
chaos2358DasEi so now what?00:00
goltoofi don't feel like waiting for this bad blocks test to finish, .01% per minute, i'm going to reformat, what's the best utility to reformat the volume to ext3 ?00:00
ActionParsnipchaos2358: what make / model is the printer00:00
DasEichaos2358: try again, step by step, idk what's missing, that printer works fine : http://harbhag.wordpress.com/2010/04/09/canon-pixma-mp258-or-any-mp250-series-printer-on-ubuntu-debian-fedora-and-arch-linux/00:00
goltoofneedlez:  f5 might be easier00:00
chaos2358ActionParsnip,  Its a Canon Pixma Mp250 all in one scanner, copier, printer00:01
AssiActionParsnip: http://pastie.org/151660600:01
coreireWow, this system is determined not to let me install ubuntu. When the picture of they keyboard+man is on the screen my keyboard is not active. It doesn't become active until after it disappears00:01
needlezgoltoof: Theres a reason for it... so f5 isn't a choice. I made a script to change my mac address and get the ip address but would like the page to refresh automatically after that00:01
avashi1how do i stop aptitude from running00:02
needlezscript so far is this http://pastie.org/151660900:02
ActionParsnipchaos2358: mkdir ~/canon;cd ~/canon;wget http://files.canon-europe.com/files/soft37267/software/mp250_debian_driver_pack.tar; tar xvf ./mp250_debian_driver_pack.tar; tar zxvf ./cnijfilter-mp250series-3.20-1-i386-deb.tar.gz; cd cnijfilter-mp250series-3.20-1-i386-deb/packages;  sudo dpkg -i ./*.deb00:04
goltoofneedlez: not sure, but if it's practical you could script the page to do it for you, ie, meta refresh00:04
DasEiavashi1: not to recommended, ctrl-c in terminal00:04
chaos2358ActionParsnip, HUH?00:04
ActionParsnipchaos2358: run that command and it will install the printer driver00:05
ActionParsnipchaos2358: then run:00:05
avashi1thanks DasEi00:05
coreireCan I modify the 10.10 iso image so that it will automatically use nomodeset when it boots?00:06
avashi1I just downloaded a Packet tracer (cisco application) for ubuntu.. its a .bin file but How do i install it00:06
chaos2358ActionParsnip,  ok i was confused because it was such a long command. but it is installing now00:06
Dr_Willis coreire  i did by putting it on a usb flash driv4e and editing the syslinux configs00:06
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chaos2358ActionParsnip,  ok that is done now run what?00:06
ActionParsnipchaos2358: rm -r ~/canon; mkdir ~/canon; cd ~/canon;  wget http://files.canon-europe.com/files/soft40252/software/mp250%20scanner%20driver%201.60.tar; tar xvf ./mp250\ scanner\ driver\ 1.60.tar; tar zxvf ./scangearmp-mp250series-1.60-1-deb.tar.gz; cd scangearmp-mp250series-1.60-1-deb/packages/; sudo dpkg -i ./*.deb00:07
coreireDr_Willis: Where are they located? And what must I add?00:07
ActionParsnipchaos2358: sure is but if you read it, it makes sense00:07
ezyhello folks...if I want a process (e.g vlc player) to use less cpu how do I go about it00:07
Dr_Williscoreire:  under syslinux config dirs. in one of the config files. You just have to look for it00:08
GanymedeHello. I was playing some full-screen 3D games and after quitting from them, keyboard presses no longer repeat (e.g. if I hold onto A, it only prints one A and does not print any more), which is different from the previous behavior. How can I restore previous behavior? (Playing with repeat options under System -> Preferences -> Keyboard does not fix the issue).00:08
chaos2358ActionParsnip, ok gotcha and it is done.00:08
wanderingiwhat will rmdir -f do?00:08
chaos2358ActionParsnip, now what?00:08
goltoof(<unknown>:29183): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead00:08
goltoofany idea what that means?00:08
ActionParsnipAssi: then your wireless chip isn't supported by the driver00:09
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap00:09
ubunhow do i auto detect a wireless network...?00:09
ActionParsnipchaos2358: try the scanner and try printing00:09
GanymedeNVM, Asked too soon. Answer: xset r rate 30000:09
aeon-ltdezy: you can't force a app to use less cpu, besides tinkering with its prefs, but ultimately what the devs put in uses the cpu it needs; so idealy a well written application is already using its minimum required cpu00:09
ActionParsnipchaos2358: or delete the printer then reattatch it, it should pick it up00:10
chaos2358ActionParsnip,  ok gimmie one sec and i will test00:10
goltoofif i want to wipe clean and format my usb drive to ext3 do i just:  mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda1   ?00:10
ActionParsnipAssi: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=101075100:10
LeGambitteurhey ActionParsnip, the config file dosn't work so I'v switched to my old one.00:10
chaos2358ActionParsnip,  YOU ARE A GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!00:11
ezyaeon-ltd, would changing the priority of the process help in achieving my goals ?00:11
ActionParsnipgoltoof: yes, make sure it's ext3 though, and make sure the partition isn't mounted or in use00:11
ActionParsnipchaos2358: Canon support is not bad but can REALLY led itself to long command installs like that :)00:11
goltoofActionParsnip:  it isn't ext3 currently it's ntfs.. i want to make it ext3 ... nothing else i should do first.  the drive is unmounted and g2g00:11
aeon-ltdezy: not really unless it was maxing out your cpu or something else is00:11
goltoofActionParsnip:  *nothing else i should do first?00:12
avashi1guys, I am trying to install an application and receiving this error "Attempting to install package now00:12
avashi1dpkg: status database area is locked by another process00:12
ActionParsnipgoltoof: then its fine, off you go. Make sure you copy the data off first if you need it00:12
ActionParsnipchaos2358: glad you got the gold00:12
goltoofaeon-ltd:  isn't there a command to bring a process to the foreground or background?  ie, fg / bg ?  i remember reading something like that00:12
chaos2358ActionParsnip,  I went to canon.com and went through the driver and support crap until i got to where i had to select os to download drivers for and there was no linux. how did you find00:13
ezyaeon-ltd, its actually maxing it out...the problem has to do with the heating of my laptop to tempratures of 90+ whenever I stream clips on youtube or view movies through vlc player00:13
DasEiavashi1: synaptics open in parallel ?00:13
AssiActionParsnip: thanks!00:13
ActionParsnipavashi1: make sure software centre is closed and updates are not running00:13
ActionParsnipAssi: np bro00:13
Acid190avaashil: yeah, software center + synaptics, etc. can't be loading at the same time00:13
ActionParsnipchaos2358: http://software.canon-europe.com/products/0010752.asp00:13
aeon-ltdezy: then thats the real problem, ask that question to this channel with more details00:13
ezyaeon-ltd, everytime the laptop hits 2100 Mhz of cpu usage the temprature heats up and I have narrowed it down to those activities that lead to a higher cpu frequency00:14
ActionParsnipavashi1: if they are not open:00:14
ActionParsnip!aptfix | avashi100:14
ubottuavashi1: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »00:14
Silentz0rhello, I have a WD My Passport which is no longer recognised on any machine (Windows/Linux). It is powered on, but not mounted and not recognised by the system. Any suggestions?00:15
ActionParsnipezy: try: sudo mkdir /etc/adobe; echo "OverrideGPUValidation=true" | sudo tee /etc/adobe/mms.cfg00:15
ActionParsnipSilentz0r: I'd ask in ##hardware too00:15
ezyActionParsnip, what does that command do ?00:16
FaffelHey guys - I'm new to using Ubuntu and I was just wondering if anyone else has encountered the inability to connect to the Steam Network using Wine00:16
ActionParsnipezy: its a liitle known file which can reduce cpu usage in flash00:16
butterflynow is 08:1600:16
FaffelIt installs fine, updates etc but it won't connect to the network00:16
lolcat_Can anyone recommend a ligthweight desktop system? Small download, and low on ram preferably00:16
gunndawgFaffel: I have no issues00:16
FaffelUsing Maverick?00:17
FaffelI first did it using PlayOnLinux, but apparently that's bugged on 64-bit MAverick and loads a 32-bit wine00:17
gunndawgFaffel: yes00:17
chaos2358ActionParsnip, ok you have helped me alot but now i must ask one more thing00:17
FaffelWhich causes some bugs, but I'm just using straight Wine now00:17
FaffelAnd it still won't connect00:17
ActionParsnipezy: also if you add: http://pastie.org/1516639    to /etc/X11/xorg.conf  it can help too00:17
ezyActionParsnip, could there be similar commands for vlc player and virtual box ?00:17
gunndawgFaffel: I am using 32-bit 10.10 and Steam works perfectly00:17
ActionParsnipchaos2358: ask the channel and we'll try and help00:18
FaffelI'm using 64-bit00:18
FaffelMaybe it's 64-bit :(00:18
noname1000Hi people, I'm having trouble setting up my WUSB54Gv4 linksys thing, I'm supposed to... "[o] if it doesnt work, edit "/etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper" change "wlan0" to "rausb1" " but when I do that I can't find wlan0, when I search for it with iwconfig, ifconfig, dhclient, and iwlist, they can't find it either00:18
ActionParsnipezy: virtualbox is VERY CPU intensive00:18
butterflywhat's time?00:18
gunndawgFaffel: yes could be some 64-bit incompatibility issues00:18
chaos2358ActionParsnip, do i have to download something in particular in order to scan documents to the computer? i insert and press the scan button on my printer and it doesnt scan to the computer00:18
avashi1guys i am still getting same error dpkg: status database area is locked by another process00:18
lolcat_Can anyone recommend a ligthweight desktop system? Small download, and low on ram preferably00:18
FaffelIs there any way to get feedback on what's going on when it's trying to connect, Gunndawg?00:18
FaffelI don't know how Linux works, haven't used it since I was like 14 :D00:18
ActionParsnipchaos2358: you have simplescan as part of a default install00:18
goddardhow do i change the default subdomain name for my local network smtp?00:18
ezyActionParsnip, any way of tinkering with that ? :-)00:19
butterflyhello,who can tell me the time?00:19
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)00:19
gunndawgFaffel: I dont believe so, that would be steams framework, and I dont think there is any way to get access to that, i could be wrong though, but it sounds unlikely00:19
rbnswartzlolcat_: try xfce or lxde (xubuntu or lubuntu)00:19
butterflywhat' time?00:19
FaffelHm okay00:19
ActionParsnipezy: you can set a higher nice value which will make the virtualbox process get less CPU time but the guest will run slower00:19
FaffelThat's too bad, Steam is my primary chat program ;(00:19
lolcat_rbnswartz: apt-get install lubuntu-desktop?00:19
Acid190avashil: sudo killall synaptic<---------terminal00:20
Acid190avashil: just to try from base i guess00:20
chaos2358ActionParsnip,  ok it wasnt installed.00:20
FaffelIs there a channel on freenode for Wine in specific?00:20
butterflyso pity!00:20
ActionParsnipchaos2358: get it in then. I beleve gimp can scan too00:20
ezyActionParsnip, aha...that was the term I was looking for...tinkering the nice number...thanks, appreciate your help on this00:20
Dr_Willisbutterfly:  it would depend on your time zone.. I got 7:20 pm here. :)00:20
Dr_WillisFaffel:  #winehq00:20
noname1000Hi people, I'm having trouble setting up my WUSB54Gv4 linksys thing, I'm supposed to... "[o] if it doesnt work, edit "/etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper" change "wlan0" to "rausb1" " but when I do that I can't find wlan0, when I search for it with iwconfig, ifconfig, dhclient, and iwlist, they can't find it either00:20
butterflythank you00:20
avashi1Acid190 i did sudo killall and it says no process found00:21
Faffelty Willis00:21
butterflyhere 08:2100:21
ActionParsnipezy: i wouldnt suggest going above 15 or below -15 for processes requiring more time00:21
manashey all, ive just installed ubuntu on my vaio. my touch pad doesnt wok what to do?00:21
ActionParsnipmanas: I've seen this a billion times. gimme a sec00:21
Dr_Willismanas:  check the forums for your exact make laptop. it maybe a known bug. with some work arounbds.00:21
rbnswartz lolcat_ yes or if you wish to use a gui search for lubunt-desktop in synaptic. Lubuntu is the lighter then xubuntu00:22
Dr_Willismanas:  also be sure the thing isent just turned off. via you rlaptop  special fn keys.00:22
noname1000Uhh, can anyone help me? I spent 4 hours last night trying to get it to work...00:22
Acid190avashil:sorry man, im stumped on this one00:22
avashi1Acid190 I am still getting same error Attempting to install package now00:22
avashi1dpkg: status database area is locked by another process00:22
avashi1Acid190, you think rebooting laptop might fix it lol ??00:22
Acid190avashi1: it's always worth a shot00:23
ActionParsnipmanas: run:  gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub     find:   GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"    and change it to  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash i8042.nopnp"   save the new file, close gedit and run:   sudo update-grub 00:23
Dr_Willisnoname1000:  pay attention to how old  any 'guides' are - its possible they are out of date. and giveing wong info.00:23
ActionParsnipmanas: reboot to test00:23
needlezanyone able to help with my script? I want to add a line for firefox to autorefresh after dhclient is ran. Any ideas?? this is what I have so far...http://pastie.org/151660900:24
noname1000Dr_Willis I looked at all the guides I could find, the only ones that had answers were from 2007 :\00:24
Dr_Willisnoname1000:  i was thinking the use of ndiswrappers has basoically been eliminted these days.00:24
Dr_Willisnoname1000:  you did check the ubuntu forums?>00:24
noname1000Nope... I just used google00:25
Dr_Willisnoname1000: i suggest hitting the foriums and the bug report site.00:25
noname1000Thank you00:25
manasim sorry but i didnt follow00:25
manasim new to linux and have no clue about it00:25
manasso can you please tell me what to do one by one00:26
needleznoname1000: what is your issue??00:26
lolcat_I got three errors when I tried to install xubuntu-desktop, three packages it couldn't download from the norwegian respiories. --fix-missing worked, just thougth somoene here migth have something to do with that...00:26
ActionParsniplolcat_: is there  bug logged?00:26
noname1000needlez: Hi people, I'm having trouble setting up my WUSB54Gv4 linksys thing, I'm supposed to... "[o] if it doesnt work, edit "/etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper" change "wlan0" to "rausb1" " but when I do that I can't find wlan0, when I search for it with iwconfig, ifconfig, dhclient, and iwlist, they can't find it either00:26
Dr_Willislolcat_:  could be the servers are getting updaed/maintained, or some other issue also.00:26
Dr_Willislolcat_:  you did do a update/upgrade - befor trying to install the stuff?00:27
lolcat_Dr_Willis: I tried several times, it made my netinst disk fail installing a desktop.00:27
histononame1000: well did you change it to rausb1?00:27
lolcat_Dr_Willis: No, clean netinst installation, just the basic system.00:27
noname1000histo: thats the problem, I can't figure out how, it tells me exactly how but I can't find wlan000:27
Dr_Willislolcat_:  never done that. so cant really advise any more. sounds like servers may be missing some files.00:27
PsPhaKeR_How can I give permission to a removable disk?(psp)00:27
goltoofok, i just finished formatting my 1tb drive to ext3, but says i only have 870gb free? capacity shows as only 916?00:28
Dr_Willisnoname1000:  a 3 yr old guide. may be refering an older verion of ubuntu . and thus be wrong in that example.00:28
nofrillzPsPhaKeR_, use chmod00:28
PsPhaKeR_For a usb device?00:28
Dr_Willisgoltoof:  5% reserved. for system ussage. tuneable via the tune2fs command.00:28
histononame1000: what chipset does the wusb54G have on it?00:28
nofrillzlibreoffice > openoffice00:29
PsPhaKeR_nofrillz: How can I do that for a usb device?00:29
lolcat_Dr_Willis:  I got 404 errors on those files. I managed to install without them, and I belive the packages is unneccecary00:29
noname1000Dr_Willis: Yeah, I'm sure its too old, but the wireless connection interface thing can't find anything now because I messed around with it using the old guides00:29
noname1000histo: I'm not too sure what you mean, v4?00:29
nofrillzwhy does the psp need permission?00:29
PsPhaKeR_To use psplink00:29
histononame1000: I'll look it up give me a sec00:30
PsPhaKeR_debugging application00:30
histononame1000: what version of ubuntu are you using00:30
noname1000histo: 10 0400:30
PsPhaKeR_nofrillz: I need it to use PSPLink (debugging application), I need full permission over it.00:31
Dr_WillisPsPhaKeR_:  you mount the filesystem with the proper options. the Ntfs-config utility may help you do this00:31
histononame1000: that card should work out of hte box since 8.1000:31
Dr_WillisPsPhaKeR_:  or mount it by hand as root, with the proper options to some location.00:31
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PsPhaKeR_Dr_Willis: Sorry, I am new to Ubuntu, so all of this "permissions" stuff is very confusing to me... could you help me out a little more?00:32
bazhang!permissions > PsPhaKeR_00:32
ubottuPsPhaKeR_, please see my private message00:32
noname1000histo: uhh... Well it wasn't able to connect to the internet when I plugged it in the first time, even if it could find the connections...00:32
needleznoname1000: that card works OOB, you might wanna go enable it00:33
=== OOzemeister is now known as GoogleApparently
needlezadministration>additional drivers> enable the one for your card. then reboot00:34
jayd3emy samba just stopped working today and I don't know why.  In my log.smbd file it says that smbd cannot start because the port is already in use; however, I think that it just because smbd is already running in the background.  I restarted my server and it still doesn't work.  I can show my smb.conf if anyone wants to see it, but I assure you that is not the problem00:34
avashi1Acid190 Reboot fixed the problem.. I was able to install the app i needed00:35
noname1000needlez: thank you, I'll try it out00:35
avashi1Thanks for your help though00:35
Jordan_Unoname1000: What version of Ubuntu are you using?00:35
lolcat_Meh, isntalling xubuntu-desktop takes forever00:35
MagicJI have changed the gltext.desktop file and ny changes are not showing when I use the test of the screen saver.  Is there someting that I needs to do to cause it to re-read the file.00:35
Acid190avashi1: yeah, while you were gonna i did some reading and that's what fixes the problem.00:35
noname1000Jordan_U: 10 0400:35
ActionParsniplolcat_: could've just install xfce400:35
avashi1i c00:35
noname1000needlez: can you type in the exact command?00:36
ActionParsniplolcat_: wan't it part of your XUbuntu CD??00:36
needleznoname1000: its not a command00:36
avashi1I am very new to linux and excited about learning it.. appericate the support here00:36
Vonorhi. is /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf the same on all installations or is it auto-generated at install time?00:36
Jordan_Unoname1000: Do you have a 10.04 LiveCD? If so it might be easiest to try to get things working there first, where there's nothing left over from old attempts to confuse things.00:36
ActionParsnipVonor: it's generic00:36
lolcat_ActionParsnip: My cd-room is busted, installing form a netinst thing on the usb00:36
noname1000Jordan_U: I don't even know what that is, so I guess not00:37
needleznoname1000: go to administration then to additional drivers and in there you should have a choice to enable drivers00:37
ActionParsniplolcat_: I see, its nice anyway as you don't have to upgrade after install :)00:37
noname1000needlez: when I click additional drivers I get an error, don't remember what it says though, something about being unable to connect to the internet00:37
avashi1Acid190: I just installed 10.04, do you recommend the upgrade to 10.10 ? if so , can i just run "upgrade manager" from System>Administration or its a whole another process ?00:37
ActionParsnipavashi1: Lucid (10.04) is supported longer00:38
VonorActionParsnip, thanks00:38
lolcatActionParsnip: Yes, it is. Except I want to see Due Date with my girlfriend and this is taking forever. All I needed was some kind of simple ex that I could run VLC in...00:38
ActionParsnip!upgrade | avashi1 if you really want to00:38
ubottuavashi1 if you really want to: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade00:38
jayd3emy samba just stopped working today and I don't know why.  In my log.smbd file it says that smbd cannot start because the port is already in use; however, I think that it just because smbd is already running in the background.  I restarted my server and it still doesn't work.  I can show my smb.conf if anyone wants to see it, but I assure you that is not the problem00:38
needleznoname1000: please connect to internet thru " hardwire" LAN cable00:38
Jordan_Unoname1000: The CD that you use to install Ubuntu 10.04. Since you can use the system from the CD (use firefox, try some screensavers, etc) it's called a "Live" CD as well as being an install CD.00:38
avashi1Thanks ActionParsnip. I will stick to 10.04 since everything is working fine for now :)00:38
VonorActionParsnip, are you on 10.10? if yes, could you please pastebin your /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf for me?00:38
ActionParsniplolcat_: could have used something simpler, if your ONLY requirement is VLC you can esily use something like puppy or xpud00:39
PsPhaKeR1Permission error while opening the USB device.00:39
Lars_Hi! I had a friend to install roundcube on my remote ubuntu server, I access the server via ssh normally but roundcube via normal webbrowser. I wish to learn more about safety and how I can protect my mails and server, cryptation of mail etc, any tips what and where to read?00:39
PsPhaKeR1Fix device permissions or run as root.00:39
noname1000Jordan_U: I just downloaded it and installed it on my windows... I don't have a CD00:39
FaffelI haven't tried playing any modern games in Wine - does the emulation aspect of Wine cause a major performance hit?00:39
cuppsyAnyone know how to remove items from the MeMenu in 10.10? "Broadcast" is listed twice.00:39
lolcatActionParsnip: I know, couldn't remember any names though.00:39
ActionParsnipVonor: http://pastebin.com/nH8b5AA2   my vanilla Maverick file00:39
FaffelOr does it run mostly as well as it would if I was in Windows assuming Wine handles the game optimally?00:39
noname1000needlez: I'll try if I can find a cable long enough00:39
ActionParsnipnoname1000: could move the system00:39
avashi1My only problem with Ubuntu is getting HDMI audio to work on my dell inspiron 152500:40
VonorActionParsnip, thanks. though am not that familar with the nicknames of the versions, is maverick 10.10?00:40
noname1000ActionParsnip: No idea what that means... ._.00:40
needleznoname1000: I would say get up and move the system if you can00:40
Xavier1001hello everyone00:40
avashi1I can't figure it out.. tried on forums everywhere. no luck00:40
ActionParsnipnoname1000: instead of laying a long cable, move the system00:40
PsPhaKeR1I tried the chmod, didnt work... I get this error00:40
PsPhaKeR1Permission error while opening the USB device.00:40
PsPhaKeR1Fix device permissions or run as root.00:40
rbnswartzlolcat_ puppy linux is around 190mb for download and doesn't have good looks but it does work.00:40
noname1000Oh, okay00:40
Xavier1001I love puppy linux00:40
Xavier1001but i use ubuntu00:41
GoogleApparentlyPsPhaKeR1: did you google it?00:41
lolcatrbnswartz: Well, I assume I am haf way in the install now00:41
ActionParsniprbnswartz: depends on taste for "good looks"00:41
noname1000Thank you for your help people00:41
Xavier1001trye true00:41
Xavier1001rbn lol00:41
ActionParsniprbnswartz: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8c/Lucid_Puppy_5.0.0.png    looks pretty sweet to me :)00:41
needleznoname1000: np00:42
lorphI installed ubuntu 10.04 server and I can't get utf8 to display. Am I missing any packages?00:42
Xavier1001yea i love when it isnt dark green when you install the wrong video drivers lol00:42
izinucsPsPhaKeR1: probably owned by root.. sudo chown -r <username>:<username> /path/to/usb00:42
rbnswartzActionParsnip Very true. But compared to the heavy heights such as GNOME or KDE it looks a little scarce00:42
Xavier1001rbn did you see what i said00:43
ActionParsniprbnswartz: I find them both cluttered, again, it's all taste00:43
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:43
Xavier1001i do think they are action00:43
ActionParsniplorph: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf00:43
Jayrohey, can anyone tell me why the layout of my top panel keeps changing (calender, bluetooth, chat/mail/ battery)00:43
ActionParsnipJayro: are they locked?00:43
Vonordoes anyone know if ubuntu has applied patches to alsa in the default distro kernel? (especially the hda-intel driver) I ask, because a fix for an alsa problem on my motherboard apparently works for an ubuntu user but doesn't work for me (I'm on gentoo and the fix is adding a probe_mask option to alsa-base)00:43
BlueBomber7Jayro: That might be more appropriate for #gnome.00:44
PsPhaKeR1izinucs: Thanks!00:44
cuppsyI have an extra "Broadcast" entry in my MeMenu; anyone know how to remove it?00:44
Jayrookay, thanks00:44
BlueBomber7But I have a question similar to yours, Jayro, about GNOME panels, and no one there's helping.00:44
Noah0504BlueBomber7: What's your question.  I just hopped on.00:44
ActionParsnipVonor: you can add the probe options in /etc/modprobe/alsa-base.conf   and it will set the option00:45
BlueBomber7I have two panels on top, and on reboot they appear in backwards order.  The one that should be on top is on bottom.00:45
Jayrobluebomber7: yeah , everytime i reboot they like switch positions on the panel.,00:45
BlueBomber7I have to manually adjust them every time.00:45
ActionParsnip!panelfix | BlueBomber700:45
BlueBomber7ActionParsnip: You'll get it, keep trying.00:45
lorphActionParsnip: oh alrgith i'll try that but I can't reboot my server now :(00:45
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »00:45
Noah0504Hmm... I've never tried configuring my panels that way...00:46
BlueBomber7Awesome, thanks, exactly what I needed.00:46
Jayrowhat will resetting it to defaults do?00:46
GoogleApparentlyJayro: reset to default <_<00:46
ActionParsnipBlueBomber7: was trying to get that :(00:46
discord_does anybody know the window switch shortcut for irssi? does it work in the terminal in gnome00:46
ActionParsnipJayro: will let you build back up from vanilla00:46
Jayrowill my dropbox still be there?00:46
ActionParsnipdiscord_: ALT+number00:46
ActionParsnipdiscord_: yes, it will be in the notification area00:46
histodiscord_: yeah alt+number or alt+arrow left or right00:47
needlezanyone able to help with this script?? I want to make firefox autorefresh the page after the dhclient command. This is what I have so far http://pastie.org/151660900:47
Noah0504discord_: http://irssi.org/documentation00:47
VonorActionParsnip, i know. that wasn't my question, though. that option apparently fixes the issue for an ubuntu user (who has reported that fix on the xbmc forum entry regarding this motherboard) but it doesn't fix it for me (and I'm not using ubuntu) hence I wonder if there might be ubuntu specific patches to the kernel regarding asla/hda-intel which aren't in vanilla00:47
bubbles|when i ssh to my vserver over putty it looks like this: http://www.abload.de/image.php?img=ubuntucmpz.jpg00:47
bubbles|what am i doing wrong?00:47
Jayroactionparsnip: will my dropbox still be in the panel?00:47
histodiscord_: the only problem is if you have multiple tabs open in gnome-terminal alt+number will switch tabs in gnome-terminal00:47
ActionParsnipVonor: then you are asking in the wrong channel if you are not using ubuntu00:47
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ActionParsnipJayro: yes, it will be in the notification area00:47
histodiscord_: so you can /window number to switch00:48
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »00:48
=== GoogleApparently is now known as jmad980
ActionParsnipJayro: the dropbox in the panel is not really needed, you only need the service running. some icon doesn't change weather it shows or not00:48
VonorActionParsnip, "is ubuntu using patches on asla/hda-intel that are not in vanilla" is a question that i should not ask in #ubuntu because i don't use ubuntu? *winks*00:48
BlueBomber7Speaking of panels, ActionParsnip and Jayro, I can't seem to have multiple panels on the same side that autohide.  Should we be able to accomplish this?00:49
Xavier1001I was wondering what I can do to make firefox start on my ubuntu machine. It won't open from the panel, dock, or applications tab.00:49
ActionParsnipBlueBomber7: not sure, i dont use panels much00:49
ActionParsnipXavier1001: use ALT+F2 and run: firefox00:50
Jayroactionparsnip: when i ran that command it made empathy show in the notifications area instead of under the ting that opens when i click the mail sign, how cna i fix this?00:50
ActionParsnipVonor: which patches do you mean?00:50
ActionParsnipJayro: not sure, I dont use empathy00:50
Xavier1001ActionParsnip:didn't work00:50
ActionParsnipneedlez: you could make it open a new tab, or close the current one and launch a new window00:51
randomOfAmbercan I print a man page?00:51
bubbles|when i ssh to my vserver over putty it looks like this: http://www.abload.de/image.php?img=ubuntucmpz.jpg - what am i doing wrong?00:51
Jayroyeah, imma switch to pidgin00:51
ActionParsnipXavier1001: or you open keyboard shortcuts, you can set a keyboard shortcut to open web browser00:51
needlezActionParsnip: I want it to autorefresh inside the script with out closing the browser. Since I can hit F5 can't I create a command or something to do that in the script??00:52
ActionParsnipneedlez: the guys in #bash may know a trick or two00:52
ZykoticK9ActionParsnip, <ot>those are quite the ear plugs</ot> glad you like them :)00:52
Xavier1001ActionParsnip: It won't start, is it an issue with firefox?00:52
Lars_I sync my android phone with google calender today, if I would like to change google calaender to something based from my ubuntu server, what could that be?00:52
ActionParsnipZykoticK9: huh?00:52
VonorActionParsnip, don't worry, you seem busy enough, i'll wait for someone else to answer :P00:52
VCooliorandomOfAmber: http://paste.ubuntu.com/560799/ change line 15 for your pdf viewer of choice to print00:52
ZykoticK9ActionParsnip, "New plugs in, YEEEEE BOIII!!"00:53
ActionParsnipXavier1001: if you run it from terminal is there an output?00:53
ActionParsnipZykoticK9: haha cheers dude, I love them :)00:53
Xavier1001ActionParsnip: Nope00:53
ActionParsnipXavier1001: does the browser run?00:53
Xavier1001ActionParsnip: Noooope lol00:54
LeDutchHey guys. I am trying to do a demo install of ubuntu on to my PC via USB stick. It seems to be looping.00:54
ActionParsnipZykoticK9: 14mm and 12mm,very cool00:54
needlezActionParsnip: asking them also, so far no luck00:54
Xavier1001LeDutch: What do you mean?00:54
slax00I need reduce windows executable size with linker in visual C. could somebody help me?00:54
ActionParsnipLeDutch: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?00:54
ZykoticK9ActionParsnip, looks painful :)00:54
LeDutchI am on the screen with ubuntu, and red dots that turn white. When I hit F1 that screen seems to keep giving me I/O errors.00:54
ActionParsnipZykoticK9: nar, i'v been pusing up with teflon tape00:55
LeDutchActionParsnip Yes.00:55
ActionParsnipLeDutch: ok and have you tested your RAM00:55
LeDutchNot recently, but it runs win7 without issue. So I assume the RAM is fine.00:55
Xavier1001ActionParsnip: You seem to know everything! lol00:55
BlueBomber7ActionParsnip is awesome.00:56
ActionParsnipLeDutch: may be worth it overnight if you get no where, just to take it out of the equation00:56
ActionParsnipBlueBomber7: I try :)00:56
LeDutchPC setup, if relevant is 2x HD5770, i7 950, 12gig patriot ram.00:56
Xavier1001BlueBomber7: Amen00:56
LeDutchItel SSD.00:56
ActionParsnipXavier1001: just got badass googlefu and bing-chi00:56
LeDutchActionParsnip So back to windows to test it? Is it safe to turn off PC while it is in this loop? Or can I turn it off via command someplace?00:56
ActionParsnipXavier1001: are there any firefox processes running?00:57
ActionParsnipLeDutch: theres a memtest on the USB stick00:57
lolcat_Maan, it is taking like forever to install xubuntu-desktop!00:57
bubbles|when i ssh to my vserver over putty it looks like this: http://www.abload.de/image.php?img=ubuntucmpz.jpg - what am i doing wrong?00:57
Xavier1001ActionParsnip: Nope, its completely unresponsive, and my friend says googlefu all the time00:57
ActionParsnipXavier1001: do other browsers run ok?00:57
ActionParsnipXavier1001: does a reboot help?00:58
Xavier1001ActionParsnip: Yes, this event has made a opera user and nope, ive had this issue for months00:58
LeDutchHas anyone else done the demo install via USB before? If so, how long did it take you to get in to ubuntu?00:58
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bazhangLeDutch, you mean live usb?00:59
ActionParsnipXavier1001: could try the mozilla ppa and get firefox 4, or whatever version minefield is these days 9I don't use firefox)00:59
Jordan_ULeDutch: The most likely cause for IO errors is a bad burn of the CD / scratches / bad CD drive or worse (and also less likely) hardware problems with your hard drive.00:59
BlueBomber7bubbles|: It doesn't look like something necessarily wrong.  It just looks like a text-mode dropdown menu is all.  Maybe your default login script launches some app?00:59
LeDutchbazhang that is the one sorry.00:59
bazhangLeDutch, a few minutes at the very worst00:59
LeDutchJordan_U It is on a USB, not CD. HDD is fine with windows, if that matters.00:59
Xavier1001ActionParsnip: I'll check it out00:59
LeDutchbazhang ok cheers. Been a good 30 minutes.01:00
LeDutchDoing memory test now.01:00
Jordan_ULeDutch: Then there may be problems with the USB drive. Flash drives can be very unreliable.01:00
bubbles|BlueBomber7 there should be # instead of â - somebody mentioned that i'm connecting to a serial console instead of ssh, but how can i change that?01:00
ActionParsnipLeDutch: how do you mean 'loops' by the way01:00
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BlueBomber7bubbles|: Can you provide any more information?  What are your putty settings?01:01
LeDutchActionParsnip When I hit f1. It seemed to be going through the same steps.01:01
ActionParsnipLeDutch: so the usb doesn't boot?01:01
bubbles|BlueBomber7 just server-ip and port, nothing more01:01
LeDutchActionParsnip, not sure. I got to the ubuntu loading screen. Not any further.01:01
=== Guest39097 is now known as Flema
_TristanHey. I'm not too into openoffice, it's a little heavy for me. I'm having a hard time finding alternatives. Any ideas?01:01
BlueBomber7_Tristan: Abiword?01:02
ActionParsnipLeDutch: like a black screen???01:02
Flare183_Tristan: GNOME Office01:02
ActionParsnip_Tristan: what components of openoffice do you use?01:02
LeDutchNope. Like the ubuntu logo with a loading bar under it (of sorts. Dots that change colour).01:02
_TristanActionParsnip: Mainly just writer and spreadsheets01:02
LeDutchI'd get to the shitty BIOS styled screen, select demo or live or whatever the option is called. Then it would do some stuff, and sit on that screen for 30mins.01:03
BlueBomber7bubbles|: Hmmm... I've used putty before, but I don't have my settings here.  Never seen anything like that, though.  Maybe your default shell is some kinda text-mode shell instead of bash, I really don't know.01:03
ActionParsnipLeDutch: www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup.html may help01:03
ActionParsnip_Tristan: use gnumeric and abiword then, significantly lighter01:03
bubbles|where would i see that BlueBomber7?01:03
_TristanActionParsnip: thanks01:03
needlezLeDutch: what kind of computer??01:04
link_is there anyone understands spanish01:04
LeDutchHomemade. i7 950, 2x 5770, Intel SSD, 12gb patriot RAM.01:04
BlueBomber7bubbles|:  man chsh01:04
ActionParsnip!es | link_01:04
ubottulink_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:04
BlueBomber7Si, un poquito.01:04
j_ayen_greenI'm using a laptop often for development (lucid on vbox) and when I'm stationary, a server, also with lucid. I'd like to be able to use either...that is, keep them in synch with regards to my data. I'm thinking I can synch /home without issue... what about /etc ? and is there a good tool for this (pref with a gui setup tool) ?01:04
needlezLeDutch: is this the 10.04 LTS your trying to install?? or 10.10??01:05
ActionParsnipj_ayen_green: could use rsync to updte the changed files (if I understand your question)01:05
LeDutchJust wanting to install the demo so I can show my GF it and then put it on our laptops and other PCs.01:05
needlezLeDutch: in the BIOS do you have the USB setup correctly?? what is it set on??01:05
nilesltry usb-hdd01:05
nilesif applicable01:06
LeDutchYeah, there is HDD, FDD and CD. And something else.01:06
j_ayen_greenActionParsnip, ok. would those tend to be the two directories I need to focus on, in a normal config?01:06
nilestry hdd01:06
bubbles|BlueBomber7 changing the shell to bash didn't help either01:06
LeDutchOk cool.01:06
nilesusb-cd is not your cd drive, by the way01:06
needlezLeDutch: also try toggling between Legacy on and off because sometimes that will change how the usb is recognized01:07
ActionParsnipj_ayen_green: whatever suits your needs01:07
LeDutchSorry, I lied. It was on USB-HDD.01:07
nilesoh, what are we talking about?01:07
BlueBomber7bubbles|: You can try doing some research on whatever program you're running there.  That's all I would do to further help you.  Good luck.01:07
LeDutchI'll reinstall the USB stick then I guess.01:08
LeDutchreinstall the .iso on the stick that is.01:08
needlezLeDutch: see if Legacy 2.0 usb is enabled or if you can even change it01:08
LeDutchneedlez how can I do that?01:08
NixGeekDoes anyone know why my apache server would show on a random domain name (lifeahacker.com) and only from firefox (not chromium or links2) on only one computer (the computer the apache server is running from)?01:08
nilesLeDutch: dont forget to make the drive bootable01:08
j_ayen_greenActionParsnip, well, don't know what I don't know. I know my user stuff is in /home, and all the config stuff for the add-on software is in /etc.. and my web server in /var, but I could very well not be realizing something...something else I should synch, or something I should NOT because there are hardware-related config items01:08
nilesNixGeek: dns servers01:08
needlezin Bios it should be a setting under the USB not sure depends on each bios01:09
NixGeekniles: for just one broswser, on one computer?01:09
needlezwhat kind of BIOS do you have??01:09
ActionParsnipj_ayen_green: then those will need to be included and such01:09
Xavier1001__does anyone know why my glk dock is having lines and other graphical issues?01:09
j_ayen_greenActionParsnip, yeah...just wanted to make sure ...give someone the change to say "NO...don't synch var, or etc, because..."01:10
Acid190Xavier1001_: graphics card update?01:10
j_ayen_green*the chance01:10
ActionParsnipj_ayen_green: if you need to get them updated then go for it01:10
NixGeekneedlez: why would it do that and how can I fix it.  it's not really a big thing, just a ittle annoyance.  The domain name is just a wierd one that I got when I misspelled lifeahaker.com01:11
Xavier1001__Acid190: Yea but my compy is five years old and I'm getting  a new laptop this summer, preferably a system 7601:11
needlezNixGeek: Idk01:11
j_ayen_greenActionParsnip, wasn't updating that concerned me... was that if I have one environment on a laptop, and another on a server, didn't want to push a directory from one to the other if it would break something :)01:11
LeDutchOk. Reformatting and installing the USB stick.01:12
ActionParsnipj_ayen_green: i'd say it'll be fine01:12
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j_ayen_greenActionParsnip, thanks for your help01:13
xilhi everyone. What's the cli command to start MoviePlayer?01:13
Acid190Xavier1001__: try wrapping the microsoft driver?01:13
Acid190Xavier1001__: it may be more reliable than the linux driver, not sure though01:14
xiloh look at that, it's totem01:14
Xavier1001__Acid190: I have no idea what to do:/01:14
xilit appears to only open 1 instance at a time? Is there a way to change that?01:14
abstraktok so my system got screwed all to heck on the last system update01:14
abstraktso I had to reinstall01:14
abstraktanyway, then my system got screwed yet again when I tried to sudo apt-get install startupmanager01:15
matthewI'm stuck with an extra "Broadcast" entry in my MeMenu. Anyone have any idea how to get rid of it?!01:15
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abstraktalso it screwed itself when I attempted to install the broadcom STA driver01:15
nicofsI can't connect to the internet because my interface (should be ra0) isn't there... ifconfig only reveals lo... what can i do?01:15
nicofsaccording to lsmod the appropriate modules are loaded01:15
abstraktthe first time it corrupted my HD... I bought a new HD... the STA driver hung my system (but apparently installed successfully) the startupmanager (which I tried next) hung my system into an unusable state01:16
abstraktcouldn't even get on the net01:16
lakewhy can't I change my shell to zsh with "chsh" ?01:16
abstraktluckily I have two system partitions01:16
lakethe changes never persist when I open a new terminal01:16
sockPantsapt-get doesnt seem to be able to download any repos, they all return 404 (gutsy)01:16
ActionParsnipnicofs: remove the module, then reload it. Does that help01:16
abstraktso I just installed ubuntu flat over the other one... but on the second partition01:16
jriblake: you can01:16
jriblake: login again probably01:16
abstraktso... now the issue is... grub is defaulting to the second ubuntu install01:16
ActionParsnipsockPants: gutsy is dead and gone01:16
abstraktI want to default it to the first... as in I want my original grub configuration back01:16
sockPantsActionParsnip: can i upgrade over the network?01:16
ActionParsnip!eol | sockPants01:17
abstrakthowever, I already edited /etc/default/grub and then ran sudo update-grub but that didn't change the entries on the grub screen01:17
ubottusockPants: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades01:17
nicofsActionParsnip, how do i do that?01:17
abstraktand my non-configured Ubuntu "recovery" install is the default boot option01:17
abstraktso how do I change that? aside from changing default= in /etc/default/grub01:17
ActionParsnipnicofs: sudo modprobe -r modulenamehere; sleep 5; sudo modprobe modulenamehere01:17
lakejrib that worked01:17
cuppsyIs there an easy way to configure the entries in the MeMenu?01:17
lakethanks for the input01:17
abstraktI don't want to just change the default number, I want to change the actual entries in the grub screen01:17
Dr_Willisabstrakt:  boot to the one you want to manage grub and rerun 'sudo update-grub'  delete the old installs partitins first (or at least the kernel boot files) if you dont want it tobe used any more.01:17
histoabstrakt: after chaning /etc/default/grub you have to sudo update-grub01:17
Dr_Willisabstrakt:  not sure about the recovery option getting set as default. never seen that01:18
nicofsActionParsnip, FATA: module in use01:18
abstrakthisto, Dr_Willis but I did run sudo update-grub from my already configured system01:18
Dr_Willisabstrakt:  could be a 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc' may make it behave.01:18
Dr_Willisabstrakt:  you want to keep  both disrtos?01:18
abstraktDr_Willis, I don't care... I only need to keep the one I already have configured01:19
abstraktDr_Willis, the other one doesn't matter at this point, I just have two system drives so that when the next release comes out I can do a test install on that drive and migrate slowly and still have my original system in case of catastrophic failure, etc01:19
ActionParsnipnicofs: hmm, then you need to find out how to make it not used01:19
Dr_Willisabstrakt:  then delete the partions for the one you dont want. and rerun update-grub01:19
abstraktDr_Willis, delete them from where?01:19
Dr_Willisabstrakt:  disk partion manager tool of your chouce01:20
abstraktthat doesn't sound like a Good Idea (TM) to me01:20
abstraktor at least it sounds like a hack solution to this issue01:20
abstraktthe dpkg reconfigure sounds like a better idea01:20
Dr_Willisabstrakt:  that wont delete the useless install...01:20
abstraktI don't care01:20
Dr_Williswhich is what you sort of said you wanted to do.01:20
abstraktnope, never said that01:20
abstraktI said I don't care about it01:20
Dr_Willisdeleteing the partions and reruning update-grub will remove the entries.01:20
LeGambitteurgood night all01:21
Dr_Willissince update-grub is seeing the other insgtalls kernel files.01:21
abstrakti see01:21
abstraktso theoretically I could just remove the contents of /boot on the other system drive01:21
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abstraktand that would "fix" it as well01:21
Dr_Willisabstrakt:  yes. or just rename the boot.01:21
abstraktaight I'm gonna try the reconfigure version01:21
Dr_Willisbut whats the point in keepoing it installed if you are not going touse it.01:21
abstraktDr_Willis, the point is that I want my original grub list back01:22
Dr_Willisabstrakt:  original or not.. is not the issue.. its showing all the installed systems as its designed to.01:22
abstraktnot in my mind01:22
abstraktit should show the system that I ran update-grub from first01:22
Dr_Willisexpand your mind then.01:22
Dr_Willisit puts them in the hd order as far as i know.01:22
abstraktlike if I have install A and install B, if I run update-grub from install A then the grub menu should have A as the default01:22
Dr_Willissda first, sdb next and so on. then non linux afterwards01:23
abstraktyeah well install A is on /dev/sda6 and install B is on /dev/sda701:23
nicofsActionParsnip, mission accomplished, still only lo... and the umts modem doesn't appear either - although listed in lsusb... might there be something networking related be mising?01:23
abstraktyet the /dev/sda7 comes out first01:23
Dr_Willisit can tell what order you installed them01:23
Dr_Willisif you run update-grub with a external usb hd plugged in - with linux on that usb.. it will also get added. :) which is confuseing01:23
ActionParsnipnicofs: copy the 8 character ex ID and search for guides using that01:24
Dr_Williskill the useless install.  problem solved.01:24
abstraktDr_Willis, hmm... how does it tell what order I installed them?01:24
abstrakti guess timestamps?01:24
abstraktDr_Willis, aight I guess so01:24
Dr_Willisabstrakt:  never noticed. I dont use 2+ distros on same machine. or if i do they are on theoir own hd;s not the same hd.,01:24
abstraktDr_Willis, right... I don't really use two distros, it's for sanity/backup/restoration purposes01:25
abstraktworks quite well for said purpose actually01:25
Acid190Xavier1001__: whats a system 76?01:25
abstraktif the newest release !@#$%&'s my system then I still have my old install01:25
Dr_Willisi just set up grub to boot an iso file as a rescue option01:25
nicofsActionParsnip, both wlan and umts worked on the same kernel with a different root filesystem... and wlan is priority as i need to dl a lot more than my mobile plan allows...01:25
itaylor57Acid190: system76.com01:27
abstraktDr_Willis, an ISO file stored where?01:27
Dr_Willisabstrakt:  anywhere on any hd... or flash drive even.01:27
abstraktDr_Willis, what if Ubuntu corrupts the partition you have said ISO file stored upon? (which is what happened to me)01:27
abstraktDr_Willis, yeah I have a flash drive with the 10.10 installer on it01:27
Dr_Willisabstrakt:  you got 2 os;s on the same hd..  what if the hd dies...01:28
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abstrakttried to save my system with that but couldn't get on the net to look up the grub commands I needed so I just flat did a straight install on my secondary system partition (which is why I keep such a thing around)01:28
Dr_Willisive had more HD dies then i have had FS's get trashed.01:28
Acid190itaylor57: I love my laptop more than anything, but those system76 laptops could be my next01:28
abstraktDr_Willis, well then I have my 32G flash drive for file backup and my 1TB USB HD for media backup01:28
itaylor57Acid190: I have a lemur01:28
* Dr_Willis has a redundant stack of external 2TB usb hd's :)01:29
Dr_Willisneeding more usb ports next...01:29
abstraktyah I'm running in to that problem as well01:29
* abstrakt wants USB 3.001:29
Acid190itaylor57: ha, that's the one I like the most so far, but I like the 17" 1920X1200 that i have in my current laptop01:29
abstraktbackup of a TB worth of data is soooo painful01:29
abstraktesp if it's not just a single tarball01:30
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abstraktjust the fact that my code projects are split into like 30M of files distributed over like 150,000 files makes backup insane01:30
KM0201itaylor57: i like those system 76 laptops....01:31
ActionParsnipabstrakt: do it overnight, easy. Makes it better if you use firewire instead of slowass USB01:31
abstraktI hate having to listen to my machine at night - prefer to shut it down01:32
abstraktand besides that, to maintain current backups, gotta do it like more than once a week, and all that HD activity just adds to the wear and tear01:32
abstraktbut it's either that or don't backup your files :(01:32
Acid190Can anyone give me a quickie on how to install .tgz files?01:32
abstraktAcid190, install them? there's no such thing, how bout you learn what you're talking about?01:33
ActionParsnipabstrakt: use rsync and just backup what changes01:33
ActionParsnipAcid190: what is the filename?01:33
abstraktActionParsnip, hrm, yeah I suppose... I've been thinking about doing something similar with git or so to sync my files between the windows and *nix halves of this dual boot01:33
abstraktI will look in to rsync then01:33
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Acid190ActionParsnip: nevermind, sorry for the inconvenience, i'll google01:34
ActionParsnipAcid190: huh? I asked for some information....01:34
ActionParsnipAcid190: I never said I wouldnt help. I simply asked for the name of the file, what's wrong with you?01:34
* ActionParsnip shrugs01:37
Acid190ActionParsnip: lol, PM me?01:37
ActionParsnipAcid190: I dont support in PM01:37
bazhang!pm > Acid19001:37
ubottuAcid190, please see my private message01:37
ubottuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html01:38
Dr_Willishmm.. what was that compileing factid01:38
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)01:38
* ylmson tries dillo2 and decides that links2 is a better browser01:38
Acid190ActionParsnip: I just shouldn't be asking here, sorry for the inconvenience again01:38
Dr_WillisAcid190:  extract acrhive. read its readme.txt woul dbe step 101:39
echionHey actionparsnip! You helped me out on launchpad a while ago (https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/util-linux/+question/135201) thanks for the help!01:39
=== RobotCow is now known as f8d_up_with_qwer
ActionParsnipechion: np bro, glad you got the gold :)01:42
Acid190Dr_Willis: thanks, it will take me a while to config, the instructions are definetely new to me01:43
lolcatOk, the Norwegian IPv6 respitories is useless01:43
lolcatCan anyone link me to some preferably only IPv4 and non norwegian respitories?01:43
* PASSERINE ºÜ¿áµØ×¥Æð ashtray µÄÁ½ÌõС±ç×Ó£¬×ªÁË200000000000000000000000000000000000+Ȧ£¬±§½øÁË»³ÖУºàÅ£¬Ç×Ç×01:44
* ashtray ºÜ¿áµØ×¥Æð PASSERINE µÄÁ½ÌõС±ç×Ó£¬×ªÁË200000000000000000000000000000000000+Ȧ£¬±§½øÁË»³ÖУºàÅ£¬Ç×Ç×@_@01:44
=== alienb is now known as alienb|lnx
PASSERINE¶Ô ashtray ˵: haha,funny01:44
ActionParsniplolcat: look in the sources in software centre01:45
PASSERINE¶Ô ashtray ˵: are you a regular visitor here?01:45
=== juancnh80 is now known as carabobo
PASSERINE¶Ô ActionParsnip ˵: who's that01:45
ActionParsnipPASSERINE: who is who?01:45
PASSERINE¶Ô ActionParsnip ˵: a newcomer01:45
PASSERINE¶Ô ActionParsnip ˵: welcome me ba,ha01:45
ashtrayit's English channel01:46
lolcatActionParsnip: Is there a change country thing there?01:46
ActionParsniphi PASSERINE (i guess)01:46
needlezdoes anyone know how to make a script that will refresh a webpage in firefox while firefox is running?? asking #bash also01:46
ActionParsniplolcat: change the source under the edit menu and you can change server to wherever you desire01:46
Dr_Willisneedlez:  perhaps firefox has some command line options to force a refresh01:46
=== jamie is now known as Guest93989
Guest93989nick/ redneck0501:46
lolcatActionParsnip: I need the names of the server01:46
ActionParsniplolcat: the app lists the servers, do you think people remember repo server names!?01:47
rbnswartzneedlez: you can tell firefox to open a web page from comand line but I don't know about refresh. Check the man page.01:47
Dr_Willistheres some command/tools that can scan/find fastest servers near you also i recall.01:47
lolcatActionParsnip: The app doesn't work, isn't there a webpage with a list? or could you pastebin yours? If you are on 10.1001:48
=== ivo___ is now known as ivo_
Guest93989where do you find new movies01:48
AverageComputerGCould someone please help me? I cannot connect to the internet using Ubuntu 10.04 in VMware Workstation.01:48
plectrumanyone used hostapd in ubuntu? i have it working but I have a few questions01:48
needlezDr_Willis: ,rbnswartz: I've checked and I can't find any command to do such, was wondering if I might have to create a script for like greasemonkey to autorefresh01:48
ActionParsniplolcat: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Selection_0015.png01:49
gbear14275hey guys, I am at a grub prompt and was hoping someone could help me manually boot once so I can run grub-update?01:49
Guest93989looking for new releases for january01:49
ActionParsnipgbear14275: are you using wubi or not?01:49
gbear14275ActionParsnip, no raw grub prompt "grub>"01:50
lolcatActionParsnip: The button does NOTHING! I can edit the file myself, but clicking that lets me enter my password, and then preceeds to do nothing01:50
gbear14275ActionParsnip, long story...  but am very happy to have made it this far01:50
lolcatActionParsnip: Synaptic doesn't work either, I guess it has something to do with the equilent of gksu not working.01:51
ActionParsnipgbear14275: you can use livecd and use:  http://karuppuswamy.com/wordpress/2010/06/02/how-to-chroot-to-ubuntu-using-live-cd-to-fix-grub-rescue-prompt/01:51
MagicJi want to use gltext as my screen saver  - when I change the lines in the config file to make it use my text - nothing actually changes - what do I need to do to cause it to re-read the config file01:51
ActionParsniplolcat: try:  gksudo software-center01:52
gbear14275ActionParsnip, was hoping to boot manually this once instead of trying to burn a new cd, etc.01:52
gbear14275ActionParsnip, then I can run grub-update and be good...01:52
lolcatActionParsnip: Dies after showing a program saying: Grating rigths for five seconds.01:52
ActionParsnipgbear14275: there are grub prompt commands to boot but i'm unsure of them. I always use livecd to fix that stuff01:52
lolcatCan anyone pastebin their /etc/apt/sources.list? I need the ones for 10.1001:53
askerhow to change the language of the system ubuntu from RUS to ENG? or something other lang?01:53
ActionParsniplolcat: http://pastebin.com/k7UVMpA001:53
askeri logon into remote ubuntu and cant read the text, because i cant see russian symbols01:54
askerand want to set english01:54
ActionParsnipasker: its in system -> admin -> language support (maybe)01:54
askerfor system and users01:54
askeri havent gui01:54
randomOfAmberhow do I send the samba program signals? "Sending the smbd a SIGHUP will cause it to reload its smb.conf configuration file within a short period of time"01:54
askeronly shell01:54
Ritleeis there any way to mount an ISO read AND write? or am i stuck with just read and making another ISO?01:54
devkorcvincehow to request on ubuntuforum to unblock my ip cause i think we share the same pub ip on our countries isp?01:54
=== johzephine is now known as jomo
Guest93989looking to burn pirate movies01:54
rynopanyone having probs with empathy and gchat? i cant connect, just started today01:54
Jordan_URitlee: The latter.01:54
ActionParsnipRitlee: if its an ubuntu CD you can edit it and remaster it01:54
lolcatActionParsnip: THank you01:54
ActionParsnip!remaster | Ritlee01:55
ubottuRitlee: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility01:55
RitleeActionParsnip, it's not THE ubuntu CD :(01:55
Jordan_URitlee: There is a program called iso master that makes the process fairly seamless though, for simple tasks at least.01:55
ActionParsnipRitlee: then you can extract the data from the ISO, edit it then remake the new ISO01:55
RitleeJordan_U, k01:56
v0lksmananyone have any advise on getting a microphone working in Lucid?  Nothing I try seems to bring in any sound...output works fine out the of box...no mic...tried this http://titotheman.wordpress.com/2010/05/09/microphone-problem-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid/01:56
ottermatonI'm getting multiple lines starting with Ign (which I assume is ignore) when running sudo apt-get update? How to fix this?01:56
v0lksmanamong other things01:56
ottermatonI can paste 3 lines as example if needed01:56
RitleeJordan_U, ActionParsnip, ty both01:56
Jordan_Uasker: Log in via ssh?01:57
Jordan_URitlee: You're welcome.01:57
askerActionParsnip, i havent GUI(DE) only shell01:57
askerJordan_U, ya01:57
ActionParsnipasker: not sure then, sorry01:57
dewwasker: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables01:58
dewwasker: look for lang or LANG01:58
abaraticanwhich package has the 'pfiles' utility?01:58
mrbluessbbIm trying to record from a capture card.  I have VLC Media Player to recognize video but no audio.  I used the terminal to search for audio devices, but it didnt show any.  Help?01:59
ottermatonanyone know anything about these Ign errors when running sudo apt-get update? like this: Ign http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid/main Translation-en_US02:00
ActionParsnipabaratican: try:  dpkg -S pfiles02:01
jayd3ewhat is the best way to remove samba4?02:02
jayd3eapt-get remove?02:02
jayd3eb/c apt-get remove doesn't delete all of the config files and such02:03
Jordan_Uasker: export LANG=C02:03
Jordan_Udevkorcvince: Try #ubuntuforums02:03
andreaciao a tutti02:03
andreahi to everybody!02:04
=== andrea is now known as Guest39157
askerJordan_U, thanks!02:04
Jordan_Uasker: You're welcome.02:04
Guest39157is there someone that wish to teach some about Mirc to a newbie?02:04
Jordan_Ugbear14275: First thing to try would be "search --set --file /boot/grub/grub.cfg; configfile /boot/grub/grub.cfg"02:04
Guest39157no one?02:05
Guest39157but can you read my mex?02:05
minimecGuest39157: You won't finf a lot o fpeople using Micr here... ;)02:05
Jordan_Ugbear14275: Do you understand that "update-grub" only updates /boot/grub/grub.cfg? If you want to re-install grub you'll need to use grub-install.02:06
gbear14275Jordan_U, I got it.  thanks though02:06
gbear14275anyone work with lxde?  is there a equivalent of startx?02:06
jribgbear14275: startx is a window-manager-agnostic command...02:07
mrbluessbbAnyone?  I don't seem to have any audio devices.  "/dev/audio*" doesnt bring up anything.  It comes up with the error "File or directory does not exist".02:08
gbear14275jrib, startx: command not found02:08
jribgbear14275: the xinit package provides startx though it seems strange you would not have that on ubuntu02:09
=== HiddenKnowledge is now known as Guest44649
minimecgbear14275: you probably want something like xdm (or gdm/kdm) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=xdm&suite=default&section=all&arch=any&searchon=names02:09
bc81mrbluessbb: what was your question?  i just joined a minute ago02:09
gbear14275jrib, sorry... yeah not ubuntu... lxde on debian.  people are more helpful here hehe02:09
UgonsI'm on a MacBook Pro and not able to connect to Wifi, what do I do to fix this?02:09
jribgbear14275: ask #debian :/02:09
UgonsI was able to do so during the installer which confuses me.02:10
mrbluessbbIm trying to get a capture card to work on ubuntu.  I have video running through VLC media player but no audio.  And I cant seem to find any audio devices.  Not even default.02:10
muni have this script that calls pynotify to show a notification popup. it works in terminal but doesn't in crontab. i just get an error in the log saying grandchild failed with exit status 1. does anyone know how to fix it?02:10
KM0201Ugons: do you know what the wireless device is?02:10
jribmun: well scripts will run in a different environment in cron...02:11
UgonsI type lspci in terminal to find it, yes?02:11
KM0201Ugons: yeah, that should work02:11
matt444back on ubuntu after about 3 or 4 years02:11
UgonsIs it the network controller/02:11
mrbluessbbI run the command "ls /dev/audio*" and it comes up with an error that says File or directory does not exist.02:11
munjrib, yeah, but how do I know what went wrong02:12
mrbluessbb>in the terminal I mean02:12
KM0201!paste | Ugons paste your lspci and give me the link02:12
ubottuUgons paste your lspci and give me the link: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:12
bc81welcome back, matt4402:12
matt444this is the most user friendly OS i've ever used02:12
matt444i bought a refurbished computer (p4 era) and this thing is running smoothly.02:13
Ritleematt444, don't confuse it though, it's still linux and just as powerful ;)02:13
matt444i know02:13
FaffelHi, I'm using  Disk Usage Analyzer on a Ubuntu/WIn7 dualboot and when I check Filesystem, DUA is saying my filesystem is my entire HD02:13
Ritleeunlike the other non *nix OS's that got *cough* user friendly02:13
FaffelDoes this mean that I can access data anywhere on my HD, including on the Windows partition, from Ubuntu?02:13
jribmun: I will guess that DISPLAY needs to be set.  If you need some more info from cron, either redirect stdout and stderr to some file and read it or install an MTA so you can get mail from crond02:13
Faffeland should it be set up this way?02:13
=== jwkokc is now known as jk_
RitleeFaffel, you just have to mount your windows partition if it ins't done automatically02:14
matt444this computer had windows XP, I tried sticking in the wireless usb card, didn't recognize it.  then I installed ubuntu and it recognized it instantly. no setup02:14
=== f8d_up_with_qwer is now known as RobotCow
Ritleelol matt444 Ubuntu's motto... it just works02:14
FaffelRitlee: Well, it's a little strange to me02:14
mrbluessbbAnyone?  ;_;02:15
FaffelI set aside a 20GB partition and installed Ubuntu02:15
FaffelThe only things I've installed are Steam and Quakelive, and I copied over and then deleted TF2 files for Steam02:15
FaffelBut the "file system" in Nautilus is saying it has 6.6GB free02:15
FaffelWhen I check my filesystem in DUA, it says it's got 171GB free02:15
FaffelSo I'm really confused02:15
matt444now instead of fumbling around on OSX trying to get node.s and other programming stuff installed and working, just works on this ubuntu box.  i'm in love.02:15
FaffelI should have well over 6.6GB free on my 20gb partition02:15
RitleeFaffel, that itself is odd02:15
FaffelRitlee: 171GB is what's free across my whole HD02:16
FaffelIncluding the Windows partition02:16
guufyhow do i know which package a given installed file comes from?02:16
FaffelI set the install up using the Windows installer02:16
jribguufy: dpkg -S02:16
munjrib, apparently there's no error message.02:16
ReilithionWow, this is bad.  If I hit F1 or try to get to some Help page from Gnome Terminal, I get a window explosion.  It just keeps opening help window after help window, and I can't even get at the terminal to close it.02:16
jribmun: how are you verifying that?02:16
guufyjrib: thanks!02:16
KM0201<ubottu> Ugons paste your lspci and give me the link: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:16
RitleeFaffel, windows installer installed what?02:16
FaffelThe Ubuntu Windows installer02:16
Faffeli used that02:16
RitleeFaffel OH Wubi...02:17
KM0201ugh... wubi02:17
FaffelSo I told wubi to set a 20GB partition02:17
FaffelSo DUA is saying my filesystem has 171GB free02:17
FaffelNautilus says File System has 6.6GB free02:17
FaffelAnd in reality it should have around 13GB free02:17
RitleeFaffel, I tried wubi for about 10 minutes didn't much care for it... it does not make it's own partition not really sure how it works02:17
jribeverytime I join this channel I see KM0201 beating up on wubi... I love it :P02:17
KM0201jrib: i just can't help it... :)02:18
FaffelMaybe I should just cram "File System" full of crap and see what happens when it runs out of space02:18
RitleeFaffel, what windows OS are you using?02:18
munjrib, sorry actually there is. it says glib.GError: Unable to connect to server02:18
KM0201jrib: unfortunately i've saw more "epic fail" w/ Wubi, than successes.02:18
FaffelI'm probably not using the propery terminology either02:19
FaffelWhen I say "File System" I mean the File System drive/folder in Nautilus02:19
jk_Faffel, wubi creates a window folder that includes a file to serve as ubuntu's drive. It can be up to 30 GB but no larger.02:19
ottermatonDoes anyone know anything about this error on sudo apt-get update: Ign http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid-updates/main Translation-en_US02:19
FaffelI see, jk_02:19
badpenguin86I installed Kubuntu, and not my plymouth theme is kubuntu and will not change back. help?02:19
RitleeFaffel, go ahead uninstall wubi and using the disk manager with windows, you can resize your Primary partition and make a 20GB partition and install ubuntu properly you should enjoy it that way02:19
FaffelRitlee I don't have any blank DVDs02:19
jk_Faffel, the discrepancy may be due to Ubuntu's "trash" folder, similar to the Windows recycle bin.02:19
FaffelNah I cleared that out jk02:20
RitleeFaffel, all you need is a 1GB thumb drive02:20
FaffelWould my Archos 3G work?02:20
FaffelIt's an MP3 player that acts like a thumb drive02:20
FaffelDoesn't require any drivers to function02:20
RitleeFaffel, it may02:20
jribmun: so did you try setting DISPLAY?02:20
FaffelHow would you install from a thumb drive Ritlee?02:21
FaffelLike using a boot disc?02:21
munjrib, in my script, i've already set it using os.environ['DISPLAY'] - ':0.0'02:21
munjrib, in my script, i've already set it using os.environ['DISPLAY'] = ':0.0'02:21
abstraktDr_Willis, yay! my system just fucked itself again!!!!! wahoooo!02:21
KM0201abstrakt: lol02:21
weaponsonlineMy trackpad settings are reset every time I restart, can anyone help?02:21
RitleeFaffel, check in system/Administration/Startup disk creater02:21
abstraktthis is seriously really bad... I have this sneaking suspicion that it's the kernel upgrade from the last update02:21
RitleeFaffel, Creator02:22
FaffelUnder Win7?02:22
FaffelOr in Ubuntu?02:22
abstraktanyway... what I need to know: shortest quickest route to reinstantiate my original grub02:22
abstraktwith a totally fubar system02:22
RitleeFaffel ubuntu02:22
UgonsCan anyone help me up with setting up my wifi? I'm only able to connect through ethernet at the moment.02:22
abstraktoh yeah and I ended up screwing my USB boot disk too by doing a system upgrade on that and then shutting down in the middle of it02:22
abstrakttook too long02:22
UgonsI'm a total newbie by the way, so if you're not patient don't bother.02:22
=== Gero is now known as CensoredBiscuit
KM0201abstrakt: well.. sounds like part of your problem is self inflicted02:23
abstraktbesides, the USB boot is way too slow... there's gotta be some sort of rescue disk image available that doesn't load all that X crap02:23
abstraktKM0201, only part of it02:23
FaffelRitlee: It's detected by Startup Disc02:23
munjrib, is there a way to set the DISPLAY variable in cron explicitly?02:23
RitleeFaffel, ? what is02:23
FaffelThe Archos 3G02:23
abstraktKM0201, seriously, the system shouldn't randomly just hang completely and flash both numlock and capslock at me02:23
FaffelMy Mp3 player/thumb drive02:23
jribmun: sure, just do DISPLAY=:0.0 python blah02:23
=== don is now known as Guest70910
mrbluessbbI assume no one can tell me what my problem is.02:23
abstraktit does this all the time now :(02:23
abstraktlike wtf02:23
FaffelRitlee: So I should erase all data off my Archos, and create a start disc using an Ubuntu iso downloaded off the ubuntu.com site?02:23
gpc!language | abstrakt02:23
ubottuabstrakt: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.02:23
abstraktcertainly possible, actually that this hardware has finally gone hawire02:24
RitleeFaffel, oh ok, the startup disk creator is how you would make it a bootable usb and from there you can install ubuntu properly02:24
FaffelRitlee: So I should erase all data off my Archos, and create a start disc using an ISO off the ubuntu site?02:24
abstraktgpc, get off your high horse, bud... this crap with Ubuntu warrants some curse words, seriously - this is mega lame... I am so ready to just buy a fucking mac02:24
RitleeFaffel, if you can afford wiping the music sure ;)02:24
FaffelI'll just copy it onto my Windows HD02:25
RitleeFaffel, ;)02:25
abstrakthere I go02:25
FaffelWell ty Ritlee02:25
FaffelLet me just run this down again02:25
greg3000Hi,  working on NFS-root with a local  /boot -- followed the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/OnNFSDriveWithLocalBoot02:25
greg3000But ran into the bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/mountall/+bug/53713302:25
greg3000Did anyone solve booting from local /boot and mounting / over NFS using Ubuntu 10.10 ?02:25
munjrib, hmm same thing02:25
FaffelRitlee: Uninstall Wubi from Win7 using insructions from the Ubuntu wiki02:25
RitleeFaffel, np02:25
FaffelMake sure my partitions are set up correctly02:25
FaffelCreate partition of my choice in size02:26
FaffelBoot using my USB Start "disc"02:26
FaffelAnd install the Ubuntu iso to that02:26
FaffelAnd it'll act more normally02:26
Faffelsound right?02:26
KM0201Faffel: can i make a suggestion02:26
gpc!guidelines > abstrakt02:26
ubottuabstrakt, please see my private message02:26
