
ari-tczewmicahg: don't feed troll01:17
eternalDavidLevin, you are so stupid01:17
eternalari-tczew, ?01:17
eternalyou are so stupid01:17
eternaluse windows. don't use silly ubuntu01:25
eternaluse windows. don't use silly ubuntu01:28
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micahgRAOF: would you happen to know if cgit has a blame option?02:22
RAOFmicahg: I know I've looked for one in the past; I don't think I found one.02:23
micahgRAOF: ok, I guess I have to clone the repository, I fixed an FTBFS of an rdepend of poppler and want to know which version I have to make as the minimum version now02:25
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DrummerBoy38a laptop or mobile computer is not a desktop02:43
DrummerBoy38i am in france03:02
TheMusoYay, somehow my desktop machine has a corrupt /var/lib/dpkg/available file...03:36
TheMusoYeah it is.03:54
TheMusoHrm... Not a fan of 2.6.38 so far either, tried to do some disk heavy work on two separate machines with the 2.6.38 kernel, and got lockups, one with an open source video driver, the other with NVIDiA...03:54
TheMusoMay not be the kernel, but happened after booting the new kernel.03:55
robert_ancellchrisccoulson, awake?05:39
micahgrobert_ancell: can I help with something?06:01
robert_ancellmicahg, hey, was trying to get the-board to compile - since libmozjs.so is not in the standard path it has trouble with linking.  I was wondering if there was a trick to make it work right06:39
micahgrobert_ancell: ah, take a look at couchdb, I haven't actually gotten to that point yet, do you need gjs for it?  I can upload to the gnoem3 PPA06:40
robert_ancellmicahg, I got the latest gjs uploaded to the GNOME3 PPA, seems to work ok06:41
micahgah, ok06:41
robert_ancellhmm, or it might be debhelper complaining: "dh_girepository: Package name the-board doesn't match gir format 1.206:41
pittiGood morning07:42
didrocksgood morning08:11
mvogood monring didrocks08:12
didrockshey mvo, how was your week-end?08:12
mvodidrocks: good, thanks! and yours?08:12
didrockswas nice as well :)08:13
xclaesseis it known that X crash when connecting an external monitor?08:13
xclaesseon a laptop (intel graphic card)08:14
mvo154 reviews in software-center I count today, woooh08:14
dpmgood morning all!08:17
xclaesseis it possible to downgrade a package, when "apt-cache policy" doesn't show the previews version anymore?08:17
pittihey dpm, had a nice weekend?08:17
dpmheya pitti, yeah, very good, thanks. We went to the theatre, something we hadn't done yet since we moved to Valencia, and it was quite cool. Did you have a nice one?08:19
pittiyes, we did a nice long walk on Saturday, and yesterday my wife moved back to Dresden08:19
pittiso I'm back at home after three weeks of nomadism (Dallas, Prague, Munich) :)08:19
dpmpitti, nice, always good to be back home :)08:20
mvopitti: home++!08:21
pittiThere's no place like!08:21
dpmhi mvo good morning too! We talked about it at UDS, but how has the review feature been implemented wrt to languages? I can see the number of reviews, but I cannot read them. I guess it's because they've been written in a language different than the one I've specified in my locale settings?08:22
mvodpm: yeah, that is most likely. the UI in this regard is a bit confusing currently unfortuantely08:23
mvodpm: once the updated server gets deployed (this week) I can add a control element to show reviews in any language08:23
dpmmvo, ok, cool :)08:24
mvoI will do a bit more testing today with german, just to ensure there are no bugs hidding08:25
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pittiRAOF: do you know why for a few days now dist-upgrade is holding back libdrm-nouveau1a?08:51
pitti(and xserver-xorg-input-{synaptics,wacom}, but I guess that's in progress)08:51
RAOFpitti: Do you have xorg-edgers in your sources?09:17
RAOFThere should currently be no uninstallable X stuff.09:18
didrockssalut seb12809:22
seb128lut didrocks09:24
pittiRAOF: I used to, but not any more; if it's that only, then ignore me10:12
pittibonjour seb12810:12
seb128hello pitti10:12
pitti\o/ our fridge doesn't look like a desert any more10:12
seb128pitti, ;-)10:13
seb128you ran empty during the we?10:13
pittiseb128: no, I had been away for three weeks, and thus emptied it before :)10:14
pittiseb128: ~ sweet ~10:14
seb128oh right10:15
seb128you live as a nomad ;-)10:15
smspillazRAOF: the driver should never send you uninitialized values in XDamageNotify events right?10:25
smspillazbecause if it is, then I need to file *yet another* bug against the nvidia driver10:25
RAOFI don't see any particular reason why a driver should send uninitialised values in the damage notify, but I'm not sure if that's actually wrong.10:27
smspillazRAOF: valgrind complains though10:27
smspillaza lot10:27
smspillazand it makes debugging a pain if whenever I resize a window I get 600 valgrind errors10:27
smspillazRAOF: actually, would you mind double checking this for me?10:28
smspillazRAOF: turn on "normal resize" ccsm -> resize -> mode -> normal10:29
smspillazand then run compiz through valgrind10:29
smspillazand resize a terminal10:29
smspillazand see it valgrind just goes ape at you10:29
smspillazbrb dinner10:29
smspillazlet me know how it goes10:29
htorquesmspillaz, seeing tons of "Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) at 0x6F2CF94: ??? (in /usr/lib/nvidia-current/libnvidia-glcore.so.260.19.29)"10:38
smspillazhtorque: yeah11:00
smspillazhtorque: there should also be one like this11:01
smspillazthis is the one that is causing problems for me11:01
htorquesmspillaz, yes, that one's there too11:03
loolseb128: Hey, I'd need some help in debugging LP #709754; who do you think I could get help from?11:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 709754 in indicator-applet "indicator-applet crashed with SIGSEGV in g_simple_async_result_complete()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70975411:15
seb128lool, hello11:23
seb128lool, how are you?11:23
seb128lool, thanks for working on that, seems we have some bugs with debug stacktrace, out of finding a way to trigger it or sending a patch not sure what you can do11:23
seb128try checking with ted or maybe mterry when they come online later on11:24
seb128lool, or try to valgrind it11:28
pittiseb128: is anyone working on the gtk 2.24.0 final release?11:28
seb128pitti, you? ;-)11:28
didrocksseb128: do you know if it's intended that vala 0.11.5 produces vala 0.12 packages?11:28
pittiit's got some GI annotation fixes which I'd like to see in natty11:28
pittiseb128: cool, doing that then11:28
seb128didrocks, yes, that's the 0.12 serie11:29
seb128didrocks, it wouldn't make sense to rename 0.11 to 0.12 for everything when it turns stable11:29
seb128pitti, thanks ;-)11:29
didrocksok, seems that we should change the name check in places then11:29
