
Guest68841this is my first time any suggestions on how i can get started?00:33
bazhang!manual | Guest68841 have a read00:35
ubottuGuest68841 have a read: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/00:35
Guest68841thanks bazhang but i need help just using irc00:37
Guest68841where do i find irc - helper00:37
sockPantsis there any difference between ubuntu and xubuntu apart from the desktop?00:43
charlie-tcasockPants: yes00:44
sockPantscharlie-tca: such as?00:44
charlie-tcamost of the applications, along with the underlying libraries and functions00:44
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels00:44
sockPantsis there any way to uninstall gnome from ubuntu after installing xubuntu-desktop and thereby practically obtaining xubuntu (and getting rid of useless ubuntu leftovers?)00:45
charlie-tcaYou can try, sometimes if works and sometimes not. See00:45
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »00:45
sockPantsthanks, that's great00:45
sockPantsalso, if i were upgrading from an older version of ubuntu to xubuntu, what should i do first, upgrade ubuntu and then switch or switch and then upgrade00:46
charlie-tcaUm, probably switch first, the newer it gets, the more difficult it is to remove gnome00:47
sockPantsk, thanks00:48
charlie-tcaYou are welcome00:48
=== jwkokc is now known as jk_
Calzcan anybody help me?02:50
Calzto install xubuntu02:50
joshua__just ask02:50
charlie-tcaHow are you installing?02:51
Calzi'm having the errnor 502:51
Calzinput/output error02:51
Calzi'm sure that the problem isn't the cd02:51
charlie-tcadid you burn the image to cd?02:51
joshua__checked the md5sum of the iso02:52
Calzi already did02:52
charlie-tcadid it pass the integrity check?02:52
Calzin my kurumin ^^02:52
charlie-tcain the machine you are installing to02:52
Calzin a sempron 1.6, 512 ddr with two samsungs of 80gb02:53
charlie-tcadid it pass the integrity check in the machine you are installing it on?02:53
Calzin a pcchips  m871g02:53
Calzwhat do you mean charlie-tca ?02:54
charlie-tcawhen you start the cd, there is a menu. one of the items is "check the cd for defects" or similar.02:54
charlie-tcarun that02:54
Calzjust have a memory test and a hd test02:55
Calzand my version is 10.1002:55
charlie-tcathis is a xubuntu cd?02:56
charlie-tcalook at item number 3 in the menu after you picked the language02:56
charlie-tcait says "check disk for defects"02:57
charlie-tcarun it02:57
Calzcharlie-tca, yes i downloaded the iso, burned it and made the md5sum test02:57
charlie-tcainput/output error is a bad burn, or defective hardware02:57
charlie-tcago back and run the test on the cd in the computer you want to install to02:58
Calzok then02:58
Calzshould i check the cd or my hd ?02:58
charlie-tcathat is from three years of testing these images02:58
charlie-tcayou should do the test I just told you to. put the cd in the drive, pick a language, pick the third entry in the menu02:59
charlie-tcaCheck disk for defects02:59
Calzi have two hds02:59
* likemindead is re-flipping-diculously excited about Xubuntu 11.04 dropping.03:00
Calzif i found some problem, how can i identify in which it is03:00
charlie-tcaif it finds a problem, it is the cd03:00
charlie-tcalikemindead: me too03:01
Calzok, but it will check the hd, doesn't ?03:01
likemindeadI'm using Mint 10 right now & missing Xubuntu something fierce.03:01
charlie-tcaget away from mint then03:01
Calzsorry, i'm newbie03:01
Calzi will try03:01
charlie-tcaCalz: you might have to hold the right shift key to bring up the menu03:02
Calz i also have an other cd with the ubuntu 10.1003:02
charlie-tcaI ran these everyday for two years, and three times a week for the last year, I am pretty sure03:02
Calzthat i burned with the same procedure03:02
Calz/say $server03:03
charlie-tcaI can burn 10 cd's in a row. 9 will work03:03
Calz/echo -a $server03:03
Calzgod damn'03:03
Calzno problem03:03
Calzi will try03:04
Calzthanks for the help charlie-tca03:04
charlie-tcaYou´re welcome. Good luck...03:04
Calzalso joshua__03:04
AscavasaionYippee!  I tried to install Xubuntu and it died with "Can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs  That was about 30 seconds into the bootup.07:03
Ascavasaionbefore I even installed it!07:03
