
chrisccoulsonm_conley, just don't have the history menu open when loading a page ;)00:00
chrisccoulsoni'll fix that tomorrow though, it's quite an easy fix00:00
chrisccoulsonoh, i know exactly what causes it now. it happens if the history menu gets refreshed before all of the icons are loaded00:01
chrisccoulsonthe history item that drops off the end is the one that makes it crash00:01
m_conleymakes sense00:03
m_conleychrisccoulson: you wouldn't have any recommendations on how to proceed with this nspr business, would you?  I'm reading up on nspr right now, but I feel like I'll be wading through these docs for days at this pace.00:04
chrisccoulsonm_conley, i'm not too sure. is the nspr folder being passed to the compiler as an include too?00:14
chrisccoulsonm_conley, oh, hang on00:15
chrisccoulsonwhat does NSPR_CFLAGS say in autoconf.mk in the extension build tree?00:15
chrisccoulsonthat's probably more relevant again ;)00:15
chrisccoulsoni bet it's pointing to dist/include/nspr inside globalmenu-extension ;)00:15
chrisccoulsonactually, that shouldn't happen either :/00:16
* chrisccoulson thinking out loud now00:16
m_conleyhm, it's pointing to:  $(LIBXUL_DIST)/bin/nspr-config --prefix=[my home folders]/thunderbird/objdir-tb-release/mozilla/dist --includedir=[my home folders]/thunderbird/objdir-tb-release/mozilla/dist/include/nspr --cflags00:17
m_conleyLIBXUL_DIST = [home folders]/thunderbird/objdir-tb-release/mozilla/dist00:17
tarethHmm. Is it possible to run unity off of the nouveau drivers?00:18
kklimondatareth: it should work00:19
chrisccoulsonm_conley, hmmm, that should work :/00:21
m_conleychrisccoulson: hm.  Maybe I should be focusing my efforts on fixing the bugs in globalmenu-extension in 3.1 as opposed to edge.00:21
tarethkklimonda, alright, thanks. Unity's not starting for me at the moment and I wasn't sure if it was linked to xorg update kicking out my nvidia drivers. :)00:21
m_conleychrisccoulson: because so far, I've had nothing but trouble the last few days trying to get this work with the latest stuff.  :p00:22
chrisccoulsonm_conley, either is appreciated. i think the lightning crash is reproducible in both00:22
m_conleychrisccoulson: cool, alright00:22
chrisccoulsonit might be easier to focus on 3.1 for now, and we provide an SDK package for that too :)00:22
m_conleycool - thanks00:23
chrisccoulsonyou just need to pass --with-libxul-sdk=/usr/lib/thunderbird-devel-3.1.7 (or whichever version it is)00:23
chrisccoulsoni think we have 3.1.8 already ;)00:23
chrisccoulsonthat *should* work, although i haven't tested it for a little while. occasionally, i commit something that breaks tbird 3.1 builds ;)00:24
chrisccoulsoni'm still running a slightly older extension in tbird00:24
chrisccoulsoni guess i should try it ;)00:24
m_conleychrisccoulson: I'm curious - the skeleton for your extension, with the Makefile.in's, etc...did you generate this yourself, or is there a pre-built cookie cutter somewhere?00:26
chrisccoulsoni use templates from the mozilla tree ;)00:27
m_conleychrisccoulson: I ask, because I'm tackling integration with the new Messaging Menu next, and I'll probably start, as you did, with an extension.00:27
chrisccoulsonthe whole build system (everything in build/ and config/ is pretty much copied)00:27
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's a good idea00:27
chrisccoulsoni can help out with that anyway :)00:27
chrisccoulsonit was easier to reuse an existing build system rather than create my own ;)00:28
m_conleychrisccoulson: hm - another snag.  uGlobalMenuModule.cpp includes nsIClassInfoImpl, which includes stuff, which eventually includes nscore.h, and nscore.h is trying to include prtypes.h - and prtypes.h....well, prtypes.h doesn't exist.00:33
chrisccoulsonhmmmmm :/00:34
chrisccoulsonthat sounds like another nspr issue ;)00:34
m_conleyNow maybe *my* computer is telling me to quit for the day.  :p00:34