abstraktgpc, you're not on chanserv's list of ops? how did you get opped?02:26
KM0201before you go any further, back up important stuff... you seem tobe flying at the seat of your pants w/ this...02:27
Geyo-chanum, does anyone know how to install windows games with wine?02:27
abstraktactually I really don't care tbh02:27
abstraktGeyo-chan, yeah, go buy windows02:27
jribmun: this is in your user's crontab?02:27
KM0201abstrakt: does it matter?.. if you're breaking the rules, you're breaking the rules02:27
munjrib, no, it's sudo02:27
Geyo-chanmeh windows sucks though02:27
jribmun: why?02:27
RitleeFaffel, just about... uninstall according to ubuntu... resize primary partition using window's disk manager, to a size you want to use, and yes then boot off of the usb and install02:27
jribmun: and what do you mean by "sudo"?  sudo isn't a user02:27
Ritleebrb wife is home02:27
FaffelKM0201: There's nothing important for me to back up02:28
FaffelI just did a full format last week02:28
KM0201Faffel: ok.. thats good.. cuz i'm gonna be watching this one..lol02:28
FaffelThere's nothing on my Linux install that's useful02:28
FaffelWell I know how to make a partition etc02:28
speedhog_hi, i want to dual boot ubuntu and windows02:28
KM0201Faffel: im' talking about on Windows02:28
KM0201speedhog_: and?02:28
nit-witjrib, sudo=super user02:28
speedhog_and i want to install windows on the same partition02:28
FaffelHaha, what could screw up my windows install by uninstalling Wubi?02:28
UgonsCan anyone help me out with connecting to WiFi?02:28
FaffelOr by creating a new partition for that matter02:29
KM0201Ugons: look through that 86 line paste you gave me a little while ago(your wireless device is fairly obvious if you read this..)   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx02:29
speedhog_i was thinking of creating a virtual machine, installing windows into it, extract the files by booting the vm with an ubuntu livecd and then setting grub02:29
greg3000anyone able to boot 10.10 with a NFS root?02:29
keresHi guys. the page up button does not work for scrolling up in a shell, is there any way to do this?02:29
speedhog_would windows 7 work under the ubuntu partition considering the format?02:29
UgonsWill do02:30
greg3000Let me rephrase, do we have any NFS or NFSROOT people here?02:30
KM0201speedhog_: im not sure what you just said, but it made no sense... but yes, you can put 7 in a virtual machine on Ubuntu..02:30
DarkeSorry to interupt, but I have a desperate problem. :p02:30
Jordan_U!anyone | greg300002:30
ubottugreg3000: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:30
MrMintanetHey dudes.  I am trying to get an NES emulator setup for my son, and I am failing hard.  I can't get GFCE to be the default program to open NES files.  I tried to right click, and select the GFCE, but it isn't in the list.  Where does it install, and how can I get it to be the default NES emulator?  Any help is appreciated!  :)02:30
kieppiehello ladies. anyone familiar w UbuntuOne. the guys @ the #UbuntuOne channel are asleep behind the wheel. I'd like to know what the deal is with the notification applet, since I'd like info on the sync status & to be able start & stop the sync action myself02:30
speedhog_ah, i need it to work natively on my computer02:31
lewixokay so i cant connect to internet on hotspot for some reasons02:31
lewixjoin #linux02:31
DarkeBeing new to Linux and dualbooting with Windows 7, my Ubuntu won't hook up to the net.02:31
UgonsNetwork controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4321 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 05)02:31
DarkeDoes anyone know how to do this without using Ndiswrapper?02:31
UgonsShould have noticed that...02:31
munjrib, i've made it into the user crontab now, but same thing.02:31
KM0201speedhog_: so just dual boot?02:31
speedhog_to refrain from getting my ubuntu boot being rewritten, i would first install it onto my virtualpc02:31
speedhog_i want to keep it on the same partition02:31
mikebotCan someone help me with problems booting from usb? I've tried pendrivesomething and inbootsomething...02:31
greg3000Trying to get through the NFSROOT bug found in 10.04 and 10.10, seems to be a mount.nfs or mountall bug...02:32
DarkeUSB isn't the best way.02:32
jribmun: wfm.  What's your script?02:32
Jordan_UDarke: What wireless chipset?02:32
KM0201mikebot: if neither worked, its likely an issue w/ your thumbdrive... some of them just don't work well for booting live USB's.02:32
DarkeSorry, chipset? All I know is I'm using Dlink wireless router. Define chipset though and I'll probably find it.02:32
speedhog_KM0201: yes02:32
munjrib, actually i just realised i need it in the root crontab because the command i run requires it.02:32
KM0201speedhog_: yes what?02:32
munjrib, let me paste you the script02:32
nit-witmikebot, heres a link to it http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/02:32
mikebotKM0201: OK, thank you... I'll try another one02:33
jribmun: so make it say "hello" and run it as your user02:33
munjrib, ok02:33
Jordan_UDarke: Is it an internal wireless card or USB? (If you have a choice between the two internal is usually the better one to use).02:33
pervy_sageHOw do I reset my keychain password?02:33
DarkeSorry. Internal.02:33
speedhog_km0201: i want to dual boot, but i want to manually place and configure the boot so i dont need to delete ubuntu's current one and then i would boot from grub02:34
greg3000Attempting to work through bug #537133 in mountall "issues with NFS root filesystem" -- not yet found a solution, I came here to see if I might get advice02:34
assassinhallo all together02:34
KM0201speedhog_: dunno about that one... you're on your own there02:34
speedhog_ok, thanks02:34
=== HiddenKnowledge is now known as Guest22538
munjrib, ok. in user crontab, it works fine.02:35
DarkeAnyone have anything for the internet problem, by any chance?02:35
Jordan_UDarke: Ok, have you checked to see if there are drivers available in System > Administration > Additional Drivers?02:35
speedhog_heh, might try it on a virtual pc first though, i will report results later02:35
jribmun: what are you running that requires root?02:35
craigbass1976is apt-get update going to do everything?  I'm ssh-ed into a box that I'm sure needs updating (I've done several at home since I was into it last, and my laptop has had several updates) but that command seems to run very fast for having to do that many updates.  I'm wondering if it only got lists of updateable packages or something02:35
Darkeyes. None.02:35
munjrib, it's revoco, which checks the battery of my mouse.02:35
DarkeIt won't even show any networks. It's completely done.02:35
DarkeBut I'll check again.02:35
munjrib, this script basically runs every 10mins, to check the battery of my wireless mouse.02:35
DarkeDon't want to keep restarting everytime I want to check something. It becomes a hassle.02:36
jribmun: you could setup revoco so that sudo does not require a password for the revoco command (that's what I do)02:36
Jordan_UDarke: Can you run "lspci | grep Network" and post the output? (if it's more than one line use http://paste.ubuntu.com )02:36
assassinhave a question does somebody of you know. if the backtrack tools also work within ubuntu ???  because backtrack don  t uses my wlan and i don t want to rebuy things02:36
DarkeCan I run it on a Windows terminal?02:36
munjrib, it used to work, but somehow after a bit of fiddling with gtk (reinstalled), it broke.02:36
MrMintanetHey dudes.  I am trying to get an NES emulator setup for my son, and I am failing hard.  I can't get GFCE to be the default program to open NES files.  I tried to right click, and select the GFCE, but it isn't in the list.  Where does it install, and how can I get it to be the default NES emulator?  Any help is appreciated!  :)02:36
munjrib, right. do you know how that can be done?02:37
FaffelI have another question about Wubi's HD usage02:37
FaffelShould it seriously use 9GB of space from a mostly fresh install?02:37
DarkeIs there a synonymous command for cmd (please excuse my hastey spelling).02:37
greg3000NFS-root with ubuntu 10.10 --  seen a tutorial?  My errors are "mountall: mount / [406] terminated with status 32"  and "mount.nfs: an incorrect mount option was specified"02:37
craigbass1976MrMintanet, poser, get an atari!  Just kidding.  Nesticle isn't available for ubuntu?02:37
jribmun: %wheel ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/revoco              (wheel is the group I allow to run the command without a password)02:38
mrbluessbbGuys.  I don't seem to have any audio devices.  I type in "ls /dev/audio*" in the terminal and it comes up with the error "File or directory does not exist."  Can anyone help me?02:38
DarkeI'll be back. Thanks, Jordan.02:38
Jordan_UDarke: I don't know how you would get the same info in Windows.02:38
munjrib, so do i create a group called wheel first?02:39
badpenguin86I installed Kubuntu, and not my plymouth theme is kubuntu and will not change back. help?02:39
mrbluessbbIf nobody knows what my problem is please tell me so I can stop wasting my time.02:39
Brett29229Anyone here knowledgeable with permisisons of services..?02:39
jribmun: well you can just use "admin" (default group that can sudo in ubuntu), create a new group of your choice, or just specify your user directly (in this case replace "%wheel" with "username")02:39
craigbass1976When I log into said laptop (see my earlier question) I still get the message that there are X number of updates available and Y of them are security updates.02:39
jribBrett29229: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)02:40
Brett29229My question is here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10416555#post1041655502:40
jrib!here | Brett2922902:40
ubottuBrett29229: Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com02:40
Brett29229Just seeing if anyone has any additional recommendations02:40
_Neytiri_i am haveing issues setting up RFC 2136 updates with bind02:40
greg3000trying "NFS-root with ubuntu 10.10", error "mount.nfs: an incorrect mount option was specified"  <--- where do we find the options specified?02:40
Brett29229Due to an unfortunate typo, changed permissions of root of file system. Now i only have webmin access to the box. Trying to either fix the problem or fix the essentials to get ssh access again and attempt a remote install.02:41
Brett29229jrib: thanks02:41
jribBrett29229: you did it recursively?02:42
craigbass1976Brett29229, do you have physical access to the box?02:42
Brett29229jrib: yes02:42
jribBrett29229: reinstall02:42
Brett29229craigbass1976: no physical access, ~3hr drive02:42
craigbass1976Then jrib has the best advice probably02:42
Brett29229jrib: can i do anything to get ssh access again? to attempt a remote install?02:42
munjrib, ok. after updating sudoers, do i need to log out?02:43
jribBrett29229: I have no experience with webmin.  But what exactly did you execute?  You only say "chmod -R /." but don't mention the permission you actually applied02:43
Brett29229sorry, left out the #.. everything that got changed before i stopped the process is 74402:44
munjrib, so with that line, does that mean i don't need a password to run revoco even in the terminal?02:44
Brett29229jrib: ^^02:44
jribmun: that's right, you just run "sudo revoco blah" and you won't need a password.  You sholudn't need to log out02:44
munjrib, i see. great!02:45
munjrib, it's working now. thanks a lot02:45
jribmun: no problem02:45
munjrib, so do you use revoco to check your mouse's battery?02:45
jribmun: no but I have to reset the wheel mode sometimes02:45
munjrib, then how do you check the battery level?02:46
jribmun: the mouse has 3 lights on it :)02:46
wamichohey guys am newbie how do we solve this error SystemError: installArchives() failed whenever broadcom sta driver is being installed02:46
jribmun: besides, at least with my mouse, I can never discharge it in one day.  Only time it's gotten to red is when I forget to leave it in the charger overnight02:47
munjrib, ha. ok. well, i usually ignore them, which i probably shouldn't.02:47
munjrib, oh right. you recharge it everynight?02:48
jribmun: sure, I just leave it in the charger02:48
munjrib, i see. well i try to optimise my battery's life by charging when it needs to.02:48
craigbass1976apt-get update vs apt-get upgrade.  The upgrade will not bring me from lucid to maverick, right?  THat's only a whole apt-get dist-upgrade?02:48
coldboot|homeDoes anyone know how to fix the libatasmart errors mentioned in this question?: http://askubuntu.com/questions/16608/02:48
MagicJI want to use gltext as my screen saver and set my own message - the man page tells me what file to change, I changed it and when I test - it seems my changes are ignored - what am I missing02:49
munjrib, since i heard lithium batteries only can live through a certain number of charges.02:49
Jayrohey, after i have my laptop running for a while, my audio gets all robot like, and its always fine after i reboot, does anyone else have this issue? if so, how can i fix it?02:49
wamicho hey guys how do we solve this error SystemError: installArchives() failed whenever broadcom sta driver is being installed02:49
greg3000NFSroot is always SUCH a time investment02:50
jribmun: logitech support is incredibly awesome.  I actually had a previous mouse, the middle click started making a funny noise, they sent me this more expensive one (because old one was discontinued).  Then I asked them to send me new mouse feet because they were worn out, and they sent me a new mouse.  So... I wouldn't worry about the battery.  As long as it lasts for a day, it's perfect for me02:50
greg3000things never work as expected02:51
greg3000as we see here, there are bugs in 10.04 and 10.1002:51
jribBrett29229: are you able to get any output from webmin?  Can you try to start ssh?02:51
KM0201greg3000: and? there's bugs in winxp, win vista, and win 7 as well?.. No OS is w/o bugs02:51
wamicho hey guys am newbie how do we solve this error SystemError: installArchives() failed whenever broadcom sta driver is being installed02:51
munjrib, oh really? my charger is very dodgy, the metal plates can't make contact with the mouse. but do you think i can ask for an exchange?02:52
greg3000KM0201: I'm trying to fix bug #537133 @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/mountall/+bug/53713302:52
munjrib, it's quite old already though.. i've lived with it for about 2yrs.02:52
KM0201wamicho: are you connected to the internet?..02:52
Brett29229I run the /etc/init.d/ssh start, says starting, then 'done'02:52
Brett29229jrib: no errors..02:52
jribmun: contact them and tell them about the issue.  My original mouse (the one I paid for) is 6 years old now02:52
KM0201greg3000: well what more do you want?.. they've confirmed the bug and assigned it?02:52
Brett29229jrib: but i cannot connect to the box, ssh connection closed unexpectedly02:52
wamichoKM0201 yap02:53
FaffelIs it possible for Nautilus to be reporting an incorrect amount of free space on the Ubuntu file system created on my Windows partition with Wubi? It says I have 6.6GB/17.3GB free, but DUA is only reporting 6-7G of space used on the File System02:53
munjrib, and they sent you a replacement even it's 6yrs old?02:53
KM0201wamicho: cuz it loksl ike you're not connected to the internet.02:53
jribmun: let's move to #ubuntu-offtopic if you don't mind02:53
greg3000KM0201: I'm not even sure, sounds like wamicho says "yes"02:53
munjrib, sure. sorry about that.02:53
jribBrett29229: can you execute arbitrary shell commands?02:54
wamichoKM0201 it downloads then when it wants to install it gives that error02:54
Brett29229jrib: yes02:54
KM0201wamicho: hmm, wel,l try installing it off the ubuntu live cd/usb02:54
tomarn2If I have a process with mutliple threads, does /proc/pid/status show the aggregate memory usage for example for both threads?02:55
jribBrett29229: does « ps -ef | grep ssh » return anything?02:55
boldfilterIs it bad to use all your gnome apps in kde02:55
Brett29229jrib: yes: http://paste.ubuntu.com/560816/02:56
jribBrett29229: by they way, I think it will be faster to drive than figure this out02:56
cpruittDoes anyone have any experience with getting CPanel to work on Ubuntu? (I do know it's "not supported" by the authors)02:56
greg3000Do we have a NFS-root veteran or maintainer here?02:56
cpruittIf this isn't the right channel can someone direct me to the best place to ask?02:56
mylastbreathCan netbook remix be run from usb only, no hard drive install?02:57
greg3000mylastbreath: anything can be run from usb only02:57
greg3000there I answered someone's question, hopefully karma will be nice to me now02:57
Brett29229jrib: ok. do you know of the best way to re-install? I'd like to get it up and running with minimal work, hopefully keeping configuration files, etc. is the only thing i can do back up /etc/?02:57
jribBrett29229: well backup your data.  /home in particular.  Also /etc for configuration as you mentioned.  If you're running apache and mysql on there, you'll likely want to back up /var too.02:58
mylastbreathgreg3000: thanks02:59
greg3000anytime m802:59
greg3000NFS-root in 10.10 -- anyone done it?02:59
Brett29229jrib: if i back up /var and /etc, then restore them once the new install is ready, will i not end up with the same permission files? don't those permissions carry over?03:00
Jordan_UBrett29229: Permissions issues can lead to serious security issues. Make sure that in tryint to back up configuration files you don't re-introduce incorrect permissions (just because it's working doesn't mean it's secure).03:00
DarkeHi. So has anyone had the problem where they're dualbooting Ubuntu and Windows and Ubuntu won't connect to the internet at all?03:00
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jribBrett29229: that's a good point, you can use a live cd as a reference03:00
Brett29229jrib: not sure what you mean by that03:01
DarkeI don't want to use Ndiswrapper, and drivers won't show up, or the networks.03:01
Jordan_UDarke: Were you able to find out what chipset your wireless card uses?03:01
craigbass1976Darke, not in a while.  Did it ever get on the internet?03:01
DarkeOops. Not yet.03:01
DarkeNo networks shown, no drivers found.03:01
Guest22935Why can't you connect to the internet when your on it right now?03:01
DarkeThough I'm on my Windows and it's working find.03:01
DarkeIt's my Ubuntu that won't connect.03:02
jribBrett29229: what do you need to copy from the broken system (i.e. things you do not have working backups for)?03:02
KM0201Darke: boot ubuntu, type "lspci" no quotes in a terminal(lowercase L) hit enter, save the entire out put to a terminal, then come back here under windows.03:02
ousDarke: do you know the wireless chipset? is this a laptop03:02
Guest22935I know it happened to be for a little bit but then I restsrted it and it worked fine again03:02
DarkeMmk. Brb.03:02
DarkeI am on a lapton, Ous.03:03
Guest22935hmm, he gone now03:03
KM0201Guest22538: yeah, he can't get any internet access under Linux, so he has to boot windows when he has a prob.03:04
ousI'm guess he's on the computer he dual boots from03:04
Brett29229jrib: well now that i'm thinking about it, i have /etc, /var/www, and sql dumps of mysql databases. maybe i won't need to restore some. there are just a bunch of random things i have set up over time that would be nice to keep the config fore.03:04
Mauricio12345how can i make nautilus to open faster, like explorer in winbugs 7?? (the worst example LOL)03:05
greg3000:( fuck03:06
jribBrett29229: right, well you can use your backups to see what permissions files should have.  I imagine mostly you can just set file's permissions to 644 and directory permissions to 755.  So you can do that to files you are copying from the broken system and then maybe use « find » to search for exceptions to that rule on your backups03:06
pc_how can I downlaod yahoo messenger ?03:06
Jordan_U!language | greg300003:06
ubottugreg3000: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.03:06
KM0201pc_: use pidgin or empathy?03:07
pc_install yahoo messenger ?03:07
greg3000not feeling very professional with a broken NFSroot03:07
Mauricio12345how can i make nautilus to open faster, like explorer in winbugs 7?? (the worst example LOL)03:07
KM0201greg3000: well, swearing in a family friendly channel is guaranteed not to fix it.03:07
greg3000feeling more like 200603:07
pc_what is pidgin I do not know03:07
KM0201!info pidgin | pc_03:07
ubottupc_: pidgin (source: pidgin): multi-protocol instant messaging client. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.7.3-1ubuntu3.2 (maverick), package size 536 kB, installed size 1656 kB03:07
KM0201pc_: if you have just installed ubuntu.. i'm pretty sure you already have Empathy installed.... just set it up w/ your yahoo account03:08
KM0201pc_: look in application/internet and see if Empathy Messenger is there03:08
greg3000KM0201: boot time error says "mount.nfs incorrect mount option was specified"  this comes from a initramfs.conf script.. what language are those .conf scripts written with, do they respond to the "echo" command "03:08
pc_yes I saw yop03:08
KM0201greg3000: i don't know.03:09
jribBrett29229: chmod also has --reference you could use03:09
KM0201pc_: yop?03:09
pc_thanks I will see03:09
greg3000ok, there was only one person who I knew that had this level of knowledge and he's now living on one of Saturn's moons03:09
Brett29229jrib: alright, well thanks for the help03:09
greg3000and he runns QRTOS03:09
jribBrett29229: good luck!03:10
gunndawghey folks, I some how screwed up my emerald them and the only way I can get emerald to work right again is if I use "emerald --replace" in the terminal, but then when I close that terminal window it goes back to not working, how can I fix this?03:10
greg3000it's just so messed up, I was loving Ubuntu, now it's  not so cool03:10
greg3000ruined my evening03:10
happyfacegunndawg: put & at the end of the command03:10
gunndawghappyface: thx03:11
happyfacegunndawg: that tells stuff to run in the background03:11
jribgunndawg: try emerald --replace & disown   If it still doesn't work after a new login though, you might try #compiz.  Also, isn't emerald unsupported?03:11
Jordan_Ugreg3000: This is a support channel, not a place to vent frustration. Please stick to comments that will further the task of getting your problem solved.03:12
gunndawgjrib: not sure but its been working fine until I installed and then uninstalled xubuntu03:12
macogunndawg: and probably also "nohup" before it, since backgrounding doesnt detach it03:12
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macojrib: yes, emerald has been unmaintained for 3 years03:12
greg3000Jordan_U: hey good to hear from you LOL03:12
greg3000people will talk to you about the rules, but ignore support questions03:13
greg3000it's a great double standard03:14
KM0201greg3000: you're not being ignored, nobody knows the answer.. most people here are not the type to solve bugs.03:14
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jribgreg3000: last 4 lines I read from you were not questions :/03:14
greg3000I've given up with NFS-root and ubuntu after covering the web, and spending an hour asking in IRC03:15
greg3000Everyone should know, don't mess with NFS-root and ubuntu, it's broken broken broken03:15
greg3000mountall and mount.nfs has bugs03:15
gpcgreg3000: report bugs on launchpad.net03:15
ugghhhhey guys, got a question03:16
greg3000and funny enough, the error messages don't tell you what command lead to the error03:16
ugghhhfor whatever, conky stopped displaying03:16
ugghhhright now, it just has a tiny black square03:16
KM0201gpc: it's been reported/confirmed/assigned.. i guss he thinks complaining here... will make it get fixed faster03:16
greg3000so we are SH%T out of luck03:16
Guest27050I need help setting mesa to classic03:16
ugghhhand it's not showing anything03:16
Guest27050ubuntu doesn't use eselect03:16
ugghhhi killed the process and started again03:16
ugghhhand restarted my computer03:16
ugghhhstill getting the tiny black square not showing anything03:16
Guest27050i need to eselect  mesa set r300 classic03:17
Guest27050I have an old laptop with an ATI X200m and X just keeps crashing over and over and over nonstop after an update :(03:17
Guest27050I can alt+F1 and log in.03:18
_^doce^_ irc.freenode.net03:18
ousGuest27050: sounds like a kernel update break03:19
Guest27050no, its the Xserver03:19
ousthat's what I meant03:19
Guest27050oh lol03:19
Acid190Guest27050: you check update manager? im reading that's a possibility03:19
ouswhich driver do/did you use for that?03:20
Guest27050OS driver03:20
Guest27050X200m isn't supported by FGLRX03:20
Guest27050only HDXXXX series cards are supported by FGRLX03:20
ouswhich version of ubuntu are you on again?03:21
Guest27050Acid190: yeah, I just ran updates03:21
Guest27050well, I just downloaded the latest version of the netbook version.03:21
maco!who | ous03:21
ubottuous: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:21
Acid190k, check hardware updates for ati drivers?03:21
Guest27050Acid190: what is the CLI command to check for that?03:22
Guest27050I'm used to gentoo/Sabayon not ubuntu03:22
gpcGuest27050: lsb_release -a03:22
Guest27050ubuntu 10.10 maverick... that doesn't say anything about xf86-video-ati03:23
Guest27050hmm, how do you search for packages via CLI?03:23
gpcGuest27050: sorry I was looking at the wrong question03:23
KM0201Guest27050: no offense, but if you're used go Gentoo/Sabayon, Ubuntu shoul be a cakewalk03:23
Guest27050lol its OK03:23
plain-userhi people!03:23
Guest27050I'm just not used to your package manager03:23
macogunndawg: apt-cache search searchterm03:23
Guest27050otherwise this would be a cake walk :) lol03:23
macoKM0201: uh..except conf files are in different places and package management is completely different...03:24
bazhangGuest27050, ^ see maco 's command03:24
KM0201maco: rue... but ubuntu is way easier...lol03:24
pc_I could not get into my yahoo account from empathy ?03:24
pc_what should I do ?03:24
KM0201pc_: then it's likely you didn't set it up correctly03:24
macoKM0201: only from a GUI :P03:24
pc_uhmmm ??03:25
KM0201maco: lol, yeah03:25
pc_I guess I did03:25
Guest27050its says the latest version of the package is installed03:25
pragma_where in the world is the libc-dbg package for 10.10 amd64?  0ubuntu9?03:25
KM0201pc_: open software center ( applications/software center) search for "Pidgin" and install it.. i twill work fine w/ yahoo03:25
=== Guest27050 is now known as Darksurf
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no--nameis using update-manager the same as using apt-get upgrade?03:25
gpcpragma_: libc6-dbg03:25
macono--name:  same as "apt-get dist-upgrade" technically03:26
macono--name: which means it is capable of handling cases where a package is removed or added due to another's dependency list changing03:26
no--namemaco: I am running ubuntu-server and would rather not use the GUI update manger... which do I need to do: apt-get upgrade, apt-get dist-upgrade or both?03:26
macono--name: normally apt-get upgrade is enough. itll tell you if its held something (like a kernel) back03:27
ralliasno--name: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade03:27
jribno--name: to upgrade packages?  Or to a new release?03:27
no--namejrib, packages03:27
no--namewhat does && do?03:28
ralliasCan someone help me out with setting up a Postfix/Dovecot email server?03:28
jribno--name: command1 && command2  runs command2 only if command1 is successful03:28
* Darksurf facepalms03:28
macono--name: runs the second command if and only if the first succeeds03:28
DarksurfOMG, I can't Ctrl-C to break apt-get?!03:28
no--namejrib, ahh.. neat :)03:28
=== Pythonic|Away is now known as Pythonic
greg3000spending money on more hard drives to avoid NFS root03:29
pragma_gpc: hrm,that seem sto be downloading something, thanks03:29
no--nameso if I use "sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade" I don't need to use update-manager?03:29
Darksurfshoot me... I'm putting ubuntu on my wifes laptop so she'll quite bothering me all the time cause she won't take the time to learn linux...03:29
PythonicQuick! How do I run a Ruby Script!?!03:29
ralliasno--name you need sudo on the second item too.03:29
ralliasno--name; and the answer is no you don't.03:30
no--nameok thanks :)03:30
PythonicI already have Ruby installed and everythink03:30
ralliasDarksurf: Just make it randomly play farting noises03:30
Darksurfnot to mention I was hoping ubuntu has avoided this stupid video card mishap. this happens in all distros :(03:30
PythonicJust, how do I execute my scripts!?!03:30
no--namedo I need to restart after doing that?03:30
UgonsCan anyone help? Here's my post.03:30
macono--name: no03:30
no--nameso why does update-manager tell us to restart sometimes?03:31
KM0201Ugons: did you follow that link i gave you?03:31
PythonicHelp plz03:31
macono--name: if you install byobu and answer "yes" when it asks if it should run by default, you'll get a nice screen session that when you look at your terminal lists how many updates are available at the bottom in red and shows a blue R if you need to reboot03:31
UgonsYes, I figured out the network controller03:31
ralliasno--name: Updates to kernal, or other major functions.03:31
UgonsI tried to private chat you but you didn't reply so I just posted it03:31
Jordan_UUgons: It's best to at least include a short description of the problem/question even if you link to a forum thread for all the details.03:31
no--nameok maco03:31
KM0201Ugons: because i put you on ignore when you decided to paste me your entire freaking lspci...03:32
KM0201thats annoying03:32
UgonsSorry KM03:32
ousPythonic: ruby *script name*03:32
KM0201Ugons: now if you can listen,i don't have a problem helping you.03:32
ousPythonic: at least I think...03:32
prod____hi guys, can someone link me or enlighten me as to how i make a shell script that executes every file in a certain directory. thanx03:32
Pythonicous, I tried that, thats not it03:32
ousPythonic: what does it tell you?03:33
Pythonicruby: No such file or directory03:33
macoPythonic: install it03:33
Pythonicmaco already done03:33
ousPythonic: did you try "which ruby"03:33
DarksurfOK, looks like I'm going back to Sabayon and I'll just use eselect in gentoo :( this sucks. Ubuntu has a much better system for updates too. the only thing I dislike about ubuntu is that the package system is crazy messed up. one application is split into several packages which causes confusion and irritation :(03:33
macoous: itll say not found03:33
macoPythonic: if you type ruby and hit tab a few times... maybe its like ruby5 or something like that?03:34
Jordan_UPythonic: Did you give the correct path to the ruby script?03:34
Pythoniclet me see03:34
Pythonicmaco, Yes, it says ruby 1.803:35
macoPythonic: with that space? O_o03:35
Pythonicruby     ruby1.803:35
macoPythonic: ok so the command is ruby1.8 not just ruby03:35
Jordan_Umaco: He is using the right name for the command, it's the path to the script (most likely) that is wrong.03:36
sacarlsonprod____: you want to know how to write a script or just how to change priv to exicute?  chmod +x ./nameofyourscript  or man chmod03:36
macoJordan_U: but it said the ruby was not found...03:36
jayd3ebtw I followed the samba4 installation HOW TO to a T, and the command "samba" isn't accessible from the command line.  I also started the server and I can't access the specified shares from my windows computers03:37
Pythonicmaco, that doesnt work either03:37
kermiti tried to do-release-upgrade.. it got interrupted, now any apt-get or aptitude or dpkg command results in "Processing was halted because there were too many errors."03:37
macoPythonic: ok then i guess the others are right. you're getting the path to the file wrong03:38
SilivrenionSo, I've been getting subpar graphics performance, but I've never installed the drivers for my graphics card. I found my computer has an ATI Radeon X300 mobility display in it.. how should I go about getting the right driver so acceleration is better?03:39
PythonicNo, The file is on my desktop, and I'm using ~/Desktop/<file>03:39
col0urHello, i just upgraded to Maverick from Hardy (im on a netbook). Before, on Hardy, if i played a game under wine with a resolution of 800x600, it would stretch to fill my entire screen. However now under Maverick it just uses a square in the middle (actual 800x600). Any way i can fix this?03:39
PythonicI got it in all correctly; I don't see whats wrong03:39
Jordan_UPythonic: What is the output of "ls -l ~/Desktop/<file>"?03:40
Pythoniclets see03:40
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »03:40
PythonicI got it now03:41
_TristanI was messing around with gdm themes and now during logout I have some new theme, which I don't like. How do I remove it?03:41
=== bullgard4_ is now known as bullgard4
col0urHello, i just upgraded to Maverick from Hardy (im on a netbook). Before, on Hardy, if i played a game under wine with a resolution of 800x600, it would stretch to fill my entire screen. However now under Maverick it just uses a square in the middle (actual 800x600). Any way i can fix this?03:45
sshcHi, what scanner program that works do you use?03:46
justinsaneubuntu is no longer picking up my sound card, thus i have no sound! please help. it would be greatly appreciated. much love. thanks.03:46
prod____sarcarlson: i need to write a script that executes all files03:46
Dead_Storagebleachbit is stuck on Clipboard 0, does this just take a long time or is it just frozen?03:47
col0urHello, i just upgraded to Maverick from Hardy (im on a netbook). Before, on Hardy, if i played a game under wine with a resolution of 800x600, it would stretch to fill my entire screen. However now under Maverick it just uses a square in the middle (actual 800x600). Any way i can fix this?03:48
prod____sarcarlson : being a noob i thought ./* would work but i was highly mistaken :)03:48
sacarlsonprod____: a script that does that makes no sence to me but you could write a bash script to do it with the find command03:48
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bc81sshc, simple scan doesn't work for you?03:49
[thor]maco: ( this is bjorn___ ) thank-you for setting me on the right path. My network-manager woes are a thing of the past, and i have at least a basic knowledge of ifconfig.03:49
hajmolahelp! I can't get my built-in microphone OR my audio input working... the faders are up. Output works just fine03:49
justinsanehow can i get Ubuntu to recognize my sound card for playback??03:49
mikebotDoes anyone think that they can help me install ubuntu from a usb drive? I have tried multiple usb drives, multiple install methods (pendrive + unetbootin) and still no luck :( ....03:49
maco[thor]: glad to help03:49
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KM0201mikebot: usually unetbootin works fairly flawlessly... what happens when you try to boot the usb?03:50
LoofABI'm trying to get my old laptop with a SuperSavage chipset working at a decent speed. Various screen updates (when someone does a 'slide' motion or fades in/out) are HORRIBLY slow. DRI is enabled, but 3d (and presumably 2d) accel. fails.03:50
prod____sarcarlson: I need a bunch of programmes to start on startup, I symlink all the executables to this folder where i want to run the script. I have seen mention of using the find command so i will look further into it, thanx for your time again :)03:50
LoofAB[ 25854.488] (EE) AIGLX error: Calling driver entry point failed03:50
mikebotKM0201: Well, if I press nothing, the purple screen goes away after 2 seconds and I get a terminal-like screen... it scrolls a bunch of text and then freees.03:51
LoofABAny suggestions on diagnosing/fixing the issue?03:51
Unauthorisedhowdy, when making a package, how I can I specify the install path? or root path? or ??  eg:  all files go in /usr/local/bin, or even a file by file "lookup table"?03:51
bullgard4What hdparm options should I use in order to test if there are hardware faults on my partition /dev/sda7?03:51
justinsanehow can i get Ubuntu to recognize my sound card for playback??03:51
Dead_Storagehow do i do a system restore to like 10 mins ago03:51
col0urHello, i just upgraded to Maverick from Hardy (im on a netbook). Before, on Hardy, if i played a game under wine with a resolution of 800x600, it would stretch to fill my entire screen. However now under Maverick it just uses a square in the middle (actual 800x600). Any way i can fix this?03:51
col0urHello, i just upgraded to Maverick from Hardy (im on a netbook). Before, on Hardy, if i played a game under wine with a resolution of 800x600, it would stretch to fill my entire screen. However now under Maverick it just uses a square in the middle (actual 800x600). Any way i can fix this?03:51
FloodBot1col0ur: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:51
mikebotKM0201: If I press a button, the menus come up (where I pick English and then can click to install or boot) and whatever option I choose, the terminal thing happens again.03:51
TSquar3dHey all... so I am having a connectivity problem. I have a macbook running ubuntu 10.10. I recently tried to update the iSight firmware and now, although I can detect wifi and ethernet networks, I cannot connect... any ideas?03:51
macoUnauthorised: #ubuntu-packaging is better, but a packagename.install file in debian/ is the answer03:51
KM0201mikebot: hmm, thats strange...03:52
KM0201that doesn't sound like a unetbootin or pendrive problem.03:52
Unauthorisedmaco: ahh thanks! I'll look into that.03:52
mikebotKM0201: Right... and I've tried two different usb drives03:52
macoUnauthorised: install path for ./configure would go in debian/rules03:52
mikebotKM0201: So I'm wondering if it's the computer.... just bought it, came with WIn 7 Starter... Lenovo S10-303:52
KM0201mikebot: i doubt its the computer....03:53
greenwaxexcuse me. does anyone here have experience using raid arrays as home folders?03:53
col0urHello, i just upgraded to Maverick from Hardy (im on a netbook). Before, on Hardy, if i played a game under wine with a resolution of 800x600, it would stretch to fill my entire screen. However now under Maverick it just uses a square in the middle (actual 800x600). Any way i can fix this?03:53
KM0201i mean, it oculd be.. but i doubt it... it may just have some sort of hardware issue w/ ubuntu.03:53
Unauthorisedmaco: thanks again, unfortunately I'm not using autoconf stuff, it's just a set of scripts for now...03:53
mikebotKM0201: I formatted both drives to FAT32 with the Win7 built-in software03:53
macoUnauthorised: oh ok. well the commands for the compilation go in debian/rules03:54
mikebotKM0201: I think once I formatted one with the pendrive option03:54
macoUnauthorised: debian/rules is really just a Makefile03:54
mikebotKM0201: I can't tell what one of the drives is, the other is a Kingston03:54
blackstaris there any way that i can update iptables without the need of compiling ?03:54
bc81col0ur: what wine version, what game?03:54
mikebotKM0201: Is there any other way to install this to an unallocated partition? The usb has an exe on it...03:54
KM0201mikebot: hmm, ver strange.03:54
justinsanewhy can't ubuntu no longer pick up my soundcard? it use to work just fine!!03:54
Unauthorisedmaco: cool, thanks again (:03:54
col0urbc81, wine1.3, Half Life03:54
KM0201mikebot: the "exe" is Wubi, do not use that03:55
sacarlsongreenwax: I experimented with raid and find they work about the same as a normal file system until you need to maintain them when they break03:55
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bc81col0ur: in winecfg, try unckecking "allow the window manager to control the windows"03:56
mikebotKM0201: OK.... is there a way to debug this from the last line of the terminal thing?03:56
greenwaxsacarlson: WHen I mount my raid array as my home folder it starts having an incredibly slow write speed.03:56
TSquar3dHey all... so I am having a connectivity problem. I have a macbook running ubuntu 10.10. I recently tried to update the iSight firmware and now, although I can detect wifi and ethernet networks, I cannot connect... any ideas?03:56
KM0201mikebot: that would be the first thing i'd try...03:56
greenwaxsacarlson: did you experience that ?03:56
col0urcol0ur, k03:56
mikebotKM0201: On the one I just tried it ended at "[6.548159] USB Mass Storage support registered"03:56
KM0201mikebot: wellt hat doesn't sound particularly lethal03:56
mikebotKM0201: With the other drive it would constantly stop at something else.03:56
col0urbc81, testing now03:57
blackstaris there any way that i can update iptables without the need of compiling ?03:57
mikebotKM0201: Oh, I also tried the old with with nomodeset and the noascpisomething, and the new one with nomodeset03:57
sacarlsongreenwax: well in my case it was slow since it was simulated in virtualbox,  so in real world I'm not sure of speed,  it may depend on if it's syncing something03:57
mikebotKM0201: I think I tried the other usb drive with aspci=off, too03:57
col0urbc81, unforunately it didn't work03:57
macomikebot: aspci? do you mean apic or acpi?03:57
mikebotmaco: I cannot remember--one of the f6 options from the purple screen03:58
justinsanehow can i tell if my sound card is recognized?03:58
mikebotmaco: I didn't type in anything randomly, I chose one of the options on the list03:58
bc81col0ur: check is there are bugs with your version of hl/wine: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?appId=803:58
justinsanefellow jaunty jackalopes, how can i tell if my sound card is recognized?03:58
greenwaxsacarlson: yeah mine is not syncing. it is just super slow write speeds (read is fine). but write is at around 3/Mbs03:58
pragma_hrm, actually, I get a 404 when trying to apt-get install libc6-dbg:  ##c03:58
col0urbc81, okay03:59
prod____greenwax: I used raid on my workstation but it was more a pain in the *** than what it was worth.03:59
macojustinsane: less /proc/asound/cards03:59
col0urthing is it's not just Half Life03:59
col0urit's a number of other games too03:59
pragma_I can't copy/paste text from the virtual machine, so I have to use a screenshot: http://imgbin.org/index.php?page=image&id=330303:59
sacarlsongreenwax: what software raid mode are you using?03:59
pragma_how can I resolve that?03:59
greenwaxsacarlson: raid 103:59
col0urbc81, i don't thing it's a wine issue03:59
pragma_http://imgbin.org/images/3303.PNG -- direct link03:59
col0urbc81, cause on Hardy it never happened03:59
pragma_er, disregard the first 4 lines of the screenshot04:00
KM0201pragma_: i'm gonna go out on a limb and ask "did you try what it told you to do?"04:00
pragma_KM0201: yes, no result04:00
blackstarany one know how can i applied the iptable patch from netfilter?04:00
mikebotmaco: KM0201: ANy ideas on where to go from here?04:00
KM0201mikebot: unfortunately no04:00
macojustinsane: wait a second...do you realise that jaunty jackalope isnt supported anymore?04:00
happyfacewhere can I go to get help on putty?04:00
mikebotKM0201: SOmeone earlier mentioned a problem with Intel vid cards?...04:01
justinsanemaco: i have 10.10, i just like that name.04:01
mikebotKM0201: Maybe my time with ubuntu has come to an end :/04:01
sacarlsongreenwax: well raid 1 will proby be slow since it's the mirror mode and will have to write the data 2 times and only has to read it one time04:01
KM0201mikebot: i guess some intel vid cards could be a problem?... my intel video card works fine....04:01
justinsanemaco: why would my computer all of a sudden not detect my sound card? any freakin idea?04:01
TSquar3dHey all... so I am having a connectivity problem. I have a macbook running ubuntu 10.10. I recently tried to update the iSight firmware and now, although I can detect wifi and ethernet networks, I cannot connect... any ideas?04:01
pragma_well, actually, I only tried --fix-missing ... I'll try apt-get update04:01
* pragma_ would rather not update but...04:01
macojustinsane: did you upgrade to a new ubuntu release? or just do normal updates?04:01
justinsanetsquar3d: dsl or cable?04:01
_Techie_how cross hardware compatable is a fresh install of ubtuntu 10.40.1, i need to know if i install it to a 2.5inch usb drive whether that install will work when the drive is inserted back into the laptop it originated from04:01
macojustinsane: and does it actually not list it in /proc/asound/cards ?04:01
pragma_oh, update != upgrade04:02
justinsanemaco: installed 10.10 fresh04:02
* pragma_ facepalms04:02
TSquar3djustinsane: DSL04:02
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TSquar3djustinsane: have never had problens until literally a few minutes ago.04:02
justinsanetSquar3d: im no expert, but i just had a similar problem. issue may be in DNS04:02
pragma_well, it's installing libc6-dbg now04:02
maco_Techie_: ive carried drives around and plugged into random computers all over campus with no problems04:02
* pragma_ disappears.04:02
mikebotKM0201: Do you know of anyone else it would be wise to ask? LIke someone in the ubuntu community?04:02
sacarlsongreenwax: raid 1 is meant for total redundancy like what a bank would use in the event one disk fails thinks keep working04:02
bc81col0ur: couple things to try:  disable compiz (if running), use wine 1.0, or 1.204:02
justinsanetSquar3d: one solution, may not be the most elegant, is to restart router. get the PPPoE from provider and redo everything. workd for me04:02
MrMintanetfceu is launching my ,rom files but not playing audio.  Anyone have any suggestions?04:03
_Techie_maco, thanks, with that being said i will give it a go ahead later today04:03
greenwaxsacarlson: yeah that is what I thought too but when i tried mounting it in /media its write speed shot up to 60/Mbs. which makes me think that it has something to do with being the home directory04:03
KM0201mikebot: not really.. sorry... try the ubuntuforums.org04:03
mikebotKM0201: OK, thanks.04:03
TSquar3djustinsane: well... the odd thing is that this is not affecting any of my other computers on the same router.04:03
col0urbc81, compiz isn't running04:03
pc_http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81895  can anybody tell me about the two last steps04:03
col0urwill try downgrading later04:03
justinsanetSquar3d: i hear ya. same problem04:03
TSquar3djustinsane: and it only just happened after I updated the iSight firmware.04:03
pc_I did them but does not happen anything04:03
KM0201pc_: that is like 5yrs old... it probably doesn't even work anymore04:04
justinsanemaco: it's not listed04:04
sshcbc81: Yes, "Simple Scan" works! Thanks!!04:04
pc_really ? uhmmmm04:04
bc81sshc: glad to hear it :-)04:04
sacarlsongreenwax: it would have to do with how many files in the dir and how big they are,  if media has no files or less files then it would be faster to sync04:04
justinsanemaco: brb, restarting updates...04:04
macojustinsane: is this a totally fresh install or a "installed it earlier then installed updates" install?04:04
KM0201pc_: why don't you just use pidgin?.04:04
sshcbc81: I've tried other programs for a long frusterating period of time, but the result was either the top portion or a small vertical white line04:04
pc_it does not work04:05
LinuxGuy2009I'm reading up on adding an entry to /etc/fstab to automount my MyBookLive NAS drive and I noticed that the filesystem location at the start of the entry has two forward slashes as opposed to just one. Is there a logical reason for this? Do network locations require the double slashes?04:05
pc_I could not log to my previous accont04:05
KM0201pc_: then you're doing something wrong.. i'm on my yahoo account right now on pidgin04:05
macoLinuxGuy2009: for samba, yes they do. dunno for others04:05
pc_uhmm ??04:05
bc81sshc: yea i'm having all kinds of wine problems in maverick, too.  but in karmic didn't have so many04:06
sacarlsongreenwax: that's just a guess I"m not sure04:06
LinuxGuy2009maco: ok Ill keep that in mind. Thanks.04:06
macopc_: how old of an ubuntu are you using? older versions of pidgin dont work with yahoo since yahoo got rid of the default server it used to use04:06
greenwaxsacarlson: yeah... well i had all of the same files on the disk. it was just mounted in a different place04:06
bullgard4Welche hdparm-Optionen sollte ich verwenden, um zu prüfen, ob Hardwarefehler auf meiner Partition /dev/sda7 sind?04:06
pc_I used 10.1004:07
bullgard4Welche hdparm-Optionen sollte ich verwenden, um zu prüfen, ob Hardwarefehler auf meiner Partition /dev/sda7 sind?04:07
pc_just downlaodes04:07
sacarlsongreenwax: maybe the sync process had already completed?04:07
maco!de | bullgard404:07
ubottubullgard4: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.04:07
greenwaxsacarlson: hunh? i don't know what you mean04:07
chmodpc_, works for me too04:08
bullgard4What hdparm options should I use in order to test if there are hardware faults on my partition /dev/sda7?04:08
kermit"0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded."  why is 1 not upgraded?04:08
sacarlsongreenwax: did you try move it back to /home after you moved it to /media?  it may have already synced,  when you first start the raid it has to copy ond disk to the other to start to make the mirror04:08
pc_but can you see all the people in the lsit or no ?04:08
justinsane_please help! ubuntu is no longer picking up my sound card (soundblaster fatality)04:09
Loshkibullgard4: I would use fsck, and then look at the SMART data using smartctl...04:09
macojustinsane_: if it worked in a previous release and not this one, i think you're in "file a bug" territory:  ubuntu-bug -s audio04:09
greenwaxsacarlson: oh yeah. i see what you mean. I did move it back and the performance dropped right off again04:09
KM0201pc_: copy/paste the lines in post #5, paste line one, hit enter, let it run, paste line 2, hit enter, let it run, then line 3...  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159254004:09
sacarlsongreenwax: or did you change the raid type when you moved?04:10
greenwaxsacarlson: nope04:10
macojustinsane_: though...you can try linux-backports-modules-alsa-maverick-generic04:10
macojustinsane_: requires a reboot after install04:10
greenwaxeverything was the same, just changed the fstab04:10
Eryn_1983_FLhey peeps04:10
sacarlsongreenwax: I"m clueless04:10
pc_where I psot it ?04:10
Eryn_1983_FLi just did a  reboot04:10
pc_post it04:10
Eryn_1983_FLi am tryin to get my drives that are lvm2 to show up04:11
greenwaxsacarlson: yeah me too. thanks for your help though04:11
pc_in the terminal ?????????04:11
Eryn_1983_FLits like they arnt even there anymore..04:11
justinsane_maco: no, because it has worked in 10.10 before...04:11
bullgard4Loshki: I have done exactly this before. I could not detect any fault. Still GParted cannot move this partition.04:11
justinsane_maco: just recently stopped working...04:11
macojustinsane_: well thats "ew" ... try booting an older kernel?04:11
justinsane_maco; does it have something to do with pulseaudio?04:11
KM0201pc_: do you not see where it says .. "type in terminal..."04:12
macojustinsane_: pulseaudio runs on top of the drivers. if you have nothing in /proc/asound/cards, thats the driver or udev or something kernel-y screwing up04:12
justinsane_Maco: i've never booted an older kernel...04:12
macojustinsane_: hold shift during boot and use arrow keys to pick the 3rd entry instead of the first04:12
bc81bullgard4: you test drive for errors? touch /forcefsck04:12
justinsane_let me try that04:12
bc81bullgard4: then you reboot: shutdown now -r04:12
justinsane_maco: any disclaimers?S04:12
macojustinsane_: nope04:12
sacarlsongreenwax: oh and how many users do you have on that system?  maybe other users were reading and writing at the same time so that would slow it down, as media may not of had as much trafic04:12
justinsane_maco: k, brb. wish me godspeed.04:13
retro_Hey there, what would someone do if they came back to your computer with no mouse, keyboard, or display working, when all of which functioned 3 minutes ago?04:13
Loshkibullgard4: it might not be a hardware issue. Try a different partition editor?04:13
retro_I can ping the computer, but no SSH.04:13
macoretro_: assume their friend pranked them and unplugged everything?04:13
greenwaxsacarlson: I don't think that is it either. I am the only user04:13
retro_I checked.04:13
sacarlsongreenwax: ok04:13
bullgard4bc81: What do you mean by "touch /forcefsck"?04:14
retro_No one is in the house.04:14
retro_I left to go grab a snack.04:14
retro_Came back an bam! nothing.04:14
macobullgard4: use the touch command to create /forcefsck04:14
macobullgard4: "sudo touch /forcefsck"04:14
bullgard4Loshki: GParted is the most advanced partition editor as far as I know.04:14
lc0658385about to do an install of ubuntu alongside vista04:15
KM0201lc0658385: ok..?04:15
Loshkibullgard4: "most advanced" does not imply "most bug-free". Try using fdisk instead?04:15
bc81bullgard4: check drives for errors, then come right back04:15
lc0658385not im not sure hether to install 32 bit 64 bit. i have been googling. but seems there is alot of confusion04:15
KM0201lc0658385: how much RAM do you have?04:16
macolc0658385: it depends what CPU you have and how much RAM04:16
lc0658385if i want to run ine stuff. should i avoid 64 bit ??04:16
col0urHello, i just upgraded to Maverick from Hardy (im on a netbook). Before, on Hardy, if i played a game under wine with a resolution of 800x600, it would stretch to fill my entire screen. However now under Maverick it just uses a square in the middle (actual 800x600). Any way i can fix this?04:16
col0urHello, i just upgraded to Maverick from Hardy (im on a netbook). Before, on Hardy, if i played a game under wine with a resolution of 800x600, it would stretch to fill my entire screen. However now under Maverick it just uses a square in the middle (actual 800x600). Any way i can fix this?04:16
FloodBot2col0ur: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:16
KM0201lc0658385: *some*(not much anymore) oddball hardware may work better under 32bit, or some web plugins, etc.. work better under 32bit...04:16
lc0658385maco: i have turion 64 x2 processor and 2 gb of ram04:16
bullgard4Loshki: Thank you very much for your advice. I know the command fdisk well.04:17
KM0201lc0658385: if it were me, w/ only 2gigs of ram, i'd just install 32bit.04:17
bullgard4bc81: Stop trolling.04:17
lc0658385maco: and broadcom wireless. i think that might be a problem on 64 bit. maybe thats a wrong assumption ?04:17
Loshkibullgard4: so can you move the partition using fdisk?04:17
justinsanemaco: did that to no avail!04:17
macolc0658385: there are native drivers now04:18
bc81bullgard4: why do you think i'm trolling?  i'm giving you legitimate advice..you can choose not to take it, but please don't falsely accuse me04:18
macolc0658385: i think dell threatened broadcom if they didnt release some post-haste04:18
KM0201maco: lol04:18
ralliasCan someone help me fix my postfix installation?04:18
lc0658385maco: thanks.. hmm.. sounds like you think 64 bit is safe enough04:18
macolc0658385: ive been using it since '08 (when i got a 64bit machine)04:18
Jordan_Ubullgard4: Can you explain exactly what you're trying to do, and pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l" and any error messages from gparted?04:18
lc0658385maco: thanks.. i will install it ;)04:19
macolc0658385: the only caution is that i find 64bit to be a bit slower than 32bit with equal amounts of ram. my 64bit machine now has 4gb04:19
justinsanecan someone help me troubleshoot my sound card. Ubuntu is no longer detecting it!04:19
KM0201lc0658385: 64bit is probably fine... i've used 32bit on a 64bit machine for 4yrs, no issues.. i just don't see the point of 64bit, w/ less than 4gigs of ram04:19
strigoi66Hello, can any one help me with setup of dual screen with each one different not mirrored. I use an ati radeon 9250 and am running ubuntu 10.04lts with all latest updates/drivers.04:19
TSquar3d_Okay... so I want to reset all of my network settings... can anyone tell me how to do this?04:19
lc0658385maco: hm. slower . thats not good. im on a hp pavilion tx1000. old lady04:20
bullgard4Jordan_U: Just a minute, please.04:20
Mauricio12345how can i suspend my netbook whit ubuntu 10.10, its a hasee netbook and wont suspend04:20
Loshkilc0658385: then go 32 bit for now. You can upgrade later if you add more ram...04:20
Mauricio12345i try the s2ram command04:21
Mauricio12345but isnt works04:21
Jordan_ULoshki: lc0658385: The only way to "04:21
Eryn_1983_FLany ideas04:21
macolc0658385: others say they notice no difference. its possibly just because i keep so much stuff running constantly... id have > 100 firefox tabs with regularity at the time04:21
Jordan_ULoshki: lc0658385: ... to "upgrade" from 32 to 64 but Ubuntu is to re-install.04:21
bullgard4Jordan_U: http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/gparted-input-output-error-waehrend-von-dev-sd/04:21
macoMauricio12345: sudo pm-suspend --auto-quirks     ?04:21
Mauricio12345maco thanks04:21
Mauricio12345im trying now04:21
macoMauricio12345: possibly just not well-supported hardware04:22
=== DrKenobi_ is now known as DrKenobi
LoshkiJordan_U: lc0658385: agreed,  The only way to "upgrade" from 32 to 64 is to re-install...04:22
Mauricio12345maco in winbugs works fine04:22
cokegenhi ... anyone has crashes with X-Chat ?04:23
macoMauricio12345: ...so?04:23
macoMauricio12345: windows support does not imply linux support04:23
Mauricio12345maco so this is not a hardware prolem04:23
Mauricio12345mavo ok04:23
macoMauricio12345: didnt say it was. implied it was a driver problem.04:23
Jordan_Ubullgard4: Can you pastebin the output of "dmesg" after getting this IO error? I still suspect it's a hardware problem, even if SMART says nothing is wrong.04:23
justinsaneany ideas why ubuntu is no longer detecting my sound card!?!?04:23
macojustinsane please file a bug. there are a group of people who know how the audio stack works04:24
justinsanemaco: ok04:24
TSquar3d_Okay... so I want to reset all of my network settings... can anyone tell me how to do this?04:24
macoMauricio12345: you can file a bug with: ubuntu-bug -p linux04:24
Mauricio12345maco i know, well, i will try the command now, thanks and sorry by my very bad english04:24
justinsanehow do i file a bug04:25
bullgard4Jordan_U: This will take time. I need to boot that computer in question.04:25
Mauricio12345ok maco04:25
macojustinsane: as i told you earlier:   ubuntu-bug -s audio04:25
pc_woooow thanks I does work04:25
pc_thanks KM020104:26
KM0201pc_: no prob, but i don't know why it didn't work w/ pidgin or empathy.. it should have04:26
pc_uhmm I have no idea04:26
pc_I am a bigginer hihi04:26
[Adam|Miner]Are there any known issues with sandybridge or SSDs? I can't get my installs to finish04:27
justinsanemaco: will they contact me?04:28
macojustinsane: yes, information requests will be made on the bug report, and they will show up in your email. you can simply reply to the emails04:28
Loshkibullgard4: if I understand correctly, you had read failures during smart self-test. "The previous self-test completed having the read element of the test failed". That's bad...04:28
[Adam|Miner]I have tried both CD and usb inbstallations, both failed04:28
bullgard4Loshki: I took notice.04:29
col0urHello, i just upgraded to Maverick from Hardy (im on a netbook). Before, on Hardy, if i played a game under wine with a resolution of 800x600, it would stretch to fill my entire screen. However now under Maverick it just uses a square in the middle (actual 800x600). Any way i can fix this?04:30
col0urHello, i just upgraded to Maverick from Hardy (im on a netbook). Before, on Hardy, if i played a game under wine with a resolution of 800x600, it would stretch to fill my entire screen. However now under Maverick it just uses a square in the middle (actual 800x600). Any way i can fix this?04:30
FloodBot2col0ur: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:30
mauricio_maco the command donts04:30
mauricio_dont works04:30
Loshkibullgard4: in your place, I would run an extended SMART self test next...04:30
bc81TSquar3d_: something lilke this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42317604:30
macomauricio_: they got rid of teh "-p" apparently.     ubuntu-bug linux04:30
mauricio_maco -p??04:31
bullgard4Loshki: I took it already. Just a moment. I am busy.04:31
macomauricio_: yes i said "ubuntu-bug -p linux" before, but the command apparently changed to just "ubuntu-bug linux"04:31
Loshkibullgard4: ok, good luck...04:32
=== CripperZ is now known as CripperzM
mauricio_maco aa ok04:32
Jordan_Ucol0ur: Please don't paste your question twice every time you ask it.04:33
col0urJordan_U, sorry04:33
justinsanemaco: will they contact me?04:33
justinsanedisregard that04:34
bc81TSquar3d_: see also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkManager#Editing%20Network%20Settings%20in%20Nm-editor04:34
mauricio_maco the report send personal information to launchpad like user, archives??04:34
macomauricio_: just hardware information and the email address at which to contact you for more information about the problem04:35
bc81TSquar3d_: or (if using newer distro): https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkManager#Editing%20Network%20Settings%20in%20GConf04:35
avashi1guys I downloaded a momex theme and it has a tar.gz extension.. how do i install it ??04:35
mauricio_maco ok, thanks04:35
avashi1I am sorry its Moomex theme with tar.gz extension04:35
macoavashi1: .tar.gz is like .zip -- double click to open it and see whats inside?04:35
avashi1when i double clik it, its got Moomex folder04:36
DrKenobi<avashi1>, maybe you'll have to comiple :s04:36
avashi1DrKenobi here is a link to theme >> http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Moomex-Theme?content=5706304:37
avashi1i dont know what you mean by compile.. I have no computer knowledge04:37
=== xangua1 is now known as xangua
macoavashi1: is it just a gnome theme *named* Moomex?04:38
avashi1Dr please help04:38
macoavashi1: if so, drag the .tar.gz into the system -> preferences -> appearance window04:38
bc81avashi1: you can i think drag and drop it onto the themes window04:38
avashi1I tried drag and drop but pop up menu for system don't open04:38
bullgard4Jordan_U: I started anwe th operation to move /dev/sda7 to the left and enlarge it. This will take 13 mins.04:38
macoavashi1: open the window from the menu first04:39
macoavashi1: then drag the tarball into the open window04:39
bullgard4Jordan_U: I started anwew the operation to move /dev/sda7 to the left and enlarge it. This will take 13 mins.04:39
DrKenobii was wrong, its just a theme, follow maco and bc81 advice04:39
bullgard4Jordan_U: No, it will take 19 mins.04:39
IRCLemurAnyone here ever boot directly from an ISO using grub2?04:40
avashi1marco I open the window first but still can't drag it04:40
bc81avashi1: you try to put it in your ~/.themes folder?04:41
bc81avashi1: extract it into there04:42
DrKenobiavashi1 Firts try at "System-->Preferences-->Appereance" with the "Install" button04:42
col0urJordan_U, sorry04:42
[Adam|Miner]What filesystem should I use, I think ext4 might be my issue04:42
col0urHello, i just upgraded to Maverick from Hardy (im on a netbook). Before, on Hardy, if i played a game under wine with a resolution of 800x600, it would stretch to fill my entire screen. However now under Maverick it just uses a square in the middle (actual 800x600). Any way i can fix this?04:42
DrKenobiif you cant install it by drag and drop04:43
bullgard4Loshki: http://pastebin.com/vr7HtGHt04:43
_TristanI somehow got a custom splash screen (which is only visible when logging out). How can I reset it back to the default?04:44
avashi1Dr install button says "theme correctly installed but I dont see that theme04:44
avashi1this is giving me very hard time04:44
DrKenobiit should be really easy. close the window and open it again04:44
=== xangua1 is now known as xangua
avashi1Dr i go to system>pref>appearenace and still do not see that theme04:45
Loshkibullgard4: the read failures worry me. Are they recent?04:45
avashi1why ?04:45
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bc81avashi1: i just tried it..open ~/.themes (it's hidden, so use Ctrl+h to see it), drop in the 57063-Moomex.tar.gz, extract it.  and then its there04:46
DrKenobiavashi1 I don't know, it should be there! Try with bc81 tip!04:46
avashi1bc81 how do i get to themes folder ?04:46
avashi1i dont see theme folder04:46
bc81open your home folder and press Ctrl+h it's hidden04:47
avashi1holy cow, there is a lot of stuff popped up when i did cntrl h04:47
bc81avashi1: yes, those are hidden configuration files/folder04:48
avashi1i see the momex folder now04:48
avashi1but how do i enable that theme04:48
xanguaavashi1: system>prefs>appearenc ; extract the theme and drag it to the window04:48
no--namehi. i am running ubuntu-server with fluxbox and after I used jockey-gtk to activate my nvidia card drivers and restarted, the fonts became smaller, how do i get them back to normal?04:48
no--nameit is ubuntu-server 10.10 i38604:49
no--namemy nvidia card is a geforce 7600 gs04:49
avashi1bc81 i do see moomex folder but how do i enable the theme04:49
Jordan_Uno--name: System > Preferences > Appearance Go to the Fonts tab, click Details, then increase the dots per inch.04:50
buckyno--name, System > Preferences > Monitors   go down in your resolution04:50
no--namethe resolution is the same04:50
bc81avashi1: do as xangua said..(or run this in a terminal: gnome-appearance-properties %F04:50
col0urTimidity or Fluidsynth?04:50
LinuxNoobi cant get ubuntu to install :(04:50
buckyno--name, listen to Jordan_U04:50
no--nameJordan_U, : ok I'll try that.. but I'm not running gnome so I don't know how to access that application04:51
avashi1bc81, i tried both ways and still do not see that theme04:51
ubuseris there a way to clear ur flash drive, mine is sayin its only 2 megs04:51
col0urTimidity or Fluidsynth?04:51
KM0201LinuxNoob: well why is it not installing?04:51
Jordan_Uno--name: Try asking in #fluxbuntu.04:51
dave9greetings all04:51
LinuxNoobbtw, who has used the usb method to put linux on a just dod formated hdd04:51
col0urLinuxNoob, can you elaborate?04:51
ubuseri just put some games on it the other day, and deleted them now its saying its only 2 megs is there a way to format or clean ur flash drive??04:52
LinuxNoobi dunno, it goes to the purple linux thing the first thing that opens04:52
col0urLinuxNoob, i installed via USB today if that's any help!04:52
no--nameJordan_U, ok thanks04:52
LinuxNoobwith the 5 dots04:52
Jordan_Uno--name: You're welcome.04:52
LinuxNooband it just loads..and loads...and loads...04:52
col0urLinuxNoob, when booting from the USB?04:52
KM0201linux_probe: hit escape, and see what the command line says bheind it, where its freezing up.04:52
LinuxNooband also when i use a cd04:52
KM0201LinuxNoob: woops, see above04:52
=== CensoredBiscuit2 is now known as CensoredBiscuit
LinuxNoobi tried 10.10 regular and 10.10 alternate04:52
speedhog_i have installed ubuntu from usb 2 times04:52
avashi1xangua/bc81 i don't see that theme in appearence tab04:52
ubuserhow do you format ur flash drive its only sayin 2 megs, please i want to upgrade from 4.1 ubuntu04:52
col0urTimidity or Fluidsynth?04:52
markosowhats command like to check folder perms04:52
bullgard4Loshki: Yes.04:53
ubuserim out of blank cds, whats a free prog that burns iso's04:53
bc81avashi1: what ubuntu version, what desktop environment?04:53
bastidrazormarkoso: ls -hald /path/to/folder04:53
Jordan_Uubuser: What utility is saying that it's only 2 megs?04:53
ubuserwhat teh command for fixing a flash drive its only 2 megs04:53
ubuserflash drive04:53
ubusermy pc, i cant put *&#% on it04:53
bullgard4Loshki: They are the latest. But as the "time" origin is not given, I cannot say what date they refer to . It is the oepration time of the hard disk.04:54
ubuserim actually going to use lubuntu, because my pc is crap04:54
ubuser768 processor, w00t04:54
markosols: cannot access test: No such file or directory04:54
bullgard4Loshki: They are the latest. But as the "time" origin is not given, I cannot say what date they refer to . It is the operation time of the hard disk.04:54
markosoi am in test04:54
col0urTimidity or Fluidsynth?04:54
LinuxNoobjust reformated my flash drive, and reput linux on there using the usb thingy tool04:54
LinuxNooblets hope it works x)x04:54
col0urLinuxNoob, :)04:55
ubuseris there a command to format the flash drive from terminal04:55
bastidrazormarkoso: what is the command you're typing?04:55
ubuserwhats the name of the tool guy04:55
col0urTimidity or Fluidsynth? Which should I install?04:55
dave9I'm having problems getting my Nvidia graphics card driver to install in 10.04. anyone know how to fix this? I've tried uninstalling and re-installing but i still can't get even "normal" settings in "visual effects"04:55
Loshkibullgard4: then if you decide to continue using the drive, I would not keep anything essential on it...04:55
markosols -hald /test04:55
Jordan_Uubuser: What utility is saying that it's only 2 megs?04:55
LinuxNoobboot error >.>04:55
bc81col0ur: prehaps ask in #ubuntustudio04:55
ubuserright click properties04:55
LinuxNooba;dkf;adkfdfadkf;dskf;dasfdsfkdsf;dsakfakd, maybe windows is better, i just cant get linux to work :(04:55
markososhould i be in test?04:55
ubuserand when i drag a .etc in the folder does not let me04:55
KM0201markoso: most likely your path is wrong.. is "/test" in your home folder?04:55
puppyhow to turn on the wireless adaptor in ubuntu 10.1004:55
col0urbc81, will do04:55
ubuseri just deleted everything off it04:55
bastidrazormarkoso: that would indicate test is located in / .. try ls -hald .04:55
markosotest is in home04:56
KM0201markoso: try    ls -hald /home/username/test04:56
bullgard4Loshki: Are you trying to frighten me? I am keeping backups. This hard drive has been working flawlessly for 4 years now.04:56
avashi1bc81 do I need to reboot the pc to see new theme04:56
markosobut i can type cd test why would it work04:56
speedhog_puppy: i couldnt get the wireless drivers working on 10.10, so i went back to 10.0404:56
bc81avashi1: most likely not, you could try logging out/in04:56
ubuserreplugged, restarted, i just want to reload my OS i dont know what progs i need dont even know a free cd burner and i need a bios booter for my flash drive and that command04:56
avashi1ok will do thanks for help bc8104:57
KM0201markoso: i guess you could cd into "test" also and do just ls -hald04:57
puppyspeedhod: oops04:57
markosook ty KM020104:57
ubuser17 hrs to reload04:57
ubuser1 blank cd no burner software04:57
