=== daniel0007 is now known as CensoredBiscuit === Gero is now known as CensoredBiscuit === Claudinux_ is now known as Claudinux [09:15] * ara resyncs some i386 images [11:20] jibel, ara: probably won't be able to help you too much this cycle I have a fair amount on and my boss is off to :( [13:18] I will be testing hardware only this time. VirtualBox 4.0 in Natty is broken again [13:18] charlie-tca, what is broken ? [13:18] they uploaded a fix 2 day ago. [13:18] can't install with the -38 kernel [13:19] are you sure ? virtualbox-ose has been upgraded to 4.0 [13:19] you should uninstall the version from oracle and install this one instead. [13:19] heh, I'm sure. There is a bug on virtualbox tracker for it [13:19] charlie-tca, it's running in front of me on i386 and amd64 :-) [13:20] Linux black 2.6.38-1-generic [13:20] i'm waiting to do anything. Last night the updates wanted to remove all my X Server stuff completely [13:20] yeah, X needs fix [13:20] maybe it is in that mess, now, but I can wait [13:21] charlie-tca, vbox was fixed on Sat, 29 Jan 2011 20:13:14 +0100 to build with kernel -38 [13:23] I removed and reinstalled it yesterday and got the same errors [13:24] charlie-tca, ose or oracle ? [13:25] oracle [13:25] still shows 3.2 for -ose in synaptic [13:25] charlie-tca, uninstall it, and install the ose version from the ubuntu rep instead. [13:26] charlie-tca, [13:26] $ apt-cache policy virtualbox-ose [13:26] virtualbox-ose: [13:26] Installed: 4.0.2-dfsg-1ubuntu1 [13:26] Candidate: 4.0.2-dfsg-1ubuntu1 [13:26] Version table: [13:26] *** 4.0.2-dfsg-1ubuntu1 0 [13:26] 500 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/universe i386 Packages [13:26] I see it today. I will try it [13:27] Thanks, jibel [13:27] jibel: does -ose give you 3d now? [13:28] charlie-tca, yes [13:28] doing it [13:29] charlie-tca, that's the same version than upstream without the proprietary extension packs (no usb, no e1000 pxe) [13:29] possible power failures today; -18 C today [13:29] It will work for testing then [13:29] oh nice, sunny at least ? [13:29] no, cloudy [13:30] too bad :( [13:30] with 22 mile per hour winds [13:30] it looks like a nice place to avoid ;-) [13:31] I wish :-) [13:38] ara, can you update the topic of the channel please, even if there's no a2 candidate yet ? [13:44] jibel, I always forget how to set myself as operator :D [13:44] pedro_, ^? [13:45] ara /msg chanserv op #channel === ara changed the topic of #ubuntu-testing to: Testing Natty Alpha 2 candidate images | http://qa.ubuntu.com/testing/iso-testing/ | http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com [13:45] pedro_, thanks [13:45] you're welcome [13:53] thanks ara [14:07] Hi all, [14:07] thanks for being there to help testing alpha 2 candidates. [14:08] we just keep trying :-) [14:08] unfortunately, X needs fixes and alpha 2 images are not published yet, but that should be done very soonish [14:09] Stay tune folks ! [14:11] hello [14:12] hopefully I'll have my new kvm machine setup by then ;) Nice i7 server with 8GB of RAM and 100Mb/s internet access, that'll make testing a lot faster ;) [14:13] alpha2 images are not up yet, right? [14:21] jibel, morning, sir. I updated the iso-testing packages, and they are building now for lucid and maverick (natty is already available) [14:25] Good afternoon hggdh, thanks for doing this. I'll think I'll need to update my tests for lucid at least. [14:25] alourie, hello, you're right! [14:28] alourie, we are waiting for new X packages. [14:31] jibel, no problem. Actually,we need to split it between versions (right now, at least for the server, it is all the same thing...) [14:42] jibel: ah, great [14:42] thanks [14:47] hi guys [14:47] Hi tim__ [14:48] im new to testing so how do i get started? [14:49] tim__, thanks for your help. Well at the moment we are waiting for new images, so we are a bit stuck. [14:50] do they release today? [14:50] tim__, during that time if you've not already done so, you can read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO/Procedures which explains how to test and report results. [14:50] thank you [14:50] tim__, the images to test will be released today, but alpha 2 will be released on thursday. [14:50] tim__, yes, they will be released today [14:52] tim__, you can also start syncing the current images, this way, once the latest images will be out, you'll just have to sync the difference. [14:52] do you know the percific time because im still in college :) [14:56] i didnt think the alpha 2 would be released today i thought it was half way through it was in middle of febuary [14:56] i just re-read that sentace i fail *face palm* [15:04] hey, http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ still shows natty alpha 1, shouldn't that be updated for alpha 2 images? [15:06] we don't have alpha2 images yet [15:08] highvoltage and all, the first isos should be available in a bit over an hour and a half. [15:08] ok [15:09] during that time you can always sync maverick images to test upgrade test cases once it's ready. [15:14] i have time to get home then :D [15:20] have the important debian freeze been fixed? [15:20] on alpha 1 [15:47] jibel, will the server ISO be reimaged, or just desktop? [15:51] hggdh, cjwatson told me that he would update the tracker when there's something ready for testing. [15:51] and at the moment there's nothing new. [15:52] jibel, roger, thanks. [18:19] okay, going out for while. will test when I get back. === fader_ is now known as fader [18:46] hi where can i get the alpha 2? [18:52] tim_ alpha 2 candidate is not released yet [18:52] oww [18:52] tim_ you can get the latest dev release here though http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ [19:25] jibel, cjwatson's just posted ubuntu server