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robbiew3min to go15:57
robbiew1 min15:59
MootBotMeeting started at 10:00. The chair is robbiew.16:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:00
robbiew[TOPIC] Texas16:00
MootBotNew Topic:  Texas16:00
robbiewapparently we can't cope with cold weather AT ALL!!!!!16:00
robbiewrolling power outages SUCK16:00
robbiewokay...done with that16:00
robbiew[TOPIC] Lightning Round16:01
MootBotNew Topic:  Lightning Round16:01
barrydang.  we missed all the bad weather.  rain only here in dc16:01
robbiewbarry: yeah...but that's the thing...it's just cold in Austin16:01
robbiewbut apparently too many people need it to be 85F or something in their homes16:01
robbiew /rant16:01
robbiewokay...who's first16:01
mvonot quite ready, sorry16:01
mvoI can do the short version though :)16:02
barrypython27 archive analysis; attended release team meeting; bug 711468 (python-vigra fails to install); integration of udd docs with packaging guide; i am patch piloting today (after meeting)16:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 711468 in libvigraimpex (Ubuntu) "python-vigra cannot be installed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71146816:02
evTrying to boot the El Torito code from an Ubuntu ISO on a USB disk, in the hopes of chainloading into it and avoiding the bootloader version incompatibility problem (you can't make 10.04 USB disks from 11.04).  Currently digging through the isohybrid/isolinux source to understand its black magic in this space.  Working on understanding enough X internals to write a patch to not clear the framebuffer on exit, so we can have a nice transition between the 16:03
evFixing bugs in usb-creator and ubiquity.16:03
robbiew"the El Torito code"?16:03
evthe boot code area of an ISO9660 image16:03
robbiewoh..heh...I never knew it was called that16:04
robbiewlearn something new everyday16:04
robbiewthnx ev16:04
evsure thing :)16:04
robbiewdoko is on holiday...hopefully not injuring himself further on the ski slopes16:04
jhuntSpent most of the time since last week investigating and testing bug16:04
jhunt672177 on lucid+maverick+natty. Got rather a funky script now that does16:04
jhuntrepeated reboots and logs activity and fsck output and checks for16:04
jhuntorphaned inodes. Investigating this bug was rather a voyage of16:04
jhuntdiscovery: lots of package juggling fun but also a bit of16:04
jhunthead-scratching until cjwatson enlightened me on why the sysvinit bzr16:04
jhuntbranch didn't correlate with the binary packages (importer failure - bug16:04
jhunt708655).  Wrote "Section 0" of16:04
jhuntbased on info from cjwaton. Created lp:~jamesodhunt/+junk/upstart-docs16:04
MootBotLINK received:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/El_torito#Etymology16:04
jhuntfor some beta upstart man pages. Dash of Upstart bug reviewing.16:04
evcjwatson: didn't know that.  Thanks, that's awesome.16:06
robbiewjhunt: that's all you did?16:06
robbiewjhunt is a machine!16:07
barryjhunt: i will take a look at that link.  i'm working on moving all the wiki docs into reST docs and integrate w/ the packaging uide16:07
barryer, guide16:07
jhuntIt's just the short summary lines that make it look like I'm productive :)16:07
robbiewsurbhi: ?16:07
surbhi* completed the util linux bug: 57985816:07
surbhi* finished the work to create btrfs subvolumes during installation16:07
surbhi* uploaded the patches (to mdadm bug 615186 and136252) for mdadm auto assembly fixes, waiting for them to get sponsored16:07
surbhi* working on event driven initramfs - trying to make mountall work, figuring out why its failing in its interaction with upstart16:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 579858 in util-linux (Ubuntu Maverick) "umount segfault on shutdown when unmounting autofs mountpoint" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57985816:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 615186 in mdadm (Ubuntu) "md_d0 array fabricated, prevents mounting md0 partitions" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61518616:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 136252 in mdadm (Ubuntu) "[->UUIDudev] mdadm.conf w/o ARRAY lines but udev/mdadm not assembling arrays. (boot & hotplug fails)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13625216:08
evspeaking of mexican restaurants, we should get the England cabal together soon16:08
