
ubottuUbuntu bug 702706 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] QtGstreamer should be packaged" [Wishlist,Fix released]00:23
afiestas__but apt-cache search gstreamer | grep -i qt returns 0 :p00:23
afiestas__(well a telepathy stuff which is not QtGst)00:23
JontheEchidnaIt's in new queue at the moment: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+queue00:33
afiestas__oh :p00:34
JontheEchidnaQtGstreamer is infinitely nicer to use than raw GStreamer00:38
DarkwingDuckWhoot my VB works again.00:53
DarkwingDuckrather VM00:53
JontheEchidnawtf, I have a video paused in dragon player and I keep getting these vlc popups02:31
JontheEchidnaof random pictures02:32
JontheEchidnalike a grilled cheese sandwhich and a bottle of milk02:32
JontheEchidnaok, they're pictures on my hdd02:43
afiestas__JontheEchidna: ping03:26
JontheEchidnaafiestas__: pong03:27
afiestas__JontheEchidna: with all this "noise" about "App Stores" I'm wondering what is the current status of muon/packagekit/KPackageKit etc03:28
afiestas__does muon work (or could work) with packagekit?03:28
afiestas__do you have any plans to join forces with KPackageKit ?03:28
JontheEchidnaI personally believe that PackageKit is flawed and that a least common denominator solution can't compare to a fully-integrated solution03:31
jjessehrmm the installer is stopping for me under the daily03:32
afiestas__JontheEchidna: oks03:34
JontheEchidnathe gross inadequancy of PK back a year ago was what drove me to start the whole Muon thing. I didn't expect PK to at least become somewhat adequate, but I still believe that the tight apt integration Muon has can deliver a better experience03:34
jjessehrmm ok don't know if anyone is around but after putting in my username and password ubiquity stops and sends me back to the desktop on today's daily03:40
DarkwingDuckjjesse: I found a god daily03:49
jjessehrmm i haven't :(03:50
jjessebut now it is time for bed03:50
DarkwingDuckjjesse: I'll upload it and email it to you03:50
DarkwingDuckjjesse: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/20110131.2/03:51
DarkwingDuckthe i386 ISO is good for install03:51
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apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you are incredibly hot07:54
apacheloggeror maybe 114 degrees f are not that hot, though then the red-ness indicator on the plasmoid is wrongish07:54
ulyssesUDS in Corinthia Grand Hotel Royal, Budapest, 9-13 May 201107:55
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you are not around by any chance?08:23
apacheloggerulysses: uhhh08:23
apacheloggerNightrose: there, I cannot attend linuxtag either08:23
apacheloggerulysses: that is the same week linuxtag in berlin is :D08:23
* apachelogger withdraws his 3 papers08:23
jussiHrm, How do I install/use the git/svn plugins in 4.6? 08:36
apacheloggerjussi: you install kdesdk-dolphin-plugins and actiavte them in the dolphinzzz08:42
jussikdesdk-dolphin-plugins is already the newest version08:43
jussioh...found it! :D08:44
apacheloggerulysses: do you happen to know where one can apply for sponsorship yet?08:46
* apachelogger has ever so great plans08:46
ulyssesapachelogger: no, I just know this page: https://launchpad.net/sprints/uds-o08:46
apacheloggerthat is the stranges t thing evar08:48
apacheloggerthat is the funniest thing evar08:49
ulyssesfour people of the attendees are hungarian now:>08:50
apacheloggerthat is not the funny bit :P08:50
* apachelogger recons there are hungarians in hungary08:51
* apachelogger joins the fun08:51
valoriepage is definitely up09:45
valoriewhether or not they want us to use it09:45
apacheloggerwhen it is up you gotta use it ^^09:48
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
valoriewould be funny if the first 10 applicants were all KOO buntu09:51
valoriecan't decide if I should apply or not09:52
valoriewould be soooo fun though09:52
apacheloggerdo it09:52
ulysseshm, I should change the name in the form, but I can't09:55
nigelbI wonder if valorie ever sleeps :O09:56
valoriein maybe a half hour I will 10:00
valoriebut night is when I can get some work done10:00
valorieno interruptions10:00
nigelbI agree with that10:00
nigelbsame here10:00
valorieotoh, I have my music on random, and just got Britney: Baby One More Time10:02
valorieone of the most common earworms evar10:02
ulysseswhat does „Would you be willing to participate as member of the crew?” mean?10:05
valorieulysses: one day during uds, you run around replacing the signs for the various sessions10:07
valorieit's fun, and you get a shirt10:08
ulyssesoh, then I answer yes10:08
valorieyou do it with a partner10:08
valorieyou do have to leave sessions a few minutes early, which can suck a bit10:08
valoriebut you and your partner work it out10:08
valorieI partnered with Vish10:09
ulyssesI could be the first at the bar for a beer then:P10:09
valoriewell, this is during the day10:09
valoriehopefully that's *after*10:09
valorieok, nothing ventured, nothing gained -- applied10:16
ulysseswhat have to I write as further information? Shall I write that I'm a student, so I can't go without support, or something better?10:17
nigelbwait, sponsorship is open?10:18
nigelbdid someone actually announce UDS?10:18
nigelbgenerally jorge or jono blogs about it first10:18
valorieulysses: last time I just applied more on a dare than anything else10:19
valorieand was accepted late10:19
nigelbI don't want to remember last time :/10:19
valorieare you coming this time, nigelb?10:19
valorieWE MISSED YOU10:19
nigelbvalorie: I don't know.  Far too many variables this time around.10:19
valorielots of variables for me too, but I figured -- why not ask10:20
valorieI can always say no10:20
valorietrue to my word, off to bed....10:41
c2tarunyofel: hi, I am here. I was going through ur page, so there are three ways in which i can contribute into kubuntu dev?10:46
* apachelogger would think there are more10:52
yofelc2tarun: welcome, those aren't the only ways, and packaging and being a ninja go hand in hand10:53
c2tarunyofel: thanks :) what are the other ways?10:53
yofelapachelogger: meet c2tarun, found him in #kubuntu desperately wanting to become a ninja ;)10:53
c2tarunhi apachelogger :)10:53
apacheloggerI can see why10:54
apacheloggerc2tarun: ahoy ahoy10:54
c2tarunwhat happend? :/10:54
c2tarunnot exactly coz of that pic :) but ya somehow it sounds cool :P10:55
apacheloggerthat one is more like10:55
c2tarunhmm.... :/10:56
apacheloggerQuintasan: c2tarun shall be your first padawan10:56
c2tarunsure :) just tell me what is a padawan?10:58
c2tarunapart from aprentice10:58
tsimpsonjust that10:58
c2tarunok :) 10:58
apacheloggerthe stage before becoming minion, which is the stage before becoming developer of somesort10:58
