
_Techie_is there an automated way to install a PXE server?00:05
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toddnine_Hi guys.  Just installed this mb and trying to install server 10.10 http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=3434&dl=1#fq00:39
toddnine_It doesn't recognize any of the drives.  Any ideas where I can get them?00:40
patdk-lapodd, it's just a ich10r, should be fine00:42
patdk-lapdid you plug them into the 3g or 6g ports?00:42
* twb blinks00:46
twbAren't we only just up to 4G?00:46
clustywas wondering if any of you had any suggestion on some usable c++ IDE. no emacs or eclipse :D. one feature i would love to have is communication with gdb00:50
clustyloading/saving/updating breakpoints, etc00:50
twbclusty: you just said "I need a usable C++ IDE, except it can't be one of the usable ones"00:51
twbI guess there's jEdit?  It aims to be Emacs NIH'd in Java.00:52
clustyi hate emacs with a vengeance, and eclipse is a pain to setup, maintain00:52
twbWhat you feel now is mere dislike.00:53
twbWhen you've used Emacs for twenty years, THEN you will begin to hate it00:53
clustystill have not found an easy way to use gdb from vim00:55
clustynow i am using vim to edit, and emacs to run gdb so i get source with code in a nicer mode00:56
clustytell me about it00:57
twbIf you have specific problems with Emacs, you can ask #emacs about them00:57
clustyi find the whole environment very backwards00:57
clustyshortcuts that involve 3 combos just feel WRONG00:57
clustytwb: jedit looks very promising01:15
clustyplugin autoinstall is a great start :D01:15
twbI've never used it, because it doesn't work on a tty01:16
JanCclusty: geany is another option, if you want a GUI01:20
JanCmuch more basic than jEdit though01:20
twbI think the core requirement is that it has gud01:21
twbAnd isn't emacs01:21
JanCgeany seems to fit his/her requirements (maybe with some of the plugins installed)01:22
JanCand so do several other IDEs01:23
clustytwb: taking it back. fugly and does not work out of the box for c++01:24
clustyJanC: thanks. giving it a go now01:26
clustyanother thing i was struggling with was having ctag files autoupdated01:27
JanCclusty: there are 20 or more geany plugins, so make sure you check what's available and looks useful for your purposes  ☺01:31
clustyJanC: will do thanks01:32
JanCplugins in Ubuntu I mean, maybe even more upstream01:32
clustyit's a bit unfair that mac makes it much easier to debug proggies compared to linux01:32
clustythen again mac has it's own quirks...01:32
JanCwell, there is Nemiver if you need a GUI debugger  ;)01:33
patdk-lapvalgrind :)01:34
JanCbut some IDE's hav support for debugging too01:34
patdk-lapdebugging is boring, must profile :)01:34
clustypatdk-lap: try valgrinding a 300MB app01:36
clustyand see if you can even move the mouse01:36
JanCvalgrind isn't a general debugging tool...01:37
clustyguys at work run insure++ every now and then01:38
clustyi personally never used anything else apart from valgrind01:38
clustyi really like the mac instruments thingy for profiling01:39
clustyhas extremely low overheaad and is almost as good as cachegrind01:39
uvirtbotNew bug: #711043 in mysql-5.1 (main) "package mysql-client-5.1 5.1.49-1ubuntu9 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/man/man1/my_print_defaults.1.gz', which is also in package mysql-server-core-5.1 5.1.49-1ubuntu9" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71104301:41
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_Neytiri_i am haveing a issue setting up RFC 2136 updates with bind902:31
DarknetixAnyone here up for some private wow?03:18
DarknetixAnyone here up for some private WoW? You are more than welcome to join at darknetix.dyndns.org03:19
no--nameis using update-manager the same as using apt-get upgrade?03:26
carmonyWe have an Ubuntu 10.04 server with mysql-server installed from aptitude. Now, here is the issue, there is a bug with MySQL 5.1.41 that is fixed in MySQL 5.1.51. Are there any other options than installing from Source?04:31
patdk-lapinstalling from maverick?04:31
patdk-lapdownloading the maverick source and recompile and install?04:32
carmonyhow can I install from maverick?04:32
twbI can tell you from personal experience that you are better off giving up RIGHT NOW04:32
twbmysql is extraordinarily Not Fun to cherry-pick04:32
patdk-laptwb, never had an issue myself04:33
patdk-lapbut I normally compile from source04:33
twbpatdk-lap: then you miss out in whatever packaging/integration debian provides04:34
twbfor upgrades and such04:34
twbI guess if you just slap it in /opt and leave it alone forever, like a slackware system...04:34
patdk-lapit's more cause I had issues compiling in the sphinx module04:35
patdk-lapI haven't upgraded to 5.1 yet, where it's a plugin04:35
twbsphinx as in the python documentation framework?04:35
jmarsdencarmony: You asked for "any other options", so I'll mention: If you *really* need to do it, you could 'upgrade' the entire server to Maverick, but then you're losing LTS benefits.04:35
patdk-laptwb, I should hope not04:35
carmonyhrm, seems maverick has 5.1.49, not 5.1.5104:36
patdk-lapsphinx the search engine04:36
jmarsdencarmony: Indeed... sources from Natty, if you are brave? :)04:36
carmonylol, Natty?04:37
patdk-lapsources from natty+1?04:37
jmarsdencarmony: One more option:  apt-get source mysql in Lucid, backport the patch for the specific bug, debuild yourself a custom package of 5.1.41+yourfix .04:39
jmarsdenrmadison -s natty mysql-server shows: mysql-server | 5.1.54-1ubuntu2 |         natty | all        so that should be recent enough :)04:40
nroach44how would i got about installing 10.10 server via usb msd?04:41
carmonywell, its compiled with yassl, think it mike be easier to compile it with openssl?04:41
jmarsdenIf you start from the packaged sources, it should be easiest to compile it with whatever the package currently does, because that means less changes you have to make.04:42
carmonysorry if I'm a newb, lol :P I'm more of a developer than sys admin :)04:43
carmonycan I see the options the aptitude version of mysql was compiled with?04:51
jmarsdencarmony: Read the packaging scripts, or install it and run it with whatever option displays the compiletime options, I'd think.04:54