evjhunt: ^16:08
robbiew\o/ on util bug...thanks!16:08
jhuntI was waiting for a comment along these lines :)16:08
* jhunt reaches for Mole bucket...16:09
mvoapt: merges,work on dpointer branch; Archive-crawler: kill overly huge icons when extracting; updated app-install-data and command-not-found-data; rnr-server: push lp:~mvo/rnr-server/utf8-appnames, lp:~mvo/rnr-server/compat-with-older-clients; software-center: add support for showing not-yet-published apps (for QA) via software-center-agent, port mago tests to current mago, push lp:~mvo/mago/packages  , work on debtags based UI, lots of work16:09
mvo on ratings&reviews; Update-manager: work on improved upgrade presentation; merged and uploaded new software-center with ratings&reviews; update-manager: work on EOL handling, misc fixes16:09
evjhunt: would that be the bucket that contains the Mole, or the bucket you use after eating the Mole16:09
jhuntwhat's that saying about renting Mexican food? (it's the same bucket!)16:10
mvo(done I should add)16:11
robbiewoh..mvo...your bug assignments have dropped to ;)16:11
robbiewalmost below 100!16:12
robbiewI WILL get you there this week ;)16:12
* mvo hugs robbiew16:12
mvorobbiew: much appreciated! I owe you [ ] tea or [ ] beer16:12
cjwatsondone: OpenSSH 5.7p1 packaging; fixed nasty console-setup breakage; lots of misc tidy-ups for alpha-2; experimenting with IPv6; starting to get powerpc test system up and running16:12
cjwatsontodo: plymouth framebuffer-switch handling (carried over again, argh, sorry)16:12
robbiewcjwatson: heh..yeah, I noticed a funky looking graphic at bootup now16:13
robbiewit's 4 boxes with dots inside each one...a reddish orange color...pretty at least :P16:14
robbiewbut hey...still booting DAMN fast!!!!!16:14
cjwatsonfour boxes sounds like a corrupted version of the ubuntu-text splash16:14
cjwatsonI hate graphics16:14
evcjwatson: getting us ready for the ipv4pocalypse?16:14
* mvo also got a charles stross book last week that keeps him up at night, funny to see airsnort mentioned in a book16:14
cjwatsonmostly just trying to get to the point where I know what I'm talking about16:14
cjwatsonI can ping6 ipv6.google.com, it must work perfectly now :P16:15
robbiewluckily slangasek runs ipv6 in his house...so we know it at least works16:15
barrycjwatson: how much of your home network infrastructure did you have to rebuild to do that? ;)16:15
robbiewit's not that hard really16:15
cjwatsonbarry: not actually as bad as you might think, though I did have to finally automate DNS zone file generation16:15
cjwatson6to4 is shonky though, can't wait for my ISP to get round to native v616:16
robbiewyeah...I recall setting up a DNS server to handle IPv6...was a PITA16:16
* robbiew remembers his days of testing AIX with ipv6....the HORROR!!!16:16
robbiew[TOPIC] Natty16:16
MootBotNew Topic:  Natty16:16
* cjwatson shudders16:16
robbiewAlpha 2 is this Thus...woot16:17
barryi'll have to start experimenting too tho my isp does not provide ipv6 yet, i just got converted to docsis3 so it's at least *possible* iiuc16:17
robbiewif you have any features or bugs you want mentioned in the release notes...update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyNarwhal/TechnicalOverview16:17
robbiewor at least let skaet know16:17
barryrobbiew: main should be fully installable with python27 now16:18
slangasekrobbiew: most of the problems aren't with ipv6 working, but with our systems /thinking/ ipv6 should work when it doesn't :)16:18
robbiewsweet...lol, at first I misread and thought you wrote "unstable"16:18
barry(not just builds, but all depends: python in main should install.  does it work?  well, that's another matter)16:18
robbiewslangasek: heh...details...details16:18
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/natty/canonical-foundations-natty-alpha-2.html16:19
robbiewso it looks like ev and mvo have some left over workitems16:20
robbiewmpt around?16:20
robbiewmvo: mpt has a work item that I suspect is doe16:20
mvorobbiew: I can write the guidelines up today, that will kill two16:20
robbiewmvo: for RnR...says something about pixel review from Otto16:21
robbiewgiven we just rolled it out...was that done already?16:21
mvorobbiew: thats not done yet, its about the pixel layout in the client16:21
evrobbiew: definitely deferred (and doing so now). Waiting on DX for that one.16:21
mvobut we can move it for later16:21
robbiew[TOPIC] AOB/GoodNews?16:22