didrocksthanks for the info :)11:29
seb128pitti, oh, while you are at it we can drop 061_use_pdf_as_default_printing_standard.patch11:29
pittiwe can?11:30
seb128pitti, yes, they fixed that this cycle11:30
seb128gnome bug  560177 Applications should send print jobs to CUPS in PDF format...11:30
ubot2Gnome bug 560177 in printing "Applications should send print jobs to CUPS in PDF format and not in PostScript" [Enhancement,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=56017711:31
seb128pitti, it was in the 2.23.90 summary11:31
loolseb128: I'm good, thanks  :-)11:31
seb128but I guess whoever did the update didn't notice by then11:31
loolBTW is anyone here going to FOSDEM?11:31
pittiseb128: ok, thanks for pointing out; I'll drop it and check that it still works11:31
pittiseb128: curious that the patch didn't conflict then11:31
seb128pitti, I've checked the commit diff it seems alright11:31
seb128pitti, they didn't solve it the same way11:31
seb128ours was a hack11:32
seb128lool, didrocks is going11:32
seb128lool, do you?11:32
loolseb128: I can easily trigger the indicator-applet bug, but valgrind wasn't helpful (I did find how to run it under valgrind though)11:32
loolseb128: I get it regularly, every < 30s11:32
loolunless i kill gnome-power-manager11:32
seb128lool, you are uptodate I guess? when did that start?11:32
loolI think my system generates PM event in a way which makes this issue visible11:32
loolseb128: It started after restatring my system a couple of days ago11:33
loolBut I hadn't rebooted in ages11:33
loolIt could be there since a month11:33
seb128lool, did you get the updates from friday installed on your session and running?11:33
seb128lool, btw https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/707917 seems similar11:34
ubot2Launchpad bug 707917 in unity "unity-panel-service crashed with SIGSEGV in g_simple_async_result_complete()" [Medium,New]11:34
seb128which would indicate an issue in libdbusmenu rather than in the indicator applet there11:35
seb128ted has been fixing several issues last week so make sure you are uptodate11:35
seb128pitti, http://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/commit/?h=gtk-2-24&id=ed4605e597e8ac341d6fd4c60709ef4d88383fed11:36
seb128pitti, that's the upstream commit for the pdf thing11:36
loolseb128: I rebooted yesterday with a fully up-to-date system11:36
loolseb128: Yes, it seemed to be a corruption in libdbusmenu11:36
seb128lool, ok, so jump on ted when he's online and asking him what he needs ;-)11:36
loolI was a bit surprized when valgrind committed suicide when this happened11:37
loolseb128: Ok11:38
seb128lool, thanks11:38
pittiseb128: that looks fairly unrelated, though?11:42
seb128pitti, the commit or the bug referenced?11:43
pittithe commit and bug look like they belong together11:43
seb128pitti, well it closes the bug that till opened for that patch of ours11:43
pittianyway, I'll just test it11:43
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seb128pitti, ok11:44
pittiseb128: oh, that was just a weechat bug (didn't grab the full URL), sorry11:45
seb128pitti, oh ok, seems better with the correct url? ;-)11:46
pittiyes :)11:46
seb128great! :-)11:47
pittihm, they tagged 2.24.1 in git, but didn't upload a tarball yet11:48
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chrisccoulsonb'ah, natty is seriously broken for me today11:57
loolSo with compiz, all my windows appear as active12:14
loolI can't distinguish the one with focus12:14
loolSorry, all my gnome-terminal windows12:14
didrockslool: known issue12:14
didrockslool: there is a pending fix, but that breaks something else12:14
looldidrocks: I did a quick search on the compiz bugs but didn't find it12:14
looldidrocks: Ok; good to know thanks!12:14
didrockslool: bug #704413 FYI12:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 704413 in compiz "unity-window-decorator doesn't draw "unfocused state" of title bar" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70441312:15
seb128pitti, well seems there is very few commits in there, maybe just backport the crash fix and upload that?12:21
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks12:27
chrisccoulsondid you try the updated couchdb this morning?12:27
chrisccoulsonhi everyone btw :)12:28
didrockschrisccoulson: just upgraded, not restarted yet12:30
didrockschrisccoulson: you mean… you fix the crash? :)12:30
chrisccoulsondidrocks - you shouldn't need to restart12:30
chrisccoulsonyeah, i fixed the crash ;)12:30
* didrocks hugs chrisccoulson12:30
didrockschrisccoulson: you rock!12:30
* chrisccoulson hugs didrocks12:31
chrisccoulsonhopefully it's all working now ;)12:31
didrockswill be able at last to work on oneconf :)12:31
chrisccoulsonyeah, i tried running oneconf-query, and i see a lot of data now12:31
chrisccoulsonso, i assume it works ;)12:31
didrocksand oneconf-query -u works as well \o/12:33
didrocksI'll never thank you enough chrisccoulson :)12:33
chrisccoulsonheh :-)12:33
chrisccoulsonhopefully it won't break again :)12:34
didrocksheh, right ;)12:34
seb128didrocks, oh nice we got a new couchdb maintainer it seems? ;-)12:49
didrocksseb128: oh, excellent idea! I'll be able to give him all the new bugs I'll get \o/12:50
chrisccoulsonwho's the new couchdb maintainer?12:51
seb128chrisccoulson, do you really want to know? ;-)12:52
chrisccoulsonnot really ;)12:52
didrockschrisccoulson: I got compiz, you can get couchdb :p12:52
chrisccoulsonheh :)12:52
seb128hey chrisccoulson btw12:52
seb128how are you?12:52
seb128has a nice week end?12:53
chrisccoulsonhi seb12812:53
chrisccoulsoni'm not too bad thanks12:53
chrisccoulsonalthough, struggling with my laptop this morning12:53
chrisccoulsonhow are you?12:53
seb128I'm fine thanks12:53
seb128what happened to your laptop?12:53
chrisccoulsonbug 71062512:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 710625 in linux "Oops in intel_tv_detect when docking laptop, or starting X with it already docked" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71062512:53
chrisccoulsonalthough, i'm still not sure if it's a kernel issue. i just tried an older one and it still locks up12:53
ricotzseb128, hi, sorry, havent got to uploading the g-s stuff to the ppa yet12:54
seb128chrisccoulson, hum, not nice12:57
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, i'm working with my laptop half-hanging off my desk right now ;)12:57
chrisccoulsonthere's not much space when it's not docked12:58
ari-tczewdidrocks: could you triage bug 688926 ?12:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 688926 in unity-place-files "Update dependencies on zeitgeist-fts-extension" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68892612:58
seb128starting the old linux doesn't work?12:58
nessitahello everyone!12:58