AscavasaionWhoop whoop!!!07:03
AscavasaionAwesome, Xubuntu LiveCD does not work either... how awesome is that?07:06
bazhangsounds like a bad burn/corrupt iso07:10
bazhangmd5 the iso, reburn at low speed, do the disk integrity check07:11
Ascavasaionbazhang: HOw does one MD5 an ISO?07:13
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows07:14
AscavasaionThank you bazhang07:15
_Techie_when installing ubuntu is the meta package ubuntu-desktop marked as installed, or do i need to do extra work when converting my standard install into xubunut07:27
Ascavasaionbazhang: I created a file called xubuntu.md5 containing "1fd8dfb8b0097e7f6c4cefa9bdcae7aa *natty-desktop-i386.iso" and then ran the windows application 'md5sum -c xubuntu.md5' and it says the checksum did not match.  Does it mean I must reburn, or redownload?07:30
AscavasaionOh, just spotted a md5sum file on the CD itself... oops... brb07:34
AscavasaionHmm, md5sum error ... 1 of 69 files could not be read... do I have to redownload, or reburn the ISO?07:42
bazhangAscavasaion, md5 dont match means it is a corrupt iso; did you get this via http, torrent or what07:46
Ascavasaionbazhang: Off xubuntu site.  ftp I suppose.07:47
bazhangAscavasaion, I've always found torrents to be the best/most error-free for downloading, but yes you'd need to get another iso, whichever method you do select07:48
Ascavasaionbazhang: Aaaah, okay... sigh... there goes my new cap for February :(07:49
bazhangAscavasaion, some places have local mirrors that are exempt from cap07:50
faLUCEhi. Is there a well ubuntu-compatible pci express video capture card (8 video inputs or more) that I can buy?07:50
bazhangie Australia being one07:50
bazhangfaLUCE, for mythtv?07:50
faLUCEbazhang: video sourveillance07:50
faLUCEbazhang: vlc07:50
bazhangI'd say hauppage, but that seems to be for PVR and not video surveillance, as far as I know07:52
Ascavasaionbazhang: Not in 3rd world South Africa :)07:53
bazhangAscavasaion, here's a thought; why not check your loco channel, and see if there are any Linux User Groups in your area07:54
bazhang#ubuntu-za is the freenode channel07:57
AscavasaionThanks buddy :)08:00
bazhangAscavasaion, they could probably hook you up with a free cd, or know where to get one08:01
Ascavasaionbazhang: It is okay... I will give it a pass.  I have been struggling with so many Linux distros, and all I wanted was one with a kernel that has VGA arbiter enabled.  Not going to happen it seems, so I think I will be one of those who goes back to good old Windows rubbish.08:02
Ascavasaionbazhang: Thank you for your help though.  I appreciate it.08:02
kuatoARgreetings from Argentina08:34
kuatoARanybody here ?08:34
kuatoARno ?08:37
kuatoARI have a problem, moved from Ubuntu 10.10 to Xubuntu 10.10 , now ... no sound.08:37
TheSheepkuatoAR: how are you checking?08:38
kuatoARchecking ?08:39
TheSheepfor sound08:39
TheSheepwhat are you doing that should give you sound but doesn't08:39
kuatoARplaying mp3s and listening to online flash music08:40
kuatoARno sound08:40
TheSheepdid you install the restricted codecs for mp3?08:40
kuatoARthe installation proccess installed an mp3 codec08:40
kuatoARat least that was what i've read08:41
kuatoARwith a check box to select it08:41
TheSheepok, open a terminal and type this command, it should make noise "cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp", press ctrl+c to stop it08:41
TheSheepdoes it make noise?08:41
kuatoARand my soundcard is not listed in the mixer, my soundcard is an Encore ENM232-6VIA08:42
kuatoARok, waith a second, i will executa that command08:42
kuatoARcan't execute that08:43
kuatoARtryed with sudo, no luck08:44
TheSheepgo to system->users and groups and add yourself to the 'audio' group08:44
TheSheepthen try again08:45
kuatoARxubuntu 10.10 fresh install08:48
TheSheepcan you pastebin the result of "lsmod | grep snd"?08:49
kuatoARI think i have an onboard soundcard08:51
TheSheeplooks good08:51
kuatoARno sound at all08:52
TheSheepplease start xfce4-mixer and make sure all channels are unmuted08:52
kuatoAR xfce4-mixer ? how i do that ?08:52
TheSheeptype 'xfce4-mixer' and press enter08:52
kuatoAReverything is unmuted08:53
kuatoARmaster selected08:53
TheSheepmake sure to check all sound cards in the dropdown at top08:53
