
Acid190Anyone interested in being the artist for a new distro?02:36
=== ian_brasil__ is now known as ian_brasil
coz_hey all20:11
thorwilhi coz_20:13
coz_thorwil,  hey guy20:13
doctormohey coz_20:40
coz_doctormo,  hey guy20:40
doctormocoz_: My name is Martin, but you may call me 'My Lordship'20:40
coz_doctormo,  ah  ok    that's cool... and very modest of you :)20:41
doctormocoz_: I try to be as humble as I can for the little people.20:41
coz_doctormo,  ah yes... I completely understand... I want to be emperor of the US  but no one understands20:42
coz_so guys... have all of the wallpapers for Ubuntu been chosen already?20:42
doctormocoz_: I don't think so.20:43
coz_doctormo,  ah ok20:43
darkmatterbah. slingshot wont build on maverick20:50
* darkmatter pats coz_ good afternoon20:51
darkmatter<--- just woke up. lol20:51
coz_darkmatter,  hey guy...sorry for delay...was busy in inkscape21:02
darkmatternp. I was busy yawning21:02
darkmattercoz_: I'm going to "attempt" to do some coding in a bit. late riser today, so that results in an inherent lazy.... errr... I mean sluggishness ;p21:06
coz_can anyone see this page?   http://www.brandonberinger.com/21:21
darkmatterlol. I'll need to update php to see it ;D21:29
coz_darkmatter,  yeah that's what is says here  but installed php521:29
coz_I wanted to see more of this guys work21:30
darkmattercoz_: and thus the winky grin thingy :P21:30
coz_I am trying to relaxe..we had a fire in the house today...  someone threw a lit cigarette into a paper waiste basket21:30
coz_whole house filled with smoke... 5 police cars... two fire engines21:31
coz_ and all of the super  nice  super cool21:31
coz_all lf them rather21:31
coz_of course I had a calm head during the whole thing...now find myself a bit   worked up  now that I am alone21:31
coz_darkmatter,  the house has 11 foot ceilings and I am over 6 ft tall and couldnt breathe  the smoke was thick from the ceiling down to my waiste21:32
coz_but in the room where the fire started  ,, the old dell computer survived ...go figure :)21:33
coz_keyboard melted though :)21:34
darkmattercoz_: do a sudo update-alternatives --configure php   and see what it's set to. if you have more than one version it may be using the older one. it'll list the options (if any) with a * by the default21:34
darkmattercoz_: yikes21:34
coz_darkmatter,  ok let me try21:34
darkmatterand slow response to the php thingy. because I saw "house caught on fire" :P21:34
coz_darkmatter,  mm "unkown optio9ns  " --configure"21:35
coz_darkmatter,  although   sudo update-alternatives --list php  gives   /usr/bin/php521:37
darkmattercoz_: oops. pre coffee typo21:37
darkmatteris the spelling21:37
coz_here is only one alternative in link group php: /usr/bin/php521:38
coz_darkmatter,  must be on his end21:38
darkmattercoz_: yeah. if yoy had more han one version it would list them and let you change the one to use. so his site is silly ;)21:39
coz_right :)21:39
coz_ok I need to eat something... be back in a bit21:43
darkmattercoz_: I'm revisiting some of my older design and interaction stuff. although not much has changed in the overall concept, I found something I removed I'm considering adding back21:43

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