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, i tried that, and i get the same issue too12:58
seb128ricotz, hey, no worry there is nothing urgent12:58
chrisccoulsonso, i'm a bit confused now ;)12:58
seb128chrisccoulson, initramfs got updates with something?12:58
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's a possibility12:58
seb128but thanks for the hint I'm not updating my kernel12:58
chrisccoulsonheh :-)12:59
ricotzseb128, ok ;)12:59
didrocksari-tczew: oh right, remember we got those and forgot with today's update. Will include it in next upload, thanks!12:59
didrocksari-tczew: btw, I didn't sync zg-extension12:59
ari-tczewdidrocks: You're welcome.12:59
didrocksbut merge it12:59
didrocksas I told you the sync request was not correct :)13:00
ari-tczewdidrocks: well, not everyone is perfect13:00
didrocksari-tczew: of course, eveyrone makes errors and we should all respect that :)13:01
ari-tczewI'm looking for sponsorship for my 2 branches :>13:02
didrocksari-tczew: can you propose a merge request and rebase against the latest ones? I'll merge them right away and will include in the next upload13:04
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nessitaseb128: hey! thanks for merging one of my proposals :-)13:09
seb128hey nessita13:12
seb128nessita, I didn't do the other one because I was not sure about it13:12
seb128right now kenvandine fixed the indicator-me entry13:12
seb128do you want it to be listed in both menus for a2?13:12
ari-tczewdidrocks: do you mean unity case?13:12
seb128or should we delay the indicator-messages one? or drop the other one?13:12
nessitaseb128: nopes, only messaging13:12
didrocksari-tczew: the 2 branches of places, isn't it?13:13
seb128nessita, ok, so we need to drop it from indicator-me as well13:13
ari-tczewdidrocks: will update later13:13
nessitaseb128: when messaging is in place, ken said I should file a bug for him to drop the me-entry13:13
seb128nessita, thanks for confirming, I will get the other one in13:13
ari-tczewdidrocks: what's the deadline?13:13
seb128nessita, did you have a nice we?13:13
nessitaseb128: thanks!13:13
didrocksari-tczew: no deadline, I think there will be no upload before next Thursday (or the Thursday after), so take your time13:13
nessitaawesome weekend, tons of social gatherings13:13
nessitaseb128: you?13:13
pittihey nessita, good morning13:13
seb128nessita, I had a great we, quite relaxing13:14
nessitahey pitti! how are you?13:14
pittinessita: good, nice to be back home13:14
seb128nessita, did you manage to relax your wrist? ;-)13:14
nessitaseb128: yes. I still need to go to the doctor to get some physical therapy sessions13:15
pittinessita: ugh, what's wrong with your wrist? too much keyboarding?13:16
nessitapitti: yeah...13:16
seb128nessita, do you have a standard keyboard or a nice ergonomic one?13:18
seb128hey mterry ;-)13:18
mterryseb128, hi!  Internet issues at my house, I'm going to move to a coffee house in a bit13:19
nessitaseb128: well, is supposed to be ergonomic, but is not like those that have 'holes' to rest your hands13:19
pittinessita: I can wholeheartedly recommend http://www.kinesis-ergo.com/contoured.htm13:19
pittinessita: I had a really bad carpal tunnel inflammation back then, and never again with this one13:20
nessitapitti: where did you buy it?13:21
pittinessita: my first one from a German redistributor (tastaturen.com), but as they don't sell that any more, I ordered it from the US13:21
seb128mterry, ok, not the best way to start the week ;-)13:22
pittinessita: you can buy it on that page, too13:22
pittinessita: takes two or three days to get used to, of course, but then you're going to love it13:23
nessitaright, I will consider buying it next time I travel to US. Thanks for the advice!13:23
pittinessita: and, it looks cool on your desktop, too :) (http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/photos/pitti-real-desktop.jpg)13:24
nessitapitti: what's the difference between no-pro and pro?13:24
pitti(ugh, what an old photo)13:24
pittinessita: I'm not sure; presumably stuff like more programmable keys etc13:25
pittithere is a list13:25
pittinessita: http://www.kinesis-ergo.com/models.htm13:25
pittinessita: ah, the pro already comes with a foot switch included13:25
pitti(I'm not using that)13:25
seb128wiht a foot switch for what?13:26
seb128can you type with your feet? ;-)13:26
nessitaexactly, can you?13:26
nessitayou can actually pedal it!13:27
* seb128 imagines nessita type with hands and feet at the same time13:27
pittiseb128: you can put stuff like ctrl or enter on that, or perhaps escape for the Vim'ers  :)13:27
pittibut that seemed a little too obscure for me13:27
pittiand I usually put my feet on the chair anyway13:27
pittinessita: and if that isn't good enough yet, check this out: http://www.datahand.com/products/proii.htm :)13:28
ari-tczewI have a question about unity. are you going to prepare special patches for these packages? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MessagingMenu#Changes%20to%20other%20applications13:28
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nessitapitti: that is for aliens13:30
pittinessita: I'd love to try those, but I certainly won't buy them13:30
pittinessita: advantage is, you don't need to bother with passwords and the like :)13:30
pittiI'm offline for a bit to do some suspend tests for a bug report, bbl13:32
Amaranthari-tczew: I imagine it's more "these would be nice to get patches for"13:50
ari-tczewAmaranth: don't kidding, upstream won't prepare special patches for Canonical ideas13:55
AmaranthWho said it would be upstream doing it?13:57
AmaranthThey've identified applications they think should be using the messaging menu and patched the ones that are installed by default. If anyone else is using, say, xchat-gnome, and wants it to work with this they can write a patch13:57
seb128why wouldn't upstream do work to get their code works better on ubuntu?13:58
seb128which has been done in the xchat and -gnome cases13:58
Amaranthxchat-gnome has an upstream?13:59
AmaranthI thought it was just kept around because we all use it :)13:59
seb128not really but kenvandine wrote xchat-gnome-indicator13:59
chrisccoulsonand is also happening in the mozilla case (for thunderbird)14:00
Amaranthyeah, that thing was almost as broken as evolution's handling of the messaging menu :/14:00
kenvandinexchat-gnome has an upstream, they merged all my patches last year14:01
kenvandinejust not good about releases14:01
AmaranthWell, I suppose the messaging menu and notifications worked correctly with thunderbird, it just showed its own notifications as well and wouldn't activate from the messaging menu14:02
Amaranthevolution on the other hand doesn't update the messaging menu when my second mail account gets mail14:02
