
nigelbjcastro: around?05:52
nigelbjcastro: http://www.flickr.com/photos/nigelbabu/sets/72157625818416551/05:52
nigelbthere, It did happen :p05:53
dholbachgood morning07:31
nigelbmorning dholbach :)07:50
nigelbdo we have any news of kim0 yet?07:50
dholbachhi nigelb07:53
dholbachI didn't hear anything yet07:53
dholbachbut I don't know if somebody else got in touch with him07:54
* nigelb waves to ara and dpm 07:59
aramorning dpm, nigelb07:59
dpmgood morning everyone07:59
dholbachhola ara, hola dpm07:59
dpmhey ara, morning nigelb07:59
dpmhey dholbach :)07:59
arahey dholbach08:00
dpmmorning czajkowski!09:01
czajkowskidpm: howdy doody ?09:04
dpmczajkowski, doing well, fine. I'm actually reading about Celtic languages, as the Scottish Gaelic team just applied for translating Ubuntu and I wanted to know more about them :)09:05
czajkowskioh good for them09:07
czajkowskithat is great09:07
dpmyeah, so we've now got all of the modern Celtic languages represented: Irish, Manx and Scottish Gaelic09:08
czajkowskiwhat is Manx ?09:08
dpmczajkowski, the variant spoken in the Isle of Man09:14
czajkowskiahh ok09:16
czajkowskididn't know that09:16
AlanBelldpm: and welsh09:36
AlanBellif that counts as celtic, I think it does09:36
dpmAlanBell, good point, it does, although it seems to come from another branch09:38
dpmWe've got people interested in creating a Cornish translation group too09:38
nigelbFacebook has an option where you can change language ot priate english09:39
nigelbTotal fun09:39
czajkowskiis there really that much ofan interest though, I know back home that's a massive interst, only a handful of people want to see Irish, but the majority of people think we should just use English and forget about it on a pc09:40
dpmactually, before I joined Canonical there was a UDS session discussing how to add support for pirate English in Launchpad :)09:41
nigelbdpm: that should've been fun :p09:41
dpmit's nowadays even possible, but it wasn't at the time09:41
nigelbUbuntu in pirate English09:41
nigelbwould give a whole meaning to "Ubuntu is now pirated!"09:41
czajkowskiProblem with Irish for example is not everyone has the standard needed to translate it and the ones that do the majoority, do not have any interest in seeing it on an os09:42
jussidpm: can we officially request pirate english as a language?  I could so contribute to that...09:43
nigelbjussi: UDS-O session.  Launchpad and Ubuntu in priate english09:43
dpmjussi, here's how -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/KnowledgeBase/StartingTeam09:43
nigelbThere'd be too much crowd :p09:43
nigelbBut you know, what's the iso standard for pirate english?09:44
jussidpm: oh wow... :D09:44
* jussi thinks about it...09:44
dpmczajkowski, well, it's a way of keeping the language alive and use it normally on a PC in the same way you'd use it for other things in everyday life09:44
czajkowskidpm: I'm not sure using it on a pc though is a way to keep it alive though :( so kinda torn tbh. I know there is a need especially to keep the Irish language alive. It's a lovely langauge and I'm not that great at it, but would hate to see it die out.09:46
czajkowskiMy god daughter studies all of her subjects though Irish, that means, science, history, georgraphy, maths etc is all done through Irish, except her Computer class ....09:47
dpmso why should the PC be different?09:47
czajkowskiI found it odd also, I know the refer to the machine in irish, like turn it on, or log on09:49
czajkowskior refer to the printer09:49
nigelbczajkowski: I can associate with that.09:50
nigelbWe have the same situation in India.09:50
dpmwell, if translations are odd in Windows, they can make them better in Ubuntu! :)09:50
dpmnigelb, ah, to answer your question, the pirate English language code would probably be en@pirate (that's in GNU libc format)09:53
nigelbYeah, I was surprised to see Ubuntu in my mother tongue :)09:53
