
eternalstupid people01:39
eternalstupid people01:39
eternaldo you like it?01:40
popeyeternal: can we help you?01:40
eternali need an answer to something01:41
nucc1that was a serious ban :p01:56
popeygoing round a lot of ubuntu irc channels causing trouble01:56
nucc1sunday's not a good day to choose to get a linode. review is slow01:58
* nucc1 sighs01:58
popeyor :(01:58
nucc1yea, much more empathetic01:58
nucc1or maybe the first one... either way works i guess01:59
hamitronpopey, should we have a layer of stone inside for strength?02:00
hamitronor want to see pretty sandstone?02:00
popeyI'm easy :)02:00
hamitronwell, we doing anything inside? ;)02:01
hamitronapart from burying our bodies02:01
popeyneed moar gold!02:01
hamitronneed some gold :/02:01
popeybe nice to have a water lift from the bottom02:02
popeyof the world02:02
popeyto the base of the pyramid02:02
popeyinside it02:02
shaunoyou're putting popey in a pyramid?02:02
hamitronwe not gonna put gold in and booby trap it?02:02
hamitronsuppose the water lift would be handy02:03
nucc1are you guys building castles in the sky?02:04
hamitronI wouldn't mind a tree house after this02:04
nucc1what i'm reading almost sounds like a description of transformers 202:05
* nucc1 pegs CPUfreq at 800mhz and goes to sleep02:06
=== bag_ is now known as baconfish
MooDoohello all08:20
DJonesMorning all08:36
dwatkinsmoin moin09:21
ubuntuuk-planet[Stuart Langridge] Brave New Age - http://www.kryogenix.org/days/2011/01/31/brave-new-age10:18
KrisDouglasHello, is there anyway to stop USC from being stuck on "cancelling" an install10:18
davmor2morning all10:47
MooDoomorning davmor210:55
MooDooHazRPG: morning10:55
davmor2MooDoo: morning dude10:55
HazRPGMooDoo: :) \o10:56
* HazRPG glugs some coffee10:56
czajkowskipopey: you on the Ayatana ML ?11:05
popeyi was, dunno if i still am11:06
popeyyeah, maybe11:06
czajkowskipopey: think the r sizing issue was broiught up on that11:06
czajkowskiI know it's not the first time I've read about it11:06
popeywhich issue11:06
popeythere are many11:06
czajkowskiyour bug11:06
popeyno, there are many issues11:07
* davmor2 prods czajkowski good morning 11:07
TheOpenSourcererpopey: Re your bug. That's the way they decided to fix the stupid 1px-wide borders that were virtually ungrabable11:13
TheOpenSourcererput a transparent border "outside" the visible window11:13
popeyin a pipe11:14
jpdspopey: Not on a plane?11:15
popeynot in this channel :)11:15
popeymaybe in others11:15
HazRPGjacobw, andylockran, czajkowski, popey: Morning guys :)11:15
czajkowskiTheOpenSourcerer: aye I knew I had read that somehwere..11:18
* czajkowski hugs davmor2 not long now my dear! 11:18
czajkowskiHazRPG: hi11:18
davmor23 days11:19
popeysorry czajkowski11:19
czajkowskipopey: I didnt say it made sense, I just knew I wasn't going totally bonkers and had read the reason for it11:19
popeygetting dangerously close to saying goodbye to ubuntu11:19
czajkowskior not running Unity11:20
czajkowskiI do wonder what goes on in the design teams minds at times when they make such calls11:20
czajkowskisorry design team folks in here11:20
popeyits not about unity11:20
popeyI quite like the idea behind unity11:21
popeyyou've seen my osx desktop, I have the panel on the left just the way unity has it, I like global menu, I like the style11:21
HazRPGargh the song won't leave my head!11:24
MartijnVdSpopey: you like global menu now?11:24
popeyi never said I didnt11:24
popeywhat I dont like is that its broken with sloppy focus11:25
MartijnVdS"You've seen my osx desktop [...] I like global menu"11:25
popey11:24:49 < popey> i never said I didnt11:25
MartijnVdSbut you did :)11:25
MartijnVdSwell, it was related to sloppy focus, you're right11:25
MartijnVdSbut still :)11:25
popeyI like global menu, I dont like the ubuntu bugs in their implementation of global menu11:26
dauberspopey: sloppy focus = focus follows mouse?11:26
HazRPGanyone know why ubuntu might "hang" or freeze after grub but before any kernel buffer messages?11:26
popeyyes daubers11:26
MartijnVdSdaubers: yes11:26
MartijnVdSpopey: \o/11:26
MartijnVdSHazRPG: even in rescue mode?11:26
HazRPGis that "safe mode" type thing?11:26
HazRPGif so, then yeah11:26
czajkowskidaubers: can you pm your address again, never sent those stickers.11:28
* MartijnVdS re-tried Unity again yesterday11:28
MartijnVdSbut I can't get used to it11:28
MartijnVdSthe "dock" thingy is in the way, OR hidden.. I haven't found a way to get it back when it's hidden (except moving windows out of the way)11:29
HazRPGI tried it yesterday... didn't like it... just seems wrong11:29
MartijnVdSthe menus were all on top of each other11:29
MartijnVdSwindow snapping (to each other) is broken11:30
HazRPGMartijnVdS: My problem with unity is the whole menu being moving from the top of any given window, to the top panel/bar/thing...11:30
MartijnVdSHazRPG: the global menu, yes, that annoys me as well11:30
HazRPGjust doesn't seem right, considering I usually work with 2 screens, and several windows piled next to each other, would slowly get incredibly confusing11:31
HazRPGI mean, for example now I have 5 windows tiled next to each other11:31
MartijnVdSHazRPG: also: is it one app with 5 windows or 5 instances of one app?11:32
MartijnVdSwhat is more than one instance of an app is running11:32
MartijnVdShow do you tell which menu you're seeing?11:32
HazRPGa media player in minimal form as a square, contact list, this chat window, a browser in full screen11:32
MartijnVdSHazRPG: I have 10 terminal windows :)11:32
HazRPGthe full screen browser gets alt+tabbed a lot to other programs in full screen on that monitor11:32
MartijnVdSHazRPG: some with --disable-factory so a crash in gnome-terminal doesn't take everything down11:33
HazRPGMartijnVdS: lol how come?11:33
MartijnVdSHazRPG: because I program Perl for a living, and have to navigate around source trees a lot :)11:33
HazRPGthat would make sense xD11:33
dauberspopey: Out of interest (since I played with FFM and just wanted to hit it with a stick) how does unity break FFM?11:33
gordglobal menu11:34
HazRPGI've just started freelancing web development (previously worked in an office - but resources were terrible :/)11:34
gordhow do  you get to the menu if there is another window between you and the top panel?11:34
popeympt suggested I just read te link from my bug report11:34
daubersSo the global menu only focuses on the top panel?11:34
popeybut I dont understand it11:34
popeyand I feel I will look stupid if I ask more questions11:34
popeyso I am left here with broken functionality and no way to fix it11:35
popey:( <- understatement11:35