apacheloggerone becomes a ninja somewhere between minion and developer10:59
c2tarunhow can i start?11:00
apacheloggerc2tarun: that is for Quintasan to decide, but I suppose you could just read a bit through the packaging guide https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete until he arrives11:01
c2tarunapachelogger: I already read this page. few months back, on this page all is written use of some tools for packaging, I don't actually understood any concept of packaging :( (I am not blaming anyone, I am just saying)11:03
apacheloggerc2tarun: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deb_(file_format) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dpkg11:04
c2tarunapachelogger: ok, this page is good :) i'll read it. by the way is there really anything known as padawan in kubuntu-devel?11:05
apacheloggerno, george lucas would probably sue us ^^11:06
apacheloggerofficially there is contributor and developer11:06
c2tarunwhat do contributors do?11:07
yofelc2tarun: there's also http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ which you should know and keep as a reference (yo don't need to understand everything at once) - and also http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/ as another introduction guide11:07
apacheloggerc2tarun: regular patch contribution etc. etc.11:07
apacheloggercontributors do generally not have upload rights but developers do11:07
apacheloggerwhich is really the only difference11:08
c2tarunapachelogger: one more thing, while reading i got this term a lot Patching, Can u please explain me a bit?11:08
apacheloggerc2tarun: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patch_(computing)11:09
apacheloggeralso the appropriate linux app: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patch_(Unix)11:09
apacheloggerc2tarun: basically a patch is just a text file representing the difference between one file and another11:09
apachelogger(or a bunch of files for that matter)11:09
=== wgrant_ is now known as wgrant
c2tarunlike a .diff file?11:10
apacheloggerpatch is just the more general term11:11
apacheloggeras a patch can also be a binary executable that manipulates another binary executable11:11
apacheloggersay that is a diff and a patch11:11
apacheloggerit is a diff because,. well, because it is one ;)11:11
apacheloggerand a patch because it fixes something11:11
c2tarunok. 11:12
apacheloggerthough generally those two words are used as synonyms11:12
c2tarunso after reading the documentations, where can i start?11:12
apacheloggerc2tarun: find something that annoys you and do something about it ;)11:12
apacheloggerc2tarun: or look for cool new software that might need packaging11:13
apacheloggerkde-apps.org or qt-apps.org are generally good places to look for that sort of thing11:13
c2tarunapachelogger: ya where can i look for those softwares that might need packaging?11:13
c2tarunapachelogger: sorry to ask this, but where in kde-apps.org?11:15
apacheloggermian page mainly11:17
apacheloggerc2tarun: bangarang has a new version out11:17
apacheloggerI do not think we have that yet11:17
apachelogger!info bangarang natty11:18
ubottubangarang (source: bangarang): Multimedia player with a lightweight interface for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-1ubuntu1 (natty), package size 319 kB, installed size 1508 kB11:18
apacheloggerthere, 2.0 is new and we have 1.0.111:18
apacheloggeryou could update that bugger11:18
c2tarunsorry, but what do u mean by we have?11:19
c2tarunapachelogger: ^^11:21
apacheloggerc2tarun: the ubuntu archive11:21
apacheloggercontains version 1.0.1 of bangarang11:21
c2tarunapachelogger: I think u told that only developers can access the archive. And exactly how to do that?11:22
c2tarunapachelogger: I just checked we don't have 2.0 there11:22
apacheloggerc2tarun: you update the package, create a debdiff, then either report a bug report and subscribe sponsors or find someone in here to sponsor the upload11:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sponsoring11:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sponsor11:28
apacheloggerubottu: you are useless my friend11:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sponsorship11:29
apacheloggerubottu: silly beast11:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about silly beast11:29
apacheloggeryes you are11:29
c2tarunapachelogger: hehehe... anyway leave the bot :)11:30
apacheloggerok, current sponsorship information is absolutely worthless to beginners11:30
apacheloggerc2tarun: just poke Quintasan_ once you have a debdiff11:30
apacheloggerhe will guide you11:30
c2tarunI'll read the packaging again :) and i'll try to create a debdiff for 2.011:31
c2tarunsure i'll come back with debdiff.11:31
jussiapachelogger: leave my poor little girl bot alone!11:48
jussi!search sponsor11:49
ubottuFound: 11:49
jussiapachelogger: what shoudl that factoid say? 11:49
apacheloggerjussi: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess11:59
apacheloggerbut since that page is utterly useless...12:00
jussiapachelogger: write me 1 line that you want it to say...12:01
apacheloggerjussi: If you know what distributed development is: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess12:01
jussiapachelogger: how about: If you have made a package and would like to get it uploaded to the official Ubuntu repository, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess12:02
apacheloggerjussi: that is not what the page is bout12:03
apacheloggerthat might actually be more useful12:04
RiddellQuintasan_: E: libqtglib-2.0-0: symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision on symbol _ZNK5QGlib5Value3getI7QStringEET_Pb@Base and 7 others12:53
c2tarunfor packaging which is best, pbuilder, chroot or installing a distro using virtual box?13:20
shadeslayerc2tarun: pbuilder13:24
c2tarunshadeslayer: thanks :)13:25
shadeslayerc2tarun: i mean pbuilder works out the best for me13:25
shadeslayerand then there's !best13:26
c2tarunshadeslayer: can u please tell me the diff b/w pbuilder and chroot?13:26
shadeslayerc2tarun: a pbuilder is a clean chroot13:27
c2tarunshadeslayer: sorry not getting, any operational difference.13:27
shadeslayerif you create a chroot .. you might dirty it ( installing build deps etc )13:27
shadeslayerwhereas the pbuilder is always ( mostly ) clean13:27
shadeslayerc2tarun: use a pbuilder ... its the best packaging tool 13:28
c2tarunshadeslayer: but I have a problem, I dont have very fast internet connection so as to download dependencies each and every time. but I have 30GB or partition in which kubuntu is installed.13:28
c2tarunof partition*13:29
shadeslayerc2tarun: the build deps are cached13:29
c2tarunshadeslayer: that's good :)13:30