nigelbdpm: wow, we'are all geeks :p09:53
dpmof course09:54
dpmnigelb, I know I asked you before, but what was your mother tongue, I can't remember?09:55
nigelbdpm: Malayalam.09:56
dpmahh, yeah09:57
dpmhey popey!10:22
dpmdholbach, if I want to add a session to UDW, shall I just go and add it to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek?11:38
dholbachdpm, yes please :)11:39
dpmokie dokie!11:39
czajkowskidpm: want some tweeting done re UDW ?11:39
dpmczajkowski, sure! dholbach is organizing it, he'd be the one to retweet on this one11:40
czajkowskisorry tab completion feckup11:40
czajkowskidholbach: want some tweet love re udw11:40
dholbachyeah, I think I'd tweet it as soon as the schedule is set11:40
nigelbwow, UDW is coming up?11:41
dholbachif you know of someone who's interested or know a topic that'd be interesting or can think of somebody who should be on there, just talk to them and let me know11:41
dpmdholbach, ok, added a session. Let me know if there is anything else I need to do11:43
dholbachthanks a lot dpm11:43
dakerany signe of kim0 ?11:48
dholbachdaker, dpm, jcastro: I just called Ahmed on his mobile - he's fine, his friends and family as well11:59
dpmdholbach, fantastic \o/12:00
nigelbdholbach: \o/12:00
nigelbHis cellphone is working! Great :)12:00
dholbachinternet outage continues, I told him that there's supposed to be one internet provider continuing service and he confirmed that there's a rumour about that, so he'll try to get in touch with them (I guess half the country is trying to sign up with them), he'll see how things go12:01
dakerdholbach, thanks12:04
duanedesign'lo all12:32
nigelbhey duanedesign12:34
nigelbduanedesign: why do I feel like I haven't talked to you in a while12:34
nigelbdpm: didn't ya read your daily dose of planet today?12:36
dpmyou're right, I didn't yet :)12:36
duanedesignnigelb: might be :)  I have been afk more then usual. Still tryting to find work.12:38
dpmnice report nigelb :)12:39
nigelbdpm: :)12:39
nigelbduanedesign: Ahhh.12:39
duanedesignbeen glued to the tv a lot lately too watching this Tunisia/Egypt intifada.12:41
duanedesignreally interesting. Glad Ahmed is doing well12:42
jussiduanedesign: what kind of work are you looking for?12:44
duanedesignjussi: I have done graphic design for many years. Last few years i have been doing more web production.12:49
duanedesignwould love to do some python work, but not a lot of demand for that were i am12:51
czajkowskiduanedesign: you'd pick that up easily as a contractor I suspect12:52
czajkowskiI saw a lot of it when I was job hunting12:52
* duanedesign nods12:53
duanedesignyeah i only have a couple weeks of savings left so I have to get busy finding something :)12:54
czajkowskiduanedesign: try and search for contract work12:54
czajkowskiand don#'t ;limit yourself to USA try EU., as you contract many dont care where you work12:54
duanedesigngood idea thank you12:55
jussiduanedesign: have you a company/sole trader identity? and where are you based?12:55
czajkowskiduanedesign: np12:58
duanedesignjussi: I am in the U.S. Tulsa,Oklahoma13:00
duanedesignfamous for....well nothing :)13:00
duanedesignoh, garth brooks :P13:00
czajkowskihe's pretty cool13:01
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
jcastrohahaha awesome16:22
nigelbjcastro: o/16:28
nigelbjcastro: did you see the pics? ;)16:30
jcastroi did!16:30
czajkowskipoor sense could not walk the next day16:31
czajkowskiand went to bed early that night he was shattered16:31
czajkowskiit was amusing!16:31
jcastrohey czajkowski16:37
czajkowskijcastro: ello ello :)16:38
jcastrofor Russia is it one team for the country or is it like the US?16:38
czajkowskijcastro: well only USA does it that way16:38
jcastroi see a Russian team16:38
jcastrobut I see other teams in like St. Petersburgh16:38
czajkowskiBrazil kinda do somethhing under team brazil16:38
popeyahem, UK16:38