chrisccoulsonheh :)00:34
chrisccoulsonwhat time is it where you are?00:34
m_conleyi'm in Vancouver for the week, so it's almost 5PM.00:34
m_conleyit's like 4:35, actually00:35
chrisccoulsonah, that's not too bad :)00:35
chrisccoulsonit's 12.35am here ;)00:35
m_conleywhere are you?00:35
chrisccoulsoni'm in the UK. i normally hang around quite late most evenings00:36
m_conleyah, gotcha00:36
kklimondachrisccoulson: any idea why do my Firefox seems to freeze for up to 10 seconds every time I click on link? After restarting it everything works fine until the next time :)00:57
kklimondaI just got a Warning: Unresponsive script00:58
chrisccoulsonkklimonda, i noticed that today, i'm not sure why it happens yet though00:58
kklimondaand the script in question is Script: resource://testpilot/modules/experiment_data_store.js:15300:58
chrisccoulsonyou could try turning off testpilot ;)00:58
kklimondahmm, it did help00:59
chrisccoulsonit will be going off soon anyway00:59
kklimondaI wonder if it was the actual cause, or was the error a result of something else.. oh well, works fine, move along, citizen. ;)01:00
m_conleychrisccoulson: whew, compiled.  :)  --with-system-nspr seems to be the ticket for me01:11
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smspillazbug 68249903:30
ubot5Launchpad bug 682499 in unity (Ubuntu) "Crash when enabling/disabling various Compiz plugins and that Unity plugin is enabled" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68249903:30
ranjanHi all06:13
ranjanWhy are all of you here? No activities? Why are everyone silent?06:16
ranjanis the unity like this now?? http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_JSR8IC77Ub4/TTRtC4WihFI/AAAAAAAABn4/ntrB_591Kkk/s1600/83a257e838d48423d00f5e5fa11e5bc6-d36ysvh+%25281%2529.png06:20
smspillazranjan: most of us haven't woken up yet :)06:42
smspillazranjan: but hi :)06:42
ranjansmspillaz, oh sorry :)06:42
ranjansmspillaz, i am from india and its noon here ;)06:43
smspillazI figured06:43
* smspillaz is from australia06:43
smspillazranjan: that looks like a mockup06:44
ranjansmspillaz, can the present unity version tweaked to look like that?06:46
smspillaznot at the moment no06:46
smspillazunity is still a wip :)06:46
ranjanoh!! :(06:47
ranjanI was discussing with my friends the future of linux :)06:47
ranjani was ditching windows infront of them06:47
ranjansmspillaz, it would be very nice if the default ubuntu become like these mockups :) http://www.techdrivein.com/2011/01/4-beautiful-ubuntu-unity-ui.html06:48
ranjanIn my opinion that bar with shortcuts at the left side of unity is somewhat boring :(06:49
smspillazsomething to suggest to the designers when they wake up or the ayatana lists06:53
* smspillaz doesn't do design06:53
ranjansmspillaz, ok ok :)06:53
ranjansmspillaz, are you just an user of ubuntu or a contributer ??06:54
smspillazI work for canonical06:54
smspillazI basically do the compiz maintainence06:55
ranjansmspillaz, Great. are you a programmer>06:55
smspillazmostly C++06:56
ranjanOh My GOD06:56
ranjanI would like to become a python programmer :)06:56
ranjani have started too.06:57
smspillazI started with python too06:57
smspillazsince it was easy to learn06:57
ranjancreated simple hello world gtk+ apps06:57
ranjanBut i just dont know the OOPS, actually i didnt get a chance to learn OOPS :(06:57
smspillazyou mean OOP ? (object oriented programming?)06:58
ranjanwhenever i see a "Class" and "Self" i just faints :(06:58
ranjanYes OOP :)06:58
smspillazoop takes a while to get your heard around06:58
ranjansmspillaz, Yes. I know.06:59
smspillazjust wait till you get to polymorphic virtual function pointers in C++ :)06:59
smspillazand dynamic casts06:59
ranjan!! :)06:59
kklimondaand that's why God created other programming languages ;)06:59
smspillazthose are fun06:59
smspillazyes, but C++ is still the best one </fanboyism>06:59
