
doctormoSomeone decided to spam me with 1,000 emails to gmail. I guess after a 1,000 google decided it might be spam. heh.00:11
doctormoStill made a mess of my inbox... took me all of 30 seconds to clean up.00:11
doctormoWow the ships come in today... 10 questions confirmed me as the answer, 120 axubuntu points.00:13
jcastrothat would be 15000:48
jcastroyou get 15 for an accepted answer00:48
nigelbwow, just saw nixternal's picasa album03:45
nigelbthat is some serious storm there03:45
dpmgood morning all07:13
dpmmorning nigelb :)07:47
duanedesignnigelb: it is. Worst snow here in 10 years08:22
duanedesignoh and morning all08:22
jononight all, heading to bed08:24
jonosee you tomorrow!08:24
dholbachgood morning08:35
duanedesignhello dholbach08:53
dholbachhey duanedesign08:53
nigelbduanedesign: that sounds like fun :P08:54
nigelbmorning dholbach08:54
dholbachhi nigelb08:54
dpmmorning dholbach09:02
dholbachhola dpm09:03
dpmhey :)09:05
duanedesignSQL injection with car registration plate: http://bit.ly/hoqxWX09:38
duanedesigni lol'd09:43
nigelbduanedesign: http://pics.nase-bohren.de/2-feet-of-snow.jpg09:46
kim0Morning everyone10:25
nigelbhey, kim0 !10:25
kim0nigelb: hey10:25
nigelbkim0: How are you? Are you all okay?10:25
nigelbkim0: So glad you finally got internet \o/10:25
kim0Yeah all fine thanks ..10:25
kim0I dropped by a bit yesternight10:25
nigelbAh, I missed that bit :)10:26
czajkowskikim0: you're back  again10:27
kim0yeah.. the Internet is back10:27
nigelboooh, things are getting better then!10:27
kim0well .. he agreed to the people's requests, except it's all "promises"10:28
kim0no decisions .. most people have zero trust in the current gov10:28
kim0now they're allowing internet access again, to make us feel everything is over10:29
dpmheya kim0!10:29
kim0while hopefully it isn't just yet10:29
* kim0 hugs dpm 10:29
kim0dpm: missed ya buddy10:29
* dpm hugs kim0!10:29
kim0Advice to all US citizens, you really want to decline that Internet kill switch law thing :)10:30
* czajkowski hugs kim0 welcome back 10:31
* kim0 hugs czajkowski 10:31
* kim0 prepares to get back in shape10:31
Pendulumkim0: glad you're back! :)10:33
kim0Pendulum: thanks man :)10:33
kim0glad to be back indeed10:33
Pendulumkim0: woman :)10:36
Pendulum(as in, I am one :) )10:36
kim0oh shit :)10:36
* kim0 hugs Pendulum 10:37
Pendulums'ok :)10:37
* Pendulum hugs kim0 10:37
kim0Pendulum: thanks a million .. really appreciate it10:37
PendulumIt's not apparent if you don't know me :)10:37
kim0It would be my pleasure to .. some day hopefully10:37
kim0Just a couple of days away, and I'm back on hundreds of emails, thousands of news items ..etc sigh10:39
dpmkim0, so how are people feeling today? Do you think te pressure on Mubarak will be kept?10:43
kim0hmm .. I would hope so .. He has provided only promises, to me false ones, the price was 300 dead young-people, that is too much a price to pay for promises10:44
kim0However many people are tired by now, his words are convincing as well .. sounds so sincere10:45
kim0people are getting split .. I would think the majority will still be out again this Friday to get him out immediately10:45
kim0The amount of incorrect info on national TV is astonishing .. it's almost not funny anymore ;)10:46
dpmis national TV also very much controlled by the government, then? Do you have access to many nationwide private TV channels?10:48
kim0Yes, it is super controlled! Many people have access to satellite TV stations (AlJazeera, BBC...) that they watch to actually know the updates10:49
kim0The gov actually forced shutting down AlJazeera multiple times the past few days10:50
kim0it's been a cat/mouse game .. changing the frequency every few hours, and shutting it down again !10:50
dpmyeah, I read about AlJazeera being shut a few days ago10:52
dpmdid not know about the frequency changes, though, wow10:53
kim0So current natty breaks closed nvidia drivers ? or actually vice cersa :) can someone confirm11:01
dholbachkim0, on Al Jazeera lots of people yesterday talked about a "different reality" in state media11:02
kim0Yeah, it's like they're living in Wonder land .. there are 2 million people on the streets, and they're filming 100 people saying that's all there is. Besides hundreds of pro-Mubarak calls all the time explaining how wise is it to keep the current regime ..etc11:03