puppydave9: install the driver and restart system04:57
ubuser2g flash drive but dont know how to flash it04:58
ubuserwhere is everybody...04:58
LinuxNoobdo i need to partition my hdd before i install linux, i dod formated the hdd.04:58
LinuxNoobi cant get the thing to work :(04:58
col0urHello, i just upgraded to Maverick from Hardy (im on a netbook). Before, on Hardy, if i played a game under wine with a resolution of 800x600, it would stretch to fill my entire screen. However now under Maverick it just uses a square in the middle (actual 800x600). Any way i can fix this?04:58
puppymy wireless was working with the here but I turned off during a live session.Now here I cannot turn on!04:58
dave9puppy: thanks i'll give that a try. cheers04:58
Jordan_ULinuxNoob: No, you do not need to partition the drive before installing.04:59
speedhog_puppy: well, i once had 10.04 and i updated to 10.10 and the driver kept working, but when it got accidentally uninstalled, i couldnt get it back to work04:59
puppydave9; u r welcome..........it will work04:59
bc81col0ur: i was thinking, maybe try in winecfg using a virtual desktop set to your native screen resolution04:59
LinuxNoobthen what could be the problem, why wont linux download on my system?04:59
Loshkibullgard4: hard drives get old and begin to fail. Yours is generating read errors. It is up to you whether you want to rely on a disk that has started to generate errors. Personally, I use such disks for scratch storage or unimportant data only...04:59
col0urbc81, might be worth a shot05:00
ubuserwhat is the command in terminal to reformat ur usb flash drive, its only showin its 2.3 megs when i go to properties05:00
KM0201LinuxNoob: you could just be using some weird piece of hardware thats driving it nanners05:00
fluvvellwhat is the name of the network config program in xfce? I'm trying to access it remotely (no menus)05:00
markosohow do you change pc name05:00
piper69if i have 2 different routers each is in a different subnet , router 1 is wan and router 2 gets internet thru router 1, and there is ubuntu server connected to router 2. how do i access apache2 on ubuntu server from wan05:00
bc81col0ur: also, are there any settings in HL to change resolution, or go fullscreen etc?05:00
puppyspeedhog: I used puppy 5.2 live usb and turned off and now I on from thesame live usb.But here no change in Ubuntu 10.1005:00
LinuxNooblike what?05:00
ubuserifconfig, network-admin for ubuntu05:00
col0urbc81, 800x600 only05:00
LinuxNoobi have nothing hooked up to it x_x05:01
ubuserwhat program lets u load OS from flash drive??05:01
speedhog_puppy: oh, hmm05:01
ubuserwhats a good cd burner software05:02
xanguaubuser: unetbootin is one05:02
ubuserhow do u talk to ppl like that05:02
Jordan_Uubuser: Brasero comes with Ubuntu.05:02
LinuxNoobim downloading the ultimate boot cd, hopefully that can help me out with what isnt letting me install linux X_x05:02
ubuseri got 4.1 yo05:03
speedhog_ubuser: just type <name>: <message>05:03
ubusertryin to update for 17 hrs now05:03
xanguaultimate boot cd¿05:03
ubuserhey: yea05:03
FloodBot2ubuser: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:03
xanguaubuntu 4.1¿¿ that doesn't even exist ubuser05:03
ubusermy > and left are the same05:03
ralliaswhat program do I need to install to get saslauthd?05:04
FloodBot2ont: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:04
ubuseri got a 5.1 breezy badger sent me mahn05:04
xanguaUbuntu please don't use distros that are not longer supported05:05
ubuseri did have 9.1 i remember it had like 3 burners on it05:05
ubuserTEN HELP ME BOOT05:05
piper69if i have 2 different routers each is in a different subnet , router 1 is wan and router 2 gets internet thru router 1, and there is ubuntu server connected to router 2. how do i access apache2 on ubuntu server from wan05:05
iDangerMouseIs there a possible way to connect USR Robotics 56k Dialup fax modem to Linux/Ubuntu?05:05
ubusercommand to reformat ur usb in terminal??05:05
bazhang!enter | ubuser05:06
ubottuubuser: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:06
ubuseryeah, uh huh05:07
ubuserokay what05:07
bazhangubuser, your version is not supported. upgrade to one that is.05:07
lewixmay i ask a php question in this channel -  its mail related05:07
ubuserur gayness isnt either.05:07
bazhangubuser, that is not appropriate here.05:07
bazhang!upgrade | ubuser05:08
ubottuubuser: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade05:08
bazhang!eol > ubuser05:08
ubottuubuser, please see my private message05:08
ubuserwow okay05:08
=== jacques_ is now known as Guest28934
Tempus_Fugitanyone tell me how to update the GUI on clamtk?05:09
bazhangTempus_Fugit, let me check05:09
ubuserhow are you supposed to fix ur flash drive if its only showing 2.3 megs05:09
Tempus_Fugitbazhang: ty05:10
bazhangTempus_Fugit, did you mean the signatures, or the version05:10
Tempus_Fugitbazhang: the GUI version05:10
bazhangubuser, try in ##linux or upgrade your version for support05:11
ubusercomplete opposite of support doe gettin harrassed05:11
Tempus_Fugitbazhang: the signatures and virus defs are utd05:11
ubuserwtf r u talkin about05:11
bazhangTempus_Fugit, what version of ubuntu are you on05:11
ubuseri am on ubuntu05:11
ubuserand wanting the ubuntu05:11
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bazhangubuser, watch the language. I gave you the upgrade link. should you care to be supported, please follow it05:12
ubuseri'd assure you i could do without ur support05:12
speedhog_ubuser: the link bazhang gave you, you dont need to use a cd nor your usb flash05:12
speedhog_with the link*05:12
Zedeckhey guys,05:12
Zedecki'm having trouble booting a Xen PV VPS... http://paste2.org/p/122215705:13
ubuserwell, makes more sense than spam05:13
Zedeckanyone knows how to fix this?05:13
ubuserwhats it again, whats it use05:13
Zedeckit's been because of an upgrade from a linux-image-ec2 to linux-image-virtual05:13
speedhog_ubuser: scroll up to the link bazhang gave you, that page explains you how to upgrade05:14
Lichte_I installed pptp on ubuntu server 10.04 and I'm able to connect both internally and externally, but I can only access windows shares on the internal network; I'm not able to get anything once logged into the VPN from home.....any ideas ??05:15
markosowhats a good firewall?05:15
xangua!firewall | markoso05:15
ubottumarkoso: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.05:15
Lichte_oh, and I have samba installed on the server too05:16
Ugonsnew problem- I'm trying to talk to my friend on skype. what drivers do I need?05:16
markosoty xangua05:16
=== Lichte_ is now known as Lichte
DatzHi, how can I set the default editor? When I try05:17
Datzsudo update-alternatives --config editor  and run crontab -e I don't get my new choice of editor05:17
Jordan_UDatz: Is $EDITOR set?05:18
Datzwhere do I check?05:19
=== johnny is now known as Guest62193
sacarlsonUgons: as long as your sound works skype should plug and play,  it has built in test to verify it's working,05:19
Jordan_UDatz: echo $EDITOR05:19
Ugonswell I can hear him, he can't hear me05:19
DatzJordan_U: doesn't look like it. there is no output05:20
topiDatz: start another shell and try05:20
KM0201Ugons: sometimes internal mics just need some tweaking....05:20
topieh, to run crontab -e that is :)05:20
eossHello, I'm trying to update my drivers for my wireless card using this and the links seem to be outdated05:20
Tempus_FugitAnyone know how to upgrade the GUI on clamtk??05:20
Datztopi: nothing05:20
eossi have ipw2200 chipset05:20
Datzsomething like set $EDITOR=editor?05:21
Ugonswhere exactly go to change that?05:21
junioureoss which version of ubntu u are using05:22
DatzI remember a command like that, althogh all I can find now is the previous command I posted...05:22
yski have 17 gb file system and i want to mix with y ubuntu partition05:22
eossjuniour: 10.1005:22
yskhow to do it05:22
Jordan_UDatz: What is the output of "readlink -f /usr/bin/editor"?05:22
bazhangeoss, #aircrack-ng05:23
junioureoss try this system->addministration->hardware drivers05:23
DatzJordan_U: /usr/bin/emacs23-x05:23
junioureoss activate all the drivers in the list05:23
Jordan_UDatz: Is that what you want?05:23
DatzJordan_U: yes05:23
bazhangjuniour, the drivers are in the kernel, he wants to do packet injection eoss #aircrack-ng05:23
sacarlsontry skype>options>sound devices>make a test call,  if that fails try another Mircophone device if available and try again,  if that fails maybe you sound card drivers?05:23
hemispheremay I know if usb devices are mounted as read-only by default since the latest updates or is it already mounted as read-only since long time ago ?05:24
puppybazhang: could u tell me how to turn on wireless adaptor in ubuntu05:24
ubuseris there a way to clear your usb flash drive in terminal?? its showing me its only 2 megs??05:24
bazhangpuppy, which device05:25
DatzJordan_U: I ran export EDITOR=/usr/bin/emacs23 and it seemed to do the trick05:25
sudormrfYo.. does anyone know if it is possible to re-install the gnome network manager from a live-cd?05:25
=== Roxxy is now known as pixie__
oliver_Hi does anyone know how to connect the samba share on windows 7 as the host os and ubuntu as the guest?05:25
hemisphereubuser, what do you mean by clear your usb flash drive ?05:25
Jordan_Uubuser: Have you seen my comments asking you to tell me what utility is claiming that the drive is only 2 meg?05:25
junioureoss you got anything there05:25
DatzJordan_U: I'd like to start it without x for crontab, could I do somethign like export EDITOR=/usr/bin/emacs -nw   ?05:25
* Datz tries05:25
puppycompaq presario CQ60....it was working but I turned off during a live session with Puppy 5.2.And I used the same to turn it on but not working in ubuntu05:26
bazhangjuniour, no its in the kernel05:26
* Datz finds that it doesn't work05:26
LichteI installed pptp on ubuntu server 10.04 and I'm able to connect both internally and externally, but I can only access windows shares on the internal network; I'm not able to get anything once logged into the VPN from home.....any ideas ??05:26
bazhangjuniour, he should be in #aircrack-ng not here05:26
eossjuniour: I dont see drivers in admin i see "additional drivers"05:26
[thor]puppy: sudo ifconfig wan0 inet up ; sudo dhclient05:26
eossjuniour: now it says "searching for available drivers"05:26
puppybazhang:compaq presario CQ60....it was working but I turned off during a live session with Puppy 5.2.And I used the same to turn it on but not working in ubuntu05:26
puppythor: in terminal?05:26
junioureoss good go for that05:27
yskcan some body plz answer my question? i was to resize my ubuntu partition like i have one 17 gb file system free and i want to mix it up with my current ubuntu partition05:27
bazhangpuppy, lspci  ---> paste.ubuntu.com05:27
dshbusinessHello. Could anyone introduce a software to me which can merge several pdf files into one file? Thanks!05:27
Zedecknobody had a previous experience with Xen PV here? :(05:27
Jordan_UDatz: EDITOR="/usr/bin/emacs -nw"05:27
eossjuniour: it came up withonly a graphics card update05:27
Us3r_Unfriendlyhiya room05:27
junioureoss update it05:27
sacarlsonUgons: oh and also sometimes the mic has a boast mode that can be seen in sound preferences>input,  see try skype>options>sound devices>make a test call,  if that fails try another Mircophone device if available and try again,  if that fails maybe you sound card drivers?05:27
bazhangdshbusiness, pdfedit? apt-cache search pdf and take a look05:27
sudormrfYo.. does anyone know if it is possible to re-install the gnome network manager from a live-cd?05:28
UgonsI got it working, KM helped me out05:28
yskanswer mine too05:28
Us3r_Unfriendlysudormrf: I believe with chroot05:28
oliver_Hi, does anyone know how to file share with samba on windows 7 as the host os and ubuntu as the guest?05:28
Us3r_Unfriendlycorrect me if i'm wrong room05:28
bazhangysk what is your issue05:28
[thor]ysk: gparted05:28
yski have gparted05:28
ubusersimple ubuntu commands available with alt+f405:28
sudormrfUs3r_Unfriendly: Can you elaborate?05:28
junioureoss it  updating05:29
yski hav one 17 gb file system and i want to mix it with my curent ubuntu partition to make extra space for ubuntu file system05:29
bazhangjuniour, are you listening?05:29
eossjuniour: no i thought it wasnt updated but it saying it was actually05:29
[thor]!vote2ban ubuser05:29
bazhangjuniour, there are no drivers for that card in additional drivers05:29
juniourbazhang k05:29
bazhang[thor], please dont05:29
KM0201[thor]: really... come on.. this isn't a democracy05:29
sacarlsonoliver_: I've seen people having problems with windows 7 file shareing even with windows XP,  hope you have better luck than them05:29
Us3r_Unfriendlysudormrf: i'm guessing but if you were in a live environment and you open a terminal, mounted your drive, and chroot into it...I believe you could install it05:29
ubuserlike it wouldnt make my trip faster05:30
bazhangeoss, #aircrack-ng for packet injection , not here05:30
eossok thanks05:30
dshbusinessbazhang: I have tried that. But pdfeditor seems to be a little complex.05:30
oliver_Yes I got it working great on xp that's what I use.  But, my friend has windows 7 and it was completely different.05:30
ubusermake sure you dont delete the rong files tho05:31
=== blaize0 is now known as blaizer
bazhangdshbusiness, what other ones have you seen and tried from apt-cache search pdf05:31
=== blaizer is now known as blaize
Us3r_Unfriendlywindows might be okay in my book if I could use a terminal all the time05:31
dshbusinessbazhang: OK, I'll try it right now. Thanks05:31
Us3r_Unfriendly...not command prompt05:31
junioureoss wt the actuall problem you are facing05:31
oliver_Is there a video or website that anyone could recommend that might explain it?05:31
ubusermanual didnt help either05:31
ubuser-p or -g05:32
bazhangoliver_, explain what05:32
eossjuniour: its ok i figure it out thank you very much05:32
yskmy question05:32
bazhangjuniour, I told you. there are drivers for his card05:32
yskcan anyone guide me throu it05:32
bazhangjuniour, in the kernel05:32
puppybazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/560827/05:33
oliver_bazhang the samba file share with windows 7 host os and ubuntu guest os.05:33
bazhangpuppy, thats not the output from lspci05:33
oliver_Using virtualbox I should add.05:33
KM0201bazhang: lmao05:33
KM0201thats just funny05:34
puppybazhang: ok I will give it now05:34
FlynsarmyI installed the mail server with tasksel. I need to add a mail alias to forward to an email address on a diff domain (gmail account). I added it in /etc/aliases then did a sudo newaliases (no errors). Doesn't work though - get a delivery failed email. What am i doing wrong?05:34
bullgard4Jordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/56082805:34
sacarlsonoliver_: oh maybe ssh file share would be easier,  would that be an option?05:34
x_found sensors using sensors-detect, but not seeing my core i3 cpu temp.. bios shows it though.05:34
oliver_sacarlson what is ssh file share?05:34
juniourhey why cant i see the folder in windows 7 which i made in ubuntu 10.0405:35
sacarlsonoliver_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SSHFS05:35
ubusersome support.05:35
bazhangjuniour, what filesystem on your ubuntu install05:35
=== blaize0 is now known as blaize
bazhangjuniour, how are you sharing the file btw05:36
juniourbazhang i have installed hrough wubi05:36
ubuserwhen i use fdisk it is saying i dont have permissions to write how to fix?05:36
remanifestHow can I get to the grub> setup menu in 10.10?05:36
ubuseri used sudo..05:36
Jordan_Uremanifest: What is your end goal?05:36
remanifestJordan_U: To setup grub manually05:36
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuser: sudo fdisk -l ...doesn't work for you?05:36
sacarlsonubuser: you might be trying to partition a disk you are booted from or have mounted?05:36
Jordan_Uremanifest: Why do you want to do it "manually"?05:37
remanifestJordan_U: I simply want to be able to access that setup, please... do you know how?05:37
sorandomnameyou can use gparted to configure partitions05:37
juniourbazhang i see the window7 folder and file there but vice-versa it not happened any ans05:37
remanifestJordan_U: Because it's failed to work properly on its own05:37
ubuser-l didnt display anything05:37
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuser: you might have to add yourself to either the admin group or the sudo group05:37
oliver_Ok thank you I will look into it.05:37
col0urbc81, 800x600 only05:37
col0urHello, i just upgraded to Maverick from Hardy (im on a netbook). Before, on Hardy, if i played a game under wine with a resolution of 800x600, it would stretch to fill my entire screen. However now under Maverick it just uses a square in the middle (actual 800x600). Any way i can fix this?05:37
ubuseroh okay thanks05:37
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuser: ...to use sudo if it isn't working for you right now05:37
ubuserdidnt know you had to unmount it05:37
ubuserthatll work?05:37
sorandomnameyou go into disk manager05:37
sorandomnameand then unmount the partitions05:38
Jordan_Uremanifest: What have you tried and how does it fail?05:38
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuser: sudo mount -l will list all the mounted partitions05:38
ubuserwhere does my flash drive go if it isnt mounted?05:38
puppybazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/560831/05:38
parohwhen will be the next update of  ubuntu will be available with libreoffice?05:38
sorandomnameSystem > Administration > Disk Utility05:38
bastidrazorCurrent status: 217 new [+24]   on an sudo apt-get upgrade No packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed.   10.0405:38
remanifestJordan_U: Seriously dude, can you please tell me how the syntax has changed from 0.x to 1.x?05:38
juniourhey any ans f my ques05:38
bazhangpuppy, thats still not lspci05:38
sorandomnameyou have to do sudo apt-get update first05:38
BlueBomber7Is there a way to enter *EXACT* partition size in bytes in the disk utility?05:38
bazhangjuniour, please be patient05:38
sorandomnameI think05:39
juniourbazhang k05:39
sorandomnameyou can try05:39
sorandomnameand see05:39
BlueBomber7sorandomname: I have a slider.05:39
FloodBot2sorandomname: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:39
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuser: it's there, just not mounted.  i personally like using "sudo tree -ash /dev/disk/" to get more info on my partitions05:39
sacarlsonubuser: you mount partitions not disks,  your usb should remain as something like /dev/sdX05:39
Jordan_Uremanifest: You use grub-setup instead if you want to do it "manually", but doing it "manually" doesn't make much sense.05:39
BlueBomber7I need to create a partition sized precisely to add to a multidisk array.05:39
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuser: you'll probably won't have the command "tree" but using "ls" with some arguments will do the same05:39
sorandomnameusually, partitions are mounted into the directory "/media"05:40
puppybazhang: I typed the first line only at first but says " SIOCSIFFLAGS: Operation no tpossible due to RF-kill". Then I typed  both commands at a time and the result I gave u.05:40
ubusersaying i dont have tree -.-05:40
juniourbazhang in ubuntu i have right clicked on forder and clicked on sharing it says me to install sambha i have installed it bunt when i switch ti windows i cant find the folder you have idea of that shared folder path05:41
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuser: sudo ls -Ralh /dev/disk/05:41
bazhangpuppy, type the command lspci in the terminal  paste.ubuntu.com with that05:41
FlynsarmyI installed the mail server with tasksel. I need to add a mail alias to forward to an email address on a diff domain (gmail account). I added it in /etc/aliases then did a sudo newaliases (no errors). Doesn't work though - get a delivery failed email. What am i doing wrong?05:41
juniour in ubuntu i have right clicked on forder and clicked  on sharing it says me to install sambha i have installed it  bunt when i switch ti windows i cant find the folder you have  idea of that shared folder pat05:41
=== Kasjopaja23 is now known as Kasjopaja
Jordan_Ubullgard4: Looks like a hardware error. You might be able to work around it by using ddrescue to read and re-write the problem blocks. What do you plan to do with the drive?05:42
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest59869
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuser: this shows uuid, by-path, by-label etc.05:42
sacarlsonubuser: I'm clueless what your talking about,  did you fertalize it?05:42
* ExplodingPiglets is now known as Jordan_U 05:42
ubuserwhats it do again?? lol05:42
Jordan_U!ot | ExplodingPiglets05:43
ubottuExplodingPiglets: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:43
juniourhow to share the files or folder of ubuntu for windows05:43
ExplodingPigletslol sorry05:43
ubuserno umm, i got lubuntu 10.10 i want to put it on my flash drive but it was only sayin it was 2 megs i cant find it yet..05:43
puppybazhang: Now I got it. http://paste.ubuntu.com/560832/05:43
sorandomname@junior: I usually use openssh on ubuntu, and on windows, I use filezilla. Not the best, but it works05:43
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuser: show's info on partitions that are connected to your machine.  it's just listing info from the /dev/disk directory05:44
ubuseri dont have a disk\05:44
BlueBomber7Will someone confirm that the disk utility does not let one enter an exact byte size for partitioning?05:44
sorandomnamehave you tried using gparted?05:44
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuser: also...   sudo lshw    ...will show you too.   Also "sudo lsusb" will help05:44
ubusergparted thats the name of it :D05:44
Torrcan I have ubuntu live cd on a usb flash disk?05:45
Us3r_Unfriendlyi love gparted05:45
Us3r_UnfriendlyTorr: yes05:45
bazhangAR5001 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01) puppy05:45
KM0201Torr: google "Unetbootin"05:45
sorandomname@torr: yes05:45
Us3r_UnfriendlyTorr: check out unetbootin05:45
bazhang!atheros > puppy05:45
ubottupuppy, please see my private message05:45
sorandomname@Torr: You can use Lilo. It allows for persistence05:45
KirkMcDonaldI am on 10.10 and mediainfo doesn't seem to be in apt.05:45
KM0201bazhang: that device should work flawlessly w/ Ubuntu (i've got it on 2 laptops05:45
bullgard4Jordan_U: This hard disk is the only hard disk in my Maverick laptop computer. I was going to prepare a lecture about Banshee when my /home partiton showed an overflow. I plan to use this computer furtheron as it did in the past flawlessly. My intention is to provide more storage capacity to the home partition /dev/sda7.05:45
Torrsorandomname: persistence? you mean changes are saved?05:45
BlueBomber7sorandomname: Would you confirm that the disk utility does not let you enter an exact byte-sized (:-) partition?05:46
puppybazhang; how to get in private messages05:46
sorandomname@Torr: yes05:46
ubuserfirst one just said driver stuff no name...05:46
juniourhey can any one help me out05:46
masjokohi, alll05:46
Us3r_Unfriendlysorandomname: i haven't used lilo.  isn't it a boot loader?  or am i confusing it with a bootloader that starts with a "L"05:46
bazhangKM0201, it should indeed, looks like he has the hardware switch set to off05:46
TorrI want to buy a netbook how can I know that it is compatible with ubuntu?05:46
bullgard4Jordan_U: I did not use the command ddrescue yet. I need to read about it.05:46
ubuseram i looking for a folder or a file??05:46
bazhang!who | ubuser05:46
ubottuubuser: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)05:46
sorandomname@Us3r: It is a bootloader, but i think it is lili, or lilo05:46
KM0201bazhang: thats the only thing that makes sense, it's worked "out of the box"... pretty much flawlessly, since 9.04 or 9.1005:46
masjokohow to install perl/tk in ubuntu 10.10??05:47
[thor]Torr: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks05:47
masjokohow to install perl/tk in ubuntu 10.10??05:47
bazhangubuser, put the nickname of the person you are speaking to first , before your message otherwise it will be lost05:47
sorandomname@Us3r_Unfriendly: It is lili, not lilo05:47
bazhangKM0201, agreed05:47
Jordan_Ubullgard4: I know you've been told this already, but I wouldn't personally trust the drive any more.05:47
ubuseri mean gah05:47
ubuserHEY EVERY BODY, gah05:47
juniour masjoko perl comes preinstalled in ubuntu05:47
masjoko[thor], how to install perl/tk in ubuntu 10.10??05:47
bazhangubuser, stop that05:48
puppybazhang: I did not get anything05:48
Us3r_Unfriendlysorandomname: you wrote lilo05:48
sorandomnameMy mistake. It is lili usb creator05:48
bullgard4Jordan_U: Oh! Thank you for your warning.05:48
juniourhey help please05:48
Jordan_Ubullgard4: You're welcome.05:48
ubuserso if you unmount a flash drive, its usually in the folder dev/disk?05:48
Us3r_UnfriendlyTorr: unetbootin works great, except for making bootable windows flashdrive.  For that I use something else05:48
bullgard4Jordan_U: Thank you for your help.05:49
Torrso for testing a netbook  I need to take Ubuntu Netbook Remix and not just ubuntu live cd?05:49
Jordan_Ubullgard4: You're welcome.05:49
puppybazhang: I read the messages and going there to see.Thanks05:49
xanguaTorr: use what you like more05:49
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuser: not exactly.05:49
=== ExplodingPiglets is now known as DealingWithFools
bazhangsorandomname, unetbootin and usb-creator are generally what we recommend in here for making a usb flash key bootable for iso05:49
Torrxangua: both will work? Touchscreen too?05:49
sorandomname@bazhang: I use a wubi installation and usb-creator myself.05:49
Jordan_UTorr: The hardware support is identical, it's just the UI that is different between Ubuntu Desktop and Ubuntu Netbook Remix.05:49
ubuseri assume it isnt the same name as when it was mounted either?05:50
=== DealingWithFools is now known as _______________
[thor]Torr: netbook remix has the Unity interface, the desktop version still uses gnomepanel05:50
Us3r_Unfriendlybazhang: i've had issues with usb-creator05:50
sorandomname@ubuser: You can specify size in MB in gparted05:50
bazhangUs3r_Unfriendly, same which is why I use unetbootin05:50
BlueBomber7Where can I submit a bug/feature suggestion for the palimpsest disk utility?05:50
KM0201Jordan_U: well, i'd say the main difference is, Gnome doesn't suck, and UNR does.. :)05:50
BlueBomber7I can email the author personally as a fallback ;)05:50
Us3r_Unfriendlybazhang: i mean it looks like it works but when actually trying, sometimes it's not 100% for me05:50
bazhangsorandomname, not used wubi, so not really familiar from a first person perspective ie samba, file-sharing etc05:51
bazhangBlueBomber7, brainstorm05:51
ubottuPost your ideas for Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!05:51
Us3r_Unfriendlywubi is too scary for me05:51
Jordan_U_______________: Please stop changing your nick, it just adds noise in the channel.05:51
sorandomname@bazhang: Wubi allows you to install ubuntu on a hard disk with windows, without repartitioning05:51
ubuserI need to put 10.10 lubuntu on a flash drive but its saying its full how can i find where my flash drive is after its unmounted?05:51
KM0201Us3r_Unfriendly: gee, if i could count the ways why i think that is just a mess05:52
_______________Sorry, I had to change to my other account to see which names I had grouped because I forgot how many _ this one had in it.05:52
KM0201_______________: wwell thats an annoying nick, why don't you try a normal one05:52
Jordan_U_______________: If you need to do experimenting with nicks in the future please part #ubuntu first.05:52
Us3r_Unfriendlysorandomname: when i began my wonderful trip on ubuntu i first used wubi.  My girlfriend downloaded a virus by accident on windows...and then i couldn't boot into ubuntu.  after that i just partition my drives...never wubi anymore05:53
puppyubuser: try to format the drive before installation. And u can see the disk in My computer after unmounted05:53
_______________ok, but if we are going to discuss this further, we should move it to #ubuntu-offtopic05:53
[thor]KM0201: i am amusing myself by treating the nick as a mad-lib.05:53
=== charles is now known as Guest86380
col0urHello, i just upgraded to Maverick from Hardy (im on a netbook). Before, on Hardy, if i played a game under wine with a resolution of 800x600, it would stretch to fill my entire screen. However now under Maverick it just uses a square in the middle (actual 800x600). Any way i can fix this?05:53
ubuserim sick confused05:53
sorandomname@ubuser: You can also look in the sidebar in nautilus05:54
KM0201col0ur: you upgraded direct from Hardy to Maverick?05:54
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuser: what's the confusion about?05:54
sorandomname@ubuser: "sudo apt-get install firefox"05:54
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuser: what is the goal your trying to achieve?05:54
col0urKM0201, I wiped my machine completely05:54
KM0201oh ok.05:54
[thor]Us3r_Unfriendly: trolling.05:54
ubuserto install 10.10 on my flash drive05:54
Us3r_Unfriendly[thor]: trolling?05:55
ubuseri got 9.10 isos on 2 cds, now im out of cds. and my flash drive is only showing 2 megs, i cant use the fdisk command without the location of the flash drive and it wont let me do it mounted05:55
sorandomname@ubuser: I installed 10.10 on my flash drive a few minutes ago using usb-creator. I partition my flash drive using disk utility, and install ubuntu on the second partition. With the first for data, as Windoze can only see the first partition on a drive.05:55
g_o_oubuser, have you tried reformatting the flash drive?05:55
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuser: well first on the machine you downloaded the ubuntu iso...is it windows or ubuntu?05:55
ubuseri NEED to reformat it05:56
xanguaand why not install from cd ubuser ¿05:56
ubuserno more cds05:56
ubuserused them and the 9.10 isos wont work, but did on my grandmas..?05:56
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuser: your' going to backup your flashdrive and reformat it to make a clean usb device that way you can begin05:56
sorandomname@ubuser: You can use lili on windows, and disk-creator for linux. As for mac, nobody seems to care about that.05:56
ubuserim on ubuntu right now i tried the fdisk command05:56
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuser: gparted is great, 100% for doing this type of task05:57
sorandomname@ubuser: You can use gparted. It specifies size in MB05:57
ubuseri dont have any files on it... i need to clear my flash to put the iso on it05:57
ubuseri got the unetbootin to install from flash05:57
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuser: that's exactly the point.  use gparted to reformat the usb device05:57
sorandomname@ubuser: You can also repartition it too.05:58
ubuseroh okay05:58
rshu can format in cmdline05:58
DatzHi, I have several audio outputs on my motherboard. The motherboard came with a app/driver for windows where I could control each port. I find I cannot with ubuntu's default tools/driver. Is there something else I could try?05:58
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuser: but first you need to know where it's name, example:  /dev/sdf1 etc.05:58
ubuserthats all ive needed :(05:58
ubuserim in dev05:59
Us3r_Unfriendlysudo ls -Ralh /dev/disk05:59
ubuserwould it be a folder?05:59
sorandomname@ubuser: Go in gparted, and go to the right side, and find your device05:59
ubuserthere is no disk file or folder05:59
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuser: sudo lsusb  !!05:59
ajwillhi all, I have a quick question, I'm running ubuntu 10.10 maverik, and I need to know how to run a command just before the login screen every time I boot up... I remember someone pointing me to a file containing commands that run at that time but I forget it :( help?06:00
sorandomname@cheesecarrot: That is only in DOS!06:00
Us3r_Unfriendlyajwill: like daemons?06:00
cheesecarrotLOL yea i'm fucking with ya06:00
gpc!language | cheesecarrot06:00
ubottucheesecarrot: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.06:00
Us3r_Unfriendlyajwill: ls -a /etc/rc*06:00
ajwillUs3r_Unfriendly: yeah kinda, except I just want to run a command every time I boot up06:01
sorandomnameajwill: /etc/rc.local06:01
Us3r_Unfriendlyajwill: is that what your talking about or are you talking about making a shell script?06:01
ubusersudo lsusb !! Bus 001 Device 002 ID 08ec:0008 M-Systems Flash Disk Pioneers06:01
ajwillUs3r_Unfriendly, that's what I was talking about :)06:01
ajwillsorandomname, thanks!06:02
Wharicsup people06:02
Us3r_Unfriendlyajwill: system>preferences>startupaplications06:02
Wharicwhat's fun to do in this server?06:02
sorandomname@ajwill: I used that to fix my volume buttons on my thinkpad. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=132801606:02
Torris there a torrent for ubuntu 32-bit latest?06:02
Whariccheck piratebay06:02
xanguaTorr: ubuntu.com06:02
ajwillsorandomname, ahh, thanks :) I'll have to remember this time ;)06:02
Torrxangua: I don't see torrent there06:02
Us3r_Unfriendlyajwill: this will work if your using gnome06:02
ajwillUs3r_Unfriendly, sorandomname gave me what I was looking for, thanks though :)06:02
sorandomname@torr: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=132801606:03
bazhangWharic, stay on topic please06:03
Us3r_UnfriendlyWharic: piratebay has a java virus that effect linux users, i'd stay far, far away from there06:03
ubusergparted has a gui?06:03
sorandomnamesry. wrong link. here is the correcy one: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download06:03
xanguaubuser: yes06:03
Torrsorandomname: what?06:03
Us3r_UnfriendlyTorr: stay away from piratebay06:03
raviepic3people i want to make a screencast, i want the output to be in a format which i can play in my website easily (flv ?), i want to edit the video as well06:03
raviepic3what do you prescribe ?06:03
sorandomname@torr: here is the link: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download06:03
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuser: gparted is a gui for partitioning your drives06:04
raviepic3i googled and found xvideo, cinerella and few others but didnt know which one is real good06:04
raviepic3please suggest06:04
_vaibhav_how to unshare files or folder synced with ubuntu one??06:04
ubuserhopefully thatll work, lsusb didnt06:04
Torrsorandomname: thanks06:04
Us3r_Unfriendlythanks sorandomname for giving him a good trusted link06:04
bazhang_vaibhav_, try #ubuntuone06:04
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuser: what are you using as a distro right now?06:04
_vaibhav_bazhang: thanks..06:05
bazhang_vaibhav_, welcome06:05
sorandomname@torr: I don't recommend bittorrent though, as my md5sums never matched when downloading with it. I use a direct download instead.06:05
ubuserhow do u get a list of rooms?06:05
ubuser5.1 :(06:05
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuser: if your using ubuntu you should have a /dev/disk directory and have the command lsusb06:05
ubuseri dont.06:05
KM0201sorandomname: i always use the torrents, and have yet to have a problem06:05
Torrhow much space does wubi install take?06:05
ubuseri got a folder that has a blue arrow on it and says fd and some others no disk folder tho06:06
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuser: ubuntu 5.10??06:06
KM0201Torr: don't mess w/ wubi.. you're just begging for a disaster06:06
fanderalraviepic3: guvcview06:06
sorandomname@torr: it depends on how much you give it.06:06
col0urHello, i just upgraded to Maverick from Hardy (im on a netbook). Before, on Hardy, if i played a game under wine with a resolution of 800x600, it would stretch to fill my entire screen. However now under Maverick it just uses a square in the middle (actual 800x600). Any way i can fix this?06:06
ubuserim tryna get off it06:06
ubuser20 hrs straight06:06
ubuserhavent slept06:06
buckyraviepic3, cinerella is probably the closest to professional06:06
Us3r_Unfriendlyi'm not sure if you'll have much luck with repos06:06
raviepic3bucky, oh06:06
sorandomname@col0ur: what version of wine do you use?06:06
ubuserjust one simple command its sad06:06
raviepic3bucky, guvcview ?06:06
col0ursorandomname, i've tested with the unstable 1.3 and the stable 1.206:07
KM0201dillon: you make the best reloading equipment in the world, you're my heroes.  ;)06:07
col0urboth have the same issue06:07
raviepic3bucky, but the links that they have given to download or commands they have given to install aint working06:07
fromanoI just installed ubuntu on an old laptop. In the liveCD, the touchpad worked fine but now, after the install, I can't get the touchpad or a PS2 mouse to work. Can someone help me out?06:07
KM0201dillon: are you a blue fan?06:07
sorandomname@col0ur: I don't have problems playing pinball under wine at 640x480 on a display that is 1600x1200 in full screen.06:07
raviepic3bucky, i mean cinerella06:07
ubusergetting my sources.list update was fun06:07
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuser: there's a guy on youtube called gotbletu, he made a video on how to use repos from other versions of ubuntu.  otherwise you'll probably have to use firefox to download your programs in order to create your live usb06:07
ubuserim downloading gparted now06:07
dillonKM0201: actually, when my parents named me, my dad wanted to name me that spelled this way because of that :P06:08
col0ursorandomname, im not sure if its a wine error as much as an error on the OS's part06:08
KM0201dillon: is that right?... wise dad you have there... :)06:08
buckyraviepic3, a ppa would be best and then if you didn't like it you could apt-get remove cinerella06:08
CajunTechieHey everyone, quick question: friend of mine has a tv station and wants to broadcast their news to mobile phones. Any Linux tools to help with that?06:08
dillonKM0201: lol :)06:08
raviepic3bucky, ppa ?06:08
buckyraviepic3, here's the one for maverick https://launchpad.net/~cinelerra-ppa/+archive/ppa06:10
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Us3r_Unfriendlynow ubuntu 5.10 doesn't have /dev/disk/ directory?  i'm going to have to do some research06:10
ubuseri accidently found a script that was going to download the flashplugin and updated firefox06:11
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuser: do you have a software sources in there?06:11
ubuserbut the link was old and it deleted my firefox... so im stuck with epiphany otherwise i would proabably keep 5.106:12
ubuseryes i do, im download gedit now06:12
sorandomname@ubuser: you can download ubuntu 10.10: http://www.ubuntu.com/get-ubuntu/download06:12
ubuseri mean gparted06:12
ubuseri got the iso06:12
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuser: you probably have atleast vi or nano on there06:12
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuser: no need to download gedit06:12
gpcubuser: stop experimenting, downloading random scripts and Start following instructions given to you by people who have been trying really hard to figure out what it is you want to do.06:13
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuser: but i could be wrong...i don't know ubuntu 5.10.  it's like a whole different world from where 10.10 is right now06:13
gpcubuser: for the past hour I have been watching you go around in circles and you haven't actually done anything suggested.06:14
col0urHello, i just upgraded to Maverick from Hardy (im on a netbook). Before, on Hardy, if i played a game under wine with a resolution of 800x600, it would stretch to fill my entire screen. However now under Maverick it just uses a square in the middle (actual 800x600). Any way i can fix this?06:14
ubuseri meant gparted, to fix my flash to put the 10.10 iso on it06:14
ubuserive done it all man06:14
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ubuserlsusb, fdisk, cfdisk, others and itried reinstalling fire fox with a 1,000 repos\06:14
TeggehGot it working. Seems the USB was the issue.06:15
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuser want's to make a bootable ubuntu flashdrive but his machine is ubuntu 5.10 which has no access to our repos06:15
TeggehBurnt to CD. No issues since.06:15
meltingwackshow much of ubuntu is written in lisp06:15
ubuseri got repos man06:15
gpcUs3r_Unfriendly: 5.10 has been dead for ~3 years now06:15
col0urubuser, there's a neat program from pendrivelinux.com which makes a bootable install USB from an ISO06:15
voglsterwierd dns question via vpn in ubuntu...06:15
col0urbut it's only for windows06:15
col0urtbh atm you're out of luck06:16
sorandomname@c0lour: it is called lili06:16
col0urafai can see06:16
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuser: your only going to need "Gparted", "unetbootin", the ubuntu 10.10 iso and the flashdrive06:16
Us3r_Unfriendlythat's all06:16
fromanoI'm sorry. I just asked this but I was having a couple problems so I missed it if anyone ansered my question: I just installed Ubuntu on an old laptop and in the liveCD, the touchpad worked fine. After the install, however, neither the touchpad nor a PS2 mouse will work. Could someone help me out?06:16
KM0201col0ur: unetbootin ?  google it, its easy to use.. but it has a linux version as well.06:16
ubuserdamn forgot unet06:16
voglsteri resolv.conf has my dns server... nslookup hostname.domain.com works.. but ping hostname.domain.com does not.. any ideas?06:16
col0urKM0201, i'm just telling him what i tried06:16
kaushalplease guide me about https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2011-February/239382.html06:16
KM0201col0ur: oh ok06:16
sorandomname@fromano: Did you install anything after you installed ubuntu?06:16
Us3r_Unfriendlyunetbootin is one of the important parts06:16
col0ur^ that is what i used06:17
col0urit worked very nicely06:17
KM0201kaushal: what are you trying to force install?...06:17
ubuseri really hope lubuntu runs better i'll still visit with you guys lawl06:17
jayd3eanyone know how to download samba3 through apt-get instead of samba4?  b/c every time I do a sudo apt-get install samba, it installs 406:17
fromano@sorandomname: well, I had to install irssi to get on this channel and I also did updates. Maybe it also should be noted that I installed from a 10.04 CD.06:17
Us3r_Unfriendlyjayd3e: sudo apt-cache search samba | grep -i samba306:18
sorandomname@fromano: Try 10.10 I had issues with video in 10.04.06:18
voglsteri have a dns question via vpn in ubuntu... after i connect resolv.conf has my dns server on my vpn... nslookup hostname.domain.com works.. but ping hostname.domain.com does not.. anyone have any ideas why this might be the case?06:18
gogo_xin chun ge06:18
Us3r_Unfriendlyjayd3e: see if it's there, i think i heard it isn't06:18
ubuserThe kernel is unable to read the partition tables on the following devices dev/mapper/Ubuntu-root06:18
gogo_chunge chun ye men06:18
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fromanosorandomname: okay, I might do that. Does anyone else have any ideas before I try that. I have a pretty slow internet connection so it's not that desirable an option.06:19
jayd3eUs3r_Unfriendly: ill check, why wouldn't it be?  The devs say on the wiki that samba4 shouldn't be used on a production server yet.  So I'm trying to use 3 and I can't? lol06:19
kaushalKM0201: asterisk06:19
ubuseri always get screwed06:19
[Adam|Miner]My installer keeps crashing, any tips for making it work? Core i5 Sandybridge, USB -> SSD06:19
KM0201kaushal: so just sudo apt-get install asterisk06:19
sorandomname@fromano: 10.04 had issues for me, and I used 9.10 for a year until 10.10. ;) However, I was able to get the perfect 10 of ubuntu06:20
ralliashow do I route all my outgoing mails through Sendmail through a different email server?06:20
bazhang[Adam|Miner], tried the alternate installer yet?06:20
Us3r_Unfriendlyjayd3e: i have no idea, that's what i heard someone talking about here.  they could be wrong06:20
[Adam|Miner]It seems to fail around the point where it starts copying files06:21
[Adam|Miner]bazhang: How?06:21
jayd3eUs3r_Unfriendly: yah it isn't there06:21
bazhang!alternate | [Adam|Miner]06:21
ubottu[Adam|Miner]: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal06:21
Us3r_Unfriendlyjayd3e: yeah i don't see it either06:21
Us3r_Unfriendlyjayd3e: you might have to see their website06:21
jayd3eUs3r_Unfriendly: sooooo, any suggestions on how to install samba3?06:21
[Adam|Miner]So I have to install it through a cli06:21
bazhang[Adam|Miner], no, a text-based interface06:22
fromanosorandomname: I suppose I'll try it and see what happens.06:22
raviepic3bucky, i use ubuntu 10.04 64 bit version06:22
[Adam|Miner]does it ship on the live disk or do I have to download something else?06:22
rallias[Adam|Miner] It isn't that painful. Its just your gui installer with less colors.06:22
sorandomname@Adam Miner: You have do download it06:23
ralliasYou have to download something else06:23
Us3r_Unfriendlyjayd3e: http://www.samba.org/06:23
jayd3eUs3r_Unfriendly: hmmm Im thinking maybe I need to do an apt-get install samba, I may have been doing apt-get install samba406:23
[Adam|Miner]Alright, the network is restricted atm, so I'll have to try more tommorrow06:23
rallias@Adam Miner: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download06:23
Us3r_Unfriendlysudo apt-cache show samba     says it's "samba 2:3.5.4~dfsg-1ubuntu8.2"06:24
jayd3eUs3r_Unfriendly: would that solve my problem?06:24
[Adam|Miner]Funny how I have installed fine on my other 4 machines, but this one threw a huge fuss06:24
raviepic3how do i find mine is meverick or something else ?06:24
jayd3eUs3r_Unfriendly: o ic06:24
raviepic3i use 10.04 64 bit version06:24
Us3r_Unfriendlyraviepic3: what's the question again?06:24
DatzHi, I have several audio outputs on my motherboard. The motherboard came with a app/driver for windows where I could control each port. I find I cannot with ubuntu's default tools/driver. Is there something else I could try?06:24
KM0201raviepic3: lsb_release -a   in a terminal will tell you what version you use06:24
KM0201raviepic3: uname -a    will tell you whether its 64 or 32 bit06:24
ralliasAdam: Trust me, happens all the time. Its just that people try to help the people with breaking installs and ignore us who need help setting up email servers.06:25
Us3r_Unfriendlyraviepic3: also "cat /etc/issue" will help too06:25
raviepic3whoa i have maverick06:25
goddardis there a ubuntu server channel?06:25
milambergoddard: #ubuntu-server06:25
KM0201raviepic3: is that a surprise?06:25
[Adam|Miner]Email servers :X, have fun! (Also, thanks)06:25
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raviepic3KM0201, yes i thought i havd 10.04 but its 10.10 :)06:26
AranelI'm going to upgrade my PC from 2gig to 6gig ram, is it safe/possible to switch my ubuntu from 32-bit to 64-bit? without formatting or anything :)06:26
meltingwacksare there any good lisp IDEs for ubuntu06:26
Us3r_UnfriendlyKM0201: no, it would be a surprise if he replied:  whoa i'm using 20.0406:26
KM0201Us3r_Unfriendly: :)06:26
Us3r_Unfriendlyrallias: futuristic ubuntu06:27
Us3r_Unfriendlyjayd3e: did you find samba3?06:27
alteregodhow to boot from root with btrfs w/o additional stuff?06:28
Us3r_Unfriendlyalteregod: btrfs??06:28
alteregodbecause SSD is in use06:28
ralliasUs3r_Unfriendly: Yumm... brain transfers. Finally computers will know why people like doughnuts.06:28
PeterLiu a whole new filesystem for ubuntu?06:28
[thor]Datz: have you changed to a profile that uses all the outs? --> http://uppix.net/8/8/9/3d466ee5ea8ce8b43730f4e5adc05.png06:29
Us3r_Unfriendlyalteregod: i might be the only person here that doesn't know what btrfs is06:29
jayd3eUs3r_Unfriendly: I think that is samba3.  The version number is 3.5.406:29
Us3r_Unfriendlyjayd3e: like from the site06:29
Us3r_Unfriendlyjayd3e: do they offer a ppa?06:29
ralliasalteregod: Any particular reason you're using an unstable partition scheme? I don't even know if its supported by GRUB yet.06:29
jayd3eUs3r_Unfriendly:  yah, but ill just probably dl the package and install it manually06:29
Datz[thor]: maybe. They all work, I'd just like to be able to control them separately06:30
Us3r_Unfriendlyjayd3e: sounds good. hope it works out06:30
[thor]Datz: have you read up on the JACK audio system?06:30
jayd3eUs3r_Unfriendly:  thanks man06:30
Us3r_Unfriendlyjayd3e: i think i used samba once.  i have no use for it06:30
[thor]Datz: it provides more routing control than the PulseAudio system06:30
Datz[thor]: I have not06:31
milamberjayd3e: if samba3 is what you are looking for and it is in the repos, why not use it?06:31
Datz[thor]: I'll take a look. thanks06:31
[thor]Datz: JACK is useful for sound/music production, and can be co-installed with Pulse06:31
alteregodwell if it won't work i can add something like a ext4 parttition for /boot06:31
Us3r_Unfriendlyjayd3e: no problem06:31
jayd3emilamber: going to06:31
Us3r_Unfriendlymilamber: 'cuz it's not in the repos06:31
ralliasalteregod: I'd recommend ext2 for /boot, but yeah thats fine.06:31
alteregodext2 has no journal06:32
[thor]hmm, guess not06:32
milamberjayd3e: what version of ubuntu?06:32
alteregoda fs w/o journal is crap at all06:32
kaushalKM0201: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2011-February/239383.html06:32
Datz[thor]: is there much configuring?06:32
AranelI'm going to upgrade my PC from 2gig to 6gig ram, is it safe/possible to switch my ubuntu from 32-bit to 64-bit? without formatting or anything :)06:33
bazhangAranel, full reinstall needed06:33
Us3r_UnfriendlyAranel: no, i don't think it works that way...06:33
Datz[thor]: or can I just install a package and ta-da.. browse through options?06:33
KM0201kaushal: dunno, try running sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade06:33
KM0201then run the command again06:33
ralliasAranel: Formatting, yes. Reinstalling, no06:33
ralliasAranel: dpkg will bitch and moan.06:34
Us3r_UnfriendlyAranel: in my opinion 32 is 32 and 64 is 64, they don't mix the two when giving the option to update06:34
KM0201kaushal: you got something wrong there in your source list for sure.06:34
[thor]datz: i got it to work with minimal knowledge of the OS. the routing application is pretty straight-forward. one side has output ( be it a physical input port, or an applications audio output ), and one has input ( physical output ports, or application inputs )06:34
Araneld'oh :| but I'm using the same system for 3 years (and changed 2 computers in the process), I can't reinstall everything from start, It would take ages :(06:34
[thor]datz: you draw a line from "Firefox out 1/2" to "Soundcard Output 1/2" and it routes that signal06:35
Us3r_Unfriendlyrallias: i've used dpkg to force flash 32bit installer to work on my 64 machine...along with echo'ing a file to my /etc/ to make it work with less crashes06:35
milamberAranel: google for installing PAE enabled kernel. running 32 bit progs uses more ram w/ 64bit os iirc06:35
Datz[thor]: cool. I'll have a look. thanks06:35
xangua!pae | milamber Aranel06:35
ubottumilamber Aranel: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info06:35
ralliasUs3r_Unfriendly: You must teach me the secrets of the jedi06:36
[thor]datz: beware however; the linux audio system is murky and filled with dispair :D06:36
[thor]despair even06:36
Us3r_Unfriendlythanks xangua, i'll try that next time when i go back to a 32 bit.  i mean that06:36
Datz[thor]: ha, ok :P06:36
juniourhey i waan to connect my net via mobile via bluetooth but i cnat can anyone here to help me out06:36
Aranelgonna check PAE too, so, no ways to install 64-bit on my system, instead of starting from the day 1, correct?06:36
Us3r_Unfriendlyrallias: not much of a jedi, just a hobo with a computer06:36
Us3r_Unfriendlyrallias: hold up, i'll pull it up06:37
ralliaskk tyvm06:37
juniourhey i waan to connect my net via mobile via bluetooth but i  cnat can anyone here to help me o06:38
lanksanyone know of an easy tutorial for setting up email with virtual mailboxes (imap/smtp)?06:38
Us3r_Unfriendlyrallias: "sudo dpkg --force-architecture "file name"06:38
Aranelrallias: can't I backup /* , reformat my hdd, and copy it over?06:39
Us3r_Unfriendlyrallias: "sudo dpkg --install --force-architecture "file name" i think that's right06:39
ralliasAranel: What us3r_unfriendly just said06:39
Us3r_UnfriendlyAranel: i'd just backup your ~/06:40
[thor]Aranel: /var, /home (including hidden folders)06:40
AranelIt would remove tons of apps then, and make me download them all again :|06:40
Us3r_Unfriendly[thor]: why /var/?? that's mostly logs06:40
[thor]:D and apt cache06:41
Us3r_UnfriendlyAranel: but using the force command for dpkg might have it's risks06:41
AranelUs3r_Unfriendly: how I'm going to use it for entire system, instead of one package?06:42
milamber!clone | Aranel06:42
ubottuAranel: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate06:42
abel_nightshadeunfortunately i am new to ubuntu but i am having trouble getting my wireless card to install so i am using my windows partition06:42
[thor]milamber: thanks for that!06:42
Us3r_UnfriendlyAranel: just go to a 32 or 64 bit os, will make life easier06:43
abel_nightshadecan anyone help with that?06:43
[thor]abel_nightshade: most wireless cards should work without needing to use the accompanying "driver cd"06:44
Us3r_Unfriendlyabel_nightshade: i'm currently working on that type of issue with my girlfriend's dad's pc.  normally i would say use "ndisgtk" but that doesn't work for everything06:44
Us3r_Unfriendlyabel_nightshade: ** use "gksudo ndisgtk"06:44
abel_nightshadethe wireless card i am having issues with is a broadcom 43xx06:45
lanoxxdoes anyone know how i use autogen.sh and PKG_CONFIG_PATH and how it relates to the --prefix option06:45
AranelUs3r_Unfriendly: maybe, but installing the system from day 1 is not a preffered way for me. Looks like I'm going to stick to 32-bit for a long time.06:45
Us3r_Unfriendlywhy do you need 64 bit apps?06:45
Us3r_UnfriendlyAranel: ubuntu is great for having 32 bit programs in their repos...06:46
Aranelto use 6gig of ram, looks like PAE is an alternative to it but 64-bit is a better way to handle this I guess.06:46
Araneldoesn't it have the same for 64-bit?06:46
[thor]you don't need to uninstall to use PAE, i switched about 2 months after install06:46
Us3r_UnfriendlyAranel: i'd say use what the other suggested.06:46
Us3r_UnfriendlyAranel: that's what i'm going to do when i get some free time06:46
[thor]it's like any other kernel upgrade06:46
AranelUs3r_Unfriendly: why? does 64-bit any disadvantages I don't know?06:47
[thor]Us3r_Unfriendly: sorry, no /msg on this server06:47
Us3r_UnfriendlyAranel: personally i like linux in a 32 bit flavor, but that's me.  Some people want higher performance (which i have noticed -none-).06:48
Us3r_Unfriendly[thor]: guess i'll never know then06:49
Aranel[thor]: looks easy to do =) Would it perform the same as 64-bit or are there any disadvantages with PAE? (Virtual Address Extension is one of them, I don't know why I need it anyway)06:49
[thor]Us3r_Unfriendly: all i got was a message saying your incoming was blocked06:49
[thor]Aranel: i've not tried a 64bit system for any great length of time.06:50
Us3r_Unfriendly[thor]: well i can't ask you in here, never mind06:50
[thor]Us3r_Unfriendly: #thor-06:50
AranelUs3r_Unfriendly: well, Isn't it unneccesary to downgrade to 32-bit, when you already using 64-bit and It's okay?06:51
tsimpsonthere is technically some performance reduction with PAE, but in practice it's negligible06:51
Us3r_UnfriendlyAranel: for me i notice on my machine that ubuntu runs smoother with a 32bit version, due to my specs06:51
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AranelThank you Us3r_Unfriendly, [thor], tsimpson and xangua :) I changed my mind and decided to stay on 32-bit and use PAE instead =)06:54
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* Aranel wouldn't upgrade his ram to 6gb if Mozilla optimized their Firefox :| It's consuming at least %25~ of my RAM.06:55
raviepic3bucky, http://pastebin.com/u31vapE406:56
raviepic3installation error06:56
raviepic3please help06:56
Jordan_UAranel: Have you tried Chrome?06:56
Jordan_Uraviepic3: Try running "sudo apt-get -f install".06:57
AranelJordan_U: once, a long time ago and I didn't like it because of it's lack of addons.06:57
AranelJordan_U: do you prefer it?06:57
Jordan_UAranel: Yes.06:57
AranelJordan_U: well It's the only reasonable alternative to FF, so I should try it :)06:58
Jordan_UAranel: Especially the fact that when flash crashes it doesn't bring down Chrome.06:58
[thor]just the frowny face of doom06:59
AranelJordan_U: It also doesn't bring down Firefox on 3.6.1306:59
Jordan_UAranel: Good to know. I may have to look at Firefox again as well ;)07:00
M-spriteconky window problem. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10417058#post1041705807:00
Aranelwell I think It's a good browser overall, but It just can't handle many tabs (many as in hundred)07:01
raviepic3Jordan_U, yeah done, it asked me a confirmation and i gave Y it downloaded and completed07:01
Aranelstarts to consume lots of RAM (not a big deal) and a big amount of CPU (I think this one is ridiculous)07:01
raviepic3so now il try installing cinerella ?07:02
Screwgood moorning07:02
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milamberraviepic3: i used the akirad ppa and it works great07:03
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tripelbbre database: can anyone tell me what to use? anyone with experience here. (Never used Access but that's the comparison I suppose)07:04
bullgard4How can I search for a certain string in all notes contents of Nautilus > right-click on a filename> Notes?07:05
Araneltripelbb: database? why not something like SQLite?07:05
tripelbbJordan_U, Aranel, Firefox doesnt have separate actions in tabs so FF must w.a.i.t. for all tabs to finish before you can look at your choice of tab.07:05
ScrewI would like to ask a question. Can I backup my ubuntu with partimage on SystemRescuecd and restore to an new empty HDD? So partimage can create MBR and partitions?07:06
bullgard4tripelbb: I am using Kexi and Base as well very often. Both have their deficiencies.07:07
tripelbbJordan_U, Aranel, BTW chrome every so often takes up all the RAM and must be restarted. But when flash? (it reports shockwave in youtube) crashes you can just reload the tab.07:07
tripelbbI've got a speed of 28 ogen crows07:08
Araneltripelbb: same feature is also present on Firefox, you just reload the tab instead of app crash.07:08
tripelbbsorry wrong place07:08
Ugonsis there a way to make it so that if I tap twice on my trackpad it doesn't act as holding down the mouse key?07:08
tripelbbAranel, I've never had it crash in FF, heh07:08
Ugonsleft mouse button*07:08
Ugonsword choice fail right there07:09
tripelbbbullgard4 can you tell me more about Kexi and Base. I have heard of MySql too. I actually know very little. (but I did student-teach a class in data structures a while back, for CS majors)07:10
Araneltripelbb: you're lucky, mine was crashing 10 times a day, and It still crashes once in a week to make me remember why Adobe sucks.07:11
ktwoi tried to connect via ubuntu file explorer via SSH, however when i copy a file it seems that the file is first copied to the local machine, can i force him to do all operation only on remote site without using the console (due to the gui ease of use)#07:13
Araneltripelbb: I guess (I'm not experienced at all) MySql, SQLite and their kind are more advanced and "low-level" choices, afaik they don't ship with a GUI, you install one. Kexi is much more Access-like, easy-to-use but not  awesome as MySql.07:13
tsimpsontripelbb: you can use SQLite for a simple no-configuration database, SQLite stores the database in a file and doesn't require a server to be running. there's MySQL and Postgres SQL for more advanced features, but they require some more configuration and have tighter security features07:13
bullgard4tripelbb: I could. But I won't. I suggest that you use the usual Ubuntu information means to get an idea about both programs. If you have done this (your homework) I will be glad to answer your specific questions.07:15
gremmachookI can't find this package libgles2-mesa-dev in Lynx.07:15
gremmachookI tried downloading th .deb separately, but it has too many dependencies.07:15
A_Jo/ all, my deluge bit-torrent client, is giving an error, not connected..07:17
A_Jand i'm unable to connect via the local daemon07:17
=== iago is now known as Guest34835
jmad980A_J: might need to start the daemon07:18
jmad980looks like you already knew that :P07:18
ktwoif i want to move all files/directorys in the current folder to a new folder in the current directory what must i do ?   mv * -r /path/newdirectory/  ?07:18
* jmad980 watches his lag meter rise07:18
A_Jit's giving an error, unable to start daemon07:18
jmad980ktwo: just `mv /path/to/folder /path/to/destination`07:19
tsimpsonktwo: it would be easier to move all the files/directories to a directory outside the current path, then move that directory07:19
tsimpsonit shouldn't be disk intensive unless you are moving between partitions07:19
ktwomhh okay07:20
tsimpsonotherwise you'd need to do some globbing (pattern matching)07:20
tripelbb.google ubuntu data base07:20
* jmad980 prolly misread that anyways07:20
tripelbbaranel, adobe sucks has what to do with firefox crashing??07:21
* jmad980 hands tripelbb a !07:21
* jmad980 crawls back into his hole07:21
tsimpsonthe bot does not have a !google command, it's not difficult to just open a new browser tab and search yourself ;)07:21
Araneltripelbb: huh?07:22
tripelbb!google ubuntu data base07:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:22
tsimpsontripelbb: ^ read07:22
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.07:22
tripelbbyea tsimpson I read it, goes to http://google.com to do it right07:22
glacemanhi guys07:23
Ugonsomg you're so uptight lol07:23
Ugonseh eh?07:23
glacemani just reinstalled ubuntu 10.10 and i used to have  tool to automount my ntfs drive, not talking here about ntfs-config, anybody can help07:23
ejvglaceman: add a line in /etc/fstab07:24
ktwois there a tool i can use from my ubuntu box (with gui) to synchronize things on a remote box ? (like through ssh) ?07:24
glacemanejv: my drive automount on boot, but i need to click on it first, so shortcuts on desktop link to it could work, if u know what i mean07:24
ejvktwo: use the ubuntu "connect to server" tool in the start menu07:24
ejvor err applications menu, whatever its called...07:24
tripelbbthere is NOTHING for beginners who dont have a particular DB in mind. I'm off to ubuntuforums to pose my question. Thanks y'all.07:24
ejvtripelbb: bye07:25
ktwoive noticed that this transfers files first to the local machine , is this true? at least the speed was terrible07:25
MrEgg964Hi, I'm looking to mirror a remote Asterisk server to a local duplicate server. What should I look into? rsyncd? drdb?07:25
ejvktwo: 'speed' is pretty relative, a function of your local network load, disk i/o load, throughput your disk can actually support, etc.07:26
ktwoyea but see when i copy a file via ssh shell it is almost instantly it feels like only the command is being passed, but when i do this via the ubuntu gui it seems that the file is cached locally07:27
glacemanin my sources list i have lb.ubuntu etc.... luxemburgish stuffs, can someone paste to me please the english version of it07:27
ejvktwo, shouldn't no07:29
ktwoit says.. preparing to copy.. and it takes a loong time and i even see a KB/s progress like 15KB/s07:30
ktwois it correct "sftp for <ip>" in the top status bar, or maybe is it using a wrong protocol?07:31
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[thor]glaceman: i think it is the same only without the country code07:31
glacemanthor can i have a source liste pasted please into paste bin so i can paste into my own07:32
glacemanso i can change that lb.. i think it's en, or de07:32
glacemansomething liek that07:32
ejvktwo: not sure, just going from memory, if you ask me nautilus is garbage, i suggest for any big file transfers, you become comfortable performing these jobs on the command line07:33
[thor]glaceman: http://ubuntulady.wordpress.com/2010/06/07/the-ubuntu-sources-list-generator-is-now-available-for-maverick/07:33
ejvdesktop environments in general aren't linux's finest selling point...07:33
glaceman[thor]: thanks07:33
ktwowell ok basically i got it confirmed i retried and monitored the traffic it actually COPIED the remote file first to my machine and back to the remote one07:34
A_Jcan som1 help me, my ubuntu has become unstable, it keeps freezing and hanging..07:34
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A_Jit happened after a failed install of an opera .deb07:34
A_Jany1 ?07:34
ktwobut id like to have a graphical way for the sake of usability XD there must be something07:34
ktwoive tried with midnight commander on the remote machine but the usability also isnt that great07:35
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glaceman[thor]: does this really makes a difference ?07:35
glacemani mean the source list07:35
ejvktwo: looked at gftp or filezilla?07:36
MACscranyone know of a Jing alternative (easy screencasting) that works for ubuntu? i need something that i can instantly save to the web07:36
ejvktwo: both clients should support ssh207:36
A_Jcan som1 help me..07:36
[thor]glaceman: choose United Kingdom as your country, or USA, or Canada07:36
Flannel!screencast | MACscr07:36
ubottuMACscr: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.07:36
ktwoill check them, the most important thing is that file operations are being handled completely on remote site07:36
ejv!patience | A_J07:36
ubottuA_J: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/07:36
Jordan_Uktwo: Could you file a bug report against sshfs (or whatever tool you're using)?07:37
glaceman[thor]: what about all the other bunch of options07:37
A_Ji searched07:37
ejvnot an excuse to not be patient, keep searching07:37
ktwoa bug report for what? you mean nautilus?07:37
hdtdihello. when i perform find / -name core i get fair amount of results. is it safe to delete them all ? i mean the core files are not important to me right? nothing depends on them07:37
[thor]glaceman: depends on which of those you have installed, or are interested in installing07:37
ktwoi dont know if it is a bug maybe it is intended =)07:37
My-Computeri get initramfs message in lucid looks like just before it almost boots what should i do07:37
glacemanwhat version are u usung [thor]07:38
[thor]glaceman: 10.1007:38
glacemancan't i just copy and paste urs07:38
Jordan_Ualteregod: You'll need grub from natty to have /boot on btrfs.07:38
glacemanthere's those ubuntu branches, many think i can check from and updates, i don't understand quite well07:39
ejvA_J: might I add, you ask terrible questions; if you're having multiple problems that appear to be unrelated, ask about one of them at a time. also include recent changes to your system, what you did that caused an error, and most importantly any error messages themselves. ask good questions and you get good results.07:39
alteregodok i will grubdate from natty07:39
Bruce_WayneDoes anyone know how to dual boot ubuntu + Fedora + (along with windows) ?07:39
bullgard4How can I search for a certain string in all Notes contents of Nautilus > right-click on a filename> Notes?07:39
A_Jejv, during an installation of opera.deb, it hung... so i restarted .. and since then it's become unstable07:39
glacemandoes anyone knowss a GUI tool to auto-mount disks on startup ?07:40
[thor]glaceman: http://pastebin.com/02kR0PPt07:40
A_Junstable as in it freezes and hangs07:40
bullgard4!dualboot | Bruce_Wayne07:40
ubottuBruce_Wayne: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot07:40
Jordan_UBruce_Wayne: Easiest way is to install them in the order Windows then Fedora then Ubuntu. Ubuntu's grub2 will detect both Fedora and windows automagically.07:40
Bruce_Wayneglaceman: mountmanager07:40
ejvBruce_Wayne: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot07:40
ejvA_J: pastebin.com copies of any relevant syslogs, dmesg, etc. for people to view. you'll have to narrow down what broke.07:41
A_Jejv, how can i see recent logs07:42
Bruce_WayneJordan_U: Sweet! Thanks. :D07:42
alteregodnow i got a 14tb fileserver with 16 drives and stuff with two raid5 sets and stuff07:42
p_SDoes anyone know what directory progams are installed on?07:42
Jordan_UBruce_Wayne: You're welcome.07:42
ejvA_J: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxLogFiles07:43
ktwook i read something about this connect to server stuff in nautilus, it seems that it uses SFTP and SFTP by design does not copy remotely but merely it can only read and write from the current directory (something like that)07:43
Jordan_U!fhs | p_S07:43
ubottup_S: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier07:43
My-Computeri get initramfs message in lucid looks like just before it almost boots what should i do07:43
Jordan_Up_S: Why do you ask?07:44
ktwoso maybe i must search for a graphical tool which actually "generates" shell commands , do you think there is something like that?07:44
glacemanBruce_Wayne: i can see my drive automounted when the system boot,  but i have shortcuts on the desktop that dosen;t work, unless i usually click 1 time on the hard disk partition first07:44
ejvktwo: better to bite the bullet and simply learn the commands, might I suggest 'rsync'07:44
endeavormachow can i prevent ubuntu from automatically mounting a usb drive?07:44
ktwothanks ill check rsync then too :) maybe easier than cp07:44
p_Si need to know where evolution is kept so i can point a mail notification program to it.07:45
ejvktwo: rsync is extremely powerful, as you will read07:45
A_J@ ejv gedit has not been able to detect the character encoding.07:45
A_JPlease check that you are not trying to open a binary file.07:45
A_JSelect a character encoding from the menu and try again.07:45
ejvA_J: which file are you trying to read?07:45
Jordan_Up_S: Running "which evolution" will tell you that evolution is at /usr/bin/evolution.07:45
Jordan_Up_S: You're welcome.07:46
ktwook ill read the rsync doc now :D it will take a while <.<07:46
Bruce_Wayneglaceman:  mountmanager worked for me everytime. I have no idea about for situation. sorry07:47
A_J|and the screen is black now :(07:47
