
ComradeHaz`Loshki: have you any more to say on the matter?!00:00
erUSULafman: what chip does it uses? « lsusb » ?00:00
IamredCan you deal with the porn thing?00:01
LoshkiComradeHaz`: only that the output line is produced by someone somewhere executing a mknod command incorrectly. If you can find that, you might be able to fix the problem...00:01
jribIamred: umm?00:01
Iamredmany of my friends have had the same problem.00:01
afman@erUSUL I've got it working it working on my laptop with a built in card reader but can't get it working with the USB converter.00:01
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erUSUL7mode + b *!*@unaffiliated/iamred00:02
erUSULalmost :)00:02
jribIamred: this channel is for users to help other users with legitimate issues, if you just want to waste people's time, do it elsewhere :/00:02
erUSULafman: it is detected? show up in lsusb and in lshw -C network ?00:02
IamredAt a windows channel?00:02
ComradeHaz`Loshki: what is an mknod command? What sort of things am I looking for?00:02
=== nosa-testdsfasdf is now known as nosa-
LetsGo67Hello!  I am trying to use the Internet on Ubuntu with my Huawei U7519.  When almost finished connecting, however, my computer freezes.  Help me please!00:03
induzbazhang, i get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/560429/00:03
bazhanginduz, what did you change00:04
afman@erUSUL It doesn't show up up with lsusb but it works in windows which is the funny thing00:04
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induzbazhang, i have not changed anything00:04
afman@LetsGo67 I had that same problem with an old laptop. I had to go and find a different wireless driver. The proprietary one that came with Ubuntu didn't work.00:04
erUSULafman: then maybe the problem is the cf to usb converter ... does any other usb device work in the converter?00:04
bazhanginduz, did you not see my suggestion earlier? that looks to be your only option00:04
induzbazhang, I am follwing your suggestion oly00:05
afman@erUSUL I don't have another device to try unfortunately :-(.00:05
erUSULafman: not even a usb thumbdrive?00:05
afman@erUSUL sorry misunderstood what that was no I know the port works if that's what you mean.00:05
erUSULafman: ok00:06
afman@erUSUL The card works fine under Windows00:06
induzbazhang, I follwed this web site https://launchpad.net/~jonabeck/+archive/ppa00:06
afman@erUSUL I just can't get it to work under Ubuntu (which was the main reason I wanted it in the first place so :-D)00:06
LetsGo67Hello!?  I am trying to use the Internet on Ubuntu with my Huawei U7519.  When almost finished connecting, however, my computer freezes.  Help me please!00:06
afman@LetsGo67 I responded to you above you may want to start there.00:07
id10terusual: I just updated and I think that fixed my prob00:07
erUSUL!yay | id10t00:07
ubottuid10t: Glad you made it! :-)00:07
LoshkiComradeHaz`: sorry, I think you need more specialist help than I can provide. Keep asking...00:07
afman@LetsGo67 You'll probably have to find an alternate driver for your card.00:07
thunwindcan someone please tell me how I can use fail2ban without having it tell me each and every rule has {STARTED|STOPPED} when I restart it?  I still want email of new bans, just not on fail2ban restarts00:08
ComradeHaz`:( OK, thanks anyway Loshki00:08
id10tthanks for the help erusual00:08
theTravI just installed ubuntu server on a vm, it can ping everything in my network, however apt-get fails to find any repositories.  I suspect it does not have a correct proxy setup (although I entered the correct details during install).  Where do I find info on configuring and debugging proxy for apt-get ?00:08
induzbazhang,  I am trying to install that PPA u sent me at rpo00:08
bazhanginduz, I never sent you that particular ppa00:08
bazhanginduz, did you add-apt-repository to get it?00:09
theTravhmm, actually... I think I probably did mess up the install00:09
theTravI entered the host without the port details00:09
theTravso it's probably defaulted to 8000:09
theTravwhere do I change that?00:09
induzbazhang,  I am trying to add that ppa00:09
bazhanginduz, with what command00:10
Zuhaitzapt-get install fuckyeah00:10
bazhangZuhaitz, watch the language00:10
induzbazhang, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pmcenery/ppa00:10
Zuhaitzok, sorry00:10
bazhanginduz, after, did you sudo apt-get update?00:10
induzbazhang, and i get what i pasted on00:10
induzbazhang, no update??00:10
induzbazhang, let me update it00:11
LetsGo67afman: Unlike Twitter, using @ before my username doesn't highlight your post.  You need to type LetsGo67 without the @.00:11
bazhanginduz, you added a repo, you need to update your sources.list00:11
gpc!language | Zuhaitz00:11
ubottuZuhaitz: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:11
induzbazhang, i updated it now00:11
bazhanginduz, what package are you trying to install00:11
ZuhaitzWill not happen again.00:11
induzbazhang, libgpod00:12
bazhanginduz, so now sudo apt-get upgrade00:13
clownprincehello all00:14
clownprinceis anyone willing to help me00:14
RCEOI need help about hping00:14
bazhangclownprince, ask the channel00:15
induzbazhang, i am upgrading now00:16
induzbazhang, i have libgpod4 installed on Lucid00:16
tripelbwhen I want to opena MS access document do I use openoffice formula or spreadsheet? Does it have a database?00:16
linxehtripelb: as far as I know, no00:17
tripelbclownprince, you cant find out till you ask your question. The idea is that someone who knows will answer, if they are not busy right now, and the rest of us will ignore you.00:17
tripelbwhat is the open source data base program please?00:18
=== Carlo is now known as Guest68699
Guest68699I installed Ubuntu to my external HD, but how do I boot from it on OS X?00:18
tripelblinxeh, what's the diff between formula and spreadsheet?00:18
bazhangGuest68699, what model of mac00:18
Guest68699MacBook Pro, Intel00:18
induzbazhang, when i connect my iPod touch to the comp it wakes up but doesnt load on GTKpod00:18
IamredBy sucking a dick.00:18
linxehtripelb: there is base, but it isnt an access dropin00:18
jbwivguys, after upgrading to 10.10, I can't get remote desktop sharing to work. I connect to the machine with vinagre, and I can see from across the room that my mouse and keystrokes are working, but the screen won't redraw itself in vinagre so I can't see what I'm doing. Any ideas how to fix this?00:18
induzbazhang, what i should i do with libgpod??00:18
linxehtripelb: I dont use open office much, I find it awful00:19
smegzorHi.  Ubuntu 10.04 has stopped correctly reporting the free space on any external drive/stick plugged into it.  I'm going to try fsck, but is there anything else I should do?00:19
Oerinduz, unlock the ipod before connecting to usb00:19
id10tjbwiv: i use teamviewer 6, it works on 10.1000:19
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=419427 Guest6869900:19
tripelblinxeh, I thought that opensource would naturally be able to open the special MS stuffs.00:19
induzOer, How can i do that00:19
Guest68699That looks helpful, thanks.00:20
induzOer, I dont want to unlock the device but i just want to save my pics on it00:20
linxehtripelb: I dont understand what you mean00:20
jbwivid10t, haven't heard of that. I'll take a look00:20
Oerinduz "If you have a password set up on your device, unlock it first before connecting the USB cable" https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone00:21
id10tjbwiv: teamviewer 6 even allows cross platform file transfer and remote control00:21
jbwivid10t, wow...$749.00. Expensive...00:21
induzOer, i dont have any password00:21
id10tjwiv: its free00:21
jbwivid10t: http://www.teamviewer.com/?00:21
induzbazhang, the device is still not getting loaded, maybe i am doing some thing wrong/stupid00:22
jbwivid10t: http://www.teamviewer.com/en/licensing/index.aspx00:22
JmJ288do you see it in the places menu?00:22
bazhanginduz, unplug device, quit all music software00:22
id10tjbwiv: sorry didn't know you were using it for business reasons00:23
induzbazhang,  Ok00:23
jbwivid10t, yep. thanks tho ;)00:23
induzbazhang,  i am not running any music program00:23
bazhanginduz, make sure they are not just hidden, but fully exited.00:23
induzbazhang, yes00:24
bazhanginduz, are you using rhythmbox or banshee00:24
induzbazhang, NO, i have them on my system but i am not using them00:24
tripelbafaik ms programs only open ms formats. (rmember word and wordperfect) always the "other" ones would open-anything inc ms formats. Now afaiUnderstand if I have something in an Access format (.mdb, also seems to be called a "JET database file") I'm stuck and cannot read it in opensource. -- listen I may not know the right terms to ask about that so I'd appreciate your help or anyone's help.  linxeh,00:24
bazhanginduz, okay, plug in the device and choose one when it prompts you to do so00:24
Dekkardcan you install wine on a live usb ?00:25
Dekkardneed to see if it will run ie00:25
induzbazhang,  The weired thing is that nothing is being prompted00:25
justinsanehello, im connected to my router but cant access internet.. any ideas?00:26
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gunndawgjustinsane: you must be on the internet if your in here00:26
OerDekkard check wineHQ database00:26
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu00:26
sharejustinsane: maybe it's the dns00:26
tripelblinxeh, OH. I found this one the web:  The Database program is not installed with Ubuntu 10.04 out of the box. It simply does not fit on the CD.00:27
induzbazhang, its not getting mounted/00:27
sharejustinsane: open a terminal and type> host google.com00:27
col0urCan someone link me to a guide to making a Live Netbook-Remix USB stick?00:27
bazhangjustinsane, sounds like a dns issue00:27
linxehtripelb: there isnt much you can do with mdb files with open office, as far as I know anyway. maybe someone else can advise. Open Office Base is not an MS access replacement, and it wont open mdb files afaik00:27
sharejustinsane: if it doesnt work type host google
bazhangcol0ur, use unetbootin; what version of ubuntu are you on now00:27
col0urbazhang, 8.0400:27
tripelblinxeh, thanks, anyway I'm a bit smarter now. a bit of help...00:27
id10tsad, it seems the memory leak after updating is only slower, not gone...00:28
justinsanegundawg: this is my laptop, desktop is having issues00:28
induzbazhang, why this device is not getting loaded ??? any idea??00:28
justinsaneshare: connection time out. trying host google
sharejustinsane: not google "google.com"00:29
Jeff1092Question: I always get prompted for password on resume from Standby.  I've removed the check box in the screensaver menu and all the ones in gconf-editor...any other ideas?00:29
justinsaneshare: ok it said google.com has address "" and so on00:30
sharejustinsane: without does it show anything?00:30
justinsaneshare: no servers could be reached, connection time out00:30
sharejustinsane: there you go your DNS is not working.00:30
gdizhello everyone, does anyone know how to get the vino xvnc4viewer running on start up in xubuntu?00:30
sharejustinsane: change dns server in router00:30
justinsaneshare: ?00:31
justinsaneshare: in router admin?>00:31
shareyes justinsane00:31
sharejustinsane: join #ubuntu-offtopic because this channel is for Ubuntu support00:31
tbruff13ok i installed xpgnome for a friend and it worked great all execpt for the login screen does anyone know how to change the login screen in ubuntu 10.1000:31
buckybitgdiz, tech-help in this chat is a pretty bad idea, IMHO.00:32
gdizbuckybit, thanks anyway00:32
buckybitgdiz, but since you asked - every program you want to run on startup must be in your init-file00:32
gdizgot it00:33
JmJ288bazhang, i have an ipod issue. i used rhythmbox flawlessly to sync. i tried out banshee and it hijacked my ipod. rhythmbox no longer detects it and banshee sees no media on it.00:33
J_CCodemonkey1991: Did you get VPN working?00:33
enjutoAnyone tell me if you can change the temperature at which the fan jumps on a laptop?00:33
buckybitgdiz, you have to edit the /etc/init.rc as root and add your program00:33
jbwivguys, after upgrading to 10.10, I can't get remote desktop sharing to work. I connect to the machine with vinagre, and I can see from across the room that my mouse and keystrokes are working, but the screen won't redraw itself in vinagre so I can't see what I'm doing. Any ideas how to fix this?00:33
jribgdiz: don't do that00:33
chronosI'm having a problem with 10.10 ubuntu.  Everytime I try to play an mkv file, it plays for about 10 minutes freezes, then catches back up and continues till it freezes again .I've tried different players, different movies, everything I can think of.  AMD 64bt, 3 gigs ram, NVIDIA chipset. (I have the specs to play)00:34
JmJ288i solved this problem once by creating a new user and re-creating my desktop and what not but banshee did it again and i do not want to go through all those settings again when creating a new user00:34
jribbuckybit: that's not right at all...00:34
buckybitgdiz, oops - apologies! I did not realize that I am in the ubuntu chat. My bad! I am very sorry. I thought I was in the twit-tv-webcast chat. again sorry :)00:34
Jeff1092No ideas on the resume from standby password prompt problem?  It's driving me up the wall on my htpc00:35
JmJ288bazhang, i assumed the problem was with some config files in my home directory but removing all the settings, folders, and gconf settings did nothing00:35
pc_Can I get help how to use ubuntu terminal ???00:35
theTravhmm, it seems that sun-java6-jre is not in the repositories for my ubuntu 10.10 server...  it is in the repository for this machine however, how do I find out which repositoriy this machine is finding it in so that I can check the same one exists on the server/s list?00:35
bazhangpc_, ask a question00:35
gunndawgpc_: what do you wanna know ?00:35
pc_I downlaoded Gromacs how ca I get start ?00:36
gdizbuckybit, no worries00:36
jribgdiz: you might try #xubuntu.  I don't know how to setup startup programs through the gui in xubuntu00:36
induzbazhang, how can i have seperate repo for my Ipod touch00:36
pc_How can I get accesss ?00:36
rh1n0Anyone able to get ATI cards to composite? I have an ATI Radeon 6850 HD and get a hypertransport overflow error on boot.00:36
bazhangpc_, downloaded from where00:36
gdizgot it00:36
gdizthanks, jrib00:36
gdizthanks for you help both00:37
pc_from UbUntu ?00:37
bazhanginduz, you dont need that, unless you mean try another ppa00:37
pc_from ubuntu software center00:37
bazhangpc_, have you read the gromacs help documentation yet?00:37
pc_where can I find it ?00:38
pc_in the website ?00:38
induzbazhang, I have libgpod4 installed and GTKpod too00:38
bazhanghttp://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/FAQs pc_00:39
theTravstill no sun-java love00:41
induzbazhang,   have a look here http://i.imgur.com/OAGKM.png i creat the directory but it fails to load00:41
jbwivguys, when I got to "About Ubuntu" via the System Menu, it says I'm using Natty Narwhal...even though I'm still just on Maverick. Any reason why this might have happened?00:42
theTravit's got the openjdk-6-jre packages, just not the sun ones00:42
theTravunfortunately openjdk is not up to scratch last I checked00:42
bazhangjbwiv, its a known bug, try lsb_release -a in terminal00:42
bazhangtheTrav, from partner repo?00:43
jbwivbazhang, ah, k. thanks00:43
theTravbazhang: I'm afraid I don't know the difference between repo's00:43
someonelikemei need some help to get my nvidia driver work correcty.. atm i have the current driver activated. but im not allowed to enable desktop effects'00:43
bazhang!java | theTrav00:43
ubottutheTrav: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.00:43
theTravdo I need to add an argument to let it use more than the vetted subset?00:43
tripelbI want to use spt-get to install the openoffice database. but http://helpdeskgeek.com/linux-tips/install-openoffice-orgs-database-program-in-ubuntu/ doesnt mention how  --- normally I use sudo apt-get install packagename   -- so what's the packagename I'd use?00:43
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »00:43
bazhangtheTrav, check above how to add00:44
theTravreading, thanks bazhang00:44
maciej_tripelb: you can install from the command line, add ppa first00:44
tripelbbazhang, i COPIED THAT00:44
theTravsudo: add-apt-repository: command not found00:44
theTravthat's unfortunate00:44
xanguatheTrav: is "sudo" not "sudo:"00:45
tripelbmaciej_ I dont understand cause I dont know the name of the package. and you would do ppa sudo...  ?00:45
theTravxangua: it's error output00:45
theTravneeded python-software-properties00:46
maciej_tripelb: sorry, what are you trying to install?00:46
AhrotahnteeWhere in /proc can I query the current up/down speed of an iface?00:48
SmashcatHello - anyone had any luck using wrappers around windows drivers for gigabit network adapters? Got an unsupported ethernet adapter (dunno why, it's about 2 years old) - Linux only supports speeds up to 100mbps, although it's a gigabit adapter.00:49
george_trying to restore the default login font after an uninstallation of macbuntu... help :(00:49
SmashcatAhrotahntee: grep thernet /var/log/dmesg00:49
george_i hate those huge asterisks00:49
maciej_tripelb:  you can install openoffice via synaptic, also try LibreOffice00:49
AhrotahnteeSmashcat: thank you kindly00:49
mahselhi all00:49
AhrotahnteeSmashcat: nothing shows up00:50
AhrotahnteeSmashcat: do I have to have a particular kernel module?00:50
mahselhow can I install old version of ubuntu over a new version without getting kernel panic00:50
Smashcatreally? You get nothing?00:50
feydso I want to sync a folder on 1 drive to a folder with the same name on another drive (backup drive). I setup a symbolic link in my home folder to the non-backup drive, would setting a hard link to the backup drive from the non-backup drive sync those two?00:50
Dragonlord1988wats up?00:50
AhrotahnteeSmashcat: if it were possible to get less than nothing, I'm sure I'd have that :P00:50
AhrotahnteeSmashcat: but yes, nothing00:50
tripelbmaciej_ I want to use terminal and apt-get to install the -->openoffice database<---. but http://helpdeskgeek.com/linux-tips/install-openoffice-orgs-database-program-in-ubuntu/ doesnt mention how  --- normally I use sudo apt-get install packagename   -- so what's the packagename I'd use? -- maciej_  I dont like Synaptic. It's Chinese to me.00:50
Dragonlord1988so u guys are hackers?00:50
SmashcatWeird - dmesg is a log of what linux finds when you boot - if there's no ethernet controllers in that log, then it hasn't found any00:51
tripelbDragonlord1988, we guys are of two varieties, Helpers and Supplicants!00:51
jolarenI try to mount my phone to my ubuntu netbook but It does ot moiunt. It has always mounted before00:51
bazhangCarltonPecot, dont paste that here00:51
tripelbDragonlord1988, which are you?00:51
jolarenIt says Error creating moint point: no such file or directory00:51
AhrotahnteeSmashcat: I only have one iface, which is eth0 (and lo of course)00:52
jolarenWhat can I do to get it to work?00:52
AhrotahnteeSmashcat: and.. I'm on the network, so something is finding the controller00:52
Dragonlord1988my friend said hackers use linux00:52
maciej_tripelb: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openoffice-pkgs/ppa00:52
Dragonlord1988and i googled it00:52
Dragonlord1988and it says ubuntu is linux00:52
Dragonlord1988so i found you guys out00:52
maciej_tripelb: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install openoffice.org00:52
Dragonlord1988ur all hackers!00:52
bazhangDragonlord1988, please stay on topic00:52
AhrotahnteeDragonlord1988: this is a support channel00:52
maciej_tripelb: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/03/install-upgrade-openoffice-32-from-ppa.html00:52
Dragonlord1988u support hackers!00:52
Dragonlord1988im gonna tell on u!00:53
Pantaloonixwhat do you want to hack dragonlord00:53
tripelbWell "software sources" does NOT include the opensource database.00:53
Pantaloonixi will teach you00:53
bazhangDragonlord1988, please stop00:53
AhrotahnteeDragonlord1988: we have local representitives in Alsemberg if you need in-house service00:53
DiamondciteDragonlord1988: This is a support channel, if you are looking for hackers (white hat or blackhat) please go else where.00:53
Dragonlord1988Pantaloonix: fb?00:53
mahselhow can I install ubuntu 10.04 11.04 ?00:53
CarltonPecotPlease check out http://GameNTech.com Great site for people who like Video Games, Computers, and Technology :)00:53
tripelbDragonlord1988, this room isnt for converstation, go to #ubuntu-offline00:53
mahselhow can I install ubuntu 10.04 over 11.04 ?00:53
Pantaloonixthe old database?00:53
Dragonlord1988Pantaloonix: explain how to hack facebook or ill report you to authorities!!!00:53
bazhangmahsel, fresh install00:53
LeDutchQuite a few trolls come in here.00:53
bazhangDragonlord1988, last time. please stop00:54
george_somebody ban this dragonlord1988 guy00:54
mahselyes or downgrade dont matter00:54
Mal_Hopefully soon.00:54
bazhangmahsel, only reinstall no downgrade00:54
mahselhope I dont give kernel panic00:54
bazhangCarltonPecot, dont paste off topic links here00:54
maciej_anyone use gnome shell?00:55
CarltonPecotI won't paste "Please check out http://GameNTech.com Great site for people who like Video Games, Computers, and Technology :)" again :(.00:55
tripelbmaciej_, If I do that I'll (update what I have already) (reinstall the entire suite) I only want to install one part that does not come on the livecd.00:56
george_umm, is there a way on how to restore the login font to defaults???00:56
induzbazhang,  have u seent the screenshot i sent u??00:57
bazhanginduz, sorry I missed it00:57
Smashcatahrotahntee: sorry, went for a coffee - try " grep eth0 | /var/log/dmesg "00:57
induzbazhang, http://i.imgur.com/OAGKM.png00:57
tripelbmaciej_, you are confusing me with all kinds of GUI stuff I didnt ask for. I only need the PACKAGENAME to install it in terminal. The IT I want to install is the openoffice database program00:57
AhrotahnteeSmashcat: no instance of eth0 in dmesg00:58
quizmehow can i tell if openssl is installed or not ?00:58
Smashcateth1 ?00:58
AhrotahnteeSmashcat: ifconfig shows my ifaces are eth0 and lo00:59
bazhanginduz, doing that would erase everything on it00:59
tripelbI want to install the openoffice database program in terminal. How do I finish this: sudo apt-get install ---------00:59
Dragonlord1988any GNAA members here?00:59
induzbazhang, I creat the directory and it takes me here:http://i.imgur.com/fc2aG.png00:59
SmashcatAhrotahntee: So eth0 must be listed in dmesg - that's where the kernel actually finds it00:59
maciej_tripleb: oh sorry, not sure00:59
Mal_tripelb: try using the 'apt-cache' command :P00:59
bazhangtripelb, apt-cache search openoffice and take a look00:59
Diamondcitetripelb: openoffice itself is an all in one application isn't it?00:59
bluedustdoes anyone know how I can get a passport se 1Tb working on ubuntu01:00
=== drbanzai is now known as RedLance
AhrotahnteeSmashcat: I wish I was kidding; No instances in dmesg01:00
AhrotahnteeSmashcat: and yes, this is the machine I am currently on01:00
ComradeHaz`Anybody able to offer any advice on the issues described here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10413154#post1041315401:00
tripelbDiamondcite,  I found this one the web:  The Database program is not installed with Ubuntu 10.04 out of the box. It simply does not fit on the CD.01:00
SmashcatAhrotahntee: You're looking in the current dmesg, not an old one? You can also use " dmesg | grep eth0 "01:00
induzbazhang, It has not erased anything so far from my ipod touch01:01
AhrotahnteeSmashcat: yes current, will run that one now01:01
AhrotahnteeSmashcat: [   14.680040] eth0: no IPv6 routers present01:01
AhrotahnteeSmashcat: only instance of it01:01
induzbazhang, what i am doing wrong or this particular device is not listed on Model on GTKPOd01:01
SmashcatAhrotahntee: Ah so maybe the ethernet port wasn't connected to the router at boot?01:02
RedLanceJust installed Ubuntu 10 Server on my file server.  OS is on a seperate 80gb drive.  It never asked me where to mount the storage drives...what's the easiest way to do that?  They all have exsisting data.01:02
AhrotahnteeSmashcat: it was01:02
tripelbre OpenOffice DataBase, look what I found!!!01:02
tripelb8.5. How do I get my Microsoft Access files converted?01:02
tripelbWith the help of MDB Tools, your Microsoft Access databases and schemas can be converted to MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, or PostgreSQL, and OpenOffice.org works with these databases as a backend. Note that this is not part of the OpenOffice.org package.01:02
FloodBot2tripelb: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:02
AhrotahnteeSmashcat: hold up a second, i will be right back01:02
bluedustAhhhhhh I cant get this stupid ext hd to work01:03
s0ullighthi, i have a samsung nf-210 with n550 atom processor, i have read that it has one unused mini pci-e port, i have 1gb of intel turbo memory and an intel 4965abgn card, which one should/can i place in there?01:03
SmashcatAhrotahntee: You can also try using mii-tool - e.g. " mii-tool -v eth0 "01:04
tripelbWhat I posted ^^ suggests that I need mysql to work with openoffice as a database. -- this is getting deeper and deeper. Any help? I havent used a database in 20+ years (blush) and my thoughts are clean and unimpeded by what's out now. (I hae student-taught in a datastructures class at university)01:04
pcyphercan someone please help with snmp?01:04
Diamondcitebluedust: How is it not working?01:04
pcypher * snmpd is not running01:04
pcypher * snmptrapd is not running01:04
pcyphercant seem to get it to start01:04
Diamondcitebluedust: Won't detect? Can't see files? Won't turn on?01:04
maciej_tripleb: if you go to ubuntu sofware center you can install the databse from there01:05
jbwivguys, after upgrading to 10.10, I can't get remote desktop sharing to work. I connect to the machine with vinagre, and I can see from across the room that my mouse and keystrokes are working, but the screen won't redraw itself in vinagre so I can't see what I'm doing. Any ideas how to fix this?01:05
bluedustits a wd se passport and its file managing system is windows based01:05
bluedustit wont even run in wine01:06
Dementioanyone know why xbmc will crash playing some videos?01:06
eternalstupid people01:06
Diamondcitebluedust: So it's a custom backup solution instead of just another external HDD?01:06
bouklashi there01:07
bouklasi need some help01:07
Dementioanyone, anyone, beuler?01:07
AhrotahnteeSmashcat: mii-tool is a package I would need to install?01:07
SmashcatAhrotahntee: Yep, if you don't have it - it's pretty small01:08
AhrotahnteeSmashcat: apparently not; I'm getting operation not permitted01:08
SmashcatAhrotahntee: Are you root?01:08
bluedustyes unfortunatly ive back up all my file before installing ubuntu and now i cant access them01:08
SmashcatAhrotahntee: np01:08
AhrotahnteeSmashcat: sorry, that would be Operation not supported01:08
AhrotahnteeSmashcat: my silly brain was filling in blanks; that means I'm unable to measure my own bandwidth?01:08
Omen_20is there any way to edit the info Evolution displays in a notification? Right now it just says I have mail. I'd like to see the subject at least.01:09
SmashcatAhrotahntee: Well, it's puzzling that you're not seeing the driver being loaded in dmesg. Unless you have it loaded via some other script after boot01:09
AhrotahnteeSmashcat: nothing I set up, let me have a look-see01:09
Diamondcitebluedust: Automated backup.. and it seems to have done some encryption too... That can make it difficult, if it wasn't encrypted it should be mountable...01:09
bluedustive read some forums and all of them say im screwed01:10
SmashcatAhrotahntee: Try " lspci | grep thernet "01:10
Diamondcitebluedust: At the moment the only way I can think of for you is to use VirtualBox Personal Use Edition and have some sort of windows inside it to try to get at your files again =/01:10
smegzorHi.  How do i format or run fsck on a fat formatted usb stick?   All of the sticks are reporting that they are full (they're empty) and gparted quits if they are mounted and doesn't see them if they're not.01:10
AhrotahnteeSmashcat: 00:03.0 Ethernet controller: Qumranet, Inc. Virtio network device01:11
induzbazhang, have u seen now??01:11
AhrotahnteeSmashcat: yay, we found it!01:11
SmashcatAhrotahntee: Hah01:11
bazhanginduz, sorry, a bit busy at the moment01:11
SmashcatAhrotahntee: Might be worth Googling that name - it seems to be behaving strangely01:11
bluedustwell i just bought a 40G ssd and Im limited to what i can put on my pc01:11
AhrotahnteeSmashcat: It works, I just can't seem to measure my up/down speed01:12
SmashcatAhrotahntee: Well you can get an idea by just creating a big file, then transferring it to another machine. If you're getting around 10MB/sec, then it's 100mbps01:13
DrummerBoy38does anyone have a statistical graph demoing the damage to hardware based on Windows 7 versus a recent Ubuntu when crashes happen01:13
induzbazhang, ok when u have time see the page i sent u01:13
AhrotahnteeSmashcat: no, I know my peak speeds, I want to know current operating speeds01:13
Dementioi just want hdmi 5.1 audio to work, is that so much to ask01:13
AhrotahnteeSmashcat: which is queryable from /proc01:13
AhrotahnteeSmashcat: (to my understanding)01:14
aeon-ltdDrummerBoy38: err no damage really comes to hw during crashes, besides corrupt writes to hdds, unless it overheated01:14
Diamondcitebluedust: You did use a very windows specific backup method.. so I agree with the forums, you are screwed unless you have access to another windows computer. Maybe this time you can copy the files without having to enter a password just to open the new drive ^_^01:14
pcyphersnmp help please01:14
coz_Dementio,   I dont think it too much to ask... have you also tried the #alsa channel and the #pulseaudio channel?01:14
gbear14275what is the program for burning disc on server?01:14
kgeehi from n.z01:14
Diamondcitebluedust: Actually... DO you need to enter a password before you can use that passport se?01:14
coz_kgee,   hey guy ,,,way down under there :)01:15
kgeehi coz01:15
bluedustis there a way i can delete the proprietary software and just have a regular drive01:15
coz_bluedust,   for video?01:15
bluedustand yes it is password protected01:15
kgeehas anyone had probs with sound on there Ausu laptop01:15
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SmashcatAhrotahntee: Ok, got you - I'm sure there's a tool for that, I've written scripts to track network traffic, but I don't know of a tool to do it off of the top of my head, sorry01:16
Diamondcitebluedust: You probably CAN.. but it WILL DELETE everything on that drive at the moment to do so.01:16
AhrotahnteeSmashcat: conky has a feature, but it's not working; I'm trying to find where ubuntu keeps that specific data so I can either symlink it, or write an appropriate script to intermediate the data01:16
bluedustwell i can stick all on gf computer for the time being01:16
gbear14275what is the program for burning disc on server?01:17
bluedustdo i just format it or is their somthing special i need to do01:17
gbear14275what is the command for burning disc on server?01:17
SmashcatAhrotahntee: Well all I did was have a script that kept polling "ifconfig eth0" then working out how many bytes had been transferred since it last polled. Pretty simple to do01:17
kgeehas anyone had probs with sound on there Asus  laptop01:17
Diamondcitebluedust: Linux can handle NTFS to a certain degree, though I'm not sure what a 1TB drive should use x.x01:17
AhrotahnteeSmashcat: I will keep that in reserve if I can't figure this out, thank you kindly for your time :)01:18
SmashcatAhrotahntee: No problem, good luck ;-)01:18
kgeecan some one give me some help01:18
Diamondcitebluedust: To be honest I'm not sure, I never had such drives, I just buy a USB HDD dock + a 1TB drive...01:18
gbear14275cdrecord doesn't work01:19
bluedustif i do fat as primary can i secondary as ntfs01:19
nooniangbear14275, trying to burn an .iso image?01:19
bluedustfor multiple OS01:19
Diamondcitebluedust: Unless you split the drive into say two 500GB partitions, that can't be done.01:20
gbear14275noonian, yes on server01:20
bluedustthey both have to be the same exact size01:20
Diamondcitebluedust: No they don't have to be, just saying, you can't have 2 1TB partions on a 1TB drive.01:21
bluedustI know that hehehehe01:21
bluedustunless it was a quantum drive01:21
* weebit falls outta chair laughing01:21
Diamondcitebluedust: Sorry, going with the side of caution ^_^01:22
weebitthanks for clearing that up Diamondcite01:22
econdudeawesomeHi my friends of the ubuntu hive mind. Anyone know how to install OpenCL with Ubuntu? I'm in a little over my head01:23
bluedustty Diamondcite01:24
nooniangbear14275, ive done it before using wodim01:24
nooniangbear14275, this link might help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CdDvd/Burning01:24
nooniangbear14275, the command for finding the cdrom doesnt seem to work but I think the burning part will01:25
kstar66Can someone help me.. My windows are no longer showing the minimize/maximize/restore options around the perimeter.. ubunto 10.1001:27
xanguakstar66: metacity --replace01:27
kstar66xangua ok ill try that01:27
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=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
gugurangHello! Would it be possible for a machine to be given priority over which should use an IP on the same network? I'm not using DHCP.01:30
kstar66xangua do you use emerald by any chance or compiz?01:30
ComradeHaz`gugurang: no.01:30
ComradeHaz`Use DHCP/01:30
xanguakstar66: compiz01:30
gugurangComradeHaz': Thank you01:31
econdudeawesomeHi all! I am kind of confused as to how I can get opencl running on my system.01:32
kstar66xangua where do you enable metacity01:32
chaospsychexopencl? what is that01:32
xanguakstar66: ¿¿01:32
kstar66I see one place on my compiz icon right click on top panel, but no where else01:33
bazhangkstar66, alt f2 metacity --replace01:33
Ahrotahnteeany security risks to running logcheck as root?01:33
DavidRezaHi everyone. I got a problem. I was updating my system yesterday with 'apt-get upgrade' command, then it  stuck during a while and the console didn't respond. So I restart my laptop and now I can access Ubuntu. What should I do?01:34
gugurangIn a network of 50 PC's would DHCP traffic affect the performance of the network, or is it negligible? this network is sharing only 1MB internet connection and students use it for browsing only01:34
DavidRezaI can't01:34
=== gugurang is now known as pinoyoragon
lukethedukehow do I turn off the jingle I get when I log in?01:35
gbear14275anyone used wodim/cdrecord before to burn an .iso?  The man page for wodim is incredibly long and confusing01:35
ComradeHaz`pinoyoragon: negligable.01:35
chaospsychexgugurang: are you a network admin at a university ?01:35
DavidRezaI select Ubuntu on GRUB, I "enter" Ubuntu but there is no login section for entering my password, besides that, I can't even move the mouse, It stays stuck or something like that01:35
pinoyoragonchaospsychex: of one computer lab only01:36
ComradeHaz`pinoyoragon: if you are, it makes me happy about my job prespoects :D01:36
pinoyoragonComradeHaz' thanks again for the advice...01:36
FezzlerNeed some help assessing my Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 set up.  First, I have 2 hard drives.  How do I see if the boot hard drive is full or experiencing errors?01:36
FezzlerSecond, my sound is all screwed up.  I'm running real time kernel to get low latency.01:36
AhrotahnteeCan anyone think of any security risk of running logcheck as root?01:37
JmJ288could someone help me with an ipod issue?01:37
xelisterhow to do like sux, but with both X and audio working?01:37
Ahrotahnteeor is there a way to permit a user to use iptables?01:37
FezzlerLastly, the upgrade to Lucid switched my nvidia driver but now that I'm RT kernel, I can't install my preferred nvidia driver.01:37
FezzlerThat's it.01:37
pinoyoragonComradeHaz': i'm of different specie... hehehhe i come from different background... not IT/CS or something01:37
AndrewMCluketheduke: go to System > Preferences > Startup Applications, find GNOME login sound and diable it by un-ticking the box next to it.01:38
kstar66bazhang that didnt work01:38
xelisterAhrotahntee: like, SUID it?  but sounds unsafe.. why?01:38
ActionParsnipFezzler: remove the driver, reboot, then reinstall it01:38
bazhangkstar66, launch from terminal then, give exact error messages in paste.ubuntu.com01:38
pinoyoragonComradeHaz': I just started playing with Linux System Administration a year ago :)01:38
lukethedukeAndrewMC: thanks!01:38
kstar66no one knows how to bring back min/max/restore on window perimeter?01:39
Ahrotahnteexelister: logcheck detects portscans and I want it to automatically set my firewall to drop offenders01:39
edbiankstar66, metacity --replace&01:39
FezzlerActionParsnip>> I tried. Would the RT kernel prevent that?  That's what happens when I try that.01:39
edbiankstar66, or compiz --replace&  if you're running that01:39
ActionParsnipkstar66: press ALT+F2 and run:  metacity --replace    should do it01:39
bazhangkstar66, yes I do. please try what I suggested and give *exact * error message01:39
xelisterAhrotahntee: make log write to some file, and root script read that file. But. there are probably ready scripts for what yhou describe01:40
ActionParsnipFezzler: not sure, never bothered with it. Shouldn't as far as I am aware01:40
Ahrotahnteexelister: it can't use iptables (being non-root), so I either need to run logcheck as root01:40
Ahrotahnteexelister: or that01:40
ActionParsnipFezzler: I'm guessing you do a lot of sound production...01:40
kstar66alt f2 doesnt do it01:40
kstar66and error message pops up01:40
bazhangkstar66, I said in terminal01:40
kstar66didnt work there either01:40
bazhang!work | kstar6601:41
ubottukstar66: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.01:41
Ahrotahnteexelister: I can setup sudo to only allow the account to use the one program, right?01:41
bazhangkstar66, need the error01:41
FezzlerActionParsnip>> Yes01:41
ActionParsnipkstar66: can you give the error, telling us there is an error doesn't help much01:41
kstar66command not found01:41
kstar66in terminal01:42
antivirtelhi! What can I do, if I have a wide monitor, and I can't switch res. above of 1024x768?01:42
kstar66for compiz--replace and metacity--replace01:42
ActionParsnipkstar66: there is a SPACE01:42
bazhangkstar66, then you're using the wrong command or spelling it incorrectly01:42
gunndawgantivirtel: sounds like a video driver issue if you cant go above 1024 x 768, I could be wrong though01:42
bazhangActionParsnip, nice catch01:42
ActionParsnipkstar66: metacity --replace    look at the space. I give the exact command so you can COPY it01:42
ActionParsnipbazhang: users seem to be blind to spaces, they learn fast :)01:43
ActionParsnipkstar66: metacity is the commands, the --replace   is an option on the command01:43
antivirtelgunndawg, my monitor isnt recognized... I have Hanns.g HW173A (win drivers: http://cms.hannsg.net/onweb.jsp?webno=3333333752 )... what can I do?01:43
olimoneshello. Does anyone knows how to run linphone from the console? I mean the command? I have looked for it and haven't found it01:44
gunndawgantivirtel: I am not to sure, sorry. I am new to ubuntu as well and still learning the ropes01:44
kstar66Window manager warning: Receiving a NET_CLOSE_WINDOW message for 0x660034d (frank@joli) without a timestamp!  This means some buggy (outdated) application is on the loose!01:44
kstar66Window manager warning: Tried to ping a window with CurrentTime! Not allowed.01:44
ActionParsnipkstar66: can you give the output of:  lsb_release -c     please?01:45
antivirtelgunndawg nearly like me... but thanks01:45
xelisterAhrotahntee: I think so01:47
basyi am looking for mp3 or wav player with web frontend, like amarok+webarok, any other solutions?01:47
Ahrotahnteexelister: it seems I can, and that will be secure enough for me01:47
yeats!players | basy01:48
ubottubasy: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs01:48
kstar66Window manager warning: Tried to ping a window with CurrentTime! Not allowed.01:48
kstar66Window manager warning: Log level 8: meta_display_register_x_window: assertion `g_hash_table_lookup (display->window_ids, xwindowp) == NULL' failed01:48
kstar66Window manager warning: Received a NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP message from a broken (outdated) client who sent a 0 timestamp01:48
kstar66Window manager warning: Buggy client sent a _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW message with a timestamp of 0 for 0x6600350 (frank@joli)01:48
kstar66Window manager warning: meta_window_activate called by a pager with a 0 timestamp; the pager needs to be fixed.01:48
FloodBot2kstar66: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:48
FezzlerHow do I see how much space is free on my boot hard drive (I have two installed).01:48
ActionParsnipkstar66: can you give the output of:  lsb_release -c     please?01:48
edbianbasy, Do you mean I can connect to amarok like a webserver and play my music remotely?01:49
ActionParsnipFezzler: df -h01:49
Dead_Storageluketheduke, startup sounds?01:49
basyedbian: yes, want conect to player over web and audio only...01:51
kstar66can you send me that command one more time..01:51
kstar66everything is f'd up now...01:51
kstar66i was better off with just the window issue.01:51
Dead_Storageluketheduke, actually its in startup apps01:51
ActionParsnipkstar66: can you give the output of:  lsb_release -c     please?01:51
riddleboxhello, how do I reinstall a package so all files are put back in /etc?01:51
ActionParsnipriddlebox: sudo apt-get --reinstall install packagename01:52
=== ubuntu is now known as DavidReza
HilarieHalp! I am trying to install broadcom STA drivers to my acer aspire I have located hybrid-portsrc_x86_32-v5_100_82_38.tar.gz How do I install that from a usb drive onto my laptop? wired ethernet is not possible01:53
mikebotIs there a way to run ubuntu off a flashdrive?01:53
kstar66says code name:robby....01:53
bazhangunetbootin mikebot01:53
eternal_use windows. don't use silly ubuntu01:53
ActionParsnipmikebot: absolutely01:53
KM0201Hilarie: the hybrid drivers are on the ubuntu CD, i do beileve01:53
mikebotOr is there an easy guide on how to dual boot (when I already have Win 7 Starter installed)01:53
ActionParsnip!persistant | mikebot01:53
riddleboxwhere are the files located that apt downloads?01:53
Hilarie@km0201 Its not finding them for me :/01:54
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent01:54
mikebotActionParsnip: Thank you very much01:54
mikebotALso, this is not ubuntu related, but what is the best way to figure out what type of RAM I have so that I can upgrade it?01:54
ActionParsnipkstar66: jolicloud isn't supported here01:54
craigbass1976I'm trying to get the mic jack working on an acer apsire 5517.  Where do I start?  Sound works fine, alsa says everything is turned up full bore.  I don't see anything in lspci that looks like a sound card, but I might be just thick.01:54
popeymikebot: dmidecode01:54
popeymikebot: or lshw -C memory01:54
KM0201Hilarie: look at the "STA" driver... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx   make sure the CD is part of your repositories.. and follow the instructions.. all the files you need for the STA driver are on the ubuntu cd.01:54
mikebotpopey: I'm currently using windows01:55
popeymikebot: no idea then, try in ##windows01:55
popeymikebot: or boot an ubuntu cd on it :D01:55
Hilarie@KM0201 CD I.E. just having the USB drive I used to install connected to the laptop?01:55
mikebotpopey: Haha, OK, thanks.01:55
basyedbian: you know any solutions for that? amarok + webarok is not best solution for me, i am looking for something works with apache  :o)01:56
KM0201Hilarie: ah ok, that makes it a "little more complex".... but there's still instructions on that site, on where to find the .deb file on the USB.01:56
HilarieOkies, I'll delve deeper01:56
sexcopterhi, i have a wget command (in /etc/pm/sleep.d) that should run when the laptop resumes from standby (updates the wallpaper from die.net). It's not succeeding because it takes a moment to connect to wifi. Is there a way to make it wait for the interface to connect?01:57
FezzlerWhat I don't understand, my second HD is a 200GB drive.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/560462/01:57
KM0201Hilarie: loko at "sta driver w/o internet access"01:57
ActionParsnipbasy: vlc can have a web interface01:57
mikebotIs there a way to make a persistent drive from within windows?01:57
FezzlerBut this says it is 93??01:57
FezzlerI always felt the auto upgrade to Lucid did something funny to my partition01:57
john38Whats the command for install
aeon-ltd!pae | john3801:58
ubottujohn38: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info01:58
john38aeon-ltd, i dont want 2.6.32-28 ....01:59
john38aeon-ltd, previous one01:59
ActionParsnipjohn38: sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.32-27-generic-pae01:59
john38ActionParsnip, cool01:59
=== s is now known as Guest33740
mikebotIs there a way to install a dual boot when WIndows 7 is already installed?02:03
ActionParsnipmikebot: use windows7's ability to resize it's own partition, then install Ubuntu to the free space02:03
mikebotActionParsnip: What about the grub thing?02:03
tripelbmikebot I do believe that that's the only time you can install to do that!02:03
ActionParsnipmikebot: make sure your backups are recent in case of catastrophe02:03
mikebottripelb: Oh, haha, thanks02:04
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
ActionParsnipmikebot: The installer will see the installed OS and will handle the dual boot for you02:04
mikebotActionParsnip: Oh great... what type of partiton do I need? And does Ubuntu still make UNR?02:04
mikebotOr *support02:04
tripelbubuntu takes care of the grub. It's all so good when I do it vanilla. Though, the hint about letting 7 do the partition was new to me.02:04
tripelbmikebot ^^02:05
mikebottripelb: I don't know how to partition with 702:05
ActionParsnipmikebot: the installer will make the right partitions and such, just leave the space unpartitioned02:05
mikebotActionParsnip: WHat do I download to allow it to do this?02:05
mikebotActionParsnip: Like what ubuntu file?02:05
tripelbmikebot ActionParsnip is wise and will tell you.  --- (06:04:13 PM) ActionParsnip: mikebot: The installer will see the installed OS and will handle the dual boot for you02:05
mikebotActionParsnip: And can I install it from a CD?02:05
mikebot*USB DRIVE02:05
ActionParsnipmikebot: the ISO, make sure you MD5 test the image before you use it too02:05
mikebottripelb: Thanks02:05
ActionParsnipmikebot: the bootloader is on the install CD02:06
ActionParsnipmikebot: the same ISO will go on the USB02:06
* KM0201 lives on the edge, never MD5's an image.. :)02:06
StFSHi, this is probably always popping up so sorry in advance, but what's the state of 64 bit (k)ubuntu on the desktop? Are there still problems with things like flash, codecs, skype, etc?02:06
mikebotActionParsnip: SOrry, is there a USB one? My netbook has no cdrom drive02:06
butterflycd  usb  harddisk to install is ok02:06
KM0201StFS: somewhat...02:06
ActionParsnipmikebot: then you can use the 1-2-3 installer on the pendrivelinux site02:06
mikebotActionParsnip: Thanks. And two quick ones: How do I partition in 7, and how do I md5 check?02:07
ActionParsnipKM0201: its not living on the edge, if you get issues installing then you have no idea if a bad data block is causing the issue....02:07
mikebotActionParsnip: (Thanks a lot for your help!)02:07
john38ActionParsnip, im getting all kinds of errors "...couldnt load nvidia driver low graphics mode02:07
ActionParsnip!md5 | mikebot02:07
ubottumikebot: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows02:07
StFSKM0201: somewhat? still problems then? anything specific you remember?02:07
KM0201ActionParsnip: oh i think checking md5 is a good idea.. i'vce just never done it.. it's a good idea though.. i wasn't disagreeing with you at all.02:07
ActionParsnipmikebot: i'd ask in ##windows for the resize thing. I know win7 can do it, just not sure how02:07
mikebotActionParsnip: Great, thank you very much!02:08
KM0201StFS: dunno, i just stick w/ 32bit... less of a headache.. everything works02:08
ActionParsnipKM0201: thats cool, just highlighting why its a good idea ;)02:08
KM0201ActionParsnip: absolutely, i don't disagree w/ that at all.02:08
KM0201i didn't mean to suggest that02:08
ActionParsnipthats cool dude02:08
john38ActionParsnip, i installed system with 2.6.32-2802:08
butterfly 你们会说中文吗02:08
KM0201!zh | buttered-toast02:09
ubottubuttered-toast: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk02:09
KM0201butterfly: see above02:09
butterflythank you02:09
FezzlerSorry to say, with the explosive growth and popularity of Ubuntu, which is great, this channel has not proven as helpful as it once was.02:09
a_p3rsoncan someone tell me the difference between a CUPS printing driver and an LPR printing driver?02:10
clavin12Hey, can I get some help setting up my wireless on 9.10? I got ndiswrapper for karmic by way of .deb packages, and pointed it to the driver that worked for my other installs but it doesn't show up in the network connection applet.02:10
FezzlerAny old timers on here know that to be true02:10
john38ActionParsnip, how do i fix?02:10
KM0201Fezzler: sure it is.. your'e just not getting the answers you want... have you tried ubuntuforums? google?02:10
ActionParsnipclavin12: can you give the output of:  sudo lshw -C network      thanks02:10
butterflyDo you know the ylmf os?02:10
clavin12actionparsnip: sure02:10
ActionParsnipjohn38: not sure, copy some of the error text and you can find hints02:11
jsebeanhello all, I have issues editing php.ini fine in Ubuntu server02:11
bazhangbutterfly, yes, its not supported here02:11
KM0201butterfly: other than its not ubuntu and not supported here, so its off topic02:11
jsebeanI have VPS running ubuntu server 10.0402:11
clavin12actionparsnip: well maybe, just a moment.02:11
bazhangKM0201, its a derivate made to look like XP02:11
KM0201bazhang: ugh.. thank God its not supported here02:11
ActionParsniphow many ubuntu spins are there, why are they even made, its so pointless now02:11
clavin12actionparsnip: I have a netgear wna3100 usb adapter.02:12
jsebeani open SSH and put nano /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini and edit, but it doesnt work02:12
jsebeanthe fine saves, and I have restarted apache, but when i use the phpinfo(); function it doesnt show the changes02:12
ActionParsnipclavin12: ok if you run:  lsusb   can you give the 8 character hex ID for the device02:12
a_p3rsoncan someone tell me the difference between a CUPS printing driver and an LPR printing driver?02:12
jsebeanany ideas?02:12
clavin12actionparsnip: 0846:902002:13
ActionParsnipclavin12: netgear dont make chips which is what we need to know, netgear doesnt tell us the chip02:13
speciesa_p3rson: different system entirely02:13
speciesits a different application02:14
ActionParsnipclavin12: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-nettool/+question/13302302:14
specieslpr is for print scheduling on the command line, cups is a whole server02:14
a_p3rsonbecause I have a brother MFC, and the drivers say i need to choose CUPS or LPR, and I dont know which one to use02:14
a_p3rsonso just for basic pc-to-printer printing, use CUPS?02:14
speciesfor sharing a printer, cups02:15
ActionParsnipa_p3rson: install the LPR driver, then install the cupswrapper02:15
themonarchCan someone help me?02:15
Hilarie@km0201 :( how do I recover the password I set during installation?02:15
ActionParsnipthemonarch: ask and see02:15
KM0201Hilarie: you'll have to boot recovery mode... and change it.02:16
wcq222my god!I do not understand English~~02:16
HilarieThat sounds simple enough!02:16
themonarchI need my Ubuntu to access more memory from my 2tb external hard drive02:16
KM0201Hilarie: hang on a sec, i'll find you a link02:16
themonarchi think it only uses 3 or 4 gigs02:16
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KM0201Hilarie: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword02:17
speciesis it mounting properly on /media ?02:17
ActionParsnipthemonarch: you are mixing technologies dude, the 3-4Gb is your RAM, the 2Tb is your hard drive02:17
themonarchmy norm OS is vsta02:17
speciesthemonarch: actually thats a good point...02:17
butterflyi keep calm02:17
ActionParsnipthemonarch: can you clarify, rather than pointless ascii smilies02:17
KM0201Hilarie: this is why auto-login sucks... at least if you log in, you'll remember your password.02:17
themonarchsorry lol02:17
wcq222What country you belong to  ????02:17
delamanim having trouble with "sudo alien DBDesigner4-0.5.4-0.i586.rpm"  it creates a file then quickly deletes the .deb file.  im on a 64bit AMD02:18
themonarchIm running Vista and Ubuntu on my laptop02:18
mikebotIs there a faster way to download ubuntu (other than from the ubuntu website), like a torrent or anything?02:18
ActionParsnipthemonarch: that is moot02:18
FloodBot2wcq222: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:18
xanguamikebot: yes02:18
Hilarie@km0201 lol, I just installed it, I forgot it before using it the first time02:18
ActionParsnipthemonarch: is ubuntu not seeing all your RAM?02:18
butterflyhow about02:18
speciesthemonarch: you seem to be confused between RAM and disk volume02:18
themonarchmy hard drive is 200gigs and I have a 2tb ext hdd02:18
butterflydo you know chinese?02:18
nit-witmikebot, there are torrent links on the main site02:18
mikebotxangua: Where can I get the torrent file?02:18
mikebotnit-wit: Ah, thanks02:18
themonarchim not02:18
xanguamikebot: from ubuntu.com02:18
ActionParsnipthemonarch: what is your issue please02:19
mikebotxangua: Thank you02:19
JabberWalkiethemonarch, so your external drive is not mounting?02:19
speciesthemonarch: with the external disk mounted, type on the terminal   df -aH02:19
themonarchits telling me i have no more disk space when im tryng to dl stuff02:19
themonarchno its mounted02:19
themonarchthats what Ubuntu is installed on actually02:20
ActionParsnipthemonarch: ok so 1. What does that have to do with Vista  and  2, What does that have to do with RAM>02:20
themonarchyou brought up RAM, and it has nothng to do with vista ahah02:20
ActionParsnipthemonarch: can you use http://pastie.org   and give the output of:   df -h     thanks02:20
FloodBot2wcq222: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:20
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk02:20
RedLanceJust installed Ubuntu 10 Server on my file server.  OS is on a seperate 80gb drive.  It never asked me where to mount the storage drives...what's the easiest way to do that?  They all have exsisting data.02:20
FloodBot2butterfly: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:20
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wcq222qq duo shao???02:21
novaso i am having a problem with libdrm-nouveau1, it is trying to install from one repo, but it is already installed from another how can i get around this?02:21
novaany help would be greatly appreciated02:21
themonarchI just want to know how i can access the other 1.8tb so i can DL my stuff ;_;02:21
ActionParsnipthemonarch: can you run the commad and give the output02:21
HilarieThank you KM020102:21
speciesthemonarch: follow our instructions man02:21
themonarchwhat command?02:21
themonarchi mustve missed it02:21
speciesthemonarch: you know how to open a terminal? do so and type    df -ah02:21
ActionParsnipthemonarch: df -h02:22
ActionParsnip!ping | butterfly02:22
* edein Ping | Could not be resolved to an IP address02:22
ubottubutterfly: ping-pong, a fun game for all the family02:22
gpcbutterfly: please stop.02:22
sexcopterhi, i'm not familiar with bash scripting, if i call a command and want to do something based on the exit status, is there a standard way to do it>02:22
themonarchive done this02:22
speciesthemonarch: paste what it echos back to you into paste.ubuntu.com02:22
KM0201Hilarie: np, good luck w/ it02:22
speciesthen we can see just whats goin on with your drive02:23
ActionParsnipthemonarch: ok, copy the text, go to http://pastie.org   and hit the paste button on the page02:23
ActionParsnipthemonarch: copy the new address in the address bar and paste it here so we can see the text02:23
speciesthemonarch: just to clarify, did you say ubuntu is installed on the external hard disk?02:23
speciesthemonarch: well, line 14 indicates that your disk is working properly02:24
ActionParsnipthemonarch: ok cool, can you run:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; echo; dpkg -l | grep linux-image02:24
itaylor57sexcopter: $? holds the results of the last system command02:24
ActionParsnipthemonarch: what is the output?02:24
themonarch"no lsb modules are available"02:25
clavin12actionparsnip: Eh, the thread doesn't offer too much in the way of help.02:25
speciesthemonarch: there's more than that...02:25
themonarchwant me to pastie it agan?02:26
clavin12actionparsnip: I used some of the commands but still have no wireless.02:26
speciesthemonarch: yes02:26
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themonarchand sorry, my "I" button fucks up02:26
ActionParsnipclavin12: it seems to already have the driver in the OS. You could install ndisgtk and use the windows driver02:26
gpcthemonarch: please keep the language family friendly02:26
themonarchwoops, sorry again02:26
Niglopafter i burn a movie to disc, I open it up and it is all video ts and audio ts files, is there a way I can play it on my pc?02:27
speciesthemonarch: you can put all those commands on one line02:27
themonarchi did?02:27
speciesthemonarch: the ; makes sure they wait02:27
speciesoh, sorry, pastie didnt load right away :302:27
themonarchi put it all on the same line02:27
themonarchdidnt i?02:27
ActionParsnipthemonarch: you can free up 120Mb with:  sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get --purge remove linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove02:28
ActionParsnipthemonarch: yes, its all 1 command02:28
speciesActionParsnip: i dont think thats going to help; he wants to get the rest of his 2tb hdd02:28
daze21just curious... sometimes when I use wget for a webpage, I can't get the images. is there something I can do so the images will work?02:28
speciesActionParsnip: df indicates its mounting properly so the question is, why cant he access it all02:28
themonarchnow what did i just do?02:28
ActionParsnipspecies: true but it helps02:28
Niglopafter i burn a movie to disc, I open it up and it is all video ts and audio ts files, is there a way I can play it on my pc?02:28
ActionParsnipthemonarch: so is the 2Tb drive USB based?02:29
speciesActionParsnip: 120mb isnt worth a sneeze these days02:29
themonarchplugged into the USB port you mean, right?02:29
ActionParsnipthemonarch: you have 2 kernels, you only really need on02:29
Acid190Anyone here good with making they're own digital artwork?02:29
speciesunless you live perpetually in the 90's02:29
speciesActionParsnip: dude... thats not his main concern right now02:29
ActionParsnipspecies: if you have a netbook with 4Gb then it is, or installed to an SD card etc02:29
daze21just curious... sometimes when I use wget for a webpage, I can't get the images. is there something I can do so the images will work?02:29
specieshe can pick up crumbs later02:29
speciesActionParsnip: but those scenarios dont apply here02:30
ActionParsnipspecies: true, but it can be a significant lump of data02:30
ActionParsnipthemonarch: how does the drive attch?02:30
specieshis priority #1 is to make his disk work02:30
themonarchI plug it into my USB port?02:31
ActionParsnipspecies: notice how I'm addressing both issues....02:31
ActionParsnipthemonarch: wat is the issue with the drive?02:31
tripelbbNiglop you mean burn it to DVD, right. It should play with vlc or mplayer.02:31
Nigloptripelbb› how do i play it though its just a bunch of files02:31
themonarchNothing. I just want Ubuntu to access the other 1.8 tb so I can DL my stuff haha02:31
ActionParsnipthemonarch: download in what sense, apps or user data?02:32
clavin12actionparsnip: I believe I am using the windows driver. I got it directly from the windows system folders.02:32
tripelbbNiglop, when I buy a dvd it's just those kind of files too.02:32
themonarchuser data02:32
ActionParsnipthemonarch: then and how does the drive interface with the system?02:32
Nigloptripelbb› what do i click to play it02:32
themonarchI dont understand :/02:32
tripelbblet me put in a disk and see what I do. just a sec02:32
ActionParsnipclavin12: if you run:  sudo iwlist scan   do you see wireless networks?02:32
ActionParsnipthemonarch: how does the drive connect to the system? SATA? PATA? Firewire? USB?02:33
LoshkiNiglop: vlc should be able to play a dvd just fine...02:33
ActionParsnip!dvd | Niglop02:33
ubottuNiglop: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:33
clavin12actionparsnip: wlan doesn't even show up. only lo and eth002:33
ActionParsnipthemonarch: ok so when you connect the drive, do you see the partition in the places menu?02:33
clavin12actionparsnip: and they say "interface doesn't support scanning"02:34
themonarchi cant disconnect the drive.02:34
DatzHi, I am looking for a cd ripper. I think this is outdated -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping#Ubuntu%20Default%20CD%20Ripping%20Software  I don't think sound-juicer is installed by default anymore.  Is there an equivalent that is installed by default, or what package should I use?02:34
ActionParsnipclavin12: try:    sudo modprobe ndiswrapper    then rescan02:34
themonarchbecause Ubuntu is running off of it02:34
themonarchI think02:34
clavin12still nothing02:34
butterfly /join #ubuntu-cn02:34
butterflywhy not02:35
gpcno space02:35
rwwbutterfly: because you put a space in front of the command02:35
butterflyoh,my god02:35
clavin12Actionparsnip: keep in mind i'm using 9.1002:35
tripelbbNiglop, I went to computer, r-clicked on the diskimage. chose open with other program. chose VLC (and said remember this choice)02:35
Niglopthanks tripelbb but now hen i put a dvd in its not even showing up02:36
themonarchSpecies? Action Parsnip?02:36
nirivenyay, live desktop screenshot fun :) yay, live screenshots again!