czajkowskiUK comes under UK16:38
popey(which is within the UK), is ubuntu-cym16:38
czajkowskiIreland comes under ireland, france, Spain breakd down a bit16:38
jcastropopey: heh, don't remind me16:38
popeyso it's not just the USA16:39
czajkowskipopey: how about active teams16:39
czajkowskinot just an irc channel :(16:39
nigelbThere is the united kingdom and then there is the divided kingdom :p16:39
popeythey are active16:39
jcastrook, so I'll recommend to this guy to approach the russian team16:39
popeythey had an event last week16:39
jcastroand then if he wants something to do locally he can just rock it16:39
czajkowskijcastro: how Italy, france and others do it16:39
jcastroI got an email from this dude16:42
jcastroI have never heard of bashkortosan16:42
jcastroI sent him towards the russian team16:43
nigelberm, you sent a mail in English?16:43
jcastroit's odd, every once in a while Claire Newman gets mails from people wanting to do all sorts of things so she forwards them to me16:44
jcastrowell, his mail was in english16:44
czajkowskijcastro: you can tell her to forward them to the loco council if you like16:44
nigelbok, there should be english speaking people on the list then16:44
jcastroczajkowski: it's ok I use it as an opportunity to stay on her good side. :)16:44
czajkowskino worries16:44
AlanBellczajkowski: I would agree that -cym is an active loco and had an event17:12
AlanBellI wasn't massively impressed at the response I had when I inquired how the event went though17:12
paultagmorning all17:13
czajkowskiohhh paultag17:13
* czajkowski hugs paultag 17:13
popeyAlanBell: they gave a talk, had videos/photos taken etc?17:14
* paultag hugs czajkowski 17:14
AlanBelloh the event was good, no doubt popey17:14
AlanBellwas someone else in the channel17:14
jcastrocan someone click on that?17:15
jcastroIt should NOT let you submit for sponsorship17:16
popeyit let me17:16
popey"Thanks very much for requesting sponsorship to uds-o. If you have any queries about your request, please e-mail jorge@ubuntu.com.17:16
jcastrosomeone try now17:17
AlanBellThanks very much for requesting sponsorship to uds-o. If you have any queries about your request, please e-mail jorge@ubuntu.com.17:17
AlanBellyou can back this out right?17:17
jcastroyeah I can just delete them17:17
popeythat site is broken17:17
popeyI can't logout17:17
AlanBellok, because I might not have entered my real dietary requirements17:17
jcastroit's ok I'm just testing17:18
AlanBell"dinosaur meat only"17:18
jcastrotry now17:19
Technovikingyeah, I'm on a special beer only diet17:19
popeystill works for me17:20
jcastrolooks like a bug17:23
* jcastro is off to summit17:23
AlanBellstill works, this time I was a breathairian17:24
popeyI flew in from American Samoa17:25
dholbachalright my friends - I call it a day - see you tomorrow!17:46
nigelbnight dholbach17:46
dholbachbye nigelb17:47
JanC\o/ we will have Belgian "Tux" Chocolates at FOSDEM  :-)18:04
jcastroAlanBell: can you link me up to your mailing list post with your proposed solution to the moin problem?18:11
jcastroI can't seem to find the original post. :-/18:11
AlanBellapparently someone has been tasked with testing an upgrade in a VM, I have no idea whether there has been any progress made18:16
jonojcastro, let's roll18:20
jcastroall ready!18:20
AlanBelljcastro: was there anything specific you were going to do with the mail?18:21
jcastrojust point it out to someone who was complaining about the wiki18:21
jcastrodoctormo: ping18:54
doctormojcastro: pong18:54
jcastrohow's your gimp skills?18:54
doctormojcastro: Good, what do you need?18:55
jcastroI need updated version of these 4 images:18:55
jcastroand http://uds.ubuntu.com/participate/community/18:55
jcastrowith the newer wallpaper18:56
doctormoDo you have the originals? Or the new wallpaper (natty or maverick wallpaper?)18:56
jcastroI do not have the originals18:57