carmonyjmarsden: ok, so we downloaded the source and are trying to build it. We changed the debian/rules file to use open ssl instead of yassl, but it is throwing an error saying "checking for SSL... configure: error: The flag --with-yassl is deprecated, use --with-ssl"05:10
carmonyam I missing something where I should configure it elsewhere?05:11
jmarsden carmony: Sounds like it.  Are you aware of the licencing issues with compiling GPLed software with openssl, by the way?05:12
lifelessjmarsden: there aren't any... its distributing that has issues05:12
carmonyyes, and we won't be distributing it05:13
jmarsdenlifeless: Hmmm... probably true.  I just think like a packager, and packages are usually intended for distribution.05:14
* carmony pats jmarsden 05:14
jmarsdencarmony: Do you *need* openssl?  As I said earlier, compiling it from source the way the package comes out of the source package will be easier.05:14
carmonythe bug is with yassl05:14
carmonyit was fixed in 5.005:14
carmonybut they used a broken version of yassl in 5.105:14
carmonyand didn't fix it until 5.1.51 of mysql05:15
carmonyits a pain in the butt bug that is kinda rare, but a deal breaker for our software system05:16
jmarsdenSo... which source did you download, the fixed one?  In that case you can use yassl, right?  Or am I confused?05:16
carmonywe downloaded the 10.04 version of the sources from Ubuntu's packaging website05:16
jmarsdenAh... I thought we had discussed downloading the Natty sources so you'd get something new enough to already include the fix. OK.05:17
carmonywe were hopping to just compile with different options05:17
jmarsdenIt should be doable... I'll grab the 10.04 sources and see what I can see...05:18
jmarsdencarmony: Looks like we're using cmake, so you may want to check CMakelists.txt for any yassl-oriented config info?05:19
carmonyok, looking..05:19
carmonyI see it adding the dependancy and sub directories, but I don't see anything that shows it requiring it I don't think..05:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #711089 in mysql-5.1 (main) "package mysql-client-5.1 5.1.49-1ubuntu9 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/man/man1/my_print_defaults.1.gz', which is also in package mysql-server-core-5.1 5.1.49-1ubuntu9" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71108905:21
carmonyADD_DEFINITIONS(-DHAVE_YASSL) <-- would that cause the problem?05:23
jmarsdencarmony: I'm not sure either, but does ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DHAVE_YASSL) ... right... it might.05:23
carmonythat is the error we get05:23
jmarsdenOK, that's a configure error, from autotools... but who or what added the --with-yassl option?05:27
carmonythats what I can't figure out, we changed it from the debian/rules05:28
jmarsdenCan you pastebin the diff of your debian/rules?05:29
carmonyhrm, I found this with grep: ./BUILD/compile-pentium-icc-yassl:extra_configs="$pentium_configs $static_link --with-yassl"05:29
jmarsdenI don't think you are building with icc though, so that shouldn't apply :)05:29
carmonyhrm, trying to diff... it was just line 108 and 109, changed --without-openssl to --with-openssl and --with-yassl to --without-yassl05:31
jmarsdenThat's odd, my debian.rules line 108 says --with-ssl, not anything about openssl or yassl specifically...05:33
jmarsdenWe're talking about  mysql-dfsg-5.1_5.1.41-3ubuntu12.9  right?05:34
carmonyjmarsden: yes, actually, talking with the other dev, he added the --without-yassl and changed --with-ssl to --with-openssl05:35
carmonyjmarsden: he was following this tutorial for mysql 5.0: http://geektank.net/2007/10/re-compiling-mysql-5-0-openssl-support-under-debian/05:36
jmarsdenI suspect the deprecation may be of anything related to yassl or openssl specifically, they now (in 5.1) want you to just say with-ssl or without-ssl and specifcy which SSL library in some other way... but that's a guess at this point.05:37
jmarsdenFollowing a 5.0 tutorial for a 5.1 build is probably not a great idea.05:37
carmonylol, yeah, so I'm figuring out05:37
twbjmarsden: gods, I wish people would get that05:37
twbjmarsden: like <coworker> who follows blog posts about installing <foo> on 6.0405:37
carmonylol twb05:38
twb6.06, rather05:39
carmonyjmarsden: ok, it shows: --with-ssl=DIR Include SSL support   5.1.1105:40
* jmarsden thinks... nothing wrong with that as long as he is still running dapper :)05:40
carmonyin INSTALL-SOURCE05:40
jmarsdencarmony: I'd guess you want to leave --with-ssl in there and hack Cmakelists.txt to say you don't have yassl please use openssl instead...?05:41
twbjmarsden: he wasn't05:41
jmarsdenBut again, I'm guessing05:41
jmarsdenOr does CMakelists.txt not even get used in this build process... seems odd to have it there and then use autotools, to me...05:43
twbEh, mysql is pretty dumb about everything05:43
carmonyagreed, twb05:44
carmonyok, where would the OpenSSL header files and libraries located in ubuntu 10.04?05:44
twbcarmony: libssl-dev05:45
jmarsdencarmony: See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/secure-using-ssl.html05:45
jmarsdenfor how to configure the build for openssl... sounds like you may already have found that.05:45
jmarsdenIt says in part: "To use OpenSSL instead, specify the --with-ssl option with the path to the directory where the OpenSSL header files and libraries are located: ..."05:46
carmonyok, I installed libssl-dev, looking for where it put them05:46
jmarsdencarmony: dpkg -L libssl-dev05:47
carmonyand thank you both for being patient with me, I'm learning a lot05:47
twbcarmony: you still haven't learnt not to roll your own stuff in /opt05:50
twb15:32 <twb> I can tell you from personal experience that you are better off giving up RIGHT NOW05:50
jmarsdentwb: at least he is now trying to create a package rather than compiling from a tarball ... this is significant progress :)05:51
carmonyok, got a new error: http://paste2.org/p/1222218 -- but I think I'm getting close... I think05:54
jmarsdencarmony: That looks like you left out a \ at the end of a line in debian/rules or some other makefile??05:55
jmarsdendiff your debian/rules with the original and make sure you only changed what you intended to change.05:55
carmonyah, found it05:55
