
ttosttosI'm running 10.10 on a Thinkpad X200... I get a kernel crash when trying to hibernate... suspend works fine... I'm wondering if this is the right way to get some guidance.....02:09
=== smb` is now known as smb
smbHm Thinkpad X200... I wonder whether that was the thing with the tpm driver...08:15
smbBut gone now anyway...08:16
aboganismb: Good morning to you.08:18
* smb waves his cup of coffee to abogani 08:19
RAOFGood morning, caffinated sir!08:20
smbRAOF, That would be "not-yet-sufficiently-caffinated" :-P08:21
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cjwatsonCould somebody look at bug 709694?  It's RC for 10.04.212:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 709694 in linux-backports-modules-2.6.32 "Lucid package linux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic broken" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70969412:04
cjwatsonand it's effectively a regression in lucid-updates12:04
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
apwcjwatson, looking12:18
apwcjwatson, it looks to me that it was built (in the canonical-kernel-team PPA with the kernel) but was missed with the pocket copy12:22
apwcjwatson, i believe that the version in the canonical-kernel-team PPA is the one intended to complete the -28 set, i am unsure as to why it was not pocket-copied with the kernel meta etc12:38
cjwatsonapw: so I should do that?12:39
apwcjwatson, i suspect so yes, i was just closing the loop with pitti to see if he has information12:40
apwsmb, about ? 12:49
smbapw, Just came back12:49
apwsmb, most handy :)  you have some lucid systems still i think?12:50
smbapw, One or the other.12:50
ohsixapw: cgroup-bin was breaking suspend12:54
apwsmb, thanks for that12:54
apwcgroup-bin ?12:54
ohsixthe package, it has configs & a daemon to move things into cgroups12:55
ohsixsome kernel threads didn't like that when there were no resources in the group to get their job done12:55
apwohsix, oh, hrm ... interesting ... so lets get a bug files against that, or your existing bug opened out to that a well ...12:55
apwohsix, that does at least explain why you are one of the few hitting it12:56
ohsixi'd had it installed for a few months to poke at it; that was enough to break stuff12:57
apwtgardner, didn't seem you had the x35 (3873) cve assigned to you in the sheet ... added14:12
tgardnerapw, huh. thanks14:18
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Kanohi apw , did you get my message about RTL8192CE firmware?14:55
apwKano, i saw it mentioned yes.  we may have rebased on upstream firmware base since then14:56
apwi have not explicitly checked it is in there14:56
apwdpkg-buildpackage -S -rfakeroot -I.bzr -I.bzr-builddeb -I.git -I.gitignore -i'\.git.*'15:00
apwsconklin, ^^15:00
Kanoalso the rt8192se driver is crap15:01
Kanobasically it is in the kernel directly but does not work15:01
Kanoso you have just got 2 non working drivers15:01
Kanothe .32 kernel driver version sometimes worked15:02
Kanobest works ndiswrapper...15:02
apwKano, realtek has a questionable track record with open source drivers, indeed15:03
apwwe tend to rely on backports modules for those, and much finger crossing15:03
Kanobut they dont work15:03
maks_it's crap hardware too.15:04
Kanofee free to send me a minipci card with something better15:05
maks_vorlon has a funny post about getting rid of it.15:06
Kanowell ndiswrapper is ok but...15:07
Kanowhy is the native driver not working15:07
Kanomaybe you could get testhardware *g*15:07
Kanolike samsung n51015:07
apwKano, i personally tend to stay the heck away from anything which has rtl in it, just too hard15:12
Kanoprism 54 softmac is not better, i have got those cards too15:15
Kanodoes never work with 64 bit15:15
Kanosomehow i only get non working cards15:15
Kanoand there is not even a win 64 bit driver, at least i did not find one. for 32 bit ndiswrapper would work too,but native work there15:21
tgardnersconklin, just uploaded linux-meta to the c-k-t PPA to enable compat-wireless 2.6.3715:22
tgardnersconklin, you should roll the ABI on everything else in Lucid and get them uploaded.15:23
sconklintgardner: Aye. Is this an exception to the current freeze?15:23
