
jonoAlanBell, do you have access to ubuntu-news?00:41
pleia2jono: you're welcome to join #ubuntu-news and ask when you need something posted, we don't bite :)00:41
jonopleia2, aha!00:42
Piciyes they do.00:44
jcastrojono: the footer is wrong00:44
jcastroyou seem to have added a seperate footer instead of using the existing one00:44
jonojcastro, yeah the main one is not editable in WP00:47
jonothey will need to hack the theme00:47
jonoI will do that when the diversity page is complete00:47
jcastroI thought I saw it the other day00:47
jonoand file an RT00:47
* jcastro digs00:47
jcastrofound it00:49
jcastrojono: Appearance -> Thematic Options00:49
jonojcastro, yeah but try and edit it ;-)00:51
jonoit requires system level access00:51
* jcastro whistles00:52
JanCjono: the developer tests you want to do (with e.g. akk, as you asked in #ubuntu-women), can they be done by other people somehow?  (you know I'm asking because of FOSDEM ;) )01:27
pleia2jono: I have another name for you! jack deslip (jdeslip - he's online now in #ubuntu-us-ca) over in berkeley, he did a talk on pygtk/Quickly at code camp last year and he's even free on tuesday during the day :)02:03
pleia2err, Jack Deslipppe :)02:03
pleia2his name is hard02:04
pleia2anyway, he's the berkeleylug leader too02:04
paultagjcastro: thanks for the loven, dude02:22
* paultag mutters02:22
jcastroI am resisting just laughing at you. :)02:22
paultagjcastro: dude, I'm *so* trashing your next post02:22
jcastroafter reading that I get the feeling I can sell you the brooklyn bridge02:23
* pleia2 chuckles02:23
paultagjcastro: dude, you're the first one to make fun of freetards and use twitter because it works better02:24
paultagjcastro: suck it :)02:24
jcastroyeah but I won't complain if twitter goes away02:24
jcastroyou knew the limitations and still bought it02:24
jcastrothat's called buyer's remorse02:24
paultagnaw, it's called a shitty decision02:24
jcastromust. resist. ohio. joke ...02:24
paultagSo... who wants to buy me an android tablet?02:25
dholbachgood morning07:57
duanedesigngood morning dholbach08:13
dholbachhi duanedesign08:14
nigelbmorning folks08:32
dpmhey dholbach, hey duanedesign, nigelb08:35
duanedesignhowdy nigelb dpm08:45
duanedesignwe are getting hammered by a winter storm here. Supposed to be the worst in over 10 years08:46
nigelbhola dpm, duanedesign :)08:48
popeydholbach: seen we've had plenty of loco responses now10:23
dholbachpopey, on the contacts list?10:23
dholbachyeah, a good start10:27
dholbachlike 25 of 180 :-P10:27
popeygood luck getting the other 18010:27
dholbachyeah, no worries10:28
dholbachit just shows that there's a huge diversity how teams are governed and that's fine - AFAICS most teams said that they have the same level of activity or more and that makes me happy :)10:29
Pendulumoh look, it's Tuesday therefore it's snowing... again :-/10:39
czajkowskiyup a big thing is how varied teams operate10:52
czajkowskirather interesting to see how it's done10:52
duanedesignPendulum: yeah it is coming down here (snow)11:53
Pendulumduanedesign: we've gotten hit either tuesday or wednesday every week this year, I think11:54
nigelbsnow tuesday? :P11:55
Pendulumlast week it was a Wednesday night so a little different (schools were still closed Thursday, though)11:55
Pendulumand we've had several Friday or Saturday snows as well11:56
Pendulumthe real problem though is that it's not melting in between so roofs are collapsing11:59
duanedesignoh no12:04
nigelbYou folks should talk to hypatia and gpc12:04
nigelbpretty sure they've faced this before :p12:04
duanedesignNew Natty kernel is not working well for me (wiFi)12:05
Pendulumnigelb: it's people who have houses or buildings with flat roofs. A lot of my friends are actualy going up on their roofs to knock the snow down. People in areas where they get 3ft of snow every year tend to not build with flat roofs ;)12:08
Pendulumwe can generally cope with a fair amount of snow, but this is now the worst winter in my memory12:08
Pendulum(I'm just glad that our roof is not flat because I have no way of knocking snow off!)12:09
nigelbPendulum: heh, now you get to brag!12:10
nigelb'Remember that snow storm of 2011? It feels like decades ago!'12:10
Pendulumpart of the problem is that it's not just one storm and there's not enough time to clear everything12:10
