
persiaka6sox, It appears to be based of 2.6.2900:15
ka6soxyes, but we haven't been able to determine which tree it came from.00:16
persiaI suppose it reduces the porting effort, but I presume you could sensibly look at the diff against mainline 2.6.29, and try to determine which are porting patches.00:17
persiaAll the SoC-specific stuff ought be mainline, so it's really just the platform stuff that is interesting.00:17
ka6soxya, its a question of time...but if I could ever get more time I'd have more fun.00:18
persiaI don't know enough about kernel internals, but I suspect there's something on the order of 10-12 files that have any content that is Nook-specific, and isn't covered by the OMAP stuff.00:18
persiaAnd strongly suspect that the porting effort to bring those files to 2.6.38 is unlikely to be heroic.00:19
persia(although I wouldn't expect the result to be as seamless as the current kernel: there's surely some extra hackery present, but those are fixable bugs: the above ought get one booting)00:20
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lilstevieI am having issues with framebuffer setup08:26
lilstevienot getting any output on screen once GDM starts08:26
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rsalvetijanimo: it's hard to have both gl and gles support at Qt12:59
rsalvetieven if we split in two packages, I don't think it'll be easier to maintain12:59
rsalvetiqt takes 1 day to build, and it's huge12:59
ograroot@ac100:/# apt-get -f install13:04
ograSegmentation fault13:04
rsalvetihaha :-)13:06
rsalvetinot good13:06
ograi guess i'll have to reboot13:06
ogranope, not good13:06
rsalvetigood luck13:06
ogranatty chroot though13:06
rsalvetioh, ok13:06
ogranot my main rootfs13:06
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janimorsalveti, yes, probably more weork than worth it with qt split13:39
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bercoogra: persia: fyi, alsa-lib v1.0.24 with UCM support is now out14:06
bercostill lacking the specific config files for OMAP4 boards14:07
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ograberco, yeah, we hard that already, i guess luke waits with the upload until after the freeze14:36
bercoogra: let us know how it goes and if you face issues14:37
ograwill do14:38
ograroot@ac100:/# apt-get -f install15:33
ograSegmentation fault15:33
ograhmm, so reboot didnt help15:33
ograthats bad15:33
armin76you broke it :D15:37
ograarmin76, i wish i did15:40
ograthen i would know whats wrong15:40
* ogra sighs16:08
ograis anyone running a maverick rootfs with natty chroots ?16:08
ogra(both armel)16:08
rcn-ee_at_workogra, squeeze rootfs with natty chroot... or do you think it's a maverick->natty issue?16:09
rsalvetiGrueMaster: up already?16:10
ograrcn-ee_at_work, well, i think its a HW issue but i dont get such behavior with maverick->maverick-chroot16:11
GrueMasterBeen up for an hour.16:12
ograGrueMaster, really ?16:12
GrueMasterStill working on coffee infusion.16:12
ograGrueMaster, the question is why :)16:12
GrueMasterpuppy walking on bladder - bad combo.16:13
GrueMasterI'm getting a little miffed at the XM dev's.  No updated documentation since rev A2 available (A3 broke DVI for us), I have a Rev B and no idea what changes have been made, and they are talking about some change to USB on Rev C.16:15
ograGrueMaster, i thought rsalveti just added a fix for the broken DVI16:16
ogra(or reworked a broken one from koen)16:16
rsalvetiGrueMaster: A3 should be the same as B16:17
rsalvetionly chip rev that changed16:17
GrueMasterAnd this is documented...where?16:17
rsalvetiand our latest kernel deb should be fine with it16:17
ograricardos head ;)16:17
rsalvetibeagle m-l probably16:17
ograjust print a pdf from it ;)16:17
rsalvetiyeah :-)16:18
GrueMasterogra: The interface is broken.  :P16:18
ografile a bug16:18
GrueMasterAt any rate, it is frustrating when software doesn't work as documented, and you don't know the hardware changes that could have affected it.16:20
ograwelcome to the world of developer hardware16:21
rsalvetiGrueMaster: http://beagleboard.org/hardware/design16:23
rsalvetiOnly Rev B change is processor revision16:23
GrueMasterInteresting.  I would not have found that link going through the main pages.16:23
rsalvetibeagleboard.org -> product details -> Design Materials16:24
GrueMasterTrue, but the layout suggests that is for the original beagle only.  Clicking on beagleboard.org>hardware shows a separate link for the XM at the top of the page, which only leads to the old documentation.16:26
GrueMasterBut thanks for pointing that out.16:26
GrueMasterPad web page layout.16:27
rsalvetiyeah, the layout is not that nice16:30
rcn-ee_at_workthere's a git tree for the beagleboard.org layout somewhere.  ;)16:31
rcn-ee_at_workGrueMaster, under static.. ;) http://www.beagleboard.org/gitweb/?p=beagleboard.org.git;a=tree16:31
GrueMasterErm, yea.  I'm looking at this and thinking WTF.  Looks interesting and cool.  If/when I get time to learn yet another development environment, I might submit some changes.  In the meantime, is there a bug tracker to file bugs against the web page?  :P16:44
rcn-ee_at_workGrueMaster, best to just pink jkridner he does a lot of the web changes..16:52
sinclairhi everyone21:41
sinclairmy erlang is segfaulting... and i don't know why =)21:42
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Kamondeliouspersia, turns out it was bad wiring on the connection between USB wifi dongle and the USB hub, the dongle works fine, just need to fix my wiring.23:11

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