
=== asac_ is now known as asac
gnomefreakis it known that ctrl+alt++ does not work in chromeium or firefox10:19
micahggnomefreak: what should they do?10:20
gnomefreakmicahg: zoom10:20
micahggnomefreak: no ALT in FF10:20
gnomefreakmicahg: what about chrome?10:21
* micahg checks quick10:21
gnomefreakahhhh no alt10:21
gnomefreakmicahg: thanks, not sure why i was remembering alt10:21
micahgsame as FF10:21
gnomefreakwell it make everything but the font bigger10:22
micahgmakes the text bigger for me, could be some pages aren't made to scale10:23
gnomefreakyeah it was the site i was on. any other site i just tried made text bigger10:41
micahggnomefreak: yeah, any site that's not like that, will fail any accessibility test10:58
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gnomefreakok the 465 is supported but it does not list the 460 in supported nor legacy however the 460 go is listed under legacy11:05
gnomefreakplease tell me i didnt spend $200 on an unsupported card11:06
micahggnomefreak: I'd suggest going to nvidia's site and seeing which version driver is the current one for your model11:06
gnomefreakthat would mean i need to know what driver nvidia-current is as well11:09
gnomefreakfound it11:10
gnomefreakok now nvidia site11:10
gnomefreakhere is the list of supported and legacy drivers i am referring to http://paste.ubuntu.com/560569/ i also dont see galaxy cards11:15
micahgmeh, I just plug in the model # and let it tell me which driver to use11:16
gnomefreakit looks like the 258 series driver11:18
gnomefreak258.96 WHQL11:19
* micahg would guess that 260 would work then, but you can ask in #ubuntu-x to be sure11:19
gnomefreakim betting it is supported because it says they released the 460 in july of 2010. its kind of sad that a 6 month old driver is ~$20011:21
* gnomefreak wonders if the ati card is worth running11:48
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micahgchrisccoulson: good morning16:17
chrisccoulsonhi micahg, how are you?16:19
micahgchrisccoulson: fine16:21
micahgchrisccoulson: janimo gave us the Thunderbird fix for breakpad, do you have time to throw it up? (alpha 2 freezes late tonight or early tomorrow) otherwise, I'll get to it before the freeze16:21
chrisccoulsoni don't mind, i can probably look at it later, but i'm trying to get moonlight SRU's sorted first16:23
micahgchrisccoulson: ah, well, it's good that we know the root cause of that now16:23
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm glad too. it's a shame that moonlight takes ages to build though.16:24
chrisccoulsonit's really time consuming testing the builds ;)16:25
micahglike everything else we work on :-/16:25
micahgI have thunderbird-locales ready for natty, I'll upload shortly, I'll clean up the packaging sometime next month16:28
chrisccoulsoncool, thanks16:32
ftachrisccoulson, do you have the crash fix for moonlight?16:37
chrisccoulsonfta - uploaded to natty already (i just renamed the conflicting symbol)16:38
chrisccoulsoni'm just doing the SRU's for karmic - maverick now16:38
ftachrisccoulson, excellent16:38
micahgcool, I wonder if that fixes the issues I had with gluezilla as well :)16:38
ftadoes it work?16:38
micahgor is this only in the plugin?16:38
chrisccoulsonfta - yeah, it's working here (well, it doesn't crash now) :)16:39
ftahidding the symbol is probably the real fix, but renaming it is good enough for now16:40
chrisccoulsonyeah, i didn't really want to mess around with symbol visibility for a SRU16:41
* micahg guesses that fta means namespacing WRT hiding which is what upstream did IIRC16:41
ftaby hiding, i meant not exporting16:42
ftaplugins should not export those stuff16:43
chrisccoulsonyeah, not exporting it is the proper fix, but renaming it is easiest for an SRU16:45
chrisccoulsonand the symbol has gone away in moonlight 2.4 anyway16:45
ftagasp, i totally broke my translations exporter16:48
chrisccoulsonhmmm, why do people keep reporting bugs like bug 710744 against firefox16:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 710744 in nvidia-graphics-drivers "after installing PAE kernel NVIDIA driver does not work - no GUI" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71074416:50
chrisccoulsonthere's not even a menu entry for them to report a bug from firefox anymore16:50
chrisccoulsonoh, it got reassigned already16:51
chrisccoulsonfta - oh, it's not actually possible to not export that symbol anyway :/17:37
chrisccoulsonit's in another library loaded by the browser plugin17:37
ftachrisccoulson, hm, maybe it's possible to hide it from icetea, to avoid newer conflicts18:51
ftagasp, my adsl connection sucks. I've been offline for 1h1/218:53
ftachrisccoulson, are you using unity on your big screens?19:12
chrisccoulsonfta - yeah, i am19:12
ftachrisccoulson, can you open an xterm?19:12
chrisccoulsonfta - i'm not connected to me external screen atm. unfortunately, i get bug 710625 when i do that19:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 710625 in linux "Oops in intel_tv_detect when docking laptop, or starting X with it already docked" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71062519:13
chrisccoulsonso, i'm hanging off the edge of my desk now where there's a tiny bit of space ;)19:13
ftahalf of my windows are usually xterms, can't even use 1 on unity19:17
chrisccoulsonfta - what happens with xterm on unity?19:18
chrisccoulsonactually, i couldn't even get more than 1 window to open19:18
chrisccoulsonhow did you manage that? :)19:19
ftabug 69246319:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 692463 in unity "xterms broken in unity" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69246319:19
ftano one seems to care about that19:19
chrisccoulsonoh, i wonder why i don't get that issue too :/19:20
ftai can reproduce everywhere19:20
ftagnome terminal is ok, but slower and bigger19:21
gnomefreakanyone else notice that ambience is gone in natty,gnome19:35
gnomefreaksee http://img141.imageshack.us/f/themeissue.png/ for the theme issue19:41
chrisccoulsongnomefreak, it just looks like g-s-d isn't running19:42
chrisccoulson(or crashed)19:42
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: it happened during this mornings updates, however this morning was first time i updated since ayatana bug so not sure what did it. is there a way to find out why it isnt starting, i will see if it is in ps aux but i get the feeling that will not help19:45
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: 1000      1099  0.1  1.5  53468  3868 ?        Sl   14:23   0:01 /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gnome-settings-daemon?19:46
gnomefreakits running if that is what you meant19:47
gnomefreakim using classic desktop but that shouldnt have any effect on this19:48
micahgchrisccoulson: do you think you'll be able to do the thunderbird upload or should I try to do it?21:12
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i can get it done21:12
micahgchrisccoulson: awesome, thanks21:12
gnomefreaki cant win today, at this rate i wont have time to eat21:27
gnomefreakdell tech support guy tells me the video card i have will work but everything is wrong21:27
micahgchrisccoulson: there's some good news, eclipse has added webkit support in 3.6 and in 3.7 it will be the default, we might still need xulrunner for some things though (i.e. someone explicitly uses it) but that drops it to recommends or even suggests :)23:34
chrisccoulsoncool! unfortunately, swt-gtk will still hold it in main, even though everything that uses it is in universe :(23:40
micahgchrisccoulson: what do we need that in main for?23:40
chrisccoulsonother parts of it are used by other things in main23:41
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: create a new source package23:41
chrisccoulsoni can't remember off the top of my head though23:41
micahgyeah, a new source seems to be the fix du jour23:42

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