
DavieyJust thought of one feature that is being cried out for.... ability to opt in to email notification of (re-)schedule of sessions.00:06
mhall119Daviey: we've got nigelb now, so we'll just give him all the new development tasks00:07
mhall119Daviey: not all users expose their email address via launchpad00:08
Davieyif lpid.email = Null:00:11
Daviey  return E-CAN'T-SUBSCRIBE00:11
cjohnstonDaviey: is it possible to get maintainer to summit hackers?00:11
Davieycjohnston, To set bug importance?00:12
cjohnstonwell.. im not sure what it takes to setup translations and what not.. but i know that we dont have the ability to setup lp00:12
* Daviey looks00:15
paultagcjohnston: to translate the LD?00:15
cjohnstonpaultag: summit00:15
paultagcjohnston: that's django, right?00:15
cjohnstonLD is already translated to the extent that translators have translated it00:15
paultagcjohnston: 5 minute job, just use the tools that are built in00:15
paultagcjohnston: and lp can handle translations for it as well00:16
cjohnstonRight.. LP currently isnt setup for it00:16
paultagcjohnston: it's able to be, with a few clicks00:16
cjohnstoni dont know whats involved in making it00:16
cjohnstonnever setup a project for translations00:16
paultagcjohnston: click on translations and follow the prompts00:16
cjohnstonpaultag: dont have access00:16
Davieycjohnston, OK.. i think Canonical ISD need to enable it.00:16
DavieyThey are the maintainer00:16
cjohnstonwe arent maintainers00:16
DavieyI'll get onto that tomorrow00:16
Davieybut for now....00:17
cjohnstong'nite Daviey 00:17
Davieywell... away from computer anyway :)00:17
cjohnstonI've missed you! you cant leave!00:17
cjohnstonDaviey: could you also ask them to enable blueprints please?00:20
nigelbmhall119: I guess this means, yo'd have to review that merge request soon :)02:19
YoBoYgood morning07:22
dholbachgood morning07:57
Pendulumhiya cjohnston 12:47
cjohnstonmhall119: we need jono and jcastro to make a django-hackers sprint happen for us and our hacking buddies12:56
cjohnstonWe can come to you12:59
cjohnstonoh ubuntu store... why must thou be so expensive13:03
nigelbcjohnston: +113:11
nigelbDaviey: I agree.  We can come to you :p13:12
* mhall119 needs a passport13:21
cjohnstonyou better start that process now mhall119 13:21
* daker need a passport too13:22
nigelbcjohnston: now I get to kick mhall119 13:25
* nigelb does happy dance13:25
JanCif anybody comes to FOSDEM and wants to take home a box of Belgian chocolates with Tux on them ( http://belfine.com/en/products/infobox.asp?ID=550 ) for their LoCoTeam or such, please contact me  ;)13:47
JanCI think they are 15-20 € for 150 pieces13:48
cjohnstonJanC: you should send me some! :-P13:50
cjohnstonmhall119, Daviey, dholbach, czajkowski, nigelb, daker.. did i miss anyone.. this isnt something i wanted to hear: https://lists.launchpad.net/launchpad-users/msg06214.html13:51
czajkowskicjohnston can u pm me a summary. on phone. please....13:53
Davieympt on this occasion is wrong IMO.13:54
Davieyit makes sense for, where possible, to push known data facts as high in the hierarchy as we can.13:55
cjohnstonDaviey, could you respond?13:55
Daviey~locoteams could, and should, be used in other resources.13:55
Davieycjohnston, yah13:55
cjohnstonprolly be much more betterer than my response would be13:55
paultagyeah mpt is very wrong13:57
paultagbecause locoteams are supposed to be part of the wider ubuntu community, keeping everyone on LP is a statement that all our members have the tools to contribute13:57
paultagrather then keeping them off the system where we host, say, bugs, code, blueprints, translations13:58
cjohnstonand then requiring memebership in two places13:58
paultagcjohnston: he's saying keep it in once place, off lp13:58
paultagI'm saying, keep it on one place, on lp13:58
cjohnstonright..  but to file bugs... or anything else, your now up to two. LD and LP13:58
paultagWe're not changing where we track loco users. kthx13:58
paultagcjohnston: LD is LP13:59
paultagcjohnston: it pulls from LP, so LD is a slave13:59
cjohnstonNot with his suggestion13:59
paultagthen he's wrong13:59
cjohnstonI know13:59
* paultag goes back to school14:00
cjohnstonshoot an email to the list while your at school :-P14:00
paultagcjohnston: I don't want to get dragged into this flame war14:00