dpmkim0, on nvidia: yeah I saw that, thus I held on the xorg upgrade.11:04
kim0hmm I hate to hold out on upgrades :) seems like I'll do that too11:05
dholbacheven if Mubarak goes in September, there's going to stay a lot of old faces in government and positions of power - so I can see why people stay on the streets and say "it's not over yet"11:05
kim0absolutely .. problem is some people are starting to buy that sweet talking .. wishing for a stable country back .. etc11:06
dakerkim0, after all that, he wont leave!!!, it's a proof that the USA and Israel are supporting him11:07
dholbachI liked how somebody said "there's no way we can go back to the country we were a week ago"11:07
kim0If we wait 6 months, we might though :)11:08
duanedesignkim0: hello!14:32
duanedesignkim0: good to see (read) you14:32
duanedesignI just heard on the radio that internet was back on.14:32
kim0duanedesign: Thanks, same here14:43
duanedesignkim0: well i wisk you, your family, friends, and countrymen the best of luck14:44
kim0Thanks, we'll need it14:45
jcastrocjohnston: hey alright, mark answered your question14:58
mhall119which question?15:01
duanedesignhello jcastro15:01
jcastrohowdy howdy15:01
duanedesignjcastro: did detroit get any snow?15:02
jcastromhall119: he wants a way to remove the drives from the unity launcher15:02
jcastroduanedesign: yeah but it's a big yawn, like 4-5 inches instead of the 14 they said15:02
jcastrothey already shut the schools down and everything15:02
jcastronow everyone's  like "..."15:02
duanedesignwe set a record here in Tulsa, 14+ inches15:02
jcastrobought time you guys got some real snow. :)15:03
mhall119it's like 75 F outside here15:03
Pendulummhall119: that's really not fair to say :(15:04
duanedesignjcastro: hahaha, right15:04
Pendulummy parents had to extend a trip to California 2 extra days due to the weather. My father keeps telling me how nice it is. I told him next time he can send me somewhere warm and he can have the snow.15:05
jcastroeveryone was so excited about the snow day15:05
jcastroexcept for me, since I don't get snow days anymore, heh15:06
jcastroI bet people just go drinking today15:06
Pendulumwe're on day 2 of snow days, except today is really an ice day :(15:06
dakerit's going to be Civil war in egypt15:16
paultagthis is not looking good15:17
PendulumI am sadly unsurprised :(15:18
dakerMubarak sent his thiefs to throw stones & acids to the people15:20
paultagyeah, that sounds about right15:21
paultagI really hope who's in charge next won't take the US's bullshit with extraordinary rendition15:21
JanCdaker: those throwing stones etc. were police officers in civil dress apparently15:26
dakerpolice officers, thiefs , people from the NDP15:30
dakercamels and horses runing everywhere15:30
dakerin tahrir sq15:30
PiciSounds scary.15:31
dakerVERY scary15:31
JFovery scary and exciting at the same time15:32
JanCat least the Army didn't intervene...15:33
nigelbThat would be the last thing they want to do.15:33
JFooh yeah15:33
dakerkim0 has disappeared again15:33
JFothe military should be for the people over all15:33
kim0I'm here .. it's just horrible :/15:34
JanCJFo: the politicians and the police should be for the people too  ;)15:34
JFotrue, but when all else breaks down, the basic function of an armed service is to protect the people15:34
JFois or should be that is15:34
kim0To protect the "nation" they say15:35
kim0which you can understand anyway you want to15:35
JFowell, it is left ambiguous for a reason :)15:35
kim0any way*15:35
JFostay safe kim015:36
kim0They're burning the people .. throwing molotov from buildings onto protestors15:39
JFoI can see some of that15:40
JFothey are also saying that they suspect the government of trucking these people in for them to destabilize the protests15:40
JFoI hope that isn't the case15:40
dakerit's the govt15:42
jcastrokim0: is there anything you need done on the internet we could help you with?15:43
paultag+1 jcastro15:44
Pendulumjcastro: +115:47
JanCI'm just reading people in civil clothes beat up & "arrested" a Belgian journalist today; I guess they don't like foreign reporting...15:48
jonomorning all!15:49