kaushalis there a way to build Ubuntu OS from a specific ISO ?06:00
kaushalI mean using Netboot/PXE/TFTP ?06:00
twbuh, you can netboot the installer06:03
carmonywow... I... I think it worked.06:07
jmarsdenCongratulations :)06:12
jmarsdenYou must have a pretty fast build machine, BTW, a full mysql build from source including running all the tests takes a while...06:13
twbjmarsden: maybe whatever random blog post he's copying from set DEBUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck06:13
jmarsdenMaybe... but I hope not :)06:14
kaushaltwb: ok06:15
kaushaltwb: you said installer ?06:16
kaushalare you talking about the ISO ?06:16
carmonyman, its running tests, and its taking -forever-06:19
twbkaushal: no, I'm talking about d-i06:24
jmarsdencarmony: Then you don't really know whether it worked yet :)06:25
carmonylol, I assumed06:25
ralliasHow do I set sendmail to foreward all my outgoing mail to a different mail host?06:26
goddardI am going to be setting up an ubuntu web server and during the install it asks for a hostname lots of tutorials suggest giving it a domain at this time06:26
goddardif I plan on having virtual servers what should I do then?06:26
ralliasJust call it some random thing.06:27
ralliasI call my server the-a-bomg06:27
goddarddoes this have any effect on mail or anything06:27
goddardcause postfix uses your hostname most the time06:27
ralliasYou can tell postfix to accept mail for multiple domains06:27
ralliaswebmin makes it a beautiful job... to set up that part.06:28
goddardrallias thats what id plan on using :D06:28
goddardrallias isp config worth using?06:28
ralliasmeh, if your behind a router, not really.06:28
goddardwhat does that have to do with it?06:29
ralliaswell if you're directly connecting it to the net your isp see's who you claim to be.06:30
ralliascalling yourself the-a-bomg isn't the best thing to show your isp06:30
kaushaltwb: ok06:31
goddardI see06:31
goddardrallias if I was connecting to my ISP then I should use a FQDN ?06:32
ralliasno, won't let you.06:32
ralliasIt chops off a bit after the dots06:32
ralliasJust call it something like goddard06:32
ralliasor the username part of what you connect to your isp's email with.06:33
jmarsdenrallias: Be very careful with webmin on Ubuntu... it tends to break things.06:33
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.06:33
ralliasso thats why I never got postfix to work...06:35
goddardisn't it only not supported because of a depreciated md5 library?06:35
twbgoddard: no06:35
twbgoddard: run lintian on webmin's deb sometime06:35
twbI think they build it using alien or tar+ar06:36
goddardtwb so what do you suggest?06:36
twbgoddard: I suggest you learn to administer the damn system properly, i.e. from a shell06:36
ralliasthey built it with checkinstall if I remember the wiki right.06:36
twbrallias: that'd be about right06:36
goddardtwb you have to admint virtual min is really nice06:37
twbgoddard: no, I don't06:37
goddardyou can setup a virtual server in like 2 seconds06:37
ralliastru dat06:37
twbYou mean the dom0 or the domU?06:37
ralliasnah the google.com and the images.google.com06:38
twbI kinda doubt google are running *min06:38
ralliaseh I'll send you my bind9 hints file sometime06:38
goddardrallias ill take that aswell06:39
ralliasgoddard: I'm going to warn you, its 1.2 gb06:39
goddardthats way to many hints06:40
twbgoddard: he doesn't mean hints for humans06:40
carmonyhrm, ok, it failed four tests.06:40
carmonyFailing test(s): main.partition_innodb main.information_schema_chmod main.trigger rpl.rpl_rotate_logs06:40
carmonythink I should be concerned?06:40
twbI'm guessing that's not Reverse Polish Lisp06:40
goddardso does ISPConfig suck as well?06:40
ralliasgoddard: no clue06:41
twbgoddard: anything that tries to baby sysadmins along with a web UI sucks06:41
goddardThat leaves Cpanel which costs like couple grand06:41
twbBTW, I tried to pastebin the lintian output for webmin's deb, but it exceeds the maximum paste size06:41
ralliastwb: What 'bout one I make myself?06:41
goddardtwb haha06:42
twbHere we go: http://pastebin.com/vxfGjwGr06:42
ralliasits complaining because of perl and .gif's?06:44
twbrallias: the reason Debian packages are so good is because the Debian Policy forbids packages from making retarded packages06:44
twbIf you think RHEL does a better job, you can go use it06:45
ralliasWhy should I pay some bozo 50 bucks for some piece of crud that is hyper controled?06:45
ralliasits why I said no to windows.06:45
ralliasquite frankly, i'm not against debian, i'm just against its definition of "retarded"06:46
carmonysuper newb question... you can tail a file, but is there a version of tail that you can use to read just the beginning of a file?06:58
twbShrug.  When you use Ubuntu, you're benefitting from it.  Almost all Ubuntu packaging is pinched straight from Debian.06:59
carmonylol, thanks air^06:59
carmonyum, hrm...07:02
carmonyjmarsden: I can't find any deb files to use to install my newly made packages?07:04
jmarsdenIf the build succeeded, they should be above the source tree, so cd ..   and look there.07:04
carmonythere aren't any there07:06
jmarsdencarmony: What were the last few lines of text output by debuild ?07:07
blahdeblahHi.  I'm setting up a new Ubuntu mail server, and i'm looking to hit it hard & fast with spam.  Can anyone suggest the quickest way to get my server on the nefarious spammers' lists?07:07
carmonyjmarsden: crap, http://paste2.org/p/122229707:08
jmarsdenOK, so you need to figure out those tests and why they failed... apparently they are supposed to succeed :)07:08
carmonywell, those tests are for master/slave replication and you need to do special things for those tests I guess07:09
spartan07Cannot get an ip on a server ubuntu 8.04.07:10
spartan07I switched /etc/network/interface to dhcp no good07:10
jmarsdenThen the package would never build on a PPA or on the official build servers... so that doesn't seem likely.07:10
jmarsdenAlso... my own mysql build with that --with-ssl=/usr/include/openssl/ change just completed, and mine worked :)07:11
spartan07ran ethtool and there is a link on eth0 but I dont even see inet addr for eth0 can someone please help07:11
jmarsdenspartan07: I'm not an expert on DHCP, but running   dhclient -d eth0    might get you more information on the issue07:14