doctormoPersonally I like http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Natty-Wallpaper-Aubergine-Back-1.png minus the narwhals18:58
jcastroyeah, minus the narwhals18:58
doctormojcastro: Not a problem, it's just text with a background.18:58
* jcastro nods18:58
jcastrothanks, I don't have an eye for GIMP18:58
paultagjcastro: hey, man -- I can't remember that guy's name who we had lunch with. He does ARM work. Dan? Dave? D*19:00
jcastrodavid mandala19:01
paultagthat's the one19:01
paultagthanks jcastro. I need to send him some mail19:01
doctormojcastro: Done, next time think of something hard: http://divajutta.com/doctormo/art/jcastro/19:11
doctormoOK so there'll be text changes, but since I redid them in inkscape and they're all svgs, I figure it's now trivial to update.19:12
jcastrowhat do you mean?19:12
jcastrodates are wrong19:13
paultagoh noes19:13
jcastrohere are the updated ones19:13
jcastroand can you tack on a ",Budapest, Hungary" at the end of the date strings?19:13
doctormojcastro: Yes, I did exact replication so we could update the details together.19:14
jcastrook so how's that work?19:15
jcastrosorry I am totally skill-dumb in this area19:16
doctormojcastro: It's done, what I needed is what you gave me. Details and corrections.19:18
doctormoI'll leave these files open for another 10 minutes or so so you can review. You may want to update the language for instance.19:19
doctormo(ftp is taking a second hang on)19:19
jcastrothe language is perfect, just the date19:19
jcastrooh I see what you did there!19:20
doctormoAll uploaded19:20
doctormoHey paultag, when are you next in town? Boston is boring without you19:25
jcastrosweet, gonna grab some chow and then replace them19:27
paultagdoctormo: soon :)19:33
paultagdoctormo: I'll let you know19:33
paultagdoctormo: I might start interviewing, so if I come back for a job interview, I'll be sure to pen you in ;)19:34
doctormopaultag: Pencil me in, you know how busy I get ;-)19:34
paultagdoctormo: ;)19:35
doctormopaultag: Is Ohio anywhere near Milwakie?19:38
paultagdoctormo: kinda sorta19:39
paultagnot super close, but not that far19:39
doctormoI should be near there in a few months for the Discworld convention. (I hope) I'll be doing some colourist stuff.19:40
paultagdoctormo: oh, cool :)19:40
paultagdoctormo: it's about 7 hours away or so, so might be a bit too far19:40
doctormopaultag: 7 hours is only 3 hours by bicycle.19:40
paultagdoctormo: motorbike? ;)19:41
doctormopaultag: No, peddle bike, you were saying it's 7 hours on foot right? because I work with feet by default.19:43
paultagdoctormo: hehehe. Not when it's 7 hours away. 400 some odd miles.19:43
doctormopaultag: 400 miles isn't 7 hours away, that's more like 120 hours away for a fast walker, what sort of person do you know that can walk at 50 miles per hour?19:44
paultagdoctormo: after an hour the walking metric is bumped to driving19:44
paultagdoctormo: after all, who the heck walks 3 hours away19:45
paultagthat's like 20 minutes driving19:45
doctormopaultag: Er, me.19:45
* paultag shrugs19:45
doctormoGod, Americans! strike them down before they do any more harm to themselves and others!19:45
paultagdoctormo: if we had a public transit system, we'd not be forced to use autos19:46
paultagbut our goverment is stpuid19:46
doctormoSure, but you're not forced to specify miles either. as a metric hours per nothing is fairly shit.19:46
paultagand thinks that bombs serve us better then a damn train19:46
doctormolol, don't they? bombs get you to where your going ;-) heaven!19:47
paultagyeah, i'm not the biggest fan of the US19:47
paultagI need to go to Germany19:48
doctormoIn England we have these alternate wacky metrics. For instance 400 miles could be "It's almost all the way to Aberdeen!"19:48
doctormoI think if there was one thing, after the creation of food-like substance abuse, that I dislike. It's the x hours away saying. It's so arrogant to assume everyone drives.19:50
