
* tonyyarusso wonders if h00k made it home alive03:59
* sparklehistory too04:01
* Takyoji wonders if the last IPv4 address ranges were just allocated..04:02
tonyyarussoTakyoji: That's what I hear, yeah.04:04
h00ktonyyarusso: I am! er, did!05:25
h00ksparklehistory: ^ ease your mind, also.05:25
sparklehistoryh00k: Good to hear!05:25
h00kI really enjoyed dinner, we need a Noodles & Co.05:25
h00kWe got back to Superior around 2:00am05:26
h00kwe decided to attempt to brave the weather05:26
tonyyarussoh00k: glad to hear your return trip was uneventful05:46
sparklehistoryh00k: I really enjoyed dinner too, it was great to meet you.05:47
h00ktonyyarusso: no accidents, nobody rear-ended anyone, didn't even see anyone in the ditch05:47
h00kaparently they saw 6 overturned cars on the way down05:47
=== lubotu1` is now known as lubotu1
=== sparkle_history is now known as sparklehistory

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