
RAOFHm.  How can I take a bug off the QA sponsoring list?  Bug #644644 has had it's gstreamer task sponsored, but there's still a valid pulseaudio task up, and that doesn't have a sponsoring candidate.00:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 644644 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu Natty) "Frequent PA crashes during playback - pa_stream_cork() failed: Connection terminated and pa_stream_writable_size(): Connection failed" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64464400:34
broderRAOF: just unsubscribe -sponsors00:43
broder(if you're not in the group, i can do it, but you should ping persia and ask him to add you)00:44
RAOFbroder: Ta.00:44
* persia isn't the *only* admin of -sponsors, but is always happy to add folk01:11
ari-tczew+1 ^^01:13
ari-tczewIIRC dholbach and kees as well01:13
RAOFPiloting will me a more rewarding experience in core-dev :/01:14
s0ullightwhen will support for the newer elan smartpad be added?01:14
ari-tczewRAOF: is that wrong?01:14
lifelessRAOF: l2english?01:15
RAOFlifeless, ari-tczew: Like you can't mentally translate a bistaken 'm' :)01:15
lifelessRAOF: haha01:15
ari-tczewRAOF: I guess while reading s/me/be01:16
persiaRAOF, For those you can't sponsor, if they look generally useful, consider helping them get upstream, which may be almost as satisfying if they land.01:19
RAOFYeah, when that's appropriate.01:19
RAOFIf a core-dev would like to sponsor http://cooperteam.net/Packages/mtdev_1.1.0-0ubuntu1_source.changes I'd appreciate it :)01:27
lifelessHobbsee: don't suppose you're on irc atm ?01:27
RAOFAnd I'm sure the ubuntu-touch team would appreciate it, too :)01:27
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RAOF@pilot out02:15
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots:
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jdonghave I heard correctly that Keybuk is (already? going to be?) in Mountain View?04:45
psusiMountain View?04:51
micahgpsusi: MOuntain View is Google HQ04:52
RAOFjdong: Yes; already.04:54
jdongRAOF: ah cool. I'04:55
jdongll have to look him up for a beer or something :)04:55
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broderjdong: wait, are you still out here?07:26
jdongbroder: out here? where's here?07:26
broderbay area07:27
jdongyeah, moved out here for good (for now) :)07:27
jdongaccepted a job at evil fruity world ;-)07:27
brodersweet. i think i thought you were grad schooling or something07:27
jdongyou're still in the bay area too?07:27
broderwe should totally catch up for a beer at some point07:27
jdongyeah, definitely07:28
jdongyeah, I still plan on grad school in the near future. But for now a job is a refreshing change07:28
* broder knows the feeling07:28
jussicripes, its a jdong!07:28
* jussi waves07:29
jdonghey :)07:29
jussinot seen you around for a while - do fruity companies block irc? :D07:29
jdongno they don't, actually07:29
jdongjust my busy nature has inhibited IRC :)07:29
jussiAhh, fair enough.07:30
jussigood to see you are still kicking though :)07:30
jdonghaha thanks :)07:30
jdongstill adjusting to this silly time zone though07:30
jdonggetting ready to go to bed at 11:30!07:30
jussianyway, its like 9.30 am here, and I should really go do work...07:31
dholbachgood morning07:31
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pittiGood morning07:39
RAOFOh, oh!  It's pitti!07:40
RAOFGood morning pitti  :)07:40
pittikees: are you sure that the gdm uid patch is still required? the logic which users to filter out should be much better now; but if you have a ported patch for the current gdm, please go ahead and commit it07:41
pittihey RAOF, how are you?07:42
RAOFpitti: I'm ok.07:42
RAOFI'm discovering some stupidity in thinking that builds == works, though :/07:43
RAOFOn the plus side, this is in the pre-upload testing, so no-one need know!07:43
micahghi pitti, I wanted to ask about Thunderbird for natty alpha 2, would it be better to have it be updated to 3.1.8 on arm, but w/out Breakpad enabled (submit crashes to Mozilla) (not parity with i386/amd64) or leave it at 3.1.7?  There might be the other option of actually fixing breakpad, but idk if that can happen before alpha 207:44
pittimicahg: my gut feeling is to update without breakpad, but ogra_'s or persia's opinion here is more important07:51
micahgpitti: I"ll check with chrisccoulson as well either before I go to sleep or when I wake up (and might find it mysteriously fixed :))07:52
didrocksgood morning08:11
JackyAlcineMorning, didrocks.08:12
didrockshey JackyAlcine08:12
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pittibonjour didrocks08:29
didrocksGuten Morgen pitti :)08:30
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DktrKranzmvo: hi! during weekend I spent some time doing gdebi bug triage, and noticed you were working on gio support (lp:~mvo/gdebi/gio). Do you think it's functional enough to be merged, or does it need polishing?08:52
mvoDktrKranz: thanks for the triage :) there was/were issues with gio, but I don't remember the details, let me look at the code again (its been a while)08:52
janimo@pilot in08:54
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots: janimo
* micahg waves to janimo08:55
mvoDktrKranz: one problem was that gio will not support remove downloads as root. that should be fine most of the time (as we run as user by default) though08:55
DktrKranzah, yeah08:56
janimomicahg, hi08:57
micahgjanimo: hi, we've got another failure on thunderbird on ARM, I was looking for the ARM xulrunner tree to see if anyone fixed it, but it seems to no longer exist08:58
janimomicahg, those fixes are easy, I saw that too, I'll provide a patch today - not debidff though08:58
janimoI wonder though why mozilla keep adding asm code :)08:58
micahgjanimo: awesome, thanks08:59
micahgjanimo: we enabled a new module (breakpad)08:59
janimoah, makes sense09:00
mvoDktrKranz: nice work on trunk btw, many thanks :)09:02
DktrKranzmvo: thanks, I plan to commit a couple of things, then upload and sync in natty09:17
mvoDktrKranz: sounds good to me,  I play a little bit with the gio stuff in the meantime09:22
DktrKranzmvo: cool, thanks!09:25
mvoDktrKranz: could you merge the gio branch to trunk and play a bit with it? it should be good now09:32
ogra_mvo, any chance that we get a working update-manager soon so we can build non x86 images again ?09:33
ogra_(why is it depending on fglrx-modaliases ?)09:33
janimomicahg, so mozilla will  not report via apport? How do apport and breakpad get along?09:37
micahgjanimo: apport should be blacklisted if breakpad is enabled09:37
micahgjanimo: you should still be able to use ubuntu-bug though to report non-crashes09:38
janimomicahg, does the mozilla team upstream patches (I am thinking of the arm ones in particular)?09:38
micahgjanimo: we should be :)09:38
janimomicahg, ok. There's no easy way I know of - short of looking at he buglist and upstream resources - what the status of various packages is wrt upstreaming09:39
micahgjanimo: generally I think we do, occasionally one slips through the cracks09:40
mvoogra_: yes, on my list for today :) its a quirk handler because fglrx used to drop support for older cards so we like to tell users (and transition them)09:44
ogra_great, thanks09:44