dholbachJanC, I read that somewhere else too, lots of other journalists got the same treatment15:49
Pendulummorning jono15:49
dakerthat's not the ppl it's the govt15:49
jcastrojono: harassment page is all up to date now and finished. \o/15:49
jcastrogot the local info15:49
dholbachdaker, I believe you15:49
jonothanks jcastro :-)15:49
jcastrowe have a call today in 10 right?15:50
dholbachjcastro, yes15:50
jcastroPendulum: where are you based out of?15:54
Pendulumjcastro: northern CT15:54
* jcastro is trying to map the blizzared OSS people in his head15:54
jcastrooh cool, have you always been there?15:54
jcastrowhy did I think you were from NYC, hmmm15:54
paultagYankees suck!15:54
PendulumI lived in NYC for a couple years ending in May :)15:54
Pendulumpaultag: I'm a Red Sox fan15:55
PiciGo Mets!15:55
PendulumI grew up in New England15:55
* paultag hugs Pendulum 15:55
paultagPendulum: there's a reason I love ya.15:55
paultagPici: :P15:55
Pendulumpaultag: I'm almost into MA, actually15:55
dholbachif you haven't seen live pictures of Egypt yet, check out http://english.aljazeera.net/watch_now/ - it gets you an idea quite quickly15:55
paultagPendulum: yeah, I recall :)15:55
nhandlerWe have a tone of snow in Chicago (you should watch the video nixternal tried to make last night)15:56
Pendulummost of our problem is that we've gotten hit so many times without things melting in between15:56
paultagdholbach: whoh.15:56
PiciWe didn't get too badly in NJ this time, but it was still an icy commute this morning.15:56
Pendulummost things around here are shut due to ice today15:57
jcastrowe shut everything down15:57
jcastrobut the snow wasn't that bad, so they feel dumb15:58
Pendulumwe had one of those a couple weeks ago15:58
jcastroexcept the kids playing outside of course15:58
Pendulumbut we've gotten hit by a storm midweek just about every week this year15:58
PendulumI think we missed one15:58
Pendulumand it's stayed cold so nothing's melting15:58
Penduluma whole bunch of roofs have collapsed in CT :(15:58
Pendulummostly without injury to humans, but they did have to put some horses down :(15:59
dakerWow the Egyptian Museum is burning, that a BIG disaster16:01
Pendulumoh no :(16:01
PiciOh dear.16:02
JFoI don't think it is daker, I thought that was the firebombs in the road16:02
JFothey thought that it was due to smoke16:02
JFobut I thought they later said it was the road and the angle they were filming from16:02
JFoI *hope* it isn't on fire, I want to visit someday :-/16:04
PendulumI really hope it's not on fire either16:04
dakeractually no one can confirm that, the only person who can confirm is Dr. Zahi16:04
mhall119yeah, things in Egypt are going from bad to worse16:05
dholbachnigelb, what's the state of "write script that shows which loco team members of ~ubuntu-dev, ~ubuntu-bugcontrol are part of"?16:22
nigelbdholbach: as I told jono, Im working on it now.  Should be done over this weekend16:23
nigelbhey, anyone's tried connecting to FB chat via pidgin/empathy lately?16:35
nigelbIs it just me that its failing?16:35
dakerFB chat is under maintenance16:38
dakerbut now it's working16:38
duanedesigndholbach: is this still the current/working version http://daniel.holba.ch/temp/guide/index.html16:43
dholbachduanedesign, yes16:43
dholbachthere's no official home yet16:43
duanedesigndholbach: ok. trying to make a plan to start doing the screencasts16:43
dholbachonce you have an idea what to do, let me know16:44
duanedesigndholbach: definetly, i will try and break it up into different screencasts and then see what you think16:45
* dholbach hugs duanedesign16:45
dholbachok, my friends - I'm calling it a day - see you all tomorrow!16:47
JFobye dholbach16:47
* dholbach hugs you all back16:48
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
jcastrobest thing about a snow day ...17:16
jcastrojill's making bacon17:16
JFomakin' bacon!17:18
dpmsee you all tomorrow!18:13
dakerWow see the camels & the horses http://blogs.aljazeera.net/sites/default/files/imagecache/blogpostFeaturedImage/images/camelscharge.jpg18:16
jcastrocaffeine refill time, be back in 10!18:57
jcastrojono: how do you feel about a call tomorrow afternoonish wrt. unity?19:15
jonojcastro, sure20:45

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