speciesstill here02:36
themonarchhelp pl0x :(02:36
jasonoHi. Does anyone know how to use Blender?02:37
nirivenjason_m, #blender people do, ive used it as well02:37
Niglopjasono› #blender02:37
speciesthemonarch: im thinking... how come your disk is mounted as /host02:38
clavin12I installed the network administration package and my wireless interface does not show up.02:38
themonarchI dont know what that means..02:38
DatzWhat should I use as a cd ripper?02:38
clavin12Even though i installed the driver in ndiswrapper.02:38
tripelbbNiglop, this is really wierd so listen up. I got the dvd showing on the desktop BUT when I click or r-click I only get the folder. BUT when I go to places > dvd > R-click THEN I get the choice to "Open with other application"  -- this is one reason I call Ubuntu "not ready for prime time". --- You can ALSO open VLC and choose disc (under File)02:38
jasonoNiglop No one will help.02:38
specieswhen you did df -ah it showed that your hdd is /def/sdb1 and is mounted on /host02:38
speciesit indicated that the partition on it is the full size of the disk02:38
SnakkahHi. I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 and occasionally I notice certain letters will become squares, and it's becomine very irritating. Like right now, the lowercase v is a black square. How do I stop this? :(02:39
Nigloptripelbb now hen i put a dvd in its not even showing up02:39
tripelbbjasono when no one helps it's because no one knows. I have never used Blender tho I know what it is.02:39
speciesim curious as to what /host is for02:39
lewixwho use that archaic opera02:39
themonarchIdk? :(02:39
Niglopniriven› lol what game is that02:39
speciestry cd /host02:39
speciestripelbb: there is a blender channel on freenode02:40
gpcjasono: http://www.blender.org/education-help/tutorials/02:40
nirivenNiglop, starcraft 2, custom game :)02:40
themonarchyou mean type cd /host as a command in terminal02:40
tripelbbNiglop did you go to places, computer?  -- Now eventually your DVD-eye inside the drive will get dirty and not work. I cant tell if that happened or not. (BTW the CDeye and the DVDeye are separate and distinct even in the same drive02:40
speciesthemonarch: yes02:40
tripelbbjasono when no one helps it's because no one knows. I have never used Blender tho I know what it is. AND <species> tripelbb: there is a blender channel on freenode02:40
themonarchit said "/host$02:40
jasonogpc I do not have time. This is due tomorrow.02:40
themonarchand then wants me to type something02:40
Niglopill restart brb02:40
specieshit ctrl+c02:41
speciesyou did that wrong02:41
speciestry agian, "cd /host"02:41
jasonotripelbb I've tried #blender02:41
SnakkahHi. I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 and occasionally I notice certain letters will become squares, and it's becomine very irritating. Like right now, the lowercase v is a black square. How do I stop this? :(02:41
gpcjasono: we aren't here to do your homework and Blender support would be better in #blender02:41
themonarchsame thing02:41
no4how do i add repositiores so i can get a precompiled package for kdevelop02:42
gpcjasono: while you wait for answers to your questions in #blender you could be reading up on it at their site02:42
speciesthat makes no gd sense02:42
species1) the fact that its mounted on /host in the first place and 2) that it does that02:43
thechasanyone know anything about mp3blaster??02:43
themonarchanyway to fix?02:43
gpcno4: sudo apt-get install kdevelop02:43
bazhangthechas, you have a question about it? please ask02:43
speciesno idea, sorry02:43
no4haha oh yea02:44
no4i should of tried tht02:44
thechasbazhang: when i attempt to play a mp3 i get 'failed to open sound device'02:44
speciestype "ll /"02:44
speciesi want to see what else you have on /02:44
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clavin12Ndiswrapper gives me "cannot detect if hardware is present"02:45
clavin12Whbat should I do?02:45
no4guten tag02:46
Mokstar_So, I'm messing with xubuntu livecd's02:46
paultag!de | no402:46
ubottuno4: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.02:46
paultagno4: alles gut :)02:46
Mokstar_using the Universal USB installer on windows02:46
no4i dont speak german i just saw hallo haha i know thts german02:47
KM0201!xubuntu | Mokstar_02:47
ubottuMokstar_: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels02:47
Mokstar_putting it onto an SD card02:47
paultagno4: ah, we get lots of germans :)02:47
themonarchDoes this gibberish mean anything to you, Species?02:47
Mokstar_how do I edit the startup so that it boots right in to the OS rather than hitting the "try ubuntu, install ubuntu" menu02:47
speciesbut its all pretty standard except for /host02:47
KM0201Mokstar_: you can't, its a live cd, thats what its designed to do.02:47
Mokstar_so what you're telling me02:47
clavin12How might I go about fixing the "cannot detect if hardware is present" error in ndiswrapper with my netgear wna3100 adapter.02:48
boldfilterwhats xubuntu? is that gnome?02:48
Mokstar_is that there is no possible way of editing it to boot right into the persistent OS02:48
speciesMokstar_: take the CD out of the drive :P02:48
speciesMokstar_: you left the CD in the drive despite being told not to02:48
clavin12boldfilter: no, xfce02:48
KM0201Mokstar_: i'm not telling you there's no way, what i'm telling you, is if you want to create your own live cd, have at it.02:48
Mokstar_err, no, not CD02:48
Mokstar_sorry, wasn't clear02:48
sacarlsonclavin12: you sure you need ndiswrapper?  what device do you have?  sudo lshw | pastebinit02:48
EO_Is there any way to tell ubuntu to NOT use GPT on 2TB disks?  My BIOS can't handle it.02:48
KM0201Mokstar_: stop hitting enter every 3 words02:48
boldfilterclavin12: so different from kde, gnome?02:48
clavin12boldfilter: yes, faster02:49
no4what c++ compiler do u guys recommend02:49
AbhijiTi have 10.10 cd image. and i want to add ubuntu manual to this image such that in live cd and after installation that ubuntu manual should appear in the desktopl02:49
AbhijiThow to do that?02:49
KM0201clavin12: i guess thats a matter up for debate... xfce has gotten very bloated over the last few years.. it's not much different from gnome02:49
AbhijiTi have acetoneiso02:49
themonarchspecies should i try unpluging my ext hdd?02:50
AbhijiTin which foldershould i put that manual?02:50
themonarchsee if that changes anything?02:50
speciesthemonarch: i wouldnt, if thats what you are booting from02:50
boldfilterwhats the command to install xfce02:50
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clavin12km0201: on my 256 mb laptop it's much faster than gnome02:50
speciesif only *cough* somebody knew why it was mounting on /host *cough*02:50
Acid190Trying to read the tuts on installing a .tgz file, but I can't get it. Help?02:50
themonarchcan i change that?02:50
KM0201clavin12: i dunno... not really been my experience the last few years...  especially with Ubuntu/Xubuntu... but glad its working for you02:51
speciesdo "ls /media" for me a second02:51
Da_WreckaQuestion; How do I find the password for the actual root account on UNE Lucid? Because I'm trying to install a Lexmark printer driver and entering my OWN password isn't cutting it.02:51
specieserm ll02:51
species"ll /media"02:51
sexcopteritaylor57, thanks for answer earlier (I went afk). So if I want something to ping an address with a single and wait a second repeatedly until I get a response, how would it look? maybe...  while [ $(ping -c 1 <host> $?) = 1 ] do sleep 1 done?02:51
gpcDa_Wrecka: there is no root password02:51
clavin12km0201: it helps if you don't use compositing02:51
themonarchit says "OS" in blue letters02:51
sexcoptersingle packet*02:51
KM0201clavin12: well yeah..02:51
cjhmdmhello, I have 2 servers that I'm accessing via KVMoIP. On one server, I am able to boot from the attached ubuntu minimal iso (mini.iso) and install ubuntu just fine, on the other, when I boot from mini.iso, "linux" loads fine, then "initrd.gz" loads fine (..... ready). But once that's done I get a kernel panic that says "kernel panic - not syncing: no init found. Try passing init= option to...02:52
cjhmdm...kernel". Any ideas on how I can overcome this?02:52
gpcDa_Wrecka: you can do " sudo -i " to get extended sudo privs02:52
J_CDa_Wrecka: you have to create one if you want one.02:52
* Mokstar_ goes to ask in #xubuntu instead.02:52
J_Cor sudo su -02:52
speciesthemonarch: that sounds like the windows partition02:52
Da_WreckaBlah. Oh well. Not the end of the world I suppose... Running the installer from a terminal with sudo should do the trick, I hope02:52
themonarchblue OS means windows?02:53
speciesnothing out of the ordinary there either02:53
speciesnothing to do with windows, thats how ll is colouring things02:53
themonarchmaybe erase and reinstall?02:53
clavin12sacarlson: http://pastebin.com/tQCCfYCX02:54
specieswhy the frick would a drive mount as /host02:54
speciesthemonarch: the normal way to dual boot is to split the internal HDD of the laptop02:54
Da_Wreckaoh joy. Sudo isn't working; All I get is "command not found", WHILE executing from the directory containing the file, AND after having chmod +x'd the file in question02:54
speciesthemonarch: the installer makes this easy as pie02:54
themonarchi saved it to my external02:54
edbianspecies, live cd ?02:54
themonarchand ran it off my external02:54
speciesDa_Wrecka: ./nameoffile02:54
speciesedbian: he's booting off a hard disk02:55
speciesedbian: for some reason its giving him almost no disk space on /home even though he has a 2tb disk available02:55
rwwspecies: /host is what Wubi mounts the Windows partition as when it's set up02:55
specieswindows partition?02:56
specieswait a minute02:56
speciesthemonarch: are you running in wubi? or booting natively02:56
Da_WreckaOh. Nevermind, my mistake. Archive Manager put the .sh in a directory it made, WITHIN the directory I was trying to execute from02:56
themonarchwhat in gods name is wubi?02:56
themonarchor bootng natively02:56
speciesit lets you run ub on top of windows02:56
Da_WreckaSo I was, futilely, trying to execute a directory that I thought was a shell script02:56
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe02:56
edbianspecies, themonarch hahahaha02:56
AbhijiTI have 10.10 cd iso image. I want to add ubuntu manual to this iso image such that, after burning this iso image to cd, in live cd mode and after installation that ubuntu manual should appear in the desktop. I am using acetoneISO.02:56
Acid190themonarch: it's like daemon tools02:57
Acid190i think02:57
speciesedbian: this explains a few things, but unfortunatley my knowledge ends here... I find the existence of wubi offensive and confusing :|02:57
themonarchdaemon tools?02:57
feydcan someone explain what a hard link is?02:57
Acid190daemon tools is a virtual drive, makes your computer think there is a dvd drive when there isn't02:57
themonarchim not too too knowledgeable on computers02:57
edbianspecies, I don't disagree with your opinion of wubi02:57
edbianthemonarch, no worries.  So is this wubi?  Did you install this while windows was running?02:58
pythondoes anyone else get a this when they run netstat02:58
themonarchi can boot in windows or ubuntu whenever  want, like i have both..02:58
pythonunix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     3950     /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket02:58
pythonunix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     394902:58
pythonunix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     393602:58
pythonunix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     393502:58
pythonunix  3      [ ]         DGRAM                    293702:58
pythonunix  3      [ ]         DGRAM                    293602:58
FloodBot2python: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:58
* KM0201 thinks Ubuntu should drop wubi02:58
speciesedbian: I think it springs from the mistaken believe that ubuntu is somehow going to save the world by making our grannies use ub instead of windows02:59
thiebaudeKM0201, i have to agree with that02:59
edbianthemonarch, I know that.  I'm asking, when you installed, did you run the installer from inside windows?  Or did you boot the cd ?02:59
themonarchinside windows i think. i didnt use a CD or anyrhing02:59
sacarlsonclavin12: only network device I see is RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+  an ethernet device so what device do you plan to use ndiswraper on?02:59
KM0201thiebaude: it's fine to "try" ubuntu.. but to many think it's safe to just keep and use regularly.. and removing it, is often a huge pain.  I was helping a guy most of the weekend who couldn't get wubi removed, despite following all the instructions on the forums, ubuntu.com etc.02:59
clavin12sacarlson: oh darn, srry it was unplagged at the time.03:00
Da_WreckaGod dammit, Lexmark! It would be nice if you'd tell me about prerequisites BEFORE I waste time trying to install the thing without!03:00
edbianthemonarch, You never burned a cd?  Then you are using wubi.  Wubi is a special installer that lets you install Ubuntu as if it were a window application. (but lets you boot into it normally)  There is a file on your windows partition that acts as Ubuntu's harddrive.  That file is limiting your size.03:00
thiebaudeKM0201, i tried it before ,few years ago03:00
EO_python: yes.  they're unix domain sockets.  they're normal.03:00
clavin12sacarlson; oh waite no it wasn't03:00
sacarlsonclavin12: ya they work much better when you plug them in03:00
rwwKM0201: I can't remember ever seeing someone on #ubuntu say good things about Wubi :|03:00
Da_WreckaFirst it whinges that I don't have a JRE installed. I solve that problem and NOW it's whinging that I don't have XSane installed03:00
themonarchHow do i fix that?03:00
KM0201rww: lol03:00
pythonThanks EQ03:00
themonarchinstall from Cd or USB?03:00
KM0201thiebaude: i've never personally tried it... just have helped people try to remove it, or fix the mess that happens if they try to "upgrade" wubi.03:01
AbhijiTI have 10.10 cd iso image. I want to add ubuntu manual to this iso image such that, after burning this iso image to cd, in live cd mode and after installation that ubuntu manual should appear in the desktop. I am using acetoneISO.03:01
AbhijiTI wanted to know the location in iso image where to add the manual.03:01
clavin12sacarlson: I suppose that's part of my problem then.03:01
thiebaudeKM0201, my problem before was trying to get it off the windows boot loader03:01
clavin12sacarlson: It's a usb device.03:02
thiebaudewhen it ask for choice of windows or ubuntu,lol03:02
KM0201thiebaude: yeah... unfortunately, it's a common issue.03:02
edbianthemonarch, You can make the file bigger, I'm not sure how (just google it).  A proper install would also fix the problem.03:02
thiebaudethats after i uninstalled it,lol03:02
Da_WreckaOh well, at least the printer software is installed03:02
edbianthemonarch, What is the ultimate problem / goal here?03:02
Da_WreckaKind of interesting really, I was under the impression Lexmark had a pretty poor reputation when it came to Linux support03:02
themonarchi have a 2tb external hard drive, and i want to use that space but Ubuntu wouldnt let me lol03:02
KM0201thiebaude: yeah, there's some registry editing you can do to remove the wubi menu if it doesn't remove upon uninstall.03:02
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clavin12sacarlson: lsusb: 0846:902003:03
thiebaudeKM0201, Now its ubuntu only and a fresh install03:03
bazhangthemonarch, you want to move the wubi? expand it? please clarify03:03
edbianthemonarch, you have to partition the harddrive.  Ubuntu cannot be installed on NTFS partitions03:03
themonarchif i do a proper install, do i have to start over wth ubuntu again?03:03
thechashow do i fix 'failed to open sound device' in mp3blaster03:03
thiebaudebeen using ubuntu since 6.06 :)03:03
bazhangthemonarch, please answer my question03:03
* thiebaude macbuntu03:04
edbianthemonarch, no but it is not 'easy' to transfer the data you have03:04
KM0201thiebaude: to me, the bigger issue is, when wubi breaks(especially the bootloader) it hoses both OS's.. and it's hard to fix cuz you can't boot either one, and the live cd doesn't realy have many of the tools necessary to fix wubi.... at least w grub.. you'll likely always be able to boot at least 1 OS, and even if you can't, the live CD has the tools to fix many grub problems03:04
themonarchit said i was out of space03:04
themonarchand i got confused03:04
themonarchbecause i have 2 tb03:04
bazhangthemonarch, then expand it. there is a tool for it03:04
thiebaudeKM0201, yep03:04
bazhangthemonarch, let me get you the link03:04
themonarchplease and thank you03:04
thiebaudewhat i did for a clean format of everything03:05
thiebaudethat was 2 years ago03:05
thechaswhat am i missing03:05
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#head-c1b3095de0e43733f9336427bb90d7ef322de99c themonarch03:05
Da_WreckaOh yeah, while I'm here; I've also run into a rather annoying problem; Basically, I once set my netbook's power scheme to Performance, and shut the netbook down some time after. Now, every time I boot Ubuntu, it starts in Performance, even if I set it to Conservative or Ondemand before I shut down. Anyone have a fix?03:06
bazhanghttp://lubi.sourceforge.net/lvpm.html themonarch03:06
themonarchthanks, bazhang03:06
themonarchbut ll probably just delete Ubuntu, and start agan the proper way03:07
edbianthemonarch, not a bad idea ;)03:07
themonarchdo I have to have a cd03:07
themonarchor a usb or ..03:07
edbianthemonarch, you don't HAVE to have a cd or usb but those are the easiest methods03:07
themonarchthanks a bunch to everyone who helped me03:08
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent03:08
themonarchhopefully ill be back on Ubuntu soon! :D03:08
* Da_Wrecka uses CDs or DVDs, but then he has a USB DVD-writer, so he doesn't have to worry about whether the system has such a drive03:08
clavin12sacarlson: hello?03:08
factotumdumb question, how can i find out how much memory my laptops video card has?03:08
thiebaudeDa_Wrecka, same here :)03:08
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Da_Wreckagood question factotum... I did find an answer a while back. Unfortunately I've forgotten since then.03:08
Ahrotahnteethis is beginning to piss me off; Has anyone experienced conky not displaying up/down speed for network ifaces that do exist?03:09
factotumDa_Wrecka: fantastic!03:09
Acid190factotum: you using ubuntu i take it?03:10
AbhijiTno oneee03:10
Da_Wreckafactotum: Try typing the following in a terminal: lspci -s -v 00:02.003:10
Da_Wreckaonly snag is, I'm not sure if the memory it reports is dedicated memory, or AGP/PCIe memory the adapter can access, but isn't actually dedicated03:11
knix_need some help on playing revenge of the titans on 10.10.  When I open the game it spans across both of my monitors.  How can I open it on one?03:11
AbhijiTI have 10.10 cd iso image. I want to add ubuntu manual to this iso image such that, after burning this iso image to cd, in live cd mode and after installation that ubuntu manual should appear in the desktop. I am using acetoneISO.03:11
AbhijiTI wanted to know the location in iso image where to add the manual.03:11
Da_WreckaOn my Acer Aspire One netbook it reports 256MB03:11
bazhangAbhijiT, remaster it03:11
AbhijiTbazhang, 'how'?03:11
Da_Wreckawhich seems a little high, considering this is a netbook03:11
bazhang!remaster | AbhijiT03:12
ubottuAbhijiT: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility03:12
AbhijiTbazhang, ok03:12
markosowhats a easy gui to svn like tortoise03:13
Assihello, anyone around that knows a thing or 2 about wireless drivers and laptop errors on ubuntu?03:13
cjhmdmhello, I have 2 servers that I'm accessing via KVMoIP. On one server, I am able to boot from the attached ubuntu minimal iso (mini.iso) and install ubuntu just fine, on the other, when I boot from mini.iso, "linux" loads fine, then "initrd.gz" loads fine (..... ready). But once that's done I get a kernel panic that says "kernel panic - not syncing: no init found. Try passing init= option to...03:13
cjhmdm...kernel". Any ideas on how I can overcome this? I've tried downloading a fresh copy as well as verify the checksum but no luck03:13
yachtpartyWhere is libpthread.so? the version in /usr/lib is tiny (~200 bytes) ?03:14
bazhanghttp://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8299701 markoso03:15
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markosoty bazhang03:15
thechasanyone have experience with mp3blaster03:18
Acid190tut for installing tarball files?03:19
nexehIm on Ubuntu 10.04. Was having sound issues (short sotry is it worked before, stoped working, hardware showing in preferences but nothing in input or output) it was suggested that upgrade to the latest and greatest ALSA which i did and the should works BUT now my graphics are dead.. if i boot normally it just stay at a black screen and no matter what i do ()including ntrl alt F2)03:19
nexehnow im booting into failsafe grafics from the recovery setting in grub03:20
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imstroneis there any 64 bit version of ubuntu? i have 4GB ram in my box.03:20
techhelper1imstrone: try going to the ubuntu site03:20
bazhangimstrone, yes03:20
KM0201imstrone: of course, but the 32bit... it'll install the PAE kernel if you have over 3gigs of ram... so it will see all your ram.03:21
techhelper110.10, then the 64-bit in the drop downs03:21
* KM0201 just doesn't think 64bit is worth the hassle.03:22
Da_WreckaKM0201: With Windows, I'm inclined to agree. Linux though, I'm not seeing the problem.03:22
hdonhi all :) where does my PGP key get stored?03:22
Castoramais it possible to launch VB.NE app into ubuntu?03:22
mythidQuestion for someone knowledgable03:23
AbhijiT!wine | Castorama03:23
ubottuCastorama: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu03:23
imstronethanks guys, I am downloading the 64 bit 10.10 version.. will update you guys03:23
KM0201Da_Wrecka: same problems.. web plugins, etc..03:23
Blueleafany one of you smart guys know how to get mp3blaster to work03:23
nexehIm on Ubuntu 10.04. Was having sound issues (short sotry is it worked before, stoped working, hardware showing in preferences but nothing in input or output) it was suggested that upgrade to the latest and greatest ALSA which i did and the should works BUT now my graphics are dead.. if i boot normally it just stay at a black screen and no matter what i do ()including ntrl alt F2)03:23
Da_WreckaKM0201: Maybe that's WHY I don't see the issue... I don't care much about web plugins03:23
jgruberhdon: .gnupg in your home directory03:23
hdonCastorama, there is Mono, but not all .NET libs are free (as in beer) and implementations for Linux/X do not exist. WINE is also an option, as AbhijiT pointed out03:23
hdonjgruber, thanks03:23
KM0201Da_Wrecka: possibly but for me.. thats just one of the issues03:23
Da_WreckaAlthough in fairness, I've not used 64-bit Linux that much...03:24
mythidCan anyone help me?03:24
Da_WreckaI have Ubuntu 10.10 x64 installed on a computer in my bedroom, but I don't use that machine much03:24
hdonhow can i produce a plain text copy of my public key? is the file pubring.gpg my public key?03:24
Castoramahdon yes but when i launch my app with wine, nothing appears..03:24
mythidwhy does my lbuntu lock up everytime i try to join my wifi network?03:24
hdonCastorama, :(03:25
Castoramainstall the Windows version of Mono to run .NET executables03:25
Castoramahow to make this pleas03:25
KM0201#lubuntu mythid03:25
hdonCastorama, Mono is an open source implementation of .NET03:25
Castoramaapt-get install mono?03:26
hdonCastorama, i don't think there's a "Windows version of Mono" unless i misunderstand you03:26
hdonCastorama, try apt-cache search mono03:26
jgruberhdon: gnupg has various options for importing and exporting keys, like the -a option for keys for ascii representation of keys03:26
hdonCastorama, try apt-cache search mono|less03:26
StarminnHow can I create an installation CD from a Windows (Dell) Recovery partition? (03:26
Starminn(The various forums of the not are not fo much use. If you could point me in the right direction anyway it'd be appreciated)03:26
hdonjgruber, i think i just have a lot to learn about the gpg command line tool. i will take the time to read it. thanks for helping with my questions :)003:26
Castoramahdon Package mono is not available, but is referred to by another package03:27
jgruberhdon: it's so complicated I have to read the man page every time03:27
hdonjgruber, heh03:27
nicolaushey guys03:28
StarminnIs it possible to create a Windows installation CD (for virtual machine) from a Dell Recovery Partition?03:29
nicolausim installing ubuntu on a next computer and its saying can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs can some plz tell me how to fix this03:29
julio_nights, can someone help me understand the $DISPLAY env var?03:30
julio_i've got 2 screens and keeps telling :0.003:30
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mythidCan anyone just tell me in general why my computer would lock up when i try to join a wifi network.... nobody is answering on lubuntu chat03:31
nicolauscan not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs can some plz tell me how to fix this03:31
sacarlsonclavin12:  looks like your stuck with ndiswraper there is no support in linux for the BCM94323 chip that I can find.  continue to work on ndis,  I don't support that03:32
pythonIs Getting Linux Certifications Like Linux+, and RedHat going to hold weight in the job market 2 years fron now03:32
bazhangpython, #ubuntu-offtopic please03:32
jgruberjulio_, every virtual terminal should have a separate display identification03:32
bazhangStarminn, try in ##windows03:33
StarminnGotcha, thanks. =) Just needed a point in the right direction.03:33
mythidCan anyone just tell me in general why my computer would lock up when i try to join a wifi network.... nobody is answering on lubuntu chat03:33
mythidAnyone ever had linux lock up when joining wifi before?03:34
julio_jgruber, you reffer to the ttys?03:34
jgruberjulio_: when a program, or sets of programs run the DISPLAY variable matches the X program running in the virtual terminal you want. Mostly it's automatic, usually.03:34
ejvyet another spin off eh?03:34
drthothi couldnt even get my wifi to work last night03:34
ejvahh lxde03:35
mythidYea its lubuntu but it has done it on other distros on my laptop03:35
mythidit just locks up03:35
mythidit recognizes my network and i click it but then it locks upo03:35
drthothI have a broadcom 4306r2 14e4:4320, installed b43-legacy, enabled the proprietary driver, rebooted. wlan0 show sup, gets mac, and ip but can't route and it's rated @ 1Mbps. It also gives me an error with an alas in jockey.log03:35
MathuinMy system (10.10 amd64 desktop) spends a *lot* of time in wait (as seen by top) when doing certain things.  What can I do to fix this?03:35
ejvmythid: ok so that's really really general, include the hardware you're using, the driver you're system is using, then ask the question all over again.03:36
julio_jgruber, maybe you can lend me a hand on this. I have a laptop with an lcd attached to it (no all the time) and since i setted separated screens instead of the same on both Conky is not displaying well03:36
mythidIts a very very old computer. On ubuntu 5.04 i got it to work03:36
tehbautis there any way to get details on which files are being processed when copying in nautilus?03:36
jgruberjulio_: yes, each virtual terminal has a separate tty number matching a similar vt number. Usually your stuff starts on vt7 (virtual terminal 7) related to device /dev/tty7, which usually starts out with as DISPLAY=:0.0. Actually the DISPLAY variable in the environment of a running X program or set of programs in a session could include an IP address and could make the output appear on an X session on a separate computer--not often seen with Ub03:37
jgruberuntu, though.03:37
ejvpython: try #ubuntu-offtopic03:38
mikebotCan someone help me witha  failed USB bootable thing?03:39
julio_jgruber, lend me a minute, i want to show you what's happening :D03:39
MathuinIs it possible to put /dev/shm on a ramdisk or is that just crazy?03:40
rewtthat's crazy03:40
Mathuinrewt: thanks for the sanity check.03:41
Dead_Storagehow can i update from 10.04 to 10.10 without reinstalling03:41
derklempnershared memory on a RAMdisk?  maybe a *bit* crazy...03:41
bazhang!upgrade | Dead_Storage please have a read03:41
ubottuDead_Storage please have a read: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade03:41
ray_hi all03:42
Mathuinderklempner: I'd rather put it on an SSD, actually, but I don't have one on the shelf.03:42
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ray_can someone tell me how to install the widget layer in ccsm?03:43
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chaospsychexMathuin: do they make 1tb ramdisks? how much do they cost?03:43
EO_Woohoo, got the GPT hell converted into MBR on a 2TB drive.  Now BIOS is happy and booty.03:43
Mathuinchaospsychex: I could probably make one for you if you gave me a million dollars...03:43
derklempnerMathuin: does that also mean you'll delete your swap?03:43
chaospsychexMathuin: how big is your ramdisk ?03:44
chaospsychexLOL sorry that just sounds wrong03:44
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:44
Mathuinchaospsychex: RIght now I don't have one, but I could spare a gig of this machine's RAM for it if the /dev/shm stuff would fit.03:44
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jgruberjulio_: I missed your message from 12 minutes ago. I see it now. Sorry. Let me think03:48
mythidhey guys is there a reason why my linux laptop keeps locking up and turning the caps lock icon on and off03:48
Blueleaftrying to get mp3blaster working03:49
KM0201Blueleaf: whats mp3 blaster?03:49
julio_jgruber, http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/5668/pantallazowv.png take a look on this03:50
BlueleafKM0201: good to see you again, mp3blaster is a cli mp3 player03:50
sacarlsonmythid: I think that indicates a kernel panic condition03:50
derklempnerKM0201: mp3blaster is a command-line audio player... http://mp3blaster.sourceforge.net/03:50
KM0201derklempner: oh ok..03:50
mythidsacarlson: is there a way to fix it?03:50
KM0201!info mp3blaster03:50
ubottump3blaster (source: mp3blaster): Full-screen console mp3 and Ogg Vorbis player. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.2.5-3 (maverick), package size 198 kB, installed size 648 kB03:51
KM0201hmm, its in the repositories.03:51
jgruberjulio_: I'm no expert on this, but I think even if you set up your displays as separate "screens" in the appearance control panel, it becomes part of the same X desktop and therefore the same X screen. I may very well be wrong, or may be misunderstanding what you are saying. I also don't know what Conky is. I may not be much help :-(03:51
sacarlsonmythid: have you made any changes as of late?03:51
mythidsacarlson: i installed lubuntu istead of ubuntu 5.9403:51
BlueleafKM0201: when i try to play i get 'faile to open audio device'03:51
Dead_Storagewill going from 10.04 to 10.10 cause me to loose any settings/data03:52
KM0201Blueleaf: no idea on that one...03:52
sacarlsonmythid: and with ubuntu 5.94 it ran ok for days?03:52
xanguaDead_Storage: why would¿03:52
bazhangDead_Storage, not really03:52
derklempnerDead_Storage: it shouldn't, as it doesn't affect your settings stored in the /home directory03:52
RedLanceJust installed Ubuntu 10 Server on my file server.  OS is on a seperate 80gb drive.  It never asked me where to mount the storage drives...what's the easiest way to do that?  They all have exsisting data.03:52
bastidrazorjulio_: you can alt right click and drag conky around03:53
jgruberjulio_: that image you posted looks like a bug to me, not some configuration problem. I'd suggest you report in as an X bug to start with with the problem reporting tool to get it in launchpad and then attach the image. What version of Ubuntu are you running?03:53
julio_jgruber, conky is a system monitor, you can see it in the left screen (smaller one) on the screenshot03:53
BlueleafKM0201: thats not good...03:53
sacarlsonmythid: reason I ask is I get this problem with memory failures,  but if it worked before I guess it's software03:53
chaospsychexcan ubuntu use multiple PCs acting as one sing computer?03:53
derklempnerRedLance: you can edit fstab to mount the other drives and partitions at bootup03:53
chaospsychexover ethernet ?03:53
chaospsychex*single computer03:54
derklempner!info beowulf03:54
ubottuPackage beowulf does not exist in maverick03:54
RedLancederklempner, Ok, but I'm having trouoble figuring out the UUID's...it dosen't show /dev/sda at all03:54
julio_bastidrazor, not really... is setted as somewhat part of the background not as a windows03:54
derklempnerRedLance: how many disks, and how many partitions?03:54
tehbautis there any way to get details on which files are being processed when copying in nautilus?03:54
bastidrazorjulio_: i drag mine around.03:54
julio_bastidrazor, well, trust me i'm trying but it wont move :p03:55
RedLance5 disks, and 8 partitions03:55
RedLancederklempner, 5 disks and 8 partitions03:55
KM0201Blueleaf: any particular reason it must be CLI?.. there's plenty of "small" media players that have a GUI.03:55
mythidsacarlson: yea with ubuntu 5.04 it worked forever with the pmcia card\03:56
sacarlsonchaospsychex: they have packages that support using a team of computers to solve math problems but I don't know if they have any setup to support all applications03:56
RedLancederklempner, Including the OS drive.03:56
bastidrazorjulio_: pastebin your .conkyrc03:56
mythidsacarlson: i just wanted to upadte so i get the latest repositories03:56
mythidsacarlson: and now when i click my wifi network it just locks up my mouse and everything03:56
BlueleafKM0201: im just like doing everything on the cl, im old fashioned03:57
jgruberjulio_: what's the text at the left of the image?03:57
Psyclonemy external hard drive is acting up, everytime i log in, it mounts when i double click on the GUI, but it will not STAY mounted, is there a way to fix that?03:57
sacarlsonmythid: well must be software then,  or maybe just run out of mem?  you have a swap partition setup?03:57
mythidsacarlson: no it's just an entire partition install03:57
derklempnerRedLance: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab03:57
RedLancederklempner, Thanks03:57
julio_bastidrazor, one sec03:57
sacarlsonmythid: well that might cause a problem if you don't have swap and with limited mem if you run out there is nothing much the system can do but crash03:58
derklempnerRedLance: so where you see "UUID" in fstab, you'd put in the drive's /dev path: i.e., /dev/sdb1 or /dev/sdc203:58
mythidsacarlson: you really think that joining a wifi network can use up all my memory? plus lubuntu is supposed to be really light03:58
bastidrazorderklempner: RedLance just use the UUID's .. sudo blkid  will give you each partitions UUID03:58
mythidsacarlson: it runs fast too until i join the network it locks up03:58
julio_jgruber, the white text on the left half of the small screen is part of conky, as the column (of wich you'll see bottom half) on the right of that same screen03:58
sacarlsonmythid: when it is running can you run the command top or htop to see what you have left?03:59
WXZubuntu keeps telling me I have 3.something MB left03:59
WXZbut Gparted says I have 70003:59
derklempnerbastidrazor: he can use the UUIDs, too, but sometimes it's just easier to use the device path instead03:59
RedLancebastidrazor, I've been trying that, but it leaves off the system drive /dev/sda...though I think that's because it's got LVM on it03:59
sacarlsonmythid: it's not as light as things were back in 5.04,  only one way to find out....look and see03:59
sacarlsonmythid: then it could also be a problem you have with the network drivers?  or is it you open a browser when it crashes?04:00
julio_bastidrazor, http://pastebin.com/WnmgV4Yi there you go04:00
mythidsacarlson: no i dont even have to open up the browser04:01
RedLancebastidrazor, Oh, no...it's leaving off my 1.5TB drive04:01
sacarlsonmythid: well that narrows it down a bit then,  could be the nic driver,  what else opens at the time?04:01
LoshkiRedLance: can you pastebin the output of 'sudo fdisk -l' ?04:02
Philippemmm hi?04:02
RedLanceLoshki, Think I figured it out...I thought I had made a FS on the big drive...but according to fdisk, I haven't04:02
Philippeim having an issue with an sd card04:03
fubadahi :P /tmp contents doesnt survive reboot in ubunty?04:03
fubadaseems to be like it got wiped after a reboor04:03
RedLanceLoshki, http://pastebin.com/wMAaLaSF04:03
jgruberfubada: yes /tmp is cleared on most unix-like systems (all that I know of) that's what is temporary about it04:04
fubadashit :P04:04
fubadathere goes my perfect openwrt kernel config04:04
jgruberfubada: sorry04:04
fubadanp, the behavior is different in debian 5/centos04:04
Loshkifubada: /tmp is usually wiped on reboot. Sometimes it's not even on a real disk...04:04
fubadak Vilki04:05
fubadai mean Loshki04:05
bastidrazorjulio_: i see, you have the whole screen using conky.. that looks horrible :(04:05
StarminnUsing GParted I can view all partitions. Browsing via a manager, /dev/sda does not exist.04:05
derklempner!ask Philippe04:05
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StarminnWhere would partitions be stored in the filesystem?04:05
Philippeim pretty new04:06
derklempnerPhilippe: just ask your question  :)04:06
fubadahow pretty are you?04:06
rwwubottu: ot | fubada04:06
ubottufubada: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:06
bastidrazorjulio_: and no wonder.. it is seeing the top of the screen as the height of the 2nd since it is taller.04:07
sacarlsonStarminn: partition table is normaly stored in around the first 512 bytes on the disk drive04:07
chigginsHey, can anyone help me setup my server to join with Active Directory?04:07
Philippeso i formatted an sd card and i  put some files on it , then i took it out an put it back in and icant put any new files on it04:08
derklempnerPhilippe: are you trying to put the new files into an existing directory on the card?04:09
Philippelike a folder? yeah04:09
Philippei could tell you  the error i get but i got my computer in spanish04:10
Philippei could set it in english and check04:10
julio_bastidrazor, ...likes or dislikes it was the first .conky i've liked :p04:11
derklempnerPhilippe: what user name are you using, and what user owns the directory you're trying to copy the files into?04:11
bastidrazorjulio_: line 73 add a comment.  #alignment top_left then uncomment line 75.. alignment bottom_left .. that should get it back down04:11
pooshwalterUSA! USA!04:12
pooshwalterUSA! USA! USA!04:12
pooshwalterUSA! USA! USA! USA!04:12
FloodBot2pooshwalter: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:12
Philippefelipe and the owner of the is felipe too04:12
pankajmhow can i symlink my public_html to apache root so that the homepage on root directly ready from my public_html?04:12
rwwpooshwalter: Stop that.04:12
derklempnerPhilippe: and the permissions on the folder?  what are they set to?04:12
prod_hi guys, Im having a bt of trouble with my ftp server. If i create user with useradd i cant connect with that user. but when adduser is used the user is then allowed ftp access. the reason i need to use useradd is because i am building a perl programme which automatically makes user accounts and ftp access. any help will be most appreciated.04:13
julio_bastidrazor, that's more like it but i'll have to modify the rest of it as now i've got and inch of free space up :p04:14
Philippewait am changing my computer to english if you dont mind cause am kinda bad at translating   il be back soon04:15
julio_bastidrazor, when this started happening i considered switching to some less invasive horizontal bar at the top04:15
bastidrazorjulio_: line 340 add a few more empty lines. that should raise the right text04:16
jgruberjulio_ and bastidrazor: isn't it supposed to appear in a window rather than appearing in the background (maybe it's my eyes :-)04:16
mikebotCan someone help me troubleshoot an ubuntu usb stick problem? WHen I boot to USB, I /briefly/ see some symbol at the bottom of the screen, and then it goes into like a command prompt screen, a bunch of stuff scrolls, and then it just freezes... any ideas?04:17
bastidrazorjgruber: psuedo transparency is the a feature of conky.04:17
sacarlsonprod_: so you mean the user has to login one time before they can access your ftp site?04:17
jgruberbastidrazor and julio_: sorry. I didn't know that04:18
bastidrazorjulio_: getting a better .conkyrc would be a better idea.. why you are interested in seeing /var/log/messages on the desktop is a mystery to me.04:18
julio_jgruber, no prob04:18
Loshkiprod_: can you run diff -r on the two user's home directories (one which works and one which doesn't) to see if it gives you any clues...04:18
julio_bastidrazor, well for a while it was kinda fun... it came with the script, now i rarely pay atention to it except when i plug in my 3g modem lol :p04:19
pooshwalterUSA! USA!04:19
sacarlsonprod_: oh IC the adduser command works but the useradd doesn't,  why can't perl just use the adduser then?04:19
GnomeAroundPsh, bored.04:19
pooshwalterUSA! USA! USA!04:19
FloodBot2pooshwalter: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:19
pooshwalterUSA! USA! USA! USA!04:19
bastidrazorrww: pad those stats some more..04:19
chaospsychexwow that was weird04:20
rwwpooshwalter: Three strikes and you're out. Just FYI.04:20
prod_sacarlson: Yes i need users to be added by my perl programme and so far i am only able to addusers with useradd. But when i use useradd the corresponding ftp account isnt created. However when i use adduser the ftp account is created automatically along with the unix account. I have try every ftp server available for ubuntu and all yield the same results.04:20
pooshwalterkk rww04:20
pooshwalterUSA! USA!04:21
pooshwalterUSA! USA! USA!04:21
FloodBot2pooshwalter: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:21
prod_with adduser i am unable to state username and password within the same line04:21
baslisksmy wife's netbook crashed04:22
baslisksit lost its boot04:22
baslisksand I am having a hell of a time restoring it04:22
ray_hi all04:22
sacarlsonprod_: ok and again why can't perl that I know can run bash scripts also, why can't it just run addusers?04:22
Blue11baslisks: this might help http://pkill-9.com/?p=31404:22
sosaitedI am running Firefox 3.6 on Ubuntu, but it wont start after a power failure while it was  running.04:23
sacarlsonprod_: maybe you need to look at the perl system command? http://www.perlhowto.com/executing_external_commands04:23
baslisksstarting that set of instructions04:23
Blue11baslisks: YMMV applies04:24
prod_sacarlson: could you maybe link me to what you mean, I am without doubt very new to this and am most likely makin a big mistake or just unskilled :)04:24
Blue11baslisks: your mileage may varry04:24
mikebotCan someone help me troubleshoot an ubuntu usb stick problem? WHen I boot to USB, I /briefly/ see some symbol at the bottom of the screen, and then it goes into like a command prompt screen, a bunch of stuff scrolls, and then it just freezes... any ideas?04:24
baslisksthis computer does not like ubuntu04:24
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.04:25
Blue11mikebot: did your md5sum check to ensure you got a good download?04:25
prod_I am unsure as to how i make my programme fill out multiple fields04:25
tehbautis there any way to get details on which files are being processed when copying in nautilus?04:25
Blue11tehbaut: usually it displays that info as it copies (file operations)04:25
sacarlsonprod_: I'm not sure you even looked at the CLI for adduser then http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/add-a-user-on-ubuntu-server/04:26
mikebotBlue11: Yeah04:26
mikebotBlue11: And the exe works when I open it manually in windows04:26
tehbautBlue11: I thought so too, but all I see is "copying 2,500 files (in "Some Folder") to "Some Other Folder"04:26
tehbautthere's no dropdown that shows the file currently being processed04:26
Blue11tehbaut: it should so the progress as it copies (at least it does in mine)04:27
Blue11mikebot: ah not too fam with doing it in windows unfortunately maybe someone else can assist?04:27
Blue11tehbaut: there is no dropdown.  it will show another window that says file operations...and will show the progress of the copy...04:28
tehbautBlue11: yeah, I see the progress "2.0 GB of 20.0 GB --- approximately 90 hours left (59.3 KB/sec)" but no listing of which file is being processed04:28
mikebotBlue11: AH, ok, thanks for the attempt.04:28
Blue11tehbaut: that's pretty slow, what are you copying from to?04:28
tehbautBlue11: a hard drive with some bad blocks... it's excruciatingly slow04:29
prod_sacarlson: when usin useradd i am using the cli correctly, setting pw and creating home dir. that is why i dont understand why useradd doesnt work the same as adduser.04:29
tehbautBlue11: that's why I was hoping to see which files it's getting stuck on04:29
Blue11tehbaut: is it windows or linux?  have you run fsck?04:29
MTecknology:'( I can't set the backlight on this darn laptop and it used to work perfect04:30
tehbautthe partition is a mac HFS+ partition... the drive is dying, thus I won't be running fsck on it04:30
MTecknologyI wouldn't care if it could just be stuck on bright instead of dim04:30
tehbautalso, fsck always seems to corrupt my files, so I avoid it at all costs04:30
Blue11tehbaut: have never used a mac...dunno...04:30
LinuxGuy2009I just bought a Western Digital MyBook Live 1TB NAS. I have it hooked up with all my music and movies. I'm not sure what I need to do to be able to play music from it from within rhythmbox. Do I need to permanently mount it or what exactly?04:31
sacarlsonprod_: I think I might see the point why useradd would be what you want in this case since adduser asks questions after,  maybe look at what groups are added with the adduser,  my guess you didn't setup groups correctly for your useradd04:31
tehbautthe hard drive is dying... has a lot of bad blocks, thus it's slow... I'm sure it has nothing to do with the HFS+ formatting of the drive04:31
Blue11LinuxGuy2009: is that a usb drive?04:31
LinuxGuy2009Blue11: No its a hard drive.04:31
Blue11LinuxGuy2009: than the system should mount it for you, as long as the entry is in fstab, but yes it would need to be mounted04:32
derklempnerBlue11: he said it's NAS04:32
LinuxGuy2009Blue11: Its a NAS drive so it only has a ethernet port.04:32
Blue11LinuxGuy2009: ahh that's why I asked.  I have never seen an ethernet drive.04:33
prod_sarcarlson: would it suffice if i were to make the user its relevant group. eg username me group me?04:33
derklempnerLinuxGuy2009: http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=138058304:33
sambagirlxso do you do it as a network share linuxguy2009?04:33
markosoif i learn ubuntu will any other distro be easy?04:33
prod_i would have thought it have done it automatically but i will try now :)04:34
LinuxGuy2009sambagirlx: Yeah samba and it works as an FTP server as well.04:34
Blue11markoso: not really....04:34
derklempnermarkoso: I'd say that if you learn Slackware or Gentoo, then any other distro would be easy.04:34
sambagirlxhere is a quick link that i think might help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=160343904:34
Blue11derklempner: agree04:34
* Blue11 cut his teeth on SuSE04:35
markosoi need to become a linux guru what distro should i use?04:35
LinuxGuy2009K thanks guys04:35
derklempnermarkoso: probably go to Slackware04:35
Blue11markoso: this is a support channel, not an opinion channel04:35
baslisksalright I think it is having trouble mounting the disk in this notebook04:35
markosoblue are you admin? if not stfu04:35
baslisksany advice?04:35
gpc!language | markoso04:35
ubottumarkoso: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.04:35
derklempnermarkoso: but learn some essentials before you dive right into the deep end.  Ubuntu is a good place to start.04:35
markosoty derk apreciate it04:36
derklempnermarkoso: and please do watch your tongue  :)04:36
sambagirlxslackware is better i think to learn with04:36
bastidrazorjulio_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=110535  look there for some sample .conkyrc's and screenshots of them.04:36
markosowhats a good virtual pc for ubuntu i can run other os in?04:36
rwwmarkoso: VirtualBox04:36
derklempnermarkoso: VirtualBox04:36
bastidrazormarkoso: vmware or virtualbox04:36
markosothanks guys mucho apreciato04:37
baslisksI can boot grub but when I try to do the stuff to fix it in a liveusb I can't do anything04:37
sambagirlxlinuxguy2009 that pyneighborhood is essential04:37
baslisksI can't actually boot to anything outside of grub04:37
markosovirtual box in app center?04:37
LinuxGuy2009sambagirlx: Ok cool Im installing that right now.04:38
derklempnermarkoso: VirtualBox OSE is04:38
baslisksgetting initramfs04:38
markososudo apt-get virtuakbox?04:38
Blue11baslisks: :-(04:38
bastidrazormarkoso: yes, if you want to use your usb ports then get virtualbox from their website, the OSE version has USB disabled04:39
mama21mama_hola alguien me puede leer?... ando probando un plugin04:39
Blue11baslisks: what happened when you followed the recipe?04:39
Blue11!es | mama21mama04:39
ubottumama21mama: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:39
sambagirlxi cant get the usbs to work in virtualbox anymore since i installed 10.10 ubuntu.04:39
sambagirlxi gave up04:39
sambagirlxtalked to virtualbox people still no go04:39
sambagirlxoh well04:39
baslisksblue11, I got the live running but I would try to mount the hd but it wouldn't do anything04:39
baslisksjust sit in the terminal04:39
markosofound it04:40
prod_sarcarlson: I created a group for my test user and with useradd test -p 12345 -g group but still no automatic ftp creation :S im really confused04:40
Blue11sambagirlx: there's a trick to that.  add vboxusers:x:128:<youruseridgoeshere> to /etc/group  then login/logout04:40
Blue11sambagirlx: took me months of hunting to figure that out04:41
sambagirlxok blue11 thanks i would never have figured it out i just gave up on it04:41
buckysambagirlx, which version of VB are you using?04:41
bastidrazorBlue11: sambagirlx or sudo adduser username vboxusers04:41
Blue11baslisks: if it mounts correctly, you will just get a prompt04:41
baslisksit just sat there04:41
sambagirlxblue11 i dont really know now. i would have to check04:41
ProgrammerJoelwhy would u need a test user? I'm curious.04:41
baslisksno prompt just a nice big blinking cursor04:42
baslisksmaking me cursor04:42
prod_to test my perl programme04:42
VearideI'm having trouble connecting to wi-fi, whenever I go to the icon for it it only gives me the option for wired connections04:42
Blue11sambagirlx: that prevented usb from working in virtual box, I should post that to pkill-9 I guess.04:42
ProgrammerJoelbut can't you just test that out on your main user?04:42
=== Nite83 is now known as Temar
EO_How do you start an encrypted disk in Ubuntu 10.10?  It's not the boot drive, and it's specified "noauto" in fstab.04:42
VearideIn the installer it was able to connect through wi-fi though04:42
sambagirlxbastidrazor virtualboxusers is a valid account?04:42
Vearideso I don't really get it.04:42
tehbautanyone know of a utility similar to rsync that has better error skip and retry functionality... kinda like ddrescue, only it would be for file-by-file copying, rather than block-by-block?04:42
prod_i need to create and delete account :S04:42
ProgrammerJoeloh i see lol that makes sense now.04:43
Blue11tehbaut: i think dd does that, but not sure.04:43
bastidrazorsambagirlx: group and it is vboxusers04:43
VearideHow do I connect to wifi? It's only giving me the option for wired.04:43
* WebDawg zZzZzZzZz04:43
Temarafter i did an upgrade to dist, 1 of my ssh account now sorta broke, it only shows $ not current dir, and i cant use history as before, pressing arrows bring up weard symbols04:43
julio_bastidrazor, well i'm very thanked by now... it's kinda late here so i'll better leave. Thanks again for your time04:43
tehbautBlue11: dd doesn't support error retry... only error skipping04:44
derklempnerVearide: when you right-click the networking icon, does it give you an option to enable wireless?04:44
Blue11tehbaut: true that04:44
VearideNo, it doesn't.04:44
bastidrazorjulio_: best of luck on finding a good .conkyrc.. come back and share when you find a decent one.04:44
VearideIt just says allow networking04:44
derklempnerVearide: then it's possible it's not loading a module for your wireless adapter.  is it USB?04:44
baslisksbooty boo please04:45
LinuxGuy2009sambagirlx: On pyneighborhood I scanned and found the share that I want to mount and I tried to select mount and it wont do it. Im not sure if I have to specify the mount point first or where i do that at. Any idea?04:45
Vearideno, it's internal and I know it's supported because during the installer it was able to connect04:45
Blue11baslisks: crosses his eyes, toes, and fingers04:45
tehbautI need something like rsync for data recovery, heh04:45
tehbautthat way I can pick-and-choose which files to copy04:45
LinuxGuy2009sambagirlx:  I entered the login info for it.04:45
Blue11tehbaut: i think testdisk -- gosh don;t remember04:45
derklempnerVearide: in a terminal type lspci and find the adapter.  what model is it?04:46
Blue11tehbaut: i'd use that with extreme caution though04:46
sambagirlxlook under prefderences linuxguy200904:46
VearideI can't do that now I'm afraid- I'm on my OS X partition.04:46
sambagirlxpreferences i mean04:46
Vearidewould it work on os x as well?04:46
leonardBlue11, how you can change ip address on ubuntu 10:1004:46
=== STiK is now known as Blur_FTW
derklempnerVearide: i don't know, as i don't use OSX04:47
sambagirlxi'm sorry linuxguy2009 i meant to say add not preferences04:47
Vearidewhat would that help with?04:47
Blue11leonard: well are you behind a router?04:47
LinuxGuy2009sambagirlx: Do i change the smb mount command from "smbmount" to "sudo smbmount" maybe thats why it wont? Maybe a permissions thing?04:47
Temarafter i did an upgrade to dist, 1 of my ssh account now sorta broke, it only shows $ not current dir, and i cant use history as before, pressing arrows bring up weard symbols04:47
Teknoeniewhat is the proper method to remove old kernels04:47
LinuxGuy2009sambagirlx: Yeah it added it to the right side of the window.04:47
leonardBlue11, in area wifi,04:48
buckyTeknoenie, with synaptic04:48
Teknoenieis there something similar to redhat/centos package-cleanup oldkernels04:48
derklempnerVearide: it would identify the model of the adapter and help me figure out if it's supported without downloading hardware drivers or using Windows drivers through ndiswrapper04:48
sambagirlxlinuxguy2009 i cant answer that i am so sorry.04:48
sambagirlxmy problem is usually with permissions though.04:48
Blue11leonard: let me see if ifup works on a wlan04:48
LinuxGuy2009sambagirlx: Ok cool. Thanks.04:48
Teknoeniebucky, i understand that, but i'm looking for something like package-cleanup oldkernels where I can specify how many kernels to keep04:48
=== jmad980 is now known as j\
baslisksBlue11, yeah just getting a blinking cursor04:49
sambagirlxhas anyone else discovered that you cant play anything with vlc in root or su mode?04:49
Teknoenieit automatically removes grub and kernel entries04:49
rwwPhilippe: now talk in here'04:49
Blue11baslisks: :-(04:49
Philippek thanks04:49
Blue11leonard: yeah ifup/ifdown should do it.04:49
=== Blur_FTW is now known as STiK
leonardrww,how to see ip address and mac address other people in the area wifi???04:50
baslisksany idea what I should do?04:50
=== j\ is now known as OOzemeister
rwwleonard: no idea. ask the channel in general04:50
Blue11leonard: ifconfig04:50
baslisksgparted maybe04:50
Blue11leonard: oh other people....dunno04:50
=== jgruber_ is now known as jsjgruber
=== jsjgruber is now known as jsgruber
Blue11sambagirlx: not recommened to run vlc as root - that might install a root kit.04:51
=== jsgruber is now known as jsjgruber
sambagirlxdid it work linuxguy2009?04:51
Blue11leonard: there04:52
Philippeoh yeah i got this micro sd card that i formatted , and when i try to move files to it it says (error while copying to "felipe")  the destination is read only04:52
sambagirlxto be honest the new vlc in windows version maybe osx version too has some crazy programs they include to help defray the dev costs i guess.04:52
Blue11leonard: there is always sneakernet04:52
tehbautBlue11: looks like testdisk doesn't support copying on a file/directory level... it's more of a "recover deleted files" solution04:52
derklempnerleonard: try Kismet -- http://www.kismetwireless.net/04:52
derklempnerPhilippe: so what are the permissions on the folder?04:52
Blue11tehbaut: yeah it is more a file recovery tool.  but I hadn't seen it in years...04:53
digirakcan someone help me with the installation of libical04:53
sacarlsonprod_: did you look at what different between the two users when you create them?  also I note that adduser is writen in perl, so if your a perl programer maybe you can look at that and maybe make your own version.  see file at /sbin/adduser04:53
digirakthis is the error i am getting at the end04:53
sambagirlxlinuxguy2009 did it work?04:54
sacarlsonprod_: what version of ftp are you now using?04:54
insmodanyone know about gparted04:54
sambagirlxinsmod what about it?04:55
leonardderklempner, how do you use?04:55
prod_sarcarlson :D i would never have looked at the language of adduser. well thought! i will try your ideas, i have used vsftpd proftpd ftpd and all give same results04:55
derklempnerleonard: been a while, so i can't say for sure.  read the site for installation, support, and usage04:55
derklempnerinsmod: what do you need to know?04:56
insmodsambagirlx: i formatted a partition and now at boot then cmos says the disk is damaged and to back it up press F1 to continue04:56
buckyleonard, it's in the repos04:56
insmodderklempner: above04:56
digirakanyone help?04:56
KM0201with what?04:57
sambagirlxinsmod i have seen that before04:57
insmodderklempner: so is it just coincidence or can i fix it?04:57
derklempnerdigirak: did you Google the error?04:57
digiraki need help with installation of libical KM020104:57
optimadhey in compiz some effects are laggy any way i can make them faster?04:57
insmodsambagirlx: so is it just coincidence and/or can i fix it?04:57
digirakderklempner: its not exactly an error04:57
derklempnerinsmod: what file system did you use?04:57
Philippe owner : felipe- Luis Felipe /folder access: create and delete files/ file access:   ---  / group : felipe/ folder access : none /file access: ---/  other : folder access : none /file access: ---04:57
NoelleI'm here, have no fear.04:57
insmodon the new partition ntfs04:58
sambagirlxgive me a second insmod i am looking for something04:58
KM0201digirak: unless i'm missing something, why are you compiling it? its in the repos.04:58
insmodsambagirlx: ok04:58
sambagirlxyeah i think that the mbr for windows is gone?04:58
sacarlsonprod_: well I only wanted the one you are presently using,  so I will run a test on what I already have installed proftp04:58
derklempnerinsmod: what drive, what partition?04:58
digiraki did install it off the repos but the thing i am trying to build a KDEbuild04:58
digirakso am just following procedure04:59
insmodpartition 304:59
prod_yes proftpd im currently using04:59
buckydigirak, do you have make installed? how about build-essential04:59
KM0201digirak: what program ar eyou trying to compile?04:59
digirakbucky: yes make is installed04:59
digirakKM0201: libical04:59
KM0201digirak: thats not a program.... what depends on libical05:00
KM0201!info libcal005:00
ubottuPackage libcal0 does not exist in maverick05:00
KM0201!info libical005:00
ubottulibical0 (source: libical): iCalendar library implementation in C (runtime). In component main, is optional. Version 0.44-3 (maverick), package size 209 kB, installed size 604 kB05:00
creek23hi all05:00
digirakKM0201: oh right no sorry about that, no i am trying to contribute to kstars05:00
sambagirlxinsmod can you see hdd in bios?05:00
=== Noelle is now known as PerfM
derklempnerdigirak: see if this helps --05:00
derklempnerdigirak: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=11466905:00
insmodsambagirlx: yes and it loads grub after F105:00
digirakKM0201: so i need a build environ05:01
sambagirlxlet me think what i did about that insmod i am trying to recall what i did05:01
insmodsambagirlx: ok05:01
KM0201digirak: if you have source repositories enabled... type this... sudo apt-get build-dep kstars   let it download/install anything it needs, then try to run .configure05:01
KM0201digirak: second, most of the time, configure does not need ran with sudo.05:01
creek23what's the equivalent of "type foo.txt" in bash? on windows, "type foo.txt" will display the content of "foo.txt" on the console... right now, I'm using "cat foo.txt" to do just that. is there a proper way to printout the content of "foo.txt" on console?05:02
m1dn1ght /msg nickserv identify brodie05:02
KM0201digirak: you really only need sudo when you run sudo make install.05:02
KM0201cuz all you'er doing up to that point, is compiling the package.05:02
digirakwow that was neat05:02
rwwm1dn1ght: change your nickserv password. identify, then /msg nickserv set password newpasswordhere05:02
sambagirlxinsmod do this in pm so i can ask questions better05:02
bastidrazor!checkinstall | KM0201 :: digirak ::05:03
ubottuKM0201 :: digirak ::: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!05:03
KB1JWQ!pm | sambagirlx05:03
ubottusambagirlx: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.05:03
buckycreek23, what's wrong with cat? there's always less05:03
derklempnerPhilippe: what about execute?  is there a line or checkmark in the box?05:03
KM0201digirak: kstars has a package in the repositories... i'm assuming you're using a different version.. when you're compiling from source, and it has a package in the repositories, you can use build-dep to fetch the repositories05:03
* sambagirlx laughs05:03
sambagirlxi thought it was off topic05:03
KM0201bastidrazor: what is your point?... i was just pointing out that sudo didn't need to be used w/ .configure05:03
sambagirlxbrb insmod05:03
digirakKM0201: sounds good05:03
digiraki will try this and let you know KM020105:04
bastidrazorKM0201: my point is checkinstall is a better route than make install05:04
digirakthanks a lot05:04
KM0201bastidrazor: but that wasn't the point of what i ws saying... he's following instructions for what hes doing05:04
creek23bucky, I just thought there's other command that does what I wanted... to simply display the file. cat seems intended for concatenating files.05:04
bullgard4How to test if I am using Grub 1 or Grub 2?05:04
lewixhow can i copy folders to another folder05:05
bastidrazorKM0201: no need to feel you need to justify anything.05:05
lewixho can i copy a folder to another folder from the terminal should i say05:05
bastidrazorbullgard4: grub-install --version05:05
sambagirlxwas an os loaded on it when you did the partition insmod?05:05
KM0201bastidrazor: just not really sure why you triggered checkinstall on me, i know what checkinstall is...05:05
buckycreek23, there's less and more too05:05
sambagirlxahh ok05:06
bullgard4bastidrazor: Thank you for your help.05:06
bastidrazorbullgard4: you're welcome.05:06
sambagirlxinsmod you had no os loaded at all?05:06
creek23ah... I see. so "less" is actually a command. so is "more" thanks. thanks.05:06
sambagirlxinsmod how many partitions, are they all primary? that will cause an error. gparted will allow you to do things you should not do :)05:07
rwwless > more05:07
insmodsambagirlx:let me see05:07
sambagirlxinsmod no partitions were created with gparted?05:07
bastidrazorbullgard4: grub1.98 is grub2, just in case it might be confusing.05:07
apersonhow do I prevent a service from starting on boot?05:07
apersonwithout a gui*05:07
bullgard4bastidrazor: I know that.05:08
insmodsambagirlx:just that one05:08
bastidrazorbullgard4: okay, :)05:08
m1dn1ghtHi guys - I'm attempting to install ubuntu 10.4 on a PC via a USB drive.  I am using unetbootin to install the image onto the drive.  The trouble I'm having is that the drive was previously used to load a different OS and now despite clearing all partitions in gparted and reformatting, the previous bootloader seems stuck in the USB mbr.  Any ideas how to clear it?05:08
bastidrazoraperson: rename the service to service-DISABLE in /etc/init.d/05:08
buckyaperson, update-rc.d [-n] [-f] <basename> remove05:08
buckyman update-rc.d05:09
sambagirlxif the drive has no os what so ever insmod i would delete them.  what i would do then would be start over. it seems that windows has caused a problem. you mentioned ntfs partition.  windows has to have a 100mb paritition for 7 if your using that.05:09
jsjgruberm1dn1ght: what happens  when you try to boot the usb stick? do you get a message or anything?05:09
joesuttonI'm trying to sync my iPod touch on Rhythmbox. There is 15GB free on the iPod, but it won't sync becase Rhythmbox seems to think it is full.05:09
m1dn1ghtjsjgruber, yes, it starts loading the previous bootloader (Flashboot loader ver 2.0u) which was used to install windows on a different computer.  It then hangs because the rest of the drive is re-formatted.05:10
apersonbastidrazor, bucky, thanks05:11
linogehi, anyone knows how to solve the sync problem between audio/video in guvcview?05:12
bastidrazoraperson: you're welcome.05:12
jsjgruberm1dn1ght: as far as I know, you can try "start up disk creator" in the administration pull down; I believe it will store a new mbr and it will format the first partition and load syslinux on it05:12
m1dn1ghtjsjgruber, I'll give that a try now - thanks!  will let you know if it works or not05:13
digirakKM0201: hey its installed all the packages05:13
KM0201digirak: yeah, thats what its supposed to do.05:13
digirakKM0201: now where do i run the./configure?05:13
arowm1dn1ght: you might try the command grub-install05:13
jsjgruberm1dn1ght: after you do that you could probably go back to your preferred usb boot creator05:13
linogeor if there's a good webcam capturer? cheese goes slow as... slow05:14
digirakKM0201: i guessed that too ;)05:14
KM0201digirak: source directory of the program you downloaded05:14
lewixonce i use sudo -i, how do i go back to being a user05:14
apersonlewix, exit05:14
brokendatapointhi all just installed Ubunto 10.10 Netbook and have the lovely Gnome-Netbook DM, how doI get Xfce4? Install Xfce4?05:14
KM0201usually itlll be like   /path/to/folder/program_name05:14
lewixthank you aperson05:14
lewixnice nickname btw05:15
derklempnerbrokendatapoint: sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop05:15
tehbautis there any way to get details on which files are being processed when copying in nautilus?05:15
m1dn1ghtarow, thanks - I'm giving jsjgruber's suggestion a whirl first, but will try yours if it fails.05:15
derklempnerbrokendatapoint: i mean sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop05:15
brokendatapointderklempner: lubuntu? you mean x?05:15
brokendatapointah hah thanks05:15
derklempnerbrokendatapoint: lol yeah05:15
brokendatapointderklempner: thanks man05:16
derklempnerbrokendatapoint: no worries05:16
Curly_QGreets to all my friends. Question?  What is the command for clearing the up down arrow recall file? Is it a BASH file or a recent file?05:16
prod_sarcarlson: thank you so much for spottin that adduser is written in perl. I owe you a beer :)05:16
jsjgruberm1dn1ght: with either approach be careful to specify the correct drive :-)05:16
digirakKM0201: how do i find this directory05:16
KM0201digirak: did you download the source code?05:16
m1dn1ghtjsjgruber, hehe, indeed05:17
rwwCurly_Q: bash command history is stored in ~/.bash_history05:17
digirakKM0201: i just dit the apt-get in a particular directory05:17
Curly_QThanks rww.05:17
brokendatapointthe Gnome-Netbook Dm is great, puuuurty, simple but a bit laggy on 2GB Netbook05:17
Curly_QI will check it.05:17
derklempnerCurly_Q: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-212482.html05:17
KM0201no.. digirak when you're running ./configure, etc.. you need th source code of the program.. usually you download it from the homepage for the software05:17
KM0201!compile | digirak05:17
ubottudigirak: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)05:17
digirakKM0201: source code of Kstars?05:18
KM0201digirak: but kstars has a version in the repositories... why not just install that?05:18
digirakKM0201: hold on i dont understand my thing is i want to code for Kstars05:18
KM0201digirak: then you don't need ./configure.. thats what you use to compile the program from source05:19
digirakKM0201: so how do i get the source code for that05:19
brokendatapointjust wanted to say, have been trying to get Debian 64 Netbook, FreeBSD 8.1 & GnewSense to run on this machine ... fail! Ubuntu 10.10 installed/configured str8 up no worries ... love it!05:19
Curly_QDerklempner thanks for that index. Good show.05:19
digirakoh ok05:19
thejackalEven after I save the x configuration file, my the setting I set wont save after i reset. Has anyone had this problem before?05:19
derklempnerCurly_Q: no worries05:19
apersonbrokendatapoint, gnome doesn't have a netbook interface, I believe you're talking about unity05:19
KM0201you need to install kstars... does kstars have a developer kit?... if so.. use it.. i'd seek out support from kstars, it's not really an ubuntu issue at this point05:19
brokendatapointaperson: oh well, whatever, it looks like Meego, grid icon layout, neat though05:19
digirakKM0201: oh i c05:19
m1dn1ghtjsjgruber, your solution worked as advertised, sir.  I'm installing via USB as I type this.  Many thanks once again.05:20
jsjgruberm1dn1ght: my pleasure, np05:21
lewixfor some reasons i can edit a file. how can i work around it05:21
KM0201digitalfiz: http://edu.kde.org/kstars/     try searching their support docs05:21
apersonhere's a toughie - anyone care to help me troubleshoot why I can't get sound working from my ubuntu-minimal install?  there's so much to go through I don't know where to start asking questions05:21
lewixcan i change the properties from read only to whatever?05:21
xanguaaperson: install pulseaudio05:21
apersonxangua, done that05:22
lewixhow  do you change the properties of a gile that is on read only05:22
Curly_QNice command      history -c05:22
apersonCurly_Q, ctrl+r05:23
lewixhistory -c?05:23
jsjgruberdigirak: you can get the source code for just about any package you get in a ubuntu repository. The command is apt-get source packagename. There's information on getting dependencies and commands to build in the ubuntu wiki05:23
vikasQUESTION: I'm unable to hear sound on Ubuntu 10.10.  I guess its coz of sound-drivers,if its so please tell me how to install in it?05:23
LinuxGuy2009Ok I figured out pyneighborhood, I edited the launcher to include gksudo and now it mounts the NAS shares just fine. They are added to /etc/mtab which is a list of mounted filesystems from what I read. But when i reboot, my NAS shares are no longer mounted. Can I copy and paste the lines from /etc/mtab and paste them to the bottom of /etc/fstab and that will make them permanent or are they formatted differently?05:23
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bastidrazorlewix: what file and how are you trying to edit it?05:24
arowlewix: go into the terminal, locate your file, and run sudo chmod u+w05:24
arowoh, wait05:24
lewixthank you05:24
brokendatapointwhy is the default Package Manager for Ubuntu, Apt-get and not Aptitude?05:24
apersonbrokendatapoint, to save space on the install cd05:24
lewixarow, you mean sudo chmod g+w05:24
apersonbrokendatapoint, also, apt-get is not a package manager05:25
sambagirlxis there a pastebin for png files?05:25
bastidrazorlewix: that is a directory not a file.05:25
brokendatapointit makes that much difference?05:25
xanguasambagirlx: imagebin05:25
apersonbrokendatapoint, apparently.  First thing I do is install aptitude05:25
brokendatapointaperson: it is not? me too...05:25
buckybrokendatapoint, what's wrong with synaptic?05:25
prod_sarcarlson, what would be the best way to compare the 2 users i make to test?05:25
jsjgrubervikas: if you need certain drivers for sound, if they are part of the kernel they should be loaded automatically as part of booting up. I've had trouble with my sound card being muted before. It's probably worth looking at properties in the sound menu and looking at the various sound resources it can control and how they are set05:25
lewixbastidrazor, i mean /var/www/foo05:25
rwwsambagirlx: http://imagebin.org/05:25
apersonbucky, you have to use it via a gui for one05:25
drthothI have a broadcom 4306r2 14e4:4320, installed b43-legacy, enabled the proprietary driver, rebooted. wlan0 show sup, gets mac, and ip but can't route and it's rated @ 1Mbps. It also gives me an error with an alias in jockey.log05:25
brokendatapointbucky: could not give definitive answer, just like Aptitude via CLI05:26
bastidrazorlewix: okay, how are you trying to edit it? gedit, nano, vim?05:26
sambagirlxthank you rww05:26
lewixbastidrazor, gedit05:26
brokendatapointwhich is what aperson said05:26
bastidrazorlewix: in a terminal or alt+F2 dialog type gksudo gedit /var/www/foo05:27
buckybrokendatapoint, i got aptitude.. let me guess.. it only installs it by default when you install synaptic05:27
vikasjsjgruber: I have checked everything. I went to SYSTEM>PREFERENCES> SOUNDS. There everything seems to be okk..05:27
apersonbucky, no05:28
lewixbastidrazor, thanks i just got it now. i was reading the file permissions on linux05:28
brokendatapointbucky: i do not use Synaptic unless I use the Auto Update feature, Aptitude is simple, fast, can be run remotely, so i like it05:29
bastidrazorlewix: i'm not sure what you mean by that but you're welcome.05:29
jsjgrubervikas: if you right click on the speaker in the panel at the top right of your screen, you can bring up sound preferences (probably the same as what you found in the menu). If you go to the hardware tag you can check for mute and test your speakers05:30
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Curly_QDoes anyone here have a Linux command cheat sheet link?05:32
brokendatapointXfce4 is installed, logging in, what is the difference between an Xfce session and an Xubuntu session?05:32
lewixbastidrazor, thank you. can you enlighten me with the group administrator thingie because I dont get it05:32
vikasjsjgruber: There isn't any icon???05:33