cjwatsonbroder: thanks for pushing the libpipeline backport :-)09:53
\shguys, who is responsible for upstart in ubuntu right now?10:04
micahg\sh: I think jhunt is working on it10:05
\shmicahg: thx...I'll get in touch with him...looks like we still have problems with upstart + virtual nic interfaces10:06
micahg\sh: bug 678425?10:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 678425 in upstart (Ubuntu) "virtual network interfaces sometimes dont start on startup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67842510:07
\shmicahg: nope, this looks just like the reporter is not following the exmaple of ifenslave for new upstart behaviour10:09
\shmicahg: it's more : bond0 -> slaves eth0 eth1 -> mode 4 / bond1 -> slaves eth2 eth3 -> mode 4 <- those are available, and now you device a bond2 -> slaves bond0 bond1 and bond2 doesn't work10:10
micahg\sh: way too late at night for me to follow that :)10:11
\shmicahg: hehe...I can imagine that...10:12
DktrKranzmvo: sure, I'll have a go this eve10:14
\shmicahg: I commented on bug #67842510:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 678425 in upstart (Ubuntu) "virtual network interfaces sometimes dont start on startup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67842510:16
cjwatsonsmb,sconklin-gone: we need an urgent upload for bug 709694, IMO, because now lucid-updates has regressed for people with the backports modules installed10:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 709694 in linux-backports-modules-2.6.32 (Ubuntu Lucid) "Lucid package linux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic broken" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70969410:17
\shcjwatson: don't know if you are the right man for initramfs-tools, but the correct fix for bug #415353 is now in initramfs-tools 0.98.8 in unstable...we should take a look at it and eventually push that to natty10:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 415353 in linux (Ubuntu Lucid) "karmic/lucid installation slow on "detecting network hardware" with bnx2x" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41535310:20
cjwatson\sh: yes I'm going to do that this week10:24
cjwatsonmaks already asked me about it10:24
cjwatsonpitti: given that you removed the fglrx-modaliases package, do you have an idea for how to make update-manager not dep-wait on it in natty?10:25
\shcjwatson: cool...thx :)10:25
pitticjwatson: oh, I'll look into it and discuss with mvo10:25
pittisounds like an obsolete workaround anyway10:25
ogra_cjwatson, see above, mvo said he'd work on it today10:26
cjwatson  * DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeQuirks.py:10:26
cjwatson    - add detection for cards no longer supported via fglrx10:26
cjwatson      and ensure transition to "ati" (LP: #284408)10:26
cjwatsonogra_: ah, thanks10:26
cjwatsonI missed that10:26
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pittimvo: do we still need that? would it help if I send you a snippet of code which determines the vendor/product IDs in the new "package header" world?10:26
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* ogra_ grumbles at freenode10:27
Tm_Togra_: that's not freenode's fault (:10:27
ogra_Tm_T, that my nick gets cked for 2h if i nistype my PW ?10:28
Tm_Togra_: I believe you have turned on nick-guard10:28
ogra_*locked ...10:28
ogra_i havent turned on anything10:28
ogra_i'm using IRc like i do since 8 years10:29
Tm_Thmm, interesting, it shouldn't force nick-change without the nick protection10:29
ogra_if i mistype my pw and am not fast enough to retype in time i get a Guest account10:29
ogra_after that my nick is locked for about 2h10:29
Tm_Thaven't heard of locks before10:30
ogra_* ogra :Nick/channel is temporarily unavailable10:30
ogra_thats what nickserv replies10:30
Tm_Togra_: you can still identify10:30
ogra_i cant change my nick, so no10:31
Tm_Togra_: /msg nickserv identify <account> <password>10:31
ogra_yes, that works, but i cant change my nick10:32
Tm_Tas identified?10:32
ogra_same message as above10:32
Tm_Twhat happens if you try to ghost that nick?10:32
ogra_-NickServ- ogra is not online.10:33
Tm_T-NickServ(NickServ@services.)- ogra has enabled nick protection10:33
ogra_well, i'll live with the tail for 2h10:33
Tm_Togra_: you might like to group that tailed nick to your account too (:10:34
ogra_to have that locked as well ?10:34
ogra_no, thanks :)10:34
Tm_Togra_: well, now someone else can register it10:35
ogra_nobody has in the last years ... and i still own the toplevel10:36
* cjwatson looks sideways at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/natty_probs.html10:36
ogra_i like to have a working fallback10:36
cjwatsonwe're producing an alpha this week, right? :-(10:36
ogra_cjwatson, armel looks worse than it is for images10:38
ogra_we only miss u-m currently afaik10:38
cjwatsonogra_: I was actually mostly looking at x8610:38
gesercjwatson: a binary promotion of "libsmokebase3" should resolve the "libsmoke*" ones (kdebindings)10:44
cjwatsongeser: thanks, will poke at component-mismatches10:47
cjwatsonthere's a qscintilla2 rebuild needed too10:47
JackyAlcineIs NAS (Network Audio System) is shipped with Ubuntu?10:51
JackyAlcineQt seems to rely on it.10:51
cjwatsonRiddell: I've uploaded qscintilla2 to fix its sip-api-* dependency - hopefully it still works10:59
jibelev: Hi, can you look at bug 710582, looks like a webkit bug rather than ubiquity.11:00
cjwatsonRiddell: is somebody working on the kdebindings FTBFS on armel?11:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 710582 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Natty) "ubiquity crashes after step 'Who are you' : segfault in libwebkitgtk-1.0.so.0.5.2 on AMD64" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71058211:00
evjibel: ugh, it seems like we get these once a cycle.  Sure, will do.11:01
jibelev: thanks11:01
Riddellcjwatson: I can't work out the problem (it's failing to typecast double as qreal). I've pinged upstreams who havn't so far helped11:08
evjibel: I've followed up on the bug11:09
cjwatsonRiddell: maybe I should work my way through the problems I'm more likely to be able to solve then ;-)11:10
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JackyAlcineWhen will Ubuntu replace X for Wayland?11:38
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cjwatsonRAOF: I just uploaded xserver-xorg-input-evdev to fix a udeb dependency problem which was showing up in component-mismatches.  I don't suppose you could sync that upload into wherever x-s-i-e is maintained?11:51
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RAOFcjwatson: Yeah, ok.11:59
cjwatsonRiddell: qtmobility 1.1.0-0ubuntu3 removed libqtmessaging1, I think, but qtmobility-dbg still seems to depend on it?11:59
cjwatsonRAOF: thanks11:59
cjwatson... and I think that should be the last of the x86 uninstallables12:00
cjwatsonJackyAlcine: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/551 is the most authoritative answer to that I know of12:00
bdrungcjwatson: re libkibi: it wasn't as easy as i assumed. https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=64043212:01
Riddellcjwatson: ok I'll look at that along with the arm build failures of qtmobility today12:01
cjwatsonRiddell: thanks12:01