devkorcvinceHelp using samsung MFP 560 I already installed the driver and it the printer is already detected but when you print it will stop: error scheduler could not execute a filter07:47
tripelbbah "base" is OO database. Yes, I have something to read.07:48
A_J|what should i do now :*(07:49
ejvA_J|: no idea, sounds like the drive has gone bad or maybe your system is overheating; can you get a temperature readouts to rule out the latter07:49
faLUCEhi. Is there a well ubuntu-compatible pci express video capture card (8 video inputs or more) that I can buy?07:50
P1P3where are thai server?07:50
A_J|temprature is about 40 degree's07:50
A_J|and using a 1tb hdd like 2 days old07:50
its-me-againhi i cant unmount a usb flashdrive using gparted to reformat it07:54
A_J|ejv: Any idea what i should do07:56
Jordan_Uits-me-again: How are you trying to unmount it and what happens when you try?07:57
passerineam i here?07:57
passerineam i here?07:57
passerineo thanks07:58
passerineso many buddies here07:58
its-me-againsudo umoout /media/NEW VOLUME07:58
its-me-again sudo umoout /media/NEW VOLUME07:58
its-me-again 07:58
A_J|yes u are07:58
A_J|happy ?07:58
its-me-againsudo: umoout: command not found07:58
passerinehappy? A J?07:59
its-me-againJordan_U: thats what i get ^07:59
passerineare you talking ot me07:59
Jordan_Uits-me-again: You spelled "umount" wrong.07:59
bazhangpasserine, did you have an ubuntu support question?07:59
=== A_J| is now known as A_J
passerineis it a must for me to have an ubuntu support question?08:00
bazhangpasserine, for this channel its support ; chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic08:00
nickkontoshello guys, just a quickie, I want to compile a wireless driver to my laptop. My question is, if I someday update the kernel, will I have to recompile it?  here is a link if you want more info... http://tinyurl.com/help100408:00
bazhangnickkontos, what wireless card08:01
passerineare there any differences?08:02
nickkontosbazhang Broadcom bcm4312 rev 01)08:02
bazhangpasserine, differences between what?08:02
bazhangnickkontos, any reason not to use the drivers provided by Ubuntu?08:02
passerinechit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic and chit chat in any other rooms08:03
nickkontosbazhang, yes, just what is written here... https://launchpad.net/~lenovo-g550 - it basically says that this is the best solution08:03
bazhangpasserine, yes. here is support. there is free chat08:03
passerinewhere is it?08:04
passerinethe free chat room?08:04
bullgard4How can I search for a certain string in all Notes contents of Nautilus > right-click on a filename> Notes?08:04
bazhangpasserine, you know that, you are in it ----> #ubuntu-offtopic08:05
passerineo, i see08:05
passerinethank you bazhang08:05
bazhangnickkontos, why not subscribe / join that team and ask them? the officially supported method is the !broadcom one08:07
nickkontosbazhang: ok :) I'll do that, thanks!08:08
gandalfcomeIS there a way that someone else can watch me while I'm working on a server through an ssh connection? just for training purposes. cheers w08:10
ejvgandalfcome: screen -x08:11
bastidrazorgandalfcome: they should try to match your terminal size for best viewing.08:13
A_Jcan any1 help me.. mu ubntu is constantly hanging and freezing08:14
phonex01 i majde an ubuntu copy using remastersys but when i boot it its boot as live CD and i dont have any icon to install .08:17
bullgard4man badblocks: "badblocks is used to search for bad blocks on a device (usually a disk partition)." What does the program »badblocks« consider a "bad block"?08:18
=== danny_ is now known as mbvpixies78
phonex01guys i need help08:20
mbvpixies78Can someone help me with using "places" to connect to a windows share?08:20
tsimpsonbullgard4: usually a block that can not be read from08:20
phonex01how can i install the copy of live CD08:20
phonex01i dont have install icon on the desktop08:20
phonex01and when i boot i dont ether have boot to install option08:21
phonex01i'm using a copy made by remastersys08:21
bullgard4tsimpson: Why do you say: "Usually"?08:21
tsimpsonbullgard4: because there is also an option to do a write test, so in that case it would be a block that can not be written to08:22
tsimpson(the write test will erase all data on the device though)08:22
MagicJI want to use gltext as my screen saver and have used the documentation to change the text to  be changed but nothing changed - HELP!08:22
bullgard4tsimpson: Thank you very much for your help.08:22
=== tommy is now known as Guest57309
iDangerMouseFor the person asked08:24
mbvpixies78When I try to access a Windows share from Places-->Connect to Server, it fails saying" failed to mount Windows share"  Any suggestions?08:25
iDangerMouseHow to Install LiveCD Ubuntu08:25
iDangerMouseGo here, follow the steps08:25
mbvpixies78also says "failed to retrieve shared list"08:25
ejvis ubuntu cron, vixie cron?08:25
iDangerMousephonex01: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD  follow this08:25
bonjoyeembvpixies78: try nmap on the windows computer..08:26
mbvpixies78bonjoyee:  ok, checking, ty08:27
=== tommy__ is now known as tommy_
mbvpixies78bonjoyee:  what am I looking for?08:28
mao_any one good at the ushare08:28
mao_need to share media to the xbox 360 slim08:28
mao_mao@mao-Aspire-one:~$ ushare -x08:28
mao_Interface wlan0 is down.08:28
mao_Recheck uShare's configuration and try again !08:28
FloodBot2mao_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:28
mao_Starting in XboX 360 compliant profile ...08:28
mao_UPnP MediaServer listening on
bonjoyeembvpixies78: look for ports that are open....it should list 137-139...atleast...as open08:29
mbvpixies78bonjoyee:  It doesn't list those ports, but 12 others (!?)08:29
bonjoyeembvpixies78: sure u scanned the windows pc?08:30
mbvpixies78bonjoyee:  I scanned by hostname08:30
bonjoyeembvpixies78: for open ports that is...08:30
ae86-drifterneed a good enterprise open source backup program, any suggestions?08:31
bonjoyeeae86-drifter: u mean disk imaging?08:31
mbvpixies78bonjoyee:  for target, do I put FQDN minus the http:// ?08:32
ae86-drifterno i mean folder/file backups08:32
=== iDangerMouse is now known as MouseAway
ae86-drifteri have 2 ubuntu file servers 1tb each and a 8TB NAS to store the backups08:32
tgywaIs there a bug related to buffer in Ubuntu 10.10 ?08:32
civixiernpviewer is a pain. I notice right away when it runs, because the GPU temp and CPU temps increases with 10 degrees and the fan goes like crazy (laptop). When I kill it the temps goes down again. Is there a way to prevent it from even starting?08:33
bonjoyeembvpixies78: is the win pc on you local subnet?08:33
ae86-drifterthey serve SMB shares, so i wanna run software on ubuntu to incremental backup to the NAS08:33
mbvpixies78bonjoyee:  yes, I just started a second scan using its IP08:33
mbvpixies78bonjoyee:  ports 135 and 139 open08:34
ae86-drifterhow do u do bestbot?08:34
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.08:35
brokendatapointhi all, how would i check the version of a package in the repos before installing it?08:35
lorddeltaI wondered if anyone would be able to check if my ubuntu is screwing itself over....08:35
bonjoyeembvpixies78: ok then try connecting directly..i mean specify the share name in the "connect to servers" window08:35
civixierHelp! How do I prevent npviewer from starting up?08:35
raviepic3Jordan_U, yeah done, it asked me a confirmation and i gave Y it downloaded and completed08:35
raviepic3so now il try installing cinerella ?08:35
mbvpixies78bonjoyee:  share name is just the name of the folder, right?08:36
Jordan_Uraviepic3: Yes.08:36
bonjoyeebrokendatapoint: apt-cache show packagename08:36
raviepic3Jordan_U, its already installed ! !  apt-get -f install installs the error packages ?08:36
bonjoyeembvpixies78: yes08:36
raviepic3Jordan_U, its already installed ! !  apt-get -f install installs the packages which were stopped due to errors ? ?08:36
lorddeltaI've been having problems with...movies files opening. Thought it was vlc/Mplayer, so I was going to install the latest version which is supposedly available in Ubuntu 10.10. My ubuntu already claims to be 10.10, but the command update-manager -d tells me I should install 10.10...and a ton of package upgrades.08:37
Jordan_Uraviepic3: Yes.08:37
lorddeltaMeanwhile the system seems to be losing functionality as we speak...08:37
VirusTB!OT >> Apple Is Evil! Boycott The iPad! - Written From My iPad" http://tcrn.ch/gxpDjk by @parislemon08:37
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:37
mbvpixies78bonjoyee:  it's asking for username, domain and password...  is domain FQDN minus hostname?08:37
raviepic3Jordan_U++ thank you08:37
lorddelta...if this isn't the right place for this, lemme know.08:37
Jordan_Uraviepic3: You're welcome.08:37
raviepic3Jordan_U, but there wont be any side effects right ? installing by force ?08:37
skilzhow can I limit my interenet bandwidth Im sharing over eth0?08:38
bonjoyeebonjoyee: dont think you need that..unless it asks for..08:38
raviepic3Jordan_U, any specific reasons why it gave me error earlier ?08:38
skilzmy girlfriend is hogging all the bandwidth08:38
Jordan_Uraviepic3: It did not install by force, it just grabbed the dependencies that were needed.08:38
civixierAh, never mind. Just had do install flashblock i chrome to control when npviewer is starting.08:38
raviepic3whoa cool08:38
bonjoyeembvpixies78: i mean try without it first..08:38
VirusTBskilz, get her on the wifi? or put a cap limit on what ever programs she's downloading with08:38
col0urIs there a way to get VLC to integrate into the Sound menu on Maverick like Rhythmbox?08:38
raviepic3Jordan_U, so how do i do it if i were has to install cinrealla without errors ?08:38
Jordan_Uraviepic3: There were packages which needed to be installed which were not avaialable to dpkg. dpkg on its own never downloads packages, apt does that.08:38
VirusTBWhen is hte next Ubuntu release coming out?08:39
mrmistskilz: you don't need a technical solution to that, just talk to your gf and get her to download less stuff08:39
raviepic3Jordan_U, like the first time i want to install cinrella wwithout errors how do i do it ?08:39
mbvpixies78bonjoyee:  it's asking for workgroup...  is this something I have to set up in Ubuntu?08:39
col0urIs there a way to get VLC to integrate into the Sound menu on Maverick like Rhythmbox?08:39
Jordan_Uraviepic3: Use "gdebi" instead of dpkg.08:39
bonjoyeembvpixies78: for a start..just enter the ip and the share name...nothing more08:40
Jordan_Uraviepic3: But there is actually nothing wrong with using dpkg, getting errors, then using "sudo apt-get -f install".08:40
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=== Guest11799 is now known as Teggeh
VirusTB!ask | col0ur08:40
ubottucol0ur: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:40
raviepic3Jordan_U, understood thank you again08:41
mbvpixies78bonjoyee, When I do that, it asks for username, domain and password and whatever I put in there, it fails08:41
Jordan_Uraviepic3: You're welcome.08:41
axselI need someone who has despotify08:42
bonjoyeembvpixies78: well..then thats an issue on your windows side...u need to setup file sharing there08:42
mbvpixies78bonjoyee, ok, will double check08:42
KirkMcDonaldHow can I find out when a package was last updated?08:43
bonjoyeeKirkMcDonald: may be check the changelog?08:44
KirkMcDonaldbonjoyee: The package itself would have a changelog?08:44
mbvpixies78bonjoyee, I se now--  Windows no longer sees the Ubuntu computer for some reason08:44
bonjoyeeKirkMcDonald: yes..it has.08:44
KirkMcDonaldbonjoyee: Where would I find that?08:45
bonjoyeeKirkMcDonald: have synaptic package manager installed?08:45
KirkMcDonaldbonjoyee: It is a headless machine.08:45
=== Aldo is now known as Aldus
bonjoyeeKirkMcDonald: also do you mean updated upstream or in ubuntu?08:46
parohsandy bridge second generation chipset are with a flaw08:46
insmodsound card? <KirkMcDonald>08:46
brokendatapointbonjoyee: thank you08:46
ubuntuHey guys.....08:46
KirkMcDonaldbonjoyee: In Ubuntu.08:46
KirkMcDonaldbonjoyee: I ask out of mere curiosity. I noticed that the version of mplayer I have installed was released two days ago.08:47
bonjoyeeKirkMcDonald: for cli theres "sudo aptitude  <changelog packagename>"08:47
KirkMcDonaldbonjoyee: Ah, there we are.08:48
KirkMcDonaldOkay, that is a little clearer.08:48
bonjoyeeKirkMcDonald: its sudo aptitude changelog <packagename>08:48
KirkMcDonaldApparently, when the package says versiob 1.0rc4, that's not the same thing that mplayer itself means.08:48
ubuntuhey guyssssss08:50
insmodKirkMcDonald: then there are 2 installed08:50
KirkMcDonaldinsmod: Pardon?08:50
bonjoyee!ask | ubuntu08:50
ubottuubuntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:50
insmodKirkMcDonald: if there is a version coflict that usually means 2 installes08:51
chupacabrawe aint got time for you to ask to ask?08:51
KirkMcDonaldinsmod: There is no version conflict as such.08:51
chervacan anyone solve an issue for me.. I have a server ubuntu 10.04 forwarding ports to another machine and if I am outside of his network i can see the ports are open, but when I am connected to the internet behind the server (on his internel network) I cant see the ports .....08:51
insmodKirkMcDonald: sorry i thought you said mplayer sees one version but apptitude reports another08:52
ubuntui need some help08:52
chupacabrai have conflicts but i need to update/upgrade but im on stolen wireless and all my installing would raise attention.08:52
KirkMcDonaldinsmod: Apt and the version of mplayer which is installed are in complete agreement.08:52
ubuntui m using xubuntu livd cd08:52
ubuntuand not knowing ho to explore drives08:53
insmodKirkMcDonald: i see -- so what is the problem08:53
KirkMcDonaldinsmod: My confusion was the fact that the version which has been in apt since July is 1.0rc4, and the mplayer website has that version as being released two days ago.08:53
glacemancan anyoone please help me, im trying to rename my hard disk it sayas operationg unsupported by backend08:53
ejvcherva: nmap08:53
bonjoyeeglaceman: you mean rename a partition?08:54
chervaejv, nmap shows the ports as closed from lan ( scanning the external ip )08:54
glacemanbonjoyee: yes08:54
bonjoyeeglaceman: what type and how did you try to rename it?08:54
chervaejv, but they are open if I ssh to a machine outside the servers lan08:54
insmodKirkMcDonald: binary08:54
KirkMcDonaldinsmod: Binary?08:55
insmodKirkMcDonald: yes08:55
KirkMcDonaldinsmod: I have no idea what you mean by that.08:55
glacemanbonjoyee: my hardd disk is splited into 2 parts ( 1- ubuntu and the second partition is for data) i click on my computer, i right click on the disk to rename it08:55
insmodKirkMcDonald: the source -- that i am updating now! :) is updated a 6 am ever day08:56
lahwranhow do I register a url handler, so that when I run xdg-open asdf://blah it opens it in a program I specify?08:56
dzup1is there a place i can download php5-curl for intrepid?08:56
col0urIs there a way to get VLC to integrate into the Sound menu on Maverick like Rhythmbox?08:56
raviepic3people i got here through ubuntu forums, they said cinelerra is good for both capturing and editing. I want to make a screencast for my students. i went through the documentation http://robfisher.net/linux/video/cinelerra1.html but it says to use kino to record ! ! !  http://robfisher.net/linux/video/kino.html08:56
insmodKirkMcDonald: the ubuntu binary is from old svc and the stable binary just added08:57
raviepic3cant cinerella record it ?08:57
bonjoyeeglaceman: i mean what kind of filesystem? ext/ntfs?  also is the partition mounted?08:57
dzup1is there a place i can download php5-curl for intrepid?08:57
bonjoyeelahwran: in gui?08:57
lahwranbonjoyee: what part of it in gui?08:58
Jordan_UKirkMcDonald: What is the exact version number of the package you are referring to? If it has a '~' after it that means that it's not yet the final release, and should be replaced by a package with the same version number but no '~'.08:58
insmodKirkMcDonald: so the ne ubuntu 'binary' is old source08:58
raviepic3need help with cinerella ^08:58
glacemanbonjoyee: supposdly ntfs , and it's mounted right now08:58
lahwran!wait | raviepic308:58
KirkMcDonaldI see.08:58
ubotturaviepic3: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/08:58
bonjoyeelahwran: open gconf-editor and look into /desktop/gnome/url-handlers08:58
raviepic3lahwran, ok08:59
bonjoyeeglaceman: try after umounting it..09:00
insmodKirkMcDonald: i am installing he latest on a solaris right now09:00
glacemanbonjoyee: says only root can unmount, i put myself into the root group, didnt work09:02
bonjoyeelahwran: if that type is not listed ... go to .gconf/apps/gnome/url-handlers and create a custom one..09:02
kumar__hey can any one help me i wana to change my login name09:02
kumar__how to chnge that09:02
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lahwranbonjoyee: why .gconf, instead of just adding one?09:03
bonjoyeeglaceman: try using the gnome disk utility..09:03
dmj726I'm having trouble installing software with apt-get after an upgrade.09:03
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dmj726When I try apt-get xxxxxx it gives me "apt-get install: command not found"09:03
bonjoyeelahwran: not sure gconf-editor will do that..09:03
insmodglaceman: you can always chmod it (dangerous) if you don't want others but affective09:04
gobbedmj726: which version you are running?09:04
dmj726Just upgraded to maverick09:04
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insmoddmj726: root09:04
juniourhey hel me09:04
dmj726using sudo already09:04
glacemanonly root can unmount with the gui interface also09:05
juniourout i wanna to change my login name how to do that09:05
insmoddmj726: add path09:05
bonjoyeeglaceman: ubuntu will not allow to unmount from gui if its mounted from fstab..09:05
insmoddmj726: if it works update $PATH09:05
dmj726you mean like sudo /usr/bin/apt-get xxxx?09:05
bonjoyeeglaceman: even if you are in admin/root group09:06
insmoddmj726: if that is where it is09:06
juniourcan any one help me09:06
Sinisterwhy does my  mount.ntfs use 90% of my cpu how can i fix it ?09:06
glacemanbonjoyee: things are gettings complicated for me now09:06
insmodjuniour:yes easy but hard for a newb09:07
bonjoyeeglaceman: how?09:07
jinkjuniour: You don't just change your login name.  It'll be hell. :)  (ok, so you vipw and rename your homedir)09:07
glacemanbonjoyee: dunno what to do now09:07
madmndoes anyone know how to install mono-develope09:07
erossjuniour - I googled this - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=87724609:07
juniourinsmod how to do that09:07
madmni though i installed it but can not find it anywhere09:07
bonjoyeeglaceman: try the gnome-disk-utility09:08
glacemanbonjoyee: isn't in the system, administration, disk utility?09:08
bonjoyeeits in system>admin>Disk utility09:08
glacemanbonjoyee: can;t unmount it, neither change the label09:09
insmodjuniour: add new user name then edit group uid then rename ~/name then relogin after boot ----- or easy raname user home folder and reinstall09:09
bonjoyeeglaceman: whats the output of groups\09:10
bonjoyeeglaceman: "groups"09:10
glacemanbonjoyee: adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare09:10
dmj726 I did sudo /usr/bin/./apt-get install xxxxxxx and it didn't work09:11
dmj726insmod: ^^09:11
dmj726even though I see it in usr/bin09:11
arimbunrecently my ubuntu internet connection stopped working09:11
arimbuneven though the internet is connected09:11
arimbunbut ping doesn't work09:11
arimbunany ideas?09:12
insmoddmj726: sudo /usr/bin/apt-get install xxxxxxx09:12
ChuSiangdmj726: only keyin apt-get install09:12
bonjoyeeglaceman: hmmm...then unmount the partition from terminal...sudo umount /dev/sdXX09:12
dmj726ChuSiang: That works fine09:12
arimbunrecently my ubuntu internet connection stopped working09:13
bonjoyeeglaceman: and sudo ntfslabel /dev/sdaXX [label]09:13
insmoddmj726: what did09:13
arimbuneven though the internet is connected09:13
arimbunbut ping doens't work09:13
arimbunany ideas?09:13
residentgreyhola, i run xubuntu 9.10 still, my desktop gets a second one over it now, only showing removable devices instead of the actual desktop with the trashcan and all that, and i haven't a clue how that happened, or more importantly how to fix it, i tried to 'google' answers but I don't know the right terms to search under, PLZ HALP09:13
FloodBot2arimbun: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:13
residentgreyi am a nub09:13
ChuSiangarimbun: you can use "sudo iptables -L"09:14
dmj726oh, and also sudo /usr/bin/apt-get install xxxxx just worked09:14
ChuSiangany deny !?09:14
arimbunoh okay... it's empty09:14
insmoddmj726: then add path and you are ok09:15
bonjoyeeglaceman: any luck?09:15
dmj726insmod: How do I get it to work without the /usr/bin?09:15
glacemanbonjoyee: thanks solved it09:15
insmoddmj726: add it to .profile09:15
bonjoyeeglaceman: from terminal?09:15
arimbunthis is weird... cos it was working on fresh install. now it doesn't, and i don't remember doing any update09:15
glacemanbonjoyee: from terminal09:15
glacemanlet me restart to see if everything's ok09:15
danny_bonjoyee, I can pin windows from ubuntu and see it, but can't connect.  Windows doesn't see any of my linux boxes though sharing is set up09:16
Inferussounds like samba isn't set up properly danielck09:16
danny_Inferus:  look into smb.conf?09:17
bonjoyeedanny_: nmap localhost09:17
Punk`S`not`d3adi AM OUT BITCHES!!!! rm -rf /* !!!!09:17
Punk`S`not`d3adi AM OUT BITCHES!!!! rm -rf /* !!!!09:17
danny_bonjoyee,  localhost as in ubuntu?09:17
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!09:17
bonjoyeedanny_: yes...if that ok..then check firewall09:18
danny_bonjoyee,  firewall is having problems, so it's down now, running nmap...09:18
AscavasaionWhere does Ubuntu 10.04 keep its xorg.conf file?  I have checked /etc/X11/ and nothing.09:19
tsimpsonAscavasaion: it doesn't have one by default09:19
Ascavasaiontsimpson: Oh.09:20
bullgard4Ascavasaion: It is no longer needed in regular cases.09:20
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution09:20
tsimpsonfactoid not so useful09:20
AscavasaionSo, if I want to use two graphics cards and two monitors in an extended desktop setup?09:21
danny_bonjoyee, it scanned really quickly and says host, os, report open 9 close 0, but not much else09:21
residentgreynothing? bueller?09:21
bonjoyeedanny_: are samba ports listed?09:21
bonjoyeedanny_: as open?09:21
danny_bonjoyee, it doesn't list any ports09:22
milamber!screenshot | residentgrey09:22
ubotturesidentgrey: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.09:22
danny_bonjoyee, wait, nvmind--  shows 139 open09:22
danny_bonjoyee, but it says WORKGROUP instead of the actual workgroup name09:23
bonjoyeedanny_: ok..have you setup a name on windows?09:23
bonjoyeedanny_: i mean a workgroup name?09:24
danny_bonjoyee, as in a second login account?09:24
danny_bonjoyee, ye09:24
danny_bonjoyee,  how to set up workgroup name in Ubuntu?09:24
bonjoyeedanny_: so set the same workgroup name in smb.conf restart samba..09:24
danny_bonjoyee, ok, gotcha09:24
residentgreymilamber: http://imagebin.org/13554709:25
AscavasaionHow cna I check if VGA arbiter module is enabled in the kernel?09:26
insmodAscavasaion:running or installed09:27
redHello I have an alpha stage program that was just a precompiled tarball, how do I associate it with filetypes (just php etc) so that when I double click a file it won't open the program again, but append the file into a new tab?09:27
redIs there some default /modified for it or should I attempt to dig through the apps manual09:28
dmj726insmod: my $PATH already includes /usr/bin09:29
Ascavasaioninsmod: Umm... not sure... on other linux distros (scaled down ones like Puppy) Xorg.0.log says that VGA arbiter not enabled and therefore dual cards not allowed.  In Ubuntu however I get this line now "Found 2 VGA devices: arbiter wrapping enabled" which I presume means that it is included in the kernel?09:29
insmoddmj726: does the root path09:29
insmodAscavasaion:there you go lsmod would show it09:30
dmj726"sudo echo $PATH" gives /home/[username]/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games09:30
Ascavasaioninsmod: LE tme check.09:30
lahwranare there any alternate notification area applets for the gnome panel?09:31
lahwranin particular, one that allows you to give it a background?09:31
insmoddmj726: is it an upgrade?09:31
Ascavasaioninsmod: Well, now it is me and the Xorg file again ehehhe09:32
danny_bonjoyee, how do I restart samba?  the command /etc/init.d/samba restart didn't work (unrecognized)09:32
dmj726I'd rather not do a fresh install atm09:32
insmoddmj726: sudo updatedb09:32
=== ubuntu is now known as GuteX
ezra-sIs it possible to name desktops any more under gnome in ubuntu maverick?09:33
bonjoyeedanny_: in newer versions its smbd i think09:33
insmoddmj726: then locate apt-get | less09:33
shawnboymy ssh session hangs (won't let me type anything) if I do sudo shutdown -h 009:34
dmj726running updatedb...taking a while09:34
bonjoyeedanny_: service smbd restart09:34
lahwranshawnboy: now I wonder why that is ...09:34
shawnboybut if I then do ENTER ~ . it ends the ssh session.09:34
lahwranoh. strange.09:34
shawnboylahwran: I meant even if I do sudo shutdown -h +1009:35
GuteXHello all :)09:35
mkulkehello, how come that /usr/lib64/update-notifier/apt-check mentions updates, while apt-get update does not?09:35
dmj726insmod: ^^09:35
shawnboyanyone have any suggestions what will fix this?09:35
insmod<mkulke> apt-get distro-upgrade09:36
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insmod<mkulke> or apt-get dist-upgrade09:36
shawnboyor good recipes?09:36
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shawnboywise cracks, even?09:36
lahwranshawnboy: already gave you my one of those09:37
shawnboylahwran: true.  ;)09:37
shawnboylahwran: that one was my fault tho. I asked for it.09:37
mkulkeinsmod: there is no dist-update, and i don't actually want to upgrade09:37
insmoddmj726: i see09:37
mkulkei just want to know whats available09:37
shawnboygoing once...09:37
insmod<mkulke> or apt-get -h09:38
capsyhello guys, can anyone help me here... i have a macbook and wanted to try ubuntu, i installed it under parallels but i cant turn on visual effects, anyone any tips?09:38
GuteXI'm new to Linux and Ubuntu, (well almost) and i'm running "live-cd" right now how do i install it without destroying windows, and how do i set the diff partitions for it?09:38
dmj726insmod: any idea what to do now?09:38
lahwrancapsy: don't think there is an accelerated graphics driver for parallels09:38
juniourGutex u can install it via wubi09:38
capsylahwran, vmware virtualbox09:38
lahwrancapsy: you're gonna have to install it in a dualboot to get the resource-hogging beauty of compiz09:38
capsyany of these?09:39
insmoddmj726: that's the prob09:39
shawnboyGutex: there should be oodles of googles on the subject. tutorials, even.09:39
shawnboygoing twice...09:39
capsykk thanks for tip09:39
dmj726insmod: what is?09:39
lahwrancapsy: virtualbox I hear has it. not used it. vmware, I tried and it didn't work09:39
insmoddmj726: the is in order of looking09:39
lahwrancapsy: uh, I have those backwards09:39
mkulkeinsmod: i don't think there is any command line option for apt-get which has check-apt functionality09:39
capsyill try vb, if it doesnt work ima dual boot and try09:39
dmj726are you saying it's looking in my maemo environment?09:39
insmod<mkulke> yes09:39
lahwrancapsy: VMWARE I hear has it. not used it. VIRTUALBOX, I tried and it didn't work09:40
capsyoh kk09:40
insmoddmj726: :)09:40
mkulkeinsmod: yes there is?09:40
shawnboygoing thrice. ...gone. I'm outta here. Thanks for playing... or not.09:40
capsythanks :)09:40
dmj726insmod: How do I change the order?09:40
mkulkeparsing the output with "update -q"?09:40
insmoddmj726: edit the path09:40
GuteXshawnboy: thx i know but was kinda hoping someone could give a quick lesson somehow ;) since i'm new to it, dont want to mess things up for my GF since she refuse other then Windows :(09:40
KranixI uninstalled OpenOffice via the software center, but it still opens when I click the menu shortcut09:40
insmoddmj726: /usr/bin first09:41
danny_bonjoyee, that worked to restart but still no other comps in windows networking, though I see it from Ubuntu so I guess I should find a Win irc channel for that09:41
milamber!dualboot | GuteX09:41
ubottuGuteX: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot09:41
GuteXubottu: thx i'll check that link :)09:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:41
bonjoyeedanny_: try mounting the share manually in windows..:)09:42
GuteXoh hehe09:42
dmj726which file governs $path?09:42
bonjoyeedmj726: ~/.profile09:42
juniourhey how to share files in ubuntu for windows09:42
pascal_join #symfony09:42
bonjoyee!samba | juniour09:43
ubottujuniour: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.09:43
insmoddmj726: i am on solaris so .profile does -- no idea about ubuntu -- wife runs it09:43
insmoddmj726: man profile mabe09:43
llutz_dmj726: /etc/environment  might be overriden by shell-related files like ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc09:44
danny_bonjoyee,  lol I wish09:44
insmoddmj726: mabey creaye a .profile and reboot -- it may looke in ~/bin/09:44
danny_password for connectiong to windows share is Windows password, not local Ubu, right?09:45
bonjoyeedanny_: no,,,i mean it..its possible!09:45
juniourno like that09:45
capsybtw what do u guys think about gnome shell 3?09:45
capsylike where gnome is headed or not really?09:45
Nutty-Nattycan anyone help me with the package quota09:45
juniouri am on dual boot i waann to see all folders of ubuntu in windows when i switch from ubuntu to windows 709:46
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dmj726in /etc/environment insmod09:46
juniourany help09:46
llutz_dmj726: grep PATH ~/.*09:46
juniourthere guy09:46
insmoddmj726: chhers09:47
juniouri am on dual boot i waann to see all folders of ubuntu in  windows when i switch from ubuntu to windows 709:47
insmoddmj726: cheers09:47
GuteXok next Q where do i find a boot cd ISO for Ubuntu, since this one i have seems to work only for netbooks/laptops when booting it seems to check for battery status and that dont work in my desktop pc somehow?09:47
bonjoyeejuniour: windows cannot see ubuntu filesystems by default..09:47
residentgreyde website09:47
redHello I have an alpha stage program that was just a precompiled tarball, how do I associate it with filetypes (just php etc) so that when I double click a file it won't open the program again, but open in the already existing session?09:48
juniourbonjoyee that i wanna to know09:48
residentgreywhat os red09:48
red10.10 64bit, Ubuntu naturally09:48
redI know how to set "open with" ofcourse09:48
juniourbonjoyee hthen how to make these foldere avalible in windows09:48
residentgreysettings manager dealie you mean?09:48
redbut when I click a file it opens up the app another time and opens it in there09:48
bullgard4Without specifying a special option badblocks performs a "read-only test". How can badblocks determine if a sector is bad if it performs a read-only test?09:48
bonjoyeejuniour: so best it to have a common ntfs partition for both..09:49
juniourbonjoyee any idea?09:49
juniourhow to do that09:49
danny_bonjoyee,  I can't find info on how to do that, so I tried mounting win in Ubuntu but got usage error09:49
Nutty-Nattyjunior: different types of file systems .. windows uses ntfs and ubuntu uses ext409:49
insmoddmj726: i told you that'09:49
insmoddmj726: mabey creaye a .profile and reboot -- it may look in ~/bin/09:49
residentgreydealie = program/script/etc catchall like stuff09:50
milamberjunior: http://www.soluvas.com/read-browse-explore-open-ext2-ext3-ext4-partition-filesystem-from-windows-7/09:50
insmoddmj726: it may look in ~/bin/09:50
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juniourNutty-Natty but now a days i think ubuntu support nfts file system09:50
insmoddmj726: make a .profile in ~/bin09:50
llutz_insmod: pointless09:51
bonjoyeejuniour: if your ubuntu is using ext3...then theres are drivers for that for windows,,,but i have never used it myself..09:51
danny_bonjoyee,  when listing a path to a mount point, do I put //<servername>/<path without c:\> ?09:51
llutz_insmod: user-profile has to be ~/.profile09:51
Nutty-Nattyjuniour: you probably correct so look at that post from milamber09:51
juniourk  thanks09:51
GuteXa little Q: I have the possibility to run 64bit but as what i can see Ubuntu recomends 32Bit what is prefered? 32 or 64?09:51
bonjoyeedanny_: on windows do this: net use x: \\ip-of-ubuntu\\sharename09:52
bonjoyeedanny_: if that doesn't work ask ##windows09:52
GuteXin windows i know they have to use 64 to use all memory above 3.2 gb or something is it similar in linux?09:52
acegiakanyone got any reccomendations for a sidebar with combined twitter/google reader rss feed(and maybe other events)?09:52
llutz_GuteX: it is09:52
GuteXhmm cause i have 8 gb ram09:53
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insmodllutz_: in unix not ubuntu09:53
llutz_GuteX: so use 64bit or 32bit + pae-kernel09:53
llutz_insmod: ?09:53
Nutty-NattyGuteX: if you know your architecture then you decide - the main problems with x64 are libraries but there are a few nifty little apps around to help with that ( I always run 64 bit if I can)09:53
insmodllutz_: ubuntu changed the $PATH09:54
GuteXoh thx then i'll go for 64bit for now09:54
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info09:54
llutz_insmod: it just includes ~/bin if it exists. that won't affect the location of .profile/.bashrc09:54
Ascavasaionwhen I do a sudo apt-get install xfce4 It tells me "E: Couldn't find package xfce4"... It does not show up in Synaptic either.  any ideas?09:54
llutz_insmod: man bash (invokation)09:55
Nutty-NattyGuteX: .. search for an app called getlibs and learn how to use it09:55
GuteXthx Nutty-Natty :)09:55
milamberAscavasaion: are you trying to get the x desktop?09:55
insmodllutz_: that's what i said if u listened -- add .profile -- not there by default09:55
Ascavasaionmilamber: Lighter desktop manager... Gnome is too heavy on resources.09:55
llutz_insmod:  you wrote <insmod> dmj726: make a .profile in ~/bin     and thats definetly wrong09:56
milamberAscavasaion: xubuntu-desktop is the meta package you want then09:56
bonjoyeeAscavasaion: then try lxde!09:56
Ascavasaionmilamber: Thank you09:56
Ascavasaionbonjoyee: Will do hehe09:56
Nutty-NattyAscavasaion: try fluxbox09:56
insmod<Ascavasaion> fluxbox windowmaker and xfce09:56
llutz_insmod: no shell will read that .profile without patches09:57
bonjoyeeAscavasaion: its even lighter...without sacrificing on the eye candy!;)09:57
AscavasaionThanks chaps, will do :)09:57
insmod<llutz_>you have to follw the hole conversation09:57
AscavasaionSigh... 95Mb of downloads now... Sigh09:57
insmodllutz: man profile09:58
redHello I have an alpha stage program that was just a precompiled tarball, how do I associate it with filetypes (just php etc) so that when I double click a file it won't open the program again, but open in the already existing session? Should this be managed by the software automaticly or can I override it somehow?09:58
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milamberred: that is a program option, not an os option09:59
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bonjoyeemilamber: +109:59
=== aum__ is now known as aum
bonjoyeered: you can manage the "open with" with ubuntu though!10:00
llutz_insmod: we're talking about ubuntu, not solaris, right?10:00
skilzhow can I limit my interenet bandwidth Im sharing over eth0?10:00
insmodllutz: nope $PATH10:00
skilzmy girlfriend is hogging all the bandwidth10:00
aumi have forget my password of irc is there any way to get it back ?10:00
Jordan_Ured: That needs to be managed by the program.10:00
GuteX/nickserv identify help10:00
VirusTBaum,  with the email u regisdterd check ur email10:00
Nutty-Nattyskilz: and so she should !! equality please10:01
redbonjoyee: that I've set so far yeh10:01
skilzno way!!!10:01
aumok let me check...10:01
skilznot when im trying to game10:01
redthis program can manage files as projects so guess I'll add my files there10:01
DJonesaum: If ask in #freenode, the op's in that channel will be able to send you a password reset email10:01
residentgreyskilz agreed10:01
hezcan anyone help me install nvidia geforce 9300M GS drivers? i have the driver but when i install it it fails telling me i need to disable x first. I have read the readme on the nvidia site which suggests i use nvidia-xconfig to automatically configure the X server files. but i have no idea where to obtain that. It also has a guide on how to do it manually however none of the files that it says to edit exist on my machine.. Please help?10:01
Nutty-Nattyyou could try setting up qos in your router10:01
skilzmy ping is through the roof!!!10:01
skilzI don't have a router, my internet interface is usb mobile broadband via ppp0, im sharing with firestarter firewall10:02
Richie086hez: it means you need to kill x (xwindows/gnome/kde/any window manager)10:02
Nutty-Nattyhez: get urself envy-ng and it will install the drivers for you10:02
hezhow do i get envy ng?10:03
Nutty-Nattyyou type apt-get install envy-ng10:03
Nutty-Nattyor aptitude install envy-ng10:03
GuteXaum: type /nickserv info <--- that's what should work for you sorry for the first help10:03
histo!envy | hez10:03
ubottuhez: EnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia or ATi drivers on Ubuntu 9.10 or earlier. It can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" (for Gtk/Gnome) or "envyng-qt" (for Qt/KDE). It is NOT a supported method to install video drivers; please only use it if standard methods fail and at your own risk - See also !BinaryDriver.10:03
Richie086hez: if you select the recovery mode option in grub10:03
hezunable to locate package envy-ng10:04
Nutty-Nattyyou may have to look at your sources10:04
hezi am running 10.1010:04
Nutty-Nattydid you use synaptic to search?10:04
Nutty-Nattyhang on i'll check10:05
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NetriX_Hey everyone10:05
NetriX_hows it going?10:05
Richie086hez: if you select recovery mode it will boot into text mode, and x will not start.  You then can run the nvidia driver installer10:05
sacarlsonskilz: I think there are things like  Wondershaper and fairnat,  I've used each a little10:05
bullgard4Without specifying a special option badblocks performs a "read-only test". How can badblocks determine if a sector is bad if it performs a read-only test?10:06
hezand no opengl will run either?10:06
Jordan_Uhez: Did System > Administration > Additional Drivers not work?10:06
NetriX_should I run a firewall with my startup applications?10:06
Richie086hez:  nope, it will just be a text mode terminal10:06
hez:/ i havent tried that. lol new to ubuntu10:06
milamber!info envyng-get maverick | hez10:06
ubottuhez: Package envyng-get does not exist in maverick10:06
Nutty-Nattyi don't see it past karmic hez but i am sure you can still use it in 10.1010:06
Richie086hez: thats why this channel is here :)10:06
amalgamai want to download an ubuntu minimal version, just the terminal and the most important apps, so i chose the server edition.. The thing is that the server edition is almost 680mb.. why is that??10:07
milamber!info envyng-gtk maverick | hez10:07
ubottuhez: Package envyng-gtk does not exist in maverick10:07
Jordan_Ubullgard4: Reads the block and if the drive reports a read error then it's bad (most drives, except thumb drives, keep internal CRCs).10:07
hezyah thought it was 9.10 and earlier10:07
llutz_!minimal > amalgama try this10:07
ubottuamalgama, please see my private message10:07
Nutty-Nattytho jokey replaced envy as i recall10:07
hezthink il try boot into the shell thing and see if that works10:07
Jordan_Uhez: Don't.10:07
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Nutty-Nattyif you search the net there will be a .deb for envy-ng10:08
GuteXwhat Software do any1 recomend to use for burning the Ubuntu ISO ?10:08
hezit wont work?10:08
Jordan_Uhez: The proper way to install Nvidia drivers is via System > Administration > Additional Drivers.10:08
chupacabraamalgama: funny since linux can run of a !.77 floppy just great, huh10:08
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bullgard4Jordan_U: Ah! Thank you.10:08
Jordan_Ubullgard4: You're welcome.10:08
Richie086hez: yeah, have you tried t install the drivers via the driver update tool?  thats usually how i do it..10:09
Nutty-Nattyenvy did a great job for me i always got the nvidia splash screen10:09
amalgamathanx ppl...10:09
milamber!burniso | GuteX10:09
ubottuGuteX: To burn an ISO image of a CD in Linux, Mac OS or Windows, read the howto at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto10:09
ejvGuteX: what operating system are you using to burn the ubuntu .iso10:09
ejvGuteX: if you're using windows, use a program called imgburn, works quite well and is free10:09
hezwow i never new that additional drivers thing was there woohoo :d10:10
GuteXejv: i use Ubuntu live cd but from usb stick10:10
ejvGuteX: ahh then I would use K3B personally10:10
MikeChelenX server seems to keep randomly freezing. it will use 100% cpu, and restarting the x service doesn't help. using radeon 4250 with proprietary ATI drivers, any suggestions?10:10
danny_I turned on my laptop (win 7) and the win 7 desktop sees it fine on network, but not any of the Ubuntu desktops10:10
GuteXi'll try it and burniso, disc's are cheap ;)10:11
Richie086yeah k3b is great10:11
lousygaruadanny_: do you have problems seeing win7 from ubuntu or ubuntu from win7 or both?10:11
Nutty-Nattyok i will ask again before i go - is anyone here any good with using qiota to check file systems10:12
danny_lousygarua, only problems seeing Ubuntu from Windows.  Ubuntu seess Win but can't log in10:12
Nutty-Nattysorry i mean quota10:12
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ejvquota to check a file system, that question makes absolutely zero sense to me...10:13
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dmj726insmod: I deleted scratchbox, so now locate apt-get | less gives /usr/bin as the top result10:13
GuteXoh hmm seems i will stuck for a while cause there is almost 3 hours to complete downloading Ubuntu ISO :(10:14
danny_lousygarua, when I try to connect to win from ubuntu, it says "unable to mount location:  failed to retrieve share list from server"10:14
Richie086danny_: i have run into that same issue quite a lot in ubuntu when trying to connect10:15
dmj726insmod: it still doesn't work though10:15
danny_Richie086,  is this a bug?10:15
* chupacabra thinks command line is mostly broken in ubuntu10:16
GuteXcrap server or overloaded with downloads since it will take almost 3 hours for a cd iso?10:16
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Richie086danny_: not sure..10:17
insmoddmj726: reboot or echo in  a term10:17
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dmj726echo $PATH10:17
milamberGuteX: try the torrent?10:18
insmoddmj726: still not first10:18
bullgard4'badblocks -n' specifies a "non-destructive read-write mode" of testing a disk. What does this test not destroy in contrast to its "write-mode test"?10:18
dmj726insmod: but it's the same as my other ubuntu machine10:19
insmoddmj726: look put the path first or... ls it to you10:19
foo_i am unable to login graphically, the password window pops up again and again, to login graphically i have to go to terminal then login into it and the "startx". even sudo services gdm restart" is not working....10:20
foo_i am unable to login graphically, the password window pops up again and again, to login graphically i have to go to terminal then login into it and then "startx". Even "sudo services gdm restart" is not working....10:22
anodesniHi, how can I start gmrun with alt+F2 combination?10:22
lousygaruadanny_: there's a similar problem here: http://www.art.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1607610 one of the solutions was to try removing windows live messenger from the windows machine it didn't always work. there's some solution on page 3 that you might try as well10:22
soreauanodesni: If you use compiz as your wm, set it in ccsm>Commands10:25
hezhey all.. having some trouble connecting to windows 7 machine via vnc.. Just says connection closed doesnt even ask for a password or anything10:25
hezand ideas?10:25
soreaufoo_: Can you pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file?10:25
anodesnisoreau, thanks10:25
Richie086hez: realvnc?10:26
Richie086or what vnc implementation10:26
hezusing vinarge10:26
hezas client10:26
hezand uh10:26
danny_lousygarua, ty, looking into it...  also, would listing all computers in hosts config be helpful?10:27
hezyeah real vnc on the win 7 machines10:27
Richie086hez: and can you connect to the vnc session from any other machines sucessfully?10:27
hezyep i can connect to the ubuntu box from other machines successfully10:28
Richie086never heard of vinarge..10:28
hezand the win7 machines can connect to each other10:28
foo_http://pastebin.com/KK9qdZLy     here it is...10:28
sk_i have problem with ubuntu 10.0410:28
hezits just the standard remote eesktop viewer10:28
soreauhez: firewall not configured properly?10:29
soreau! ask | sk_10:29
ubottusk_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:29
hezdoes ubuntu cone with a firewall?10:29
GunnDawgHey folks, I installed xubuntu inside of Ubuntu 10.10 to check it out, but after I got rid of it then my emerald themes quit working unless I ran "emerald --replace" every time I booted up10:29
Richie086hez: ever used teamviewer?10:29
Richie086hez: i perfer it over vnc personally10:29
Richie086hez: works on linux, windows and mac10:29
sk_i m not able to switch for remote desktop running window 7 from ubuntu10:29
sk_my firewall is off..10:30
hezmm have thought of using something else but i have 6 comps that all use vnc and cant be bothered getting something else to work on al lof them10:30
sk_and also not getting any error message10:30
Richie086hez: http://www.teamviewer.com10:30
Jordan_U!firewall | hez10:30
ubottuhez: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.10:30
sk_no..i dunt want to use team  viwer..10:30
sk_actually i m using rdesktop command10:31
sk_and it's work for nearby system10:31
Richie086ahh..  I have run into a ton of strange vnc implementation issues personally over the years so I got tired of it and decided to use something else..10:31
sk_but dunt work for distant system..10:31
soreaufoo_: Looks fine. Not sure why X wont start.. what did you do to it?10:32
Richie086sk_: distant meaning a machine somewhere out on the internet?10:32
foo_i just fresh installed it...:)10:32
sk_no ..in same intranet10:32
lousygaruadanny_: i think the hosts config can be helpful if you have static ip on your lan10:32
dmj726insmod: I added /usr/bin to the front of $PATH and it still doesn't work10:32
Richie086so, how is the machine 'distant' exactly?10:32
hezturned off ufw.. still doesnt work :(10:33
sk_just like a system in cc and at hotel..10:33
sk_i am able to remote for cc system10:33
sk_but not able to do same for hostel10:33
sk_means computer center lab..10:33
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sk_but when i m using same for window 7 to window 7 its working10:34
sk_but when using for linux to window 7 ....only works for cc system but not able to connect with hostel..10:35
GunnDawgAnyone have any clue how to fix emerald after installing xubuntu ?10:35
dmj726insmod: one suggestion I found online is to use synaptic to do a complete removal, then reinstall apt-get10:35
dmj726Is that a good idea?10:35
sk_sudo apt-get install emerald10:36
GunnDawgsk_: its already installed10:36
danny_lousygarua, my nmblookup failed to find a name for my win computer10:37
GunnDawgthe themes just dont work anymore, even after I uninstalled ubuntu and went back to ubuntu 10.1010:37
sk_then whts the problem10:37
danny_lousygarua, but by hostname it works10:37
GunnDawgthe theme manager works and everything, and they work when I run "emerald --replace &" every time I boot up10:38
soreau! pm | foo_10:38
ubottufoo_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.10:38
soreaufoo_: You do not need an xorg.conf. X is smart enough to know what is sane for your setup10:39
foo_so what i can do else...10:40
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soreaufoo_: Was it like this since the first time you installed ubuntu or has it ever worked?10:41
mantiseI installed Ubuntu, but wanna try XFCE10:42
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mantisewhen i try to install xubuntu from the software manager10:42
foo_yes, it did not word at all ever...10:43
mantisei get this error:10:43
foo_yes, it did not work at all ever...10:43
mantiseFailed to fetch http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/w/wv/libwv-1.2-3_1.2.4-2ubuntu3_i386.deb 404  Not Found10:43
mantiseit cant fetch the files10:43
mantiseit didnt work ever ?10:44
foo_its been 5 days i have freshly installed it...10:44
sacarlsonmantise: I get 404 error here also10:44
mantiseso how can i install XFCE to my ubuntu install ? :s10:45
sacarlsonmantise: have you tried other mirror servers?10:45
MagicJI want to  use the gltext screen saver and set the text myself - I have modified the control file per the man page but the change does not work - no change - how do I set this10:45
AscavasaionIf I have done the apt-get install xubuntu-desktop... will it automatically uninstall allt he Gnome stuff that is not needed and that slowd the machien down?10:45
milambermantise: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu10:45
mantiseNo Ascavasaion, but u can chose which desktop to start up10:46
milambermantise: go to the "Download Server" section10:46
adacDoes there exist a good latex editor for gnome?10:46
foo_can you tell me the packages to reinstall...?10:47
Ascavasaionmantise: And choosing which desktop means that it will not load the unnecessary stuff?10:47
dmj726is completely removing then immediately reinstalling apt-get safe?10:47
danny_I enabled netbios over tcpip and am uninstalled Win Live Messenger as suggested, but still having no luck connection Ubuntu to Win 710:47
arunkumar413hi,how to do syntax highlighting in openoffice10:48
erUSULadac: emacs + auctex ?10:48
erUSULarunkumar413: oo.org is not a coding editor.10:48
foo_previously i have had ubuntu 9.4 and that was working fine...10:48
sacarlsonmantise: I checked this mirror and it has the file http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/w/wv/10:48
adacerUSUL, kk, I will take a look at that, thx"!10:48
sre-suI had a driver fault recently which made the system to break. How can I find about it?10:48
mantisemilamber: thanks, i guess i just get the US/EN version tho :)10:49
arunkumar413erUSUL: but in the document i want to write, i need syntax highlighting10:49
mantisesacarlson: i just took main server from the software manager.. can i chose a specifik server aswell ?10:49
IledenIs there a way to move the partition /dev/sda5 to /dev/sda1 ?10:49
sacarlsonmantise: in synaptic you can change repository site10:50
milamberadac: lots of people also like texworks & jabref10:50
sre-suCan system lof help to find the cause?10:50
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mantisesacarlson: thanks :) it is installing now :)10:50
erUSULarunkumar413: use an highlighter that produces html copy the html in the docs10:50
adacmilamber, ok this goes on the list of testing candidates aswell. thx!10:50
erUSULadac: gedit also has a latex plugin10:50
adacerUSUL, oh I like gedit a lot!10:51
dmj726anybody ever removed apt for a short time?10:51
mantiseSacarlson / milamber: do i need to remove gnome? or it doesnt run any gnome stuff when i chose to start up in xubuntu ?10:51
lodderis there a support channel for natty?10:51
arunkumar413erUSUL: cant we do it in openoffice10:51
milamberlodder: ubuntu+110:51
negevhi, is there a way to run dkpg-buildpackage and have it skip the tests?10:52
loddermilamber: thx10:52
erUSULarunkumar413: i do not know of any way. but maybe in a openoffice channel they know better10:52
milambermantise: you don't have to uninstall it10:52
classical_how can i use locate to search in a specific directory only ? /home for example10:52
mantisemilamber: Ok, thanks10:52
erUSULclassical_: use find for that ?10:52
danny_All I want to do at this point is copy all my documents from Win 7 to Ubuntu.  Can anyone help me in connecting to Win 7?10:52
sacarlsonmantise: I think it will still run gnome apps,  when apps are installed it will install needed libs as needed10:53
markvandenborreworking on a FOSS press release, need an English word for a big, recurring event that people look out longingly for every x time10:53
classical_erUSUL, find need a lot of time10:53
markvandenborreany suggestions?10:53
llutz_classical_: locate <pattern>*10:53
medflyhi dudes, how can I tell ubuntu to stop running a disk check every so often?10:53
erUSULdanny_: PlacesZ>Network>Windows Network does not work? Places>Connect to Server also does not work ? ( given that you created a shared folder in windows )10:53
mantisesacarlson: hm, and if i dont want it to run gnome apps ?10:53
mantiseim installing xubuntu to get a lighter desktop :)10:54
sacarlsonmantise: then just don't start them10:54
markvandenborrethink "high point of the year"10:54
erUSULclassical_: locate "/home/*filename*" ?10:54
danny_erUSUL, no, neither works.  I enter password and it keeps prompting for password.  Shares are set up on Windows and I can access them from another Win comp10:54
GunnDawgmantise, what makes it lighter? im curious10:54
classical_erUSUL, es thats exactly what i need10:55
classical_thanks :))10:55
milamberarunkumar413: http://extensions.services.openoffice.org/en/project/coooder10:55
mantiseGunndawg: I never tryed it, just whats ive been told and been reading on the internet10:55
sacarlsonGunnDawg: mantise: my guess is they won't run in compiz?  I'm not sure what makes it smaller or lighter.10:55
viviersfhi guys10:55
arunkumar413milamber: may be that requires java10:55
viviersfanyone got an idea10:55
viviersfwhen i update my 10.1010:56
viviersfthe sound stops working10:56
medflyhow can I tell ubuntu to stop running fsck every so often?10:56
milamberarunkumar413: it's openoffice (iirc ooo is pretty crippled w/o java)10:56
mantisesacarlson: Am I wrong ? LDXE and LXfe lighter than KDE and Gnome ?10:56
gerthmedfly: tune2fs10:56
danny_erUSUL, mount won't work or I'm using it improperly, the 2 methods you suggest treat my password as if its wrong and JFTP doesn't work either10:56
dmj726insmod: Even when $PATH is only /usr/bin it doesn't work10:56
erUSULmedfly: man tune2fs; see the part about mounts between checks10:56
GunnDawgsacarlson: ubuntu it self cant be all that "heavy" can it? I mean its more efficient than windows right ?10:57
mantisesacarlson: XFCE10:57
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IledenGunnDawg: it's not that straight a comparison, really.10:57
markvandenborrehow do you say "moment to look forward to" in English in one word?10:58
GunnDawgIleden: ah ok10:58
erUSULdanny_: mount -t cifs -o username=userr,password=paswordhere,otheroptions //ip_of_win_machine/share /mount/point/in/linux10:58
mantisegonna check if i can log into XFCE now10:58
medflygerth: erUSUL: thanks10:58
gerthmedfly: you should consider fsck-ing as a good thing (if you don't care about a clean and fully working fs, go ahead)10:58
IledenGunnDawg: Win7 is pretty efficient for a Windows, and Ubuntu is pretty slow for a linux. But both are pretty fast.10:58
dmj726Can I use synaptic to reinstall apt?10:58
erUSULdanny_: last option if it is a one off thing use filezilla ftp server in windows. Places>Connect to server in ubuntu10:59
GunnDawgIleden: oh i didnt know that, I am rather new, so ubuntu is the slowest distro ?10:59
llutz_dmj726: synaptic is an apt-frontend, unlikely10:59
manashey all10:59
IledenGunnDawg: however, there are reasons why Windows and Ubuntu are slower than more faster OS'es - they are both multi-purpose, "install and forget" type of systems10:59
dmj726llutz_: Any way to reinstall apt?10:59
dmj726llutz_ I'm trying to figure out how to get apt-get install to work11:00
llutz_dmj726: why would you do that?11:00
manasi have just installed ubuntu on my vaio laptop but my touch pad doesnt work. However when i cooect my usb mouse it does. What should id o11:00
llutz_dmj726: apt or apt-get (which also is just a frontend)11:00
GunnDawgIleden: good point, thanks for that info11:00
dmj726If I do sudo /usr/bin/apt-get install xxxxx it works11:00
ajahwhen i start gparted doesnt show me the partitions only whole hard disk unallocated11:01
dmj726but just sudo apt-get install xxxx doesn't11:01
IledenGunnDawg: on an older/slower computer, I'd myself use something like Xubuntu, which has a faster desktop system (xfce instead of gnome) but still carries most of the ease of use of ubuntu.11:01
raviepic3which software can i use to make a screencast ?11:01
raviepic3which software can i use to make a screencast ?11:01
llutz_dmj726: "which apt-get"11:01
dmj726apt-get install11:01
popey!screencast | raviepic311:01
ubotturaviepic3: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.11:01
popeyraviepic3: personally I use gtk-recordmydesktop11:01
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llutz_dmj726: what does "which apt-get"  give back (its a command)11:01
medflygerth: it's just that I need to provide keyboard response and for some reason it ignores it11:01
ajahand have a warning can have overlaping partitions11:01
medflygerth: I'd be fine if my computer pooped itself at some point11:02
GunnDawgIleden: now you got me thinking, I am about to reinstall ubuntu on my laptop, thinking maybe xubuntu is a better choice for a laptop, though i dont have issues with ubuntu so far11:02
IledenGunnDawg: but then again, ubuntu isn't very slow. neither is Win7. If you don't want the hassle, just go with ubuntu. :)11:02
raviepic3popey, i used record my desktop right now, i recorded lenghty video and converted to .dat using mncoder, when i see the video and audio out of sync and more over theres is half the video missing11:02
raviepic3in between11:02
llutz_dmj726: whats the error you get, when not using full path?11:02
raviepic3am like ! ! !11:02
dmj726sudo: apt-get install: command not found11:02
darksiferhi everyone11:02
danny_erUSUL, mount seemed to work!  How can I set it up so it issues this command every time at boot?11:02
raviepic3popey, how do you get the audio and video in sync11:02
darksiferis www.linux.org down???11:02
popeyraviepic3: dunno, it just works for me11:03
gerthdmj726: what is the output of "echo $PATH"11:03
popeydarksifer: http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/linux.org11:03
IledenGunnDawg: I installed xubuntu on my netbook to get a bit of performance gain. On a generic laptop, I'd use ubuntu. Depends, of course, some people prefer to get the performance gain - I don't care that much myself.11:03
llutz_dmj726: "sudo -i " and then "echo $PATH"11:03
raviepic3popey, omg how do you convert the .ogv file into .dat or .flv ?11:03
manasmy touch pad doesnt work!!!!11:03
manaswhat should i do11:03
GunnDawgIleden: alright cool11:03
raviepic3popey, which command you use ?11:03
randomus1rI have 'ubuntu-desktop-package' installed. ubuntu hardy server - 'startx' says 'xf86OpenConsole: Cannot open /dev/tty0 (No such file or directory)'11:03
erUSUL!fstab | danny_11:03
ubottudanny_: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions11:04
IledenGunnDawg: XFCE isn't as friendly or pretty, though. Although compared to some of the stuff out there, it's really, really easy :)11:04
darksiferpopey : thanks11:04
popeyraviepic3: http://popey.com/blog/2009/08/25/getting-back-into-screencasting/ see that11:04
stresseddmj726 what is the result of "sudo which apt-get"11:04
popeyraviepic3: i use ffmpeg to convert to mp4 and flv11:04
dmj726$ sudo which apt-get11:04
danny_ubottu:  what does "!Partitions" mean?11:05
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:05
dmj726sudo which apt-get install11:05
erUSUL!synaptics | manas11:05
ubottumanas: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad11:05
popeydmj726: you don't need "sudo" for "which"11:05
GunnDawgIleden: Are there better ways to theme your setup other than Emerald? I heard thats pretty unpopular11:05
raviepic3popey, what parameters you used with ffmpeg ?11:05
popeyraviepic3: one moment, I'll dig them out11:06
raviepic3thank youi11:06
llutz_dmj726: "sudo -i " and then "echo $PATH"         not "sudo echo $PATH"11:06
IledenGunnDawg: probably there are. But I'm not very familiar with themeing. :)11:06
manasahh. so that mean i have to install the drivers??? im sorry im new to linux and do know much about it11:06
llutz_dmj726: looks correct too. sry no idea11:07
GunnDawgIleden: ah ok11:07
pelaihi, how do i configure x from command line?  dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg doesn't work and returns no error message11:07
stressedpopey, in fact if he is trying to diagnose a problem running "sudo apt-get install xxx" he does need sudo, otherwise the result is for the user path not the sudo'ed path!11:07
dmj726it's only the apt-get install command11:07
dmj726not apt-get as a whole11:07
erUSULpelai: Xorg -configure11:07
popeystressed: I specifically said he doesn't need "sudo" for "which", which is true.11:07
randomus1ranyone who sees my question, please ping me and inform me about that you're looking for an answer or something, I'm out of ideas there...11:07
gerthdmj726: apt-get install11:07
gerthapt-get install: command not found11:07
pelaithanks erUSUL11:07
llutz_dmj726: "alias"11:07
gerthdid you get that error?11:08
gerthdmj726: you have to specify a package name after install11:08
dmj726yeah, I get the error when I specify a package11:08
popeyraviepic3: I am having to boot another pc, sorry.11:09
raviepic3popey, no issues, il wait11:09
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dmj726gerth is it possible that it's having a hard time finding the "install" part rather than the apt-get part?11:10
stressedhas anyone seen problems with 10.10 failing to mount a sata partition? the machine I am looking at atm you can copy (using dd) data from the raw device, but mount hangs if you try and mount it!!!11:10
erUSULstressed: a corrupted filesystem?11:11
MikeChelenX keeps randomly freezing using 100% cpu, and restarting X doesn't help. using radeon 4250 with proprietary ATI drivers, any suggestions?11:11
stressedcould be, trying to confirm atm.11:11
gerthdmj726: can you type it again on the command line?11:12
dmj726gerth: I found something odd11:12
stressedI should have said that it is a new MOBO (intel with i3)11:12
gerthdmj726: something strange is going on11:12
dmj726sudo apt-get  install clamav clamtk11:12
gerths0161789@K-SA-11-003:~$ apt-get install nasm11:12
gerthE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)11:12
gerthE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?11:12
dmj726two spaces between get and install works11:12
pelaihas anyone had a Fatal server error:  AddScreen/ScreenInit failed for driver 0?11:12
gerthE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?11:12
gerths0161789@K-SA-11-003:~$ apt-get install nasm11:12
FloodBot2gerth: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:12
gerthapt-get install: command not found11:12
erUSULstressed: see "dmesg | tail -n 25" when the lock happens11:12
gerththose 2 command lines are not the same, apparently11:12
sacarlsonrandomus1r: I think the hardy version might be at end of life for packages outside server11:13
randomus1rsacarlson, http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/ubuntu-desktop11:13
randomus1rsacarlson, all I want is to start a gui11:13
randomus1rsacarlson, specifically gnome-session11:13
dmj726okay, what the heck?  After executing it with two spaces it suddenly works with one space11:14
stressederUSUL  doesn't show anything interesting, btw have been working under the hood with linux for over 10 years, so is likely to be something bleeding obvious :)11:14
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ajahcan someone tell we whats going on http://img207.imageshack.us/i/24533173.jpg/11:14
erUSULstressed: as i said "corrupted filesystem" have you passed a fsck in the partition?11:15
popeyraviepic3: http://paste.ubuntu.com/560896/11:15
arunkumar413hi, i need a gui plain html page creator with features to insert the pic from a url,syntax highlighting,insert java-script,tables,different font styles and sizes,changing colours of text.11:15
dmj726insmod: llutz: gerth: Thanks for your help11:15
danny_vbs is visual basic, right?  What kind of editor works with it?11:15
popeyraviepic3: thats how I encode an ogv to flv, mp4 (h.264) and webm :)11:15
erUSULajah: you have a blank hard disk11:15
stresseddmj726  is it possible that you had something other than a [space] the first time.  eg if you copy/pasted from a web page and got a non ascii space.11:15
MikeChelenarunkumar413: try bluefish?11:15
erUSULajah: is that what you expect?11:15
dmj726stressed: that actually could be11:16
gerthdmj726: is was not a space11:16
gerth00000000  61 70 74 2d 67 65 74 c2  a0 69 6e 73 74 61 6c 6c  |apt-get..install|11:16
gerth00000010  20 6e 61 73 6d 0a                                 | nasm.|11:16
mrbowhey there,11:16
mantiseHi again ^11:16
mantisei got the xubuntu working now :)11:16
ajaherUSUL, there is already a tread about this http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1582376 but can fixed it i hope someone that understand what happedn really to help me11:16
mrbowhave a question: how can i add a man page to my system11:16
sre-suAre these pacakges source correct - http://imagebin.org/135555 ?11:16
manasi still cant get my touch pad to work11:16
arunkumar413MikeChelen: bluefish is advanced user who have knowledge of html. what  i require is a GUI editor like writer but i should be able to save it as html file11:16
popeyraviepic3: if you get problems let me know :)11:16
sre-sufor Ubuntu Maverick *11:17
mantisesacarlson, do you use xfce ?11:17
stressederUSUL  that is part of the issue, fsck don't want to read the partition either, will get the error for you soon, but dd if=/dev/sdx1.... works ok!11:17
gerthdmj726: but a enter '0xa0'11:17
MikeChelenarunkumar413: bluefish has a gui mode too, or try open office and save as html11:17
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* Domush|Away is away, ZZzZZzz11:17
arunkumar413MikeChelen: how to enable gui in bluefish11:18
sre-su!away | Domush|Away11:18
ubottuDomush|Away: You should avoid noisy away messages and -nicks in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»11:18
popeyraviepic3: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/535666/ might need these packages (or newer) from medibuntu for h.26411:18
sacarlsonrandomus1r: I was wrong ubuntu 8.04 expires on April 2011 (Desktop),  so you best do all your updates now or do your own mirror to keep what you might need in the future11:18
mrbowknows anyone a method to add man pages to the system? i'm searching for the man page for sem_wait11:18
gerthdmj726: this is the correct one:11:18
gerth00000000  61 70 74 2d 67 65 74 20  69 6e 73 74 61 6c 6c 20  |apt-get install |11:18
gerth00000010  6e 61 73 6d 0a                                    |nasm.|11:18
dmj726gerth: ugh...that silly thing has been confounding me for hours11:18
raviepic3popey, nmcoder was the issue i guess, it was eating my video out, when i use ffmpeg i get full lenght video with proper audio and video sync but the video quality is terrible :(11:18
randomus1rsacarlson, so how do I start gnome?11:18
popeyraviepic3: the sync is an issue with recordmydesktop, not ffmpeg/mencoder11:18
mantiseI just installed Xubuntu, and did by an accident move the clock, shutdown buttom ect to the left bar side :s how do i move them back to the bars right corner ?11:19
raviepic3popey, the video quality ?11:19
randomus1rmantise, right click, move11:19
MikeChelenarunkumar413: let me check, maybe i am thinking of some other program11:19
erUSULajah: that threath appears as solved ....?11:19
popeyraviepic3: that script I use makes good quality videos :)11:19
mantiserandomus1r, and then just move it with mouse ? trying, but it wont move :s11:19
popeyraviepic3: see http://ucasts.tv/11:19
MikeChelenarunkumar413: the king you want is called "wysiwyg" if you want to try searching11:19
sacarlsonrandomus1r: I don't know,  I recall 8.04 ran gnome when I had it installed,  can you reinstall it?11:20
MikeChelenarunkumar413: maybe try kompozer?11:20
dmj726thanks gerth11:20
arunkumar413MikeChelen: ya that is what i want11:20
erUSULmantise: right click on the separator ( you have to move the notification area a container ) choose move11:20
raviepic3popey, why is the script producing multiple formats same time ? mp4, flv, webm11:20
randomus1rsacarlson, it's server edition, I vnc to it and get a terminal, no gui11:20
gerthdmj726: np11:20
popeyraviepic3: why not? :)11:20
randomus1rsacarlson, how do I start gnome-session ?11:20
MikeChelenarunkumar413: open office is gui and can save as html, there might not be syntax highlighting though11:20
MikeChelenarunkumar413: try kompozer11:21
dmj726if nothing else, I learned a lot about how certain internals of Ubuntu work.11:21
raviepic3popey, it can ask the user which fomat he needs, because what happens if the user runs out of disk space11:21
mantiseerUSUL, i can only move their positions around eachother11:21
MikeChelenarunkumar413: kompozer has both wysiwyg "design" tab and source code tab11:21
mantisei cant make a space between it, so its going to be at the right side11:21
arunkumar413MikeChelen: open office adds some extra thing in html than what i need11:21
sacarlsonrandomus1r: it's a server so maybe just ssh into it instead of vnc11:21
popeyraviepic3: patches welcome11:22
erUSULmantise: do you see the separator i am talking about. is a kind of "3d" dot11:22
gurkhali69hello can anyone help me with ltsp in edubuntu?11:22
MikeChelenarunkumar413: could try abiword or libreoffice, also might want to get the latest version open office11:22
Iledenarunkumar413: erm, ANY wysiwyg editor will add some "extra thing in html" than what you need.11:22
popeyraviepic3: disk space is not a problem :)11:22
randomus1rsacarlson, I would, but one of its users needs vnc, so I'm trying11:22
