
jdubif i'm reporting a bug with apport, and say it's a dupe during that process, is my data uploaded to that bug? i ask because i can't see it (certainly no entries for it)00:02
jdublooks like it's marked as affecting me (and optionally i'm subscribed)00:02
lifelessno, the data is not bundled into the dup00:03
lifelessits discarded00:03
lifelessjdub: also, 'hi'00:03
jdubalso, 'hi'00:05
jdublooks like i can apport-bug -c <splat> though00:05
jdubso all is not lost00:06
lifelessyes, if you need to add data to the bug; I think we do it this way because high volume bugs would -drown- under identical attachments00:06
wgrantjdub: Why do you want to attach your data?00:06
jdubwgrant: because i'm a unique snowflake, and that's how i roll00:08
jdubi wouldn't want to see it fixed just for that other motherfucker00:09
wgrantMore data is good until a few hundred people attach a dozen files each :)00:09
jdubhe probably has a nicer computer than mine anyway00:09
micahg!ohmy | jdub00:09
ubot5jdub: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.00:09
jdub(ye olde crash test T42)00:09
jdubhey, i did say i was a unique snowflake! fine, fine *dusts off the ubuntu dataport on his neck*00:11
lifelessjdub: the CoC culture is very strong these days00:11
jdublifeless: guess i should've thought ahead and got mako to include "except jdub"00:12
lifelessjdub: yeah, your crystal ball was clearly cracked00:13
jdublifeless: if i said lca2011 was awesome, would you put "beat the crap out of jdub" in your todo list?00:13
lifelessjdub: I wasn't there :(00:14
jdubi noticed ;)00:14
jdubit was very hot and humid though00:14
wgrantOnly humid?00:14
lifelessjdub: so I'd put 'go visit jdub and demand icecreams and bbq' on my todo list00:14
jdubwgrant: yeah, all those BNEtown people totally made up the floods00:15
jdubthere was no evidence whatsoever that the CBD was flooded00:15
jdubaside from the venue being changed 1 week ahead of the conference ;-)00:15
lifelessjdub: also, small town vibe is cool00:16
jdublifeless: re: lca or your move?00:17
lifelessjdub: I noticed lots of lca old hands were awol; but you reckon it was great ?00:17
lifelessjdub: re my move00:17
lifelessjdub: close enough00:17
lifelessjdub: we were for a couple months while we shopped for a house00:17
lifelessjdub: we're now in rangiora00:18
jdubgus and hanley were there, so their records are unbroken00:18
jdublca2011 basically proved the idea that all you need is a roof, speakers and an audience00:19
jdubthough the organisers managed far more than that under the circumstances ;)00:19
jdublifeless: population?00:19
lifelessjdub: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rangiora,_New_Zealand00:20
jdublifeless: and i don't even have to ask the cia00:22
jdublifeless: how's net access?00:22
lifelessjdub: tolerable; the silly intercepting proxy that telecom (like ~all consumer isps here) have is an occasional nuisance00:22
lifelessjdub: local hops are totally fine; international gets congested from time to time, we've got 1/4 or something the actual scc bandwidth that .au has, but there is a new mega cable coming00:23
Cydur name00:24
CydHA HA00:24
Cydha at you buddy00:24
jdubthe new .au one, or direct to .nz?00:24
lifelessjdub: its a new us -> au and nz one00:24
jdubso like crowded house, it's really ours00:26
lifelesstheres also a kordia cable planned apparently00:32
jdubah, this is handy, you can do apport-cli -u <bug#>00:34
jdubespecially now that i should repeat with debugsyms00:35
wgrantjdub: You know that bots automatically do retraces with debugsyms, right?00:43
jdubwgrant: i did not know that00:44
jdubwgrant: thus the blah-retrace tag?00:44
wgrantjdub: Yup.00:45
wgrantjdub: They should eventually grab the stack trace, install debugsyms, retrace it, and attach a new trace with symbols and stuff.00:45
jdubheh, looks like ddebs is not up to date anyway00:45
jdubi'll leave it at that, then00:45
lifelessmicahg: hi06:13
micahghi lifeless06:13
lifelesshttps://launchpad.net/~zend-framework/+archive/ppa/+index was timing out; did you perhaps just delete a bunch of packages or something ?06:13
micahgno, I uploaded 4 new ones yesterday06:14
lifelessoh interesting06:14
lifelesstimeouts on HEAD06:14
* Cyd wants a hug06:15
lifelessthats in #ubuntu-hugs I think06:15
Cydur such a biiiitch06:15
micahg!ohmy | Cyd06:16
ubot5Cyd: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.06:16
micahglifeless: I just filed a new timeout bug as well :) +uploaded-packages06:17
lifelessmicahg: thanks06:17
Cydfuck you lifeless06:18
Cydi hate u06:18
micahglifeless: np, I guess the one second change is noticeable :)06:18
* micahg wonders what possesses people to do that06:18