images for testing [19:32] hggdh, ^ [19:35] jibel, thanks [19:36] jibel, Hudson is already on them :-) [19:36] hggdh, you've got a cool job ;-) [19:36] :-) [19:37] jibel, now, it just has to work :-) [19:37] hggdh, you could create a hudson job that monitor the server testing jobs, you won't even have to look at the hudson console. [19:38] jibel, indeed... good idea [19:48] patrickmw, there is a tool called dl-ubuntu-test-iso in the package ubuntu-qa-tools which makes syncing the test images much easier. [19:49] jibel, i think you showed me that before [19:49] jibel i've been using TestDrive too which has been working ok [19:50] for example to download the xubuntu images on i386 only its: dl-ubuntu-test-iso --flavor=xubuntu --arcg=i386 [19:50] nice [19:50] you don't have to know the urls on cdimage.u.c [19:51] *--arch [19:51] i like how easily we can script the use of the tool [19:52] patrickmw, why do you want to script the use of the tool, it's already a script, if there are missing features you can contribute. [19:54] I meant to automation on the greater scheme.. setting up images then automating the config [19:54] then running tests, etc [19:55] patrickmw, yeah, you can look at the work from the server team, they are using something similar to sync the images from a hudson job, then run the tests automagically. [19:56] :) [20:21] Hey all, kubuntu desktop and alternate posted [20:21] sync and test, go go go [20:28] Who's ready to test kubuntu ? [20:32] * fader cranks up the ol' ISO syncing machine. [20:38] I've started kubuntu desktop i386 and amd64 [20:48] kubuntu desktop amd64 failed with a ubiquity crash. i386 ok [20:48] starting kubuntu alternate i386 and amd64 [20:49] i'm doing kubuntu alt 386 [20:50] okay, since we don't have other images right now, i'll do other test cases for kubuntu desktop [21:53] hm, I'm back. Did I miss anything yet? [21:59] welcome back charlie-tca [21:59] you didn't miss a lot. Still waiting for desktop images. [22:38] xubuntu images have now emerged, and have been pushed out. [22:41] thanks, skaet [22:44] Syncing xubuntu desktop amd64 and will start testing it shortly [22:44] * fader welcomes any respite from shoveling snow. [22:45] I am syncing too, will start with 386 [22:46] thanks skaet [22:47] * jibel syncing xubuntu and will test amd64 [22:50] I'm guessing it's not really worth filing a bug that the wallpaper on the live image says "10.10" yet :) [22:53] won't change until mid march anyway [22:54] but you should have grey panels, xubuntu splash screens, new launcher panel [22:56] charlie-tca: Yeah, I figured it wouldn't be until closer to artwork freeze :) [22:56] and I haven't seen it yet, we made the changes, and never got an image since [22:56] The new panels and look are really slick though! [22:56] thanks [22:56] I like it (except for the part about ubiquity crashing on me twice now :/ ) [22:57] hm, yeah, that is not good. [22:58] Yeah, reporting a bug now and I'll see if I can narrow down anything that's causing it [22:58] okay [22:59] fader, can you tell me what version of glew is on the image? [23:02] skaet: Sure, one moment [23:03] skaet: Nothing matching the string *glew* seems to be installed [23:03] libglew1.5 is available but not installed [23:03] fader, thanks. my theory isn't valid then. [23:10] Hmm, it appears that "shut down" and "reboot" also don't work from the live session... anybody have any idea what package I should tell apport to grab data from to report a bug on that? [23:10] (They work from gdm, just not the desktop.) [23:11] fader, gnome-session ? [23:12] jibel: That makes sense, thanks [23:14] no [23:15] it's xubuntu, we don't use gnome-session [23:15] let me look it up [23:15] you can always report agains xubuntu-meta or xfcd4-session [23:16] s/xfcd4-session/xfce4-session [23:17] D'oh, I'll invalidate that one and report it against the right package [23:17] Thanks, charlie-tca [23:17] thanks [23:17] it makes it easier to get the xubuntu devs to look if they can find it [23:18] Hehe indeed :) [23:21] Launchpad, why you got to make me hit you? [23:23] ubuntu alternate is up on the iso tracker now [23:27] skaet: If the same bug is breaking multiple test cases do you want it marked in the tracker multiple times? [23:27] (E.g. ubiquity is crashing which pretty well kills all the test cases) [23:27] fader, no point in multiple. [23:27] I think it might be useful data to see that it's affecting multiple test cases but if that gets in the way I won't do it [23:28] skaet: Roger, thanks [23:28] fader: do you have a bug number? might want to get the dx folk looking at it now. [23:28] fader, bug number ? [23:28] skaet: Hmm, there's one I can't go back and clear that I already put in, sorry :( [23:29] skaet: bug 711557 [23:29] Launchpad bug 711557 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity crashed with TypeError in changed(): value is of wrong type for this column (dup-of: 702898)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/711557 [23:29] Launchpad bug 702898 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity crashed with TypeError in changed(): value is of wrong type for this column (affects: 18) (dups: 7) (heat: 84)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/702898 [23:29] fader, no worries. :) [23:30] * fader starts syncing ubuntu alternate amd64. [23:30] ah hell. Eucalyptus fails on every instance startup [23:30] :( [23:31] hggdh: I blame the koalas. [23:33] I really am syncing my image... really [23:33] fader, bloody koalas [23:37] finally, got the 386 desktop image starting to test [23:47] fader: did you find the hidden panel at the bottom of the desktop? [23:47] charlie-tca: Yep, totally by accident :) [23:51] hm, 386 live cd shut down after showing the error [23:51] (on hardware)