
eternalstupid people01:01
bazhangeternal, please not again01:02
eternalshut up01:02
eternaldon't tell me please again01:02
eternalor i will enter all the channels01:02
Mokstar_I'm trying to make a persistent LiveSD02:52
Mokstar_I've made one with the Universal USB Installer on Windows, how do I make it go right into the OS rather than the "try ubuntu, install ubuntu, memtest86" menu?02:53
bazhang!usb | Mokstar_02:53
ubottuMokstar_: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent02:53
bazhanglast link Mokstar_02:53
Mokstar_looks like I need to edit syslinux.cfg, right?03:03
bazhangdid you check that guide? set to boot from sd card in bios?03:08
Mokstar_that part I've handled, it's booting fine03:10
Mokstar_just trying to snip out the menu03:10
Mokstar_just so you guys know, in case some poor windows n00b comes in and asks something like, "How do I get my xubuntu SD card to boot quickly into the OS without hitting the menu?"03:52
Mokstar_you can tell them, "edit /syslinux/syslinux.cfg and set the 'timeout' value to 1"03:52
Mokstar_just thought I'd pass that along03:53
* WebDawg zZzZzZzZz04:43
Mokstar_cannot stat /vmlinuz05:04
Mokstar_what does "stat" mean?05:04
thauriswulfa1QUESTION: sound not working,external creative sound card , can anybody help?06:38
Sysiinstall pavucontrol and set up pulseaudio06:41
thauriswulfais there any version of mplayer for xubuntu07:10
Sysibasicalle all of them, not xfce-specific ui afaik07:11
thauriswulfaactually i am having problems with exaile it kind of hangs on some songs and stop working07:12
thauriswulfaany solution07:12
Sysido you have xubuntu-restricted-extras installed?07:13
thauriswulfadon't kno07:13
thauriswulfawhat are those?07:13
Sysicodecs, flash, java07:13
Sysiit's single package07:14
thauriswulfahow to install07:14
Sysilike other packages07:14
thauriswulfathanx sysi07:15
mohddzulffiqarhi people..07:20
bazhangask a question07:21
mohddzulffiqardo you know how to install browser minefied???07:22
bazhang!find minified07:23
ubottuPackage/file minified does not exist in maverick07:23
bazhangno such package07:23
mohddzulffiqaroic...sorry..this is my first  time using xubuntu07:23
mohddzulffiqari dont know where to start my journey07:24
gr8m8you're off to a good start having found irc already mohddzulffiqar07:25
mohddzulffiqarthere is a way to install VLC media player??07:29
gr8m8!info vlc07:30
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.4-1ubuntu1.3 (maverick), package size 2001 kB, installed size 4512 kB07:30
Sysiwith ubuntu software center for example07:30
mohddzulffiqartq very much!!!07:31
[[n1x]]Anyone know if xfce 4.8 allows right click menu editing?07:37
Sysi4.8 is just available in test version, not supported here07:38
Sysiyou i guess you can try wth alacarte07:38
[[n1x]]4.8 is stable not test07:39
bazhang#ubuntu+1 has it07:39
Sysiit's not available in stable ubuntu repositories07:39
bazhang[[n1x]], its in the alpha version of xubuntu07:40
[[n1x]]Sysi thought it was test since its in the alpha of xubuntu07:41
bazhanghe's right. its in the alpha version of xubuntu07:41
Sysi[[n1x]]: i said it's not available for stable ubuntu (exept compiling)07:43
Sysii know it's released stable xfce version07:43
Sysi(you can notice me in nick list at #xfce)07:44
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TornadoXubuntuHello! Please the right click of my mouse on my desktop is delaying a lot (around 10 seconds). I have installed the xfApplet and some other programs yesterday where the problem appeared thereafter. I am using [Xubuntu 10.10, XFCE, Thunar File manager]08:30
TornadoXubuntuany ideas or suggestions please?08:31
AscavasaionI have an AMD Duron 1300MHz machine, 30Gb HDD and 384M RAM.  I have two different graphics cards and two monitors.  What Distro would run the best on it?  I tried Puppy, but its kernel does not allow VGA arbiter which is key to enabling dual display support.  Any advice pelase.10:40
Sysixubuntu should work on that ram, you could try lubuntu too10:43
AscavasaionBut do their kernels have VGA arbiter enabled?10:43
Sysiidk what that means10:44
Sysiwhat is that graphics card?10:44
AscavasaionSysi: It is what the kernel needs to allow Xorg to use two different graphics cards and two moiitors10:46
Sysiit's not gonna be easy abyway, but maybe possible10:46
faLUCEhi, is that compatible with ubuntu? http://www.jetwaycomputer.com/NC97.html10:47
faLUCESysi: :)10:53
faLUCEI need a deterministic answer10:53