lifelesswhoever they were, they are very forthright06:18
micahgidling in #zftalk06:19
lifelessturned up 12ish hours ago; silent for 5.5 hours, laughed at my nick, silent for 6 hours, then this06:19
lifelessanyhow whats the bug # ?06:19
lifelessfound it06:20
lifelessmicahg: yeah, its noticable06:20
lifelessbunch of stuff that was getting-by becomes an issue06:20
lifelesswe also are having some capacity issues06:21
lifelessI need to analyze some stats seriously tomorrow06:21
micahglifeless: Performance Tuesday :), er Wednesday?06:21
lifelessmicahg: its tuesday here ;)06:22
micahgyes, but you said tomorrow :)06:22
lifelessmicahg: capacity planning; sadly not just performande ;)06:22
micahgah, ok06:22
nigelboh, lifeless has a fan :p06:32
micahgnigelb: well, it's summer time down under :)06:32
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ulyssesHello, I want to apply for sponsorship to UDS, but the form displays Ulysses as my name, and not my real name what is set on Launchpad as display name. What should I change?10:01
wgrantulysses: Try changing your display name on login.ubuntu.com.10:03
ulysseswgrant: thank you10:04
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fta$ bzr export chromium-browser-30723/translations-export lp:~chromium-team/chromium-browser/chromium-translations-exports.head17:48
ftaCorrupted MAC on input.17:48
ftaDisconnecting: Packet corrupt17:48
matsubarafta, did you solve the corrupted MAC on input issue?18:30
ftamatsubara, I didn't try as it happened with one of my (automatic) dailies. last time i hit that, a retry worked, but someone here told me to report back if it ever happens again. it did. here i am.18:32
matsubarafta, do you remember who was it? Another option is to file a question here: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion that way it'll be tracked and I can try find someone to help you out with that issue18:34
ftamatsubara, let me check my logs18:35
matsubarathanks fta18:35
ftaJan 18 08:14:03 <fta2>  a retry worked18:35
ftaJan 18 08:14:36 <spm>   if you see again, can you let us know? we've done some edge changes that *may* cause funkies.18:35
ftamatsubara, ^^18:35
matsubaracould you paste the full log you got that error from? maybe with timestamps? I'll forward the issue to spm18:38
matsubarafta, ^18:38
ftamatsubara, http://paste.ubuntu.com/561085/  sorry, not much more that what i pasted here18:40
matsubarafta, hmm ok, is that something you have running locally or is it a recipe?18:41
matsubarai'm not sure what you mean by dailies hence the question about recipe :-)18:42
ftamatsubara, locally, recipes won't work for chromium18:42
matsubarafta, ok. thanks for clarifying18:42
ftait doesn't happen very often. just twice so far. out of probably a hundred push/pull/exports a day18:44
ftafrom that same box18:44
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barryleonardr: ping21:00
leonardrhi barry21:04
barryhi leonardr.  sorry about losing track of this issue.  have you and pitti resolved all the api issues related to launchpadlib?21:05
leonardrbarry: yes, unless new ones have come up in the past ocuple weeks21:05
* leonardr on a call right now21:06
barryleonardr: okay, np.  i just want to be clear on what you'd like me to do.  you want me to package the latest launchpadlib, but does python-keyring also need to be updated?21:06
leonardrbarry: yes, it needs to be updated to 0.521:07
barryleonardr: i can't approve the mir, and i'm also concerned about some of the issues pitti brings up for python-keyring 0.5, but i can at least look at the packaging of those two packages.21:08
leonardrbarry: point me to pitti's issues? i think we resolved them all21:09
barrybug 68625721:09
ubot5Launchpad bug 686257 in python-keyring (Ubuntu) "MIR needed (dependency of python-launchpadlib)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68625721:09
barrycomment #321:09
barrye.g. the mlock() comment21:09
barryand that fact that it's not actively maintained in debian or ubuntu21:10
leonardrbarry: ok, we resolved his concerns with our use of it *in launchpadlib*21:10
leonardrif we have to take out keyring to get this into natty, i'll do it (speaking for myself)21:10
barryok.  so package python-keyring 0.5 and launchpadlib 1.9.3 right?21:11
leonardrbarry: yeah, and some new version of lazr.restfulclient as well...21:12
barryleonardr: is there an open bug on upgradign lazr.restfulclient?21:12
leonardrbarry: probably not. will handle it after the call21:13
barryleonardr: +1.  please assign to me21:13
maxbok, this is a new one21:16
maxbSomeone has requested a bzr-svn import of indicator-applet...... from a facebook profile page21:16
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