cjwatsonbdrung: well, I'm not hugely surprised, but we can't leave the c-m status the way it is forever12:02
bdrungcjwatson: c-m?12:02
cjwatsonbdrung: we could demote it and bump the MIR bug back to Fix Committed pending app changes?12:02
cjwatsonbdrung: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt12:02
JackyAlcineFantastic, cjwatson.12:02
bdrungcjwatson: i'll can start to port non-glib C programs.12:02
RAOFcjwatson: Ah, I guess -evdev hasn't been published yet?  I'll leave that for Bryce then.  Time for me to hit the sack :)12:05
mvopitti: I'm working on that now, it should be fine12:07
* pitti hugs mvo, danke12:08
cjwatsonRAOF: not quite.  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-evdev/1:2.6.0-1ubuntu312:09
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om26erhey janimo12:13
janimoom26er, hello12:13
om26erjanimo, could you please sponsor https://code.launchpad.net/~om26er/ubuntu/natty/totem/totem-fix-647607/+merge/4790312:13
jibelev: I'll submit the bt after lunch. In the mean time I caught another blocker but this time on Kubuntu bug 710612 . Looks like a problem with debconf.12:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 710612 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Natty) "Kubuntu Desktop AMD64 - ubiquity kde_ui crash with File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/debconf.py", line 70, in command self.write.flush() IOError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71061212:13
janimoom26er, looking12:13
janimoom26er, have you built this and it works?12:16
om26erjanimo, I have not build since it seemed like a one line fix, should I now, will take a few minutes if you say12:17
janimoom26er, ok, just to make sure, please do, thanks12:18
janimosince you know the best how to test if it indeed fixes the bug12:18
mvopitti: what does a line with multiple seperators in modaliases looks like? i.e. what is the seperator? Modaliases: fglrx(..), fglrx2(..) ?12:22
mvopitti: in the Packages header12:22
pittimvo: right, modulename(alias, alias, ...), modulename(alias, ...), ...12:22
mvook, thanks12:22
cjwatsonjibel: it's rare for such things to be a problem with debconf, just as compiler errors are rarely a problem with gcc12:23
pittimvo: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/jockey/ubuntu/view/head:/jockey/oslib.py#L716 is what jockey uses12:24
mvothanks pitti12:24
bdrungmvo: bug #710618 - that's the try to comply to ubuntu's units policy12:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 710618 in apt (Ubuntu) "Please support libkibi" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71061812:25
bdrungmvo: libkibi is in NEW in Debian12:26
mvobdrung: thanks, I have a look. also I tend to be very reluctant to add dependencies to libapt12:26
bdrungmvo: libkibi is very small for that reason12:27
mvopitti: hm, the old modalias files had a "xorgdriver" as part of their data, that got dropped now?12:28
mvopitti: it should not affect u-m much though, just curious12:29
pittimvo: where was that?12:29
hyperaircjwatson: ping12:30
juliankbdrung: I share mvo's opinion with dependencies, and APT seems compliant already12:30
hyperaircjwatson: is there a possibility of enabling busybox's httpd?12:30
cjwatsonhyperair: why?12:31
cjwatsonand in which build?12:31
hyperaircjwatson: any one of them -- i think it would be useful for testing of stuff that should run on embedded environments.12:31
mvopitti: e.g. http://paste.ubuntu.com/560591/12:31
mvopitti: alas, it looks like its the module, not the xorg driver12:32
cjwatsonhyperair: well, we certainly can't do it in the udeb, for instance, it would clash confusingly with save-logs12:32
hyperaircjwatson: save-logs?12:32
cjwatsonhyperair: a d-i component12:32
hyperaircjwatson: how about busybox-static? or busybox?12:32
pittimvo: right, first is the module name (before the () now), second the package name (Package: field)12:32
cjwatsonhyperair: httpd is already enabled in those.12:32
hyperaireh wait a sec..12:33
hyperairoh sorry12:33
hyperairi meant... busybox cgi support12:33
cjwatsonfeel free to file a bug for that12:33
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cjwatsonseems reasonable enough12:33
hyperaircjwatson: by the way, is there a special use case for busybox-static?12:34
cjwatsonno idea, it predates me12:34
cjwatsonI imagine it's recovery shells and the like12:34
hyperairah okay12:34
om26erjanimo, builds fine on 32bit install. youtube video does not play for me at the moment due to other reasons12:34
cjwatsoncertainly that's why it's in ubuntu-standard12:35
hyperaircjwatson: wasn't that the job of busybox-initramfs?12:35
cjwatsonhyperair: no12:36
cjwatsonits purpose is to be /bin/sh and tools in the initramfs, not in the main system12:37
janimoom26er, ok12:37
apwpitti, when you copy out kernels for lucid SRUs (from the canonical-kernel-team PPA) do you include the LBM packages?  i assume you are copying out those packages you are asked to12:39
pittiapw: sconklin-gone sends me a list to copy, as there is often old/other stuff12:41
apwpitti, ok so the disconnect is at his end, seems he did not include LBM in the lucid update last time, as that is uninstallable rgith now.  there seems to be a valid build in the PPA however12:42
pittiapw: ok, so I'll copy that then12:42
apwpitti, it looks to be the right version to my eye and matching the git repo, so that seems appropriate12:43
apwcjwatson, ^^12:43
cjwatsonpitti: thanks12:44
apwcjwatson, pitti i will close the loop with the stable team to make sure the process hole here is closed12:44
cjwatsonpitti: this is a regression in -updates right now - do you think we can waive the waiting period to some extent?12:44
pittiso it seems neither cert nor qa even test these12:44
pitticjwatson: yes, absolutely12:44
pitticjwatson: I thought we push it to -proposed now, and perhaps to -updates tonight?12:45
cjwatsonright, once somebody has test-installed it and confirmed it doesn't explode12:45
apwpitti, my understanding always has been that they are 'backports' and therefore more like the backports pocket from a process point of view12:45
pittioh, it's not just a no-change rebuild12:45
apwpitti, indeed, seems to be some updates from upstream there too ...12:45
pittihttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/62531555/linux-backports-modules-2.6.32_2.6.32-27.26_2.6.32-28.27.diff.gz is quite nontrivial, so it should be tested at least12:46
apwpitti, if you get it into -proposed, i'll get some people in my team to 'feel the pain' testing it12:46
* apw looks grumpy12:47
pittiapw: that'd be great; copied now, and updated bug 606278 (which should get the testing results)12:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 606278 in linux-backports-modules-2.6.32 (Ubuntu Lucid) "Add linux-backports-modules-input" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60627812:47
pittisorry for the process fail12:47
apwpitti, i don't see you have any fault in the matter12:47
pittiforgot about lbm12:48
apwpitti, i am sure you reviewed what you are asked to release ...12:48
apwpitti, i don't think you should be having to remember12:48
juliankbdrung: Why did you create a type filesize_t (that falls into a POSIX-reserved space), instead of using the off(64)_t type which is a standardized type for file sizes?12:59
