
=== tjaalton_ is now known as tjaalton
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Kanoapw: is rc3 compiling already?09:37
apwKano, very likely, they are completly automated, i don't start them09:41
Kanowell the tag was 6h ago...09:42
apwyep and they are built daily at about 9am UTC09:42
apwthat is when build resources are available09:42
Kanois the build script available?09:43
apwyep in the kteam-tools git repository on zinc09:44
Kanothose then09:45
apwquite why you need them so urgently however is beyond me09:45
darreng'day people, I think I have a kernel bug, and reading the kernel bug reporting process it says to test the "latest development Ubuntu kernel version", but I'm not sure what and where that is, anyone able to help?10:19
smbdarren, That would currently mean, is that bug still in the Natty kernel. 10:21
smbWhich is a 2.6.38 based one. If it is simple to reproduce/test you may use a life cd or usb stick10:22
darrenyes but what is it, is it a package I can find somewhere is it a tag in a git tree somewhere ?10:23
darrenor is a snapshot of the latest live cd the only way to get it ?10:24
smbThe kernel on its own is a package: So you can get it from the archive, launchpad (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+publishinghistory) or the right git tree (git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-natty.git)10:25
smbCurrently the latest Natty kernel is: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/linux/2.6.38-1.2810:26
darrenCool thanks.10:26
darrenalso will I have any problems running a Natty kernel on Maverick ?10:27
smbOne cannot completely say no, but afaik there are people doing that already. But I would not say that you will not have any problems.10:29
darrenok so it can work but might not.10:31
smbright. I don't know of any problems yet but there might be. X could have some dependencies unknown or there have been LVM userspace problems in the past with Hardy10:32
smbdarren, One thing to keep in mind is to install linux-headers*all*, linux-headers-*<your flavour (like generic)>* and linux-image-*<your flavour>* together. That way you have the headers required for any dkms packages (for example the ati or nvidia binary drviers)10:37
darrenhmm ok10:37
darrenalso before I spend too much time playing with this. When I got the latest maveric kernel my network card stopped working, but when I boot into the older 2.6.35-24 kernel it seems to work fine. Is there anything else that changes when I choose a different kernel from the grub list that I should look at ? or is the kernel the only thing that will be different?10:39
smbdarren, Mainly the kernel. But there are a few things depending on it: like the initrd or if you have installed backports modules those need to go along10:41
smbone things to check would be whether your network card's module came from backports. "modinfo <module>" shows the path it comes from10:42
darrenso if it is a backport the filename: will have backports somewhere in the path ?10:45
smbUnfortunately not but it will have an "update(s)" in it instead of "kernel"10:46
* smb cannot remember whether it was update or updates10:46
darrenwell I can't see either, so I guess it is not a backport10:47
smbright, so it sounds like this is a regression in the last update. 10:49
apwfor regressions in updates we are most keen to know which version you had before10:49
smb(in the bug report)10:49
apwdarren, sounds like we need a bug against 'linux' and when answering say its a 'regression-update'10:50
apwrun ubuntu-bug linux, that will ask you about the issue including if it is a regression10:50
darrenshould I try the natty daily build before submitting a bug ?10:52
apwdarren, i would get the bug filed as you want to be running the broken kernel if possible10:52
darren"want to be running the broken kernel" well I can run it, but can't submit the bug from it because I can't network10:54
apwdarren, well indeed depends if you have another option, for example i have wireless and wired on most of mine10:54
apwif you can't you can't10:55
apwthen file it aginst the last working one, and add dmesg at least from the broken one10:55
apwand say very clearly you are in the working one10:55
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bdrungwas v4l removed from the natty kernel?11:00
darrenok thanks for the help guys11:04
RAOFbdrung: Yes.11:05
RAOFbdrung: Or, rather, it's removed upstream, so it's removed in the natty kernel.11:05
bdrungRAOF: that explains why the v4l plugin of vlc wasn't build11:05
RAOFIndeed it does.  Also, why xserver-xorg-video-geode FTBFS.11:06
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boban_im having problems with PAE kernels12:11
boban_anyone to help me reporting bugs?12:11
boban_I have HP Probook 4520s with 4GB of RAM12:12
boban_System normaly goes to suspend to ram12:13
boban_but when i try to power it up, it starts up as it was powered off12:13
boban_any sugestions?12:13
diwicboban_, for reporting bugs, try the "ubuntu-bug linux" terminal command12:33
boban_i see12:33
diwicboban_, is it only happening with the PAE kernel?12:33