smspillazranjan: if you want some inspiration http://smspillaz.wordpress.com/compiz-stuff/ the "Python Compiz Tools" are the first serious things I wrote07:00
ranjansmspillaz, i was just about to ask you the same :) the path you travelled to become a serious programmer ;)07:01
smspillazstarted with python, did some pygtk stuff, hacked on compiz plugins, wrote compiz plugins, rewrote all the compiz plugins in C++ maintained compiz core07:01
kklimondahmm, any idea why it takes *ages* to maximize terminal in Unity?07:01
smspillazkklimonda: nvidia ?07:01
smspillazthats' why :)07:02
kklimondasmspillaz: that's not really an answer ;)07:02
smspillaznvidia texture rebinding is sllooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww07:02
smspillazkklimonda: but I know, I get told off for blaming problems on graphics drivers :)07:02
kklimondawhy does it seem to affect only terminal?07:02
ranjansmspillaz, this is great :)07:03
ranjanyou are great :)07:03
kklimondasmspillaz: as I see it if drivers are not good enough to do some stuff, then the stuff should not be done until they are fixed ;)07:03
smspillazkklimonda: iirc there is a damage bug in the nvidia driver which causes it to mis-treat windows that have pixmaps which have alpha channels07:03
smspillazkklimonda: run compiz through valgrind, and watch as it goes batshit at you when you resize a terminal07:03
kklimondasmspillaz: so I can disable the transparency to work around it? good enough07:04
smspillazyou can try that I guess07:04
kklimondaI spend most of my time in terminal and emacs anyway - I don't need all this bling ;)07:05
smspillazthen disable it :)07:05
smspillazI'm the compiz developer not the compiz police07:05
smspillazthis nvidia bug is really annoying though, I wonder if I should ping aaronp about it07:06
smspillazmakes debugging a bit of a pain when you are valgrinding and resize a terminal which fills said terminal with about 6000 errors07:06
kklimondahmm.. I should see how nouveau works..07:07
smspillazand of course, valgrind stops reporting errors at about 100,00007:07
kklimondamaybe it stopped breaking system when you open web page with many images in it.07:07
smspillazkklimonda: nouveau isn't really supported at the moment. At the very moment it doesn't with with unity but it does work with compiz07:07
smspillazand resize is smoooooottthhh07:07
kklimondadidn't it work with unity some time ago?07:07
smspillazyeah, there was a regression which makes it hit an assertion failure. That's being worked on though iirc07:08
smspillazalso be weary that I'm not sure if we have the new kernel which turns on clock power mangement so your laptop might catch fire :)07:08
smspillazor desktop, for that matter07:08
kklimondalast time I used nouveau it didn't run hotter than nvidia07:09
smspillazruns really hot for me07:09
smspillazthen again, I have one of those defective cards07:09
kklimondasure, I have the same one07:10
smspillazoh, lucky you07:10
smspillazmine runs really hot07:10
kklimondareplaced my MB twice (or maybe three times)07:10
smspillazoh ok, so you haven't had the *same* card for 4 years like me :)07:10
kklimondaI've never had a problem with it overheating, just dying on me07:10
smspillazwell for me it doesn't die07:11
smspillazit just gets hot07:11
kklimondaI'd prefer that07:11
smspillazthats also true07:11
kklimondaas there is no way to really fix it post-warranty07:11
kklimondareplacing MB just puts you in the same lottery07:11
smspillazdidn't they extend the warranty for them ?07:11
kklimondaand resoldering the gpu also doesn't fix it.07:11
kklimondawell, it fixes it - until the next time it breaks ;)07:12
kklimondaI've already decided07:12
smspillaznext laptop I get will have a tegra2 methinks :)07:12
smspillazthose are more powerful than this card and sip power07:12
kklimondain my next life I'm going to be a shepherd..07:13