hyperairsay... is rmadison going mad? it says busybox is in universe13:00
hyperair   busybox | 1:1.17.1-8ubuntu1 |         natty | source13:00
hyperair   busybox | 1:1.17.1-8ubuntu1 | natty/universe | amd64, i38613:00
hyperaircjwatson: ^^13:00
hyperairbut launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/busybox says it's in main.13:00
hyperairas does apt-get source13:00
hyperairer apt-get show(src)13:00
juliankhyperair: source is in main, binary in universe13:00
hyperairoh i see.13:01
hyperairjuliank: thanks13:01
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cjwatsonjuliank: C99-reserved, too13:08
juliankcjwatson: Can't find it in C99, at least not in "7.1.3 Reserved identifiers"13:11
juliank7.26.8 defines types matching u?int.*_t as possible future additions13:12
cjwatsonjuliank: hm, looks like you're right, sorry13:12
ari-tczewthen rebuild13:14
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ScottKlamont: Is Postfix 2.8 high enough on your list that you're likely to get it done before feature freeze?14:09
lamontwhen is feature freeze?14:09
* ScottK looks14:10
lamontI expect so14:10
lamontthere's also a new util-linux, which I think would be nice to get in, too.14:10
lamontand nmap14:11
lamontand prolly bind9 (rc bits are out now)14:11
ScottKDebian should be unfrozen this time next week.14:11
lamontthat's what I've been stalling on14:11
ari-tczewScottK: I heard about 5/6 feb.14:11
janimo@pilot out14:12
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots:
ScottKari-tczew: Yes.14:12
lamontari-tczew: that'd be "by next week"14:12
* lamont makes a note to prep and take his laptop to the thing this weekend, since he'll prolly be a bit bored at least part of the time14:13
bdrungjuliank: off64_t doesn't seems to be portable. maybe i should only use uint64_t from stdint.h14:20
* dholbach hugs janimo14:20
juliankbdrung: Well, the important part would be to not use a name ending in _t, so kibi_filesize would be better14:25
* janimo hugs dholbach14:27
janimodholbach, piloting was a bit hectic for the first time. I am not too familiar with UDD14:28
jelmerhi janimo14:28
janimothe diversity of branches and who owns what confuses me still14:28
janimojelmer, hi14:28
dholbachjanimo, did you take "notes"? :)14:28
jelmerjanimo: just getting more familiar with it, or are there things you think we can improve?14:28
* janimo will be back after 1-on-1 call with manager14:29
janimojelmer, need to get more familiar that;s for sure, but there are probably things to be improved14:29
dholbachmight be good to send a short followup mail to ubuntu-devel@ so we can talk about14:29
dholbachI'm sure you're not the only one14:30
janimofor instance merging would be easier done only from the web UI wihtith the need to get locally then merge then push14:30
janimodholbach, yes, I'll write one up. It will definitely be short, as there's not much to tell :)14:31
jelmerjanimo: Yeah, agreed14:31
* dholbach hugs janimo14:31
janimodholbach, np14:31
janimojelmer, but I guess there are things which are not technical - such as making sure I am not stepping on other devs toes. From the ~46 sponsoring requets I was not sure which other sponsor has their eyes on14:32
janimothe last commented field helps14:32
Laneyyou can always shoot them a quick ping to check :)14:33
janimobut with recent bugs (as it actually happened with a U1-sso) upload I think teammate usually help eachother and there's no need for othewr sponsors14:33
jelmerjanimo: how do you do it for non-UDD sponsoring ?14:34
janimojelmer, the reason it was a bit slow for me is that I did not really do much sponsoring before14:34
janimohowever I am more familiar with 'here's a debdiff for agains the latest source' approach14:35
jelmerjanimo: you should be able to use the "Claim Review" link on the merge proposal to indicate you're processing it14:35
janimowith bzr seems I need to merge and push to bzr (making sure I push to the right branch i.e ubuntu/totem vs desktop-team/totem)14:35
jelmerperhaps we should mention that on the UDD pages14:35
janimothen I need to do the same change in the package14:36
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janimoespeically if the request comes only as a bzr request and orig tgz needs to be found and fetched separately14:36
ograjanimo, you can do it the other way round, upload, wait until it shows up in the package branch and then merge back14:36
janimojelmer, I found and used that actually14:36
jelmerjanimo: Thanks for the feedback :)14:39
Laneybzr bd usually manages to find the orig14:41
janimoI am sure large part of my troubles was not having read the UDD docs thoroughly and not had peeked over anyone else's shoulder doing sponsoring work14:43
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smbpitti, apw sconklin Did a quick install test for lbm-lucid. AFAICT all packages are installable from proposed now15:12
sconklinsmb: thanks15:12
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barrydoes anybody know what "System program problem detected" means?  i see this popup on login after today's updates, but it does not appear to be hooked into apport because "report problem..." does nothing15:13
barryi do see an indicator-applet file in /var/crash and one from network manager, but those are the only files from today15:15
seb128barry, it's what update-notifier displays when there is a crash from another uid that yours15:17
seb128barry, it's to avoid locking the screen asking for a gksudo password to report those15:18
seb128it should call apport, maybe check .xsession-errors15:18
barryseb128: okay, thanks.  note that when i click on "report problem" nothing happens15:18
seb128does apport work?15:19
barryseb128: unsure.  the other crash was from indicator-applet, and no apport opup came up for that one either15:19
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seb128barry, try running ubuntu-bug /var/crash/...15:20
barryseb128: that worked for the indicator applet crash.  the network-manager crash file from earlier today though "problem cannot be reported".  also looks up u-b tracebacks ;)15:23
pittismb: ah, thanks; so I'll move them to -updates, and then to -security15:23
barryseb128: i'll report what i can, thanks15:23
mterrydholbach, heyo, can you put me in the patch pilot calendar for tomorrow (as a one-time thing?  i forgot to do it on Friday)15:24
seb128barry, yw15:24
dholbachmterry, I'll give you access to the calendar too - unfortunately I can't do it "automatically for everyone" :(15:26
dholbachanyone else while I'm at it?15:26
dholbachmterry, done15:27
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mterrydholbach, thanks15:28
Kanocjwatson: why are u images still not hybrid?15:39
Kanocjwatson: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-cdimage/+bug/52480315:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 524803 in Ubuntu CD Images "isolinux hybrid mode should be used - all other major distributions do so since last year" [Undecided,New]15:39
Kanono response too...15:40
Kanocjwatson: btw. i have got a patch for os-prober to fix gentoo detection, and you upload to d too?15:41
cjwatsonKano: don't expect me to respond to questions in that tone15:42