spartan07dhclient not installed. can I install from cd?07:15
jmarsdensudo apt-get install dhcp3-client07:16
jmarsdenOh, it is in /sbin.  So try   /sbin/dhclient -d eth0 perhaps?07:16
spartan07jmarsden, dont have internet07:16
spartan071 sec07:16
spartan07no file or directory. not installed.07:17
jmarsdenHmmm.  That seems unusual to me.  I thought it was installed by default... will check.07:19
twbjmarsden: not in -minimal, at least07:20
spartan07running 8.04.307:20
spartan07dont think its minimal. installed regular. how can i install from cd?07:21
jmarsdenmount the cd, sudo dpkg -i /path/to/cd/.../dhcp3-client*.deb ... but that's a little vague.  I'm too used to having the Internet around... :)07:22
spartan07jmarsden, yea mee too thats why im stumped lol07:23
jmarsdenspartan07: OK, it is on the CD under pool/main/d/dhcp3/ so mount the CD and then cd in there and sudo dpkg -i dhcp3-client_*deb07:27
spartan07I restarted . this is a poweredge 6650 and it takes forever07:30
jmarsdenWhy did you feel the need to restart?  This is not Windows :)07:37
spartan07with other servers sometimes the settings dont take. Had this happen with 8.04 test server07:38
carmonyjmarsden: woohoo, its working07:39
jmarsdencarmony: Good :)  What did you have to do to get the tests to pass?07:40
goddardwhat is the hit on performance by virtualizing?07:40
twbgoddard: depends on hardware and what you're doing07:40
twbgoddard: and the virtualization technology, of course07:40
goddardis there a estimated percentage?07:41
jmarsdengoddard: It all depends on what and how you are virtualizing :)  Just a few percent if you are lucky...07:41
twbI can pull a number out of my arse if you think it'll help07:41
goddardjmarsden i dont have anything in mind at the moment just kinda curious seems like a good option07:42
goddardtwb haha07:42
jmarsdenThen try it and see :)  For an article about virtualization performance (months old), maybe http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ubuntu_kvm_history&num=1 woudl be of interest?07:43
twbDhrystones per Second:                        25163562 (dom0)07:45
twbDhrystones per Second:                        25163562 (domU)07:45
twbSo, unsurprisingly, with LXC, CPU performance is reduced by approximately 0%07:45
jmarsdenspartan07: Were you able to install dhclient ?07:49
spartan07no getting it to mount cd. working on it07:50
jmarsden?  if your install CD won't mount, you have real issues :)07:50
twbhe might simply not know how07:51
jmarsdenspartan07: What command are you using to try to mount the CD?  And what happens when you use that command?07:51
spartan07think cd is scratched07:52
spartan07old cd07:52
spartan07looking for another.I know I have here07:53
spartan07jmarsden, dependency problems08:16
jmarsdenspartan07: what else does it need?08:17
spartan07with dhcp3-common on system is 3.0.6.dfsg-1ubuntu9.1 and it needs 1ubuntu908:18
spartan07probably got updated during a system update since im runing 8.04.108:18
spartan07should I install dhcp3-common and then install dhcp3-client again?08:20
jmarsdenWait.... your machine has dhcp-common but not dhcp-client?  What does   dpkg -l 'dhcp*'  |grep ^ii     output?08:21
spartan07has dhcp3-common but its 3.0.6.dfsg-1ubuntu9.1 not dhcp3-common but its 3.0.6.dfsg-1ubuntu908:22
jmarsdenBut it doesn't have any dhcp*client package installed?08:22
jmarsdenI wonder why you installed the -common without the -client or -server?  Seems very odd.  OK.  Sure, try    sudo dpkg -i dhcp3-client_*deb dhcp3-common*deb    and see what it does.08:24
spartan07output shows dhcp3-common 3.0.6dfsg-1ubuntu9.108:24
spartan07jmarsden, installed08:26
jmarsdenOK, so now (at last) we can try  dhclient -d eth008:26
twbjmarsden: aptitude why dhcp3-commont08:26
twbIt'll tell you exactly why08:26
twb...except that d-i sets all packages to "manually installed", which might bork it08:27
spartan07well one thing I see wrong is DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 5  - my subnet mask is
spartan07jmarsden, says no working leases in persistent database08:30
jmarsdenNo, that's not necessarily wrong.  Did you see a reply from the DHCP server, is what matters?08:30
spartan07No DHCPOFFERS received08:30
twbIs the machine cabled?08:31
jmarsdenCan you check that your DHCP server is working OK?  are other machines getting DHCP addresses fine?08:31
twbDoes "ip l" mention any interfaces other than eth0 and lo?08:31
spartan07yea. im chatting on this one08:31
jmarsdenspartan07: Do you have an eth1 or anything similar in your    ip l     output?08:33
spartan07yea eth108:33
spartan07lo , eth0, eth108:33
jmarsdenOK, so how sure are you the wire you have connected is really on eth0 ?  Maybe it is on eth1 :)08:34
spartan07did ethtool eth0 and has link yes08:34
spartan07oh wait wait that wAS LAST TIME08:35
spartan07it was on eth108:35
spartan07moved to eth008:35
jmarsden:)  all this because you had a wire in the wrong ethernet jack :)08:35
spartan07sorry frustrated and overlooked that08:35
spartan07ran dhclient output: bound to 192.168.XX.XX08:36
jmarsdenYou're good to go :)08:36
spartan07jmarsden, man thank you sooo much08:37
jmarsdenspartan07: You're welcome.08:37
spartan07had been hours trying to figure this out. thanks again for taking the time to help me. I would have never figured that out. I also learned something new08:40
bravvvei have local network with machinesand a server under windows 2003 server and machines under windows xp,one of them is my workstation connected to the internet,i wan tu configure it like a update server for antivirus,how can i configure this on latest ubuntu server09:38
mkulkehello, how come that /usr/lib64/update-notifier/apt-check mentions updates, while apt-get update does not?09:40
mike_millerAnyone here familiar with the AMI images?09:45
mkulkehow can i tell whether there are updates available or not?09:52
mkulkein machine readable form09:52
mkulkejeez, that seems to be a simple thing, but i've been trying to achieve this for ages09:53
xampartour isp changed and had to do little configuration. now kern.log shows a lot of "kernel: Neighbour table overflow" messages (/proc/sys/net/ipv4/neigh/default/gc_thresh{1,2,3} are 4096,8192,8192 respectively). any experiences?09:55
