-armel.tar.7z an then done  sudo apt-get install xfce4 gdm xubuntu-gdm-theme xubuntu-artwork xserver-xorg-video-omap318:46
sonny80canonical image hasn't that problem - browser is working well here18:47
rcn-ee_at_worksonny80, anything in dmesg during the freeze? are you using swaP?18:49
sonny80yes i add  swap18:50
rcn-ee_at_workwhat web browser?18:50
sonny80for ex. when watching google maps in firefiox or chrome18:50
rcn-ee_at_workdid you run the script "get_chrome.sh" in /boot/uboot/tools/ (for me it seem's faster then ubuntu's firefox/chrome in the repo's..)18:51
sonny80i didnt ran this script18:52
sonny80i think that problem not in the browser18:52
sonny80cause canonical image working good18:53
rcn-ee_at_workwell, the only difference is the kernel.18:53
sonny80yes... can you fix the problem? :)18:53
sonny80that's why i roll back to angstrom18:55
rcn-ee_at_worksonny80, no idea what the problem actually is, since your 'report' is too limited... i'd say use the "get_chrome.sh" script, compare with the builtin firefox/chrome..18:56
rcn-ee_at_workthen we can go from theire18:56
sonny80midori had the same problem...18:56
sonny80ok what step i need to do to help you with testing?18:57
rcn-ee_at_workrun the script... then go to engadget.com, is it smooth?18:57
rcn-ee_at_work(on my bx/c4/xm running maverick it is..)18:58
sonny80ok i need to reinstall ubuntu instead angstrom it will be tommorow18:59
rcn-ee_at_workah, figured you still had it installed..18:59
sonny80on angstrom it is really smooth19:00
rcn-ee_at_worknext time you should keep the sd card as is, it's impossible to troubleshoot anything...19:00
rcn-ee_at_workangstrom is much lighter embedded os.. ubuntu is getting there..19:01
sonny80can i send you my SD image with troble?19:01
rcn-ee_at_workwhy? it sounds like you were using my base maverick image with xfce installed..19:02
sonny80i also try lxde, icewm19:02
rcn-ee_at_worki'm using the same image today, debugging dspbridge and sgx stuff..19:02
sonny80the same difficulties19:02
rcn-ee_at_worklxde pulles in too much gnome last i checked, that'll bog down the system too..19:03
sonny80xfce is the best choice?19:03
rcn-ee_at_worksofar in my exeperience yes.. keep it simple the less lib's the easier it is for the beagle..19:03
sonny80ok... another question - is it possible to have 24 bit color depth on beagleboard c4 via DVI out?19:04
sonny8016 bit is looking not perfect19:05
rcn-ee_at_worksure, but it'll take more cpu cycles...19:05
rcn-ee_at_workthe neon unit is currently doing the work..19:05
sonny80ok... i heard that SGX cannot work with more than 16 bit is it true?19:06
rcn-ee_at_workdoesn't matter, for 2d graphics the SGX on the omap3 is actually slower then the neon..19:07
sonny80hmm... interesting19:07
sonny80ok tommorow i will give you detailed information of my problem19:08
rcn-ee_at_workother thing to check, speed of sd card on the beagle.. "sudo hdparm -tT /dev/mmcblk0p2"19:09
sonny80wget http://rcn-ee.homeip.net:81/dl/updates/omap-image-builder/tools/setup_sdcard.sh is it neccesarry to run it?19:09
rcn-ee_at_workare you building the image manually then?19:10
rcn-ee_at_work(the script set's up the correct clock speed, in this case your c4 might only be running at 500Mhz vs 720..)19:11
sonny80i repeat step by step instructions from http://elinux.org/BeagleBoardUbuntu19:11
rcn-ee_at_workthat's fine, the manual step by step is the same as the script..19:11
sonny80thank you! tomorrow will be next questions19:12
GrueMasterrsalveti: Does xloader/uboot for omap4 support the different sysboot modes on the panda?  Was wondering if I could configure a different boot mode for experimenting.19:22
rsalvetiGrueMaster: that depends on what you'd like to do19:26
rsalvetiand how are you planning to boot your panda19:26
GrueMasterI was hoping that I could configure mode 1101 (UART/MMC1).  Right now it is configured for 101 (USB/MMC1).19:27
rsalvetiGrueMaster: you can, but then you need to write the x-loader and u-boot with uart19:29
GrueMaster(would be easier if the board used 0ohm resistors).19:29
rsalvetilike we have for beagle19:29
rsalvetiI believe someone already did the work to boot from usb19:30
rsalvetiusing micro usb19:30
GrueMasterOk, so not currently supported.  That's what I needed to know.19:30
rsalvetiwell, probably need some dev to make it work19:33
rsalvetibut possible, for sure19:33
GrueMasterI'll explore it later, after A2.19:34
rsalvetiand why uart? guess usb should also work fine for you19:34
nicofsis anyone familiar with rootstock? i try to build a xubuntu rootfs but it always stalls setting up xulrunner...21:09
