
=== tjaalton_ is now known as tjaalton
bbordwelldoes anyone know if there is a reason that poppler is compiled without libopenjpeg?01:49
bbordwellOkay I have this poppler bug that can be fixed by changing a compile option in /debian/rules (only downside is that it adds a build-dep) is there anyway I can get this changed?02:12
micahgbbordwell: bug #?02:12
RAOFbbordwell: If there's a bug already filed, you can make the packaging changes yourself and attach a debdiff.02:13
RAOFbbordwell: Ah, yes.  There *is* a reason poppler isn't built with libopenjpeg; openjpeg is in Universe, not main, so needs a main inclusion review before it can be promoted.02:14
bbordwellRAOF, is there a wiki describing how to get that process started?02:15
bbordwelli think i found it..02:15
RAOFYou'd be looking for https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionProcess02:15
bbordwellthank you I will work on that02:18
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bbordwellhow do you find a list of all build-dep of a package?02:34
micahgbbordwell: apt-cache showsrc?02:35
micahgbbordwell: what do you want to do?02:35
bbordwellI want to know the build-deps of libopenjpeg202:35
bbordwelli do not see them listed anywhere obvious using synaptic02:36
micahgapt-cache showsrc libopenjpeg02:36
bbordwellthank you :)02:37
TheMusoSo the big X rebuild begins... :)02:42
brycehTheMuso, yup02:43
RAOFTime to sell your stocks in proprietary drivers :){02:43
Amaranthand find another IRC client and text editor, apparently02:43
TheMusoThats fine for my desktop, but not the laptop. :)02:43
TheMusoHowever if nouveau has worthwhile power management with 2.6.38/natty, then I'll likely use that and try out nouveau's experimental code.02:44
brycehAmaranth, touchpad got pretty twitchy for me as well02:44
TheMusoexperimental 3D that is02:44
bbordwellhmm question seven for a main inclusion request (Standards compliance: The package should meet the FHS and Debian Policy standards. Major violations should be documented and justified. Also, the source packaging should be reasonably easy to understand and maintain. ) is a bit over my head would someone be willing to look at this?02:44
RAOFTheMuso: I'm not sure whether power management has landed for 2.6.38, and which chipsets it applies to if it has.  There's certainly still active development happening.02:49
TheMusoah ok then.02:49
bbordwellRAOF, If you are interested I filed the MIR report (bug 711061). Im afraid it may not be perfect as I have never done this before and I am not a dev but hopefully I can at least get this thought about.02:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 711061 in ubuntu "[MIR] libopenjpeg" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71106102:58
RAOFWould anyone like to sponsor an xserver-xorg-video-geode upload to fix the ftbfs against the new X server+04:25
RAOFTheMuso: Bryce has just popped back up.  I'll happily get him to sponsor instead.04:33
RAOFOf course, if you're interested in a couple of minutes of work, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChrisHalseRogers/CoreDevApplication is still there :)04:33
kenvandinewow... look at the xorg churn tonight!04:44
* kenvandine goes to bed instead of updating just yet :)04:44
RAOFWelcome to the turbulence as we rebuild all the drivers against the new ABI :)04:45
TheMusoRAOF: Yeah Its on my todo list. :)04:48
pittiGood morning06:41
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pittiI need to run out for an appointment for ~ 2.5 hours07:36
didrocksgood morning08:11
chrisccoulsonhi seb12808:45
chrisccoulsonhow are you?08:45
didrockshey seb128, chrisccoulson08:45
chrisccoulsonhi didrocks, how are you too?08:46
didrockschrisccoulson: I'm fine, thanks, and you? :)08:46
chrisccoulsonyeah, not too bad thanks08:46
seb128hey didrocks chrisccoulson, how are you?08:47
seb128I'm fine thanks08:47
seb128chrisccoulson, you are up early today!08:47
chrisccoulsonwoken up by more daughter ;)08:47
chrisccoulson*my daughter even08:48
chrisccoulsond'oh, i need some coffee08:49
mvochrisccoulson: more daughters? careful ;)08:54
mvochrisccoulson: and yeah, I know this feeling very well (woken up early and the need of coffee^Wtea)08:54
chrisccoulsonheh :-)08:55
chrisccoulsoni think 1 daughter is enough for now ;)08:55
* mvo nods08:55
Sweetsharkpitti: Good morning!10:18
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pittiSweetshark: hey Bjoern, welcome to the desktop team!10:19
pittiseb128, chrisccoulson, mvo: ^ say hello to our new LibO hero!10:19
mvoSweetshark: nice, welcome!10:19
RAOFSweetshark: Oooh, welcome!10:19
chrisccoulsonhi Sweetshark, welcome :-)10:20
seb128hey Sweetshark10:20
seb128welcome on board!10:20
pittiSweetshark: did you already talk to Jason and got a mail from HR?10:20
SweetsharkHello all! What a nice welcome!10:20
Sweetsharkpitti: I talked to Jason already and got lots on emails recently from HR ;)10:21
mvowould you mind to add your real name in the irc prefs please (same for seb128 ;)10:22
pittiSweetshark: ah, nice! that should get you a little further wrt. wiki access, @canonical.com email address, etc.?10:22
chrisccoulsonmvo - i don't see your real name either ;)10:23
chrisccoulsonbut we all know who you are ;)10:23
mvochrisccoulson: oh? then I blame xchat, I definitely set it in the preferences :)10:24
chrisccoulsonheh :-)10:24
* chrisccoulson checks his settings too10:24
mvoI see yours10:24
RAOFI see mvo's, too.10:24
chrisccoulsonoh, it must be my xchat ;)10:25
chrisccoulsoni see everyone else's though10:25
* mvo just hides from chrisccoulson 10:25
seb128hum, I would try but unity dropped the xchat-gnome menus when I restarted it10:26
seb128so I've no access to the menu to go the preferences now10:26
seb128stupid thing10:26
chrisccoulsonseb128 - killall unity-panel-service ;)10:26
chrisccoulsoni think i might assign a shortcut key to that!10:26
seb128way to deal with unity!10:27
didrockswelcome Sweetshark!10:31
didrocksmvo: seb128 didn't get the time to add his real name ;)10:32
mvodidrocks: actually, it *is* his real name10:33
didrocksmvo: heh, right :-)10:33
chrisccoulsonnice. jo says if i go out and buy some bacon, she will cook me some breakfast10:35
RAOFchrisccoulson: That sounds like an excellent deal!10:37
chrisccoulsonheh :-)10:37
didrockshey RAOF!10:38
RAOFdidrocks: Good morning!10:38
chrisccoulsonhmmm, couchdb and mozjs is a pain :/10:58
RAOFHave some bacon.  That'll make it look better!10:59
* Sweetshark should have a nice and correct /whois too now ;)11:00
pittiSweetshark: yep, looking good now :)11:01
* RAOF has cracked the ‘n’s in his quest to rebuild everything on arm.11:01
pittiRAOF: still having fun cranking the rebuild machine?11:03
pittiRAOF: current dist-upgrade is still breaking due to xserver-xorg-video-8 here; but that could be due to me having had xorg-edgers PPA in Dallas11:03
RAOFpitti: The armel buildds thought it'd be funny to build all the drivers against the old X server.  I'll show them! mutter mutter mutter.11:03