HazRPGone thing I'm interested about is... ubuntu is meant to be "human" or "user-friendly" and "community driven"... yet they're still continuing Unity, when a major of people I've spoken to (and articles I've read) don't seem to accept some of things Unity is bringing to the table11:35
dwatkins http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/Stbr207TOYrswyt6fPNRfQ?feat=directlink - a tux by my friend Leo11:35
gordpopey, whats the bug?11:35
popeyHazRPG: define major11:35
dwatkinsor should that be 'Tux'?11:35
popeybug 67413811:36
lubotu3Launchpad bug 674138 in Unity ""Global" appmenu breaks sloppy focus" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67413811:36
popeyHazRPG: define majority11:36
popeyHazRPG: who are these people, how have you polled them, have they used it?11:36
daubersHazRPG: Just because lots of people are noisy doesn't make them the majority....11:36
daubersHazRPG: Also.. it's not finished yet?11:36
popeyI find it's just the typical loud mouthed minoritis like fab11:36
MartijnVdSAs long as the "Classic" option remains available, I'll be happy11:37
HazRPGfriends, other coders I work with, etc... along with many websites, youtube videos, etc11:38
czajkowskiis read the link the new way to say to someone to rtfm it. most annoying11:38
popeyHazRPG: how many of them have actually used unity on natty?11:38
HazRPGpopey: *shrug* I know I have, and a few of my friends - but I know a lot of people who have used unity that was shipped with 10.10 for netbooks and quickly switched to the regular edition11:39
daubersUrgh, that paragraph from MPT about FFM isn't particularly readable11:39
daubersHazRPG: New Unity is quite different11:39
popeyHazRPG: 10.10 unity is very very very different11:39
popeydaubers: _exactly_11:39
MartijnVdSdaubers: though still just as buggy11:40
dauberspopey: File a bug on the wiki page :)11:40
HazRPGoh don't get me wrong, I can see the differences11:40
popeylast time I tweeted about it still being broken mpt suggested I go and read my own bug report11:40
daubersMartijnVdS: It's not finished yet!11:40
popeyI have read it 3 times and still dont get it11:40
HazRPGhow does one suggest opinions out to the ubuntu coders out of interest?11:40
daubersHas the global menu bar got a plugin system of some kind?11:40
gordpopey, it basically means that focus follows mouse isn't taken in to account when choosing which window has control of the global menubar, so if you mouse over something it can become the "active window" but the menu bar will still be the menu of the old window, until you click or tab to it or something11:41
gordseems like a broken design to me11:41
HazRPGbecause I've tried gnome-shell and unity now, and they both seem similar11:41
HazRPGto say the least11:41
popeythats not what happens11:44
HazRPGfrom gnome-shell/unity I really love the search feature for the menu - that is just pure genius, it means I don't need Gnome DO or similar anymore. Fantastic idea, I love it in Windows 7 too.11:44
popeyalso, the global menu has a delay11:44
popeyI often am in firefox and note some seconds after I switch tab, or open a mail, that the global menu changes out of the corner of my eye11:45
MartijnVdSpopey: it has to be pushed over dbus, that takes time!11:45
HazRPGbut the global menu and the dock are just Mac clones in my opinion11:45
MartijnVdSyeah I saw my brother's mac yesterday, he had the dock on the left.. it's identical11:46
HazRPGand well, if I'm not mistaken exist as separate apps if you want them11:46
HazRPGthose things are just not innovative in the true meaning of it11:46
popeynot much in computing is innovative11:46
HazRPGsure, gnome-shell and unity are probably trying to refine it11:47
HazRPGpopey: you saying Compiz wasn't?11:47
* popey checks his logs11:47
popeyI dont think i did say that did I11:47
popeymuch of computing today is evolution, not revolution11:48
HazRPGI guess11:48
popeysome certainly is very innovative11:48
popeyApple (and to some degree Google, but much less so) deserve some credit for invigorating the touch interface.11:48
HazRPGpersonally, if they're doing it right, gnome-shell and unity should be modular, and be able to remove or disable parts you don't need - otherwise your just throwing your own opinions down to everyone11:49
popeyAnd Ubuntu innovated by having a graphical installer on the Live environment11:49
popeybut live CDs had been around some time, and were mostly pioneered (and became popular) by Knoppix11:49
popey(although knoppix had an installer on the live cd, it was a manky script)11:50
HazRPGI always thought it was Knoppix that made LiveCD infamous not ubuntu11:50
popeyyes, it did, thats what I just said :)11:50
popeyI specifically highlighted the "installation" feature of the Live CD which Ubuntu made popular11:50
popeyLaunchpad and PPAs were quite an innovation too11:51
HazRPGyeah, I was just checking lol, because most (even linus) seem to think it was ubuntu :/11:51
dauberspopey: OOI how does osx deal with FFM?11:51
popeyOSX has no ffm11:51
popeyHazRPG: are you referring to his interview at OMG Ubuntu?11:51
popeyif so, he also specifically highlighted the installer, not live CDs in general11:52
HazRPGpopey: yeah, I was reading that and thought "that can't be right somehow"11:52
popeyLinus agrees with me ;)11:52
HazRPGpopey: oh I don't doubt that ^^,11:52
HazRPGI recall him saying it in the interview11:53
popey"That popey dude, he's always right"11:53
popeyyeah, I think they edited that out11:53
HazRPGbut the way the editor/interviewer portrayed it just seemed off11:53
gordpopey, i know thats not what happens - i don't see the dx team implementing support for that honestly, you don't get information for how a window was focused to make that kind of decision11:54
HazRPGdaubers: what's FFM?11:54
MartijnVdSHazRPG: focus follows mouse11:54
daubersgord: How easy is it to find out if FFM is on?11:55
MartijnVdSdaubers: it's one gconf key11:55
daubersIs there a dbus thing for it?11:55
gorddaubers, no idea, i expect there is a gsettings key for it that you can watch11:55
* daubers might break his global menu in a horrific manner this evening11:55
davmor2popey: you going to try Kubuntu instead?11:55
gordhonestly, i think disabling global menu if ffm is on is a much better solution11:55
HazRPGanyone know if unity will be able to disable/enable some features - or if its just WYSIWYG sorta deal?11:55
daubersHazRPG: You can kill the global menu11:56
HazRPG*sigh* :(11:56
HazRPGgood thing I don't fear tampering then :/11:56
popey(my laugh was @daubers)11:56
davmor2popey: Is that a maybe?  Xubuntu perhaps or lubuntu11:57