ajaherUSUL, if i disable swap what will happen11:22
MikeChelenarunkumar413: all wysiwyg editors add some extra stuff, probably the more advanced editors like kompozer add less additional html11:22
raviepic3popey, so the command to convert the file to flv would be this ?11:22
Iledenarunkumar413: if you don't want extra things, you need to write html directly.11:22
raviepic3basename=`basename "$1" .ogv`11:22
raviepic3echo $basename11:22
raviepic3echo "Encoding to mp4 - first pass : `date`"11:22
FloodBot2raviepic3: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:22
stresseddmj726  a good practice is to actually type commands in, rather than copy/paste especially from web pages where a variety of character encodings can bite you in the bum.... especially if the first attempt at a cut and paste doesn't work.11:22
erUSULajah: nothing wrong; linux can work without swap for a while11:22
mantiseerUSUL, no i dont :s where should it be ?11:23
dmj726yeah, I totally didn't even think about that11:23
arunkumar413MikeChelen: can abiword documents be saved as html11:23
erUSULajah: the problem is gparted show unallocated space but there is actually partitions in there?11:23
ajaherUSUL, Disable swap space. Typing "sudo swapoff -a" should do this. can u tell what this line exactly do11:23
dmj726...will remember it in future though!11:23
MikeChelendmj726 stressed or look for code snippets posted through standard tools such as pastebin and gist11:23
ajaherUSUL, yes11:23
MikeChelenarunkumar413: probably11:23
erUSULmantise: right side of the icons for clock and networkmanager11:23
sacarlsonrandomus1r: the server isn't meant to be upgraded to a desktop install,  so I guess there must be a sequence of libs and packages that need to be installed, but maybe easier to just install the desktop edition of 8.04,  it works out of the box11:23
raviepic3popey, ffmpeg -y -i myfilename.ogv -sameq -vcodec flv -f flv -r 29.97 -s 1280x720 -aspect 16:9 -b 5000kb -g 160 -cmp dct  -subcmp dct  -mbd 2 -flags +aic+cbp+mv0+mv4 -trellis 1 -ac 1 -ar 22050 -ab 56kb -loglevel quiet $basename.flv &> ./encode_flv.log11:23
erUSULajah: and fdisk comaplins about overlapping patitions and so on ...11:24
popeyraviepic3: yup :)11:24
raviepic3that would be the command to convert it to flv alone11:24
raviepic3thank you11:24
popeyraviepic3: np11:24
ajaherUSUL, i thing i found the solution but i will paste from fdisk to tell if this will work w811:24
popeyraviepic3: you might want to adjust the -s, which is the output resolution11:24
erUSULajah: i would use something like testdisk to fix the partition table11:24
randomus1rsacarlson, I'm not re-installing anything, I have lots of custom stuff installed, I'd rather start X somehow just now if possible.11:24
gurkhali69sacarlson: hi again. i have a quest related to ltsp in edubuntu?11:25
mantiseerUSUL, there should be somethingi can click ?11:25
erUSULajah: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Step_By_Step11:25
randomus1rsacarlson, as I said 'ubuntu-desktop' exists for hardy server, and I installed it.11:25
raviepic3popey, got it11:25
raviepic3thank you11:25
ajaherUSUL, i have this from /dev/sda4           25774       25774        8032+   e  W95 FAT16 (LBA) from fdisk -l if i delete this partition is it going to work11:25
erUSULmantise: no; that the problem with it; is hard to spot and hard to right click on it ... let me take a screenshot11:25
ajaherUSUL, start and end are the same11:25
mantiseerUSUL, thanks11:26
sacarlsonrandomus1r: ya that looks like it installed most everything you need,  maybe try run gdm11:26
raviepic3popey, video quality is awesome, but i am not able to scroll the video properly ! ?11:27
EnricoNirvanahi there : i would like to install ubuntu 10.10 32bit on my machine intel core 2 duo p7370 2ghz 2 ghz with 4gb Ram but  when i install it (downloaded the 686) it installs the amd64. I need the 32 bit for some compile/build. Any suggestion on how to force the 686 there ? Ty in advance for your answers11:27
ajaherUSUL, http://pastie.org/151774911:27
erUSULmantise: http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/9711/pantallazonf.png11:29
sacarlsonrandomus1r: I think I found it http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/02/08/starting-and-stopping-gnome-from-the-command-line/11:29
erUSULajah: this is different from the one in the forums threath ...11:31
ajaherUSUL, how can i delete this partition11:31
ajaherUSUL, /dev/sda411:32
danny_for device in fstab, do I just put UUID+= <UUID>?11:32
erUSULajah: fdisk surely has a command to do it. i do not remember upfront.11:32
mantiseerUSUL, thanks, gonna take a look11:32
erUSULajah: ahh is "d"11:32
ajaherUSUL, sudo fdisk -d 4 fdisk: invalid option -- 'd'11:33
NetShadowis there is a software that can boost my bittorrent upload ratio like greeytorrent for linux?11:33
erUSULajah: no you do « sudo fdisk /dev/sda » then you do m to get help o p to print the partition table. is an interactive program11:34
mantiseerUSUL, hm, my panel bar is black background.. to be honest, i cant see anything like that on your image :s11:34
mantiseerUSUL, but if i find it, right click and ?11:34
erUSULmantise: chose move11:35
mantiseerUSUL, :( cant i just redo panel settings to standard ? :s11:36
erUSULajah: so you have to partitions of lenght 0 ...11:36
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »11:36
mantisegnome panel ^ :)11:36
mantiseerUSUL, that wont help on xfce panels ?11:37
sacarlsonajah: try http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-how-to-delete-a-partition-with-fdisk-command/11:37
erUSULmantise: i thought you were on plain gnome ... you will have to ask in #xubuntu11:38
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mantiseerUSUL, ah11:38
banozhi there11:38
mantisethats why i cant fint that bottom :p11:38
banozany idea of why cmake sometimes doesn't create the .so symbolic links?11:38
AndymanHi, I upgraded virtualbox. It started an ncurses configuration tool but that closed immediately because vms were still running. I stopped them now. Any idea how I can restart the configtool?11:38
stressedajah  if you are unfamiliar with using fdisk, try cfdisk instead. it is a more intuitive interface. therefore far less likely that you will make a mistake.11:40
erUSUL!blkid | stressed11:40
ubottustressed: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)11:40
danny_I understand fstab but not how to place a windows share in it11:41
danny_any help pleasE?11:42
Sp0ttehwith the default "Remote desktop" within 10.10, anyone know how to close active connections from the cli? i can see its posible from the gui.11:42
danny_I've got my Windows UUID but there is missing information on how to add it to fstab11:42
ontdanny_: uuid?11:43
ajahstressed, i ve deleted the partition i got this -> WARNING: Re-reading the partition table failed with error 16: Device or resource busy. The kernel still uses the old table. The new table will be used at the next reboot or after you run partprobe(8) or kpartx(8) Syncing disks.11:44
danny_ont:  my understanding was that I could use UUID to ID windows partitions11:44
sacarlsondanny_: this might be helpfull http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/configure-a-system-to-automount-a-samba-share-with-etcfstab/11:44
ontdanny_: nah11:44
ajahstressed, is going to fail when i reboot11:44
Sp0ttehdanny_ try: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently ?11:44
danny_sacarlson, ty11:44
erUSULajah: you better this those things from a livecd with all the partition not mounted ...11:45
danny_Sp0tteh, ty11:45
ajahi m rebooting let see what will happen11:45
rohitnikcoolhi , i am having probel with exaile player it does not show the Shoutcast radio list11:46
awantihi i have implemented samba server. Now i am facing bit problem.  I want to give the permission like 'in perticular shared folder users can create the files but they can't delete it11:46
Sp0ttehwith the default "Remote desktop" within 10.10, anyone know how to close active connections from the cli? i can see its posible from the gui.11:47
rohitnikcoolShoutcast radio list in exaile plyr not appearing ,plz help11:47
MikeChelenX keeps randomly freezing using 100% cpu, and restarting X11:47
MikeChelendoesn't help. using radeon 4250 with proprietary ATI drivers, any suggestions?11:47
rohitnikcoolShoutcast radio list in exaile plyr not appearing plz help11:47
TopCati just installed 10.04 and i'm having the same problems i had when i installed 9.10 a year ago11:48
rohitnikcoolShoutcast radio list in exaile plyr not appearing plz help11:48
rhoxHi I have an external hard disk formatted with HFS+ and it is formated with two partitions. I already managed to mount the first one with the following command: "sudo mount -t hfsplus /dev/sdb /mnt/hfs_disk"   Can anybody tell me how I can mount the second one?11:48
TopCateither the system reboots or i get logged out at random11:48
stressederUSUL blkid reports the drive, and partitions as it should!11:48
TopCati have no idea what it is, nor how to identify what is causing it, but this is totally unacceptable.  the main reason i used 9.04 until now was because it was stable.11:49
rohitnikcoolShoutcast radio list in exaile plyr not appearing11:49
TopCatis there any way i can view a log to see if termination signals are being sent and from what service?11:49
rohitnikcoolplz help Shoutcast radio list in exaile plyr not appearing11:49
bubbles|why does pear install Mail fail on my system?11:49
stressedalso I am fully conversant with UUID's :)  have been developing Embedded linux devices for far toomany years now .11:49
rohitnikcool:( Shoutcast radio list in exaile plyr not appearing11:49
=== fastman61 is now known as ali_yildiz
stressedajah  you will need to reboot in this case. unfortunately there are instances where the kernel can't update it's records correctly after a partition change.11:51
sacarlsonrhox: I didn't even know you could mount a disk like that,  I thought you could only mount partitions like mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sdb1; mount /dev/sdb2 /mnt/sdb211:51
ont baby11:51
ontget shaky11:51
ontafter school11:51
ontoho hhoohh oh there u go11:51
ontoh oh there u11:51
FloodBot2ont: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:51
stressedajah what makes you think it will fail at reboot?11:51
monkstressed, you can also use ksplice after a kernal update11:52
=== naomi is now known as Guest24945
lc0658385installing linux from usb alongside vista. created 116 gb free space with vita disk tool. but now ubuntu installer wants me to specify details for that free space. what settings should i use ? ext4 primary at the beginning or what ?11:53
repgahrollhello guys... does someone know how to disable the grub screen? I've tried to set the timer to 0, but didn't help. here's the current config: http://paste.ubuntu.com/560912/ thank you.11:53
=== Guest24945 is now known as naomi
lc0658385sorry.. that was 16 gb. not 11611:53
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jrib!grub2 | repgahroll11:55
ubotturepgahroll: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub211:55
jribrepgahroll: if os-prober finds multiple OS it will ignore GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT (see the wiki for workarounds)11:56
lc0658385if i chose empty partition when installing ubuntu, will ubuntu create the swap partition ? its very unclear hat to do11:56
repgahrolljrib, i'm not installing the grub... i just want to know how i can add a option on that config file to make it "bypass" the one-option menu. thanks11:58
=== lc0658385 is now known as landingonwater
jriblc0658385: i always just tell it to use unpartitioned space and that works well (so you could delete the partition and do that)11:58
jribrepgahroll: read the last link ubottu gave you, it details how to configure grub11:58
ali_yildizwhat is the error :S Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)11:58
TopCatanyone know how to determine if my box is getting reboot termination signals or if my user is being logged off?11:58
stressedTopCat are you local to the box or remote?11:59
TopCatstressed: local11:59
=== fastman61 is now known as ali_yildiz
landingonwaterjrib: its says "free space" and if i click install it says no root partition specified. I can specify It, but I just dont know what to select.12:00
stressedTopCat if that is the case, a reboot will flash up the BIOS POST screen, and likely beep the internal speaker.12:00
jriblandingonwater: use "guided partitioning"12:00
stressedTopCat while a logoff will just bring you quickly back to the login screen12:00
landingonwaterjrib: should the partition be at the beginnin gor the end ? should it be ext4 journaling system ?12:00
repgahrolljrib, i couldn't find anything applicable... i could set an 1-second hidden timeout, but that's an ugly  workaround, and the boot would be 1sec slower;;;12:01
jriblandingonwater: the installer handles all this for you if you choose guided partitioning12:01
TopCatstressed: it's occuring when i'm not in front of the machine12:01
stressedTopCat can you explain a little more about what symptoms you are getting12:01
landingonwaterjrib: okay.. i will see if i can find a way to start the guid12:01
TopCatstressed:  i leave the box, i come back, and there is a login screen12:01
jribrepgahroll: if os-prober finds multiple OS it will ignore GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT (see the wiki for workarounds)  (did you read this?)12:01
TopCati'm either getting logged out or the box is rebooting12:01
stressedTopCat  if that is the case, have a look at /var/log/messages, and /var/log/auth.log12:01
TopCathow can i cat output to file ?12:02
TopCatcat file | output ?12:02
stressedTopCat is it a laptop or desktop machine12:02
stressedTopCat yes cat /var/log/messages > /tmp/messages.log12:03
danny_sacarlson, I added a line to fstab and the web site said and then I typed "sudo mount -a" to remount and it's taking a while...  is that normal?12:03
nellimtopcat      cat file > output12:03
repgahrolljrib, okay... i'm gonna read that carefully12:03
jribTopCat: COMMAND > FILE  will redirect output of COMMAND to FILE (warning: FILE will be *overwritten* if it exists)12:03
stressedTopCat but it is already a file :)12:03
nellimjrib - you can use a >> to ad to the end of file12:03
TopCatthanks stressed jrib nellim12:03
danny_sacarlson, ah, just got a connection timed out12:03
stressedTopCat I normally would just do..."less -S /var/log/messages"  the -S stops less from wrapping lines, you then use the arrow keys to scroll in all 4 directions12:04
sacarlsondanny_: if the system that shares the files is down or not prived that would be normal12:05
danny_here's my fstab:  http://pastebin.com/rF5DJEJK12:06
danny_I think it's right12:06
sacarlsondanny_: you should be sure you can mount it on the command line before you go editing your fstab files12:06
multiplatinumhow can i record my speakers? so no matter what i say in my mic, it doesn't get recorded?12:08
bazhang!es | 84XABM99Q12:08
ubottu84XABM99Q: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:08
landingonwaterany guide on what to do during installation of ubuntu 10.10 64 bit12:13
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stressedTopCat did you find anything helpfull?  BTW: to look at auth.log you may need to be root. eg: sudo less -S /var/log/auth.log12:13
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TopCatstressed: i see some stuff now12:15
TopCatbut don't know what exactly it is...i want to pastbin it12:15
TopCathold on12:15
danny_sacarlson, I was able to mount it command line, but I didnt get a chance to write down the command.  Can you type the mount command again for me please?12:16
tolaAny news on the UbuntuOne maintenance? I was expecting it to be back up by now?12:16
bazhangtola, try in #ubuntuone12:17
danny_sacarlson, I removed Win 7 from homegroup and now I can see my Ubuntu box, booyah12:17
tolabazhang: thanks12:17
stressedTopCat looking now, brb12:19
TopCatstressed: that's my /var/log/auth.log during the time it happened12:19
stressedTopCat  what is your normal username?12:22
danny_can someone please share the command to mount a windows partition?  I need to write it down and am not finding it anywhere12:23
leoncutzhi there12:23
leoncutzi am very new to ubuntu. i have just install it12:23
stresseddanny at a minimum I would need the output of "sudo blkid"12:24
leoncutzi want to play  a few games online but it needs java runtime. i hv dload it but dont know hot to install it coz it requires some commands whioch i ma not very familiar12:24
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bazhangleoncutz, downloaded from where12:24
leoncutzcan someone help me plz.12:25
coz_leoncutz,  what is the problem?12:25
leoncutzits all jargon to me here. sorry12:25
bazhang!java | leoncutz12:25
ubottuleoncutz: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.12:25
bazhangleoncutz, enable the partner repo and install from there12:25
pfarrellhi! I'm trying to make a debian package for a library I'm writing. dh_auto_build is acting a bit funny. is this the right place to ask questions?12:25
bazhang!partner > leoncutz12:25
ubottuleoncutz, please see my private message12:25
TopCatstressed: look at PM12:26
sagacidanny_: where is your mount point and what /dev/sd is it?12:26
pfarrellin my source directory, if I type 'dh_auto_build', it just works12:26
bullgard4!dualboot | DarkMio12:26
ubottuDarkMio: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot12:26
leoncutztks guys for ur kind response. let me try it12:26
stressedTopCat  didn't get a pm, I will try and open one to you now...12:27
danny_here's blkid:  http://pastebin.com/kUd9GhXz12:27
danny_sagaci:  I want my mount point to be /mnt/gaia  as for dev/sd, how do I find that out for windows computer?12:27
sagarchalisecan anyone tell me what package is that places > connecct to server ?12:28
leoncutzguys, i might sound very stupid here. how do i enable the partner in java?12:28
stresseddanny the output of blkid shows that there is no windows partition on your computer, therefore you can not mount one :(12:28
BitGeniusAnyone know about linux thin client solutions....we are going to make our network in linux thin clients12:29
danny_stressed:  I can't mount a Windows share from a different computer?12:29
stressedah, if you are trying to mount a windows share, that is a totally different thing.12:29
nellimdanny_ you talking about smb at that point12:29
landingonwaterjust a note. when installing alongside vista, and one goes into advanced partitioning, there is no turning back to the install wizard for dual boot. one has to remove the usb, log into vista, shut down and start over. pretty weird.12:29
TopCatstressed: you getting my pm ?12:30
stressedthe easiest way, is to not touch fstab, but in nautilus (file manager) choose "connect to server" and from there is should be simple.12:30
danny_nellim:  yeah, but how to do it is still a mystery to me after many tries12:30
danny_I keep getting failed to retrieve share list from server12:31
landingonwatersince ubuntu can resize a partition, then why is it advised many places to create empty space on the disk using vista disktool ? or maybe thats all outdated information ?12:31
nellimdanny: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/how-to-mount-remote-windows-partition-windows-share-under-linux.html12:31
danielhello would anyone be able to help me download a .tgz program12:31
bazhangleoncutz, hang on I'll give you the command12:32
randomus1rWhat package does ``gnome-session'' belong to?12:32
bazhangsudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner12:32
bazhangleoncutz, type that in terminal ^12:33
danielhow do i install a .tgz file12:33
randomus1rdaniel, extract by 'tar xvf filename', read the install file; it's usually source and needs a manual compile12:33
bazhangdaniel, what package12:33
danielits called tibia870.tgz from tibia.com12:34
danielit says its for linux12:34
nellimdaniel: tar -xvf the file12:34
nellimdaniel: then read the README file if there is one12:35
randomus1ror INSTALL12:35
randomus1rbut it is manual compiling, if they offer another package, it'd be easier12:35
randomus1rlike .deb or something12:35
danny_I get mount -t cifs //ntserver/download -o username=vivek,password=myPassword /mnt/ntserver  usage error12:35
BitGeniusAnyone know about linux thin client solutions....we are going to make our network in linux thin clients12:36
danieldaniel@Shelia:~$ tar -xvf Tibia870.tgz12:36
danieltar: Tibia870.tgz: Cannot open: No such file or directory12:36
danieltar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now12:36
FloodBot2daniel: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:36
danielthats what it gave me12:36
BitGeniusAnyone know about linux thin client solutions....we are going to make our network in linux thin clients.........would anybody tell me advantages over other thinclients12:37
randomus1rPlease, if someone sees my question, raise your hand.12:37
kunahow one can use webcam?12:37
bazhangkuna, with cheese or camorama?12:38
bazhangleoncutz, did you use that command in the terminal?12:39
danielrandomus1r, how do i tar xvf something the file name is Tibia870.tgz12:39
Next1hey does anyone know how to low level format a netbook12:39
Next1i need to boot and do it all from a USB12:39
bazhang sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" leoncutz12:40
randomus1rdaniel, can you open a terminal and do this: cd path/to/the/tar/file/directory/12:40
Next1hey does anyone know how to low level format a netbook12:40
landingonwateris it stupid to excrypt the home folder during installation ? what if the system breaks and I need to get my files out ?12:40
Next1i need to boot and do it all from a USB12:40
danielrandomus1r, no such file or directory12:41
randomus1rdaniel, what command did you run?12:42
danielthe one u told me to12:42
GunnDawgHey folks, I recently reinstalled 10.10 and forgot the fix I applied for my headphones jack on my Toshiba Satelitte C655. it had something to do with editing the alsa-base.conf but I forgot what it was12:42
bazhangdaniel, are you in the correct directory when you run the command?12:42
danielbazhang, didnt know i had to be hmm let me try to get there12:43
danny_Nellim:  the command on the web site doesn't work (usage error) and someone typed in a mount command that worked for me...12:43
thauriswulfaQUESTION: is there any sound theme for xubuntu.??????/12:43
danielThank you who ever helped me u guys are awesome :D it worked cya next problem i have lol12:45
devilcodehow do i add my user to group www-data12:46
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Guest85587 12:47
stresseddevilcode why would you want do do that, it sounds dangerous to me?12:48
landingonwaterokay.. been reading . and still not clear on encrypting the ubuntu home folder. if i encrypt, what will be the situation if the system breaks ? will that shut me out completely ?12:49
devilcodei want to be able to add and remove files12:49
devilcodefrom the website12:49
devilcodeis that not the way to do it ?12:49
stresseddevilcode  if you really want to do it and you understand the security risks, use "adduser devilcode www-data"12:49
devilcodestressed>> what is the better way to do ti12:50
landingonwaterso encrypting is good ?12:50
mantisehow do i change my ubuntu system langue ?12:51
ljsoftnetwhere can i get ubuntu 10.10 default theme for ubuntu 10.04?12:51
bazhangmantise, system administration language support12:51
danny_I'm trying to use GADMIN-Samba but it isn't working at all---  lots of errors12:51
greenmang0what command can be used to detect all the HDDs attached to system?12:52
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stresseddevilcode  it depends on the environment (ie desktop or server etc)  personally I have a staging area that I keep a copy of the site in. then use something like "sudo cp www-store/newfile /var/www/newfile ; chown www-data:www-data /var/www/newfile" this makes certain that the owner and group of the files is correct.12:52
stresseddevilcode also don't forget to correctly set the permissions on all files12:53
stressedgreenmang0   "sudo blkid"12:53
devilcodeStressed >> yeah makes sense....  ;)12:54
greenmang0stressed: there's actually a HDD attached to system... but the above command doesn't show it12:54
stresseddevilcode  one of the problems with adding yourself to www-data is it becomes VERY easy to forget to set ownership and permissions (eg the files are still owned by you) this then leads to potential security flaws.   a well setup webserver will refuse to touch a file owned by root.12:55
stressedgreenmang0  try "cat /proc/partitions"12:56
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stressedgreenmang0  there can be a number of reasons why blkid won't show a drive, but the most likely is that there are no formatted partitions on the device.12:57
stressedgreenmang0 devilcode I have to go out for a while, will have a quick look at the logs when I get back....12:58
devilcodestressed >> Thanks np12:58
kumaankihi there..12:58
kumaankidoes anyone know how to fix the flickering screen problem in ubuntu..12:59
ljsoftnetwhere can i get ubuntu 10.10 default theme for ubuntu 10.04?12:59
KM0201kumaanki: whats your graphics device?12:59
syn3rgyNvidia I would guess12:59
danny_Smb4k does the same thing as Places connect to server---  doesn't accept the password even though it's correct13:00
Fuchslspci | grep VGA  would be better than guessing :p13:00
kumaankiATI radeon 465013:00
KM0201Fuchs: i wasn't even gonna justify that w/ a response... :)13:00
KM0201kumaanki: are you using the ATI driver?13:00
kumaankiankit@ankit-laptop:~$ lspci | grep VGA13:01
kumaanki01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc M96 [Mobility Radeon HD 4650]13:01
danny_I see windows box listed in Smb4K but it won't let me access teh shares13:01
kumaankiyes, when i installed ubuntu, it gave me the option to install third party driver and i had installed ati drivers13:01
repgahrollhey guys... is there anything like avstodvd for linux? any usable alternative? Is it possible to install it on linux from source?13:01
KM0201kumaanki: its hard telling.. i've never had a good experience w/ ATI linux13:02
bazhangrepgahroll, what is that13:02
repgahrollbazhang, it's like devede, but it has much better quality... the image quality is even better than commercial softwares.13:02
syn3rgyInteresting, I am having the same issue with X-Swat on my Nvidia cards. Not seeing th e issue though in Natty dev.13:03
bazhangrip dvd repgahroll ?13:03
repgahrollbazhang, it's opensource, but doesn't seem to compile on non-windows13:03
repgahrollbazhang, in fact... i'm looking for it's quality... nothing is compared.13:03
bazhangrepgahroll, you haven't told me what you're trying to do13:04
repgahrollbazhang, i'm trying to copy xvid videos to a standard video DVD.13:04
kumaankiankit@ankit-laptop:~$ sudo dpkg --get-selections | grep ati13:04
FloodBot2kumaanki: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:04
KM0201kumaanki: have you tried this?...  http://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/catalyst_104_linux.pdf13:04
KM0201kumaanki: if you do try that, make sure you disable the driver in additional drivers before you do.13:05
kumaankiif you see the last row, it shows the xserver-xorg-video-ati package installed13:05
KM0201kumaanki: you got cut off because you flooded.. .use common sense (and pastebin)13:05
bazhangrepgahroll, better to just rip from the iso or dvd tons of software in Ubuntu do that great. reversing is always going to mean a grainy lossy experience13:06
Picirepgahroll: Just looking at its homepage tells me that it uses ffmpeg to convert videos, so thats definitely available on Linux.  You just need to figure out what sort of settings it uses.13:06
Error404NotFoundUnable to mount NFS shares: http://pastebin.com/YfdfHm6t13:06
kumaanki@KM0201: didn't get you.13:06
KM0201kumaanki: what do you mean "didn't get me"13:06
Picibazhang: Its for DVD authoring, not ripping. :)13:06
repgahrollbazhang, Pici, i'm looking for some program that can use lanczos or spline (adv) filters. i don't know how to do that using ffmpeg.13:07
kumaanki@KM0201: how to disable additional drivers?13:07
KM0201kumaanki: system admin additional drivers?  highlight and click "deactivate" then restart?13:07
bazhangrepgahroll, it can be done with ffmpeg if you read up on it.13:08
Picirepgahroll: Have you tried asking in #ffmpeg ?13:08
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repgahrollbazhang, Pici, nope... i'm gonna read the manual... is there any frontend for ffmpeg?13:09
danny_this is too frustrating...   I think it's because of Windows 713:09
bubbles|what is sendmail error 67?13:10
KM0201danny_: i've never accessed a samba share from 7, but I've had good luck w/ XP13:10
abhilashI'm having wireless problem, hp6g2 laptop, 64 bit ubuntu . I can see the wireless connections, but connot connect.13:11
danny_KM0201:  frustrating part is I connected a couple hours ago and it started copying files over, but then it crapped out13:11
KM0201danny_: thats pretty strange13:11
danny_KM0201:  I'm reading a lot about how Win 7 with it's homegroups isn't even very compatible with previous versions of Windows13:12
KM0201danny_: hmm.13:12
abhilashDoes anyone know how to get wireless windows inf file?? so i can use ndiswrapper to connect to wireless13:12
KM0201abhilash: whats your wireless device?13:13
Tom22Hello. can someone help me ? I've done the command: sudo chmod go-r <dir> on my server, which rejected access to it. Now I can't work out how to grant access to everyone again? thanks13:13
abhilashKM0201: RT3090 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe13:13
rethuscan someone tell me which the default-size for the ubuntu-font is?13:13
abhilashKM0201: RT3090 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe Ralink13:14
rethusin systemsettings13:14
abhilashKM0201: I ran command sudo lshw -C network     vendor: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.13:15
danny_well crap in a hat!  At least I finally got my software firewall working right13:16
howlymowlyhi poeple..  I am using a seperate partition for my encrypted home directory...  provided that i use the same password and login-data . Will I be able to reinstall my system and have my home-directory directly available? (I did this wiht non-encrypted home directories all the time.. but I don't know whether this works with an encrypted home directory..)13:17
abhilashhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/560941/ I've pasted my network configration, can anyone help to get my wireless running??13:17
KM0201abhilash: no clue on that device, google shows a lot of problems w/ it...13:17
rethusdoes anyone here still using ubuntu > 10.10? Would be great if such a user can post me a Screenshot (or type here) of the system-font-settings13:18
rethusi didn't like the ubuntu-font :(13:18
syn3rgyIs the Sandy Bridge architecture going to be fully supported in Natty 11.04. As of now I need to build the graphics stack from source (2.6.37 Mesa, libdrm, xf86-video-intel, and libva )13:18
abhilashKM0201: Oh i'm stuck man:( no wireless at work an stuff, in my home i can use mobile broadband and wired..........13:18
abhilashKM0201: Hey how do i get wireless inf from windows 7?? i dual boot13:19
KM0201abhilash: honestly, i have no idea....13:19
alphahi there13:21
ComradeHaz`Hi all. Is there anything wrong with the syntax of this dhcp3 entry for pxe booting of the client in question? I get config file not found. http://pastebin.com/0F8E5TfZ13:21
ComradeHaz`Using the info on http://syslinux.zytor.com/wiki/index.php/PXELINUX13:21
KM0201abhilash: does the machine have any internet at all, under Linux?13:23
jfalvarezhey, somebody know how to change permissions when a virtualbox shared folder is auto mounted?13:24
enavnorming joomla adicts13:24
enavjfalvarez: ye ssure13:24
vs-hsjfalvarez: :O13:24
enavjfalvarez: open  VBox panel13:25
jfalvarezenav: k13:25
enavjfalvarez: select your virtual machine, and clcin on settings13:25
ComradeHaz`Hmm, guys, how do I find the NIC type I have as described on this page: http://www.mail-archive.com/ltsp-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net/msg23509.html13:26
enavjfalvarez:go to shared folders13:26
jfalvarezenav: yeah I'm there13:26
enavjfalvarez: add the folder that you want to share13:26
jfalvarezenav: yeah, but the when I set auto mount, the permissions are odd, I mean, vbosf group and 644 ;\13:27
enavjfalvarez: those folder will be permanent13:27
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jfalvarezenav: I think I'll uncheck auto mount and mount this myself in the fstab13:28
jfalvarezenav: thank you13:28
=== farewell is now known as guest
guesttomorrow is chinese new year ,the spring festival!  :-)13:28
enavwell i want rice rolls for breakfast13:29
Abhinav1I want to remove Universal Access Preferences icon from my gnome-panel but every time I remove that, I comes again.. How to remove that... although I tried to restore the panel also but that is also not working..13:29
jfalvarezenav: nom nom nom13:29
enavnom nom13:30
guestenav, Hmm,chinese would not eat rice in that day, they eat meat and fish instead13:30
enavAbhinav1:  open startup programs and unchek remember session programs before close13:31
snimavatit would be great if some one can help me with this issue http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1596928 plz reply on forum13:32
snimavatso it would be helpful to others too13:32
geemeeHi folks. Is there a way similar to uptime that I can see how long a service has been running?13:32
ComradeHaz`geemee: htop displays that13:34
dnivrahello. is there any way that i can detect a audio/video player running in ubuntu(rhythmbox, amarok, vlc etc)? it could be any player, not just the ones listed above-should be able to detect them. any ideas how?13:34
ComradeHaz`Oh, no, that's not what you mean13:34
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ktwowhat do you mean by "detect them"?13:35
ComradeHaz`Probably best just to inspect logs, geemee, and see when it last started.13:35
ComradeHaz`guys, how do I find the NIC type I have, as described on this page: http://www.mail-archive.com/ltsp-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net/msg23509.html13:35
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dnivraof course i mean writing a program and interacting with them too if possible. But first i need to know which player is/are currently running. i know few individual players have dbus interfaces but that'd mean i'd need to individually check whether each of them is running. any global way of detecting if an audio/video player is active?13:36
Souravhey guys13:36
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Souravtell me some1 how to call , what application to use . like gtalk in windows13:37
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Abhinav1I want to remove Universal Access Preferences icon from my gnome-panel but every time I remove that, I comes again.. How to remove that... although I tried to restore the panel also but that is also not working..13:40
skutr3hey i installed java and it says its out of date13:42
skutr3can someone help13:42
livingdaylightmaybe someone has an idea: every time I shut down or reboot i get a dialog pop up telling me that a program is still running/not ended. Is there a way of figuring out wha tthat is and how to disable it?13:43
livingdaylightIt reads: A program is still running: Unknown Not responding Waiting for the program to finish. Interrupting the program may cause you to lose work.13:43
etidhori need help to write a command promt and boot from it13:44
jriblivingdaylight: use ps to find programs still being run by your user?13:44
skutr3i downloaded java and its says im out of date can anyone help me??????13:44
livingdaylightjrib, how?13:44
jribskutr3: what is "it" in your sentence?13:44
snimavatRight click context menu auto click : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1596928 seems this issue would force me to leave ubuntu and go back to win13:45
skutr3yes jrib13:45
jriblivingdaylight: ps -u your_username13:45
bazhang!here | snimavat13:45
ubottusnimavat: Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com13:45
jribskutr3: what do you mean by "it" in your sentence?13:45
skutr3java test applet jrib13:45
snimavatAuto clicks on right click context menu,13:45
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etidhori need help to write shell?? who can help or give source  only c++13:46
snimavatwhen I do a right click, ubuntu will be over smart and will autoclick on a context menu option13:46
bazhangsnimavat, more details than that please13:46
snimavatjust as mentioned here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159692813:46
livingdaylightjrib, loads of services, how do I identify which is causing the issue?13:46
jriblivingdaylight: make educated guesses, kill, see if problem persists13:47
dnivra!ot | etidhor13:47
ubottuetidhor: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:47
snimavatNo matter how fast I press and release the right click button, it will select the first option on the menu as soon as I release it13:47
skutr3jrib:  it is the java test applet13:47
etidhorhow to install grub to usb i used grub-install but it said cant read stage113:47
skutr3jrib: it says im out of date13:47
jribskutr3: link?13:47
snimavatthts the issue i am facing since day first13:47
skutr3jrib: http://www.java.com/en/download/testjava.jsp13:47
jribsnimavat: did you find a bug report at bugs.ubuntu.com?13:48
livingdaylightjrib, i'm told it could likely be compiz but don't know how to resolve it one way or another. I've tried killing processes using system monitor but problem persists13:48
dnivraetidhor: why do you want to install grub to usb?13:48
jriblivingdaylight: then it's not what you killed.  Kill something else13:48
snimavatlet me13:48
dnivraetidhor: why do you want to install grub to usb? what's the reason?13:49
etidhori want test little os on usb13:49
livingdaylightwhat's polkit-gnome-au?13:49
etidhortext based os13:49
jriblivingdaylight: pastebin what you have open13:49
skutr3jrib:   you there/13:49
dnivraetidhor: so why not make a live usb and grub should be installed by default.13:49
jribskutr3: how did you install java?13:49
dnivraetidhor: or whatever bootloader that os you want to test uses.13:50
skutr3jrib: through software centre13:50
etidhorstartup disk creator doesnt mount iso13:50
jribskutr3: what package?13:50
skilzanyone know how I can increase my nvidia fan speed?13:50
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livingdaylightjrib, output: http://pastebin.com/HZYwcury13:50
livingdaylightjrib, thx13:51
Guest96299 i just installed kubuntu 10.10.  I resized the kde start bar and centered it on the screen, but after reboot/login it is no longer center and is justified to the left of the screen.  Anyone have any ideas how to fix this?13:51
snimavatjrib: any idea?13:51
dnivraetidhor: whatever OS you want to run as a live USB, best you ask in the appropriate channel. or you could test using virtual box if you have sufficient ram.13:51
snimavatwhat could be wrong13:51
skutr3jrib: jdk and jre 613:51
jribsnimavat: I suggested you find a bug report13:51
yogurturjoin #drupal-media13:51
dnivra!vbox | etidhor13:51
ubottuetidhor: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox13:51
skutr3jrib: brb13:51
snimavatdont find any similar bug report13:51
snimavati cant find]13:51
jriblivingdaylight: close the "regular" programs you have open one by one, then see if when you go to shutdown it still has the message.  i.e. chromium, firefox, etc.13:51
etidhormy ram is the best13:52
nicofsHow do i connect to a WPA2 secured network via console?13:52
snimavatjrib: no such bug report found13:52
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huMz0Hi, anyone knows in the Ubuntu alternative cd what's the default encryption algorithm that it uses for LVM encryption?13:53
ChristianAdamskiHey, after update on a remote v-server, I cannot login via ssh anymore. /var/log/auth says " cannot open as standard input: Permission denied" - help?13:53
yogurturhello all, i'm looking for help to include livestream videos, maybe using Media: video Flotsam, but i don't find for D713:54
skutr3jrib: back13:54
skutr3jrib: what do i need to do?13:54
livingdaylightjrib, normally I shut chrome and FF and tweetdeck down before aiming to reboot/shutdown... so, i know its not those programs... its like its something else hanging13:54
etidhorbut i still need help to install grub to my usb13:54
jribskutr3: "jdk" and "jre 6" are not names of packages13:54
jriblivingdaylight: make sure13:54
skutr3jrib: what do you mean by package?13:55
jribskutr3: the thing you install13:55
livingdaylightjrib, I sometimes have 2 or 3 instances of MT4 open, and again, even though I have 'em closed, i get that programs is running dialog.13:55
skutr3jdk 6u 2313:55
jribsnimavat: this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+2.0/+bug/68156713:56
skutr3jrib: that isnt the one i have though i think i got jdk 6u2213:56
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jribskutr3: pastebin the contents of "about:plugins" in firefox13:56
skilzIt seems your card isn't officialy supported in NVClock yet.13:57
skilzThe reason can be that your card is too new.13:57
skilzIf you want to try it anyhow [DANGEROUS], use the option -f to force the setting(s).13:57
snimavatmay be, this one is already mentioned in the forum thread13:58
skutr3jrib: http://pastebin.com/4bWfwdQk13:58
livingdaylightjrib, on the list I see explorer. exe and don't know what it is. I feel as though there is some windows crap running that sin't switching off13:58
skilzWhats the worst that can happen? Im trying to increase my fan speed13:58
snimavatbut it looks almost the same issue13:58
jribskutr3: locate libnpjp2.so13:58
Anubislivingdaylight: maube wine is installed ??13:59
skutr3jrib: in plugins?13:59
jribskutr3: in a terminal13:59
livingdaylightAnubis, it is, wouldn't that be wineserver... i see hre explorer.exe what is that?13:59
nicofsHow do i connect to a WPA2 secured network via console?14:00
bazhang!wifi | nicofs read this please14:00
ubottunicofs read this please: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:00
jribsnimavat: I would follow that bug report14:01
Anubislivingdaylight: explorer.exe is the main component from windows OS. do you run windows explorer on wine ?14:01
chad_is there a gui for dns14:02
livingdaylightAnubis, no14:02
skutr3jrib: i cant get into my usr folder14:02
snimavatthts what i can do14:02
skutr3jrib: on terminal14:02
jribskutr3: why are you trying to?14:02
skutr3acess plugins14:02
jribskutr3: personally, I'd rule out hardware issues14:02
snimavatjrig: thnx14:03
snimavatjrib: thnx14:03
skutr3jrib: im trying to get to firefox plugins14:03
jribsnimavat: personally, I'd rule out hardware issues14:03
Anubislivingdaylight: if i remember well when i 'played' with wine explorer.exe was installed and i was able to run windows explorer.14:03
livingdaylightAnubis, hope I don't have some stupid virus14:03
jribskutr3: just run the locate command14:03
snimavatjrib: rule out?14:03
skutr3jrib: which is?14:03
Anubislivingdaylight: i hope so.14:04
jribsnimavat: yeah, see if it happens with a different mouse.  Or see if that mouse displays the behavior on a different OS14:04
jribskutr3: locate libnpjp2.so14:04
Anubislivingdaylight: if you want to run somw windows apps use virtualbox.14:04
snimavatjrib: nope, the mouse works fine with my win xp, its just ubuntu which has issues14:04
skutr3jrib: ok14:04
skutr3jrib: now what14:05
Anubisyou'll need some space on your hard drive and at least 2.5GB of RAM14:05
livingdaylightAnubis, not running any windows apps except MT4 and I'm running that on wine14:05
jribskutr3: tell me the output14:05
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skutr3jrib: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
jribskutr3: dpkg -S /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
livingdaylightAnubis, I'm also running OmNovia which is a chat room type application like Gomeeting from FF14:06
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skutr3jrib: ok14:06
JewkanoBanybody good with gparted?14:06
jrib!anybody | JewkanoB14:06
ubottuJewkanoB: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:06
skutr3jrib: now what>14:07
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motzHi, I can't connect to the internet. Can somebody help me?14:07
jribskutr3: tell me the outpu14:07
nicofsbazhang, that's not exactly conclusive... i somehow can't connect using "iwconfig ra0 essid ESSID mode managed key s:PASSWORD" - dhclient won't find any IP offer...14:07
KevinBhello all!14:07
JewkanoBi do what i want ubot :p14:07
Anubisi see14:07
skutr3jrib: dpkg -S /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
jribJewkanoB: well ubottu is trying to tell you how you can get help14:07
KevinBsomeone ever had problem with libgnutls and verifying Verisign cert?14:07
jribskutr3: that's the input you typed, I need the output you got back14:08
kumaanki@KM0201: I followed the link which you gave, i downloaded the file from ati website and before installing the new driver i deactivated the old one14:08
kumaankistill it's not working14:08
skutr3jrib: sun-java6-bin: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
JewkanoBthe thing is i cloned my hard drive i made the partitions but it wont fully boot14:08
KM0201kumaanki: i really don't know.14:08
TanvirHello everybody, does anybody know how to update from svn with Cron? Why I manually do that, I go to that directory and use "svn update", now I want do that automatically with Cron. Please help.14:08
KevinBI ran, gnutls-cli failed, whereas openssl does check everything s ok14:08
KM0201kumaanki: it was just a suggestion.14:08
adi11hi all. where do you paste files in here?14:08
JewkanoBso im guessing i think i need to change the drive letters to C14:08
Anubismotz: check your cable, gateway and dns servers14:08
kumaankihmm...ok. thanks14:09
JewkanoBso can u change drive letters with gparted is my question14:09
jribskutr3: sun-java6-bin is the corresponding name of the package then.  What does « sudo apt-get update && apt-cache policy sun-java6-bin » return (use paste.ubuntu.com)?14:09
jribJewkanoB: linux doesn't use drive letters14:09
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JewkanoBim cloning a windows system :p14:09
jribJewkanoB: ask ##windows about drive letters14:10
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JewkanoBfine -_-14:10
skutr3jrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/560964/14:10
jribskutr3: then you have the latest version available in the official repositories.  That's fine14:11
skutr3jrib: it says update available though14:12
nicofsI am connected to a wifi networ via console (iwconfig ra0 essid ...), ifconfig lists that i receive and send bytes - but dhclient can't get an IP... what's wrong?14:12
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jribskutr3: I'm not sure what the update policy is in the partner repo, but for official packages, security patches are cherry-picked from updates.  If you don't want to use the partner repos, you probably have to install and maintain java yourself14:13
Anubisnicofs:maybe some mac address restrictions on your wifi router ?14:14
nicofsAnubis, could connect with the same device before14:14
nicofsno change to the router14:14
nicofsonly thing is WPA2 and a password...14:15
ktwomh ive just created a lowercase and upper case folder with the same name on an NTFS drive - what happens when i read that hdd under windows again? :>14:15
jribktwo: easy way to find out :o14:17
ktwoi dont have access to a windows box right now :| but i guess only one of these is shown, but which one lower or upper case?14:18
jribktwo: I think both are shown, but I would avoid doing this14:18
MessedupHDanyone know why my swapspace suddenly takes up the vast majority of my HD and I can't acces any of my data? and more importantly, how I can fix it?14:19
erUSULktwo: man ntfs-3g --> section "Windows Filename Compatibility" « filenames are case sensi‐ tive and all characters are allowed except '/' and '\0'. This is perfectly legal on Windows,14:19
adi11hi everybody. i have a very big problem that stalls my ubuntu. on X i cant do anything. nothing responds. CTRL+ALt+F1 i see this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/560968/14:19
adi11anyone have anyidea what this means?14:19
adi11i think is some kernel or grub issue.14:20
adi11and my hdd keeps doing some strange noise14:20
erUSULadi11: errors in the sata/pata ports.14:21
erUSULadi11: buy a new drive and backup ASAP14:21
Nutty-Nattyadi11: did you add any new hardware recently?14:21
greppyadi11: that looks like a hard drive problem.14:21
adi11erSUL | do you think it might be a hardware prob14:21
adi11its a old desktop of 200514:21
gpcadi11: anytime a HDD starts making "weird noises" it's a hardware problem14:22
adi11i am in dual boot with XP14:22
Nutty-Nattyadi11: I'd change the cable first14:22
adi11and there nothing hangs on14:22
erUSULadi11: well you can make sure consulting the libata error msgs page and comparing to your exact errors « dmesg | grep -i ata »14:22
adi11the hdd is a sata cable14:22
erUSULadi11: but if the HD is making noises it leaves little doubts. the disk is daying14:22
erUSULadi11: but if the HD is making noises it leaves little doubts. the disk is dieing14:23
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erUSULadi11: https://ata.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Libata_error_messages14:23
Nutty-NattyerUSUL: one of mine in a mobile rack makes noises but it's usually the fan and not the HD14:24
adi11ersul | http://paste.ubuntu.com/560971/14:24
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.14:24
Nutty-Nattytab doesn't work on webchat14:24
adi11if the hdd is dying ... why is this happening only on ubuntu? my xp is going well for now.14:25
MessedupHDanyone? I've tried testdisk...it says I have a bad cylinder somewhere, is there any way to recover the data?14:25
adacanyone experience with gedit + latex?14:25
erUSULadi11: grep -i ata /var/log/messages14:25
Nutty-NattyMessedupHD: have you looked in gparted?14:25
Synaptici have a problem with my ubutu, the problem is about the audio, i dont hear nothig and on alsamixer i have all at maximum and the correct soundcard is active14:25
BluesKajHey folks14:25
bonjoyeeadi11: id say try different kernel/livecd14:26
adi11i did.14:26
MessedupHDyup...just a big ol' swapspace (158gig) also labelled as boot..and a couple of 5gig parts14:26
Nutty-NattySynaptic: you aren't using pulseaudio?14:26
adi11i am on 9.10 now14:26
adi11and is workin well untill now14:26
SynapticNutty-Natty, i dont know how can i check it?14:26
greppyadi11: it may be due to where the data is on the hdd, part of a disk can fail, the xp portion could be fine with the ubuntu partition having issues, if you had xp installed where ubuntu is, it could be having problems and ubuntu be fine.14:26
adi11i am afraid  to do the updates14:26
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Synapticpacket pulseaudio result installed14:27
bonjoyeeadi11: but did you mount the hdd?14:27
Nutty-NattySynaptic: I guess go to synaptic and look to see if pulseaudio is installed14:27
SynapticNutty-Natty, packet pulseaudio result installed14:27
pineapplesreply to me14:28
galamarcan't join #iphonedev????14:28
BluesKajSynaptic, first make sure the ctrls aren't muted with a M in the box at the bottom of the ctrls, us e the M key to unmute, if not then do you have pulseaudio installed?14:28
adi11erUSUL |http://paste.ubuntu.com/560973/14:28
bonjoyeeadi11: normally the hdd manufacturers have a low level application to check the hdd integrity..try yours..that'll be the best bet!14:28
Nutty-NattySynaptic: there is a little configuration utility around called paconfig which is great in the event of dual sound cards - is that your situation?14:28
adi11bonjoyee | no i didnt.14:28
MessedupHDif I use gparted to change the sizes back to what they were, will my data be intact, or will it create new, empty parts over the apparent swapspace?14:28
adi11greppy thanks14:29
Nutty-NattyMessedupHD: I wouldn't like to comment14:29
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erUSULadi11: the grep left out the actual error messages...14:29
SynapticBluesKaj, what ctrls you mean?14:29
Synapticso what box?14:29
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erUSULadi11: the error is in the ata2 port14:29
Synapticalsamixer box?14:29
adi11i think i can change the ata port14:29
erUSULadi11: can you post the whole file ? use pastebinit14:29
adi11its the red cable?14:29
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com14:29
SynapticBluesKaj, there are "00" not "MM"14:30
MessedupHDyea, I haven't been able to find anything in the forums either...but gutted about this...are there any recovery tools that anyone could suggest? there's ~100gig o data on there I'd like to get back before binning it14:30
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feydIs it possible to listen to an MPD server from a remote location? I know you can manage the library, but can you stream the output14:30
Tom22Hello. can someone help me ? I've done the command: sudo chmod go-r <dir> on my server, which rejected access to it. Now I can't work out how to grant access to everyone again? thanks14:31
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adi11erUSUL | http://paste.ubuntu.com/560977/14:31
adi11is this right?14:31
erUSULadi11: nope ... « pastebinit /var/log/messages »14:31
Nutty-NattyMessedupHD: How did it get messed up? are the pins okay or did you drop it or anything?14:32
adi111 sek14:32
jribTom22: change the '-' to a '+'14:32
jrib!permissions > Tom2214:32
ubottuTom22, please see my private message14:32
Nutty-Natty..sudo chmod +x14:33
feydCan MPD stream output to remote clients?14:33
napsterI've installed plymouth-theme-sabily on my system. But theme doesn't changed. How can I change it?14:33
jribnapster: use update-alternatives to set the one you want, then run update-initramfs -u14:34
adi11erUSUL | http://pastebin.com/zXtarnCg14:34
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Tom22jrib thanks :)14:34
MessedupHDI May have dropped it...heavy weekend, but I'm not too sure...I'm pretty sure its the partition table though, gparted's telling me I have /dev/sdd1 as linux-swap "143.19GB (only dashes under used/unused)...an extended part at /dev/sdd2 (5.86) part of which is /dev/2dd5 set as  linux-swap at 5.86GB...nothing showing up as used/unused...and sdd3 & 4 just aren't there14:34
DiverdudeIs hyperthreading actually not just a virtualization of parallel processes? I mean, a CPU with hyperthreading is still just a single core, so i guess hyperthreading needs to schedule anyway somehow, so whats the gain ? Why is hyper threading good?14:35
Tom22jrib how would I make it so that, when accessing the folder over samba, I need to use the machine's login to access it from another pc?14:35
jrib!samba | Tom2214:35
ubottuTom22: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.14:35
jribTom22: might also try #samba14:36
Synaptichow cani run: alsaconfig ?14:36
MessedupHDis there any way to mount swapspace as ext3 and see if I can pick through what's there?14:36
feydSynaptic: install it14:36
Synapticfeyd, with what pack?14:36
Nutty-Nattywhat is output of cat /etc/fstab ?14:36
erUSULadi11: it looks like they are medium errors bad blocks? so it may be the case that the disk is dieing. System>Admin...>Disk utility. what is the smart status ?14:36
wn1zidPlease deposit you're  microsoft products to you're  local green box trash receptacle and thank you for using Ubuntu Linux.14:36
napsterjrib: Can you elaborate a little bit on it? It seems like I'm about to run update-alternatives for the first time. Can I PM you?14:36
feydSynaptic: from synaptic manager14:36
Synapticthere arent pack called alsaconf14:36
Tom22jrib thanks14:36
feydSynaptic: hang on14:36
chad_how do you change your domain name14:36
adi11erUSUL |disk is healthy14:37
jribnapster: just run « sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth »14:37
erUSULadi11: number of badblocks?14:37
erUSULbad sectors14:38
Synapticfeyd,  ?14:38
Synaptichang on?14:38
feydSynaptic: I said to hang on yes, get alsa-utils14:38
napsterjrib: let me try14:38
Synapticfeyd, alsa-utils is installed14:38
bonjoyeeadi11: it could simply be a kernel issue...try booting with the nodma kernel option...or try earlier kernel version if available..14:39
A_Jo/ all, i screwed up my ubuntu by a failed install of opera..14:39
A_Jwhat can i do to fix it ?14:39
feydSynaptic: got me then, try gnome-alsamixer14:39
erUSULA_J: define " screwed up my ubuntu " ?14:40
A_Jwell it hangs and freezes erUSUL,14:40
erUSULA_J: why do you think it has to do with the failed install?14:40
HalfMoonI have done this before but I forget how:  I have a directory for a mount point $HOME/mnt/dir and the owner are user:user, when I mount a CIFS share, the owner/group change to root:root.  anyone know how I fixed this before so the owner:group stay as the user?14:41
A_Jwell during the opera insall this mornin it hung, and since then it's giving problems14:41
novitohi: what a d before the permission means? like this: drwxr-xr-x14:41
sipiornovito: "directory"14:41
novitosipior: thanks14:41
A_JerUSUL, anything i can do....14:42
erUSULA_J: is there something in the logs when the hangs/freezes happen?14:43
Synapticall command ar at the maximun on alsamixer and gnome-alsamixer14:43
skilzcan I edit my xorg.conf or will it stuff something14:43
Synapticbut no audio14:43
A_Ji try to access the logs, it hangs14:43
A_Jtry to do anything it hangs14:43
Synapticplease help me with audio configuration14:44
adacerUSUL, Do you have experience with latex and gedit?14:44
adi11erUSUL | sorry i got disconnected14:45
A_JerUSUL does ubuntu come with a repair option14:45
adi11erUSUL so what do you think?14:46
rohitnikcoolwhy does the exaile player shoutcast list doesn't appear? ,plz help.14:46
rohitnikcoolwhy does the exaile player shoutcast list doesn't appear? ,plz help.14:46
erUSULadac: not much i ususally use lyx or emacs14:46
erUSULadac: no14:46
rohitnikcoolwhy does the exaile player shoutcast list doesn't appear? ,plz help.14:47
Picirohitnikcool: Please don't repeat.14:47
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:47
erUSULadi11: as i said it looks like bad sectors on the drive. if smart is ok it may be enough to do a fsck with badblocks options14:47
erUSULadi11: "man e2fsck" do it from a livecd14:48
A_JerUSUL any idea what can i do ?14:48
erUSULA_J: without knowing the couse of the problem is hard to know what to do14:49
A_Jperhaps a failed deb installation14:49
A_Jit had destabilized the system14:50
sipiorA_J: that is highly unlikely. the failed install is almost certainly the result of the instability, not a cause.14:50
skilzim trying to install a game, Quake Wars, it says enter the path where files will be installed. What should I enter?14:50
skilz./usr/bin ?14:51
DaGeek247skilz :  /op/gamename14:51
A_Jsipior shd i re=-install ?14:51
skilzwhats /op?14:51
DaGeek247its were lots of my apps are installed.14:52
sipiorA_J: without understanding the problem, why do you believe that would solve the problem?14:52
skilzwhy not /games ?14:52
A_Jsipior that normally fixes t14:52
DaGeek247do you have a /games folder?14:52
sipiorA_J: is the crashing behaviour a recent phenomenon.14:52
skilzor /usr/share/games/?14:52
A_Janyway, the comp is on, anything u want me to type in ?14:52
adacerUSUL, Ok i see. So i will try emacs + autex then. erUSUL i already installed emacs, shouldn't there be an .emacs file within my home dir?14:52
DaGeek247it was just a suggestion. put it where you want.14:53
A_Jyea, sipior after a failed install of a deb package14:53
FlynsarmyI'm trying to forward mail sent to a specific address on my server to my gmail account. After following teh tutorial here http://support.tigertech.net/unix-mail-delivery I no longer get bounceback emails but it still doesn't forward to gmail account.a ny ideas?14:53
sipiorA_J: just reinstall your system. it will make you feel better if nothing else, and you don't appear to be eager to diagnose the issue.14:54
erUSULadac: maybe in ~/.emacs.d/ ?14:54
A_Ji do, sipior i'm a linux noob14:54
* A_J is willing to do whatever sipior says, to fix his system14:55
adacerUSUL, No it is also not there14:55
codemagicianhow do I format a USB pen to FAT32 from the bash shell?14:56
skilzFATAL ERROR: Couldn't load fs.chk14:56
sipiorA_J: is there any pattern to the machine crashing? is the machine reachable externally after a crash of the display? how exactly did the package installation fail?14:57
erUSULadac: choose Options>Save options14:58
adacerUSUL, clicked on that, no luck14:59
goodmanDa Geek... why do only few ppl respond here?14:59
syn3rgyWill Sandy Bridge CPUs work fully with Natty?14:59
DaGeek247this is support channel.14:59
KM0201goodman: most people respond to questions not "hi"14:59
Pici!natty | syn3rgy14:59
MACscrhow can i remove all evolution software on my pc without having to individually remove each package14:59
ubottusyn3rgy: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.14:59
A_Jok sipior, the crashes normally occour when i go on-line.. the whole machince frezes after the hang.. the mouse frezes and nothin works.. also after that i'm unable to boot into the bios after a short while after that, perhaps a few minutes...  The Package failed idk why, it apparantly hung the way it hangs now.. only the screen turned grey scale14:59
MACscrseems to be a lot of stuff with it14:59
KM0201MACscr: sudo apt-get remove evolution evolution-common  (I believe removes everything)15:00
sipiorA_J: what were you doing immediately before installing the package? what error was returned by the package installer?15:00
MACscrKM0201: unfortunately it doesnt15:00
DaGeek247goodman, us ubuntu users chat in #ubuntu-offtopic15:00
MACscrthere are still like 15 more packages15:01
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syn3rgyubottu thx15:01
sipiorA_J: and what do you mean by "unable to boot into the bios"? the machines doesn't even reach POST?15:01
mbeierlA_J: I'd almost recommend running a complete memcheck.  It sounds vaguely like you might have bad ram.  That is one cause for "random hangs"15:01
A_Jsipior noting actually, comp was ideling15:01
A_Jmbeierl the ram is new15:01
KM0201MACscr: hmm, has always worked OK for me15:01
mbeierlA_J: all the more reason to suspect it.15:02
sipiorA_J: mbeierl's suggestion has merit, regardless of whether the memory was new.15:02
MACscri finally got it, no biggie. Just had to remove a few extras15:02
A_Jhow can i do a memtest, i saw a menu when i booted some time back15:02
sipiorA_J: and since you mention it, when exactly was the ram installed?15:02
mbeierlA_J: see it is also possible that the ram and your motherboard do not like each other.  These things can be quick sensitive15:02
KM0201A_J: it shoul be on your main grub men15:02
A_Jhow do i acess that ?15:03
A_Jthe grub menu15:03
mbeierlthere's a key that you need to press with grub2... never remember it.15:03
KM0201A_J: i take it you don't dual boot... just hit left shift when the machine starts booting.15:03
kermitis it possible to get scrollwheel emulation on a recent dell laptop's touch pad?15:03
A_Jf10 ?15:03
KM0201A_J: no15:03
erUSULmbeierl: shift15:04
gdoteofanyone know about extracting saved passwords from evolution?  i need to give someone the outgoing smtp server password we use here15:04
abhinav_singh i just had a ssh session on another computer...i want to delete that from my known hosts ...how to do that15:04
gdoteofand no one has it written anymore15:04
mbeierlA_J: press and hold down the shift key starting at the bios screen during the boot up process15:04
mbeierlerUSUL: thanks :)15:04
A_Jkk thank you.. mbeierl15:04
A_Ji'll do a mem test and brb15:04
sipiorgdoteof: maybe ask the person running the smtp server...15:05
mbeierlA_J: I hate to say it, but running a thorough memcheck can take many hours.  It's the type of thing you would typically do overnight.15:05
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rohitnikcoolwhy my exaile player Shoutcast Radio list doesn't appear15:05
mbeierlA_J: further reading, if you're interested: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FaultyHardware15:05
gdoteofsipior: that is a helluva bigger pain than trying to find it on my hd15:05
amitm new on ubutnu,how to remove temp file in ubuntu as i in window simply typing temp or %temp%.15:05
erUSULamit: what temp file?15:06
HalfMoonI have done this before but I forget how:  I have a directory for a mount point $HOME/mnt/dir, the owner/group are user:user, when I mount a CIFS share, the owner/group change to root:root.  anyone know how to keep the owner:group as the user once mounted?  My older systems that this works on do not have the mountpoint in fstab.15:06
sipiorgdoteof: only if you make the assumption that the password exists on your hard drive in a form you can read.15:06
rohitnikcoolamit: use software called sweeper15:06
rohitnikcoolwhy my exaile player Shoutcast Radio list doesn't appear15:06
nexesamit: Linux uses /tmp15:06
gdoteofsipior: it must; since i transmit it every day15:06
amitthanx to all15:06
goltoofamit:  just be sure not to delete the whole /tmp folder15:07
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leifmadsenhey all, I'm trying to install ubuntu 10.10 server (64-bit) onto a server, which has a small 10" IBM B&W monitor attached to it. The first couple of screens are fine, but then when I go to do the install it switches to a resolution the screen can't handle. Is there a way to install in pure-text mode?15:07
rohitnikcoolPlzzzzzzz Help . . why my exaile player Shoutcast Radio list doesn't appear.15:07
amitrohitnikcool:i onced installed sweeper and i deleted all orphand files and after it i also deleted its back up then after my system wouldnot booted15:08
mbeierlleifmadsen: I believe the alternate CD has the text mode installer15:08
gdoteofsipior: they are encrypted.  i found it with seahorse15:08
amitrohitnikool:so i an not using sweeper15:08
leifmadsenmbeierl: oh there is an alternate CD? ok I'll look for that.15:08
shcherbakabhinav_singh: you there?15:09
billmaniaWhere should I start looking for a problem with gdm after upgrading to 10.10 64 bit desktop?15:09
KM0201mbeierl: i thought the server install cd's, were basically alt cd's?15:09
mbeierlleifmadsen: yes.  it does not have the live cd capability, but has a bunch more, including text installer, on the alt cd15:09
rohitnikcoolamit: you should select the files in sweeper, another option is use ubuntu tweak which is very safe15:09
shcherbakabhinav_singh: go to .ssh15:09
shcherbakabhinav_singh: cd ~/.ssh/15:09
goltoofis there a way to create a bootable usb from command line?15:09
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal15:09
leifmadsenmbeierl: gotcha -- where can I search for that disk? The website doesn't give me that option (so I presume I need to browse the repo directly)15:10
A_J|mbeierl how long does a memtest take for 2modules of 2gb each15:10
sacarlsonbillmania: I don't look for problems,, problems just find me15:10
billmaniasacarlson: :-D15:10
abhinav_singhi have done it shcherbak..any way thanks for your help...i have deleted the entry15:10
mbeierlA_J|: the problem with quoting you a length of time is that I don't know how long it takes for your memory to exhibit the signs of a problem.  I'd recommend leaving it running for at least 4 hours, if not overnight.15:11
rohitnikcoolPlzzzzzzz Help . . why my exaile player Shoutcast Radio list doesn't appear.15:11
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:11
mbeierlKM0201: so, according to the info bot, the alt is more than just server cd...  good to get confirmation on that :)15:12
KM0201mbeierl: i've used the alt. cd lots of times, its a desktop cd.. i'm not aware of it installing a server.. i dunno.. guess he'll find out.15:12
rohitnikcoolPlzzzzzzz Help . . why my exaile player Shoutcast Radio list doesn't appear.15:12
goltoof!repeat | rohitnikcool15:13
ubotturohitnikcool: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:13
sipiorrohitnikcool: asking every minute is only going to get you ignored.15:13
mbeierlKM0201: sorry - I did not know he was looking to install the server.  I assumed desktop .. bad for me15:13
sipioror kicked, i suppose.15:13
KM0201mbeierl: yeah, that was the whole point of the discussion i think.15:13
shcherbakabhinav_singh: for future, either: echo "" > ~/.ssh/known_hosts (all remover), or mv ~/.ssh/known_hosts ~/.ssh/known_hosts_bu before "experimantal" session, and move back after.15:13
goltoofrohitnikcool: stop wasting your time here and look on google15:14
abhinav_singhohay okay man..i was just trying screen command over ssh15:14
mbeierlKM0201: and he left... I just re-read his post .  I misunderstood he was trying to install on a "server" not "server cd".  dangit.  I hope he comes back and I can clarify15:14
ucenik14more zc15:15
mbeierlgoltoof: did you end up trying a surface scan on your passport drive?15:15
ucenik14pisite be15:15
ucenik14mama vi da a ebm15:15
ucenik14where are you from15:16
FloodBot2ucenik14: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:16
DaGeek247:p somewhere15:16
ucenik14fuck you man15:16
sipiorucenik14: easy there, tiger.15:16
goltoofmbeierl:  unfortunately not, it was taking way too long, .01% every minute.  so i went ahead and reformatted it to ext315:16
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.15:16
goltoofmbeierl: i just need to reinstall my system, it's good enough of a backup for now.. once i reinstall i'll re-resurface :)15:17
mbeierlgoltoof: I knew it was going to take a LONG time...  that's why I was hesitant to recommend it.  With ext3, though, I'm not sure it's going to be readable by your PS3.  Unless that doesn't matter15:17
mbeierlgoltoof: right.15:17
goltoofmbeierl:  PS3 doesnt' read usb 3.0 anyway, wish i knew that before i bought it15:17
francis__im a newbie...15:18
mbeierlgoltoof: even better!  that explains that!  Btw, I've been using NTFS with ubuntu and have not seen issues anything like what you saw yesterday.15:18
mbeierl!ask | francis15:18
ubottufrancis: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:18
mbeierlfrancis__: welcome to the channel, btw...15:19
goltoofmbeierl:  have you tried accessing it in a windows system?15:19
francis__ok..thank you15:19