brokendatapointCurly_Q: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-unix-commands-cheat-sheets.html05:33
jsjgrubervikas: I'm sorry. Icon for what?05:33
lewixbastidrazor, on a file persimission i understand that there is the owner of the file, the group and the other. and everybody but what exactly is the group05:33
lewixbastidrazor, and hows others different from all05:34
NetriX_Greetings >> <<05:34
brokendatapointCurly_Q: http://www.oreillynet.com/linux/cmd/ => probably most accurate and comprehensive, IMHOO05:34
prod_sarcarlson, i have looked in /etc/passwd and found adduser:x:1004:1005:,,,:/home/adduser:/bin/bash05:34
Curly_QNice tip. I found one at:  http://www.digilife.be/quickreferences/QRC/The%20One%20Page%20Linux%20Manual.pdf05:34
vikasjsjgruber: the icon for the speakers in top right....05:34
Guest34868Hi ! some one has ekiga voip software installed and 2 minutes ????05:35
brokendatapointCurly_Q: De rien05:35
prod_the differences are obvios but it means nothing to me :S05:35
thejackalWhy is it that even though I save the xorg.conf that the nvidia settings app makes, I still can't use 2 monitors?05:35
setuidAnyone know how I can configure themes in gdm? The gdm in 10.10 has no theme capability. Why was that removed?05:35
bastidrazorlewix: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions will explain better than i.05:36
k4g6thejackal: have you tried setting up multiple monitors through the nvidia-settings gui05:36
setuidgdm-config is gone, rep;laced by a generic 'gdmsetup', which has no themeing05:36
xanguasetuid: because it was re-writen05:36
setuidxangua, gutted is more like it05:36
setuidxangua, 90% of the functionality was stripped out05:36
jsjgruberyou should have an icon that looks like a speaker with sound waves coming out of it at the top right of your screen. It doesn't matter, though it is the same as the sound menu under "preferences" if you go there and go to the hardware tab you can check the mute setting and volume and you can press the test button to bring up the speaker test05:36
Philippemmm hi again  am really new to ubuntu and am having a problem with a micro ds card , i formated it and put some files on it then i took it out and   put it back in  and i can't put any new files on it says "error the destination is read only"05:37
thejackalyes I saved it and then i reset x and it reverted back to the old version05:37
NetriX_anyone know why upgrading to Gnome 3 freezes my computer?05:37
lewixbastidrazor, its what i read it doesnt explain the difference05:37
tehbautsomeone please help me figure out why my numpad is doing everything BUT typing numbers!05:37
tehbautit's doing some funky stuff, that's for sure05:37
xanguais still theameble, just not that way setuid05:37
vikasjsjgruber: ok05:37
xanguaNetriX_: because gnome 3 is not still launched D: are you fron the future¿05:37
thejackalTehbaut- is it a zboard or merc?05:37
Curly_QThanks brokendatapoint. Good link.05:37
xanguaPhilippe: is your sd cards one of there that has a lock button¿05:39
daniel_what is the name of the dvd burner05:39
NetriX_i see.. I was just wondering because I seen a Youtube video and a guy had it installed on ubuntu 10.1005:39
xanguammm how do you say in english, slider¿¿05:39
NetriX_I followed his instructions and got a frozen screen05:39
xanguadaniel_ brasero¿05:39
Philippeno is a micro sd05:39
setuidxangua, so how do I configure them?05:40
vikasjsjgruber: I have checked everything. Nothing is mute. I have put sound to highest level in it & now my speakers are also at highest level. still no sound.05:40
daniel_i meant ripper05:40
santhoshhey guys pls tell me how to copy text from vi05:40
jsjgrubervikas: do you know how to bring up and use the command line?05:40
santhoshhey guys pls tell me how to copy text from vi editor to clipboard, no gui only command line05:40
KirkMcDonaldsanthosh: "*yy05:40
xanguasetuid: you can change the gtk themes and other stuff; can't remember how to but i find out in google05:40
Curly_QIf the command shutdown r-5 is entered does the BIOS need to be preset for that?05:40
bastidrazorlewix: all does not exist as a permission. permissions are 1 of 3 things: owner group or other. other  means anyone who is not an owner or in the group.05:40
vikasno, please tell me, if you can?05:41
KirkMcDonaldsanthosh: Assuming you mean vim, I don't think plain vi can do it.05:41
santhoshi meant vi05:41
setuidxangua, it's not the gtk theme... I need to theme gdm, not gtk05:41
santhoshcan i get vim thro sudo apt-get vim05:41
Curly_QIn other words in sleep mode?05:41
Philippexangua: no it doesnt have a lock button05:42
jsjgrubersanthosh: if you are in a terminal window in a regular session you can simply hightlight what you want to copy and use the drop down menu of the terminal program.05:42
bastidrazorsanthosh: sudo apt-get install vim05:42
Philippexangua: hey do you speak spanish?05:42
* setuid finds "ubuntu-tweak" and instralls that05:42
santhoshguys am running a server here05:42
santhoshso theres not terminal05:42
santhoshonly plain command line not even mouse pointer to select05:43
IR5273Hey wazap05:43
santhoshand ctrl arraw doesnt selecgt text too05:43
NetriX_Hey IR05:43
=== IR5273 is now known as Apocalypsepony
setuidsanthosh, and?05:43
Apocalypseponywhere u from?05:43
setuidsanthosh, Most of us run Linux like that05:43
jsjgrubervikas: first go to Applications->Accessories->Terminal05:43
xanguaPhilippe: yes, for¿05:43
lewixbastidrazor, how can a file belong to a user group05:43
vikasjbjgruber: I'm there..05:44
buckysanthosh, sudo apt-get install vim05:44
santhoshsetuid: im a newbie to linux server05:44
ray_hi all05:44
santhoshand i am not able to do all thse command line programs05:44
NetriX_Hey Ray,, whats up?05:44
Philippexangua:  le seria mas facil explicarme en español? por q a mi si05:44
bastidrazorsanthosh: type vimtutor ..it will explain everything you need to learn.05:44
santhoshbucky: i have vim now05:44
ray_not much..u?05:44
lewixbastidrazor, i understand that a file belongs to a user, but how can it belong to a group05:44
bastidrazorlewix: reading that page will explain permissions.05:44
jsjgruberThat new window is where you can enter commands. Please try alsaplay   -l05:44
brokendatapointbastidrazor: for a newb, do you think Vi/Vim is the *best* editor to use?05:45
NetriX_same.. pretty much lol05:45
xanguaPhilippe: /join #ubuntu-es05:45
RickyTHi all,  Is anyone able to tell me how to get rid of the damn ExecutableBit?05:45
santhoshvimulator command not found05:45
Michael4552This is the cyber police. You dun goof'd. bill gates has back traced you and reported you to us. What did you guys do now?05:45
ray_been playing with ubuntu for a couple days and i love it...05:45
bastidrazorbrokendatapoint: if they do the vimtutor then yes, vim is very great for a new user.05:45
Madpilotbrokendatapoint, for a genuine new user? Nano.05:45
santhoshguys can some one direct me to any link where i can learn basic text operations like cut copy and paste in pure command line pls05:45
MadpilotMichael4552, go attempt to be funny elsewhere, please.05:45
Philippexangua: ohhhh i didnt knew that thank you05:45
brokendatapointMadpilot: my thoughs exactly05:45
NetriX_I hear ya.. I dropped Windows 7 2 days ago and started ubuntu meerkat05:45
brokendatapointthoughts* even05:45
NetriX_Got the infamous blue screen05:46
brokendatapointCLI is interesting enough without trying to drive Vi/Vim05:46
vikasjbjgruber: then05:47
Madpilotubottu, tell santhosh about cli05:47
ubottusanthosh, please see my private message05:47
RickyTThat's a "no" then?05:47
jsjgruberdid it display anything? it should give you a list of devices you could play a sound on05:47
buckysanthosh, if you install gpm you'll get a cursor you can cut and paste  with05:47
brokendatapointMadpilot: wd05:47
Madpilotbrokendatapoint, wd?05:47
vikasjbjgruber: i have typed -          alsaplay -|05:47
santhoshMadpilot: i dont have menus or accessories menus or naything its a server version05:47
santhoshbucky: do i get cursor in server version05:48
santhoshhow to install gpm05:48
brokendatapointMadpilot: Well Done05:48
jsjgrubervikas: that should be alsaplay -l      (it is a dash followed immediately by a lower case l05:48
santhoshsudo apt-get install gpm?05:48
KirkMcDonaldsanthosh: My recommendation is to ssh into the machine from another computer.05:48
Madpilotsanthosh, there's links to further reading at the URLs the bot just sent you, check them.05:48
Curly_QBrokendatapoint I have found that GVIM is quite the program with a GUI in mind. vi is OK for SSH or remote logging in.05:48
santhoshKirkMcDonald: that is waht im  doing05:48
brokendatapointbucky: if santhosh is asking about getting a cursor, oh dear05:48
ray_so far so good! I didnt realize how easy to install x86 & x64 Ubunta Desktop on my laptop and desktop pc...05:48
bastidrazorsanthosh: then skip how to get to a terminal/CLI and read the bits about using CLI05:48
santhoshKirkMcDonald: i am using windows 7 and using the git bash to ssh into the linux server05:48
KirkMcDonaldsanthosh: I recommend PuTTY as a Windows ssh client.05:49
RickyTThen i shall leave you with the wonderful words  FUCK YOU EXECUTABLEBIT!!!05:49
buckybrokendatapoint, you've always got to install gpm to get a cursor in a console05:49
gpc!language | RickyT05:49
ubottuRickyT: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.05:49
Sina3hi guys05:49
hilarieWhat's the hotkey to show hidden folders?05:50
vikasI typed L in small letters after dash(-) but its saying :   alsaplay: command not found.05:50
brokendatapointbucky: i know but he needs some CLI learning first, any ways05:50
Curly_QKirkMcDonald have you tried Tectia SSH? I use it and it cost but it is fantastic.05:50
bastidrazorhilarie: in nautilus: ctrl H05:50
Sina3my teacher put ubuntu on my school computer05:50
jsjgrubervikas: oh dear. just a second05:50
Sina3but im not a super user05:50
hilarie@bastidrazor TY!05:50
NetriX_Ray, did you receive my personal message?05:50
KirkMcDonaldCurly_Q: Never heard of it.05:50
Sina3is there anyway to upgrade my account05:50
Curly_QCheck it out.05:50
bastidrazorhilarie: you're welcome05:50
Sina3or find out the password for his?05:50
santhoshbrokendatapoint: i ve working in CLI's for a long time with just commands and cron jobs05:50
vikasjsjgruber: okk05:50
Sina3without him knowing?05:50
Curly_QIt is a Windows app that works great with Linux.05:51
MadpilotSina3, a existing superuser can upgrade another user. And please don't ask about "hacking" here, OK?05:51
Curly_QI think they have a Linux app too.05:51
santhoshbrokendatapoint: its just strange to know that a total console can have a mouse cursor05:51
brokendatapointsanthosh: yes it is but handy and weird enough to be *fun*05:51
Curly_QIt also works with tunneling.05:51
nexesSina3: They would, of course, be able to check your rights at any point, unless you were to revert your account prior to any opportunity they would have to access the machine.05:51
jsjgrubervikas: I'm sorry. My memory isn't so good. Does   aplay -l   give you anything?05:52
Sina3nexes, i dont think he would check05:52
hilarieHow can I open a read only file GUI like? The way I am doing it currently is "sudo gedit" and then find through its built in menu, what I would like to do is right click the text file I am trying to edit05:52
santhoshbrokendatapoint: im getting an error gpm installation E:sub-process usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code(1)05:52
buckySina3, i had a cisco instructor that forgot to change the default root passwd05:52
nexesSina3: Is it a school issue machine?05:52
vikasjsjgruber: no buddy, it said alsaplay: command not found.05:52
Sina3nexes, yes it is05:52
Philippehello anyone know hot to deal with permisions on an micro sd card?05:52
Madpilotbucky, stuff like that would be another reason Ubuntu has no active root account...05:53
brokendatapointsanthosh: you are in a terminal or a console?05:53
Sina3but i asked him to put ubuntu on it05:53
nexesSina3: Why specifically do you want root on it?05:53
xanguahilarie: not good isea using sudo with a graphic aplication, use gksu instead05:53
santhoshbrokendatapoint: console05:53
Sina3nexes, install google chrome05:53
Sina3and other usefull programs.05:53
jsjgrubervikas: could you try aplay    -l instead?    it should be aplay, not alsaplay.05:53
Sina3nothing bad.05:53
brokendatapointk, type this cmd and start fresh => cd && clear05:53
KirkMcDonaldPhilippe: Which filesystem is on there? If it's FAT (which I would expect) there wouldn't really be any permissions.05:53
buckyMadpilot, what's the default passwd for ubuntu if you make one during install?05:53
Sina3im 15 and i like the computer i use, i dont want to break it05:53
jsjgrubervikas: sorry for misleading you with the alsaplay thing.05:53
hilarieGKSU so I would do "gksu gedit"?05:53
nexesSina3: I would just ask him to either install the applications for you, or to set up the machine in a way to allow you to install software without having unrestricted root access.05:54
buckyMadpilot, *dont' make one05:54
Philippeyes fat so i dont know what happende i took it out and now i cant put anything in it05:54
Madpilotbucky, there is no default PW. The liveCD/desktop is passwordless, the install will not continue AFAIK if you don't give it a pw05:54
thejackalHey i have a new question how can I delete the xorg.conf05:54
vikasjbjgruber:  ya, it worked.. :D05:54
thauriswulfa2QUESTION:after closing apt-get by pressing ctrl-z its still running in the background as is visible form system monitor its still downloading is there any way to stop it05:54
santhoshbrokendatapoint: im still getting the same error05:54
Sina3nexes, how do i do that?05:54
yuanjiehow i can in chinese channel?05:54
vikasjabjgruber: oh not issue..05:54
bastidrazorthejackal: sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:54
KirkMcDonaldthauriswulfa2: You can use the 'fg' command to bring it back.05:54
Sina3nexes can we PM?05:54
Philippei could format it again dont know if that would help?05:54
KirkMcDonaldthauriswulfa2: Then quit it.05:55
vikasjbjgruber: **** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****05:55
brokendatapointsanthosh: ok, type => whoami05:55
nexesSina3: There is a way allow users to install packages with aptitude, I believe. Regardless, if he had to install Ubuntu for you, it likely means that the machine has the BIOS locked, correct? It wouldn't boot from a CD so you could install Ubuntu yourself, yeah?05:55
vikascard 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC662 rev1 Analog [ALC662 rev1 Analog]05:55
vikas  Subdevices: 1/105:55
brokendatapointand tell me what it says05:55
vikas  Subdevice #0: subdevice #005:55
jsjgrubervikas: did it give you any devices after it said that?05:55
brokendatapointyuanjie: ha05:55
brokendatapointhi! nice to see you happy05:55
Dead_Storagejust updated to 10.10 it took forever05:55
yuanjienice to see you happy05:56
santhoshbrokendatapoint: im gettin my username05:56
vikasjbjgruber: it said only this... **** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****05:56
vikascard 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC662 rev1 Analog [ALC662 rev1 Analog]05:56
vikas  Subdevices: 1/105:56
vikas  Subdevice #0: subdevice #005:56
FloodBot1vikas: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:56
brokendatapointk, have you configured your system to use sudo?05:56
Dead_Storagewait, why does about ubuntu say i am on 11.04?05:56
jsjgrubervikas: that tells us that the kernel found your device and a driver for it. There's still the question why don't you hear anything. Please give me another minute.05:57
santhoshthis this isnot a sudo error05:57
thauriswulfa2KirkMcDonald: its saying no such job, but n/w is still downloading05:57
Dead_Storagereleased april 201105:57
Curly_QPhillippe how did you format your disk?05:57
Dead_Storagei am in future ubuntu05:57
_vaibhav_my kernel version is I do Updates daily, My machine logs out after sometime or reboots what may be the problem?05:57
vikasjsjgruber: ya sure, why not..05:57
MadpilotDead_Storage, known error. Entertaining one, though.05:57
brokendatapointhey dudes, is there a Chinese Ubuntu channel?05:57
KirkMcDonaldthauriswulfa2: You need to run fg in the same terminal that it was running in previously.05:57
arowDead_Storage: how did you upgrade?05:57
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk05:57
Madpilotbrokendatapoint, ^05:58
Dead_Storagearrow, update manager05:58
brokendatapointubottu: thank you05:58
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)05:58
thauriswulfa2KirkMcDonald: but i have closed that terminal05:58
Curly_QPhilippe what OS did you format your disk with?05:58
KirkMcDonaldthauriswulfa2: Huh. That should have killed the process.05:58
Dead_StorageMadpilot, so am i actually in 10.10 or 11.0405:58
tonsofpcsI just moved a bunch of files (over 500 MB worth) off /dev/sda6 onto a smbmounted drive and saw no change in usage/available on sda6... any clue why and/or how I can get it to refresh?  moved as root....05:58
thauriswulfa2vikas: acha hame hi ignore05:58
MadpilotDead_Storage, 10.10 AFAIK.05:58
santhoshubottu: are u really a bot , your vocublary doesnt seem so05:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:58
rwwsanthosh: yes, she is05:58
jsjgrubervikas: could you try?    aplay     /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Left.wav05:59
vikasthauriswulfa2: hey I was about to msg u..05:59
Dead_StorageMadpilot, aww i thought i was in the future05:59
thauriswulfa2vikas:whats ur problem?tell me maybe i can solve on private chat05:59
santhoshubottu: oh its a she huh!! groovy, well then i expected the vocabulary to be soemthing like, affirmative, negative, roger there, thats one hell of a bot guys05:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:59
arowDead_Storage: you can test 11.04 before it's officially released05:59
MadpilotDead_Storage, nope. There are alphas out of 11.04 if you're feeling very brave. This early in the alpha releases, I gather the brokenness is epic.05:59
brokendatapointsanthosh: what does this cmd do? => sudo apt-get update05:59
santhoshbrokendatapoint: ive run it06:00
santhoshits says uptodate06:00
Madpilotsanthosh, the bot is the smartest being in this channel :)06:00
Dead_StorageMadpilot, yeah i really dont want to deal with that06:00
thauriswulfa2vikas: because i also had the same problem previously06:00
Dead_StorageMadpilot, thats why i have waited to install 10.1006:00
vikasruk na ek banda hai...06:00
Dead_StorageMadpilot, brokeness=not fun06:01
thauriswulfa2vikas: what banda?06:01
daniel_hey would anyone be able to tel me how to burn a dvd with brasero i want to burn it to my dvd r so i can wacth the movie on my tv06:01
MadpilotDead_Storage, good call. I test late betas sometimes on live USB, but stay the heck away from alphas, nightlies and such06:01
thejackalok so I was able to delete the xorg.conf saved a new one using the nvidia settings but it still reverted to the origional settings. I'm trying to get 2 monitors working. Why can't I do this?06:01
ircleuserhey guys what is a smaller distro that is up to date that i can run on my old laptop?? lubuntu won't work for me.06:01
vikasjbjgruber: http://paste.ubuntu.com/560495/06:01
yuanjiehello ! i'm come from chinese !06:01
yuanjienice to see06:01
brokendatapointircleuser: Puppy Linux i guess or Damn Small Linux ...06:02
Eryn_1983_FLhey peeps06:02
thejackalircleuser have you tried netbook06:02
daniel_would anyone be able to tell me how ot burn a dvd with brasero06:02
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Dead_Storageis there a way to display the ubuntu version in conky06:02
brokendatapointyuanjie: hey, this is *NOT* #ubuntu-cn06:02
Eryn_1983_FLi got a question.. my RSA key i just  generate has this at the top.. i didnt  specify any options.. -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----06:02
Eryn_1983_FLProc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED06:02
Eryn_1983_FLDEK-Info: DES-EDE3-CBC,77AC41B0324CF7D806:02
Dead_Storagei have the kernal there but not ubuntu06:02
vikasthauriswulfa: kernal me detect kar rha but sound nhi aa rha..06:02
Eryn_1983_FLother then the name.06:02
FloodBot1Eryn_1983_FL: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:02
Eryn_1983_FLmy old keys do not have this.06:02
yuanjiei know !06:02
madsailorhi all. I'm running dualboot win7 + ubuntu, and just did a Gentoo install on my spare partition for some extra linux (joy??).  I ran sudo grub-update and it updated grub.cfg, and listed the 2 win parts, ubuntu kernel and gentoo kernel, but when I reboot only the win and ubuntu are available on the grub list.Ideas?06:03
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thauriswulfa2come to private chat i know its solution06:03
jsjgrubervikas: that looks right. You should have heard something from that. I guess I'm out of ideas for now. thauriswulfa2 any ideas for vikas not hearing sound from his speakers?06:03
yuanjiei want to make friends with foreigners!06:03
brokendatapointyuanjie: ok no worries, you asked about Ubuntu Chinese, I gave the answer, you still here, me concerned you lost but is OK06:03
arowwhoa crazy06:03
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rwwyuanjie: you might want to try #ubuntu-offtopic for making friends. #ubuntu is for technical support ;)06:03
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yuanjiethank you!06:04
arowDead_Storage: I just noticed my install says it's 11.04 too06:04
Philippelinix 10.1006:04
yuanjiesee you next time !06:04
vikasjbjgruber: Thanks a lot buddy for ur help.....thauris wulfa is my frnd, gonna ask him...06:04
jsjgrubervikas: great. Sorry I couldn't be more help06:04
vikasthauriswulfa2: private me kaise aau??06:04
thauriswulfa2double click on my name in userlist06:05
Dead_Storagearrow, we are in fubuntu06:05
vikasthauriswulfa2: abey user list nhi dikh rhi..06:06
daniel_how do i burn movies06:06
bazhangdaniel_, devede06:06
vikasthauriswulfa2: mil gyi..06:07
thauriswulfa2vikas: aisa kr mujhe invite kr06:07
daniel_and i can use that to burn my movie i have on my comp?06:07
ChessTeachWhen I watch movies in fullscreen the computer logs me out, how do i prevent that from happening when the video is in fullscreen?06:07
red2kicbazhang: I'ᒻ ᓴᕕᓐᒡ ᐊ ᑉᕈbᓪeᒻᔅ wᐃᑦᔅ ᒻᔾ ᑦeᕐᒥᓇᓪ. Cᐊᓐ ᔪᐅ ᔅeᓪᑉ ᒻe?06:07
rww!en | vikas, thauriswulfa206:07
ubottuvikas, thauriswulfa2: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList06:07
bazhangred2kic, stop that06:07
sexcopterhi, i'm trying to get a command to run after my laptop wakes from suspend, but the command (wget) needs to wait to get back online before it will work. I don't really know bash, but put this together: http://pastebin.com/P1NhkB3H    It seems to work, except that the network manager seems to be waiting for the script to exit before coming back online, so it never comes online and the script never moves on. Any suggestions? I'm sure there's06:07
sexcoptera much better way than what I'm doing...06:07
=== iflema is now known as Guest51466
bazhangdaniel_, yes06:07
thauriswulfa2do this06:07
daniel_is it pretty easy to use and were will it be downlouded to i used my terminal to dl it06:08
bazhangdaniel_, try it06:08
sexcopteroh, and this script sits in /etc/pm/sleep.d/99-update-wallpaper.sh06:08
bastidrazorChessTeach: see why its crashing in ~/.xsession-errors06:09
The-Kernelhow do you figure out with /dev/ is the onboard serial console port?06:09
vikassexcopter: really nice name buddy... :D06:09
ubottuFTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd06:09
sexcoptervikas, thanks... have used it for _many_ years now :)06:10
ChessTeachbastidrazor: it isn't crashing, the computer doesn't see any keystrokes and logs me out06:10
santhoshim trying to use scp from my local to send files to remote06:10
santhoshim getting an error lost connection06:10
santhoshcan any one tell me06:10
bastidrazorChessTeach: "logs me out" is not normal, something must be crashing.06:10
santhoshthis is the command i use scp -r localdir -p 1234 username@remote.ip.address:remotedir06:11
ChessTeachhold on06:11
santhoshthis is the command i use scp -r localdir -p 1234 username@remote.ip.address:remotedir06:11
bazhangred2kic, please stop the nonsense06:11
ubunturockswow, hardcore caps06:11
red2kicbazhang: I AM NOT KIDDING.06:11
rwwred2kic: /join #irssi, ask there instead of here. I say this mainly because I'm not in #irssi.06:11
ChessTeach(nautilus:6817): GConf-CRITICAL **: gconf_value_free: assertion `value != NULL' failed06:11
ChessTeachi think that is it06:11
red2kicRWW: THANKS.06:12
ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP06:12
santhoshguys pls helo me with this06:12
santhoshthis is the command i use scp -r localdir -p 1234 username@remote.ip.address:remotedir06:12
gobbeand what is your problem?-)06:13
daniel_how long will this take ?06:13
ChessTeachbastidrazor: any idea what that means?06:13
ChessTeachbastidrazor: by logging me out, I don't mean it closes my programs down, only locks the screen... i don't know if that was clear06:15
bastidrazorChessTeach: logging me out was misleading if you meant locks screen.06:16
ChessTeachbastidrazor: i appologize06:16
thauriswulfa2QUESTION : Is it possible to transfer files through empathy on irc06:16
totemthauriswulfa2: yes06:17
Sc0ttHey guys pretty new to irc still is this the channel to ask general questions about ubuntu?06:17
bastidrazorChessTeach: you're watching things in flash? flash is buggy to say the least.06:17
ChessTeachbastidrazor: yeah... hulu06:18
MadpilotSc0tt, pretty much. This is the tech support channel.06:18
Dead_StorageSc0tt, yeah it is06:18
Dead_StorageI have a question, whats a good channel to just talk tech06:18
KirkMcDonaldDangit. I think one of these hard drives is a dud.06:18
KirkMcDonaldkernel: [ 6535.214044] md/raid:md0: read error not correctable (sector 366872272 on sda1).06:18
Dead_Storageone that has a fair ammount of users06:18
macoDead_Storage: ubuntu has an offtopic channel:  #ubuntu-offtopic06:18
ChessTeachbastidrazor: is there anything i can do?06:19
bastidrazor ChessTeach i do not know how to improve performance.06:19
Dead_Storagemaco, thanks :D06:20
Sc0ttI've been having major issues with my display driver I spent the day trying to follow the guide onhttp://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Maverick_Installation_Guide  to no avail  is there an easier way to go about this?06:20
ChessTeachi guess then i just need to disable auto screen lock?06:20
Psyclonemy external hard drive won't stay mounted, any suggestions?06:20
bazhangput in fstab Psyclone06:21
bazhang!fstab > Psyclone06:21
ubottuPsyclone, please see my private message06:21
Psyclonebazhang : gedit /etc/fstab06:21
bastidrazorChessTeach: that doesn't mean its not possible. give good details of the issue to the channel, someone might know. details mean what applications you're using and exact details to what it breaks/does.06:22
=== Siesta is now known as Darksideee
bastidrazorPsyclone: prepend that with gksudo06:23
Psyclonebastidrazor : and how do i find the UUID to add to it06:23
bastidrazorPsyclone: sudo blkid in a terminal06:23
ChessTeachi was using firefox 3.6 and watching an episode off of hulu, i have the flash/block add on installed (not sure if that is what is causing problems). I watch the episode and works pretty well, then the screen greys slightly and next thing i know i need to log in06:24
Psyclonebastidrazor : ok i found it, now just copy and paste?06:25
ChessTeachalso often when i go to full screen the video stops playing but the audio continues06:25
Psyclonebastidrazor : i think its having trouble because its ntfs06:25
arowChessTeach: is it actually asking for your login or just your password when that happens?06:25
ChessTeachif i move quick enough sometimes i can move the mouse before it locks me out, but i stil have to exit full screen first06:25
ChessTeachjust the password arow06:25
xorwhyI'm trying to play open arena in windowed mode, so that I can play that, and do other things at the same time. As far as I'm aware, the game takes full input from the mouse and keyboard. Is there any way I can leave the game running and click on windows outside of the game?06:26
bastidrazorPsyclone: read the page on fstab about how to add an ntfs entry to you fstab.06:26
Dead_StoragePsyclone, ntfs shouldent be a problem06:26
Guest12261how can i list the program using a specific port?06:26
=== Guest12261 is now known as spazlon
=== spazlon is now known as azlon
markosohi im trying sudo chown -R mark www saysno such dir or file?06:26
bastidrazorGuest12261: sudo netstat napt | grep port06:27
arowChessTeach: that's normal behavior; if you had a screensaver set, it would go to that06:27
bartjhow do I specify to retrieve/undelete open office files in scalpel ?06:27
bastidrazormarkoso: you're in the /var directory?06:27
ChessTeacharow: well it should detect fullscreen and not do that though right? isn't there a way to configure that06:27
markosobastidrazor: yes var www06:27
js__Hi..Just test driving IRC channel..I am first time using  IRC06:28
arowChessTeach: unfortunately, it seems Ubuntu doesn't recognize Flash's fullscreen06:28
arowthere is a handy little applet to temporarily disable the srceensaver though, give me a sec06:28
bastidrazormarkoso: wait.. if you have "saysno" on the end of the command it thinks you want to edit that directory too06:29
markosono valid sudoers sources found, quitting06:29
dolarputUBUNTU! UBUNTU!06:29
dolarputUBUNTU! UBUNTU! UBUNTU!06:29
FloodBot1dolarput: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:29
markosobastidrazor:  i want to make www mine how should i do it?06:29
dolarputUBUNTU! UBUNTU!06:30
dolarputUBUNTU! UBUNTU! UBUNTU!06:30
FloodBot1dolarput: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:30
Madpilotor do that.06:30
arowChessTeach: you can right click on your panel and click 'add to panel,' then find the Power Manager Inhibit Applet06:30
bastidrazormarkoso: sudo chown -R username /var/www   ::that will make www and EVERYTHING in that directory owned by username..of course change the username to your user.06:31
arowthen just click that, and it won't go to screensaver06:31
Sc0ttare there any good guides on how to upgrade your graphics card drviers for ubuntu 10.10 I am pretty sure I need to but I have been failing with the guide found on ubuntu.com06:31
markosoty bastidrazor06:31
bazhangSc0tt, what card06:31
=== play4_ is now known as play4
ChessTeacharow: very cool, thanks06:31
Sc0ttone sec I'll check again I wanna say its ati radeon something06:31
bastidrazormarkoso: you're welcome.06:31
arowChessTeach: no problem06:31
markoso sudo chown -R username /var/www06:32
markososudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting06:32
bastidrazormarkoso: be sure to change 'username' to your actual user06:32
markosoi did06:32
Sc0tt00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 [Mobility Radeon 9600 M10]06:32
markosodo i need to add mark@etctec06:32
thauriswulfa1QUESTION: sound not working, using xubuntu , external creative sound card , can anybody help?06:32
bastidrazormarkoso: what?06:33
markosousername@local do i add all of it just user06:33
rwwmarkoso: no, just the username06:34
markosowierd saying no sudoers06:34
markosoetc/sudoers is owned by uid 1000, should be 006:35
bastidrazormarkoso: you have borked your /etc/sudoers ?06:35
bastidrazormarkoso: messed up.. broken06:35
markosohow do i fix it ack06:35
KirkMcDonaldI don't know if it's Ubuntu in general or the SSD I installed it on, but this computer boots really quickly.06:36
bastidrazormarkoso: how did you break it?06:36
thauriswulfa1QUESTION: sound not working, using xubuntu , external creative sound card , can anybody help?06:36
markosoi was just using sudo gedit file06:36
markosotrying to chown now its dead06:36
chaospsychexi need help adding a win7 entry to grub206:36
mr-aliall people can read what i say ?06:37
skurakai_Hi. I'am problem after i uninstall old linux kernel and image. Now ubuntu login to window like white terminal on the corner. Is possible install old kernel in ubuntu recover mode from CD? If it's possible - how to?06:37
azloni am trying to restart my proftpd using /etc/init.d/proftpd restart but i keep getting, " ProFTPd is started from inetd/xinetd." How can i restart with inetd/xinetd?06:39
arowthauriswulfa1: is your sound card on this list: http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Vendor-Creative_Labs06:39
thauriswulfa1arow: but it was working on ubuntu06:39
markososo im doomed ;p06:40
xorwhywhen a program takes full input from the keyboard and mouse, how can i use either input on other programs without calling that programs exit function06:40
chaospsychexi need help adding a win7 entry to grub206:40
bastidrazormarkoso: no, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo  this should fix your sudoers06:41
Sc0ttDo you know how I upgrade my gfx driver for Mobility Radeon 9600 M10 in ubuntu 10.10?06:41
vikasQUESTION: Sound not working in ubuntu 10.10, everything ok. Kernal is detecting hardware. here is screen shot http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=31812925&l=5b1ea7480c&id=156896247906:42
CaptaiUbiIs it possible to upgrade Ubuntu 10.04 to Ubuntu 10.10 while running 10.10?06:42
Blue11CaptaiUbi: you want to go from 10.10 to 10.04 if I understand correctly?06:42
CaptaiUbiOther way around06:42
CaptaiUbiI have 10.04, I want to upgrade to 10.1006:43
Blue11CaptaiUbi: i am confused.  you said you wanted to upgrade 10.04 to 10.10 while 10.10 is running.06:43
rww!upgrade | CaptaiUbi06:43
ubottuCaptaiUbi: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade06:43
CaptaiUbiNo, I want to upgrade 10.04 TO 10.10 while 10.04 is running06:44
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade06:44
bazhangCaptaiUbi, yes06:44
MadpilotCaptaiUbi, you can do that. It's how the standard upgrade thing is designed to work...06:44
A_Jhello all, i need help installing an application : Here is the link http://parano.berlios.de/06:44
Blue11CaptaiUbi: okay not what you posted.  yes it is possible, but i have experienced problems (personally) with upgrading, so I do a fresh install.06:44
A_Ji've saved it on the desktop06:45
Sc0ttDo you know how I upgrade my gfx driver for Mobility Radeon 9600 M10 in ubuntu 10.10?06:45
bastidrazorA_J: did you download the .tar.gz or the .deb ?06:46
mattalexxI'm trying to globally deny all requests to my server from any IP except for Which file in /etc/apache should be changed to make this happen?06:46
A_Jand extracted it on my desktop06:46
MadpilotA_J, don't extract the DEB, just double-click on it and it'll install.06:46
Blue11mattalexx: i would put that in /etc/hosts.deny06:47
ajahis there are a way i can install other os on the disc without quit ubuntu06:47
ubusercan anyone help me out with a terminal command that will reinstall firefox06:47
A_Jit's a parano-0.3.5.tar.gz06:47
Blue11ajah: virtual box06:47
A_Jnot deb06:47
Madpilotubottu, tell ajah about vm06:47
ubottuajah, please see my private message06:47
markosouh whats the easiest way to restore sudoers06:47
Blue11!virtualbox | ajah06:47
ubottuajah: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox06:47
bastidrazor!compile > A_J06:47
ubottuA_J, please see my private message06:47
ubuseri tried to install flashplayer with some kind of script or somethin, ive tried the sypnatic installer left and right06:47
skurakai_Is possible install old kernel in recovery mode from CD?06:47
mattalexxBlue11, But there are exception for some of my virtualhosts, so that'06:48
mattalexxs a no-can-do.06:48
skurakai_i broken system by uninstall old kernel and image06:48
ubuserneed to reinstall firefox anyone know the terminal command to install it or a link to the debian?06:48
ubuserand simp[le instructions on teh install06:48
A_Ji'll check it out bastidrazor and bbl, ty06:48
ajahBlue11, i than i will be able to boot the os from grub?06:49
sacarlsonmattalexx: I found this http://www.proxyutza.com/apache-restrict-access-to-certain-directory-by-ip/06:49
Blue11ajah: no virtualbox sits under linux and allow you to boot within the virtual box.  do you want dualboot maybe?06:49
ajahBlue11, yeah06:50
ubuserCan someone please, help me reinstall firefox06:50
arowubuser: you should be able to use "sudo apt-get install firefox"06:50
ubuseri click on my short cut and its gone06:50
ubusersimple enough06:50
Blue11ajah: dual boot would allow you to have like windows and linux on the same hard drive, and you would choose at boot time (grub) which one you wanted.  is that what you want?06:50
col0urHello. I'm trying to install 10.10 Netbook Remix via USB, but the install is stuck on the page "Preparing to install Ubuntu Netbook." Any suggestions?06:50
Madpilotubuser, is firefox itself gone, or just your shortcut?06:51
ubuserwell i searched for firefox06:51
ajahBlue11, i want multy boot and install the new os on the hard disc without quiting the ubuntu i know how to install another os in ordinary way06:51
Blue11col0ur: i had similiar difficulties I ended up just installing the regular version.  be aware that the netbook remix for 10.10 installs iirc the unity interface.06:51
arowapt-get should tell you if you've already got it installed06:51
ubuserbut kinda still new to linux and there are no exe's ... i tried clickin them all but nothin worked06:51
ubuserits saying its still on there06:52
Blue11ajah: sorry i dont know how to do that, other then virtualbox.06:52
ubuserbut i have completely removed them all from sypnatic06:52
ubuserand reinstalled them06:52
col0urBlue1, iirc unity being...?06:52
ubusernow im stuck with a shitty one06:52
Blue11col0ur: its a new interface that ubuntu is developing06:52
ubuserplus flash06:53
Sc0tthas anyone in here had experience upgrading gfx drivers in ubuntu i'm completely stumped followed guides and nothings works for me06:53
ubuserteh still dont work06:53
Blue11col0ur: i played with it long enough to know it wasnt for me.06:53
col0urBlue1, Unity replaces?06:53
Blue11col0ur: gnome or kde06:53
Madpilotubuser, in the terminal, type "firefox" (no quotes) - what happens?06:53
bazhangcol0ur, traditional gnome06:53
ubuserno command06:53
col0urso just try the regular version you're saying?06:53
ubusernot a command*06:53
bazhangcol0ur, yep06:54
Blue11col0ur: if your looking for the traditional interface, yes06:54
bazhangubuser, whats the exact error06:54
col0urbazhang, well see there's a problem with that06:54
ubuserbash: firefox: command not found06:54
Madpilotubuser, "sudo apt-get install firefox" will get it back06:55
ubuserhaving to use epiphany06:55
bazhangubuser, open the package manager and install it then06:55
ubuserany other suggestions06:55
ubusercompletely deleted them06:55
ubuserand reinstalled06:55
col0uri have  a Broadcom card. i need to modprobe wl to make it work, which is fine. and earlier, as i had a casper on my netbook remix version, and so i connected to a wired connection, got the module, and used it for my wireless.06:55
ubusertook a minute to get my repositories yayness.06:55
Blue11ubuser: have you tried sudo dpkg -i firefox06:56
Madpilotubuser, you shouldn't have to do anything to the repositories to get Firefox back again.06:56
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col0urbut for a number of reasons i have no access to a wired connection atm, and so i'd be left without internet for a time, and thus wouldn't be able to update.06:56
ubuseri know i just got teh net06:56
col0urAlso, does selecting "Ubuntu Desktop Edition" from the Netbook Remix login window revert back to Gnome?06:56
ubusererror processing firefox cannot access archive06:56
ubuserno such file or directory with th dpkg06:57
Madpilotubuser, have you done something to your repositories listings? Firefox is in Main...06:57
ubuserno i downloaded them06:57
ubuseri mean06:57
ubuserit was on the computer, but i went to download the flash players, and they werent working06:57
Madpilotubuser, you downloaded Firefox from the web? A .deb file?06:58
Sc0ttIf i don't have 3d support that means I need to upgrade my graphics driver correct?06:58
bullgard4What basic commands does Disk Utility (palimpsest) use to arrive at a judgement like: "Drive is functional"?06:58
ubuserso i went online and there was this thing you had to do with a lot of commands and some guy made a script, i checked out the codes, and it deleted my firefox, and his link wasnt good and it isnt installing back06:58
ubuseryeah i asked for the link lol06:58
bazhangubuser, what script give us a link06:58
ubuserumm alright06:58
Madpilotubuser, the apt-get command I gave you should reinstall firefox. I think you've done more damage to your install than just deleting FF06:59
col0urbazhang, Blue1, see above07:00
chaospsychexi need help adding a win7 entry to grub207:00
bazhangchaospsychex, check the grub2 instructions yet?07:00
Sc0ttcan you make live cd/usb out of win7?07:01
ubuserill try it again..07:01
bazhangSc0tt, try in ##windows07:01
chaospsychexyeah and i cant make heads or tails out of it07:01
ubuserbut still my shortcut is sayin it isnt there maybe this script changed the place or something07:01
Sc0ttwas just curios why he's adding it to grub07:01
bazhangchaospsychex, explain exactly what you can't understand07:01
Blue11col0ur: i dont know honestly -- I know if you go with the default, I tried to install trad. gnome AFTER installing the netbook remix, and all I got was unity07:01
zs1otb_I have setup ntp server 10.04 on 3 machijnes here. All three have different times, whu would that be. I understood that they should all 3 display that same time..07:01
chaospsychexi have it installed07:01
chaospsychexfor some reason it's gone from the menu07:01
Madpilotubuser, please give us a link to this script you ran. It really sounds like it broke more than just Firefox.07:01
chaospsychexsudo update-grub is not detecting it like it should either07:02
faryshtaHello. Which command is to install audio and video codecs?07:02
Blue11chaospsychex: tell me what happened?  is grub broke or?07:02
Blue11sorry was awk for a bit07:02
bastidrazorfaryshta: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras  ::this normally installs everything needed07:03
zs1otb_I have setup ntp server 10.04 on 3 machines here. All three have different times, why would that be. I understood that they should all 3 display that same time..07:03
col0urBlue1, and what about the Broadcom module?07:03
chaospsychexits not broke,the windows entry is just not there after a restart for some reason07:03
Blue11chaospsychex: you can try rebuiling it, i have link just a min07:03
ubusermaybe ill find the link07:04
ubusersounds like a virus07:04
faryshtaThanks bastidrazor07:04
Blue11chaospsychex: this MIGHT work.  YMMV applies:  http://pkill-9.com/?p=31407:04
Madpilotubuser, running random scripts you find on the web... not the greatest thing to do. It doesn't have to be a "virus" if you ran it yourself...07:05
bastidrazorfaryshta: you're welcome.07:05
ubuseridk jus sayin07:05
inktriif i have a symbolic link that points to a file called "test.html" and i move the "test.html" file to another folder, will the symbolic link still work?07:06
ubuserit had the file, and it deleted firefox07:06
ubuseryay found itno07:06
bastidrazorinktri: no, you'll need to remake the link to the actual location of the file.07:06
ubusernot like i had history07:06
Blue11inktri: because symlinks are tied to the physical locan07:07
inktriok thanks07:07
Blue11been there, done that!07:07
col0urBlue1, is there anything I can do about the Broadcom?07:07
Blue11col0ur: wlan ?07:07
col0urBlue1, yes wifi07:07
Madpilotubuser, you found a link to this script?07:07
Sc0ttAny idea what it takes to get my graphics card working properly?  I tried upgrading my card and every step of the way I have errors not even sure if the guide is the correct one07:08
chaospsychexhow do i add a menu entry to grub if i have the UUID of the partition i want to boot to?07:08
Blue11col0ur: ahh my friend had problems with that....07:08
col0urBlue1, before i installed it on my caper on my USB when i had access to a wired connection. but for a number of reasons i dont have a wired connection atm, and so if I redid my USB with the regular version i wouldn't have access to that module until i get a wired conection which could be a while07:09
col0urerm Blue1107:09
Sc0ttguess I'll ask another day07:10
Blue11col0ur: i think this is the link he used:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1071920&mode=linear07:10
col0urBlue11: "Wired Internet access on the machine with the wireless card on it, in "07:10
col0uri dont have that07:10
Blue11col0ur: search for that on yahoo or google would be my recommendation sorry.07:11
col0urBlue11: alright thanks anyway :)07:11
=== satamusic-1 is now known as satamusic
col0urBlue11: one more question: will making a Live USB in Ubuntu wipe it?07:11
Blue11col0ur: iirc there is an option to format it.07:12
col0urbut you dont have to?07:12
col0uralright thanks07:12
bazhangubuser, got the script?07:12
Blue11col0ur: honestly - don't know it has been since 10.04 that I did it (a year ago) and I just formatted.07:12
* Blue11 steps away from the squishee machine - night folks07:13
frenochabye Apu07:13
mohddzulffiqarnewbies here07:14
Madpilotmohddzulffiqar, be polite.07:14
mohddzulffiqarok madpilot...07:14
mohddzulffiqarthis is my first time using xubuntu07:15
mohddzulffiqaranyone can teach me..07:15
juniourmohddzulffiqar wt you wanna to know?07:16
Madpilotmohddzulffiqar, there's #xubuntu, although it's often quiet07:16
mohddzulffiqarhow to install software??07:16
mohddzulffiqarseriously how is it07:16
frenochamohddzulffiqar: it's fairly self-explanatory in general. May I suggest asking a more specific question?07:16
mohddzulffiqarwhat the file types for ubuntu`s installler??07:17
juniourmohddzulffiqar which software you wanna to install07:17
mohddzulffiqarminefield...do you know that software??07:17
Madpilotmohddzulffiqar, Ubuntu uses repositories, so you don't usually  have to download random stuff off websites...07:17
chaospsychexBlue11: I've had to do that method before, when i installed win7 after ubuntu. Could you explain what that exactly does? why would i have to re-install grub2 to the MBR if the entry just dissapeared07:17
chaospsychexi haven't re-installed windows07:18
chaospsychexnothing has changed07:18
Madpilotmohddzulffiqar, there's enough differences between Ubuntu and Xubuntu that you really should ask on #xubuntu07:18
chaospsychexall i did was delete a ntfs partition i was storing files on for backup07:18
hilarieWhat was the equivalent to sudo that you should use in GUI programs?07:19
mohddzulffiqarhow to switch to #xubuntu..???07:19
juniourmohddzulffiqar try /join #xubuntu07:19
bonjoyeecan i add multiple cache folders for apt-get?07:19
Switchmohddzulffiqar: /j #xubuntu07:19
frenochahilarie: gksudo07:19
pylixthat or double click the #07:19
bethdo97_What does revert do in the live CD partitioning utility?07:19
ubuserwell i cant find where i downloaded this script07:19
ubuserbut i want firefox back07:19
pylixit should link you most aps have that built in07:19
ubuseri got the script on the desktop07:19
ubuserif i need to post it somewhere if thatll help07:19
Madpilotubuser, stick the script up somewhere, post the URL here07:20
bastidrazorubottu: tell ubuser about pastebin07:20
ubottuubuser, please see my private message07:20
Switchubuser: type yes in the terminal07:20
MagusOTBWhat package comes with man pages for things like pthread_create?07:21
Switchhow do I use the output of one program as an argument to another program? -- a command line argument, NOT the stdin of the program07:23
juniourswitch use pipe07:23
ubuseryes in the terminal?07:23
Switchjuniour: derp, I said not the stdin07:24
ubuser"plz give me my internet backkkk"07:24
chaospsychexis there an alternative to grub2?07:24
SwitchI mean, I want to give the output of the command "ps aux" to the 'yes' program as an argument07:24
bazhangubuser, got the link ?07:24
ubuseridk what pastebin is07:24
ajahdoes any one know how to boot iso file from grub07:24
bazhangpaste.ubuntu.com   <----- ubuser07:25
basixis anybody running ubuntu on a macbook (pro) 7,1? I need some help with the nvidia geforce 320m graphics card.07:25
ubuseralright before i paste this07:25
juniourswitch i cant get  you07:25
ubuserit told me to chmod it07:25
bazhangubuser, just paste the script and give us the pastebin link07:26
MagusOTBSwitch: backticks, i.e. prog1 `prog2` wil make the stdout of prog2 appear as if it were there on the command line07:26
SwitchMagusOTB: yeah, that's what I want, thanks07:26
ubuserbut the link it was going to get firefox from wasnt legit, and it never put it back just bent me over07:27
ubuseri was just trying to get flashplayer working07:27
ubuseron the epiphany crap anyway07:28
Technikfreakdoes the new ff work nice on ubuntu 10.10`?07:28
Madpilotubuser, that script seems to be attempting to download an ANCIENT version of Firefox...07:28
bastidrazorubuser: firefox-1.5??.. that is beyond old07:28
ubuseri would say something07:28
ubuserbut dont ask07:28
teapolloniusI just bought a laptop running Ubuntu because I want to learn to use it, but I'm a complete newb. Anyone know how to connect to a wifi network?07:28
ubuserso whats the solution?07:29
ubusertried completely deleting in sypnatic07:29
=== teapollonius is now known as tea
ubuserbut nothin seems to be working07:29
ubuserhavent tried the deb yet07:29
=== tea is now known as teapollo
ubusergotta get off this its just a mod of firefox anyway07:29
frenochateapollonius: clicking the NetworkManager icon in the top right corner is a good first step - then pick your network, fill in your password, and you're basically done.07:30
ubuserhow was i posed to no the link was dead anyway07:30
ubuseri dont really know code, so i dont read it07:30
juniourteapollonius you have activated your addtional drivers07:31
ubuserbesides, its because im the first ubuntu that ever came out07:31
ubuserand they told me i wouldnt be able to get zsnes working on it07:31
ubuseronly thing that even works on here07:31
bazhangubuser, you're on 4.10?07:31
=== OOzemeister is now known as jmad980
Technikfreak4.10 lol07:31
ubuserimagine trying to get a usb from the modem to pc on 5.107:31
Sc0ttany suggestions on how get my gfx driver upgraded?  I can't get alot of features to work right now07:31
ubuserthen changing ur modem settings thats always fun07:31
bazhangubuser, what version of ubuntu.07:32
ubuserbreezy badger07:32
junioursc0tt try this system->addministration->hardware drivers07:32
Madpilotubuser, any particular reason you're running an antique version of Ubuntu?07:32
ubuserthought u might say somethin ghey07:33
ubuserno not really07:33
junioursc0tt click on activate botton on right botton07:33
bazhangubuser, please pastebin your sources.list07:33
juniourteapollonius system->addministration->hardware drivers07:33
ubuserthey got mailed to my grandma and she never used them so i tried it, liked it, tried burnin 2 or 3 isos with 9.1 my pc only has like 500 ram07:33
ubuserstarted to get lubuntu or xubuntu07:33
ubuserits not my sources07:34
ubusertook me forevar and 1/2 to get them workin07:34
Sc0ttYeah no luck there only my wifi card is listed as a choice07:34
ubuserspecially with the version 5.107:34
bazhangcat /etc/apt/sources.list  ----> paste.ubuntu.com07:34
juniourscott activate that07:34
Sc0ttalready is07:34
junioursc0tt try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade07:35
ubuseri even typed the arrow ---->07:36
Madpilotubuser, the reason you can't apt-get anything is likely that the Breezy repositories flat-out don't exist anymore...07:36
junioursc0tt system->addministration->update manager07:36
Sc0ttFetched 873B in 34s (26B/s)07:36
Sc0ttW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/user/ppa-name/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/source/Sources.gz  404  Not Found07:36
Sc0ttW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/user/ppa-name/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404  Not Found07:36
Sc0ttE: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.07:36
FloodBot1Sc0tt: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:36
ubuseri lost that other link ... .07:36
ubuserif anyone wants a useless script07:37
ubusermaybe, one day07:37
ubuserrofl, i usually gedit that file07:37
bazhangubuser, the paste of your sources.list please07:37
ubuserand i thought i copied it07:38
MagusOTBDoes anybody know what package comes with man pages for pthread_*()?07:38
junioursc0tt paste the output here  http://paste.ubuntu.com and give me the link07:38
bethdo97_I had prvioussly installed 10.10 on a HD and then had to add Win 7 because son needed both things for a programming class he is taking; the fix Grub2 info failed to fix the booting issues and I am attemptig to eliminate the partitionns prreviously assigned to Ubuntu and the swap file and then reinstall using those same partittions. While in the partitioner, I was curious what thhe REVERT choice did?07:38
junioursc0tty try this system->addministration->update manager07:38
teapollofrenocha, yeah, that was my thought process as well. Sorry for the delay but I went to retrace my steps and had to go get the wifi password off the router. After putting in the password it keeps poppuing up saying Unlock Keyring. What's that mean?07:39
juniour sc0tty try this system->addministration->update manager07:39
junioursc0tt try this system->addministration->update manager07:40
Sc0ttthere are no updates to install07:40
frenochateapollo: the keyring is a method of storing all passwords used under one main password, by default the original login password - the analogy is that it's a ring keeping all of your keys (read: passwords) together, i.e. a keyring07:40
ubuserwas my file right07:40
frenochateapollo: depending on when it's asking what, you might need to fill in your login password, your previous login password or simply click 'always allow access'07:41
junioursc0tt have u updated before07:41
ubuserthis epiphany browser is mad3 slow07:41
junioursc0tt when07:42
Sc0ttI was trying to get the grx card working following a ubuntu guide before but I kept getting errors every step of the way07:42
Sc0tttoday a few hours ago07:42
Madpilotubuser, any browser that old would be slow. Modern epiph is fine. Your sources.list looks OK, I think.07:42
ubuserfirefox was better07:43
teapollofrenocha, is there any way to find out what that password is and/or reinstall to get a new one? I just want to be able to use this computer, they told me that there is only one password anything could be, but that password does nothing on this keyring thing.07:43
Madpilotubuser, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DapperUpgrades07:43
ubuserdownloaded every piece though07:43
Sc0tt01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 [Mobility Radeon 9600 M10]07:43
Sc0ttusing ubutnu 10.1007:43
ubusereven windows media player combo, and didnt have flash07:44
ubuseri got the .so and deb of it07:44
ubusereven if i get it on07:44
=== RobotCow is now known as Arm0fone
teapolloI'm worried about getting drivers working and whatnot, last time I tried to install Linux (circa 2003) I had a lot of trouble with that and gave up07:44
ubuserwhat u recommend07:44
ubuseri got cd's07:44
Madpilotteapollo, 2003 was a long, long time ago in Linux terms07:44
ubuseri heard like lubuntu07:45
ubuseror something07:45
ubuserthis pc blows07:45
k4g6hey is it possible to use xmobar as a replacement for the gnome-panell07:45
junioursc0tt try this lspci | grep "VGS" and give the output07:45
frenochateapollo: the keyring password will be the password you filled in when you first installed your current Ubuntu installation - which version of Ubuntu are you running?07:45
teapolloMadpilot: that's why I spent $200 on a laptop with Ubuntu on it, I figured it was time to give it a second chance.07:45
leapy0yois there a way to do a ls of a-e  but not a-z or so?07:46
ubuserseen a mozilla html editor in sypnatic07:46
ubuserff, ftl07:46
frenochateapollo: try running 'seahorse' to change your keyring password - Alt+F2 -> 'seahorse'07:46
Sc0ttdoesn't return anything07:46
juniourscott sorry try this lspci | grep "VGA"07:46
Gnealeapy0yo: perhaps you could be more specific..07:47
madsailorhi all. I'm running dualboot win7 + ubuntu, and just did a Gentoo install on my spare partition for some extra linux (joy??).  I ran sudo grub-update and it updated grub.cfg, and listed the 2 win parts, ubuntu kernel and gentoo kernel, but when I reboot only the win and ubuntu are available on the grub list.Ideas?07:47
thauriswulfa1QUESTION: howt to download some package that i download with apt-get by axel downloader07:47
Gneamadsailor: are you sure that 'grub-update' was targetting the same MBR?\07:48
=== Arm0fone is now known as Army0fone
ubuseris java a language07:48
leapy0yoi want to do  for i in a*.rm and e*.rm ... but i don't want the z*.rm to get in there like a *.rm would do07:48
Gneaubuser: yes07:48
Sc0ttentester@pentester:~/Downloads$ lspci | grep "VGA"07:48
Sc0tt01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 [Mobility Radeon 9600 M10]07:48
dn4how do I use IPv6 ?07:49
teapollofrenocha: I didn't install Ubuntu, it came installed. I guess I'm using Ubuntu 10.05 LTS07:49
madsailoryep...the grub on my ubuntu is the one installed to the MBR, and I ran the command from ubuntu cli07:49
Gnea!ipv6 | dn407:49
ubottudn4: For an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv407:49
kt_I need help07:49
Gnea!ask | kt_07:49
ubottukt_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:49
kt_I forgot to install the pc-bsd boot loader, how can i start it now ?07:49
dn4tunneling through ipv407:49
junioursc0tt it has to support addnitional drivers07:49
dn4doesn't that defeat the point07:49
kt_i have windows, linux and pc-bsd now07:49
dn4of ipv6?07:49
kt_on the same laptop07:49
frenochateapollo: that one doesn't exist, so I somewhat doubt it ;) you can get your version number by going to System > About Ubuntu in your menu - regardless, try running 'seahorse'07:49
kt_how can i start the pc-bsd07:49
kt_i forgot to install its boot loader07:49
Gneadn4: how so?07:49
kt_plz help :,/07:50
FloodBot1kt_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:50
junioursc0tt are you sure you cant get any thing in list07:50
leapy0yoi do for i in *.rm ; do something; done ... but I only want a*.rm to e*.rm07:50
thauriswulfa1QUESTION: howt to download some package that i download with apt-get by axel downloader07:50
Gneakt_: no idea, might want to ask in #pcbsd07:50
Sc0ttYeah its just my wifi card in the additional driver07:50
Sc0ttall my repositories are checked too07:50
teapollofrenocha: it says "You are using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS - the Lucid Lynx - released in April 2010 and supported until April 2013:07:50
Gneakt_: however, ubuntuforums.org might know...07:51
madsailorgnea- sorry forgot to use your sn in response: yes...the grub on my ubuntu is the one installed to the MBR, and I ran the command from ubuntu cli07:51
kt_plz someone help me07:51
bazhangkt_, with what07:51
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ubuserhow do u install firefox manually07:52
Dead_Storageok so in xchat i accidently made the menu's go away, how do i get them back07:52
ubuserand a flash player plugin07:52
kt_bazz : i have forgot to install the damn boot loader of pc-bsd, how can i start pc-bsd now07:52
kt_i dont see any option on boot to start it07:52
Gnea!language | kt_07:53
ubottukt_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.07:53
ubuserwhats a deb package for07:54
ubuserlike a zip or somethin07:54
kt_baz can u help me07:54
Madpilotubuser, it's an install package07:54
Dead_Storagepylix, thx07:54
nexesubuser: Closest Windows equivalent would be an msi file.07:54
Madpilotubuser, debs are what apt-get downloads07:55
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teapollofrenocha: it appears that seahorse did the trick. Thanks.07:55
frenochateapollo: np :)07:55
kt_can u help me07:55
Gnea!patient | kt_07:56
Gnea!patience | kt_07:56
ubottukt_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/07:56
Gneakt_: did you install pcbsd to a primary partition or a logical partition?07:57
leapy0yohwo do i properly copy a ubuntu file toa  ntfs system/windows?07:57
Gnealeapy0yo: with the cp command07:58
ubuserwait couldnt i put the link to the right deb and then my firefox work07:58
kt_drive E:\07:59
kt_which was totaly unused07:59
leapy0yodoes not work, it becomes a file that cannot be chown nor chmod07:59
Gneakt_: you do realize that the concept of drive letters simply does not exist in the *nix world, right?07:59
ajahi am using grub (GNU GRUB 0.97) will i get any benefit if install grub 208:00
Gneakt_: okay, well they don't. only windows uses the drive letters. are you booted into ubuntu right now?08:00
ubuserwhat code i use on srcs.list to get the info in terminal08:00
Gneakt_: excellent. :)  would you please install the pastebinit program08:01
kt_how can i install it ?08:01
kt_sudo apt-get install pastebinit ?08:01
Gneakt_: yes.08:01
Madpilotubuser, you want to print the contents of sources.list to the terminal?08:02
Gneaubuser: what is srcs.list?08:02
kt_now what, Gnea08:02
Gneakt_: now:  cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg | pastebinit   <-- it will provide a URL, please paste the URL here.08:02
thauriswulfa1QUESTION: Is there anyway so that apt-get can use axel to download packages08:03
kt_now , Gnea?08:04
ubusernot exactly08:04
ubuserbut yea08:04
ubusertook 2 minutes to get to google08:04
Gneakt_: okay, it looks like grub never saw pcbsd. have you tried running the grub-update from ubuntu after installing pcbsd?08:05
kt_hwo can i do that08:05
leapy0yookay surely, i cannot run a ubuntu binary on a NTFS external hard drive08:05
kt_i just installed pc-bsd right now08:05
burkey_any got the picasa facebook uploader working  on ubuntu.  I get firefox window strop responding after adding to album ubutu 10.04 picasa 3.808:06
kt_it completed 5 mins ago probably08:06
leapy0yocan i symbolic link it?08:06
leapy0yowhat is a hard link and a soft link?08:06
ubuserany way to scan for driver updates08:06
Gneakt_: yeah, just run it on the terminal you have open08:06
bazhangubuser, in 5.10?08:06
SwedeMikeleapy0yo: symbolic link is a soft link08:07
Gneakt_: after you run it, run that pastebinit command again so we can make sure it detected pcbsd correctly.08:07
juniourubser system->addministration-> hardware drivers08:07
bazhangjuniour, he's on 5.1008:07
kt_sudo apt-get install grub-update08:07
bazhangubuser, upgrade to a supported version08:07
ubuserlast time i used it i was on 9.108:07
Gneakt_: sudo update-grub208:07
juniourubsur y08:08
bazhangubuser, you just gave us sources.list from 5.1008:08
ubusersnes wont work08:08
FloodBot1ubuser: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:08
Sc0ttthink this is what i need? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver08:08
juniourwhy wont you upgrade your version upgrade it to 10.04 or 10.1008:08
kt_Gnea:  done08:08
juniourubuser why wont you upgrade your version upgrade it to 10.04 or 10.1008:09
kt_btw why is it showing linux 3 times and windows once? even on boot i see this linux option 3 times08:09
ubuseri dont really havew that many cd's and all my games are on here08:09
ubusermy flash drive fried08:09
ubuserstill no command to send the text to the terminal08:10
ubusergedit ftw08:10
juniourubuser vi08:10
kt_Gnea:  u there, sir?08:10
Gneakt_: 4 times, actually. there are 4 different linux kernels.08:11
hateballkt_: the multiple entries are so that a kernel upgrade wont leave you unable to use the machine. you can use an older kernel08:11
Gneakt_: yes, I'm here, it takes time to work on my end.08:11
kt_ok sir08:11
kt_so it has worked now, Gnea?08:11
Gneakt_: it has not, trying to figure out why and what to do.08:11
Gneakt_: could you please run this:  sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda | pastebinit08:14
Sc0ttdoes ubuntu have a task manager like windows Cntrl alt delete?08:14
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KirkMcDonaldSc0tt: Open a terminal and run top.08:15
earthmeLonI am having a hard time finding where my sound card is located on my filesystem.  What is it listed as under /dev/?08:15
GneaSc0tt: or right-click on the panel, then add-to-panel, select system monitor, and click on it once it's up08:15
frenochaSc0tt: try running 'gnome-system-monitor'08:15
Sc0ttah okay thanks08:15
Gneakt_: awesome, have you looked at this too?08:16
KirkMcDonald(I don't typically use the GUI, so I'm more familiar with the command-line tools.)08:16
kt_u mean the website? yes08:16
lanksI just followed the steps to configure postfix with virutal mailbox here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixVirtualMailBoxClamSmtpHowto and I got to the part where you send an email to one of the virtual users. It isn't send the email though.... it is just getting bounced to the root user mail acc. Any ideas what the problem could be?08:16
Gneaick, lag08:17
kt_Gnea:  what should i do now sir08:18
Gneakt_: sorry about that, my internet connection just went haywire for a bit08:18
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Gneakt_: okay, wanted to make sure we're on the same page :)08:18
kt_ok :P then?08:18
yskhey can u tell me if i share any foler in ubuntu on my wireless... how could the fella on windoes can access it it ask for id password?08:19
mah454 I can not connect to Debian server with ssh08:19
mah454receive this message " No route to host "08:19
Gneakt_: okay, then you will need to edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg manually in order to add pcbsd, but it will need to be taylored to your exact system requirements using the following method:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8762937&postcount=508:20
=== bonzai_pete is now known as hardboiled
ubuseri lost my pastebin link, i was gonna put those in the terminal..08:20
kt_Gnea:  sir can u tell me step by step in pm i will continue doing like that08:20
Gneakt_: in your case, since pcbsd is on /dev/sda3, it should be on (hd0,2)08:20
kt_im very new to this i can get error08:20
Switchnever had a nigger in my bed with me08:20
Gneakt_: I can explain it here, it would benefit others08:20
Gnea!language | Switch08:21
ubottuSwitch: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.08:21
kt_ok plz do, tell me ill do it08:21
Gnea!ot | Switch08:21
ubottuSwitch: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:21
ysk i asked somethin08:21
kt_say it here so everyone learn, tell me step by step n ill tell u step by step updates08:21
adisWere can i find Ubuntu games08:21
hardboiledmornin all08:21
frenochaadis: try opening the Ubuntu Software Center from your main menu08:22
Gneaadis: www.playdeb.net08:22
* kt_ is waiting :P08:22
Gneakt_: okay, you need to map /dev/sda3 to grub08:22
Gneakt_: you know it is the first disk, so grub sees it like this:  (hd0)08:22
Gneakt_: second disk would be (hd1) and so on...08:23
kt_ok i see08:23
kt_tell me commands ill type it in terminal08:23
Gneakt_: make sure you are editting /etc/grub.d/40_custom08:24
Gneakt_: sorry, I forgot to mention that before :o08:24
kt_so tell me command to type ill type it sir08:24
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Gneakt_: title PCBSD08:24
Gneakt_: rootnoverify (hd0,2)08:24
Gneakt_: chainloader +108:25
Gneakt_: save and quit08:25
kt_where should i type all this?08:25
Gneakt_: in the /etc/grub.d/40_custom file, at the bottom of it08:25
kt_how can i open this file08:25
kt_pico ?08:25
Gneakt_: with a text editor:  sudo nano /etc/grub.d/40_custom08:25
ajahcan any tell what map (hd0,1) in grub menu.lst does08:26
Gneaajah: nothing.08:26
ajahGnea, what the purpose of map( )08:26
juniourcna any aone tall me can i play all the games that i used to play in windows like nfs,fifa ?08:26
Gneaajah: map() would be a function, not a command. it's used to swap two hard drives so the system thinks that one is first rather than second or third08:27
Gneaajah: so it would be map not map()08:27
Gneajuniour: possibly08:27
kt_i have done it now Gnea08:27
Gnea!cedega | juniour08:27
ubottujuniour: cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega08:27
kt_now should i run that old command again08:27
kt_so u can see its done or not yet?08:27
FloodBot1kt_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:27
Gneakt_: yes, sudo update-grub208:27
Gneakt_: and then pastebinit for grub.cfg08:28
ajahGnea any idea how to boot iso from disc with grub08:28
juniourGnea how to do that08:28
Gneaajah:  don't think grub can do it, but grub2 can08:28
Gnea!grub2 | ajah08:28
ubottuajah: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub208:28
Gneajuniour: with cedega08:28
juniourGnea wt thats?08:29
kt_Gnea:  done08:29
kt_now ?08:29
Gneajuniour: please read what ubottu told you.08:29
Gneakt_: okay, it worked, but now we need to edit it so that it's the correct syntax08:30
Gneakt_: so open /etc/grub.d/40_custom again08:30
kt_ok and does PCBSD has a wireless driver already? i am using wireless internet, will i be able to connect to it just like automaticaly it was done in kubuntu or no i have to do something manually for it?08:30
kt_ok wait08:30
Gneakt_: I don't know, haven't used PCBSD with wireless yet08:30
kt_its open08:30
kt_now ?08:30
kt_i opened what u said08:30
kt_now ?08:30
Gneakt_: I would imagine it does, but #pcbsd would be a better place to ask for that08:30
FloodBot1kt_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:30
kt_ppl in pcbsd are noobs, they didnt solved my problem and u did08:31
kt_they said reinstall OS08:31
joe_1haha.. noobs08:31
kt_anyway what should i do now08:31
ajahGnea, $grub-install -v grub-install (GNU GRUB 0.97) , i`m running on 10.10 how to install grub208:31
kt_i am in grub.d/40_custom08:31
=== tommy is now known as Guest65877
Gneakt_: change 'title PCBSD' to 'menuentry "PCBSD" {'08:31
Gneaajah: it should be installed already. try grub2-install08:32
kt_i should exactly type = menuentry "PCBSD"{08:32
Gneakt_: menuentry "PCBSD" {08:32
kt_ok then?08:33
ajahGnea, sudo: grub2-install: command not found08:33
kt_Gnea:  i have done that, now?08:33
Gnea!grub2 | ajah Please follow these guides08:33
ubottuajah Please follow these guides: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub208:33
Gneakt_: sec08:33
Gneakt_: next line:  insmod bsd08:34
ramontayaghey folks. got a new hard disk, and reinstalled ubuntu. every 30 seconds or so, i feel that something is reading/writing to my hard disk that slows everything down. when I watch a video file (with vlc) it will freeze up for about 10 seconds. i tried http://www.howtoforge.com/faq/13_17_en.html and my disk seems pretty fast. what do i do?08:34
KB1JWQramontayag: Check iostat.08:34
KB1JWQI'd use that for diagnosis.08:34
kt_Gnea:  done, now ?08:34
KB1JWQramontayag: If you're correct in your assumption, run iotop.08:34
ramontayagKB1JWQ, I'll check iostat. I tried iotop, but nothing seems to be running out of the ordinary. i'll check again, brb08:36
Gneakt_: next line, change 'rootnoverify (hd0,2)' to set root='(hd0,bsd)'08:36
Gneakt_: and leave chainloader +1 alone08:36
hakanubuntuyu yeni kurdum  the folder contents could not be displayed root foledr girdiğimde?08:37
Switchkt_: don't do it! he's trying to hack you08:37
ajahGnea, i found this article http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-install-grub-2-on-ubuntu-9.04 is this going to help me or not since i running on 10.1008:37
kt_Gnea:  done, now?08:37
Gnea!ot | Switch08:37
ubottuSwitch: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:37
bazhangSwitch, stop that08:37
kt_Switch:  i'd love to be hacked by him08:37
kt_Switch:  i love hackers like him and want them to hack me08:37
kt_Switch:  u should also get hacked, its fun08:38
KB1JWQkt_: That's enough.08:38
kt_Gnea:  ok i have done that08:38
kt_now what sir?08:38
kt_in end i have to put a } now ? :P or something else left also08:38
Gneakt_: no, the } is not necessary08:38
kt_its done now?08:38
Gneakt_: wait - I'm wrong, sorry08:39
Gneakt_: put } on the line after chainloader +108:39
kt_yeah typical programming syntax :P08:39
kt_ok then? its done ?08:39
Suit_Of_Sableshey gang, I have been away from ubuntu for awhile. On another distro there was a package for a 'color' enabled rtorrent. apt-cache search found no such packages in the standard repos.08:39
kt_is it done now, Gnea? should i save and quit now?08:40
Gneakt_: yes, save/quit and then:  sudo update-grub2   and then pastebinit the grub.cfg again please08:40
kt_its yays08:40
kt_permission denied08:40
hidnshadowsKb1jwq since I'm guessing that's an amateur tag, know of any secondary repos with HAM software? Ubuntu's pickings aren't very impressive08:40
Gneakt_: uh oh... did you remember to use nano with sudo?08:40
kt_i used pico08:40
Gneathat's fine08:40
Gneabtw, nano is a modern form of pico :)08:41
kt_ok its done08:41
kt_nano is so hard,08:41
kt_pico rocks, wait lemme update it now08:41
Gneause what works :)08:41
fmanachHi there08:42
pvl1on my headless ubuntu server box, tab completion doesnt work when i begin with sudo08:42
gordonjcphidnshadows: most amateur radio software isn't very impressive08:42
gordonjcphidnshadows: what are you looking for?08:42
fmanachpvl1: this never worked for me neither08:43
Gneakt_: okay, that *should* do it... reboot and give it a whirl08:43
pvl1fmanach, i think it may just be as such for security?08:43
hidnshadowsGordonjcp I'm in a high school amateur club, just starting to crawl, so we have all the software on windoze. I'm looking for a QSO logger/lookup, world pushpin map, and an SSTV encoder08:44
fmanachor just that sudo is not developped so it autocomplete08:44
hidnshadowsfmanach sudo should work fine, considering it only does one function08:46
fmanachhidnshadows: this is exactly my opinion08:46
Gnea!info qsstv | hidnshadows08:46
ubottuhidnshadows: qsstv (source: qsstv): Qt-based slow-scan TV and fax. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.3c-8.1 (maverick), package size 616 kB, installed size 1336 kB08:46
Gneakt_: and the verdict?08:47
kt_Gnea:  it is there now but it givs error that chainloder+1 unknown command08:47
hidnshadowsGnea thanks08:47
kt_now ?08:47
natrixnatrix89Is it a good idea to use ext4 as filesystem for an external usb hdd?08:47
ramontayagKB1JWQ, every 20 seconds or so, I see this: jdb2/sda1-8 take up 99.99% of the io. I don't understand so much of it, but something similar was raised here: http://superuser.com/questions/101640/disk-operations-freeze-debian08:47
_`-`natrixnatrix89: depends where it's used I guess08:48
Gneakt_: ah yes, it needs to be 'chainloader +1', not 'chainloader+1'08:48
Gneakt_: it needs space to work right08:48
natrixnatrix89_`-`: what do you mean?08:48
kt_oh ok08:48
hidnshadowsnatrixnatrix89, it depends, what are you trying to do with it?08:48
bazhangnatrixnatrix89, shared with windows?08:48