paultagdoctormo: no, it's scale19:50
paultagdoctormo: saying 5 minutes away is walking19:50
paultagdoctormo: 20 is on bike19:50
paultagdoctormo: 40 is by car19:50
paultagdoctormo: anything more then 10 is by plane19:51
paultagdoctormo: if it's in an odd meety space ( 5 hours ) then you specify ( flyting, driving )19:51
doctormoThat's not true paultag, I've head people say something is 5 mins away by car, I've heard them say somethign is 20 hours away by car too.19:52
paultagdoctormo: exactly19:52
paultagdoctormo: 5 minutes by car, not just 5 minutes19:52
paultagdoctormo: or we'd assume walking19:52
doctormoNo, they just say 'it's five minutes away'19:52
paultagdoctormo: or 20 hours by car, not the assumed flying19:52
doctormoAnd assume19:53
paultagdoctormo: naw, I assume walking or biking19:53
paultagbut anything more then 40 minutes or so, I think driving19:53
doctormopaultag: You're obviously different in a really weird way.19:53
paultagdoctormo: perhaps19:53
doctormoWhy not just use real measurements?19:53
paultagdoctormo: because I like my pattern better, it usually works19:54
JanCyou also need to specify the environment of course...  ;)19:54
paultag+1 JanC :)19:54
doctormoIt's more direct, doesn't assume the recipient is middle class and respects them for understanding basic maths.19:54
paultagsee in germany, you have the train metric as well19:54
JanCin the city center, 5 min walking might be 20 min driving (if you include finding a parking space)  :P19:54
paultagso you can push the car metric back, and up the train metric between19:54
paultag+1 JanC19:54
paultagso, let's fit this to a log curve19:54
paultagpopulation / 1000 or so vs time offset metric19:55
JanCI suggest always mentioning the used means of transport and the cirumstances   ;)19:55
doctormoDefactoid, lets just say that I will ignore 'hours away' unless you're expressing time.19:55
paultagOK, and I'm off to class19:59
paultagmuch love19:59
doctormothanks paultag, much love.20:00
jonojcastro, there seems to be a bug on https://uds.ubuntu.com/ where the date and venue on the front page disappears with some of the images20:07
jonocan you check into it?20:07
jcastroI am in the middle of refreshing the images20:07
jcastrogive me like 5 minutes and it should be sorted20:07
cjohnstonjcastro: We are not currently accepting sponsorship applications for {{ summit.name }} in {{ summit.location }}. Please check back again later!   <-- good?20:12
cjohnstonuggh.. still dont like not having bug control access to summit20:14
doctormopaultag: what was that javascript data format you were moaning on at me to use instead of yaml?20:47
JanCdoctormo: json I guess20:57
doctormoJanC: That's the one.20:57
JanCrecent Pythons have support for it built-in20:57
doctormoI've realized that if I want other developers to help me, I have to use the in-fad technologies. :-/20:58
JanCdoctormo: your glade bug is fixed in upstream trunk BTW  ;)20:58
doctormoJanC: great, thanks for reporting that.20:58
JanCif it's just for configuration files, YAML should be fine?21:00
JanCseems like most languages support YAML too21:02
JanCand YAML is older than JSON21:03
JanCIOW, JSON is NIH  ;-)21:03
* JanC goes into acronym overload21:04
jonojcastro, http://uds.ubuntu.com/harassment is not found21:20
* jcastro investigates21:21
jcastrojono: you're missing an R21:22
jonojcastro, ahhh I just clicked the link in the mail21:22
jcastrooh, I'm a moron then21:23
jonothanks for doing that!21:23
jcastrojust missing the local contact info21:23
jcastrowe could go live with it missing the information since there's no one in Budapest right now, but I figure wait the 24 hours to get the info before putting it in the footer21:24
jonoI am going to just share it with ubuntu-women and let them know the information will be online soon21:26
AlanBellyou know the https is borked?21:27