cjwatsonif you have an os-prober patch, it's probably best to file a Debian bug for it and I/we can pick it up there15:42
Kanowell i told the one i wrote the patch for to do that15:43
cjwatsonif you'd asked politely about isohybrid, I would have given a detailed status update15:43
Kanojust update the bug?15:43
cjwatsonbut not now15:43
cjwatsonno, you were rude in the bug15:43
cjwatsonI don't reward people who are rude with details15:43
Kanowell every other distro uses hybrid mode, even live-build creates binary-hybrid.iso15:45
cjwatsonwe will be moving to hybrid mode; if you'd been polite I would have given details of the plan15:46
cjwatsonas it is I'm afraid you'll have to wait15:46
Kanowell i can execute isohybird on the iso, but do others know that?15:46
Kanontfs-3g seems to be a bit old too15:49
Kano2 stable releases after 8.8. already15:49
Kanowould be interesting too for u, as it does not need any patch most likely15:51
KanoNew: implemented the ’sync’ mount option.15:51
kirklandslangasek: howdy, around?  wanted to chat with you (again) about bug #31381216:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 313812 in eCryptfs "umount of ecryptfs does not automatically clear the keyring (can be mounted by root later)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31381216:02
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elifHi, as vim user I would like to know when 7.3 will arrive at ubuntu ?16:07
davmor2apw: Hey dude Latest natty upgrade seems to kill my wireless and drop me into flight mode no nm16:08
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apwdavmor2, did you use to be using linux-backports-modules-wireless ?16:10
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cjwatsonelif: natty already has it; earlier releases will remain at their current versions16:11
davmor2apw: If it wasn't in the standard install nope,  I've just checked on a fresh cd from this morning same issue.16:11
davmor2apw: is it best to ubuntu-bug the kernel and point you at the bug?16:14
apwdavmor2, definatly want a bug yes please16:14
davmor2no probs one minute16:14
bdrungcjwatson: do it16:15
* apw wonders if we have a firmware name change or something16:15
cjwatsonbdrung: do which?16:15
bdrungcjwatson: demote libkibi and bump the MIR bug back to Fix Committed16:16
davmor2apw: bug #71073816:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 710738 in linux (Ubuntu) "Regression latest kernel breaks my Atheros AR5001 wifi" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71073816:23
apwdavmor2, and you are ok if you boot back to the .37 kernel ?16:25
davmor2apw: I'll check if it's still listed16:26
davmor2apw: 2.6.37-12-generic is fine I have wireless16:28
elifcjwatson: I saw something strange, I know I'm using 10.10 (maverick), but system->About Ubuntu is saying I'm using 11.04 (Natty), It's just curious thing.16:28
apwdavmor2, could you get a dmesg from that too please, and add it to the bug16:28
micahgcjwatson: or pitti can I get one of you to reject thunderbird-locales from maverick-proposed, I forgot one change16:30
pittimicahg: sure16:30
pittimicahg: but why remove? you can just upload a followup and use -v<version_in_updates> to include the previous changelog(s)16:30
cjwatsonelif: please file a bug, I can't take all your bug reports personally :-)16:30
micahgpitti: it's included in that changelog :(16:31
micahgpitti: it hasn't been accepted yet16:31
pittimicahg: aah16:31
pittimicahg: I thought you meant "the version which is already in proposed"16:31
micahgsorry, I should have specified the upload queue16:32
cjwatsonelif: (anyway, I think that's already known)16:32
davmor2apw: added dmesg.txt16:32
apwdavmor2, ta16:32
elifcjwatson: ok. just thks, I'll check there. and try to file bug if not.16:32
pittimicahg: done16:33
micahgpitti: thanks, I'll reupload shortly16:33
cjwatsonelif: bug 69024816:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 690248 in ubuntu-docs (Ubuntu Maverick) "In Maverick 'About Ubuntu' displays Natty info" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69024816:34
elifcjwatson: that's unfair you're too fast. anyway I have to get used with launchpad yet.16:36
davmor2apw: anything else you need?16:38
apwdavmor2, not that i can think of right now, thanks16:38
davmor2apw: if you think of anything feel free to ping16:39
mr_pouitpitti: your halsectomy page is only for rdepends, right? Because hal is still pulled somehow on the latest xubuntu daily, so I suppose there are still a few spurious (r)recommends ;p16:42
pittimr_pouit: the page isn't a complete rdepends list in Ubuntu, just projects which we run into16:42
mr_pouitah, okay16:42
pittimr_pouit: exaile still pulls it in, for example16:43
mr_pouityeah, I just saw that, it's in recommends16:43
pittimr_pouit: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/xubuntu.natty/rdepends/hal/hal16:44
pittimr_pouit: so, pretty much just that16:44
pittimr_pouit: libthunar-vfs-1-216:45
pittistil needs libhal116:45
pittior is that library obsolete as well?16:45
mr_pouityeah, and I managed to drop it from the default install16:45
hallynso if i dont' have the hw to reproduce a bug, and am waiting for someoen to confirm a fix for the bug - what's the proper state?  leave it as 'in progress'?16:48
cjwatsonsounds reasonable to me16:48
apwdavmor2, are you in armenia ?16:51
apwit seems your networking went into country AM configuration16:52
davmor2apw: no wolverhampton not much difference16:52
mvoDktrKranz: if the gdebi gio branch looks good to you then feel free to just merge to trunk and upload, should be good from my POV16:52
apwdavmor2, whats channel is your access point on ?16:53
davmor2apw: 11bgn mixed, http://ubuntuone.com/p/b4y/16:55
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apwdavmor2, and the iwconfig output from the linux side would be good16:57
davmor2apw: for which kernel new or old?16:57
apwthe working one :)16:58
apwas your routerconfig just says "any i feel like"16:58
davmor2apw: added to bug17:00
apwdavmor2, ta17:01
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slangasekkirkland: hi there17:09
kirklandslangasek: howdy17:09
kirklandslangasek: so, this bug is gaining heat, once again17:09
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kirklandslangasek: my tested/working solution involves the small patch to pam, here: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/39308219/pam.diff17:10
kirklandslangasek: which i think you've nacked in the past17:10
kirklandslangasek: i guess i'm wondering if that nack still holds :-)17:10
slangasekkirkland: yeah, it does.17:11
kirklandslangasek: okay17:11
kirklandhallyn: ^17:12
SpamapSSo, does anyone else have the situation where gdm starts, and the screen is black.. then ctrl-alt-f1, login, restart gdm, fixes it?17:13
SpamapSI changed gdm.conf to start on stopped rc RUNLEVEL=2 .. and that seems to have fixed the problem.. but made login available a few seconds later in boot.17:14
DktrKranzmvo: ok, I'll give it a go later17:16
DktrKranzmvo: should we bump to 0.7.0, changes and fixes introduced will be quite important17:20
Riddellslomo: gst-plugins-base0.10 no longer compiles because /usr/include/linux/videodev.h no longer exists17:24
slomoRiddell: that's sad, why? was v4l(1) dropped?17:35