boban_but the isue is only for .37 and .38 PAE kernels12:34
diwicboban_, I have a 4520s with 3GB here and haven't experienced the problem you're described.12:34
boban_i see12:34
diwicboban_, but then I haven't tried the PAE kernel, only i386-generic and amd6412:34
boban_Issue is only with .37 PAE kernel12:34
boban_i386 and amd64 works just fine12:34
diwicboban_, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelSuspend for some initial instructions 12:35
boban_i have read those pages12:35
diwicand see if you get something fun out of it12:35
boban_i might just fill bug12:35
boban_thank u anyway12:35
Kanohas anybody a fix for fglrx + 38rc3?12:42
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apwherton, yay ... 14:23
hertonhello guys14:23
JFohi herton :)14:24
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apwcommit 5ef41308f94dcbb3b7afc56cdef1c2ba53fa5d2f14:37
apwAuthor: Dan Rosenberg <drosenberg@vsecurity.com>14:37
apwDate:   Fri Nov 12 12:44:42 2010 -080014:37
apw    x25: Prevent crashing when parsing bad X.25 facilities14:37
charlie-tcaJFo: any bugs in particular for the KernelBugDay?14:46
JFocharlie-tca, looking at bugs in the New state today14:47
charlie-tcaOkay, I will look too, then14:47
JFomainly interested in making sure they reflect the apropriate status14:47
JFoThank you sir :)14:47
charlie-tcaThank you14:47
tgardnerherton, what is you Launchpad ID. I need to add you to some teams.14:50
hertontgardner: herton15:00
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sforsheebzr branch lp:~utouch-team/utouch/ntrig-calibrator15:23
sforsheeapw: ^15:23
apwapw@dm$ bzr push lp:~apw/utouch/ntrig-calibrator15:24
apwCreated new branch.                                    15:24
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bjfherton, welcome15:50
hertonthanks brad15:59
bjf## Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Today @ 17:00 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting16:00
bjf##      agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting16:00
quuphi, when I try to follow this tutorial: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile I get 16:26
quup$ debian/rules updateconfigs16:26
quupdh_testdir: cannot read debian/control: No such file or directory16:26
quupis there some way to fix this?16:27
tgardnerquup, do 'debian/rules clean' first16:28
bjfquup, you could try: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel16:30
quupbjf: oh that looks a bit more up to date16:31
bjfJFo, you will be attending the meeting ?16:32
JFobjf, need me to do anything special?16:34
bjfJFo, nope16:34
bjf## Kernel team meeting in 10 minutes16:51
* JFo is ready16:52
bjfJFo, your meeting report "Release Metrics", the "Lucid Updates Bugs" line is missing the trailing "===="17:26
JFogah, sorry about that bjf17:26
* JFo fixes17:26
bjfhttp://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0037H9P4A/ref=oss_product   the essential kernel team debugging tool !17:28
JFoI was thinking it was a pitcher :)17:28
JFobjf, we need one of these http://www.kegclub.com/17:33
rtdosjust curious: is there a reason there has been more of a significant increase in system requirements in recent releases of ubuntu than in previous versions?17:41
apwkees, how often do you merge back the kernel cve traacker?  all my pages seem to be at least days out of date17:43
keesapw: I can do it now, one sec.17:43
tgardnerapw, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/pkg/linux.html17:45
keesactive/CVE-2010-3699: bad line 'The vulnerability described by CVE-2010-3699 probably exists, but I've' (need more than 1 value to unpack)17:45
ubot2kees: The backend driver in Xen 3.x allows guest OS users to cause a denial of service via a kernel thread leak, which prevents the device and guest OS from being shut down or create a zombie domain, causes a hang in zenwatch, or prevents unspecified xm commands from working properly, related to (1) netback, (2) blkback, or (3) blktap. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2010-3699)17:45
ubot2kees: The backend driver in Xen 3.x allows guest OS users to cause a denial of service via a kernel thread leak, which prevents the device and guest OS from being shut down or create a zombie domain, causes a hang in zenwatch, or prevents unspecified xm commands from working properly, related to (1) netback, (2) blkback, or (3) blktap. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2010-3699)17:45
keesyou can't use tabs. :P17:45
keesit's a single space there...17:45
kees(do you use "check-syntax" before committing?)17:46
keesalso, "Ubuntu-Description" is literally for the USN. anything else should go in Notes17:46
keestgardner: ^^17:47
tgardnerkees, egads17:47
apwtgardner, but it is so easy to use17:48
tgardnerapw, indeed17:48
keeshttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/pkg/linux.html should be updated17:50
=== bjf changed the topic of #ubuntu-kernel to: Home: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/ || Natty Kernel Version: 2.6.38 || Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - February-08 - 17:00 UTC || If you have a question just ask, and do wait around for an answer!