pittiRAOF: "Use the build dependencies, Luke!"11:04
RAOFpitti: Yeah, that's what I'm doing now.11:04
RAOFBut that's quite a lot more effort than “script a rebuild changelog entry and upload a suitable wait after the xserver”11:04
pittijust easier because dep-waits will sort it out for you, and you can upload everything in one go11:05
RAOFThis is true.11:05
didrocksRAOF: is it intended that I can update: 11-common xorg xserver-common xserver-xephyr xserver-xorg-input-all xserver-xorg-video-all but it's holding back other  xserver-xorg* packages?11:06
RAOFdidrocks: No, it's not intended.  There are about to be a huge slew of rebuilds, again.11:06
didrocksok, waiting then :)11:07
RAOFAnd mach64 and r128 builds, because they're not in -video-all, so got missed by the first sweep.11:07
pittimicahg, chrisccoulson: could either of you give the lucid-proposed thunderbird-locales (bug 705028) a quick testing? it would really help unblock 10.04.2 if we could check this today11:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 705028 in thunderbird-locales "Update Thunderbird translations to 3.1.7" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70502811:23
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, sure11:23
chrisccoulsonpitti - if you're looking at SRU's at any point, bug 538796 is fairly important11:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 538796 in moon "cannot open Firefox/Chromium/Google Chrome when libmoon is installed" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53879611:24
chrisccoulsonthat's the number 1 firefox crasher on ubuntu atm ;)11:24
pittichrisccoulson: lucid is frozen, but I can do maverick11:24
chrisccoulsonpitti - cool, thanks11:24
pittichrisccoulson: ah, it's not on any of the CDs, so I guess it's ok11:25
chrisccoulsonpitti - thanks. i'm trying to avoid having the plugin blacklisted by mozilla11:26
pittichrisccoulson: ok, done11:28
chrisccoulsonpitti - excellent, thanks11:28
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pittiRAOF: xserver-xorg-input-mouse, xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse, and xserver-xorg-video-ati{,-dbg} are still uninstallable, is that known?11:30
pitti(see http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/natty_probs.html)11:30
RAOFI'm working my way through that list.11:31
pittigreat, thanks11:31
RAOF-vmmouse was also built against the old Xserver :(11:31
RAOFAlmost through the ‘s’s!11:32
* pitti gets into the pilot seat11:35
NetShadowis there is a software that can boost my bittorrent upload ratio like greeytorrent for linux?11:53
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chrisccoulsonexcellent, i think i've got couchdb working with a debug build of mozjs, and no assertions now :-)12:16
chrisccoulsonwhat a nightmare12:16
chrisccoulsonit's not very well documented12:16
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seb128Riddell, rejecting a source because the copyright year is one year off? you are picky! ;-)12:48
RiddellI prefer to think of it as high standards rather than picky :)12:51
seb128nessita, hello13:10
nessitaseb128: hi!13:10
seb128nessita, how are you?13:10
nessitapretty good! enjoying some awesome mate\13:10
seb128hum, mate as the drink or as team mates? ;-)13:11
seb128I'm fine thanks13:11
nessitaas the drink13:11
seb128nessita, so I just got apport trigerring13:11
seb128nessita, http://paste.ubuntu.com/560939/13:11
seb128nessita, the stacktrace is similar to the one on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/71117713:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 711177 in unity "images preview in places are not rendered correctly" [Undecided,Triaged]13:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 702616 in ubuntuone-client "Passing tests with odd DBus errors" [Medium,Confirmed]13:12
seb128nessita, ^ rather13:12
nessitalet's see13:12
seb128nessita, do you want a new bug? or is this one enough?13:12
nessitahum, let me see if i understand what is going on. The bug report you mentioned is 'harmless' since it was only affecting the test run, and that was caused because in the test run, we're not faking one of ours dbus services13:14
nessitaseb128: IRL, it does not make sense having that trace13:14
seb128nessita, ok, I'm not sure if the one I get breaks anything13:14
seb128but I got it twice since yesterday13:14
nessitaseb128: please fill a new bug with the appport info, and let me know how to reproduce, if possible13:14
seb128the "how to reproduce" is not easy13:15
seb128I've been restarting my sesison a bunch of time to try unity and now I got apport to trigger with that crash13:15
seb128nessita, I will report the bug and try to keep an eye on when, how it happens13:15
seb128nessita, it was a few minute into the current session thoguh13:16
seb128so it's not likely during a session restart13:16
nessitaseb128: thanks. Let me know if you get that again, I'm testing a prisitine natty install right now, installing updates ATM13:19
nessitaseb128: let me know the bug # when you have it, please :-)13:19
seb128nessita, ok, I will, I need to update some packages first apport will not le report it right now because some x11 packages are not uptodate13:20
nessitahum, something wants to remove xserver-xorg-core...13:20
seb128nessita, yeah, it's middle of the xorg transition, wait a few hours13:21
nessitaI will13:21
nessitaseb128: ok, I'll try to reproduce later. Thanks again!13:21
nessitakenvandine: I filled bug #711233 as we agreed13:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 711233 in indicator-me "Remove Ubuntu One from me indicator" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71123313:23
chrisccoulsonaaaaaaaaaaaaah, syncdaemon is making my leg burn ;)13:42
Riddellcyphermox: bug 710728 says "you want to sync usb-modeswitch-data 20101222-2 from experimental too."  please file a bug if that is so13:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 710728 in usb-modeswitch "Sync usb-modeswitch 1.1.6-1 (main) from Debian experimental (main)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71072813:47
cyphermoxohh, I was certain this was all in one source package, thanks Riddell13:49
NetShadowis there is a software that can boost my bittorrent upload ratio like greeytorrent for linux?13:51
RiddellNetShadow: support questions in #ubuntu13:53
NetShadowok sorry13:53
kenvandineRiddell, uploaded dbus-test-runner again13:54
kenvandineRiddell, thx for the review13:54
cyphermoxpitti, could you please ack the usb-modeswitch-data sync for sponsorship as well? --> https://launchpad.net/bugs/71125113:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 711251 in usb-modeswitch-data "Sync usb-modeswitch-data 20101222-2 (main) from Debian experimental (main)" [Wishlist,New]13:56
pitticyphermox: sure!13:57
cyphermoxpitti, thanks13:57
pitticyphermox: oh, there's a new data-packed binary; do we want to use that?13:57
cyphermoxpitti, I don't know. maybe to ship on the cd instead of the non-packed data?13:58
pittidoesn't matter for CD space13:58