_`-`windows won't read an ext4 filesystem, so if you're only working with linux environments it should be fine08:48
Gneakt_: sorry, don't know why I didn't catch that before08:48
natrixnatrix89no. i dont do windows..08:48
natrixnatrix89so it wont crash?08:49
HongildonHi everyone08:49
_`-`i'd imagine not :p not every USB device is the same though08:49
natrixnatrix89bazhang: i have a FAT partition for use with windows..08:49
bazhangnatrixnatrix89, what about files larger than 4GB08:50
natrixnatrix89bazhang: bad. I put them on ext4 partition..08:50
natrixnatrix89it is so confusing.. macs dont read ntfs08:50
natrixnatrix89so there is no universal fs for all os's?08:51
lanksanyone know of a straight forward tutorial on how to set up a mailserver from scratch with virtual mailboxes and non linux user accounts?08:51
natrixnatrix89because fat has the limit of 4 gb08:51
natrixnatrix89ntfs does not work on a mac08:51
natrixnatrix89but ext does not wor on win..08:51
hidnshadowsits like... they don't want you to be able to use other people's products...08:52
pylixdeal with the 4 gig limit08:52
natrixnatrix89pylix: id rather use ext and stick without windows and mac..08:52
dagon666hello, I would like to update my kvm/qemu installation in my karmic, is there any unofficial ppa for it ?08:53
pylixthe 4 gig thing is not a huge limitation08:53
=== bonzai_pete is now known as hard_up
natrixnatrix89pylix: nowadays it is.. because usually all the br movies are bigger than 4 gb08:54
kt_now it says no such partition, error08:54
kt_lol ;\08:54
kt_what now, Gnea? :(08:54
pylixsplit the file08:54
pylixthen transfer it in peices08:54
natrixnatrix89pylix: but then i cant put it on a usb and plug it in my tv and watch..08:55
Gneakt_: ur?/08:55
kt_what u mean ur?/08:55
natrixnatrix89kt_: sudo blkid ?08:55
pylixi don't get it. are you tri-booting are something?08:55
kt_/dev/sda1: UUID="AECA534ACA530E49" TYPE="ntfs"08:56
kt_/dev/sda2: UUID="AE92C75092C71BA9" TYPE="ntfs"08:56
kt_/dev/sda3: TYPE="ufs"08:56
kt_/dev/sda4: UUID="6f9fa907-96b7-4748-b735-8218d19960f4" TYPE="ext3"08:56
FloodBot1kt_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:56
Gneakt_: sorry - okay, open the /etc/grub.d/40_custom again08:56
kt_change hd0 to hd2 ?08:56
natrixnatrix89pylix: basically this is all off-topic speech. just wondering why isnt there an universal fs..08:56
Gneakt_: no.08:56
kt_ok then08:56
Gneakt_: there's only 1 hdd, right?08:57
kt_1 physical hard disk08:57
Gneakt_: hd2 would be a 3rd physical hard disk08:57
kt_lol ok08:57
kt_so what c hanges should i do this time08:57
Gneakt_: so, let's try this:  comment out "insmod bsd" so it looks like "#insmod bsd"08:58
Gneakt_: then change the "set root=(hd0,bsd)" to "set root=(hd0,2)"08:58
kt_now ?08:58
kt_then ?08:58
Gneakt_: save/quit, update-grub2, reboot08:59
loroshelp please cannot enter text into terminal ..only shows squares08:59
Gnealoros: can you take a screenshot and post it?08:59
furiif anyone has heard of the game "black shades"... i'm stuck trying to make it and it stops saying  "/home/furi/blackshades/blackshades/Source/Textures.cpp:26: undefined reference to `IMG_Load' "... any help?09:00
lorosGnea Sorry no...it is my brothers machine09:00
lorosI get squares in gedit also09:01
ramontayagI'm getting jdb2 hogging my disk io. i'm on ext4 - should i use ext3 instead?09:01
Gnea!screenshot | loros09:01
ubottuloros: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.09:01
kt_now it says BOOTmgr is missing09:01
kt_now what, Gnea? :(09:01
Gneakt_: okay, open the file again...09:02
ramontayagI'm unable to watch videos at all because it freezes every 30 seconds. at least.09:02
GneaI really should install pcbsd someday09:02
lorossqaures look like ascii09:02
kt_i have opened it09:03
kt_now ?09:03
Gneakt_: uncomment #insmod bsd and change it to : insmod ufs209:03
ramontayagany suggestions?09:03
Gneakt_: then change "set root=(hd0,2)" to "set root=(hd0,ufs2)"09:03
Gneakt_: save/quit, update-grub2, reboot09:03
Gnearamontayag: screenshot, please.09:03
ramontayagGnea, I'll try. jdb2 appears for less than a second09:04
Gnearamontayag: huh?09:04
arturoI can't see internal mobile broadband SIM. Before updating I could use it. VAIO VGN-Z11WN09:05
ramontayagGnea, how I know that it's jdb2 that's causing this is through iotop09:05
ramontayagThat's what you wanted to see, right? The screenshot of jdb2 process hogging the disk io?09:06
Gnearamontayag: what are you talking about? why can't you just post a screenshot?09:06
Gnealoros: screenshot?09:06
Gnearamontayag: sorry09:06
kt_again it says no such partition09:06
ramontayagGnea, oh09:06
furiif anyone has heard of the game "black shades"... i'm stuck trying to make it and it stops saying  "/home/furi/blackshades/blackshades/Source/Textures.cpp:26: undefined reference to `IMG_Load' "... any help?09:06
Gnearamontayag: yeah, what's your cpu/ram?09:07
lorosGnea  Terminal should show neville@neville-desktop ;-$ but insted show the corresponding number of squares . This also happens when I type text into gedit09:07
kt_Gnea:  now what, bro ? :D it says no such partition09:07
Gneakt_: okay, try changing 'ufs2' to 'ufs1' on both lines09:07
Gnealoros: okay, you can upload a screenshot.09:08
Gnea!screenshot | loros09:08
kt_now ? reboot again?09:08
ramontayagAnyone come across ext4/jdb2 problems? I'm wondering if I should nuke this disk and move to ext3 instead.09:08
Gneakt_: don't forget the update, yes09:08
lorosmy ubuntu terminal works fine it is my brothers that has the problem and I cannot get a screenshot09:09
loroshe is interstae09:09
Gnealoros: oh. I really have no idea.09:10
kt_no good09:10
kt_same error, no such partition09:10
Gneakt_: ugh!09:10
kt_now what, Gnea? :(09:10
lorosokay thanks Gnea09:11
Gneakt_: pastebinit the grub.cfg09:11
loroslooks like a reinstall09:11
kt_ok whats the command again09:11
kt_for pastebiniting it09:11
lorosmight be the go09:11
Gnealoros: well, if he can't get on here, then probably09:11
Gneakt_: cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg | pastebinit09:12
loroswill se what I can do09:12
_`-`hm, so if i hit ctrl-alt-f6, and start irssi through ssh, is there a way to sort of 'pop out' and execute other commands? like another tab09:13
Gneakt_: okay, just for fun, change "set root=(hd0,ufs1)" to "set root=(hd0,ufs)"09:13
Gneakt_: and try that09:14
kt_and ufs in insmod also?09:14
Gnea_`-`: what are you trying to do?09:14
Gneakt_: no09:14
Gneakt_: leave insmod alone09:15
_`-`probably nothing logical, but if i was in ctrl-alt-f6 (surely there's another name for this) and currently using irssi through ssh, how could i, for example, grep without logging out of ssh or going back to my graphical desktop?09:16
Gnea_`-`: the name would be "the 6th console terminal" and you could avoid logout issues remotely by using screen on the remote end09:18
ajahi installed grub2 than reboot to check if it`s working and it was fine than sudo upgrade-from-grub-legacy and prompt we in with device to install it and i select /dev/sda1 ( not sure) and then i reboot and get grub loading error 1509:18
=== vincent is now known as Guest55942
=== Guest55942 is now known as VF_123
_`-`Gnea: i am using screen, but i mean grep on my local machine :p09:18
_`-`for curiosity's sake.09:18
Gnea_`-`: again, that makes no sense.09:19
bullgard4!hdmi | breaker31309:19
kt_again same error man09:19
kt_no such partition ;/09:19
Gneakt_: okay, change insmod ufs1 back to insmod ufs209:19
VF_123Hi, does anyone know how to setup a Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY [14e4:4315] (rev 01)09:19
Gneakt_: rinse, repeat09:19
Gnea!broadcom | VF_12309:20
ubottuVF_123: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx09:20
VF_123I know09:20
VF_123I followed those steps09:20
Gneathen please explain the error09:20
kt_rinse repeat?09:20
VF_123I can connect for about 5 minutes after boot09:20
Gneakt_: aye, save/quit, update-grub2, reboot09:20
VF_123then I lose connection, and I have to reboot09:20
bullgard4!sound | breaker31309:21
ubottubreaker313: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.09:21
GneaVF_123: what are you using to connect with? network manager or wicd?09:21
jussiHow does one check which display driver the machine is using?09:21
raviepic3people i would like to remove the entire username and password based auth mechanism from my server and implement key based, how can i ? i read about rsa based but that only allows ssh and not the gui mode is it ?09:21
raviepic3what would be the right approach for me to consider ?09:21
kt_in set root09:21
kt_what should i type?09:21
kt_ufs or ufs1 or ufs2 ?09:22
VF_123Wicd in the tray09:22
Gnearaviepic3: what you read is correct.09:22
kt_in insmod its ufs2 now09:22
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Gneakt_: leave set root alone09:22
raviepic3Gnea, so how would i enable key based auth for other forms of login as well ?> like GUI mode09:22
gunndawgDoes anyone who uses WeeChat know how I can get a channel list on the left side that shows the chanels I am in09:22
VF_123it's a fresh Ubuntu 10.10 install Gnea09:22
GneaVF_123: and you're sure network manager has been completely disabled?09:22
VF_123How do I check that?09:22
Gnearaviepic3: are you talking about using a key-card?09:22
GneaVF_123: by checking the process list09:23
Gneagunndawg: oddly enough, a #weechat does exist :)09:23
raviepic3Gnea, dont know what a key card is, when googled getting weird results09:23
raviepic3kindly educate me09:23
gunndawgGnea yeah but they offered only "read the FAQ" which I did look over09:24
Jordan_Ukt_: Gnea: The device names you are using are completely invalid. They need to be something like (hd0,a) or (hd0,msdos1,bsd1), and if you really don't have any BSD bootloader installed then chainloader won't do you any good.09:24
Gnearaviepic3: a card that you swipe through a card reader connected to the computer to use in lieu of a password09:24
Gneagunndawg: then tell them the FAQ didn't cover it09:24
raviepic3Gnea, no no, similar to rsa for all auth mechanisms09:24
gunndawgGnea: based off prior experience (not saying all) with trying to get ubuntu help on irc I'll get the response "look harder"09:25
GneaJordan_U: ugh, and here I thought I could depend upon ubuntuforums09:25
VF_123I think it is disabled Gnea09:25
gunndawgGnea: instead of actual help09:25
VF_123I only see wicd09:25
raviepic3Gnea, like when system starts it should ask to paste the key contents instead of username and password09:25
raviepic3and if the contents match allow him/her09:26
raviepic3no methods like these ?09:26
jacktheripperhow can I mark files on fuse drives executable ? (i.e. tweak the default mount permissions)09:26
Jordan_UGnea: See /usr/share/doc/grub-common/examples/grub.cfg for example entries for various OSs.09:26
Gneagunndawg: keep in mind that the help you're looking for is with a specific application, which could be ran from slackware or redhat, thus it is distribution independent and the help channel for that application is the best place to ask, even if some of the people there aren't knowledgable09:26
ramontayagOk it *seems* that the current stable kernel still have some journaling problems with some hard disks. I'm on ext4 - should I move to ext3? For those that didn't see my earlier messages: in iotop, every 20-30 seconds jdb2/sda1-8 pops up with 99.99% disk usage. it slows down my system and is really annoying. Been reading around and there seems to be so many solutions I don't know where to start. And I don't understand most of them. What should I do?09:26
Gnearaviepic3: that doesn't make any sense, at all.09:26
raviepic3Gnea, why ?09:27
ramontayagIf my questions are too technical for this room, where should I go?09:27
Switchramontayag: what's the question?09:27
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Switchramontayag: nobody answered your question because nobody cares09:28
Jordan_UGnea: You may need to "insmod part_bsd" (So that grub will recognise BSD partition tables). Running "ls -l" at the grub shell can be usefull as well.09:28
ramontayagSwitch, in iotop, every 20-30 seconds jdb2/sda1-8 pops up with 99.99% disk usage. it slows down my system and is really annoying. Been reading around and there seems to be so many solutions I don't know where to start. And I don't understand most of them. What should I do?09:28
Gnearaviepic3: because it provides no logical method of passing the information from the user interface to the computer.09:28
ramontayagSwitch, yeah I wasn't sure if I was in the right room :)09:28
Switchramontayag: I don09:28
Switchramontayag: I don't know of any where else09:29
GneaSwitch: you've been warned.09:29
ramontayagSwitch, http://superuser.com/questions/101640/disk-operations-freeze-debian has a similar problem but it seems particular to his hard disk. I'm on a seagate 1tb.09:29
raviepic3Gnea, what are the methods i can handle to avoid dos and ddos attacks in my server ?09:29
GneaJordan_U: yeah, that's what we were trying with insmod bsd09:29
noobie25hi...can someone recommened me a iso burner for ubuntu?09:29
raviepic3except for switching it off :)09:29
Jordan_UGnea: It's "part_bsd".09:29
Gnearaviepic3: setting up a firewall, for starters09:29
ssfdre38where is apt.conf at?09:29
Gnea!firewall | raviepic309:30
ubotturaviepic3: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.09:30
Gneassfdre38: open a terminal and type:  locate apt.conf09:30
soreaunoobie25: k3b, wodim or brasero09:30
noobie25soreau: thank you sir.09:30
Gnea!pm | VF_12309:30
ubottuVF_123: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.09:30
raviepic3Gnea, thank you09:31
ramontayagSwitch, reading /var/log/messages I see "device reported invalid CHS sector 0" appear once in a while. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/285892 has a long history of a similar/same bug. But there's no solution yet09:31
Switchramontayag: If there's not a solution, then it's a bug.09:31
GneaJordan_U: really? I looked in /boot/grub/ and found no part_bsd.mod09:31
ramontayagSwitch, i also read using ext3 instead. but that would mean half a day of setting my the desktop again. but it seems it's my only option09:32
Jordan_UGnea: Then you must be using a very old version of GRUB2. If you're using anything older than 1.98 you should definitely upgrade.'09:32
noobie25soreau: sorry to bother you....i did 'sudo apt-get install k3b'   unable to locate package k3b.   where do i update?09:33
VF_123About the b43 problem: I installed the LP-PHY driver, I'm using the network manager applet to connect.09:33
GneaJordan_U: ii  grub-pc                                                  1.98-1ubuntu9                                    GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (PC/BIOS09:33
Jordan_UGnea: grub-install --version09:33
GneaVF_123: so wicd isn't running?09:34
Gneagrub-install (GNU GRUB 1.98-1ubuntu9)09:34
soreau!info k3b09:34
ubottuk3b (source: k3b): A sophisticated CD/DVD burning application. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.1-1ubuntu3 (maverick), package size 488 kB, installed size 1844 kB09:34
VF_123Well when I type in top, it is sometimes09:34
ssfdre38do you know why im getting this error http://pastesite.com/2149509:34
raviepic3Gnea, so how do i disable username and password based login in ssh and enable it for rsa ?09:34
soreaunoobie25: Make sure to do apt-get update first..09:34
GneaVF_123: okay, then they are likely cancelling each other out - you need to run one or the other, but not both09:34
Jordan_UGnea: Do you have a /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/part_bsd.mod ?09:34
VF_123The ubuntu software centre says that wicd isn't installed :o09:35
noobie25soreau:   thank you again =D09:35
GneaJordan_U: no, but there is a bsd.mod09:35
GneaVF_123: and if you run this in a terminal:  ps axf | grep wicd09:35
simoncpui can ubunto!!!!09:36
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simoncpui am t3h 7331!!!!!!!09:36
* YankDownUnder wonders where human evolution went wrong09:37
VF_123I get this :  3731 pts/0    S+     0:00      \_ grep --color=auto wicd09:37
simoncpuGnea: no i am 7331!!!!!09:37
fdsaseemslegitGnea:  like a duck,  i suppose09:37
kt_Gnea:  its not working09:37
kt_kindly guide me on how to uninstall it09:37
simoncpukt_: hello i can ubunto!!!!!09:37
kt_i will uninstall it and reinstall it09:37
Jordan_Usimoncpu: Stop that now.09:37
Gnearaviepic3: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3070909:38
simoncpuJordan_U: you cannot unbunto!!!09:38
Gneakt_: wait09:38
Switchoo ooo oooo oooo oo09:38
linuxdoes someone here managed it to install ocaml 3.12.0 on ubuntu 10.10?09:38
Gneakt_: we just discussed this, we've been missing something09:38
Gneakt_: can you please: cat /etc/grub.d/40_custom | pastebinit09:39
VF_123Gnea, should I do a reboot?09:39
GneaVF_123: did you find it in the ps list?09:39
VF_123 3731 pts/0    S+     0:00      \_ grep --color=auto wicd09:40
VF_123that comes up Gnea09:40
soreau! someone | linux09:40
Gneakt_: okay, edit that file again, change "insmod ufs2" to "insmod bsd"09:40
ubottulinux: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:40
GneaVF_123: okay, you have no wicd running, it's only using networkmanager. do you have nm-applet installed?09:41
kt_then, Gnea?09:41
kt_are you sure the = ' <- is used in set root '(blah blah)'09:41
VF_123I probably have to unplug the UTP to test, Gnea?09:41
kt_because it changes the color to yellow, i dont think its used09:41
Gneakt_: then, change set root='(hd0,ufs)' to set root='(hd0,2,a)'09:41
Gneakt_: yes, I am sure.09:42
rgb247hi to everyone, I have big problems09:42
kt_done now?09:42
Gneargb247: we have big answers09:42
rgb247my ubuntu system won't boot up...09:42
Gneakt_: yes09:42
Gnea!details | rgb24709:42
ubotturgb247: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:42
rgb247it going to show me Ubuntu 10.10 and load somethings here and after I see a gray screen09:42
Ubuntu_usercan u help09:42
ZykoticK9How can i force rsync to copy links as links, and not copy the contents of the linked folder?09:42
kt_what now, Gnea?09:42
soreauGnea: What does the a reference in (hd0,2,a)?09:43
fdsaseemslegitrgb247:  what was the last thing you did before the problem started?09:43
Gnea!ask | Ubuntu_user09:43
ubottuUbuntu_user: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:43
Gneasoreau: diskslice a09:43
soreauGnea: What is it used for?09:43
kt_should i update and restart now ?09:43
Gneasoreau: bsd stuff09:43
linuxdoes no one here work with ocaml on ubuntu 10.10?09:43
noobie25is it the recommended way to install 'flash and mp3 playback ' by going to the Ubuntu Software Center and installing "Ubuntu restricted extras" ???09:43
Gneakt_: yes09:43
rgb247fdsaseemslegit: nothing, I let the PC on all night to listen music, evening I swear the music play haaaard09:43
rgb247and after I restarted my pc, it doesn't boot up09:43
soreau! anyone | linux09:43
ubottulinux: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:43
GneaVF_123: UTP?09:44
linuxi have asked it above09:44
soreaunoobie25: sure09:44
noobie25soreau:   thank your sir.09:44
VF_123Gnea, an iwconfig wlan0 gives wlan0     IEEE 802.11bg  ESSID:"dd-wrt"09:44
VF_123          Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.437 GHz  Access Point: Not-Associated09:44
Gnealinux: we don't have the time to scrollback.09:44
VF_123I'm on wired internet right now, so i probably have to disconnect that to test the wirless no?09:44
rgb247I successfuly booted-up after I made some updates from recovery mode, but I can be only for few secconds in gnome, after, it stopped to work, my mouse won't move09:44
GneaVF_123: yes.09:44
rgb247anyone can help me?09:45
VF_123Ok, thanks already, I'll be back with results09:45
Gnea!details | rgb24709:45
ubotturgb247: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:45
Ubuntu_userhelp!  MY eth0 is greyed and says  DEVICE NOT MANAGED. What can i do?09:45
fdsaseemslegitrgb247:  what do you mean updates?09:45
Gneargb247: I won't ask a third time...09:45
soreauGnea: You dont have to disconnect wired to test wireless09:45
GneaUbuntu_user: and it says this where?09:45
rgb247in recovery mode, I had an option there, to update softwares09:46
soreauUbuntu_user: pastebin the output of ifconfig to ubuntu.pastebin.com09:46
Gneasoreau: you don't have to say useless things.09:46
soreauGnea: Its not useless, its a fact09:46
rgb247anyone can tell me how can I set my system to don't load anothers proccess like apache2 when it boot up?09:46
linuxi am using ubuntu 10.10 and need to update ocaml 3.11. to 3.12., how to do?09:46
Gneasoreau: think about what you just said.09:46
fdsaseemslegitrgb247:  so you made the updates after the problem.09:46
soreauGnea: ...09:46
rgb247fdsaseemslegit: yes, and after updates, my system booted up in gnome, but only for 3-4 secconds, after, it stopped to work, my mouse won't move09:47
Gnealinux: have you checked for the existance of a ppa?09:47
Ubuntu_userhelp!  MY eth0 is greyed and says  DEVICE NOT MANAGED. What can i do?09:47
rgb247fdsaseemslegit: can you tell me how to stop all useless proccess when my system boot-up? like: apache2, proftpd etc...09:48
linuxgnea: i havent found anything in apt09:48
kt_Gnea:  its not working09:48
Gnea!ppa | linux09:48
ubottulinux: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.09:48
kt_now plz guide me how to un-install to free up the space09:48
fdsaseemslegitrgb247:  in regards to the apache startup,  just open you settings menu and find Sessions and Startup,  then uncheck the box,  Do you have a linux live cd/dvd available?09:48
kt_ill install it again09:48
Gneakt_: alright, try "insmod part_bsd"09:48
Gneakt_: what?09:49
kt_tell me how to uninstall09:49
VF_123Gnea, It's working atm, I had to do a reboot. If it doesn't lose connection in a few minutes it should be solved.09:49
linuxgnea: what are the risks with ppa09:49
Gneakt_: sorry, I'm not a robot, there are a couple more things that should be tried before uninstalling.09:49
psycho_oreos!ppa| linux09:49
ubottulinux: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.09:49
kt_no its ok, i am sick of trying. plz tell me how to reinstall, this time ill install the boot loader09:50
Gnealinux: they are third-party packages.09:50
k4g6hey guys in order to make my problem simpler ive posted a thread on ubuntu forums. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10414069#post10414069 can anyone help me out?09:50
kt_and everything will be fine09:50
Gneakt_: trying 2 more times will take less time than reinstalling.09:50
rgb247fdsaseemslegit: on startup applications I have only thinks like: power manager, nvidia x server, remote desktop09:50
kt_it will not work i know09:50
rgb247fdsaseemslegit: not daemons like: apache2 or proftpd...09:50
kt_i request u tell me how to remove it09:50
* Gnea refrains from bashing his head into the keyboard.09:51
linuxgnea: is there no official ocaml package for ubuntu?09:51
* Gnea therefore simply walks away.09:51
kt_its np, ill try to figure out myself how to uninstall09:51
Ubuntu_usercan u help?09:51
kt_thanks anyway for ur time09:51
kt_have a nice day09:51
kt_good bye09:51
Gneakt_: best of luck to you.09:51
FloodBot1kt_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:51
fdsaseemslegitrgb247:  that is strange.09:51
rgb247fdsaseemslegit: system -> prefferences -> startup applications09:52
Gnealinux: do you know how to use apt-get and apt-cache?09:52
rgb247I'm in the right way?09:52
linuxgnea: sure09:52
ajahGnea, i`ve installed grub2 how to boot iso file from hard disk09:52
Gnealinux: good, then you can use them to see if there is an official version of ocalm or not.09:52
linuxgnea: yes there is one but thats ocaml 3.11 and i need the new 3.1209:53
vincent__Gnea, VF_123 here, It lost connection after about 2 minutes09:53
vipilI need to run few mechanical softwares in linux09:53
jussiOnce again: How does one check which display driver the machine is using?09:53
psycho_oreosjussi, lspci -nnk09:54
Gnealinux: yes, so see if there's a PPA, thanks.09:54
jussivipil: like which ones?09:54
psycho_oreos!ask| Ubuntu_user09:54
ubottuUbuntu_user: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:54
Gneavincent__: can you pastebin the errors from /var/log/syslog09:54
fdsaseemslegitrgb247; http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/dapper/man8/start-stop-daemon.8.html  && http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/maverick/man7/boot.7.html  should keep you busy for hours.  :)09:54
eshmanyone in here use docky?09:54
SwitchI have clamav installed but how do i start it? or access the man page? man clamav doesn't work09:55
=== vincent__ is now known as VF_123
k4g6eshm: yes i do whats your issue?09:55
Gneaajah: http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153586409:55
soreaulinux: If all else fails you can grab the source here and build it http://caml.inria.fr/download.en.html09:55
fdsaseemslegitSwitch:  clamaz is very old,  they deleted the manpages 10 years ago09:55
eshmnot really an issue k4g6, do you use chrome as well?09:55
jussipsycho_oreos: ahh, thanks. how does one change from radeon to radeonhd drivers?09:56
k4g6yes i do eshm09:56
Switchfdsaseemslegit: lies09:56
GneaSwitch: prove it.09:56
SwitchGnea: clamav? so it hasn't been updated since 2001?09:56
fdsaseemslegitSwitch:  I am serious,  i used clamav with Windows95,  get with the times.09:56
linuxsoreau: thanks for helping, but i tried that yesterday but it didnt work i dont now why=?09:56
psycho_oreosjussi, I don't think its called radeonhd, I think its called fglrx for the proprietary driver with all the fancy features09:56
Switchthen what anti-virus should I use?09:56
eshmi'm wondering if there was a way to add those fancy "application shortcuts" to docky as a separate "instance" if you will to the docky separate from chromes existence if that makes any sense09:56
GneaSwitch: wow, 2001? are you sure about that?09:57
AldusHi. Suddenly I can't manage to write or delete any file. It says that the disk is read-only... how did this happen and how to fix it?09:57
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=== CripperZ-v6 is now known as CripperZ
SwitchGnea: he said they deleted the man pages 10 years ago...09:57
fdsaseemslegiteshm:  Have you checked out DockbarX?09:57
SwitchGnea: are you trying to troll me09:57
GneaSwitch: why would I try to troll a troll?09:57
SwitchGnea: I'm not trolling. I actually installed it, and I can't seem to run it at the command line or even read the man pages09:58
soreaulinux: If you say something didnt work, you must say why and how. Especially in this case, you can pastebin the failed output to ubuntu.pastebin.com09:58
k4g6eshm: yeah ive done it. the trick is to create a launcher in your home folder or where you want. make it run the command then drag the laucnher down to docky. problem ive encounted is i havent figured out how to customise the icon in docky09:58
soreaulinux: Post the pastebin link here so we can have a look09:58
GneaSwitch: well, you were trolling before, that's indicative of continuous trolling behavior.  have you tried using the tab key?09:58
VF_123Gnea, I didn't really know where to start, so I think that was right after boot.09:58
eshmyeah icons can be tricky in docky09:59
eshmbig help. thank you so much09:59
linuxsoreau: the problem is my ocaml interpreter is now on the new version but if i want to compile something, it gives an error because the somehow the compiler is still the old version09:59
k4g6eshm: thats okay09:59
soreaulinux: Sounds like you didnt remove the old version before installing the new one?10:00
AldusHi. Suddenly I can't manage to write or delete any file. It says that the disk is read-only... how did this happen and how to fix it?10:00
fdsaseemslegitSwitch:  there is no manpage,  but http://www.clamav.net/lang/en/support/ should help you out.  glwt10:00
linuxsoreau: i did apt-get remove ocaml before10:00
Gnealinux: did you find the PPA?10:00
fdsaseemslegitlinux: sudo apt-get purge ocaml to remove the configuration files also10:00
soreauAldus: Tried rebooting?10:00
Gneafdsaseemslegit: sure about that?10:01
Switchfdsaseemslegit: the man page is called clamscan, stop lying10:01
Aldussoreau, not yet10:01
fdsaseemslegitGnea: yes10:01
SwitchGnea: thanks, I used tab10:01
soreauAldus: There may have been an error and the file system remounted read only.10:01
GneaSwitch: he wasn't lying.10:01
VF_123Gnea, have you had a look at my pastebin?10:01
Aldussoreau, I fear not being able to reboot and having the disk completely unreachable10:01
fdsaseemslegitSwitch: I wasn't lying,10:01
Gneafdsaseemslegit: good.10:01
SwitchGnea: hurr durr10:01
soreauAldus: Nah. Maybe try sudo mount -a10:02
Gnea!attitude | Switch10:02
ubottuSwitch: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines10:02
SwitchGnea: Shut the fuck up, I've figured it out now, the man page is at "clamscan", what the fuck is your problem?10:02
linuxsoreau: i now have apt-get purge ocaml and how precisly do i compile http://caml.inria.fr/ocaml/release.en.html10:02
Aldussoreau, didn't work. Should I reboot?10:02
GneaSwitch: excuse me?10:02
fdsaseemslegitSwitch: calm down,10:03
soreauAldus: yes10:03
bazhangSwitch, watch the language10:03
SwitchGnea: Stop trying to troll me, it's not funny.10:03
bazhangGnea, lets move on please10:03
Gneabazhang: no problem10:03
soreaulinux: Gnea said there is a ppa which means you dont need to build it manually10:03
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Gneasoreau, linux: actually, I said the possibility exists that there's a ppa.10:04
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.10:04
soreauGnea: Well you said The PPA, so I assumed you were saying one exists10:04
linuxsoreau: i didnt really trust that description of the ppa: Some of these packages have my own personal patches; where this affects the base package in significant ways10:04
Gneasoreau: I didn't have time to look, figured he ought to learn how to make the effort on his own.10:05
linuxsoreau: i need that ocaml 3.12 for work so i dont want to have something someone somehow "patched" around10:05
soreaulinux: Now there is ppa-purge which allows you to easily undo what the ppa did. Its safer to use a ppa than build from source or at least, the likelyhood of you managing to screw up your system into an unrepairable state is less10:06
linuxsoreau: i didnt do anything with the ppa10:06
Gnealinux: if you didn't try, then no one needs to help you.10:07
soreaulinux: right, I know. So remove the old version and install the one from source correctly?10:07
fdsaseemslegitlinux:  Just my two cents,  but those patches are usually created by people who need it for work as well.10:07
soreauGnea: Is everything alright with you? :P10:07
Gneaof course, now that I've looked, there really isn't a PPA for ocalm.10:07
jussipsycho_oreos: now that my internet came back :D - its called radeon hd, Imnot after fglrx. just that there is a whole lot of confilcting info on the web atm, and im looking fro the maverick version o10:07
linuxsoreau: how do i install the source from the caml page?10:08
classical__ey ppl :) i need some help or suggestion. i have a hosting server and i need a list of users who using a Joomla how can i do this ?10:08
psycho_oreosjussi, ahh I wouldn't have a clue I'm afraid, have you also tried asking this on the ubuntu support forums as well?10:08
soreaujussi: For the open driver you want radeon (the default), not radeonhd (discontinued)10:08
Gneasoreau: yeah, I just don't appreciate it when people come in here and expect us to do all of the legwork for them and then they throw a hissy-fit when they expect us to go above-and-beyond because they don't have any patience.10:09
jussisoreau: oh?10:09
soreaulinux: Grab the gzipped tarball and extract it anywhere in your home folder10:09
linuxsoreau: done10:09
jussiwell thats frustrating, since the card is too old for fglrx, and the radeon driver is rubbish :(10:09
VF_123Gnea, I suppose you don't find a solution to my problem?10:09
furiif anyone has heard of the game "black shades"... i'm stuck trying to make it and it stops saying  "/home/furi/blackshades/blackshades/Source/Textures.cpp:26: undefined reference to `IMG_Load' "... any help?10:10
k4g6can anyone help my issue of no partitions showing up in gparted even though most of them are accessible via nautilus10:10
soreaulinux: Now cd into the directory in your terminal and do ls, then pastebin the output10:10
GneaVF_123: I'm afraid not, have you tried searching ubuntuforums.org? there's usually a lot of people using broadcom chips with issues and solutions there10:10
soreaujussi: The radeon driver isnt rubbish - you just need latest code. What card do you have?10:11
linuxsoreau: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/t78NvsSs10:11
gunndawgAnyone here use weechat ?10:11
VF_123I have did some searching, yes. But I think this may have to do something with my problem: Jan 31 10:50:44 vincent-Studio-XPS-1645 kernel: [  237.266370] b43-phy0 ERROR: This device does not support DMA on your system. Please use PIO instead.10:11
soreaulinux: Now do gedit INSTALL &10:11
VF_123How do I put it in PIO mode?10:11
jussisoreau: radeon x1200 (rs690m)10:12
soreaulinux: Read the INSTALL file and see what it says the recommended way to install it10:12
jussisoreau: Im currently running whatever is default on ubuntu10:12
soreaujussi: Have you installed xorg-edgers repo and experimental mesa to get the gallium driver?10:12
psycho_oreosVF_123, sounds like you are using an old kernel, what does uname -r say?10:13
Gneasoreau: it's like, hello? this is a volunteer-driven help forum, no one's getting paid to do this, so people shouldn't be treating us like we are - they need to recognize the difference - if someone getting paid is getting on your nerves, you're obligated to say something, but if it's free, then you need to suck it up, stfu and deal with the problem, too.10:13
jussisoreau: I havent, as I would like to use this for production purposes10:13
jussi!stfu | Gnea10:13
ubottuGnea: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.10:13
Gneajussi: please consider context before doing that again, thanks.10:13
jussiGnea: context isnt relevent there.10:13
soreaujussi: So do this and then reboot after its updated to get gallium with opengl2.1: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental && sudo apt-get upgrade10:14
donaldan someone help me?10:14
Gneajussi: w/e10:14
=== donald is now known as Guest7574
gunndawgDoes anyone who uses weechat know how to scroll the user list ?10:14
psycho_oreosVF_123, weird, I thought that was supposed to be fixed by the time kernel versions were up to that stage.. you might want to consider trying linux-backports10:14
soreauGnea: Its just that your presence isnt the most forgiving tonight10:15
greppygunndawg: I think it defaults to F9 and F10, or may be F7 and F810:15
soreau! help | Guest757410:15
ubottuGuest7574: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:15
gunndawggreppy: neither of which work10:15
Gneasoreau: It could be worse, but that really doesn't matter at this point.  Everyone has a point where their fuse runs out, and I think it's time I went AFK for awhile, thanks.10:16
soreauGnea: Happens to the best of us :p10:16
Guest7574ok so im a noob when it comes to ubuntu. i installed 10.10 desktop on my net book and it works great but today i tryed putting it on my friends net book and i get this error    0x9 (media error) pleas help me if u can anyone10:17
soreauGuest7574: When/where do you get that error?10:17
soreauGuest7574: What are the specs for your friends box?10:17
VF_123psycho_oreos, I don't know if this has anything to do with the backports, because I've just read the definition of it, but the same thing happened (a few minutes wireless connection, then nothing until reboot) on OpenSUSE.10:18
soreauoh net book10:18
soreau! nbr | Guest757410:18
ubottuGuest7574: Ubuntu Netbook Edition is a slightly altered version of Ubuntu, optimised for small screens. For more information, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR - support in #ubuntu10:18
gunndawggreppy: any other solutions ?10:18
Guest7574i get it when it is reading my usb drive on boot up. after i get the error it goes to the ubuntu loading screen but never ends loading10:18
psycho_oreosVF_123, well I'd give that a shot because the next possible solution I have won't be an easy one10:18
ajahGnea, can u tell we whats wrong http://pastebin.com/5yF0NC2s10:20
furiif anyone has heard of the game "black shades"... i'm stuck trying to make it and it stops, and says "/home/furi/blackshades/blackshades/Source/Textures.cpp:26: undefined reference to `IMG_Load' "... any help?10:20
=== johzephine is now known as jomo
greppygunndawg: you could check in #weechat or read the manual :)10:22
gunndawggreppy: I was already in there, what a hell on earth10:23
gunndawggreppy: they were no help, simply a "google it" response10:23
gunndawgbtw google turned up nothing10:23
greppygunndawg: I think because it is stated in the manual10:24
gunndawggreppy: I looked over the manual10:24
zkriesse!language | gunndawg10:24
ubottugunndawg: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.10:24
Guest757410.10 desktop works fine on my netbook but on my friends i get 0x9 (media error)   i get this error when booting up from the usb drive and after sum time it goes to the ubuntu loading screen but never ends loading. i tryed 10.10 for the netbook but dont like it and 10.10 desktop runs fine on my net book. y am i geeting this 0xp (media error) on my friends.  sorry im a slow typer10:24
greppygunndawg: what terminal program are you using?  if the F keys are co-opted for something else, they may not work.10:24
gunndawgzkriesse: I never said anything out of line...10:25
gunndawggreppy: what do you mean, F as in Function? I am using a standard keyboard, no function keys10:25
AscavasaionIf I install Ubuntu 10.04 on an AMD Duron 1300MHz machine, 30Gb HDD and 384M RAM.  Would removing resourc eheavy apps like Open Office and replacing the Desktop Manager with something lighter make enough difference to warrant it being feasible?10:26
ajahcan any one tell help booting iso file with grub i want to boot windows installing http://pastebin.com/5yF0NC2s10:26
greppygunndawg: yes, function keys, that would explain why F7 & F8 or F9 and F10 don't work then.10:26
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greppygunndawg: and almost every "standard" keyboard that I have seen has F keys above the number keys.10:27
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gunndawggreppy yes I have those, I thought you were refering to the Function command that laptop keyboards have10:27
Guest7574 10.10 desktop works fine on my netbook but on my friends i get 0x9 (media error)   i get this error when booting up from the usb drive and after sum time it goes to the ubuntu loading screen but never ends loading. i tryed 10.10 for the netbook but dont like it and 10.10 desktop runs fine on my net book. y am i getting this 0x9 (media error) on my friends.  sorry im a slow typer10:27
fdsaseemslegitgunndawg:  that is euphemistically called the fn key10:28
greppygunndawg: nope, just the normal F keys should work by default, unless your terminal doesn't understand them or some other program/app is using them.10:28
=== Alcapun is now known as noobuntu
furiif anyone has heard of the game "black shades"... i'm stuck trying to make it and it stops, and says "/home/furi/blackshades/blackshades/Source/Textures.cpp:26: undefined reference to `IMG_Load' "... any help?10:28
gunndawggreppy: yeah its not workin, doh10:29
=== Guest7574 is now known as DonBeatty
DonBeatty10.10 desktop works fine on my netbook but on my friends i get 0x9 (media error)   i get this error when booting up from the usb drive and after sum time it goes to the ubuntu loading screen but never ends loading. i tryed 10.10 for the netbook but dont like it and 10.10 desktop runs fine on my net book. y am i getting this 0x9 (media error) on my friends.  sorry im a slow typer10:29
david__hello all // just a quick one .. I was told to Look at the output of 'dpkg -l|grep fglrx' and uninstall packages with 'ii' next to them then reinstall libgl1-mesa-glx and -dri // and did that and still not going but there is also in the fglrx With rc in front .. should i also remove that???10:29
=== vincent__ is now known as VF_123
VF_123psycho_oreos, Gnea, thx to both of you, I've got it working10:29
psycho_oreosVF_123, linux-backports?10:30
DonBeattyhelp plras?10:31
VF_123No, I've activated PIO mode10:31
mattc__completely f'ed my mysql installation10:31
mattc__ive used apt-get to remove it and deleted all mysql related folders10:31
mattc__is this enough?10:31
psycho_oreosVF_123, ahh ok10:31
greppygunndawg: what terminal are you using?10:31
VF_123It's not as fast as it was on window though10:31
gunndawgso weird that F12 will scroll the user chat down, but F11 wont scroll it up10:32
fdsaseemslegitDonBeatty:  Does the installation media match your friend's CPU architecture?10:32
DonBeattygreppy can u help me?10:32
gunndawggreppy, I am using the ubuntu terminal10:32
onthow do I make a program run at startup?10:33
DonBeattyim not shure. he has the same net book as me10:33
greppygunndawg: wierd, I *think* it works out of the box for me on 10.04, but I don't have it booted up right now so can't double check it.10:33
bazhangont, system preferences startup apps10:33
DonBeattyand it works fine on mine10:33
david__DonBeatty, just ask the question and wait people may answer if knowing your problem10:33
ontbazhang: I didn't reply to you because I can't message you, only reg'd users can... think next time10:33
ontbazhang: from the command-line, this is via10:33
gunndawggreppy: yeah F12 will scroll the user list down but then I cant get it back up10:33
seventoesi'm trying to add a user to a secondary group, but it doesn't seem to be agreeing with screen for some reason.10:33
fdsaseemslegitont: either bazhang's suggestion or create a startup script10:34
bazhangont, ah, you may want to mention that next time you ask10:34
seventoesfor some reason new screen windows i open don't have the group10:34
VF_123I'm going to buy a wireless N NIC one of these days. And I'm going to look for an out-of-the box Ubuntu supported one10:34
greppyseventoes: you have to log completely out and back in for it to pick up on the changes.10:34
ontfdsaseemslegit: how do I make a 'startup script'? is it just placing the script somewhere?10:34
david__hello all // just a quick one .. I was told to Look at the output of 'dpkg -l|grep fglrx' and uninstall packages with 'ii' next to them then reinstall libgl1-mesa-glx and -dri // and did that and still not going but there is also in the fglrx With rc in front .. should i also remove that???10:34
seventoesgreppy: Ah. kk10:34
gunndawggreppy: perhaps you can help me google the issue? I am looking my self with no results10:35
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot10:35
fdsaseemslegitont:  you need to know the terminal command for the program,  then make the script executable,  then place it in your homefolder,  then add the script to your localrc10:36
ontfdsaseemslegit: yes, I know the terminal command for it and all that, what's 'localrc'?10:36
fdsaseemslegitit is a configuration file in your root folder that is read at startup.10:36
ontfdsaseemslegit: where do I find it?10:37
ontfdsaseemslegit: what's the path, thatis10:37
=== Alcapun is now known as noobuntu
gunndawggreppy: the FAQ and docs say F11 should scroll up and F12 should scroll down the nick list10:38
gunndawgbut only F12 works, F11 fullscreens my irc10:38
mattwj2002hi guys10:39
mattwj2002does anyone know how to use vsftp to use a common directory with different users?10:39
greppygunndawg: so the problem is that F11 is being caught by gnome-terminal before it gets to weechat.10:39
mattwj2002read and write10:40
AscavasaionI have an AMD Duron 1300MHz machine, 30Gb HDD and 384M RAM.  I have two different graphics cards and two monitors.  What Distro would run the best on it?  I tried Puppy, but its kernel does not allow VGA arbiter which is key to enabling dual display support.  Any advice pelase.10:40
fdsaseemslegitont:  IThis will help you i hope.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBootupHowto  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RcLocalHowto10:41
gunndawggreppy: yes10:41
gunndawggreppy: how can I avoid this?10:41
faLUCEhi, is that compatible with ubuntu? http://www.jetwaycomputer.com/NC97.html10:41
ontfdsaseemslegit: this is on a freeBSD machine, I just asked here because it's stuff that should be the same in most linux variants10:41
david__Ascavasaion, just guessing but if soud like you have to rewrite the xorg and tell it the 2 cards and 2 displays .. but i am very new still10:41
greppygunndawg: I'd say you could go to keybindings under preferences in gnome and either remove the keybinding or change it.10:42
Ascavasaiondavid__: No, the Xorg file I understand... but the Xorg.0.log file shows that the kernel itself cannot do that feature.  I need to know what lightweight distro can.10:42
fdsaseemslegitont:  okay,  well i hope I gave you enough buzz words for you to work with.  There are many ways to do it.10:42
DonBeattywhy does my net book run 10.10 desktop fine but my friends netbook (witch is the same) gets a 0x9 (media error) when i try to install it from usb drive........ummm wow after 10 retrys it finly booted up....ima try to install it now and i hope it work. thx everybody10:42
furiif anyone has heard of the game "black shades"... i'm stuck trying to make it and it stops, and says "/home/furi/blackshades/blackshades/Source/Textures.cpp:26: undefined reference to `IMG_Load' "... any help? i've been trying to get this to work for nearly 7 hours, and i really want to play this.10:43
DonBeattyi<3 ubuntu10:43
gunndawggreppy: how do I get to the key bindings for gnome ?10:43
david__Ascavasaion, oooh ok sorry .. but i have tryied mint is a nice ubuntu based Lightweight10:43
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ontfdsaseemslegit: right...10:43
david__but i have tried maybe disro's10:43
greppy!keybinding | gunndawg10:43
ubottugunndawg: To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard | KDE: System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout | Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html | See also !Shortcuts10:43
DhaniJeremywhat is coralplayer, i downloaded a movie and it tells me to download coralplayer10:44
david__that or try openbox gnome10:44
gunndawggreppy: I use gnome not KDE so those settings arent there10:45
david__what mint mainly uses for the environment10:45
gunndawgI need to remove the terminal command F11 from the bindings10:45
ajahis it possible at all to boot installation of windows with grub2 (installation is on iso file)10:45
classical__is there any way to display cpu utilization for per core in top ?  like htop does10:45
fdsaseemslegitont:  http://www.vintners.net/~mikel/howto/autostart.html10:47
DonBeattyquick question, does anyone know when 11.04 is coming out?10:48
g3orgeappin 2 or 3 months...10:48
fdsaseemslegitclassical__ : http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-how-to-see-dual-core-amd-or-intel-cpu-statistics.html10:48
rgb247I have a problem with my ubuntu, it won't boot-up. It load only when I see the screen with Ubuntu 10.10 and these points, after, it screen dissapear and show me an gray color, nothing else.10:49
classical__fdsaseemslegit, thanks10:49
gunndawgDoes anyone know how to get rid of the F11 keybind from Terminal ?10:50
fdsaseemslegitrgb247:  You never answer whether or not you have a live cd/dvd available.  classical__,  your welcome.  top is my favorite.  :)10:50
greppygunndawg: the first part of those instructions is for gnome.10:50
gunndawggreppy: could you provide those for me once more10:50
gunndawgI'll have a look10:50
rgb247fdsaseemslegit: my ubuntu boot-up with x graphic in recover mode. Here everything is fine. I think a daemon/proccess broke-up everything..10:51
mattwj2002anyone have an answer to my question?10:51
greppy!keybinding | gunndawg10:51
rgb247fdsaseemslegit: is there any way to set something to load only needed proccess for boot-up, nothing else?10:51
classical__is there any way to compel specific program to use only one core of processor ?10:51
gunndawggreppy: that didnt work ;)10:51
greppygunndawg: you could scroll up and see them as well10:51
* mattwj2002 loves being ignored on IRC10:52
psycho_oreosmattwj2002, have you tried asking in vsftpd's support channel?10:52
fdsaseemslegitrgb247:  At boot,  you can press F6 correct?10:52
mattwj2002I have not10:52
rgb247I don't know, I never pressed F6 when my system boot10:53
mattwj2002but probably no help there too small of channel10:53
made2shredwhat are some good games?10:53
psycho_oreosmattwj2002, I'd give that a try, their answers may be more direct10:53
Gnea!patience | mattwj200210:53
ubottumattwj2002: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:53
greppymattwj2002: beyond putting them in the same group and giving the directory write permissions for the group, I don't know of how you would do that.10:53
fdsaseemslegitrgb247: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-boot-ubuntu-linux-rescue-mode/  Have you tried this?10:54
rgb247no, I try this now10:54
fdsaseemslegitrgb247: good luck10:54
mattwj2002thanks you guys10:54
mattwj2002sorry this is for work so it is important10:55
mattc__what is the best way to completely remove mysql10:55
mattc__all the files are gone, is there anything else10:55
jpdsmattc__: apt-get remove --purge mysql-server-\*10:55
furiif anyone has heard of the game "black shades"... i'm stuck trying to make it and it stops, and says "/home/furi/blackshades/blackshades/Source/Textures.cpp:26: undefined reference to `IMG_Load' "... any help? i've been trying to get this to work for nearly 7 hours, and i really want to play this.10:55
mattc__thanks jpds !10:56
gunndawggreppy it tells me to open X.org but it wont open10:57
Eryn_1983_FLhey peeps how do i upgrade from lucid to maverick?10:58
greppygunndawg: what tells you to open x.org?10:58
Eryn_1983_FLdoes the  do-release* command  work for that?10:58
DJonesfuri: I've not heard of the game, but have you tried their IRC channel? http://www.wolfire.com/irc Maybe somebody there might be able to help10:58
gunndawggreppy: that site you linked me to10:58
Tm_Te|m|c: how non-hilarious ircname there10:59
Tm_Tbah wrong channel10:59
gunndawgman all i wanna do is get my user list to scroll in weechat10:59
ajahdoes grub2 can boot other iso than live cds , i refer to windows installation11:00
fdsaseemslegitgunndawg:  buy a usb mouse and use the scrollwheel11:00
greppygunndawg: so you can't change F11 in system -> pref -> keyboard?11:00
furiDJones, thanks11:00
gunndawgfdsaseemslegit: I have a scroll mouse, it scrolls the past message I sent11:00
greppyfdsaseemslegit: I think that will default to scrolling the channel, not the nick list.11:00
shomonhi, this isn't strictly ubuntu, but I forhgot my windows 7 password, on a dual boot system with ubuntu. Is there a way to reset it from there?11:00
fdsaseemslegit:(  stupid mouses11:01
ZykoticK9How can i force rsync to copy links as links, and not copy the contents of the linked folder?11:01
gunndawggreppy: I dont see an option to change any keys in the keyboard settings11:01
fdsaseemslegitshomon:  reinstall windows11:01
MikeChelencan anyone recommend a realtime piano synthesizer, or any good11:01
MikeChelenresources for ubuntu/linux and music?11:01
shomonthanks fdsaseemslegit :)11:01
fdsaseemslegitshomon:  just mount the ntfs partition to back up your personal files.11:02
llutzZykoticK9: -l (man rsync)11:02
gunndawggreppy: in 10.10 under the "Keyboard Preferences" I see no option to change any keys, let alone F1111:02
shomonhttp://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/change-your-forgotten-windows-password-with-the-linux-system-rescue-cd/ I was going to use this to reset it but it all looks like typical linux commands anyway11:02
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Eryn_1983_FLnm the update manager  now  says i can  upgrade11:02
greppygunndawg: then I'm not sure what to tell you, sorry.11:02
MikeChelengunndawg: look under the layouts tab11:03
MikeChelenmaybe the options button there will include something helpful?11:03
ZykoticK9llutz, i've tried -l (and assumed -a should work as well) but it's still copying the content from the linked directory?11:03
ZykoticK9llutz, i'm currently using "rsync -rluzv --delete foo bar" and bar is getting a large symlinked directory from foo, which points to a directory outside foo's tree?11:05
k4g6help me11:05
k4g6moderator cant help11:05
sipiorZykoticK9: "--safe-links" is probably what you want.11:06
barbadillohow can i go back to 10.04 from 10.10?11:06
repgahrollhello... how do i mount a filesystem and grant permission 777 for it?11:06
Fuchsbarbadillo: with a backup11:06
barbadilloFuchs, don't have a backup11:07
ZykoticK9sipior, do you know if that needs to be used with a -L or something?  I tried just adding --safe-links to my prior command and no change.11:07
Fuchsbarbadillo: every other way (such as changing the sources list and then downgrading) is not recommended at all11:07
sipiorbarbadillo: unfortunately, there's no real way to revert to an older version.11:07
Fuchsbarbadillo: well, you could make one of your home and parts of etc, then intall the older version, put the backup back and pray that it works11:07
nicofsEvery time I have to enter my password to allow a program to run with sudo privileges, there is a grey overlay over my desktop - how can i deactivate that?11:07
Fuchsnicofs: are you using desktop effects (compiz) or regular metacity?11:08
nicofsFuchs, regular Xubuntu - but it's the same in Ubuntu.. it's some sort of system default11:08
faLUCEhi, is that compatible with ubuntu? http://www.jetwaycomputer.com/NC97.html11:08
barbadilloFuchs, it is recommended to upgrade to 10.10?11:09
Fuchsnicofs: ah, that's gksudo then, not sudo11:09
fdsaseemslegitrepgahroll: Edit this to personalize it for your machine,  sudo mkdir /media/sda2 && sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sda2 /media/sda2  this is a way to mount a filesystem on another partition of the same HDD,  1st you create a directory to mount the filesystem to,  then mount it to that directory11:09
gunndawgso weechat was no help, does anyone know how to access the key bindings for terminal ?11:09
nicofsFuchs, yes, you're right...11:09
Fuchsnicofs: run gksudo with the -g parameter11:10
Fuchsnicofs: it should help11:10
nicofsFuchs, and how do i implement that with all programs in the menu?11:10
sipiorZykoticK9: shouldn't do, no. you cleaned out the target folder, so that -u has no effect?11:10
milen8204anyone knows program Pykaraoke ?11:10
Fuchsnicofs: you could set up an alias11:10
sipiormilen8204: no, and i suspect from the name that i will be pleased to remain ignorant in this regard :-)11:11
Fuchsnicofs: or, the method I don't really like: rename the gksudo binary, create a script named gksudo which executes gksudo -g instead11:11
nicofsFuchs, rename gksudo and write a script to run that renamed gksudo with the -g option?11:11
repgahrollfdsaseemslegit, thanks, but i'm mounting a virtual box shared folder, and i need to set its permission 777, because i can only write it using root.11:11
ViruSkinhello ubuntu people11:11
milen8204sipior,  why ?11:11
nicofsFuchs, and what would that alias thing be?11:11
Fuchsnicofs: that's something that would work, but I don't like it11:12
Fuchsnicofs: you can create command aliases in your loginshell rc  (probably ~/.bashrc for you), I think ubuntu even comes with a default .bashrc_alias or so11:12
milen8204I tried to set to hear my microphone trough my speakers and have no success11:12
Fuchsnicofs: unfortunately I only have german documentation at hand for it, but you will find something with a search engine such as google for sure11:13
gunndawgDoes anyone know how to find the key bindings for terminal?11:13
repgahrollor at least a way to let commom users mount filesystems11:13
nicofsFuchs, i'll stick with the script then... doesn't bashrc only get executed when i open a terminal?11:13
nicofsFuchs, i can work with German documentation *g*11:13
Fuchsnicofs: syntax would be alias gksudo="gksudo -g"11:13
fdsaseemslegitrepgahroll: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=97462711:14
mattc__where is the services manager in ubunutu11:14
mattc__need to see if i have to check mysql11:14
omegaphiHi all, I am getting this message while installing softwares on ubuntu, how di I escaoe this message, please help :http://uploadpic.org/storage/originals/sjfj3e3ejju2s83fsnff2senlj.png11:14
sacarlsonmattwj2002: ok I created a user with useradd and was able to login to my proftp with that user,  what is it you can't do in these accounts?11:14
Fuchsnicofs: http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Bash/bashrc#Wie-definiere-ich-ein-Alias-ueber-die-bashrc   there you go11:14
milen8204Anyone who can help me to set my microphone that i can hear it trough my speakers ?11:14
pradeephow i do use webmin to adminster an ubuntu server cos i use ubuntu destop????11:14
omegaphiHi all, I am getting this message while installing softwares on ubuntu, how do I escape this message, please help :http://uploadpic.org/storage/originals/sjfj3e3ejju2s83fsnff2senlj.png11:14
Fuchsmilen8204: did you try the "mic" slider in alsamixer?11:15
Fuchsmilen8204: it should do exactly that. Keep in mind that this might be a bad idea for integrated microphones, especially on laptops11:15
k4g6can anyone seriosly help me with my partitions. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10414186#post1041418611:15
repgahrollfdsaseemslegit, thank you.11:15
fdsaseemslegitrepgahroll:  Your welcome.11:15
DJonesomegaphi: You should be able to press the tab key to highlight the <Ok> button then press enter11:15
nicofsFuchs, danke11:16
milen8204Fuchs, i have another microphone not that which is on my laptop11:16
omegaphimilan8204 : Thanks :) it works11:16
Fuchsnicofs: there is a german ubuntu channel as well, just as a sidenote.11:16
milen8204Fuchs, alsamixer is it a program11:17
k4g6the issue is gparted shows nothing the 320Gb of unnallocated space and theres issues with my partition table as shown by fdisk -lu11:17
Fuchsmilen8204: yes11:17
nicofsFuchs, I know, but chances to find help here are higher... and normally i do prefer english11:17
Fuchsmilen8204: for the terminal, though11:17
Fuchsthe first argument is bad news for us. But okay :)11:17
ZykoticK9sipior, yes actually i removed the target folder that was created...  still didn't work.  I gave up, just removed the symlink and will recreate after rsyncing.  Kinda a pain though, as I'd like to do the rsync on a regular basis... thanks for the input.11:17
Kingsywhat is the remote desktop app with ubuntu called again? the one that works wth windows I mean..11:19
KingsyI cant remember the name of it for the life of me, R something desktop or summit?11:20
pradeephow i do use webmin to adminster an ubuntu server cos i use ubuntu destop????11:21
pradeepanyclues at all11:21
p_SIs Ubuntu a command line interface with some GUI support?11:21
jpdsp_S: No.11:21
erUSUL!ubuntu > p_S11:21
ubottup_S, please see my private message11:21
fdsaseemslegitKingsy:  maybe rdesktop11:21
bazhang!webmin | pradeep11:21
ubottupradeep: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.11:21
Kingsyrdesktop thats it.. thanks11:21
fdsaseemslegit!info rdesktop11:22
seventoescan i not chown folders to another user/group even if i currently have full permissions to them?11:22
ubotturdesktop (source: rdesktop): RDP client for Windows NT/2000 Terminal Server. In component main, is optional. Version 1.6.0-3ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 132 kB, installed size 460 kB11:22
erUSULseventoes: depends on the permission in the parent dir11:23
erUSULseventoes: do you have full permission there too ?11:23
seventoesah hmmmm11:23
pradeepubottu, bazhang so what do i then use now11:25
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:25
Eryn_1983_FLhey would ppa's for   boxee and  xbmc mess up a  release upgrade?11:25
Eryn_1983_FLif so how do i remove them?  they keep coming back in update manager11:26
bazhang!ebox > pradeep11:26
ubottupradeep, please see my private message11:26
gunndawgyay fixed my problem11:26
erUSULEryn_1983_FL: the update manager disables third party repos during upgrades.11:26
milen8204Fuchs, could you give me more instructions, please :D11:27
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seventoeserUSUL: Ok, one of my secondary groups is the group that has full permissions for the parent directory11:28
seventoesthat should be enough, right?11:28
ne2kcan someone explain to me the practice of ubottu sending factoids to people in private messages, and then writing to the channel to say that there's a private message? this seems silly to me. surely it's better for everyone to see the factoid, particularly if the bot's going to say a line anyway!11:29
Eryn_1983_FLerUSUL:  well if it dont work this time i will pastebin my output11:29
Eryn_1983_FLi shouldnt have anything on hold  as far as iknow..11:29
svipAnyone know how to fix gdm failing a sanity check by gconf-sanity-check-2 with a 32512 message?11:30
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erUSULseventoes: you have writte permission in the group?11:30
seventoeserUSUL: Yeah, it's 777 apparently11:31
seventoesthe directory is 777, owned by user1:group111:31
seventoesi'm user2:group2, who owns all files in that directory11:31
Fuchsmilen8204: yes. Start alsamixer in a terminal, look whether there is a slider marked "mic" or "microphone"11:32
Fuchsmilen8204: if so: unmute it (it should have green 00 below it) and turn it up11:32
Eryn_1983_FLallright pasbining my logs for it..11:32
Eryn_1983_FLgive  me a  few11:32
erUSULseventoes: and you are also in group111:32
milen8204Fuchs, i am there but how can i set the microphone ?11:32
seventoesyeah, one of my secondary groups is group111:33
Fuchsmilen8204: define "set"11:33
milen8204Fuchs, sorry mut I am a bit noobish :D11:34
erUSULseventoes: i made a quick test here and worked in the same  situation11:34
Fuchsmilen8204: do you have alsamixer open in a terminal?11:35
erUSULseventoes: i.e in a folder owned by root group one of my secondaries and with 775 i can create dirs inside it and chmod them etc ...11:35
Fuchsmilen8204: is there a slider called "mic" or "microphone"?11:35
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milen8204Fuchs, i am at  docking mic :D11:36
milen8204Fuchs, is it the same ?11:36
Fuchsprobably not, but it is possible that you can't adjust it for the external11:36
Fuchsmilen8204: better idea:  sudo apt-get install pastebinit && amixer | pastebinit11:36
Fuchsmilen8204: that should give you an url, which you can give me11:37
seventoeserSUL: Maybe I'm describing it wrong.. here's a pastebin http://pastebin.com/vaa7QQXv11:37
beatpanichi I'm under lucid, I have just upgraded couchbd and gwibber stopped working, the error is: RuntimeError: Unable to find listening port11:38
PredaGRhello people, there is a very big annoyance, my DVI connected LCD blanks out randomly, I can avoid the problem running an OpenGL application on that monitor and stops blanking, but once I minimize or cover the whole window with non 3D it starts again, any ideas?11:38
milen8204Fuchs, i think it is installed. :D11:38
Fuchsmilen8204: then just do the part after the &&11:38
beatpanicany hints?11:38
beatpanicthanks :)11:38
Fuchsmilen8204: please don't query me without asking first11:39
Fuchsmilen8204: you have a slider "external mic"11:39
Fuchsmilen8204: you can move to it with the arrow keys11:39
milen8204Fuchs, sorry11:39
Fuchseven though it seems active ... and at 85%11:39
Fuchsyou might want to try increasing this11:39
Fuchsif it still doesn't work, then a more complicated solution is probably needed11:40
AdvoWorkam i right in thinking 10.10 would come with ubuntus firefox rather than just firefox? if that makes sense11:40
seventoeserUSUL: I could solve this by just using sudo, but i'm trying to do this from a script automatically so that's not really an option :-/11:40
erUSULseventoes: ah; only the owner of a file and root can change the owner afaik11:40
seventoesI do own those files? Do I also have to own the parent?11:41
Fuchsmilen8204: in that case you might want to try http://askubuntu.com/questions/2719/how-do-i-output-my-audio-input  << this11:41
Eryn_1983_FLok here is one11:41
milen8204Fuchs, thanks11:42
seventoesAdvoWork: Ubuntu has come with an ubuntu-branded firefox for quite a while11:42
svipHow do I *really* reinstall ubuntu-desktop package?11:42
svipaptitude reinstall seems to only reinstall THAT package.11:42
Eryn_1983_FLhope that help11:42
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milen8204Fuchs, i will try , thanks alot11:43
svipOr do I have to purge it first and then install it?11:43
Fuchsmilen8204: no problem, hope it helps11:43
erUSULseventoes: ok; only root can change the owner of a file  ...11:43
seventoesah. damn.11:43
seventoesthanks :P11:43
erUSULseventoes: tweak sudoers so the user you are interested can use chown without password11:44
gunndawgcould someone post a sort of long link so I can test this plugin for weechat11:44
erUSULseventoes: http://fixunix.com/help/10428-use-chown-regular-user.html11:44
pradeepi installed a dhcp server on my laptop it is now disrupting my dhcp network cos i noticed never i connect my laptop to the network so system stops working my laptop beginnings to give out ip addresses11:44
gunndawgdoh, it didnt work11:44
svipWait, I thought ubuntu-desktop was a metapackage.11:45
pradeephow to i do stop my dhcp server11:45
svipHow do I reinstall everything gnome and gconf related?11:45
seventoeserUSUL: thanks!11:46
erUSULseventoes: no problem11:46
erUSULseventoes: learning along the way too ;P11:46
seventoesyup that's how i do :P11:47
milen8204Fuchs, gst-launch pulsesrc ! pulsesink works great :D thanks a lot11:47
pradeepi installed a dhcp server on my ubuntu laptop it is now disrupting my dhcp network cos i noticed never i connect my laptop to the network so system stops working my laptop beginnings to give out ip addresses11:47
Fuchsmilen8204: no problem11:47
svipGah, no one knows about the package manager?11:47
rumpe1pradeep, uninstall it?11:48
pradeeprumpe1 cant disable it from startup11:48
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ubusercan anyone find me a firefox 1.5 debian, my browser is mad slow for some reason i cant get firefox installed11:49
rumpe1pradeep, hm... update-rc.de hostapd remove (?)11:49
ubuserand now its not letting me uninstall a version 3.7 -.-11:49
funeralfogcan some1 help me ??11:50
pradeeprumpe1, what would that please11:50
APERSON!help | funeralfog11:50
ubottufuneralfog: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:50
pradeepfuneralfog, speak11:50
funeralfoghold on11:50
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rumpe1pradeep, it will remove hostap-daemon from bootscripts11:51
APERSONdoes anyone know how long ubuntu keeps stuff in /var/tmp ? or if there's any cleanup at all?11:51
funeralfog#!/bin/bash for loop with curl for going trough list with proxy's i thought i had the right code writen but it wont work11:51
funeralfog#!/bin/bash while true; do for i in /home/sbasti25/documents/proxy.tx.; do curl -d/--data; done curl http://pyweg.xeross.nl/refer/11 sleep 1 done11:51
funeralfogthats what i have11:51
erUSULAPERSON: there is cleanup11:52
Eryn_1983_FLhow do i get  rid of held  packages ?11:52
gunndawgcould someone post a really long link once again, still testing some stuff11:52
jribfuneralfog: your loop makes no sense11:52
funeralfogwhy not11:52
funeralfogi'm going to my proxylist11:52
rumpe1APERSON, "man hier" :        /tmp   This  directory contains  temporary  files which may be deleted with no notice, such as by a regular job or at system boot up11:52
funeralfogdoing the curl for submit11:52
funeralfogand cast it on refer/1111:53
jribfuneralfog: well first of all you never use $i and second of all the only value i takes on is the path to your file11:53
fdsaseemslegitgunndawg: http://www.thisisthelongestlinkiwillevertypeoutfornoreasonotherthantohelpyououtisthislongenough.org/thereshouldalwaysbesomethingelse/maybe11:53
gunndawgfdsaseemslegit: thank you11:53
AdvoWorkin ubuntu, anyone know how to lock preferences in firefox 4?, ive seen a few ways, but these fail(so ive read) on upgrade11:53
APERSONrumpe1, that's /tmp , I want to know how permanent things are in /var/tmp11:53
ne2kAPERSON: grep -r tmp /etc/* | grep cron yields no results11:53
ubuseroh yea11:53
rumpe1APERSON, man hier: "/var/tmp  ... unspecified..."11:54
fdsaseemslegitgunndawg:  What are you testing?11:54
fdsaseemslegitIf it is secret,  then nevermind. :D11:54
APERSONne2k, hmm... I have heard some distros do their own cleanup, I suppose ubuntu doesn't do any11:55
ne2kAPERSON: that doesn't mean that it doesn't do it11:55
ne2kAPERSON: the point, at the end of the day, is that you shouldn't rely on files staying there11:55
APERSONne2k, I'm not, but I *am* relying on them at least being there a specific period11:56
gunndawgfdsaseemslegit: I am testing links in weechat to see if I can make it so the links dont break if they reach more tha one line11:56
ne2kAPERSON: like how long?11:56
APERSONne2k, a week maybe11:56
fdsaseemslegitgunndawg:  Nice,  I truly hate ctrl highlighting,  and then removing spaces.11:57
ne2kAPERSON: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/01/19/changing-the-tmp-cleanup-frequency/ that's old but probably will still work11:57
svip:( I guess my gdm is broken forever, then.11:57
jribfuneralfog: if you're not sure what to do, I'd recommend you visit #bash, read the tutorials in their topic there, and then ask anything you're still not sure about.  You're making some very basic errors though and reading through the tutorial there will help you a lot11:58
APERSONne2k, thanks much11:58
ne2kAPERSON: but, to be honest, I wouldn't rely on it. I'd put them somewhere else11:58
fdsaseemslegitsvip:  are you trying to restore defaults?11:58
ne2kAPERSON: what is this for, anyway?11:58
svipfdsaseemslegit: I was.11:59
seventoesis there a way to allow root to su to another user without requiring a password?11:59
svipfdsaseemslegit: Any recommendations?11:59
gunndawgsomeone someone post another large/long link11:59
jribseventoes: that's how it works...11:59
gunndawgstill doing testing11:59
seventoesahh durp.. su doesn't ask for a password from root?12:00
APERSONne2k, cache dir for Tectonicus (minecraft map renderer).  I'm scheduling it to render my map and was curious if I could throw my cache dir in /var/tmp or if I have to use another location12:00
jribseventoes: no... But note the root account is locked by default on ubuntu so your question is a bit strange12:00
seventoesjrib: backup crons and ownship issues12:00
ne2kAPERSON: why you ever want a cache dir to be automatically cleaned by the OS? Surely the application should take care of that itself12:00
fdsaseemslegitsvip:  sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop,  or just backup everything you want to save and reinstall the enitre OS.12:00
_`-`gunndawg: http://www.fakfakfakfakfakfakfakfakfakfakfakfakfakfakfakfakfakfakfakfakfakfakfakfakfakfakfakfakfakfakfakfkakfakfakfakafkaf.org/fakfakfakfakfakfa/fakfakfakfka/tototototototototot/plaplaplaplapla/cop/cop/boo.html12:01
ne2kseventoes: root can always su to another user without a password -- this is the joy of being root12:01
APERSONne2k, the cache is semi-persistent, don't want to render the whole map every time12:01
svipfdsaseemslegit: That just installs that package.12:01
ne2k_`-`: your link is broken12:01
seventoescool, thanks12:01
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_`-`that's a shame12:01
svipfdsaseemslegit: The real issue is that gconf's sanity check fails with 32512.12:02
svipWhich apparently is a widely unknown message.12:02
svipfdsaseemslegit: All I know is I was trying to compile gimp myself.12:02
ne2kAPERSON: exactly, that's what I'm saying. you shouldn't put it in a tmp directory because it's not meant to be ephemeral, it's meant to be persistent. and when it should be cleaned/refreshed is up to the application, not to the OS12:02
APERSONne2k, I'll probably just throw it in my ~/.cache - I appreciate the information12:03
pietr101hello, how can i download a from a webserver through another computer. (ssh) ?12:03
ne2kAPERSON: that makes more sense ot me12:03
pietr101a file i mean12:03
ne2kpietr101: more detail, please, of what you are trying to do12:04
KayAteChefpietr101: wget?12:04
APERSONare you ssh'ing into this server or is it just hosting files pietr101 ?12:04
pietr101ne2k: i have a bandwidth limit on my computer. but i have a linux box in the same network with no limit. so i need to download a huge file from the internet12:04
ne2kpietr101: ssh user@linuxbox wget URL12:05
pietr101ne2k: so i need to tunnel the traffic with wget or something12:05
varun142857I am using Ubuntu 10.04. I want to change settings such that the screen fades out after 10 mins, but it does not ask me for my password when I start using the comp again. How do I accomplish this?12:05
APERSONpietr101, wget will do the trick, which is installed, there's also curl and axel12:05
pietr101ne2k: i need to download it to my current computer, because on the remote computer is not enough space12:05
fdsaseemslegitsvip:  Have you update from 10.04 to 10.10 ?12:05
ne2kpietr101: that will download it on to the linux box; then scp it to your machine with scp user@linuxbox:file ./12:05
ne2kpietr101: oh, right12:06
fdsaseemslegitsvip:  this might pertain to you.  http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg2607716.html12:06
APERSONvarun142857, screensaver settings12:06
ne2kpietr101: then you can do ssh user@linuxbox wget -q -O - URL | cat >file12:06
varun142857APERSON: thanks12:06
ne2kpietr101: try it with a small file first12:07
ne2kpietr101: you can actually ditch the "| cat", that is redundant12:07
APERSONI'd like to see a use for cat that isn't redundant :)12:07
fdsaseemslegitsvip:  http://projects.gnome.org/gconf/  towards the bottom is an email you can send for support.12:08
pietr101ne2k: ok, i'll try that12:08
mrx_Could not start UDP transport on port 5060, maybe this port is already used.12:08
mrx_whats does it mean12:08
AlHafoudhhi all12:08
AlHafoudhhow can I know if my wlan card supports packet capture (promisc mode)12:08
mrx_pls help this message12:08
mrx_Could not start UDP transport on port 5060, maybe this port is already used.12:08
ne2kAlHafoudh: try to put it in promiscuous mode and see if it works? or, look in the datasheet?12:08
mrx_Could not start UDP transport on port 5060, maybe this port is already used.12:09
APERSON!patience | mrx_12:09
ubottumrx_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:09