ari-tczewogra: ping17:35
Riddellslomo: there seems to be a /usr/include/linux/videodev2.h now17:36
slomoRiddell: yes, that's for v4l2... ok, i guess old v4l is finally gone then, that's good news. for ubuntu you only have to drop the v4l plugin then, in debian i'll still keep it until after squeeze release17:39
Riddellslomo: ok thanks, I'll upload with that change17:41
udienzdid all ftbfs packages must be fixed before natty?17:43
micahgudienz: would be nice, but there are usually some failures left, the ones in main will usually be addressed before release though'17:45
udienzmicahg: if a fixed package release after natty, the packages will be uploaded to natty or O-release?17:49
LaneyFTBFS can be fixed via SRU17:51
micahgudienz: well, fixes should land in the devel release first, if there are no binaries, FTBFS fix usually qualifies for SRU, if there are binaries, then usually the fix is saved until another fix goes in unless it's something we know will need to be rebuilt (i.e. lots of security updates in the past)17:51
udienzok, thanks17:54
mvoDktrKranz: yeah, sounds good to me17:58
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hyperaircjwatson: thanks for the upload =)18:06
cjwatsonno problem18:08
cjwatsonthanks for the patch :)18:08
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scott-workcjwatson: do you have a minute to talk about an error in tasksel for ubuntu studio installs from image?18:24
cjwatsonscott-work: it's the end of my day so I'm only intermittently around; it would be best if you described the problem such that I can reply asynchronously18:46
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SpamapScjwatson: re the openssh-server init.d script being more upstart aware.. I'll take a look and see if I can whip something up. :)19:08
cjwatsongreat, thanks :)19:09
bdrunggeser: DMB meeting now!19:10
keesrickspencer3: re LP: #710796 -- the _kernel_ had hibernate removed. http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-natty.git;a=commitdiff;h=2e5f0ea801534914c6747e953ed277fa1608160219:10
rickspencer3kees, ok, so I was a bit out of touch there19:12
rickspencer3I thought they were just hiding the UI where "they" was the desktop team19:12
rickspencer3removing it from the kernel is bold, indeed19:13
keesrickspencer3: right, that's mostly okay -- that's just a configurable. but to be _unable_ is a big deal, IMO.19:13
rickspencer3kees, well, I dropped a note to @u-devel and @u-desktop19:13
rickspencer3I think a proper discussion would be good19:13
cjwatsonit seems bad form to remove it from the kernel; I said as much to kernel folks at the rally ...19:14
rickspencer3kees, would you mind correcting my mistake on that thread?19:14
keesrickspencer3: cool, thanks.19:14
keescjwatson: and that desktop told us that it wouldn't be removed from the kernel. :P19:14
keesrickspencer3: yup, already added a note.19:14
keesrickspencer3: or do you mean the u-d thread?19:14
rickspencer3the disconnect was probably due to me not connecting dots sufficiently19:15
rickspencer3in any case, it seems like a good thing to propose and explore, but warrants some discussion before a final decision is taken19:15
cjwatsonI can see the news articles already :-/19:15
cjwatson(FWIW I don't care whether the UI is there or not!)19:16
macohibernate as in dont-use-power-(if-it-works) ?19:17
rickspencer3maco, correct19:18
ScottKSigh.  I use that every time I get on an airplane.19:18
rickspencer3most of the time for me, as in, wait a long to shutdown, then not start up properly19:18
ScottKrickspencer3: Where is this discussion?19:19
rickspencer3ScottK @ubuntu-devel and @ubuntu-desktop19:19
rickspencer3I just started a thread ..  Shall we hide the GUI for Hibernate in Natty?19:19
ScottKrickspencer3: If it's not in the kernel, that's an easy one to answer.19:19
rickspencer3well, tbh, I didn't realize it was removed from the kernel19:20
rickspencer3a bit changes the tone l)19:20
rickspencer3anyway, the discussion needs to take place19:20
broderit would be nice if we could make some reasonable runtime guesses as to whether or not it would work on a given piece of hardware19:20
rickspencer3there are pros and cons and options19:20
ScottKBrings up the "If I have to compile my own kernel anyway, why am I using *buntu" question.19:20
rickspencer3broder, I was thinking of a white list combined with a checkbox to turn it on if you're not on the white list19:21
ScottKMy only problem with it recently is sometimes I don't have enough swap available (which I can fix), so it's not necessarily a fixed list of what works and what doesn't.19:21
broderyeah, sure, though maintaining that list is obviously difficult, especially with release-to-release regressions19:21
rickspencer3but, it's not really my decisions, I'm just trying to make sure that it gets discussed, and doesn't end up happening a bit by default19:22
broderScottK: available swap is easy to test for19:22
ScottKbroder: Agreed.  It does that now and then doesn't shut down.19:22
ScottKrickspencer3: I didn't see anything on ubuntu-devel.  Is it just on -desktop so far?19:23
rickspencer3ScottK, could be19:24
rickspencer3I sent it to both lists19:24
keesrickspencer3: you only sent to u-desktop? not -devel?19:27
broderno, it was to devel as well. i bet it's stuck in moderation or something19:27
rickspencer3kees, ubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com19:27
* kees waits on https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2011-January/date.html19:28
broderrickspencer3: the e-mail came from your @canonical address. for future reference, my recollection is that anything from an @ubuntu.com address (or maybe from the ubuntu.com smtp server?) is automatically accepted19:29
rickspencer3broder, thanks for the info19:30
sconklinpitti, StevenK: is there an actual archive on launchpad (accessible through the API) which corresponds with http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/ ??19:39
broderactually, what makes hibernate unreliable? because it doesn't seem like it should be hardware dependent - it seems more like it's an issue with not enough swap, or unfavorable disk layouts that the initrd can't dig into correctly, etc19:40
apwrickspencer3, well we can reinstate it, but its a kernel respin, so if we need to do that for A2 we'll need to cope with the kernel bumping19:48
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ScottKapw: Why did it get disabled?19:52
apwScottK, that as i understood it was the decision, it seems a misscommunication if 'get rid of it' doesn't mean that19:53
ScottKapw: Who's decision?  We certainly support it in Kubuntu.19:54
apwi don't think i was there fore the discussion, only the final messge it was to go19:55
rickspencer3i don't think we should worry about turning it back on for A219:55
rickspencer3it's not worth a respin and revalidating19:56
ScottKrickspencer3: But we are going to turn it back on in the kernel, right?19:56
rickspencer3I would think so, but I think we should wait and see how the discussion progresses19:56
ScottKrickspencer3: So far we're only discussing disabling the U/I on one flavor of Ubuntu.  It would seem odd to me that might drive the decision about a kernel change.19:58