pittijust for installed13:58
cyphermoxI don't really see a benefit for either, except maybe as a workaround to debian #57785314:00
ubot2Debian bug 577853 in usb-modeswitch-data "usb-modeswitch-data: Unusual chars in filenames" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/57785314:00
seb128nessita, on what source should I report a bug about the ubuntuone indicator-messages entry not having a > indicating that the service is running?14:06
nessitaseb128: you can do it on ubuntuone-control-panel, and I'll seek help around (I have no idea how to get that :-))14:07
kenvandinenessita, let me take a peak at the code there and see if i can tell what's going on14:10
seb128nessita, kenvandine: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntuone-control-panel/+bug/71126014:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 711260 in ubuntuone-control-panel "the indicator messages entry should indicate that the service is running" [Undecided,New]14:11
nessitakenvandine: thanks!14:11
nessitaseb128: ack14:11
bcurtiswx_seb128, empathy will be making some 2.34.x releases eventually for non-gnome3.  cassidy will ping you about it once it's further along.  This is just an FYI.14:18
cassidyI will :)14:18
seb128I've seen the commits14:18
cassidylike this week14:18
seb128cassidy, nice, what will be in this one? is that a close from 2.32 or close from GNOME3 with gtk2 or..?14:19
bcurtiswx_seb128, i can never seem to figure out things before you.  I've learned my lesson, no underestimating seb128.14:19
* bcurtiswx_ sulks away14:19
cassidythat's 2.32 + some fixes and new features we want people to use14:19
seb128cassidy, it will work on GNOME 2.32 right?14:19
cassidylike contact search, SASL, etc14:19
cassidyyeah yeah14:19
seb128great ;-)14:19
cassidyyou just need a recent tp-glib and folks but you have those already any way14:20
bcurtiswx_0.3.4 not yet, i think14:20
cassidyfolks 0.3.4 breaks it's API so wait for my first empathy release using it maybe14:20
kenvandinenessita, is that from lp:ubuntuone-control-panel ?14:21
kenvandinei can't even find an import for indicate14:21
nessitakenvandine: the icon in the messaging menu opens the executable from lp:ubuntuone-control-panel. The messaging menu specific entries come from lp:ubutuone-client14:22
nessitakenvandine: would that answer your question?14:23
kenvandineyes, thx14:23
kenvandineand i think that explains why this isn't showing up14:23
bcurtiswx_seb128, instead of me bringing up things you already know about, i'll just wait for you to talk to me about packaging them up ;)14:24
seb128don't wait on me to do updates ;-)14:24
seb128you can work on those14:24
bcurtiswx_seb128, i know but I seem to figure out about them way after you do, so if you let me know of them (when I may not already know) then I can14:26
seb128well I'm just watching the gnome #commits channel and the ftp uploads lists14:26
bcurtiswx_seb128, GIMPnet?14:28
bcurtiswx_where is the ftp uploads list at?14:30
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* bcurtiswx_ waves to vish14:30
vishbcurtiswx_: hey..14:30
kenvandinenessita, i think i have it, testing then will propose a branch :)14:33
nessitakenvandine: your rock!14:33
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kenvandinenessita, i have to run to an appointment... the problem seems to be that messaging.py isn't included in the ubuntuone-client package14:42
kenvandineso it isn't installed14:42
* kenvandine runs out14:42
nessitakenvandine: thanks!14:42
desrtdbarth__: good morning14:50
GunnarHjpitti: Hi Martin,14:52
GunnarHjpitti: Have you seen my latest comment at https://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/gdm/language-menu/+merge/45681 ? Wondering if you draw the same conclusions as I did.14:53
Riddellubuntu desktop has ttf-dejavu-core installed but not ttf-dejavu-extra, is there anything which brings in ttf-dejavu-extra or do you just live without italic and the rest?14:54
pittiGunnarHj: hello!14:54
pittiGunnarHj: I saw the reply; as the language list loading is already lazy, I think that's fine14:54
GunnarHjpitti: Yeah, that's what I thought you'd say. Think it's desirable that it's committed/released before Alpha 2, in order to get l-s and gdm in sync.14:57
rickspencer3seems my desktop solved the age old question of which side to put the buttons on this morning15:00
rickspencer3it took the nuclear option, no buttons at all!15:00
pittiGunnarHj: we are in soft freeze already, I'll review/upload after a215:01
pittirickspencer3: oh, after removing menus we now remove buttons, too?15:01
rickspencer3it's brilliant, really15:02
rickspencer3tbh, I'm just happy that Unity loaded this time15:02
rickspencer3after I dis-upgraded last night, Unity has been less than totally stable15:02
mvono worries, 1,5 days till a215:02
didrocksrickspencer3: it's not, it's crashing a lot15:02
rickspencer3though "dis-upgrade" would be a nice option to have as well15:02
didrocks(while places are loading in fact, you can get some crashes)15:03
didrocksonce they did their job, it's pretty stable15:03
didrocksso, hibernate is better :)15:03
* didrocks runs…15:03
* bcurtiswx_ tests hibernate15:04
pittiawesome; I opened the PTS for pm-utils, and now firefox keeps crashing right on startup..15:05
GunnarHjpitti: Ok, TIA15:08
kamstrupmvo: hi, have you ever considered creating a icon-theme.cache file for the icons in /usr/share/app-install ? That way  one can use GtkIconTheme and access all the icon data using mmap()ed I/O15:12
kamstrupmvo: it would speed up the icon loading *a lot*15:12
kamstrupmvo: on my box it gives a 22mb icon-theme.cache, which is not a huge deal compared to the stock gnome theme which has a 35mb .cache file15:13
mvokamstrup: indeed15:13
pittiand these are generated at runtime only anyway15:14
kamstrupmvo: it would improve the experience in the Unity apps place signiticantly15:14
* kamstrup is teh spellar today!15:14
kamstrupmvo, pitti: do you want a bug on it?15:15
mvokamstrup: yes please15:17
kamstrupmvo: against which product?15:26
seb128mterry, hey15:26
seb128chrisccoulson, hey15:26
mterryseb128, hello!15:26
chrisccoulsonhi seb12815:27
seb128you guys probably know better about libdbusmenu and appmenu than other on this channel15:27
mvokamstrup: app-install-data please15:27
seb128would any of you be interested by trying to get shotwell working?15:27
seb128the way it does menus is a bit special and appmenu has issues with it it seems15:28
mterryseb128, sure...15:28
chrisccoulsonseb128 - sure, i don't mind looking at that15:28
chrisccoulsonoh ;)15:28
seb128well don't fight, whoever has some time for it15:28
seb128bug #64934015:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 649340 in appmenu-gtk "in Unity, top-level Shotwell menu does not change when user switches views" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64934015:29
seb128mterry, do you have other things on your todo for now?15:30
seb128I know chrisccoulson tends to be busy with firefox work...15:30