popeymaybe I should just install OSX on my desktop :)11:57
dauberspopey: Killing the global menu is easy :) I did it last night by accident11:57
shaunothat was my route.  OSX on anything that has a monitor, ubuntu on anything that doesn't.  no regrets.11:57
HazRPGpopey: see, the reason I use any Linux distro is because its *not* OSX or Windows11:59
TheOpenSourcererOf course installing OSX on non-apple hardware is in-breach of their non-free licensing AFAICT.11:59
daubersThere are a few things that annoy me about OSX, but my major quibble at the moment is how pigging hard it is to develop in11:59
HazRPGand actually *works* (I use loosely, because with anything you'll have faults somewhere)11:59
popeyor I could just buy a hulking great mac11:59
popeyand donate my desktop to charity11:59
popey(to make me feel better) :)12:00
MartijnVdSa "feelgood mac"12:00
gorddaubers, setting UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0 is a much saner way of disabling global menu :)12:00
popeynot having any way to edit launchers is annoying12:00
popeyadd command line parameters12:00
popeylike --debug=112:00
popeyor --profilemanager12:01
popeyI filed a bug and mark basically said "no"12:01
gordyou can add extra command line parameters to the desktop file and they'll show up in the right click menu - but honestly to do that would break matching (this gedit window, is it from the gedit launcher or the gedit --foobar launcher? =\)12:02
popeyso it's a regression12:02
popeyI can have two icons on the panel, "Launch Firefox" "Launch Firefox in debug mode"12:03
popeyeasy to see which is which by hovering over or placing where I want them12:03
popeycant do that in unity12:03
popeyof course some would argue that putting command line options on programs is clearly an outdated way to configure applications12:03
shaunoor giving the debug one a fun icon, which is usually done in launcher edit12:03
gordi disagree, its not a regression, its a different way of handling your windows. not by window but by application12:04
popeyand I should file bugs against the upstream projects to get them to convert all command line parameters to preferences dialogs12:04
gordlike i said, you can edit the desktop file like http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/05/how-to-add-thunderbird-to-the-ubuntu-messaging-menu/ and get the extra options in a right click menu12:04
popeysemantics gord12:04
popeyyes, editing desktop files12:04
popeyalso note that guide is broken12:05
popeyit says use ALT+F212:05
popeyplus it breaks when that app updates its .desktop file12:05
dauberspopey: You sound like you need some cake12:10
daubersand a mug of tea12:10
Joeb454daubers: there's never a time somebody doesn't need cake and tea, let's be honest12:10
* TheOpenSourcerer is in agreement with popey12:13
shaunoI'm trying to figure out how to use 'case of the mondays' in a sentence without sounding even more annoying & irrelevant than normal12:13
=== denny- is now known as denny
dwatkinsI think you just did, shauno...12:25
* HazRPG wants to win the lottery12:25
shaunoI guess I'm gonna luck out and not find out what all the fuss is about until the next LTS.  Hopefully the dust will have settled a bit by then12:36
MooDooHazRPG: get in the queue12:39
HazRPGMooDoo: Indeed.12:41
HazRPGshauno: agreed.12:41
MartijnVdSHazRPG: remember: it's just as likely to be 12345678 as it is to be your ticket number :)13:11
HazRPGMartijnVdS: yeah I know ;)13:12
HazRPGI don't do the lottery often13:12
HazRPGbut when I do, I always hope I'm going to be one of those you hear about that barely ever does the lottery, and that one ticket they do put on becomes the winner :P13:12
HazRPGbut obviously odds are odds13:13
MartijnVdSHazRPG: I know people who call it "idiot tax" ;)13:13
HazRPGMartijnVdS: it might as well be haha13:13
HazRPGthe national lottery here in the UK sometimes sponsors the renovation of parks, buildings, etc... so it might as well be an "idiots tax"13:14
TwinkletoesWhen installing nagios, should I install from source (3.2.3) or from the repos (3.2.0)?  In the past I've noticed that sometime it takes a long time to update the nagios package so am unsure which to go for13:30
MartijnVdSTwinkletoes: do you need features that are in 3.2.3 that are not in 3.2.0?13:30
MartijnVdSTwinkletoes: security fixes are always backporte13:30
MartijnVdSpackages = easier13:30
HazRPGwow, how did I not know about brainstorm.ubuntu.com sooner!13:49
HazRPGfor those interested, I've posted a comment at the end of this one: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/26902/13:49
shaunothat kinda thing irks me.  I do use app-based filtering a lot.  having half a thread telling me why I don't want it isn't very useful13:57
HazRPGshauno: yeah, but the default could be to work as normal13:58
HazRPGand if needed to be turned off altogether13:58
shaunosure, that's a sensible default13:59
popeyHazRPG: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/4/14:00
HazRPGpopey: are you saying this is already implemented?14:01
popeyjust pointing out some of us knew about brainstorm :)14:02
popey(note the idea submitter) :)14:02
AlanBelland idea number14:03
HazRPGAlan Pope?14:03
HazRPGname rings a bell14:03
HazRPGI wasn't doubting you guys didn't know :P, I just pointed out that I'd only just found out about it ^^,14:04
HazRPGand was just pointing out the one I posted :P14:04
daubersIt's the cloud expo thing this week isn't it14:04
popeyjust teasin HazRPG :)14:04
HazRPG2-3rd feb14:04
HazRPGpopey: :P14:05
HazRPGahh, you guys love me really ^^,14:05
HazRPGeven if I am annoying at times14:05
HazRPGmight have to join in on some minecraft later tonight with you guys :P14:05
popeyyou're not annoying at all14:06
HazRPGheh, my friends find my opinionated-self to be annoying14:06
HazRPGthey always think I'm trying to force it on them, when really I just like discussions  to see others opinions14:06
popeywe can all be like that sometimes14:08
HazRPGdaubers: I'm guessing you meant this: http://www.cloudexpoeurope.com/14:08
AlanBellgood poing14:09
HazRPGdaubers: Wed & Thurs are the days, if your going14:09
AlanBellDaviey: CDs?14:09
HazRPGAlanBell: Are those the CD's from Canonical?14:10
AlanBellthey should be14:10
daubersHazRPG: Yep, looking like I'll be there wednesday.... not confirmed on that yet. Waiting for a customer to confirm some dates before I can confirm them14:10
HazRPGdaubers: I'm tempted to go, but not sure if its worth me going at all.14:11
HazRPGSince it sounds like more a corporate gig, then a "enthusiast" gig14:11
HazRPGAlanBell: I hope everyone's remembered to get their T-shirts :P14:12