kuatoARice1724 could be my ENCORE PCI card ?08:54
TheSheepit could be, no idea08:55
kuatoARwell no sound hahaha, thanks anyway08:55
TheSheepok, next step, install 'pavucontrol' and 'padevchooser' programs08:55
TheSheepwith 'apt-get install name-of-the-program-here'08:56
TheSheepwith sudo08:56
TheSheepthen start padevchooser, it will appear in the system tray, then make sure the right sound card is selected09:00
TheSheepwell, that's all I can think of, you can try the advices from:09:01
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.09:01
TheSheepand the forums09:01
TheSheepuse "lspci | grep Audio" to see the exact model of your sound card09:02
kuatoARI've installed those programs09:03
kuatoARnothing appears in the system tray09:04
kuatoARi must run it ?09:05
residentgreyhola, i run 9.10 still, my desktop gets a second one over it, only showing removable devices instead of the actual desktop with the trashcan and all that, and i haven't a clue how that happened, or more importantly how to fix it, i tried to 'google' answers but I don't know the right terms to search under, PLZ HALP09:09
kuatoARback to xp ! and virus :(09:10
kuatoARthanks for your time TheSheep09:10
residentgreyyou try stuff like hiren's CD and Kaperky09:10
residentgreyi got a couple nasty bugs out that way09:11
kuatoARnothing in forums, my card must be made in "mars" , xubuntu can't identify it09:11
residentgreyit's venus09:11
residentgreywe know more of mars than venus09:11
_Techie_when installing ubuntu is the meta package ubuntu-desktop marked as installed, or do i need to do extra work when converting my standard install into xubuntu09:15
Sysi!purexfce | _Techie_09:39
ubottu_Techie_: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »09:39
Sysiresidentgrey: see desktop settings09:41
residentgreydone it is how i wanted it09:42
residentgreybut this...is not09:42
residentgreyi think a program runs on startup once and changes it or smth, or links it with a different config after loading09:42
residentgreyits not on the startup thing in the cpanel09:43
residentgrey'settings manager' etc09:43
Sysido yo have nautilus installed?09:48
Sysiit can do that kinda problems09:48
residentgreyfor dropbox to work i put it in ages ago09:49
residentgreyno problems till like a week ago09:49
Sysii think there is a fix09:52
Sysiyou could try google09:52
residentgreythat's the first thing i did09:53
residentgreybut i know not the right terms to search so came here09:53
Sysii guess you need to use gconf-editor09:57
residentgreybut what file do i edit?09:58
residentgreyi haven't messed with the system in months, ie researching where everything goes and such09:58
Sysisomething about nautilus/desktop09:58
residentgreyfirst nix box09:58
residentgreywhy nautilus?09:58
residentgreythat program has been on here for almost a year09:58
residentgreyi needed it for dropbox10:00
mantisei just installed xfce, but messed up my xfce panels :s moving around with the clock to the other corner11:39
mantiseand cant move it back.. can i reset fxce panels somehow ?11:39
mantiselike !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » <- in gnome11:40
ubottuDid your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panels  | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/11:41
mantisei just made a space bar between firefox icon and the sound options now11:47
mantisehow do i move a terminal to the fxce panel ?11:48
Sysiadd launcher, command is xfce4-terminal11:49
mantisejust make a starter? with xfce4-terminal in the command line ?11:52
mantiseand chose an icon ?11:52
mantiseor isnt that the right way ?11:53
Sysino need to command line11:53
Sysitry, you won't break it11:53
mantiseok :) works for me, but seems like a wrong way to do it.. i created a element, with xfce4-terminal in the command line12:31
mantisehow do i change the xfce systems langue to ENG ?12:38
thauriswulfa is there any sound them for ubuntu12:42
thauriswulfaQUESTION: is there any sound theme for xubuntu.??????/12:43
bazhangthauriswulfa, patience12:44
=== calebe is now known as Calz
=== calebe is now known as Calz
Calzcharlie-tca: hey, thamks for the assistence yesterday14:22
charlie-tcaYou are welcome14:23