rickspencer3ScottK, you make a good point, I asked someone to add to the thread that it's actually turned off in the kernel right now19:59
ScottKrickspencer3: That's been done.19:59
rickspencer3I wasn't aware that that particularly step had been taken19:59
ScottKBut I think the discussion should be on ubuntu-devel.  At this point we aren't just talking Ubuntu Desktop.20:00
rickspencer3I send the email to both20:00
pgranerrickspencer3, we had discussions at the sprint and the take aways was that is was to get tuned off to see what the impact was20:00
rickspencer3pgraner, ack20:01
pgranerrickspencer3, so we turned it off in the kernel20:01
rickspencer3probably my fault for not connecting all the dots properly20:01
rickspencer3however, there is plenty of time to discuss and turn it back on, etc...20:02
ScottKAt this point you've ripped it out from under all the other flavors with no discussion.  You need to decide if that as appropriate or not.20:03
ScottKIf it's not, please have it turned back on.20:04
ScottKNot sure what else there is to discuss.20:04
rickspencer3let me log a bug to get it turned back on20:04
rickspencer3I don't think anyone is particularly married to the idea of it being off in the kernel20:04
pgranerrickspencer3, nope we can turn it back on post A220:07
rickspencer3let me start a new bug for turning it back on the kernel, and sorry for the confusion20:08
smagounrickspencer3: thanks for doing that. Would you post the bug # here when you're done?20:10
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rickspencer3smagoun, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/71087720:17
ubottuUbuntu bug 710877 in linux (Ubuntu Natty) "re-enable hibernate in the Natty Kernel" [Undecided,New]20:17
keesrickspencer3: the bug was already open (the original report was against the kernel...)20:17
rickspencer3kees, yeah, but I want to keep that one "should we hide it"20:17
rickspencer3versus the discrete task of turning it back20:17
* kees doesn't care. the wording of 710796 was "it's broken in the kernel". *shrug*20:18
rickspencer3kees, just give me a few minutes to get these fixed up20:19
rickspencer3kees, the user for bug #710796 is clearly saying "I want hibernate to work"20:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 710796 in linux (Ubuntu Natty) "[regression] hibernate no longer works on natty" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71079620:21
rickspencer3or, "I want the feature there"20:22
keesrickspencer3: they said "option was removed and pm-hibernate doesn't work". the latter is the kernel issue20:22
rickspencer3which is different than bug #710877 which is to just turn it back on20:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 710877 in linux (Ubuntu Natty) "re-enable hibernate in the Natty Kernel" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71087720:22
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rickspencer3kees, right, so there's 2 issues, so should be 2 bug reports, imo20:22
keesrickspencer3: sounds good!20:22
rickspencer3in any case, I think the first bug should be moved to polkit20:23
keesrickspencer3: my point was that 710796 was already open against the kernel, etc.20:23
keesbut yeah, whatever makes sense. as long as it's coming back in the kernel, I'm happy :)20:23
hallynbdmurray: /win 1020:42
hallynbdmurray: what is the 'proper' place to get your greasmonkey lp extensions?20:42
micahghallyn: https://launchpad.net/~gm-dev-launchpad/+archive/ppa20:44
bdmurrayhallyn: firefox-lp-improvements ppa is the best20:44
DktrKranzmvo: gio branch merged!20:46
cjwatsonbroder: no, the auto-accept is based on membership of ~ubuntu-dev21:06
broderoh really? that's actually rather clever. so i assume that means it also incorporates any e-mail address a member of ~ubuntu-dev has registered on their lp account?21:08
cjwatson(though I don't see Rick's mail in the moderation queue - of course there is an extra whitelist)21:09
cjwatsonbroder: it's supposed to21:09
cjwatsonthat part is not directly visible to me though, but that's what I'm told21:09
ScottKlamont: Has fiordland been "improved" or does "stuff" just happen: http://paste.ubuntu.com/560732/21:14
cjwatsonok, I have no idea where rickspencer3's mail to ubuntu-devel went21:15
cjwatsonit's neither in the queue nor in the archive21:15
rickspencer3cjwatson, I'll resend, and yeah, weird21:15
cjwatsonthe queue's been suspiciously empty all day (some longer-term things in there but nothing new)21:15
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cjwatsonand nijaba was asking me about some problem earlier ...21:16
cjwatsonrickspencer3: I suggest chasing it up with IS, quoting the message-id of the message you sent21:16
cjwatsonI'm not sure resending will help - it will probably just confuse things21:16
cjwatsonit's almost as if anyone not on the whitelist is getting binned21:16
lamontScottK: good question. I'm a bit out-of-loop on that, maybe an RT with the output on it would be in order21:17
ScottKlamont: OK rt .at. ubuntu.com?21:17
elmothe problem is the tool that hardcoded fiordland21:17
elmorather than using the MX21:18
elmofiordland is no longer the mx for launchpad.net21:18
ScottKI see.21:18
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ScottKbdrung: ^^^^21:18
ScottKelmo: Thanks.  That we can fix.21:18
cjwatsonoh, wow, that's nasty code21:18
ScottKtumbleweed: ^^^21:18
ScottKYep.  Updating to the current MX works.21:21
ScottKelmo: Thanks.21:21
elmoScottK: np21:21
cjwatsonupdating to code that doesn't just hardcode a new MX, I hope :)21:21
lamonthopefully doing a lookup of mx for launchpad.net and using that???21:23
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broderugh, smtplib doesn't have a mode where it will do that itself? that's kind of lame21:25
ScottKbroder: It's smtplib, not DNS.21:26
broderyeah, but "send this message to whoever is the mx for the recipient" seems like a pretty common thing to do21:27
StevenKUh, doing a lookup of an MX inside Python is not expensive?21:27
geserthat's also means SRU's are needed21:27
cjwatsonStevenK: how do you do it then?  I was just googling ...21:27
StevenKDamn it, I knew some one was going to ask that.21:28
cjwatsonso far, only found a stackoverflow comment saying that doing MX lookups in python requires a third-party module21:28
ScottKIt's not that hard.21:28
ScottKI'm the Debian maintainer for python-dns.21:28
ScottKOne could also use dns-python.  That's a bit overkill for this.21:28
cjwatsonthough dnspython is at least in main21:29
cjwatson(but I agree, it's a big hammer)21:29
StevenKBah, seems I'm mis-remembering. Doing DNS lookups in Python can be done with 'socket', but things like MX or NS lookups need a 3rd party module.21:29
broderyeah, that was what i thought21:30
ScottKcjwatson: Since I'm maintaining python-dns, I don't think it matters much which is in Main.21:30
cjwatsonScottK: heh, fair enough21:30
cjwatsonStevenK: right, socket.getaddrinfo is fine for A lookups21:31
scott-workcjwatson: if i were to fix the seeds and push it back to bzr would you be able to help me get the meta packages rebuilt?21:32
scott-workcjwatson: i would really like to get the tasksel fixed before alpha2 and my usual contact hasn't responded back yet21:33
geserScottK: are you going to file a bug about it for u-d-t? or should I do it?21:33
