esing | hiho | 01:43 |
MrChrisDruif | Hai esing :) | 01:43 |
esing | wo? :D | 01:44 |
MrChrisDruif | You? | 01:44 |
MrChrisDruif | :P | 01:44 |
esing | hehe | 01:44 |
MrChrisDruif | How's it going? | 01:44 |
esing | Iam rather a yellowbelly than a hai | 01:44 |
esing | :D | 01:44 |
esing | thanks alls fine here | 01:45 |
esing | iam searching an audio player for only shell at the moment | 01:45 |
esing | (having another partition without desktop environment | 01:45 |
MrChrisDruif | aplay? | 01:45 |
MrChrisDruif | ;) | 01:45 |
esing | aplay :D | 01:45 |
esing | i download it now and try it | 01:46 |
MrChrisDruif | Isn't it installed by default? :P | 01:46 |
esing | dunno ^^ | 01:46 |
esing | ah | 01:46 |
MrChrisDruif | In Arch you use it to test the sound :P | 01:46 |
esing | my second partition is not lubuntu | 01:46 |
esing | i have on 2nd partition debian | 01:46 |
MrChrisDruif | I run Ubuntu ;) | 01:46 |
esing | aplay bash: aplay: command not found | 01:47 |
esing | ^^ | 01:47 |
esing | I wanted LXDE therefore I chose lubuntu :D | 01:47 |
MrChrisDruif | aplay bash? | 01:49 |
MrChrisDruif | Meh.... "aplay /path/to/wav/or.mp3" | 01:49 |
MrChrisDruif | Otherwise...sudo apt-get install aplay ofc....but there must be better audioplayer for terminal | 01:51 |
jmarsden | MrChrisDruif: cmus is one possibility | 02:21 |
MrChrisDruif | jmarsden: esing was looking for a terminal audioplayer...if I remember it still tomorrow...I'll tell him :) | 02:22 |
jmarsden | Sounds good. BTW I did apt-cache search mp3 | sort |less and then read the list to see any entries that mentioned terminal or cli or curses :) | 02:24 |
JackyAlcine | MrChrisDruif: how about the Sox library? it has a 'play <filename>' app. | 02:27 |
MrChrisDruif | aplay? | 02:28 |
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psyklown | i was wondering if i could get a little help getting my apps to autostart or just a really basic tutorial will suffice. | 06:56 |
bioterror | on login? | 06:56 |
psyklown | yeah it says to make a .desktop file and so forth, but im not sure what that is or where my autostart folder is. | 06:57 |
bioterror | | 06:57 |
bioterror | there's at the bottom | 06:57 |
bioterror | I've made a good example | 06:57 |
bioterror | should work like a charm | 06:58 |
psyklown | cp /usr/share/applications/urxvtd.desktop ~/.config/autostart/ do i insert the name of the application in there some where? im a bit confused | 07:05 |
bioterror | replace that urxvtd what ever you're needing | 07:05 |
bioterror | ofcourse | 07:05 |
psyklown | it is saying there is no such file or directory. | 07:08 |
psyklown | sorry. really new to linux | 07:08 |
bioterror | which program you're trying to load | 07:09 |
psyklown | i would like compiz and emerald. i dont use gnome just because it is too slow and i like the lubuntu. i know its weird :( | 07:10 |
bioterror | you might have to make yourself compiz.desktop and emerald.desktop if those are not found from /usr/share/applications/ | 07:11 |
bioterror | you can make them to .config/autostart | 07:11 |
psyklown | alright that sounds good. im not good with "make to" so the ".desktop" is a hidden file right? | 07:12 |
bioterror | nope | 07:12 |
bioterror | it's something.desktop | 07:12 |
bioterror | that's in the FAQ too | 07:13 |
bioterror | there's a link to documentation about .desktop -files | 07:13 |
psyklown | i guess i did something wrong bio | 07:23 |
bioterror | what did you do then | 07:23 |
psyklown | i figured the only thing i would need to edit was the name and the exec which was both "emerald" then i inserted the name in the appropriate places. it didnt start on login | 07:25 |
psyklown | ill be back bio. see if i missed something | 07:29 |
bioterror | did you now get it working | 07:34 |
psyklown | no. i feel stupid :( | 07:34 |
bioterror | do you have those two activated in that something | 07:34 |