mterryseb128, chrisccoulson talked about it, I'll look at the bug today15:30
chrisccoulsonwell, couchdb mainly atm ;)15:30
chrisccoulsonor, at least it seems that way ;)15:30
seb128mterry, ok thanks, can you comment on the bug saying that and assign it to you?15:30
seb128chrisccoulson, ok15:31
kamstrupmvo: ok, https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/711304 for reference15:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 711304 in unity "Create icon-theme.cache file to support mmap()ed icon loading" [Undecided,New]15:36
mptmvo, sorry, looks like I won't have time for R+R cleanup today15:37
mvompt: no worries, its a2 time anyway15:38
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seb128pitti, can you connect to the retracers?15:43
pittiseb128: I haven't tried yet since ronne got moved15:43
seb128pitti, I get a permission denied...15:43
pittiseb128: you can't access ronne any more15:43
dobeyKenEdwards: you have an old version of python-ubuntuone-client15:44
dobeyKenEdwards: sorry again :)15:44
seb128pitti, so how do we fix retracers when they crash?15:44
dobeykenvandine: you have an old version of python-ubuntuone-client15:44
pittiseb128: everything was moved to osageorange15:44
pittiseb128: it's got a new alias porter-i386.canonical.com15:44
pittiI can log in there15:44
seb128pitti, thank you, I must have missed the email about this15:45
pittiargh, launchpadlib.errors SNAFU again :/15:45
seb128pitti, I can fix those15:45
seb128pitti, well that's the i386 one15:46
seb128the amd64 crashed on a different issue, I removed the lock to see if it still happens15:46
seb128pitti, I will fix the i386 environment15:46
seb128pitti, you're welcome15:47
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kenvandinedobey, i have the latest in natty15:53
kenvandinewell, as of late last night :)15:54
mterrygoing offline, be back in time for meeting15:58
didrockstremolux: will you release the lock soon for the meeting page?15:59
didrocksmterry: see you!15:59
tremoluxdidrocks: you bet  :)15:59
bcurtiswx_are all the xserver-xorg files changes done?15:59
didrockstremolux: do you want starting an editing war? :-)16:00
tremoluxdidrocks: totally!16:00
mvokamstrup: if you experimented with that already, could you attach your theme file please?16:00
tremoluxdidrocks: (open, for for it)16:00
mvokamstrup: the index.theme I mean16:01
didrockstremolux: hehe :-)16:02
mvokamstrup: hm, nevermind, it appears a oneline file is enough16:02
mvoeh, two16:02
chrisccoulsonpitti - do you know if xulrunner-2.0 is seeded anywhere?16:04
chrisccoulsoni want to upload a change to it so i can get fennec to build16:04
pittiTask: kubuntu-dvd-live16:05
Riddelldon't we have a meeting now?16:06
didrocksRiddell: in 25 minutes, isn't it?16:07
Riddell"this is the weekly reminder about our desktop team meeting at 16:00 UTC today, in #ubuntu-desktop"16:07
Riddellbut if that's wrong I'll go and make some soup16:08
didrocksoh 16:00 UTC? Shouldn't it be 16:30 as usual?16:08
pittisorry, I mistyped16:08
pittiyes, 16:30 as usual16:08
pittiSweetshark: ^ FYI16:08
didrocksRiddell: I think you are the only one to read the content of it, then :)16:08
Riddellwell I can never remember the times of various meetings and rely on reminders to remind me16:09
Sweetsharkpitti: k16:09
mvokamstrup: so I can generate the file now, but it appears that its not mmaped() for my test, did that work in your tests?16:09
chrisccoulsonpitti - oh, was "Task: kubuntu-dvd-live" in response to my question? sorry, only just noticed that ;)16:19
chrisccoulsoni guess i can wait until after a2 ;)16:20
pittichrisccoulson: it's apparently on the kubuntu DVD16:20
kamstrupmvo: I think you need to configure your GtkIconTheme instance appropriately for it to work16:20
kamstrupmvo: ie. not "out of the box"16:20
mvokamstrup: I set the search_path accordingly16:20
mvo(I think ;)16:20
kamstrupmvo: can you paste your test code somewhere?16:22
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mvokamstrup: will do in a little bit, I just need to finish another task16:23
kamstrupmvo: i'd guess you need a set_search_path() and set_custom_theme()16:24
kenvandinemterry, now that i've split those providers out of geoclue, can you look at bug 686034 again?16:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 686034 in geoclue "[MIR] geoclue" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68603416:28
kenvandinewe want to upload a new indicator-datetime today which needs it16:28
mterrykenvandine, ok, looking now16:28
kenvandineso i want to get that over to main16:28
kenvandinemterry, thx16:28
=== Sweetshark is now known as Sweetshark_
pittiSweetshark, bryce_, chrisccoulson, didrocks, tremolux, Riddell, kenvandine, cyphermox, mterry, seb128, tkamppeter: meeting ping16:30
* tremolux waves16:31
Riddellyay, meeting!16:31
cyphermoxhey :)16:31
=== Sweetshark_ is now known as Sweetshark
Sweetsharkpitti: meeting pong?16:31
* kenvandine waves16:31
pittiwelcome everyone16:32
chrisccoulsonmeh, only a tiny bit of my screen works16:32
chrisccoulsonseems there is an invisible firefox window covering it, and swallowing all events16:32
kenvandineugh... rebooted and now it says i don't have the hardware to run unity anymore16:32
kenvandineguess i shouldn't have upgraded yet :)16:32
pittiI'll do the meeting today, as our beloved team manager had some unexpected family growth :)16:32
pittifirst, everyone say hello to our newest team member Sweetshark16:33
Riddellhello Sweetshark16:33
pittiSweetshark: do you want to introduce yourself quickly?16:33
kenvandineexpected... just a little early16:33
rickspencer3pitti, would you put that in the category of a race condition, or a resource leak?16:33
chrisccoulsonhi Sweetshark!16:33
cyphermoxhey Sweetshark, welcome16:33
didrockshey Sweetshark, welcome again ;)16:33
* pitti giggles16:33
tremoluxhey Sweetshark!  \o16:34
mterrySweetshark, hi@16:34
mterryhi! even16:34
rickspencer3hi Sweetshark!16:34
SweetsharkHello everyone! Usually one says something like "I cannot remember all those new faces" on the first day ;) ... but nicks arent easier ;)16:34
seb128welcome Sweetshark16:34
pittiBjoern will take over LibO maintenance and development, which we all have been waiting for16:35
SweetsharkOh, I overead the "introduce yourself" part ...16:36
pittiso I guess he now takes over the "biggest package in the desktop team" trophy16:36
* kenvandine hugs Sweetshark16:36
RiddellSweetshark: do drop by the KDE stall at FOSDEM and say hi16:36
pittiRiddell: nice that you bring it up -- who will go to FOSDEM this year?16:36
tremoluxSweetshark: where are you based?16:37
RiddellI'm giving a talk, I should probably think of something to say16:37
didrocksI will16:37
SweetsharkYeah, I have been ~3 years at Sun/Oracles OpenOffice team and am excited to join you now and help out with LO.16:37
pittiRiddell: just demo KDE 4.6 and let the audience watch in awe?16:37
* Sweetshark will be at FOSDEM.16:37
MrChrisDruifWhere was FOSDEM this year again? Brussels, Belgium right?16:37