evah, I don't have permission to change the milestone of that one16:22
MootBotNew Topic:  AOB/GoodNews?16:22
robbiewev: I'll try16:22
robbiewI HAVE THE POWERRRR!16:24
robbiewev: done16:24
robbiewanything else?16:25
robbiewRatings and Reviews is out in S-C....WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!16:25
robbiewthat's good news ;)16:25
robbiewI no longer have to manage Security....jdstrand is in da house!!! WOOOOOT!16:25
mvojamie is managing them team now? nice!16:26
mvocongrats jdstrand16:26
barryjdstrand: congrats!16:27
robbiewokey dokey....can call this one a wrap!16:27
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:28.16:28
robbiewthnx all16:28
barryrobbiew: cheers16:28
jdstrandbarry: thanks! :)16:29
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* stgraber waves19:02
stgraberhighvoltage: ping19:02
stgraberhey mgariepy19:03
stgrabermgariepy: is highvoltage around ?19:03
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha
mgariepyhe's coming :)19:04
stgrabergood, looks like we've everyone ;)19:04
highvoltageI'm having one of those days where people are telling other people to tell me that they're looking for me on jabber, and other people e-mailing me to tell me that they're looking for me on IRC, and people sending me messages on facebook telling me to read my email19:05
stgraberyeah, I've been poking you twice through mgariepy :) Don't worry, next week I'll do it in person :)19:05
JFohighvoltage, I hate those days19:05
highvoltagestgraber: heh, yes :)19:06
highvoltageJFo: It doesn't bother me anymore, people who are too impatient19:06
highvoltageJFo: It doesn't bother me anymore, people who are too impatient (not stgraber just for the record) will just get deprioritized19:06
highvoltageespecially people msging me on facebook telling me to read my email, since I only get those notifications by email anyway19:07
highvoltagebut I digress.19:07
highvoltageEdubuntu time!19:07
JFoI know exactly what you mean highvoltage19:07
highvoltageimages are currently being built for alpha 219:07
highvoltagehopefully the last spins for alpha 219:07
stgraberWe should have 20110202.1 on cdimage in the next 10mins or so19:08
stgraberbased on my guestimate of the build process (looking at the logs)19:08
highvoltagethey'll be listed on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ when ready so if anyone wants to help test this will be a good time to do so19:08
stgraberI'll publish them on the tracker as soon as they appear so people will get a mail asking for testing19:08
stgraberother than that, apw is working on my nbd issue and didrocks is fixing gnome-session. So we should have working LTSP for the next alpha ;)19:09
highvoltageI have the first alpha 2 release anouncement draft done on the website, it's not public there but I'm pasting it in a pastebin so long just for some feedback...19:09
stgraberhighvoltage: as we link to it from the wiki page, we may want to publish it but not promote to front page, so it's there but you need to know the URL19:09
highvoltageformatting, etc is lost and it looks horrible but this is what we more or less have: http://paste.ubuntu.com/561557/19:10
highvoltagestgraber: ok19:10
highvoltagestgraber: and it won't syndicate via rss either if it's not on the frontpage right?19:10
stgraberhighvoltage: "shouldn't"19:11
highvoltagea new librecad package has been uploaded to revu, I gave it a +1 and tumbleweed will review a bit later so if it's good we should have it in the archives after the freeze is over19:13
highvoltageI think I mentioned this in the last meeting, but we're replacing qcad with librecad19:15
stgraberI have it on my todolist too but I got quite a lot of stuff before that ;)19:15
highvoltageyeah I know you're way too busy, don't worry about that19:16
highvoltageanything else we need to do for the alpha?19:18
highvoltageseems like we just have to test those images (upgrades are already tested), fine-tune the release notes a bit and we should be good to go?19:18
stgrabersounds good19:22
stgraberapw has a fix for the nbd hang, so that's already fixed :)19:23
stgraberstill have an issue where I can't disconnect from nbd19:23
highvoltageI wish there was a way to make nfs as fast as nbd, if it wasn't for the performance difference we probably would've been better off with nfs.19:26
highvoltageI don't think I have anything further, btw :)19:28