nigelb'and the snow was so bad, my friends had to get on the roof and knock it off!'12:10
PendulumI did ring a mate a couple days ago and he was like, one sec, I'm just getting off the roof12:11
nigelbTaking a phone while clearing ice off the roof is extremely hazardous I'd think12:11
nigelb*talking on12:12
PendulumI would think so too12:12
PendulumI mean, I understand bringing it up with him that way he has it in case of emergency12:12
Pendulumbut I"m not sure I'd have answered it if I were him (unless it was hands free, which is possible)12:12
duanedesignPendulum: where abouts are you?12:13
* duanedesign has a hard time remembering where everyone is from :P12:13
Pendulumduanedesign: northern Connecticut12:13
nigelbduanedesign: aren't you from OK?12:14
nigelbI generally have a broad idea where everyone is from at least for time zone12:14
duanedesignnigelb: yes. Tulsa, OK12:15
duanedesignPendulum: so you are right between Boston and New York12:16
Pendulumpretty much exactly as the crow flies12:17
Pendulum(which means it takes 45 minutes longer to get into NYC than it does to get to Boston if you drive ;) )12:17
* duanedesign nods12:18
nigelbDid anyone hear what Al Jazeera did about their videos lately?12:18
nigelbSince most american networks wouldn't carry it they just licensed the content as creative commons license.  Brilliant!12:20
nigelbI read that, brilliant again12:32
nigelb*and* there are people doing live translation of that audio into english text12:32
duanedesignnigelb: http://cc.aljazeera.net/12:38
nigelbduanedesign: that's what I was talking about with creative commons :)12:39
duanedesignnigelb: pretty neat12:39
dakerhttp://s-ak.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/terminal01/2011/1/31/14/enhanced-buzz-18816-1296503523-35.jpg <=Awesome (Geek)12:40
AlanBellcurious sign in the background - now open in your pants12:45
nigelbdaker: hahah13:11
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jonohey all15:42
cjohnstonmornin jono15:42
jonohey cjohnston15:42
jonohey Pici15:43
Pendulumhiya jono15:45
jonohey Pendulum, nigelb :-)15:47
nigelbAlanBell: around?15:51
duanedesign'lo jono. read about your school giving you an award or some form of recognition. that is great.15:56
jonothanks duanedesign :-)15:56
jonoI was pretty stoked when I read it15:56
jonodpm, call?15:59
dpmjono, yep15:59
dpmmumble, skype?15:59
jonolets do skype15:59
* jcastro mumbles to himself16:00
dholbachhey jono16:04
jonohey dholbach16:07
AlanBellnigelb: sure16:08
nigelbAlanBell: got time for a PM? :)16:08
AlanBellany time16:08
Pici!info vrms16:20
PiciJust testing the bot, which seems to be failing :/16:23
jonodholbach, I am free now, you want to start early?16:40
dholbachjono, do you think you can give me 5 min?16:40
jonodholbach, sure!16:41
mhall119jcastro: what's up?17:12
nigelbmhall119: I think he just wants you around when he curses summit17:13
jcastrooh hey, I should have docs and an example Place on Monday-ish17:13
jcastroactually, probably Tuesdayish17:13
mhall119Place as in Unity Place?17:15
dholbachhave a great rest of your day - see you all tomorrow17:41
jonopleia2, what is Jack's nick on IRC again?17:47
pleia2jono: jdeslip17:47
jonopleia2, #ubuntu-california is invite only?17:48
pleia2jono: that's because it forwards to #ubuntu-us-ca, which you're already in17:48
jcastromhall119: yeah, Unity Place17:48
jonopleia2, ahh!17:48
jcastromhall119: so I had an idea for one17:49
nigelbdarn, lyz is faster17:49
jcastrothere are some others17:49
jcastrobut directly related to what you work on17:49
jcastrowe could do like a "LoCo Place"17:49
jcastrothat connects to the loco directory17:49
jcastroso you just type "ubuntu hour" and it returns all the ubuntu hours coming up17:50
nigelbthat sounds like fun17:50
jcastroor "ohio" and it returns the page for that loco, etc.17:50
nigelbjcastro: is there documentation on how to build that?17:51
jcastrobut it's out of date, the guys will have it updated early next week though17:51
jcastroonce they get A2 out the door17:51
jcastroit should be easy for people to just make all sorts of little web places17:52
jcastrothe example one is a youtube place17:52
nigelbI could help with this :)17:52
jcastrocheck out the Ideas page17:53
jcastroso basically, you search for things17:53
jcastroand it returns a thumbnail and text17:53