psyklown | it is in my autostart, but i guess i just went wrong in the making of the file | 07:34 |
bioterror | I cant access that FAQ from here, for a mystical reason | 07:35 |
psyklown | do have them activated in that? | 07:35 |
bioterror | read the faq | 07:36 |
bioterror | there's explaned that you have to activate the autostart from the menu | 07:36 |
psyklown | yeah thats what i said. i made sure it was selected to autostart | 07:36 |
bioterror | in terminal | 07:37 |
bioterror | which emerald | 07:37 |
bioterror | which compiz | 07:37 |
bioterror | and add the lines to exec | 07:37 |
psyklown | so i add usr/bin/emerald to exec? | 07:40 |
bioterror | it starts always with / | 07:41 |
bioterror | /usr/bin/emerald | 07:41 |
psyklown | oh yeah sorry | 07:41 |
psyklown | alright so /usr/bin/emerald should be the only thing in exec and that should execute the "emerald command" | 07:45 |
psyklown | im gonna give it a try | 07:46 |
* jmarsden wonders why psyklown can't stay on IRC while editing a small text file? Something seems odd about that to me. | 07:47 | |
bioterror | he tests that by logging out and in | 07:47 |
bioterror | reni raus | 07:47 |
bioterror | rein raus ;) | 07:47 |
jmarsden | Would be much more sane to test by clicking on the .desktop file, wouldn't it? Then when that works, test autorunning it? | 07:48 |
bioterror | well, it would be too easy | 07:48 |
jmarsden | :) | 07:48 |
bioterror | it doesnt have that feeling of doing something | 07:48 |
psyklown | my god i finally got it working | 08:05 |
bioterror | I hope you have now a satisfied feeling | 08:07 |
psyklown | lol yeah. well when i first that that command "sudo nano /usr/share/applications/emerald.desktop" it was just a blank file and i thought i had to make one. so i made one and then copied it over it didnt work. this was with emerald. so i used that same command with compiz and i actually got a file with text. i copied it over and i think it activates emerald too | 08:10 |
bioterror | seems like you learned alot ;) | 08:11 |
psyklown | lol yeah. that i cant make a working executable for autostart | 08:11 |
bioterror | but you get those two autostart now? | 08:14 |
bioterror | and you have a 3D lubuntu desktop? ;) | 08:14 |
kristian-aalborg | hi all | 08:15 |
bioterror | seems like you have a new problem, kristian-aalborg? ;) | 08:15 |
kristian-aalborg | bioterror: what? | 08:15 |
bioterror | you usally join when you have something to ask ;) | 08:16 |
kristian-aalborg | is that wrong? | 08:16 |
bioterror | nope | 08:16 |
psyklown | bioterror yes i did get them to autostart. very content :) | 08:16 |
kristian-aalborg | I also help when I can, as opposed to calling people trolls... | 08:18 |
kristian-aalborg | would anyone have tried Lubuntu on a Thinkpad circa 2002-2005... it seems like it would go down very well | 08:18 |
bioterror | T40, T60 | 08:19 |
bioterror | does it satisfy you | 08:19 |
kristian-aalborg | something with about 1.5 Ghz and 1 gig of ram | 08:19 |
kristian-aalborg | bioterror: shall we bury the hatchet? | 08:19 |
bioterror | my wife is running lubuntu all the time on her T40p | 08:19 |
bioterror | everything is okay as long as you dont have to deal with broadcom chipsets | 08:20 |
psyklown | lol yeah i have the wretched broadcom | 08:20 |
bioterror | kristian-aalborg, but I can tell you that T series thinkpads have always worked well with *nixes | 08:24 |
bioterror | with R-series I have no experience, X -series are too working well | 08:25 |
kristian-aalborg | IBM likes linux and are serious about standards | 08:25 |
bioterror | mostly the problems are with graphics | 08:25 |
kristian-aalborg | I think that goes for any graphics card manufacturer, more or less | 08:26 |
kristian-aalborg | I'm not going to need 3d, I think | 08:26 |
kristian-aalborg | how's surfing on the T40? | 08:27 |
bioterror | fine | 08:28 |
kristian-aalborg | flash is okay? | 08:28 |