daubersHazRPG: I'm actually going for work, so it's an all expenses paid gig for me anyway14:14
HazRPGdaubers: ha, nice :).14:15
AlanBellHazRPG: it is for enthusiatic corporates :)14:15
HazRPGAlanBell: You knew what I meant ;)14:15
AlanBellyeah, it is a business focussed thing, which is totally one place that Ubuntu needs to be14:16
HazRPGAlanBell: This is very true.14:16
AlanBellas well as a consumer thing14:16
AlanBelland geek thing14:16
HazRPG\o I'm a geek14:17
Myrttihappened in real life: How do you know that a car has really been designed by French?14:17
AlanBelland a consumer, and I am guessing you work too14:17
MyrttiThey've included and integrated "Perfume Dispenser" on the dash.14:18
AlanBellMyrtti: I was going to guess a baguette holder14:18
dwatkinsThe new VW Beetle has a vase.14:18
shaunoI always wondered why the new bugs had sunflowers in the dash, but I couldn't pin that on the french14:18
Myrttidwatkins: yeah, but that's because it's a hippy car14:19
dwatkinsIndeed, Myrtti :)14:19
HazRPGAlanBell: Errr... that's a grey area. Consumer, yes. Working, sort of... if you call Freelancing work. This is my first Freelance project that I'm working on at the moment. Don't really have more projects lined up yet...14:19
AlanBellFreelancing on Ubuntu?14:20
HazRPGAlanBell: Not quite, I use ubuntu to do my projects...14:21
HazRPGAlanBell: I'm a web developer at heart. Been doing it since I was 13. Even worked for a year between college/uni for a design company doing web development. I'm by no means good at design though.14:21
HazRPGAlanBell: This is my portfolio website I've been working on in my spare time for the past 2 years: http://www.hazrpg.co.uk/14:22
HazRPGEven has some of the websites I've done in the gallery - but the designs aren't mine, so I can't take credit for that. Stuff I've helped designed are on http://www.softboxproductions.co.uk/14:23
gordwhen i used to freelance, i would use ubuntu, use gtk/python to build apps, django for web work, was fun14:24
HazRPGI use aptana for my web work14:24
gordits been about two years since i freelanced, not sure what the cool kids are using for web stuff anymore14:25
HazRPGPersonally, any editor does the job for me - been coding that long for the web that I can pretty much visualise it in my head by looking at the code (sounds so bad when I type it out like that)14:26
gordoh, i was talking about the framework14:27
HazRPGoh, heh14:27
HazRPGSmarty works great for templates... personal preference though.14:27
gordfor web stuff it doesn't matter, i'm convinced that 99% of php "coders" use notepad.exe14:27
HazRPGgord: *put head down in shame*14:28
shaunoI just use vim for most things.  textmate if it's going to be long/involved/messy/involve too many files, but mostly just vim14:29
HazRPGgord: I find myself switching between gedit, SciTE (scitella?), aptana and dreamweaver for my php stuff14:29
dwatkinsI've heard good things about Textpattern as a content management system, I guess that's what the cool kids are using, gord.14:30
shaunoheh, I won't share my thoughts on dreamweaver ;)14:30
HazRPGhowever I've managed to stop myself from using Dreamweaver altogether - mainly cos it was a uni version I use to use and I don't plan on playing ridiculous amounts for a licence for it.14:30
HazRPGshauno, gord: Cappuccino is another one that seems to pop up from time to time these days too.14:32
dwatkinsThere's always BlueFish, Komposer or whatever it's been renamed to14:32
diplonetbeans user here14:32
HazRPGdiplo: I use that for Java14:32
diploWe use Codeigniter14:32
diploIt's good for PHP/html etc as well14:33
gordi also don't really care about what the cool kids are using either ;) web development became boring after django fixed it all and made server stuff really easy ;)14:33
HazRPGdiplo: interesting14:33
diploSVN client in plugins14:33
gordclient side javascript is getting interesting though14:33
diploCross platform as well14:33
gordwebgl could be very very interesting14:33
diploBit of a hog is the downside14:33
HazRPGgord: You mean like jQuery? xD14:33
Laneylast I heard it was web.py was good14:33
HazRPGLaney: thought web.py was Python related websites?14:34
HazRPGLaney: heh already found that :P14:35
HazRPGI thought since most "hosts" don't tend to put Ruby on Rails, or the Python one, people didn't use it as often.14:35
gordjquery is just a way of dealing with the crappy html DOM in a programmatic form, don't know why people get so excited about it, its what the js api should of been in the first place14:36
* HazRPG trying to think of the name of the stuff I heard about that gord meant.14:38
gordHazRPG, i meant what i said.14:38
HazRPGgord: yeah I know, there's a framework that's been made to facilitate it - but can't remember what its called now14:39
HazRPGits gonna bug me now14:39
HazRPGgord: Prototype, script.aculo.us, MooTools, Dojo are the only ones that come to mind :/14:41
HazRPGgord: ah man, how'd I forget this one xD www.ape-project.org14:43
dogmatic69is it possible to pass params of a command with alias?14:44
dogmatic69eg 'mycommand <param>' -> 'cd /some/path/<param>/foo'14:44
dwatkinsdogmatic69: no, but you can with a function14:44
dwatkinsAn alias just replaces text with what the alias is for, although you could use it to cd into a directory by cding into the level above and ending with "; cd " for it to paste the part afterwards14:46
dwatkinsheh, I suspected this was what you were wanting to do, dogmatic69 :)14:46
HazRPGgord: heh, is that you moving your ape around?14:46
gordHazRPG, no14:46
dogmatic69dwatkins: i want to make 'shortcuts' to my git repos, eg "site site1" goes to /var/ww/sites/site1.dev/public_html14:47
dogmatic69ive got everything set up generic like that so it can work14:48
dwatkinsdogmatic69: yeah, use bash functions14:48
dogmatic69ill have to do some reading :D14:49
* popey tickles Laney 14:49
Laneyey up popey14:50
LaneyI just hid me a geocache on campus14:50
ali1234popey: are you doing something on the minecraft server? it keeps saying it is backing up... seems to be stuck in a loop14:56
popeyyes, sorry14:57
popeyits manual14:57
popeyI'm trying to make the backup script better14:57
dogmatic69dwatkins: would i be looking up 'bash scripting'?14:58
popeyseems to be working now, so this should be the last run ali1234, going to make it backup hourly from now on14:58
ali1234no problem, it doesn't seem to be affecting me. just thought it might be a runaway script or something14:59
popeyhehe, thanks14:59
dwatkinsdogmatic69: You could read the entire bash manpage, or just look up 'bash functions' online, I imagine.15:01