jcastroso an amazon place would be like so17:53
nigelbso, we'd need to expose an api for LD17:53
jcastroyou hit super, type in "girl who kicked hornet..."17:53
nigelband query that api from unity and display the results17:53
jcastroand then the dash populates with books from amazon17:53
jcastrowhen you click on the book icon, it just opens a tab in the browser for you to that place17:54
nigelba lot of the underlying work would be done by unity?17:54
jcastrolibunity does it all17:54
nigelbcan you poke me when you have an updated documentation?17:54
jcastroand there's zeitgeist in there somewhere17:54
jcastrooh I will. :)17:54
nigelbI'd love to work on this from the LD end and from the unity end17:54
jcastroI am just telling you now so you can get your head chugging17:55
jcastroand also, any ideas for Places people want here would be awesome: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/Unity/Places/Ideas17:55
nigelbwow, a lot of them are interesting17:56
nigelbask Ubuntu one for instance17:56
jcastrothose are just Seif and me's ideas17:56
jcastroI need more brains thinking crazier stuff17:56
nigelbjcastro: google calender17:56
jcastroyeah, the  problem is17:56
jcastrofor natty they're very simple17:57
jcastroicons and text17:57
jcastroyes, I too had dreams of an awesome calendar overlay17:57
jcastro"Red Wings Place", etc.17:57
nigelbit would be so cool to have our calender and meeting displayed from unity synced with gcal17:57
jcastroright, but that's so N+1,+2,+3, etc.17:57
nigelbAh, but still17:58
nigelbwhen we do get there, it would rock :D17:58
nigelbmhall119: we don't expose an api for LD, do we?17:59
jcastroit might be worth doing an easy one for a service that has an API first17:59
jcastroso like amazon or netflix or something17:59
nigelbyeah, I'm drooling at the amazon one17:59
nigelblet the docs get updated and I want to try and get to it17:59
AlanBellit all seems very consumer oriented18:07
mhall119nigelb: LD has an API, yes18:10
nigelbmhall119: ooooh18:11
* nigelb looks for it18:11
mhall119nigelb: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoDirectory/API18:11
mhall119the docs may be a little out dates18:12
mhall119and LD 0.3.0 will include services for meetings and agenda items too18:12
nigelbmhall119: Neat!18:13
nigelbdont mind the docs, I can RTFS :)18:13
mhall119nigelb: there's also https://launchpad.net/loco-directory-clients18:14
mhall119some preliminary client-side libraries for it18:14
mhall119and docs https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoDirectory/API/Clients18:14
AlanBelljono: re ubuntu-news, nothing to do with me18:16
jonoAlanBell, np18:16
AlanBellubuntu-for-all which has been mentioned a few times recently is on my list of things I need to start up18:18
jonoczajkowski, howdy!18:22
jonowhat is the current status of "set up a frontdesk for loco + developer interaction" ?18:22
* jono follows up on burndown18:23
jonoduanedesign, could you take a look at your two items on http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/natty/canonical-community.html and I will respect you forever :-)18:23
duanedesignjono: good idea. I sure will18:27
jonoduanedesign, thanks, pal!18:27
jononigelb, what is the status of "write script that shows which loco team members of ~ubuntu-dev, ~ubuntu-bugcontrol are part of"18:28
nigelbjono: incidentally, im workin on that right now18:29
nigelbshould be ready by weekend18:29
jononigelb, awesome!18:29
jcastrohey jono19:21
jcastrohey jono19:21
* jcastro makes explosion sounds19:21
jcastroONE MORE DONE.19:22
jonojcastro, nice :-)19:23
* jcastro takes 1019:23
jcastrothis report was brutal today, lots of turnover on bitesizers19:23
jcastro(a good thing)19:23
czajkowskijono: stil working on it. hope to have some movement on it in next two weeks19:27
jonothanks czajkowski!19:28
czajkowskijono: np19:29
mhall119jcastro: I need VirtualBox 4 to run Unity, right?19:40
* mhall119 downloads19:42
jcastroI don't recommend anything today, X transition, unity session issues, etc.19:42
jcastroit's not a good day to die </worf>19:42
jcastroDL it but zsync it like tomorrow or thursday19:42
* daker is using Unity-2D19:42
* czajkowski bangs her head on the table over mpt and launchpad discussions today 19:42
jcastroczajkowski: ooh link!19:43