mbeierlgoltoof: which way... using the NTFS both under windows and Linux?  Yes.15:19
goltoofmbeierl:  i've used ntfs drives before and never had it either, probably something to do with the drive15:19
mbeierlgoltoof: agreed.15:19
francis__im using ubuntu 10.10 desktop...15:19
goltoofmbeierl:  is there a faster surface scanner than badblocks?15:19
mbeierlgoltoof: I'll check.  that one checks each sector individually.15:20
compdocgoltoof, that does take a long time to run. you could try booting from the drive maker's util diskette15:20
francis__im using ubuntu 10.10 desktop...and i tried the live cd of the netbook version.. i really like the searchbox tool is very functional.. is there anyway that i can get something like that on my desktop version?15:21
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compdocspinrite is great if its a drive thats smaller than 1TB15:21
goltoofcompdoc:  it's 1tb :)15:21
compdocits too to run then15:21
shcherbakfrancis__: install ubuntu-netbook15:21
compdoche really needs to update that program15:21
mbeierlgoltoof: you could check to see if the drive supports SMART and use that occasionally: sudo smartctl -t long /dev/sda15:22
mbeierlI mean /dev/sdb15:22
francis__netbook really sucks, i just like the searchbox15:22
shcherbakfrancis__: searchbox? you mean in panel?15:23
goltoofany way to use usb-creator from cli?15:23
shcherbakfrancis__: maybe ppa, look for applet or indicators.15:23
francis__<shcherbak> yes. the searchbox in the panel of the netbook edition15:24
francis__<shcherbak> have you tried the netbook edition/15:24
francis__<shcherbak> its searchbox is like those of windows 715:24
shcherbakfrancis__: for 30 seconds in total...15:24
shcherbakfrancis__: have seen this, I am saying that you need to look for15:25
nicofsHow do i connect to a WPA2 secured network? although i am connected (ifconig shows traffic: received and sent bytes), dhclient can't get any IP...15:25
francis__<shcherbak>  ok... hehe so you've seen it, so you know when i say that it sucks..15:25
Oergoltoof, sudo usb-creator-gtk15:26
shcherbakfrancis__: applet and indicators in ppa (private repos), someone most likely decided to write it already.15:26
Paulo39hi there15:26
BluesKajfrancis__, look in your package manager for searchbar plasma widget15:26
mbeierlgoltoof: I've found that you can do destructive (will run faster) as long as your ok to reformat after, with a higher block-at-a-time count like so: badblocks -b 4096 -c 98304 -p 0 -w -s /dev/sdb where -b is the clock size and -c is the number of blocks...15:26
goltoofOer:  i was thinking to turn a drive into a bootable disc from cli, without using the gui15:26
goltoofOer:  thx anyway15:27
shcherbakBluesKaj: nice, but does it work with gnome-panel?15:27
goltoofmbeierl:  too bad i already backed everything up on it, will do after reinstall15:27
goltoofdropping off to reinstall now, behave you crazy kids15:28
mbeierlgoltoof: when you have time to let it run .... ciao15:28
probmeI am having problem with nvidia card. i saw multimedia that it is not showing any devices. Why is this problem please? I know That Optimus nvidia does not support in Linux but Should it not show the device?15:28
francis__ BluesKaj: plasma widget is only for kde not for gnome right/15:28
BluesKajshcherbak,  not sure but it's worth a try isn't it ?15:28
BluesKajone would think there's a gnome equivalent15:29
Paulo39i use compiz settings to get a diferent wallpaper in each virtual desktop, to do that, i had to unable "show desktop" in gconf-editor > /apps/nautilus/preferences. Now i want to see on my desktop, my folders and files, how do i do that?15:30
francis__now that's another question... is there a gnome equivalent of kde's plasma widget?15:31
Parsiguys, i've a .dd image, can i mount it?15:32
colo-workhow can I get networkmanager to fall back to IPv4ll auto-configuration in case DHCP requests time out?15:32
colo-work(Ubuntu 10.04)15:32
VCoolioPaulo39: install screenlets, then folderview-screenlet from gnome-look.org and run that15:33
colo-workParsi, sure, using mount -o loop. if it's a dump of a whole drive (with a partition table, that is) you need to adjust some additional parameters, like the starting offset15:33
Aikaranyone know how to get evolution working with Exchange 2010 mapi doesnt seem to just lags/freezes up evo15:34
erUSULParsi: a image made with dd? of a disk or of a partition15:34
ParsierUSUL: i think it's a disk image15:34
Parsi"mount -t ext2 -o loop Robotino_CF_Image_V22_20101201.dd /mnt" returns error15:35
Parsiwrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail  or so15:35
induzI have ultrathin 2.5 inch HD with fiber looking connector, how can i connect it to my computer15:35
erUSULParsi: sudo losetup image.dd ; sudo partx /dev/loop0 ;15:36
probmeI am having problem with nvidia card. i saw multimedia that it is not showing any devices. Why is this problem please? I know That Optimus nvidia does not support in Linux but Should it not show the device?15:36
compdocinduz, you have a brand and model number?15:36
erUSULParsi: partx should find the partitions and create the devices for them15:36
induzmy computer is Lucid Lynx on Dell dimension15:36
compdocof the drive15:36
ParsierUSUL: loop: can't get info on device Robotino_CF_Image_V22_20101201.dd: Inappropriate ioctl for device15:36
Sub_ZeroI've got a set of rar archives. The extentions are .001 .002 and so forth. When highlighting them all 'extract here' does not appear. How can I extract these files?15:38
induzcompdoc, its fujistsu from Dell Optiplx sx27015:38
Paulo39VCoolio, thanks15:38
nicofsI want to install (x)ubuntu on a device that has no internet connection... can i "just download" the packages needed for (x)ubuntu-desktop and save them to a pen drive and put that into the target device? (a minimal ubuntu is already up and running, so dpkg is there. sadly, both devices have differing architectures x86 -> ARM )15:38
erUSULParsi: :/15:38
ParsiSub_Zero: install winrar via Wine15:38
ParsierUSUL: :/ what's wrong?15:38
Paulo39VCoolio, the only way to install folderview-screenlets is from gnome-look.org or does it have some dedicated repo?15:38
erUSULParsi: no idea15:39
xanguaSub_Zero: maybe with hoz-gui15:39
colo-workSub_Zero, install unrar (it may be called unrar-nonfree), run unrar x yourfirstfile.00115:39
BluesKajSub_Zero, install unp , it uncompresses almost any type of files15:39
Sub_ZeroThanks I'll try those solutions now15:40
erUSULParsi: try --> sudo losetup -f image.dd ; sudo partx /dev/loop0 ;15:40
Sub_Zero cat isoimage* > file.rar seems to work15:40
compdocfujistsu has a few of those. never seen one up close. expensive drives15:40
BluesKajParsi, there many linux equivalents to windows apps , more than ppl realize , always bestr to do some research beforte recommending windows apps on wine15:41
ParsierUSUL: HDIO_GETGEO: Inappropriate ioctl for device15:41
induzcompdoc, its 2.5” Fujitsu15:41
erUSULParsi: this time is partx failing?15:41
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adacerUSUL, I can't generate a pdf or a dvi out of my tex file wit emacs, can you probably help me to fix that?15:41
adacI'm a n00b with emacs15:41
induzcompdoc, its 44 pin Fiber looking connector15:42
Parsihm, yes15:42
ParsierUSUL: yes15:42
erUSULadac: what is the problem? "pdflatex file.tex" has allways worked for me15:42
jsebeanI am having trouble with Kubuntu15:42
ubottukubuntu is Ubuntu with the KDE Software Compilation instead of !Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde15:42
erUSULadac: given that the tex distribution is installed...15:42
jsebeanlol ok ill join that channel :P15:42
sacarlson nicofs: this might come in handy: http://aptoncd.sourceforge.net/15:43
compdocinduz, I use a lot of drives when I build servers. Be interesting to see how fast that thing is15:43
adacerUSUL, ok i try that15:43
erUSULParsi: well i hoped that partx will simplify the setup but you will have to figure out offsets and stuff for the partitions15:43
ParsierUSUL: how?15:44
rtdoswill i lose themed / random longins if i upgrade from ubuntu 8.10 to 10.10 ?15:44
erUSULParsi: http://varghese85-cs.blogspot.com/2008/11/mouting-partitions-with-losetup.html15:44
nicofssacarlson, don't think so - target device has no cd and can't boot from usb15:44
ParsierUSUL: thank you15:45
=== MuNk is now known as MuNk`
Parsii'll try it15:45
sacarlsonnicofs: the media doesn't have to be a cd15:46
sacarlsonnicofs: you want to make a custom boot with already installed stuf?15:46
Jeruvy!info tcl15:46
ubottutcl (source: tcltk-defaults): The Tool Command Language (default version) - run-time files. In component main, is optional. Version 8.4.16-2 (maverick), package size 4 kB, installed size 68 kB15:46
ray_hi all15:46
VCoolioPaulo39: sorry, was away, no just download and install via the screenlet manager15:47
goltoofgot a problem15:47
Strife89Hello, all. I have an iBook G3 that I am trying to put an operating system on. It has only 128 MB of RAM, so I need something lightweight; and the CD-ROM drive is giving me trouble. So, I'm looking for a way to put a lightweight distro (preferably an Ubuntu derivative with a PPC port) on a flash stick and install from there.15:47
ray_anyone having problems installing XBMC Media Center?15:47
goltoofturns out you can't make a usb booter of 10.04 using 10.10 usb-creator-gtk .. haven't found a solution yet15:47
nicofssacarlson, the target device is ARM. the kernel resides seperate from the root file system... i need to build that root filesystem...15:47
pcypheranyone got experience installing xbmc in legacy hardware?15:48
VCoolioPaulo39: it will be extracted in ~/.screenlets and run from there, you can run without screenlets manager at startup using this command: python $HOME/.screenlets/AnotherFolderView/AnotherFolderViewScreenlet.py15:48
KM0201!ppc | Strife8915:48
ubottuStrife89: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ15:48
sacarlsonnicofs: maybe something like this remastersys http://www.geekconnection.org/remastersys/15:48
VCoolioPaulo39: something like that, I see that's an alternative screenlet, but you get the idea15:48
induzcompdoc, I want the data out from that HD but it has a different connecting cable looking like Fiber [44pin]15:49
sacarlsonnicofs: I assume you already have a bootable system installed15:49
nicofssacarlson, ubuntu-minimal15:49
induzcompdoc, i can find the fujitsu HD # if u want to15:50
ParsierUSUL: i got it from http://forum.openrobotino.org/showthread.php?259-Running-laserscanner-(URG-04LX-UG01)-on-(Robotino)-Linux15:50
hzroot /W15:51
compdocinduz, no, thats cool - Im just interested in drives. I dont know anything about fiber interface drives15:51
induzcompdoc, do u know how can i connect to a working USB port15:52
quupwhen I compile a kernel from the ubuntu kernel git tree, can I get that neat 'make menuconfig' interface so I see what the options do somehow and have the changes affect the debian.master/config/amd64/config.flavour.generic ?15:52
MedianJust a quick question, if you an application that takes up too much resources (RAM, CPU), can it make the computer go into sleep mode automatically?15:52
induzcompdoc,  I dont know how to connect that HD to my Dell15:52
multiplatinumhey there15:54
multiplatinumi cant join my wifi15:54
goltoofturns out you can't make a usb booter of 10.04 using 10.10 usb-creator-gtk .. haven't found a solution yet15:54
compdocinduz, a card and the cables are likely to be expensive15:54
sipiorMedian: no, unless you define thrashing as "sleep mode" :-)15:54
pcypherxbmc help????15:54
sipiorpcypher: you might have better luck with a rather more precise question15:55
Mediansipior: Well, i'm running a Minecraft server if you know what that is, and i'm having a problem where the computer automatically goes into sleep mode or some shit and will require a restart to get working again.15:55
MedianIt could either be a software or a hardware failure.15:55
MedianI'm hoping for a software one.15:55
induzcompdoc, can u suggest me the type of card and cable15:55
MedianSo i'm just wondering if a memory leak or some shit can cause that sipior.15:56
induzcompdoc, most of the USB enclosure i see are for normal HD SATA or PATA15:56
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pcyphersipior: trying to install xbmc on legacy hardware (dell 110l intell 910glm chipset)15:56
compdocinduz, a fibre channel card - its all high-end server stuff. you wont find a cheap enclosure15:57
sipiorMedian: no, that would be pretty unlikely. without actual performance data, anything further is speculation at the moment.15:57
pcyphersipior: cant seem to get it working, probably a driver issue... errors is15:57
pcypherXBMC needs hardware accelerated OpenGL rendering. Install an appropriate graphics driver.15:57
compdocvery expensive15:57
h00k!language | Median15:57
ubottuMedian: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.15:57
multiplatinumhow can i join a hidden wifi?15:57
pcyphersipior: just looking for driver assistance... most likely15:57
sipiorpcypher: do you have an opengl capable card in the box?15:57
Mediansipior:  So it may be a hardware problem? Formatted the computer and it's still happening.15:58
induzcompdoc, is it a ATA/100 type/15:58
MedianIt isn't the HDD at least, as i've replaced it.15:58
induzcompdoc, or ATA-615:58
compdocnot at all15:58
compdoccompletely different15:58
raskolI would like to make a fixed folder in /mnt that any user (or any user in admin, or...) can mount an iso to. I see how to add a specific iso to fstab but not how to let it be done generally. Is there a good way to do this?15:58
pcyphersipior: it appears so... looking around I found people suffering from a crash bug who also used this chipset... crashbug means they got it installed and working15:58
pcypheri assume15:58
induzcompdoc, can u point to a picture/image on any website15:58
sipiorMedian: again, without actual performance data, there's not much point in speculating. are you out of ram, what is the average load of the machine, etc...15:59
MikeChelendoesn't help. using radeon 4250 with proprietary ATI drivers, any suggestions?15:59
Mediansipior: With the server on?15:59
MikeChelenX keeps randomly freezing using 100% cpu, and restarting X doesn't help. using radeon 4250 with proprietary ATI15:59
pcyphersipior: my next attempt will involve trying every compatible intel driver...15:59
sipiorpcypher: well, which card is it?16:00
pcyphersipior: not a card...Graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Intel® 910GML chipset with UMA graphics (up to 64MB shared)16:00
multiplatinumhow can i join a hidden wifi?16:00
pcyphersorry bout the spaces... copied and pasted from pdf16:00
pcypheryou know the ssid?16:01
KM0201multiplatinum: if your wifi device is working, right click the network applet, choose "connect to hidden network" then fill in the network credentials16:01
pcypherthen enter it16:01
Mediansipior: Will get back to you. Is there any tool to monitor the activity and then save it to a file or something?16:01
MedianI don't know if it has gotten better now as i've recently switched server software, so will see if it's still happening.16:01
KM0201multiplatinum: sorry, that should be "left click" not right click16:01
multiplatinumKM0201,  done that, it doesnt connect me16:01
sipiorMedian: start with just a simple inspection with free and top. iostat maybe, if it looks like i/o is the problem.16:02
KM0201multiplatinum: then it's very likely your wireless device is not working.. can you see other networks?16:02
multiplatinumKM0201,  yeah, tons16:02
kermitis it possible to get scrollwheel emulation on a recent dell laptop's touch pad?16:02
KM0201multiplatinum: well, you're doin something wrong16:02
Mediansipior: Mkay, thanks.16:02
multiplatinumKM0201,  after trying to connect like 5x, it shows the network, even tho i made it hidden16:02
multiplatinumKM0201,  what then,16:02
compdocinduz, a card might look like this:    http://www.tech-faq.com/hba.html16:02
KM0201multiplatinum: well  i don't know what, i'm nt pounding on the keyboard.16:02
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multiplatinumhow can i join a hidden wifi?16:03
multiplatinumk KM020116:03
=== rakhisawant is now known as AbhiJiT
sprawlQuick question - I have an Intel proc and I want to download Ubuntu 64 bit but the filename lists it as ubuntu-10.10=desktop-amd64.iso. Is that the right one even though I don't have an AMD proc?16:05
mrbluessbbWhat is the audio devices directory named on ubuntu?16:05
hasta2003sprawl: yes ;-)16:05
rtdoswill i lose themed / random longins if i upgrade from ubuntu 8.10 to 10.10 ?16:05
Nameless2just there as AMD is the original source of the 64bit instruction set, later copied by Intel16:06
multiplatinumare you freaking kidding me that ubuntu can't connect to a hidden SSID?16:06
coz_rtdos,  most likely yes... if you mean gdm themes16:06
induzcompdoc, I am looking for a USB connector to connect to this HD...or if I can make it a slave on SATA16:07
compdocinduz,    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrKLX-47rv416:07
coz_rtdos,   the way gdm is themes has been completely ch anged16:07
multiplatinumKM0201,  if i use wcid, will that work?16:07
compdocinduz, wont work16:07
Nameless2multiplatinum, what is your desktopmanager?16:07
multiplatinumNameless2,  Gnome16:07
KM0201multiplatinum: it might... but there really should be no need for wicd.. you really should be able to connect w/ network manager16:07
rtdoscoz_ have GDM themes been completely eliminated?16:07
Nameless2hmm, mine works fine with a hidden network16:08
zachlris IRC built into ubuntu, out of the box?  if so, how do you use it?16:08
coz_rtdos,  no not eliminaged  but  not really themeable as they were...16:08
multiplatinumKM0201,  wicd is better anyway right?16:08
sandydzachlr: use konversation16:08
KM0201multiplatinum: define "better".. it does the exact same thing as nm-applet16:08
coz_rtdos,  you can only use the themes available on the system..16:08
rtdoscoz_ security risk? or just was because it was buggy?16:08
sandydzachlr: its already set up with freenode16:08
multiplatinummore technical options?16:09
coz_rtdos,  not sure why the change  but I believe it is a permanent one16:09
KM0201multiplatinum: if you can't connect w/ one... it's unlikely you'll connect the other.16:09
coz_rtdos,  it takes a bit of getting used to16:09
coz_rtdos,  so dont count on any fancy gdm themes16:09
zachlrsandyd, do you access it from the terminal?16:09
sandydzachlr: no, its a gui app16:09
rtdosthanks, coz_16:10
Nameless2multiplatinum, do you have control over the broadcaster?16:10
zachlrsandyd, oh, okay, I didn't see it.  It might not be shown in the menu by default.16:10
Nameless2aka network16:10
rtdoscoz_ no other way to change my wallpaper on my login screen?16:10
mrbluessbbWhat is the audio devices directory called in Ubuntu?  I need to know to use my capture card.16:10
multiplatinumNameless2,  yeah, I own this network lol, I set the SSID to be hidden and I allowed my PC to join it, so...16:10
coz_rtdos,  no problem... yes you can change the wallpaper16:10
zachlrthanks sandyd.16:10
sandydzachlr: it might not be installed by default btw. I havent used ubuntu for a year now...16:10
Nameless2multiplatform, lol, what security protection is on it?16:10
KM0201multiplatinum: well log into the router, and set it to broadcast, and see if you can log in while its broadcasting...16:10
coz_rtdos,   download this   http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/GDM-NEW-MAVERICK  and read it16:11
rtdosthanks, coz_16:11
multiplatinumKM0201,  that works16:11
coz_rtdos,   the wallpaper you want 'Must" be in the /usr/share/backgrounds however16:11
KM0201multiplatinum: you mean you can connect to it when its broadcasting?16:11
zachlrsandyd, maybe not.  I'll try to figure something out.16:11
multiplatinumi want it hidden though16:11
Nameless2so much for the other settings ....16:11
KM0201multiplatinum: well then you're doing something wrong.16:11
rtdosok. thanks, coz_16:11
=== happyfac1 is now known as happyface
sipiormultiplatinum: leave the ssid broadcast on. you're causing yourself problems, and there is no security benefit in doing so.16:12
coz_rtdos,  when changing the gdm theme from that command ,,,it feels as though and works as though you are changing the entire system theme but that's not the case16:12
sipiormultiplatinum: unless you consider keeping yourself out of your own network a security feature.16:12
multiplatinumlol :D16:12
Nameless2multiplatform: stupid question, I know, but you are connecting through "connect with hidden network"?16:13
shubbarwhich gui for samba do you recommend?16:13
A_Jmbeierl u here ?16:13
mbeierlA_J: yes.  what's up16:13
multiplatinumNameless2,  yeah16:14
induzcompdoc, its a fujitsu MHT2040A model http://search.fujitsu.com/www/search.jsp?restrict=all_www&q=MHT2040AH+&ie=UTF-8&btnG.x=11&btnG.y=18&btnG=Search16:14
multiplatinumNameless2,  i have wicd opened atm, and it shows me the hidden network as \xooo\xooo16:14
A_Jwhat can i do, if the memory is a mismatch with my mobo16:14
barcefwow. only 1580 ppl online.. that new floodbot sure gets rid of the riff-raff.16:14
mrbluessbbThis is frustrating.  I keep asking the same question and no one has an answer.  It would make me think that nobody knows the answer.  But its such a SIMPLE question.16:14
sipiormrbluessbb: why can't you answer it, then?16:14
KM0201barcef: what do you mean?.. it just monitors flooding, etc..16:14
mrbluessbbBecause apparently Im wrong.16:15
mbeierlA_J: yes.  This is not something that I know a lot about (hardware that is)  I just know that it happens.  For example, there are specifications for your motherboard that should state the speed and other requirements for the memory16:15
barcefKM0201, I got this what is 2+4 thing and it would not let me in until I answered it or registered my nick16:15
rtdosunderstood, coz_16:15
sipiormrbluessbb: you might try just repeating the question every ten minutes or so, instead of the passive-aggressive whining.16:15
mrbluessbbIts not /dev/audio0 like all the all the ubuntu forums say.16:15
coz_rtdos,  cool16:15
mrbluessbblol Im sorry16:15
KM0201barcef: yeah...?.. thast what its supposed to do... register your nick, and you'll never haev to do it again16:15
mrbluessbbI have been trying to get this to work for weeks now.16:16
AdvoWorkanyone know how to lock preferences in firefox 4? ive followed the guide, for ubuntu but it wont lock anything..16:16
A_Jmbeierl but it was workin fine for like 2day, why is it causing poblems now16:16
mbeierlA_J: did the memtest show a problem?16:16
induzcompdoc, it says on the manual Interface ATA-6 (Max. Cable length: 18inches (0.46 m))(equipped with expansion function)16:17
A_Jit's 5% done16:17
A_Jit's gotta take time16:17
nexesmrbluessbb: sudo lshw16:17
sandydmrbluessb: and dont post the output here, pastebin it16:17
nexesmrbluessbb: Find the device listed there and it should have it's /dev/xxx location16:17
nexesmrbluessbb: Or pastebin it here and I can look for you.16:18
mbeierlA_J: yes, but to answer the question about why would it be fine for a while and then start causing problems...  there are many possible reasons: 1) it heated up and now is a little loose - perhaps just wiggling it can make it better16:18
compdocinduz, ata-6 is a standard for any drive, but the interface is way different than anything on a consumer drive16:18
mbeierlA_J: 2) you are using the computer more actively and there is a speed mis-match between the mobo and the ram and it is just now coming to be a problem16:18
A_Ji checked tempratue it's cool, and there in tightly16:19
mbeierlA_J: what I mean is the temperature goes from room temp to active temp - could be "cool" but it still is above room (like 40-50 celcius ?)16:20
A_Jyeah 45 degree16:20
mrbluessbbsorry Im new to using the terminal.16:20
A_Jhere is my board http://www.asus.com/product.aspx?P_ID=PYvbfOokwxUzJky316:20
mbeierlA_J: but either way, I am guessing.  I really do not know all the tricks to hardware.16:21
mrbluessbbI dont understand what pastebin is or what this wall of text is.16:21
A_Jmbeierl can i repair ubuntu some how ?16:21
codemagiciani deleted the volume control button from the gnome panel... how do I get it back (its not in the default list)?16:21
A_Jor a system restore16:21
numbertoHave been just downloading a video. It downloaded 93% (via download them all - firefox).  I restarted the computer and now cannot find it16:21
xanguacodemagician: add the indicator to thee panel16:21
A_Jcodemagician try add applet > notifiations16:22
A_Jor indicattor16:22
MikeNTHow do I view what hidden processes UNHIDE found? No idea where to look.16:22
rtdosis there a way to permanently disable the fast user switching applet ?16:22
numbertoI guess it downloaded to a different directory, how can I find recend files16:22
mbeierlA_J: I don't think your installation is in need of repair.  What you could try doing is to run from the live CD for a while and see if it displays the same behaviour16:22
macomrbluessbb: pastebin is a type of website where you can paste large quantities (or small) of text instead of pasting into the chat room and making it scroll everyone else's conversation past16:22
nexesmrbluessbb: Copy the text you gathered from the terminal and go to paste.ubuntu.com and paste it there, then give us the link.16:22
A_Jmbeierl i'll do that then16:23
mbeierlA_J: so to check on memory compatibility - go to the specifications tab of the mobo and look under the Memory section: 2 x DIMM, max. 4GB, DDR2 667/533 MHz, non-ECC, un-buffered memory.  Is that what you have for your computer?16:23
A_Jmbeierl can i pm for a sec ?16:23
nexesmrbluessbb: If it would be easier, you can do this instead: sudo apt-get install curl16:23
codemagicianA_J, cool. it was indicator. thanks16:23
mbeierlA_J: sure.16:23
nexesmrbluessbb: sudo lshw | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us16:24
nexesAh, never mind then. :p16:24
rtdosis there a way to permanently disable the fast user switching applet ?16:25
darknatureHello just curious but anyone know if a nvidia current drivers 270.18 support opengl higher then 1.4?16:26
codemagicianis there a way to install gnome on netbook remix 10.10 using only shell (there is an error about dependencies being broken)16:26
nexesmrbluessbb: Sorry, there's nothing that I can immediately see and I need to get back to work. If no one here has any advice, try making a forum post.16:27
compdocA_J, lots of ram requires that you set the voltage higher than normal - the voltage it needs is usually written on the sticker16:28
mrbluessbbWhat does curl do exactly?16:28
compdocdownloads from an url16:29
nexesmrbluessbb: You can ignore that, I was just trying to make it easier for you to paste that output. curl is a library for downloading/communicating with web servers from the command line.16:29
raviepic3people not able to play any flv or swf files in my firefox or chrome browsers all of sudden16:29
raviepic3any idea why ?16:29
haninanihey guys16:29
raviepic3very urgent please help16:29
hilarieOkay, so I am trying to add a start up program "Xchat" so I put Xchat in the name, and in the command I just put, Xchat? or could I put a pause -60 Xchat?16:29
haninanimay i pm some linux expert in here ?16:29
=== haninani is now known as R4pt0r
jribhilarie: "xchat" lowercase, probably.  Check in your terminal.16:30
rtdoshow is curl different than the line mode browser ?16:31
jribrtdos: what is "the line mode browser"?16:31
hilarie@jrib program names are case sensitive?16:31
jribhilarie: all filenames are case-sensitive16:31
rubbs!pm | R4pt0r16:31
ubottuR4pt0r: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.16:31
mbeierlR4pt0r: I think it would be better to ask a general version of your question rather than hope someone will admit to being an "expert" :)16:31
hilarie@jrib wow16:31
rtdos@jrib: http://www.w3.org/LineMode/16:31
R4pt0ri just want to ask about some links to articles which are involved in terminal studying16:32
hilarie@jrib how do I force a pause or a wait or delay of some sort?16:32
R4pt0ram new to ubuntu16:32
nexesrtdos: curl is like a more feature packed wget16:32
R4pt0rand need to know about the terminal16:32
jribrtdos: curl is more like wget16:32
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal16:32
jribhilarie: you can use "sleep N" where N is a the number of seconds, but you shouldn't need to16:33
mbeierlR4pt0r: if you have questions, do feel free to ask.  Just know this is a support channel and so general discussions are not likely to happen.16:33
hilarie@jrib I am adding a bunch of internet crap to my startup, and I can't figure out how to autoconnect to my wifi, therefore a sleep of 30sec will give me time not to get a bunch of 404's16:33
jribhilarie: ok16:34
R4pt0rok where are the general discussion channels ?16:34
jrib!ot | R4pt0r16:34
ubottuR4pt0r: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:34
R4pt0rok thank you very much16:34
spooni have a strange problem16:35
spooni just upgraded to maverick (late, i know) and now guess what: i can't use apt-get, aptitude, synaptic at all...16:35
spooni have no idea what i did16:35
jribspoon: how did you upgrade exactly?16:35
rtdosthx nexes and jrib16:35
spoonupdate-manager -d16:35
hilariehilarie@ebilKitty:~$ sleep 5s xchat16:35
hilariesleep: invalid time interval `xchat'16:35
hilarieTry `sleep --help' for more information16:35
rtdosis there a way to permanently disable the fast user switching applet ?16:35
spoonjrib: update-manager -d16:36
llutzhilarie: sleep 5s ; xchat16:36
jribspoon: -d is for devel releases, you don't need -d to upgrade to stable releases.  In any case, pastebin what happens when you try to « sudo apt-get update »16:36
hilarie@llutz ty16:36
hilarieVictory! ty16:36
spoonjrib: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/330612/16:37
hilarieIs there a way to add starting up connection to a specific wifi upon startup?16:39
raviepic3people not able to play any flv or swf files in my firefox or chrome browsers all of sudden16:39
raviepic3very urgent please help16:39
hilarieAre your crops going to waste?16:40
spoonjrib: but whenever i 'apt-get install something' it does nothing after "Reading state information... Done" http://paste.pocoo.org/show/330614/16:40
hilarietry going to the ubuntu software center and searching for flash, and uninstall it, and re-install it16:40
jribspoon: start by removing the ppa that don't exist16:41
markosohi can you make it like in windows seven  you drag a window to right or left side and it docks it there makes it fit that side16:42
jribmarkoso: ask #compiz, I think there's a compiz plugin for that16:43
compdocmarkoso, I use win7, and I hate that feature16:43
LeGambitteurHi there16:43
compdocits always trying the grab the window from me16:43
markosofor some reason i love it when im designing web sites and doing coding its nice16:43
rtdosis there a way to permanently disable the fast user switching applet ?16:43
abhinav_singhi have an image in jpg format ..it is of 6.5 mb i want it to convert to 1.4 mb..please tell me how to do that16:44
lmh1hi someone know about Reconstructor linux software?16:44
macoabhinav_singh: open it in gimp and either resize it smaller or save-as with a much lower quality setting16:44
sipiorabhinav_singh: the "convert" utility from ImageMagick will do just what you want.16:45
Mauricio12345lmh1 its for make a custom live cd16:45
lmh1yes, but do it works?16:45
SkyhookerHi, Linux noob here - just installed Xubuntu on an old P3 machine. I added an Adaptec 1205SA PCI SATA card so I can add a SATA HDD.  How do I get Xubuntu to recognize this card so I can use the SATA drive? tyty16:46
banozhi there, can you tell me if is possible to disable the recompilation process of the make install using cmake?16:46
lmh1I get errormessage "Error calculating estimated iso size "NoneType" object has no atribute 'group'?16:47
lmh1I get errormessage "Error calculating estimated iso size "NoneType" object has no atribute 'group'?16:47
ddr400Skyhooker, after reboot you dont see if you run a lspci16:47
sipiorbanoz: edit the makefile16:47
spoonjrib: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/330617/16:47
compdocSkyhooker, unfortunately, many Adaptec cards dont have drivers included in linux - you have to install the driver manually, if it exists16:48
rtdoshow can i make my own custom ubuntu livecd or liveusb with only the apps i want?16:48
Skyhookerddr400: thanks, how is this done? real noober here16:48
jribspoon: you still have apt-get running somewhere or update-manager?16:48
ddr400write lspci16:48
ddr400and look for it16:48
spoonjrib: no16:48
jribspoon: check with ps16:48
banozsipior, already tried.. if I edit the makefile cmake during the make install, recreates the makefile and recompiles all again..16:48
banozsipior, I don't know if is a normal thing16:49
Skyhookercompdoc: any idea where I'd look for this Adaptec driver?16:49
compdocSkyhooker, www.adaptec.com16:49
epoxhello everybody, nvidia mx 440 agp gives me a black screen during install, changed "quiet splash" to "nomodeset single" and i can now go through installing Ubuntu 10.10 on my machine, i just cannot get into ubuntu, how do i enter text mode??16:49
induzcompdoc, r u there16:50
induzcompdoc, did u read that detail16:50
mrbluessbbIt would seem I don't have audio0 in my dev folder.  How do I fix this?16:50
compdocinduz, which?16:51
spoonjrib: so now i get segfault right after "reading state information"16:51
induzcompdoc, about fujitsu MHT2040AH disk16:51
jribspoon: "so now"?  Did you do anything?  Also, did your upgrade complete without issues?16:51
NixGeekepox: if you have ubuntu installed, boot into it and hit ctrl+alt+F1 to go to a virtual terminal16:51
induzcompdoc, what kind of cable is that?16:51
spoonjrib: i killed a synaptic16:52
spoonjrib: upgrade did complete fine16:52
spoonjrib: (i think~)16:52
jribspoon: so now « sudo apt-get update » completes fine?16:52
kermitis it possible to get scrollwheel emulation working on a recent dell laptop's touch pad?16:52
epoxNixGeek: I restarted the computer after Install, and now I am sitting at a black screen, the hdd light has been off for a few min now, im guessing its a login screen. ctrl+alt+f1 didn't do anything.16:53
induzcompdoc,  here http://i.imgur.com/nqHaH.jpg16:53
sipiorbanoz: yeah, you have to modify the specification file for the targets. i'd say start here: http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake_FAQ , and here: http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake .16:53
Skyhookercompdoc: no Linux drivers for that Adaptec card from manufacturer - any other workarounds?16:53
compdocinduz, the fujitsu MHT2040AH is a ide drive - its not fibre16:53
NixGeekepox: try ctrl+9alt+F216:54
hilarieThis isn't exactly ubuntu related, but you all seem smart # show random moving animals (n = every n suited tiles, default 1000 random_wildlife_probability = 100016:54
induzcompdoc, what kind of cable is that connecting the HD?16:54
djindyAn external hard drive is being detected as "read-only", how do I change this so I can also write to it?16:54
hilariewould I raise that number, or drop it for many less animals?16:54
maco!ot | hilarie16:54
ubottuhilarie: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:54
compdocSkyhooker, thats a common problem for linux. I just use cards that have built in drivers - makes life a lot easier16:54
sipiorbanoz: cmake projects always strike me as a little more opaque than absolutely necessary. hopefully the docs will be of some use to you.16:54
epoxNixGeek: ctrl+alt+f2 = no results as well, I read somewhere I have to use apt-get to install the drivers using txt mode??16:54
compdocinduz, its a laptop drive?16:54
compdocthey sell adaptors16:55
spoonjrib: yes16:55
epoxNixGeek: is it safe to use the reset/power button at this point (if sitting at the login screen i imagine it is...)16:55
jribspoon: pastebin your session with apt-get install whatever16:55
induzcompdoc, the Dell manual said its a Fiber Channel connector...is it possible to hook it up to a PC16:55
ncfi1013my file manager opens in vlc not in dlophin what do i do?16:55
Skyhookercompdoc: thx, just happened to have this laying around from a salvaged machine, and budget is mega-tight.  I'll look around, thx again16:55
compdocinduz, like this:   http://www.cablestogo.com/product.asp?cat_id=906&sku=1770516:55
banozsipior, thx for the links :)16:56
NixGeekepox: that should be going to text mode, are you sure ubuntu and grub are installed, and your not just sitting with no boot medium?  also, yes it is safe.16:56
spoonjrib: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/330623/16:56
compdocinduz, if that is the correct model number you pasted, then its just an ata-100 ribbon cable drive, but it needs an apaptor to connect to a desktop computer16:57
epoxNixGeek: Ok to be honest i'm not sure what is going on. My monitor had no display when I first tried to install. I googled a few things and I was told to use "nomodeset" option.16:57
jribspoon: what's "Muistialueen ylitys"?  Try setting LANG=C LANGUAGE=C16:57
spoonjrib: segmentation fault16:57
induzcompdoc, yes its ATA10016:57
epoxNixGeek: I was able to install Ubuntu just fine, at the end of installation, it asked for a reboot, and now im stuck at another black screen, which I can only imagine is the login screen..16:58
jribspoon: run with strace16:58
compdocinduz, you just need a cheap adaptor16:58
induzcompdoc, is there any16:58
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epoxIs there an option similar to "f8 / safe mode" for ubuntu 10.10 that will get me to txt mode only?16:58
NixGeekit sounds like ubuntu desn't like your graphics card.  Do you have another you can use for at least the install and figuring out whats going on with your graphics card?16:58
compdoc http://www.cablestogo.com/product.asp?cat_id=906&sku=1770516:58
afman I've got a quick question: if you have two wireless cards how do you tell which is which in the results of something like ifconfig?16:59
epoxNixGeek: I may be ale to find one yes, although a few web sites suggest getting into txt mode and manually updating my graphic drivers using apt get16:59
ncfi1013my file manger wont open in dolphin. it opens in vlc. what do i do?16:59
compdocno laptop Ive ever seen uses a fiber optic drive16:59
induzcompdoc, I have to get that adapter, i have the SATA cable but they r bigger then its size16:59
NixGeekepox: are you getting a gub screen (with all of your boot options, normally there are about 4, even for a new install)?16:59
compdocinduz, you dont have any ide ports?17:00
NixGeekepox: ^gub^grub17:00
spoonjrib: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/330625/17:00
induzcompdoc, its not from a laptop but from Dell optiplx sx27017:00
induzcompdoc, I have IDE port on the MB17:01
epoxNixGeek: I did get into the some sort of menu prior to installation by holding "SHIFT" down right as it was loading... is that Grub?17:01
induzcompdoc, but not this 44 pin one17:01
induzcompdoc, the connector i have are PATA with extra power cable17:01
ncfi1013can anybody help me please?17:02
compdocinduz, the extra pins are for power - did you see the adaptor I posted?17:02
induzcompdoc, yes i got the picture17:02
NixGeekepox: it should be after installation, as your booting up.  It sounds like your installation didn't work right, and there is no bootable medium in your computer.  did you checksum your iso before and after burning it?17:02
jribspoon: anything funny with /var/lib/apt/extended_states?17:02
Krupteinhey, for some reason if I install a .deb  by using  dpkg -i filename.deb     there are some differences as using the software centre?17:03
compdocmany companies make those adpaters17:03
=== ademarco is now known as aadem
epoxNixGeek: Im "checking disk for defects" right now17:04
epoxNixGeek: it's one of the options i have at this menu i'm able to reach17:04
drpianyone know if I change my zune into an external hard drive under vm that it'll work in ubuntu?17:04
alice_@ncfil013 right click on the file u want to open, and select open with....17:04
NixGeekepox: good, I have personal experience with a bad download.  I alwaus check my iso's before using them becaue I wiped my harddrive trying to install fedora beside windows 7.  I ended up retrieving it, but it took some work17:06
LesBootersmall grey creatures with large heads. so spooky. this music is good17:06
LesBooterwhoops wrong channel17:06
spoonjrib: seems to be all right17:07
NixGeekepox: the fedora iso/cd was bad.  also, if the disk IS corrupt, the "check disk for defects" might not actally work right17:07
mrbluessbbHow would I go about making/getting a audio0 file if I don't have one?  (in /dev/audio0)17:07
epoxNixGeek: Ok well I have the .iso on this machine (running xp) which is right next to the machine i'm trying to use Ubuntu on.17:07
epoxNixGeek: Do you know how I can boot into recovery mode?17:08
macoepox: hold shift during boot then arrow down once and hit enter17:08
foka_schi everybody, who can help me to install Ubuntu, I get some errors17:08
NixGeekepox: fro the grub boot menu, which you (apperantly) don't have.17:08
NixGeek!md5 | epox17:09
ubottuepox: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:09
k_foka_sc : write your prblem17:09
NixGeekepox: check your iso using that17:09
drpiis there anyway I can get my zune working in ubuntu without virtualbox?17:09
djindyOk, huge screw up, I tried rewriting a particular small partition on an external hard drive, and it destroyed my entire partition table, including a large HFS+ partition with lots of information on it. Before I use testdisk to recover the filesystem, will I be able to recover the data if I recover the filesystem that way?17:09
jribspoon: out of curiousity, does aptitude work?17:10
g_0_0afman, in ifconfig is one labeled wlan... ?17:10
foka_sc"No root file system is defined"17:10
spoonjrib: no, segfault17:10
ComradeHaz`o.O Has aptitude been dropped from ubuntu 10.10?17:10
RaceConditioncan the Ubuntu netbook edition be configured/neutered enough for it to run on an old IBM ThinkPad with 128MB RAM and a PIII 768MHz CPU?17:10
NixGeekdjindy: yep, I completly wiped a harddrive with a bad fedora install disk and got everything back with testdisk.  it's a great program17:11
epoxNixGeek: happy face, I am now seeing a menu when I held down Shift, GNU GRUB version 1.98+20100801-5ubuntu317:11
afmang_0_0: I figured it out I just used iwconfig. One adapter is abgn and the other is just abg. I was trying to figure out which adapter was wlan0 and which was wlan117:11
djindynixgeek, and it will work the same with an hfs+ filesystem? The wiki seemed less clear on that, which is why I ask?17:11
NixGeekepox: okay, grub installed and is working, i'm guesnning it says 2 ubuntu options (one with recovery mode beside it) and two memtest options, correct?17:12
macoComradeHaz`: from the default install, yes17:12
macoComradeHaz`: its still available in the repositories17:12
ComradeHaz`Crazy, surely apt-get is essentially replaced by aptitude?!17:12
epoxNixGeek: exact17:12
jribspoon: same lines at the end of strace?17:12
Dr_WillisComradeHaz`:  aptitude isent that popular these days.17:12
epoxNixGeek: I think I got a little bit ahead of myself and went ahead and select to run ubuntu in low graphic mode17:13
Dr_WillisComradeHaz`:  use what you like. Synaptic is also not installed by default any more17:13
ComradeHaz`I was under the impression apt-get was essentially becoming deprecated in favour of aptitude?17:13
k_@foka : you trying a manual install?17:13
NixGeekepox: use the recovery mode option for a root terminal17:13
Psycho_Mariohi, is it possible to programmatically get the title of a window in openbox-gnome in ubuntu?17:13
k_did you make a root partition17:13
Dr_WillisComradeHaz`: i rarely use apitude. rarely see guides/.tutorals that use it either17:13
spoonjrib: no17:13
macoComradeHaz`: nope, apt-get acquired the one thing aptitude had over it (removing stuff thats not depended upon) a few years ago17:13
jribspoon: pastebin the last 20 or so lines?17:13
NixGeekepox: Okay, you get a terminal?17:13
ComradeHaz`hmm, fair enough17:13
foka_scI try to put Ubuntu on the 2 partition17:13
ZykoticK9ComradeHaz`, in 10.10 Ubuntu removed aptitude from the default install?  So what's being deprecated?17:14
macoComradeHaz`: i mean, aptitude has other things apt-get doesnt, but theyre kinda obscure advanced-sysadmin stuff, like "aptitude why"17:14
epoxNixGeek: I can now select to run ubuntu in low graphic mode (for one session), to reconfigure graphic, to troubleshoot the error, to exit to console, or to restart X17:14
spoonjrib: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/330632/17:14
foka_scHow can I make a root partition?17:14
ComradeHaz`hmm, aptitude why is hugely useful17:14
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k_@foca:  read this about partitioning, then ask http://www.linuxbsdos.com/2010/11/14/linux-mint-10-manual-disk-partitioning-guide/17:14
NixGeekepox: try reconfigure graphics first, and then if it doesn't work, try low graphics mode17:14
mrkikoHi all!!! A simple question - from where does the patch who allows ubuntu kernels to use UUID to identify root devices come from? Is it a kernel patch or something related to the bootloader?17:14
macoComradeHaz`: when you need it, but thats not that frequently (well ok, i need it as a developer to track depenencies, but like...my brother wouldnt)17:15
ZykoticK9ComradeHaz`, "sudo aptitude safe-upgrade" FTW ;)17:15
macoZykoticK9: thats the same as apt-get upgrade17:15
macoZykoticK9: and aptitude full-upgrade is the same as apt-get dist-upgrade17:15
macoZykoticK9: they just renamed them17:15
ZykoticK9maco, do it isn't - not if you have a partial upgrade situation!17:15
epoxNixGeek: {[I appreciate the help]} -- Ok, I could use default (generic) config or create a new config for hardware... ?17:15
Dr_Willisapt-get me a beer17:15
cody_quick q... can anyone recommend a good ircd for ubuntu 10.10?17:15
ZykoticK9maco, s/do/no17:16
ComradeHaz`maco: I need it because I run debian unstable :D17:16
macoZykoticK9: you mean the situations where apt-get succeeds and aptitude fails?17:16
macoZykoticK9: like...every time there's a new kde release...17:16
ZykoticK9maco, in "development" versions - apt-get will break your system, while safe-upgrade will not.  FTW ;)17:16
NixGeekepox: lets go with create a new first, and then generic if it doesn't work.  also, what is your graphics card? brand, model, etc17:16
ComradeHaz`I actually just had that, apt-get dist-upgrade worked but aptitude full-upgrade had some dependancy issue.17:17
ComradeHaz`(With ubuntu)17:17
macoZykoticK9: the breaking your system comes from removing things, same as using dist-upgrade.  apt-get upgrade does partial upgrades17:17
jribspoon: you can try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=773787 but I would backup the files they recommend deleting17:17
epoxNixGeek: Graphic card is a Nvidia MX 440 AGP17:17
ZykoticK9maco, so does that mean "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" will NOT remove packages?  seems strange.17:18
macoZykoticK9: aptitude used to call them upgrade and dist-upgrde just like apt-get even!   afaict, they renamed it to stop confusing people who think apt-get dist-upgrade and do-release-upgrade are the same thing17:18
epoxNixGeek: Ok it's looping on me17:18
jribspoon: hold on, check out: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=36889817:18
macoZykoticK9: aptg-et dist-upgrade DOES remove them, just like aptitude dist-upgrade/aptitude full-upgrade17:18
ncfi1013my file manager opens in vlc instead of dolphin. what can i do to fix it?17:18
epoxNixGeek: I select new config, hit Ok and it brings me right back to the same screen, same goes for selecting use generic.17:18
macoZykoticK9: apt-get upgrade and aptitude upgrad/safe-upgrde (same thing) will not17:19
ZykoticK9maco, ok - will i still see the need for safe-upgrade then?17:19
Dr_Willisncfi1013:  you mean when you double click on a folder?17:19
xanguancfi1013: right clic on a folder> open with other> open folder17:19
NixGeekepox: i belive you have to restart for it to take effect, or restart x at least17:19
xanguaat least on gnome, no idea on kde17:19
macoZykoticK9: upgrade == safe-upgrade and dist-upgrade == full-upgrade17:19
epoxNixGeek: Ok, ill get back to you!17:20
compdocI have to go out and shovel snow...17:20
ncfi1013my file manager is not open. i cant click on any folders because it opens in vlc.17:20
Dr_Willisncfi1013:  right click on a folder icon. theres some open with.. item in there somewhere17:20
Dr_Willisncfi1013:  you are using KDE or gnome?17:21
ZykoticK9maco, well i probably won't be running another ubuntu-devel version any time soon, so not really an issue for me.  Although I bow to your technical knowledge, i'm still not convinced that apt-get full replaces aptitude in the Partial Upgrade situations...  (only time i've ever had to use aptitude)17:21
jdobriendoes anyone know if something in the last kernel upgrade(maverick) broke suspend17:21
Dr_Willisncfi1013:  you maY want to ask in #KUBUNTU17:21
macoZykoticK9: you're not understanding what im saying anyway17:22
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utentehello i get this at boot http://pastebin.com/apLcfhMA17:22
ZykoticK9maco, sorry17:22
macoZykoticK9: apt-get upgrade does not remove or add packages, only upgrade them, which is what aptitude upgrade and aptitude safe-upgrade (same command, two names) does17:22
ncfi1013nobody is talking in #kubuntu17:22
utenteanuone can help me?17:23
antonio276I don't can install midnight commander17:23
macoZykoticK9: apt-get dist-upgrade does add/remove packages, which is the same as what aptitude dist-upgrade and aptitude full-upgrade (same command, two names) does17:23
unpersonI'm trying to use a web site with a java application that plays and records sound and I'm having some problems.17:23
bonjoyeeutente: any recent changes to disk partitions?17:23
macoZykoticK9: however, in some cases, aptitude's dependency resolution is wonky and it tries to remove 3/4 of your kde install if you try to install updates using it17:23
unpersonRight now it seems that both playing and recording are muted and can't be un-muted.17:23
ZykoticK9maco, "sudo aptitude safe-upgrade" actually installs packages, not just update apt database?!17:24
spoonjrib: i don't see apt.conf; only apt.conf.d and i can't find anything about cache there17:24
macoZykoticK9: it upgrades packages tha are already installed17:24
bonjoyeeutente: when was it last working? if ever..17:24
Dr_Willisi saw aptitude once remove then reinstall like 200 packages on me once...17:24
macoZykoticK9:  it does not add or remove packages though. i used the word "not" in that sentence up there ^17:24
jribspoon: apt-config dump | grep -i cache17:24
unpersonSo, what I'm looking for is a) a good reference site to test that sound (recording and playing) works in java and b) some guidance as to how to troubleshoot the problem.  e.g., is this a common issue?17:24
utenteyesterday it worked17:25
djindyNixGeek: thanks for the help, its looking like, even though gparted can't see a partition map, I can still read all the data just fine without testdisk or anything. I'm just going to see if I can pull all the data off first just to be safe, but looks like things will be good whether testdisk helps or not.17:25
aademHow does ubuntu do with web cam hardware that comes stock in a compaq cq56 laptop17:25
spoonjrib: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/330637/17:25
Dr_Willisaadem:  you would have to see what chipset its uing. or check the forums for that exact laptop.17:25
spoonjrib: at least nothing about cache *limit*17:26
macoZykoticK9: http://ubuntulinuxtipstricks.blogspot.com/2010/02/dist-upgrade-misnomer-confusion.html  (just read the post, ignore the 2am maco-is-too-tired-to-make-sense comments)17:26
ugaritwhen I sftp to my server I get this: subsystem request failed on channel 0  while I am able to ssh.  What's causing this?17:26
bonjoyeeutente: did you make any changes to the /etc/fstab file?17:26
aademthank ye dr, so it is related to chipset drivers17:26
jribspoon: yeah, try backing up those .bin files and deleting.  See if it makes a difference17:26
utentebonjoyee no i didn't17:26
Dr_Willisaadem:  no idea what your original issue is. every laptop ive had. webcam has worked in linux fine.17:26
NixGeekdjindy: glad to help17:26
utentei have touch nothing17:26
hblounthi. i am trying to use nicotine program, but everytime i start it ask me to pick download folder and says "can't create directory, error permission denied". how do i fix this?17:27
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macoZykoticK9: man apt-get explains the thing about remove/add packages17:27
epoxNixGeek: an update.. I'm now in low graphical mode (on the "desktop"), i'm currently running "update manager" and d/l 248 updates.. I don't think any of these were graphic related..17:27
ugarithblount don't u know that nicotine is bad for you17:27
ZykoticK9maco, thanks17:28
g_0_0utente, how many hard disks do you have in your machine?17:28
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utenteone hard disk17:28
jkesslerIs lexmark t642 easy to install on ubuntu server 10.04?17:28
NixGeekepox: run this: sudo jockey-text -l    Jockey is the ubuntu restricted drivers program. in cast your wobdering17:28
spoonjrib: nope17:28
jribspoon: I don't know then.  You should replace the files.  Maybe you can debug with gdb if you know how17:29
bonjoyeeutente: i wonder why its trying to mount dev, proc,sys  on /root when it should do under / !17:29
DaGeek247hi ubuntu!17:30
Dr_Willisjkessler:  cups has a web interface - makes setting up printers rather easy.17:30
ncfi1013my file manager is opening in vlc instead of dolphin. what do i do? ive tried the right click option and there is no option to change it back to dolphin. so what do i do?17:31
utentei won't know too, i want to save my home directory, but it is disappeared17:31
bonjoyeeutente: id say you boot up a livecd and pastebin the results of "sudo fdisk -l" "sudo blkid" and the /etc/fstab file on you ubuntu installation, not the livecd17:31
Dr_Willisjkessler:  check the cups.org and linuxprinting.org (i think) sites to see hoe well spported that printer is.17:31
SeanInSeattleOk.  I'm totally confused.  I'm trying to install something that has a python module after having changed the default python version back to 2.5.2.... and I'm getting an error message saying that I need to change the default to match... which is what I did.  Here's what I've got:  http://paste.pound-python.org/show/2341/17:31
utentesudo fdisk -l i get the partition, it's /dev/sda517:32
utenteblkid i get the /dev/sda5 UUID17:32
bonjoyeeutente: pastebin the entire results17:32
spoonjrib: gdb says: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/330642/17:33
utentenow i am on windows, i can't17:33
ncfi1013my file manager is opening in vlc instead of dolphin. what do i do? ive tried the right click option and there is no option to change it back to dolphin. so what do i do?17:33
jkesslerDr_willis: thanks had problems installing propritary drivers for my hp p1006 in server that's why I ask17:33
Dr_Willisncfi1013:  You did ask in #kubuntu ? More kDE users in there then here.17:33
utenteim using windows now17:33
tlabif I partition my drive into a / and /home how big should I make them if I have 120gb drive?17:34
Dr_Willisjkessler:  jockey has a text version i think. I dont mess with server edition much17:34
Dr_Willistlab:  depends on your needs.. 20gb for / is good for 'me'17:34
SeanInSeattleOk.  I'm totally confused.  I'm trying to install something that has a python module after having changed the default python version back to 2.5.2.... and I'm getting an error message saying that I need to change the default to match... which is what I did.  Here's what I've got:  http://paste.pound-python.org/show/2341/  Can someone advise me on how to fix this?17:34
jiehanHi there. Does any know why when I double-click on my Samba Windows share on the desktop, an gEdit windows shows up?17:35
utenteim downloading knoppix now, beacause i cant burn ubuntu image, cause it's big17:35
jribspoon: I guess that's kind of interesting... any theories?17:35
Dr_Willisutente:  huh?17:35
ncfi1013when i restart my computer it says ubuntu so can you guys help too17:35
spoonjrib: unfortunately no17:35
Dr_Willisncfi1013:  as i said.. theres more KDE users in #kubuntu i dont use dolphin enough to even rember how it handles filetypes.17:36
jiehanSorry. CORRECTION:  Does anyone know why when I double-click on my Samba Windows share on the desktop, an gEdit window shows up? Thanks!17:36
utenteDr_Willis, yes, ubuntu iso it's 693 mb, i cant burn17:36
bonjoyeeutente: big? for a cd?17:36
jribspoon: gnulib provides /usr/share/gnulib/lib/regex.c here17:36
Dr_Willisncfi1013:  your directory/folder typos is some how set to open with vlc. not the 'openfolder' or 'dolphin'17:36
SeanInSeattleI'm trying to install GNU Screen after having changed the default python version back to 2.5.2.... and I'm getting an error message saying that I need to change the default to match... which is what I did.  Here's what I've got:  http://paste.pound-python.org/show/2341/  Can someone advise me on how to fix this?17:36
jribspoon: but I don't even have gnulib installed17:36
utentebonjoyee yes, i think because the are the wubi exe17:36
Dr_Willisutente:  it fits on  the rather standard 700mb cd's ive been seeing in stores for he last 5+ years17:36
jribspoon: oops. misread your paste.  One second.17:37
Dr_Willisive not even seen a 640mb cd in ages.17:37
utentemy cd is 700 mb17:37
virusuyhi all17:38
Dr_Willisutente:  so it should fit just fine.17:38
ConstantineXVIis there any way to pipe the command-not-found messages into something like cowsay?17:38
sharehello ubuntuers17:38
jribspoon: gnulib also provides regexec.c but it seems to be part of lots of things (like coretils, lots of stuff).  Maybe it's part of apt?  This is weird.17:38
Dr_Willisutente:  what burning app are yu using?17:38
Dr_WillisConstantineXVI:  that would be.. weird.17:38
utentecd burnerxp17:38
utentefor windows17:38
Dr_Willisutente:  i would try a differnt app then.17:38
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto17:38
ugaritwhen I sftp to my server I get this: subsystem request failed on channel 0  while I am able to ssh.  What's causing this?17:39
ConstantineXVIDr_Willis:  kind of the idea.17:39
utenteDr_Willis im using windows now17:39
bonjoyeeDr_Willis: utente is on windows now...as ubuntu wont boot!17:39
Dr_Willisutente:  and the urls given. mention differnt tools for windows17:39
NikWan3utente, try nero, worked for me..17:39
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g_0_0utente, you are burning the image in CDXP rather than just copying the iso to the cd?17:40
utentenero it's not free, i dont have the reg code17:40
Dr_Willisburnatonce, isorecorder, imgburn,  several other at the 'portble apps' site for windows apps..17:40
jribspoon: i'm googling "regexec.c: No such file or directory"17:40
KM0201utente: isorecorder has always worked best for me, to burn ISO's.17:40
NikWan3oh rt..!17:40
Dr_Willisinfrarecorder also works.17:40
g_0_0utente, CD burner Xp can burn the image no problem17:40
Dr_Willisutente:  or just put it on a 1gb+ flash drive with unetbootin.17:41
KM0201utente: http://www.petri.co.il/how_to_write_iso_files_to_cd.htm  gives specific instructions w/ ISO Recorder17:41
g_0_0utente, make sure you choose the option burn image17:41
utenteok but now im burning knoppix, i need only a terminal to mount the ubuntu partition17:42
Dr_Willisutente:  tiny core linux - could of done that. :) its a 10mb download.17:43
ncfi1013dr willis they helped me fix it in kubuntu thanks17:43
ConstantineXVIalso, besides cowsayifiyng errors and sl, any other interesting (harmless) BOFH stuff I should be aware of?17:44
jribspoon: I have no clue.  I'd be interested in a solution if you find one17:44
Dr_WillisConstantineXVI:  make scripts called 'ls' executable in your dirs.. if someone has the current dir first in their path.. make the ls script do 'logout' ;)17:44
utenteis tiny core linux live?17:44
Sly_Coyotehi all i need some help if someone is available17:44
Dr_Willisutente:  yes.17:45
Dr_Willismost disrtos have a live variant these days.17:45
utenteit's good because it is fast17:45
DaGeek247!ask < Sly_Coyote17:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:45
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:45
hotrodhi , which is the best site to upload screenshot quickly ?17:45
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.17:45
Sly_Coyoteda geek i have been trying to install warcraft 3 among other windows programs using wine and it clearly says in the files that they are exe but wine tells me that the files are not marked as executable17:46
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utenteburn completed17:47
utentei try with knoppix17:47
DaGeek247Sly_Coyote that should be easy to fix.17:47
Sly_Coyotei cant figure it out cause im very new to ubuntu17:47
maxwave3Sly_Coyote: chmod +x [filename].exe17:47
DaGeek247just right click on the .exe files and click properties.17:47
Sly_Coyoteshould i type that in  my terminal?17:48
KM0201maxwave3: DaGeek247 do my knowledge, neither of those works on an .exe, because it is not a linux file.17:48
Squarismin a terminal... how can you list a complete command history for that terminal?17:48
rumpe1Squarism, "history"17:48
DaGeek247no i have mae windows files executable my way.17:48
macoSquarism: you can type "history" but itll go farther back than just that terminal17:48
Sly_Coyotethank you all so much because i was going mental with the problem17:49
KM0201rumpe1: that won't just be for that window though17:49
DaGeek247Sly_Coyote you got it then?17:49
Guest22565NICK <giuseppe>17:50
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Guest22565how do i change nick?17:50
Squarismrumpe1, maco: thanx.. np aslong as you dont just see the last saved history17:50
nexesGuess22565: You forgot the slash: /17:50
=== DaGeek247 is now known as newnick
newnick"/nick newnick"17:50
KM0201newnick: lol17:50
pcypheris mediatomb the recommended upnp server for xbmc????17:51
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maxwave3newnick: lol lol17:51
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induzwhen i copy from somewhere[like PDF or OO doc] why MS words on wine does not paste it at all??17:52
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rtdoshow can i create my own ubuntu live cd with my own apps selection and my own desktop selection?17:52
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bonjoyee!remastersys | rtdos17:52
giuseppe55im new to ubuntu and linux. i study informatics at the university ind id like to read some interesting books. can anyone suggest some good books?17:53
Sly_Coyotenow im confused i typed in the chmod code you guys told me too as well as the exe file word for word but terminal says that the file doesnt exist in the directory17:53
induzI can copy the same thing to OO words but  not on MS Words running on wine17:53
Sly_Coyotethough im looking right at it17:53
rtdosbonjoyee ?17:53
Sly_Coyoteand its in my downloads17:53
bonjoyeertdos: remastersys17:53
DaGeek247Sly_Coyote try 'cd Downloads'17:54
pcypherhelp with xbmc... more to the point upnp media serving17:54
Sly_Coyoteits not in a cd geek it is in my downloads as in my places17:54
serializedcd is the name of the command17:54
serializedchange directory = cd17:54
maxwave3Sly_Coyote: cd = change directory17:55
Sly_Coyoteoh im such a fool17:55
DaGeek247cd = change directory17:55
bonjoyeeis grub arch dependent? i mean can i restore grub using a 32bit live cd for a 64 bit install?17:55
DaGeek247nah, you are just new.17:55
bonjoyeebonjoyee: read grub2!17:55
zachlrWhat is the likelyhood that I would be able to change a (less than half full) TB FAT32 USB hard drive to Ext4 or NTFS without deleting the files?17:57
jribzachlr: not very likely?17:58
kunwon8kunwon1 here. ##politics  invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! kunwon8 kunwon35 matju Gerwin Drake2 aeon-ltd jsurfer_ johzephine moza yogurtur Tempus_Fugit ada2358 PreZ Corsair OkropNick IcarianHeights Chelsea_ starcoder jsurfer Mud nicop ANTRat paq7512 serialized aksr species kaydsoft MadVi17:58
kunwon8kunwon1 here. ##politics  invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! zulax tankdriver Varox draringi obscurant1st jiehan_ hunter` zachlr aadem pLk CensoredBiscuit bbartek manio fixxar ignarps FiReSTaRT ConstantineXVI jameswv flowbee__ WinstonSmith virusuy david__ ludmar nibbler__ tommis freaky[t] 17:58
kunwon8kunwon1 here. ##politics  invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! hotrod tohtori DavidLevin microtech bonjoyee Anon7-2521 josefig fjgj Defense|Twin iceflatline mrkiko NikWan3 bluefrog larry1 unperson claude_ fsckroot lorenzosu kyrix efaydian Dr_Willis rakia gamerchick02 Schindler cariboo907 and17:58
zachlrjrib, that's kind of what I was thinking17:58
FloodBot2kunwon8: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:58
maxwave3zachlr: even if there was an easy command, I would still do a backup.17:58
gamerchick02kunwon8: this is not a political room. go away.17:59
kunwon8kunwon1 here. ##politics  invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! kunwon8 antonpiatek_ ledah kancerman matju Gerwin aeon-ltd jsurfer_ johzephine moza yogurtur Tempus_Fugit ada2358 PreZ Corsair OkropNick IcarianHeights Chelsea_ starcoder jsurfer Mud nicop ANTRat paq7512 serialized aksr species ka17:59
kunwon8kunwon1 here. ##politics  invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! RobinJ zulax tankdriver Varox draringi obscurant1st jiehan_ hunter` zachlr aadem pLk CensoredBiscuit bbartek manio fixxar ignarps FiReSTaRT ConstantineXVI jameswv flowbee__ WinstonSmith virusuy david__ ludmar nibbler__ tommis frea17:59
kunwon8kunwon1 here. ##politics  invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! waltercool hotrod tohtori DavidLevin microtech bonjoyee Anon7-2521 josefig fjgj Defense|Twin iceflatline mrkiko NikWan3 bluefrog larry1 unperson claude_ fsckroot lorenzosu kyrix efaydian Dr_Willis rakia gamerchick02 Schindler cari17:59
kunwon8kunwon1 here. ##politics  invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! ryuho-droid herbmonk velten Ronald epox bergman wthpr0 Godfather_ sriram Anom_ NixGeek headache LeGambitteur bwright Commander1024 oski jae Calz bigbrovar darkthawt andeh` bentob0x vox firegrass rsvp induz piglit MrCurlyBraces_ sl17:59
aeon-ltdYEAHHHHHH spam!17:59
Anon7-2521goddamn spammers.17:59
headache question est pas complete17:59
headache j'comprend rien de ce que tu veux faire17:59
kunwon14kunwon1 here. ##politics  invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! kunwon14 antonpiatek_ ledah kancerman matju Gerwin aeon-ltd jsurfer_ johzephine moza yogurtur Tempus_Fugit ada2358 PreZ Corsair OkropNick IcarianHeights Chelsea_ starcoder jsurfer Mud nicop ANTRat paq7512 serialized aksr species k17:59
kunwon14kunwon1 here. ##politics  invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! RobinJ zulax tankdriver Varox draringi obscurant1st jiehan_ hunter` zachlr aadem pLk CensoredBiscuit bbartek manio fixxar ignarps FiReSTaRT ConstantineXVI jameswv flowbee__ WinstonSmith virusuy david__ ludmar nibbler__ tommis frea17:59
kunwon14kunwon1 here. ##politics  invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! waltercool hotrod tohtori DavidLevin microtech bonjoyee Anon7-2521 josefig fjgj Defense|Twin iceflatline mrkiko NikWan3 bluefrog larry1 unperson claude_ fsckroot lorenzosu kyrix efaydian Dr_Willis rakia gamerchick02 Schindler cari17:59
kunwon14kunwon1 here. ##politics  invites you to join in the discussion. Liberals and leftists are threatening this great country. Fight with us to take it back! We need your support in ##politics NOW! Don't let the Obamaination continue! ryuho-droid herbmonk velten Ronald epox bergman wthpr0 Godfather_ sriram Anom_ NixGeek headache LeGambitteur bwright Commander1024 oski jae Calz bigbrovar darkthawt andeh` bentob0x vox firegrass rsvp induz piglit MrCurlyBraces_ sl17:59
FloodBot2kunwon14: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:59
aeon-ltd!fr | headache17:59
ubottuheadache: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:59
redhow do I take a screenshot of the active window in ubuntu?17:59
redI read that alt+print screen should do it, but nothing happends17:59
aeon-ltd!screenshot | red17:59
ubottured: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.17:59
zachlrmaxinux3, I had the same thought.  Only a small part of it is irreplaceable, but it would be a pain if it it all got deleted.17:59
erUSULred: Aplicagtions>Accesories>screenshot18:00
matjujrib: ban kunwon*!*@* without a number in the pattern.18:00
aeon-ltdred: wait that didn't give much info, use the app directly instead of the keyboard shortcuts18:00
redaeon-ltd: _active window_ not my 3 monitors wide shot I have to go crop afterwards in gimp :)18:00
=== jsurfer_ is now known as jsurfer
zachlrmaxinux3, I don't currently have enough room to back everything up, though.18:00
rtdosthx bonjoyee18:00
aeon-ltdred: read second message i sent18:00
jribmatju: actually kunwon1 was a legitimate user I kicked by mistake18:00
matjuhow do i get resolutions bigger than 1024x768 with an Intel 915 chipset and ubuntu 9.10 ? (the 915resolution tool can't be installed and the resolutions menu has only 3 resolutions in it)18:01
bonjoyeertdos: :)18:01
matjujrib: oh, really ?18:01
jribmatju: heh, yeah18:01
matjujrib: damn spammers. always making things more complicated. :(18:01
speciesthis spam seems to actually be an attack on whoever the real kunwon is18:01
matjuspecies: yes, sorry.18:01
=== Domush|Away is now known as Domush
speciesa false flag operation :P18:01
ledahanyone knows if i can install the easypeasy interface on ubuntu?18:01
redaeon-ltd: wondering if somethign somewhere is broken since I remember alt-print screen working in 9.4 :)18:02
redoh well, ill add the app to panel18:02
ArachonAccording to launchpad.net an issue considering the copy dialog in Rhythmbox was supposed to be fixed with the 0.12.8 version, but I'm seeing no signs of this fix, even though I have the latest version, why is this? Could it be that it's for maverick only?18:02
Sly_Coyoteda geek its still not working i dont know what gives it still says the file doesnt exist18:03
serializedtry ~/Downloads18:03
Sly_Coyotei got that far serialized18:04