c2taruni'll go for pbuilder then. Thanks 13:30
apacheloggersurely shadeslayer has worse intarwebs connection13:31
shadeslayerprobably :S13:31
apacheloggeralso he has net neutrality even though I still do not know what it is13:32
shadeslayerask kubotu .. he knows all13:32
c2tarunapachelogger: :D not worse than mine, my download speed is max 50kbps :)13:32
shadeslayerc2tarun: worse13:32
apachelogger:D :D :D13:32
apacheloggernet neutrality has its price it would appear13:32
c2tarunshadeslayer: even slower than mine?13:32
apacheloggershadeslayer: did you write a blog post yet?13:32
shadeslayerapachelogger: too busy fixoring LP + rekonq for you13:33
apacheloggeroh, I do not care13:33
apacheloggerI do not use either of those products anymore13:33
apacheloggerchromium and bugzilla work very well I must say13:33
shadeslayers/you/anyone who cares13:34
shadeslayerapparently kwebkitpart works ... i commented out stuff that was causing issues, yet it does not work -.-13:34
* Riddell cares13:35
shadeslayersee :P13:35
shadeslayerhttp://paste.kde.org/3885 << is supposed to work13:36
shadeslayeryet it doesnt13:36
apacheloggershadeslayer: why would that be worky?13:47
shadeslayerapachelogger: because kdewebkit is now fixored13:47
shadeslayerhas all those operations13:47
shadeslayerand i think its the CustomOperations stuff that caused issues13:48
apacheloggeroh, did I mention that this code was most silly :P13:48
shadeslayerapachelogger: it was there because kdewebkit did not support those operations ( see the comments )13:48
apacheloggeryes, still the code is silly13:48
shadeslayerwell now its gone13:48
apacheloggershadeslayer: why does it not work?13:49
shadeslayerapachelogger: no idea13:49
shadeslayernigelb: ^^ :P13:49
apacheloggerhow does the notworkingness presents itself?13:49
shadeslayeryou know what to say :P13:49
shadeslayerapachelogger: go to any bug in lp ... comment on bug ... shows up [object Object] instead of comment13:49
shadeslayersame thing with konqueror works13:50
apacheloggerbecause konqueror is supreme13:50
shadeslayerkonqueror + kwebkitpart that is13:50
apacheloggershadeslayer: surely you are just using a wrong kdeinit lib again :P13:50
apacheloggerthen the issue is not fixed?13:50
shadeslayerapachelogger: in kdewebkit?13:51
shadeslayerits fixed in kdewebkit since it works with konqueror + webkitpart from git13:52
shadeslayerverified it myself13:52
apacheloggerthat is flawed reasoning13:52
apacheloggermaybe the webkit part also works around it13:52
shadeslayerhmm .. dont think so ... lemme check13:53
shadeslayerdoesnt look like it13:54
apacheloggermaybe rekonq is just broken...13:54
apacheloggeror maybe kwebkitpart messes with things elsewhere13:54
apachelogger#define QL1S(x) QLatin1String(x)13:54
apacheloggeruh lovely13:54
* apachelogger feels like doing some java now13:55
shadeslayerROFL : https://projects.kde.org/projects/extragear/base/kwebkitpart/repository/revisions/master/entry/src/networkaccessmanager.cpp13:55
shadeslayershadeslayer@saphira /media/Data/rekonq/build ±master⚡ » sudo make java13:55
shadeslayerlook what you made me do13:55
apacheloggerwhy do you make with sudo13:58
claydohRiddell: sorry I'm a day late, but yes I can do the announcement if you still need it13:58
apacheloggeryou are mad, a mad hatter you are!!!13:58
shadeslayerbecause i dont have rekonq installed from packages13:58
shadeslayerand i use rekonq from git13:59
apacheloggeralso I should be messing with likelihoods and stuff13:59
apacheloggershadeslayer: one installs to ones home13:59
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/3889/ << kio_http logs13:59
apacheloggerexcept for phonon that will just refuse to be installed to $home :D :D:D13:59
Riddellclaydoh: you're still two days early :)13:59
claydohRiddell: sweet14:00
shadeslayeri cleared them logs before i commented14:00
* claydoh is still eagerly awaiting his ebay purchase: a dualcore dell laptop that isn't quite so ancient, can't wait to install Kubuntu on that one :)14:01
apacheloggershadeslayer: from restomp?14:02
shadeslayerapachelogger: whut?14:02
claydohapachelogger:  ^^ maybe that is something I can blog about :)14:02
apacheloggerclaydoh: what if kubuntu does not work on it?14:02
apacheloggerclaydoh: you could also blog about how cool kde is ;)14:02
claydohapachelogger: it should14:02
claydohit is :)(14:02
shadeslayerDell + Kubuntu works out pretty well14:03
apacheloggershadeslayer: is that log from restomp or from konquerr0r?14:03
shadeslayerits from rekonq14:03
shadeslayervia kdebugdialog14:03
apacheloggernow where is the error there?14:03
claydohshadeslayer: part of the reason I chose it14:03
apacheloggerI do not see no error14:03
shadeslayeri dont see any error too14:03
apacheloggerI blame it on rekum14:03
shadeslayerthats the problem -.-14:03
apacheloggerkio does it all just as it should14:03
c2tarunneed help in setting pbuilder environment :(14:04
apacheloggershadeslayer: maybe it is distrubed by the first sending that sorta went kaput14:04
apacheloggerkio_http(24502)/kio_http_debug HTTPProtocol::sendQuery: Connection broken! ( "bugs.staging.launchpad.net" )   -- intended to write 958 bytes but wrote -1 .14:05
ubottupbuilder is a system to easily build packages in a clean chroot environment. To get started with PBuilder, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto14:05
apacheloggerc2tarun: ^14:05
shadeslayermaybe something wrong here : http://paste.kde.org/389114:05
c2tarunapachelogger: I was reading the same page, I have a question, like in chroot we have to login by chroot command and then our system locks into chroot env. is there anything like that in pbuilder?14:06
apacheloggershadeslayer: gdb will tell14:06
apacheloggerc2tarun: pbuilder login14:06
apacheloggerc2tarun: why would you want to login though?14:07
c2tarunapachelogger: don't know, I thought that like in chroot we have to login, in this also we must. 14:07
shadeslayerc2tarun: nope14:07
* apachelogger throws some hypotheses at shadeslayer14:08
shadeslayeruse pdebuild!14:08
apacheloggertake that H_0 and feed it to rekonqw14:08
apacheloggerc2tarun: sudo pbuilder build some_new_packages.dsc14:08
apacheloggerthat will autobuild the source package of that .dsc and spew it somewhere14:09
apacheloggerthough I cant recall where it spews by default14:09
apacheloggerprobably somewhere in /var/cache/pbuilder14:09
c2tarunapachelogger:  ok thanks :)14:09
* shadeslayer reads gdb man page14:09
apacheloggershadeslayer: the efficient developer makes it spew into .local/share/Trash/files btw :P14:10
shadeslayerhahaha :P14:10
shadeslayerthe most efficient developer makes it spew into /tmp14:10
apacheloggerbad idea14:11
apacheloggerthen your system goes crashy crashy and all is gone14:11