uvirtbotNew bug: #711173 in mysql-5.1 (main) "package mysql-client-5.1 5.1.54-1ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: попытка перезаписать «/usr/bin/my_print_defaults», который уже имеется в пакете mysql-server-core-5.1 5.1.49-1ubuntu9" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71117310:46
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awantihi i have implemented samba server. Now i am facing bit problem.  I want to give the permission like 'in perticular shared folder users can create the files but they can't delete it11:46
NetShadowis there is a software that can boost my bittorrent upload ratio like greeytorrent for linux?11:53
mpathyHi there.. I am looking for a ticketing system for my server.. Where clients can send support requests etc. - I know the most people would say OTRS, but its too big and bloated in my opinion.. Something like those nice ticket systems for software bugs, with a ergonomic and well-thought web interface (if possible Web 2.0/ajaxified) but more client support specific..12:04
mpathyAny thoughts? :)12:04
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remix_tjmpathy: i use horde+whups at work12:18
remix_tjmpathy: works well12:18
binBASHhorde? He didn't want to get bloated ;)12:20
mpathyHorde is some extra topic..12:21
Error404NotFoundCan't mount nfs shares: http://pastebin.com/VQ4R2YYU Server is Lucid Lynx, Client is Karmic Koala12:22
mpathyI always liked the modularity and the extra modules available but nowadays it lacks so much at documentation..12:23
mpathyBut whups is also a software bug ticket system12:23
mpathyI need something more "client support request" - specific12:24
binBASH:-) currently coding such a thing for my company12:24
binBASHwebhosting company...12:24
mpathylike "my login in my groupware doesnt work" etc.12:24
mpathybinBASH: I also think about coding myself but I cannot understand something like that isnt available in a simple manner12:25
binBASHyou don't need to reinvent the wheel ;)12:26
mpathySo why are you coding sth. like that? :P12:27
binBASHmpathy: Because I can't use that open source stuff for it12:28
binBASHand I don't want to pay thousands of $ ;)12:28
binBASHmpathy: http://osticket.com/tour/12:28
binBASHthis one looks neat btw.12:28
mpathyyes but already too much in my opinion12:32
mpathyaltough its more modern than otrs.. i had it installed for testing12:32
binBASHyeah it also has ajax iface12:32
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x-iphi all :)12:35
Error404NotFoundUnable to mount NFS shares: http://pastebin.com/YfdfHm6t12:41
Error404NotFoundon client i see: rpcbind: server <IP> not responding, timed out12:44
Error404NotFoundanyone alive here?12:49
mpathythx for the inspiration, I looked trough my mp3's.. I will listen to Comfortably Numb :P its no ubuntu-server specific question why not ask in #ubuntu12:55
pmatulisError404NotFound: yes, there are 293 people in here13:02
Error404NotFoundok, confirmed one alive :P13:03
Error404NotFoundwhat ports does nfs server need to open on client and server? I know that we should have 111 and 2049 open on client but anything else?13:10
patdk-wkError404NotFound, it's random, check portmap13:34
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Error404NotFoundpatdk-wk: the port that needs access is random?13:36
Error404NotFoundwhat about that pastebin? it contains rpcinfo -p13:37
patdk-wkyep, it's an rpc service13:37
patdk-wkeach time you restart nfs, or reboot, it could use a different port13:37
patdk-wknormally it will use the same one, but nothing says it will, unless you set it13:37
Davieysmoser, Bug #709542 ....  Have any ideas?13:38
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 709542 in cloud-init "100% cpu console-kit" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70954213:38
Error404NotFoundpatdk-wk: can you please have a look at pastebin, and tell me what other ports should i allow?13:38
patdk-wkError404NotFound, why? it would be useless, cause it will change13:39
Error404NotFoundpatdk-wk: but i can't leave the firewall on nfs server wide open13:40
patdk-wkwhy you need to specify what ports nfs should use, instead of leaving it random13:40
patdk-wkman, why is this so hard?13:40
Error404NotFoundNFS uses random ports, but the firewall on nfs server can't be wide open allowing connections on all ports.13:41
20QAAN25CHi, I try to install a dns server with bind9, I configure the forwarders in /etc/bind/named.conf.options and the zone  in /etc/bind/named.conf.local but the clients can't resolve the URL... have you any ideas? Thank you13:42
pmatulisError404NotFound: NFS over the internet?13:51
Error404NotFoundpmatulis: nfs on cloud13:52
Error404NotFoundpatdk-wk: thanks, that link really helped :)13:58
RoAkSoAxmorning all14:01
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hggdhDaviey, good morning. I just uploaded a new ubuntu-server-iso-testing package to the PPA. Can you (when it is built) update your hudson slave with it?14:18
Davieyhggdh, wilco!14:25
david506I wrote my templates for for debconf, my script asks for the user to enter the requested information. But when I run the script a second time, it doesn't ask, it takes the same answer from the first run. How do I get it to ask each time ?14:26
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Davieyzul, have you seen https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-5.1/+bug/710976 ?14:41
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 710976 in mysql-5.1 "package mysql-client-5.1 5.1.54-1ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/man/man1/my_print_defaults.1.gz', which is also in package mysql-server-core-5.1 5.1.49-1ubuntu9" [Undecided,New]14:41
zulDaviey: yeah14:41
zulDaviey: multiple times ;)14:41
Davieyawesome :)14:42
DavieySpamapS, Where you looking at issues with php5-fpm recently?14:44
Davieyugh, w.u.c seems to be timing out lots today14:53
RoAkSoAxbug #710976 is duplicate of bug #71050514:56
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 710976 in mysql-5.1 "package mysql-client-5.1 5.1.54-1ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/man/man1/my_print_defaults.1.gz', which is also in package mysql-server-core-5.1 5.1.49-1ubuntu9" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71097614:56