Calzand yes, was a cd problem14:23
charlie-tcaThanks for letting me know14:24
Calzi tried an ubuntu cd and it worked14:24
AscavasaionWould uninstalling OpenOffice lighten the load on Xubuntu, or would it only free up some space?15:14
ablomenAscavasaion, only free up space, it uses no other resources if it is not running15:15
charlie-tcaablomen: doesn't it have a starter thing?15:16
Ascavasaionablomen: Can you suggest anything I could uninstall that might help?  I am happy with Abiword as a word processor, Mozilla as the browser, XChat for chatting, and Rhythmbox for music. Other than that I do not need much.15:16
ablomencharlie-tca, not as far as i am aware, lthe new libreoffice does not have it anyway15:16
charlie-tcaI believe the old openoffice used it, to allow faster starting15:17
ablomenAscavasaion, well you can always remove applications if you don't use it, can't hurt, but to make your system faster only disabling services should help15:18
Ascavasaionablomen: What services can I do without... Or should I just suck it up and and be happy with it as it is?15:18
ablomencharlie-tca, yeah the windows version, i have never seen it on the linux version myself15:18
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »15:19
Ascavasaioncharlie-tca: Perfect!  Thank you :)15:19
charlie-tcaYou are welcome15:19
charlie-tcaablomen: I didn't know linux didn't use that. I don't use OpenOffice, myself.15:20
ablomencharlie-tca, you could be right though, would be scary if it does and i never noticed that15:20
AscavasaionI used Abiword for the first time on a PuppyLinux system, and I must say it looks like a lovely little wordprocessor.15:20
charlie-tcaYou are probably right about it.15:20
charlie-tcaAscavasaion: I use abiword and gedit for everything, myself. also gnumeric for the spreadsheet works well15:21
nicofsI want to install (x)ubuntu on a device that has no internet connection... can i "just download" the packages needed for (x)ubuntu-desktop and save them to a pen drive and put that into the target device? (a minimal ubuntu is already up and running, so dpkg is there. sadly, both devices have differing architectures x86 -> ARM )15:41
TheSheep!info apt-zip15:43
ubottuapt-zip (source: apt-zip): Update a non-networked computer using apt and removable media. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.18 (maverick), package size 20 kB, installed size 128 kB15:43
TheSheepnicofs: use that ^15:43
Sysipackages.ubuntu.com should work too15:44
nicofsTheSheep, how exactly does that work? i don't need to update - i need to install... and download the .debs on x86 for ARM...15:46
TheSheepnicofs: you run it on your arm as you would normal apt-get15:49
TheSheepnicofs: instead of downloading the packages, it makes a script that downloads them and zips them up15:49
TheSheepnicofs: you run the script on any other computer (even windows)15:49
TheSheepnicofs: then copy the zip file back and continue installation15:50
nicofsTheSheep, ok... will give it a try... but for that it would need to be installed on the arm without internet... or not?15:50
TheSheepyes, that one you need to get from packages.ubuntu.com15:51
FloatingGoatI mean you can create launchers on the panel(sort of a dock?)15:55
nicofsand i'll use apt-zip like apt-get?15:57
nicofs"apt-zip-inst -p xubuntu-desktop -m /mnt" something like that?16:04
Guest36942Hello all, how do I upgrade form Xubuntu 7.04 to 10.04, via the update manager?18:58
Guest36942or command line18:58
Sysi!purexfce | TrueNhero20:32
ubottuTrueNhero: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »20:32
Sysi!purexfce > TrueNhero20:32
Sysiubottu is tupid20:32
Sysibad day it seems20:33
toal193how can I configure thunar to recognize .maff as a filetype other than zip, and open these with firefox instead of file-roller?21:16
toal193without affecting default action for .zip files, of course!21:19
charlie-tcatoal193: right click the file; choose "Open with...", tell it firefox21:20
charlie-tcaclose, and do it again, it will become the default for the file type21:20
Sysiif it's same kinda issue than with .doc, propably no fix21:21
toal193it will also associate .zip files with firefox, and I don't want this21:21
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