shadeslayerah see ... i have my /tmp set to erase after 2 reboots14:11
apacheloggeralso maybe you are building software under NDA, then you should not have it outside your precious home at all :P14:11
apacheloggershadeslayer: I have my /tmp to point to /dev/null :P14:11
shadeslayerlol :P14:12
c2tarunapachelogger: 'sudo pbuilder create' will create a chroot. but of which version? 14:12
apacheloggermaverick by default14:13
apachelogger--distribution natty will make it natty14:13
apacheloggeror you create a .pbuilderrc in your home14:13
apacheloggerand write DIST=natty in there14:13
apacheloggerand . /etc/pbuilderrc or something like that14:13
shadeslayeror read the wiki page14:14
apacheloggeractually it is14:14
c2tarunapachelogger: thanks :)14:14
shadeslayerapachelogger: you actually have the full thing in there? "DISTRIBUTION"14:14
shadeslayeri just use DIST=14:14
apacheloggershadeslayer: you know, I believe Quintasan_ is a bad master to c2tarun14:14
apacheloggershadeslayer: I have a full blown pbuilderrc from back in the days14:15
apacheloggerlike when ScottK still was young and stuff :P14:15
apacheloggerand since it is so old it is filled up with precious pirate booty, most terrific14:15
apacheloggerthe pbuilderrc that is, not ScottK14:16
shadeslayerapachelogger: hmm ... i cant seem to work out setting a break point in rekonq/src/networkaccessmanager.cpp:createRequest14:16
apacheloggerI am not even sure what it does14:16
apacheloggersurely something buggy14:16
apacheloggerotherwise I would remember14:16
shadeslayer(gdb) break networkaccessmanager:createRequest No source file named networkaccessmanager.  Make breakpoint pending on future shared library load? (y or [n])14:16
apacheloggeras it says14:16
Riddellwaa, kdebindings doesn't compile on arm if I remove the qreal_double stuff, it just fails further on :(14:16
apacheloggerthere is no such source file :P14:16
shadeslayerapachelogger: same thing with networkaccessmanager.cpp14:17
apacheloggeryou can also define the break by class btw14:17
* apachelogger finds that more comfortable14:17
ari-tczewRiddell: did you see choqok request?14:17
apacheloggeralso it then can autocomplete for you14:17
apachelogger(if the appropriate symbols are loaded)14:17
shadeslayerthe symbols are loaded afaik14:18
apacheloggerthen just tip it14:18
shadeslayerReading symbols from /usr/local/bin/rekonq...done.14:18
apacheloggertab it14:18
Riddellari-tczew: no, where?14:18
apacheloggeremit giggle(GiggleShaldon);14:18
ari-tczewRiddell: bug 71098114:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 710981 in choqok (Ubuntu) "New upstream release 1.0" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71098114:18
shadeslayerall i get is a bunch of weird looking vars like __CTOR_END__14:18
apacheloggerthen the symbols are not loaded14:19
apacheloggeror you are not good at tabbing14:19
apacheloggeryou type14:19
apacheloggerNetworkAccessManager::tab tab tab tab tab type something tab tab tab type something more tab tab tab enter14:19
apacheloggerunless you are in a namespace14:19
apacheloggerthen of course you need to prefix the namespace and stuff14:19
shadeslayerapachelogger: i just did : gdb rekonq -> (gdb) break NetworkAccessManager::<tab> ... nothing14:21
apacheloggerthat is because the symbols are not loaded :P14:21
apacheloggerrun rekonq without bp once14:22
apacheloggerthen ctrl^c14:22
apacheloggerand then you can set the bp for sure14:22
apacheloggerunless you built without debug symbols ;) ;)14:22
* apachelogger hands shadeslayer some more hypotheses14:23
shadeslayeromg symbohls!!!14:23
apacheloggerby ze way14:23
Riddellari-tczew: what were the troubles with packaging upstream?14:23
ari-tczewRiddell: with old format debuild creates *0ubuntu.tar.gz - source + /debian/ in one.14:24
apacheloggerabout my java exercise thingy we had a final presentation and I am not sure why but it ended in me bashing my group's tutor for proposing to introduce everywhere and in the ear of the customer and stuff14:24
apacheloggerthe java fanbois obsession with interfaces is rather scary14:24
shadeslayerapachelogger: also i found out why i make leaky programs14:24
shadeslayerit comes from my teachers14:24
Riddellari-tczew: oh that's because it's a .bz2 and source format 1 doesn't do those14:25
shadeslayerthey go " Oh! no need to delete that pointer, the OS will take care of it itself "14:25
apacheloggerwhut? :O14:25
shadeslayeri spent 30 mins arguing that she should delete the pointer14:25
ari-tczewRiddell: I'd like to not recreate upstream tarball. Hope you understand my point.14:25
shadeslayerapachelogger: that too in Jahvah14:25
apacheloggerin java you do not delete ptrs in java14:25
Riddellari-tczew: yes that's fine, uploaded, thanks14:26
apacheloggerin java you do not delete no nothing14:26
apacheloggerin java you have a garbage collector14:26
apacheloggerso you pray to good that the garbage collector has a smart algorithm14:26
apacheloggerof course it does not14:26
apacheloggerbut that is not the point14:26
ari-tczewRiddell: many thanks ;-)14:26
c2tarunin the manual of pbuilder, it is written to install debian-archive-keyring but didn't explain why. I tried to google the term but failed to find material of what an debian-archive-keyring is?14:26
Riddellneversfelde: ping update needed on bug 70640914:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 706409 in kid3 (Ubuntu) "kid3 new upstream release 1.5 and move to universe" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70640914:27
shadeslayerapachelogger: how do you remove breakpoints?14:27
apacheloggerc2tarun: it is a package that contains the gpg keys with which the official debian archive packages are signed14:27
apacheloggerit is needed so that authenticy of the packages can be ensured14:27
apacheloggerour pbuilder does that automagically for the ubuntu archive keys14:27
apacheloggershadeslayer: questions you ask...14:28
apacheloggerdel I think14:28
apacheloggerme hasnt done gdb debugging in years14:28
apacheloggermonths maybe14:28
c2tarunthanks 14:28
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
Quintasan>implying old stuff is always good14:31
Quintasanapachelogger: ^14:31
QuintasanReferring to your "magical" pbuilderrc14:31
Quintasanshadeslayer: >they go " Oh! no need to delete that pointer, the OS will take care of it itself "14:32
QuintasanAre you serious?14:32
QuintasanThis is soo....sooo... soomething it's not even funny :O14:33
apacheloggerQuintasan: say hi to your padawn you unfriendly troll :P14:34
QuintasanIf you are referring to c2tarun then we must first ask him if he want to join our ranks14:35
apacheloggerin my C course you got -50% on points if you memleaked ;)14:35
Quintasanc2tarun: Anyways, hello there :)14:35