AlanBellYou attempted to reach uds.ubuntu.com, but instead you actually reached a server identifying itself as design.canonical.com.21:28
jonojcastro, ahhh you spelled harassment wrong21:30
jonothere is one r21:30
jonoI am fixing now21:30
doctormojono: If you guys are setting up uds, keep me in mind for further administration scripts.21:30
jcastrough, I had it backwards21:30
jonothanks doctormo!21:30
jcastrojono: don't forget the URL too21:30
jcastroI mean the title21:30
jonojcastro, yeah, fixed21:31
jcastrooh I see, the attachments had the misspelling21:31
* jcastro zigs instead of zags21:31
jonoall good now21:33
pleia2jono, jcastro: thanks for getting that up :)21:35
jcastronot yet!21:36
jonothanks pleia2 :-)21:37
jonopleia2, you are a coder, right?21:53
pleia2jono: sysadmin, I only code when I have to and it's mostly bash and perl21:54
TechnovikingHas harrassment been a problem at UDS? I never seen a problem other than giving Jono crap aboit Metal (which is deserved:))21:56
jonoTechnoviking, hehe, a few isolated incidents21:56
jonopleia2, ahhh, we are doing some dev testing next week21:56
jonowas wondering if you would like to participate?21:57
pleia2jono: specifically?21:57
jonopleia2, basically the Ubuntu developer stack and testing usability21:57
jonowe will as you to perform some simple tasks21:57
jonoand we will assess the usability of our tools21:58
pleia2Technoviking: there were a few high-profile harassment incidents at tech conferences in 2010 that has led a push for policies throughout the foss (and general tech) world so attendees feel a bit safer and know they have a way to talk about incidents with organizers (or whomever can relay it to organizers)21:58
pleia2jono: I'll have to pass this time, thanks for asking though :)22:00
jonono worries, pleia2, thanks!22:00
jonopleia2, if you know of anyone who might be interested, do let me know :-)22:00
pleia2will do :)22:00
pleia2jono: oh! you might want to ask akk (akkana peck)22:02
jonopleia2, ooh good idea!22:04
jonojcastro, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/01/first-drop-of-file-and-application-places-land-in-ubuntu-11-04/ :-)22:07
jcastroI know, run for my money, my dash isn't working right though22:08
jcastroit appears for some people you just get an empy black box22:08
AlanBellnhandler: ^^ up there somewhere22:12
jcastroPendulum: I've started this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/KeyboardShortcuts22:18
* AlanBell pastes in -accessibility22:26
AlanBelljcastro: just had a look round uds.ubuntu.com, only issues I see now are the font and the https breakage22:31
jcastroI filed a bug for the font22:33
jcastrohttps breakage?22:33
AlanBell21:27 < AlanBell> you know the https is borked?22:33
AlanBell21:28 < AlanBell> You attempted to reach uds.ubuntu.com, but instead you actually reached a server identifying itself as design.canonical.com.22:33
jcastroI don't get that at all.22:34
AlanBellnhandler reported it in -website too and someone else confirmed22:34
AlanBellthe certificate is wrong22:34
jcastrooh, so it's something I can't personally fix22:34
jcastroI can +1 the bug though if nhandler has it handy22:35
AlanBellI think it was always wrong, but now in the footer you have a link to https://uds.ubuntu.com/harassment/ so everyone is going to see it22:35
AlanBelland more people use https by default because of that facebook sheep thing22:35
nhandlerI never reported a bug22:35
* AlanBell wonders off. Night all o/22:36
jcastrothanks for your attention to detail on uds.u.c AlanBell22:37
doctormohey czajkowski23:00
czajkowskidoctormo: hi23:01
doctormojcastro/jono: I think we should do a games night at uds http://mairin.wordpress.com/2011/01/31/fudcon-tempe-day-2/23:03
jcastroyou're missing out, didn't you see evan/keybuk paying Settlers the last like 3 UDSes?23:03
doctormoNope, board game?23:31

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