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 710505 in mysql-5.1 "package mysql-client-5.1 5.1.49-1ubuntu9 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/man/man1/my_print_defaults.1.gz', which is also in package mysql-server-core-5.1 5.1.49-1ubuntu9" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71050514:56
zulDaviey: ok its fixed now14:57
zulDaviey: php5-fpm was removed in natty i think when we merged it from debian again14:59
Davieyzul, Hmm15:01
Davieywas the binary package removed from the archive and this package is legacy on the users machine?15:01
zulDaviey: yeah it was removed from the archive afaik15:02
jdstrandzul: hey, couple of questions for you regarding alpha 2: apache2 is ftbfs on amd64 and axis2c for all releases. would you mind looking at these or finding someone who will?15:07
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zuljdstrand: sure15:07
zuljdstrand: axis2c is well known though i think15:07
jdstrandzul: is a fix planned or a bug filed already?15:08
zuljdstrand: yeah i think there is a bug filed about it already15:08
x-ipHi, i followed this steps https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/CreateGuests using ubuntu-vm-build, the node is up http://pastebin.com/gzYiZUve but it isnt recheable from the network, in fact i dont see the ip address from the 'prod.local' vm in the interfaces list15:09
zuljdstrand: lemme see if i can find it15:09
jdstrandzul: possibly 600174?15:09
x-ipi tryed the virsh console to get 'inside' the VM but didnt have success (using the console command)15:09
zuljdstrand: yeah15:09
* Daviey hates axis2c with vengeance.15:10
zuljdstrand: the plan was to update to 1.7 i think but that kind of pettered out15:10
x-ipwhat am i doing wrong ? maybe am i missing something ? any help is appreciated15:10
jdstrandDaviey: I see that is milestoned for beta-- I guess we can assume not fixed for alpha2?15:10
Davieyjdstrand, I think it really needs doko's input tbh.15:10
DavieyI spent a few hours trying to fix the axis2c ftbfs, and it's a PIG.15:11
jdstrandok, well he is on vacation, so I'll jot down the bug and move on15:11
Davieyjdstrand, it is on the release teams agenda btw.15:11
jdstrandDaviey: yes, I am helping them :)15:11
zulDaviey: doko already gave hsi input15:11
Davieyzul, Hmm, he added something to the bug15:12
DavieyBut iirc it wasn't quite enough.15:12
Davieyzul, ^^15:13
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 600174 in axis2c "axis2c fails to build from source on maverick/i386" [High,Confirmed]15:13
Davieyclearly doko hasn't looked at the upstream tree :P15:13
Davieyi should take another look.15:14
zulDaviey: yeah i had a poke at it but my brain exploded15:14
jdstrandzul: do you mind if I file a bug re apache@15:14
zuljdstrand: sure be my guest15:14
jdstrandzul: that way it'll make it easier on your upload (soft freeze and all)15:14
* Daviey imagines zul slamming his fist down, and denying jdstrand opening a bug.15:14
zuljdstrand: ack15:14
zuljdstrand: apache doesnt like -fno-strict-aliasing ;)15:15
Davieyzul, When jdstrand opens that bug, are you working on it?15:17
zulDaviey: yeah im going to revert the fix i was using for a bug15:18
Davieyzul, dandy!15:18
jdstrandzul: fyi bug #711293. tentatively assigned to you. feel free to reassign as necessary15:18
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 711293 in apache2 "[natty] apache2 FTBFS on amd64" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71129315:18
zuljdstrand: thanks15:19
jdstrandzul: thank you for looking into ti15:21
zuljdstrand: np thanks for reporting it, ;)15:22
zuljdstrand: fix uploaded15:22
jdstranddude, that was fast15:23
zuljdstrand: hehe :)15:23
uvirtbotNew bug: #711293 in apache2 (main) "[natty] apache2 FTBFS on amd64" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71129315:27
zulDaviey: so what do you want to do with axis2c?15:28
Davieyzul, pah, i just commented :)15:29
RoyKhi all. which image type should I use with kvm? qcow2?15:41
compdocqcow2 is not bad. I think you need qcow2 to migrate between servers15:42
compdocits not as fast as using a block device15:42
compdocraw might be faster too15:44
RoyKI just chose raw and allocated it all15:45
RoyKmoving my Zimbra install to a dedicated virtual disk to ease backup...15:45
compdocIve been running my email server that way for a while. Asterisk too15:56
RoyKcompdoc: is asterisk stable by now?16:15
compdocworks <shrug>16:16
RoyKI used to run it in a rather large setup with some 5k users some years back, and it sucked hard16:16
compdocI use it at home - only about 5 phones16:16
compdocI dont use any analog cards - its strictly sip and iax16:17
patdk-wkya, I used it years ago, with about 60 users, only for sip/iax, used a cisco router for fxo/fxs and sip phones16:19
patdk-wkworked fine16:19
RoyKin the early days of asterisk, Digium didn't even want to admit a jitterbuffer was needed, so we had to hire someone to write it16:19
compdocseems to have grown a lot since then16:19
patdk-wkyep, I totally don't know why digim did that :(16:19
compdoclike most active distros16:19
RoyKpatdk-wk: the code was submitted and eventually accepted into 1.416:20
patdk-wkthat is why I used cisco vic's, they have their own buffers16:20
patdk-wkvoice modules16:20
patdk-wkas opposed to wic's16:20
RoyKyou need jb at both sides, though16:21
patdk-wkrunning over a 2 hope, 2gigabit network, wouldn't cause much jitter16:21
patdk-wkit was mainly echo cancelling that annoyed me16:21
patdk-wk2 hop :)16:21
RoyKwe had customers leaving because although they could hear well, the ones they talked to just heard gibberish16:22
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compdocgetting the hardware and softare just right can be a bear - Ive seen lots of ppl talk about their failed projects16:23
compdoctakes a lot of testing16:24
uvirtbotNew bug: #711321 in multipath-tools (main) "multipathd expecting wrong paths in uevents" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71132116:26
RoyKcompdoc: getting faulty software to work well can be a real bitch16:27
RoyKI did a fair amount of debugging on asterisk, and I beleive the theory is true, set 100,000 monkeys in front of a computer each, and they'll end up writing asterisk in a few weeks16:28