ranjansmspillaz, oh is there any alternate thing like Glade??07:17
ranjanComparing to visual studio its very difficult to create UI .07:17
smspillazqt creator?07:17
smspillazoh  uh07:18
smspillazQt creator07:18
kklimondayeah, glade sucks :/07:18
smspillaz(sorry Amaranth :p)07:18
smspillazI like glade07:18
smspillazI used glade to design the apps I put on that patch07:18
kklimondaQt Creator is for Qt though07:18
smspillazI know :)07:18
smspillazeveryone loves Qt07:18
kklimondasure, but why noone can decide on ditching Gtk+ if Qt is so superior?07:19
smspillazbecause all their stuff is already written in Gtk+ and they can't be bothered to learn the magic that is Qt :)07:19
kklimondaI don't mind anymore if *the* toolkit of Linux/Ubuntu is Qt or Gtk+. Just make a choice..07:19
smspillazthen again, I only have limited knowledge of either Gtk or Qt07:19
smspillaznobody ever wants to maintain the Gtk stuff in compiz so I have to do it :p07:19
smspillaz(someday people are doing to realize I have a deal with Amaranth to correct myself whenever I say QT or qt instead of Qt)07:20
kklimondameh, typing it is not a problem - but not forgetting it's a "cute" and not "q-t" is ;)07:21
kklimondahmm.. where can I change the number of virtual desktops in ccsm?07:23
smspillazkklimonda: ccsm -> general -> desktop *I think*07:28
smspillazits called "horizontal virtual size" and "vertical virtual size"07:28
kklimondaah, here it is. Thanks07:29
kklimondaor not. Do I have to restart for it to take effect?07:29
smspillazyou shouldnt07:29
smspillaziirc though settings are a bit weird in unity07:30
didrocksgood morning08:01
smspillazmorning everyone08:06
MacSlowHey everybody!08:19
ranjanHi all09:14
ranjansmspillaz, hi09:14
ranjansmspillaz, i am back09:14
ranjanjust installed the unity interface.09:14
ranjanhow can i make unity to use the faenza iconset which i installed just now?09:15
smspillazdidrocks: could you read my comment on bug 710356 and tell me if that idea makes sense ?09:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 710356 in unity (Ubuntu) "Resizing with external padding/grab area prevents reaching edge of screen" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71035609:35
smspillazit is basically the same thing that happens when you drag-scroll a document and your pointer reaches the edge of the screen09:35
smspillaz(taking a break from this invisible window bug since it is hard to reproduce)09:36
didrockssmspillaz: makes sense to me :)09:36
smspillazlets test if it works then09:37
smspillazthe only case it wont work though are the diagonal cases09:37
smspillazwhich sucks, but I cant think of a better way to do it X wise09:38
smspillazdidrocks: yeah, this solution works well, I like it09:53
njpatelMorning people of ayatana10:42
spikebgood morning!10:42
didrocksKaleo: hey, there will surely be a change to do in the .session file11:12
kvalokamstrup: hi. no rush with this one: https://code.launchpad.net/~kvalo/indicator-network/libconnman-ipv4/+merge/4845212:02
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kamstrupnjpatel: i'm about to roll a libunity release - this'll contain the launcher api. Jason's works hasn't landed in lp:unity yet; are you good with that?12:40
kamstrupkvalo: approved, no comments, really tight work there :-)12:50
kvalokamstrup: thanks! so tomorrow you will get your favorite, ipv6 ;)12:53
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didrockskamstrup: answered on the merge request, or didn't I understood it well?13:13
didrockskamstrup: thanks :)13:21
Kaleodidrocks: I am all hears13:36
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didrocksKaleo: so, I'll upload it after the freeze, probably tomorrow. This breaks the fallback system changing the key name13:37
didrocksKaleo: I'm not sure that you are fallbacking though, isn't it?13:37
didrocksKaleo: as you are using metacity, there is no hardware you know unity2d won't work?13:38