bioterror | comes from the restricted | 08:28 |
* kristian-aalborg hates flash as much as the next guy, but it's everywhere | 08:28 | |
bioterror | and I've got propietary java from the partner repo | 08:28 |
kristian-aalborg | yes, I was thinking about the rendering | 08:28 |
bioterror | my wife plays some games at facebook | 08:28 |
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bioterror | some may be a little laggy | 08:29 |
bioterror | but youtube works well for example | 08:29 |
kristian-aalborg | the 2g surf I put lubuntu on can't play youtube | 08:29 |
bioterror | psyklown, you got all the window borders working too without a problem? | 08:32 |
psyklown | bioterror do you mean emerald? | 08:32 |
bioterror | yeah | 08:32 |
bioterror | do I remember right, that it requires some "themes" | 08:33 |
psyklown | yeah i think whenever i got compiz to autostart it starts emerald too like they start together for some reason. even though i dont think i technically got emerald to autostart | 08:33 |
bioterror | it can be possible that compiz needs emerald and it launches it | 08:34 |
bioterror | it was like years ago when I played with those | 08:34 |
bioterror | as they were cool n hip ;) | 08:34 |
psyklown | yeah i just use it because lubuntu seems a bit dull graphically. this gives my laptop a more elegant look when i add the themes and such | 08:35 |
bioterror | yeah, now you can show it to your windows friends ;) | 08:36 |
psyklown | lol well i use windows too and all my friends are gamers so they really arent impressed by themes. we use high end graphics for gaming, but it does look nice. | 08:37 |
kristian-aalborg | box crashed, sorry | 08:40 |
psyklown | is there a 64 bit 10.04 lubuntu? | 08:41 |
bioterror | only if you make installation from mini.iso | 08:42 |
psyklown | ah. okay | 08:42 |
jmarsden | bioterror: Is there a technical reason for that, or just that no-one created a 64but Lubuntu ISO image yet? | 08:42 |
jmarsden | s/64but/64bit/ | 08:43 |
bioterror | jmarsden, I think no one | 08:43 |
bioterror | and seems like 32bit packages are priority #1 | 08:43 |
bioterror | I tried 10.10 64bit and it didnt work as well as 32bit, then I upgraded to 11.04 as 64bit and I decided that I'll use arch from now on as my desktop computer ;) | 08:44 |
jmarsden | bioterror: Understood, but I have a big beefy 64bit workstations I am typing on... maybe I can build a 64bit Lubuntu ISO one day. But not today, it is approaching 1am here and I should go to bed. Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS here on the main workstation. Lubuntu and all kinds of other things in virtual machines :) | 08:45 |
jmarsden | 10.04.1 I mean, 10.04.2 is not out yet :) | 08:45 |
psyklown | having broadcom i have had a hard time with linux. if i use 10.04 ubuntu and lubuntu recognize my firmware. if i upgrade to any other version. my firmware is no longer recognize. the weirdest thing. | 08:45 |
psyklown | recognized* | 08:46 |
kristian-aalborg | bioterror: have you experienced "flexing" problems with the T40? | 08:47 |
jmarsden | It's best to research Linux compatibility before getting your credit card out :) | 08:47 |
bioterror | kristian-aalborg, you mean that fan is keeping noises? | 08:47 |
jmarsden | bioterror: I think he means his fan is full of dirt and stops and so his machine overheats. | 08:48 |
bioterror | that's normal :D | 08:48 |
bioterror | get yourself another and replace the fan | 08:48 |
bioterror | remove keyboard and so on | 08:48 |
bioterror | it's easy on older stinkpads | 08:48 |
psyklown | well im out. thanks for the help bio | 08:50 |
bioterror | np | 08:50 |
bioterror | one satisfied customer ;) | 08:50 |
kristian-aalborg | bioterror: I heard on #thinkpad-forum that the T40 has a tendency to have components go loose on the motherboard | 08:51 |
bioterror | jmarsden, but the problem with 64bit is really that packages and stuff aint as up-to-date what seems to be with 32bit | 08:51 |