AmaranthI should see if there is a bug report about that14:02
chrisccoulsonAmaranth, you mean, with the third party extension for thunderbird?14:02
Amaranthchrisccoulson: yeah14:03
AmaranthIt's called libnotify-xulrunner or something14:03
chrisccoulsonyeah, i took a look at that14:03
chrisccoulsonit has some issues though.we want to integrate it properly really ;)14:03
chrisccoulson(which could still be another extension for now)14:03
Amaranthhrm, evolution using 1GB of RAM again14:04
chrisccoulsonbut not one that spawns a python helper and sends data down a pipe to it, and then raises the thunderbird window when you click on an entry by just running /usr/bin/thunderbird ;)14:04
AmaranthI only have 300k messages in there, come on evolution :)14:05
didrocksAmaranth: you second account was POP or IMAP?14:08
Amaranthdidrocks: both are imapx (gmail)14:08
didrocksAmaranth: ok, I don't have a clue about this bug, 2 imapx here and it's working :)14:09
AmaranthOn the bright side, I have an excuse for not checking work mail14:09
didrocksif both are gmail, I should check the code though14:09
didrocksahah, work email != gmail for me :)14:09
Amaranthit's google apps for your domain or whatever14:10
Amaranthhmm, actually I just got a bunch of bug mail on my main account and the icon didn't go green for that either14:12
seb128is libreoffice screwing unity for others as well?14:21
seb128nessita, u-c-p uploaded14:37
seb128nessita, is that wanted that the icon you use in the messaging menu is colored?14:38
seb128none of the other default ones are14:38
nessitaseb128: I think, though I should confirm with ivanka14:39
nessitaivanka: hi there, you around?14:40
ivankanessita: hi - what's up?14:40
seb128nessita, there is also no ">" next to it when the controlpanel is running14:41
seb128like it does for other softwares in that menu14:41
nessitaivanka: hi! quick question. We added Ubuntu One to the messaging menu like we discussed on Dallas. I used the default U1 icon, which is colored, but seb128 is telling me that the other app have a non colored icon14:42
nessitaseb128: are we supposed to add the '>' by hand?14:44
kenvandinenessita, that comes when the indicator knows your service is running14:44
seb128kenvandine, tedg: ^14:44
kenvandinei think that matches based on the desktop file you set14:45
nessitakenvandine: so, when the u1cp is running the messaging menu should do all the style changes by its own, right?14:45
tedgnessita, Yes, there is sometimes a "${app icon}-panel" variant as well.14:46
kenvandineit should add the little > to it14:46
tedgnessita, But it needs to be in the icon themes as there needs to be a light and dark one.14:46
nessitatedg: ok, I'll ask ivanka for those icons14:46
ivankanessita: I was about to say14:46
seb128hey tedg14:47
ivankacan you file a bug for us to review the icons?14:47
seb128tedg, lool was looking for you14:47
tedgGood morning seb12814:47
nessitaivanka: of course!14:47
seb128lool, ^ ted is there ;-)14:47
seb128tedg, how are you?14:47
tedgseb128, Oh, ask him to stop! ;)14:47
looltedg: Hey14:47
ivankanessita: also, according to this (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MessagingMenu#Application%20sections) it could be in colour as monochrome is reserved for default apps, though for ubuntu one we might want to make a monochrome one14:47
tedgWell, though it was 75F this weekend and projected 25F tomorrow.  I'm scared of what tomorrow may bring ;)14:47
looltedg: I have a reproducible crasher with indicator-applet which seems to point at some libdbusmenu issues; I couldn't find out what's going with valgrind an gdb, and was hoping you might have better ideas on how to debug it14:48
nessitaivanka: how should I refer to that icon? 'messaging menu icon'?14:48
ivankanessita: yeah - that will do, I am sure14:48
looltedg: LP #70975414:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 709754 in indicator-applet "indicator-applet crashed with SIGSEGV in g_simple_async_result_complete()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70975414:49
* tedg clicks14:49
looltedg: Apparently, there are similar issues against other programs using libdbusmenu like compiz14:49
seb128compiz -> unity rather14:49
loolerr sorry, yes unity14:50
loolit's the same thing anyway14:50
nessitaivanka: bug #71069014:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 710690 in ubuntuone-control-panel "We need icons for the messaging menu" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71069014:50
tedgHmm, I'm guessing that DbusmenuClientPrivate shouldn't be at 0xaaaaaaaa  :)14:51
loolvalgrind just dies at the same time as the segfault occurs14:51
tedgHmm, that's not useful.14:52
tedglool, You can reproduce, right?14:52
looltedg: I did setup a break at hte time where the callback gets registered, and the client values were correct14:52
looltedg: yes14:52
tedglool, Okay, let me try something.  Just a sec.14:52
looltedg: apparently my gnome-power-manager triggers dbus events at a pace and in a sequence which triggers this frequently14:52
tedglool, Can you try this dbusmenu branch?  lp:~ted/dbusmenu/reference-with-update15:03
chrisccoulsongrrrr, moonlight is really causing me a headache15:05
davmor2chrisccoulson: don't work at night15:06
chrisccoulsondavmor2, wrong moonlight ;)15:07
davmor2chrisccoulson: I know I just couldn't resist I tried :)15:08
chrisccoulsonheh :-)15:08
looltedg: FYI make -j2 fails; must be some race somewhere; make worked15:10
loolSorry make -j2 install failed; didn't try plain make -j215:11
tedglool, Yeah I believe there's a patch on my TODO in the bugtracker for that.15:11
looltedg: Hmm ldd /usr/lib/indicator-applet/indicator-applet | grep -i dbus returns nothing15:12
looltedg: Which programs should I use the new shared libs in?15:12
tedglool, Yes, it loads .so's from /usr/lib/indicators/ that pull in dbusmenu15:12
tedglool, bug 70976215:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 709762 in dbusmenu "Make building dbusmenu parallel-make safe" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70976215:13
looltedg: Nope, died15:14
loolI confirmed that I used libs from my home in the crashing process15:15
lool7fc692c90000-7fc692c91000 rw-p 0000e000 00:15 2238525                    /home/lool/scratch/libdbusmenu-glib3/reference-with-update/prefix/lib/libdbusmenu-gtk.so.3.0.215:15
lool7fc692c8f000-7fc692c90000 r--p 0000d000 00:15 2238525                    /home/lool/scratch/libdbusmenu-glib3/reference-with-update/prefix/lib/libdbusmenu-gtk.so.3.0.215:15
loolLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD:prefix/lib /usr/lib/indicator-applet/indicator-applet15:16
lool=> SEGV15:16
tedglool, Same backtrace?15:16
looltedg: Ah no!15:17
looltedg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/560639/15:18
seb128mterry, hello again15:18