ne2kAPERSON: cat file1 file2 file3 > combined.out12:09
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ne2kAPERSON: cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh user@host "cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"12:10
ne2kAPERSON: any more?12:11
APERSONne2k, not off the top of my head, though I'd use ssh-copy-id for the latter example12:11
ne2kAPERSON: never heard of it12:11
ne2kAPERSON: looks handy. does all the permissions and stuff for you12:12
Karen_mhow can i get ntpd to stop listening on *:123 udp?  If anything only 1 ip should be good enough.  I have 300 ips on this box and it listens to them all12:12
rumpe1APERSON, sometimes ssh-copy-id isn't available12:12
APERSONrumpe1, I'm aware of that fact :)12:12
jribne2k: you still have a useless use of cat in that last one though :P12:13
ne2kjrib: why?12:13
jribne2k: you can do: ssh user@host "cat > outfile" < infile12:13
ne2kjrib: you mean I should have done ssh <<12:13
ne2kjrib: cat > outfile would be BAAD!12:14
ne2kjrib: absolutely has to be >>12:14
jribne2k: meh12:14
ne2kKaren_m: you can use -L to tell ntpd to listen on a specific interface12:14
oscarHi! How do I make Xorg stop using the configurations in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ ?12:15
ne2kKaren_m: and/or use iptables to restrict access12:15
ne2kKaren_m: I meant -I interface option12:15
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fdsaseemslegitmrx_:  netstat -u -e should tell you which file is utilizing it,  then go from there12:16
niekHi, My left screen (using dual screen) is on a VGA port on my pc, and I am having exactly this problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1648175 . The display is completely wobbly/fuzzy!12:16
ajahcan u tell me from this output what model is my video card 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)12:17
ajah00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)12:17
ne2kajah: I may be wrong, but I'd take a guess that it's a GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller12:17
ne2kajah: (revision three)12:17
ne2kajah: but, as I said, you never know. I could be way off there12:18
=== denny- is now known as denny
chombeeHey, my Ubuntu VM (OS X host) is playing sound files in slow-mo (voices sound lower, etc.). The same VM wasn't doing this last week. Any idea?12:18
fdsaseemslegitchombee:  replace the VM battery12:19
mrx_my linphone not working here12:20
mrx_wrong message coming like this Could not start UDP transport on port 5060, maybe this port is already used.12:20
APERSONmrx_, is it already running and didn't quit properly?12:21
fdsaseemslegitmrx_:  try here http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.voip.linphone.user/375112:22
APERSONmrx_, did you follow fdsaseemslegit's previous advice?12:22
mrx_yes i do12:22
mrx_no way12:22
APERSONmrx_, well, what did it output?12:22
chombeefdsaseemslegit: Wha? My VM has a battery?12:22
pradeepps aux12:23
fdsaseemslegitchombee:  XD12:23
chombeeTrying rebooting it12:24
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fdsaseemslegitmrx_:  that link suggests modifying your port number used by linephone,  the netstat -u -e should tell you what other program have installed is using SIP,  either you have conflicting programs or like APERSON suggested,  linephone has not properly wuit,  and you need to end the process pkill "the PID"12:26
chombeeRebooting the VM seemed to fix it. Weird12:27
AdvoWorkseventoes, i know its come with a ubuntu branded firefox, but it doesnt include everything and doesnt have the ability to lock preferences etc12:27
fdsaseemslegitchombee:   a lot of weird things happen when you create computer hardware with magic.12:27
ubuntudesignI'm looking for someone to talk to:) Anyone?12:30
danielwould u be able to help me ?12:30
watsonxwhat version of linux u running?12:30
APERSONubuntudesign, I'm sure someone in #ubuntu-offtopic would love to chat12:31
ubuntudesignwhat's the problem12:31
ajahgrub-install (GRUB) 1.98+20100804-5ubuntu3 my grub is grub2 not grub legacy right?12:31
danielwell i installed macbuntu via terminal and i would liek to revert back to stock12:31
danielwould u know how to do that?12:32
APERSONdaniel, did it come with instructions?12:33
ubuntudesigndelete this mac ubuntu via terminal12:33
APERSONdaniel, in fact, the package comes with an uninstall script12:34
ubuntudesignsudo at-get remove macubuntu12:34
APERSONubuntudesign, no12:34
ajahgrub-install (GRUB) 1.98+20100804-5ubuntu3 this is grub2 not grub legacy right?12:34
APERSONajah, that's grub212:34
Dr_Willisdaniel:  if its one of those mac-theme fancy scripts.. they often have an uninstall script.. but last i checked. some of those dident work very well.12:34
danielwhat should i do then ?12:35
Dr_Willisdaniel:  go find its homepage and read its docs.guides for starters12:35
ubuntudesignrestart pc12:35
APERSONdaniel, I'd run the uninstall script, and yeah, what Dr_Willis said, read the documentation (which came with the script)12:35
danielhm alright12:37
danielhey anyone who helped me on the wesite at the buttom was an unistall scrpt thank u very much12:39
Dr_Willisit pays to read the docs...12:39
APERSONI won't touch a script unless I know exactly what it's doing, I imagine the lack of desire to read documentation is the reason why that trojan spread on gnome-look a while back12:41
pradeepps aux12:47
danielwell anothe problem cd /tmp/Macbuntu-10.10/12:47
daniel./uninstall.sh and that doesnt do anything12:47
APERSONparadoxx, that's twice now :)12:47
SomelauwWhat is the minimum amount of packages I need to program opengl and glut in C++ in gnome?12:47
danielhttp://www.webupd8.org/2010/09/make-ubuntu-look-like-mac-osx-in.html is the site12:47
=== Somelauw is now known as Staart
Dr_Willisdaniel:  we cant really help with such things.. if the script is broken - its broken.12:50
danielhmm ok is there another channle i should go to ?12:50
Dr_Willisdaniel:  the posts on that site. or the programs forums Might have some help12:50
Dr_Willisthen theres double checking the docs...12:50
Dr_Willislast i saw those macbuntu scripts.. had to be ran as root.12:50
danielhow do i run as root?12:52
danielsry very new to linux thought i would try to expand my comp knolege12:53
Dr_WillisIt might be good if you learned some ubuntu basics befor messing with those things... :)12:53
Dr_Willissudo scriptname12:53
APERSONis there a alsa-mixer equivalent for pulseaudio?12:53
danielok just like installing aps right?12:53
Dr_Willis!manual | daniel12:53
ubottudaniel: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/12:53
FuchsAPERSON: pavucontrol?12:53
zkriessedaniel: TO install something (Program or such) from termina do sudo apt-get install flamerobin12:54
zkriesseThat's just an example12:54
danielyeh i use that alot12:54
APERSONFuchs, that'd require a gui12:54
danielyeh trying to get rid of macbuntu12:54
fdsaseemslegit!info flamerobin12:54
ubottuflamerobin (source: flamerobin): graphical database administration tool for Firebird DBMS. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.2-2 (maverick), package size 923 kB, installed size 2728 kB12:54
FuchsAPERSON: pactl12:54
APERSONFuchs, nope, I just want to be able to adjust volume and maybe mute things12:55
sacarlsondaniel: I'm not sure you have to remove it, if it's too much of a problem just use a different theme as for example the one you used before.  you can have more than one theme installed at the same time12:56
APERSONFuchs, I'll look into things more12:56
gunndawgAnyone here use weechat and familiar with weeget ?12:56
StaartWhat packages do I need to program gl,  glu and glut in C++ in gnome?12:56
evi1c0d3hello everyone12:56
ttiicc I wonder why I have to type apt-get remove liborbit2 for removing gnome? what does liborbit2 have to do with removing gnome?12:56
Dr_Willisgunndawg:  yes..12:56
Dr_Willisgunndawg:  it seems to work rather well here. I did read the weechat docs/gides and help :)12:57
danieloh wow that was a weird change12:57
gunndawgDr_Willis: is there anyway to get rid of the huge space that takes up the timestamp and name? maybe get rid of time stamp ?12:57
bazhanghttp://www.weechat.org/files/doc/devel/weechat_quickstart.en.html gunndawg12:57
gunndawgbazhang: I have read that12:58
pradeepdaniel, what are you using ubuntu for desktop or server12:58
danielum what do u mean?12:58
Dr_Willisgunndawg:  i set the 'timestamp' format to be like a single blank.  check out the 'iset' command/script - makes it easier to tweak a lot of things12:58
danielits on my dell laptop12:59
Dr_Willisgunndawg:  there may be some othe rway to turn it off. i never noticed.12:59
gunndawgDr_Willis: thanks12:59
bazhanghttp://dev.weechat.org/post/2009/04/06/Script-weeget-a-script-manager gunndawg12:59
Dr_Willisiset - is a must have addon for weechat. :)12:59
Dr_Willisand that one that hides the nicklistings12:59
danielhey pradeep what do u mean?12:59
gunndawgbazhang: thanks13:00
jussiHow does one get the timeout to not be there in grub2?13:00
pradeepdaniel, what purpose are you using it for desktop or server13:00
danieli belive desktop13:00
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Timed%20Display jussi13:01
pradeepdaniel, okay then good to know your welcome...13:01
daniellol thankyou13:01
danielpradeep, thanks13:01
danielstill figureing this &*() out13:01
pradeepdaniel, what???13:02
danielpradeep, what do u mean by desktop or server13:03
bazhanghttp://sourceforge.net/projects/macbuntu/forums/forum/1205032/topic/3819181 daniel13:03
Sh4wnHi guys, when I attach an USB device, dmesg says the following:13:03
Sh4wn[21424.790026] usb 4-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 713:03
Sh4wnbut there's no /dev/ttyUSB* file13:03
Sh4wnwhy is that?13:03
pradeepdaniel, the distro ubuntu has both the server and the desktop version ... that was why i was asking what yo using it for13:04
danielpradeep, oh im so sry im using the desktop now i get what ur asking13:04
bazhangHow to remove Macbuntu  daniel13:04
pradeepdaniel, no problem man :d13:05
bazhangpradeep, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please13:05
bazhangOpen a terminal and type the following commands: daniel13:05
pradeepbazhang, are you a bot13:05
danielbazhang, thank so much i found it13:05
bazhangpradeep, no. chat elsewhere please13:05
bazhangdaniel, download the uninstall script and run it as shown on that link13:06
danielyeh i see it13:06
ajahcan anyone tell me program that can format the file system type of disc13:06
danielim good now thanks so much for the help everyone who has helped me13:07
bazhangajah, hdd?13:07
llutz_ajah: mkfs.ext413:07
ajahbazhang, yes13:08
bazhangajah, you could do what llutz_ suggests, there is gparted live cd as well13:08
bazhanghttp://gparted.sourceforge.net/download.php ajah13:09
mitmhey there13:09
mitmanyone using rinetd here?13:09
bazhangmitm, what is that13:09
fdsaseemslegit!info rinetd13:10
ubotturinetd (source: rinetd): Internet TCP redirection server. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.62-5.1 (maverick), package size 22 kB, installed size 144 kB13:10
pradeepubottu ebox13:10
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox13:10
mitmproblem is, rinetd don't route, it writes it's own IP address as a Source13:12
mitmwe are using it as an office gateway, and therefore boxes on inside LAN can't filter anything based on packet's source IP - it always comes as Gateway's IP13:13
Dr_WillisSh4wn:  could be it dosent know what the device is. so loads no module. thus no /dev/ is made13:14
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bazhanghttp://www.ubuntugeek.com/rinetd-redirects-tcp-connections-from-one-ip-address-and-port-to-another.html mitm13:22
mitmbazhang yeah, but it says nothing about source IP change13:25
jhattarai got a group of .deb packages that conflict so that they want all to install the same file, that causes an error "dpkg: error processing ...: trying to overwrite '...', which is also in pakcage ...", is there a way to safely ignore that error ?13:27
gtriderxcWhenever I unplug usb drive or photo camera, a massage  like this occurs: "Nie można wyświetlić "computer:///". which means "cannot dispay computer". never mind the post doesn't make any sense but word "computer" makes it all look like Windows 95 or MS-DOS. can anyone elp me to find the "computer" from this string?13:27
gtriderxc<gtriderxc> the next few lines from that post are: ~~ Error: Location is already mounted13:27
gtriderxc<gtriderxc> ~~choose another browser and try again13:27
bazhangjhattara, you have conflicting packages? which ones13:28
cb49747I just installed 10.10 on a machine running vista.  I did a dual boot and seems fine.  When I try to boot vista I get a windows boot manager error.  How do I fix13:29
=== Michael is now known as Guest38343
jhattarabazhang, the packages are alien'd versions of some IBM server tools available only as RPMs13:29
bazhangcb49747, whats the error13:29
bazhangjhattara, what packages precisely13:30
cb49747windows boot manager has experienced a problem  file:\boot\bcd13:30
bazhangcb49747, did you try ##windows ?13:30
ajahcan anyone tell what should i do install windows from usb13:30
jhattarabazhang, original packages are MegaRAID_Storage_Manager-8.16-03.noarch.rpm , sas_ir_snmp-3.17-1107.i386.rpm and sas_snmp-3.17-1110.i386.rpm13:31
=== ebagdemir is now known as merodach
bazhangajah, thats a ##windows question too13:31
cb49747bazhang not sure what you mean by  ##windows13:31
fepwhat happened to posix systems13:31
bazhangcb49747, a chan here on freenode13:31
cb49747bazhang I see not yet13:31
cb49747It was fine till I did this install, so I thought I would check here first13:32
Guest38343hi guys, i have a pe32 windows executable containing camera footage, and i need somehow to extract one of the movies in the executable, tried objdump to see what's inside heres the output http://pastebin.com/KzvK2waq13:32
WierdAARHow do I make alsamixer save my prefrences? I open alsamixer in terminal, and adjust to my liking and close (via esc). But then everytime I change volume (either from keyboard or menu) it jumps back to old setting, and the same thing when I reboot.13:32
llutz_WierdAAR: sudo alsactl store13:32
bazhangjhattara, whats the ubuntu package that is conflicting, or is it all those aliened rpm alone13:33
WierdAARllutz, didn't work.13:34
jhattarabazhang, i think it's only between the rpms, but not 100% certain13:34
MichaelDobrovitshi guys, i have a pe32 windows executable containing camera footage, and i need somehow to extract one of the movies in the executable, tried objdump to see what's inside heres the output http://pastebin.com/KzvK2waq13:34
MichaelDobrovitshi guys, i have a pe32 windows executable containing camera footage, and i need somehow to extract one of the movies in the executable, tried objdump to see what's inside heres the output http://pastebin.com/KzvK2waq13:35
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=781204 jhattara this seems tangentially related as least as concerns megaraid rpm13:35
jhattarabazhang, should dpkg --force-overwrite get over this ? how can i be sure it doesn't write over anything important ?13:35
bazhangMichaelDobrovits, no need to paste every few seconds13:36
bazhangjhattara, alien rpm to deb are already pretty risky imo, so a bit wary to advise here13:36
Vendettagood day guys13:37
tgywaHow can I watch network buffer size ?13:37
bazhanghttp://www.lsi.com/obsolete/megaraid_sas_8480e.html jhattara was it this?13:37
pvh_sahey there, is there a place i can save my iptables configuration so it will be restored on system restart?13:37
llutz_pvh_sa: use iptables-save / -restore  and add it to /etc/network/if-pre-up.d   (if-down.d)13:39
bazhanghttp://kb.lsi.com/KnowledgebaseArticle16108.aspx I'm not sure if this is the same 'megaraid' or not jhattara13:39
Vendettacan anyone suggest a cool app for downloading youtube vids(something that works as cools as realplayer)13:39
=== lesley is now known as V
MichaelDobrovitshi guys, i have a pe32 windows executable containing camera footage, and i need somehow to extract one of the movies in the executable, tried objdump to see what's inside heres the output http://pastebin.com/KzvK2waq does anyone familiar with objdump13:39
bazhangVendetta, firefox plugin video download helper13:39
pvh_sathanks llutz13:39
bazhang!repeat | MichaelDobrovits13:40
ubottuMichaelDobrovits: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:40
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jccorreaHi everyone13:41
bazhangGuest60676, ubuntu support question?13:41
jccorreaAnyone can help me with joomla?13:41
jccorreaOr tell me about a channel for talk about a problem with joomla13:41
Guest60676I came from chn13:42
bazhangjccorrea, tried #joomla yet?13:42
bazhang!cn | Guest6067613:42
ubottuGuest60676: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk13:42
bhagatsrhow do i register a nick with freenode13:42
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode13:42
bazhangbhagatsr, /join #freenode13:42
jhattarabazhang, these are the packages i got http://www-947.ibm.com/support/entry/portal/docdisplay?lndocid=MIGR-508231113:42
bazhangGuest60676, here is English ubuntu support. #ubuntu-cn is Chinese ubuntu support13:42
Vendettabazhang: looks cool will try13:43
bazhangjhattara, okay, so MSM is an industry wide generic term then13:43
jhattarabazhang, and reading the instructions you pasted, which are mostly working, except for those one or more conflicting files13:43
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jhattarabazhang, megaraid is a series of raid devices, IBM just rebadges theirs, the MSM is probably the same software, the version on IBM's page is just a bit newer than the one you pasted13:45
bazhangjhattara, okay, no idea really. sorry not to be of more assistance.13:46
jhattarabazhang, more of a dpkg than megaraid question really, got the software, just having dpkg issues installing it, because of internal conflicts13:47
hsa2i updated my system and audacious libnotify plugin stopped working13:47
hsa2i don't see it in plugins menu anymore13:47
bc81hsa2: if you start audacious from a terminal, do you get any error messages?13:52
itsme2011I am unable to change my MTU in ubuntu? It changes back to default every time ?13:52
hsa2bc81, ** (audacious:4409): CRITICAL **: general_load: assertion `header != NULL' failed13:52
hsa2this is all i get13:52
sipioritsme2011: how are you setting it, and what are you setting it to?13:53
itsme2011sipior: I am setting MTU to 1460.13:54
sipioritsme2011: and you are setting it how?13:54
hsa2bc81, when i run in debug mode i get pluginenum.c:118 [plugin2_dispose]: *** plugin </usr/lib/audacious/General/libnotify-aosd.so> discarded, wanting API version 16, we implement API version 1713:54
itsme2011sipior: i tried editing files "sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces" and "sudo gedit /etc/ppp/options"13:55
=== jozen is now known as Cmlian
itsme2011sipior:  I place an entry MTU 1460, in those files.13:55
=== james is now known as farewell
hsa2how can i rebuild a package?13:56
sipioritsme2011: could you pastebin those two files, please?13:56
itsme2011sipior: Sure.13:56
Gneahsa2: from the deb-src?13:56
hsa2Gnea, yes13:56
baltazorHello , How I can use LAGG on Ubuntu server?13:57
abhijainhow to install netbeans on ubuntu13:57
Fuchssudo apt-get install netbeans13:58
psykassohello, my machine runs very slow ... it's a i7 with 6gb ram ... any ideas ?13:58
bazhanghttp://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/maverick/man4/lagg.4freebsd.html baltazor this?13:58
Mikopetby the porn13:58
itsme2011sipior: This is the link for my file "gedit /etc/ppp/options"13:58
baltazorbazhang: yes13:58
bazhangMikopet, wrong network. please stop13:58
Fuchspsykasso: have a look at htop13:59
itsme2011sipior: http://pastebin.com/download.php?i=s5NVKFzS13:59
abhijainFuchs, Unable to locate package netbeans13:59
c2tarunI have a problem with Maverick. Whenever I change my volume or brightness from the keyboard, as soon as the indicator goes down, my mouse automatically switches to drag mode. I have to switch to open terminal by keyboard shortcuts and reboot. Can anyone please help13:59
Roobethow to install Mark Shuttleburger tracking program?13:59
Fuchspsykasso: some basic ideas despite something eating your CPU / RAM would be I/O load, which can be created by desktop search indexing tools13:59
Fuchsabhijain: you have to enable the "universe" repository in your package management tool13:59
Gneahsa2: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto13:59
Mikopetabhijain: http://newsintegrator.wordpress.com/2008/11/20/installing-netbeans-65-on-linux-ubuntu/14:00
psykassoFucks: It's possible a hardware error ... i have the same problem with win7 ... and i can't figure it out14:00
bazhangRoobet, there is not such thing. please desist14:00
baltazorbazhang: but this instruction for freebsd14:00
Fuchspsykasso: would you mind writing my nick the right way? Thanks.14:00
psykassoFuchs: sorry .... mistype ;)14:00
Fuchspsykasso: in that case I would recommend checking the hard disk (including DMA mode) with tools such as hdparm14:00
itsme2011sipior: This is the link for file "gedit /etc/network/interfaces"     http://pastebin.com/download.php?i=cPP5NDbs14:00
bazhangbaltazor, their the ubuntu manpages14:00
Roobetbazhang maybe i have the name wrong. is it skuttlesuckle14:00
Gneahsa2: not all of what's there is necessary14:00
Fuchspsykasso: and looking for suspicious messages in `dmesg` or in the file /var/log/messages14:00
Roobetthe guy's name that runs ubuntu i mean14:00
sipioritsme2011: gah. download links?14:01
baltazorbazhang: loader.conf in ubuntu?14:01
Fuchspsykasso: as a side note: the tab key should autocomplete nicks for you in most IRC clients14:01
abhijainFuchs, how to14:01
sipioritsme2011: why are the interface lines commented out in /etc/network/interfaces?14:01
jetboyjetgirlhow do I view my system logging for ubuntu 10.10 so that I can see if my computer is finding an mp3 player that I've just connected?14:02
Fuchsabhijain: depends. What version of ubuntu are you using?14:02
psykassoFuchs: indeed autocompletion is cool :) I did a dmesg | grep -i errors with nothing in there14:02
bazhangjetboyjetgirl, which mp3 player14:02
Fuchspsykasso: don't grep for the specific term errors14:02
jetboyjetgirlsansa fuze14:02
itsme2011sipior: I tried using "pppoeconf" command and my Network manager showed "Not Managed", to resolve this, I had to comment them.14:02
codemagicianhow do I view a spawn a PDF viewer from the bash shell?14:03
abhijainFuchs, 10.1014:03
jribcodemagician: evince14:03
Gneajetboyjetgirl: it should show up in Places14:03
sipioritsme2011: so the mtu is getting set, and then gets reset? when does that happen?14:03
codemagicianjrib, cool.. is that the default app that ships with 10.10 ?14:03
shcherbakcodemagician: evince, pdftotext14:03
jribcodemagician: yep14:04
DJonesjetboyjetgirl: I've got a Sansa Fuze & haven't had any problems with it on Ubuntu, its worked perfectly, all I do is plug it in & it gets mounted as a usb drive14:04
codemagicianjrib, thanks14:04
psykassoFuchs: nothing in htop ...14:04
jribcodemagician: you can also just use "xdg-open file.pdf", then it will be like you double clicked on a pdf14:04
jetboyjetgirlI'm not seeing it under places14:04
Fuchsabhijain: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu  <<14:04
Fuchsabhijain: you would need "universe". Afterwards you should be able to install netbeans14:05
psykassoFuchs, i did a grep ERR in /var/log/messages but nothing there ... should i check for smt else there ?14:05
mitmis it a good idea to use ntpdate on server?14:05
Fuchspsykasso: could you pastebin the whole thing?14:05
itsme2011sipior: Sorry it never got set by just editing these files, I have to set it using "ifconfig" manually command on every shutdown.14:05
dimmis ext2 is good for /boot for 10.04 ?14:05
bazhanghttp://art.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1675524 jetboyjetgirl this fuze?14:05
psykassoFuchs, dmesg or /var/log/messages or both ?14:05
DJonesjetboyjetgirl: On teh Fuze, you may need to go into the settings menu and set the USB Mode to MSC, I can't rememebr whether that was something I needed to do14:05
lduroshello, does anybody use php5-cli? In the terminal when I enter "php", the cursor goes one line down and is just idling, while it should load the interpreter. I've tried to reinstall the package without success14:05
Fuchspsykasso: both14:05
codemagicianjrib, thanks thats a cool tip too14:05
hsa2lduros, php -e should be i think14:06
hsa2for interactive shell14:06
jetboyjetgirlyeah.... thanks for that bahzang, that's the one14:06
lduroshsa2: thanks. just tried and i'm getting the same thing with php -e -- one line down and idling14:07
sipioritsme2011: have you tried configuring the interface in /etc/network/interfaces, and just ignoring network-manager?14:07
Gneajetboyjetgirl: have you installed linux on your fuze yet?14:07
greppylduros: it's waiting for input14:07
greppylduros: what are you trying to do?14:07
ldurosgreppy it's not, I try: echo "hello";14:07
psykassoFuchs, just a sec for firefox to open .... urgh .....14:07
s0ullighthi, can i install ubuntu without having to install the bootloader?14:07
ldurosgreppy: and enter, and I get nothing in return14:08
jetboyjetgirllol, uh oh.... i'm still running the other firmware...14:08
bazhangs0ullight, why would you14:08
jetboyjetgirlthat may have somethin to do with it14:08
sipioritsme2011: actually, it's odd that the value in /etc/ppp/options gets ignored. if you run the pppoe config utility, does an error appear concerning mtu?14:08
=== hsa2 is now known as zz_hsa2
greppylduros: try <? echo "hello"; ?> ENTER, then hit ctrl-d14:08
ldurosgreppy: I'm just trying to use the php interpreter as I would with python or irb14:08
s0ullightbazhang, i dont want to overwrite the windows bootloader14:08
Gneajetboyjetgirl: shouldn't matter either way, perhaps you just need to mount it manually14:08
bazhangs0ullight, its a trifle to reinstall grub14:08
itsme2011sipior: Yes, my  "etc/network/interfaces" has an entry for MTU, I have pasted the owl file, please check14:09
greppylduros: it's not really designed to work that way, python and irb are designed to work that way.14:09
jetboyjetgirlok, thanks for the help.... gonna try a couple things14:09
ldurosgreppy: it worked -- so you have to exit the command to have it executed?14:09
greppylduros: yes.14:09
ldurosgreppy: It kinda sucks, I thought it would be an interactive interpreter :-)14:09
s0ullightbazhang, i actually can install the bootloader separetly, i want to install it on the bootsector of the partition, but there is a bug in the ubuntu installer.14:09
sipioritsme2011: i guess i meant, enable the interface properly in /etc/network/interfaces.14:09
bazhangs0ullight, link please to the bug report14:09
s0ullightbazhang, therefore, i want to install it manually14:10
s0ullightok sec.14:10
ldurosgreppy: reading some tutorial'14:10
s0ullightbazhang, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/61430914:10
ldurosgreppy: it says php -a14:10
ldurosgreppy: that's the interactive interpreter sort of14:10
itsme2011sipior: No, how do I do that. I am connecting now using nm-applet, (the GUI),  not using pppoeconf command anymore.14:10
psykassoFuchs, http://pastebin.com/wrB1KPYK14:11
ldurosgreppy: If i had read the man entry I'd prbably know that. Thanks for your help. php -a works! :-)14:11
s0ullightsomehow the devs refuse to see that as a bug, but that could really affect installations14:11
bazhangs0ullight, dual boot with windows 7? which is installed first, windows?14:12
sipioritsme2011: actually, is there no setting for mtu in nm-applet?14:12
s0ullightit is a netbook i bought preinstalled with win7, i dont want to mess its recovery system14:12
sipioritsme2011: and does mtu auto-negotiation not work for you? you got the 1460 value from your isp?14:13
Fuchspsykasso: processor and dma of the hard disk seem fine to me14:13
Fuchspsykasso: how exactly is the system slow?14:13
psykassoFuchs, yeah me too ... the /var/log/messages is too large should i paste the last 1000 ?14:14
bazhangs0ullight, its been confirmed as a bug in the report, I've not experienced this myself, and its only i f you choose a custom install of grub from what I see on that bug report14:14
Fuchspsykasso: yes, why not14:14
itsme2011sipior: yes, their is, but its not working. I need to set MTU to 1460 from 1492(default).14:14
psykassoFuchs, it hangs on opening applications, on right clicks, on everything practically ...14:14
sipioritsme2011: and you got that value from...?14:14
s0ullightbazhang, indeed, i want to install grub to the bootsector of the partition im installing ubuntu on, not the mbr14:14
ackjoin #drupal14:14
bazhangs0ullight, that being said, and you know how to install grub2 manually, what's the issue?14:15
Fuchspsykasso: having a look at ~/.xsession-errors might help as well14:15
s0ullightbazhang, cant disable the installation of the bootloader during the installation of ubuntu14:15
babu__i'm not able to delete a folder...when i tried,it says the error"directory not empty"...pls help14:15
s0ullightand i dont trust it14:15
bazhangbabu__, which folder14:15
ontnor do I14:15
itsme2011sipior: I don't know, whether it is ISP value or Ubuntu is setting this value.14:15
babu__which folder menas??14:16
ontbabu__: rm -rf directory14:16
rumpe1babu__, how did you try to delete?14:16
babu__which folder means??14:16
ontbabu__: rm -rf directory14:16
Gneababu__: which folder did you try to remove?14:16
psykassoFuchs, http://pastebin.com/7705SmC314:16
bazhangbabu__, the folder you just asked about14:16
^aDaMHey ;)14:16
babu__i tried...but it says the error"DRDY error"14:16
bazhangbabu__, which one14:16
Gneababu__: can't help if you don't say the name of folder14:16
babu__folder in hard disk...14:17
bazhang!es | jesus14:17
ubottujesus: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:17
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babu__program files folder14:17
Gneababu__: exact name, please.14:17
Fuchspsykasso: Jan 31 15:40:25 android-P55-UD3 pulseaudio[1707]: ratelimit.c: 12 events suppressed  << is usually a symptom of high IO or CPU load14:17
bazhangbabu__, named what...14:17
c2tarunneed help: please check this post. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10414557#post1041455714:17
Fuchspsykasso: have a look at both htop and iotop when this occurs14:17
Gneababu__: there'14:17
babu__program files(x86)14:17
waza-arihey all... can anyone say what this command does: "mv *[^.]" ?14:17
Gneababu__: there's no need to be scared, nobody's going to hack your system.14:17
babu__program files(x86)14:17
Gneababu__: you want to delete from windows?14:18
rahadian!id | bazhang14:18
ubottubazhang: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia14:18
Gneababu__: why?14:18
bazhangrahadian, I'm speaking English14:19
jribwaza-ari: that command is pretty useless.  echo *[^.]    shows you what it would expand to14:19
rahadiansory i just try, bazhang14:19
Gneababu__: are you trying to repurpose the drive for linux?14:19
itsme2011sipior:  Any ideas?14:19
sipioritsme2011: hmm. well, i'd say ditch nm-applet and configure the interface the old-fashioned way that happens to actually work. have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE. not sure why the mtu setting in nm-applet wouldn't work, but for a fixed interface, there's not much point in troubling with it.14:19
bazhangrahadian, /msg ubottu dont play here14:19
MWestenHello friends, I have a question: I'm testing some settings on my network, so I'm using "macchanger" so I can change my MAC Address (Wlan0), it always been working fine, but now, it changes, but after some time (say 20 mins) it suddenly changes again to the original one. This is happening in Ubuntu 10.10 because in 10.04 never happened before. Thanks for your help.14:19
waza-arijrib: its useless in a way that any files below the directory i executed it are gone?14:20
babu__why means??i had installed a software in a drive other than C...i uninstalled it...but the folder is not removed...so only14:20
Gneababu__: are you booted into windows or ubuntu right now?14:20
Gneababu__: then you should remove from within windows14:20
psykassoFuchs, well the cpus seem pretty idle in htop ... should i check iostat or smt like that ?14:21
jribwaza-ari: *[^.]  expands to all files that do not begin nor end in a '.'.  So if the last thing it expands to is a directory, everything gets moved there.  If it's not a directory, then mv will complain and do nothing14:21
babu__i tried in windows also...but in vain14:21
Fuchspsykasso: iotop, yes14:21
Gneababu__: as administrator14:21
Gneababu__: ?14:21
jribwaza-ari: thus I don't really see a case where such a command would be used...14:21
Natsirt_join #spip14:21
waza-arijrib: your right, it is not very usefull. i intended to do something else and was searching my files now :)14:22
rtyuiohello there14:22
Gneababu__: what is the name of the program you removed? and you did it from control panel->add/remove programs?14:22
jribwaza-ari: oh, a 3rd scenario: if it expands to only 2 files, it will rename the first thing to the last thing :)14:22
psykassoFuchs, here's the xsession-errors14:22
jribwaza-ari: what did you intend?14:22
babu__yes i did it from control panel14:22
Gneababu__: it's possible the program needs another step to finish removing, perhaps it has other components installed under the same name14:23
waza-arijrib: since it was my home-dir, there where many more files. but i found them in the last remaining folder which is there :)14:23
rtyuioi can't able to install java on i got this error : http://paste.ubuntu.com/560619/ could anyone tell what's wrong ?14:23
Fuchspsykasso: nothing special in there as well (besides the fact that you are using a hack for skype video support, and a firefox plugin (probably flash) is running amok. Should not be the root cause of the problems, though.14:23
babu__no i checked it....one doubt why it cannot be removed from ubuntu also??14:23
OrmieIs there mIRC For ubuntu?14:23
Gneababu__: how are you trying to remove it from ubuntu? what steps exactly14:24
GneaOrmie: there's x-chat14:24
psykassoFuchs, yeah .... just a sec for iotop14:24
itsme2011sipior: Yes, this method will resolve my issues, I have already tried it, but i was looking for nm-applet to work, since typing commands (pppoeconf) every time to connect to internet is annoying.14:24
Fuchsrtyuio: this has nothing to do with java, but rather other packages wich seem to be broken14:24
OrmieGnea, I need mIRC to build bots14:24
MWestenbilalakhtar:  Thanks!, Ubuntu is great, this issue just started with 10.10 and yes, I have all the updates.14:24
rtyuiowell what's the solutioN ? Fuchs14:24
GneaOrmie: what sort of bots?14:24
Fuchsrtyuio: there seems to be aproblem with the grub-pc (your bootloader) package, it fails to configure it properly14:24
Fuchsrtyuio: hard to say.  sudo apt-get -f install would be worth a try14:24
babu__i tried rm -rf /media/Backups/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/14:24
MWestenbilalakhtar:  The macchanger command is working as always, the thing is the MAC suddenly changes again to the original one14:25
babu__it shows the error rm: cannot remove `/media/Backups/Program Files (x86)/Adobe/Adobe Bridge CS3': Directory not empty14:25
sipioritsme2011: the link presented shows you how to start the link at system boot.14:25
Gneababu__: try another folder in /media/Backups/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/14:25
waza-arijrib: i tried to build a command which moves all files with some specific endings and with no ending at all. That was just some stuff written down and i accidently hit enter :)14:25
rtyuiosorry i don't get you14:25
babu__same error14:25
rtyuioi asked you what i have to do ? Fuchs14:26
OrmieGnea, My job on IRC is to build bots and customer can ask to write this or/and that sort of bots14:26
Fuchsrtyuio: trying   sudo apt-get -f install    in order to try to fix the grub-pc package14:26
Gneababu__: okay, try it like this:  rm -rf /media/Backups/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Adobe/Adobe\ Bridge\ CS314:26
PiciOrmie: You can run mIRC under WINE, but there is no native version of mIRC for Linux. Period.14:26
psykassoFuchs, nah ... the disks are idle mostly ...14:26
MWestenbilalakhtar:  I'm using 10.10, I didn't have the problem with 10.0414:26
babu__same error14:26
OrmiePici, Ok14:26
GneaOrmie: yes, but are the bots for freenode channels?14:26
OrmieGnea, No is Gazionet14:27
Fuchspsykasso: then I have no idea despite some hardware stresstests, if you say that this happens on windows as well14:27
rtyuiono same error Fuchs14:27
Gneababu__: like this:  sudo rm -rf /media/Backups/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Adobe/Adobe\ Bridge\ CS314:27
itsme2011sipior: yes, but I have other users, whom I don not want to connect to Internet, this method will connect any users who "logs in" to internet, I used to avoid this happening, by using nm-applet.14:27
babu__same error14:28
GneaOrmie: oh, #gazionet?14:28
rtyuiothe thing that  i can't understand my virtual machine is fresh, i just done a new install how that it possible to get that error ? Fuchs14:28
sipioritsme2011: well, do what you have to, i guess.14:28
Fuchsrtyuio: what version of ubuntu are you using, and is there any kind of special configuration such as a custom kernel?14:28
itsme2011sipior: Thanks for the try, I guess, I will be using ifconfig everytime then.14:28
Fuchsah, a virtual machine14:28
rtyuiolucid 10.0414:28
Gneababu__: what is output of this command:  mount | grep Backups14:28
psykassoFuchs, thanx mate :) ... I'll try the stress program ... I guess it can be some sort of hardware malfunction14:28
OrmieGnea, No There is a network named "gazionet" Want to go there?14:29
[bean]rtyuio: is it a piix4 error, talking bout bios?14:29
bazhang!ot | Ormie14:29
ubottuOrmie: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:29
GneaOrmie: no thank you14:29
[bean]if so, thats a known problem, but i dont think its so much a bug14:29
[bean]it means you dont have an ide14:29
babu__/dev/sda5 on /media/Backups type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096)14:29
MWestenI was answering to some old conversation about an old issue, sorry, I'll repost my question14:30
Fuchsrtyuio: that is strange. What software are you using to create and run the virtual machine?14:30
rtyuioi don't know i post everything here [bean] http://paste.ubuntu.com/560619/14:30
rtyuiowhy ?14:30
MWestenI'm testing some settings on my network, so I'm using "macchanger" so I can change my MAC Address (Wlan0), it always been working fine, but now, it changes, but after some time (say 20 mins) it suddenly changes again to the original one. This is happening in Ubuntu 10.10 because in 10.04 never happened before. Thanks for your help.14:30
Gneababu__: okay, try this command:  mkdir /media/Backups/test14:30
quesoCould someone point me to a guide on setting up PPTP VPN via commandline on Ubuntu Linux (latest stable version)?14:31
Gneababu__: does it work?14:31
[bean]rtyuio: it says your grub config is messed up or something. i dont understand french14:31
psykassoFuchs, btw installing stress i saw in iotop that my disk was reading/writing very slowly with big pauses ...14:32
Fuchspsykasso: you might consider reading the hdparm output, then14:32
Fuchspsykasso: plus reading out smart values with smartctl or similar, to see whether the disk is dying14:32
Fuchsrtyuio: I wonder whether this might be a xen problem, then14:32
Fuchsrtyuio: the problem is that the configure script of the grub-pc package fails, due to communication failure with devicemapper14:33
sss!controls | sss14:33
ubottusss, please see my private message14:33
Fuchsrtyuio: so basically you can't install anything now, not only java, as it will try to configure the unconfigured grub-pc package, which will fail14:33
Gneababu__: now try:  rm -rf /media/Backups/test14:33
MichaelDobrovitshi guys, i have a pe32 windows executable containing camera footage, and i need somehow to extract one of the movies in the executable, tried objdump to see what's inside heres the output http://pastebin.com/KzvK2waq14:34
rtyuiook i get Fuchs so i have to fix on my xen14:34
rtyuioistall !14:35
waza-ariHey all, my laptop doesnt boot anymore (ubuntu 10.04) since it had an instant poweroff due to empty battery... i alwas get the following error when trying to start: "status: {DRDY ERR} ... failed command: READ DMA EXT ... end_request: i/O error, dev sda, sector 299777953" and lots of other stuff... my windows 7 on the other partiotions starts and from there i can also access my ext3 filesystem. any idea where this comes from?14:35
GneaMichaelDobrovits: again?14:35
rayhi all14:36
ActionParsnipwaza-ari: boot to liveCD and test your RAM and test your partition health14:36
compdocwaza-ari, sounds like a hard drive problem14:36
GneaMichaelDobrovits: since when are video files kept within an .exe?14:36
MichaelDobrovitsGnea, i have an executable camera footage of a security camera14:36
GneaMichaelDobrovits: what is the make and model number of the camera please14:36
raywhich is better POL or Wine?14:36
MichaelDobrovitsGnea, the file contains somesort of a player and 14 channel video14:36
ActionParsnipray: playonlinux is a wrapper app for wine14:37
GneaMichaelDobrovits: so run it in wine14:37
MichaelDobrovitsGnea, it's a security camera14:37
psykassoFuchs, hdparm http://pastebin.com/T19bvn6D14:37
GneaMichaelDobrovits: yes, and it has a make/model14:37
ActionParsnipray: they are not exclusive, so comparing is not possible14:37
waza-ariActionParsnip: Ram i dont think since windows on the same machine is workling perfectly... but i'll test the partition... which tool? fschk?14:37
ajahi formated usb flash drive with gparted to fat16 and fat32 and i cant boot it whats wrong14:37
MichaelDobrovitsGnea, just a second i saw the model somewhere inside the file14:37
rayfor Starcraft 2?14:37
ActionParsnipwaza-ari: it's still wise to test the RAM as RAM i very sensitive to sudden voltage changes14:37
GneaMichaelDobrovits: you can't get it off of the camera itself?14:37
ActionParsnipray: check the appdb14:38
erUSULwaza-ari: https://ata.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Libata_error_messages14:38
Gneababu__: eh?14:38
ActionParsnipwaza-ari: yes use fsck, look at the man page when you get to the live desktop14:38
babu__tell something14:38
erUSULwaza-ari: can be a loose cable can be not enough power for the sat disks can be that the disk is daying ....14:38
MichaelDobrovitsGnea, from strings player.exe i get at the end of file TibetSystem.DVR14:38
Gneababu__: perhaps that directory doesn't need to be removed14:38
Fuchspsykasso: I would need a bit more than that. I am not sure whether it was the -I or -a parameter, but there was one showing all information14:38
ActionParsnipray: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBq8HLfsKTo14:38
babu__wat's this silly ans14:39
GneaMichaelDobrovits: try it like this:  strings -a player.exe | less14:39
MichaelDobrovitsGnea, tried vbox with record my desktop but it doesn't show anything but blank14:39
GneaMichaelDobrovits: it has DRM14:39
MichaelDobrovitstried strings filename.exe | grep -i drm with no output14:40
sssHow do I install JRE and eclipse for programming in Java?14:40
MichaelDobrovitsGnea, tried strings filename.exe | grep -i drm with no output14:40
ActionParsnip!java | sss14:41
ubottusss: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.14:41
erUSULsss: sudo apt-get install eclipse14:41
ActionParsnipsss: eclipse is in the repos14:41
GneaMichaelDobrovits: no, I mean that it is using Digital Rights Management, so you cannot record the video using a screencapture unless you record it outside of vbox14:41
sssthanks, all14:41
ajahi have and a unformated usb flash drive  how to format it14:41
ActionParsnipajah: use gparted14:41
waza-ariajah: use gparted14:41
ActionParsnipajah: or fdisk then mk2fs if you relish cli ;)14:42
MichaelDobrovitsGnea, tried also in windows and it has some sort of Digital Rights Managment because in windows it records a blank screen14:42
GneaMichaelDobrovits: then don't record it in windows14:42
MichaelDobrovitsGnea, somehow the player passes the driver or something so the recording program cannot capture it14:42
brontosaurusrexwas there an upgrade related wifi problem lately?14:42
elb0whttp://pastie.org/1514818 how do I resolve this properly?14:42
ikoniaMichaelDobrovits: right, so we are not going to help you bypass that14:42
elb0wI dont care about installing the JDK14:43
ikoniaMichaelDobrovits: think we need to stop this in #ubuntu14:43
MichaelDobrovitstried in vbox it didn't worked but i'll try in wine14:43
psykassoFuchs, detailed : http://pastebin.com/f6avSc9n14:43
MichaelDobrovitsGnea, this the files objdump -x , http://pastebin.com/SYAk3XJ714:43
BluesKajHi all14:43
ikoniaMichaelDobrovits: please stop14:43
GneaMichaelDobrovits: yeah, that's not going to work14:43
ajahActionParsnip, doesnt displayed in devices14:44
ActionParsnipajah: in the devices menu?14:44
Fuchspsykasso: udma6 is correct. Do some stress tests, might have broken hardware.14:44
ajahActionParsnip, yes14:44
[bean]MichaelDobrovits: i think people already stated they are not going to help you bypass drm14:44
ActionParsnip!appdb | ray14:44
ubotturay: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help14:44
Gnea!piracy | MichaelDobrovits14:45
ubottuMichaelDobrovits: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o14:45
ActionParsnipajah: then in a terminal run: dmesg | tail -n 15    use http://pastie.org   to give the output.14:45
DarkStar1Is there a way to check for the installed SSL version in use on my system?14:46
MichaelDobrovitsno piracy dudes, i got this after someone stole my friends dog near a store then he took the movie from them but he can't do with the movie anything and the police in israel doesn't seem to care so we try to put this movie on youtube just for people to see the dog and the man who took the dog maybe it can help bring the dog back14:46
ikoniaDarkStar1: openssl version (command)14:46
erUSULDarkStar1: openssl library version?14:46
ikoniaMichaelDobrovits: enough please14:46
erUSUL!info libssl14:47
ubottuPackage libssl does not exist in maverick14:47
GneaMichaelDobrovits: see, you just legitimized what we said.14:47
[bean]MichaelDobrovits: its not the point that your country don't care. that dont make it legal14:47
waza-ariDarkStar1: dpkg -al | grep libssl14:47
erUSUL!info libssl0.9.814:47
ubottulibssl0.9.8 (source: openssl): SSL shared libraries. In component main, is important. Version 0.9.8o-1ubuntu4.3 (maverick), package size 846 kB, installed size 1844 kB14:47
bEnnhi all14:47
MichaelDobrovitsk guys14:47
ActionParsnipDarkStar1: http://pastie.org/151483314:47
ajahActionParsnip,  http://pastie.org/151483114:47
PiciDarkStar1: As ikonia said.  The command you want is `openssl version`14:47
MichaelDobrovitsthanks, i understand the situation.14:47
GneaMichaelDobrovits: sorry for your friend's loss, not sure why someone would want to steal a dog in the first place.14:47
DarkStar1ikonia: Thanks14:47
sssHow can I make Ubuntu alert me in a certain hour?14:49
ActionParsnipajah: is the Ubuntu OS in a vmware system?14:49
ActionParsnipsss: look into the 'at' command14:49
DaGeek247sss and the 'sleep' command14:49
ActionParsnipsss: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ClamAV   has a good example of at , at the bottom of the screen14:50
MichaelDobrovitsGnea, that's what i said when it happened. it's not even a special breed it's just some mix, anyway thank you all.14:50
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ajahActionParsnip, sorry i forgot that either the host or guest can use the usb14:51
ActionParsnipajah: so its in a virtual system?14:51
bazhangajah, what version of vbox14:51
ActionParsnipajah: or vmware..?14:51
ajahActionParsnip, now is displayed in gparted14:51
ActionParsnipajah: cool14:52
ajahActionParsnip, but i cant format it14:52
ajahActionParsnip, partition tab format is not visible14:52
ActionParsnipajah: you need to create a partition first, you don't format USB sticks14:52
ActionParsnipajah: you need to make a partition, then format it14:52
ActionParsnipajah: be 100% sure that you are manipulating the right device or you can break stuff14:53
ajahActionParsnip, pretty sure its 3.75 gbs14:53
MikeHHi guys, I've just been looking at the upnpd guide on ubuntu.com (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/firewall/Linux_UPnP_Internet_Gateway_Device_%28linux-idg%29), and after installing linux-igd there is no /etc/default/upnpd14:53
MikeHany suggestions?14:53
ActionParsnipajah: as long as you are sure, go for it14:54
ActionParsnipMikeH: try:  sudo fine / -name "upnpd"   should give a clue14:54
wedwo-Hi, I have a minimal Maverick install with xfce4 desktop (and no GDM or XDM). Is there any way to get xfce to boot without having to log in and type "startx"?14:55
trinikrono_wedwo-: can you just install xubuntu?14:55
wedwo-trinikrono_, it's on a P2 box and the full install is too big14:56
Mario__hi, i have some problems with my cpu under kubuntu 10.10 with kubuntu-beta ppa installed. cpu is an amd t1090 be o.c. to 4 ghz. but kubuntu only shows me 2.8 ghz under /proc/cpuinfo ... i have already disabled "ondemand" with rcconf and uninstalled everything which seems to be throttle the cpu ... does anybody have a solution how my kubuntu can work with th 4 ghz?? (under archlinux with the same kde - 4.6 - everything works fine)14:56
rayhas anyone successfully play on bnet using POL or Wine?14:57
ActionParsnipwedwo-: http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2010/01/01/enable-automatic-login-in-ubuntu-9-10-server/14:57
Gnearay: what's POL?14:57
Roasted_Has anybody used Zentyal to configure a FreeRadius server on Ubuntu? I'm curious if the access points that I am to set up with Zentyal/Ubuntu are to get DHCP addresses or if they must be static.14:57
ActionParsnipGnea: play on linux14:57
rayit seems NO....14:57
rayor a PIA14:58
pavanaihow to setup meego virtual device?14:58
wedwo-ActionParsnip, much appreciated14:58
DaGeek247!playonlinux > DaGeek24714:58
ActionParsniptrinikrono_: installing XUbuntu may include a tonne of unneeded apps, minimal allows you to build up rather than have to strip out the stuff you don't need14:58
bEnnhi all, is there anyway to use Adobe Fireworks CS4 without using virtualbox?14:58
bazhangbEnn, check the appdb?14:59
ActionParsnipbEnn: sure, just install it in the windows install as normal14:59
bazhang!appdb | bEnn14:59
ubottubEnn: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help14:59
ActionParsnipbEnn: it will probably run a LOT slower14:59
sssHow do I run Java applet in browser? I installed OpenJDK Java 6 Runtime, but Chrome shows plug-in missing14:59
ActionParsnipsss: you may need to link the java plugin file to the plugins folder15:00
DaGeek247sss install the 'restricted' package in app center.15:00
bEnninstalling windows? pehhh :) @ubottu dont tried appdb, im trying, @ActionPasnip nope, not slower but i hate to see windows desktop :)15:00
zs1otb_how can I get the NTP server to be u to date during the day? I have ntpd installed but the one machine is losing time during the day. I need the machine to have the correct time displayed all throught the day as it is used in a radio broadcasting studio.15:00
xxxhey guys15:00
llutz_zs1otb_: add a cronjob running ntpdate15:00
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FloodBot1Guest69172: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:01
ajahhow can i burn an iso on usb15:01
sssActionParsnip,  what is IcedTea Java Plug-in?15:01
Guest69172hey guys15:01
bazhangajah, what iso15:01
Guest69172anyone from macedonia15:01
ActionParsnipsss: just searching my OS15:01
Guest69172wtf are you burning an Ubuntu iso ?15:01
ActionParsnipajah: use usb-creator15:01
sssActionParnsip, do I need that?15:01
ajahbazhang, iso with windows xp installation15:01
Guest69172and whats the problem ?15:02
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.15:02
bazhangGuest69172, watch the language15:02
zs1otb_llutz_ according to Ubuntu ntpdate has been replaced in 10.04 by ntpd?15:02
rayis it worth trying to play bnet or just keep the windoze for bnet?15:02
ActionParsnipsss: try:  cd /usr/lib/chromium-browser/plugins; sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/lib/i386/IcedTeaPlugin.so15:02
llutz_zs1otb_: i never used ntpd but i guess it should work too when been called from a cronjob15:02
sipiorray: if you're planning on serious gaming, just dual-boot and save yourself a heap of trouble.15:02
ActionParsnipray: if it's needed then keep it I guess, the guys in #winehq may know15:03
zs1otb_thanks, will try it but is ther no other option?15:03
DaGeek247hi jccorrea15:03
jccorreahi DaGeek24715:03
llutz_zs1otb_: buy new hardware, where the clock runs correct. ;)15:03
rayi was hoping but now i know. this is the start of my 3rd day on Ubuntu...up to this point its all good15:04
joshbhello, im running ubuntu on an MSi G41-P28 mainboard, but i messed up my sound it seems, one app says re-install media_player_gstream, how do i fix this ? thx15:04
sssActionParnsip, thank you15:04
jccorreaDaGeddk247 do you know something about editing joomla template15:04
bazhangjccorrea, try #joomla15:04
zs1otb_<llutz_>it is a new machine..... LOL15:04
DaGeek247jccorrea, no.15:04
jccorreaDaGeek247 do you know something about editing joomla template15:04
sipiorzs1otb_ have you verified that ntp is actually contacting an authoritative time server?15:05
jccorreaknow a chanell for it?15:05
vbehkunwon1 here. ##politics invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! vbeh todd_dsm slacker sss seele0x alx_ jccorrea root__ a3m-nix mirsal ugliefrog tankdriver engled joshb latulipe Guest69172 MuNk` aperson arunce slow-motion appi_uppi sword_less bfiller ecanto maxwave3 alexM jean-claude bandicoot da15:05
vbehkunwon1 here. ##politics invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! DarkStar1 MetaBot zaid_h awolfson FloodBot3 Ertyle elb0w brontosaurusrex LjL-Temp protie awe afancy DaGeek247 andrejpan ModuleC rgoytacaz GanjaReefer BluesKaj jacquesdupontd kermit aksr behanw ajah pascalaldo FunnyLookinHat Kasjopaj15:05
vbehkunwon1 here. ##politics invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! wonderbear kostajh swood iceflatline n_crm_ waza-ari Hiz c2tarun Big_bear ack rahadian R3m0t3_f1X GH1234 mican matrixa1 JackLeo iredux WebDawg AaronMT compdoc acuster BuZZ-dEE krfs smerz ukine_work dimm snikker lduros eurythmia QPri15:05
vbehkunwon1 here. ##politics invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! Error404NotFound renatofilho fukuyamaggoooo72 elleniko tgywa JedaY larry1 pmcgowan frostero daniel seemawn Afrix randy_ llutz_ ecolitan Frozenball skip sabalaba Aldus gtriderxc m_tadeu mirek2 abhijain chtipowa ericm|ubuntu luis_lope15:05
vbehkunwon1 here. ##politics invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! Fireblazto tommi Gurty MadViking codemagician drspeedo geraudk2000 Fireblasto sacarlson tmus linxeh bubuzzz_ Guest12638 greppy adac adante S711 CripperZ nanase WaB Squarism oski chombee T-One |_ocke vultraz oln brianchidester Karen_15:05
Gneaoh man15:05
FloodBot1vbeh: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:05
sipioryay internet monkeys.15:05
bazhangjccorrea, yes I told you #joomla15:05
DaGeek247hi Monty.15:05
Gneawonder if we can petition to have ##politics moved to another irc network15:05
MuNk`its more depressing they make the assumption everyone on the internet is american >.>15:06
zs1otb_<sipior>no how do you do that?15:06
dfnwekunwon1 here. ##politics invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! dfnwe e-DIO-t avdi thekilzer plainhao magnesium todd_dsm seele0x alx_ root__ a3m-nix mirsal ugliefrog tankdriver engled joshb latulipe Guest69172 MuNk` aperson arunce slow-motion appi_uppi sword_less bfiller ecanto maxwa15:06
dfnwekunwon1 here. ##politics invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! tfilipczuk DarkStar1 MetaBot zaid_h awolfson FloodBot3 Ertyle elb0w brontosaurusrex LjL-Temp protie awe afancy andrejpan DaGeek247 rgoytacaz GanjaReefer BluesKaj jacquesdupontd kermit aksr behanw ajah pascalaldo FunnyLoo15:06
dfnwekunwon1 here. ##politics invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! kostajh swood iceflatline n_crm_ waza-ari Hiz Big_bear ack R3m0t3_f1X GH1234 mican matrixa1 JackLeo iredux WebDawg AaronMT compdoc acuster BuZZ-dEE krfs smerz ukine_work dimm snikker lduros eurythmia QPrime komputes smet15:06
dfnwekunwon1 here. ##politics invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! fukuyamaggoooo72 elleniko tgywa JedaY larry1 pmcgowan frostero daniel seemawn Afrix randy_ llutz_ ecolitan Frozenball skip Aldus gtriderxc m_tadeu mirek2 abhijain chtipowa ericm|ubuntu luis_lopez Hovek nyar12 copernic kr15:06
dfnwekunwon1 here. ##politics invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! codemagician drspeedo geraudk2000 Fireblasto sacarlson tmus linxeh bubuzzz_ Guest12638 greppy adac adante S711 CripperZ nanase WaB Squarism oski chombee T-One |_ocke vultraz oln brianchidester Karen_m insmod BiDOrD Tallk15:06
FloodBot1dfnwe: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:06
GneaMuNk`: it tends to be more than just nationally-oriented15:06
Gneabut anyway15:06
todd_dsmGnea: how about we move it to ##repubicans.clowns.fart ?15:06
kiddiefckkunwon1 here. ##politics invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! kiddiefck TMKCodes SA-Geoff avdi thekilzer plainhao magnesium todd_dsm seele0x alx_ root__ a3m-nix mirsal ugliefrog tankdriver engled joshb latulipe Guest69172 MuNk` aperson arunce slow-motion appi_uppi sword_less bfiller ecant15:06
kiddiefckkunwon1 here. ##politics invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! alec mtlith mbeierl tfilipczuk DarkStar1 MetaBot awolfson FloodBot3 Ertyle elb0w brontosaurusrex LjL-Temp awe afancy andrejpan DaGeek247 rgoytacaz GanjaReefer BluesKaj jacquesdupontd kermit aksr behanw ajah pascalaldo FunnyLook15:06
kiddiefckkunwon1 here. ##politics invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! wonderbear kostajh iceflatline n_crm_ waza-ari Hiz Big_bear ack R3m0t3_f1X GH1234 mican matrixa1 JackLeo WebDawg AaronMT compdoc acuster BuZZ-dEE krfs smerz ukine_work dimm snikker lduros eurythmia QPrime komputes smethia oi-po15:06
FloodBot1kiddiefck: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:06
goltoof:(  I want my channel back!15:07
sipiorzs1otb_: check your logs15:07
zs1otb_<sipior>will do15:07
kmsnkunwon1 here. ##politics invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! kmsn arunce TMKCodes SA-Geoff avdi thekilzer plainhao magnesium todd_dsm seele0x alx_ mirsal ugliefrog tankdriver engled joshb latulipe Guest69172 MuNk` aperson slow-motion appi_uppi sword_less bfiller ecanto maxwave3 alexM jean-claud15:07
BluesKajnot to worry, the ops will take care of these flood trolls15:07
* QPrime quickly makes a contribution to his nearest Democratic office...15:07
TMKCodesIs there a way to block usage of applications for certain amount of time?15:07
sipiorzs1otb_: grep for ntpd or the like. should be clear straightaway.15:07
tehbautwhat's green mean in a file listing via ls?15:08
nekokunwon1 here. ##politics invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! neko protie aaron__ Stormed DasEi arunce TMKCodes SA-Geoff avdi plainhao magnesium todd_dsm seele0x alx_ mirsal ugliefrog tankdriver engled joshb latulipe MuNk` aperson slow-motion appi_uppi sword_less bfiller ecanto maxwave3 alexM15:08
ActionParsniptehbaut: executable15:08
mbeierltehbaut: it means the file has execute permissions set15:08
tehbautah, thanks15:08
ubuntuluverhello i have question for developers15:08
nexesIs this actually being done by the person mentioned, kunwon1, or is this spambot actually trying to make that channel look bad?15:08
waza-aridoes somethink like usb-creator exist to make a bootable systemrescuecd on usb? My laptop doesnt seem to boot from dvd-rom... seems this one also is broken..15:08
ubuntuluvertoday i was reading this and was shocked http://kernelnewbies.org/Ext415:09
goltoofcan't they just block any thread containing "kunwon1" ?15:09
ubuntuluver>Why 48-bit and not 64-bit? There are some limitations that would need to be fixed before making Ext4 fully 64-bit capable, which have not been addressed in Ext4.15:09
joshbkunwon is one of the ##politics idiots15:09
goltoofor Liberals and leftists?15:09
ubuntuluverwhy does ext4 not support 64bit15:09
bazhangubuntuluver, you just tried this. not here15:09
mrmistnexes: most likely the latter, it's just the latest round of spam.15:09
compdocubuntuluver, it does15:09
ActionParsnipubuntuluver: it does, I have 64Bit Linux OSes installed on Ext415:10
ubuntuluvercompdoc no it doesnt r u stupid read my quote15:10
Dciteubuntuluver: What are you talking about? I'm using ext4 on a 64bit system..15:10
nexesmrmist: Ah, okay. Then I suppose I should feel bad that the guy is probably getting hammered with angry PMs.15:10
compdoches not be talking about a 64bit OS15:10
sipiorActionParsnip: he's talking about the block addressing, which is currently 48-bit.15:10
[bean]ubuntuluver: canonical doesnt make ext4, they just use it15:10
ActionParsnipsipior: yeah just found out15:10
bazhanglets move on please15:10
tehlokiHi. I'm running wubi with windows 7 and I just did an update and grub no longer loads when i choose the ubuntu option from the win7 bootloader. It just looks for wubildir, finds it on hd0,1, then restarts. is this a known issue? what should i do15:11
ActionParsnipubuntuluver: dude, the maximum filesize (for 1 individual file) is 16Tb and the biggest partition is 1 Exabyte. Why does it need to be bigger?15:12
tehlokiit seems like every time i update grub in ubuntu, it breaks the boot process with wubi15:12
sgo11hi, some websites only work under mobile browser, but not linux PC browser. how to access them within linux PC? install a mobile browser on PC? modify the browser config files? thanks.15:12
[bean]ActionParsnip: he got kicked15:12
sipiortehloki: your mistake, frankly, is using wubi :-)15:12
bazhangActionParsnip, he's gone. known issue15:12
goltoofsgo11:  what browser do you use?15:12
tehlokiheh. wubi page tells me to come here for help15:12
ActionParsnip[bean]: thanks15:12
tehlokire; sipior15:12
ActionParsnipbazhang: thanks15:12
sgo11goltoof, chrome, firefox.15:13
tehlokiis there a better place?15:13
goltoofsgo11:  keep in mind some websites load a different page for mobile devices, ie m.google.com15:13
llutz_ActionParsnip: your statement is like "640k are enough" :)15:13
sipiortehloki: no, i'm afraid there isn't (to my knowledge)15:13
DciteIs WUBI effectively a persistent USB install on hard disk?15:13
tehlokiit's a virtual disk thing15:13
sgo11goltoof, yeah, that's why I am trying to access mobile version under PC. how to do that? thanks.15:13
goltoofsgo11:  it's not a config in the browser, but how the site is built to look on mobile vs pc browsers15:14
ActionParsnipllutz_: I look after fairly chunk SQL servers at work and never seen a single 1Tb file15:14
itsme2011Unable to change my MTU value in Ubuntu.15:14
ActionParsnipDcite: its an installation of Ubuntu in a disk image file which sits on (crappy) ntfs15:14
pedolovekunwon1 here. ##politics invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! pedolove NEXUS-6 herbmonk fukuyamaggoooo72 itsme2011 sss monk mussb KojiroAK multipass fcuk112 kunwon1 sgo11 tehloki k1l b33r_ zilux halvors1 sideone Spacewalker protie Stormed DasEi arunce TMKCodes SA-Geoff avdi plainhao magnesium15:14
goltoofsgo11:  know what the address is for the mobile webpage... for example mobile.godaddy.com15:14
ActionParsnipDcite: the shortcomings of NTFS (fragmentation being one) will directly affect the Ubuntu performance15:15
DaGeek247ops, kick the spambot: pedolove.15:15
itsme2011Please help, I am Unable to change my MTU value in Ubuntu.15:15
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!15:15
llutz_ActionParsnip: "not yet". go back 10 yrs and recall what you'd thought about 2TB-hdds then15:15
jpdsDaGeek247/k1l: Already gone.15:15
gpcIgnore the spam people, the bot already removed them15:15
ActionParsnipllutz_: sure and in another 2 years we'll have another technology to tackle the issue15:15
goltoofsgo11:  maybe there's some sort of plugin for emulating mobile browsing, anyway this is more of a browser issue, not ubuntu15:15
sipioritsme2011: that's not true. you could change it perfectly well. you're better off stating the whole problem, including the fact that you don't want to set up your system to enable the link at boot.15:15
trinikrono_anyone has any luck with ati 9550 and lucid?15:16
psykassoFuchs, thanx for the help. I guess that I'll figure smt out ...15:16
ActionParsnipDcite: the filesystems Ubuntu uses (except ext2) so not fragment due to journalling :)15:16
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ActionParsniptrinikrono_: with an xorg.conf file I can imagine it will be fine15:16
sgo11goltoof, ok. I knew browser will send OS information etc.. to the web server when the browser accesses a website. maybe I can modify the information that a browser will send. but I don't know how to.15:17
itsme2011sipior: sorry. i will rephrase my statement.15:17
goltoofsgo11:  this is true, and based on that information it will meta refresh to the proper mobile url15:17
sgo11goltoof, maybe I just install android sdk...15:18
sgo11goltoof, that's too slow.15:18
goltoofsgo11:  what are you trying to access?15:18
sipioritsme2011: i just don't folks spending time looking for a solution, only to discover that there is another boundary condition that you neglected to mention :-)15:18
rumpe1sgo11, http://johnbokma.com/mexit/2004/04/24/changinguseragent.html15:18
sgo11rumpe1, thanks. :)15:20
sgo11goltoof, not a particular website. just wondering if I can do it on PC.15:20
hard_dayHi all , i try to install OpenLdap but this file slapd.conf don't create15:21
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
goltoofsgo11: ff plugin https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/user-agent-switcher/15:22
sgo11goltoof, this is very cool. ^_^ thanks.15:23
Encry9how to delete file with cli? I tried rm -rf /home/Encry9/file.flv, it wont delete, yet gave me no errors either15:25
sipiorEncry9: try it without the "-rf" first :-)15:25
DasEiEncry9: carefull with -rf15:26
waza-ariOkay, i started a rescuedisk now. "fsck /dev/sda5" just gives me "clean, 763246&8503296 files..."15:26
itsme2011I am unable to permanently change my MTU value in Ubuntu 10.10,15:26
itsme2011I have tried editing files "/etc/network/interfaces" and "/etc/ppp/options". I can only change it temporarily using command "ifconfig".Please help.15:26
DasEiEncry9: r=whole dir, f=force15:26
ikoniaitsme2011: you should be using network manager15:26
Encry9DasEi: good thing it didnt work then :)15:27
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer
itsme2011ikonia: yes, I am using nm-applet.15:27
ikoniaitsme2011: ok, so why are you messing with /etc/interfaces  and ifconfig ?15:27
DasEiEncry9: obviousley a typo in the path saved you there15:28
tzaerumh, is it generally possible to install a distro (ubuntu in this case) on top of another distro while the comp is running? :P15:28
Gneaitsme2011: if you're using /etc/network/interfaces, then you give up using networkmanager15:28
DasEitzaeru: on top not, but in virtual15:28
trinikrono_tzaeru: you want vitual box :D15:29
tzaerunot really I don't :P15:29
llutz_tzaeru: debootstrap15:29
tzaeruproblem mostly is that my CD drive broke aaaand the current distro's installation is such a mess15:29
tzaeruthat it'd take days to solve it15:29
robert__im trying to share a folder and keep getting the error Failed to execute child process "testparm" (No such file or directory) have no idea what to do15:29
trinikrono_tzaeru: cant boot from usb?15:30
ikoniarobert__: testparm is a script samba uses to validate it's config15:30
ActionParsniptzaeru: grab a 1Gb SD card or USB and boot that15:30
tzaerutrinikrono_, no, too old bios :[15:30
ActionParsniptzaeru: got a floppy drive?15:30
waza-ariHey all, my laptop doesnt boot anymore (ubuntu 10.04) since it had an instant poweroff due to empty battery... i alwas get the following error when trying to start: "res 51/01:93:a1:3f:de/01:00:11:00:00&e0 Emask 0x1 (device error) status: {DRDY ERR} ... failed command: READ DMA EXT ... end_request: i/O error, dev sda, sector 299777953" and lots of other stuff..15:30
tzaeruooh, though, thinking of it, I do have a hardrive somewhere with ubuntu installed..15:30
robert__should i uninstall samba and re install15:30
ActionParsniptzaeru: dang, then take the drive out and put it in another system, install then put it back in15:30
sambagirlxhow can i get the usb devices to register in vbox? i did the sudo adduser command but it still wont show the usb devices in any vm i have.15:31
waza-ariI started rescuedisk now, made fsck which showed claean and i could mount the filesystem without any errors... why doesnd my system boot?15:31
ikoniarobert__: did you actually install samba in the first place?15:31
goltoofsambagirlx:  try #vbox15:31
tzaeruActionParsnip, that's a pretty good plan yeah :P15:31
bazhangsambagirlx, which version of vbox15:31
ActionParsniptzaeru: or you could set up a PXE boot server and boot from that if the system supports it15:31
bazhangsambagirlx, from the repos or the website15:31
ActionParsnipsambagirlx: you need virtualbox 4 from the site (closed source) for usb support15:31
sambagirlxbazhang let me update the version first. as for asking in #vbox they never could figure it out15:31
robert__yea when i first went to share my folder i hade to install samba and nfs15:32
sambagirlxi did both i uninstalled the one for website and then i did it from the repo15:32
bazhangsambagirlx, see what ActionParsnip just said15:32
repgahrollhow can i allow anyone to modify a partition after manual mount? I've tried to set the folder permission to 777, the device also...15:32
ikoniarobert__: I'd look at re-installing it then as testparm should come with it15:32
sambagirlxok actionparsnip thank you15:32
waza-ariActionParsnip: i made fsck now, and there where no errors. i could also mount my filesystem from livesystem. Anyway i cant boot..15:32
sambagirlxthanks everyone brb15:32
trinikrono_tzaeru: you can try this scary one https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/linux-upgrade.html15:32
ikoniarepgahroll: what file system is on it ?15:32
itsme2010My Internet was down for last 4 minutes, if any one had prosted any replies, I request you repost it. I was known by username itsme2011.15:32
repgahrollikonia, ntfs15:32
ikoniarepgahroll: you can't, it's mounted in userspace for your user15:32
repgahrollikonia, nope... it's mounted as root15:33
ActionParsnipwaza-ari: then reinstall grub2 to the drive and you should be ok15:33
sssHow do I install flash?15:33
ikoniaitsme2010: stop messing with /etc/interfaces and ifconfig and use network manager15:33
erUSULsss: install ubuntu-restricted-extras15:33
ActionParsnipsss: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree15:33
ikoniarepgahroll: 1.) you shouldn't be logged in as root 2.) then only the root user will be able to use it15:33
robert__whats the easy way to uninstall samba15:33
tzaerutrinikrono_, need to try15:33
tzaerurepartiotioning kinda sucks, was hoping to save both the disks -.O15:33
ikoniarobert__: open the package manager, search for samba click "uninstall"15:33
DasEirobert__: sudo apt-get remove --purge samba15:34
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repgahrollikonia, so... how can i mount it in order to use as a user? If only root is allowed to mount? =/15:34
trinikrono_tzaeru: it would be better if you can use the other drive15:34
sambagirlxhere is something else that just started occurring today.  then i go to open up a usb device on my laptop it automatically launches vlc and when i open up movies directory or music vlc launches again.  what would cause this? it just  started this stuff.15:34
itsme2010ikonia: Then, How do I resolve this issue?15:34
ikoniarepgahroll: you don't, fuser is userspace so won't allow it15:34
waza-ariActionParsnip: i just did fsck /dev/sda5. or are there any more parameters i should have specified? Why should it be grub? but ill try as soon memtest finished its work...15:34
robert__ok waznt sure if it waz easyer threw the terminal15:34
ActionParsnipwaza-ari: read the man page, like I said15:34
ikoniaitsme2010: you use network manager to configure your card, and you clear down the entries you have made in the interfaces file15:34
ikoniarobert__: no15:35
repgahrollikonia, there should be a way. i just want to allow a user to write a partition.... =/ =/15:35
ikoniarepgahroll: there isn't a way15:35
ikoniarepgahroll: it's "USER" space15:35
repgahrolli need to write things on that partition... that must be a way to do that.15:35
itsme2010ikonia: ok, I deleted everything, in Interface file and saved it.15:36
sambagirlxit is making some kind of association and vlc is default now15:36
ikoniarepgahroll: you're asking how to do it - I'm telling you "you can't" so saying "there must be a way" won't change it15:36
ikoniaitsme2010: I didn't say delete everything15:36
trinikrono_repgahroll: you cant chmod it?15:36
ikoniaitsme2010: I said delete the entries you have made15:36
ikoniatrinikrono_: it's ntfs15:36
bazhangsambagirlx, so right click folder choose open with and select nautilus15:36
trinikrono_repgahroll: its mounted?15:36
sambagirlxwhen i rightclick bazhang it just launches the applicaiton15:37
Picirepgahroll: How did you mount the drive? Using the terminal?15:37
repgahrolltrinikrono_, yep. it's mounted.15:37
llutz_repgahroll: you want your users to write on a filesystem, not a partition. read about ntfs mount-options how to do it15:37
sambagirlxthere are no options15:37
trinikrono_i would gksudo nautilus it :D15:37
itsme2010ikonia: its ok, I had deleted entire file once, since then, the file contains only my entries.15:37
robert__how do i make sure my ftp is working i installed proftpd15:37
bazhangsambagirlx, create a folder on the desktop and right click it, bring up a menu15:38
Picirobert__: Try to ftp to yourself.15:38
ikoniaitsme2010: then that's a problem as "lo" needs to be configured15:38
sambagirlxi am now but i cant run vlc in root15:38
ActionParsniprobert__: connect via ftp to localhost15:38
bazhangsambagirlx, you ran vlc with sudo? why?15:38
repgahrollPici, yep.15:38
ActionParsnipsambagirlx: you can but you shouldn't15:38
sambagirlxbazhang i just mentioned it what is the problem is that all folders automatically launch vlc15:39
sambagirlxall of um15:39
robert__lol ive only been usein ubuntu well this is my second week so not sure how to ftp myself lol15:39
sambagirlxi right click on anything and vlc launches15:39