Kaleodidrocks: yep, we don't fallback13:42
didrocksKaleo: ok, nice, no action for you then and not breaking unity2d with the upload :)13:42
Kaleodidrocks: thanks!13:44
didrocksKaleo: yw, sorry for the noise, but better to ensure :)13:44
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smspillazdidrocks: could you try14:55
smspillazthat might help with your switcher problems14:55
smspillazsince I think your system is just slow at resizing X windows (which probably explains why redecortion was so slow for you as well)14:55
didrockssmspillaz: nice, trying :)14:56
didrockssmspillaz: can take some time because it only appears when I having some amount of window :)14:57
didrocksso trying in the long term14:57
kenvandinenjpatel, i did an install test on a slow ass, celeron based intel classmate last night (i945)14:57
kenvandineunity was pretty good on it14:57
kenvandinethis was the box that wouldn't run mutter based unity :)14:57
* kenvandine hugs compiz14:58
njpatelwe're getting there....places is the big one to get right right now15:00
* njpatel is working on that now15:00
kenvandinewow... managing windows on multiple work spaces seems to have just gotten way better15:19
kenvandineit seems to always take me to the right  place15:19
kenvandinegreat work guys@!15:19
kenvandinewhoever fixed that, i love you!15:19
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jcastronjpatel: something about a launcher API?15:44
njpateljcastro, it's landing today and tomorrow15:54
njpateljcastro, but we ahve some design issues to sort out too still15:54
jcastrowhat accompanying APIs and whatnot?15:54
jcastroie. when can I tell app authors about it?15:55
jcastronm, it can wait until next week15:55
njpatelno, its about one piece of functionality15:56
multiplatinumivanka,  are you free now?...16:08
ivankamultiplatinum: hello hello! No sorry am in a sprint this week. Sorry.16:09
multiplatinumoh c'mon, I've been trying to ask you something for over 3 weeks16:09
APItesting last nux/unity from repository16:22
APIit gets frozen16:22
APIhas anybody else the same problem?16:22
APInjpatel, davidbarth ?16:22
njpatelAPI, does it hang?16:24
njpatelAPI, I haven't seen that after we fixed libdee16:24
APInjpatel, yes16:24
APIwell I didn't update that library16:25
APIso I can test that16:25
APInjpatel, are you just using natty packages or I need to compile/isntall it?16:25
njpatelAPI, natty packages16:26
APInjpatel, ok, I will try that, thanks16:26
MacSlowlamalex, could you take another look at https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-dx-team/unity/unity.fix-701546-2/+merge/4830816:31
lamalexMacSlow, sure, let me finish up this block of code16:32
jcastrodidrocks: smspillaz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/KeyboardShortcuts16:34
didrocksjcastro: I had a look yesterday at it, I like it :)16:35
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lamalexMacSlow|afk, reviewing now16:45
nmarquesguys anyone can help with a small problem with empathy after last libindicate update ?16:47
kenvandinenmarques, what is the issue?16:51
nmarqueskenvandine, with the last release of libindicate, it fails to load. This actually happens also with xchat-indicator. The fail on empathy comes with:16:52
nmarques(empathy:4475): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_variant_builder_end: assertion `!GVSB(builder)->uniform_item_types || GVSB(builder)->prev_item_type != NULL || g_variant_type_is_definite (GVSB(builder)->type)' failed16:52
nmarqueskenvandine, this isn't on a ubuntu platform (openSUSE)16:52
kenvandinenmarques, yeah, we do have a minor patch applied to our's16:54
nmarqueskenvandine, which package is patched? so I can dig it also16:55
kenvandinewe are about to release a new version though16:56
kenvandinewhich includes that fix16:56
kenvandineas well as some other good fixes16:56