dogmatic69should be simple coming from php15:02
andylockrananyone help with some simple regex?15:09
andylockrancheck if first character is 0, then the other can be 0-9, or # + and *15:10
andylockranI got ^0[0-9]#15:10
dogmatic69i was just giving you a simple regex :D then you said about numbers15:10
andylockranI got "^0[0-9\#\*\+]+$"15:11
dogmatic69^0([0-9]\#|\+|\*)+$ maybe15:12
ubuntuuk-planet[Stuart Langridge] Adding photos to my Ubuntu One contacts - http://www.kryogenix.org/days/2011/01/31/adding-photos-to-my-ubuntu-one-contacts15:19
daubersgord: I finally got my minecraft boosters to work properly15:26
gorddaubers, cool, now you get to try and perfect the design forever ;)15:28
iclebyte-work  i have an interface connected to a replicated port from a cisco switch, the interface has no IP however I can see the traffic coming in on eth1 (currently 25gb) - I'm trying to monitor it with softflowd so we can generate netflow data, this worked using a bridge but doesnt seem to work using 1 interface in promiscuous mode, any ideas?15:31
daubersgord: Heh, I'm having to double my tracks so I have an upline and a downline15:31
daubersAlso tempted to start opencast mining in some areas at the moment15:31
gordnot useful15:31
gorddiamond and gold only spawn at lower levels15:32
MyrttiI'll probably start making signs a lot soon15:35
MyrttiI've gotten lost in my mines so many times it's not funny15:35
MyrttiI wish I had an external monitor though :-(15:37
Myrttigot used to a big screen while in Berlin and now this laptop feels inadequate for minecraft.15:37
Myrttiactually, it is inadequate in many ways, I've got a new one waiting at the office but it's behind lock and key atm15:37
Myrttiwhen I get the new one I'll open this baby up and clean the fans and stuff15:37
Myrttifour gigs of RAM doesn't take away the fact that the CPU is trashing with any java app15:38
Myrtti"nooooooooo, not Java!!!!111"15:39
directhexdamn, i meant to try it with ikvm, for fun15:39
directhexhah, login screen with the latest ikvm snapshot!15:43
ubuntuuk-planet[Ralph Janke] AskUbuntu reaches 7000 questions - 15000 answers - 9800 users - 70000 votes - http://drupal.txwikinger.me.uk/content/askubuntu-reaches-7000-questions-15000-answers-9800-users-70000-votes16:19
lazarus_ how do i turn off the login sound via terminal on ubuntu16:19
popeylazarus_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/43742916:20
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 437429 in gdm (Ubuntu Lucid) "No GUI to configure/disable login sound" [Wishlist,Fix released]16:20
lazarus_popey: thanks16:22
* lazarus_ adds no config script16:22
daubersMyrtti: I can't play Minecraft on my mac mini, not enough RAM, poor little thing starts swapping it's head off16:30
popeyhow much ram does it have?16:31
dauberspopey: 2GB16:31
popeytried pressing f to limit the draw distance?16:31
daubersTempted to max it out at 8GB as it's only £70 to do so16:32
dauberspopey: Nope16:32
daubersDidn't know about that :)16:32
popeyand switch off see-through trees16:32
popeythose will both help a lot16:32
daubersMight give them a go this evening16:32
czajkowskiSo who's going to the Open souce expo thingy this week ?http://www.opensourceexpo.co.uk/16:34
danfishczajkowski: o/16:39
danfishczajkowski: you going for the whole thing?16:40
czajkowskidanfish: all depends, I know I'm definately there Thursday16:41
czajkowskinot sure yet about wednesday will depend on how tomorrow goes16:41
daubersczajkowski: o/16:41
danfishI'll definitely be there Weds afternoon and probably thurs am16:42
czajkowskiso all depends on how much I get done tonight16:42
brobostigonafternoonings everyone.16:55
brobostigonafternoonings popey16:56
aptanetpopey, how do I upload to the heads directory? I can't find details on the wiki16:58
Baikonurhow offtopic friendly is this channel?16:58
Baikonuroh, and hi16:58
AzelphurBaikonur: reasonably :)16:59
Azelphuras long as it doesn't get in the way of support, and it's sort of on topic, then it's ok17:00
dutchieAzelphur: and CoC-friendly, of course17:01
popeyaptanet: you dont need to, i replied to you saying i fixed it17:03
brobostigonfood and drink seems to get talked about abit, :)17:03
aptanetpopey, I replied, and the link is sorted, just no image so I assumed I either needed to upload, or it would be helpful to do so :)17:10
aptanetnot overly worried about my face not being there, just the planet not having a 'glitch'!17:12
aptanetJamie Bennett has the same glitch17:12
popeyaptanet: will see wassup when i get home, sorry about that17:13
aptanetno worries, no rush from my end :)17:14
n1md4evening all.17:15
brobostigonafternoonings n1md417:15
aptanetI must be getting old, the first thing that came to mind then was Dixon of Dock Green!!17:16
n1md4I've upgraded the physical disks from 250GB to 1TB; sadly it's MPT Fusion.  mpt-status shows 1TB drives, but the space is not available, I'm still stuck on 250GB.17:16
n1md4Is there any way of of increasing the capacity.17:17
gordn1md4, i don't think any of us know what you are talking about17:22
gordcontext is essential17:22
n1md4gord:  I have a server with hardware RAID.  It used to have 250GB drives.  I powered down the machine and replaced 1 250GB drive with a 1TB.  I powered back up and the drives synced.  I powered down again and replaced the remaining drive, and rebooted, again these synced.  I'm now booted live with 2x 1TB drives.  The device is configured RAID1, and mpt-status shows the 2x 1TB drives, but fdisk/df still shows the 250G configuration18:04
BigRedSI'd expect the grow bit to be in te bios for the raid card18:07
cpsevening peeps :)18:07
brobostigonevening cps :)18:08
AlanBellyeah, so you now have a 1TB drive with a 250GB partition on it n1md418:08
cpsBigRedS: I'll let you off since I slept until f18:08
cpss/f/17:00 todau18:08
chrisfxwolfHi everybody!18:08
AlanBellcps: go back to bed!18:08
cpshey chrisccoulson18:08
n1md4BigRedS: thanks ;)  You mentioned about that before, working on Dells (iirc), are you in tomorrow?18:09
cpschrisfxwolf * sorry18:09
cpswow, something must be wrong with me :s lol18:09
chrisfxwolf<cps> all right ;-)18:09
* cps needs to buy a new cd drive for his thinkpad after finding a huge dent in the one that came with it18:10
AlanBellDaviey: boo18:11
cpsmight also buy a port replicator for my thinkpad as well18:14
BigRedSn1md4: nah, I'm orf to London tomorrow. And/r faffing with vbulletin.18:14
BigRedSwell, if he wants me to do it in th emorning I could drop by for it, show off htis laptop :)18:15
BigRedSthis laptop which clearly has a keyboard I'm not yet used to :)18:15
