
eternalstupid people01:38
snailanyone know the scoop on language codes for New Zealand Sign Language?01:47
ibeardsleesnail: the scoop? is that like in terms of new news?01:56
ibeardsleeor just what the current state is?01:56
ojwbwikipedia has ISO 639-2 and 639-3 codes listed: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Zealand_Sign_Language01:58
snailojwb: yes, alas the library community appears to be completely unaware of these02:04
Atamiraive always wanted to learn more sign language02:15
snailAtamira: we have tertiary level sources in sign language here, sign up and get credit02:27
Atamiraits a matter of time snail02:28
Atamirabetween working midnights, and sleeping02:28
Atamirai rarely have much time to do anything02:28
Atamiraand cause i have interrupted sleep most times02:28
Atamiraim always having naps02:28
snailup here, they're called 'lectures'02:29
Atamirathe closest place to me would be aut..or kelson02:36
Atamirawhich is on the other side of town02:36
hadsYay, no more IPv4 :)23:08
ibeardsleeyou've moved all your stuff IPv6?23:09
ibeardsleeincluding phones? ;)23:09
hadsI was actually referring to this; http://www.apnic.net/publications/news/2011/delegation23:09
ibeardsleeoh yeah .. you got the smiley face at the top?23:10
hadsBut, there are a couple of phones (Yealink, snom) which support IPv6 and FreeSWITCH does.23:10
ojwbthe end of the world seems a more drawn out process than I'd expected23:10
ajmitchso I guess we should start moving to IPv6 in the next 5-10 years then?23:11
ojwblet's not be hasty23:12
ojwbyou'll be saying we should use 4 digit years next23:12
ajmitchwhat a silly suggestion23:12
ibeardsleeas long as people can adjust when they decide to use my birthdate as the start point23:13
ajmitchit was so fun importing data last week when it spanned from 1920 to 2005, all with 2-digit years23:14
ojwbok, how about we move over gradually23:15
ojwb3 digit years to start with, then moving to 4 if that goes ok23:15
ajmitchI doubt that the dsl modem that I bought only last year supports ipv6, I wonder which ISPs will start providing ipv6 on dsl23:16

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