paultagcjohnston: and mpt is not in a place to tell us how to change the teams14:01
paultagso, I'm going back to work, kthx14:01
paultagcjohnston: oh, thought of something else before I leave -- do your homework and find all the official teams in violation14:08
paultagcjohnston: so, ubuntu-beginners, locoteams, locoteams-approved and so forth. Ask him to deactivate them or to quit his bitching14:09
cjohnstongood point14:11
dholbach_cjohnston, if you're on the list, why don't you reply to it?14:18
cjohnstonim trying to formulate a decient reply14:18
cjohnstonand do school work14:18
dholbach_a good reply would be for example: "The LoCo Directory gets the list of Launchpad teams (because they already exist in LP), by parsing the members of ~locoteams and ~locoteams-approved. Thanks, have a nice day, ..."14:19
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dholbachit's nothing I would get upset about14:19
dholbachhow are they supposed to know the internals of the LD?14:19
dholbach(also it might make sense to point out that we use -approved for team re-approvals, etc.)14:20
dholbachso we make good use of the LP functionality :)14:20
mhall119"how are they supposed to know the internals of the LD?" bzr branch lp:loco-directory14:22
dholbachmhall119, seriously, if they would say "bzr branch lp:launchpad", I would say "ok, don't bother - just go ahead what ever you want to do"14:29
dholbachI don't know how reasonable "just read the code" is :)14:29
dholbachI mean... the expectation that people do it to find out what the idea behind something is14:30
dholbachbut maybe that's just me14:31
YoBoYJanC: funny :D14:39
JanCYoBoY: we will sell chocolates at the booth (but those who help can get some for free of course ;) )14:40
YoBoYthanks for them :D (I don't go :'( )14:42
mhall119dholbach: I was just saying, that's how they would konw the internals of LD if they wanted to know the internals of LD15:20
mhall119I completely agree that they most likely won't need to know the internals of LD that much15:21
mhall119but it's not like it's some secret how we do things15:21
nigelbWell, wow15:46
nigelbdid someone talk to mpt yet?15:46
cjohnstonnigelb: doctormo replied15:56
nigelbcjohnston: \o/15:57
nigelbcjohnston: which list is this?15:58
nigelbah, lp-users15:58
nigelbperfect reply15:58
nigelbanyone seen ronnie around?16:59
nigelbOk, so I'm hoping the summit reivews gets paced faster now that we have a UDS coming up soon17:14
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mhall119nigelb: UDS is still like 3 months away17:16
nigelbmhall119: I thought we weren't going to deploy new summit 1 day before UDS :p17:16
mhall119nigelb: yeah, that's what we said last time too ;)17:28
Ronnieping nigelb18:49
nigelbRonnie: hey18:50
Ronnienigelb: the branch about the google map that was broken beore should be fixed now18:51
Ronniethx to the guys of #bzr18:51
nigelbwhere can I help you in that branch?18:51
nigelbon the bug you mentioned you had issues with the icon and formating the box18:51
Ronniedo you have time and want to work a bit for an hour?18:51
nigelbwhoa, 1 hour --> its 00:30 here18:52
nigelbjust tell me what you specifically need help and I list out how to get it done18:52
Ronnieoh ;)18:52
nigelbI've put some really good work with maps api :)18:52
Ronniewhat needs to be done, is think about the information that should be shown in the popup when clicked on a marker18:53
nigelbyou mean, how to show information in the popup?18:54
Ronniethe howto is already done. there is already a simple working example18:54
Ronniebut it need more information and some css18:54
nigelboh, ok18:55
Ronniei also updated my gmap js script a while ago, but it is not included in this branch18:55
Ronnieif you want to, you use my new script instead of my old18:55
nigelbcan you update your branch somtime today so I can branch that one and check out how I can help?18:55
Ronniehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-django-foundations/map 18:55
nigelb(well, I'll only look at it tomorrow)18:56
Ronniedocumentation and code ^ 18:56
nigelboh, neat18:56
Ronniefor the content of the marker, look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-django-foundations/map#marker_content_url18:57
Ronnieyes, its an very easy and extendable code to use. for both static and dynamic websites18:58