RoyKcompdoc: http://karlsbakk.net/fun/asterisk-installation.wav16:29
compdoclots of nix software requires a bit of tweaking16:29
RoyKsure, but this wasn't tweaking, it was digging into the source to remove nasty memleaks, locking problems, scalability issues and whatnot16:30
zulSpamapS: http://www.osrg.net/sheepdog/16:30
compdocasterisk-installation.wav is funny16:31
compdocsounds just like the asterisk woman16:31
RoyKit is16:31
RoyKsome guy paid her to read that16:32
compdocI wonder how much money she makes16:32
RoyKshe does (part  of?) her living for reading stuff like that16:32
RoyKiirc this wav came just before the callweaver fork, which eventually died16:33
compdocnever even heard of callweaver16:33
compdocmy version of asterisk is working, so I dont keep up with developments16:34
RoyKcompdoc: it's a few years since that fork, and although it included more interesting stuff, in the nature of not being dual-licensed, it eventually died16:34
RoyKcompdoc: good :)16:34
RoyKnever fix a winning team :P16:35
RoyKasterisk suffers from the usual dual-license issue - they want to sell the software, so they can't use GPL in it16:39
RoyKso even though there are good and scalable RTP/SRTP stacks out there, digium has to rely on their own16:40
RoyKzul: interesting - getting zfs into that picture would be rather cool :)16:53
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uvirtbotNew bug: #711354 in mysql-5.1 (main) "package mysql-client-5.1 5.1.49-1ubuntu9 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/my_print_defaults', which is also in package mysql-server-core-5.1 5.1.49-1ubuntu9" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71135417:11
RoyKany idea how to have virt-manager make the vnc server listen to instead of localhost?17:13
RoAkSoAxkirkland: o/17:17
compdocI have to go out and shovel snow...17:20
RoAkSoAxkirkland: quick update on powernap. I enabled by default InputMonitor's (keyboard/mouse) in the config, and if there's no device available, it won't launch any Monitor. I also found a bug that when disconnecting the mouse/keyboard from the USB, it sent a signal to powernapd and it stopped completely. Apparently the InputMonitor sends a SIGIO when disconnecting the device making powernapd to stop. So what I'm just testing is to ignore if the SIGI17:20
kirklandRoAkSoAx: okay17:21
kirklandRoAkSoAx: yeah, we'll need to get that fixed17:22
RoAkSoAxkirkland: so, if there's keyboard/mouse InputMonitor running and for whatever reason we disconnect it, the SIGIO will be ignored and powernapd continues to monitor (but won't detect any activity). Then, when the devices is  reconnect, the InputMonitor successfully resumes monitoring.17:25
kirklandRoAkSoAx: hmm, looks like the InputMonitor needs to understand the concept of connected/disconnected devices17:32
kirklandRoAkSoAx: oh, another thing;  i think when you 'sudo stop powernap', it should wake the system up17:33
kirklandRoAkSoAx: in the upstart job17:33
kirklandRoAkSoAx: pre-stop17:34
kirklandRoAkSoAx: i think i'm going to add that17:34
RoAkSoAxkirkland: in that case, we'll need to check if powernapd has entered to powersave mode17:34
smoserhggdh, RoAkSoAx around ?18:56
smoserlets go ahead and try to start testing images18:56
RoAkSoAxsmoser: i'm here18:58
smoserhggdh, ?18:59
smoserhe was here. he wanted to watch also.18:59
smoserlets join #ubuntu-ec2-test18:59
zulhallyn: ping19:10
hggdhsmoser, here19:11
smoserjoin #ubuntu-ec2-test,  hggdh19:12
xperiahello to all. i have a simple question about ubuntu web server. what is best solution for running two or more webservers behind a router ?19:28
xperiai tryed to install Pound on one of the Webservers and redirect with Pound all the raffic that is not realted to the one server to the Other Webservers. But thing is the Pound Reverse Proxy Server is somehow not transparent and i am not sure if reall this is best solution for this Problem / Situation. What is normally used to run several Web Servers behind one Router with one Fix IP ?19:28
xperiathe router itself run linux too. maybe it exist some possibility with iptables on the router side to redirect the traffic easy to the Webservers in the LAN19:30
patdk-wkpound, apache, lighttpd, nginx, squid, varnish, ...19:32
patdk-wkI doubt you will ever make a transparent reverse proxy though19:32
patdk-wkyou just need to fix up your application to work correctly19:33
patdk-wkthe only thing that changes is the ip address, so use the correct location for the ip19:33
Matt28hey all, i am rather new to linux, and i need some help.  i installed ubuntu server 64 bit and when i rebooted after install it came up to the cmd line only, is there not an x window environment?19:48
hallynzul: hey19:49
zulhallyn: im just sniff testing lxc right now19:49
hallynroses and fine scotch?19:49
MagicFabMatt28, no, there isn't19:52
Matt28well that would make a lot of things make since then, the whole reason i used server was because i need raid support, and could not see where to set that up with a fresh install of the desktop version of ubuntu19:53
zulhallyn: yes :)19:53
xperiapatdk-wk: thanks a lot for answer. varnish looks promising.20:13
xperiastill dont know what is most prefered for such a situation. maybe somebody here with experience about such stuff what run best20:14
patdk-wkthat depends on what your attempting to do20:18
patdk-wkvarnish is a caching server, so it's cache could get you into trouble20:18
patdk-wkso you need to know what your doing20:18
tmxperia: I have just read the discussion in #ubuntu-de. you look at this link: http://www.apachetutor.org/admin/reverseproxies or http://buecher.lingoworld.de/apache2/mod_proxy.html20:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #711465 in apache2 (main) "mod_rewrite directives in <Location> section confusingly disable rewrites in .htaccess" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71146520:21
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uvirtbotNew bug: #711480 in cloud-init (main) "user-data scripts do not run" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71148020:42
xperiatm: thanks a lot for your reply ! will look into it20:42
hggdhwhat should be the minimum size of a server install? Of old it was 575,000. Current minimum seems to be 589,55220:57