BigRedScps: what sort of vintage? I may have one if it's obsolete :)18:26
cpsBigRedS: vintage???????18:35
cpsI have a t42 if you're talking about my thinkpad18:36
screen-xcps: thinkpads like wines, have good and bad years ;-)18:36
cpsscreen-x: hah, I remember the loose GPU one I had18:36
cpshey NativeAngels18:40
cpsoh dear18:54
brobostigonwhat ?18:55
cpsa bit of one of what is probably an integrated circuit just fell out of the cd drive18:55
cps= FUBAR18:55
BigRedSoooh, not good18:55
brobostigon:(not good..18:55
BigRedSI don't think I've a t42, though18:55
BigRedSI'll have a rummage when I see them tomorrow18:56
NativeAngelsnot ubuntu related whats the best lite distro you use on really old hardware18:56
BigRedSI like DSL18:56
BigRedSbut I've not looked at anything else for a long time, there might be newer ones18:56
cpsis what I would go for18:56
cpsso that'll be a new CD drive and a port replicator for my thinkpad18:57
cpsbrobostigon: can thinkpads boot up from usb sticks?18:58
brobostigoncps: depends on the bios.18:58
cpshmm my bios says it can boot up from usb floppy drives and cd-rom drives18:59
NativeAngelsi know its really ancient but i have a very very old toshiba satalite pro 480cdt with a buffalo pcmcia card19:00
NativeAngelswas just looking what to install on it19:00
NativeAngelsi have tried puppy and dsl19:00
NativeAngelsslackware bsd its just a experiment btw19:01
cpsI think puppy is more feature-rich than dsl anyway19:01
NativeAngelswhats it like with pcmcia cards19:01
cpsno idea, haven't used a pcmcia card ever19:01
NativeAngelsthis is the amazing spec19:02
NativeAngelsToshiba Satellite Pro 480CDT Notebook (233-MHz Pentium MMX, 64 MB RAM, 4 GB hard drive)19:02
NativeAngelsdont laugh19:02
ali1234on really old hardware i use gentoo19:03
NativeAngelswhats its wireless support like19:03
ali1234same as everything else on gentoo: you have to do it yourself19:04
NativeAngelsit dosnt have a ethernet connection19:04
NativeAngelshave you heard of antix ?19:06
HazRPGit shouldn't be too hard to fit an electric shower... right?19:16
cpsHazRPG: oh lawd19:16
cpsI hear it can be very difficult19:16
BigRedSAIUI, it's not *that* hard. But it's a lot easier to get wrong that right19:17
BigRedSdepends on what you mean by 'electric shower' though, the boxes that just want cold in are relatively easy19:17
BigRedSI'm trying to get vsftpd/pam-mysql working, but can't find any way of logging that interface. Anyone got any ideas?19:21
BigRedSI can see that vsftpd is saying 'wrong password', but I want to chck there's no problems in the mysql bit19:21
HazRPGBigRedS, cps: I'm replacing an old electric shower that no longer works properly, with a new one that's of exactly the same make/model19:25
HazRPGso all the wiring and plumbing is already done, I'm just switching it over to a working one19:25
cpsHazRPG: Ah right.19:25
HazRPGshouldn't be too hard, should it?19:25
BigRedSHazRPG: ah, should be fine. Assuing it really is exactly the same :)19:25
BigRedSjust good scope for getting water all over the place...19:25
HazRPGChecked make/model/revision numbers - they're exactly the same :) same fittings, placement etc19:26
HazRPGBigRedS: how'd ya mean?19:26
BigRedSHazRPG: not tightening things properly, or breaking things. There's just always water where there shouldn't be...19:26
ali1234you have to get the pressure just right too19:27
ali1234too low and it will overheat and shut down19:27
BigRedSyeah, which might not be as simple as just copying the old one19:27
BigRedSit is always trial and error though19:27
ali1234too high and it will never be more than luke warm19:27
BigRedSdepends on the ratio of pressure between your hot and cold feeds. It should be pretty close to the last pump19:27
HazRPGits just a cold water feed19:28
BigRedSyeah, that should be fine then19:28
HazRPGI was wondering what you guys were talking about originally19:29
HazRPGI'm good with electrics... just don't know about the water side of things T_T19:29
* HazRPG consults DIY manual19:34
HazRPGwould I have to get it approved?19:34
HazRPGand would that cost money?19:34
BigRedSAFAIK, only if you're fiddling with distribution boxes19:34
* HazRPG notices the note at the bottom19:35
BigRedSfor the electrics. Not for plumbing. You may need to jump through additional hoops if you're renting though19:35
HazRPGBigRedS: owned house - parents - they live/work abroad19:36
HazRPGthey know I'm doing it :)19:36
exobuzzpopey, http://malus.exotica.org.uk/~buzz/joggler/vaapi.png19:36
HazRPGits great living rent free ;)19:36
BigRedSMy mum did once come back from holiday to find my dad had removed a chimey breast :)19:36
* HazRPG tries to understand what's going on in that picture.....19:37
cpsHazRPG: I'm baffled as well!19:37
HazRPGI like how the homebase website's DIY stuff pretty much says all the tools you don't need, but they sell :/19:39
HazRPGand other various materials19:39
HazRPGI like how the model on the website for this shower looks so much better than the one I have :/19:44
HazRPGalmost confused me for a moment19:44
HazRPGbut it is the right one - and is exactly the same as the one in the house19:44
cpsg'devening daubers19:45
* cps wonders why there has been a load of scottish chav likes on facebook lately19:46
HazRPGthink I found out why the old was knackered19:50
HazRPGone of the wires on the system looks rusted and black19:51
HazRPGguessing due to steam19:51
cpsoh dear19:51
HazRPGalso, the plastic bit at the bottom of the box wasn't attached to the unit to stop steam getting in19:51
HazRPGtypical :/19:51
HazRPGmust have been a cowboy job :/19:51
* cps remembers accidentally borking the shower in his stepdad's old flat19:55
cpsit started getting a bit cold so I turned it up more, but it still stayed cold19:55
cpsmy stepdad thinks it overheated :/19:55
HazRPGokay, the wiring on that old one looks scary19:58
HazRPGthe wires from the main box to the unit is fine19:58
HazRPGhowever the wires on the actual unit itself, look... different... to this one19:58
HazRPGall sorts has been ... er ... bodged together19:59
HazRPGto make it "work" agani19:59
* HazRPG is so glad he just bought a new one and not had a guy just "fix" it19:59
cpsoh yes19:59
cpsjust “fixing” it can be really dodgy19:59
HazRPGwe called a guy for a quote and he said it was going to cost £40 to "fix"19:59
HazRPGI can see why :/20:00
HazRPGpersonally that stuff just looks unfixable20:00
HazRPGand to fix, one would have to do the same cowboy effect to do so20:00
* HazRPG wonders if even touching it would be wise20:00
cpsI doubt it20:01
cpsis the electricity isolated?20:01
HazRPGyou mean grounded?20:06