nmarqueskenvandine, I'll update after release ;) but meanwhile gonna fix this here for some testing16:56
nmarqueskenvandine, thanks for your time and help, most appreciated16:57
kenvandinenmarques, anytime!16:57
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MacSlowlamalex, awesome... you actually set the merge-proposal-status to "Approved" if you approved it... double thumbs up for that! :)17:12
MacSlowlamalex, thanks btw17:12
lamalexMacSlow, I am kind of OCD about that17:14
lamalexit's too confusing when it says needs review but someone did an approving review17:14
lamalexI consider that field the canonical "is this approved or not" status17:14
MacSlowlamalex, same with me... I always set it, when I approved something17:16
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jcastrocyphermox: did your multimonitor panel fix end up working?17:43
didrocksjcastro: on http://unity.ubuntu.com/getinvolved/#testingandtriage, you only link the upstream bug trackers where you tell to file against the packages :)17:58
didrocksjcastro: and the packages get of course more bugs filed that upstream only, can you add the packages links?17:58
jcastrook so do we want both on there?17:59
jcastroor just the one?17:59
didrocksjcastro: as you wish, maybe two will create confusion, so one should be better18:00
didrockspeople knowing how to triage will naturally look at upstream18:00
didrocksor maybe put the two…18:00
jcastrook so the question is, where do you want most of the bugs filed, upstream or yours?18:00
jcastrook, I'll add something to kind of try to explain it18:00
didrocksjcastro: well, we want people using ubuntu-bug to file a bug and that set it to the distro18:01
didrockswe need to have launchpad for those special case where upstream and a distro is tight18:01
jcastrook I can just make it say that?18:02
jcastrothe people who are experts know about +filebug anyway right?18:02
jcastroactually, the page does say that.18:02
didrocksjcastro: right. I'm more on the Bug Triage part18:03
didrocksjcastro: the links are only upstream ones18:03
jcastrook, so you want me to add to that then18:03
jcastroI can do that18:03
didrocksthanks jcastro :)18:03
jcastrodidrocks: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity18:05
jcastrothis page right?18:05
didrocksjcastro: exactly18:05
jcastroso wait a minute, we should replace the old URL with this one right18:06
jcastrobecause most user reports will come here18:06
jcastroso here's where we need the  most help18:06
didrocksthen, on the wiki, we can detail maybe18:06
didrocksI try to get them synced as much as possible18:06
didrocksbut the workload is quite high18:06
jcastroI don't understand why they have a seperate upstream project18:07
jcastroinstead of like the other platform things that just use /ubuntu/+source as the "upstream" project18:08
jcastroso we have one list instead of two18:08
didrocksupstream has different milestones18:10
didrocksthat's the only reason I can see18:10
APIis someone using NVIDIA drivers?18:41
APIwith the last x-server packages?18:41
didrocksAPI: I think the nvidia drivers aren't ready, isn't it?18:42
didrocksAPI: that what prevents me to upgrade18:42
APIwell, they were working until i upgrade a hour ago18:42
APII should had done the same18:42
didrocksIIRC, there were an email on ubuntu-devel telling "wait"18:43
APIurgh, too many mails these days, probably I skipped that18:43
APII will try to downgrade xserver packages18:43
APIjust checking if someone got that working18:44
didrocksyw, good luck! :)18:44
chrisccoulsonm_conley, thanks for your patch :)18:56
m_conleychrisccoulson: no problem - look ok?18:56
chrisccoulsonyeah, it looks good. i'll merge that now18:56
m_conleychrisccoulson: np - I'll take a look at the shortcut keys next.18:56
chrisccoulsoni might create a team on launchpad and move the trunk branch there, so we can both upload to it18:57