seb128mterry, did you pilot on friday?15:18
lool(gdb) print priv15:18
lool$1 = (DbusmenuGtkMenuPrivate *) 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa15:18
looltedg: Seems like the same problem in a different code path15:19
mterryseb128, oh no.  :(  I didn't15:19
mterryseb128, hrm, let me see if there's a gap coming up that I can take instead15:19
seb128mterry, ok, what I though, seems you are not the only one who forgot recently15:19
seb128mterry, there is 3 requests showing up on http://people.canonical.com/~platform/desktop/versions.html15:20
seb128mterry, if you want to catch up today ;-)15:20
tedglool, Okay, let me trace that down.  Just a sec.15:20
mterryseb128, tomorrow, pitti is only reviewer, I can put myself in for the other half day15:21
mterryexcept, i can't change calendar15:21
seb128mterry, yeah, sure, I don't think we want to pick on anyone don't worry15:22
desrtgood morning, everyone15:22
seb128mterry, ask dholbach I guess15:22
seb128hey desrt15:22
mvoseb128: quick question, on your french desktop, does software-center show the short description (in the application list e.g. after a search) in french?15:22
mvohey desrt15:22
desrtdavid barth is around today?15:22
seb128mvo, it does for some15:22
seb128mvo, so I guess it's using translations where there is one15:22
mvoseb128: gimp?15:22
seb128desrt, he's dbarth_15:22
desrtheh.  of course.15:23
seb128mvo, gimp title and 1 liner description are in french15:23
mvothanks seb128 :)15:23
seb128mvo, yw15:24
loolSo my compiz hangs from time to time15:24
loolIt just hung again, and I got a backtrace this time around15:24
loolit seemed ot be stuck waiting for vsync15:24
loolI think that's the last major issue I had these days with natty desktop15:25
seb128lool, wait for didrocks to be back and ask him, he's the one tracking compiz issues nowadays15:25
seb128speaking of who15:25
looldidrocks: Hey15:25
kklimonda /join #launchpad15:25
looldidrocks: 16:24 < lool> So my compiz hangs from time to time15:25
seb128lool, do you have a stacktrace?15:25
lool16:24 < lool> It just hung again, and I got a backtrace this time around15:25
lool16:24 < lool> it seemed ot be stuck waiting for vsync15:25
lool16:25 < lool> I think that's the last major issue I had these days with natty  desktop15:25
didrockshey lool15:25
loolseb128: I have one, but can't copy-paste it15:25
kklimondagood afternoone everyone :)15:25
didrockslool: does your cursor is still refreshed?15:26
didrocksand can you type with the keyboard?15:26
loolprivateforglscreen::waitforvideosync() in /usr/lib/compiz/libopengl.so15:26
didrocksok, not the same then15:26
looldidrocks: I can't type with the keyboard15:26
didrocksbecause I've just got a crash because of that :)15:26
looldidrocks: it did crash after a while while I was gdb-ing15:27
didrocks(adn that's another issue IMHO)15:27
didrocksok, just file the bug report and paste the link there15:27
didrockshoping that you gdb 2>&1 | tee log :)15:28
seb128hey kklimonda15:30
seb128how are you?15:30
kklimondaseb128: I'm starting to miss sun :/15:31
kklimondaseb128: but fine nevertheless15:31
chrisccoulsonkklimonda, did you fix mongodb yet? :-D15:33
chrisccoulsonj/k ;)15:33
chrisccoulsoni'll try and take a look at that later15:33
mterrytedg, heyo.  When an indicator is loaded in unity, it's in-process with unity-panel-service, and the panel service does the actual popping up of menus, right?  When an indicator is loaded in gnome (via it's gnome applet), it's in-process with the applet, but I'm having trouble finding out what actually is doing the popping of menus15:33
kklimondachrisccoulson: I was fighting with libevent2 yesterday.15:33
kklimondabut it may be hopeless :/15:33
kklimondaso I may end up asking T dev to bundle libevent2 with transmission 2.20 as they did before15:34
tedgmterry, The applet does it -- more simply in that GTK just does it for us in that case.  We attach the menu to the menuitem we create in the applet.15:34
didrocksis ubuntu one contact in evolution working for anyone on natty?15:37
mterrytedg, ok, will look for that code15:38
looldidrocks: I did not tee the gdb output!  I'm not sure I can reproduce easily15:48
looldidrocks: it happens fairly unfrequently, usually when maximizing windows like chromium or bzr vis preview15:48
seb128lool, did you get apport catching it?15:48
loolseb128: No; it just hangs, doesn't crash15:48
didrockslool: hum… ok, think about enabling apport and kill -11 rather?15:48
loolI could run apport on it15:48
seb128well sig11 it15:48
* lool rms old crashes15:49
loolActually, I said these were my main bugs15:50
loolI also got a series of bugs with firefox15:50
loolbut I basically gave up on firefox15:50
seb128you just don't like chrisccoulson right?15:50
looldecided to bite the bullet and move to chrome15:50
seb128how is it?15:50
seb128seems people are rather moving back the other way15:50
loolI didn't get any serious issue with chrome yet15:51
chrisccoulsonWHAT BUGS? :-)15:51
loolfirefox was getting slower and slower for me15:51
chrisccoulsonthe version in natty?15:51
loolit had been a couple of weeks that firefox woudl get slower as hours passed; the UI would *hang* for up to 10 seconds using all CPU and not doing IO, and then would come back15:51
desrthas anyone else seen this add_match_done() dconf crasher?15:51
loolchrisccoulson: yes15:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 705347 in compiz "compiz crashes in add_match_done (dconf)" [High,Triaged]15:51
seb128desrt, didrocks did15:52
desrtdid he stop seeing it after 0.7.1?15:52
chrisccoulsonlool - we need to fix bugs like that really ;)15:52
looleventually, I woudl quit firefox and launch it again, then it would work for a couple of hours or less15:52
didrockshey desrt15:52
chrisccoulsonif it's using CPU, it might be useful to run something like sysprof15:52
chrisccoulsonjust to give some idea about what it's doing ;)15:52
loolI also witnessed that time to load sites wasn't great15:52
didrockslet me check since when we have 0.7.115:52
desrtactually, it looks like it might have a different trace than the one i fixed...15:53
seb128didrocks, the dates are on the bug15:53
loolthe last straw was last time I quit-ed firefox and it didn't remember my tabs15:53
chrisccoulsonlool - did you have any extensions installed? it should be pretty quick both starting up and loading sites15:53
loolchrisccoulson: So I think I straced firefox15:53
chrisccoulsonit is here, and mozilla have invested a lot to ensure it is fast ;)15:53
seb128lool, you are on nvidia?15:53
didrocksseb128: the date when dconf 0.7.1 was on ubuntu?15:53
seb128lool, seems there is an issue with nvidia and launchpad15:53
loolchrisccoulson: and I think it might have been stating a lot of files, but I'm not sure; I suspect it might be ecryptfs related15:54
seb128didrocks, yes15:54