Sysiit's standard intel chipset, but never sure about suspends+stuff11:06
faLUCESysi: what's suspends + stuff?11:10
Sysisuspend may not work, google knows11:10
faLUCEand stuff?11:10
knomefaLUCE, you should test the live cd. that will give you a good estimate if it's working well with ubuntu.11:11
faLUCEknome: If I could... I would11:11
faLUCEbut I can't11:11
knomeanyway, you shouldn't irc as root11:11
faLUCEknome: I know11:12
faLUCEknomw, I wonder if there's a website that list the mboards tested with ubuntu11:14
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sythI would like to setup a media server for the users here at work.16:48
sythLooking for something web based and simple16:48
Sysiwhan kind of media server and how web-based16:50
sythi need suggestions on the media server17:09
sythMythTV, etc.17:10
sythbut just for streaming audio and maybe video17:10
bazhangmpd? mediatomb?17:12
bazhang!info mediatomb17:13
ubottumediatomb (source: mediatomb): UPnP MediaServer (main package). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12.1-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 22 kB, installed size 104 kB17:13
Sysipulseaudio can stream audio but idk how easy it is17:13
sythmediatomb huh.17:23
sythI'll look into it. Thanks!17:24
mythidcan anyo0ne tell me how to update my package software catalog?17:24
bazhangsudo apt-get update17:28
charlie-tca!hi, xandlom19:31
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!19:31
utotwelIs it possible to change where the Places -> Documents, Music, etc. directories are located?19:31
xandlomcharlie-tca: How are you?19:33
xandlomI am first time on channel.19:33
charlie-tcautotwel: you can remove them from /home and add them elsewhere, but some will be rebuilt at startup19:34
charlie-tcaxandlom: doing fine.19:34
utotwelcharlie-tca: cool. is there a way to "remap" those menu items under Places to the new locations?19:35
charlie-tcaI do it by right-click, send shortcut to side, then right click the shortcut and rename it, like usr-Documents19:36
charlie-tcaIt keeps it from being overwritten then19:36
utotwelcharlie-tca: thanks!19:36
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charlie-tcaYou can also try removing them from /etc/xdg/user-dirs.defaults, but I don't know what it does to remove them completely19:38
charlie-tcaI change some names there, and it works19:38
charlie-tcaThat might move, though, in future releases19:38
utotwelok thanks for the info19:39
charlie-tcaYou are welcome19:40
charlie-tcagood luck19:42
charlie-tca!hi | ubottu19:47
ubottucharlie-tca: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!19:47
sockPantshi all20:00
sockPantsi'm trying to install xubuntu via pxe20:00
sockPantsi just copied the /install/netboot folder to the tftpboot folder and it boots, but it boots into an installer that wants to download everything off the internet but the system has no internet connection.20:00
sockPantshow can i make it install from the iso20:00
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate20:14
sockPantsthe only relevant piece i can find already is local net boot, which doesn't work.20:42
sockPantsi've added a boot menu entry for 'live' and it actually works, but it still boots the same installer which still wants to download from the internet20:43
ahklernerhow can i fix my panel? my computer was acting real laggy and i rebooted, now i dont have a panel. running the xfce4-panel gives me some yuck one, can i get my setup back somehow?22:28
ubottuDid your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/22:29
ahklernerif i go to panel in settings nothing ever comes up22:29
pleia2the help links may offer some suggestions22:29
ahklernerok thank you22:30
mark76That's better :)23:10
nekoCATI have a quick question.  Does XFCE have a menu editor?23:46
mark76It does in 4.823:46
charlie-tcabut you can use any editor such as alacarte to edit menus in 4.823:47
nekoCAT4.8 has a menu editor? How do I launch it then?23:48
charlie-tcano, it does not23:48
charlie-tcabut you can use any editor such as alacarte to edit menus in 4.823:48
charlie-tcasudo apt-get install alacarte23:49
nekoCATIs there a way to install Alacarte without the Gnome dependencies?23:49
charlie-tcabut you can use any menu editor, too. It does not have to be alacarte23:50
nekoCATDo you have any recommendations then for a lightweight menu editor?23:53
charlie-tcasorry, no, I don't23:53
nekoCATOkay, thanks.23:54

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