ColegaCuleroGrita orgulloso "¡Soy homosexual!" entra en http://colegasculeros.blogspot.com/ videochat gratis para colegas culeros!!! http://colegasculeros.blogspot.com/18:04
serializedlol sorry18:04
rumpe1Sly_Coyote, does the exe show up in "ls" output?18:04
serializederm can i ask what it is your trying to do Sly*18:05
maxwave3Sly_Coyote: does your exe file have spaces in the name?18:05
Sly_Coyotei dont know what ls means but when i open the file in my downloads it says wondershare.exe but it wont execute and wine says its not marked as executable so i tried da greeks chmod +x thing and it says the file doesnt exist18:06
serializedcould have a broken exe header18:06
xanguaSly_Coyote: right clic>properties>open with>wine18:07
Dr_WillisSly_Coyote:  so wine ~/Downloads/wondershare.exe        gives an error?18:07
aeon-ltdSly_Coyote: the syntax is "chmod +x /path/to/file"18:07
Deltachaoshi @all18:07
Deltachaosmy microphone stutters if i use it with pulseaudio18:07
Sly_CoyoteThe file '/home/slycoyote/Downloads/Wondershare/Wondershare.exe' is not marked as executable.  If this was downloaded or copied from an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run.  For more details, read about the executable bit.18:07
Sly_Coyotethats what wine tells me18:08
kunwon1jrib: ?18:08
Dr_WillisSly_Coyote:  try it from the command line. or mark it exeutable18:08
kunwon1jrib: surely you realize i'm not responsible for the spam18:08
xanguaSly_Coyote: right clic>properties>permision>executable18:08
jribkunwon1: sorry about that (see pm)18:08
aeon-ltdSly_Coyote: so do this, 'chmod +x /home/slycoyote/Downloads/Wondershare/Wondershare.exe'18:08
kunwon1jrib: i'm umode +g, i don't receive them :p but no problem18:08
jribkunwon1: yeah, I thought I had completed 1418:09
Sly_Coyotexangua !!!!! thank you some how that worked18:09
Sly_Coyotei dont understand why it wouldnt be default executable but once i changed permissions it worked18:10
Sly_Coyotethis community support thing is a life saver thanks for all the help everyone18:10
ArachonAccording to launchpad.net an issue considering the copy dialog in Rhythmbox was supposed to be fixed with the 0.12.8 version, but I'm seeing no signs of this fix, even though I have the latest version, why is this? Could it be that it's for maverick only?18:12
raluxgazaanyone using macbuntu?18:13
AbhijiTArachon, give me the link18:13
ArachonAbhijiT: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/+bug/41099918:14
_TristanI've got a samsung laptop and they just came out with a new bios firmware, only available as an .exe. Would it be unsafe to run it in wine? Is there some ubuntu-friendly bios update somewhere?18:15
AbhijiTArachon, get the latest version18:15
AbhijiTKM0201, ??18:15
AbhijiTArachon, http://projects.gnome.org/rhythmbox/18:15
ArachonAbhijiT: That is different from the one in Ubuntu software Center?18:16
KM0201AbhijiT: raluxgaga asked if anyone was using macbuntu, then left like 2sec later.. like that was time for someone to respond.. it tickled me18:16
AbhijiTArachon, nope18:16
ArachonThen that's the one I have18:16
AbhijiTArachon, i mean yes. its the latest version with all the fixes18:16
AbhijiTArachon, no you sadi you have something called 0.1218:16
Arachon0.12.18 yes?18:16
FloodBot2Arachon: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:16
AbhijiTArachon, get the latest one from the link i give you. uninstall the current. and then install the new one18:17
ArachonWill do, thanks a bunch18:17
AbhijiTKM0201, :D18:17
Skyhookerhi again, still working on using PCI SATA controller in Xubuntu.  Ran lspci and found the following info on the card: Silicon Image, Inc. SiI 3112 [SATALink/SATARaid] Serial ATA Controller (rev 02)18:18
SkyhookerI've read that SiI cards are supported in ubuntu, but no idea how to enable or configure (linux noob) - any help appreciated, ty18:19
viktor133nobe question, before installing a package, how do you check if no files are confictant with existing files?18:19
matjuhow do i get resolutions bigger than 1024x768 with an Intel 915 chipset and ubuntu 9.10 ? (the 915resolution tool can't be installed and the resolutions menu has only 3 resolutions in it)18:20
macomatju: 915resolutions is no longer needed with the newer drivers. it should be listing all the resolutions the screen claims it can do. if you're sure the screen and video card can both do better, you can add more resolutions18:21
Sly_Coyotei have another question . is there a preferred program for us linux users to convert and or split a video from its audio? i ask this because i downloaded songs off of youtube that i couldnt find anywhere else but i want to convert the flv file to mp3 if possible18:21
maco!resolution | matju18:21
ubottumatju: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution18:21
macomatju: see the section about adding modes18:21
ZykoticK9Sly_Coyote, if you want to dump the audio of a file you can use mplayer "mplayer -vo null -au pcm FILENAME" and you'll get a WAV of the audio18:22
niklasfihi guys... my audio cuts off, after chatting on skype for maybe half an hour. after hat all audio is garbled, amarok can't play any music and my partner in the chat cannot hear me as well as i cannot hear him. a restart resolves the problem for another 30 minute or so... can i somehow get the same effects without restart?18:22
ZykoticK9Sly_Coyote, typo!  "mplayer -vo null -ao pcm FILENAME"18:23
skritehey all, i am installing from a minimal cd image. what gives me xorg and what i will need to launch X via startx command?18:23
needlezis there a way for mplayer to get the time of the movie in seconds thats playing and like important that command into a script which tells the computer to sleep after x seconds??18:23
ZykoticK9skrite, just install whatever windows manager you want to use, and it will pull the Xorg dependencies18:24
viktor133hi. how do you check if any files of a package you're installing are conflicting with any existing files?18:24
markosohow do i make a app start at startup18:24
ZykoticK9markoso, System / Preferences / Startup18:24
maconiklasfi: possibly "sudo alsa force-reload" to reload the sound drivers18:25
skriteZykoticK9: even if it is not a desktop environment? like openbox will pull xorg deps?18:25
markosoty ZykoticK918:25
macoskrite: should18:25
ZykoticK9skrite, it should18:25
matjumaco: well, i was asking because i found a web post that claimed that switching from SuSE to Ubuntu reduced the number of available resolutions. why would any resolutions be missing from the menu ? (i don't have proof of what my laptop can do : i ran SuSE long ago too, but i have no recollection of resolution list)18:25
macoskrite: it still needs X to run, right?18:25
skritemaco: indeed, thanks18:25
SkyhookerNeed help using PCI SATA card in Xubuntu, please  lspci says:  Silicon Image, Inc. SiI 3112 [SATALink/SATARaid] Serial ATA Controller (rev 02)  ty18:27
Skyhooker<==linux noob18:27
=== max is now known as Guest34080
Ind3rasjoin #ubuntu18:28
erUSULSkyhooker: and the disks attached to it do not appear?18:28
erUSULSkyhooker: should be automatic18:28
SkyhookererUSUL: negative, no disks on that controller18:28
Skyhookerdisk recognized in BIOS, however18:29
Ind3rasdoes anyone know where i can get some wireless questions answered for backtrack 4 final18:29
erUSULSkyhooker: there are no disks actually attached to it or the diks that are attached do not appear in i.e « sudo fdisk -l » output18:29
erUSUL!backtrack > Ind3ras18:29
ubottuInd3ras, please see my private message18:29
viktor133can anybody give me a few hints on a package-issue?18:30
filippoio italy18:30
Pici!it | filippo18:30
ubottufilippo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:30
veilig_abtis there a way to view a log of all the applications that were updated w/ the update-manager in the last week? ...or longer?18:31
erUSULSkyhooker: so what's the case here?18:31
datacrushermy ogv files playback normal, but audio is VERY slow. iv tryed the same file in other ambiente (windows and mac) and the audio is normal as the video files i got here, only in my ubuntu machine ogv audio is very low. how do i fix this?18:31
erUSULveilig_abt: in sysnaptic there is a log in Archive menu18:31
needlezis there a way to have mplayer get the time of movie and put that command into a script like this... http://pastie.org/151896318:31
ActionParsnipveilig_abt: look in /var/log/dpkg.log18:31
viktor133actionparsnip: you gave an answer launchpad about a dependency18:32
veilig_abterUSUL, ActionPar: thanks!18:32
SkyhookererUSUL: sorry, was just checking - I know very little terminal, ran that command - disk shows as sdb in fdisk, I think it's formatted NTFS (was trying to make this a fileserver for Win machines)18:32
ActionParsnipneedlez: do you mean to play a movie then kill the app?18:32
ActionParsnipviktor133: happens nearly daily dude, you'll need to expand18:33
viktor133it's been suggested that i simply download a missing package, but i don't know how to check for possible conficting files?18:33
erUSULSkyhooker: ok; so the disk is there. can you access it in PLaces>Computer ?18:33
Skyhookerstand by...18:33
needlezActionParsnip: look at the script that I have already. I think you helped with it before. I just want something to automatically get the time of the requested movie so it isn't doing it at X time which I've already set18:33
jribviktor133: apt will yell at you if you two packages conflict because they share files.  But what package are you talking about?  Downloading what? Why?18:33
needlezif there's no way to do that its ok, jw18:34
viktor133jrib: one sec, looking up the name18:34
ActionParsnipviktor133: try with the   --dry-run   option18:34
jribneedlez: why not just use mplayer to play the movie?  It will go away when it finishes playing18:34
blackxoredhello guys18:34
blackxoredwhere I can find a good and updated linux laptop compatibility list18:34
ActionParsnipneedlez: what is the "time of the movie"? Is it how long it is or how long its been playinig for or what?18:35
needlezjrib: its not that, and no it wont, it wont auto kick sleep after words thats why I created this script18:35
viktor133jrib: downloading 3th party software, security program, libstdc++2.10-glibc2.218:35
jribneedlez: what do you mean "auto kick sleep"?18:35
needlezActionParsnip: length of movie time... time of playing movie18:35
freelovewho has a scan archive18:35
SkyhookererUSUL: cannot find it, but I may not be looking in the right place (super noob)18:35
freelovewho has a scan archive18:36
viktor133actionparsnip: so i download the package, then use --dry-run ?18:36
jribviktor133: isn't that a really old version?18:36
ActionParsnipneedlez: so you want the system to determine the length of the movie, then kill the process after that time?18:36
erUSULSkyhooker: can you paste the output of « sudo fdisk -l » in pastebin ?18:36
erUSUL!paste | Skyhooker18:36
ubottuSkyhooker: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:36
ActionParsnipviktor133: its an option od the dpkg command18:36
freelovewho has a scan archive18:36
BuMpIchi all18:36
needlezjrib: when I have suspend/sleep set it wont kick in cuz movie won't close in anything... vlc/ totem/ mplayer / etc...18:36
ActionParsnipfreelove: can you expand on that please18:36
needlezActionParsnip: exactly18:36
jribneedlez: mplayer quits after the video ends18:36
KM0201is anyone else having trouble adding MSN buddies to Pidgin or Empathy?  #pidgin is dead18:36
viktor133jrib: i know, it's really outdated software, but there isn't really an alternative18:36
needlezjrib: for me it doesnt18:37
viktor133actionparsnip: i'll try that, thnks18:37
jribneedlez: you are using "mplayer /path/to/video"?18:37
BuMpIchow van  i do that the conky will always appear on my desktop?So if i start the comp i dnt have to write to the terminal18:37
ArachonHow come my version of Ubuntu Software center doesn't have the latest version of many applications?18:37
trollboyso I've got two items in my Update Manager that won't let me select them for update18:37
ActionParsnipneedlez: mencoder has an identify option you can get various bits of data out and store it in a variable, then sleep that long18:37
Skyhookerhmmm, lotta new stuff to learn there to paste...18:37
trollboyevent-based init daemon (upstart) and a simple, straightforward, open-source software framework for PHP 5 (libzend-framework-php)18:38
freelovewho has a scan archive18:38
freelovewho has a scan archive18:38
freelovewho has a scan archive18:38
FloodBot2freelove: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:38
needlezjrib: the reason it wont exit for me is because the computer wont sleep even after the program closes.18:38
ActionParsnipSkyhooker: copy the text, go to http://pastie.org and paste the text then hit the big paste button, the address in the address bar will change, copy it and paste it here18:38
Travis-42Can anyone recommend a program to record video/audio of a particular window or section of the screen? I can't find anything that seems to work18:38
jribneedlez: you seem to be using "exit" and "close" differently.  What's the difference?18:38
needlezJrib:so I created a C program to do shutdown with out needing sudo.18:38
ActionParsnipTravis-42: recordmydesktop18:38
trollboyneedlez, how are you doing a shutdown w/o sudo?18:39
Travis-42thanks ActionParsnip, I'll check it out18:39
ArachonErm, Anyone?18:39
BuMpIchow can  i do that the conky will always appear on my desktop?So if i start the comp i dnt have to write to the terminal18:39
needleztrollboy: setUID with the Cwrapper I created18:39
Skyhookertry that18:39
trollboyArachon, are you sure they're the latest ubuntu versions?18:39
ActionParsnipneedlez: mencoder -identify filename18:39
Arachontrollboy: No, it's 10.4, but that's supposed to be LTS, right?18:40
=== v-himanshu is now known as himanshu
trollboyArachon, just because SoftwareX releases a new release, doesn't mean its been incorporated into the ubuntu package management system yet.18:40
ActionParsnipSkyhooker: you have now mastered pastebin, use that for outputs of more than 1 line :)18:40
Skyhookeryay! :)18:40
Arachontrollboy: Oh, so I'd have to get the tarball manually then?18:40
AbhijiTArachon, ubuntu is not rolling release distro18:40
needlezActionParsnip: ok, will it automatically get the length of any video I pick or do I have to modify it every time for each different movie??18:40
trollboyArachon, SoftwareX might have just released version 10, but the ubuntu guys might have only updated to
AbhijiTArachon, only stabgle/ tested version in there software center18:41
trollboyArachon, correct, if you *need* the bleeding edge18:41
jribneedlez: I don't understand how that relates to my question18:41
ActionParsnipneedlez: you can pass the file name as an arg to the script18:41
AbhijiTArachon, you can get latest version on your oen and install it18:41
trollboyArachon, what software is it, if I may ask18:41
ArachonYeah, it's just that the package manager is so much more convenient18:41
AbhijiTArachon, also see getdeb and playseb18:41
Arachontrollboy: Rhythmbox18:41
trollboythe latest version in ubuntu might have what you need18:41
jribneedlez: you can do what you asked originally, but I think it's not a good way to achieve what you want.18:41
trollboyah.. I don't use it/them myself18:41
trollboywhat's in the latest version that's not in the ubuntu one?18:42
Arachontrollboy: iPod sync ability, and an option to do "replace all" in a copy dialog18:42
Arachoninstead of having to press "yes" 512 times18:42
trollboyI *Believe* there were some plugins that did that automagically...18:42
trollboynot sure ont he replace all18:42
needlezjrib: that was to the other question sorry...  and the difference was it will stop playing the movie and the program will exit but the computer won't sleep because it thinks its still running. Sorry must not of explained that very well, thats why I created a program to do shutdown without need for sudo18:42
needlezActionParsnip: ok thank you that should work18:43
Arachontrollboy: Whatabout the Backports repo?18:43
BuMpIcjrib, how can  i do that the conky will always appear on my desktop?So if i start the comp i dnt have to write to the terminal18:43
trollboyanyone see my question about un-updatable updates?18:43
jribneedlez: so you get a new prompt after the video finishes playing with "mplayer video", but mplayer is still running somehow?18:43
jrib!startup | BuMpIc18:43
ubottuBuMpIc: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot18:43
trollboyArachon, you can try that, you can also try the "unstable" repo as well, but YMMV18:44
Arachontrollboy: Myeah18:44
BuMpIcjrib,  ty18:44
AbhijiTBuMpIc, are you using ubuntu?18:44
needlezjrib: its more like it closes and even though I have it set to autosleep it wont autosleep after being closed18:44
trollboybackports probably won't be what you want18:44
jribneedlez: so what do you do to make it autosleep?18:44
needlezso I created this script to do that, it would work with mplayer also, just I use totem more often18:44
nothappyhello, I've tried installing unbuntu and kubuntu in x86 and 64bit, it just loads to a screen and a pointer, that's it. Both text and gui mode installs does the same, one thing though is that I can select 'safe mode' and it loads that desktop up without networking...weird.18:44
BuMpIcAbhijiT, ubuntu-based18:44
SkyhookererUSUL: not sure if you saw my post  http://pastie.org/151899418:45
Smithhow to install tar.bz2 on a linux (Ubuntu 10.10) machine18:45
Arachontrollboy: How so?18:45
BuMpIcAbhijiT,  but i have the answer thanks18:45
lestatany idea why my middle mouse button paste doesn't work anymore since yesterday ? :(18:45
trollboybackports is how you get SoftwareX Current version running on Ubuntu Old Ocellet (or whatever previous install you're running)18:45
lestati did nothing particular18:45
AbhijiTBuMpIc, hmm18:45
trollboyif the version of SoftwareX you want isn't in the current repo, its probably not going to be in backports18:45
Arachontrollboy: That sounds exaclty like what I'm trying to do... SoftwareX <latest> is available for Maverick Meerkat, but not Lucid Lynx18:45
trollboybackports is more about getting new software to run on old releases than it is about managing bleeding edge18:45
needlezjrib: correct autosleep after the movie over or at X time... X being set by myself already. And then created a C program to tell the computer to just shutdown without need for sudo, after the program closes18:45
DatzHi, I'm trying to export an mp3 from audacity, and need to find /usr/lib/libmp3lame.so.0  -> does anyone know where I can find this file?18:45
trollboyis Maverick stable/out yet?18:46
erUSULSkyhooker: is the 500 GiB disk sdb? i've neer heard of SFS filesystem ... does the disk have any data in it?18:46
needlezjrib: this is what I have now... http://pastie.org/151896318:46
needlezjrib: I could replace totem with mplayer or anything and it should work18:46
Arachontrollboy: Wait, you mean the entire OS version?18:46
Picitrollboy: Maverick was released on 2010/10/1018:46
Datzoh.. looks like there is a package for that, how nice :)18:46
chrisryn_whats a godo program for converting my grandmas cassettes to cd18:46
voglsterim trying to setup a very simple ubuntu box that just routes between 2 subnets... 2 nics on it one on each subnet the default gateway has a static route pointing to the ubuntu box for the 1 subnet.. the other subnet the ubuntu box is the default route... yes i cannot ping between subnets... iptables is not even installed and ip_forward is set to 1 any thoughts?18:47
trollboyah, apparantly I'm on Natty Narwhal18:47
jribneedlez: mplayer -identify -vo dummy -ao dummy VIDEO 2> /dev/null | grep ID_LENGTH | cut -d'=' -f2      would get you the length but I still advise you to accomplish what you are doing in some other way18:47
trollboythen yes Arachon backports might do it for you18:47
Datzchrisryn_: I guess you could try audacity.18:47
Skyhookerhmmm, should've been NTFS - I added no data. I tried running gparted to repartition/reformat, but it didn't see the drive either18:47
Arachontrollboy: Well, in any case, I think I've got some insight in how Ubuntu's repository system works, thanks :)18:47
trollboyArachon, no problem, sorry I couldn't be more help18:48
erUSULSkyhooker: gparted does not see it ? try « gksudo gparted /dev/sdb » in a terminal18:48
needlezjrib: I am trying other things also, just this is just a simple solution for now18:49
Smithhow to install tar.bz2 on a linux (Ubuntu 10.10) machine18:49
SkyhookererUSUL: no response18:50
erUSULSkyhooker: if the disk is going to be used in a linux fileserver ( via samba i guess ) you should format it to a linux filesystem ( ext4 or xfs )18:50
erUSULSkyhooker: gparted does not launch ?18:50
erUSULSkyhooker: and you do not get any error either?18:50
Skyhookerno error18:50
=== CCensoredBiscuit is now known as CensoredBiscuit
greenManXhow to install tar.bz2 on ubuntu 10.1018:51
Skyhookerlet me try reformatting on a machine with onboard SATA and report back, will use ext418:51
KM0201greenManX: what did you download a .tar file for?18:51
erUSULSkyhooker: ok try « sudo parted /dev/sdb » is comman line program18:51
Skyhookerok, stand by...18:51
ActionParsnipSmith: what is the filename?18:51
greenManXlike for firefox 4 beta 1018:52
erUSULSkyhooker: you should get a new promt. you can enter « print » and see the partition table of the disk18:52
Guest81366i have a problem18:52
ActionParsnipgreenManX: there is a mozilla PPA for (crappy) firefox 4, you can add it, install Firefox 4 then remove the PPA so it doesn't update the current Firefox you have18:52
KM0201greenManX: usually there's a mozilla PPA for beta's.. but ff4 is a little wild right now18:52
PropelI plan on dual booting with win7/ubuntu on my 500GB HDD. How should I partition the drive? 250GB/250GB?18:53
Guest81366someone have never installed ubuntu server on pendrive and configured in menu.lst18:53
SkyhookererUSUL: I see it there at 500GB ntfs volume18:53
ActionParsnipgreenManX: I can make you a commad if you want18:53
greenManXokay if i have any other tarball how do i install it i am new to linux18:53
erUSULSkyhooker: ok; run « quit » or « exit » ( do not remeber exactly to quit the program18:53
needlezjrib: can that be substitued for the sleep thing?? or not?? also my other thing is would this work?? http://pastie.org/151903918:53
voglstergreenManX, a tarball is a comressed file.. untar it ;-)18:53
voglstergreenbit_, bring up a console and tpye man tar18:54
greenManXok then18:54
ActionParsnipPropel: The install of Ubuntu will only occupy about 5Gb so depends how much data you need, you can also store user data on the NTFS if you wish as Windows is to ignorant to access Ext418:54
Guest81366when i do the boot from pendrive I asked the cdrom18:54
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voglstergreenManX,  not greenbit_18:54
jribneedlez: what you pastebinned is all you need18:54
hilarieWhere can I find a how-to on compiling a program under 10.10? I am trying to install OpenTaxSolver2010_8.01.tgz18:54
greenManXthats ok18:54
Skyhookerdone and here's pastie:  http://pastie.org/151904018:54
needlezjrib: thank you18:54
Propelwow, ubuntu only needs 5GBs?!18:54
Pici!compile | hilarie18:54
ubottuhilarie: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)18:54
jribneedlez: though you need to pass a movie to mplayer obviously18:54
needlezjrib: I would tell it to take the movie that I select from my harddrive from the GUI18:55
erUSULSkyhooker: now see if we can access it try « udisks --mount /dev/sdb1 »18:55
jribneedlez: mplayer has no gui18:55
jribneedlez: well the "mplayer" command anyway18:55
erUSULSkyhooker: no errors from that one?18:55
BuMpIcjrib, is there any search modul like in windows, if i cant find something in applications?18:56
=== Commander1024_ is now known as Commander1024
sevensSo, does anyone here have any helpful tips for installing the latest ati drivers? I completed the install via terminal commands, but aticonfig wont run.18:56
needlezjrib: ahh, is there a gui so I can select a movie that way?? or not??18:56
ActionParsnipgreenManX: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install firefox-4.0; sudo ppa-purge ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa18:56
Guest81366when i boot from pendrive i asked the cdrom18:56
Skyhooker"command not found"18:56
greenManXwhich platform is better Ubuntu or Linux Mint18:56
needlezjrib: thought there was like a Gnome for mplayer  or something like that isnt there??18:56
jribneedlez: try a gui for mplayer.  I'm not familiar with them and don't know how they behave when the movie ends18:56
Guest81366my configuration is: http://pastie.org/151904818:56
ActionParsnipgreenManX: neither is better18:56
ChessTeachi am not sure if this is a firefox or ubuntu question, but I am running firefox and everytime a message box appears, ubuntu makes a drum sound.... any idea how to disable this?18:56
erUSULSkyhooker: what version of ubuntu ?18:56
ActionParsnipgreenManX: mint is also not support and is offtopic here18:57
jribBuMpIc: to find stuff you already installed?18:57
Guest81366ubuntu 10.04.01 server18:57
ActionParsnipgreenManX: the guys in #ubuntu-offtopic will be happy to discuss it with you18:57
Skyhookerxubuntu 9.10, I think18:57
BuMpIcjrib, whats that?18:57
needlezjrib: kk18:57
Guest81366ubuntu 10.04.01 server and my menu.lst this is http://pastie.org/151904818:57
jribBuMpIc: what do you want to do?18:57
=== |GuS| is now known as [GuS]
ActionParsnipGuest81366: lucid uses grub2, I suggest you use that18:58
Guest81366i want install the ubuntu 10.04.01 from usb18:58
Ubulindyrecently switched from gnome to kde and have no way to view, open, or access /home.... and ideas? when I try to open in "computer" says cant be opened18:58
hilarieIt comes as an error18:58
BuMpIcjrib, so  i   cant find some moduls and applications or options.Is there any program wich has a searc textarea and i car find things with it?18:58
greenManXokay i have just installed ubuntu side by side windows.....is Linux better than WINDOWS18:58
BuMpIcjrib,  like in windows18:58
jribBuMpIc: synaptic18:58
PicigreenManX: This isn't a discussion channel, you've already been pointed to #ubuntu-offtopic , please use it.18:58
earthmeLongreenManX, You're asking #ubuntu (linux) channel.  Most of us will say Linux *is* better than windows :D18:58
ActionParsnipBuMpIc: you can use grep to search files for text18:59
Guest81366but when i try to boot from usb i asked the cdrom, but i have my image iso on pendrive18:59
BuMpIcActionParsnip, is it a program?18:59
ActionParsnipgreenManX: both are good, it depends on the situation, THAT is also offtopic too. This is support for Ubuntu only. Please keep your question to Ubuntu support questions only18:59
ActionParsnipBuMpIc: yes, it's part of a default install19:00
erUSULSkyhooker: ok do « sudo mkdir /media/win_disk && sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o umasks=0 /dev/sdb1 /media/win_disk  »19:00
BuMpIcActionParsnip, ok19:00
wamichohelp please i was using 10.4 and my dell internal modem worked  fine but after upgrading it s not recognized how do i solve this..19:00
ActionParsnipBuMpIc: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-search-find-file-for-text-string/    good times19:00
BuMpIcActionParsnip,  and this searchmonkey?19:00
BuMpIcActionParsnip, is this good?19:01
ActionParsnipBuMpIc: i dont use seamonkey, I always use grep19:01
ActionParsnipBuMpIc: good is subjective19:01
=== CripperzM is now known as CripperZ
BuMpIcActionParsnip,  and where i can   look and write into my files's  source?19:02
Skyhookernoob question: how do I copy & paste selection from here?19:02
BuMpIcActionParsnip, forexample in C++19:02
wamicho help please i was using 10.4 and my dell internal modem worked  fine but after upgrading to 10.10 it s not recognized how do i solve this..19:02
ActionParsnipBuMpIc: that didn't make any sense19:02
ActionParsnipwamicho: did it work in the liveCD?19:02
Ubulindyany help on kde and how to access my home dir would be appreciated, switched from gnome and now no access and cant view19:02
BuMpIcActionParsnip, so this is an open source os   or not?19:02
wamichoActionParsnip didn't try that...19:03
Guest81366ubuntu 10.04.01 non lavora in live cd19:03
ActionParsnipBuMpIc: yes, its in a default install which means its free and opensource, the install CD cannot contain proprietary software19:03
Guest81366ubuntu 10.04.01 don't work in livecd19:03
erUSULSkyhooker: select then middle mouse button click wherever you want it19:03
erUSUL!who | Skyhooker19:03
ubottuSkyhooker: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:03
sanandreas-labshi to all!19:04
needlezjrib: checking out gnome-mplayer right now to see if will work19:04
BuMpIcActionParsnip,  what do you mean with the Install cd?19:04
ActionParsnipUbulindy: have you tried other file browsers?19:04
sanandreas-labsis there some one that want to help a newbie? that's my first time on Mirc19:04
UbulindyActionParsnip there isnt much I have access to19:04
ActionParsnipBuMpIc: the install media you used came on an ISO, The install ISO comes with grep by default, meaning it is free and opensouce19:04
ActionParsnipUbulindy: not even a terminal?19:05
SkyhookererUSUL: entered commend, no error, but no apparent change19:05
sanandreas-labssome one from ITALY?19:05
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:05
UbulindyActionParsnip even tho I launch a term, even that is borked and opens ~/Documents19:05
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.19:06
erUSULSkyhooker: do « grep sdb1 /proc/mounts »19:06
ActionParsnipUbulindy: if you press CTRL+ALT+T  does a konsole launch?19:06
sanandreas-labsciao bello!19:06
BuMpIcActionParsnip, I think i  was  badly explaining myself.So how  can i see the system source code?Not the grep19:06
ActionParsnipUbulindy: are you the owner of your home folder?19:06
lesshasteis there a simple text to pdf convertor? I just need to make a pdf from a simple string so I can use it for something else19:06
erUSULSkyhooker: sorry no need for that. run « thunar /media/win_disk »19:06
jacklosquartatorma qui e tutto in inglese???19:06
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »19:06
lesshastecan it be done via the printing system maybe?19:06
erUSUL!it | jacklosquartator19:06
ubottujacklosquartator: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:06
erUSULluca__: ^19:06
UbulindyActionParsnip Im assuming I am since I was in gnome19:07
ActionParsnipBuMpIc: you can use less to view files in terminal, or use your favourite text editor to open them19:07
zacktuhow do i find out my ubuntu version and kernel version?19:07
ActionParsnipUbulindy: i'd ask in #kubuntu, they may know a trick or two19:07
SkyhookererUSUL: OK, win_disk file manager opened19:07
ActionParsnipzacktu: lsb_release -a; uname -a19:07
UbulindyActionParsnip ok, thanks19:07
BuMpIcActionParsnip, ok thanx.And the code is C++  or another language?19:07
erUSULSkyhooker: there it is; all the space you wanted19:07
ActionParsnipBuMpIc: doesn't matter, i it's text then a text editor will display it19:08
erUSUL!ntfs | Skyhooker19:08
ubottuSkyhooker: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE19:08
BuMpIcActionParsnip,  ok19:08
SkyhookererUSUL: thanks, will this now mount at startup, or more to do?19:08
ActionParsnipI have a Dell D420 running Maverick and the keyboard really sucks. Can anyone recommend something heavy I can drop on it?19:08
erUSULSkyhooker: there is more to do you have to add a line to your fstab . see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions19:08
erUSULSkyhooker: we did this to check that everyhing is ok19:08
SkyhookererUSUL: excellent, tyvm!19:09
=== Worldspice_Will is now known as ZenAdm1n
wamichoActionParsnip: I tried with live cd it worked..19:10
wamichoActionParsnip: how do i make it work after installing ...19:10
ActionParsnipwamicho: ok then run:  lsmod   and see if any of the modules look like they drive the modem, you can also run:    sudo lshw | less     and find the modem. You should also run:   dmesg | less    and read the boot to see what's going on, then compare it to the current install to see what's different. You may need to make notes19:11
zacktuAdministration/About Ubuntu says: You are using Ubuntu 11.04 - the Natty Narwhal - released in April 2011 and supported until October 2012.19:11
ActionParsnip!natty | zacktu19:11
ubottuzacktu: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.19:11
jribzacktu: use the terminal as there is a bug in that menu19:12
=== mOHawk is now known as Haben
Guest81366ubuntu 10.04.01 server and my menu.lst this is http://pastie.org/151904819:14
Guest81366when i try to boot from usb i asked the cdrom, but i have my image iso on pendrive19:14
zacktuI just used instructions from ActioinParsnip to check my ubuntu version (lsb_release -a; uname -a), and my system version is 10.10 -- exactly what I thought it should be -- Out of curiousity I used Administration/About Ubuntu (probably first time ever) and was informed that I'm running 11.04 --  somebody jumped the gun19:15
=== mOHawk is now known as Haben
ActionParsnipzacktu: what kernel are you using?19:15
markfletcherHi, when I boot my ubuntu system, after the grub loading , I get a series of messages like [syntax error] or [incorrect command]. The system boots just fine, but I was wondering how I go about investigating these errors and remedying them... I dont see any more information on what is causing the errors19:16
ActionParsnipmarkfletcher: read through:   dmesg | less    it may give clues19:16
zacktuActionParsnip: 2.6.35-25-generic #44-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 21 17:40:48 UTC 2011 i68619:17
markfletcherThank you!19:17
[1]Smithi am here19:17
[1]Smitharrrghhh tell mw19:17
ActionParsnipzacktu: thats a maverick kernel19:18
ActionParsnip!ask | [1]Smith19:18
ubottu[1]Smith: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:18
arrrghhh[1]Smith, ask your question, clearly and coherently for all to see.19:18
sisifHello. What alternative do I have for Ati / AMD proprietary video drivers ?19:19
BuMpIcActionParsnip, i cant find that startup manager:D19:19
ActionParsnipsisif: the open drivers which are part of the default OS19:19
ActionParsnipBuMpIc: ok19:19
[1]SmithI HAVE UBUNTU 10.1019:19
ActionParsnip[1]Smith: what is the filename19:19
ActionParsnip[1]Smith: kill the caps19:19
[1]Smithits vlc19:19
sisifActionParsnip, you are referring to the ones that ship default with the oS ?19:19
arrrghhh[1]Smith, being rude will get you nowhere in life.19:19
ActionParsnip[1]Smith: vlc is in the repos19:19
arrrghhh[1]Smith, you can install vlc from the repo's.19:19
arrrghhh[1]Smith, sudo apt-get vlc19:20
[1]Smithi am not rude guys19:20
FloodBot2arrrghhh: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:20
arrrghhhsudo apt-get install vlc19:20
zacktuAction:  it appears that everything is maverick except the message from System/Administration/About Ubuntu -- everything's as i expected, but i was still confused by the "About Ubuntu" message - thankx for helping me confirm that all is well19:20
ActionParsnip[1]Smith: use software centre and you can install vlc easily19:20
[1]Smithokay like in  sudo apt-get install vlc, how do i put location of tar.bz file19:21
lesshastehow do you set up a pdf printer?19:21
ActionParsnip[1]Smith: you dont need it, its worthless19:21
mbeierl!packages | [1]Smith19:21
ubottu[1]Smith: You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !KPackageKit, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!19:21
ActionParsniplesshaste: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-create-pdf-documents-in-ubuntu.html19:21
[1]Smithif my file is played any where, will linux find it19:21
markfletchersorry I couldnt find anything in dmesg | less... I think this is happening before the kernel boots?19:21
ActionParsnip[1]Smith: yes19:22
mbeierl[1]Smith: Ubuntu uses "packages" instead of raw .tar.bz files19:22
vilius_hello everyone19:22
lesshasteActionParsnip: thanks19:22
ActionParsnip[1]Smith: yes, just like it doesnt matter in windows either19:22
wamichoActionParsnip it doesn't detect it19:22
ActionParsniplesshaste: fastest link I ever got, did you not websearch ANY first before asking?19:22
vilius_I need your help. I need ftp server with GUI on ubuntu. PUreFTP is only available from terminal?19:22
lesshasteActionParsnip: of course I did19:22
sisifWhich one would you recommend: using the ATI drivers in the repos or downloading from the amd.com website ?19:22
ActionParsnipwamicho: maybe there is a regression bug in the newer kernel19:22
lesshasteActionParsnip: I got links from 200619:22
lesshasteActionParsnip: hmm.. now I get Something wicked happened resolving 'gb.archive.ubuntu.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)19:23
mbeierl[1]Smith: so you don't need to search and download the tar.bz file yourself.  instead you can use the repositories to download the software (vlc or whatever) and have the guarantee that it is a version that works with your installed OS19:23
wamichoActionParsnip so what do i do ?19:23
[1]Smithso i go to turminal and then just write  sudo apt-get install "name-of-file"19:23
ActionParsniplesshaste: I had to open a browser and search and it took 30 seconds to find that....19:23
ActionParsnipwamicho: log a bug19:23
[1]Smithit will get installed19:23
mbeierl[1]Smith: plus it makes sure if there are any dependencies, they are also found and downloaded19:23
lesshasteActionParsnip: great :)19:23
wamichook thanks19:23
arrrghhh[1]Smith, Ubuntu Software Center is probably easier/friendlier for you.19:23
ActionParsnip[1]Smith: no, you type:   sudo apt-get install vlc19:23
g_0_0[1]Smith, go to terminal and type - sudo apt-get install vlc19:23
mbeierl[1]Smith: yes.  you can also use the Ubuntu Software Center to search and install19:24
[1]Smithyeah i use it for most of apps19:24
Sly_Coyotehow can i delete frostwire ?19:24
intraderAnyone, does Maverick have default virus and malware protection?19:24
ActionParsnip[1]Smith: forget the file you manually downloaded, it is of absolutely ZERO value to you19:24
[1]Smithbut like some which are unavailable19:24
Sly_Coyotei downloaded frostwire and hate it19:24
ActionParsnip!virus | intrader19:24
ubottuintrader: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus19:24
xanguaSly_Coyote: sudo apt-get purge frostwire19:24
[1]SmithWhy zero value19:24
arashi256Beginners should probably stick with the software center. cli stuff can wait...19:24
[1]Smithi think i will have to follow some linux book19:25
arrrghhh[1]Smith, installing from the repo's means it'll stay up to date.19:25
VirusTB_ActionParsnip,  i actuallt disagree with that !virus .. myu friend got bored and made a virus19:25
ActionParsnip[1]Smith: because vlc is already in the repositorys waiting to be downloaded, the command I gave will install it and everything vlc needs to work, so the file you have isn't needed in any way shape or form19:25
mbeierl[1]Smith: because there is no way of knowing if it's going to be workable in your environment.  if you use aptitiude search vlc you should find that it is pre-compiled and ready for you from the repositories19:25
ActionParsnipVirusTB_: then you should change the factoid ;)19:25
arrrghhhVirusTB_, anyone can write a virus, but can it proliferate?19:25
intraderActionParsnip, thanks, I was just reading an article in the current InfoWeek about possible virus, botnets, malware in linux19:25
arrrghhhmbeierl, aptitude was sadly removed in maverick...19:26
[1]Smiththanks a lot guys for helping19:26
ActionParsnip[1]Smith: nearly all the software you will need is in the repositories, Windows expects you to know and hunt the web for useful stuff, Ubuntu has a centralized app for adding and removing software19:26
arrrghhhintrader, gloom and doom, it's not true.19:26
mbeierlarrrghhh: it's actually still available, and it is what debian upstream still recommends.  I'm not sure why they removed the default install of it from maverick19:26
ActionParsniparrrghhh: its installable though, apt-get is still around and still great19:27
VirusTB_ActionParsnip, when is the next ubuntu release..,.....??19:27
ActionParsnip!info aptitude maverick19:27
ubottuaptitude (source: aptitude): terminal-based package manager (terminal interface only). In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.3-2ubuntu4 (maverick), package size 2217 kB, installed size 6612 kB19:27
mbeierl[1]Smith: ever use the app store for Apple?19:27
ActionParsnipVirusTB_: April19:27
VirusTB_ i lost track of the 6 months.....19:27
rumpe1VirusTB_, 11.04 ... so its april19:27
arrrghhhmbeierl, ActionParsnip of course you can still install it... but it was removed.  i prefer it myself, i don't get it.19:27
VirusTB_ Gracias19:27
ActionParsniparrrghhh: firefox is still the default browser too, go figure huh19:27
rumpe1VirusTB_, .04=april, .10=oct19:27
arashi256mbierl - you beat me to the analogy (half-watching Warehouse 13)19:27
arrrghhhActionParsnip, not sure how to take that...19:28
ActionParsniparrrghhh: same difference to your "I prefer aptitude" earlier19:28
arrrghhhbut it's time for me to eat lunch, so i'll take it lightly.  cya guys.19:28
arrrghhhi do...19:28
mbeierlarashi256: cydia (the jailbroken app store) actually exposes the fact that it uses .deb repos too :)19:28
ActionParsniparrrghhh: i prefer chromium, but firefox is default19:28
arashi256mbeierl - heh :D19:29
intraderarrrghhh, thanks19:29
steve375I have an EEE PC with display problems.  I haven't used an anti-virus, but probably should.  Any suggestions?  I'm using Ubuntu 10.1019:30
arashi256define 'display problems'19:30
steve375fonts fuzzy, things like that19:31
steve375arashi256: fuzzy fonts, things like that19:31
mbeierlsteve375: just as an aside, anti-virus won't do much for the fuzzy display...19:31
moonrakersteve375: shouldnt need av - have u tried ClamAv??19:31
steve375I have KlamAv19:31
jezzcan any1 help me please with disk idle ?19:32
ActionParsnipsteve375: klamav is pretty decent, you should add the clamav ppa to get the newer engine and virus defs19:32
steve375mbeierl: What will help?  Where do I look19:32
arashi256if you go to system -> preferences -> appearance, what setting are your fonts on?19:32
mbeierlsteve375: there is the ability to set the anti-aliasing for fonts in the System -> Peferences -> Apperances -> Fonts...19:32
lesshasteActionParsnip: I think I set it up then it offers to print a test page. Do you have any idea where the file goes?19:32
moonrakersteve375: have u got the display drivers updated?19:32
mbeierlsteve375: there's a section for Rendering that /might/ help19:33
steve375mbeierl: I will look into that.  What does anti-alisaing do?19:33
ActionParsniplesshaste: i believe its part of the printing steps19:33
arashi256sounds like you may have 'monochrome' fonts set19:33
arashi256anti-aliasing smooths the edges of fonts19:33
JenkI'm supposed to install 'glibc' on Jaunty. I've got this link : http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/glibc/?C=M;O=A but I don't know which file to download. Help ??19:33
steve375I think I have seen nvidia updated recently19:33
joe_happyi have issues runing mp4 video files on my computer anyone can helpme with that?19:33
mbeierlsteve375: what arashi256 said - smooths out fonts - or might make them appear fuzzy19:33
lesshasteActionParsnip: ~/PDF it seems19:33
xangua!info ubuntu-restricted-extras | joe_happy19:34
ubottujoe_happy: ubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 42 (maverick), package size 5 kB, installed size 36 kB19:34
arashi256joe_happy mp4 video will be played more reliably from vlc video player rather than mplayer - "sudo apt-get install vlc"19:34
steve375mbeierl: I haven't changed display specs, but it has changed19:34
VirusTB_can anyone suggest to me a great VIDEO tutorials on Ubuntu?> like a podcast or some RSS feed? (*&#/19:34
mbeierlsteve375: I'm simply suggesting that changing the Rendering might help with the fuzzy fonts19:35
sevensAnyone in here good with ati proprietary drivers?19:35
steve375mbeierl: Yes, but why would have fonts become fuzzy if I haven't changed anything19:35
arashi256steve375 - change the setting and see if it fixes it and then you can worry about the why...?19:36
mbeierlsteve375: update to the display driver to optimize, perhaps?  It was merely a suggeston19:36
lesshasteActionParsnip: ok last question.. :)  I am printing using enscript.. any idea how to control the name of the pdf that is created?19:36
steve375I do appreciate the suggestions.  Please don't think I'm being ungrateful19:36
lesshasteenscript -B -i 2 -f Courier8 --margins=26:18:18:18 test.txt is what I currently have19:37
dimmcan't mount NFS, mount return         "failed: RPC Error: Program not registered" , please help19:37
arashi256rpc daemon not running on the host?19:37
mbeierlsteve375: I don't have an eeepc, so I don't know what drivers, etc, or display settings it might use.19:37
ActionParsnipsteve375: what model EEEPC?19:38
LoshkiJenk: those are uncompiled source files. You want binaries to install. What does 'apt-cache search glibc' suggest?19:38
ActionParsniplesshaste: not something I've used19:38
arashi256meierl, I'm guessing it'll be a vanilla intel integrated thingie...19:38
steve375ok, I'm going to look into that and come back if I haven't found the answer ... a 1005HA19:38
Zyrexhello all19:38
lesshasteActionParsnip: ok no probs. Thanks for your help in any case19:38
steve375ActionParsnip: 1005HA19:38
arashi256woulda helped if he'd...you know....checked the fonts setting and let us know...19:39
madsteinhey having issues with libc6 and upstart update19:39
madsteinany one else having this problem ?19:39
mrenouf|work^Anyone running Natty?19:39
ActionParsnip!natty } mrenouf|work19:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:39
arashi256lord, no :)19:39
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.19:39
markosohi i have my vid card working advance effects how do i get compiz19:39
JenkLoshki, http://paste.ubuntu.com/561108/19:39
mrenouf|work^ActionParsnip, Yes I know19:40
madsteinthere is a problem with libc6 and the upstart update19:40
ActionParsnipmrenouf|work^: then why are you asking in here if you 'know'?19:40
madsteinsome one at canonical can look unto this please?19:40
mrenouf|work^ActionParsnip, just beause it's not stable and released yet doesn't mean it can't be used. I was hoping to hear from someone who'd been using it.19:40
macomadstein: on what release?19:40
ActionParsnipmrenouf|work^: it doesn't say that, it also says it is discussed and helped in #ubuntu+1 and NOT here19:41
madsteinneed a smoke brb19:41
macomadstein: i havent seen any mails on ubuntu-devel or ubuntu-devel-announce about omg-breakage...19:41
=== jordevorstenbosc is now known as _jorde
LoshkiJenk: try 'sudo apt-get install libc6 linux-libc-dev'. How do you know you need glibc?19:41
mrenouf|work^ActionParsnip, yes ubuntu+1 ... sorry didn't see that part. tnx19:41
ActionParsnipmrenouf|work^: so you didn't know19:42
ActionParsnipmrenouf|work^: if you read ALL the factoid given you will get further19:42
=== eddie is now known as Guest48533
mrenouf|work^ActionParsnip, relax man :-) tnx for the help. I'm un #ubuntu+119:43
JenkLoshki, I get this error : ".../lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.11' not found (required by ...)"19:43
ActionParsnipmrenouf|work^: if you come in with a "I know" attitude, then show incompetance, I will point it out19:44
JenkLoshki, Just installed both, but I still get an error requiring 'glibc' to be installed.19:44
_jordeerrr. Anyone using empathy here?19:44
madsteinthe update just pped up19:44
_jordehow do I send the nickserv my identify info?19:45
madsteinsome how the upstart is requesting libc6 10.219:45
_jordecan't use /msg19:45
madsteinand you people only released the 10.119:45
_jordeand it doesn't accept it thorugh /say19:45
madsteincant install19:45
xangua_jorde: empathy is very limited for irc19:45
_jordeah ok19:45
ActionParsnipxangua: if it does what is needed though, why not use it19:45
VirusTB_can anyone suggest to me a great VIDEO tutorials on Ubuntu?> like a podcast or some RSS feed? (*&#/19:45
_jordedoes xchat work better?19:45
xangua_jorde: you can set your username and password in empathy settings19:45
ActionParsnip_jorde: depends on needs19:45
mrenouf|work^ActionParsnip, I was responding "I know" to the info on Natty (being Alpha, unreleased, unstable, and not intended for production systems). Again I missed the bit about support in ubuntu+1. Had I seen that I would not have said "I know". Please don't be so adversarial.19:46
madsteinOs pacotes a seguir têm dependências não satisfeitas:19:46
madstein upstart : Estraga: libc6 (< 2.12.1-0ubuntu10.2) mas 2.12.1-0ubuntu10.1 está para ser instalado19:46
madsteinE: Pacotes estragados19:46
macomadstein: so dont install the update yet then19:46
_jordepretty plain actually19:46
madsteinfair enough lol19:46
macomadstein: its probably just still building19:46
xangua!pt | madstein19:46
ubottumadstein: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.19:46
madsteinthat was fast19:46
macoxangua: that was a copy-pasta from the terminal19:46
madsteinis xangua a bot ?19:46
macomadstein: no19:46
xanguamadstein: a superbot19:46
AscavasaionI am trying to set up xorg.conf from scratch because I want to use dual graphics cards... but I need root access to be able to Xorg -configure  How do I activate the root account?  sudo is not sufficient.19:47
madsteinok you know theres no one ther19:47
xanguamadstein: try to change your software origins to the main server19:47
macomadstein: ther were 18 seconds according to my client, and !pt | mad<tab> is only 10 keypresses19:47
xanguaopen software centre>edit>software sources madstein19:47
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: boot to root recovery mode and do it there19:47
madsteinin a sec19:47
AscavasaionActionParsnip, But what do I do?19:47
macoxangua: madstein is right that 2.12.1-0ubuntu10.1 is the post recent available19:48
madsteinits already on the main19:48
AscavasaionActionParsnip, You mean do the xorg -configure form the boot recovery?19:48
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: hold shift at boot, select recovery mode then select root.  You cannot run that command with an active x running as far as I remember19:48
AscavasaionActionParsnip, Or activate root from boot recovery?19:48
macoxangua: its normal for packages to hit the repository as they finish building, which means if upstart finished before libc6, the upstart package gets held back19:48
AscavasaionActionParsnip, Thank you :)19:48
xanguatell that no madstein maco , i already know ;)19:49
macoxangua: i already did19:49
macoxangua: you kept going...19:49
madsteini already knew it19:49
ActionParsnipmadstein: you may want to update your question with what you have been told ;)19:50
jordevorstenboscit seems empathy doesn't want to log in with my nick cus it starts with an underscore19:50
=== jordevorstenbosc is now known as _jorde
madsteinits on the main19:51
fckthatshtoffhi im looking for sth fun to program19:53
ActionParsnipfckthatshtoff: join one of the many linux game teams19:53
=== nan is now known as Guest42202
JenkHow do I fix this error :' :.../lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.11' not found' ?19:59
=== xxx is now known as guestt
DThoughtJenk: you install GLIBC 2.11 ?20:00
DThoughtor you make the prgroamm you're compiling accept a different version of it20:00
JenkDThought, I need to install it, can you tell me how ?20:01
guesttcan anyone help me i am trying to update wine, but i can't add a ppa to my third party software, i am using ubuntu 9.0420:01
ActionParsnipguestt: Jaunty is no longer supported in any way20:01
ActionParsnip!jaunty | uestt20:01
ubottuuestt: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.20:01
ActionParsnip!eol | guestt20:02
ubottuguestt: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades20:02
DThoughtJenk: on my system libc6 2.12.1 is installed20:02
kuuhwhat is a reasonable key length for a dmcrypt keyfile?20:02
JenkDThought, I don't know, the full error is : "...: /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.11' not found (required by ...".20:02
azizLIGHTSi logged in to ssh and am inside screen now. but i want it to detach screen session and log me out of ssh after x minutes, now how can i do this?20:02
BoloI have an ASUS 1001PXD with 10.4 netbook and I can't seem to get the internal mic to work20:03
JenkDThought, Well, yes, but how do I get it on my system ? apt-get doesn't have it.20:03
DThoughtJenk: the packager is called libc620:03
DThoughtand its a fundamental part, it has to be installed20:04
ActionParsnipBolo: run:  alsamixer   and make sure no levels are muted or low20:05
JenkDThought, Well I have that installed but I still get the error. Any help, though ?20:05
ActionParsnipBolo: can you also give the output of:   wget -O alsa-info.sh http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && bash ./alsa-info.sh   Thanks20:05
DThoughtno. i'd suspect the programm you're compiling (you are compiling?) looks at the wrong places?20:06
JenkDThought, I'm only trying to run it not compiling it. If it looks at the wrong places how do I get it fixed ?20:07
dizitalneed help, my wireless device shows up on iwconfig but does not show on ifconfig??20:07
ubumanux-/server irc://irc.darksin.it/atl_revenge20:07
ActionParsnipdizital: if you run:  sudo iwlist scan    do you see access points?20:07
DThoughtJenk: compile it again, so it looks in the correct places; or provide symlinks so it finds the libraries at the "wrong" places20:07
JenkDThought, Also I found this update/patch(I think) for glibc. Link: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/glibc/glibc_2.7-10ubuntu8.diff.gz How do I use it ?20:08
Tigger__If it's any help to any of you good people... installing alsaplayer-esd fixed *.wav files being played & Alerted on new mail in Thunderbird 3.1.7 on ubuntu 10.10..... However, it still will not play the 'Default system sound for new mail'.... but at least it gives some sound alert ;-)20:08
hacfedHi guys, my Ubuntu installation is broken after installing updates this morning. I set the computer to shutdown after 3 hours. I'm pretty sure this was enough time for updates to install. Now, it just boots memtest. I am running a liveUSB session now. Can anyone advise me as to how I should fix this? First problem is that my root/boot drive is a RAID1 array and I've yet to assemble that array and get into it.20:08
DThoughtJenk: 2.11 is a lot newert than 2.7 ?20:08
=== nick is now known as Guest49520
JenkDThought, Yes, it is newer. But I don't mind the older cause it's all I've got. I20:09
dizitalActionParsnip, it saids interface doesn't support scanning20:09
DThoughtJenk: but the programm you're trying to run explicitly need 2.11 ?20:09
JenkDThought, How do I use the 'symlink' thingy ?20:09
DThought(thats what the error message says)20:09
dizitalActionParsnip, on wicd network manager i can see networks available and when i try to log in it saids bad password even though i know its correct20:10
DThought(ln -s   -- ln --help shows the full syntax.... but i wouldn't fidlle at libraries when you're not sure what you are doing...)20:10
ActionParsnipdizital: ok then run:  sudo lshw -C network; lsusb    one line will identify the device (be it the product line in the lshw output or the 8 character hex ID in the lsusb portion), you can then find guides based on the output20:10
JenkDThought, Yes, but how do I get 2.11 ? I'm using Jaunty. Is there a way to compile that package ?20:11
ActionParsnipdizital: ahh, ok. what encryption do you use (if any)/20:11
=== root is now known as Guest42300
Guest42300i need help20:12
dizitalim using wpa2 on my router20:12
ActionParsnipdizital: try with WEP to test20:12
EnverexIf I'm looking to administer my box headlessly via a GUI, what is there to use? Webmin seems to be the only web GUI. The box is LAN only so security isn't an issue.20:12
jrib!ebox | Enverex20:12
ubottuEnverex: ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox20:12
ActionParsnipGuest42300: yes you do, running an IRC client as root is massively foolhardy20:12
spoonjrib: ping20:12
dizitalActionParsnip: k20:12
nit-witGuest42300, ask your question20:12
jribspoon: good timing20:13
Enverexjrib, I saw that, but when I checked their official site, it's advertised as a distro and the only download was an ISO...20:13
DThoughtJenk: get the source, install it parallel. Try to download the glibc 2.11 from a different version. But beware, libc6 is a integral part, messing with it might make a lot go wrong (it might require a newer kernel version, e.g.)20:13
jribEnverex: ebox is in ubuntu's repositories20:13
spoonjrib: it seems as there's something wrong with libhtml-clean-perl20:13
spoonjrib: but that's all i can figure out20:13
spoonjrib: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/330745/20:14
JenkDThought, Yes. can you explain 'installing in parallel' ?20:14
whisperkilleri am having issues installing 10.10 on a laptop from a usb drive....im at the preparing to install screen and it seems to hang there.  i have tried using both 32 bit and 64 bit installs with the same problem20:14
KM0201whisperkiller: probably gonna need the alt. cd... you've probably got some oddball piece of hardware that is not co-operating w/ the live cd... it happens20:15
dizitalActionParsnip: still got bad password when try connecting to it, but it shows on ifconfig now20:15
DThoughtjenk install the newer libc6 in /usr/local/lib e.g. ... - or - even better -  don't let the installer make a symlink to libc6.so, so that libc6.so stays the original version20:15
whisperkillerit boots into the live os from the usb so i cant see the usb being the problem20:15
KM0201whisperkiller: it happens..20:15
whisperkillerso try the alt cd and see if that solves the issue20:15
DThoughtJenk: and no, what you're trying to do is pretty special, i don't know off the top of my mind how to do that - i had to research myself20:15
lesshastedoes anyone happen to know how to get enscript to specify the output filename when printing to a cups pdf printer...20:16
whisperkilleris there a way to try it using the current cd from terminal perhaps?20:16
JenkDThought, Thanx a million ! May your tribe increase !20:16
tk8hey, im having a hard time running apt-get install php5-mcrypt20:16
whisperkilleror is best practice to just use alt cd as suggested20:16
skritehey all, i don't have the apt-add-repository command, how do i get that?20:16
tk8says 404.. how do i change mirror20:16
xanguaskrite: it's add-apt-repository20:17
skritexangua: right, sorry. add-apt-repository, is missing from my minimal ubuntu install20:17
xanguakt8 sounds like you are using a no longer suported ubuntu20:17
whisperkilleralso should i use x64 or 32 bit install?20:18
tk8xangua: word.. 2.6.24-19-xen20:18
jribspoon: seems like it's using regexec somewhere to get some info about the libhtml-clean-perl package.  And somethings wrong with "somewhere".  Going to read apt's source a bit20:19
ActionParsnipdizital: strange20:19
=== k is now known as Guest75235
hacfedCan anyone help me fix booting issues with my RAID1 array? Currently having trouble even installing mdadm on this live USB version. Exit status 1. Log for dpkg shows 'status half configured initramfs...'20:19
mrblue_I still don't have /dev/audio0 :/20:19
ActionParsniptk8: debian isnt supported here20:19
tk8ActionParsnip: i thought it was ubuntu :)20:20
* hotrod is away: Gone away for now20:20
ActionParsniptk8: lenny and sid are Debian releases20:20
ActionParsnip!away > hotrod20:20
ubottuhotrod, please see my private message20:20
dizitalwhen i did the lshw -C network i notice towards of the bottom of the info on my wireless device it saids *-network DISABLED20:20
ActionParsnipdizital: websearch the product line and you should find guides20:21
dizitalActionParsnip: k ty i'll give that a shot20:21
Anon7-2521Ugh. Has anyone else had any problems with random swap crashes and overheating?20:21
ActionParsnipdizital: also if you run:  rfkill list    are any of the blocks ON20:21
Anon7-2521^on a laptop20:22
kermitis it possible to get scrollwheel emulation working on a recent Dell laptop?20:22
ActionParsnipAnon7-2521: could set vm.swappiness to 0 in /etc/sysctl.conf   which will make the OS only use swap when needed20:22
jribkermit: does it use the synaptics driver?20:22
=== Guest75235 is now known as k_
Anon7-2521ActionParsnip: could using too much swap cause my system to overheat?20:23
k_Does anyone know how to change dpi of an image in php20:24
xxiaotrying to use ldap client to authenticate with Active Directory, AD refuses to have anonymous binding while I don't want to hard code my password for one user20:24
hacfedMy Grub is loading memtest86+ on every single boot. Can anyone help me troubleshoot this?20:24
ActionParsnipAnon7-2521: it makes the internal drive work more, so could. What make / model is the laptop?20:25
Anon7-2521It's a 13" MacbookPro Mid-2009.20:25
ActionParsniphacfed: hold shift at boot then select the kernel. Does it boot ok20:25
ActionParsnipAnon7-2521: why didn't you mention that earlier?20:26
hacfedActionParsnip, I am on the system in question. Let me log in here with the netbook and try that. Thank you.20:26
ActionParsnipAnon7-2521: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro5-5/Maverick   I assume Maverick as you have also not given the release you are using20:27
Anon7-2521I'm about to check. One moment please.20:27
ActionParsnipAnon7-2521: in future can you give as MANY details as you can rather than people having to milk them from you or guess20:28
EnverexThat ebox package is nasty, it's just pretty much hosed my box. Excellent.20:28
Anon7-2521Yes, I apologize. I didn't realize it was a Macbook issue.20:28
Anon7-2521I'm not sure if it is Maverick or now. How would I check that?20:30
hacfedActionParsnip, booted up okay. Seems I can fix this. Thank the gods! Thank you! :)20:30
Jordan_U!release | Anon7-252120:30
ubottuAnon7-2521: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases20:30
Jordan_U!version | Anon7-252120:30
ubottuAnon7-2521: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »20:30
ActionParsniphacfed: ok now try a reboot to test :)20:30
Anon7-2521I'm using 10.0420:30
duaircDoes anybody know of a 3G modem that definitely works in Ubuntu and doesn't do shit like pretending to be a CD?20:30
ActionParsnipAnon7-2521: you can run:  lsb_release -a   to check20:30
ActionParsnipduairc: watch the swears please20:30
hacfedActionParsnip, any ideas why grub would stick in a memtest cycle? This is after today's updates.. I wasn't here to see what happened next. I just found I was greeted by memtest.20:31
ActionParsnipduairc: most just need switching using usb mode switch20:31
ActionParsniphacfed: check in /etc/default/grub  to see what the default is set to20:31
Anon7-2521I'm using 10.04 Lucid.20:32
hacfedActionParsnip, shouldn't have changed, but worth a look. I know of the usual suspects to check. Planning a fresh install anyway; so long as I can save my home and /etc I'm happy. Hmm, memtest again...20:32
fuzatois there some1 who use SmokePing?20:32
* hotrod is away: Gone away for now20:32
erUSUL!away > hotrod20:33
ubottuhotrod, please see my private message20:33
duaircActionParsnip: I know. I mean I have that much working, it just refuses to actually connect to the GSM network. It also crashed the whole system at one point. I know that's unrelated to it pretending to be a CD, but I want to get a different one that will definitely be completely painless.20:33
mrblue_What is /dev/video1?  Not specifically but generally what kind of file is it?20:35
ActionParsnipAnon7-2521: then change the link to lucid and you'll find your guide20:36
Anon7-2521I got it, but it's really no help. Thanks anyway.20:36
nemetoshi, anyone here?20:36
dizitalActionParsnip: I get command not found for that20:37
ActionParsnipduairc: most appear as USB memory sticks and install the driver in Windows, you will need to use the mode switcher to make it be a modem and it will work without further confg. If you buy an earlier one then it willmore than likely just work, I'd check www.ubuntuhcl.org20:37
nemetoslol, ive just opened a cider and installed ubuntu for the first time in my life. I googled for best irc-client and found xchat.. but i have not found the user-list in xchat yet :-)20:37
jribspoon: hmm, really pkgcache.bin seems like it would be the cause the more I read about it20:37
hacfedActionParsnip, yes, the default was changed. As a result of Canonical updates. Just a fluke, for me, or a bug? Hmm.20:38
ActionParsnipdizital:  rfkill list   is in a default install20:38
devhellhi guys.. I have a problem.. I updated a machine form lucid to maverick and now nautilus segfaults in ld-2.12.2.so according to dmesg.. nautilus opens like 100times in the taskbar... can't open file manager.. can't start empathy etc..20:38
ActionParsniphacfed: sounds like a fluke, after you change the file you will need to run: sudo update-grub   to apply it20:39
ActionParsnipdevhell: does it happen for all users?20:39
devhellActionParsnip: yes... I even added a new user just to make sure..20:39
dizitalActionParsnip: I'm using backtrack but cant seem to get much help from them, and i know its based off of linux thats why i was asking here20:39
Jordan_Uhacfed: Updates shouldn't be changing the default in /etc/default/grub. What exactly was it set to?20:39
ActionParsnipdevhell: good, its good to have a blank user handy to test stuff20:40
ActionParsnipdizital: backtrack isnt supported here20:40
kermitjrib: no, it's showing up as generic ps/2 mouse.20:40
Jordan_Uhacfed: (the literal value in /etc/default/grub)20:40
jribkermit: don't know then20:40
ActionParsnipdizital: backtrack has it's own forum and support channel20:40
devhellActionParsnip: I tried old kernels, new kernels (from natty) tried old libc6, new libc6.. gvfs, nautilus.. nothing.. it stays the same..20:41
d3hola alguien que hable españo ?20:41
ActionParsnipdevhell: not sure then, sounds like a bug20:41
ActionParsnip!es | d320:41
ubottud3: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:41
Sly_Coyotehey i want to install warcraft 3 from a disc but it wont let me make the disc executable through permissions20:41
devhellActionParsnip: yeah.. that is also what I think.. but I can't wrap my head around it.. any further ideas?20:42
ActionParsnipSly_Coyote: try:  wine /path/to/setup.exe20:43
hacfedActionParsnip, Jordan_U, well I ran the GUI Startup Manager. It was set to memtest86+ (not the serial console option). My default is the 2.6.35-24 generic-pae with some extra kernel parameters of my own addition. The only system config changes prior to the issue were Ubuntu updates. No 3rd party repositories selected.20:43
Jordan_USly_Coyote: I think you have to just use wine from the terminal, "wine /media/cdrom/path/to/exe" should not require a change in permissions.20:43
skilzhow do I install libgtk?20:43
hacfedActionParsnip, Jordan_U, do you think this is a fluke or a bug? Perhaps custom menu entries are affected by the latest updates?20:44
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Jordan_Uhacfed: What was the literal value of GRUB_DEFAULT= in /etc/default/grub? If it was a number then you should file a bug report against Startup Manager.20:44
specieswhich bash command is able to tokenise things? i saw something a while back which could take something which is ; delimined and put each deliminitee on a seperate line, for use with grep20:44
speciese.g. a : seperated path20:44
hacfedJordan_U, yes it was set to '8'20:45
naritai got a problem, everytime i connect to vncserver with tightvnc i just get a textured grey screen, i've checked my settings in /home/narita/.vnc/xstartup and /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc i can put them both into pastebin if necessary20:45
ActionParsnipskilz: libgtk2.0-0 is probably what you need to install to get it20:45
erUSULspecies: you can do « something | tr ';' '\n' | grep ... »20:45
speciesahh its tr is it20:45
ActionParsniphacfed: never seen it myself, sounds like you changed it but easy enough to fix20:45
hacfedJordan_U, filing a bug report now.. though I'm not sure which update (version) caused the issue. I can tell you I downloaded and installed updates at 0830GMT today 1st Feb. 24hrs since last update.20:46
Jordan_Uhacfed: Please file a bug report requesting that they use full menu entry titles, like: GRUB_DEFAULT='Ubuntu GNU/Linux, with Linux 2.6.35-25-generic'20:46
paq7512wmv support for 10.10 x64?20:46
PeterPortyHello guys, I have a problem.20:46
pawadditional nvidia drivers. ubuntu 10-10 recommends 3 different versions for my card20:46
hacfedJordan_U, will do brother.20:47
Sly_Coyote!jordan_u i tried and that didnt work20:47
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:47
hacfedActionParsnip, I changed nothing. This appears to be a bug.20:47
PeterPortyThere was a power cut  and now I can't connect using my wirelss connction.20:47
greenIThi, how can i update a restrained package?20:47
speciesubottu: yes you are20:47
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:47
danny_hello all20:47
hacfedThank you ActionParsnip and Jordan_U for your help with this.20:47
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Jordan_Uhacfed: What I suspect happened is that an old kernel was added/removed, changing what was entry #8.20:47
Jordan_Uhacfed: You're welcome.20:48
ActionParsniphacfed: log one if you suspect one. You can start the ball rolling with:  ubuntu-bug grub-common20:48
Anon7-2521Man this is getting ridic.20:48
PeterPortyThere was a power cut  and now I can't connect using my wirelss connction. Anyone thinks they can help?20:48
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ActionParsnipAnon7-2521: change the link I gave to read Lucid rather than Maverick and follow20:48
mbvpixies78I can connect from Windows 7 to one Ubuntu box but not the other.  What files should I check to compare and fix this?20:48
Anon7-2521I did20:48
hacfedJordan_U, yes I believe there was a kernel update in the list this morning. I didn't pay much attention as I was heading to work but your explanation fits the bill perfectly.20:48
hacfedActionParsnip, thank you :)20:48
Anon7-2521ActionParsnip: I've been up and down that.20:48
speciesPeterPorty: i have to ask... are you sure the wireless access point is up?20:49
ActionParsnipAnon7-2521: remember, the hardware is geared towards Apple's OS so you will get a tonne of weirdness20:49
speciesPeterPorty: i.e. can another machine see it20:49