hggdhDaviey, there?20:58
zulhggdh: sounds about right21:00
hggdhzul, the new value, right?21:00
zuli think so21:00
hggdhzul, thank you, I will update the test21:00
Woutje123Mr. Kirkland21:13
Woutje123You got time for pm-utils <-> powernap21:13
Woutje123issue/ small bug21:13
RoAkSoAxWoutje123: you can address your concerns to me in that matter, what's up?21:16
hggdhzul, can I go and destroy the test rig?21:17
zulhggdh: with a baseball bat21:17
Woutje123I was having issues with my ubuntu server not respecting my wake on lan settings after pm-suspend21:17
RoAkSoAxWoutje123: how so?21:17
hggdhzul, consider it done :-)21:17
zulhggdh: i will21:18
Woutje123I'd set wake to :"ug" (unicast and magic packet)21:18
Woutje123then after pm-suspend (manual of issued by powernap) it would only wake from magic packet21:19
Woutje123I just found the cause21:19
Woutje123it's in: /usr/lib/pm-utils/power.d/disable_wol21:19
Woutje123It has a line "ethtool -s "${d##*/}" wol g>/dev/null 2>&1;;" in it21:20
Woutje123when i changed the g to ug my problems were solved21:20
Woutje123I think it's a bad idea that all systems using ethtool in the background use direct commandlines21:22
RoAkSoAx Woutje123: so that wouldn't be an issue with powernap but with pm-utils :). I'd ssuggest you file a bug against it saying something like "After manually suspending with pm-suspend, settings get changed"or something like that21:22
Woutje123there's no settings file anywhere that enables a system admin to set default behaveour21:23
Woutje123I was allready browsing pm-utils for simular bugs21:24
RoAkSoAxWoutje123: what version of powernap are you running btw?21:24
Woutje123I just thought this could relate to powernap21:24
Woutje123the ppa version 2.something21:24
Woutje123btw thanks for powernap, it was the only thing missing in my home server setup...21:25
Woutje123Now when my gf powers on the mediacenter my server comes on.... when it's turned of it suspends....21:26
Woutje123great stuf21:26
RoAkSoAxWoutje123: hehe no probs it's a fun project to work with.. and a lot has changed in the past month, so we'll soon release 2.3)21:26
RoAkSoAxWoutje123: have you checked the powersave mode yet?21:27
Woutje123What does that do?21:27
RoAkSoAxWoutje123: instead of suspending it will just try to reduce power consumption21:28
Woutje123Can it be used in stages? stage 1, powersave after 5 minutes, stage 2 suspend after 40 minutes?21:29
RoAkSoAxWoutje123: nope... but that seems a cool idea that I'd like to discuss with kirkland21:31
Woutje123RoAkSoAx: I can have good ideas to bad I can't code for s***21:32
RoAkSoAxWoutje123: could you please file a bug agains launchpad.net/powernap and I'll discuss this further with kirkland21:34
Woutje123regarding the stage stuff?21:34
RoAkSoAxWoutje123: yeah!!21:34
Woutje123RoAkSoAx: sure, can't could but I can sure as ...... type....21:35
RoAkSoAxWoutje123: by doing so we can keep track of it, as a feature request21:37
Woutje123RoAkSoAx: sure thing.. I'm filing a bug against pm-utils now.21:37
Woutje123RoAkSoAx: I'll create one against powernap after that21:38
Woutje123RoAkSoAx: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pm-utils/+bug/71151721:41
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 711517 in pm-utils "pm-suspend doesn't respect wol settings of network interface" [Undecided,New]21:41
Woutje123nice feature that uvirtbot21:42
Woutje123RoAkSoAx: powernap only has one bug....21:43
RoAkSoAxWoutje123: the powernap bug file it against the upstream project www.launchpad.net/powernap please21:46
Woutje123RoAkSoAx: I'm filing it on: https://bugs.launchpad.net/powernap21:47
Woutje123RoAkSoAx: is that correct?21:47
stgraberWoutje123: yes, that's the upstream project21:48
RoAkSoAxWoutje123: yes >) thank you!21:48
RoAkSoAxstgraber: it is a feature request :)21:48
Woutje123Should I add a "feature request" tag?21:50
RoAkSoAxWoutje123: not really necessary21:50
Woutje123RoAkSoAx: https://bugs.launchpad.net/powernap/+bug/71152121:51
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 711521 in powernap "using stages for powernap" [Undecided,New]21:51
RoAkSoAxWoutje123: awesome! I'll point it out to kirkland and once he's around we'll discuss it and if he also likes the idea, it can be implemented soon enough21:54
Woutje123RoAkSoAx: If you need testing (bug related or not) you can contact me21:56
RoAkSoAxWoutje123: sure thing!21:57
RoAkSoAxthank you!21:57
Woutje123RoAkSoAx: Can you use my launchpad ID for that?21:57
RoAkSoAxWoutje123: I can post a comment in the bug report, and you'll receive email from it21:58
Woutje123RoAkSoAx: Ok, thanks very much21:59
RoAkSoAxWoutje123: no probs ;)22:00
Woutje123another question22:03
Woutje123I would like to display some server variables on the default tty without having to login22:04
Woutje123think conky for cli22:04
Woutje123Is there a tool to achieve this?22:04
Woutje123I want it to be live22:05
qman__well, I disabled tty1, and added things to rc.local22:05
qman__but that's just static text22:05
Woutje123things like system load, ip address software raid22:06
qman__I assume you could have it run something other than login somehow, though22:06
Woutje123Yeah I thought about that22:06
Woutje123qman__: not about that though22:08
RoAkSoAxWoutje123: have you tried byobu?22:10
Woutje123RoAkSoAx: Isn't that more like screen?22:11
RoAkSoAxWoutje123: yeah, but it shows you varios variables, such as uptime, load, CPUS, available disk space, and so on, you should give it a try22:11
RoAkSoAxit also displays IP22:12
Woutje123RoAkSoAx: I guess I could make a config that issues a couple of commands....22:12
Woutje123RoAkSoAx: How would I go about making it show up after system boot without login22:13
RoAkSoAxWoutje123: that I don't know. but when logged in, byobu is an excelent screen wrapper that you'll love ;)22:14
Woutje123RoAkSoAx: I know (now): sudo apt-get install byobu22:14
Woutje123it's a great start22:15
Woutje123I've got to go now22:15
Woutje123thanks for all the help22:15
RoAkSoAxwelcome ;)22:15
=== robbiew1 is now known as robbiew
=== cmagina-shovelin is now known as cmagina
iarpHas php4 been removed from apt-get sources?22:55
=== ry_ is now known as ry
hggdhDaviey, awake still?23:31

Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!