tgardnerno, this is going into your c-k-t PPA, not the archive.15:24
sconklintgardner: yeah, I just wanted to know how much of a hurry there was15:24
tgardnersconklin, well, I think you should have _all_ the ABI dependent packages consistent lest we miss getting one of them copied.15:25
tgardneryou --> we15:25
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hallyni'll try here real quick - any recent update expected to break ability to tether over 3G?15:41
JFo<-grabbing an early lunch so I can dig through papers for the Tax people :-/15:58
apwhallyn, not that i have heard of no16:05
hallynhm.  this is gonna really screw up my week :)16:06
hallynsuppose tmobile coudl be messing with me, but seems unlikely16:06
hallynok, thanks, i'll start tracing16:06
Kanoapw: btw. you are right, the firmware is in rtlwifi dir, i used an older driver..16:08
cndsconklin, thanks for the heads up on the w3c touch stuff :)16:14
cndI just reviewed it and have some comments for him16:14
sconklinDoug is a really nice guy, would welcome contact. He'll be at LGM in Montreal, I'm pretty sure16:15
Kanoapw: just one thing, why does the r8192ce_pci module has got this extra id: pci:v000010ECd0000092Dsv*sd*bc*sc*i*16:19
sforsheecnd, are you very familiar with the ntrig digitizer?16:19
cndsforshee, sadly, yes...16:19
Kanoand the rtl8192ce module from kernel .38 not16:20
sforsheecnd, i could use some debugging tips if you have any16:20
cndsforshee, what's wrong?16:20
sforsheei have a dell latitude xt2 where the pointer jumps around and clicks all the time16:20
sforsheei've had to blacklist the driver just to make it usable16:20
sforsheehid_ntrig, that is16:20
sforsheeit's spewing out multitouch events constantly16:21
cndsforshee, hah, yeah, that's ntrig for you16:21
cndyou can try calibrating it16:21
cndthat should help16:21
cndlet me get you the link16:21
sforsheecnd, thanks, i'll give it a try16:21
cndsforshee, I have the same problem on my dell studio 17 with ntrig16:22
cndit's what I use for my MT development16:22
sforsheecnd, I saw your name in the driver changelog, so I thought I'd hit you up :)16:23
cndyeah... though most of the work was done by henrik rydberg16:23
cndwho no longer is with us16:23
cndand probably never wants to touch that driver again16:24
cndI think it's going to be a festering sore spot for us until ntrig hw is so old that we can just forget about it16:24
manjotgardner, are you suggesting this package ? linux-backports-modules-net-maverick-server16:25
sforsheecnd, getting build errors for undefined references to usb functions, is some library needed besides libusb-dev?16:26
cndsforshee, maybe, alas this isn't my code either...16:26
sforsheecnd, okay, I'll work on figuring it out16:27
tgardnermanjo, no, I'm suggesting linux-image-server-lts-backport-maverick16:30
manjotgardner, ack will ask them if that works 16:31
sforsheecnd, everything's installed, and I got the build working by manually adding libusb.a in the makefile instead of -lusb, not sure though why -lusb isn't working16:38
sforsheebut calibrating did fix the problems16:38
sforsheethanks for the  help16:38
smosersmb, around ?16:43
smbsmoser, indeed16:43
smoserbug 68669216:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 686692 in linux "natty kernel does not boot on ec2 t1.micro" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68669216:43
smoserseems still broken on i38616:43
smbsmoser, still is relative. seems differently broken now. I am on it16:44
smoserIt does function on amd64 now.  which is fan-tabulous. do you want me to open a new bug ?16:44
smbsmoser, yep likely new bug16:44
smoseri'll open a new bug.16:44
apw+  /proc/device-tree: can't find root16:46
apwan interesting diagnostic from 3816:46
smbapw, Interestingly CONFIG_COMPACT seems to have been turned on in Natty now, despite being marked experimental. Sadly turning it off does not help my case... :-/16:49
apwsmb, i don't think it was one which i was asked about, may have been a requirement for THP or something16:50
apwwhich it did ask about16:50
smoserbug 710754 opened16:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 710754 in linux "natty kernel does not boot on t1.micro in arch i386" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71075416:55