highvoltagemgariepy had a question about menueditor and patches for the qimo-launcher, but I guess mhall119 could answer then when he's around19:29
* mhall119 is around19:30
mhall119listening to jono's livestream19:30
mhall119UDS-P will be back in Orlando19:30
* mhall119 is happy19:30
mgariepymhall119, will you need help testing that edubuntu-menueditor would work with qimo-launcher ?19:31
mhall119mgariepy: all qimo-launcher needs it the ability to point it to a .menu file to edit19:31
mhall119if it can do that, then I'm 99% sure it'll work19:31
mgariepywe will probably need to patch desktop-profiles for this to work19:32
stgrabermhall119: cool, I really like UDS-N, will be great to be back in Orlando !19:32
mhall119edubuntu-menueditor uses desktop-profiles?19:32
mgariepymhall119, yes to apply profiles to group19:32
highvoltageOrlando sounds cool, just a pity it's in the US :) (at least I figured out the whole US visa thing now)19:33
mhall119highvoltage: just pass yourself off as a Canadian and we'll be less afraid of you19:33
mgariepybut i don't think it would be a big problem to add support to qimo-launcher into this code if qimo support XDG_DATA_DIRS and XDG_CONFIG_DIRS correctly,19:34
mhall119mgariepy: it'll probably need your help with it then19:34
mhall119qimo sets those at login, yes19:34
mhall119Xfce honors them, so it should be good19:34
highvoltagemhall119: heh :)19:34
mgariepymost DE honor them :)19:35
mhall119I'm going to build Qimo 3 alpha 2 basesd on the Xubuntu alpha 2 ISO this weekend19:35
mhall119so I'll know more then19:35
highvoltagewe also still don't have much of a plan for artwork. the artwork team has made some suggestions, but to be frank I'm not excited about any of them (not that I'm the target market, even)19:35
mhall119Qimo isn't likely to have new artwork this cycle either19:36
stgraberEdubuntu DVDs are ready for testing !19:36
highvoltagereceiving incremental file list...19:37
highvoltagewe missed some alpha 2 goals, like getting acire, python-snippets and openteacher in the archives. not a big deal though, there's still time before feature freeze19:38
highvoltage"Integrate seeded package list with Software Center for comments and ratings" <- stgraber I think you suggested that, what exactly needs to be done there?19:38
stgraberhighvoltage: wasn't that for the website ?19:38
mhall119I'll submit the qimo 3 packages to revu once I've got them working on my alpha 219:39
mhall119then we can start working on getting something ready for edubuntu/gnome19:39
stgraberhighvoltage: I think it was the idea of getting our package list on the website and show data from mvo's Review and Ratings thing19:39
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mhall119stgraber: I've got the package list on the wiki, I can look at pulling ratings and comments into that19:40
stgrabermhall119: that could be a good first step19:41
stgrabermhall119: the idea for edubuntu.org was to merge the work you did (get description and stuff based on the seeds), use the Software Center's web service to get reviews&ratings and integrate with WebLive19:41
stgraberso someone could easily browse the educational software list, check the reviews, ratings, screenshots, ... and try it in WebLive if they want to19:42
mhall119stgraber: do you have a link to the software center web service?  I can start looking into it19:42
stgraberbased on a quick grep, http://reviews.staging.ubuntu.com/reviews/api/1.019:43
highvoltagesorry I was distracted by my boss coming to my desk to speak to me and another IRC and jabber conversation :)19:43
mhall119oh django, even better19:44
highvoltagestgraber: I'm not familiar with mvo's Review and Ratings thing, is there a wiki page or something for it?19:44
mhall119I'll look to see if it's in launchpad19:44
highvoltageah, I see19:44
stgrabermhall119: yep, my guess is that it's an xml-rpc service, so as the software list on edubuntu.org will very likely be a drupal module and I already use xml-rpc for WebLive, that'll be simple19:44
stgraberbasically just need to implement what you did on the wiki (parse the seeds and stuff, grab the package info and put it in the DB) and then grab the rest using xml-rpc (doing some caching so I don't kill the server)19:45
stgraberanything else for the meeting ?19:50
mgariepynot for me.19:50
mhall119nor me19:50
highvoltagenor me19:51
stgraberok, well, thanks everyone, happy testing ! :)19:52
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