jmarsden | bioterror: Can you explain? They are build from the same sources, they should be exactly as up to date! | 08:51 |
jmarsden | When I upload a source package to my PPA it gets built for both i386 and amd64... | 08:52 |
bioterror | still nothing has happened | 08:57 |
jmarsden | bioterror: That's only six weeks old! I ahve bugs that are two years old still in LP :) | 09:02 |
bioterror | jmarsden, yeah, it's not important. as 32bit doesnt have this problem.... | 09:11 |
kristian-aalborg | bioterror: so, all in all you'd recommend the T40? | 09:12 |
jmarsden | No, you just need to be more patient :) I have bugs that are not 32bit or 64bit specific that have waited MUCH longer than six weeks :) | 09:12 |
bioterror | kristian-aalborg, or T60, T61, T42, but I prefer that little p -letter ;) | 09:13 |
kristian-aalborg | as in pentium? | 09:13 |
bioterror | kristian-aalborg, that means that panel is 1400x1050 ;) | 09:13 |
bioterror | and usually bt and wifi | 09:13 |
kristian-aalborg | ah | 09:13 |
bioterror | jmarsden, I've got some problems with chemistry in my brains, I'm not at good with that kind of patience ;) | 09:14 |
jmarsden | bioterror: Then you should just work on fixing the bug yourself and adding the fix to the bug report :) | 09:14 |
kristian-aalborg | I don't use bt, but wifi is essential... will have to ask seller if it's included | 09:15 |
bioterror | yeah, that's the thing what FOSS is about | 09:15 |
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leszek | hi | 12:46 |
MrChrisDruif | Hai leszek :) | 12:47 |
gandsnut | Would somebody direct me to the .MD5 checksum for the current release of Lubuntu's .ISO? | 16:11 |
gandsnut | I am at a loss to find it on the web site | 16:12 |
leszek | gandsnut: it should be here in the release announcement: | 16:17 |
gandsnut | thanks | 16:25 |
hblount | hi. i tethered my lg ally smartphone (android) to my laptop (10.10) for mobile broadband with an app "easytether". i can browse web, do irc, everything but make torrents connect. any idea what i can do to fix? | 16:34 |
hblount | anyone know how i can get my horizontal scroll to work for my acer laptop? | 16:54 |
leszek | hblount: for tethering you need to open the ports for torrent | 16:58 |
leszek | hblount: for the touchpad there is a command line tool called synclient take a look at its manpage there should be an option for switching that on | 17:01 |
leszek | hblount: synclient HorizEdgeScroll=1 should fix the problem | 17:02 |
hblount | cool | 17:03 |
leszek | if you want it to have it default you need create a autostart entry for this, please take a look at the wiki on how to do that | 17:03 |
hblount | i am trying to use the program nicotine but everytime i start it, it asks me to choose download folder again. it says "can't create directory, error, permission denied" how do i fix this? | 17:17 |
hblount | also, how do you open ports with my tether smartphone? | 17:18 |
hblount | leszek, i tried to google "lubuntu autostart wiki" but i cant find it. what do i search for? | 17:19 |
leszek | hblount: I don't know how to open that ports on your smartphone | 17:24 |
hblount | ok. do you know about permission denied error for nicotine program? | 17:25 |
hblount | i can't find autostart wiki on google | 17:28 |
leszek | nicotine ? I don't know the app | 17:29 |
hblount | fileshare app | 17:29 |
leszek | | 17:29 |
hblount | nicotine is a filesharing app. i have to choose download folder every time i open and it says error "can't create directory, error, permission denied" | 17:39 |
hblount | the command on the wiki doesnt work for me | 17:43 |
hblount | cp: cannot stat `/usr/share/applications/urxvtd.desktop': No such file or directory | 17:44 |
abualijawad | hi | 17:47 |
abualijawad | how to fix missing plugins in chromium browser for lubuntu | 17:47 |