bazhangsambagirlx, and I told you how to adjust that15:39
itsme2010ikonia; we are talking about "/etc/network/interfaces ", file right?15:39
ankgui /join #ubuntu-in15:39
ikoniaitsme2010: yes15:39
Picirobert__: ftp localhost or use your favorite ftp client and connect to 'localhost'15:39
sambagirlx  hold on bazhang15:40
ActionParsniprobert__: in terminal run:    ftp yourusername@localhost15:40
repgahrollwell. in fact, chmodding the device solved the issue. thanks guys.15:40
ActionParsniprobert__: or use nautilus or an ftp client like gftp15:40
gaurdroIs there any way to change arch (ie go from x86->x86_64) without performing a clean install?15:41
itsme2010ikonia: Do I have to, reinstall ubuntu to recover that file?15:41
ActionParsnipgaurdro: thats the only way15:41
sambagirlxi did that just now bazhang15:41
trinikrono_repgahroll: :D chmod wins15:41
ikoniaitsme2010: that's a bit over the top, there are examples on the internet15:41
jacquesdupontdbon deja ya des gros con de vieux qui le regardent juste en face de moi et je sais pas ce qu'ils veulent  vraiment je vais leur mettre la pression ils vont se casser bon et les prix c'est pas moi qui les fait donc je peux rien changer c'est 25 x 5 125 je viens d'aller me casser les couilles au chiottes pour peser couper tout ca DONC15:41
bazhanggaurdro, nope15:41
jhellogood night everyone~15:41
Oer!fr | jacquesdupontd15:41
ubottujacquesdupontd: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:41
ActionParsnipgaurdro: if you have more than 3Gb RAM you can install the PAE kernel15:42
sambagirlxi  select music from dropdown menu and vlc launches instead of nautilus15:42
sambagirlxor explorer15:42
Roasted_Has anybody used Zentyal to configure a FreeRadius server on Ubuntu? I'm curious if the access points that I am to set up with Zentyal/Ubuntu are to get DHCP addresses or if they must be static.15:42
sambagirlxmaybe i need to reboot15:42
mbeierlrepgahroll: the device permissions will revert with reboot.  I think you might need to put your users in the "disk" group as it has write perms on the permission by default.15:42
bazhangsambagirlx, are you using some kind of tweak script?15:42
sambagirlxi downloaded a bunch of torrents15:42
ActionParsnipsambagirlx: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=163196115:42
joshbhi, how do i re15:42
bazhang!cn | jhello15:42
ubottujhello: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk15:42
sambagirlxthank that could be it?15:42
ActionParsnipsambagirlx: replace rhythmnbox with vlc in your head ;)15:43
itsme2010ikonia: How do I know, which example to apply?15:43
jhello哈哈 总算见到中国人~15:43
gaurdroThanks ActionParsnip, bazhang15:43
ActionParsnipjoshb: what is 're'?15:43
ikoniaitsme2010: look at the example, and find one that fits just "lo" device15:43
bazhangjhello, english here15:43
repgahrollmbeierl, uh. i'll keep that in mind! however, i'm aware that the permission will revert and that's the expected behavior. thank you.15:43
bazhangjhello, #ubuntu-cn for Chinese15:43
ActionParsnipRoasted_: if its a server,I'd use a static IP everytime15:43
joshbaction, typo, i was going to say "how do i re-install media_player_gstreamer ?15:44
mbeierlrepgahroll: just making sure :)15:44
jhelloyeah i have noticed that15:44
ActionParsnipjoshb: use tab to complete nicks ;)15:44
Roasted_ActionParsnip, it is a server, but my question wasn't about the "box" itself. I'm curious if the access points hooked up to the server should be DHCP or static.15:44
joshbyea, ActionParsnip15:44
joshbgood point15:44
sambagirlxoh i understand now for this forum use rhythmnbox instead of vlc or i mean opposite to substitute for this exercise ok.15:44
joshbActionParsnip: im very tired and i just want the stuff to work15:45
ActionParsnipjoshb: you can use software centre and mark the package name for re-installation15:45
Roasted_ActionParsnip, our current Windows Radius setup I believe hands out DHCP to the access points. But it has a lot of problems... problems that many users have told me that are non existent in FreeRadius land (linux based) which is why we're trying it. I'm just setting up at est environment and trying to understand if they should or should not be DHCP (the aps)15:45
sambagirlxi see so i discovered a major bug in ubuntu or linux in general. i should get a reward :)15:45
joshbActionParsnip: that's under system15:45
ActionParsnipRoasted_: its not something I've used. You could trial both ways for 2 weeks to test maybe15:45
joshb> administration>synaptic packagemanager right ?15:46
ActionParsnipjoshb: applications -> software centre   or synaptic under sytstem, your call15:46
bazhangsambagirlx, what is that15:46
Roasted_ActionParsnip, my issue is I'm not even sure if DHCP is *possible* with Zentyal. That's all I'm trying to figure out.15:46
joshbActionParsnip: thx, been there before but couldn't locate it, but i'll try again15:46
sambagirlxwell it is on a need to know circumstance now bazhang sorry :)15:46
waza-ariActionParsnip: okay, i ran fsck -n /dev/sda5 in order to check and there was "Error reading block 819532 (attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read) while getting niext inote from scan". how do you recommand to go on?15:46
ActionParsnipsambagirlx: while you read it, just change the word rhythmnbox in your head to vlc. This isn't new at all15:46
bazhangsambagirlx, there is not a bug unless you file a bug report.15:47
DasEiRoasted_: it is, and it dpends on your needs whether staic/dhcp.15:47
ActionParsnipwaza-ari: gran the ultimate boot cd and use the manufacturers tool to test the drive15:47
sambagirlxwell i ran into the bug then.15:47
bazhangsambagirlx, please do so if you think you  have truly found one15:47
ActionParsnipsambagirlx: yes, but the guide gives a fix15:47
Roasted_DasEi, have you used Zentyal? Because I'm just not seeing in the interface if its possible.15:47
sambagirlxit was already encountered bazhang.15:47
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sambagirlxsomeone else encountered it prior to me. but it is still something that should be corrected in the future.15:48
ActionParsnipwaza-ari: I think the power cut may have dmaged your drive in some way15:48
Roasted_DasEi, our current setup I believe arranges the APs by MAC address, and just uses DHCP to them. This setup with Zentyal looks to be the opposite, where it manages by IP, and MAC ID isnt anywhere to be found.15:48
ikoniasambagirlx: it can't be fixed if you don't report it15:48
ActionParsnipsambagirlx: its fixable though, did you use the link to get fixed?15:48
ikoniasambagirlx: either report it - or stop referencing it15:48
sambagirlxi see it i'll report it i think i should it is rather a problem.15:48
waza-ariActionParsnip: okay, then i first will try to safe as much data as possible on my external device15:48
joshbActionParsnip: im installing ghecko_media player..15:48
ActionParsnipwaza-ari: wy do you not have a backup?15:48
Bridge|anyone know why my nis client on ubuntu (meerkat) keep giving this error: dpkg: version 'nis_2.17-18' bad syntax: invalid character in version number. (this was the version meerkat decided to download from the repositioy, so i dont see why it would be wrong version).... sorry i'm kinda lost here and we've been working on this for a while now with no sucess15:49
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sambagirlxthanks brb15:49
waza-ariActionParsnip: no, not of all files..15:49
ActionParsnipwaza-ari: the power outage could have fried the IDE, then where is your data?15:49
DasEiRoasted_: I recently tried in virtual box, so no "productional" experience, but dhcp on linux works as static does, If your machines often change, use dhcp, else static is one setup, and then less trouble with things like arp going bad15:49
ikoniaBridge|: is/was NIS working on this machine at all15:49
ikonia!info nis15:49
ubottunis (source: nis): clients and daemons for the Network Information Service (NIS). In component universe, is extra. Version 3.17-31 (maverick), package size 191 kB, installed size 796 kB15:49
ActionParsnipBridge|: redownload the file15:49
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Bridge|yea it tries to bind to ypserv then gives that error after a few mins15:49
sambagirlxwhat is wierd is that the solution exists but it is still occuring. so that is a bug that needs to be reported again i guess.15:49
ikoniasambagirlx: if it's reported, it doesn't need reporting again15:50
ikoniasambagirlx: if it's not reported, it needs reporting15:50
ActionParsnipsambagirlx: it also happens when people mess with default apps and such15:50
waza-ariActionParsnip: i can mount it in rescuesystem...15:50
Roasted_DasEi, well my issue isn't really about what to use between dhcp and static. I'm just trying to understand if dhcp is even possible, because in the zentyal interface I'm just not seeing how it's possible. The only other curve ball is if we roll this out, then what? I'm trying to get a plan on how I can arrange all of our access points to connect to THIS server w/ static IPs as opposed to the Windows one without grabbing htem all out of the ceiling.15:50
Bridge|it looks asthough nis client works, but after failed bind attemp I get the error talking about the version15:50
sambagirlxso the issue is already reported then right actionparsnip?15:50
ActionParsnipsambagirlx: how can you have a bug for human error???15:50
ikoniaBridge|: is the bind failure intermitent or all the time15:51
robert__thank everyone who help me still waitin to see if my samba work but i can access my ftp from my windows 7 so i was happy about that lol15:51
Bridge|all the time15:51
ActionParsnipsambagirlx: is it a bug if some user delets all the files in /boot and the system no longer works after a cold boot, no its not15:51
ActionParsnipsambagirlx: if a package install did it by accident, then yes there is a bug15:52
Bridge|ikonia: we have ypserv running on a centOS box listening, and nis client on ubuntu15:52
sambagirlx ok ok ok don't beat me down. geez.15:52
DasEiRoasted_: you define a subnet for the internal ip's and set your clients accordingly15:52
ikoniaBridge|: ok, but does the yp bind on the ubuntu box ever work or does it fail all the time15:52
sambagirlxi still didnt do anything to cause this situation as far as i recall.15:52
ActionParsnipwaza-ari: then you may need to use foremost to attempt to rescue the data from an unmounted partition. you will need a suitably sized partition mounted writable to spit the found data onto.I suggest you review your backup regime15:52
Roasted_DasEi, did you just use freeradius or did you use zentyal in particular?15:52
Bridge|ikonia: all the time15:52
ActionParsnipsambagirlx: then check the bug doesn't already exist and if it doesn't, create it15:53
ikoniaBridge|: so it's never worked ?15:53
Bridge|ikonia:: no15:53
ActionParsnipsambagirlx: just explaining what constitutes a bug :)15:53
ikoniaBridge|: does the version match with this15:53
ikonia!info nis | Bridge|15:53
ubottuBridge|: nis (source: nis): clients and daemons for the Network Information Service (NIS). In component universe, is extra. Version 3.17-31 (maverick), package size 191 kB, installed size 796 kB15:53
waza-ariActionParsnip: im currently simply using rsync to copy the data from internal harddisk to external usb disk. i hope to get the important data..15:53
sambagirlxi know who a bug is :)15:53
DasEiRoasted_: I had a look in zentyal recently, amongst other server slutions, but these things are similar in different distros15:54
waza-ariand, be sure, i will review backup strategy...15:54
Bridge|ikonia: it saays 3.17-1815:54
sambagirlxi will ask Seveas about it.15:54
trinikrono_sambagirlx: maybe you can join the bugsquad15:54
Roasted_DasEi, I see. Little off topic to what I asked but based on what server solutions you found similar to Zentyal, what others did you find? I went with Zentyal because they seemed to have good support, plus when they were formerly ebox I know the forums thought highly of them as a whole. What others did you find worth mentioning?15:54
ikoniaBridge|: ok, maybe worth doing an apt-get update, then seeing if apt-cache search nis shows the upgraded version ?15:54
waza-aribut i have to go offline for now, since battery will be down again in a few minutes, so i have to use the ac-adapter of this machine...15:55
sambagirlxi dont have any bugs i am clean as as whistle.15:55
waza-arii will come back when i rescued the data i could..15:55
DasEiRoasted_: I'll pm you15:55
sambagirlxbrb let me try their solution to fix this15:55
Bridge|ikonia: k i'll try this15:55
sambagirlxok this was what occured inode/directory=vlc.desktop;15:56
sambagirlxstill unsure how the association occured.15:56
ajahis it possbile to make new partion from the unused space of existing partition15:57
bazhangajah, unallocated space?15:57
trinikrono_ajah: i did it last night so yes15:57
ajahbazhang, yes15:57
bazhangajah, see what trinikrono_ said15:57
ajahtrinikrono_, how15:58
ActionParsnipajah: you can resize partitions to make a new one15:58
sacarlsonajah: I guess you can resize your partition to create another partition with gparted15:58
trinikrono_it takes really long and dont do it too close ajah15:58
undecimWhere can I get a list of packages that are on the default Maverick install?15:59
ajahi`ve got 52 gb ntfs drive and 15gb  unused i want to to turn this 15 gb in new partition15:59
undecimajah: So the 15GB isn't currently allocated to a partition?15:59
sacarlsonundecim: try dpkg --get-selections > installed-software16:00
ajahundecim, it is located on partition16:00
sambagirlxajah use gparted and format it16:00
trinikrono_ajah: i would make it 12gb :D you never know when you might need it16:00
undecimsacarlson: Well, that would work if I were running a fresh install... I don't have access to one at the moment16:00
undecimajah: You will need to boot a LiveCD and use GParted16:00
trinikrono_you can run sudo apt-get install gparted16:01
DasEi!info zenytal16:01
ubottuPackage zenytal does not exist in maverick16:01
undecimajah: Though it's recommended that you make a backup of your important data first.16:01
ActionParsnipundecim: could boot to an ubuntu install CD and run sacarlson's command there. running it on your current system shows the packages yuo have installed NOW, not the default ones16:01
sacarlsonundecim: install a fresh one in a virtualbox to create a list to compare16:01
ActionParsnipsacarlson: no need to install, just boot the livecd16:01
undecimActionParsnip: I know, but that would give me a list of the packages on the CD, which includes stuff not on the default install16:01
ajahwhen i click ot create partition table it says this will erase all data on entire disk16:01
ajahbut i don`t want that16:01
ajahor it is inevitable16:02
undecimajah: Don't create a new partition table16:02
sambagirlxajah use gparted16:02
ajahi use gparted16:02
sacarlsonActionParsnip: I guess that would work16:02
undecimajah: You need to resize the partition with the 15GB free16:02
undecimajah: Then you have the free space to make a new partition16:02
trinikrono_ajah: make sure to backup16:02
robert__how do i bridge my newtwork connection16:03
undecimsacarlson: Yeah, I know, but that seemed a little overkill... I was hoping there is a page I can look at or a file on the LiveCD or something like that.16:03
feydhow can I have MPD save its playback position / playlist when it shuts down?16:03
undecim!ics | robert__16:03
ubotturobert__: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php16:03
sacarlsonundecim: ya something that takes about 30 secounds way over kill16:03
ajahfrom partition menu doesnt display me the resize option16:04
Bridge|ikonia: yea i updated apt-get check the version of nis client which is 3.17-31, still getting same error when trying to bind to ypserv on the centOS box16:04
undecimsacarlson: I want to know what computer you have that can install Ubuntu in VBox in 30 seconds...16:04
sacarlsonundecim: you must have missed ActionParsnip suggested just boot a live cd and compare the list of that16:05
undecimsacarlson: you missed my response to that message16:05
ikoniaBridge|: just having a little read on version compatabilities16:05
sacarlsonundecim: I think it must be a subset of what's installed, I"m not sure I never checked it16:06
Bridge|ikonia: ypserv version 2.19 (incase u need it)16:06
sambagirlxactionparsnips that thing worked thanks16:06
undecimsacarlson: It is not a subset, because the default install does not include ubiquity (the Ubuntu installer)16:06
ActionParsnipsambagirlx: simples :)16:06
ikoniaBridge|: thank you16:07
MichaelDobrovitshow to get libv4l-dev 32bit for ubuntu 9.1 64bit to install wine16:07
sacarlsonundecim: true it might not include ubiquity16:07
feydcan someone help me with MPD?16:08
farookiGnea u there?16:09
Gneafarooki: yes16:10
farookiGnea its me man u helped me earlier with freebsd thing16:10
farookii got it working when i reinstalled it but i dunno if i removed old copy or not and a big problem came16:10
farookimy laptop hangs there and doesnt go ahead16:10
farookiexact on that screen on startup16:10
farookieven it dont read bootable CD16:10
farookiim on my other laptop now16:10
farookiwhat should i do man ;\16:10
bazhang!enter | farooki16:10
ubottufarooki: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:10
farookii am so messed up man i have paper on thursay and all my imp data on that laptop now i cant even use anything on that laptop it just hangs there16:11
farookion startup :(16:11
ActionParsnipfarooki: then its a hardware issue, as grub is not even loaded at that point16:11
ActionParsnipfarooki: use your backups to work on another system (if you have access to one)16:12
farookii dont have backup etc16:12
farookihow can i fix this damn issue man i am so sad now16:12
ActionParsnipfarooki: why not, isn't the data important/16:12
farookii regret why i tried to learn linux/freebsd16:12
gsp2009Good morning all... I can't browse SMB shares with nautilus without it crashing. I can mount shares on the local network manually though. Has anyone seen this problem?16:12
farookiActionParsnip its not imp after thursday16:12
farookiand i need it now16:12
farookiif u can help me somehow to on that laptop, i will be very thankful and I can even pay for it16:13
ActionParsnipfarooki: people will learn the hard way about backups16:13
farookinow it is not a time to taunt me, i will fail in exam if i dont get it open16:13
ActionParsnipfarooki: you can boot to USB and get a desktop that way16:13
bazhangfarooki, keep it one line please. its impossible to follow you otherwise16:13
trinikrono_farooki: if you press escape do you get anything16:13
farookiActionParsnip no i cant boot at all, i tried inserting bootable cds etc, none worked. it jut hangs at this screen http://pickledpc.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/hp_splash1.jpg and its the first screen that comes up when u iht power button16:14
ActionParsnipfarooki: if it doesn't boot at all I suggest you ask in ##hardware16:14
farookitrinikrono_ i tried removing battery and putting it back, i tried esc, i tried all other keys still no good16:14
g_o_ofarooki: can you access the bios?16:14
feydcan someone help me with MPD?16:14
farookino!! I pressed f2 f8 f1 nothing happens16:14
trinikrono_feyd: what is mpd16:14
ActionParsnipfarooki: its not an ubuntu issue16:14
feydtrinikrono_: music player daemon?16:15
sacarlsonfarooki: what is that the bios screen?  it's not ubuntu16:15
takoylhsthe flash player on ubuntu 64bit lags on fullscreen 1080p16:15
gsp2009farooki, HP laptop?16:15
g_o_ofarooki: try other keys f10, del etc. to access the bios16:15
takoylhsseems to loose frames? sync? a little compared to windows16:15
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farookiyes HP HDX 16t laptop16:16
trinikrono_so whats the problem feyd16:16
takoylhsnot good performance on ubuntu 64bit Adobe Flash 1080p youtube videos16:16
ActionParsniptakoylhs: how did you istall flash?16:16
farooki4 GB ram, 500 gb HD16:16
farookii tried all keys possible16:16
sacarlsonfarooki: maybe your keyboard esc key is broken try a usb or other plugin keyboard16:16
lazarus_how do i turn off the login sound via ternimal16:16
gsp2009farooki.. pm me16:16
trinikrono_farooki: try taking out parts until it comes on16:16
takoylhsi have installed flash  by downloading a file from adobe and copy to the plugin directory16:16
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ActionParsniptakoylhs: can you please prefix text to me with my nick, just like i am to you16:17
ActionParsniptakoylhs: ok can you give the output of:   file /path/to/libflashplayer.so    (obviously change the /path/to bit to where you put the file)16:17
feydtrinikrono_: so MPD is supposed to run as a system service, independent of a session, but the only way i've been able to run it is in my .xinitrc executed by the user16:17
gsp2009farooki... this is a documented issue with HP memory card readers... they can cause the bios to hang at boot screen16:18
feydtrinikrono_: I have my mpdconf in my home folder, but I want it to run on its own, I'm wondering if I need to move my config to the root directory16:18
feydtrinikrono_: fairly certain that I tried that and had no luck16:19
takoylhsActionParsnip hi16:19
takoylhsActionParsnip: like that?16:19
ActionParsniptakoylhs: can you give the output of the command I gave please (after you change it). Yes you address like that, you can use tab to autocomplete16:19
ajahin gparted the keys in front of partition what refers to16:19
takoylhsis it normal?16:20
weselkoMaybe anyone know how can I connect mouse and keyboard to ubuntu ? I'm using PC with Win7 and netbook with ubuntu PLEASE HELP16:20
takoylhsActionParsnip: is it normal to have a slighty low performance compared to windows?16:20
ActionParsniptakoylhs: can you give the output of the command I gave16:20
takoylhsActionParsnip: cant right now16:20
ActionParsniptakoylhs: flash works differently in windows as the whole OS is different16:20
gsp2009farooki... I can help you... hello?16:21
takoylhsActionParsnip: it doesnt works good16:21
ActionParsniptakoylhs: well until youo get the outpupt of the command we cant do anything16:21
takoylhsActionParsnip: i mean its details but ....16:21
farookigsp2009 i pmed u16:21
farookital to me in pm16:21
ActionParsniptakoylhs: your move dude16:21
takoylhsActionParsnip: ok16:21
mattc__guys a piece of software you should all know about: http://synergy-foss.org/16:21
mattc__blown me away16:21
ActionParsnipmattc__: please take it someplace else, this is support ONLY16:22
gsp2009farooki... hmmm weird. Didn't get it. Damn empathy... I will send you one.16:22
mattc__sorry ActionParsnip16:22
|Long|i cant mount my drive can someone plz help?16:22
takoylhsActionParsnip: its a little difference for example when an object moves its seems like the move is breaking16:22
farookiu can talk here if ur pm is broken16:22
CanidHi... I'm having a problem whereby whenever I open the home folder from the Places menu, it opens Amarok and a box that says (100% of 67 B) ... but doens't open the home folder16:22
farookii cant see any pm from u16:22
takoylhsActionParsnip: also i have another greater problem16:23
|Long|someone plz help?16:23
ActionParsniptakoylhs: ask the channel and it may help16:23
takoylhsActionParsnip:  i tried to reinstall it and the installer stops to the downloading of the flash plugin!!!!!!16:24
sacarlson|Long|: how have you tried to mount it?16:24
ActionParsnip|Long|: you mount partitions, not drives16:24
weselkoHey! I need some solution I have PC with Win7 and netbook with ubuntu and I want to use a keyboard and mouse for both16:24
CanidCan anyone lend me a hand?16:24
|Long|avid@lap-serv:~$ sudo mount /dev/sdf116:24
|Long|mount: can't find /dev/sdf1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab16:24
ikonia|Long|: you need to tell it where to mount16:24
|Long|what did i do wrong there16:24
ActionParsnip|Long|: then you will either need to add sdf1 in fstab, or add more options to the mount16:24
ikoniaBridge|: can't see anything about incompatabilities16:24
Oerweselko, buy an KVM switch, keyboard video mouse16:24
weselkoHey! I need some solution I have PC with Win7 and netbook with ubuntu and I want to use a keyboard and mouse for both16:24
ActionParsnipweselko: get a kvm, or you can use vnc16:25
sacarlson|Long|: sudo  mkdir /mnt ; sudo mount /dev/sdf1 /mnt16:25
|Long|konia, what other info do i need to tell on fstab16:25
trinikrono_feyd: so the problem is that music is not playing automatically?16:25
weselkoOer: Maybe some software solution16:25
CanidHello, can anyone help me?16:25
ikonia|Long|: you just need to tell it where to mount as ActionParsnip's example shows16:26
guspurweselko use virtual boz16:26
CanidWhenever I open the home folder from the Places menu, it opens Amarok and a box that says (100% of 67 B) ... but doens't open the home folder16:26
guspurvirtual box16:26
sacarlson|Long|: if you don't provide a mount point it will look in /etc/fstab to see where it should mount it,  if none then it won't know were to put it16:26
ActionParsnipCanid: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=163196116:26
billfarrowweselko: Use Synergy http://synergy-foss.org/16:26
skrite is there a quick command that will spit out a list of packages that i have installled ?16:26
ikoniaskrite: sudo dpkg -l16:26
ActionParsnip|Long|: fyi, /dev/sdf is the drive, /dev/sdf1 is the partition, you are trying to mount the partition (Which you should), not the drive16:27
skriteikonia: thanks16:27
CanidThank-you ActionParsnip16:27
feydtrinikrono_: no, the problem is that MPD cannot be started from root, only from the user. Because of this, it's tied to the user session, which is what I want to avoid16:27
weselkobillfarrpw: tnx i will try16:28
jetboyjetgirlnow I've got the sansa fuze to work but the music won't show lol16:28
trinikrono_feyd: i dont understand why you want to run as root though16:28
jetboyjetgirlit was a USB 3.0 issue, had to do some key updates16:28
jetboyjetgirlanyone else using the sansa fuze on ubuntu?16:29
trinikrono_someone help feyd i am leaving16:30
ezra-sjetboyjetgirl, I'm curious, what is that?16:30
jetboyjetgirlWhat is what?16:30
jetboyjetgirlsansa fuze?16:30
jetboyjetgirlmp3 player16:31
Datzhi, I just set a static address for eth0 through the network manager app. ifconfig shows the old local address. How do I force the new one?16:32
BluesKajDatz, did you set the staic address in /etc/network/interfaces or network manager ?16:33
sacarlsonDatz: network manager should work but if that fails you can disable network manager and use ifconfig to change ip16:33
EnrgySmthDatz :  try ifdown eth0  then ifup eth0 ?16:33
DatzBluesKaj: network manager16:33
DatzEnrgySmth: I'll try that16:33
ubuntuhow are u?16:34
BluesKajthen make sure you turn off dhcp , Datz16:34
ubuntuwhat`s up!!!!???16:34
jetboyjetgirlok, problem solved16:35
Bridge|ikonia: okay, thank you for trying :-) (sorry for late response had to run down for a little, my son was crying non stop)16:36
jetboyjetgirlI guess i can't be "two-timing" using windows and ubuntu for my fuze lol :P16:36
BluesKajDatz, the best way to maintain a static IP on a network is to delete network manager and let network/interfaces run the configuration , as done here, http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-ubuntu-linux-convert-dhcp-network-configuration-to-static-ip-configuration.html16:36
ubuntudon`t wory be happy16:36
=== Matthew is now known as Guest61863
Guest61863Anyone know how to configure Synergy ????????16:37
ikoniaBridge|: still looking at other things too16:37
EnrgySmthI just tried the pipelining and other firefox performance tweaks - wow what a difference!16:37
Guest61863Anyone know how to configure Synergy on windows 7 ?16:38
ikoniaGuest61863: that's nothing to do with ubuntu16:38
Guest61863No. I'm using a PC with windows 7 and netbook with ubuntu16:39
markosohi i have a hdd i need to erase can i do that with ubuntu live16:39
Guest61863and dont know how to configure16:39
ikoniaGuest61863: ask the guys in ##windows - it's nothing to do with ubuntu16:39
Guest61863it does16:40
ikoniaGuest61863:  it doesn't16:40
ikoniaGuest61863: configuing software on windows is not something #ubuntu does16:40
Guest61863the program is same as on ubuntu16:40
ikoniaGuest61863: so ?16:40
ikoniaGuest61863: you're not using ubuntu, you're using windows 7 , ask the guys in ##windows please.16:41
Guest61863I'm using ubuntu and win716:41
ikoniaGuest61863: you're asking for help configuring windows - please ask in ##windows16:41
billfarrowGuest61863: read "man synergy" then create a config file with your machines listed16:41
Guest61863I need to install snyergy on windows and on ubuntu or just on win7 ?16:42
billfarrowGuest61863: Install it on both Ubuntu and Win7.  Then configure one as the server and the other as the client16:43
sacarlsonGuest61863: you need to install on both sides http://www.mattcutts.com/blog/how-to-configure-synergy-in-six-steps/16:43
codemagicianhow do I install gnome on netbook remix?16:43
Guest61863sacarlson: tnx for link16:43
llutz_codemagician: sudo apt-get install gnome16:44
bazhangcodemagician, ubuntu-desktop ?16:44
codemagicianllutz_, yes but it throws an error about dependencies16:44
rollegoWhy don't we move from 8 bits in a byte, to 10 bits in a byte?16:44
DatzBluesKaj: thanks, but I'll want to keep network manager as it's my desktop. I had to restart for updates and it's working now. :)16:44
codemagicianbazhang, netbook remix 10.1016:44
billfarrowGuest61863: Synergy is really great once you get it working, it's just a little tricky to configure.16:44
bazhangcodemagician, you wanted gnome, ubuntu-desktop is the package for that16:45
dmar198can someone help me with the rdesktop command? I tried to connect to my downstairs computer by rdesktop [ip address] but it simply replied "unable to connect" -- no explanation given or instruction about what I need to do to get it working16:45
erUSULrollego: basic computer science. computers are binary 8 is a power of 2; 10 is not16:45
FxIIIhi all16:45
EnrgySmthDoes synergy play nice with compiz?16:45
aronhod do i install internet explorer?16:46
=== aron is now known as Guest33302
codemagicianbazhang, ok thanks i'll try that16:46
xangua!appdb | Guest3330216:46
ubottuGuest33302: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help16:46
bazhangaron why would you want to16:46
FxIIIwhen a xxx-dev package is required in order to install another package, it is because of a compilation step needed in setup phase isn't it?16:46
EnrgySmtharon: in a virtual machine? :)16:46
FxIIIonce the package is installed the xxx-dev package is no more needed right?16:47
FxIIII mean there is usually a libxxx and a libxxx-dev and both are required for package setup16:47
DasEiFxIII: no,..16:47
FuchsFxIII: it might have to be recompiled, e.g. drivers via dkms16:47
FuchsFxIII: if you don't have good reasons to, don't remove it16:47
FxIIIi know some package are used to build a python module16:47
erUSULFxIII: no libxxx-dev is only needed to compile a package that needs the lib16:48
FxIIIthen the runtime are needed16:48
apocalyptiqhi all!16:48
gsp2009Has anyone else had problems browsing network shares with nautilus? it crashes when browsing local network.. Been working on it for days.16:48
apocalyptiqhow can i register my nick here? :)16:48
LinuxNoobhi all i have a quick question :)16:48
Pici!register | apocalyptiq16:48
ubottuapocalyptiq: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode16:48
FxIIIbut what if i remove the libxxx-dev?16:48
EnrgySmthapocalyptiq: hi16:48
bazhangapocalyptiq, /join #freenode16:48
apocalyptiqi have already registred nick16:48
BlueBomber7!ask | LinuxNoob16:48
ubottuLinuxNoob: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:48
DasEiFxIII: the -dev one is one version ahead, often needed as dependency, whereas the standard is the one needed by the install, it's like a on the way, but old one still needed (dev=develop)16:48
apocalyptiqbut how can i log in to it? :-)16:48
FxIIIdoes not breaks the dependecy with the package i need?16:48
LinuxNoobubottu: gottcha16:49
apocalyptiqand where can i read about irssi? i'm using it for first time16:49
apocalyptiqor some irssii irc channel?16:49
bazhang#irssi apocalyptiq16:49
FxIIIin my case there are a lot of libboostxxx and libbostxxx-dev with the same xxx16:50
LinuxNoobmy school labtop i nuked the hdd, has no partition no drivers, no os, nuffin...16:50
LinuxNoobi downloaded a win7 iso off arrrrrrr ye matey, and i have a usb stick, how do i put that iso on my usb so i can boot from usb?16:50
DasEiFxIII: I don't understand your question ; installing a new package often needs the dev of an otherwise already installed packet, and won't break the install16:50
lapionLinuxNoob, how did you do it..16:51
FuchsFxIII: I'd rather not remove those16:51
FxIIIi'm sure that are no more required16:51
rollegoerUSUL: So what about the PDP-8 which was 12 bit?16:51
bazhangLinuxNoob, piracy?16:51
FxIIIthe runtimes are in the relevant non-dev package16:51
lapionLinuxNoob, this is a ubuntu thingy16:51
Pici!ot | rollego16:51
ubotturollego: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:51
LinuxNoobi know16:51
bazhangLinuxNoob, wrong network for that16:51
BlueBomber7LinuxNoob: Ahhh, I see your problem:  You downloaded the wrong operating system.  You needed to go to www.ubuntu.com16:51
FxIIIand we are talking about 600MB :D16:51
LinuxNoobnuuuuu, alright lemme start from basics x_X16:51
erUSULrollego: yeah; what about it? it went the way of the dodo XD16:52
LinuxNoobill type errry thing that happend, gimme a sec16:52
bazhangLinuxNoob, no need.16:52
LinuxNoobthis all happend cause i tried to download linux X_x16:52
LinuxNoobtried to install**16:52
BlueBomber7LinuxNoob: Are you sure it didn't happen because you downloaded an illicit copy of an inferior operating system?16:52
bazhangLinuxNoob, this has nothing to do with pirating windows. please stop16:53
FxIIIok I have to go, may be we can talk about this again tomorrow16:53
FxIIIbye all16:53
lapionbye fxII16:53
BlueBomber7We CAN help you download and install Ubuntu from a flash drive or CD, LinuxNoob.16:53
melignusI've got 10.04 on this year old aluminum iMac, can anyone point me to the sound card fix that works? All I seem to be able to find are broken or old links/forum posts.16:54
Thaliusmelignus: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1439009&highlight=iMac ?16:55
melignusAwesome sir, thank you.16:55
Thaliusyou're welcome16:55
lapionLinuxNoob, if you resized the windows partition and want to know how to boot back into the windows partition we might be able to help you but we do not help people installing windows16:55
darknatureHello. Can anyone reference me an application that daily reminds you of tasks upon logging in?16:55
dmar198can someone help me with rdesktop?16:55
schnuffledarknature: xmotd maybe?16:57
tmusdmar198, what about rdesktop?16:57
lapionLinuxNoob, while the computer is starting keep the shift key depressed and see the menu appear that gives you the possibillity to dualboot into windows, if the menus doesn't give you the option you did a mistake while installing. and we cannot help you16:57
dmar198tmus :: I used the command "rdesktop [ip address] to connect to my computer downstairs, but it responded "unable to connect" with no instruction on how to get it working16:57
* BluesKaj tries to recall the gnome equivalent for kontact16:57
Bushmanlapion: why can't you help him?16:57
dmar198can you help me get it working?16:58
FuchsBluesKaj: Evolution16:58
tmusdmar198, the computer downstairs is a windows pc?16:58
dmar198tmus :: yes, Windows 716:58
BluesKajok Fuchs , thx16:59
tmusdmar198, you need to enable remote desktop sessions on the windows system (disabled by default)16:59
LinuxNoobokay i have a asus laptop, came with win7 preinstalled, i wanted linux, cause i want to learn programming quicker, and if i use linux soley , it will kinda give me a crash course...i downloaded wubi, so i could do the windows install of ubuntu.  win7 is installed on C:, recovery is on D:(the usual), i didnt have enough space in my C: drive so i figured it would be okay to put it in my D:...16:59
LinuxNoob...drive, it installed fine, i rebooted started up linux, everything was alright, restarted it again to get to windows to start clearing up some hdd space, deleting unneeded files. well. when i restarted, it said that my hdd couldnt be found. so i paniced(cause this is my school comp) and went and grabbed the first windows cd i could find, formated all the drives,  so that i could do a clean...16:59
LinuxNoob...install.  turns out.. my computer needs win7 to install the laptop drivers. i tried with the vista, said laptop didnt have required drivers to run this program.  so in order to get back to linux, i need to get win7 back on my laptop, install drivers from my asus cd that i  already have(by the way my copy of win7 is legit, came with laptop) and then install ubuntu.16:59
tmusdmar198, properties on "my computer", and somewhere in there... "Allow remote desktop sessions" i think it's called17:00
FloodBot2LinuxNoob: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:00
dmar198tmus :: "Allow Remote Assistance connections to this computer" is already enabled17:00
melignusHrm ok sound works on the iMac now but the sound is very very tinny.17:00
tmusdmar198, not assistance - the other one17:00
dmar198there is no other one17:00
tmusdmar198, non-windows firewall installed?17:01
dmar198I'm not sure what firewall is installed17:01
dmar198oh. Look what I just found:17:01
dmar198"Important note: Remote desktop is only included in the Professional, Business, or Ultimate versions of Windows. Home editions do not have remote desktop."17:01
dmar198I have Home Ultimate17:02
dmar198that's apparently why17:02
=== milind is now known as milindshakya
dmar198Home Premium*17:02
tmusdmar198, aaah, that explains the "no other one"17:02
tmusdmar198, install a vnc server instead, then17:02
dmar198okay well I guess I'll just have to install a different client17:02
codemagicianLinuxNoob, just ditch windows. if you want to learn to program commit to it17:02
dmar198is vnc better than TeamViewer?17:02
LinuxNoobi cant install linux on my hdd without having win7 first17:02
StarminnLinuxNoob Why not?17:02
tmusdmar198, for this - yes17:03
LinuxNoobi tried, the laptop has no drivers17:03
ikoniaLinuxNoob: use what ever operating system you feel meets your needs best17:03
dmar198okay thx17:03
EnrgySmthLinuxNoob...  you dont really need to have windows7 installed to have ubuntu installed...17:03
ikoniaLinuxNoob: the install CD will deal with that for Linux17:03
LinuxNoobi tried..17:03
codemagicianLinuxNoob, just download the desktop edition and make USB pen drive17:03
macoLinuxNoob: having windows installed has no effect on whether linux has drivers available17:03
LinuxNoobthe laptop requires the drivers to function17:03
LinuxNoobthe  mobo was designed for win717:03
ikoniaLinuxNoob: what happens whewn you boot the install CD17:03
StarminnLinuxNoob, Was your computer hooked up to the Internet too? Linux searches for drivers independent of Window.17:04
ikoniaLinuxNoob: no, it doesn't17:04
LinuxNoobi already called the asus guy17:04
ikoniaLinuxNoob: what happens when you boot the install CD17:04
LinuxNoobwhich one?17:04
ikoniaLinuxNoob: the ubuntu Install CD17:04
LinuxNoobi downloaded it to a usb, with this17:04
macoLinuxNoob: linux is a separate operating system. it does not use windows to get drivers. if linux does not have drivers for your hardware, then having windows installed won't change that17:04
codemagicianLinuxNoob, if you boot into the linux installer you wont even be using win717:04
codemagicianLinuxNoob, so the issue of drivers is irrelavent17:04
ikoniaLinuxNoob: what happens when you boot the install CD17:04
LinuxNoobokay guys enlighten me17:05
LinuxNoobi dont even need win717:05
ikoniaLinuxNoob: what happens when you boot the install CD17:05
ikoniaLinuxNoob: respond to my question17:05
LinuxNoobubuntu startup17:05
StarminnLinuxNoob, You said you were using WUBI. Don't use WUBI.17:05
LinuxNoobi get the purple screen that has the 5 dots like its loading17:05
StarminnJust boot from the install CD.17:05
codemagicianHe's ready to take the RED pill!17:05
LinuxNoobthen purple and white checkered screen17:05
LinuxNoobnothing else, waited an hour to see if it was loading17:05
codemagicianLinuxNoob, i have probs with CD too17:05
LinuxNoobi used a usb17:06
codemagicianLinuxNoob, this is why I suggest using the USB pen17:06
ikoniaLinuxNoob: use the ubuntu alternative CD to install,17:06
sandydLinuxNoob: use nomodeset17:06
ikoniaLinuxNoob: that will resovle your graphical problems17:06
LinuxNoobpath to finding this please :)17:06
ikoniaLinuxNoob: one moment17:06
=== jomo is now known as johzephine
EnrgySmthLinuxNoob : http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup.html17:07
ikoniaLinuxNoob: http://mirror01.th.ifl.net/releases//maverick/ubuntu-10.10-alternate-i386.iso17:07
ikoniaLinuxNoob: use that install image, and that should resolve your issues17:08
GHHWho know about editing menu?17:08
LinuxNoobalright, what exactly do i do with that iso17:08
ikoniaLinuxNoob: you burn it to a CD, then boot from that CD17:08
codemagicianis there a way to get back to the netbook remix v9 style instead of the new 10.10 remix left side crazy bar?17:08
LinuxNoobso i can just open the cd, drop the iso in there, burn and put in my other laptop?17:09
LinuxNoobi also have a usb pen, if that would be better17:09
ikoniaLinuxNoob: burn the image to a CD and boot from it17:09
codemagicianLinuxNoob, not sure the USB installer handles that .iso17:09
EnrgySmthLinuxNoob - cannot just copy the file to the CD - needs to burn it "from image file" or whatever your burning program states17:10
youraLinuxNoob burn it as an IMAGE not as date17:10
EnrgySmthotherwise it will not be bootable17:10
youraindeed :D17:10
codemagicianLinuxNoob, check on the pull-down list of the USB Installer app to see if it support creating USB pen from that particular .iso17:10
lrvickHi all I have an issue accessing my esata drive cluster within ubuntu 10.10. The bios sees it fine and reports the correct size etc however within ubuntu i get this: http://pae.st/X2DJ/17:10
ikoniacodemagician: he's not using the USB - stop adding to the confusion17:10
clavin12Hey can i get some help with ndiswrapper and my wireless?17:11
LinuxNoobive never burned a cd before o_o17:11
dw-ive got a PDF I can't open it says I need a enwer adobe... of course Ubuntu doesn't use Adobe lol17:11
lrvickI have run intot his issue a long tiem ago and fixed it with some special kernel options, but i can't remember what not, and that was several kernels ago17:11
lrvickbuffer move 2317:11
codemagicianikonia, he said he used USB last time17:11
ikoniacodemagician: he's not using it this time17:11
EnrgySmthLinuxNoob - do you have a CD burner in the computer you are on?17:11
LinuxNoobi put in a blank cd, asks me to burn dvd data, burn files to dsic, or burn a dvd video disc17:11
codemagicianikonia, any particular reason?17:11
robertcmk7LinuxNoob: you have to use an imageburner, like ISO Image Burner on Windows.17:11
EnrgySmthWhat program is it?17:12
ikoniacodemagician: simple17:12
Bridge|hehe, didn't even notice it at first, but i'm laying on the brick from laptops power cord and it feels like a heatingpad for my hurt back, :-)17:12
EnrgySmthBridge: LOL17:12
clavin12My wireless adapter is not listed as an interface, and ndiswrapper tells me it cannot see if hardware is present.17:12
clavin12In 9.1017:13
EnrgySmthLinuxNoob - if you select "Data CD" what program opens up?17:13
goltoofBridge|:  that's all great until it shorts out and destroys your kidneys17:13
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »17:13
hidnshadowsanyone need any general troubleshooting? seems pretty quiet right now17:13
ikoniahidnshadows: if people need help - they will ask17:13
EnrgySmthhidnshadows: know anything about grub and software raid in ubuntu? :)17:14
hidnshadowsEnrgySmth, unfortunately not, sorry17:14
ikoniaEnrgySmth: what's the issue ?17:14
Bridge|goltoof: better then laptop batter exploded and liquid flames squirting out on my unmentionables17:14
DasEiEnrgySmth: details  ?17:14
clavin12My wireless adapter is not listed as an interface, and ndiswrapper tells me it cannot see if hardware is present.17:14
hidnshadowsikonia I just popped my head in, I frequent this channel a lot17:15
ikoniahidnshadows: so ?17:15
LinuxNoobenrgysmth windows media player17:15
hidnshadowsikonia I'm not new to the policies here, some users that need help wait, I'm terribly sorry if I offended you17:16
EnrgySmthI am switching distros - have been a fedora 64bit user forever...  am making the leap to Ubuntu finally after watching for a long time.  Am curious if I am going to have any problems setting up a seperate /boot partition under software raid1?17:16
thalesnot raid but  great "backup" command rsync; enter  man rsycn for info; never got raid working with adaptec/ "silicon image" chipset17:16
ikoniahidnshadows: not offended me17:16
DatzHi, the "Desktop" folder in home/ doesn't appear to be a sym link. Can I delete it, or will that cause all sort of trouble?17:16
EnrgySmthwill grub recognize software raid1?17:16
ikoniaEnrgySmth: none at all17:16
clavin12My wireless adapter is not listed as an interface, and ndiswrapper tells me it cannot see if hardware is present. I cannot connect through any other means than wireless.17:16
ikoniaEnrgySmth: it will be fine17:16
hidnshadowsclavin12, is the device enabled under BIOS17:16
DasEiEnrgySmth: works with seperate and boot, and grub handles raid fine17:16
ActionParsnipDatz: you can symlink it to another folder if you wish, the OS will simply see a folder17:16
LinuxNoobwhats good software to download the ubuntu.iso to a cd?17:16
EnrgySmthExcellent, thanks guys17:16
hidnshadowsLinuxNoob, Brasero?17:17
clavin12hdnshadows: it's a usb device17:17
erUSUL!burning | LinuxNoob17:17
ubottuLinuxNoob: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto17:17
LinuxNoobi dunno, ive never done this before :D17:17
clavin12hidnshadows: i didn't know you could do that.17:17
LinuxNoobo_o gotcha17:17
erUSULLinuxNoob: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto17:17
ActionParsnipLinuxNoob: web browsers are fine, or you can use torrents17:17
StarminnLinuxNoob, Go here: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download Then click on the "SHow Me How" button17:17
Dazzledhello, I just installed Ubuntu 10.10 and found a rather dull language error in the installer17:17
DasEiEnrgySmth: for advanced install options, use the alternate installer, it gives you more fine grained options17:17
ActionParsnipLinuxNoob: its just a file, remember to MD5 test it before you use it17:17
erUSULLinuxNoob: in windows i recommend infrarecorder17:17
hidnshadowsclavin12, try hitting the F_ key on the first splash screen on bootup17:18
Dazzledis there a place I can suggest amenments?17:18
ikonia!bug | Dazzled17:18
ubottuDazzled: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots17:18
ActionParsnipDazzled: to what?17:18
LinuxNoobim putting it on a labtop with nothing on it, blank hdd17:18
robertcmk7ImgBurn is good utility too.17:18
StarminnLinuxNoob, to download the file just downlod it like anything else. Then get a copy of InfraRecorder (could never get the other one to work right) and follow the step-by-step instructions.17:18
clavin12hidnshadows: I know how to acces the bios. I will look into it.17:18
ActionParsnipDazzled: most of the documentation is wiki based so you should be able to create an account and ammend it17:18
LinuxNoobgotcha, i gotta go guys, thanks very much17:18
ActionParsnipLinuxNoob: makes life easier if it is ;)17:18
StarminnLinuxNoob you don't need anything on it. That's the point. =) "Fresh install."17:18
EnrgySmthDasEi - yeah thanks - will be installing LVM volumes on top of raided partitions on the same drives - seperating for performance and flexibility17:18
hidnshadowsclavin12 alright, good luck17:18
LinuxNoobhow do i register this name :D17:18
ActionParsnipLinuxNoob: I suggest you create a seperate /home partition too17:19
ActionParsnip!register | LinuxNoob17:19
ubottuLinuxNoob: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode17:19
DatzActionParsnip: thanks17:19
StarminnLinuxNoob, http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup17:19
markosohi i have a windows part and installing linux it says win 300gig and ubuntu 300g  do i hit install now or manaul partition17:19
DasEiEnrgySmth: raid on the same drive or talking of lvm on the same array (aka mdX) ?17:19
clavin12hidnshadows: there is no setting related to usb adapters in the bios.17:20
ActionParsnipmarkoso: i'd us manual so you have the control17:20
thalesquestion on nautilus: Nautilus file manager does not display/recognize multiple files generated as "backups" using 'rsync -a' has anyone encountered this?17:20
StarminnLinuxNoob, it is step number 2 on the link I gave you. I did only that and it worked shortly thereafter.17:20
markosoresize windows partition17:20
EnrgySmthDasEi - more like this... http://www.linuxconfig.org/choosing-the-right-linux-file-system-layout-using-a-top-bottom-process17:20
EnrgySmth2 drive performance scenario, but slightly less segregated, and using ext4 mostly...17:21
Starminnmarkoso, I'd use manual if you know what you're doing but if not just use the slider. Typically the default is suitable.17:22
LinuxNoobhow many partitions should i put on my hdd after i get linux installed?17:22
EnrgySmthLinuxNoob - just let it autoconfig dude17:22
LinuxNoobnvm, ill ask all these questions when i get to it lol, ill be back later guys, ty so much guys17:22
ActionParsnipLinuxNoob: I recommend 3, 10Gb for / formatted Ext4, 1xRAM for swap, the rest for /home formatted Ext417:22
DasEiEnrgySmth: so you will mirror on two drives, using ext4 for / and ext3 or 2 for /boot, that all can be set up at install without a problem17:22
StarminnLinuxNoob, just let it automatically set it up for you.17:23
ikoniaEnrgySmth: you can use ext4 for /boot without an issue17:23
markosoubuntu 10.10 has no slider17:23
EnrgySmthDasEi - that is excellent to hear, thank you!17:23
Starminnmarkoso, Is it a fresh install or install alongside something else?17:23
markosoinstalling ubuntu windows is alreay installed17:24
Tjololo12If someone tells me he wants me to backup /alt, does he mean /etc/alternatives? Or should I try to have him clarify, because there is no /alt directory?17:24
ikoniaTjololo12: clarify17:24
zykes-anyone know of a network install type iso for ubuntu ?17:24
civixierif I have made a sudo -s in a terminal, how can I reverse it without closing it and open a new one? :)17:24
bazhangzykes-, minimal iso?17:24
DasEicivixier: exit17:24
bazhang!minimal | zykes-17:24
ubottuzykes-: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD17:24
zykes-bazhang: something like it17:25
Starminnmarkoso, I am using Ubuntu 10.10 and there is a slider. In the wizard hit, "Install alongside" and you'll have a little GUI there. Drag-and-drop the Ubuntu logo to however big you want it.17:25
EnrgySmthikonia - thank you!17:25
civixierDasEi ah, thanks :)17:25
bazhangzykes-, about 20mb iso iirc17:25
markosook star17:25
ne2kis there some utility that will keep a log of which window has focus and for how long, and analyse it to give percentages per day, for example?17:25
DasEicivixier: or ctrl-d17:25
Starminnmarkoso, Go here: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download and at the bottom of the page under "Install" press the "Show Me How" button17:26
billmaniaHow do I troubleshoot a GDM login failure on an ubuntu 10.10 desktop which was just upgraded from ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS?17:26
Starminn(I assume you're using desktop edition)17:26
EnrgySmthI am thinking of trying nilfs2 for the logs though... anyone done this?17:26
Kevin147On my laptop I have Ubuntu installed, and I have it partitioned where / has its own space, and /home has its own place. Is there anyway that I can make another partition to /home so I can install Windows 7 without loosing anything?17:27
markosoafter slide do i hit installl now17:27
ikoniaEnrgySmth: I wouldn't bother, ext works just as fine17:27
EnrgySmthikonia - more of an experiment than anything... :)17:27
GHHWho know about editing menu?17:28
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Starminnmarkoso, Yep. If everything's how you want it then hit Install Now and just keep doing whatever it asks. Pretty straight-forward from there.17:28
markosoty Starminn17:28
Kevin147On my laptop I have Ubuntu installed, and I have it partitioned where / has its own space, and /home has its own place. Is there anyway that I can make another partition to /home so I can install Windows 7 without loosing anything?17:28
Starminnmarkoso, You're welcome.17:28
Guest61863What I need to do to connect quicksynergy with server ?17:29
=== Spacewalker__ is now known as Spacewalker
markosowe did install win then ubuntu but it boots to ubuntu and no windows option so were trying again17:29
ikoniaEnrgySmth: go for it17:29
Starminnmarkoso, is this Windows7?17:30
markosowin vista17:30
gobbeKevin147: hmmh, i don't understand, you have now two partitions, one for / and one for /home?17:30
gobbeKevin147: and you want to install win7?17:30
markosowhen the pc booted it didnt give windows option just straight to ubuntu17:30
Guest61863What I need to do to connect quicksynergy with server ?17:31
fornext /join #ubuntu-de17:31
Kevin147gobbe: Yes. I have the /home partition, and it has plenty of space, so I want to install windows 7 on it along with ubuntu. I'm just wondering how do I partition my /home folder so I can install windows 7 on that partition17:31
markosohow do i make grub run?17:31
thalesThank you, cheers :-}17:32
lewixhow can i look for my laptop specs17:32
DasEilewix: lspci, lshw17:32
bazhanglewix, sudo lshw17:32
AbhijiTlewix, if want gui tool then install sysinfio17:32
Starminnmarkoso, I'm not that experienced in all this but I'm searching for something similar. I know that problem is somewhat common in Win7.17:33
DasEilewix: install gnome-devicemanager, or hwinfo (most detailed)17:33
zykes-bazhang: does it boot off of usb?17:33
lewixok thanks17:33
gobbeKevin147: you cannot17:33
lewixall seem like i have a bunch of choice17:33
bazhangzykes-, dont know, never tried17:33
gobbeKevin147: you need to shrink it and create new partition to windows17:33
Kevin147gobbe: Then how do I do that?17:33
zykes-heh, i got a 512 mb usb pen17:33
mcl0vin  I have a network setup dilemma that I need a second pair of eyes to look it over and help me figure out what is my issue please. Ok so, WAN –‘Public IP NAT through’ -> (Linksys ‘WDDRT’”wireless/wired). is wired to my (ZyXEL) which NAT to - my Ubuntu 9.10 server ( running apache2. I also have DynDNS free account for my http://mydomain.something.com. Every time I try to hit17:33
zykes-so need something that fits17:33
Starminnmarkoso, I remember reading something a few days ago about this. Vista and Win7 are different in how you install them. This was for Win7 but I believe it may apply to Vista as well. You apparently have to partition unallocated space while in Windows, THEN install Ubuntu (maual) into that unallocated space.17:34
klys4hello i have problem i can't run any executable files for linux, i have change chmod and i have change chown but this don't work... when i type ./filename i see "No such file or directory", when i type bash filename i see "cannot execute binary file", when i type sh filename i see "Syntax error: "(" unexpected"17:34
klys4can anyone help me ?17:34
DasEilewix: more or less detailed output, more or less convienant view17:34
gobbeKevin147: do you have enough space in / partition for home?17:34
gobbeKevin147: shrinking partitions is not usually straightforward17:34
Kevin147gobbe: nope, I only made it 10GB. And I've used 5GB already..wouldn't be enough room17:34
DasEiklys4: could be a broken executable, you did:17:34
Starminnmarkoso, read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoResizeWindowsPartitions17:35
klys4DasEi on every executable file i have this problem, and this file was downloaded from official website17:35
DasEiklys4: sudo chmod +x exeFile.sh && sudo chown $USER exeFile.sh && ./exeFile.sh ?17:35
ncfi1013can anybody tell me how to burn this to a disc?: http://btjunkie.org/torrent/The-Curious-Case-of-Benjamin-Button-2008-MULTI-SUBS-11-2Lions/4358641a9d3987fd33d2bc6fa93bb8d73f3a1aba24ae17:36
markosothanks that sucks17:36
bazhangncfi1013, thats pirated17:36
DasEiklys4: does the file need write access to systemareas ? then sudo infront of execution, what are you trying ?17:36
bazhang!piracy | ncfi101317:36
ubottuncfi1013: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o17:36
lewixDasEi, we can even see the processor with lspci and lshw. and i dont really like the view17:37
gobbeKevin147: well, you could look for example http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8423517:37
Starminnmarkoso, Then once you do that (although if you can't boot into Windows, not sure how that'll work. Again, not very experienced in this) you choose "manually specify partitions" and what you'll need to do (in your case) when installing Ubuntu is to make a 300GB partition mounted at "/" and make a partition called "swap" that is approximately equivalent to your RAM.17:37
ncfi1013ok tell me the proper channel i have to go to17:37
klys4DasEi filename: "ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (user shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.8, stripped17:37
markosowe will format and redo17:37
bazhangncfi1013, wrong NETWORK17:37
DasEilewix: can = can't ??17:37
DasEilewix: cat /proc/cpuinfo17:37
ncfi1013i know that. any clues as to the right network.17:38
KM0201markoso: what problem are you having now?17:38
bazhangncfi1013, dont ask for help with that any long17:38
bazhangncfi1013, no17:38
markoso    im not having its my cuz17:38
KM0201oh ok.17:38
gpcncfi1013: we do not provide any assistance with piracy.17:38
markosowe installed win vista and then ubuntu but when boot it goes straight to ubunut17:38
Starminnmarkoso, You could also try something like this: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-319814.html since they're already installed.17:38
DasEiklys4: what do want to run/install ?17:38
Starminnmarkoso, Some people apparently have had to add Vista to the GRUB menu manually.17:39
KM0201markoso: ok, if it did that then you either 1.  erased vista or 2. the install didn't pick up vista for some reason.17:39
macomarkoso: hold shift during boot17:39
DasEimarkoso: open a terminal ..17:39
cba123I'm trying to get an AFP share from my Ubuntu machine to my iMac.  My Ubuntu machine shows up with in my Mac's "Finder" but when I connect, it asks for a password, I entered my Ubuntu username and password, and still nothing.  Any ideas?17:39
klys4DasEi server files for my game17:39
macomarkoso: thatll show the grub menu. does it get listed there?17:39
ncfi1013thats how linux got its distribution was through piracy17:39
maco(sorry if you already tried that)17:39
KM0201maco: if grub detects two OS's, it disables auto-hide on grub.17:39
gpcncfi1013: wrong. now please stop17:39
bazhang!ot | ncfi101317:39
ubottuncfi1013: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:39
klys4DasEi i don't have problems on debian but on ubuntu i have :< maybe i need some packages, what do you think ?17:39
markosowe installed vista then resized partition in ubuntu i will try the shift thing17:40
cba123gpc, don't feed trolls.  See jerryleecooper17:40
markosoubuntu is still installing17:40
maconcfi1013: please learn about licenses and how they relate to copyright17:40
markosowe are doing it a second time17:40
KM0201markoso: ok.17:40
Starminnmarkoso, Alright.17:40
DasEiklys4: I can't figure it out ; install build-esential for compiling needs17:40
lrvickHi all I have an issue accessing my esata drive cluster. The bios sees it fine and reports the correct size etc however within ubuntu/gentoo I get this: http://pae.st/X2DJ/17:40
Starminnmaco: Isn't Linux copyleft?17:41
KM0201markoso: did you just use the old partitions.. from the first install, or what?17:41
jon_athonwhat the...17:41
macoStarminn: copyleft is a term for something is copyrighted but has a very permissive license17:41
dmar198hey, I'm trying to run a .bat file, but when I double-click on it it merely opens gedit it and shows me the code17:41
dmar198how do I get it to "run" the bat?17:41
jon_athonI can save .doc files in openoffice.org, but I can't open them. I just uninstalled and re-installed oo.org writer17:41
jon_athonstill no love17:41
markosowe formated the hdd17:41
macoStarminn: it is sort of untested whether it is even *possible* (ie, will the courts acknowledge it) to release something directly into public domain17:42
koelkastcan ubuntu be used with 2000 laptops and servers that provinding them? haha17:42
markosothen did fresh vista install17:42
Starminnmaco: Ah, so it's basically just slang for open-source, eh? lol17:42
markosonow ubuntu17:42
LichteI've setup pptp in server 10.04 and it's working, but I can't access any of the samba shares..........any ideas ???17:42
jon_athonThis is my homework I'm doing, too...so i need a fix, or at least a bandaid17:42
KM0201jon_athon: seems you're doing something wrong.. OO.org should read .doc just fine17:42
macoStarminn: which is slang for "free software," right? ;-)17:42
DasEidmar198: bat is a batch for windows, can try with wine, better tell what was the original need ?17:42
sambagirlxwow this is amazing. i was able to get the whole suicidal tendencies, todd rundgren (utopia), frank zappa, and YES discography and i owe it all to ubuntu :). bbl going to go get new headphones17:42
jon_athonKM0201, yes, i realize that, but it's crashing everytime I open it. I'm pretty sure i'm not DOING anything wrong17:42
mcloyis it possible to have video chat or voice chat with one and other but just by using a website. i mean can such a web be made?17:42
gpcjon_athon: #openoffice.org will probably be better place to get help17:42
KM0201jon_athon: what version of ubuntu and open office are you using?17:42
ikoniasambagirlx: that is not appropriate in here17:42
dmar198DasEI :: I realize my mistake now, I'll use it on Windows17:42
jon_athonKM0201, 10.04LTS and 3.217:43
macojon_athon: id work on it in .odt format in the meantime then just swap it to .doc to send to your teacher, in that case17:43
Starminnmaco: Not quite as I understand it (not everything free needs to be open) but yeah lol17:43
ikoniasambagirlx: this channel is for ubuntu support only, do not raise topics like that in here17:43
markoso    samba17:43
jon_athonmaco, I already saved it to .doc and closed it17:43
sambagirlxikonia i mentioned ubuntu17:43
macoikonia: i assumed sambagirlx meant through the music store17:43
soreauikonia: me too17:43
ikoniasoreau: ?17:43
macoikonia: soreau assumed same as me17:44
soreauikonia: WRT macos comment17:44
EnrgySmthlol - jerryleecooper... funny.17:44
ikoniasoreau: not when she said she was trying to torrent earlier17:44
soreauikonia: oh ok17:44
badpenguin86I have no menu in Audacity in 10.10. Anyone know how to get it back?17:44
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EnrgySmthJerryLeeCooper ...  that is a satire,right?17:45
soreaubadpenguin86: what menu is missing?17:45
DasEi!pm | klys417:45
ubottuklys4: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:45
gpc!ot | EnrgySmth17:45
ubottuEnrgySmth: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:45
lewixdont we have a simple view of the specs besides the very usless command lspci17:45
lewixor lshw17:45
badpenguin86soreau, The File menu on the top17:45
soreaulewix: lspci is *not* useless17:46
gpclewix: install hardinfo17:46
DasEilewix: see above, gnome-device-manager, if you need a fancy gui17:46
EnrgySmthgpc - sorry thks17:46
jon_athonany recommendations on a different .doc editor?17:47
DasEilewix: what do you need ? detailed specs in terminal ? quick  graphic overview ? certain components ?17:47
RaiderXwhere can i find ubuntu kernel source17:47
gpcjon_athon: you could try LibreOffice there is a PPA.17:47
jon_athonwhat's a PPA?17:47
macojon_athon: google docs?17:47
lewixDasEi, just the specs you see when you buy a computer17:47
macojon_athon: personal package archive17:47
lewixa summary17:47
KM0201!ppa | jon_athon17:47
ubottujon_athon: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.17:47
macojon_athon: one of the ubuntu devs have a repository for libreoffice which is a new fork of openofice17:48
soreauRaiderX: In the repos with the rest of the packages. I believe apt-get install linux-source will install the source tarball to /usr/src/17:48
StarminnIn Ubuntu 10.10 you've got the default programs (Evolution, Empathy, etc.) though how do I change the link in the sound/envelope icon? (Sorry for the vague description) Basically I want to change "Mail" to load Mozilla Thunderbird as opposed to Evolution.17:48
KM0201jon_athon: i find it strange you're having this issue... i personally doubt libreoffice will fix it, but we'll see i guess17:48
jon_athonmaco, gpc, libre... sounds spanish?17:48
sandydRaiderX: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile17:48
gpcjon_athon: https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/ppa17:48
gpcLibre is the Latin word for free17:49
DasEilewix: you can boot it from a customized live usb and run hwinfo to a textfile17:49
Aikaranyone know how i can push up calendar changes from evolution? my company just migrated to exchange and I connected to it with IMAP, and imported my old calendar into Evolution, how can i make it push to server now?17:49
yescalonaare ubuntu using cairo composite??17:49
LichteI've setup pptp in server 10.04 and it's working, but I can't access any of the samba shares..........any ideas ???17:49
Aikarsince exchange is too stupid to have an import feature on the web interface :/17:50
jon_athongpc, gotcha, thanks17:50
DasEilewix: if you buy a new box, the dealer should tell you the specs, not sure if I get you right17:50
gpcjon_athon: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibreOffice17:50
battlehandsI need to format my hard drive to NTFS so I can install Windows.  Then I plan to use the Ubuntu 10.10 install CD to partition my drive and reinstall Ubuntu.  When I attempt to "unmount" or "format" my drive using Gparted, I receive an error and am unable to proceed.  Help?17:51
DasEibattlehands: use a live cd17:51
gobbebattlehands: you cannot unmount partition that is in use, boot with live cd17:51
DasEibattlehands: mounted parti's can't be altered17:51
Aikarbattlehands: let windows do the formatting17:51
battlehandsDasEi, what is a live cd?17:51
soreaubattlehands: If you want to install windows, use the windows disc and/or ask in #windows17:51
rami1983how can i check out if some connected to my wireless?17:51
macobattlehands: the thing you likely used to install ubuntu17:51
DasEibattlehands: os starting from a boot cd, so hd has no ned to be mounted17:52
gobberami1983: from your router17:52
macobattlehands: but shouldnt the windows installer format it for you?17:52
DasEi!live | battlehands17:52
ubottubattlehands: The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.17:52
ActionParsniprami1983: look in the DHCP clients list in the router17:52
badpenguin86I have no menu in Audacity in 10.10. Anyone know how to get it back?17:52
battlehandsI have Windows 7 Home Edition.  When I use the CD and specify that I want my hard drive wiped and installed on, I receive an error saying that the drive needs to be NTFS.17:52
rami1983how exactly?17:52
ubottuThe Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.17:52
Aikarrami1983: consult your router user manual17:52
ActionParsniprami1983: access the router's web config page and find it17:52
soreaurami1983: What does this have to do with ubuntu exactly?17:53
Aikarbattlehands: go to manage partitions first and delete all partitions17:53
Aikarso it all says unallocated17:53
DasEibattlehands: for dualbooting, first install win, then resize with ubuntu installer, ask again on how to get win into grub then17:53
Guest61863Any expert here need help for synergy17:53
rshgod asked what problems  u have? I said none . GOD - So here , take Ubuntu17:53
koelkasti get no anwers so  this is the reason we switch to apple.  as a company we cant trust ubuntu17:53
ActionParsnipask away Guest6186317:53
battlehandsDasEi, thanks.  Will do.17:53
gpc!ot > rsh17:53
ubottursh, please see my private message17:53
AikarDasEi: current ubuntu installer puts windows bootloader into grub for you17:53
rami1983soreau: i thought there is special command or something17:53
soreauDasEi: ubuntu places entries in grub for other oses, including windoze17:54
gobberami1983: it's something that you need to read from manual of your router17:54
DasEiAikar: os prober hopefully, but boot menu often is too fast even for ctrl~left17:54
soreaurami1983: Nope, you have to use your router17:54
Picikoelkast: This channel is for community (volunteer) support, if you'd like to purchase a support contract fron Canonical you are more than welcome to.17:54
rami1983ok thanks17:54
AikarDasEi: its like 6secs lol, and soon as you press any key the timer stops17:54
rshblueman too has gone wreck. It cant detect my BT17:54
ActionParsniprami1983: or you can use nmap to ping all IPs in your subnet17:54
soreaurami1983: Do you have any encryption btw? if so, what type17:54
rshhelp me!!!!17:55
Aikarrami1983: theres tons of diff routers that it varies with each one, you really gotta go to your routers manual / google for your router.17:55
soreaursh: What is the output of: service bluetooth status17:55
Aikarits usually  then google for default user/password17:55
ubuserhello, i am wondering what the best version of ubuntu is that could go on an older computer that had like 9817:55
rshu mean hcitool scan17:55
DasEiklys4: what exactly you try to install ?17:55
aeon-ltdubuser: what are the actual specs?17:56
ubuseri am currently using ubuntu 5.1... -.-17:56
BedManubuser: the latest would work just fine :)17:56
ubuserbut zsnes works!!117:56
Starminnkoelkast: As Pici stated, you may purchase a support contract if you so wish it. IT may be located here: http://www.canonical.com/enterprise-services/ubuntu-advantage/support17:56
ActionParsnipubuser: i recommend Lubuntu or XUbuntu, they aren't best, just more suitable. You could even install minimal and just install openbox :)17:56
Guest61863So I'm running server on Windows with synergy and what I need to do in quicksynergy in ubuntu ?17:56
gpcubuser: you can try xubuntu or lubuntu17:56
ubuserhow could i get it, the specs17:56
ActionParsnipubuser: brezzy is long dead and gone17:56
rshblueman shows my BT but says inquiry failed17:56
DasEiubuser: nothing wrong with latest version, rather think of the software used, based just on the specs aka proccessor and ram, graphics17:56
jon_athon>:-| impossible situation error when apt-getting libreoffice17:57
ActionParsnipubuser: free -m; cat /proc/cpuinfo17:57
StarminnQuestion about changing default programs: In Ubuntu 10.10 you've got the default programs (Evolution, Empathy, etc.) though how do I change the link in the sound/envelope icon? (Sorry for the vague description) Basically I want to change "Mail" to load Mozilla Thunderbird as opposed to Evolution.17:57
ActionParsnipjon_athon: did you uninstall openoffice first?17:57
rami1983soreau: i have wep wpa217:57
jon_athonActionParsnip, doing that now17:57
ubuserthought u could grep specs?17:57
ActionParsnipubuser: the free and cat output will tell us what we need17:58
soreaurami1983: You either have one or the other, not both17:58
rshhey soreau ,, where r u ? u noticed it17:58
Guest61863So I'm running server on Windows with synergy and what I need to do in quicksynergy in ubuntu ?17:58
swazzyCan't  seem to find my googleearth in applications so how can i do it terminal17:58
ActionParsnipswazzy: type goo  and press TAB a few times17:58
thehumanerrorAlright chaps17:58
mettao87Hi guys, I have a problem with a new installation of ubuntu 10.10. When I try to install the system doesn't see the HD, and ask to me for a driver. My HD is a WD caviar black 1tb 6gb/s: WD1002FAEX What can I do? thank you..17:59
thehumanerrorGot a strange problem - everytime I boot into Ubuntu 10.10, my Bluetooth name has reset to "Broadcom ModelNUmber3914" adn not the name17:59
ActionParsnipubuser: grep -i memtotal /proc/meminfo   will show how much ram you have17:59
rami1983soreau: i have wpa and wpa2 persona17:59
swazzygoo is not currently not installed17:59
jon_athondamn, openoffice.org does not uninstall well17:59
thehumanerrorany ideas? Quite tricky to search for on the Web17:59
ActionParsnipmettao87: the drive is moot, its the controller you are having issue with17:59
Nixolas1free tech support eh?18:00
ActionParsnipjon_athon: sudo apt-get --purge remove openoffice.org*18:00
soreaurami1983: You can create nearly unbreakable encryption by specifying wpa* and setting a pw that is not a dictionary word but consists of random numbers and letters18:00
ActionParsnipNixolas1: kinda18:00
jon_athonActionParsnip, Oh, I didn't know you could use the wildcard18:00
battlehandsthanks, everyone18:00
ActionParsnipjon_athon: certainly :)18:00
Tadejhello, where is xorg.conf in 10.10? Where do I change device driver and monitor settings?18:00
Thaliusmettao87: strange. Have you tried booting to the live cd? Just to see if you can find the disk from there?18:01
soreauTadej: Depends on which graphics driver you are using18:01
DasEiklys4: stop pm'ing me ; http://wiki.sa-mp.com/wiki/Linux_Server explains, and you might look up at your webpage for a later version18:01
thehumanerrorTadej: there is no xorg.conf any more for most of the time, it should be automatically configured18:01
ActionParsnipTadej: it doesn't ship with one but if you make one, it will be obeyed. It goes in the same place it has for years18:01
mettao87Thalius: not yet. I will try.18:02
thehumanerrorTadej: Your settings are in System -> Preferences -> Monitors18:02
TadejI have SiS65x18:02
DasEiTadej: by default there is no xo..conf, but can stell create and use it18:02
soreauthehumanerror: Its not most of the time, its when you are using proprietary drivers, you must have one18:02
DasEiTadej: *still18:02
thehumanerrorah right18:02
ubuser128 ram... 120 buffer,...... its saying 0 on processor..? whats up with that.... cpu family: 6 model: 8 modelname celeron:: steps 6: cpu 76818:02
Tadejmy resolution is too low18:02
thehumanerrorlaters, thanks18:02
ubuserwhys it sayin my processors, zero18:02
Tadejonly 102418:02
swazzywhat is goo for?18:02
ubuserive decided 5.1 has to go18:03
soreauTadej: Try sys>prefs>moinitors. If you really want an xorg.conf, just place one in /etc/X11 and X will use it18:03