loolecryptfs is the next thing I ditch when I get the chance15:54
* didrocks opens15:54
loolchrisccoulson: $HOME is in ecryptfs and stat() is much slower on ecryptfs15:54
loolchrisccoulson: caused issues with bzr for me in the past15:54
chrisccoulsonhmmm, maybe i should try that15:54
* hyperair tried ecryptfs once, and found it was even slower than dmcrypt15:55
loolchrisccoulson: So after 3 days of using chrome, I can attest it's objectively faster to load websites, even after a fresh start of firefox; I also get much better results with google calendar15:55
loolI use google calendar heavily, and it's miserable with firefox; I keep having issues with this or that calendar not loading15:55
desrtdidrocks: maybe the bug is somehow related to the dbus daemon not running?15:55
didrocksdesrt: we still have dconf 0.5.1 on natty15:56
loolHmm just as I say this, I try loading google calendar, and it's slow with chrome15:56
desrtmterry packaged a new one15:56
seb128didrocks, ?15:56
seb128didrocks, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/d-conf15:57
didrocksdid someone sponsored his work? https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dconf15:57
chrisccoulsonlool - if you find cases where performance is really bad though, it would be really good to report it upstream, especially if it's easily reproducible15:57
chrisccoulsonthey really care about this stuff :)15:57
didrocksthe debian one…15:57
seb128lool, nividia user?15:57
loolchrisccoulson: I realize it must be frustrating to get feedback like this, I should take the time to look into these issues, it just happens that I piled a lot of issues with natty and didn't have time to tackle them all as they appeared15:57
loolseb128: nope, plain intel15:57
loolchrisccoulson: Thanks, I'll try to look at it again15:57
didrocksdesrt: ok, I'll try to reproduce it again once alpha2 is out, dropping my workaround for it15:58
mterrydidrocks, d-conf is the source15:58
didrocksmterry: yeah, I was still lurking for dconf15:59
desrti think i found the problem anyway16:00
desrtif it can't connect to DBus a function gets called with NULL16:00
desrtthat function isn't expecting that16:00
didrocksdesrt: weird, because compiz is started by gnome-session which is started only when the session bus is there…16:02
desrtya.  i can reproduce this16:02
desrti have a patch for you now16:02
didrocksnice :)16:03
desrtmterry: the tip commit on upstream master branch is appropriate for cherry-picking as a vendor patch, if you like16:04
desrtalternatively, we can go through the full-blown release thing16:04
desrti know you have some pretty strict time constraints at the moment, so tell me which works better for you16:05
mterrydesrt, no, I can grab a patch.  let me look at it16:05
mterrydesrt, the crash fix?  OK16:06
desrtmterry: you may want to mention LP#705347 in the log16:07
didrocksmterry: fixes bug #705347 FYI16:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 705347 in compiz "compiz crashes in add_match_done (dconf)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70534716:07
didrocksok :)16:07
desrtdbarth__: bad internet day?16:08
loolOh no, it's alwyas like that16:10
* desrt currently _hates_ the internet situation in his country16:11
looldesrt: What's the issue?16:11
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
desrtthe main telco here (bell) is forcing the people who lease their lines to agree to charge their customers the same rates that this giant company charges their customers16:11
desrtwhich is $1/GB with only the first 25GB free per month16:11
desrtwhich is .... mind-blowing16:11
loolIs this like the comcast monopoly thing?16:12
desrtit's a bit complicated16:12
kklimondadesrt: $1/GB? in what alternate universe do you live?16:12
loolI recently discovered that Orange in France is doing the same thing as Comcast in the US16:12
desrtthis company is huge because they received a lot of federal money in exchange for running lines out to rural areas that would not otherwise have been covered16:12
desrtin exchange, they were supposed to provide wholesale access to those lines at a rate decided by the government (since the government was footing part of the bill)16:13
desrtturns out that the regulatory agency created to oversee all of this (the CRTC) has been utterly captured16:13
desrtabout 2/3 to 3/4 of its staff are former employees of the industry that it's supposed to be regulating16:13
desrtin other words, business as usual in big money politics16:14
tedglool, Hey, can you repull that branch and try again?16:17
tedglool, Entirely different bug, but a good one to catch none-the-less ;)16:18
looltedg: crashed again16:19
tedglool, Uhg, same stack trace?16:19
looltedg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/560654/16:19
looltedg: No  :-)16:19
desrtdbarth__: okay.  i found the second bug that you were talking about.  it's not a GApplication bug at all16:22
looltedg: Again, priv is 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa16:22
desrtit's two things:16:22
desrt  1) an invalid use of GApplication by the user16:22
tedglool, K, okay.  Give me a moment.16:23
pittilool: (just overhearing); do you know whether 0xaaaaaaa is a special value? I've noticed that in several python crashes when debugging a double unref16:23
desrt  2) something that could become a valid use of a closely related GDBus design issue is fixed (and david is working on that now)16:23
loolpitti: I suspect glib or dbus is now setting the memory to this value16:23
desrtlool: glib doesn't do anything special to freed memory by default16:24
desrti think we have some 'gc friendly' environment variable that you can set, but it's not enabled out of the box16:24
seb128G_SLICE=always-malloc G_DEBUG=gc-friendly16:25
desrtseb128: cheers :)16:25
loolHmm no that's a string16:25
desrtit's screaming16:25
desrtlike aaaaaaahhh!16:26
desrtbut there's no 'h' in hex, so...16:26
loolmaybe the toolchian uses this16:26
desrtC library more likely, i guess16:26
pittidesrt: I thought/hoped for something like that, as it stands out nicely in backtraces; I just didn't know whether it was intentional or pure coincidence16:27
dbarth__desrt: ok, njpatel can you confirm with kamstrup please16:32
desrtsee https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=64071416:33
ubot2Gnome bug 640714 in gdbus "GApplication racy because of GDBus sync call semantics" [Normal,Unconfirmed]16:33
njpateldesrt, hey16:34
desrti don't entirely agree with david's characterisation of the problem, but he seems at least to finally have become convinced that this is a GDBus issue that bites lots of people16:34
desrtnjpatel: hihi16:34
njpatelneither do I, seems like apps will be getting into lots of trouble with that16:34
desrtGApplication is actually totally non-buggy here16:34