hblount | how do i make a command autostart when i turn on computer? | 17:53 |
mark76 | Is this for Lubuntu? | 17:59 |
RaceCondition | will Lubuntu run fast enough on a PIII 768MHz with 128MB RAM? | 18:01 |
mark76 | Nah | 18:02 |
RaceCondition | mark76: no? | 18:04 |
mark76 | I'm pretty sure it won't. But I could be wrong | 18:04 |
RaceCondition | how about ? | 18:05 |
RaceCondition | "To use the graphical installer from the live-cd, you need at least 160 MB of memory." << can I choose a text based installed? | 18:05 |
RaceCondition | (it's funny though that the installer requires more memory than the OS itself, and ironic) | 18:05 |
mark76 | I imagine you could. Though I've never heard of one | 18:08 |
mark76 | But there must be an alternative install for Lubuntu | 18:09 |
bioterror | yes there is | 18:09 |
mark76 | Yay | 18:09 |
bioterror | | 18:09 |
RaceCondition | oh, cool... | 18:11 |
RaceCondition | hmm, download link broken | 18:13 |
RaceCondition | is that the newest version of Lubuntu though? 10.10 | 18:13 |
mark76 | Yes | 18:16 |
RaceCondition | nice | 18:16 |
hblount | how do i make a command autostart on bootup? | 18:20 |
hblount | i tried "cp /usr/share/applications/urxvtd.desktop ~/.config/autostart/" | 18:26 |
hblount | error: | 18:26 |
hblount | cp: cannot stat `/usr/share/applications/urxvtd.desktop': No such file or directory | 18:26 |
bioterror | it's just example | 18:26 |
bioterror | ;) | 18:26 |
mark76 | Have you tried cp /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart /home/you/.config/lxsession/Lubuntu? | 18:27 |
hblount | damn | 18:27 |
bioterror | mark76, what? | 18:27 |
hblount | ok i want to make "synclient HorizEdgeScroll=1" execute when i startup | 18:28 |
hblount | how do i do that? | 18:28 |
bioterror | you make synclient.desktop | 18:28 |
bioterror | to the .config/autostart/ folder | 18:28 |
bioterror | and that line is the "exec" line | 18:29 |
hblount | i dont see autostart folder in .config | 18:33 |
hblount | i see lxpanel, lxterminal, other stuff | 18:34 |
bioterror | hblount, I guess you can mkdir it | 18:44 |
hblount | ok i make autostart folder. how to i make the command work | 18:46 |
bioterror | ffffuuuu | 18:48 |
bioterror | I removed | 18:48 |
bioterror | my file | 18:48 |
bioterror | :D | 18:48 |
bioterror | hblount, | 18:51 |
bioterror | I cant make this any more easy for you | 18:51 |
hblount | so i just type that in terminal? | 18:53 |
bioterror | you make something.desktop into your .config/autostart | 18:54 |
bioterror | and then you start Desktop Session Settings from the menu's preferences as the FAQ says | 18:54 |
hblount | what do i start in desktop session settings | 18:56 |
bioterror | sorry, but I really cant move the mouse cursor for you | 18:58 |
bioterror | how hard I wish I could | 18:58 |
hblount | yes, i am noob. but you are also poor explainer and get impatient because your instructions arent clear for noob | 18:59 |
hblount | thanks anyway | 18:59 |
hblount | everyone else that helped me hear crystal clear | 18:59 |
hblount | here* | 18:59 |
bioterror | maybe someone else gives him some help next time instead of me | 19:02 |
gnewb | Is there a GUI program to make the mouse larger? | 21:47 |
bioterror | oh | 22:01 |
bioterror | gnewb, should be | 22:01 |
bioterror | I just came to my lappy to check it out | 22:01 |
gnewb | bioterror: Thank you, I tried a few from the Synaptic thing, no such animal, yet | 22:02 |
bioterror | lxappearance is the program and uses name Customize look and feel in the preferences | 22:02 |
gnewb | bioterror: Thank you, fetching now. | 22:02 |
bioterror | lxappearance is default program | 22:02 |
gnewb | bioterror: where is that located? | 22:03 |
bioterror | Wed00:02 <bioterror> lxappearance is the program and uses name Customize look and feel in the preferences | 22:04 |
gnewb | ok, thank you, is CLI | 22:07 |
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