Ronnienigelb: an example of the new script: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ronnie.vd.c/map.html18:58
nigelboh, that's very nicely done18:59
Ronniegmaps and jquery are both my speciality18:59
nigelbRonnie: Whats left to be done for the LD maps support?19:00
Ronnienigelb: can you also look to the placing of the map on the page itsel19:00
mhall119Ronnie: you have a surprising number of LoCo members in the water ;)19:00
nigelbRonnie: Its center for me19:01
Ronniemhall119: im aware of that, even on the atlantic ocean and antartic19:01
nigelband when I let it detect my location, it correctly goes to my city19:01
mhall119Ronnie: it looks great though19:02
Ronnienigelb: yes, thats HTML5 geolocation stuff19:02
Ronnieif there is a single marker, it centers default to that single marker on a specified zoomlevel :D19:02
Ronnienigelb: so, what needs to be done:19:06
Ronnie1. integrate my new script (shouldnt be that hard, only some parameters are changed)19:06
Ronnie2. place the map on the different pages ( add venue and global events are already done, but can use some styling)19:06
Ronnie3. determine the content of the markers and write a django view + template for this19:06
Ronnie4. determine which information the clusters should shown and write an jquery template ($.tmpl) for this19:06
nigelbI can help with that :)19:07
Ronnienigelb: ill have a look if i cant do #1 today19:08
nigelbI should be able to help with the rest tomorrow :)19:09
Ronniemhall119, nigelb: could there be interest for the gmap plugin within the ubuntu community (e.g. are you aware of that)19:09
Ronniei myself have no time tomorrow, but i look at it thursday19:10
mhall119Ronnie: what exactly is the gmap plugin?19:11
Ronniean javascript that is easy to use to place markers on a map, or select an location on a map19:11
Ronnieeverythig discribed here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-django-foundations/map19:12
mhall119Ronnie: I can see there being interested, yeah19:13
Ronniemhall119: i already contacted edubuntu for mapping the schools19:13
mhall119I saw that19:14
Ronniei think i have not the right tools and connections to get this script to the people who need it19:14
mhall119once we get it on loco.ubuntu.com it'll get some attention, and we can point people to where they can get it19:15
Ronnieso if you know someone, give him/her the link. if there are additional questions, you can even redirect them to me19:17
cjohnstonmhall119: when do you want to do the LoCo Dir Dev Week Class?21:25
Ronniecool loco dir dev week :D21:31
cjohnstonnot a week... a class... in dev week21:32
mhall119cjohnston: when is dev week?21:36
cjohnstonend of this month21:36
mhall119yeah, I should be available21:37
mhall119if you can do it around lunch time US/Eastern, that'd work best for me21:37
mhall119otherwise after 8pm US/Eastern21:38
cjohnston1600-2000 utc21:38
mhall119that's the times available?21:40
mhall119that's, what, 11am - 3pm?21:40
cjohnstonlooks like it21:42
mhall119should I just grab a spot, or ask someone?21:44
cjohnstonif we are doing 1700 i could do wed or thurs only21:45
mhall119thursday won't work for me, dept. meeting21:46
mhall119why not 1700 on tuesday?21:46
cjohnstoni work tues/fri21:46
mhall119ah, ok21:46
mhall1191700 wed works for me21:47
cjohnstonGetting Started with LoCo Directory Development?21:47
mhall119or LoCo Directory Hacking21:49
daker+1 for Getting Started with LoCo Directory Development21:49
cjohnstonyou dont like hacking daker ?21:50
mhall119nobody like hacking daker21:50
mhall119it's violent21:50
Ronniehacking is not violent, but cracking is. altough hacking is usually associated with dangerous/bad/wrong21:57
mhall119it was a play on words21:59
mhall119"hack" can mean to cut or chop22:00
Ronnieoh, now i see :)22:06
PendulumI was told that "hack" actually originally comes from the MIT model railroad society22:10
Pendulumdunno if it's urban myth or not22:10
Pendulumbut the story is that they used to have an engine and stuff that people could borrow and play with as they wished. And that invariably every person did something different so they literally had to hack and chance the wires from the previous person's set-up22:11
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