RiddellMrChrisDruif: Brussels, same place as every year16:38
* MrChrisDruif crawls back to his alcove16:38
* pitti suppresses the urge to ask Sweetshark about his diet preferences which his nick suggests16:39
Sweetsharktremolux: Im based in Hamburg, Germany where the old dungeons of the StarDivision-Team lie ...16:39
pittiso, let's go to the team updates16:39
pittikenvandine: partner update?16:39
Sweetsharkpitti: hrhr, no there a "deeper meaning" to the nick ;)16:39
pittiSweetshark: you gotta tell us over a beer at the next conf16:40
Sweetsharkpitti: roger, wilco.16:40
kenvandineDX is in really good shape, lots of releases last week16:40
kenvandineindicator-datetime with eds and geoclue should get uploaded today16:40
kenvandineassuming we get geoclue into main today16:41
pittikenvandine: please avoid uploading today, as we are in a2 freeze16:41
pittiand the archive is broken enough as it is still :/16:41
kenvandineoh, i thought we could anytime today was ok?16:41
kenvandineugh... ok... i really wanted to get that in16:41
kenvandinei guess next week will do then :)16:41
pittiwell, don't break anything :)16:41
seb128kenvandine, don't listen to pitti it's only one indicator ;-)16:41
pittianythign which involves NEWing, soname bumps, breakage due to architectures going out of sync etc. should be avoided now16:42
kenvandinepitti, ok... that shouldn't be an issue16:42
chrisccoulsonoh, i guess that means i can upload xulrunner then ;)16:42
chrisccoulsonj/k ;)16:42
seb128kenvandine, right, what you need to be careful about is installability16:42
kenvandinefor U1, they won't have the progress integration with the launcher yet, that work in the launcher isn't due to land until around the 10th16:43
seb128one indicator update shouldn't be an issue16:43
seb128there is no need to be overconservative it's a2 only and it's tuesday16:43
kenvandineotherwise they are in good shape16:43
chrisccoulsonprogress integration?16:43
pittistill, we need workign CDs at some point16:43
didrockschrisccoulson: it's a libunity API to show progress on the launchers16:44
kenvandinechrisccoulson, using libunity to display status of syncdaemon and such in the launcher16:44
pittikenvandine: nice; we also got places back now?16:44
kenvandinepitti, yeah, but that will be in didrocks update16:44
chrisccoulsondidrocks, nice! can i show progress of downloads in firefox there?16:44
chrisccoulsoni feel another task coming on here ;)16:44
didrockschrisccoulson: it will if you can teach firefox to speak to it :)16:44
kenvandinechrisccoulson, someday :)16:44
pittikenvandine: ok, thanks for the heads-up; can you please add this to the wiki, too?16:44
chrisccoulsoni'll take a look at that after the meeting16:45
pittididrocks: want to continue with the unity status?16:45
kenvandinei did16:45
didrockspitti: sure16:45
didrocksall is more or less on the wiki16:45
didrocksa lot of uploads to get all the new things in shape16:45
didrocksmost important thing is the return of the places16:45
didrocksso you should ensure to have them installed (unity-place-files and unity-place-applications)16:45
kenvandinedidrocks, is places expected to be empty?16:46
didrocks /!\ quite unstable for alpha2, really a first version16:46
didrockskenvandine: no, but there is a bug that sometimes they are16:46
seb128kenvandine, install the places binaries?16:46
didrockskenvandine: try to do a search and empty it16:46
kenvandinemaybe that is the problem :)16:46
seb128kenvandine, do you have unity-place-files or applications?16:46
kenvandinenot a recommends yet?16:46
seb128it is16:46
* didrocks already told it ^^16:46
seb128but upgrades seem to not always pull new recommends in16:46
didrocksyeah, it's an unity recommends16:46
seb128or we had issues last cycle with that16:47
kenvandineah... i don't16:47
seb128so I wouldn't be surprised if that's still an issue16:47
kenvandinei had them marked as "un"16:47
pitti-> off-meeting discussion16:47
kenvandinesorry :)16:47
seb128(well, worth mentionning for other who might run into the issue)16:47
didrocksany question/complain? ;)16:47
seb128(but yeah, not to discuss there)16:47
pittitremolux: thanks for the s-c report on the wiki, great to see r&r in action! anything to discsuss there?16:47
pittididrocks: will complain once I restart my desktop session :-P16:48
tremoluxyeah, r&r!  it's cool!16:48
=== alecu is now known as alecu-lunch
pittididrocks: (seriously, good job with landing this in time!)16:48
tremoluxall rock star accolades to mvo, this is his baby  :D16:48
didrockspitti: thanks (I think it's time to /quit then before you restart) :)16:48
tremoluxit's awesome to see reviews coming in..16:49
tremoluxanyway, nothing more from me about it unless questions?16:49
pittiRiddell: what's new in Kubuntu land? any A2 blockers we need to be aware of or need more hands?16:50
chrisccoulsonheh, i only reviewed software-center so far :-)16:50
Riddell * KDE SC 4.6.0 is in and compiled, blocked on ARM by bug 70871416:50
Riddell * CDs building and no longer oversized16:50
Riddell * 13 bugs milestoned for alpha 2 http://goo.gl/yGhJd16:50
Riddell * bug 705917 for ubiquity a pain for alpha 2 nothing alpha critical (besides ARM being broken)16:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 708714 in kdebindings "pykde fails to compile on ARM" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70871416:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 705917 in ubiquity "kde frontend keyboard selector broken" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70591716:51
Riddell * Some more green on https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo16:51
pitti13 bugs seems a little on the optimistic side; I hope most of them aren't breaking install?16:51
Riddellno, nothing breaks install16:52
pitti(just the top two, I guess)16:52
RiddellARM is not happy for sure and we may have to put up with using US keyboard layouts16:52
pittiah, so primarily the keyboard selector thing16:53
pittiRiddell: is there a "root package" for arm, or is it a toolchaininsh issue?16:53
Riddellit's kdebindings at fault (or maybe sip4)16:53
Riddellbut I can't work out what's changed since the older versions16:54
pittiRiddell: so it's not just the switch to gcc4.5?16:54
RiddellI don't think that's relevant, although I guess it's worth checking16:55
pittiok, thanks for the heads-up; nice to see the CDs back in size16:55
pittiI'd also like to run over the stragglers in http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/canonical-desktop-team-natty-alpha-2.html16:56
pittias at this point we shouldn't shake up the archive much any more16:56
pittiI mailed Charline about her's, not answer yet; I think we can postpone to a3, although it sounds like a prerequisite for a11y work16:56
pittiTheMuso: ^ do you know more details?16:56
pittihaven't heard from her in two days16:56
pittikenvandine: "build libappindicator with gtk3" sounds like it wouldn't block natty at all, so I guess it's safe to move to a3?16:57
pittiRAOF's "talk to debian" WI can still happen, I guess16:57
