
nisshhblahdeblah, truth is, ive been jobless for nearly 3 years00:13
nisshhgone to over 115 job interviews in that time, nothing00:13
nisshhnot a single one got me a job00:13
iktthat's not good00:14
ikthow old are you?00:14
nisshhikt, nah it sucks00:14
nisshhim 1900:14
iktoh that's not so abd00:14
nisshhit is when you have parents like mine00:15
iktdrats :/00:15
iktare you unable to get a temporary low end job while you study?00:15
nisshhbut seriously, people keep telling me to stay positive and such, but i dare anyone to go for that many interviews and still be positive00:15
nisshhi am currently not studying00:15
nisshhmy last college enrolment got rejected00:16
nisshhso im doing nothing till midyear00:16
nisshhikt, i used to have a job, but i had it for about 4 weeks and a dude came along with an engineering degree and they let me go00:17
nisshhand hired him instead00:17
nisshhthis is really quite sad00:17
iktif you've got some certs why not go for something like phone monkey/00:17
nisshhbut ive actually been refused a job at macca's00:17
ikteven just while you look for a better job00:18
nisshhat this point, im just trying to get *a* job and keep it :)00:18
nisshhim so desperate at this point that im willing to get a job doing anything00:18
iktgo go internode phone monkey :D00:18
iktimpossible to fail00:19
iktunless you're ikt00:19
nisshhheh, i dont think they have an office in WA00:19
iktany wa isp?00:19
nisshhyeah, there are some small ones00:19
nisshhi think telstra has an office in perth00:19
nisshhbut not sure about internode/iinet/etc00:20
nisshhikt, i have 4 1/2 certs currently, one for mechanics and 3 1/2 for IT00:20
nisshhstill means i dont have an engineering degree or such though00:21
iktI'm 24 and just getting into cert 300:21
head_victimMy first job out of high school was as a landscape labourer. If you've been out of work for that long surely centrelink will pay you to do a forklift ticket or some such00:21
iktyeah I think that's the idea, just get ANY job, and then use that experience to leverage yourself into better jobs00:22
nisshhhead_victim, tried centrelink, they refused me youth allowance and refused to help me find a job00:22
iktthere's also a lot of weight against you partly because of your age00:22
nisshhikt, ive even applied to places such as macca's, the local newspaper, my relatives, etc, nothing00:22
nisshhyeah that too00:23
nisshhi find that either teens are getting hired or really qualified people, but not me00:23
iktthat's odd00:23
nisshhim stuck in the middle00:23
ikttried going the route of dressing yourself down?00:24
nisshhdressing myself down?00:24
nisshhikt, i dont see that im overqualified for anything tbh, i didnt even do year 11 & 1200:25
iktyou said maccas won't hire you00:26
head_victimI think you should look at finishing 11 & 12 then but that's just me00:26
iktif I walk into maccas today I reckon I could walk out with a job00:26
iktI'm the same though00:26
iktI never finished year 11 and 1200:26
iktbut I've worked helping out some small businesses and at woolworths for 2 years00:27
iktnow I'm in the unusual position of being decently experienced but under-qualified00:27
nisshhikt, overqualification to me doesnt make sense, because the job where i got let go because of the guy with the engineering degree was iga00:27
nisshhas a labourer00:28
ikt tried centrelink, they refused me youth allowance and refused to help me find a job <- OMG yes00:28
iktjust saw that00:28
nisshhsame thing happened to you?00:28
ikt"you need to hand in your resume to this job company, they will help you find a job", so I do and get 0 response and no calls00:29
nisshhive also been to three employment agencies00:29
nisshhthey did crap all00:29
iktapparently they are the laziest people on the planet00:29
iktwhich makes sense to me00:29
nisshhheh, yep00:30
iktI'm just trying to get cert3/4 so I can go work at node/adam as a phone monkey, while still studying for a better job00:30
nisshhcert 3/4 in what?00:30
nisshhah right00:30
nisshhim half way through diploma currently00:31
nisshhnot at uni though00:31
nisshhat TAFE00:31
iktnice :)00:31
nisshhyeah, ill say that when i have a job :)00:31
eternalstupid people01:31
nisshheternal, ?01:32
eternalstupid people01:32
ikthow very odd02:24
iktseemed to follow me02:25
iktunless he just went into every room02:25
nisshhheh, dunno what a freenode staff was doing in here :|02:25
iktfollowing eternal I'd say02:25
ikt* paultag has kicked eternal from #ubuntu-bugs (eternal) <-02:25
nisshhironically, i was just talking to marienz yesterday02:25
ikthe's been kicked out of all the rooms I'm in02:25
nisshhah yes02:26
nisshhthis would be why: 09:25:02 < eternal> use windows. don't use silly ubuntu02:26
nisshhikt, apparently that dude was kb's from UBT as well :)02:27
iktoh nice02:27
iktnot as fun as a k-line :P02:29
nisshhheh, no02:30
iktsed stop being so slow :x05:14
iktpermission denied wha05:15
=== iflema is now known as Guest51466
iktgoooood morning ubuntu au :)23:12
iktdo you happen to know a better utility for looking at cpu uage than top?23:23
sagacinot off the top of my head, no23:24
ikthtop is showing both cpus maxed out at 100% but the process list has the top cpu user as htop @ 1.3%23:24
head_victimikt: system monitor?23:35
ikton a headless server23:35
head_victimOh right ;)23:37
head_victimsurely some watch cat /blah/tingo/place should do it23:40
iktah it' sok23:58
iktwas just a backlog of emails23:58
iktserver must have just fallen over after the 3 power outages and 10 internet connection drops yesterday23:59

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