topfs2nicofs: I have seen this also, not sure why it happens though21:40
rcn-ee_at_worknicofs, on x86 right? it's qemu crashing..21:48
nicofsrcn-ee_at_work, but why is it doing that to me?!?21:49
rcn-ee_at_workit does it to everyone on x86 since lucid... run it on your target arm board and it'll work fine. .;)21:49
topfs2rcn-ee_at_work: lol, and it will take 100 times longer most likely :D21:55
topfs2I'm guessing it is of no diff on x64?21:55
rcn-ee_at_workactually my igepv2 is faster then my quad 64bit on building rootstock.. ;)21:55
rcn-ee_at_workit's native armv7a vs emulated armv7a.. .;)21:57
topfs2oh right21:57
rcn-ee_at_workand with thumb stuff thrown in for extra fun.. ;)21:57
topfs2I thought rootstock just downloaded and installed, didn't realize it had to actually do any arm stuff21:57
nicofsrcn-ee_at_work, if my target arm board had any internet - no problem21:58
Amiga492Hi guys, I followed the steps here exactly to boot Ubuntu on Panda; https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/OMAPMaverickInstall, but when it boots, I get stuck at "Enabling additional executable binary formats binfmt-support" on serial terminal, nothing over DVI on monitor though.  Any ideas?22:33
AureuszHi ! :) I'm on this page right now : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/DeviceSupport and wondering what you guy would recommend for an arm notebook. There was a lot of stuff presented in CES 2011 so perhaps there are some models you heard of that run ubuntu Flawlessly ? I'm always on the move and I'd like to be able to write code for hours without charging power :)22:48
persiaAureusz, I've seen folk walking around with Ubuntu on the Sharp Netwalker, Genesi Efika MX, and Toshiba ac100.  For all of these, it seems some tweaking of kernels is required.22:52
AureuszI dont mind tweaking kernel, but honsetly, if theres a model that handles things perfectly with an arm ubuntu image... it's better ;p22:54
Amiga492anyone know why I'd get stuck at "Enabling additional executable binary formats binfmt-support" on 10.10 boot on Panda?23:01
persiaAureusz, There's talk about having some for Natty, but I haven't seen anyone commit to one yet.23:08
Aureuszpersia, thanks for you answers, I read also that some machines are coming. most would be tablets I think, interesting anyway :)  gn23:15
ka6soxor bookreaders23:17
persiaka6sox, What's the difference between a bookreader and a tablet?23:17
ka6soxpersia, what the manuf loads on them.23:18
persiaAnd if we consider that the goal is to ignore that, and install Ubuntu on everything?23:18
ka6soxotherwise...from a hardware standpoint? (well at least the Nook)23:18
ka6soxnot a bit of difference23:18
ka6soxpersia, I"m moving my nook color from Android to Ubuntu....slowly because I'm so busy with the FOSS project I work on :(23:19
persiaI suppose one might make a bookreader that was a convertible or a wearable or some such, but yeah, my thought is that "tablet" is a device category and "bookreader" is an application.23:19
ka6soxpersia, right...23:20
persiaka6sox, Your earlier work on that inspired me to go look up the specs, but it didn't seem to be quite enough, for me (but then, I'm generally not a tablet person)23:20
ka6soxsince I can probably get a kindle or nook app that runs on most things.23:20
ka6soxpersia, its CHEAP....and works well.23:20
ka6soxits not a 10" device however.23:21
persiaka6sox, Indeed, but it has to be *better* than my Netwalker to replace it in my pocket.23:21
persiaAnd it's close, but not quite better (but lots cheaper, and better as a new purchase for folk who like tablets)23:21
ka6soxfor now I was looking @ how to do porting...especially of Android devices to Linux.23:21
persiaWell, the quick'n'dirty way is to just boot the Android kernel and an Ubuntu userspace.23:22
persiaBut one usually finds one needs to tweak the kernel a bit afterwards.23:22
ka6soxthats my first approximation...if I ever get time to make this stupid initramfs.23:23
persiaThe ideal way is to add any necessary hardware support patches to the Ubuntu kernel, and then have a kernel flavour that can be used with Ubuntu on the device.23:23
ka6soxnot sure if the patches are mainline yet...and BN didn't separate out "patches" it was a source dump off a Windows Machine.23:23
persiaThat's unfortunately common.  The monolithic patch is usually extracted by diffing against mainline for the reported version, and then one breaks down the components by inspection, and tries to port them to current trunk.23:26
ka6soxpersia, I'd LOVE to do that if we could figure out what they started with.23:49

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