HazRPGthen yes20:06
HazRPGI'd be worried if it wasn't >_<20:06
Baikonurmy computer isn't on a grounded socket20:07
Baikonurit kinda sucks20:07
cpsmy plan to make Azelphur lose The Game backfired :/20:09
HazRPGI won the game years ago :/20:10
* HazRPG hopes my sister hasn't turned the washing machine on20:21
HazRPGoverwise it'll have no water soon xD20:21
mgdm'lo popey20:27
gingthin gym ebob ?20:29
OmNomSequiturHazRPG: install Ubuntu Kitchen Remix Edition on your washing machine.20:32
=== adrian is now known as Guest28122
Azelphurcuriosity question for anyone following it, how are we doing in terms of rfid in supermarkets?20:48
Azelphuris everything tagged yet?20:48
moreatiAzelphur: I don't think so, just stuff that gets nicked a lot20:51
Azelphuraww :p20:51
AzelphurI want to build the epic item tracking fridge computer :(20:51
Azelphur(I think we all do xD)20:51
moreatiClosest you'll get is that barcode app Tesco are pushing atm20:52
Azelphurindeed :P20:54
Azelphurmoreati: have you seen all the rfid paranoia :o20:54
Azelphurdoing some googling, it's madness lol20:54
moreatiAzelphur: only vaguely. Has it progressed beyond 'Big brother will track my every movement, quick microwave all my jeans'?20:56
Azelphur "All kinds of personal belongings, including clothes, could constantly broadcast messages about their whereabouts and their owners, it warns."20:56
* brobostigon wonders whysomeone has to ask on the ubuntu germany mailing list, why not to use html email to mailing list,20:57
moreatiAll the tags I've noted were on the packaging or the price tag, not sewn into the lining20:57
Azelphurmoreati: "Unlike the bar code, RFID could be bad for your health."20:59
Baikonurrfid chips can be potentially dangerous21:01
moreatiAzelphur: You got me thinking though. If one wanted to track movements on a mass scale oen could prbably use bluetooth - most people carry a phone so equipped and most people leave it on. I bet a bluetooth device sends it's MAC address if pinged, even when not listening for new devices to pair with21:01
Baikonurfor instance, a small child could choke on one21:01
Azelphurmoreati: if someone wanted to track movements on a mass scale, they'd use the cell phone network.21:02
Azelphurthat's what it's there for.21:02
Azelphurand you can locate anyone by name down to like 30 meters, it's like do you want fries with that?21:03
Baikonurthe cell phone networks are for tracking people?21:05
moreatiAzelphur: very true  and much less effort. Though one could get finer resolution in dense crowds using bluetooth as well21:05
AzelphurBaikonur: well, they've been very successfully repurposed for it, it's all automated and easy to do21:06
Azelphurmoreati: indeed21:06
mgdm"You can do it" and "are designed for it" do not necessarily follow21:07
Azelphurmgdm: true, bad wording there :P21:08
moreatiBesides _everyone_ knows that MMR vaccines are the real way the satellites track you11!21:08
Baikonuri find that no conspiracy theory is full without illuminati, templars or freemasons21:10
Azelphurmoreati: got me thinking how many of these protesters against rfid have mobile phones ;)21:10
cpsback in a second21:10
Baikonurnwo can represent any of those21:11
Baikonuror all21:11
moreatiAzelphur: >95%, and probably a good number have nectar/club cards. The straw man sat hear said so :)21:12
Azelphurhaha :D21:12
* cps returns21:12
* Azelphur line feeds21:14
cpsAzelphur, why do you keep saying that?!21:15
Azelphurbecause that's how it goes, you carriage return and then you line feed21:15
mgdmOnly on Windows21:15
MartijnVdSAzelphur: you're a Windows man then? :P21:15
mgdmcps is clearly an old Mac21:16
Azelphurhaha, knew I'd get nabbed for that one!21:16
cpsmgdm, I was a windows man as well ;_;21:16
MH0Oh, Hai cps :P21:18
cpsMH0, who are you? 0__o21:18
MH0cps: Look at cloak21:18
cpsMichael! Long time no speak!21:19
cpshow're you doing?21:19
MH0Im doing fine21:19
MH0You? :)21:23
cpsI'm alright :)21:23
HazRPGcan't get the nut off the old shower :/21:30
HazRPGyou know the one between the main water supply and the shower unit21:32
HazRPGI've got it unscrewed and took it off the wall21:32
HazRPGhowever I can't get that screw off to be able to fit it onto the new shower21:32
HazRPGam I missing an obvious trick here :S?21:37
cpshey dipl021:38
MartijnVdSHazRPG: ##plumbing ;)21:39
cpsfor some reason I can't cp a cursor theme into where it's supposed to be21:40
HazRPGwow, no way, thers a ##plumbing channel on this server :O?21:40
cpsprobably a fedora problem because I've managed it on ubuntu before21:41
HazRPGMartijnVdS: alis says no :/21:41
MartijnVdSHazRPG: alis?21:42
HazRPGMartijnVdS: yeah21:43
HazRPGMartijnVdS: /msg list <channel-your-looking-for>21:43
HazRPGshe'll pull up 60 rooms max with your search result21:43
HazRPGdon't forget to put # or ##21:44
HazRPGtry it ;)21:44
HazRPGuse * if your unsure as to the full thing or not21:44
HazRPGe.g. "/msg alis list #ubuntu" will show one result, but "/msg alis list #ubuntu*" will show all that have ubuntu at the start21:45
HazRPGsame works for *ubuntu21:45
HazRPGor *ubuntu*21:46
hamitronor *diy*21:46
HazRPGindeed ;)21:46
* cps pokes hamitron with a twig from a tree in his back garden21:47
hamitronback to minecraft ;)21:47
HazRPGno one really around in ##diy though :(21:48
HazRPGdogmatic69: trying to prove a point ;)?21:49
HazRPGdogmatic69: or just wondering if it actually exists :P?21:49
dogmatic69just checking what diy was :D21:49
dogmatic69would have been cool if it was active21:49
HazRPGikr :/21:49
* dogmatic69 likes diy21:50
HazRPGdogmatic69: think you know how to take this off: http://i56.tinypic.com/vpwxlu.jpg ?21:50
dogmatic69next big project is diy laser cutter :)21:50
HazRPGsorry, camera on my nexus one - not so great with the closeups21:50
HazRPGdogmatic69: :P21:51
HazRPGdogmatic69: you'll like the ben heck show on revision321:51
dogmatic69could you get another angle?21:51
dogmatic69never seen it21:51
dogmatic69i only watch bbc iplayer21:51
HazRPGdogmatic69: http://revision3.com/tbhs <==21:51
HazRPGits a web-show ;)21:51
moreatiHazRPG: is that the shower side or the supply side, and which bit are you try to remove?21:51
dogmatic69on sundays, when top gear is on :D21:52
dogmatic69so is iplayer hehe21:52
HazRPGmoreati: that's the shower side21:52
HazRPGdogmatic69: yeah but stuff on revision3 never airs on TV lol21:52
HazRPGmoreati: and I'm trying to remove the nut off it21:52
dogmatic69ill check that out21:52
dogmatic69maybe its a left hand thread21:53
HazRPGdogmatic69: you'll like the ben heck show, this his big build at the moment is making a pinball machine from scratch ;)21:53