paultagczajkowski: don't even send a single email, missy19:43
paultagczajkowski: I've avoided this like the goddamn plauge19:43
jcastrodaker: yeah I need to do that, I'm in some sort of half broken metacity hell right now19:43
czajkowskihow to make me peed off in one tick19:43
czajkowskipaultag: change nick to crankytab19:43
jcastrothat's not as drama as I was hoping19:44
paultagczajkowski: not yet19:45
paultagczajkowski: if I wrote an email back, you'd know haw bad that'd get19:45
czajkowskikinda frustating as Curtis and Mat both understod the change they made on LP was effecting us, not upsetting us >:(19:46
AlanBellwhat was the point of the change in the first place?19:46
paultagczajkowski: trust me, I have a whole rant ready in my head if they push me  out too far19:46
paultagczajkowski: and it's not nice19:46
czajkowskipaultag: before you rant pm me ok :)19:46
czajkowskiyou and crankyness tends not to go down well19:47
AlanBellif you manage a team with assets and you don't want open teams to have access to it, then don't add open teams19:47
czajkowskipaultag: let me remind you of the reply to digest mail I had to fix19:47
paultagoh yeah, I forgot about taht19:47
paultagthat was fun19:47
czajkowskiso no getting cranky as I'm away for the next days and cant smooth things over my dear ok :)19:47
paultagczajkowski: deal :)19:47
dakeranyone can give the instructions to upgrade using an iso (without burning it) ?19:52
jcastroPici: pleia2: I am confused: http://ubuntu-news.org/2011/02/01/new-irc-council-members/20:02
jcastroIt's not obvious to me who is on the council, is it just the people in the lp team?20:02
pleia2jcastro: yes, Pici's term runs out in 10 days20:03
jcastrooh I see20:03
jcastroPici: nice long run dude, are you having a party?20:03
pleia2I would, that's a stressful council to be on, freedom! ;)20:03
topylimeh, lunchtime sudoku substitute!20:08
topylii was going to add a smiley, but it was becoming too complex20:11
jonojcastro, facebooking your post20:38
jonogood work20:38
jcastrocando just had a brilliant idea, i feel stupid for not doing it in the first place20:39
mhall119jcastro: is there a python library for Unity?21:04
mhall119or do I have to use straight DBus?21:04
jcastroafaik so far21:04
jcastroI can get you an answer on that tomorrow21:04
mhall119I'd appreciate it, otherwise I'll end up writing one, and it'd be a shame to duplicate effort21:04
mhall119I won't be starting on anything until Alpha2 is out and Unity/Xorg is working right21:05
mhall119my co-worker has a Thinkpad and the recent kernel update stopped his suspend from working21:39
mhall119he was just complaining about it21:40
dakerWa3 kim0_21:57
kim0_daker: Hi man21:57
dakeri missed you kim0_21:58
* kim0_ hugs everyone around21:58
kim0_daker: thanks man, same here21:58
dakeri was like a crasy, i was pinging you everytime21:59
kim0_It was/is a stressful period indeed22:00
kim0_things are improving however22:01
dakerkim0_, internet is back ?22:01
paultagyeah, heyya kim0_22:05
paultagkim0_: how are you? Hope you're well. Crazy stuff. You go, dude.22:06
* kim0_ hugs paultag :)22:06
* paultag hugs kim0_ 22:06
* Pendulum hugs kim0_ 22:06
kim0_well it's not back yet22:06
kim0_I know someone at the isp :)22:06
paultaghahaha, that's awesome22:06
kim0_The president is giving in .. He accepted everything except leaving immediately22:07
kim0_It's quite a great victory so far22:07
paultagkim0_: I saw that, that's good news :)22:07
jcastrohi kim0_22:07
kim0_wow :)22:07
kim0_jcastro: hey man22:07
kim0_missed ya22:07
* jcastro high fives22:07
paultagkim0_: everyone in America is pretty stoked to see ya'll riot.22:07
jcastrome too22:07
kim0_yeah .. phew22:08
kim0_it's not quite over yet though22:08
kim0_since the people actually want him to leave right away22:08
kim0_I suppose it'll all end this week22:08
Pendulumyeah. It strikes me that the time until he does leave is going to be tough22:08
paultagfor sure, but you've made the news ( and got America (finally) reading al jazeera )22:08
jcastroright, and given our government better ideas on how to ban the internet!22:09
kim0_well the US figured out the internet kill switch thing on their own :P22:09
paultagyeah, that's for sure22:09
paultagkim0_: from what i've read, most of the IP resolution was going through a single ISP22:09
paultagin egypt22:10