desrtit works around the GDBus limitation in the only way you can:16:35
desrt1) register object path16:35
desrt2) try to take the name16:35
desrt3) if it didn't work, unregister object path16:35
njpatelyeah, I'd say that gdbus needs to be clever there, not gapplication or any application16:35
desrtthe problem is that users of GApplication assume that they will get the libdbus-1 style behaviour16:35
desrtand they presently don't16:35
desrtif david merges this fix, i'll actually be able to simplify GApplication a lot16:36
desrtso double win :)16:36
njpatelheh :)16:36
* desrt just dumped brain into the bug16:49
tedglool, Heh, could you pull and try again please :)16:53
* tedg is excited to find the next bug! :)16:53
looltedg: Stable for now!16:56
loolThe gpm icon keeps appearing and disappearing16:56
loolwhich is probably the source of the stress16:56
looltedg: It usually crashes after this amount of time, so I think this particular load is passing now  :-)16:57
tedglool, Cool, I wonder why the icon is disappearing -- but that's probably a different bug.16:58
SpamapSso, I'm in classic desktop, on natty, and every time I alt-tab I get wobbly effects like I just maximized the window17:04
SpamapSoh and the window decorations disappear from the window w/o focus17:04
seb128tedg, do you plan to roll a new tarball with those fixes today?17:16
tedgseb128, I wasn't going to, do you think I should today?17:17
seb128tedg, check with kenvandine17:22
seb128tedg, well a2 freeze is tomorrow17:22
seb128tedg, so having those either backported or in a tarball would be useful17:23
tedgseb128, K, either works for me.  We'll let kenvandine choose :)17:23
skaetseb128, didrocks, knevandine_ - are there any more significant new features about to land in the code base for a2 at this point?17:33
didrocksskaet: unity is about to be uploaded17:33
didrocksskaet: with places which is noteworthy17:34
seb128skaet, new unity with places today17:34
seb128that's it17:34
didrocks(first sketch of places)17:34
skaetdidrocks, seb128,  cool.   :)    Any worries about it triggering regressions in other areas?17:35
seb128out of unity you mean? or in unity17:36
skaetboth.  :)17:36
seb128seems didrocks is getting some stability issues with the update17:36
didrocksskaet: we get some new crashes in unity17:36
seb128out of unity things should be ok17:36
didrocksthat's why I'm looking a little bit before uploading17:36
didrocksand the dash is empty, but that's a minor regression17:36
didrocks(and won't be fixed)17:36
skaetok - we'll release note document it then.17:37
skaetthanks for looking into the stability issue didrocks,   let me know if we need to be adding to the release notes on the subject.17:38
didrocksskaet: yw, we'll work with dx for that and let you know :)17:38
* SpamapS just had a compiz segfault that he's submitting via apport17:39
rickspencer3pedro_, hello17:45
pedro_hello rickspencer317:48
rickspencer3pedro_, are you involved with validating 10.04.2?17:48
pedro_rickspencer3, yes, i'm working on the kernel and image testing of it17:50
rickspencer3pedro_, is there an iso tracking page and such?17:50
pedro_rickspencer3, jibel is the leader of the effort though17:50
rickspencer3ah, ok17:51
* bcurtiswx waves to room17:53
seb128pitti, there is a new gvfs available if you want to do the update18:10
seb128just pointing it, if you don't that's ok ;-)18:10
pittiseb128: currently working on pygobject, not sure whether I'll get to that today still18:11
seb128pitti, no worry18:11
seb128I'm calling it a day as well now, sport and dinner18:11
didrocksseb128: enjoy!18:12
didrocksmvo: hey, have you made some changes to software-center in SoftwarePane in natty? there is no more scroll_app_list (and I guess no more scroll_app_details)18:14
didrocksmvo: same for app_view it seems18:15
didrocksseems like I have to rewrite the plugin from scratch18:15
mvodidrocks: should not be needed, not that much has chnaged18:16
mvodidrocks: but we can have a look at this together tomorrow maybe? trouble is that I'm in a meeting now and need to leave early (in 15min)18:17
didrocksmvo: oh sure, tomorrow is fine, thanks :)18:17
=== oubiwann_ is now known as oubiwann
brycehrickspencer3, what was the final decision on hibernate?  Is it still supposed to work in the kernel, just not the GUI?  I'm hearing a few bugs about a regression with it, just wondering if they're actual bugs or not18:17
pittiI don't think it would be a good idea to disable it in the kernel; we alreayd disabled it in the UI18:20
brycehpitti, also got a question is the UI absence configurable in some fashion (gconf?) or is it gone-gone?18:21
pittibryceh: it's configurable in polkit18:22
pittiso not as easy as gconf-editor18:22
brycehah ok18:22
pittisudo cat /var/lib/polkit-1/localauthority/10-vendor.d/com.ubuntu.desktop.pkla18:22
pitti^ our default policy18:22
pittiyou can change it in /etc/polkit-1/localauthority18:22
pittibut if it's common desire to reenable it, then we shouldn't disable it in the first place18:23
brycehpitti, couple friends (sysadmins) mentioned it'd make them want to switch distros if they couldn't flip it back on18:24
brycehso thanks for the polkit tips, I think that may square things up18:26
rickspencer3bryceh, hey, so, uh, I think we actually need to discuss that change  a bit with users and the community before make it permanent18:29
brycehrickspencer3, that'd be a good idea18:29
rickspencer3I don't even know if a bug was logged or anything, but I don't know of any really public discussion or such18:30
rickspencer3bryceh, maybe I'll pop a note to @ubuntu-devel/@ubuntu-desktop18:30
rickspencer3bryce, are there bug #s that you can link me to for reference?18:30
brycehrickspencer3, from what I gather some people like it for persisting state even though it's really slow18:30
rickspencer3bryceh, sure, but are those same people maintaining it?18:31
brycehrickspencer3, no bug reports - they asked about it on irc18:31
rickspencer3no sane person would want to give up something that has benefit but no cost18:31
rickspencer3ok, well, in any case, this isn't somehting we should jfdi, I think18:32
brycehwait, I'm wrong - 71079618:32
rickspencer3I'll start a thread, and maybe a bug repot18:32
rickspencer3ah, good18:32
rickspencer3ok, thanks for jiggling the handle on this one bryceh18:32
brycehrickspencer3, sure thing18:33
rickspencer3hmm, right, so the bug only mentions the benefits, and not the costs18:33
rickspencer3but amputating a feature like this because it is buggy is not going to be popular outside the group of engineers who do the bulk of the work18:34
brycehrickspencer3, I definitely know the pain of having flood of bug reports for something that's impossible to support (ala 8xx, poulsbo...)18:35
kklimondait's not really removed though. Just disabled.18:35