c2tarunhi I am here.14:35
c2tarunQuintasan: hello :)14:35
* apachelogger personally would have gone for -90 but oh well14:35
Quintasanapachelogger: That's a good course14:36
QuintasanWhen I read what shadeslayer said I just held my head with both hands14:36
Quintasan"WTF" is not even halfway there in describing the dismay :O14:36
shadeslayerQuintasan: yeah .. dont ask14:37
Quintasanc2tarun: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto14:38
apacheloggerin fact, never ask shadeslayer anything, you will only get rekonq diffs thrown at you...14:38
shadeslayerright now im wondering why even overload all this networkaccess crap14:38
c2tarunin packaging manual, there is an example of packaging from scratch. In that example they told to install some packages (I guess I have to install them into chroot) how to install them in chroot?14:38
shadeslayerapachelogger: right14:38
apacheloggershadeslayer: I wondered that all along14:38
apacheloggerbut if one were to voice all the wonderings about rekonq one would be voicing all day long14:39
apacheloggerpoor use of time that is14:39
* shadeslayer looks at what it would take to remove those subclasses14:39
Quintasanc2tarun: Change base.tgz Location contains the pbuilder config which apachelogger deems strange black, bad magic which you apparently shouldnt use but I use it and nothing has exploded yet14:39
apacheloggerwhere did I say one should not use it?14:40
Quintasanapachelogger: at least two times you said it14:40
shadeslayerapachelogger: rekonq overloads all that crap to use kio cache14:40
apacheloggerQuintasan gets a beatin' at uds14:40
* Quintasan will go back trough the logs14:40
apacheloggershadeslayer: does kio not cache?14:40
c2tarunQuintasan: what is the relation in b/w changing location and those packages mentioned ? :/14:40
Quintasanc2tarun: this config is just for managing pbuilder chroots14:41
Quintasanc2tarun: if you want to install something in a chroot, I assume you are using pbuilder14:41
shadeslayerapachelogger: https://projects.kde.org/projects/extragear/network/rekonq/repository/revisions/master/entry/src/networkaccessmanager.cpp#L6614:41
Quintasanc2tarun: sudo pbuilder --login --save-after-login14:41
c2tarunQuintasan: actually I am creating pbuilder, it will take some time14:41
Quintasanc2tarun: you are creating a natty one?14:42
c2tarunQuintasan: nope maverick.14:42
shadeslayerlines 57-64 ... i have no idea what they do14:42
Quintasanokay, you will also need it at some point14:42
apacheloggerthey do make love to the protocolmanager14:42
apacheloggerQuintasan: he does not want to install anything into the chroot at this point ;)14:43
Quintasanwell, that's kinda expected without having a one :P14:43
apacheloggerbeware of the intention behind a question, for the question can deceive you14:43
* apachelogger also hands Quintasan some hypotheses and is now all out of them \\o/14:44
Quintasanc2tarun: what makes you think you want install something there?14:44
QuintasanWhy would I want your hypotheses apachelogger? :O14:45
shadeslayerQuintasan: because he has too many of them14:45
c2tarunQuintasan: I used chroot env earlier and in that we have to install each and every package we want to use there.14:45
Quintasanc2tarun: no need to do this in a pbuilder14:45
c2tarunQuintasan: so i just guessed. and its also written in the manual's tutorial14:46
Quintasanc2tarun: you add the dependencies to the debian/control file of a package which should be pulled and they will be installed during the build process and then they will get removed14:46
c2tarunQuintasan: OK thats cool, is there any manual of packaging using pbuilder. wiki manual is using something called CDBS or chroot.14:47
QuintasanI'm not sure what are you reading c2tarun :)14:48
c2tarunQuintasan: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete14:48
Quintasanc2tarun: You want to make a new package?14:49
c2tarunQuintasan: actually I am new to it. apachelogger told me that there is new version of bangarang out but kubuntu archive dont have it. so I was trying to make it from its source code.14:50
QuintasanAlways, always search Debian and Ubuntu latest release for packages14:51
Quintasanc2tarun: Actually, natty has a package imported directly from Debian, but the version is old: 1.0.1-114:51
Quintasanc2tarun: Do you have the source tar-ball?14:52
c2tarunya i downloaded it from kde-apps.org14:52
c2tarunQuintasan: ^14:52
QuintasanAwesome, so, instead of doubling the workload and creating the packaging from scratch we can just use existing one.14:52
c2tarunQuintasan: ok, how14:53
Quintasanc2tarun: open up a command line and go to where you have the source14:54
Quintasanmake sure it's a separate directory cause we will grab some files14:54
Quintasanc2tarun: what you want to do is to pull latest Ubuntu source package available14:54
c2tarunQuintasan: ok I m inside a directory which only has tarball14:54
Quintasanc2tarun: pull-lp-source bangarang14:54
shadeslayerif that gives a error hit Quintasan14:55
QuintasanThat command will download the latest source of bangarang available on Launchpad14:55
Quintasanshadeslayer: I just downloaded it14:55
shadeslayerif it doesn't give me a cookie14:55
shadeslayerQuintasan: maybe he doesnt have the devscripts? :>14:55
Quintasanshadeslayer: the guide tells to install them :)14:56
c2tarunya its doing something, actually pbuilder create is also working simultaneously so it'll take some time14:56
shadeslayerah your following the guide14:56
shadeslayernow where's my kookie?14:56
c2tarunQuintasan: meanwhile can u please explain me what does pulling means?14:56
QuintasanYou don't get any cookies14:56
Quintasanc2tarun: it's just downloading source files from launchpad14:57
shadeslayerapachelogger stole all our kookies14:57
c2tarunQuintasan: ya its done. :)14:57
Quintasanc2tarun: download-lp-sources would be longer probably :P14:57
Quintasanc2tarun: http://i.imgur.com/ITEzF.png14:57
QuintasanThat's what you should have in your sources dir14:58
c2tarunQuintasan: ya i have it14:59
Quintasanc2tarun: Now, I usually rename the tarball first of all because I usually forget to do this later :P So 'mv bangarang-2.0.tar.gz bangarang_2.0.orig.tar.gz'14:59
QuintasanThat's the naming policy, there should be a "_" between the package name and the version and .orig. before rest of the extension marking it as an ORIGInal tarball15:00
QuintasanNaming policy in a big shortcut :P15:00
c2tarunthat was i just about to ask :)15:00
Quintasanso, now we unpack the new sources with 'tar zxvf bangarang_2.0.orig.tar.gz'15:01
apacheloggerQuintasan: I don't want them, so clearly I needed to get rid of them15:01
QuintasanYou get a 'bangarang-bangarang' directory so rename it to 'bangarang-2.0'15:01