pittiand I think we need to move TheMuso's three a11y WIs to a316:58
pittianything else?16:58
Riddellwhat's all this about no hibernate?16:58
pitti55 WIs left for http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/canonical-desktop-team-natty-alpha-3.html, that's going to be fun again16:59
pittiRiddell: currently being discussed on the list17:00
pittiRiddell: we'll get back the kernel support for it, so the remaining discussion is about how much to disable it in the UI17:00
pitti(or if at all)17:00
pittidisabling it in the kernel was an error17:00
pittiAny other business for the metting?17:02
pittimeeting, too17:02
pittiok, thanks everyone!17:03
didrocksthanks :)17:03
Sweetsharknice timing ;)17:03
tremoluxthanks all!17:03
* Sweetshark dials in for libreofice tsc call ...17:03
didrocksso, I was about to review and rate software-center with an exceptional rating, then, submitting it failed17:04
didrockslet me change the review :)17:04
tremoluxdidrocks: haha!17:04
didrockskenvandine: so, you got the "can't run unity" dialog, isn't it?17:04
tremoluxdidrocks: guess we earned that  ;)17:05
didrockstremolux: hehe :)17:05
kenvandinedidrocks, yup17:05
kenvandinewith intel graphics17:05
kenvandinealways worked before17:05
didrockskenvandine: and does unity start?17:05
kenvandinejust did an update, not dist-upgrade17:05
didrockstremolux: reviews.staging.ubuntu.com gives an error 50017:05
kenvandinedidrocks, doesn't appear to... i get an empty screen17:05
didrockskenvandine: empty? hum, doesn't sound good17:06
didrocksshould at least start nvidia17:06
kenvandineno fallback17:06
kenvandineeasily confused :-D17:06
didrocksyeah ;)17:06
didrocksok, looking at it then17:06
tremoluxdidrocks: hrm hrm, ok, any chance you can pastebin it?  I can check what's going on17:07
kenvandineSegmentation fault (core dumped)17:07
kenvandinein my xsession-errors17:07
didrockstremolux: sure http://paste.ubuntu.com/561037/17:07
didrockskenvandine: hum, what segfault? (not looking at unity, trying to see why the fallback doesn't work)17:08
tremoluxdidrocks: got it, thx!17:08
didrockskenvandine: can you please add --debug to gnome-session line in /usr/share/xsessions/gnome.desktop17:08
kenvandinedidrocks, compiz17:08
didrocksbut still, you should get gnome-panel at least17:09
kenvandineso my gnome-session is trying to start compiz too17:09
didrockskenvandine: yeah, that's intended17:09
kenvandinestill want that with --debug?17:09
didrocksthen if compiz can't start, compiz run metacity17:09
didrockskenvandine: yes please17:09
tremoluxmterry: thanks a lot for all your reviews btw!  it's great to see them17:09
mterrytremolux, 'course  :)17:10
tremoluxmterry: and so sorry about the Déjà Dup issue, we will get that cleared asap so that the vast backlog of positive reviewers can have their say17:10
mterrytremolux, heh :)17:11
seb128didrocks, speaking of "can't get unity", there is bunch of nux crashes in the detection utility on launchpad17:11
seb128didrocks, you might want to point jay to those17:12
didrocksseb128: already done :)17:12
seb128I've switched a few of those to public earlier today17:12
didrockshence the fact I still try to run unity even if it crashes17:12
* cyphermox -> lunch17:12
didrocksyeah, I saw that, thanks!17:12
kenvandinedidrocks, ok, so what do you want from this output?17:14
kenvandineit is very noisy :)17:14
didrockskenvandine: the start, before it tries to run compiz17:15
kenvandinedidrocks, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/561043/17:18
kenvandinethat part?17:18
didrockskenvandine: no before, the gnome-session part17:18
didrockskenvandine: before it tries to start the apps17:18
didrockskenvandine: can you just pastebin until INITIALIZATION?17:19
seb128chrisccoulson, ok, can you work on bug #706941?17:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 706941 in indicator-appmenu "unity-panel-service crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance_cast()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70694117:21
seb128chrisccoulson, is the appmenu code crashing when opening an evolution contact dialog17:21
didrockskenvandine: /usr/local/share/gnome-session/sessions/classic-gnome.session ?17:21
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, can take a look at that17:22
didrocksoh no, forget it :)17:22
didrocksI misread17:22
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks17:22
didrocksso /usr/share/gnome-session/sessions/classic-gnome.session17:22
didrockskenvandine: you have gnome-panel in it, isn't it?17:22
ftaTitle: evolution crashed with SIGSEGV in g_variant_unref()17:23
seb128chrisccoulson, can bug #706941 be closed?17:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 706941 in indicator-appmenu "unity-panel-service crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance_cast()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70694117:23
seb128chrisccoulson, bug #70368917:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 703689 in indicator-appmenu "Window registration racy with GDbus port" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70368917:24
chrisccoulsonyeah, that ones fixed now17:24
seb128sorry ctrl-v sometimes seems to not work in firefox17:24
seb128chrisccoulson, ok, closing it, thank you17:24
seb128fta, what about the title?17:24
ftaseb128, evo started to crash for me a few days ago17:25
seb128fta, do you have a stacktrace?17:25
ftaseb128, something to do with  /usr/lib/evolution/2.32/plugins/liborg-gnome-mail-notification.so17:26
kenvandinedidrocks, yes Required-panel=gnome-panel17:26
ftabut i can get a full backtrace17:26
didrockskenvandine: ok, I can reproduce it, thanks :)17:26
kenvandinegreat :)17:26
didrockshum, not reliably17:27
didrocksthis time I got the panel :/17:27
didrockskenvandine: can't reproduce anymore, just logout and login again :/17:28
didrocksmaybe it's only when one of the required components is crashing?17:28
=== alecu-lunch is now known as alecu
geserdidrocks: is this about the gnome-panel not appearing sometimes in the classic desktop?17:37
didrocksgeser: it's in the fallback, but it can happens as well in the classic desktop17:38
didrockskenvandine: geser: it's started in any case, so not a gnome-session issue. I assume the cause is that compiz crashed, with gnome-panel reparented17:38
didrockstrying something17:39
geserI still get sometimes no gnome-panel after boot (and auto-login) and have to kill -1 the running gnome-panel to get it "back" and on other occasions the gnome-panel is there17:39
didrocksgeser: you still have a window manager running?17:40
geseryes, metacity (as I use the radeon driver)17:40
geserI can start gnome-terminal per hot-key and it has window decorations, so I assume a WM is running17:41
didrocksgeser: ok, let me have a try17:41
didrocksgeser: when it happens17:41
didrocksgeser: can you try on a tty to do ps aux | grep gnome-pane17:41
didrockskenvandine: so your log is really showing gnome-panel started, so same for you, ps aux | grep gnome-panel on a tty17:43