sisifHello guys. HUGE problems with videocard (yeah, ATI) here. Just installed 10.04 x64 and no matter which driver I use (open source or proprietary ATI/AMD). If anyone is willing to help me solve the issue, I will be more than grateful20:49
greenITmy ubuntu restrained the package upstart, but there is a update for it now... is it good if i upgrade it?20:49
PeterPortyYes, species.20:49
Sly_Coyotehi im trying to install warcraft 3 from a disc and wine wont open it directly because i cant permit the disc to be executable does anyone know a terminal code to bypass this problem?20:49
ActionParsnipsisif: if you form an xorg.conf file you may get better performance20:49
Anon7-2521ActionParsnip: I know. I'm always having problems with the built-in iSight. It's supposed to work out of the box, but it doesn't. Everytime I shut off the computer. I have install the isight firmware, then reboot, then uninstall it and reboot again.20:49
PeterPortyIcan see it too, I select it, it asks for the password and then it just hangs there spinning.20:49
ActionParsnipSly_Coyote: have you seen the entry for the game in the appdb?20:50
greenITwc3 is supported by wine for sure ActionParsnip20:50
Sly_Coyoteactionparsnip explain appdb?20:50
sisifActionParsnip, as far as I read on the great WWW, ati drivers now uses DKMS, which made any xorg.conf pretty much useless. Or am I wrong ?20:50
ActionParsnip!appdb | Sly_Coyote20:50
ubottuSly_Coyote: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help20:50
PeterPortyspecies: I can see it too, I select it, it asks for the password and then it just hangs there spinning.20:51
ActionParsnipsisif: it can use xorg.conf  if you make one then it WILL be obeyed20:51
greenIT!restrained | me20:51
speciesand other machines can connect?20:51
PeterPortyspecies: yes, this one, and it's running windows XP20:51
ActionParsnipgreenIT: sure but the appdb will show the little nuances to make it work,won't it20:51
PeterPortyThe other one is Ubuntu 10.1020:51
sisifActionParsnip, I see. Do you recommend any HowTo on how / what to set up for my card?20:51
greenITActionParsnip, true^^20:51
ActionParsnipgreenIT: thank you20:52
PeterPortyAny ideas?20:52
greenIThow can i install a restrained package?20:52
sisifActionParsnip, and speaking of: which of the two drivers would you recommend ? I`m more into stability rather thne 3D performance.20:52
ActionParsnipsisif: if you run:  lspci | grep -i vga    you can websearch the output with relation to xorg.conf  to se what you find20:52
mbvpixies78besides smb.conf, where else can I look to ensure ubuntu will be accessible to other computers?20:52
ActionParsnipsisif: i don't use ATi video chips due to amazing support by nvidia20:53
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sisifActionParsnip, touche :D20:53
ActionParsnipmbvpixies78: if it can be pinged it is 'accessible'20:53
schnufflembvpixies78: you should check if the samba services are running, check if no firwall settings block the access, ...20:53
mrblue_What kind of files are /dev/audio0 and /dev/video0?20:54
ActionParsnipmbvpixies78: if you run:  smbtree    you will see the shares on all systems in the network :)20:54
schnufflembvpixies78: start with checking if the ervices listen on the dedicated ports20:54
Agent_bobmrblue_ char devices20:54
ActionParsnipmrblue_: if you run:  file /dev/audio0   you will be told20:55
mrblue_/dev/audio0 doesnt exist20:55
ActionParsnipmrblue_: then they are non-existant files then20:55
mrblue_I was trying to figure out my problem by asking what kind of file they were20:55
mbvpixies78schnuffle:   I stopped and restarted smbd and nmbd so it's running20:56
mrblue_Im trying to get this capture card working and I have a /dev/video0 and video1 but no audio file.20:56
ActionParsnipmrblue_: the files in /dev/ relate to the hardware in your system as well as other constructs20:56
schnufflembvpixies78: so what happens if you run smbtree while checking the samba logs?20:57
mbvpixies78ActionParsnip:  smbtree shows all the shares, but only lists host name of Win computer and not its shares20:57
mrblue_So what am I supposed to do if Im missing one of these files?20:57
mbvpixies78schnufle:  how do I check if the services listen on dedicated ports?20:57
ActionParsnipmbvpixies78: is the windows system a windows7 OS?20:58
ActionParsnipmrblue_: is the capture card usb or pci?20:58
mbvpixies78schnuffle:  I'm looking for the logs, will see in a sec20:58
mbvpixies78ActionParsnip, yeah and I hear that causes problems20:59
ActionParsnipmbvpixies78: http://thelinuxexperiment.com/linux/accessing-windows-7-shares-from-ubuntu-is-a-pain/  read ALL of that20:59
nemetosHey all. Are you allowed to ask questions here, you cannot really find/understand from searching the net?20:59
Agent_bobmrblue_ man udev <<<<< the probable cause is a missing or incomplete kernel module for the particular device in question.    maybe the ubuntu wiki would be more helpful than that tho20:59
jribnemetos: that's actually the purpose of this channel20:59
ActionParsnipmrblue_: then run:  lsusb   one line will identify the device and you can search for the 8 character hex ID to find guides20:59
mbvpixies78ActionParsnip, that sounds like a fun read :)20:59
ActionParsnipmbvpixies78: it'll fix you up, Win7 samba is slightly rewritten. Causing issues21:00
ActionParsnipnemetos: glad you searched first before asking, many sadly don't21:00
mbvpixies78schnuffle, which log(s) should I look at?  There are tons21:01
nemetosHey all. I have just installed Ubuntu for the first time. I have two monitors connected to my computer and I have enabled dual screen. However, my "primary" screen is to the right and the other to the left.. makint it all backwards - how do i change which screen should be the primary one?21:01
mbvpixies78ActionParsnip, I hope so.  I need to back up my docs and get this network finally working together21:01
hcfdActionParsnip, Jordan_U, bug report filed. I hope it's informative enough, I haven't submitted many of these before. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/71150021:01
schnufflembvpixies78: sould be /var/log/samba/smb.log. I just don't have access to a corresponding setup21:01
jimisrvroxhey guys trying to get conky to play nicely...tried to update this imlib_context_set_display and apt-get says cant find the package..so im guessing that im going to have to install it manually...conky says its got the newest version..21:02
selig5nemetos: Did you try to drag the screens around in the gui, that might work.21:02
Sly_CoyoteThe file '/media/Warcraft III/install.exe' is not marked as executable.  If this was downloaded or copied from an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run.  For more details, read about the executable bit.    what is the terminal command to bypass this block21:02
Jeruvynemetos: you can change the connection or specify it in your display settings.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22117421:02
miniuserhello. what would be the best way to print multiple jpgs on one sheet of paper?21:03
mbvpixies78ok, I'm getting access denied trying to access Win from Ubuntu accord. to log21:03
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schnuffleminiuser: by a script or by a graphic tool?21:03
Agent_bobSly_Coyote chmod +e blah/blah/blah21:03
nemetosselings, jeruvy: I can drag it around, so my mouse pointer makes sense scrolling, but i dont know how to change the primary. Jeruvy: ill check that tank21:03
Jordan_Uhcfd: Thanks.21:04
miniuserschnuffle, can u recommend one program? i have about 170 jps i need to print. about 8 per page would be nice ...21:04
mbvpixies78"ERROR: Could not determine network interfaces, you must use a interfaces config line"  <--  is this done in smb.conf?  how?21:04
Sly_Coyoteslycoyote@ubuntu:~$ chmod +e /media/Warcraft III/install.exe21:05
Sly_Coyotechmod: invalid mode: `+e'21:05
Sly_CoyoteTry `chmod --help' for more information.21:05
FloodBot2Sly_Coyote: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:05
jimisrvroxany suggestions on getting conky to play nicely? Tried to uninstall conky..tells me invalid operation..(thought about reinstalling)..when trying to start I get the library error..so im guessing have to manually upgrade the lib bc apt-get doesnt recognize it..21:05
schnuffleminiuser: imagemagick should do the trick, some bash glue and it should easily be done21:05
ActionParsnipSly_Coyote: chmod options are +r or +w or +x21:06
rumpe1Sly_Coyote, why not just "wine /media/Warcraft\ III/install.exe" ?21:06
Agent_bobSly_Coyote heh   +x21:06
Anon7-2521I'm wondering if I should upgrade to 10.1021:06
mbvpixies78looks like I will have printer problems to deal with21:06
ActionParsnipSly_Coyote: and please don't paste lines like that in future21:06
ActionParsnipAnon7-2521: its an option21:06
Sly_Coyoteblame agent bob for giving me +e instead of +x21:07
miniuserschnuffle, "sudo apt-get install imagemahick"?21:08
rumpe1Sly_Coyote, windows-binaries are executable in windows not in linux!21:08
jribminiuser: s/hick/gick21:08
schnuffleminiuser: imagemagick21:09
schnuffleminiuser: the main tool is called convert21:09
Sly_Coyotewell rumpe i asked the question 5 times and you were the only one to give me a good answer21:09
Sly_Coyoteso i thank you21:09
rumpe1Sly_Coyote, i would recommend you look for an installation-howto on wineheadquarters...21:10
ActionParsnipschnuffle: you can tab complete package names in apt-get ;)21:10
Sly_Coyotei did but it only showed howto install warcraft patches21:11
ActionParsnipSly_Coyote: play on linux may help too21:11
schnuffleActionParsnip: thanx21:11
dydtRecently, every once in awhile when I boot up in Ubuntu my visual style is different21:11
dydtThis happening to anyone else?21:11
ActionParsnipdydt: not me21:11
miniuserschnuffle, okay thx!21:11
ActionParsnip!info playonlinux  | Sly_Coyote21:11
ubottuSly_Coyote: playonlinux (source: playonlinux): front-end for Wine. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.7.6-1 (maverick), package size 753 kB, installed size 2020 kB21:11
rumpe1dydt, sometimes it's a sign for an eye-desease21:13
schnuffleminiuser: http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/montage/21:14
dydtrumpel: or a mental disorder21:15
mbvpixies78schnuffle, I checked that link and had already done what it suggested.  I restarted samba and nmbd and now I can access UBuntu from windows (who knows for how long)  ty21:16
dydtit's weird because its been happening on both my desktop and laptop21:16
rumpe1dydt, *g*21:16
schnufflembvpixies78: fine :)21:16
lahwranUGH how do I change it so that the osd messages go away when I click on them, and stack vertically when there are more than one instead of waiting for the last to disappear?21:17
mbvpixies78now I can also access win from Ubuntu, thanks for your help guys21:17
x__cant get my digital out to work even though its enabled any ideas?21:17
lahwranx__: digital out as in?21:17
x__lahwran, toslink out from this to my receiver21:17
edbianlahwran, use KDE21:17
}dec3pti0n{is there a util/command in ubuntu  to make it boot from a specific kernel version ? I just install a kernel and it's #6 and the default is still set to 021:18
aademoddly enough x windows are opening on the right side of the screen now rather than the left.  What could i have done to cause this?21:18
lahwranedbian: I already tried that, I like gnome better. is there a way to shut this osd system off and turn another on?21:18
Agent_bob}dec3pti0n{ grub was made for such a thing21:19
edbianlahwran, I"m not sure21:19
edbianlahwran, I think it's part of gnome.  You could build your own DE from the misc parts though21:19
}dec3pti0n{Agent_bob: yeah I was trying to find a grub commant to tell to use kernel version XXXXX as the defaul boot option but no luck21:20
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lahwranedbian: it's such a pain that it doesn't go away when I click on it. what retard made this unholy design decision? >:|21:20
Agent_bob}dec3pti0n{ ummmm grub2 uses /etc/grub.d/  i think21:20
trismlahwran: you should be able to install any of the notification daemons you want, and just uninstall notify-osd21:21
edbiantrism, lahwran I did not know that!21:21
Agent_bob}dec3pti0n{ any defaults can be changed in there21:21
ubuntuuussQuestion about shell scriptting --> If I have got a string variable and want to assess what's inside it with an IF statement, so that the IF takes as yes that the variable contains a given word (inside the string, which could be much longer), what form should the IF statement follow ?21:22
guntbertlahwran: that will probably not help, but have you seen https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD  ?21:22
lahwranI have not21:22
Jordan_U}dec3pti0n{: Agent_bob: Change the default in /etc/default/grub, use the full title for GRUB_DEFAULT like: GRUB_DEFAULT='Ubuntu GNU/Linux, with Linux 2.6.35-25-generic'21:22
x__lahwran, im thinking based on the forums it just doesn't work.21:23
mbvpixies78If I us fstab to automount other computers' shares on bootup is there a way to make the passwords not visible?  or some other way besides fstab?21:23
Agent_bobubuntuuuss it's not likely that anyone in here will answer that.    try in   #bash21:23
lahwranugh, it used to stack vertically. why did they have to throw that out!? [angry]21:23
Jordan_Uubuntuuuss: if echo "$variable" | grep foo21:23
jriblahwran: i wrote my own notification daemon, it just sends everything to a fifo file :P21:24
}dec3pti0n{Jordan_U: no such file21:24
ubuntuuussJordan_U: what about this --> if [ "$var" == "*string*" ] ?21:24
Jordan_Uubuntuuuss: No, the test command does not work that way.21:25
ubuntuuussJordan_U: not the test command, but the if command21:25
ubuntuuussif [ "$var" == "" ]21:25
ubuntuuussecho variable is null21:25
FloodBot2ubuntuuuss: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:26
Jordan_Uubuntuuuss: You can use: case "$var" in\n *string*)21:26
frank_just wondered if anyone was heading down to the cloud expo tomorrow in London21:26
ubuntuuussJordan_U: I am not familiar with that, it's too hard for me. I read this I am telling you here, could you take a brief look? --> http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/209/bournebash-shell-scripts-string-comparison/21:26
Jordan_Uubuntuuuss: The if command in shell scripting runs the command that follows it, and if that command returns a zero exit status it's considered true, any other exit status is considered false.21:27
Agent_bobubuntuuuss again    /join #bash     that's what it's there for.21:27
xorwhyis there a way to set my wlan1 device to not scan for networks periodically?21:27
Jordan_Uubuntuuuss: '[' is actually a command, also known as the test command.21:27
}dec3pti0n{Jordan_U: there a /boot/grub/default that says to use grub-set-default21:27
ubuntuuussJordan_U: I had no idea21:27
DJonesfrank_: You may want to join #ubuntu-uk, there's a stall from the -uk community going to be there21:27
ubuntuuussAgent_bob: okay, I will do that, excuse me.21:27
trismlahwran: try out notification-daemon, it stacks vertically (just tried it)21:28
frank_thanks DJones21:28
Jordan_U}dec3pti0n{: Then you're using grub legacy, and you'll have to change the default any time there is a kernel upgrade.21:28
lahwrantrism: that's a virtual package isn't it?21:28
lahwranjust tried the xfce one21:28
}dec3pti0n{Jordan_U: I see21:28
Agent_bob}dec3pti0n{ i would suggest upgrading to grub221:28
Agent_bobgrub sux,   grub2 rox!21:29
trismlahwran: no, it is another notification daemon (the reference implementation I believe)21:29
gnewbxorwhy: The answer is yes, but it depends on a few things.21:29
xorwhygnewb: OK, what are they?21:29
Cyberfusionwhen does /tmp expire?21:30
lahwranCyberfusion: reboot, I think21:30
lahwranCyberfusion: bootup specifically iirc21:30
Cyberfusionwhat if you never reboot?21:30
Agent_bobCyberfusion normally at reboot21:30
Cyberfusionlike for a whole year21:30
gnewbxorwhy: Are you using ndiswrapper or wicd or something else?21:30
JohnTeddyIf I have a PDF... how can I print it with page numbers being super imposed on each page as it prints? The page numbers are not there by default.21:30
xorwhygnewb: no, native intel 496521:30
gnewbxorwhy: It is CLI , but can also be done with the GUI, how familiar are you with the CLI?21:31
xorwhygnewb: enough21:31
xorwhygnewb: which utility?21:32
Penthit gets cleared during the startup sequence. If you reboot from a CD, all your temp files are still there. Good to know if you have a power failure with needed material there21:32
gnewbxorwhy: I was just pulling the page up for you, the utility I use is wicd, there are others.21:32
lahwrantrism: ah, nice. looks kinda icky but works as I wanted :D21:33
frolingo my, lot of peoples her.21:33
xorwhygnewb: does wicd replace networkmanager?21:33
nemetos_Hey all. Do ubuntu users do stuff in fullscreen or in "windows" like macs?21:34
frolingNeed help with 64bit sys, that I need to run a 32 bit app, is that possible?21:34
Agent_bobnemetos_ yes21:34
nemetos_yes to what?21:34
Agent_bobnemetos_ to your question/s21:35
nemetos_but i gave two alternatives :/21:35
gnewbxorwhy: Not replace. per say, is just another utility,,,https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo21:35
Agent_bobnemetos_ yes and the answer to both is yes21:35
alexseqHello all, im having problems using a K3565-Z under ubuntu 10 stable ( Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: python-twisted ) :( Any one knows how can i solve it ?21:35
xorwhygnewb: thank you, you saved me so much time and effort21:35
alexseqthanks in advanced21:35
aeon-ltdok using irssi for mac anyone know how to fix the scrollback issue? (also should i be asking in the mac channel)21:35
gnewbxorwhy: You are very welcome, have a swell day.21:36
KirkMcDonaldaeon-ltd: Scrollback issue?21:36
SpazHi guys, I'm using a VAIO VPCCW1S1E (CW Series) and cannot figure out a solution to the EDDID Problem. Any help is apprecieated21:36
aeon-ltdKirkMcDonald: i can't scroll back21:36
aeon-ltdKirkMcDonald: with both scroll (wheel) and page up21:36
KirkMcDonaldaeon-ltd: What about shirt + page up?21:37
KirkMcDonaldaeon-ltd: s/shirt/shift/21:37
* Agent_bob presses shirt21:37
SpazHi guys, I'm using a VAIO VPCCW1S1E (CW Series) and cannot figure out a solution to the EDDID Problem. Any help is apprecieated21:37
gnewbMy shirt is Perma-Press!21:38
frolingI got this error "/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules/im-ibus.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64" can i download and install a 32bit version of this lib? If yes how?21:38
aeon-ltdKirkMcDonald: thanks that works, though it is a little long21:38
TomatoHi all21:38
xorwhygnewb: in case you were wondering, the reason i want to do this is because the scans cause me latency spikes21:38
KirkMcDonaldaeon-ltd: I believe you can rebind these things in the terminal's preferences.21:38
KirkMcDonaldaeon-ltd: Swap the meanings of pageup and shift+pageup.21:38
TomatoI'm trying to do something and I need to have a look at the implementation of getchar(), getline() ... so I need the source of glibc but I can't seem to locate the right package any idea ?21:39
naritai got a problem, everytime i connect to vncserver with tightvnc i just get the error "No password configured for VNC Auth" -- any ideas ?21:39
gnewbxorwhy: I understand, I use wifi on Desktop and a netbook and Laptop.21:39
SpazHi guys, I'm using a VAIO VPCCW1S1E (CW Series) and cannot figure out a solution to the EDDID Problem. Any help is apprecieated21:40
Agent_bobTomato apt-get install --source glibc      maybe...21:40
alexseqHello all, im having problems using a K3565-Z under ubuntu 10 stable ( Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: python-twisted ) :( Any one knows how can i solve it ? thanks in advance21:40
Agent_bobTomato may also be   libc6   not sure what ubuntu is using these days21:41
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TomatoAgent_bob tried E: Unable to locate package glibc21:42
SpazHi guys, I'm using a VAIO VPCCW1S1E (CW Series) and cannot figure out a solution to the EDDID Problem (blank screen). Any help is apprecieated21:42
TomatoAgent_bob I know I can get access to it through http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/ but I need to get the one ubuntu is using ;)21:42
AzoffI'm going to install Ubuntu 10.04 on a server. The server will be in a LAN with no connection to the internet. Is there any way to create a mirrior for just that particilar version (Lucid) on my platform (amd64)?21:42
christozhello, i've just install openssh-server in ubuntu server 10.10, but ssh is not running automatically on startup21:43
AcceleratorHave you guys heard about this new command Freenode just launched? It's very useful. They've compiled a list of all known trolls on Freenode, and added a command to allow you to easily block them with a single command. I'm using it right now. To activate it, just type in "/quit listening to trolls" and hit enter. A notification will pop up telling you how many people you're now ignoring, and how to disable the filter. Enjoy.21:43
Agent_bobTomato also of note, source packages have to be enabled in /etc/apt/sources.list    probably reccomanded to be done in the gui pacakge manager21:43
rumpe1Tomato, mine (10.04) seems to be called "glibc-2.10-1"21:44
nep0xi had a problem when i refreshed my os 10.04 to 10.10. the problem is that when i turn on my computer and choose the new version, the screen remained black while my system go on, i know it because i hear the sounds of passwordcheck. With 10.04 my laptop works great.  What can be the problem? thanks in advance21:44
aeon-ltdKirkMcDonald: ok, doing that now21:44
TomatoAgent_bob didn't know I'll do that ;)21:44
Spaznep0x You might have the same problem as me, does your screen go completly bank?21:45
Agent_bobwildcards are nice :)))    apt-cache search ^glibc*21:45
Tomatorumpe1 thanks that helps21:45
Spaznep0x Blank21:45
SlimGAnyone know why Canonical choose to stick with fireslow as their default webbrowser?21:45
SlimGFor Ubuntu 11.0421:45
Tempus_Fugitanyone tell me of a way to send a file to someone on the same network as I am....Like using the same router21:45
TomatoAgent_bob haha indeed, just switched from gentoo I need to get used to apt thanks again21:46
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AcceleratorTempus_Fugit, USB Drive, CD, floppy disk21:46
Agent_bobSlimG ummm freedom+features    maybe21:46
Spaztempus_fugit use Samba if you want to do that over LAN21:46
ortsvorsteherTempus_Fugit, you can use sftp21:46
rumpe1Tempus_Fugit, scp <file> user@ipofhost21:46
Agent_bobTomato welcome21:46
nep0xits black21:46
JuJuBeeneed help... Anybody see this when trying to boot from 10.10 disc? http://pastie.org/1519613  This is a kubuntu disc21:47
SlimGAgent_bob: Is there any browser alternatives without that combo for Ubuntu?21:47
christozguys? any help to run ssh as a daemon during startup?21:47
bastidrazorchristoz: if you have openssh-server installed it will do this automatically21:47
Spaznep0x Is it a notebook computer? Sony VAIO notebooks have some type of issue with the screen21:47
christozwell, it failed21:47
Agent_bobSlimG i like konqueror   "part of the KDE experance"21:47
aeon-ltdKirkMcDonald: easier solution btw, i re-binded them to F5 and F6, the only function keys that aren't already occuppied by OSX window management shortcuts, now they're just like page up and down keys21:47
Tempus_FugitSpaz: what does samba do?21:47
KirkMcDonaldaeon-ltd: Neat.21:47
rumpe1christoz, have you deactivated it manually? usually its started during startup after installation of openssh-server21:48
nep0xSpaz no its a packard bell21:48
aeon-ltdKirkMcDonald: thanks for your help21:48
SpazTempus_Fugit It simply enables your linux computer to share files with windows computers over the same network21:48
Tempus_Fugitwhat is the command to view others on the same network so i can get the user info21:48
SlimGSlimG: I liked the idea behind Konqueror, it was great, but it had a horrible rendering engine and was very buggy, I haven't tried it for a while now, is it using webkit by default now?21:48
christoznope, i've install the openssh-server, i've rebooted, tryied to test it via remote system but not working21:48
SlimGAgent_bob: ^^21:48
KirkMcDonaldTempus_Fugit: Samba is the Windows file sharing for Linux, more or less.21:49
Agent_bobSlimG and yes there are others.   elinks links2 epiphany-browser - Intuitive web browser - dummy package21:49
bastidrazorchristoz: what is the error you're getting? and what is the command you're using to connecdt?21:49
Agent_bobSlimG and others21:49
christozi'm trying to connect via putty21:49
SlimGAgent_bob: My point is that all browsers are now better than fireslow, even the smaller browsers with webkit engines outperform fireslow by a longshot21:50
nep0xi bought it four months ago and i rembered that i tried to install the release 10.10 and i had the same problem. Now its showing a message that i cant read because it dissapears very fast,can i recover it in some way? it helps a lot21:50
christozif i launch it  manually there is no problem, the failure of mine is to make it start automatically21:50
nemetos_*sigh* ive lost a window and i cant find it..21:51
rumpe1christoz, check "sudo service ssh status" output21:51
bastidrazorchristoz: what version of Ubuntu are you using?21:51
SlimGnemetos_: alt+tab21:51
nemetos_sling: doesn't show :/21:51
christozubuntu server 10.10 it's an appliance actually21:51
zagabarHmm, I use my server as a personal mail server and it got listed here: http://cbl.abuseat.org/lookup.cgi?ip=   So it seems I have a mail spam malware thingy or something installed on my system. I am using ubuntu 10.10. Where can I start to find out what might be causing this?21:51
nemetos_SlimG, I can hear it though, its a firefox/youtube window :)21:52
bastidrazorchristoz: ubuntu server has openssh-server installed by default21:52
chaos2358hey guys i have two questions to ask. first off my computer is dual boot 10.10 and win xp. my hdd is partitioned with a 20gig part for ubuntu a 20 gig part for xp and the remaining 280gig as a fat shared storage for multi media. if i wanted to run win in virtual box instead can i resize my ubuntu part to be the whole 320, move my media into the ext4 ubuntu partition and remove the win xp part without having to clean install ubuntu?21:52
SlimGnemetos_: $ killall firefox21:52
Agent_bobSlimG personally epiphany is nice.    as is galeon21:52
chaos2358second question is with win xp running in a virtual box will it be able to access the media in my ubuntu ext4 system?21:53
nemetos_SlimG, thanks21:53
bastidrazorchaos2358: yes, use a gparted liveCD,, but you will have to backup the files on the 280gig fat partition as when you put a filesystem on the partition it will get wiped21:53
jimisrvroxany suggestions on getting conky to play nicely? Tried to uninstall conky..tells me invalid operation..(thought about reinstalling)..when trying to start I get the library error..so im guessing have to manually upgrade the lib bc apt-get doesnt recognize it..21:54
bastidrazorchaos2358: and yes to the 2nd question too.21:54
gnewb!conky | jimisrvrox21:55
bastidrazorjimisrvrox: how did you try to uninstall it? sudo apt-get remove conky ?  there is also a #conky channel21:55
chaos2358bastidrazor, ok how about this. when i am resizing and reformatting can i only format the "free space" on the fat partition and then once done move the media from the unformated part to the newlly expanded ext4. then continue resizing and formatting? "so as not to have to go buy a new external hdd21:56
gnewbjimisrvrox: Did not work, did you try the recovery console?21:56
jimisrvroxbastidrazor: well the issue here is the conky: symbol lookup error: conky: undefined symbol: imlib_context_set_display error..so somebody said ok well either compile conky or update your lib..21:56
zykes-any libvirt people here?21:57
bastidrazorchaos2358: that will take serveral rounds of partitioning but if you have the free space it can be done. with that much moving around you're likely to run into some issue along the way.21:57
bastidrazorjimisrvrox: those in #conky said that? they would know the proper fix.21:57
jimisrvroxbastidrazor: no somebody else told me about that..21:57
bastidrazorjimisrvrox: ask in #conky21:58
Agent_bobSlimG at any rate, there is just something nastalgic about having the bloated'est browser on the market   ;/21:58
JuJuBeeI can't get the 10.10 live cd to boot... http://pastie.org/151961321:59
chaos2358bastidrazor. ok last question. when i set up the dual boot. the installation of windows ate up my grub and i had to do something " i'm not sure what, the guy helping wouldn't explain just gave me the steps" so that it would boot up. will i have to do that again when removing the win os and just expanding the ubuntu part?21:59
jinatonikJuJuBee: Try burning to a DVD.21:59
JuJuBeejinatonik: why is that?21:59
SlimGAgent_bob: Seems like that might be the case :P21:59
jinatonikJuJuBee: I had that same problem until I burned it on a DVD.21:59
JuJuBeeburn the CD iso to dvd or download the dvd iso?22:00
jinatonikBurn the CD ISO to a DVD.22:00
JuJuBeeOK, i will give it a try.22:00
bastidrazorchaos2358: it should be fine, if you do run into grub issues look here:: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub  that page will tell yout he fix required22:00
jimisrvroxalrigt bastidrazor the other issue I am having is that because of the way my terminal is setup I am not getting the wrapping to correctly work..my colums are 80 but when I type out a long line it overwrites instead of wrapping..22:00
SlimGI can't help but feel embarassed over the desktop developers at Canonical22:00
jinatonikJuJuBee: My friend also had the same problem, and it fixed it for him too. Good luck!22:00
chaos2358bastidrazor,  ok thank you so much for your help. and wish me luck.22:00
christozbastidrazor: thank you for your time mate22:01
bastidrazorchaos2358: yeah, you're going to need it. good luck :)22:01
bastidrazorchristoz: you're welcome.22:01
bastidrazorjimisrvrox: gnome-terminal?22:02
jimisrvroxyeah either that or xterm or terminator all of them22:02
bastidrazorjimisrvrox: that one i don't know.22:02
bastidrazori'm off to work. best of luck.22:03
ray_hi all22:03
hasenjcompiz is suddenly slow ... any tips on what to look for?22:06
bbordwellhey all, I am trying to revoke my GPG key but following the wiki does not seem to be working22:06
ray_hasenj-Have u tried ubuntu tweak22:07
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ray_bbordwell-u can delete it in Software Sources22:09
bbordwellray_, well the problem is i lost my key, I want to revoke my public key22:09
Jeruvybbordwell: did you lose the private key?22:10
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bbordwellJeruvy, yes I lost my private key some time ago when I reformated my hdd and forgot to back it up...22:11
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lwizardlis there a bit torrent application for linux that is like utorrent on windows?22:11
azizLIGHTSwine utorrent :D22:11
Jeruvybbordwell: you will need that to revoke it, you can simply create a new one.  IF the old one had an expiry date, then it will expire on its own.22:11
lwizardlazizLIGHTS, I left windows for a reason, why would I want to keep using windows software on a good os :)22:12
KirkMcDonaldlwizardl: I'm not sure how similar to utorrent it really is, but my current favorite is Deluge.22:12
bbordwellJeruvy, alright i will just create a new one and hope the old expires :)22:12
iobany irc client recomendations that looks good under gnome? empathy and irc just seems weird22:12
Jeruvybbordwell: make sure to backup your private keys somewhere safe :)22:12
bbordwelliob, xchat-gnome22:12
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lwizardlKirkMcDonald, taking a look at it now22:14
Jordan_U!away > flappin[A]22:14
ubottuflappin[A], please see my private message22:14
lwizardlKirkMcDonald, close only think that looks to be missing is a stop torrent button22:15
mr-richOk, I'm using kubuntu, but I use a few Gnome apps (namely Evolution) and I need to configure some default apps for them. Is there a gui Gnome Desktop config program I can install?22:16
sduboiswhat file contains the "suspend" script? i need to make a minor change to it22:17
vcarneycan anyone suggest rock solid laptops or desktops that will run ubuntu22:17
serializedi wouldnt get a dell m65 that im using now22:18
serializedfaulty gpu22:18
NastjuidHey guys, I've been trying to find how to install sun-java6-bin/jre. supposedly the packages are in multiverse, and my apt-sources contains multiverse, but aptitude doesn't list the packages when I search for them. Any ideas?22:18
mr-richvcarney: www.system76.com22:18
VCooliovcarney: desktop no problem, laptop maybe more, but more important is video card and especially printers, cpu and RAM and hdd's will work22:19
IronManhi, what can i do that nautilus shows thumbnails for all my movies? they are shown for all exept 1080p mkv. when i rename them thumnails are shown. (ubuntu 10.10)22:19
vcarneyVCoolio: exactly. i want it all. suggestions?22:19
VCooliovcarney: a desktop with nvidia card and hp printer22:19
vcarneyr these system76 systems good?22:20
macovcarney: yes22:20
macovcarney: talk to tonyyarusso in #ubuntu-offtopic. he has one he's very happy with22:20
vcarneywill the system76 support dual boot with windoze?22:21
macovcarney: i dont think they ship that, youd have to do it yourself22:21
Nastjuidblaaah, found it.22:21
mr-richvcarney: get a Ubuntu box and run Windoze in VirtualBox ... :)22:21
reddnvcarney the answer is yes22:22
Steve^I have a password of three characters, but I can't change it to another password of three characters, because it's "too short". How can I bypass this restriction? (Security is not an issue)22:23
Tjololo12Can somebody help me? I replaced a new install /home with a backed up /home, and now the system won't boot. Also replaced /etc/passwd and shadow and sudoers. It freezes at "Checking battery state... [ OK ]"22:24
Jordan_UTjololo12: The problem may be that you forgot /etc/group22:25
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NastjuidTjololo12: I would start by booting a livecd, mounting the drive and checking/fixing your perms/users/groups22:25
Tjololo12Jordan_U: I'll transfer that over. Nastjuid: I thought that, if I replaced my /etc/passwd, it would replace the perms/users/groups with the ones that I had before...OH but maybe it messed something up on the new install...hmm, I'll have to take a look.22:26
BurzmaliHello all, does anyone know why a disc would not unmount when I press the eject button on my optical drive?22:27
Jordan_UTjololo12: In the future, if you re-install and choose not to format /home/ it will set this all up automatically (you don't even need a separate /home parttiion).22:28
VCoolioTjololo12: put back the passwd/shadow/sudoers files, rename /home/user folder to user you want, 'man usermod' and 'man useradd', never just replace sudoers file22:28
Steve^I need to choose a password that is identical in qwerty and colemak22:28
LeGambitteurcya guys22:28
wanderingiwill tar or compress,  compress tar files ?22:28
Tjololo12VCoolio: damnit....That's what I get for not backing up the things I replaced...OK I'll redo the install and restart from scratch.22:29
Steve^wanderingi, can you rephrase that a little?22:29
Jeruvywanderingi: tar is very versatile.22:29
jimisrvroxhey guys when trying to load conky I get this: conky: symbol lookup error: conky: undefined symbol: imlib_context_set_display any suggestions for a fix?22:29
wanderingiif i have a tar file and i  want to compress it do i use tar or compress ?22:29
Steve^I'd use gzip22:30
Steve^as I don't have a compress22:30
Jeruvywanderingi: you should use tar or gzip  see:  http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man1/compress-dummy.1.html22:31
wanderingiok thanks22:31
CryonicCoremmmmm VMware and Ubuntu = SEXY!22:32
MagicJI have updated the gltext.desktop file to tell the screensaver that I want -text "this is a test" and for whatever reason it does not seem to display this.  It is as though I made no change.  What am I missing.  I did a search and checked that there is NO OTHER gltext.desktop file22:33
demetrisi have an ubuntu server22:36
demetrisand today it informed me of a package update22:36
demetrisbut it fails to install due to packages error or depentencies22:37
itaylor57demetris: I have the same situation22:37
demetrisyou are?22:37
demetristhank god i thought it was my fault or something22:37
canthus13Can anyone recommend a good wireless chipset for lucid?22:37
CryonicCoredoes the Ubuntu Server have GUI or is it all text base?22:37
demetrisitaylor57: you think it will be fixed?22:37
KirkMcDonaldCryonicCore: There is no GUI by default, but you can install one.22:38
demetrisor we have to do something from our part?22:38
canthus13CryonicCore: all text. it's a server.  GUI just uses resources.22:38
CryonicCoreok cus I am not good at text base systems but I want Ubuntu as my server22:38
canthus13CryonicCore: You can install a gui package if you'd like, though.  But most of your work will still be at the command line or through a web browser.22:38
itaylor57demetris: I am on a desktop, desktop manager won't let me install it22:39
demetrisi see22:39
CryonicCorewhats the file name?22:39
demetrisitaylor57: you have a server with a desktop manager?22:40
CryonicCoreok cus i have event-based init daemon that wont let me select and install it22:40
wanderingihow do i expand the information from the top command to allow the full command to be seen?22:40
bbordwellwanderingi, you mean terminal is cutting off the top of the output?22:41
systmwhere should I get support for building gnome-shell for 10.10?>22:42
PH-MJSHi guys, I've a question. I've installed Compiz and it works like a charm. Then, I lost the permission to run compiz and the compizmanager (cssm). I can only start it now by typing sudo compiz in the terminal. Does someone know how to fix this?22:42
bbordwellwanderingi, edit>profiles>default (or the one you use)>scrolling>select how many lines to go back22:42
coz_systm, ah  I believe there is a PPA22:42
systmcoz_ I think that that the PPA is outdated.  it never works.22:43
edbianPH-MJS, sudo chmod 555 /usr/bin/compiz22:43
GneaPH-MJS: did you check the permissions of the binary?22:43
edbianPH-MJS, sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/compiz22:43
edbianPH-MJS, 755 would be better22:43
Gneaedbian: ls -l /usr/bin/compiz first22:43
edbianPH-MJS, Gnea sure, look at it first, ls -l22:43
GneaPH-MJS: ls -l /usr/bin/compiz  first, make sure you HAVE to make any changes to it22:43
coz_systm,   have you thought of trying  ubuntu  11.04?22:44
coz_ systm   gnome-shelll uses mutter   ...11.04  uses compiz...mutter has been dropped for the netbook edition22:44
nemetosWhere does software (packages) ususally get installed? in what folder that is22:44
PH-MJSHey guys, Thanks for the info!!! It works again!! :D22:44
coz_systm,  although it is testing22:44
Gneanemetos: well, software packages tend to contain a variety of files22:45
tormsl_anything I can do to circumvent the bug where 10.10 netinst won't install? The libc6 issue22:45
VCoolionemetos: different folders, 'dpkg -L package' to find out22:45
edbianPH-MJS, no problem22:45
usbubuntuQuestion for the Live USB - is there any way that I can set it up where it will retain drivers and packages?  I need some proprietary drivers, and I'd like to add or upgrade some apps.22:45
GneaPH-MJS: cheers22:45
edbiannemetos, /usr/bin/  is where all the executable programs go22:45
VCoolionemetos: dpkg-query -L package I mean22:45
Gneanemetos: /usr/lib is where the libraries go, /etc is for configuration files22:46
aeon-ltd!remaster | usbubuntu22:46
ubottuusbubuntu: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility22:46
bbordwellusbubuntu, if you use usb startup creator you should be able to select persistent storage22:46
Gneanemetos: and /usr/share/doc/ for documentation22:46
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usbubuntubboardwell: Does that include drivers that you download?22:46
Gnea(not that anyone reads it)22:46
usbubuntuaeon-ltd: Thank you!  I'll try that.22:46
nemetosoh, ok - so its not just one folder in windows. Configuration files goes to one certain folder, exe-files to /bin/ etc?22:46
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VCoolionemetos: right22:47
Gneanemetos: pretty much22:47
edbiannemetos, they go all over22:47
bbordwellusbubuntu, It should, it has been some time since I have used that option though....if nothing else you could install ubuntu to a flash drive...though that would require at least an 8gb drive22:47
nemetosis that good or bad? As a java developer, i like stuff OO :) why is it a good idea to spread files? isnt hard to uninstall it later?22:48
BurzmaliDoes anyone know why a disc would not unmount when I press the eject button on my optical drive?22:48
usbubuntubboardwell: I see.  I was under the impression persistant storage just saved things like /home.22:48
Gneanemetos: well, you tell us - it works, thousands and thousands of people use it and enjoy it :)22:48
usbubuntubboardwell: Thanks!22:48
VCoolionemetos: not if you use a package manager to install stuff; if you install manually, then could be22:48
systmcoz_ how stable is it?22:48
coz_usbubuntu,  sounds like something is still accessing it22:48
coz_sysop3,  well I have been using it now for weeks ...22:49
KirkMcDonaldnemetos: There are a number of ways to install things outside of the package manager to make later uninstallation easier.22:49
coz_systm,  although the current updates have broken nvidia driver  but other than that its  fine22:49
systmcoz_ well that works, my laptop is amd22:49
k89@nemetos: download sources and try configure,make,make install22:49
usbubuntucoz_: -- pardon?  I'm asking about how to upgrade packages and install drivers on a flash drive install of Ubuntu.22:49
coz_systm,  if you want to keep a running tab of natty 11.04  go to the  #ubuntu+1  channel22:49
KirkMcDonaldnemetos: The tool I usually use for this purpose is called epkg. You can also just make your own .deb packages, using the package manager for your own stuff.22:49
k89 you can get stuff where you want22:49
k89though it will be more difficult to do so22:50
Gneanemetos: you could centralize and install if you wanted to, but then you also have to deal with the consequences of that action22:50
coz_usbubuntu,  sorry  I didnt mean to ping you at all :)22:50
KirkMcDonaldnemetos: You can also just put each third party thing into its own /opt directory, which is sort of the classic Unix solution.22:50
usbubuntucoz_: Ah, cool.22:50
GneaKirkMcDonald: epkg?22:50
systmcoz_ if I install the alpha, and update with update manager, will it be like installing it fresh when it fully releases?22:50
coz_systm,   I would go to #ubuntu+1  channel and hang out...also see if anyone is using ati  and having issues with the current updates?22:50
KirkMcDonaldGnea: http://www.encap.org/epkg/22:51
xorwhyis there any way to disable network scanning?22:51
coz_systm,  if you download the daily build  you might be better off22:51
KirkMcDonaldGnea: I've heard that it is analogous to GNU stow, but I've never used stow, so I can't speak to that.22:51
xorwhyon 802.11 wireless?22:51
coz_systm,    http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/22:51
xorwhyi really want to stop my wireless card from scanning from networks22:51
nemetoswow, everything seems so.. much, does a regular user ever understand all the folders and what they do etc?22:51
coz_nemetos,  it will becom easier  as time goes by22:52
Richie086nemetos: one day it will actually all make sense22:52
edbiannemetos, The file structure is based on purpose not application.  It is more modular this way22:52
Richie086nemetos: for a long time I felt the same way22:53
KirkMcDonaldGnea: Basically it installs symlinks into /usr/local which point to the actual files, so each package gets to live in its own directory.22:53
KirkMcDonaldGnea: It has the wonderful advantage of being very, very stupid.22:53
bbordwellxorwhy,  iwconfig (device) down maybe?22:53
* nemetos is btw happy for all answers!22:53
edbiannemetos, It's a good question!  I never thought about it :)22:53
bbordwellxorwhy, just iwconfig will list your devices22:54
gebbionehi all22:54
xorwhybbordwell: i don't want to also disable all of its other features22:54
Aikaranyone know how to make sshfs stop asking me for a password and use my id_dsa file?22:54
xorwhybbordwell: i only want to disable wireless network scanning22:54
Anom_hi I have an EEE PC with Eeebuntu on it, and I've managed to screw up the sources in "Software Sources".22:54
KirkMcDonaldAikar: Use ssh-agent22:54
gebbionei have installed zoneminder from synaptic but it is not installed in apache, anyone can suggest what i can do?22:54
AikarKirkMcDonald: its not trying to use a key is the problem22:54
ki__Hello. I have an id_rsa.pub and an id_dsa.pub key ... does that mean I can use EITHER key or is one of them configured? Where can I check which one is configured to be used?22:54
KirkMcDonaldAikar: Does the remote end have the public key installed?22:54
GneaKirkMcDonald: so epkg doesn't make .deb files?22:55
Aikaryes i can ssh to it fine22:55
KirkMcDonaldGnea: Correct.22:55
Aikarssh dev is fine22:55
Aikarsshfs dev:/blah /mnt/point asks for password22:55
GneaKirkMcDonald: doesn't sound in line with Ubuntu.22:55
nemetosso, i Googled how to install Java: apt-get install open-jdk-bla bla bla.. So i installed that outside a package manager (Ubuntu Software Center) - does that mean i have no chance to uninstall that properly? (meaning it remembers what files went were?) - whats the best advice to install software? Via Ubuntu software or random like via apt-get?22:55
randomus1rubuntu software is a gui for apt-get22:56
KirkMcDonaldGnea: Perhaps. It is significantly better than just installing junk into /usr/local, though.22:56
randomus1rdon't compile things manually, and you'll be able to update them right22:56
KirkMcDonaldGnea: (Since you can easily remove the stuff, when you do it with epkg.)22:56
randomus1rhi zelrik22:56
zelrikI cannot read a DVD under vlc22:56
AikarKirkMcDonald: oh... its cause its trying to load ROOTS identity, which doesnt have one22:56
zelrikI have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed22:56
coz_zelrik,  are all of the codecs installed22:56
randomus1rzelrik, what happens when you try to access it, what re your version details22:57
zelrikI have access to the menu then...22:57
zelrikhold on22:57
coz_zelrik,    run this command      sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh22:57
nemetosrandomus1r, aha! so why cant i see open-jdk under "install applications"?22:57
randomus1rnemetos, what version of ubuntu are you using?22:57
CryonicCorewhats a good firewall for Ubuntu? is Firestarter any good?22:57
zelrikunder vlc it just stops playing when I press one button in the menu and under movie player I have the following error message:22:57
zelrik'could not read from source'22:58
nemetosrandomus1r, 10.1022:58
randomus1rnemetos, try to look for 'openjdk'22:58
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nemetosrandomus1r, not under "installed software" or "provided by ubuntu".. i should see it tho, right?22:59
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zelrikoh it works22:59
zelrikthx coz that did it22:59
CryonicCoreand another question. How come I can't play DVD movies on Ubuntu. Is there a certain codec pack I will have to download?22:59
itaylor57nemetos get it thru synaptic22:59
coz_zelrik,   no problem... I thought it was that simple :)22:59
nemetositaylor57, : synaptic? o.O22:59
brontoeeeCryonicCore, VLC not working?23:00
nemetosrandomus1r, oh.. i might see it now tho :)23:00
milamber!dvd | CryonicCore23:00
ubottuCryonicCore: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:00
CryonicCorebrontoeee no it wont work23:00
coz_CryonicCore,   first  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras and then run this command      sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh23:00
randomus1rnemetos, nice, nice, we are alive and things work23:00
itaylor57!java | nemetos23:00
ubottunemetos: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.23:00
nemetositaylor57, google says that synaptic is just another gui for apt?23:00
Richie086nemetos: it is23:01
CryonicCorethanks for the help everyone :)23:01
brontoeeeand aptitude and apt are friends as well or not?23:02
michelProblem: I can not get a internet connection anymore after swiching ubuntu (Lynx) into "ready" mode. On my netbook, i'm using now, it works perfectly...23:02
KirkMcDonaldbrontoeee: They all get along just splendidly.23:02
VCoolionemetos: apt is the package manager, it has different commands like apt-get and apt-cache and apt-key23:02
nemetosRichie086,  so if i install synaptics, i have two places to install packages/software? which is best, ubuntu software center or synaptics?23:02
mactimesHey.  I'm getting "The following packages have been kept back: upstart" while running 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'.  Update Manager won't let me select the package for update.  How can I solve it?23:02
michelI think i had that problem also once, after using "ready" mode.23:02
JuJuBeeJust created a new partition and installed 10.10 but when rebooted, only offered old choices, no sign of new os23:02
KirkMcDonaldJuJuBee: Does Grub know about it?23:03
VCooliobrontoeee: little differences, I think aptitude isn't by default installed anymore23:03
Richie086nemetos: depends which one you are more confortable with using.. there is also dselect, aptitude, umm... probabally few others that do the same thing but in different ways23:03
JuJuBeeKirkMcDonald: how do I check?23:03
brontoeeenemetos, synaptic seems a bit more advanced and a tad faster to load, ubuntu s center seems friendlier23:03
nemetosRichie086, whats your favourite? ;)23:03
danielwhat chatwould i use to figure out how to use the ubuntu disc burner?23:04
Richie086i persoanlly like doing apt-get from the command line, i find it to be easier for me.  If I need to install a bunch of stuff, I will use dselect or aptitude23:04
nemetosbrontoeee, ah, cool, thanks23:04
Richie086not to say the synaptic package manager sucks, but the gui is somewhat clunky to me for some reason...23:05
nemetosRichie086, so you can pretty much swap between the different "ways" terminal/synatpics/dselect and they all work, since they all use the common apt(-get)?23:05
Richie086nemetos: yeah23:05
eggblokeHi, I have some (what I assume are) corrupted files on an external disk and I was wondering how (short of formatting the disk) i could get rid of them. When I try I get a mix of Read only filesystem errors and Input/output errors23:05
nemetosthank god :P23:05
michelProblem: I can not get a internet connection anymore after swiching ubuntu (Lynx) into "ready" mode. On my netbook, i'm using now, it works perfectly...23:05
brontoeeemichel, wifi or cable?23:06
michelbrontoee: cable23:06
Richie086nemetos: thats the great thing, there are usually lots of way to get a paticular job done with linux, its up to you to figure out what tools and commands to put together to get the task done23:06
nemetosRichie086, would be hell to remember.. oh, so i installed x from y, so i need to uninstall x from y and not z.. etc23:06
mbvpixies78If anyone else wondered how to protect passwords needed for fstab, check this out:  http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=269623:06
Da|Mummyi have a cheap usb hub, how can i figure out if its usb1.1 or usb2?23:06
Richie086nemetos: i rarely uninstall applications i install.. only if they are broken..23:06
eggblokeDa|Mummy: use it on windows and it will tell you. not sure how to on Ubuntu23:07
Da|Mummyi dont have windows23:07
xorwhyis there any way to disable wireless network scanning23:07
curious397eggbloke: try mounting it rw in /etc/fstab ??23:07
nemetosRichie086, as a windows-hardcore, i install stuff all the time :P .. need.. to.. keep..that.. list.. clean.. urgh ^^23:07
Richie086nemetos: but I have been using linux for 10 years (since 2001) now, so I dont play around with tons of random stuff as much as i used to23:07
CryonicCorecoz_ I did what u said and not I am at the stage in terminal that has end user agreement and <ok> at the bottom. What do I do?23:07
coz_CryonicCore,   hit the tab key until "ok'  is highlighted23:08
nemetosRichie086, 10 years, cool - ive been using Linux for.. 3 hours :P23:08
coz_CryonicCore,   then hit enter23:08
coz_CryonicCore,   I probably should have had you do this in sysnaptic23:08
brontoeeeDa|Mummy, what would 'lspci' say?23:08
hdonWTF! ubuntu-bug command CRASHING http://pastebin.mozilla.org/101172923:08
Richie086nemetos: you on the otherhand probabally will install a ton of different stuff, some useful, some not..  I advise you to mess with as much stuff as you can, thats really how you end up learning the most is by exprimenting..23:08
coz_Da|Mummy,   not sure   you could try    sudo dmidecode23:08
hdon$ ubuntu-bug ubuntu-bug23:08
coz_Da|Mummy,   that show it23:08
nemetosRichie086, but that means that you swapped just before any decent window managers (gnome or kde) came? meaning it was all pretty much text-based, right?23:08
eggblokecurious397: it is already mounted23:09
Richie086nemetos: no, gnome and kde were both around23:09
Richie086nemetos: they didnt look as nice as they do these days, but they did exist23:09
nemetosRichie086, hm ok.. my linux timeline is not the very best :-)23:09
curious397eggbloke is it mounted "ro" ?23:10
nemetosok folks - time for bed. Huge thanks for everyone kind enough to answer newbie questions!23:10
wanderingiis there a unix command deldir?23:10
Richie086good night have fun23:10
eggblokecurious397: oh it seems to be mounted in mtab not fstab, im not sure what the difference it. It is RW in mtab23:10
clakestriple boot macbook, 10 years on windows, 6 on macosx, 1 on ubuntu.... guess what i'm writing from?  =)23:10
Richie086wanderingi: are you trying to remove a directory?23:10
ubuntuuusshow can you bring a network up without using the ifup command?23:11
curious397eggbloke: try this sudo mount -a23:11
Richie086ubuntuuuss: dhclient?  not sure if that would di it23:11
Richie086wanderingi: try rm -r directoryname but be careful to make sure you are typing the directory name23:11
michelbronteee: Problem solved. Wanna know, how?23:11
ubuntuuussRichie086: no, that would take care of the dhcp part, but would not bring the network up in itself23:12
wanderingiok thanks23:12
Richie086ubuntuuuss: yeah like i said, not sure..23:12
michelbrontoeee: Problem solved. Wanna know, how?23:12
brontoeeemichel, tell me23:12
Da|Mummycoz_, i see 38 structures, some of them are usb related, none of them give me any info on speed of usb23:12
eggblokecurious397: it just says it is already mounted.23:12
coz_Da|Mummy,  darn I thought for sure it would23:12
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michelbrontoeee: gksudo gedit /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state23:13
fumblnoobubuntuuuss: sudo ifconfig <device> up; sudo dhclient <device>23:13
michelbrontoeee: In the file was written:23:13
FloodBot2michel: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:13
curious397eggbloke: if it were me i'd copy the entry from mtab into fstab23:13
brontoeeemichel, what, locked cofig file ?23:13
michelbrontoeee: I had to sich from NeworkingEnable to "true"23:14
coz_Da|Mummy,   try  hwinfo23:14
brontoeeemichel, thats should be left click on network managers icon, no?23:14
curious397eggbloke: makes sense if it is mounted rw in mtab .. not showing in fstab and you are getting ro errors then it isin't properly mounted23:14
michelbrontoeee: This icon was nowhere, i think. This problem occures often, i think. (Solution by google)23:15
coz_Da|Mummy,   or with  dmidecode then google the motherboard for its specs23:15
ubuntuuussfumblnoob: I have tried that, but in order for dhclient to work properly the network must be up (i.e. I must invoke ifup), if I invoke "ifconfig eth1 up" it doesn't seem to be enough, try "ping whatever" after that and I receive "network is down"23:15
Da|Mummyits not on motherboard23:15
TomFyurihello! how to disable ati "display identify" which brings white number in red square on monitor after you switch from tty to pts?23:15
ubuntuuussfumblnoob: there seems to be something else that ifconfig up and dhclient cannot take care that must be "upped"23:15
Da|Mummyi bought myself a cheap little usb hub with 4 ports23:16
milamberDa|Mummy: lsusb23:16
Da|Mummyand want to know if its a usb1.1 or usb223:16
bregolchannel working now23:16
coz_Da|Mummy,   the hub itself is neither one23:16
Richie086ubuntuuuss: are you sure both ends of the cable are connected propely and the cable is a known good cable?23:17
coz_Da|Mummy,   believe it or not its not the wireing that makes it usb or 223:17
YEFAhi guys any idea on how i can make my opened minimized applications thinner on the taskbar on ubu 10.04???23:17
curious397ubuntuuuss: check out the following /etc/resolv.conf /etc/hosts /etc/network/interfaces23:17
eggblokecurious397: I moved the entry from mtab to fstab with no effect23:17
coz_Da|Mummy,   the hub "should" respond to whichever your system has23:17
curious397eggbloke: did you do "mount -a" ?23:17
Da|Mummymilamber, coz_ , heres what lsusb gives me, http://pastebin.com/69gpvGc823:18
eggblokecurious397: it says it is already mounted or busy23:18
ubuntuuussRichie086: everything works fine, it's just that I want to learn how to configure the network without resorting to ifup, doing all the dirty work with ifconfig and dhclient23:18
eggblokecurious397: if i do umount it says not mounted23:18
coz_Da|Mummy,  ok your system supports and uses usb 2123:18
coz_Da|Mummy,  rather usb223:18
Jordan_UDa|Mummy: "USB 2.0 Hub"23:18
milamberDa|Mummy: is the dlink the hub you are talking about?23:19
Da|Mummyive no idea23:19
Da|Mummyi also have one of those 50in1 usb card readers23:19
ubuntuuusscurious397: I have already looked at those, the /etc/network/interfaces is for use with ifup and if I use ifup it works fine, but the thing is that I want to be able to configure the network using manual commands, without resorting to config files for ifup23:19
Da|Mummythats inside my tower23:19
eggblokecurious397: I think I will just leave it and format the disk tommorow. It seems pretty messed up with random filenames and stuff23:20
coz_Da|Mummy,   I have had hubs that were low end and didnt work23:20
milamberDa|Mummy: are there any marking on the hub at all?23:20
Da|Mummymilamber, nothing23:20
curious397eggbloke: you could try to ssh2 from another host and then delete them from there but it's your choice23:20
Da|Mummyits a cheap 4 port squid hub from ebay23:20
Richie086Da|Mummy: have you tried lspci?23:21
Da|Mummyi think it stated that it was 2.0 on ebay link, but it doesnt seem like it is23:21
eggblokecurious397: okay i may try that. im gonna go now. Thanks for your help =)23:21
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Richie086Da|Mummy: or lspci -vv23:21
coz_Da|Mummy,   you system is already usb2  ,,,  it is most likely the hub... does the usb ports on the computer work?23:21
Da|Mummycoz_, yes23:21
curious397ubuntuuuss: have you tried a simple /etc/init.d/networking stop? and then ... start?23:22
coz_Da|Mummy,  ok  then if the hub ,,, plugged into one of the system ports...isnt working,,,then the hub is bad23:22
Da|Mummyits working....23:22
Da|Mummybut it seems slow23:22
Da|Mummywhats write speed of usb1.1?23:23
coz_Da|Mummy,   what do you have plugged into it?23:23
ubuntuuusscurious397: /etc/init.d/networking uses the information provided by /etc/network/interfaces , so it would be tantamount to using ifup, which is what I am trying to avoid in the first place23:23
Da|MummyRichie086, lspci only shows me motherboard/gfx,memory info23:23
Da|Mummya sdhc card reader23:23
coz_Da|Mummy,  I believe it is  18megs a second23:23
brontoeeeanyone can suggest a vector sketching tool that would properly handle wacom tablet with pen pressure support (inkscape and xsara are not behaving as expected, mypain does, but thats not a vector tool)?23:23
Richie086oh its an external usb device then?23:24
Richie086like a hub?  sorry hgave not been following the discussion23:24
Da|Mummy4 port squid hub23:24
Da|Mummytrying to figure out if its usb2 or 1.123:24
Rigorm0rtisHello, I am trying to resize an lvm partition within a LUKS-encrypted volume. How can I go about doing this?23:25
curious397ubuntuuuss: i never use ifup myself - i manually configure my networks but I am still not sure what your problem is sorry23:25
curious397ubuntuuuss: what is on eth0?23:25
coz_Da|Mummy,   the hub itslelf is not 1 or 223:26
coz_Da|Mummy,   does the drive write faster if it is plugged into the system port23:26
rkeeneI'm having an issue with Ubuntu 10.10 talking to my LDAP server.23:27
ubuntuuusscurious397: I want to be able to manually use my network without invoking ifup. So I would want to do everything through command line parameters, via ifconfig, dhclient (and route?). If I try to do that it works but when I try to ping something it says "network is down", it only stops being down if I invoke ifup or /etc/init.d/networking restart... but I don't want that, since they rely on config files (i.e. /etc/network/interfa23:28
rkeeneI have an LDAP server and configured my "ldap.conf" to do STARTTLS23:30
curious397ubuntuuuss: so you are running an isolated process and don't want network configuration for it?23:30
plythemanHow do I find a USB flash drive that isn't showing up in fdisk?  I tried making a Crunch Bang boot on it and now I can't find it to format it?23:30
curious397plytheman: look in gparted23:30
coz_ok I  have to break here23:30
m_fuldersomeone here good at networks?23:30
plythemancurious397: cool, lemme check23:31
Da|Mummycoz_, well i was able to figure out with disk utility that it is a usb1.1 with 12mb/sec connection :{23:31
ubuntuuusscurious397: something like that. I want to be able to do everything without having to use config files23:31
plythemancurious397: nothing in gparted either23:32
plythemanI tried lsusb and couldn't find it either23:33
bigquestionHi there, I have a question regarding Empathy and yahoo video call if anyone can please help ( on private or here )23:33
jribubuntuuuss: network-manager is the default way to handle network connections in ubuntu23:33
m_fulderIm in a LAN network and try to telnet my external IP but it fails .. why is that?23:34
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ubuntuuussjrib: network-manager? haha, that's the first thing I "sudo apt-get remove" when I install ubuntu! :)23:34
jribubuntuuuss: how come?23:35
ubuntuuussjrib: my approach is completely the opposite to using things like network-manager23:35
curious397ubuntuuuss: any changes you make will be lost on reboot okay?23:35
ubuntuuusscurious397: yes, lost, ok23:35
ubuntuuussjrib: if I consider using /etc/network/interfaces to be too automatic for my "purist" tastes, what do you think I would consider using network-manager? :)23:36
bigquestionanyone know how to run a video call between 1 ubuntu omputer and 1 windows computer ?( using yahoo messenger )23:36
jribubuntuuuss: I don't understand, do you just want to write your own tools?23:36
Anom_is there a way to reset my sources.list file for EEEbuntu ?23:36
danielcould anyone teach me how to burn dvds ?23:37
curious397ubuntuuuss: you can try looking here and maybe at ethtools23:37
jrib!dvd | daniel23:37
ubuntuuussjrib: I just want to handle everything from the CLI, which I can do right now just by invoking ifup if I wish, but I want to do it even more "manual"23:37
ubottudaniel: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:37
jrib!burn | daniel23:37
ubottudaniel: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto23:37
curious397ubuntuuuss: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/network-configuration.html23:37
xilis there a way to see the name of a particular key, that is, the name the system gives that key23:37
ubuntuuusscurious397: thank you, I'm gonna take a look23:37
jribubuntuuuss: well you can control network-manager from cli :)23:38
curious397ubuntuuuss: i agree as far as network manager but network interfaces is okay23:38
ubuntuuussjrib: network-manager handles things on its own, the right way to do things, from my perspective, is getting one's hands dirty with "low level" commands like ifconfig. In short: network-manager is an aberration :)23:38
jribubuntuuuss: k23:39
ubuntuuusscurious397: looked at your link but it completely relies on /etc/network/interfaces and ifup when it comes to dhcp23:40
jribubuntuuuss: you might check out "ip"23:40
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ubuntuuussjrib: interesting, looking at its man page23:41
aLemmerHello, I'm having trouble getting 5.1 sound to work on Ubuntu 10.10 with my Nvidia Mcp51 sound card. Can anyone help me?23:42
jribubuntuuuss: yes, should entertain for an hour or two23:43
Rigorm0rtisHello, how can I resize an inactive LVM partition?23:43
ubuntuuusscurious397: if you recall ifup's definition is something like "it does ifconfig and route's dirty work". I would like to do the dirty work myself, but with ifconfig and dhclient somehow it's not enough. You keep on with the "network is down" complain until you invoke ifup or /etc/init.d/networking restart, it seems that there's something not configured that only gets right after the stanzas in /etc/network/interfaces are read...23:44
ubuntuuussjrib: do you think that when ifup handles the "iface eth1 inet dhcp" stanza it does so by invoking "ip" (besides ifconfig) ?23:44
aLemmerHello, I'm having trouble getting 5.1 sound to work on Ubuntu 10.10 with my Nvidia Mcp51 sound card. Can anyone help me?23:45
curious397ubuntuuuss: as a matter of interest what is the output of ifconfig -a | grep eth23:45
jribubuntuuuss: no.  I think ip is basically a replacement for ifconfig.  But I don't know much about these things23:45
ubuntuuusscurious397: don't have it here, but, believe me, that's not relevant for this topic (i.e. I have no misunderstanding whatsoever about what each ethX in my network does and what card it belongs to, that's not the problem )23:46
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ubuntuuussjrib: then we are beating a dead horse, since I am already using ifconfig23:47
cwageso here's a weird one: sound via my headphones jack has always worked fine in ubuntu 10.10. i reboot to windows 7, where sound works fine, reboot back to linux, and no sound via headphones jack23:47
cwageverified it still works fine in windows23:47
cwagei can't find anything muted in pavucontrol or alsamixer23:47
AikarIf i was to install thunderbird, would it take over Evolution as the mail app in the indicator applet?23:48
wanderingiif i want to combine stderr and stdout into the stdout stream do i use "2>&1" or "&1>2" ?23:48
nemi3_y a t il quelqu un qui parle francais dans le coin ?23:48
jribubuntuuuss: how does « ifup eth0 » compare to « ifconfig eth0 up »?23:49
jrib!fr | nemi3_23:49
ubottunemi3_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.23:49
jribwanderingi: the first one23:49
nemi3_merci ubottu23:49
Jenkglibc-2.11 yields a " undefined reference to `__stack_chk_fail_local' " error on Ubuntu. Any ideas ?23:49
ubuntuuusscwage: probably because windows switched off the soundcard on its own volition and maybe the "fn + key" thing doesn't work from linux23:49
nemi3_thank ubottu23:49
ubuntuuusscwage: I would go to the CLI and try alsamixer, and unmute everything from there23:49
cwagenothing is muted in alsamixer23:50
ubuntuuussjrib: ifup eth0 takes the stanzas in /etc/network/interfaces as configuration parameters, whereas ifconfig doesn't (with ifconfig you have to supply the parameters yourself)23:50
DrMaxI have upgraded today and I have an unmet dependency with package upstart23:50
DrMaxam I the only one?23:50
curious397cwage: disable your onboard sound in bios if possible - will solve alot of problems23:51
jribubuntuuuss: isn't that what you want to do?23:51
cwagewhat do you mean onboard sound?23:52
cwagethe speakers?23:52
cwagei'd prefer to have them working as well23:52
cwagethis is so weird. it was all working fine 30 minutes ago.. windows bitched something up23:52
ubuntuuussjrib: yes! but somehow the parameters I can pass through ifconfig are not enough, don't know why23:52
curious397cwage: you have motherboard built in sound and another soundcard yes?23:52
jribubuntuuuss: you probably need to mess with « route »? (again I'm not very knowledgeable about this stuff and just throwing stuff out there)23:52
gnewbcwage: If you have a PCI sound card and Onboard Chipset sound, that could be it.23:52
cwagesay no, it's the same soundcard23:52
cwagesay this is a laptop23:52
asdfqwercould someone recommend a good torrent client for cli use?23:53
curious397cwage: ok i am wrong then23:53
jribasdfqwer: rtorrent, btdownloadcurses23:53
Aikarasdfqwer: ubuntu comes with transmission23:53
cwageand i verified it's playing fine in windows still23:53
ubuntuuussjrib: it seems that messing with route is necessary when you are using static ip addresses, but it seems that route cannot config things if you use dhcp23:53
jribubuntuuuss: I see, so ifconfig eth0 up and then using dhcp is not sufficient still?23:54
ubuntuuussjrib: I'd really like to know what the "iface ethX inet dhcp" stanza translates into, in terms of ifconfig and/or route23:54
ubuntuuussjrib: no, it's not23:54
curious397cwage: have you tried the pulseaudio configuration ulitities?23:54
g_0_0cwage, what is the output of - cat /proc/asound/cards  ?23:55
curious397ubuntuuuss: give it a static ip23:55
jribthat would be "purer" than dhcp :P23:55
ubuntuuussjrib: yeah :) that's why I usually use static IPs hehe, but want to know how to config dhcp as well23:56
jribubuntuuuss: seems to work for this guy: http://serverfault.com/questions/46236/where-do-they-belong-ifconfig-eth0-up-dhclient23:56
ubuntuuussjrib: let's see23:57
jribubuntuuuss: how were you using dhcp previously?23:58
cwageg_0_0: https://gist.github.com/80698923:59
ubuntuuussjrib: nah, they keep talking about the damn config files thing23:59
ubuntuuussjrib: I have always used dhcp with ifup, but want to make things less config-files reliant23:59
jribubuntuuuss: I mean that was an example of someone who could use their connection by just issuing « ifconfig eth0 up && dhclient »23:59

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