ActionParsnipTadej: if you run:  lspci | grep -i vga   you can search for giudes if you copy the output18:03
soreauActionParsnip: Its not worth looking at.. its SiS18:03
ActionParsnipswazzy: its the start of a command, tab will then autocomplete the rest. i'm guessing you typed goo and pressed enter....18:03
DasEiubuser: it's counting cores, beginning from 0, so number one18:03
ubuserwell, its 768 proc 128 ram18:03
TadejI opened sys>prefs>moinitors and resolution goes only to 1024x76818:04
ActionParsnipsoreau: you can get an ok res with vesa driver18:04
mettao87Thalius: I'd like to install ubuntu studio, but it doesn't have the live cd..  Is there something else I can try to do? or I need to use the live cd of ubuntu?18:04
soreauTadej: What about xrandr?18:04
DasEiubuser: so a ~750 Meg celeron /w 128 MB ram18:04
ubuserwell whats the best version of ubuntu or should i go with lub or xub18:04
ActionParsnipswazzy: i didn't tell you to do that did I..?18:04
soreauActionParsnip: What does that have to do with useless lspci output for a SiS card?18:04
ubuserbut i reallly want my modem back up -.- lol18:04
confuciogetting mount of root filesystem failed18:04
klys4DasEi i read this but it don't work, "nohup:failed to run command ./filename; No such file or directory (but file is here)18:04
confucioon my server18:04
ActionParsnipubuser: lubuntu is a little lighter so will give a more responsive OS18:04
confucioany idea why that's happening?18:04
ubottuopenbox is a lightweight window manager. For instructions and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Openbox18:05
Thaliusmettao87: Really strange ubuntu cant find a sata disk. Are you sure the disk is functioning properly and is connected?18:05
ActionParsnipsoreau: there may be people with sample xorg.conf files using that chip18:05
DasEiubuser: try xubuntu on it, get rid of uneeded services and soft, and if it's too slow, try icemWm or such18:05
ubuserbut would the new versions even run good on it??18:05
g_o_omettao87, sudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-desktop18:05
MilitantPotatoHow do you show the grub menu for grub1?18:05
swazzyno just tab18:05
ActionParsnipubuser: yes, they don't get more demending with hardware like Windows18:05
MilitantPotatoWhat's the key to press @ boot?18:05
rshubottu is just a bot don't listen to him hes not intelligent18:05
Sashihow can i limit how many files one IP can transfer via pure-ftpd? (download)18:05
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:05
DasEiklys4: typo ? linux is case-sensitive, use TAB for completition18:05
soreauMilitantPotato: Esc18:05
ActionParsnipswazzy: type 'goo' then STOP, then press the TAB key18:05
mettao87Thalius: yes, I'm sure because I'm using it with windows.18:06
ActionParsnipswazzy: if that doesn't work, try a capital G18:06
ubuserso whats the one i should get though could i get a link to the iso leaning towards lub18:06
ubuserim pretty good with keepin up with how many files are on it18:06
ubuserlol cant stand it, miss counterstrike18:06
thiebaudeubuser, how much ram you have?18:07
MilitantPotatoWhat's the key to shwothe grub boot meu?18:07
DasEiubuser: current is maverick, but I suggest you take 10.04 , as it's LTS18:07
rshhey its BT problem open to all. solve my problem,18:07
ubuserjust 12818:07
ActionParsnipubuser: http://people.ubuntu.com/~gilir/lubuntu-10.10.iso   MD5 = 098254aeb0153b10bcfce948c43a0df618:07
thiebaudeahh ok just windering :)18:07
soreauMilitantPotato: In grub1 - Esc. grub2 is Shift18:07
ubuserwhats the md5 thing18:07
ikoniarsh: what's the issue18:07
ranvijayhave installed ubuntu 10.4 from my friends live cd now i want to make a usb bootable18:07
DasEiubuser: lubuntu is also smaller on hardware-requirements18:08
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows18:08
ActionParsnipubuser: so you can check the ISO when you download it so you know it's error free18:08
DasEiubuser: graphics ?18:08
rshblueman is showing inquir y failed18:08
soreau! md5 | ubuser18:08
ubottuubuser: please see above18:08
ikoniarsh: what are you trying to pair with ?18:08
ubusernothin integrated18:08
ActionParsnipranvijay: the desktop has usb-creator  which you can make a bootable usb with18:08
ubuserjust wanted to try and make money with google adsense, lol18:08
ikoniarsh: have you ever paired it before ?18:08
Thaliusmettao87: You can try booting into the live cd to see if Ubuntu can detect the disk (either trough dmes | grep disk or gparted if you prefer a gui)18:09
Thaliusmettao87: else i really don't know.18:09
ikoniarsh: remove it and repair it18:09
ranvijayi want a package which provide command line acces18:09
ikonia"re-pair" sorry18:09
DasEiubuser: so might get lucky, and around that settlement, you get something fitting easily, case of regression18:09
Thaliusmettao87: well you can try running of a USB stick ofcourse ;)18:09
ikoniaranvijay: you already have it "applications->system->terminal"18:09
rshremoved all packages an resinstalled same prob18:09
ikoniarsh: didn't say remove packages, I said unpair it and re-pair it18:09
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ranvijayikonia: how to use usb startup disk creator in terminal18:10
soreaursh: Reinstalling packages isnt going to help anything unless there is a version mismatch somehow18:10
ubusershould the sources.list in 10.10 be fixed default? or should i write some stuff down b418:10
ikoniaranvijay: use the gui18:10
DasEiubuser: idk about your circumstances, but sd-ram is also cheap and 256 about 128 change a lot, too18:10
soreauubuser: fixed default?18:10
vallhallaHello all18:10
ranvijayi dont want to do tat tats why i asked for any other package18:10
ActionParsnipubuser: usb-creator is in a default install18:10
rshits not working. it has stored file abt my BT and showing the same file18:11
ikoniarsh: un pair it18:11
ikoniaranvijay: why don't you want to ?18:11
soreaursh: Delete the device and try pairing again18:11
StarminnHow do you change the program that opens when you use the "Mail" or "Chat" option in the GNOME panel?18:12
ranvijaybecause i want use it in my college lab and there is no gui18:12
ActionParsnip!default | Starminn18:12
ubottuStarminn: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting.18:12
DasEiStarminn: right-click, properties18:12
ikoniaranvijay: mkisofs18:12
Tadejsoreau: http://pastebin.com/4Vb5rvxH18:12
ActionParsnipranvijay: if you download the .img file you can use dd to bit-by-bit copy the image to usb18:13
mettao87Thalius: Ok, I will try with the live. Thank you for the help.18:13
StarminnNot looking for a filetype, I know how to do that. I'm asking how would I change the "Mail" link to use Thunderbird instead of Evolution.18:13
ThaliusYou're welcome18:13
ActionParsnipStarminn: system -> perfs -> preferred apps18:13
DasEipong, tippu18:13
mfilipehow do I remove a service of boot?18:14
tippui am new to this18:14
StarminnAlready did that and when I click on an e-mail link it works beautifully, but in the panel there is the option to "Mail/Chat/Broadcast" etc. How do I change it so "Mail" opens Thunderbird and not Evolution?18:14
DasEimfilipe: install bum or read man chkconfig18:14
soreauTadej: You can try to add a new mode with xrandr18:15
TMKCodesHey, is there good alternative to cheese?18:15
DasEitippu: general ubuntu-support channel, ask if technical-related questions, answer if you can help18:15
ranvijayActionParsnip:first i want to create a .img or .iso file than a usb bootable plz tell me a package name18:15
ranvijayActionParsnip:first i want to create a .img or .iso file than a usb bootable plz tell me a package name18:16
ThaliusTMKCodes: what functionality does it need to have?18:16
mfilipeDasEi: my man hasn't nothing about chkconfig18:16
ikoniaranvijay: mkisofs18:16
TMKCodesThalius video saving from web cam as cheese sucks on doing that for some reason.18:16
Tadejsoreau: Ill try18:16
ActionParsnipTMKCodes: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103077918:16
ubuserare the sources list gonna have to be changed to download flash plugins and other stuff18:16
DasEi!info chkconfig | mfilipe18:16
ubottumfilipe: chkconfig (source: chkconfig): system tool to enable or disable system services. In component universe, is optional. Version 11.0-79.1-2 (maverick), package size 9 kB, installed size 68 kB18:16
ActionParsnipranvijay: so you want to make a custom ubuntu CD?18:17
clavin12Hey, you suppose someone could help me figure out why my usb wireless adapter isn't showing up as an interface (wlan0)18:17
ActionParsnipubuser: no, its already in the default repo18:17
DasEimfilipe: might be not installed18:17
ActionParsnipclavin12: the lsusb output will help18:17
ThaliusTMKCodes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam#Webcam%20Software18:17
ubuseri used this, and had too, but probably cause they went out-of-date18:17
ThaliusTMKCodes: antything in there?18:17
soreauTadej: I am searching for my xrandr notes.. but in the meantime, read this http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1218:17
clavin12ActionParsnip: sure just a minute.18:17
StarminnActionParsnip: Already did that and when I click on an e-mail link it works beautifully, but in the panel there is the option to "Mail/Chat/Broadcast" etc. How do I change it so "Mail" opens Thunderbird and not Evolution?18:17
ikoniaranvijay: ok, well we don't support that here, but the tool mkisofs is your friend, good luck18:17
mfilipeDasEi: is it compatible with Upstart?18:17
ActionParsnipStarminn: not familiar with that. Do you mean the envelope icon on the panel?18:18
Tadejhow do I disable keyring?18:18
DasEimfilipe: yes18:18
StarminnActionParsnip: Yes I do.18:18
TMKCodesthalius thanks :)18:18
ubuseri burned 2 iso's of ubuntu 9.1018:18
ubuserand neither worked18:18
ThaliusTMKCodes: You're welcome18:18
ranvijayikonia:i just need a name rest i will do it on my own18:18
TadejI dont want to enter wireless password everytime I turn on18:18
ActionParsnipStarminn: you should've said. Try using plainer language ;)  let me websearch18:18
ubuserhopefully this will18:18
* Thalius has strong googlefu18:18
ikoniaranvijay: I've told you 3 times, mkisofs18:18
ActionParsnipTadej: set a clear keyring password18:19
TadejHow do I change it, once I allready set it?18:19
ubuseris xub easier than lub?18:19
mfilipeDasEi: thanks :)18:19
StarminnActionParsnip: Haha, well I tried with saying GNOME panel but still lol. It's one of those things that a picture is better suited for. Like typing out how to tie one's shoes.18:19
clavin12ActionParsnip: the line for the adapter says Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0846:9020 Netgear, Inc.18:19
ActionParsnipubuser: depends on what you find hard and easy, there is no single answer18:19
diphthongso what is the proper way to control if a service starts or doesn't start at boot time ?18:20
ActionParsnipStarminn: https://ubuntugenius.wordpress.com/2010/10/22/mozilla-thunderbird-email-notification-in-ubuntu-get-green-indicator-and-gnome-libnotify-popup-for-new-mail/18:20
ActionParsnipStarminn: you can add a billion things to that panel, plus I havent used gnome for some time now18:20
ubuseri know but as in support there good18:20
ubuser5.1 ubuntu is teh zer018:20
goltoofi think my systems pretty much trashed.. no one can help me figure out my issue of stuff not starting up when i log in, etc..  thinking of going back to 10.04 since i had way less problems with it than maverick.  any of the experienced guys here that have stuck with 10.04 LTS?18:20
soreauTadej: Set no password in sys>admin>keys or wherever that utility is /:P18:20
StarminnActionParsnip: Ah, thanks. I have no idea how you found that as I know I sure couldn't lol. Alright, well thanks. =)18:21
goltoofjust want some opinions before i reinstall18:21
ActionParsnipStarminn: bing.com  is all i used18:21
ubuserwhat was the first ub18:21
ActionParsnipubuser: 5.10 is no longer supported18:21
ubuseri know this18:21
ubuserbut noone thought i would get zsnes working either18:21
ActionParsnipclavin12: http://georgia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1549190&page=5  has some files you can use with ndisgtk18:22
soreauTadej: maybe seahorse - application>accessories>passwrods and encryption keys <-- set a blank password and choose to run in unsafe mode18:22
DasEiubuser: pm you ?18:22
goltoofwhat's smarter, stick with 10.04 LTS, or upgrade the system with not LTS versions when they come out?18:22
ubuserlearned a lot of python18:22
ActionParsnipubuser: add the playdeb ppa and you can install zsnes easily18:22
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ubuserwithout internet18:22
figure002hello. i recently discovered that getgnulinux.org is down (now it redirects to the ubuntu website). what's happening with the website?18:23
ubuseri just got net yesterday18:23
bjaanesHi, Im trying to use tar for my backup right now, but the performance seems to be quite bad. Im trying to tar a quite huge directory (my entire file server), but after a while, things are really slowing down, takes like an hour for 4 gig files. Any ideas? Disk to disk, not over network.18:23
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soreauActionParsnip: Anyone that buys into bing or use it over google is foolish and unwise18:23
ActionParsnipubuser: 4.10 seems to be the first release18:23
aeon-ltdfigure002: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic, support here only18:23
ubuserthats what someone said, jus weird18:23
ActionParsnipsoreau: well it found the result, so who is unwise now?18:23
figure002aeon-ltd: ok, thanks18:23
lmh1some that have good ubuntu skills?18:23
soreauActionParsnip: You are.18:24
ubusermy grandma had some 5.1 cds18:24
aeon-ltd!ask | lmh118:24
ubottulmh1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:24
sisifHey guys. I`m in a bit of trouble here? Does anyone knows how to enable bluetooth by console command? The knob on the front of my laptop is broken18:24
ubuserand i installed it but updated to 9.1 on hers like 2.2 dual core18:24
ActionParsnipsoreau: I use both, each uses a different search method so gets different results18:24
bibic682hello, any way to get flash video to play smooth...... ati radeon 9000 agp, amd64 3200 socket 754, 1g ram,9.1018:24
goltoofbjaanes:  probably better to tar mutliple directories simultaneously and utilize your idle resources than rely on one tar process18:24
aeon-ltdbibic682: updated? latest flash and graphics drivers?18:24
ActionParsnipbibic682: i recommend you use the ,,s.cfg file (bit of a hidden treat) ;)18:25
ActionParsnipmms.cfg  sorry18:25
lmh1I want to make "server" that is better than windows 2008 server, i am not sure that i should use Debian or ubuntu?18:25
bjaanesgoltoof: Okey, but this is a script, are there any "easy" ways to do this?18:25
ubuserare the commands the same in terminal in lub18:25
soreausisif: If enabling involves a physical switch to enable the device, there isnt much you can do to have it recognized in software18:25
bibic682internet connection at 10-12 meg/sec download18:25
ikonialmh1: try them, see what works for you18:25
bitkillerI have just installed a new system on a laptop (ecs 2003 model) and keyboard freezes after some keystrokes18:25
ubuseror do you have to use the $ thing18:25
aeon-ltdlmh1: they are roughly the same, just different docs and branding18:25
soreausisif: but you can at least start the service with: service bluetooth start18:25
ubuserguess it dont matter18:25
Thaliussisif: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=158255118:25
goltoofbjaanes:  yes, with a script :)18:25
aeon-ltdlmh1: though i'd say based on channel size in irc, use ubuntu18:25
ubuseri liked blender it was pretty sweet18:26
codemagicianIf im based on Thailand, but I'm english speaking from UK and want pound symbols, but timezone BKK how do I adjust my locale?18:26
ubuseri messed with alot of game engines18:26
ActionParsnipbibic682: sudo mkdir /etc/adobe; echo "OverrideGPUValidation=true" | sudo tee /etc/adobe/mms.cfg18:26
bibic682actionParsnip: Please elaborate, just an ubuntu parttimer18:26
lmh1But i want to make (Ubuntu+Kubuntu+Xfce) on one network installation, but how can i do this?18:26
Thaliussisif: whoops, ignore that18:26
clavin12actionparsnip: ndiswrapper -l says my device is present but sudo iwlist scan does not.18:26
ikonialmh1: yes18:26
bjaanesgoltoof: hehe, sure - but any good way to be iterating through the directories?18:26
bibic682I will try that18:26
ActionParsnipclavin12: is the ndiswrapper module loaded?18:26
sisifsoreau, I know this is possible because in the previous version of Ubuntu it was set on at boot (default), Also, in Win7 there is a little manager that I can use to enable it. So really there is just a command that needs to be passed of to BIOS / HW so that it powers on the dongle.18:26
lmh1I mean make network install disk from an linux server.18:26
ubuserthis forum support lub too18:26
soreauclavin12: Why are you using ndiswrapper?18:26
ikonialmh1: use a network install18:27
ActionParsnipubuser: not officially but I do ;)18:27
clavin12soreau: I wasn't aware there was an alternative.18:27
lmh1okey, but how can i set (Only server core?)18:27
soreausisif: Hmm.. Im not sure how you would go about doing that18:27
lmh1like windows 2008 server?18:27
sisifsoreau, me neither :*18:27
ubuntu_user32Hey guy! Great tutorial about How to install KDE 4.6 on Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) - http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Install-KDE-SC-4-6-0-on-Ubuntu-10-10-181253.shtml18:27
clavin12ActionParsnip: yes it's loaded18:27
ubuntu_user32guys* :D18:27
ikonialmh1: you're not making any sense, the number of cores has nothing to do with it18:27
soreauclavin12: The default is the native open source drivers for linux.. which card do you have?18:28
lmh1Active directory, DHCP, Deployment server, IIS web server18:28
ikonialmh1: I'd advise you to have 3 install images, ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu and just select what you want18:28
ikonialmh1: active directory = ldap, dhcp = yes, deployment server = pxeboot+netinstall, IIS=apache18:28
clavin12soreau: netgear wna3100, lsusb id is 0846:902018:28
lmh1I have now (Or will have) Core i7 2600k, 8 GB of DDR3 ram and Samsung F3 2 TB HDD.18:28
ikonialmh1: that has no relevance18:29
soreauclavin12: ah its a usb device..18:29
DasEilmh1: and if just headless server needed, can go expert install and install just yor needs18:29
lmh1how can i do network install with a files?18:29
clavin12soreau: yes18:29
bibic682Action Parsnip: says the file is already there18:30
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DasEilmh1: netinstaller image18:30
ikonialmh1: it's quite a complex process, research netboot (pxeboot) and kickstart18:30
g_o_ocodemagician, do you just want a UK keyboard?18:30
sambagirlxhow dare you kic,k me for what? you dont know what i do! i paid for those torrents for your information you creep.18:31
soreauclavin12: Have you read this at all? http://newyork.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154919018:31
sllidelinux mint fluxbox for me :D18:31
sllideowait, i was reading the scrollback :/18:32
aeon-ltdsambagirlx: you're really going offtopic here18:32
soreausambagirlx: That is fine but that kind of topic should be left out of this channel. We are here to support ubuntu, not talk about torrents and music18:32
clavin12soreau: no i'll take a look18:32
ikoniasoreau: I've muted her, I'm trying to talk to her in pm18:32
soreauikonia: ok18:32
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rshsoreau,  it doesn't work cellphone sees desktop but ubuntu doesn't18:34
clavin12soreau: yes I have looked at that. It wants me to build ndiswrapper with a patch.18:35
goltoofwhat's smarter, stick with 10.04 LTS, or upgrade the system with not LTS versions when they come out?  ie, am i missing anything super important by sticking with 10.04 for the next few years?18:37
crispyjewkunwon1 here ##politics  invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals  and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! crispyjew headyadmin zs1otb Cyberfusion j_ack slax00 shinbuntu TheMoonMaster jiga gtriderxc CensoredBiscuit excelsior gaeatano Tigger__ Guest82530 ilaggoodly Noah0504 nm5tf Tuxist Matic`Makovec cking_nj sllide Guybrush88 e-anima 18:37
Cyberfusionhey why would /etc/network/interfaces only contain the loopback?18:37
macoCyberfusion: because network manager handles everything else18:38
aeon-ltdheh it was getting quiet in the last few months, without freenode spam18:38
codemagicianhow do I configure gnome to remove the top bar and place all the stuff on the bottom bar?18:38
Cyberfusionwhere does network manager "live"?18:38
ActionParsnipgoltoof: I'd say sticking with LTS. They are supported for longer and if it works, why fix it18:38
macogoltoof: you dont get new versions of software, just bugfix/security-patches for old ones if you stick to LTS18:38
ThaliusCyberfusion: Because you dont have a netwerkinterface configured?18:38
gaeatanociao a tutti18:38
Cyberfusionim talking to you right now lol18:38
bj0rnam i not the only one who has had network-manager removed due to an "update"?18:38
pedolovekunwon1 here. ##politics  invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! pedolove kaie- garrydonnelly bj0rn mikebot Wolfsherz justindijkshoorn headyadmin zs1otb Cyberfusion j_ack slax00 shinbuntu TheMoonMaster jiga gtriderxc CensoredBiscuit excelsior gaeatano Tigger__ Guest82530 ilaggoodly Noah0504 nm5tf18:38
pedolovekunwon1 here. ##politics  invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! marcules sisif chiluk Embla k0hala Ramshackle jacquesdptd_ nicop figure002 foolano michaeldhealy resurection martiner5 hwilde WinstonSmith Hut KindOne TMKCodes zenon_ jsurfer sechrist gusnan unc0nn3ct3d yoshx crond Anubisss_ tankdri18:38
pedolovekunwon1 here. ##politics  invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! jpablobr multipass|2 Darwin4Ever SimonP86 sgillet PreZ peleg Jodster HammerTiem bloodyhell prakriti ROBOTARMY mactimes red2kic yescalona Lenin_Cat h4z|da hotrod robotarmy24 RaiderX moes robertcmk7 mcloy luis__lopez ruied andyroid83 18:38
macoCyberfusion: in your top panel18:38
pedolovekunwon1 here. ##politics  invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! amorphous1 a931bw mcl0vin Nuit halvors1 philS_ halvors markoso hilarie CarlFK sangho florek aeon-ltd schnuffle psichas netmind dw- lrvick clavin12 blink zilux RobinJ alex__c2022 hunter` Elv13 GeekPLZ daxt philbert billmania gakkun T18:38
pedolovekunwon1 here. ##politics  invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! wainer billfarrow Thalius tuxampol bstanish stjohnmedrano Emfd_ jcgs baggar11 Daekdroom noyb geekbri Ubuntu_1010 MadViking mkf00 gsp2009 Finnish insane_kangaroo wcjj g_o_o xiong milindshakya inveratulo waperboy_ benkevan v3nd3tta`` 18:38
kmsnkunwon1 here. ##politics  invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! kmsn GrowLinux kaie- bj0rn garrydonnelly mikebot Wolfsherz justindijkshoorn headyadmin zs1otb Cyberfusion j_ack slax00 shinbuntu TheMoonMaster jiga gtriderxc CensoredBiscuit excelsior gaeatano Tigger__ Guest82530 ilaggoo18:39
kmsnkunwon1 here. ##politics  invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! marcules sisif chiluk Embla k0hala Ramshackle jacquesdptd_ nicop figure002 foolano michaeldhealy resurection martiner5 hwilde WinstonSmith Hut KindOne TMKCodes zenon_ jsurfer sechrist gusnan unc0nn3ct3d yoshx crond Anubi18:39
=== Guest82530 is now known as Freeaqingme
ActionParsnipcodemagician: drag the items down (you'll need to unlock the item), you can then right click the panel and delete it18:39
oweh30kunwon1 here. ##politics  invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! oweh30 LouisJB a_u_engg jeperez GrowLinux kaie- garrydonnelly bj0rn mikebot Wolfsherz justindijkshoorn headyadmin zs1otb Cyberfusion j_ack slax00 shinbuntu TheMoonMaster jiga gtriderxc CensoredBiscuit excelsior gaeatano Tigger__ Free18:39
oweh30kunwon1 here. ##politics  invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! tonm156|work guspur lmh1 marcules sisif chiluk Embla k0hala Ramshackle jacquesdptd_ nicop figure002 michaeldhealy resurection martiner5 hwilde WinstonSmith Hut KindOne TMKCodes zenon_ jsurfer sechrist gusnan unc0nn3ct3d yoshx crond A18:39
oweh30kunwon1 here. ##politics  invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! andeh` sebner jpablobr multipass|2 Darwin4Ever SimonP86 sgillet PreZ peleg Jodster HammerTiem bloodyhell prakriti ROBOTARMY mactimes red2kic yescalona Lenin_Cat h4z|da hotrod robotarmy24 RaiderX moes robertcmk7 mcloy luis__lopez ruie18:39
oweh30kunwon1 here. ##politics  invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! amorphous1 a931bw mcl0vin Nuit halvors1 philS_ halvors markoso hilarie CarlFK sangho florek aeon-ltd schnuffle psichas netmind dw- lrvick clavin12 blink zilux RobinJ alex__c2022 hunter` Elv13 GeekPLZ daxt philbert billmania gakkun Th18:39
oweh30kunwon1 here. ##politics  invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! billfarrow Thalius tuxampol bstanish stjohnmedrano Emfd_ jcgs baggar11 Daekdroom noyb geekbri Ubuntu_1010 MadViking mkf00 gsp2009 Finnish insane_kangaroo wcjj g_o_o xiong milindshakya inveratulo waperboy_ benkevan v3nd3tta`` ring0 xi18:39
aeon-ltdok this is too much18:39
Cyberfusionmy god spam STOp18:39
marculesGOD. DAMN. IT.18:39
ikoniait should stop now,18:39
rshits sch frustrating u try to avoid malwares and u get other big hedaches. It isn't worth the efforts. This channel has no ubuntu developer. only monitors. somebdy tell me doing it for 10 days now. whoever dessigned that junk bluez must have been napping.18:39
ActionParsnipaeon-ltd: lil bit18:39
jsurferplease stop span!!!18:39
ikoniamarcules: calm down18:39
ikoniabj0rn: drop the language18:39
v3nd3tta``n1 +r :)18:39
ActionParsnipcodemagician: drag the items down (you'll need to unlock the item), you can then right click the panel and delete it18:39
marculesI've left #freenode for that sort of thing18:39
bj0rnikonia, ok ok, i'll let you respond to the spammers.18:39
macorsh: the channel does have ubuntu developers in it... i'm one18:39
kaie-bluez does blow18:40
goltoofmaco:  what do you mean new versions of software?  you mean software that's only compliant with new versions? i thought  software can be updated anyway.18:40
bj0rnikonia, has anyone else come in here mentioning that network-manager has been uninstalled during an update?18:40
codemagicianhow do I configure gnome to remove the top bar and place all the stuff on the bottom bar?18:40
jribcodemagician: right click on the panel, edit panel, drag away18:40
ActionParsnipcodemagician: I told you, twice18:40
aeon-ltdcodemagician: right click, unlock the panel then edit18:40
bj0rnikonia, do you have a link to a how-to for re-enabling it from livecd?18:40
macogoltoof: the only updates you get in a stable version of ubuntu are bugfixes and security patches. if upstream release something new, you dont get it without moving to the next version of ubuntu18:40
macogoltoof: the exception is firefox18:40
rshr u bluez develepor maco??18:40
ikoniabj0rn: no idea18:41
macorsh: no, i dont do gnome18:41
codemagicianright click which panel the top of bottom?18:41
jribcodemagician: top18:41
ActionParsnipcodemagician: right click the item to move and unlock it, then drag it to the bottom panel. Or you can just right click the bottom panel and add the item. Right click the top panel and click delete panel18:41
macobj0rn: you could connect without it, no need for a live cd...18:42
macobj0rn: and then just sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome18:42
ActionParsnipcodemagician: you must have one panel but you can add or remove any items available to you18:42
goltoofmaco:  but i imagine there are ways to get new software to use new packages without changing the os?  sorry, i'm still not clear on how all the packages, kernel modules, etc apply here.18:42
ActionParsnipgoltoof: the OS will be the same, Ubuntu18:42
goltoofActionParsnip:  right, i mean os version18:42
macogoltoof: most software is in the repositories and they are mostly-frozen after the os is released18:42
ActionParsnipgoltoof: the LTS release will still get updates when Maverick is dead18:43
macogoltoof: new versions arent added to the repos after release18:43
g_o_ocodemagician, right click top panel -> then properities -> orientation -> bottom18:43
macogoltoof: you can get new versions from third parties, if you trust those third parties18:43
goltoofmaco:  o ic18:43
|Long|have anyone here run glftpd on ubuntu OS?18:43
rshi don't come on this channel unless ive problm , plenty of forums i went thru. none have solved. No one seem to be intersted. My problem at ansers launchpad is still open.18:43
bj0rnmaco, when i boot to the normal install, apt-get fails to find repositories. I booted to liveCD, and used "apt-get install --download-only --reinstall network-manager" ( as well as network-manager-gnome and, for some reason, gnome-bluetooth )18:43
goltoofrsh, ask away18:44
jribrsh: that's not a support question :/  Just ask your question18:44
macogoltoof: there is a developer-run "ubuntu backports" repository that contains new versions of software, but those packages dont get maintained in the usual way (ie, they dont get bugfixes and security updates) or much testing, just... "if it builds, ship it"18:44
macobj0rn: you need to put the .deb thatss downloaded onto the hard disk then so you can get it when you go back to your system18:44
bj0rnmaco, following that, i have a network-manager icon in my panel, but "Enable Network-manager" is faded, and "services --status-all" shows [?] network-manager18:44
bj0rnmaco: done that18:44
macobj0rn: if you have the icon, then its not uninstalled...18:45
macobj0rn: check /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf18:45
macobj0rn: are your devices managed or unmanaged according to that?18:45
bj0rnmaco: it is re-installed.. after copying the .deb and using gdebi18:45
bj0rnmaco: one sec, mounting the drive18:45
codemagicianjrib, cool. is there a way to get the icons not to bunch and overlap.. like a grid type mode?18:46
jribcodemagician: there might be but I don't know how18:47
bj0rnmaco, file says "ifdown / managed=false"18:47
macobj0rn: make it true18:47
bj0rnmaco, where / is a linebreak18:47
bj0rnmaco: brb as [thor] if this works .. hehe thanks18:48
WillWork4foohi all - is anyone here very familiar with plymouth boot screens on netbooks? For some reason, my netbook's screen goes blank twice during boot and I don't see the boot splash screen. It does boot and the system works, but I'm trying to get the ubuntu-sunrise plymouth screen working and it's refusing. It works fine on shutdown however18:49
ActionParsnipWillWork4foo: http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/lucidubuntu-10-04-high-resolution-plymouth-virtual-terminal-for-atinvidia-cards-with-proprietaryrestricted-driver/18:50
WillWork4foothanks ActionParsnip18:51
ActionParsnipWillWork4foo: follow until the embedded video, it makes the OS use the fb driver for bootup until your video driver gets loaded for the desktop18:51
craigfuthis isnt an ubuntu question perse, but does anyone have a recommendation for used 1u servers?  Im am wanting to install ubuntu 10.10 server on it.  Im just looking to get by for cheap18:52
craigfuedit: to buy them18:52
WillWork4fooActionParsnip, thanks very much18:52
ikoniacraigfu: try ##hardware18:52
craigfuthanks ikonia18:53
WillWork4fooActionParsnip, it looks like it's loading various gfx drivers during boot or something similar - screen keeps initialising two or three times :)18:53
goltoofcraigfu:  craigslist18:53
WillWork4fooI'll follow that guide. Much appreciated18:53
taxon|afkHello. I would like to set up a headless ubuntu 10.04.1 server with a GUI (e.g. KDE or gnome) to share a single GUI session among some friends.18:55
=== taxon|afk is now known as taxon
ikonia15:16 -!- j0k3r is now known as Bipul`18:56
ikonia15:17 -!- Bipul` [~j0k3r@] has quit [Changing host]18:56
ikonia15:17 -!- Bipul` [~j0k3r@unaffiliated/bipul/x-4918593] has joined #ubuntu-in18:56
ikoniasorry about that18:56
ActionParsnipWillWork4foo: then forcing it to use fb will make it ok18:56
LeGambitteurhi there18:56
WillWork4fooActionParsnip, brilliant18:57
taxonthere seem to be many ways to achieve that but which one to take?18:57
goltoofsay i got 20,000 files somewhere in a directory i'm tryign to copy.. how can i list dirs based on the number of files they contain?18:57
SomelauwIt it me or is java just very slow on ubuntu?18:57
laurusCan anyone recommend a brand of USB flash drive that is good for Ubuntu?18:58
ThatDudeButchHey guys, any resident Ubuntu Gurus in the room?18:58
ThatDudeButchHaving a problem I have never ran into before..18:58
gsp2009ThatDudeButch: ask away18:59
KirkMcDonaldlaurus: They're all pretty much the same, I would think.18:59
ikoniaThatDudeButch: just ask the question18:59
ThatDudeButchTrying to install 10.10 on an amd box dual boot with W718:59
ThatDudeButchno matter what I do18:59
ThatDudeButch"No root file system detected"18:59
LeGambitteurcan any one help me to install the driver of my onboard graphic card please ?18:59
laurusKirkMcDonald, hmm, I heard some people had problems with Sandisk 16GB drives18:59
taxondoes anyone have experience with x11vnc, xvfb etc.?19:00
ThatDudeButchthis is right after keyboard selection in the installer19:00
ThatDudeButchthere is nothing to select19:00
DasEitaxon: some , yes19:00
ThatDudeButchcant cchoose anything19:00
bitkillerwell done...no ubuntu for me19:00
ThatDudeButchpartition mount pt etc19:00
jribgoltoof: I would use stat... and sort... and find... does that help?19:00
bitkillerget back to my old XP19:00
DasEitaxon: out of the box tightvnc is easiest to go19:00
taxonDasEi: I would like to set up a headless ubuntu 10.04.1 server with a GUI (e.g. KDE or gnome) to share a single GUI session among some friends.19:00
ThatDudeButchikonia or gsp2009: make sense?19:01
DasEitaxon: headless = no gui19:01
gsp2009ThatDudeButch: using wubi?19:01
taxonI read somewhere that tightvnc is rather old, e.g. the clipboard sharing doesn't work19:01
lmh1Its is pussible to use unetbootin to make a bigger images?19:01
DasEitaxon: then ssh is your choice rather19:01
ThatDudeButchive tried three ways19:01
ThatDudeButchregualr install cd19:01
lmh1With much of games?19:01
ThatDudeButchalternatve no gui cd and wubi19:01
ThatDudeButchall fail at same spot19:01
invisiblekThatDudeButch, where have i seen ur nick b4?19:01
invisiblekdroid inc?19:02
ThatDudeButchYeah I did19:02
taxonDasEi: I need a remote GUI, so ssh is not an option for my use case19:02
ActionParsnipThatDudeButch: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?19:02
ThatDudeButchNow a Fascinate and an Inc19:02
goltoofjrib: don't know yet, already somewhat familiar with those, sort of looking for some examples.. it's just there's one directory that has like 15,000 files in it that i don't need, trying to find it19:02
ThatDudeButchActionParsnip: I can I guess19:02
gsp2009ThatDudeButch: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1427250&page=219:02
ThatDudeButchI figured three different installs lol19:02
taxontightvns is said to be rather slow with e.g. kde and to have some graphic glitches19:03
undecimlmh1: What do you mean by making bigger images?19:03
undecimlmh1: Like  live USB drive with more stuff installed?19:03
DasEitaxon: vnc is like sitting on the remote pc , so you don't want to hare a headless server, but a regualar desktop, rdesktop , tightvnc from repos, ultravnc as third party or teamview, free for private use can do that19:03
ActionParsnipThatDudeButch: then how did you know the image was complete or consistent?19:03
ThatDudeButchgsp, sending link to my phone now will test  that work aroundand report back thanks19:03
ThatDudeButchchecking w hashtab now19:04
feydcan someone tell me what a hard link is19:04
ThatDudeButchsup gsp200919:04
gsp2009ThatDudeButch: also this one http://askubuntu.com/questions/15936/installing-ubuntu-10-10-windows-7-dual-boot-confusion19:04
lmh1some like: http://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/5.0.8/amd64/jigdo-bd/19:04
undecimfeyd: It's when you have two files point to the same blocks of data on a hard drive19:04
undecimfeyd: Different from a "soft" like which is more like a Windows shortcut. It tells any program using it to look at another file....19:05
taxonDasEi: which kde / gnome package should I choose that doesn't depend on a lot of xservers?19:05
lmh1<undecim>: How do you build iso?19:05
undecimfeyd: Hard links actually share the same data19:05
taxonI only need a minimal kde / gnome19:05
feydso if I wanted to have 2 folders mirror the same data (both on different drives), I wouldn't want to use a hard link, rsync would be a better option19:05
ThatDudeButchActionParsnip: where are the md5s list19:05
ThatDudeButchyou know off hand?19:05
ActionParsnipfeyd: its like a symlink but makes a copy, if the file source changes the linked file will be instantly updated due to it being a link. It also takes space up, a softlink doesn't take any extra space19:05
ActionParsnip!hashes | ThatDudeButch19:05
ubottuThatDudeButch: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.19:05
jribgoltoof: find -type d -exec stat -c '%h %n' '{}' + | sort -n19:05
ThatDudeButchty sirs19:05
undecimlmh1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization19:05
undecimlmh1: If you make an ISO that is too big for a CD, you can use unetbootin to put it on a thumb drive.19:06
feydActionParsnip: so if I wanted to have 2 folders mirror the same data (both on different drives), I wouldn't want to use a hard link, rsync would be a better option19:06
gsp2009ThatDudeButch: yw19:06
goltoofjrib:  well.. i guess it's doing something.. lol19:06
undecimfeyd: You can't hardlink folders, nor files on seperate partitions19:06
lmh1can i change files from USB stick with unetbootin?19:07
ActionParsnipfeyd: i'd use rsync if you want a backup solution, without the source the linked data doesn't exist19:07
feydundecim: alright, that clears it up19:07
DasEitaxon: if you need desktop, as of now need x19:07
feydActionParsnip: gotcha, thanks19:07
ThatDudeButchill be mad if all these return borked md5s19:07
ThatDudeButchno i wont ctually19:07
ThatDudeButchill be happy19:07
ActionParsnipThatDudeButch: should have checked before19:07
jribgoltoof: you ran the command in the right place right?19:07
ThatDudeButchI know.19:07
ThatDudeButchI fail.19:07
goltoofjrib: ah, yes ran from in the directory19:08
taxonDasEi: would be nice if the remote desktop would be as fast as Windows RDP19:08
feydso has anyone successfully integrated mplayer into chromium?19:08
KM0201taxon: i've noticed it is kind of sluggish at times.. Teamviewer is better IMO...19:08
ActionParsnipThatDudeButch: but you learned, so its all good19:08
undecimfeyd: Rsync on a cron job sounds like it will do what you want. Just be careful... If you do, e.g. rsync with the --delete option (so that deleting from the source drive deletes from the secondary drive), it will wipe the secondary folder if the source drive fails to mount and the system boots anyways.19:08
goltoofjrib:  not quite.. it does list in order of files contained.. not finding all the files though  :/19:09
DasEitaxon: the used desktop has less effect on it than has the used the compression protocoll and the bandwith19:09
goltoofjrib:  ie, only showing some 2,000 or so19:09
jribgoltoof: that will only list directories19:09
lmh1how can i make "floppy" drives to boot from networks?19:09
ThatDudeButchActionParsnip: wubi.exe def nnot the same md519:09
ThatDudeButchnot even close19:09
undecimfeyd: If you plan to delete stuff, it would probably be safest to set up a RAID19:09
ThatDudeButchchecking the iso i used19:09
goltoofcd ..19:09
DasEitaxon: try tightvnc first, if that doesn't do enough, go the longer way of deploying ultravnc19:09
ThatDudeButchhm taking forever to has19:10
feydundecim: I'll be sure and test it before committing it, I'm not going to be deleting so much as just mirroring (a RAID would help there too, but rsync is simpler)19:10
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gsp2009anyone know how to minimize evolution to tray and be notified of mail?19:10
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taxonDasEi: I tried tightvnc with icewm but that was really sluggish19:10
goltoofjrib: anyway, i was able to locate it.  thanks bro!19:10
feydgsp2009: get alltray19:11
=== Kat is now known as Mosterd
gsp2009feyd looking now thanks.19:11
goltoofjrib:  that cmd will come in use later, i'm sure19:11
gsp2009feyd.. in repos too.. nice. ;)19:11
taxonDasEi: isn't there a tool that translate between a xserver and e.g. RDP directly without going through a framebuffer?19:12
feydgsp2009: not sure how notifications work, but if evolution doesnt pass them while in the tray, then you can get mail-notification as well, it'd be separate but would still function how you want19:12
LeGambitteurneed a good link to install sis onboard graphic card driver, thx19:12
ActionParsnipThatDudeButch: sounds like a bad file, I suggest you use the Ubuntu desktop CD and mount it with maickdisk or daemontools and install that way19:12
KM0201LeGambitteur: good luck.. i gave up on that one.19:12
LeGambitteurKM0201: XD19:12
feydso has anyone successfully integrated mplayer into chromium?19:13
ActionParsnipLeGambitteur: what video chip?19:13
DasEitaxon: not that I knew, what a connection you ran tightvnc over ?19:13
lmh1Someone that know about ubuntu-10.10-server-amd64 where can i add files to install (#Define Addon) list?19:13
LeGambitteurActionParsnip: [SiS] 661/741/760 PCI/AGP or 662/761Gx PCIE19:13
taxon6MBit DSL19:13
gsp2009feyd: good news... docks the app, and they uses gnome indicator applet natively... sweeeet! thanks.19:14
sisifDoes anyone know how to reproduce the "bug" from 10.04.1 - the one which  forced the bluetooth to be ON at boot time ?19:14
sockPantshi all, how can i bridge two network connections in ubuntu?19:14
jribgoltoof: hmm, I had assumed that that corresponded to number of files in a dir, but it doesn't apparently19:14
lmh1Do someone understand what i ask about?19:15
DasEitaxon: if that can be used in full, could be enough, though ssh -X , especially in view of more then one client needs less19:15
bj0rn__maco: no dice after editing the network config19:15
feydgsp2009: awesome, happy mailing19:15
ActionParsnipLeGambitteur: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=347451&page=2   has a sample xorg.conf you may be able to use (or edit) if udev is failing you19:16
goltoofjrib: yeah, not sure how it was listing whether as dirs or total files, I was able to hone in on the dir only because i recognized it19:16
LeGambitteurActionParsnip: thx I'm goinig to try it now !19:16
feydhow can I style QT apps in an openbox session? is there an automated way? If not, how can I change it manually?19:17
goltoofI got a bunch of files on an external harddrive that I can't remove in nautilus or as sudo.. keep getting "rm: cannot remove 'dir': Input/output error19:17
ThatDudeButchhm actually md5s are fine19:18
ThatDudeButchi was on the wrong wubi exe19:18
taxonDasEi: hmm, the bandwidth should be a problem19:18
g_o_ogoltoof, rmdir to remove directory19:18
taxonDasEi: *NOT19:18
xanguafeyd: you mean to give them a gtk look¿¿ install qt4-qtconfig19:18
taxonDasEi: nethertheless it's slow19:19
goltoofg_o_o:  rmdir: failed to remove `System Volume Information': No such file or directory19:19
goltoofg_o_o:  but it's there alright19:19
feydxangua: yep, they run on default color settings in openbox, I'm just trying to get it more uniform, I'll check out qt4-config, thanks for the suggestion19:19
mbeierlgoltoof: that sounds like an NTFS file systems19:19
g_o_ogoltoof, try rm -rf to remove the directory19:19
jribgoltoof: it counts number of subdirectories (essentially)19:20
mbeierlgoltoof: are you using putting quotes around that, or escaping the spaces somehow (like: rm -rf System\ Volume\ Information)19:20
goltoofg_o_o:  no error output, but dir is still there19:20
goltoofmbeierl:  quotes19:20
DasEitaxon: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC19:20
DasEitaxon: also  installed the corresponding x11-package ?19:21
mbeierlgoltoof: I'm not sure yet, but I think that sys info dir is an internal part of the ntfs structure and cannot be removed19:21
taxonDasEi: which kde / gnome package should I choose that doesn't depend on a lot of xservers?19:21
flowbeewhenever i come to work my ubuntu 10.04 box is unresponsive and i have to restart it.  i'm thinking its probably a CPU temperature thing?  1) is there something else it could be?  2) how do i get the cpu temperature (i added cpu temperature to panel but its ex'd out)19:21
__name__how does the /home encryption work under the hood?19:21
goltoofmbeierl:  really?  something linux cannot do?19:21
goltoofmbeierl:  i looked it up and someone figured it out with a chkdisk in windows, i'd like to avoid that route if possile19:22
mbeierlgoltoof: no, something NTFS cannot do.19:22
DasEitaxon: you asked that before, the used gui is relevant to the localhost, not the vnc, so take what you like19:22
mbeierlgoltoof: this is a Windows-formatted partition, correct?19:22
goltoofmbeierl:  it's an external drive that i've used to backup windows and linux stuff19:23
DasEi__name__: ecryptfs19:23
nabukadnezar43i'm regged now :)19:23
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ActionParsniptaxon: you could install lxde with the open --no-recommends19:23
goltoofmbeierl:  now i'm freaked out, i'm going to use this to backup my stuff and reinstall my system to 10.04 :S19:23
g_o_ogoltoof, I think your windows system restore points are saved in that directory19:24
taxonDasEi: I'd like to use gnome on the server so I have to install some desktop packages. But all seem to depend on various xservers for each graphic card19:24
bj0rn__maco: http://i.imgur.com/Cg91l.png is what i see on the installation where my network-manager was uninstalled and subsequently manually re-installed. editing the config file to have managed=true seems to have had no effect.19:24
goltoofmbeierl:  should i reformat the drive before using it as backup?19:24
lwizardlI just did a reinstall of my Ubuntu OS and now on my bit install I have no sound19:24
g_o_ogoltoof, if you're sure you want to remove them try sudo rm -rf19:24
mbeierlgoltoof: from what I have read, the system volume information folder is also used as part of NTFS journal - which means that deleting it would corrupt the filesystem19:24
goltoofg_o_o:  yes I did that..19:24
DasEitaxon: err ? one g-card for each box.. so one driver per boox .. I don't understand you19:24
mbeierlgoltoof: the answer to that is - it depends.  If you want to read/write it from Windows, you should use a Windows filesystem.  Linux can read Windows, but without loading additional software into your windows install, it cannot read linux filesystems19:25
taxonDasEi: the server doesn't have a graphic card, so I need a headless xserver19:25
nimrod10is there a way to eliminate users being doubled on ubuntu 10.04 when suspending ? I'm the only one logged in the laptop now but because of suspending it shows 14 copies of my user on different pts19:25
macobj0rn__: see that not-checked checkbox next to "enable networking"?19:25
mbeierlgoltoof: just think of the System Volume Information as a ... well, system folder used by the NTFS filesystem to keep itself safe from powerfailures and don't touch it19:26
bj0rn__maco: it is greyed out, i cannot click it.19:26
bj0rn__maco: mousing over the icon says "Network-Manager is not running"19:26
goltoofmbeierl: oddly enough i never accessed the drive through windows, i don't think... i just have a windows vm that i use independent of any removable drives19:26
macobj0rn__: weird. ps -ef | grep network          that shows that it is, though?19:27
taxonActionParsnip: I'll have a look into lxde19:27
DasEitaxon: headless headwith, x-server isn't headless19:27
goltoofmbeierl:  i think it somehow read the drive and wrote something to it19:27
ActionParsniptaxon: it does have a graphics card, the POST of ANY system NEEDS a video BIOS19:27
goltoofmbeierl:  i havne't even figured out how to read usb in my virtualbox xp vm19:27
bj0rn__maco: must reboot to try, will come back shortly :D19:27
flowbeemy ubuntu box is usually unresponsive when i get to work.  i.e. i move mouse/keyboard and nothing happens.  i have to hard reboot it by holding down power key.  cpu temp is at 42*c.  not sure what else i can check19:28
ActionParsniptaxon: you can install any DE using the --no-recommends option and get a minimal desktop19:28
feydxangua: that was exactly what I was looking for, thanks again19:28
macobj0rn__: may i suggest learning to connect with ifconfig to avoid rebooting?19:28
LeGambitteurhow to reboot the X server in terminal ?19:28
taxonActionParsnip: hmm ok, lets see19:28
ThatDudeButchgsp2009 and everyone http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13765981/2011-01-31%2002.50.29.jpg19:28
macoLeGambitteur: i would do sudo service gdm restart19:28
ThatDudeButchI ran chkdsk /f already before so thats not it19:28
mbeierlgoltoof: so, the drive is currently mounted from what I can tell by the fact you are trying to rm the folder.  In that case, can you do a "mount" command from the terminal?  Its output will tell you the type of filesystem on the drive19:28
ThatDudeButchis it cause of RAID?19:28
DasEiLeGambitteur: sudo service gdm restart19:28
ActionParsniptaxon: LXDE, Fluxbox, Openbox and FLWM will give you a nice slick lightweight desktop19:29
* CensoredBiscuit is away: Oh baby, theres a shark in the water19:29
LeGambitteurmaco: DasEi: thx19:29
ThatDudeButchActionParsnip: That make sense? http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13765981/2011-01-31%2002.50.29.jpg19:29
goltoofmbeierl:  fuseblk19:29
ActionParsnip!away > CensoredBiscuit19:29
ubottuCensoredBiscuit, please see my private message19:29
bj0rn__maco: yes! you certainly can. that is the CLI connection program?19:29
macobj0rn__: yes19:29
ActionParsnipThatDudeButch: do you use raid?19:29
bj0rn__maco: i'll man that baby up good.19:29
goltoofmbeierl:  btw, i'm a bit ignorant of filesystem types and what's used best for what19:29
macobj0rn__: actually, if you're wired, just run "sudo dhclient"19:30
ThatDudeButchActionParsnip: It's abrand new amd box my work just bought me19:30
goltoofmbeierl:  it's usb 3.019:30
ThatDudeButchits factory BIOS19:30
ThatDudeButchhavent touch anything19:30
macobj0rn__: (assuming you arent using static addressing)19:30
ThatDudeButchbesides tryong to set up ubuntu19:30
ActionParsnipThatDudeButch: i'd check if raid is around, it seems significant19:30
bj0rn__maco: i certainly am! i'll try all three of those things upon reboot19:30
ActionParsnipThatDudeButch: i guess19:31
bj0rn__maco: thanks again for the help so far :)19:31
ThatDudeButchActionParsnip: thanks, trying now19:32
mbeierlgoltoof: umm.  Sorry - suddenly out of my depth if this is mounted via fuse.  I'm not that up to date with changes there.  Linux uses a series of variant of the "ext" filesystem, with the oldest being ext2, and the most recent release being ext4.  Microsoft has 2 common types: FAT and NTFS.  Pretty much all versions of Windows now create NTFS by default.  Most "pre-formatted" external hard drives will be NTFS out of the box19:32
KirkMcDonaldMost flash drives are FAT.19:33
Chilaquileshello, if im in the command line, how can I start the graphical mode in ubuntu?19:33
KM0201Chilaquiles: usually startx19:33
jribChilaquiles: sudo service gdm start19:33
KirkMcDonaldBy which I mean USB drives and flash cards.19:33
KM0201or that.19:33
Chilaquilesstartx: command not found.19:33
jribChilaquiles: how did you install ubuntu?19:34
ChilaquilesI didn't installed19:34
ChilaquilesI am connected through SSH19:34
Chilaquilesand I'm in the command line19:34
Chilaquilesbut I can't see the desktop19:34
KM0201Chilaquiles: well that probably would have been a wise thing to advise of.. i'm not sure how to start gdm from ssh19:35
goltoofmbeierl:  should've got a 2.0 drive, never had this problem with other drives right out of the box, stupid thing won't even work with my ps3.  i'll reformat it to ext2/ext4 once i figure out how to copy stuff over, won't even let me do that.19:35
dimmortalI'm trying to dock my pidgin buddy list on the side of 1 of the desktops on my cube..  and remove the window deco from just that window19:35
dimmortalanybody know how I might go about that??19:35
jribChilaquiles: you want vnc, not ssh.  And I'm guessing you installed the -server version of ubuntu and don't have Xorg installed at all.  So you'll want to install that and some window manager too19:36
mbeierlgoltoof: sorry... I may have missed something you said earlier then.  What is the issue with not being able to write to the disk?19:36
goltoofmbeierl:  oh no, i can write to disk, but some dirs won't let me write, remove or copy19:36
xpo3Is there a way to specify the input and output audio device through command line?19:37
dimmortaldirs that belong to root???19:37
Chilaquilesjrib: I think you can't connect through VNC to that server19:37
mbeierlgoltoof: the System Volume Information is an understandable case for a directory that cannot be touched.  What others are not accessible?19:37
goltoofmbeierl:  i got a lot of stuff i just put on there, because i'm reinstalling ubuntu, but i'm scurred to use it as a backup drive with all this nonsense19:37
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Chilaquilesjrib: try it elra-01.cs.colorado.edu19:37
jribChilaquiles: then install vnc if you want vnc19:38
ChilaquilesIm not an admin on that server19:38
mbeierlgoltoof: what other nonsense is there?  There might be a reasonable explanation for these things...?19:38
tokshello there, can somebody help me install a share library(.so)19:38
jribChilaquiles: then tell the admin what you want to do19:38
ActionParsniptoks: what filename?19:39
toksActionParsnip: libsimclist.so19:39
goltoofmbeierl:  a couple other dirs19:39
goltoofmbeierl:  not windows related just containing some video, music files etc19:39
ActionParsniptoks: put it in /lib  if you are using 64bit and it's a 32bit lib then put it in /usr/lib32 (I believe thats the folder)19:40
mbeierlgoltoof: did you put these directories there, or were they there already?19:40
ilonhaving some serious issues installing ubuntu 10.10 (alternative) on a SSD drive (first luks, then ext4), getting massive I/O-errors.. is there anything that has to be made differently on a SSD-drive compared to a regular SATA-drive?19:40
KirkMcDonaldilon: No.19:41
goltoofmbeierl:  i put them there, from ubuntu, but i might have accessed these dirs in windows at some point in time, might explain why they can't be removed now19:41
ilonKirkMcDonald: ok, thnka you.19:41
KirkMcDonaldilon: What brand is the SSD?19:41
toksActionParsnip: is there a way to refresh things after that? cause i do #include <simclist.h> and it doesnt work19:41
ActionParsnipilon: one the controller is setup then the drive technology in the attatced drive is moot19:41
mbeierlgoltoof: ok, what is the permission for the directory set to.  "ls -ld directory-name"19:41
toksActionParsnip: i also tried /usr/lib19:41
compdocilon, is ahci enabled for the sata controller in the bios?19:42
ActionParsniptoks: don't think so, you will have to restart the app which uses it if its already running19:42
ActionParsniptoks: are you sure it's not libsim.so19:43
iloncompdoc: first thing i checked before even started the installer :)19:43
mbeierlgoltoof: why I ask is that it is possible the directory is owned by root, or has permissions on it that prevent your current user from manipulating it.  You're familiar with filesystem permissions, root, etc? just let me know if I'm going over ground that was already covered.19:43
ilonKirkMcDonald: corsair19:43
goltoofmbeierl: drwx------ 1 lee lee 8192 2011-01-31 12:34 .19:43
Stormedcan anyone help me install netbeans on ubuntu?19:43
goltoofmbeierl:  but i can't chmod the dir19:43
toksActionParsnip: yes its not libsim.so, i cant understand why it doesnt work19:44
mbeierlgoltoof: and you are "lee"?19:44
ActionParsnipStormed: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Netbeans19:44
compdocI bought my first SSD - a 60 gig that I use to boot a server. works gud19:44
g_o_otoks, you did install the source code you're referencing - simclist.h does exist?19:44
goltoofmbeierl:  yes, but you can call me goltoof ;)19:44
Stormedthanks actionparsnip19:44
KirkMcDonaldilon: Is this a brand new drive?19:44
toksg_o_o: where should i put the source cause ive missed that point19:44
ActionParsniptoks: can you give the output of:  lsb_release -c   thanks19:45
Roasted_Has anybody used Zentyal to configure a FreeRadius server on Ubuntu? I'm curious if the access points that I am to set up with Zentyal/Ubuntu are to get DHCP addresses or if they must be static.19:45
Roasted_Has anybody used Zentyal to configure a FreeRadius server on Ubuntu? (ignore the rest)19:45
mbeierlgoltoof: I don't think you'd answer to "lee" anyway :)  Of course.  So, according to the file list you showed, the user lee created that directory today, and has read/write/execute permissions on the directory.  Yet you cannot delete it?  Or is it that you can no longer manipulate the files in the directory?19:45
ilonKirkMcDonald: no, a used one, but havent had any I/O-errors prior to this date afaik19:46
goltoofmbeierl: i can sudo chmod any file or dir for command line but it still doesn't change it19:46
mbeierlgoltoof: cd into the directory, and issue the following commands "touch test" ; "ls -l test" ; "rm test"19:46
KirkMcDonaldilon: I'm not familiar with that brand of SSD specifically, but I would look up which SMART statistics are recorded by that model of drive.19:46
KirkMcDonaldilon: They should give you a sense of how used the drive is.19:46
g_o_otoks, how are you referencing the header file?19:47
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toksg_o_o: #include <simclist.h>19:47
mbeierlgoltoof: if it really is NTFS, I'm not sure that the concept of chmod works the same way.  it might be representing the permissions of the directory as rwx as that is all that is possible to show.  The concept of group and world are different in windows than under unix.19:47
g_o_otoks, what is the path to the header file?19:48
toksActionParsnip: Codename: Maverick19:48
mkf00who talked to me?19:48
toksg_o_o: /lib19:48
kmgi'm trying to use parted on an hfs+ filesystem, how do I get the start and end block? print just shows 200gb as the end block.19:48
g_o_otoks, the library or the source code19:48
goltoofmbeierl: http://paste.ubuntu.com/560710/19:48
toksg_o_o: the library19:48
ilonKirkMcDonald: yeah, will take a peek if i cant get it to work properly, otherwise i'll just go with my regular drive, and do some tests on the SSD when i have the time19:49
DasEigoltoof: to clearify, ntfs won't take linux permissions at all19:49
g_o_otoks, but you're writing code which references this lib?19:49
toksg_o_o: where should i put the source? its the first time i do this19:49
macombeierl: hit the nail on the head19:49
g_o_oyou can put the source where you want create a dir in your home directory19:49
toksg_o_o: thats correct19:49
goltoofDasEi:  hmmm.. that explains a lot!  even as fusemnt?19:49
goltooferr, fuseblk19:50
g_o_othen include header file as #include "path_to_file/simclist.h"19:50
ActionParsniptoks: http://packages.debian.org/sid/mipsel/sim/filelist   shows the location in Debian, it may help19:50
mbeierlgoltoof: oh.  yes, you did mention I/O error.19:50
DasEigoltoof: yes, this is how data is organized on ext and other fs-systems, they aren't compatible regarding permissions19:50
* lee demands his files back from goltoof 19:51
mbeierlgoltoof: I'm suspecting something different now.  Can you do a tail -20 /var/log/messages and tell me if there are any "errors" reported there?19:51
DasEigoltoof: permissions are part of the used fs, called metadata19:51
goltoofmbeierl:  no errors, just new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 11419:52
goltoofmbeierl:  reporting a diff address every second19:52
mbeierlgoltoof: well.  that is good.  For a moment there I was thinking hard disk was... what?19:53
toksActionParsnip: to make it easier is there a library for linked lists that comes with the distribution?19:53
mbeierlgoltoof: really?  That sounds like a bad cable19:53
goltoofmbeierl:  well, it is usb 3.0... funky looking cable19:53
mbeierlgoltoof: it is disconnecting and reconnecting at a mad pace.  that's the I/O error.  but ... why?19:53
mbeierlgoltoof: that is most interesting.  I suspect that is the cause of the problems.  The device keeps getting disconnected and you're losing the ability to manage it.19:54
goltoofmbeierl:  i don't get i/o error in all dirs, just certain dirs19:54
g_o_otoks, the code for the SimCList package is available here http://mij.oltrelinux.com/devel/simclist/19:56
mbeierlgoltoof: I unfortunately need to drop for a bit, but I'd suggesting looking into the method of connection (ie: fuse driver vs. direct mount using ntfs) or googling "+ubuntu +make of drive +new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd" etc... to see if that sheds some more light19:56
Holekhey, guys, ubuntu does not recognize my laptop's touchpad19:56
Holekit just happened today19:56
nado121anyone else not being able to connect to facebook chat via empathy? sometimes it works, most times it doesn't. it's extremely annoying19:57
Holekmy xinput list: http://pastebin.com/Ew4fmSAQ19:58
goltoofmbeierl:  yea i'm off to lunch, i'll look into that, could be something to do with 3.0 compatibility, or ntfs problem, or both... thanks for everything19:58
toksg_o_o: i know thats what i am trying to install, i now found i package libsimplelist0, maybe it is what i want19:58
mbeierlgoltoof: wish I could have helped more... best of luck and might see you later...19:58
dreamonLost my windowborders, metacity --replace brings it back. but next boot it lost again. What can i do?20:00
toksg_o_o: ok i found what was going wrong20:00
g_o_otoks, wrong path?20:01
toksg_o_o: i ve created a symlink20:02
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KM0201!info startupmanager20:02
ubottustartupmanager (source: startupmanager): Grub, Usplash and Splash screen configuration. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.13-5 (maverick), package size 114 kB, installed size 1360 kB20:02
JoseeAntonioRanyone here?20:03
g_o_oJoseeAntonioR, yes20:04
JoseeAntonioRi need help, when i start ubuntu normally it starts as a command line, and i need to start in recovery mode, and then in failsafe mode20:04
JoseeAntonioRhow can i solve this problem?20:04
xanguaJoseeAntonioR: select recovery mode from grub, keep Shift pressed when boot to show it20:05
hilarieWhat is the hotkey to switch between workspaces?20:06
g_o_ohilarie, ctrl alt arrow20:06
JoseeAntonioRxangua: i need to start from recovery mode, if i don't do that it boots as command line instead of ubuntu20:07
hilarieawesome ty20:07
Ash-FoxHello, I'm trying to port forward a DNS server and this iptables rule does not appear to work, I don't understand why - Any ideas?: sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d -p udp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to
m_fulderhey someone in here using vsftpd? how do I erase a user in vsftpd??20:07
JoseeAntonioRxangua: for example, today i have started from recovery mode20:07
gnuskoolHello, I resized a win7 ntfs with my 10.10 dual boot - now grub wont boot----any ideas?20:11
Flare183gnuskool: reinstall GRUB?20:11
g_o_ognuskool, what error do you get?20:12
gnuskoolunknown filesystem20:12
gnuskoolthen a grub rescue prompt20:12
Jordan_Ugnuskool: Did you change partition numbering at all?20:13
gnuskoolive booted into my system using parted magic super grub disk 2, but cant reinstall grub20:13
JoseeAntonioRanyone who can help me?20:13
gnuskoolJordan_U: no i resized an ntfs partition in win720:13
JoseeAntonioRboots as command line20:13
Jordan_Ugnuskool: Are you booted into the system in question right now?20:14
gnuskoolFlare183: tried to reinstall, but i get a grub message saying install grub to mbr not os20:14
gnuskoolJordan_U: yup, im on the system now20:14
Jordan_Ugnuskool: Assuming the drive you want to install to is sda, run "sudo grub-install /dev/sda" do *not* try to install to a partition like /dev/sda1.20:15
Flare183gnuskool: If you used windows to resize it, it probably corrupted grub20:15
gnuskoolusing ubuntu, but i can see all other Oss in the boot menu, but did not try them20:15
g_o_ognuskool, did you create a new partition?20:15
gnuskoolJordan_U: is that to install to MBR?20:16
Jordan_Ugnuskool: Yes, "sudo grub-install /dev/sda" will install grub to the mbr.20:16
gnuskoolg_o_o: nah, resized an ntfs partition in win720:16
KM0201g_o_o: so yeah, he created a new partition.. :)20:17
gnuskoolJordan_U: ok, run that while im in the system or logout first?20:17
Jordan_Ugnuskool: While you are booted into the installed system.20:17
BuMpIchow could i  make my folders in my root partition? I had windows  but i donw know how its going with linux20:17
gnuskoolJordan_U: ok, will try that now, after I wipe the beads of sweat from my forehead...20:18
WillWork4foohi all - I'm struggling here with a netbook, trying to get plymouth to work properly. I've followed the guide at http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/lucidubuntu-10-04-high-resolution-plymouth-virtual-terminal-for-atinvidia-cards-with-proprietaryrestricted-driver/20:18
gnuskoolJordan_U:  Thanks, installed, gonna restart20:19
WillWork4fooand the best I can get is that the system flashes the plymouth boot image for a brief moment at startup, then I get a completely black screen (no power at all to the display) for a few seconds, then I see the boot screen again for a moment and then my desktop appears.20:19
WillWork4fooThis is on an Intel graphics chipset - does anyone have any ideas?20:19
taxonDasEi: I installed x11vnc but stumbled upon this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/x11vnc/+bug/64510620:21
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gnuskoolJordan_U: Worked! Life is fun again, thx - buy yourself a beer, you deserve it :D20:24
m_fulderhow do I make a vsftpd user access only some specified files and not my whole comp??20:24
Jordan_Ugnuskool: You're welcome :)20:24
ikoniam_fulder: permissions, maybe even chroot20:24
WillWork4fooscuse that20:25
m_fulderthe thing is now a FTP user can access all my folders .. and if I set the permission to only one folder (chmod 700 for a folder and the 777 for one folder in this "700-folder"), then I can't acess the 777-folder thorugh FTP :S20:25
DasEitaxon : version 1.3.9-6 now , should be fixed20:27
gnuskoolJordan_U: If I could ask ya - I have an unallocated 17 Gig on my drive that I want to add to my win7 partition using some third party software, but i fear ill get back to this problem - do you know how I can do this?20:27
Jordan_Ugnuskool: If you do have the problem again just run grub-install again afterward.20:28
taxonDasEi: how do I get it for 10.04.1 server?20:29
gnuskoolJordan_U: true - just thought there was a direct way to expand the ntfs partition without jumping through hoops20:29
WillWork4foodoes anyone have any ideas on why Plymouth would be blanking my screen during boot-up? It's most annoying20:29
DasEitaxon: apt-cache show xtightvncviewer, check it's version, supposed to fixed20:30
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jribm_fulder: give execute permissions on the parent directory20:31
m_fulderah will try that on thanks jrdnyquist20:31
m_fulderjrib, *20:31
DasEitaxon: ah, missreaad it, it's x11vnc, might still be of error20:32
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taxonDasEi: I found this http://www.dl2keb.de/drupal/en/node/41320:32
taxonDasEi: maybe I have to compile it20:32
JoseeAntonioRwhen i boot ubuntu normally, it boots as terminal, so i have to boot it in recovery mode and then in failsafe mode. how can i solve this problem?20:33
nmvictorwhats up with the Floodbot human-check?was freenode or ubuntu attacked in any way?20:34
BuMpIcso can somebody help me with the folders?:D20:34
KM0201nmvictor: probably, all you gotta do is register and it goes away20:35
nmvictorKM0201, I'm registered, I logged in and it went away but it doesnt look like a good idea anyway.20:36
aeon-ltdBuMpIc: details please20:37
BuMpIc so how could i  make my folders in my root partition? I had windows  but i donw know how its going with linux20:38
BuMpIcwhen i download something20:38
BuMpIcits on the desktop20:38
coz_BuMpIc,  I am not clear what you want to do?20:38
BuMpIcsry its my bad english20:38
kshallidhi there20:39
coz_BuMpIc,  no problem...what is your native language?20:39
JoseeAntonioRwhen i boot ubuntu normally, it boots as terminal, so i have to boot it in recovery mode and then in failsafe mode. how can i solve this problem? please help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee20:39
kshallid i've this error W: Failure trying to run: chroot /mnt dpkg --force-depends --install var/cache/apt/archives/base-files_5.0.0ubuntu20_amd64.deb var/cache/apt/archives/base-passwd_3.5.22_amd64.deb when i have tried to run debootstrap20:39
kshallidcould anyone tell me what does a mean ?20:39
coz_JoseeAntonioR,  which video card is on that system?20:39
nmvictorNow, here is a big one. When am using my broadband internet connection with an ad-hoc wireless connected and used with my other PCs to share files, The internet from my broadband connection is shared across all the PCs in the adhoc network. How do I disable this internet sharing?20:40
JoseeAntonioRcoz_: Intel 82845G20:40
Juggalo_XAny one in here able to help me set up x so i can have dual display on my dock and single when undocked? all it keeps doing is giving me grief.20:40
coz_JoseeAntonioR,  mm  then I am not sure.... I know some people have had this issue  I dont recall the solution20:40
JoseeAntonioRcoz_: I've been searching for two weeks, and still nothing ):20:41
coz_JoseeAntonioR,   someone here...at some point ,, will know ,,,so stick around :)20:41
JoseeAntonioRcoz_: well, thanks20:42
BuMpIcSo i try to explain myself.In my windows i had a partition where i had alll of my files.There were folders and i kept everything in it.And if i wanted something in my desktop i created icons or something.Now i want to make folders too in my root partition, but i dont know how can i do this in linux.Or is it the same?20:43
coz_JoseeAntonioR,  sorry guy... I probably was not here for the soluton to this20:43
JoseeAntonioRcoz_: don't worry, i'll be patient and wait :D20:44
coz_JoseeAntonioR,  cool :)20:45
Anubihi all, how can i around forget permission with wget download?20:47
KM0201Anubi: what?... wget doesn't require special permissions... just wget urltofile20:49
aeon-ltdBuMpIc: you (the user) don't actually have ownership of anything in / but /home/username, they are owned by 'root' to become root use sudo20:49
AnubiKM0201, excuse me, when i use wget for download i receive 403 error20:49
KM0201Anubi: then the URL is either bad, or does not exist20:50
Anubiis there any solution? i tried whit -u option20:50
BuMpIcok ty20:50
KM0201Anubi: the solution is to use the right URL20:51
rafael-Hello there... I bought recently a notebook sony vaio vpc f136fm, and I was trying to install ubuntu 10.10 64bits there, with through wubi. After a 250mb of update installed, the system appears to work correctly, but when I tryed to install my video card ( Nvidia Geforce GT 425M ) the sceen stay black when I try to log in. I already tryed to download the oficial driver from the nvidea site,20:51
rafael-but when I install it, the ubuntu become unable to load the X and it drive to text mode. :( I saw a lot of peoples with that same problem on google, but I couldn't find any solution that work here. ;/20:51
KM0201rafael-: first things first, get rid of wubi unless you want to brick your new notebook.20:52
rafael-KM0201, I tryed without wubi first, with the same iso file, and I couldn't install it.20:53
KM0201rafael-: then you're doing something wrong, Wubi is definitely not hte answer....20:54
rafael-now it's working, but I'm having this problem with my video card20:54
naoshigeHi, I'm trying to watch http://video.pbs.org/video/1752557302/ but am getting this "We're sorry, this program is not available in your region due to rights restrictions" - what's the best workaround to this? Set up a Squid proxy server on a U.S. box and use it through my web browser?20:54
KM0201rafael-: remove wubi... please, its for the children20:54
naoshigeHidemyass.com didn't work..20:54
aeon-ltdnaoshige: thats not ubuntu support20:54
JoseeAntonioRanyone here who can help me?20:55
jribJoseeAntonioR: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)20:55
KM0201naoshige: where areyou located?.. its working fine for me.20:56
JoseeAntonioRwhen i boot ubuntu normally, it runs as a command line, and i need to turn the power off and then boot in recovery mode and select failsafe mode. is there any way that i can boot normally and it boots as ubuntu, not as terminal?20:56
rafael-well, first I want to see that working... I will not try to format again without see that working.20:56
naoshigeKM0201: norway, you?20:56
KM0201naoshige: ah, i see.. US... i don't know why it wouldn't work in norway20:57
KM0201rafael-: proceed at your own risk... you've been warned20:57
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sockPantshi all20:57
jribJoseeAntonioR: is gdm failing to start for some reason or you just don't have gdm installed?20:57
sockPantsi'm reading a page to boot the ubuntu live cd from the local network rather than use the normal netboot which requires internet access20:57
sockPantsand it refers to ubuntu-installer/casper20:58
sockPantsbut that isn't there20:58
JoseeAntonioRjrib: gdm? what's that? i don't know... but when i run in failsafe mode it works, now i'm using ubuntu normally because i've booted in failsafe mode20:58
naoshigeits fucked up20:58
d4n1sI want to download montavista for ubuntu20:58
d4n1scan anyone help me20:58
d4n1sI cant get it20:58
rafael-it's make no sense that I can't work with Wubi... I only need ubuntu for a fell scientifics applications20:58
sockPantshow do i boot the live-cd properly from the network20:58
KM0201sockPants: why don't you just boot the ubuntu live cd/usb.. hook up to a router, then come here w/ any questions you have.20:58
sockPantsKM0201: i have no usb/cd boot option, only pxe. it works, but i have no internet access on the box and the normal installer wants to download everything. i have the iso so i should be able to boot from it i just don't know what options to pu20:59
KM0201sockPants: dunno, never used a pxe boot.20:59
BuMpIcis there somwthing like total commander in windows for linux?20:59