kim0_I basically have http only access .. so can't read emails ...etc. Only back partially22:10
paultagand that's what let them kill it22:10
paultagkim0_: oh interesting...22:10
paultagkim0_: what about SSL?22:10
kim0_paultag: not really .. Egypt has 4 large class A ISPs .. and many smaller ones22:10
dakerkim0, are you able to find food/bread ?22:11
kim0_killing the Internet happened at the BGP routing level .. i.e. no packet of any kind is able to get out .. trust me I tried :)22:11
paultagkim0_: http://www.renesys.com/blog/2011/01/egypts-net-on-life-support.shtml22:11
paultagkim0_: that's what I've read up on -- that was the link I was going off of22:12
paultagkim0_: anyway, if you have SSL, I can see if we can work out some sort of port forward deal from one of my VPSs over 44322:13
paultagkim0_: as long as you run it through ssh, it should look close enough22:13
kim0_paultag: thanks man .. I'll try to see if this proxy supports CONNECT ..22:14
paultaglet me know, man. I hate to see a hacker go without ssh22:14
kim0_Anyway, I hope I won't need this for more than a day or so22:14
kim0_daker: things are not that bad .. there is food ...etc .. You'd just have to wait for an hour to buy anything22:15
kim0_due to the long cashier queues .. in such times, all people tend to buy lots of things22:15
dakerkim0, are you protesting ?22:16
kim0_not in the main area22:18
kim0_I'm however active in civil defense forces22:18
paultagkim0_: are you part of the group protecting people from the police?22:18
dakerkim0, good22:19
kim0_from thiefs22:19
kim0_one of the tactics the tyrant used, was to let thiefs/gangsters out on the street22:19
kim0_almost all prisons were open22:19
kim0_And police forces disappeared for two days ,, phew it was horrible22:19
paultagkim0_: stay safe, dude.22:20
daker17, 000 prisoner22:20
kim0_gun shots everywhere .. random shootings .. cars running stealing everything22:20
kim0_All young men got on the streets to protect their area22:20
kim0_things are better now however22:20
kim0_daker: you know too much :)22:21
czajkowskikim0_: you're ok22:21
* czajkowski hugs kim0_ 22:21
dakerkim0, thanks GOD22:21
* kim0_ hugs czajkowski back 22:21
kim0_I really appreciate it22:21
czajkowskikim0_: glad to hear you are ok. Hope things improve, are you and your family ok22:21
kim0_Yeah, everyone I know is ok22:22
kim0_just a horrible week however :)22:22
Pendulumkim0_: really glad that everyone you know is safe :)22:22
czajkowskikim0_: indeed22:22
* kim0_ hugs Pendulum22:22
kim0_such a warm welcome .. thanks folks :)22:23
paultagkim0_: dude, you're fighting for what's right. Wish we were all so lucky :)22:23
Pendulumkim0_: you're part of the team! we worry about you :)22:23
paultagand the goverment was nice enough to cut all the teens away from facebook to rebel22:24
AlanBellkim0_: good to see you back22:24
* kim0_ hugs AlanBell 22:24
kim0_paultag: they cut SMS, internet, Satellite channels, and phones for the first day22:25
paultagkim0_: Oh, I was wondering -- can you use a 56K line?22:25
paultagkim0_: to a server outside of -eg22:25
kim0_um, maybe .. I discovered my winmodem in the laptop doesn't really work yesterday when I got that french ISP that was listed on slashdot :)22:26
paultagahh :)22:26
kim0_People wanted to do some kind of a "mesh network" but there was no practical solution22:27
kim0_a project to think about22:27
paultagyeah, I was thinking about that as well22:27
paultagit seems like it would be tough to secure as well as maintain a clean IP space22:27
kim0_it's probably not too easy indeed .. zero experience operating that22:28
paultagfor sure. Not even to mention it'd be easy to find the nodes that are most critical and cause netsplits22:29
kim0_just wish we could sprinkly something to get all people connected to each other .. even without Internet connectivity22:29
paultagkim0_: +122:29
Martynwell, I've got a number of ubuntu-based BBS's running in egypt now22:30
Martynusing good old UUCP and modems22:30
paultagoh interesting22:31
Martynbut it looks like ioerror and company will easily supersede it with wireless satellite and wifi soon22:31
Martynit really sucks that Noor shut down too22:32
kim0_momento phone call22:34
jcastrowhy oh why did I put my stupid content on the wiki22:50
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