hallynapw: actually it just might be new kernel bug at usbpn_probe+0x28c/0x2c0.  hm16:58
apwsmb, ^^16:59
* hallyn pulling down the kernel-ppa daily over neighbor's wifi for a test17:00
smbapw, yeah yeah. saw it asked for it as well. :)17:00
smbapw, btw, TRANSPARENT_HUGEPAGE selects COMPACTION and that MIGRATION. wibble17:02
apwsmb, could have done indeed, thats pretty scarey stuff17:04
apwthat is mel gormans fault if its bust17:04
apw(the guy we met in ireland)17:04
smbapw, Remember him. Well as said. Its seems still bad with that compaction thing taken back17:04
smbbut it was a nice red herring17:05
apwheh, always like herring-rouge17:05
apw  ath: Country alpha2 being used: AM17:06
apwtgardner, any idea what the heck that means ?17:06
tgardnerapw, not a clue17:07
cndsforshee, good to hear :)17:12
cndwe should probably package that up...17:12
sforsheecnd, it's a hack, i hard-coded the include path17:12
sforsheeit would be nice to find a better solution17:12
sforsheethe lib path rather17:13
sforsheewhen I get a few minutes I'll see if I can find something better17:13
cndwell, the whole thing too :)17:13
cnda big hack17:13
sforsheeI'm wondering if there's another libusb somewhere that's getting pulled in instead, because there's no error about not finding the lib, just about unresolved symbols17:14
sforsheecnd, 'readelf -s /usr/lib/libusb.so' shows the missing symbols are present17:16
hallynkernel-ppa daily won't finish booting17:21
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komputesJFo: can you have another look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/701561 and let me know if any additional info is needed before assigning it.18:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 701561 in indicator-applet "IBM ThinkPad X31 not seen as laptop - battery status not available" [Undecided,New]18:12
JFoyep, komputes, I need the apport-collected data  18:15
JFonot sure if there was anything else that apw mentioned wanting18:15
komputesJFo: that hasn't been collected by opening the bug - apw mantionned that laptopdetect had to be run as sudo, which was done - result being it's detected as a laptop, yet still no battery status18:16
komputesJFo: you want apport collect info for the kernel18:17
JFothe first bit there didn't make much sense to me "that hasn't been collected by opening the bug" Correct, that hasn't been collected. unless you meant something else. :)18:17
JFoI do :)18:17
apwkomputes, so we do think it is a laptop18:19
komputesapw: indeed18:19
komputesJFo: will do18:19
JFothank you sir :)18:19
apwkomputes, so what does the laptop-detect -v say ?18:21
komputesapw: "We're a laptop..." 18:21
apwbut what _exactly_ for example mine says18:22
apwWe're a laptop (ACPI batteries found)18:22
komputesapw: sec18:22
komputesapw: "We're a laptop (dmidecode returned Notebook)" 18:22
apwkomputes, i assume that was sudo yes ?18:24
apwwhat does it say without sudo?18:24
apwkomputes, ^^18:27
komputesapw: yes that was with sudo18:27
komputesapw: without it said "We're not on a laptop (no relevant hints found)"18:28
apwkomputes, what do the following return18:28
apwls /sys/class/power_supply18:29
apwls /proc/acpi/battery18:29
komputesapw: will find out and get back to you on those18:29
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* tgardner --> lunch18:59
bdmurrayJFo: bug 710371 has been tested with the upstream kernel build but I'm not familiar with your tagging policies19:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 710371 in linux "kernel oops on ssh through ipsec vpn" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71037119:33
JFook, thanks bdmurray 19:33
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* jjohansen -> lunch20:20
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JFostepping away for a bit, not feeling too well.21:08
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emgentgood evening22:59
emgentWe are looking for a wireless linux kernel devloper (injection patches branch), spot job.. someone interested ?23:01
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