cjwatsonscott-work: doesn't need metapackage rebuilds, just needs a tasksel rebuild.  yes I can do that.21:33
ScottKgeser: No.  I'm going to fix it.21:33
geserok and thanks21:34
scott-workcjwatson: i will update the seeds in approximately six hours time from now21:34
scott-workcjwatson: and thank you again!21:34
geserScottK: don't we need a bug for the SRU? as maverick and lucid are affected too21:34
ScottKGood point.21:34
ScottKPlease file it.21:34
cjwatsonscott-work: is it possible to do it before I go to bed?21:35
cjwatsonscott-work: if you do it six hours from now, I won't update tasksel until I get up in the morning, and we'll miss the cron job that should be building the alpha-2 images21:36
scott-workcjwatson: unfortunately i'm at work and will not leave for another 1.5 hours, plus need to pick kids up on the way home21:36
cjwatsonscott-work: you can just tell me what change to make21:36
cjwatsonwhat the new Description should be21:36
scott-workcjwatson: i can do that:21:36
scott-workcjwatson: in audio-plugins replace "Task-Description: LADSPA, LV2, and DSSI audio plugins" with "Task-Description: LADSPA/LV2/DSSI audio plugins"21:37
cjwatsonscott-work: committed, thanks21:38
scott-workcjwatson: awesome, thank you very much :)21:38
cjwatsonI'll upload tasksel once the local update finishes here21:39
geserScottK: bug 71092521:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 710925 in ubuntu-dev-tools (Ubuntu) "[requestsync] fiordland.ubuntu.com is not a MX for launchpad.net anymore" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71092521:40
SpamapScjwatson: so the most reliable way that I can find to determine whether or not to use upstart is to drop a fake randomly named job in /etc/init and ask upstart what its status is.. if it doesn't know about the job, then I assume we're in a chroot.21:41
StevenKgeser: That's so not the bug.21:41
broderSpamapS: oww21:41
StevenK"Talks directly to a machine, assuming it's the MX for launchpad.net"21:41
cjwatsonSpamapS: look at /proc/1/exe?21:42
SpamapScjwatson: its a symlink. :-/21:42
SpamapSas is /proc/root and /proc/cwd21:42
SpamapSno help at all :P21:42
geserStevenK: fixed the bug description (taken yours)21:42
cjwatsonI've definitely seen code along those lines that worked21:42
brodercjwatson: i know you can see if something is in a chroot under you looking at /proc/pid/root21:43
broderi don't think it works the other way around21:43
cjwatsontested, works fine21:44
cjwatsonof course on the feature test principle it would be better to test whether upstart knows about the job, so that things work once upstart gains chroot support, but that may be too complex to live21:44
broderoh right, you have to look at the inode number. i remember seeing that now21:45
SpamapSThe inode number of what exactly?21:45
cjwatsonsee initramfs-tools.preinst21:45
broderyour / vs. /proc/1/root21:45
cjwatsonthere's a chrooted() function there which works21:45
SpamapSright, that is reasonaly accurate, but fails if you chroot into a dedicated mount point21:45
cjwatson"dedicated mount point"?21:46
broderSpamapS: sorry, combination of the inode and the device number that contains / :)21:46
SpamapSmkdfs file ; mount -o loop file /mnt/mychroot ; copy stuff to /mnt/mychroot ; chroot /mnt/mychroot /bin/bash21:46
SpamapSdev number yes that works21:46
cjwatsonplease try the code I referred to21:46
SpamapSyes I was waiting for bzr branch ;)21:47
cjwatsoncat /var/lib/dpkg/info/initramfs-tools.preinst21:47
SpamapSoh that would have been clever wouldn't it have?21:47
SpamapS    # borrowed from udev's postinst21:48
cjwatsonit was in Debian udev's postinst, I think, not Ubuntu's21:48
* SpamapS is wary of spreading the evil of copy/paste :-P21:48
cjwatsonyes, still is21:48
cjwatsonI mean I kind of agree but this is code we already know we intend to throw away21:48
SpamapSThat branch of Scott's looked reasonably mature.. did you get any feeling as to how likely it was to make it into natty?21:49
broderthe upstart spec still has it scheduled for natty, right?21:50
cjwatsonfairly, I think, he and James just need to agree on maintenance practices21:50
cjwatson(not that there's a fundamental disagreement AFAIK, it just needs to get nailed down)21:50
SpamapSCool. So this really is just likely to be something for lucid and maverick only.21:50
cjwatsonI'm not going to worry about that until closer to feature freeze21:50
jcastroogra: did you get the mail from the banshee upstream guy (gabriel) wrt. ARM?21:51
SpamapSso.. the question in my mind is how do we know to throw this code in openssh-server away when upstart gets the new capability...21:51
cjwatsonif you come up with something, let me know :)21:53
bdrungScottK: feel free to commit a fix to lp:ubuntu-dev-tools21:54
ScottKbdrung: It's been "improved" in natty, so I'm not sure I'll be able to fix it.21:54
ScottKbdrung: Where does mailserver_host get set now?21:55
bdrungScottK: ask tumbleweed21:55
ScottKtumbleweed: ^^^21:55
bdrungScottK: requestsync line 99: default='fiordland.ubuntu.com'21:57
bdrungScottK: don't forget to update the man page too21:57
ScottKbdrung: Found it.21:58
bdrungpoolie: i checked bzr with lintian and found that: http://paste.ubuntu.com/560748/22:02
tumbleweedbdrung, ScottK: back. shall I commit a fix?22:09
ScottKtumbleweed: I'll do it for Natty and then you can backport, OK?  I'm already working on it.22:10
bdrungtumbleweed: yes unless ScottK is working on a fix too22:10
tumbleweedScottK: great. I suppose you'll have to pull in an extra dependancy for DNS support :/22:10
pooliebdrung, thanks22:11
SpamapSslangasek: so I think we can write the -wait job generically22:34
SpamapSslangasek: meaning one could reasonably do    start wait-for WAIT_FOR=ssh22:34
slangasekSpamapS: instance $WAITER$WAITSFOR ?22:44
=== sconklin is now known as sconklin-gone
ScottKbdrung and tumbleweed: Pushed.23:37
bdrungScottK: where?23:38
ScottKbdrung: My bad.  Comitted.  Didn't push.  Just a moment.23:39
ScottKbdrung: Pushed to trunk.23:39
tumbleweedScottK: the second config.get_value doesn't do anything useful23:45
tumbleweedit will also not abort if it can't do the DNS lookup, but presumably crash later when it tries to connect to ''23:48
geserScottK: there is a typo in the ImportError message: "Launchapd" → "Launchpad"23:48
tumbleweedand you can test it on staging :P23:48
* tumbleweed heads to bed23:50
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
SpamapSslangasek: something like that, still monkeying with it23:56
hggdhslangasek, can you please look at bug 708579? This is either a new issue, or bug 603934 is not completely fixed23:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 708579 in runit (Ubuntu) "package runit 2.1.1-6.2ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: Unterprozess installiertes post-installation-Skript gab den Fehlerwert 1 zurück" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70857923:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 603934 in upstart (Ubuntu Natty) "upstart-job returns SysV-incompatible value for 'start' when job is already running" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60393423:58
SpamapSslangasek: yes, that works..23:59

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