dogmatic69or if its the hot pipe its calcified21:53
HazRPGdogmatic69: just cold pipe21:53
dogmatic69rusted on21:53
HazRPGya reckon?21:53
popeyits plastic isnt it?21:53
dogmatic69can you see any threads?21:53
HazRPGthing is there's a metal thing in the way... hold on I'll take a different angle for ya21:54
dogmatic69HazRPG: if you can see the threads look close and see if you turning the correct way21:55
HazRPGoh, no there's threads on the actual nut21:56
HazRPGaround the pipe, appears to have a metal ring around it21:56
HazRPGyou'll see in the next photo21:56
HazRPGjust uploading to dropbox21:57
HazRPGI hate capchas21:59
HazRPGsee the metal ring I'm talking about?21:59
* HazRPG goes to grab a flathead22:00
HazRPGcool, I've got a flat flathead now xD22:01
HazRPGgood thing I have loads of those things22:01
HazRPGgot it free :D22:03
moreatiHazRPG: I don't see anything in those photos that looks like it's meant to come off. Are you talking about that brass nut that look like it's designed to be tightened by hand?22:03
HazRPGtools are a man's best friend :)22:03
HazRPGmoreati: yeah the nut was what I wanted to take off22:04
HazRPGbut the golden ring is around the pipe that was stopping it coming out22:04
cpsHazRPG: what a rather strange thing to say when “Tool Academy” just starts :L22:04
HazRPGcps: Tool Academy?22:05
AlanBellHazRPG: the golden ring is an olive22:06
cpsHazRPG: this program on Channel 422:06
AlanBellpart of a compression joint22:06
HazRPGAlanBell: ;) thanks, didn't know that's what it was called22:06
HazRPGbeen trying to prive this thing off for about 20 mins or more now22:07
HazRPGmoreati: these are the two bits, finally taken off now22:07
AlanBellit wouldn't normally be stuck on with anything, just squeezed on by tightening the nut22:07
HazRPGback to fitting the new shower :D22:08
AlanBellI plumbed the kitchen in my old house22:08
HazRPGAlanBell: yeah I kinda figured, but it's been attached onto this for about 2 years or so ... so make sense that it was sort of stuck on there good n tight22:08
AlanBellgreat fun, I had all the kit, pipe cutters blowtorch, solder etc22:08
HazRPGAlanBell: nice :)22:08
HazRPGmy first proper DIY job was when I fitted a shelf, and a dvd (well book) rack... this would be my second (third?) DIY job now22:09
HazRPGI've done adapters, plugs, network cables, etc for years though22:10
HazRPGAlanBell: only thing I'm concerned with for this shower, is the old one has plastic caps attached to all the wires - the new one doesn't22:11
HazRPGI don't know if these were fitted on, or if they were off the shelf this way22:12
AlanBellare you fitting a shower of the same wattage as you are taking off?22:13
HazRPGAlanBell: like-for-like22:14
exobuzzpopey, see the link i pasted earlier ?22:14
HazRPGexact same model/make/wattage22:14
HazRPG(checked the stickers ;))22:14
exobuzzpopey, basically working (mostly) video acceleration. 720p h264 played using little cpu, but it did glitch during playback. mpeg4 seems fine though22:14
AlanBellgood, some can draw a lot of current22:14
HazRPGAlanBell: yeah I know, I made sure it was the same - that way it *shouldn't* cause problems22:15
AlanBellgood, I don't mind doing normal electrics, sockets and such, but showers and cookers I give to a real sparky22:16
exobuzzvaapi 720p mpeg4 - 14% cpu, without vaapi cpu usage is around 50%. for h264, again smiilar cpu, but unplayable without vaapi22:16
HazRPGAlanBell: see I would never do anything with gas myself22:17
HazRPGAlanBell: knowing me, I'd blow the house up somehow22:17
HazRPG(too electrically minded)22:17
HazRPGI'd probably thing it would be a good idea to turn a torch for a better view and blow myself up xD22:17
HazRPGwell yee ol' faithful manual (for the device) doesn't mention anything about need to put plastic contacts on...22:19
AlanBellyeah, I don't touch gas either22:20
HazRPGand my DIY manual/book says something about tape - but that's assuming your fitting in a shower from scratch22:20
HazRPGAlanBell: ever managed to electrocute yourself before by accident?22:20
AlanBellincidentally a knowledge of plumbing and a few tools is very useful when you are screwing down loose floorboards without a full understanding of the location of the heating pipes.22:20
HazRPGman, what a rush that was22:20
AlanBelltop tip that is22:21
Laneyyay my geocache has had visitors already22:21
HazRPGI'll keep that in mind when I finally get to my Ethernet cable infrastructure down :P22:21
=== cps` is now known as cps
dogmatic69HazRPG: you get it off?22:30
HazRPGdogmatic69: yeah :)22:31
HazRPGjust forgot screws22:31
dogmatic69i got side tracked22:31
HazRPGgoing back into the bathroom now :)22:31
HazRPGits cool :P22:31
ash_i need to now how to reinstall the ubuntu 10.10 default kernel22:35
ash_via ternimal22:35
ash_cps, i need to now how to reinstall the ubuntu 10.10 default kernel22:55
cpsash_: I do not know how to do that because I have not encountered any sort of problem where the default kernel will need to be reinstalled22:56
cpswhat's up with the kernel you have?22:56
moreatiand how did you install that kernel?22:57
ash_cps, its messed up my nvidia drivers22:57
cpsash_: can you pastebin the output of uname -a please?22:58
lubotu3For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:58
ash_dw i do beleave i have solved it thanks anyway22:59
HazRPGwell shower back in (new one)23:00
HazRPGjust going to connect pipe, shower holder, etc :)23:00
HazRPGand then see if we have hot running water and pressure :)23:00
cpsmy bank account's running a wee bit dry23:05
bigcalmpopey: you need more bandwidth23:05
bigcalmpopey: current_day needs regenerating23:06
cpsevening brobostigon-andr23:12
brobostigoncps: thats me, on my htc dream.23:12
cpsbrobostigon: I guessed hehe23:13
* brobostigon-andr prods cps :)23:13
cpsbrobostigon-andr: hello :)23:13
brobostigon-andrHi :)23:14
* cps hopes that RAF Leuchars won't be shut down23:15
brobostigonin andchat's settings, how do i get it to connect to more than one irc room,on start, atthe moment i tried comma's between the room name and just blank space, and both dont work, any ideas?23:21
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
brobostigonworking it out, no spaces between channel names and comma's.23:27
HazRPGargh stupid thing23:29
HazRPGmust not have tightened the water properly23:29
HazRPGnow I have to unscrew it again :/23:29
brobostigonnos da, sleep well.23:33
HazRPGeveryone's probably gone to sleep :(23:59
HazRPGoh well... I did it :D23:59
HazRPGand I didn't get electrocuted23:59
HazRPGand it works23:59

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