m_conleysounds good18:58
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chrisccoulsonm_conley, done: https://launchpad.net/~extension-hackers19:04
chrisccoulsontrunk is hosted there too19:04
chrisccoulsoni couldn't think of a better name for the team ;)19:05
m_conleychrisccoulson: coolbeans - I dig it.19:05
chrisccoulsonm_conley, nice, i've got it running in tbird with lightning now :)19:30
m_conleychrisccoulson: awesome!  Glad that got fixed.  :)19:30
chrisccoulsonm_conley, one thing i've noticed is that if you try to compose a new mail, the "Options -> Send a Copy To" submenu appears empty19:31
chrisccoulsoni'm nor sure why that is just yet19:31
chrisccoulson*not sure19:31
m_conleyhm - i'll take a peek...19:32
chrisccoulsoni thought it would start working after i handle the menuactive attribute now, but it hasn't had any effect :/19:34
m_conleychrisccoulson: hm.   more odd behaviour - for some reason, the global menu has become disabled for Thunderbird.  I can see the options up there, but none of them are responding to click events, and appear disabled.19:34
m_conleyand this is after a TB restart too.19:35
m_conley(this occurred after examining Send a Copy To)19:35
chrisccoulsonah, i get that occasionally, i'm not sure why it happens just yet19:36
chrisccoulsonfor now, try doing "killall unity-panel-service"19:37
m_conleychrisccoulson: do you think this is the extension misbehaving, or unity panel?19:37
lamalexAnyone care to give some python help? I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing wrong but I'm not receiving dbus signals. gdbus monitor says my signal is being fired though19:37
chrisccoulsonsometimes it doesn't destroy the menu when a window closes, and then if you open another window that reuses the same XID, it all goes wrong19:37
chrisccoulsonm_conley, it's definately a unity bug (or on that side of the stack anyway)19:38
chrisccoulsoni need to investigate that19:38
m_conleyok, cool.19:39
chrisccoulsoni bet, bamf crashes, and then unity isn't able to figure out that the window closed19:40
lamalexDBO likes to claim that bamf never crashes19:45
DBOunless it crashed19:50
DBOchrisccoulson, you would know if bamf crashes19:51
DBOnamely, you owuld suddenly have double icons for every running application19:52
OmegaI thought that was just a unity feature19:53
* Omega kidds :>19:53
chrisccoulsonDBO - i get that sometimes too ;)20:27
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
lamalextedg, what kind of "doesn't work with bugs" are we exactly looking for?20:58
lamalexno menu? missing menus? the works?20:58
lamalexjaytaoko, does nux have any kind of pagination widget?21:01
tedglamalex, Either, or menu scrambled potentially.21:03
tedglamalex, But if they're not with the latest dbusmenu, we should mark the incomplete and ask for retesting.21:04
tedgkenvandine, Okay, I think that indicator-datetime is the last one from me.21:14
=== ogra_ac_ is now known as ogra
tedgkenvandine, I think you forgot to push this merge: https://code.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/libappindicator/ubuntu/+merge/4772821:29
kenvandinelet me look21:29
kenvandinetedg, oh right... i just pushed my 0.2.92 branch21:32
kenvandineremember that was the one that had the indicator-application files in it?21:33
kenvandinei couldn't build it from your branch21:33
kenvandineso i did a merge-upstream myself from the tarball and uploaded21:33
kenvandinetedg, oh... hang on again21:33
kenvandinetedg, yeah, ok i had pushed my branch which was a fresh merge-upstream21:35
kenvandineyou need to clean your branch up :)21:36
tedgkenvandine, Heh, okay.21:36
jaytaokolamalex: there is a teab widget... don't know if this is what you are looking for...21:38
jaytaokolamalex: a tab widget21:38
lamalexhaha oh :P21:38
jaytaokolamalex: can you show me an example?21:38
lamalexjaytaoko, that would work21:38