Quintasanapachelogger: Can I get rid of them too?15:01
apacheloggersure, just not in my direction15:02
* Quintasan passes them on to shadeslayer15:02
apacheloggerQuintasan: you might want to inspect them first15:02
QuintasanThere you go15:02
apacheloggeryou never know if you give away a good H15:02
c2tarunQuintasan: ya done15:02
Quintasanawesome, then we will reuse the packaging by15:03
Quintasancp -rf bangarang-1.0.1/debian bangarang-2.0/15:03
QuintasanThat copied the debian/ directory from the old package to the new one15:03
Quintasanc2tarun: I assume you read through the guide and know which files do what?15:04
c2tarunya i know :)15:04
c2tarunQuintasan: copied15:05
QuintasanIt has a watch file. Apparently you can update packages using some uscan magic but I tried it once and it made a mess15:05
c2tarunQuintasan: can u please explain me what is a watch file. I never understood actually15:06
QuintasanIt scans upstream files for a newer release of the package15:06
Quintasanso it's a verison check of some sort15:06
c2tarunQuintasan: which mean we can check the current version in archive?15:07
Quintasanc2tarun: nope, the watch file scans UPSTREAM files, upstream as in the developer that made the application15:07
QuintasanI can tell you I used it once and it all it did was some mess but I think it works because some people use it.15:08
c2tarunQuintasan: ok, so we can check the latest version available for the application?15:08
Quintasanc2tarun: Yes15:08
QuintasanBut we will do it the other way since not all packages have "watch" files available15:08
c2tarunQuintasan: ok, one more question, if we want to check the current version in archive how can we do that?15:09
apacheloggerQuintasan: I think the bigger gain in watch files is really tracking the up-to-dateness rather than actually conducting the package update15:09
Quintasanc2tarun: okay, if you want to know latest package version available in YOUR distribution archive by apt-cache show <package name>15:10
Quintasanc2tarun: http://paste.ubuntu.com/56099015:10
QuintasanThis is what I get with apt-cache show bangarang on natty, it will show nothing if there is no such pacakge15:10
* apachelogger notes that apt-cache policy yields less spew15:11
Quintasanc2tarun: if you want to know what is the latest package version in latest development release you will  have to ask launchpad or debian package list15:11
Riddelldebfx: I added some comments to https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/ReducingDiskFootprint15:11
c2tarunQuintasan: ok, got it15:11
Quintasanc2tarun: now, something I usually do is cd bangarang-2.0/debian 15:12
c2tarunQuintasan: now what after copying the debian folder/15:12
c2tarunQuintasan: i m already in there :)15:12
Quintasando a dir and look through all files there so I know what the hell I'm working with15:12
QuintasanUsually I look at debian/{control,rules,compat} and *.install files15:13
c2tarunQuintasan: ok, i have many files, with control, changelog and one watch file.15:13
apacheloggerls > dir15:13
apacheloggerls has the coloring by default :D :D :D15:13
* Quintasan has alias dir = "ls --color-auto" or something like this15:14
c2tarunok, let me post the o/p15:14
apacheloggerQuintasan: what pointlessness is that?15:14
apacheloggerdir != ls15:14
apacheloggerscary scary15:14
Quintasanapachelogger: Don't give a damn, I usually use ls to display stuff in a directory15:14
Quintasanor ls -al sometimes15:14
c2tarunhere is what i got: http://paste.ubuntu.com/560991/15:14
shadeslayerapachelogger: sigh ... breaking on  (gdb)  break NetworkAccessManager::createRequest(QNetworkAccessManager::Operation, QNetworkRequest const&, QIODevice*) doesnt do shit15:14
apacheloggerQuintasan: you speak funny gnu15:15
apacheloggereveryone else does ls -la :P15:15
shadeslayeri commeneted on a bug, and execution didnt stop15:15
Quintasanomfg apachelogger go help shadeslayer instead of disturbing me :P15:15
apacheloggershadeslayer: clearly something is the broken then, right? :P15:15
Quintasanc2tarun: that's pretty much what you should have there15:15
shadeslayerapachelogger: clearly gdb is broken  :P15:15
apacheloggeror you dont know how to use it15:16
shadeslayersame thing as gdb being broken15:16
Quintasanc2tarun: well, the case here is to look around and make sure you understand the files inside in case you run into some problems15:16
Quintasanc2tarun: you don't have to do this everytime you upgrade a package15:16
apacheloggershadeslayer: iGree15:16
c2tarunQuintasan: ok, i don't know about some files here.15:17
Quintasanc2tarun: "cd .." so we land into bangarang-2.015:17
Quintasanc2tarun: go ahead and ask, if I don't know something we can always pester apachelogger15:17
apacheloggeremit yawn(YawnHippo);15:17
c2tarunlike bangarang.1, menu, *nepomukwriter.115:17
apacheloggerI shall not be pestered15:17
apacheloggerI have exam in t-2h or so15:17
Quintasanbangarang.1 and *nepomukwriter.1 are MANual pages15:18
shadeslayerwhich means i can pester you for 2 hours15:18
Quintasanc2tarun: I hoped you used man before, right? :P15:18
c2tarunQuintasan: ya :)15:18
c2tarunwhat about menu?15:18
Quintasanc2tarun: and bangarang.manpages tells the build system what files are to be installed as manual pages15:18
shadeslayerQuintasan: be ready to write man pages at UDS if apachelogger decides to come15:18
Quintasanshadeslayer: You will do that15:18
shadeslayerQuintasan: i had my share of man page writing15:19
Quintasanc2tarun: now, this menu stuff is new to me15:19
shadeslayerid rather stick to C++15:19
Quintasanapachelogger: wtf is this menu?15:19
Quintasanapachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/389615:19
apacheloggerand we made you kubuntu dev? :O15:19
apacheloggerholy smokes15:19
* apachelogger takes a note to ask more questions about files in debian/15:20
Quintasanoh, that's stuff for generating menus in DEs? @_@15:21
c2tarunQuintasan: got it :)15:21
Quintasannow, there is a debian/source/format files15:21
apacheloggerQuintasan: in window managers actually15:22
QuintasanIt tells which source format are we using in this package15:22
apacheloggerpredates the desktop file magic by a bazillion years15:22
apacheloggeras old as debian is itself15:22
Quintasanapachelogger: who still uses this stuff when KDE is around? :P15:22
c2tarunQuintasan: ok15:22
apacheloggerback in the days one only had crappy window managers15:22
apacheloggerQuintasan: debian15:22
shadeslayersuch as fwm :P15:23
Quintasanc2tarun: now go back to the source (bangarang-2.0) dir15:23
Quintasanand do "dch -i"15:23
* apachelogger starts writing a header for himself15:23
c2tarunQuintasan: I think we didn't made any changes to source code. Than why are we updating changelog?15:24