didrockskenvandine: I think it's compiz when crashing/fallbacking which has unmapped the window17:44
didrocksor something like that17:44
geserdidrocks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/561058/17:45
kenvandinedidrocks, yes gnome-panel is running17:45
kenvandinedidrocks, but it isn't visible17:46
kenvandinemetacity isn't running either17:46
geserdidrocks: if something has crashed then it at least isn't mention in "dmesg"17:46
didrocksok, same here, gnome-panel is running17:46
didrocksbut not visible17:46
geserfor me metacity is running17:46
geserI can even move my gnome-terminal in the space where the panel usually is (top of screen)17:47
kenvandineand running metacity from a VT seems to do nothing17:47
kenvandinemetacity does start, but i still have no session17:47
kenvandinei get a crash dialog, but clicking report doesn't seem to do anything17:48
kenvandinethe dialog goes away, and i auth17:48
kenvandinebut then nothing17:48
didrockskenvandine: can you file a bug on… I don't know :)17:48
didrockslike compiz ?17:48
kenvandinesure, will manually attach the crash file :)17:48
didrocksI would say something like "compiz crashed", gnome-panel which was running isn't mapped again17:48
didrockskenvandine: not on the crash17:49
didrockson the other issue17:49
didrocksgnome-panel not showing17:49
didrocksI'll let sam knows, he will maybe have some idea17:49
kenvandinedidrocks, bug 71137817:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 711378 in compiz "after compiz crashed, gnome-panel isn't mapped again" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71137817:52
didrockskenvandine: thanks! We have more urgent things for now in compiz, but I'll get sure it's on that list17:53
kenvandineno worries17:53
Sweetsharkbye all!18:27
mterrykenvandine, have you poked an archive admin to push in geoclue?  (I'm not one)18:51
kenvandinemterry, not yet... seb128 ^^^18:57
kenvandinebut it doesn't look like we will have indicator-datetime today anyway18:57
kenvandinevery new... :)18:58
mterrykenvandine, k19:00
kenvandinemterry, thx19:01
seb128kenvandine, mterry: what do you need?19:07
kenvandineseb128, geoclue promoted19:08
seb128which binaries?19:09
seb128it's maybe better to wait that upload something using it19:09
seb128if the indicator slip to after a2 let's delay to not have those on component mismatch for the alpha image19:09
kenvandinethat is fine19:10
ftais bug 706408 still targeted for a2 ?19:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 706408 in indicator-messages "duplicated entries in the indicator menu" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70640819:10
seb128fta, it will likely slip, ted didn't seem to have time for it19:11
seb128kenvandine, do you know on what is working today?19:11
ftain my case, it's more than just duplicated entries, like i have 4 evo, none of which is usable to start evo, so it's broken19:12
ftasame for xchat19:12
seb128fta, it's adding one every time you restart the client19:12
seb128fta, you can kill the indicator-messages-service it will respawn19:12
seb128you will get a clean indicator as well19:13
ftai know, i kill it several times a day19:13
ftabut the list keeps growing19:13
seb128bug ted when he's on irc19:13
kenvandineseb128, he seems to be having snow issues today :)19:15
kenvandinecan't reach him now19:15
* kenvandine heads out to lunch... bbiab19:15
seb128kenvandine, oh, right, he was speaking about the weather yesterday19:16
seb128kenvandine, enjoy!19:16
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
chrisccoulsonhmmmm, i guess restarting my laptop wasn't a great idea20:25
Amaranthchrisccoulson: intel?20:25
chrisccoulsonAmaranth, i saw the bug earlier, but forgot about it when i restarted ;)20:26
Amaranthyeah, apparently that bug is currently considered an alpha-2 blocker now :/20:26
chrisccoulsonby the time i remembered, it was too late ;)20:26
sorenSorry, which bug is this?20:28
sorenI just updated and have intel graphics, so this sounds intriguing :)20:28
brycehAmaranth, fwiw I'm not certain it's the X stack - I had run unity on it yesterday without problem.  I'm wondering if it is glew (which got sync'd in yesterday too)20:40
chrisccoulsonbryceh, bug 711401 seems to back that up20:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 711401 in unity "update to glew 1.5.7 broke unity" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71140120:51
brycehok I can reproduce20:55
kenvandinebryceh, downgrading glew did seem to fix it20:56
brycehyep, testing that myself20:56
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm just testing that too20:58
chrisccoulsonok, confirming there that downgrading glew fixes it too21:00
sorenSo this Intel breakage thing people are talking about only applies if one is running unity?21:07
chrisccoulsonit's not just intel is it?21:08
chrisccoulsoni saw a comment from someone with ATI too21:08
brycehheh, it's not even really an intel breakage, it's in glew21:08
brycehglew isn't part of X, and is just coincidental that it got updated yesterday at the same time as the X stuff21:08
bryceh(other than involving opengl it's not really part of X)21:09
brycehbut the question is what to do with it...21:09
brycehshall we just downgrade it for now and investigate later?21:09
brycehor figure out what change caused nux to choke21:09
brycehskaet, preferences?21:10
chrisccoulsoni'd probably go for just downgrading it tbh21:10
brycehthat seems sanest to me too21:10
skaetbryceh, downgrade21:10
brycehskaet, alrighty, on  it21:10
chrisccoulsonexcellent, thanks :)21:10
rickspencer3bryceh, did you try and confirm that it was flew?21:11
rickspencer3could people not force a downgrade and let you know if that fixes the issues?21:11
brycehrickspencer3, yes I reproduced it locally, got a matching stack trace, built older glew locally and installed it, restarted unity and it worked again21:12
rickspencer3do we need the later glew for anything?21:12
rickspencer3he asks not actually knowing wtf glew is21:12
chrisccoulsonrickspencer3, i confirmed that too21:13
brycehrickspencer3, yeah it's new to me too.  It is the "OpenGL Extension Wrangler", that's a helper library for client apps that use OpenGL21:13
rickspencer3seems like an easy answer, i hope that's it!21:14
brycehI know the sync request that pulled it in, which was championed by a community member, and I don't think there were any specific Ubuntu requirements pulling it in21:14
brycehso I think we're safe to downgrade and investigate later21:14
chrisccoulsonoh, ari-tczew ;)21:14
brycehrickspencer3, I'll follow up21:14
rickspencer3bryceh, sure, I know we're good hands when you're on the case!21:15
kenvandinebryceh, i have now confirmed the glew downgrade fixed it on both of my intel boxes21:16
kenvandinebryceh, nice bisecting :)21:17
kenvandinethe nice thing about this bug was that it uncovered a bug in our 2d fallback :)21:17
chrisccoulsonman, the dead areas on my screen with unity are driving me crazy now21:37
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