jaytaokolamalex: ok, I will make a sample for it21:39
lamalexjaytaoko, thanks21:40
lamalexjaytaoko, I think what I'm going to do is pack that into a moveable_window, and then on each tab have a timegraph for the test, with max, min, avg fps21:40
jaytaokolamalex: sure, that will work!21:40
lamalexlet me know when you have a tab example!21:41
nmarquesgood evening21:41
Devil505hi nmarques !21:44
nmarqueskenvandine, the update on libindicate fixed the problem, all working cool now, thanks for the release.21:45
Devil505nmarques, about the patchs for gtk+2 and gdk-pixbux, you meant 000-gir-*.patche ?21:46
nmarquesDevil505, check them on my repo, it's probably easier ;)21:47
m_conleychrisccoulson: ping21:48
chrisccoulsonhi m_conley21:48
tedgkenvandine, Uhg, we have conflicting tags...21:49
kenvandineoh right... cause i did the merge-upstream again21:49
m_conleychrisccoulson: hey - so the extension is running on my stable install of TB (VERSION), and I kind of want to run it through gdb.  I was having no problems with using gdb before, and having the symbol table for the extension all laid out...but using the package install of TB (3.1.8), for some reason, the symbols for globalmenu-extension aren't available, and gdb is blind.  I've got the thunderbird-dbg package installed...21:50
m_conleydo you know what I need to do in order to get gdb reading those symbols properly?21:50
chrisccoulsonm_conley, ah, yes. the symbols get stripped at build time21:50
m_conleyI'm using --enable-debug-symbols in my extension build21:50
m_conleyand I had the symbols before when I was using gdb with my edge build of TB21:51
chrisccoulsonhmmm :/21:51
m_conleyI'm firing up gdb/tb with "thunderbird -g"21:51
m_conleyI can set a breakpoint in the globalmenu-extension code21:51
chrisccoulsondid you build with --disable-strip and --disable-strip-libs?21:52
m_conleybut other than that, I'm blind.  Yes, built with both --disable-strip and --disable-strip-libs.21:52
chrisccoulsonwhat happens if you rebuild the extension after running "export CFLAGS=-g && export CXXFLAGS=-g"?21:54
m_conleychrisccoulson: no dice.  :/22:00
chrisccoulsonhmmmm, i'm not too sure about that22:01
m_conleychrisccoulson: when attempting to list the source for my location, it complains "nsMailApp.cpp:  No such file or directory."22:01
m_conleyargh - this is going to make things difficult.  Flying blind.  :/  Oh well, here goes.22:02
m_conleyoh, I think I know what's going on - of course, gdb doesn't know where the 3.1.8 source is.  *sigh*22:05
chrisccoulsonheh :)22:06
chrisccoulsonnice, i've got the spinner on the menubar automatically moving on to the mail toolbar now :)22:09
chrisccoulsonstill a bit flaky, but it seems to work for now22:09
chrisccoulsoni might try and package a build for thunderbird tonight22:14
m_conleyi look forward to it.  :)22:15
multiplatinumwill the appmenu support more than just GTK, Qt, and Gecko?22:30
kklimondait will support OpenOffice/LibreOffice at some point22:32
multiplatinumbut not in natty?22:33
multiplatinumkklimonda,  will i be able to remove the appmenu in unity?22:35
multiplatinumor will i have to use the classic gnome setup then? and then remove the appmenu from the gnome-panel?22:36
kklimondaI don't know if OOo integration is still targetted for natty; you can't remove appmenu from unity, but you can disable it in application - the result is weird, you have one menu in the application and the generic menu in appmenu. For a normal behaviour you would have to back to gnome setup.22:38
multiplatinumbut the classic gnome setup also has the appmenu22:40
multiplatinumbut im guessing you can remove it there cause it uses gnome-panel and not the unity panel22:40
multiplatinumok phew22:47
multiplatinumhopefully 12.04 LTS will have the appmenu nailed down22:47
multiplatinumtill then imma use the classic setup im afraid22:47

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