Quintasanc2tarun: That's not the changelog for source code :)15:24
Quintasanc2tarun: It's changelog of packaging15:24
c2tarunQuintasan: oh :)15:24
Quintasanc2tarun: Now what we want to do is to change the version form 1.0.1-1ubuntu1 to 2.0-0ubuntu115:25
c2tarunQuintasan: what should i write there?15:25
QuintasanThe line should look like this "bangarang (2.0-0ubuntu1) natty; urgency=low"15:25
c2tarunok, and anything with maverick and urgency?15:26
Quintasanc2tarun: maverick should be natty15:26
c2tarunQuintasan: ^15:27
QuintasanYou don't usually change urgency unless new version fixes something critial15:27
c2tarunQuintasan: ok, anything i should write here?15:28
apacheloggershadeslayer, Quintasan: http://paste.ubuntu.com/560998/ what do ye say?15:28
Quintasanapachelogger: you forgot pretendToBeWorking()15:28
Quintasanc2tarun: Well15:29
Quintasanc2tarun: It usually mentions what you changed in the packaging15:29
Quintasanc2tarun: Since we are updating it I would add "New upstream release" for now15:29
c2tarunQuintasan: ok :)15:30
QuintasanIf something pops out that makes you need to change something in the packaging we can add it at a later point15:30
Quintasanc2tarun: Save the changes and exit15:30
c2tarunQuintasan: ok, done.15:30
c2tarunQuintasan: done15:30
Quintasando "debuild -S"15:30
Quintasanc2tarun: it should ask for passphrase for you gpg key, it signs the package and the *.dsc and *.changes file15:31
c2tarunQuintasan: I think I got an error.15:31
Quintasanit will probably fail at patching15:31
Quintasandamn it15:32
Quintasanshadeslayer: I sense some DSO stuff jumping at me15:32
c2tarunwait let me show it to u15:32
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/3898/15:32
c2tarunQuintasan: http://paste.ubuntu.com/560999/15:32
apacheloggershadeslayer: do you think the void ** are a bit unsafe?15:33
apacheloggercould happen that someone tries to feed me java or something15:33
shadeslayerapachelogger: yeah ... i was thinking that :P15:33
* apachelogger better forward decls paritcular classes15:33
Quintasanc2tarun: You have to install pkg-kde-tools15:33
apacheloggershadeslayer: your korundum is broken15:33
c2tarunQuintasan: oh... manual was for ubuntu15:34
shadeslayerapachelogger: blame upstream15:34
shadeslayerits from git15:34
shadeslayerso a fix is appreciated15:34
apacheloggerI have no time15:34
Quintasanc2tarun: now, it will fail at patching15:34
apacheloggerI am working15:34
shadeslayerAfter this operation, 55.5MB disk space will be freed. << Neon freeing disk space :O15:34
c2tarunQuintasan: why so?15:34
shadeslayerthats a first15:34
Quintasanc2tarun: because this particular patch was applied upstream15:35
apacheloggerthen clearly something broke15:35
Quintasanc2tarun: When a patch fails to apply you need to check whether it was applied upstream or it needs some line adjusting15:35
Quintasankubuntu_01_linker_fix.diff <--- this patch went upstream15:35
c2tarunQuintasan: chk this http://paste.ubuntu.com/561000/15:36
apacheloggershadeslayer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/561001/ better?15:36
Quintasanc2tarun: so you can do "rm debian/patches/kubuntu_01_linker_fix.diff"15:36
Quintasanc2tarun: look at line 28, it says which patch it was applying15:36
c2tarunQuintasan: can u please explain me what happened after my debuil -S15:36
shadeslayerapachelogger: lol //    void study();15:36
Quintasanc2tarun: it failed applying the patch15:37
Quintasanc2tarun: less vim debian/patches/kubuntu_01_linker_fix.diff15:37
Quintasan-vim there15:37
shadeslayerapachelogger: best not to put it there, you might be tempted to uncomment it later on15:37
apacheloggerit is not implemented15:37
* shadeslayer goes to #kde-devel with his broken kroundum15:37
Quintasanc2tarun: and then look at the files which it patches and you will see the lines are already there15:38
apacheloggershadeslayer: kde-ruby might be tter15:38
apacheloggerlook what I did15:38
Quintasanc2tarun: so the patch is useless now15:38
apacheloggerscary scary15:38
c2tarunQuintasan: PM!15:38
shadeslayerapachelogger: #kde-ruby is filled with markey15:38
shadeslayeri dont feel safe  now15:39
apacheloggerI could tweak that a bit15:39
shadeslayertweak what 15:39
apacheloggerbe{2} tter15:39
shadeslayeryour class?15:39
apacheloggershadeslayer: kde-ruby might be{2} tter15:39
apacheloggernow lets see, how do we fix them whitespace problem15:40
apacheloggeror no15:40
shadeslayerah oh ... ...15:41
shadeslayeri could just start the recipe, all the deps are satisfied15:41
shadeslayernot my fault that korundum is broken15:41
apacheloggerah regex is crap15:42
apacheloggermaybe not15:42
apachelogger(be |be){2}tter15:42
apacheloggerthen again that also matches bebetter whch is no goody15:43
apacheloggermeh meh meh15:44
apacheloggerI give up15:44
shadeslayerInternal Server Error15:46
shadeslayerwhat are you running? Winduh's?15:46
afiestasI'm getting a loooooooot of crashes with the next bt: http://paste.kde.org/3900/15:46
afiestaskdevelop crash (because of kdevmanpage.so) amarok crash, crystal plasmoid (compiled by myself) crash15:47
shadeslayerthats webkit being sucky15:47
afiestasI can see that :p15:47
afiestasrekonq crashing too15:47
shadeslayernow to fix some webkit bugs15:48
afiestasno thanks... 15:48
shadeslayerafiestas: i was talking about myself :P15:49
afiestasaah : xd15:49
apacheloggeryou are very selfish15:49
shadeslayerthis stuff needs in-depth study during the weekend -.-15:58
shadeslayerwhat to do then ... 15:59
shadeslayerapachelogger: i need #work15:59
shadeslayersomething easy15:59
shadeslayerwell ... i could finish reading the design guidelines15:59
Quintasanapachelogger, shadeslayer: I have to go to my English lessons soon and then I also have homework to do, c2tarun should have a debdiff ready soon so please review16:09
shadeslayerwill do16:09
shadeslayerim on for another hour16:09
Quintasanshadeslayer: about the time it finishes downloading and building on his PC16:09
shadeslayerthen i sleep .. i haz a java lab tomorrow :S16:09
QuintasanI'm in a hurry so see you later16:10
shadeslayerill come online via my phone16:10
shadeslayerc2tarun: you have a interesting IP btw16:12
c2tarunguys I have my debdiff ready.16:12
shadeslayerc2tarun: show 16:12
c2tarunoh :)16:12
shadeslayerpastebinit somewhere :)16:12
c2tarunok wait16:12
c2tarunshadeslayer: i think that file is too big to be pasted, anyother way?16:13
shadeslayerc2tarun: can you take a diff of the debian folders?16:14
c2tarunwait let me try16:14
c2tarunshadeslayer: ^16:16
shadeslayerc2tarun: try diff -u 16:17
shadeslayerwait no16:17
c2tarunshadeslayer: ya16:17
shadeslayerboi .. its been long since i used diff16:17
c2tarunhmmm..... I myself used it once. :(16:18
shadeslayerc2tarun: diff -Nru16:18
shadeslayerbetween the 2 debian folders16:19