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JFo<-need food18:11
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* tgardner --> lunch18:59
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bjfJFo, the script that generates: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/jfo/kernel-buglist-by-team.html is that checked in somewhere ?19:16
JFoone sec19:19
JFobjf https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-qa/canonical-qa-tracking/main19:19
JFoit is in the misc-scripts dir19:19
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bjfJFo, which script is it in that directory ?19:23
JFoit is a pair of them19:24
JFoKernelBugListByTeam.py and kernel-buglist-by-team.py19:24
JFothey are mainly copies of Leann's script changed to create this current list19:25
bjfJFo, thanks19:26
JFomy pleasure19:26
keestgardner: since we're not doing security updates of the arm flavors, can I mark all the arm flavors on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Dev/ABIPackages as "abandoned"? I'm trying to find a way to represent reality, etc.19:36
tgardnerkees, works for me. I'm not gonna bother with ARM unless someone hollers.19:37
keesokay, cool19:37
keestgardner: can we move ti-omap4 into universe for natty?19:38
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tgardnerkees, in fact, we ought to since its not directly supported by the kernel team.19:38
tgardnerI also don't think anyone is making images from it, but I'd have to ask ogra for sure19:39
ograhuh ?19:39
tgardnerogra, kees wants to move ti-omap4 into universe19:39
keestgardner: oh, and should I do this for linux-lts-backport-maverick too? it's not been published for -security either19:39
ograwe surely make omap4 images19:39
ograthats our omap4 kernel, yeah19:40
tgardnerkees, linux-lts-backport-maverick is officially supported and is on the 10.04.2 point release19:40
ograwhat makes you want to move it to universe ?19:40
ograits the official omap4 kernel19:40
tgardnerogra, its not getting any security updates.19:40
ograwhy ?19:41
keestgardner: ah, when will it be respun for security updates?19:41
ograwe are paid for providing them19:41
tgardnerkees, as soon as maverick gets promoted it'll have all the goodness in it.19:41
keestgardner: 2.6.35-25.44 ? it's in -security now.19:41
ograomap4 is 18 months fully supported19:41
tgardnerogra, why is it nobody tells me this stuff?19:42
ogratgardner, no idea19:42
ograi thought pete knew about that19:42
tgardnerogra, cooleney has been doing the ti-omap4 maintenence19:42
ograthat didnt change19:43
tgardnerogra, well, _he_ hasn'19:43
ograhe still does it for natty19:43
tgardnerogra, he hasn't been doing security updates.19:43
ograhe is responsible for getting the ubuntu sauce on top of the linaro tree we will get now 19:43
ograsince that task was moved away from the kernel team19:44
tgardnerkees, well, I guess ti-omap4 stays in main.19:44
ogratgardner, well, i dont know who should do them but i'm sure we have to do them19:44
ograi guess thats something pete and david should discuss somehow ;)19:44
keestgardner: ah, so, then, what about CVEs on the maverick ti-omap4?19:45
tgardnerogra, yep. if you want security support, then it needs to get on our list of things to do19:45
ograkees, i guess easiest would be if cooloney added the patches 19:45
keestgardner, ogra: okay, so you guys will get that branch included in the cadence process?19:45
ograsince he maintained the packages 19:45
ograbut that needs to be sorted out on management level19:46
tgardnerkees, lemme take it up with pgraner. we're pretty short staffed.19:46
ograi think cooloney is the right person but i dont think where thats located resource wise 19:47
ograso needs top level discussion first 19:47
tgardnercooloney is out for a couple of weeks19:47
ograi really dont get why that hasnt heppened already19:47
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tgardnerogra, too much to do, not enough people19:47
Q-FUNKhi! what was the URL to the team's repository of stock vanilla kernels, again?  I need to test a 2.6.38 against what's in natty, just to make sure we don't have a regression.19:48
ogratgardner, i mean the assignment of the work19:48
ograto one of the teams19:49
tgardnerkees, the LTS maverick backport is built in the c-k-t PPA. its ready to be copied to -security19:55
keestgardner: doesn't it have to go through QA?19:55
tgardnerkees, they don't test anything but Maverick and Natty.19:55
tgardnerand occaisionally Lucid when we ask real nice19:56
keestgardner: pitti won't pocket-copy without QA sign off. they need to do the testing...19:56
tgardnerthen thas gonna be a real problem.19:56
JFoQ-FUNK, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/19:57
keesthis is my point from last friday. :P19:57
* jjohansen -> lunch20:13
apwskaet, forgot to mention i did the updates to the release page for kernel20:34
skaetThanks apw!20:34
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JFoapw, tgardner pgraner what packages do you want duplicate detection turned off for per bdmurray's e-mail?20:38
pgranerJFo, didn't get an email20:41
JFowent to kernel-team20:42
tgardnerJFo, likely just linux for now. lets see how well it works.20:42
JFosorry should have specified20:42
JFotgardner, my thinking as well20:42
pgranerJFo, +120:42
* apw concurs for what it is worth20:47
JFok, thanks apw20:48
* apw_ notes that upgrading right now is a huge mistake ... unity core dumps21:05
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apw_sounds like they may have just found it21:38
kamalwhat's the tool that submits email pull-requests to the kernel-team list?  the thing that creates messages e.g. "The following changes since commit ... are available in the git repository at ..." ?21:45
jjohansengit request-pull21:49
kamalanswer: git request-pull21:49
kamaljjohansen: :-) thanks ;-)21:49
jjohansenhehe :)21:49
bdmurrayJFo: I can update bugs tagged regression-proposed to regression-update for you21:52
JFowell, not all of them will be bdmurray 21:54
JFosorry, got pulled away on a phone call21:58
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