jribJoseeAntonioR: what happens when you run « sudo service gdm start » after a normal boot?21:00
jribBuMpIc: mc or gnome-commander?21:00
JoseeAntonioRi don't know... i can try if you wait me21:00
BuMpIci dont know.Wich is the better?21:00
jribBuMpIc: one is gui, the other is not.  Try them and use what you like21:00
d4n1sI need montavista for ubuntu any ideas on how to download it?21:01
BuMpIcpls can you tell me what is gui?21:01
jribBuMpIc: Graphical User Interface21:01
d4n1sBumpic its graphic enviroment21:01
DThoughtgraphical user interface, BuMpIc21:01
BuMpIcand if something is not gui?:D21:01
BuMpIcthen its lieke terminal?21:01
d4n1sbumpic than its dos21:01
jribBuMpIc: mc is a command-line curses file manager, yes21:01
BuMpIcoh understand21:01
BuMpIci like gui then better21:01
Maximillionhow do I move a file from one directory to another from the command line?21:02
jribd4n1s: fix your capslock first21:02
jribMaximillion: mv one two21:02
jrib!cli | Maximillion21:02
d4n1sany ideas on how to install montavista on ubuntu?21:02
ubottuMaximillion: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro21:02
BuMpIcMC is the gui?21:02
jribBuMpIc: no21:02
jribBuMpIc: gnome-commander21:03
BuMpIcok thanx21:03
d4n1sjrib: do you know how to install montavista on ubuntu?21:03
BuMpIcdo u use this?21:03
jribd4n1s: no21:03
jribBuMpIc: no21:03
Maximillionjrib: mv filename directory-name ?21:03
BuMpIcwhat do u use?21:03
jribMaximillion: sure21:03
jribBuMpIc: I just use shell commands21:03
d4n1sanyone know where I can download montavista for ubuntu?21:03
BuMpIcmaybe its better if i learn that?21:03
jrib!repeat | d4n1s21:03
ubottud4n1s: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:03
jribBuMpIc: use what works for you21:03
BuMpIcand one more lame question.How can i write like  you for me: Bumpic: ...21:04
jrib!tab | BuMpIc21:04
ubottuBuMpIc: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.21:04
jribBuMpIc: do this: jr<TAB> then write your message21:04
JoseeAntonioRjrib: i've booted normally21:05
JoseeAntonioRjrib: without goind into recovery mode21:05
BuMpIcjrib, :D21:05
jrib!enter | JoseeAntonioR21:05
JoseeAntonioRjrib: i think the problem is gone21:05
ubottuJoseeAntonioR: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:05
jribJoseeAntonioR: ok21:05
JoseeAntonioRjrib: now, i have another problem, i'll post it here21:05
BuMpIcis it a big problem if i dont have swap partition?21:06
jribBuMpIc: how much ram do you have?  If you have enough ram for your applications and don't want to hibernate, not having swap is not an issue21:06
aeon-ltdBuMpIc: no, if you have enough ram, and don't use hibernate, or things apps that cache a lot21:06
BuMpIci have 4 GB21:06
goltoofBuMpIc: based on my limited knowledge, you don't need it with enough ram21:06
goltoofi like being right :)21:07
jribBuMpIc: you should be ok.  If you find yourself low on ram for your usage habits, you can create a swap partition or swap file21:07
JoseeAntonioRi cannot change my resolution, it's stuck in 1024x768, and i need to use 1280x1024, i've tried editing xorg.conf, sudo dpkg-reconfiure xserver-xorg, xrandr, and still nothing. i have an Intel 82845G Graphics Card21:07
mbeierlgoltoof: hey.  any luck with your disk? ;)21:07
jrib!swap > BuMpIc21:07
ubottuBuMpIc, please see my private message21:07
jrib!fixres > JoseeAntonioR21:07
goltoofmbeierl:  just got back, so we'll see21:07
ubottuJoseeAntonioR, please see my private message21:07
BuMpIcthis ubottu is a bot?21:07
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=== xorgouneet is now known as xorgounet
JoseeAntonioRjrib: i've tried everything there and still nothing21:08
pythonHaveing a problem playing wma formats videos ..say's I need a plugin...but can not find one .21:08
BuMpIc    * gnome-commander- (4.3 MB)21:08
BuMpIc    * gnome-commander- (3.3 MB)21:08
BuMpIc what is the difference?21:08
jribJoseeAntonioR: you should say exactly what you did and exactly what the result was.  I have to go in a bit though21:08
d4n1show to install a .tar.gz21:08
jribBuMpIc: you don't want any of that.  Use APT21:08
jrib!software | BuMpIc21:09
ubottuBuMpIc: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents21:09
guntbertBuMpIc: yes, she is our favourite info bot :)21:09
jrib!restricted | python21:09
ubottupython: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:09
jribd4n1s: you avoid it.  What are you trying to install?21:09
goltoofmbeierl:  i think we covered most of the issue anyway.. it's worse enough i'm using an ntfs drive, i assume it being 3.0 isn't helpign much either21:09
d4n1sjrib Install GNU binutils21:09
BuMpIcthis !software is a command?21:09
d4n1sjrib Install uClibc21:09
d4n1sjrib and Install GNU MP Library21:10
mbeierlBuMpIc: the difference between the two (just for your information) is the type of compression used when shrinking the two files.  gz = Gnu Zip, and bz2 is Bzip221:10
amv_nick amv21:10
BuMpIcokay  thanx21:10
jribd4n1s: binutils is in the repositories.  So is MP.  I don't know about uclibc, but I'd bet that is too.  Use the repositories21:10
=== KM0201 is now known as KM858585
JoseeAntonioRi've added my resolution to xorg.conf, tried to add my resolution with xrandr,  and nothing happens. i've tried with sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and when i reboot it boots normally, without asking me anything. it recognizes my monitor as unknown21:10
ubottuA general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents21:10
=== KM858585 is now known as KM0201
mbeierlgoltoof: I'm pretty sure it's not the fact that it's ntfs that's the problem.  I think there's either hardware or filesystem corruption at play.  I wonder... did this start only after the attempt to rm Sys Vol Info?21:11
jrib!software | d4n1s21:11
ubottud4n1s: please see above21:11
BuMpIcjrib, what is this   !software?:D21:11
goltoofmbeierl:  negative, SVI is just one of the folders that can't be removed21:11
jribBuMpIc: read the information the bot sent you afterwards21:11
BuMpIcoh ok21:11
goltoofmbeierl: that folder didn't even appear until after this problem arose21:11
mbeierlgoltoof: ok, good then. that makes it less likely to be filesystem corruption.  I think it's probably the usb3 then.21:12
Encry9How do you make spaces in a file name on CLI?21:12
=== Commie_Cary is now known as Lenin_Cat
BuMpIcjrib,  and if i wiill understand this wher will i download the gnome?21:12
goltoofmbeierl:  what i'd like to figure out is how to just copy everything over to my drive and then format to ext2/4, assuming that'll make the drive work better for ubuntu21:13
Sc0ttI need to install an open source radeon gfx driver to get 2d and 3d game supported but I keep getting errors when i try the guide.  I love ubuntu but even if i don't use it for gaming I can't full screen videos or enable animations or certain screen savers with this driver.21:13
aeon-ltdEncry9: you use " quotes when creating it21:13
mbeierlEncry9: 1) put quotes "around the filename" or 2) use the escape\ character\ like\ so21:13
d4n1sI cant figure out, can't u just tell me what to type in the terminal to install?21:13
USS_OHIOyay finally it let me join21:13
rafael-Hello there... I bought recently a notebook sony vaio vpc f136fm, and I was trying to install ubuntu 10.10 64bits there, with through wubi. After a 250mb of update installed, the system appears to work correctly, but when I tryed to install my video card ( Nvidia Geforce GT 425M ) the sceen stay black when I try to log in. I already tryed to download the oficial driver from the nvidea site,21:13
rafael-but when I install it, the ubuntu become unable to load the X and it drive to text mode. :( I saw a lot of peoples with that same problem on google, but I couldn't find any solution that work here. ;/21:13
sockPantsEncry9: 'escape' them with a \, for example /tmp/Space\ Space\ Name.txt21:13
mbeierlgoltoof: how to pull everything back off the external hard drive, you mean?21:13
goltoofmbeierl:  yes21:13
Encry9aeon-ltd: mbeierl sockPants thanks :)21:13
jribBuMpIc: yes, start synaptic from your menu and search and install gnome-commander21:13
USS_OHIOcan someone tell me where i can get my windows files to bring into ubuntu?21:13
aeon-ltdEncry9: you're welcome21:14
goltoofmbeierl:  the dirs that can't be removed, also can't be copied over to my pc21:14
goltoofmbeierl:  and if it's ntfs, i probably can't format to ext.. ?21:14
BuMpIcjrib, ok and there is an install in my desktop which was necessary when i installed the os.Can i delete it?21:14
Arleas_hello there21:15
mbeierlgoltoof: ok, gonna do a quick google on filesystem / external drive recovery.  I came across something not too long ago.  And, yes you can reformat, but you lose ALL the data when you do that21:15
Arleas_i'm looking for some help!21:15
bluedustdoes anyone know how to format a external wd drive for linux and windows21:15
goltoofmbeierl:  precisely why i'd like to copy it over first ;)21:15
arooni-mobilehi folks.... my ubuntu 10.04 box just froze (not responsive to mouse/keyboard).  this usually happens once a day but cpu temp is only 42*c (core 2 duo).  im on my laptop now; is there anything i can do to find out WHY its freezing (before i just restart and hope for the best again)21:15
coz_bluedust,  doesnt  /system/administration/disk utility help with that?21:15
Arleas_i've used ntfsresize to shrink a partition, but i can't seem to grow the partition!21:16
LeGambitteurHi all21:16
bluedusthey coz_21:16
BuMpIcjrib,  i cant find this synaptic21:16
bluedusti have never used linux b4 3 weeks ago21:16
USS_OHIOwhat folder in ubuntu do i go through to find my windows files?21:17
blueduststill learning21:17
sl33k_hi, i am on 10.04,sometime back I posted about the problem about sound output both ways(speaker and headphone)  even after i plug in the headphones. After taking some help from here it got fixed. But after restarting the machine the problem still exist? Any help appreciated!21:17
nikitas13hi all!21:17
coz_bluedust,  understood...well if you are on ubuntu at this moment...then look under  /System/Administration/Disk Utility    that should get you started with formtting an external drive21:17
coz_bluedust,   you dont want to format it at ext3 or 4 if you are using this for windows as well...probably fat21:17
feydcan anyone help with integrating MPlayer in Chromium?21:18
bluedustso if i format it as fat 32 windows will understand21:19
coz_bluedust,  yes it will21:19
LeGambitteurarooni-mobile: try to boot using a livecd, that's what I do to findout if it's a hardware problem or a software one.21:19
sl33k_ hi, i am on 10.04,sometime back I posted about the problem about sound output both ways(speaker and headphone)  even after i plug in the headphones. After taking some help from here it got fixed. But after restarting the machine the problem still exist? Any help appreciated! How to go fix this?21:19
arooni-mobileLeGambitteur, what will that tell me21:19
mbeierlgoltoof: ah, yes that was the one: photorec.  it looks for "known file headers"  and attempts to pull the content off the device: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery21:19
g_o_osl33k_, system, preferences, sound then choose output tab, then at the bottom choose connector analog output21:19
arooni-mobileLeGambitteur, i mean i can use the computer for about 24 hours and it freezes again21:20
kenguesthmm. any ideas how I might be able to always get the icon for a portable external harddrive to always display in the same position (specified by the user) on the desktop? Horribly on-topic I know...21:20
g_o_osl33k_, does that fix your problem?21:20
kelseyI have a computer running Ubuntu 9.04 that connects to the internet via ethernet and to an internal network via a wireless adapter. If the internal network is accessed first when the network is started then I cannot access ethernet. Any ideas?21:20
goltoofmbeierl:  soo, where to start?21:20
kenguest9.10 I think21:21
mbeierlgoltoof: ddresuce (the gnu one) is another good option - it tries to pull the raw partition onto your local filesystem and then you can mount it21:21
mbeierlgoltoof: how much space do you have of direct attached storage?21:21
g_o_okelsey, are the external connection and internal connections on different subnets?21:21
sockPantsi get an nfs permission denied error, where can i fix this?21:21
BuMpIcwhy the terminal doesnt recognize Isusb?21:21
d4n1show to install a tar.bz2 file?21:22
goltoofmbeierl:  enough21:22
aeon-ltdBuMpIc: LSUSB, its a l21:22
BuMpIcok thanx21:22
kelseyg_o_o: I'm fairly certain they are.21:22
jsebeanhello everyone21:22
sl33k_g_o_o: there is only this radio button -- internal-analog-audio-stereo21:22
jsebeancan someone help me editing the php.ini file in ubuntu server?21:22
USS_OHIOcan someone please tell me where i can find my windows files in ubuntu21:22
LeGambitteurarooni-mobile: I'v got the same problem with my pentium IV, with that I'v fount that it was not a file system or any modification I'v done that causes the problem, so I'v checked all the hardware and finally found that it was the graphic card.21:23
aeon-ltdd4n1s: ok long story short you don't, they are what you'd call tar balls, you extract and compile them21:23
arooni-mobileLeGambitteur, how did you check all hard ware?21:23
g_o_osl33k_, beneath that it says connector, drop down box choose analog output21:23
mbeierlgoltoof: enough to copy the entire partition of the USB drive over, and then extract a copy of the data?  (ie: if it's a 200gb drive that is 50% full, you need 200gb + 100gb for the data after)21:23
BuMpIci formatted my pendrive form NTFS into EXT3 but my linux doesnt see him so i cant see it in gnome.Why is that?21:23
goltoofmbeierl:  well, the usb drive is 1tb, local is only 750gb21:23
goltoofmbeierl:  so, this may not work?21:23
jsebeancan someone help me editing the php.ini file in ubuntu server?21:23
StyllesPersonal anyone know how I change the login screen of ubuntu?21:24
d4n1saeon-ltd I try to but I get compile errors21:24
csgradvtI need help in installing wubi in win 7 ... I am getting retval=1 while trying to install it21:24
d4n1swtf is going on with linux21:24
csgradvtI can provide the trace as well21:24
g_o_okelsey, when connected wirelessly you are on a different subnet from the external connection21:24
goltoofmbeierl:  the drive is not full, but still it needs to yank the full partition?21:24
d4n1s10000000 times stick with ur linux, with 2 clicks u can do pretty much everything!21:24
mbeierlgoltoof: urg.  no, but maybe we can run ddresuce on the drive without making a local copy21:24
d4n1swith ur windows*21:24
sl33k_g_o_o: its already analog output21:24
g_o_okelsey, you can edit you routing table to see the other subnet21:25
Sc0ttAny idea why my headphone jack doesn't work.  Using ubuntu 10.1021:25
mbeierlgoltoof: the premise is to remove the content as quickly as possible without using the disk any further - that's the reason for the first copy.  So, what device is the drive attached as?21:25
d4n1ssudo apt-get windows721:25
LeGambitteurarooni-mobile: by removing all the stuf I'v added before (modem card, raid controller card, ...), checking the voltages in the bios monitor...21:25
g_o_osl33k_, open terminal type alsamixer and check if the channels are muted21:25
mbeierlgoltoof: that is the real question.  See it might not even show up as a /dev/sdX device if it's the fuser mount thing21:25
MosterdWhat is the difference between a window manager and a desktop environment?21:25
goltoofmbeierl: /dev/sdb121:25
kelseyg_o_o: Yes21:25
goltoofmbeierl:  no, it shows, but ddrescue requires the new media to be larger that the fail disk21:26
Mosterd!ubottu windowmanager21:26
mbeierlgoltoof: that rocks!  good.  ok, let's install ddrescue from that site I sent:  sudo apt-get install gddrescue21:26
csgradvthi again21:26
USS_OHIOah yes after hours of begging for help and getting absolutly none "thanks by the way" i have found what i was looking for accidently21:27
g_o_okelsey, check man route for more information21:27
csgradvtI need help in wubi install ... any1?21:27
sl33k_g_o_o: master 74<>74 ---- pcm 100<>10021:27
mbeierlgoltoof: that is if the disk itself is unreadable.  we might be able to do this another way... hang on a moment...?21:27
ThatDudeButchhey guys21:28
kelseyg_o_o: Alright I will. Thanks.21:28
g_o_osl33k_, do the channels say MM at the bottom?21:28
goltoofmbeierl: i confuse... i got 200gb on the fail disk.. oh oko21:28
ThatDudeButchanyone personally had a "No root file system detected" error before?21:28
BuMpIchow can i make that if i  double click to a pdf then it will opened wih my pdf viewer?21:28
sl33k_g_o_o: no21:28
mbeierlgoltoof: going down that list ... "foremost - Foremost can recover files from an image of the drive, or from the drive directly"  Let's try using formost to read the drive instead of fuse21:29
g_o_osl33k_, when did the sound stop working?21:29
mbeierlgoltoof: sudo apt-get install foremost21:29
aeon-ltdBuMpIc: right click, open with, always open with this application (or similar)21:29
sl33k_g_o_o: after restarting21:29
g_o_osl33k_, was there sound at logon?21:30
BuMpIcaeon-ltd,  thank you21:30
mbeierlgoltoof: and then it appears to be simple enough: "sudo foremost -i /dev/sdb -o /recovery/foremost" where /recovery/foremost is a directory that you create, or use "-o ~/recovered_data" or so instead21:30
sl33k_g_o_o: ya it was there. The problem is that after putting headphones the sound also comes from the laptop speaker21:31
LeGambitteurneed help plz : every time I reboot the system I need to change visal effects so I can get the windows border, boutons, .... How to fix that one time for all ?21:31
sl33k_g_o_o: in addition to the headphone output21:32
aeon-ltdLeGambitteur: are you using compiz?21:32
LeGambitteuraeon-ltd: yas21:32
g_o_osl33k_, ah ok and if you mute the laptops speakers what happens?21:32
goltoofmbeierl:  can't umount sdb1.. busy?21:32
aeon-ltdLeGambitteur: alt-f2, compiz --replace  --- after this it should just remember next boot21:32
goltoofhow do i make it not busy?21:32
sl33k_g_o_o: mutes like normal21:33
aeon-ltdLeGambitteur: "compiz --replace"21:33
LeGambitteuraeon-ltd: thx a lot ;)21:33
mbeierlgoltoof: that's interesting.  so let's see what is using it: "sudo lsof | grep sdb"21:33
goltoofmbeierl:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/560741/21:34
ubunturocks3hi friends21:35
mbeierlgoltoof: Ah. of course - the thing that is using sdb1 is the ntfs mount program.  So, what directory does it show up as "mount | grep sdb1" - then use that to grep the output of lsof.  Sorry 'bout that.21:36
BuMpIcif in open with it needs other.. and i have to write something into the aplication area what i have to write?21:36
aeon-ltdBuMpIc: the path to the application you want or just the application name21:36
goltoofmbeierl: /dev/sdb1 on /media/My Passport type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096,default_permissions)21:37
mbeierlgoltoof: so , try - sudo lsof | grep "My Passport"21:37
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sl33k_g_o_o: i think i have disturbed the alsamixer settings, what are recommended/default values?21:38
goltoofmbeierl:  silly me, i had the dir open in another terminal21:38
mbeierlgoltoof: that's what the lsof is for :) it happens to me ALL THE TIME!21:38
BuMpIcaeon-ltd,  and if   the path of the file? how i can write it?21:39
goltoofstill can't mount to recovery21:39
aeon-ltdBuMpIc: the path as in "/usr/bin/applicationname" oe wherever the app is located21:39
jsebeancan someone help me editing the php.ini file in ubuntu server?21:39
BuMpIcaeon-ltd, ok ty21:39
goltoofjsebean:  try #php21:40
cannonfoddercan someone help me...i have an 8 gig flash drive with bootable ubuntu, and i also want to put bootable DBAN on it without erasing what i already have on it.21:40
mbeierlgoltoof: how so?  cannot umount the /media/My Passport or formost -i /dev/sdb1 cannot read it?21:40
Ronniei have a problem merging 2 branches: https://code.launchpad.net/~ronnie.vd.c/loco-directory/570613 into https://code.launchpad.net/~loco-directory-dev/loco-directory/0.2 . It looks like a few files from rev 345 (urls.py and views.py) fail to merge21:40
alert01hell o21:41
alert01i has instalt linuks21:41
alert01itss suxx21:41
alert01how to uninstalk it21:41
goltoofmbeierl:  nvm, go it21:41
goltoof*got it21:41
cannonfoddercan someone help me...i have an 8 gig flash drive with bootable ubuntu, and i also want to put bootable DBAN on it without erasing what i already have on it.21:41
Ronniethose files show no conflict nor modified tag21:41
aeon-ltdalert01: you don't, you just write over it or repartition21:41
sl33k_guise what are the typical settings for alsamixer?21:42
cannonfoddercan someone help me...i have an 8 gig flash drive with bootable ubuntu, and i also want to put bootable DBAN on it without erasing what i already have on it. is this even possible?21:42
BuMpIcaeon-ltd, my accessories like the pdf viewers,  where are?21:42
aeon-ltdBuMpIc: /usr/bin21:42
BuMpIcaeon-ltd,  so usually what is the dir?21:42
cannonfodderbasically how can i have more than one bootable application installed on a flash drive?21:42
BuMpIcaeon-ltd, ty21:42
alert01im a troll21:43
alert01stop answering me21:43
ylmsonis there any way to prevent XTerm from using bold font?21:43
BuMpIcaeon-ltd,  is there any search modul to find the application easier?21:43
sl33k_guise what are the typical settings for alsamixer?21:43
goltoofmbeierl:  brillient!21:44
mbeierlgoltoof: it's working ?!?  YES!21:44
ylmsonI already use a bold font for XTerm, I want it to just use a different color for bold text, rather than making the text even _bolder_21:44
aeon-ltdBuMpIc: not without knowing its executable name21:44
goltoofmbeierl:  like a charm!21:44
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mbeierlgoltoof: then I suspect that there is some sort of filesystem damage after all, but at the directory structure level, not necessarily the file data level.  Reformat is a good idea at this time, but ... I'd still think you would like to get to the root cause at some point before trusting that disk again.21:46
goltoofmbeierl:  looks like this will take a while... but after i get all this it's on to reformat, re-backup, and finally reinstall21:46
goltoofmbeierl:  you have officially made my day sir21:46
sl33k_what are the typical setting for alsamixer?21:46
ylmsonokay, found it...setting xterm*boldMode: false21:46
mbeierlgoltoof: good to know.  Btw, I've got an external disk at home that I'd like to recover, so this saved my day too!21:47
goltoofmbeierl:  yea, best way to learn is to teach, i find21:47
mbeierlgoltoof: another thing that can take some time is to do a surface scan of the disk, looking for bad sectors.  A destructive test is okay at the time of formatting.  I'm going to do a search for a surface scan utility for this...21:48
goltoofmbeierl:  you don't think it being ntfs is the problem?21:48
mbeierlgoltoof: it IS possible, but... it's data, I'd rather prefer to be sure before using the disk again, just in case.21:48
feydcan I configure chromium to open an external program on video URLs?21:48
=== don is now known as Guest28126
mbeierlgoltoof: here's a non-destructive surface scan: sudo badblocks -nvs /dev/sdb21:49
mbeierlgoltoof: if you've got some time to kill :) and you want to be really sure of the disk21:49
mbeierlgoltoof: (from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FaultyHardware)21:50
BuMpIcaeon-ltd, i cant find that sh|t:D21:51
wintertimei just installed ubuntu 10.10, but i'm not getting any sound. although it seems that the sound card was recognized21:52
Guest28126looking for help - unable to update man pages...no way to update/install, etc. packages21:52
aeon-ltdBuMpIc: what is the app name in the menu?21:52
khulllCiao a TuTtI su #ubuntu da khulll21:52
BuMpIcaeon-ltd,  KPDF - PDF viewer21:52
aeon-ltdBuMpIc: in /usr/bin/kpdf is most likely21:53
BuMpIcaeon-ltd,  there is no KPDF :O21:54
xavi_spanish support channel?21:55
sdaCiao, how can I use unity applications\files place on ubuntu?21:55
bucky!spanish | xavi21:55
aeon-ltdBuMpIc: the package is even called kpdf, check you have it installed21:55
ubottuxavi: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:55
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buckyxavi_, ^^21:56
BuMpIci have it because i have pdf files and i open them with that21:56
BuMpIcaeon-ltd,  i have it because i have pdf files and i open them with that21:56
BluesKajBuMpIc, you can always install acroread21:57
BuMpIcaeon-ltd,  its better?21:57
gaz|schmoosteris there someone who can log/confirm an issue I have with /bin/kill (either functionality or man-page)?21:58
ubu10does anyone remember the program to convert jpeg to pdf. i cant find it in software center.21:58
aeon-ltdBuMpIc: meh, i've no idea if its not in /usr/bin . ask BluesKaj that21:58
BuMpIcaeon-ltd,  ok21:58
BuMpIcBluesKaj, its better?21:59
gaz|schmoosteram just getting maverick up-to-date to make sure it's not yet fixed21:59
mikebotCan someone help me identify an error I get when trying to boot from a usb drive?22:00
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BuMpIcaeon-ltd,  so u know my problem is that when from desktop i  start a pdf then its good but when from gnome than not22:00
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BuMpIccan i delete install.sh from my desktop?22:01
gaz|schmoosternevermind *sheepish grin*22:02
mikebotCan anyone help me with booting from a usb?22:03
Spice-boyi have a question... somebody can help me?22:03
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Sc0ttI can try to help ya mikebot22:04
sockPantshi all, i'm having trouble booting a live cd over the network. it's working great to some extent but it drops me back to an initramfs prompt.22:04
sockPantscasper.log shows 'cant umount /root/sys: no such file or dir' and similar errors22:04
gunndawgmikebot, there is a section on the ubuntu website that tells you how to do that22:04
sockPantsthe last error is 'chroot: can't execute 'debconf-copydb': no such ...'22:04
mikebotSc0tt: Thank you! When I boot from usb, I /briefly/ see a symbol at the bottom center of the screen, and then the screen goes black and a bunch of text scrolls (like a terminal screen) and then it just stops altogether and freezes.22:04
mikebotgunndawg: I'm having a problem with it22:05
axselI need someone who has Spotify Premium and uses despotify. Can you get playlists from your client? Mine crashes, and it is very important to me to know if it's a global problem.22:05
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gunndawgmikebot, that sounds like a bad image file on the USB stick to me22:05
mikebotgunndawg: I did the md5 thing and it came out correct22:06
mbeierl!ask | Spice-boy22:06
ubottuSpice-boy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:06
mikebotgunndawg: I got the file from the torrent, and I installed it again22:06
jocrawfoGood Evening/Afternoon/Morning everyone :)22:06
mikebotgunndawg: I also formatted the drive to fat3222:06
gunndawgmikebot: its best to let ubuntu format it self as it doesnt use NTFS or FAT32, it uses EXT322:07
mbeierlgunndawg: ;) it actually uses ext4 now ...22:07
mikebotgunndawg: I mean the usb drive...22:07
neil_dI am having trouble with rdesktop... when logging into a server that was working fine... rdesktop doesn't finish its init. the last thing it prints is 'sending login info to sesman' then it hangs... I have tried a 'sudo /etc/init.d/xdrp restart' ... to no effect!  what is wrong?22:07
mikebotgunndawg: Not the partition I was going to install to22:07
gunndawgaxsel: is spotify a good music player? I still need to load one on here22:07
gunndawgmikebot: I am not to sure then22:08
axselgunndawg: Best there ever is. It is my number one choice for _all_ platforms22:08
gunndawgaxsel: cool, thx22:08
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mongymikebot, when you see the small symbol at the first couple of seconds booting, press a key, you get a menu, then press (F6 ? i think) and choose other options like noacpi and or nomodeset22:09
mikebotmongy: f6?22:09
noisemakerHi guys :)22:10
mongymikebot, when you press a key, you will get a menu and you will see what to press22:10
mongymikebot, its either F5 or F622:10
noisemakerI have a challenge for you :)22:10
PsehoZРусскии есть22:11
FredGeekwhere can i download Mike Galbraith patch for linux kernel 2.6.37???22:11
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noisemakerI want my laptop's webcam to work ... But I can't enable it :( (fn+f9 not working, no bios option and no windows)22:11
BuMpIcconky is  a cool stuff lol22:11
Sc0ttwhat does etc stand for/mean?22:11
Spice-boyi try to install unbuntu 10.10 but... but after I recognize my hdd is DR-DOS] A: \> What should I write further to continue the instalation procces22:11
klcsif under netstat -rn the wrong device is listed for a destination, how do I change it to the correct one?22:11
mikebotmongy: OK, I'll try that, thank you!22:12
gaz|schmoosterSc0tt, /etc, do you mean?22:12
jocrawfoSpice-boy, oh boy good ol Dr-Dos22:12
jocrawfoyou have to make a boot disk and boot to that to uninstall, as for the process outline I don't recall, google for dr dos user guide it is pretty good22:13
mikebotmongy: Oh, I press any key, and then I'll know what to press?22:13
gergiohi guys - I'm having some trouble with a display driver that is preventing me doing anything with my system.  I just installed the most recent ATI driver for my graphics card from the ATI site and now my display won't work at all.  Is there some way to wipe all drivers/display settings back to default?  Also, is there something I can press to stop Ubuntu booting straight into a gui?  Can't figure out what to press and when to access grub menu22:13
noisemakerI want my laptop's webcam to work ... But I can't enable it :( (fn+f9 not working, no bios option and no windows)22:13
Spice-boyok thank you jocrawfo22:14
KirkMcDonaldgergio: ctrl + alt + F1 should put you in a terminal.22:14
gaz|schmoostergergio, backup & remove /etc/X11/xorg.conf, perhaps? (not speaking from a position of authority, here)22:14
ThinkT510noisemaker: do you have cheese installed?22:14
mongymikebot, when the screen goes purple and you see the keyboard image at the bottom, press a key.. then yes, you see a menu, at the bottom tells you F6 for other options or something, choose it, a small menu appears, select noacpi22:14
gunndawgaxsel: I cant seem to find spotify using apt-get or in the package manager, how did you obtain it, and is it free?22:14
mikebotmongy: OK, thank you very much, I'm going to try right now.22:15
neil_dI am having trouble with rdesktop... when logging into a server that was working fine... rdesktop doesn't finish its init. the last thing it prints is 'sending login info to sesman' then it hangs... I have tried a 'sudo /etc/init.d/xdrp restart' ... to no effect! ... when running from a terminal rdesktop doesn't print anything... what is wrong?22:15
jocrawfoSpice-boy, what I will tell you is that it appears to be a PITA to remove Dr-Dos22:15
gergioKirkMcDonald, thanks - gonna try that now.22:15
axselgunndawg: Check out spotify.com - They have a beta linux version (and you know it is not an mp3 player right? It is a service for streaming music from their servers)22:15
mongymikebot, if that works, it just means you wont be able to shutdown properly.. meaning when you shut down you will then have to power off yourself :(22:15
BluesKajBuMpIc, kpdf works well as mentioned, I see that acroread seems to be deprcated for maverick ..I run kde so okular works as well22:15
hdonhi all :) what webkit browsers are available in the latest LTS?22:15
gaz|schmoosterneil_d, sounds like the host you're connecting to is hung or not resolvable? can you ping it?22:15
commodore_hello all22:16
gunndawgaxsel: ah ok, I am looking for a decent mp3 player much like winamp on windows22:16
ravenclawhi, I installed an 10.10 server and am now unable to access my aes encrypted (without luks) disk, cryptdisks_start works but i cant mount (xfs) it, what can i try ? has anything changed ? default options for encryption ?22:16
mikebotmongy: Is there a reason it's doing this? I've never had this problem with ubuntu22:16
mongymikebot,  try it anyway... it might be something else alltogether also.22:16
mikebotmongy: Well, let me try it first...brb22:16
neil_dgaz|schmooster: I am currently ssh into it now!22:16
commodore_who speek french ?22:16
BuMpIcBluesKaj, ok but  i cant     do that pdfs  in the gnome commander automatically opened with it22:16
axselgunndawg: then you don't want spotify :)22:16
gergioKirkMcDonald - that keyboard shortcut does make my screen go blank as though it were switching, but then no terminal appears.22:16
Sc0ttyeah I meant /etc22:16
gunndawgaxsel: can you recommend a good mp3 player?22:16
gaz|schmoosterhdon, `apt-cache search webkit`22:17
gergiogunndawg, spotify for linux as far as I know is only for paid subscribers.22:17
hdongaz|schmooster, thanks for the suggestion22:17
neil_dgaz|schmooster: ping times about 700ms22:17
ubu10i need help... in google chrome and chromium browser.. when i try to go fullscreen on a video, is say that flash plugin crashes22:17
axselgunndawg well not really. Check out mpd. or the ubuntu wiki, they would have some other examples22:17
klcshow do you edit the Iface values in the information listed for netstat? The wrong one is getting assigned.22:17
noisemakerThinkT510, Actually I cannot go that far, the camera is not listed in lsusb because it's internally disabled ... I just need a way to enable it again...22:18
gergioKirkMcDonald, Is there some way to halt the boot process and just go into a prompt before it attempts to load X?22:18
gaz|schmoosterneil_d,  hmm, sorry, out of ideas then. basic host problems? full disc/high load?22:18
gaz|schmoosterhdon, np22:18
ubu10 i need help... in google chrome and chromium browser.. when i try to go fullscreen on a video, is say that flash plugin crashes. CAN ANYONE HELP...?22:19
gizmobayHow do you apply a patch file?22:19
tlir_after installing winxp on a 130gb hd with only 99gb left the ubuntu 10.10 install stage allocate drive space prompts to install alongside other OS but it's just showing a total of 30gb or so, and not the free space of about 100gb...22:20
neil_dgaz|schmooster: load about 0.77, disk at about 3%22:20
ThinkT510gunndawg: audacious22:21
ThinkT510ScOtt: editable text files22:21
Sc0ttah thanks Think22:21
gunndawgThinkT510: thanks22:21
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gaz|schmoostergergio, keep trying to hit "ctrl + alt + F1" if X is in the way. aside from that, the "first thing that happens" when your machine boots, after the BIOS checks, is GRUB starting - you may have a very small delay in which to affect it's running, but hold SHIFT22:21
gaz|schmooster"The user can interrupt the boot process and display the menu by holding down the SHIFT key until the menu displays."22:21
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gaz|schmoosterneil_d, some crazy config thing, is my next best guess :)22:22
ThinkT510gunndawg, ScOtt: np22:22
gergiogaz|schmooster, thanks for that advice - I'm going to try that now22:22
gaz|schmoostergizmobay, go into the appropriate directory, enter: `patch -p0 <patchfile`22:22
gaz|schmoosteras it says in `man patch`22:22
gaz|schmoostergergio, good luck22:23
ravenclawcan anyone help me mount my existing (created with 7.04) encrypted disk in 10.10 ?22:23
gizmobayNothing happens I just get taken back to the command prompt22:24
kunwon21kunwon1 here. ##politics  invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! kunwon21 Dr_Willis vultraz Tom-B FUN species freaky[t] ghettofab89 Guest73296 cheWie0 Plinker__ alice_ BajK_ clakes alpharesearch BedMan_ Shaun_ xavi_ gizmobay dollarbang1 e-freenode nadia sagaci_ rtghuzhg s_p_or_t_o tlir_ pref22:24
kunwon21kunwon1 here. ##politics  invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! gerzel sluther secoif Bostoman cfurlin_ VCoolio zs1otb Koopa516 ubu10 kenneth_reitz gaz|schmooster kneaux cody__ sabalaba schnuffle1 Kalint jsurfer ikex khulll alex88 wiw hotrod laknath_ Naynay DrHouse|Aribeth Tito0096 gunndawg22:24
kunwon21kunwon1 here. ##politics  invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! kenguest fnuser Atlantic777 dzup1 LouisJB resurection cariboo907 ThinkT510 arooni-mobile linxeh ack daho tefx zelak oco2 geekbri Jibadeeha CraHan thefinn931 alexfpms xorgounet Sc0tt clincher heg le0 ki__ PoPpiLLs Enissay rogst 22:24
FloodBot1kunwon21: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:24
klcsDoes anyone know how to use route to set up a network destination to only be accessed from a singe device?22:24
kenneth_reitzwtf is this22:24
aeon-ltdkenneth_reitz: spam22:24
kenneth_reitzcan someone boot kunwon1  please?22:24
aeon-ltdkenneth_reitz: already has by the flood bot22:25
speciesdude, this channel is full of liberals and leftists22:25
gaz|schmoosterSc0tt, ThinkT510 - there's contention on that issue. Bell Labs' early documentation has it "clearly commented as 'etcetera directory'" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard22:25
gunndawgspecies: !ot22:25
goltoofseriously, isn't there a way to drop any message containing the words "kunwon1"?   Mods, please comment...22:25
gunndawgspecies: try to stay on topic22:25
gergiogaz|schmooster, thanks - that got me into a root command prompt - is there a command I can run now to restore all the driver/graphics settings back to default?22:25
ahklernerhow can i fix my panel, computer was acting really slow, i went to reboot and now no panel shows up22:26
ahklernerafter reboot22:26
goltoofahklerner:  try typing gnome-panel &  in terminal22:26
gaz|schmoostergizmobay, that probably means it's done something useful - can you check for changes in the files referenced in the patch?22:26
Dr_Willisgoltoof:  in you irc client? Most are scriptable and can do filterin.. if you read their docs/.learn the advanced features of them22:26
ahklernerrunning xfce4-panel gives me yuck default one22:26
mikebotmongy: Ugh... so hitting a key worked, and the menu came up, but I tried the noaspci thing, and tried to both (1) run from usb, and (2) install, and go the same terminal-freeze thing...22:26
Sc0ttgaz|schmooster: thanks for that link good info there!!22:26
gizmobaythe date of the file didn't change. SHould it?22:26
goltoofDr_Willis:  i was thinking for the mods to drop the messages automatically so no one else would have to see them, but thanks for that tip22:27
g_o_oklcs, just edit the routing table on that device22:27
mikebotmongy: It froze twice on this: 6.881158] [drm] Initialized drm 1.1.0 2006081022:27
mongymikebot, tried using the alternate installer?  it will run from usb22:27
ahklernersorry im in wrong channel22:27
Dr_Willisgoltoof:  the mods cant filter out what othes are saying..22:27
strkliferea: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libwebkit-1.0.so.2: undefined symbol: soup_content_sniffer_get_type22:27
goltoofDr_Willis:  i suppose that's for the best22:27
gaz|schmoostergergio, I was thinking you might be able to backup & remove /etc/X11/xorg.conf - X will default to trying its damndest to get working, then any specific config you had in there you can toy around with later22:27
ubu10 i need help... in google chrome and chromium browser.. when i try to go fullscreen on a video, is say that flash plugin crashes22:27
mikebotmongy: How do I do that?22:27
gaz|schmoosterSc0tt, np :)22:28
goltoofubu10:  usually a resource issue22:28
gergiogaz|schmooster, right - will try that now.  thanks again.22:28
gaz|schmoostergergio, don't thank me until I've been useful :D22:28
goltoofubu10:  ps, chromium less stable than chrome.. try ff too22:28
klcsg_o_o: I do not know how to do that. Any pointers?22:29
gaz|schmoosterubu10, there's a chance it's display driver or window manager related, if you can't find other bug reports about it:  try another window manager, or different display driver, if you can?22:30
mongymikebot, sounds like a video card thing, hmm.  Do you have access to an ubuntu/linux machine?22:30
* gaz|schmooster is away: I'm busy22:30
mikebotmongy: unfortunately no :/ It just broke22:30
=== lost is now known as Guest4547
CaneToaddoes anybody know of some network hardware that actually reliably works in linux?  I have Intel Pro/Wireless 4965 and after a period of use, it just magically stops working.... and I have realtek RTL8111/8168B ethernet hardware and it randomly stops working too.  And they stop working at different times.  I've never had them both stop working at the same time.  Honestly Ubuntu 10.10 needs rebooting more than win 95.22:31
mikebotmongy: SO I had to buy this new machine -- lenovo s10-3... maybe the resolution of it is the bad thing?22:31
gergiogaz|schmooster, unless I'm doing something completely ridiculous, there is no /etc/X11/xorg.conf - the file just isn't there22:31
mongymikebot,  is it an intel video card/22:32
mikebotmongy: Um, not sure... let me try to check22:32
KM0201CaneToad: i'd suspect some sort of hardware issue.. cuz i have that same realtek device, and it never has caused me a problem22:32
CaneToadKM0201: works perfectly under win (??????)22:32
Sc0ttYeah i'm having gfx card issues too read guides but can't figure out if the xorg file is obsolete or what seems ubuntu 10.10 doesn't have it by defatult22:33
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KM0201CaneToad: dunno..t hat is strange.22:33
mikebotmongy: IS this it? 10.1" 1024x600 LED Display (16:9); Intel GMA 3150 Graphics22:34
gergiogaz|schmooster, just using aptitude to purge the whole xserver-xorg package and reinstalling it22:34
goltoofCaneToad:  which makes me think it's a driver issue, but yeah sometimes a new card does the trick22:34
secoif#join ##politics22:34
mongymikebot, yeah....  I thought maybe 'nomodeset' might have worked22:34
CaneToadgoltoof: new card == new PC [notebook]22:34
goltoofCaneToad:  oic22:34
mikebotmongy: UNR is not compatible with INterl vid cards?22:34
mongymikebot, it is...22:35
goltoofCaneToad:  does your network connections icon disappear until you reboot? i've experienced that before22:35
Sc0ttanyone have any experience with changing propriety radeon drivers?  I'm stumped22:35
VCooliogergio: newer Xorg doesn't need xorg.conf but it will obey it if you create one22:35
ash_i need to now how to reinstall the ubuntu 10.10 default kernel22:36
CaneToadgoltoof: dunno about icons, but dhclient on the network interface can't bring it up22:36
mongymikebot, just the desktop installer seems to have issues with intel video cards.22:36
mongymikebot,  is this 10.10 netbook ??22:36
mikebotmongy: Is there another way to install it? There's an exe in the main usb folder...22:36
mongymikebot, so nomodeset didnt work?22:37
mikebotmongy: Yeah, 10.1022:37
mongymikebot, the netbook version of it ?22:37
mikebotmongy: Oh, I didn't try nomodeset, I tried to noaspci something22:37
mikebotmongy: THis is the netbook version22:38
gergioOK - purging and reinstalling xserver-xorg didn't help.  I'm still getting the Ubuntu splash screen and then just blackness.   Also, after I reinstalled xserver-xorg and ran "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" nothing happened - though I'm not sure if anything was meant to....22:38
mongymikebot, nomodeset, then as a last resort, acpi=off22:38
mikebotmongy: I think the default was on acpi=off22:38
mikebotmongy: OK, let me try nomodeset22:38
mikebotmongy: (Thank you *very* much for your help!!)22:38
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plectrumHi, I am trying to make a wireless to ethernet bridge and wonder if hostapd will work with my router22:41
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gergioany ideas guys on how to restore my system?  I have purged and reinstalled xserver-xorg to no avail.  There is no xorg.conf for me to delete.  I can get to a root prompt but if I let the boot progress past the splash screen everything goes blank (though I still hear the little drums at the login screen).  If I could just wipe out all graphics settings and go back to the beginning that would be perfect.22:43
plectrum@gergio try looking at the xservers log to see if it is having problems22:44
sami_Salam 2 all22:45
_joeya couple of things: how do I stop auto logout on gnome22:46
PopulusHello, is there a way for ubuntu not to go in sleepmode whenever I close the lid on my laptop?22:47
_joeyand how to add application manually installed in gnome panel22:47
CaneToadPopulus: have you seen under the power management options System/Preferences/Power Management22:48
ubun i need help... in google chrome and chromium browser.. when i try to go fullscreen on a video, is say that flash plugin crashes22:48
gergioPopulus, Yeah - go to System > Preferences > Power management22:48
gergioPopulus, should give you options on what to do when laptop lid is closed.22:48
lolcatCan I use the Make Startup Disk to install fedora?22:48
goltooflolcat:  try #fedora,  this is ubuntu22:49
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DasEilolcat : unetbooting rather, though ot here22:50
goltoofubun, and in firefox?22:50
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VCoolio_joey: right click 'Applications', edit menu, add entry with right command and icon of your choice22:50
lolcatgoltoof: I am running ubuntu and asking about a program included on your livecd22:50
DasEilolcat: unetbootin*22:50
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ubungoltoof: i dont use firefox... in fact i uninstalled it because i liked chrome...22:50
lolcatDasEi: LiveCD22:50
PopulusHello, is there a way for ubuntu not to go in sleepmode whenever I close the lid on my laptop?22:50
lolcatPopulus: YEs22:51
xavi_Why my cooler not start @ ubuntu?22:51
VCoolio_joey: as a launcher: right click panel, add to panel, custom app launcher and you'll know what to enter22:51
DasEilolcat :you are on a live cd ?22:51
skyer2000i have a question on TightVNC, i've connected to it successfully over the internet22:51
Populuslolcat: so how do I do it?22:51
skyer2000and can view my desktop, however I cannot access the internet on that desktop22:51
goltoofubun:  lol, uninstall firefox from ubuntu?  wow..22:51
goltoofubun:  what are your specs?22:52
goltoofubun:  usually it's from lack of resources, in my experience22:52
ubunit happens every time i try to go to fullscreen...22:52
goltoofubun:  specs..22:53
ubuncomputer specs?22:53
lolcatPopulus: Screen saver settings and power saving settings22:53
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goltoofubun:   your system specifications.. how much ram?22:53
ubunpfffff..... like 2 or 4 gigs... but it just started happening.22:53
goltoofubun:  as i stated, i find the flash plugin will crash on computers with scarce avaailable memory.22:54
_joeyVCoolio: thanks but when I start the application i get a message it can't find application's directory22:54
goltoofubun:  or when having too many flash videos open at one time. rarely crashes on good systems22:54
ubun,,,, i wonder... because it has been working fine ... for months ....22:55
_joeystart from the panel22:55
VCoolio_joey: what command did you enter in the box? and what command is that? Try it in a terminal first22:55
gergioplectrum, where do I find the log you're referring to?22:55
ash_i need to now how to reinstall the ubuntu 10.10 default kernel22:56
lorphI installed ubuntu 10.04 server and I can't get utf8 to display22:56
VCooliogergio: /var/log/Xorg.0.log or similar22:56
lorpham I missing any packages22:56
goltoofubun:  well, one good reason NOT to uninstall firefox, or you could test to see if you had this problem in other browsers...22:56
goltoofubun:  good to keep multiple browsers for testing purposes22:56
_joeyVCoolio: stata-se it's a commercial application for linux which installed in $HOME/stata22:56
sockPantswaaaaaah sweet ubuntu just booted over the network from a mounted iso on my laptop22:56
lolcatI am on a live cd, and want to burn a cd. Will ubuntu crash when I remove the disk?22:56
chaos2358Hi I am running a dual boot laptop ubuntu 10.10 and win xp. I just got an all in one printer "cannon" ubuntu recognized the printer and downloaded/activated the drivers for it but I cant print. when i try the printer is not showing up. can someone help me?22:56
_joeyi can start it from terminal with nor problems22:56
DasEiash_: call synaptics and search for linux-image22:56
chaos2358lolcat yes22:57
VCoolio_joey: you used the full path, like /home/joey/stata/stata-se ?22:57
ubunill reinstall firefox and see if your right...22:57
lolcatchaos2358: Instantly22:58
chaos2358within id say 1 minute or less22:58
raskolDo cdrom drives have UUID? I can't find /dev/sr0 in /dev/disk/by-uuid/22:58
chaos2358lolcat id say in under a minute22:58
stevieBi want to make make sure the laptop stays up when i close the lid; how can i achieve this?22:58
mongyraskol, /media/22:58
lolcatDoh, the netinst image is 131 MB22:58
raskolIf not how do I make a fstab entry that will automount the cd?22:59
lolcatWonder if it will be burned before ubuntu crash22:59
macololcat: 131 or 13.1 ?22:59
raskolmongy ? why do you mention /media? it's not automounting there, if that's what you're implying22:59
DasEiraskol: simply create a mountpoint and use /dev/sr022:59
mongyraskol, the disc should.22:59
chaos2358Hi I am running a dual boot laptop ubuntu 10.10 and win xp. I just got an all in one printer "cannon" ubuntu recognized the printer and downloaded/activated the drivers for it but I cant print. when i try the printer is not showing up. can someone help me?22:59
lolcatmaco: 13122:59
VCoolio_joey: what with "cd /home/joey/stata && stata-se" ? is the executable itself not found or does it complain about other stuffnog found?22:59
_joeyVCoolio: yes23:00
_joeyit's executable, it can find the executable23:00
macololcat: ubuntu's netinst? it shouldnt be THAT big...23:00
_joeyit can't find stata directory23:00
_joeythat's the weird message23:00
lolcatmaco: Can it  install it on the usb the netinst is on?23:00
* mongy is beat...to bed and awake in 5 hours..great. night23:01
VCoolio_joey: I don't know; if the shell works, write a little script and execute that in the launcher, like #!/bin/bash and 2nd line /home/joey/stata/stata-se23:01
_joeylet me try this23:02
chaos2358Hi I am running a dual boot laptop ubuntu 10.10 and win xp. I just got an all in one printer "cannon" ubuntu recognized the printer and downloaded/activated the drivers for it but I cant print. when i try the printer is not showing up. can someone help me?23:02
DasEichaos2358: install cups and printer-applet, should be found then23:03
kunwon18kunwon1 here. ##politics  invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! kunwon18 excelsior multipass|2 Daekdroom Enissay_ schweden zi3lak multipass stevieB raskol SamuraiAlba wanderingi WinstonSmith lorph llua alexfpms wiw TheFuzzball mue chaos2358 hzroot skyer2000 Populus le0 navi_sir lolcat shina23:04
kunwon18kunwon1 here. ##politics  invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! CaneToad vitor-br forceflow TrevorP pnealy adrianoc strugart arunce Dr_Willis vultraz Tom-B species freaky[t] cheWie0 Plinker__ alice_ alpharesearch BedMan_ xavi_ Shaun_ dollarbang1 gizmobay e-freenode nadia s_p_or_t_o tlir_ pr23:04
_joeyVCoolio: nope23:04
lolcatHow can I get the livecd out while its running?23:04
FloodBot1kunwon18: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:04
KM0201lolcat: you can't23:04
_joeyVCoolio: cannot find Stata directory23:04
erUSULlolcat: you can't23:04
macololcat: boot with the "toram" argument, if that still works23:04
lolcatIf I force it out?23:05
macololcat: you wont be able to start anything new23:06
macololcat: what is running may turn buggy if it hasnt been fully loaded into ram yet23:06
VCoolio_joey: then I don't know, does it work if you click it in the file manager? Then create a symlink to it on your desktop and drag that onto the panel, maybe works. Else I give up23:06
lolcatI have already startedd brasero23:06
chaos2358DasEi i already have those installed23:06
_joeyVCoolio: it's just fscked up, that's all23:07
mikebotmongy: no luck :(23:07
=== Enissay_ is now known as Enissay
mikebotAnyone know how to install ubuntu when the usb boot doesn't work?23:07
DasEichaos2358: from the system>prefrences should be able to select default printer23:08
ThinkT510mikebot: sorry, mongy left23:08
_joeyVCoolio: may be I will all /home/joey/stata to $PATH ?23:08
DasEimikebot: whole story ?23:08
mikebotThinkT510: Yeah :/23:08
lolcatWhat do I do with boot.img.gz?23:08
Sc0ttThere are usb boot cd's if your comp doesnt' recognize usb as a boot option23:08
mikebotDasEi: When I boot from usb, it quickly goes to the purple screen then straight to a terminal-like screen and a bunch of stuff flashes and it then freezes23:09
chaos2358DasEi, in system>pref i have no options relating to printing23:09
mikebotDasEi: someone else told me to press a button on the purple screen and that brought up menus, but when I tried to run or install, the same terminal thing happened23:09
mikebotDasEi: I also tried doing the noaspci and nomodeset and aspci=off things, but the same result23:09
DasEimikebot: ic, so usb itself works then, try alternate ways of usb utils, what did you use ?23:09
mikebotDasEi: Someone else thought it was my Intel vid card, but I have no clue...23:09
mikebotDasEi: I haven't tried anything else23:10
DasEimikebot: starupcreator, unetbootin, pendrivelinux...23:10
VCoolio_joey: that will only help to execute stata-se directly without path, but give it a shot; you know how to do that?23:10
mikebotDasEi: Oh, I made the usb with pendrivelinux23:10
lolcatHow do I use the boot.img.gz?23:10
_joeyVCoolio: what else can I try?23:10
mikebotDasEi: And I did an md5 thing to check the iso image and it matched up23:10
_joeymaybe it needs to know the directory because it has all config files along with the executable23:11
DasEimikebot: try unetbootin or usb-creator (repo); seems like the boot is fine, but the install to it went wrong, thinkpad is very common and thus thankfull hardware23:11
Pep999Hola a todos23:12
mikebotDasEi: OK.. I also installed it on the usb with pendrive twice... once I formatted the usb myself, second time had pendrive format it23:12
lolcatTo prepare a USB stick, back up any data that you have on it (any data will be overwritten) and zcat boot.img.gz >> /dev/sdX  where X is the letter of your USB stick.  IS that all I have to do?23:12
lolcatNo copying or thinking?23:12
VCoolio_joey: yes, that's why I suggested cd blah && execute, to set current directory first; but add it to $PATH, won't hurt23:12
DasEimikebot: a pre-install to fat is recommended either way23:12
DasEipre-format, mikebot*23:12
mikebotDasEi: OK... Can unetbootin format the usb drive?23:12
DasEimikebot: can, but better use gparted, new partitable, then format to fat32 (16 on older thumbs)23:13
_joeyVCoolio: where did you suggest that?23:14
mikebotDasEi: OK, thank you. I will try both of those23:14
VCoolio_joey: 23:59 CET23:15
_joeyanyway, adding location to path did not solve it23:15
DasEimikebot: also o unetbootin, don't use the whole remaining space of unetbootin offering for persistant storage, just leave a ~200MB blank23:15
mikebotDasEi: Um.. OK.. will that make sense when I open it?23:16
DasEimikebot: which size has the usb ?23:16
VCoolio_joey: put it on ubuntuforums in general help and go to bed before you get frustrated, try again tomorrow23:16
mikebotDasEi: It is 1.9gb23:17
Zepp88Hello all.23:17
Zepp88Has anyone reported issues with Atheros cards after some updates that were pushed recently?23:17
DrGamutDoes the default configuration of ubuntu's apache2 package include rate limiting?23:17
DasEimikebot: roughly estimated the install will fill 800MB, so give 900MB for storage, and unetbootin shall do the job23:18
_joeyVCoolio: I can understand why people are complaining about Desktop usability. Something as simple as running application from the panel and there are so many problems23:18
mikebotDasEi: OK, great, thank you!23:18
_joeyI may just start it from terminal each time23:18
wanderingiif i type in alias rm="rm -i" will that ensure that rm -i is always used when using rm?23:18
DasEimikebot: this way can keep it for later life-purposes and also have room to save things23:19
chaos2358got disconnected but still having printer trouble. I have a canon mp250 all in one. the printer hooks in via usb and though whenen i plug it in the laptop recognizes it, i cannot print23:19
chaos2358DasEi, you still here23:19
DasEiwanderingi: lil' dangerous on rm-commands; can do so in bash.bashrc23:20
DasEichaos2358: yupp23:20
Dr_Willisactually i was thinking rm -i was a default alias in some disrtos23:20
DasEiwanderingi: /etc/bash.bashrc : alias remove="rm"  , for example23:21
Dr_Williswanderingi:  alias's are normally set in .bashrc or .bash_profile or similer file.23:21
Dr_Williswanderingi:  if you wan tthem system wide. the /etc/bash.bashrc is where to go.23:21
chaos2358DasEi ok System>admin>printing shows no default printer. I hit add and the canon MP250 is in the list. I select it and click "forward. It searches for drivers which I have already installed, tells me they are installed and closes I dont know what to do23:21
wanderingiim trying to use vi here, what do i type to get to the end of a line/23:21
MagicJI want to use the gltext screen saver - the documentation tells me that if I add -text hello to the config file ten it should show that text.  I made the change, but nothing seems to have changed.  What do I need to do to tellit to re-read the file, or is there something else I am missing23:21
izinucschaos2358: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131420923:21
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MagicJwanderingi - dollar sign23:22
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wanderingiclass, thanks23:22
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chaos2358izinucs, that link is not relevent. it shows where to get the drivers "which I already have. The printer shows up under add new device but will not print23:24
ravenclawhi, I installed an 10.10 server and am now unable to access my aes encrypted (without luks) disk, cryptdisks_start works but i cant mount (xfs) it, what can i try ? has anything changed ? default options for encryption ?23:25
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MagicJchaos2358 - I had something similar with HP drivers - the soliution was to get them from THEIR site and not the automatic way23:26
Zepp88What package is ath_pci in now?23:26
DasEichaos2358: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1518751 rather, but it's part of cups is why I wonder, is gnome-default-printer installed ?23:26
itaylor57!info ath_pci23:27
ubottuPackage ath_pci does not exist in maverick23:27
Zepp88What was it replaced with?23:27
Flare183!atheros | Zepp8823:27
ubottuZepp88: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:27
=== jmad980 is now known as OOzemeister
chaos2358DasEi I cant find gnome-default-printer in software center23:28
DasEichaos2358: sudo apt-get install eggcups23:29
ActionParsnipDasEi: no way! That's awesome23:29
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DasEiActionParsnip: heh23:29
Zepp88Alright, looks like I have to build the Madwifi package now?23:29
ActionParsnipDasEi: eggcups,thats sweeet23:29
ShowerGoatI'm in the shower right now23:29
donditrying to update man pages...but freezes..any ideas?23:30
chaos2358EGG CUPS23:30
andaiFIle-roller (using 7zip) can't open split-archive ZIP23:30
ActionParsnipchaos2358: yeah, exactly dude23:30
wanderingiisnt $1 in a shell script the first argument?23:30
ActionParsnipandai: install unp and do it at command line23:30
chaos2358DasEi ok now that I have eggcups what do i do? salt em and serve with bacon lol23:30
andaiActionParsnip: ty23:30
ActionParsnipwanderingi: yes, and$0 is how many args have been passed23:31
ActionParsnipchaos2358: try running: system-config-printer    it should run the printer manage app23:31
DasEichaos2358: no, again try default printer from prefrences, if you installed drivers (cups, anyway) should befound23:31
chaos2358DasEi ActionParsnip ok will do both23:32
Assianyone able to help me with a driver malfunktion? everytime i try and install something i get an error message with  "firmware-b43legacy-installer". i have been searching google for a solution. but all i can find tells me to hook up it with a hardline. but i dont have any avalible. anyone know of any other way?23:32
=== paul__ is now known as k4Nn1b4L3
wanderingiif im exiting vi, will :x save my changes and exit?23:34
ActionParsnipwanderingi: :wx23:34
wanderingiok thanks23:35
jribwanderingi: :x does save (but only if changes have been made)23:35
sockPantsubuntu isn't detecting a cd rom after messing with mounts, how do i fix it23:35
john___becoming a linux sys admin should i learn python or perl other?23:36
john38Is there a way to use skype on Pidgin23:37
manasneed some help here23:37
KM0201john38: i don't think so, but skype has a ubuntu version.23:37
manasi have just installed ubuntu23:37
Flare183john38: Yes with a pidgin plugin, but the plugin is in beta23:37
Flare183KM0201: actually you can23:37
manason my sony vaio23:37
KM0201Flare183: ah, hadn't heard that23:37
needlezhi i have a question about writing a script in bash for randomizing my mac address. can someone help?? I have most of it written23:37
john___KM0201: its markoso23:37
Flare183!enter | manas23:37
ubottumanas: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:37
KM0201!enter | manas23:37
john38KM0201, ok isnt there an older skype version instead of 2.1 beta23:37
john___im at work23:37
manasbut my mouse pad doesnt work23:38
KM0201john__: ok.....23:38
manasim sorry23:38
john___becoming a linux sys admin should i learn python or perl other?23:38
griphownHi, good night. Somebody know one good program to migrate Mysql and DBF files to Postgres ??23:38
jribneedlez: just ask but #bash may be more appropriate23:38
john38Flare183, is that plugin available in software center23:38
bikcmpjohn___: python, but i'm biased23:38
Flare183john38: Nope. http://eion.robbmob.com/23:38
bikcmpperl's cool too, or so i hear23:38
=== canon is now known as Acid190
KimKHi, I'm using Ubuntu 10.04, and I'd like to get newer versions of VirtualBox OSE available from Synaptic. I have 3.1.6 (OSE) installed, but it seems like there should be newer ones available. See http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/v/virtualbox-guest-additions/ and http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/v/virtualbox-ose/ for examples. How often does VirtualBox get updated in the repos?23:38
Zepp88Running a wget for the madwifi stuff gives me a 40323:38
john___im learning python now23:38
bikcmpjohn___: python's pretty cool.23:39
needlezI am trying to add a refresh to the browser I'm running in a script after I change my mac address how can I do this??23:39
KM0201Flare183: i see a pidgin-skype plugin in Synaptic... you probably need to add the pidgin PPA23:39
john___ty bikcmp23:39
Flare183KM0201: I'm not sure23:39
manasi have just installed ubuntu on my sony vai, but my mouse pad doesnt work. but when i attach a usm bouse it does what cane be the cause?23:39
KM0201john38: if you add the pidgin PPA, it looks like the pidgin-skype plugin is there23:39
avashi1guys, how do I get HDMI audio to work on dell inspiron 1525.. just installed ubuntu 10.423:39
KimKOr why am I not offered the newer versions from Synaptic/System Update?23:40
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john___KM0201: did you talk with my cousin?23:40
jribKimK: update-manager handles updates for you automatically. Note that in general packages only get updates for "big bugs" and security reasons23:40
KM0201john__: yes, got it fixed23:40
jrib!info virtualbox-ose lucid23:40
ubottuvirtualbox-ose (source: virtualbox-ose): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.6-dfsg-2ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 8071 kB, installed size 28924 kB (Only available for amd64 i386 lpia all)23:40
john___nice ty KM020123:40
cb49747Hello I'm using ubuntu 10.10 on a dell inspiron.  I can not get the wireless working.  It saw the broadcom STA driver is activated and currently in use.  but it will not connect to my wireless lan  any help23:40
john___KM0201:  you rock lol23:40
jribKimK: what ubottu just said is the latest for lucid23:40
KM0201john__: i try.. :)23:40
john___no u do man23:40
KM0201!broadcom | cb4974723:41
ubottucb49747: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx23:41
sockPantsKimK: there's a thing on the virtualbox site for other repos that have 4.023:41
manasi have just installed ubuntu on my sony vai, but my mouse pad doesnt work. but when i attach a usm bouse it does what cane be the cause?23:41
KM0201cb49747: are you on the live cd, or an actual install?23:41
sockPantsi think i've killed my cd-rom drive device in ubuntu, is there any service i can restart to make it work again?23:42
cb49747actual install23:42
john___i think i will stick with python for linux dev and scripts :)23:42
KM0201cb49747: which broadcom device do you have?23:42
cb49747I did a dual boot install23:42
xyz_Hello Leo >>>>>  We Will Miss You........Have a good trip....23:42
KM0201cb49747: which broadcom device is it, do you know?23:43
KimKjrib, sockPants: But the newer versions seem to be sitting there in the repo already. The newer versions won't work with 10.04 (LTS)? How long until the newer versions get back-ported to the LTS version? I'm trying to install CentOS 5.5 in VirtualBox and the CentOS folks say my VirtualBox is too old.23:43
coreireHey. I'm trying to install ubuntu 10.10 on a system I just built. The graphics card is a Radeon 2900xt. When the disc is read, I get an icon that looks like a stick figure at the bottom of the screen for a few seconds, then I get no video output and "No Signal" on my monitor. Any ideas on how to get video output so I can install?23:43
john___I LOVE LINUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK IM AT WORK TIME TO GO roFL23:43
cb49747KM0201 how can I find that out23:43
john3810.10 maverick wont install on Laptop23:44
KM0201cb49747: "lspci" in a terminal should do it (thats a lowercase L) it'll output a bunch of stuff, find your wireless device23:44
tlir_guys, is it possible to add network drives to the Files & Folders side menu in Ubuntu Netbook Edition shell ?23:44
jribKimK: that version you see is likely for maverick or natty.  It may work, but it's not available on lucid because of the update policy I mentioned previously.  If you need later versions, the easiest way is to just use the official vbox repositories as someone else mentioned23:44
chaos2358DasEi ActionParsnip. ok i tried again and it still wouldnt work. so i went and downloaded the debian driver kit from here>> http://support-my.canon-asia.com/contents/MY/EN/0100236101.html << and it downloaded as a tar.gz file. I created a folder and extracted to it. Now what23:44
jribchaos2358: my printer automagically worked when I plugged into my computer and turned it on.  Is that not the case for yours?23:45
DasEichaos2358: you d/l 'ed the deb ?23:46
manashi, i have just installed ubuntu on my sony vaio. my mouse pad doesnt work. but when i attach a USB mouse it does . What to do?23:46
KM0201cb49747: ok... follow the instructions on that link i gave you.. make sure the STA packages are installed properly, and if that doesn't work, try the b43 driver... it's all on that link ubottu gave you a minute ago.23:46
chaos2358Jrib of course it worked automagically. I'm just bored and trying to find out how to make it work manually. DUHHH.23:46
chaos2358DasEi yes23:46
Valynorcb49747: in my experience the best solution to deal with Broadcom wireless cards problems is to trash it and buy something based on the Atheros chipset for less than $10. For that you will get well supported drivers23:46
jribchaos2358: oh you should do something more productive, but to each his own23:46
chaos2358DasEi and extracted it to a folder23:46
DasEichaos2358: sudo dpkg -i cnij<TAB>23:46
DasEiin that folder23:47
Acid190john38: your issue?23:47
cb49747KM thanks I will look at the link23:47
goltoofwhat's an optimal format for a usb 3.0 drive that'll work well with both windows and ubuntu?23:47
Dr_Willisjohn38:  if its nvidia gpu - try the nomodeset option23:47
Dr_Williscoreire:  hit space3 or shift when ya see the man, try the nomodeset option also..23:47
ActionParsnipchaos2358: in the files extracted, you will see deb files23:47
john38Acid190, when i put in i wont get past installation screen23:47
DasEigoltoof: depends on where it's used on mostly23:47
coreireDr_Willis: Thanks, will try that now23:47
cb49747Valynor from what I read on the internet you suggestion seems to be the way to go.23:47
DasEigoltoof: either ext3 or ntfs23:47
* hotrod is away: Gone away for now23:47
sockPantsis there a (short) cli command to change the keyboard layout to dvorak from terminal?23:47
john38Dr_Willis, its Toshiba A665D Laptop brand new23:47
ActionParsnip!away > hotrod23:48
ubottuhotrod, please see my private message23:48
Acid190john38: it hangs? stops? error messages?23:48
goltoofDasEi:  mostly on linux, i'd just like to keep it from getting corrupted when i use it in windows23:48
john38Acid190, wont even load23:48
john38Acid190, i'd say it hangs23:48
DasEigoltoof: use ext3 then and install additional driver for win23:48
goltoofDasEi:  what about ntfs3g ?23:48
john38Acid190, blinking line on top23:48
chaos2358DasEi ok that command is returning nothing23:48
KimKjrib, sockPants: Oh, there's an official Vbox repo? OK, I'll try that. At virtualbox.com I'd guess? I saw the debs, but I really like the automatic updates. Thanks!23:48
wanderingiif i have 1>&2 will that ensure stderr and stdout will write to the one file?23:48
DasEigoltoof: ntfs is supported nativly by ubuntu23:49
sockPantsKimK: yep i used it the other day, hope it works for you23:49
goltoofDasEi:  oh nvm, thats just ntfs driver for linux23:49
nix_goddessany hot linux guys here?23:49
goltoofDasEi:  except for the ability to change file perms23:49
erUSULwanderingi:  > file 2>&123:49
ActionParsnipnix_goddess: this is support only23:49
avashi1guys I am having problem install "wine" .. Wine lets me run window based application on linux23:49
DasEigoltoof: yepp, but for permissions and repair options as for defragging reasons use ext323:49
nix_goddessoh sorry23:49
chaos2358Action Parsnip In the extracted stuff I have "packages, Resources, and an instal.sh but the install.sh wont install in software center when i double click it23:49
Acid190john38: your installing natively? have a fresh cd and clean hdd?23:49
nix_goddessi need support ;)23:49
john38Acid190, i tried desktop, netbook and upgrading from 10.0423:50
ActionParsnipnix_goddess: then ask23:50
DasEigoltoof: the ext3 support works write/reaad and for subdirs, too, not so ext423:50
goltoofnix_goddess:  if you mean hot as in mad linux skills then yes23:50
nix_goddessi need support for my boobs23:50
nix_goddessyes mad skills23:50
john38Acid190, on dvd23:51
Acid190john38: I would hate to recommend a new download, but sometimes that's the case if that dvd can't install at all23:51
ActionParsnipnix_goddess: can you ask an Ubuntu support question, help others or sit quiet/leave23:51
goltoofnix_goddess:  you'd have to be a girl for that support, which isn't likely in your case, and this is for ubuntu support only23:51
nix_goddessaction do you need a release hun you seem rather uptight ;)23:51
john38Acid190, im able to install 10.04 fine23:51
DasEichaos2358: you used TAB for autocomplete, no errors reported, so driver is installed then, restart cups,  try again23:51
goltoof!ot | nix_goddess23:51
ubottunix_goddess: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:51
john38Acid190, so what i should try usb install23:52
Acid190john38: 10.04 is long-term support, 10.10 is not23:52
ActionParsnipnix_goddess: no thanks, I have a girlfriend23:52
gpc!guidelines > nix_goddess23:52
ubottunix_goddess, please see my private message23:52
nix_goddessty goltoof23:52
DasEichaos2358: sudo service cups restart23:52
Acid190I would stick with 10.04 until you find the specific bug with your hardware to 10.1023:52
Assifirmware-b43legacy-installer <-- is there a way to get this thing to work without a hardline?23:52
nix_goddessby guys txt me 760.741.780023:52
DasEi!broadcom| assi23:52
ubottuassi: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx23:52
Acid190nix_goddess was piece of work23:53
ActionParsnipAssi: can you give the exact error you get please, use http://pastie.org   Thanks23:53
john38Acid190, i'd stick with 10.04 if my built in mic worked23:53
ActionParsnipAcid190: I'd have said 'annoying'23:53
=== timo_ is now known as Guest50635
ActionParsnipAssi: and what is a 'hardline'?23:55
chaos2358DasEi ok nothing23:55
AssiActionParsnip: ethernet connection with cable23:55
Acid190john38: so if your mic worked in 10.04 you would be happy?23:55
ActionParsnipAssi: oh, i see. Never heard that one23:56
john38Acid190, i mean hey of course23:56
DasEichaos2358: how's the  printer connected ?23:56
chaos2358DasEi usb23:56
goltoofActionParsnip:  me neither, i've heard 'hardwired'23:56
chaos2358DasEi only otion23:56
DasEichaos2358: lsusb find it ? id ?23:56
AssiActionParsnip: im not running ubuntu on eng, so it might be tricky to understand?23:56
chaos2358DasEi option23:56
zhxkwhere to paste img?23:56
ActionParsnipgoltoof: I guess a wire weaves in a line....23:56
john38Acid190, it would be cool if it worked23:56
chaos2358DasEi wait what? find it in the deb i dl?23:57
Acid190john38: im no guru, unless someone else can help you further, I would google your mic hardware with ubuntu 10.04 and see if a configuration is available23:57
wanderingiif i exit unix but get the message that jobs are still running, what will happen if i try the exit command again?23:57
ActionParsnipAssi: if you run:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -f install    and pastebin the output23:57
DasEichaos2358: no, getting the id under which ubuntu connects it23:57
DasEichaos2358: lsusb in terminal23:57
needlezwho was having the issue with the broadcom??23:58
john38Acid190, i dont know what kind of built in camera mic it is i know if use alc269 sound23:58
goltoofActionParsnip:  then again calling a line or a wire "hard" would imply a "soft" variant23:58
Dr_Williswanderingi:  they get closed i imagine.23:58
Acid190john38: there may be just a hardware update for the mic once you have 10.04 installed instead of upgrading all the way to 10.1023:58
chaos2358DasEi Bus 001 Device 004: ID 04a9:173a Canon, Inc.23:58
john38Acid190, ok23:58
DasEichaos2358: so usb not disabled23:59
chaos2358DasEi I guess not23:59
needlezis there anyway to tell a bash script to refresh the webpage im on??23:59

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