
pittijdstrand_: e-d-s had a manual dependency on libgdata7, I fixed that over the weekend; CDs built again07:50
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lamontrolling new natty tarballs, btw12:28
jibelcjwatson, is there a rebuild of xubuntu desktop amd64 scheduled today? X segfaults on amd64 with the current image.14:36
cjwatsonis there a reason to believe that a rebuild would fare any better?14:44
jibelcjwatson, bug 709977 has been fixed yesterday. other images are fine now and I wanted to verify that xubuntu was ok too.14:53
ubot4Launchpad bug 709977 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev (Ubuntu Natty) (and 1 other project) "Xorg crashed with SIGSEGV in RemoveDevice() - segfault at 1010 error 4 in evdev_drv.so (affects: 37) (dups: 15) (heat: 214)" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70997714:54
cjwatsonjibel: well, xubuntu desktop amd64 was already built this morning14:55
cjwatsonand it contains that version14:55
cjwatsonso I'm not sure why a rebuild would help, again :)14:55
jibelcjwatson, the images are syncing now, I tried earlier and there was no xubuntu desktop iso for today. weird.15:06
jdstrand_pitti: re libgdata7. oh? I checked the build logs for e-d-s on all archs and it pulled in libgdata11. I am almost certain I did checkrdepends too, but it is possible I forgot the -b flag...15:09
jdstrand_pitti: sorry about that. btw, where do you see that CD images are failing to build?15:09
pittijdstrand_: right, it linked against libgdata11 (through shlibs:Depens), but had an obsolete additional libgdata7 dependency15:27
pittijdstrand_: the release team gets the failed logs emailed15:28
pittijdstrand_: don't worry, it was easy to fix, and a real bug anyway15:28
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seb128pitti, speaking of which there was a merge request with the fix waiting on launchpad15:28
pittiseb128: dropping the dependency?15:29
* pitti closes15:29
jdstrandpitti: ok. I'll take a look at the last package to see what it did so I can try to not make the same mistake in the future15:29
pittiseb128: updated, thanks15:30
jdstrandpitti: should I get those u-r emails? are they to a list or just an alias/exploder?15:31
pittijdstrand: I'm not sure, cjwatson would know more15:32
cjwatsonmanually maintained list15:34
cjwatsonI can add you if you like15:34
cjwatsonpreferred address?15:35
jdstrandcjwatson: I took this to be a long term responsibility. as such, it seems like it would make sense so I can at least be more proactive in me reacting :)15:35
jdstrandcjwatson: jamie@canonical.com would be great15:36
cjwatsonok, thanks, done15:37
jdstrandcjwatson: thank you15:38
arapitti, cjwatson: sorry about being that picky about testing from -proposed before eglibc and d-i go into -updates. We want to find regressions if there are any, but it is a very expensive testing, so we wouldn't like to start testing, then validation failures are found on those packages, and we have to start all over again17:11
pittiara: that's fine; that's why we have these meetings, to figure out what will work for everyone :)17:12
* skaet nods17:12
* pitti -> dinner17:13
aragood night all17:13
charlie-tcado we have any daily/daily-live images of Xubuntu lucid 10.04.2?17:52
cjwatsonprobably not at the moment, I can do some if they're going to be tested17:54
ScottKLooks like Kubuntu live i386 on Lucid managed to get oversized.18:03
ScottKRiddell: ^^^ thoughts on this?18:03
Riddellremove a language pack I guess18:05
pittithere are none left on Kubuntu live :/18:06
pittiexcept -en18:06
pittiyou could drop language-support-en18:06
pittiRiddell: so the gvfs removal didn't help enough?18:06
Riddellpitti: "lucid"18:08
Riddellnatty is fine18:08
ScottKRiddell: Did you kick off the powerpc rebuild in Natty?  Curious how it's going.18:10
Riddellstill ongoing..18:10
charlie-tcacjwatson: I can wait for the iso testing, if you prefer18:23
charlie-tcaI asked because I couldn't find them, but if they are not there, it is okay today18:23
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stgraberjust FYI, I'm currently fixing LTSP in Ubuntu. I'll be uploading a new ldm now which should fix the biggest issue (non-working gnome).21:42
stgraberI haven't tested installing LTSP from alternate yet but if it's broken, it'll likely be in ltsp itself and not ldm. Will test it tomorrow morning.21:43
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