rickspencer3chrisccoulson, woah, that happens on my netbook21:38
chrisccoulsonxprop doesn't even show a window :/21:38
chrisccoulsonxkill doesn't do anything on it either21:38
chrisccoulsonrickspencer3, yeah, it's happening here too. and it's pretty much the entire screen21:38
rickspencer3like there are rects where the mouse doesn't seem active in the window below it21:38
chrisccoulsonrickspencer3, yeah, that's the same as i'm seeing :/21:38
rickspencer3huh, it's only my netbook, and it's like 25% of the area, it was very confusing at first, I thought my mouse was broken21:39
seb128that's happening there when using libreoffice21:40
seb128or rather something similar to what you describe21:40
seb128it seems apport triggers some similar issues sometimes as well21:40
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i thought it was the issue with an invisible window, but i tried clicking on the area with xprop, and it displays absolutely nothing :/21:40
seb128but otherwise on normal use it works without glitch21:40
seb128chrisccoulson, right, it seems that it's compiz getting confused21:41
rickspencer3for me it's an area of my screen for all apps21:41
rickspencer3BUT for certain widgets, it doesn't matter21:41
rickspencer3like gtk.Buttons seem to work, but links in firefox, nada21:41
chrisccoulsonyeah, firefox is the real problem for me too21:42
seb128well I notice it in libreoffice where menus don't work in the broken rectangle21:44
seb128or nautilus doesn't let you dnd desktop icons in there21:44
kenvandinedamn, now i am getting the "launcher not getting clicks" bug21:51
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, see above :)21:52
kenvandineyeah :)21:52
kenvandinesoooo frustrating21:52
kenvandinefor me it is the launcher21:52
kenvandinenow away21:52
kenvandinenow anyway21:52
chrisccoulsonfor me it is mostly firefox ;)21:52
kenvandineyou don't need firefox :-p21:52
seb128kenvandine, did you run libreoffice? did you get an apport crash dialog?21:55
kenvandineseb128, i definately didn't run libreoffice21:55
kenvandinedon't think i got an apport dialog21:55
chrisccoulsonseb128 - oh, libO breaks the launcher here21:55
kenvandinebut i do have a crash file21:56
seb128chrisccoulson, oh, someone else getting the issue! dx-ers and didrocks didn't get it21:56
kenvandinethis is very annoying...21:56
seb128chrisccoulson, like half of the time I run it the launcher stop responding as does the indicator-appmenu21:56
seb128not that I use libreoffice often, I opened an odt the other day and it did it and I tried a bunch of times since21:57
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, i'm seeing that21:57
chrisccoulsonnatty is not happy right now ;)21:57
seb128chrisccoulson, bug #70913821:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 709138 in unity "unity gets really confused by office dialogs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70913821:58
seb128if you want to confirm it21:58
kenvandinepretty bad state considering we are about to ship a221:58
kenvandineit was much more stable for me last week :)21:59
seb128well but it didn't have the places by then22:00
kenvandineyeah, i know22:00
seb128seems they are a bit late on schedule and only landed the places in a rush yesterday22:00
seb128no wonder it's not rocking stable...22:00
seb128well it's only an alpha2, we will get there22:01
brycehseb128, hey wanted to ask if that gl stuff got into cairo?22:02
Amaranthyay you guys fixed it22:03
Amaranthsilly glew22:03
seb128bryceh, urg, no, sorry I got busy with other things and forgot about it again22:04
seb128bryceh, should be a bit less busy next week I will land that in natty after alpha222:04
* Amaranth wishes it wouldn't snow anymore22:05
AmaranthJust spent 45 minutes shoveling, my hands are a bit stiff22:05
brycehseb128, ah ok22:06
=== robbiew1 is now known as robbiew
loolHmm evince doesn't start for me anymore22:31
loollogged off and it's back22:44
RAOFI take it there's not going to be an Eastern Edition?23:06
brycehRAOF, unless it's just me and you23:06
bryceh* weee new X uploaded, etc. etc.23:06
RAOFTales form the X: Eastern Front.23:07
brycehRAOF, you might jot some of the stuff you needed to do into https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Roadmap/Natty while the memory's still fresh, and if the notes might help next time around23:08
brycehI think pretty much all the tasks are done there now23:08
brycehthe graph has been going a bit crazy the last couple days - http://www.bryceharrington.org/X/Reports/ubuntu-x-swat/totals-natty-workqueue.svg23:09
brycehmost are dupes of some variation on xserver not installing due to the rebuilds23:09
brycehbut there's a bunch of new intel GPU lockup bugs23:10
brycehRAOF, what's on your todo list coming up?23:11
RAOFI've got a couple of WIs that need doing - xvfb testsuite, mesa/proprietary interaction in the GLES world.23:13
RAOFThen there's the Unity+radeon+mipmapping crash to fix.23:14
brycehI'm going to try looking into some irregularities in the apport hook; some of the compiz data isn't right23:16
RAOFSounds good.23:16
brycehthen I got a long list of patches and bugs that need to get pushed upstream23:16
RAOFYeah, always that.23:16
brycehand finish up wayland... shoulda gotten that done long ago23:16
RAOFI need to prod mesa-dev@ about the dricore patch again.23:17
brycehseb's going to get the cairo patch I need in after a2, so should finally be able to get the packaging done23:17
brycehbut I need to synchronize with what Kibi's done now23:18
RAOFOh, and there's a couple of non-critical drivers that need updating still (xserver-xorg-input-kbd, tec).23:20
brycehhttp://www.bryceharrington.org/X/Reports/ubuntu-x-swat/versions-current.html looks pretty clean at the moment23:21
brycehonce the xserver release becomes more immanent I bet we'll see new versions of a lot of stuff get rolled out23:22
RAOFSome just need a rebuild, some need ABI fixes.  -{input,video}-all don't actually cover all the drivers ;)23:22
RAOFbryceh: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Roadmap/Natty now has a brief post-mortem.23:30
brycehhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/711296 has happy customers now23:34
ubot2Launchpad bug 711296 in xorg-server "package xserver-xorg-core 2: failed to install/upgrade: installing xserver-xorg-core would break existing software" [High,Fix released]23:34
charlie-tcais it still removing the nvidia-current ?23:35
RAOFYes.  And it'll keep doing that until there's an nvidia-current which supports Xserver 1.1023:35
brycehlooks good23:35
brycehbtw, does the new xserver break virtualbox drivers?23:36
RAOFThey'll need a rebuild at the very least.23:36
brycehskaet, ^^ for reference23:37
brycehskaet, the vbox guys usually take care of this, but might be worth checking on23:38
skaetbryceh, ok.23:39
skaetthanks for the head's up.23:39
charlie-tcaRAOF: thanks. I will put word out as I hear it asked, then.23:39

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