brycehrickspencer3, but seems like there's room to leave it present but declared unsupported.  We've got X stuff like that, which people can use but we don't take bug reports for.  I could see hibernate fitting in there, especially if upstream isn't responsive to bug reports forwarded along about it.18:36
kklimondaI've heard just about as many reports from people for whom the hibernation didn't work as from people who used it with success.. incidentally, I could never make it to work well on my T6118:36
rickspencer3bryceh, well, not for OEM services and certification18:37
rickspencer3if it's on by default, we need to ensure that it's properly supported18:37
rickspencer3maybe we can have a GUI for the setting though?18:38
rickspencer3kklimonda, exactly, it's really hard to make it work nicely18:38
brycehah true18:39
rickspencer3bryceh, email sent19:04
rickspencer3bryceh, btw, updated this morning,  and everything seems happy again (i965 here)19:04
brycehrickspencer3, cool19:04
brycehrickspencer3, if all goes well we'll have the new xserver in today19:06
brycehunfortunately upstream is not done fiddling with it yet, and sounds like there's going to be yet another ABI break, but we can deal with that post-A219:07
rickspencer3bryceh, so, no new xorg until after A2?19:08
brycehrickspencer3, we'll put in what we got now - chris packaged it up and we have updated multitouch stuff from Chase, so we will have new X in A2.  but the ABI break means we won't be finished at A2 - we'll have to do another respin of all the drivers in the next few weeks19:10
bcurtiswxrickspencer3, re: hibernate email.  I think the only difference between suspend and hibernate is whether or not the computer is completely shut off or just in a low-power state.19:13
bcurtiswxboth attempt to restore the previous session19:13
bcurtiswxi am assuming the methods between hibernation and session saving are different though.. so idk if since session saving is corrupt, that it won't corrupt hibernation in the process either19:15
rickspencer3bcurtiswx, yes, I understand the difference19:16
rickspencer3but suspend will drain your battery over days19:16
rickspencer3but if you have KMS it turns back on really fast19:16
bcurtiswxrickspencer3, yes19:16
bcurtiswxrickspencer3, OK, I think it will be a very interesting experiment.  Do any of the usage statistics show whether suspend/hibernate is preferred over the other?19:20
rickspencer3bcurtiswx, not that I know of19:21
bcurtiswxrickspencer3, would a poll on which is used more be valuable to this decision?19:22
rickspencer3bcurtiswx, let's see what the discussions on the mailing lists turn up19:23
bcurtiswxrickspencer3, sure :)19:23
rickspencer3bcurtiswx, the thing is, there are costs19:23
rickspencer3everyone wants perfectly working hibernate, I know I do19:23
rickspencer3but the feature is costly and not perfect19:23
hoontekeI'm not a regular Ubu-dev (clearly), but I can anecdotally say that for precisely that startup time, suspend is more used around my office.19:24
bcurtiswxrickspencer3, in that case for sure I can see that removing it is the better option. and i agree19:24
chrisccoulsoni wish there was a way of detecting whether hibernate actually works19:25
chrisccoulsonit doesn't work on my desktop, ever19:25
chrisccoulsonyet, it's so easy to accidentally hit hibernate in the session menu19:25
chrisccoulsonand once you've done that, it's game over (you lose all your work)19:25
bcurtiswxchrisccoulson, iirc it doesn't verify that you want to either.. correct?19:25
chrisccoulsonbcurtiswx, yes. that's presumably because suspend/hibernate are *meant* to be non-destructive19:26
chrisccoulsonbut that's not the case on my desktop19:26
chrisccoulsonit's like having a self-destruct button ;)19:26
bcurtiswxchrisccoulson, yes so because we don't want to destroy someones work, hibernate should be disabled19:26
bcurtiswxi haven't had a bad suspend on a stable release yet (knocks on wood)19:27
rickspencer3bcurtiswx, hoonteke, chrisccoulson can I ask you guys to also share your thoughts on the mailing list? it would be good to have all the perspectives in one place19:27
chrisccoulsonsure, i can do that19:27
hoontekerickspencer3: heh, that would imply that I'm a member of the mailing list.  Gonna have to join ...19:28
rickspencer3hoonteke, :)19:28
bcurtiswxrickspencer3, done :)19:31
hoontekebcurtiswx: you just sent a message?19:32
hoontekeI hope I joined in time ...19:32
bcurtiswxhoonteke, there's an archive don't worry19:32
hoontekeyeah, usually is nowadays, but hte message won't be properly threaded from my response unless I can respond to a list message.19:33
chrisccoulsonheh, i can't wait for unity to publish, so i grab the deb off launchpad instead :)19:55
thalesHello,  Nautilus file manager does not display / recognize recent files backed up on back-up HD (format: Ext4) using 'rsync -a'. However terminal command 'ls' shows all files.  Why?19:58
thalesI checked permissions 'ls -l' and all should be displayed.19:59
thalesHowever, noted a phantom drive: media/disk2 {and the following phantom} media/disk2_ ; It seems that the phantom drive is displayed by the file manager, Nautilus20:00
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rickspencer3bryceh, pitti, etc...20:42
rickspencer3so I want to move bug #710796 to policy kit20:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 710796 in linux "[regression] hibernate no longer works on natty" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71079620:42
rickspencer3what is the correct package there?20:42
broderrickspencer3: do you actually want it owned by polkit, or by the package that owns /var/lib/polkit-1/localauthority/10-vendor.d/com.ubuntu.desktop.pkla (i.e. policykit-desktop-privileges)20:44
rickspencer3I think20:44
rickspencer3just not linux20:44
rickspencer3thanks broder20:51
bratschebryceh: I guess the new X stuff landed?  I was able to get Natty desktop running on Sandy Bridge today.20:53
hoontekerickspencer3: is there an initial moderation of the list?  I have not yet received my reply to Bryce's email.  (since I'm a new member, etc.)20:55
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brycehbratsche-afk, yep the -intel and mesa bits landed which should give most of the support21:24
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brycehxorg-server 1.10 will be landing today.  Not sure if that include SB bits but that'll be the final piece of the puzzle21:24
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bratschebryceh: Ah, awesome.  Looking forward to having everything in. :)21:29
bcurtiswx_unity clicking ubuntu button is blank. should I have other packages installed right now?23:31
bcurtiswx_found it, had to use main server instead of US server23:42
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