c2tarunshadeslayer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/561021/16:20
shadeslayerc2tarun: give a explanation as to why you removed the patches in the changelog16:21
c2taruncoz debuild -S failed on patching process.16:22
shadeslayerlooks good otherwise16:22
shadeslayerc2tarun: nope .. they were probably applied upstream16:23
Quintasanc2tarun: They were applied upstream16:23
c2tarunya somewhat after that :S16:23
Quintasanc2tarun: Ther reason then failed to apply during the debuild -S stage is that they were applied upstream16:23
Quintasanbut well16:24
Quintasannot bad16:24
c2tarunactually very sorry Quintasan but I'll read patching once by myself, u tried a lot but i understood a little :(16:24
QuintasanI started not even knowing what on earth was diff anyways16:24
Quintasanc2tarun: It's just that I've grown too acustomed to technical wording and I don't know how to explain it in simple language16:25
c2tarunQuintasan: no prob :) can u please refer me to any link on patching.16:26
Quintasanshadeslayer: care finding some guide on quilt? I think we had one on Wiki16:26
c2tarunQuintasan: I just looked at  ur name :P u gave an interview in fullcircle??16:26
QuintasanFull Circle Magazine?16:27
c2tarunQuintasan: yup16:27
Quintasanc2tarun: Can't say I did that, you sure I was there? :O16:27
shadeslayerthere ya go ^^16:27
c2tarunya may be b/w issue 41-4516:27
c2tarunissue 44 i just saw16:28
QuintasanNo, seriously16:28
QuintasanI'm there :O16:29
c2taruncool :)16:29
QuintasanThanks for telling me16:29
shadeslayerQuintasan: your famous?16:30
* Quintasan and his awesome hat16:30
c2tarunya and hat too :)16:30
QuintasanToo bad I broke the hat while skateboarding16:30
shadeslayerso rekonq now has a UA string changer16:37
Quintasanyay for broken X stack16:37
shadeslayerRiddell: ^^16:37
yofelgrr... evdev crashes on suspend here16:38
* yofel goes updating16:38
yofelyou sure like useless features..16:44
shadeslayeryofel: not useless actually16:44
shadeslayerfor eg. the new yahoo only works with chrome/FF16:44
yofelwell yeah, but how often do you actually need that...16:44
yofeloh ok16:44
shadeslayerwell .. if you use yahoo ... alot? :P16:44
yofelyeah, which I don't :P16:45
shadeslayerright .. but we had this discussion at uds ... rekonq wont open yahoo mail16:45
Riddellif I remember what the Chrome chap told us, it needs the user agent changed (or was that hotmail)?16:47
shadeslayerall it needs is a user agent change16:49
shadeslayeri think i made it change the user agent and it worked16:49
shadeslayernow i cant remember my yahoo pass16:50
debfxRiddell: I've replied to your comments17:08
debfxapachelogger: what's the status of dvd playback in natty?17:08
debfxdragonplayer + gstreamer backend doesn't work at all?17:08
debfxRiddell: imho libgeoip should suggest geoip-database and packages which really need geoip can recommend/depend on the database17:10
Riddelltricky part is then we have to work out what packages really need geoip17:11
debfxyes and it's something that needs to be done in Debian17:12
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
Riddelldebfx: why do you say that?17:15
debfxRiddell: because we would have to review all new packages that use libgeoip17:33
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://searchengineland.com/google-bing-is-cheating-copying-our-search-results-62914 < *snigger*17:34
maemologgerAny nus for me?17:35
ari-tczewdoes somebody working on ktorrent?17:37
shadeslayermaemologger: look at #rekonq from your main account17:42
shadeslayercommit floods ftw17:42
maemologgerNo quassel17:42
maemologgerYou do work17:43
maemologgerActually, can someone paste me my header?17:43
yofelwhat header?17:44
shadeslayermaemologger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/561001/17:44
shadeslayeryofel: apachelogger.h :P17:44
maemologgerStuff is missing17:46
maemologgerBrainstorm plz17:46
shadeslayerwhat happens if apachelogger.h gets into rekonq and stl17:47
shadeslayeri cannot imagine17:47
maemologgerNo template means no stl17:48
maemologgerAlso there is a bug17:51
maemologgerInstance is a ptr and a var17:51
shadeslayermaemologger: patch : http://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/100456/diff/#index_header18:03
shadeslayermaemologger: :P18:08
maemologgerIs it pron?18:08
shadeslayermaemologger: its a 176KB patch18:09
maemologgerIt happens18:10
maemologgerReviewboard is not suited for that18:10
maemologgerI think overlord of reviews aseigo agrees18:11
shadeslayergitorious has a awesome merge system18:11
shadeslayermaemologger: i hear its going to get better soon18:11
jjesseumm what's up with the bzr commit notificiations today?18:44
macojjesse: what?18:44
jjessein my gmail i got a bunch of bzr commit messages from lp in regars to kubuntu stuff18:46
yofelprobably you're subscribed to the branches on launchpad?18:46
jjessemaybe wonde rhow18:47
Riddelljjesse: I just approved the backlog of stuff blocked on that list18:48
Riddellignore it18:48
RiddellI set a filter so it shouldn't happen in future18:49
* Riddell wonders what to do with bug 70941619:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 709416 in kdepim (Ubuntu) "Transition from 8.04 to 10.10 causes loss of contacts" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70941619:06
Riddellit's from a customer of canonical so I feel I should do something but if he's moved to another e-mail client I don't think there's much I can do19:07
QuintasanRiddell: tell him to backup19:14
QuintasanI just can't imagine how they want us to keep consistency with such a big leap in software stack :O19:14
Riddellmm, it's not a supported upgrade indeed19:17
macoRiddell: do you think they went through 10.04 or mashed the sources.list?19:26
macothough when i think about it...i dont think my contacts survives 9.10 -> 10.04. i had to tell kaddressbook "listen dear, you made this vcf before, dont you remember? please just keep using it, its right over here"19:27
Riddellmaco: no idea19:28
Tm_Tright, akonadi-switch doesn't bring the old contacts along19:29
DarkwingDuckahhhh, good old Akonadi19:31
=== cmagina is now known as cmagina-shovelin
sheytanQuintasan ping20:35
sheytanQuintasan http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/8500/pn128.png20:36
debfxRiddell: you haven't actually demoted gvfs to suggests in gstreamer21:23
Riddelloh it has silly control.in evilness21:28
Riddellwell needs to wait for alpha 2 now21:43
Riddellnatty-desktop-powerpc.iso         01-Feb-2011 20:13  698M21:49
RiddellScottK: success ^^21:49
=== cmagina-shovelin is now known as cmagina
ScottKRiddell: Looks like I guessed just about right.23:38
ScottKTm_T: ^^^ Can you test?23:38

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