
=== joshua__ is now known as Linkmaster
Legion-LynxHey could I get some help, Im running Kubuntu 9.10 and I am having trouble with my sound. I can hear sound from music or video files and I hear system sounds yet when I try to play a video on the web I get nothing. I also do not hear sound in Ventrillo or Skype. I have trying playing the videos in Konqueor and in Firefox to no effect. Any suggestions?00:41
starwind_so it seems i'm having trouble updating kubuntu, any help?00:48
starwind_All I get is a popup saying "One of the selected packages failed to install correctly. More information is available in the detailed report"00:48
starwind_the details are "subprocess installed post-installtion script returned error exit status 1"00:49
chandujshi alan___00:52
webohI am having trouble getting access to root.01:00
webohI am also having trouble getting anything other than gnome for a desktop01:01
webohsound familar?01:01
genii-aroundweboh: (K)ubuntu does not use a root account by design.01:06
webohperhaps, I should have used slackware.01:07
genii-aroundPerhaps :)01:07
webohbut slackware you have to compile everything. gag01:07
genii-aroundweboh: Root can be enabled, but it is discouraged since almost all scripts and commands etc make use of sudo. Also it is easy of course to make huge unrecoverable booboos01:08
webohwhat for updates, check if (K)ubuntu supports has the package etc.01:09
genii-aroundweboh: in commandline usually: apt-cache search <name>01:10
genii-aroundweboh: sudo apt-get update     is to fetch latest package list01:10
=== Muzer is now known as MuzerAway
diego_player media sugestion?01:14
genii-aroundvlc is also good01:16
diego_i need something like itunes01:20
genii-arounddiego_: If just for music, amarok likely01:25
diego_oh ok thanks01:26
diego_another question how can i increase the icons in desktop?01:26
genii-aroundin system settings you can specify stuff like icon size, spacing,fonts, etc01:27
genii-aroundI think under Workspace Appearance01:28
FloridaGuy... /home/mike/.kde//share/config/dolphinc ...not writable..01:32
genii-aroundFloridaGuy: sudo chown -r mike:mike ~/.kde01:33
FloridaGuygenii-around: chown: invalid option -- 'r'01:34
genii-aroundFloridaGuy: use -R  then01:35
diego_where is trash icon at?01:36
FloridaGuygenii-around: fixed....thank you.......what would have caused that....its a fresh install01:36
genii-aroundFloridaGuy: Also if you need to run dolphin with elevated priveleges, should use: kdesudo dolphin01:36
genii-aroundFloridaGuy: Usually by doing something like sudo <graphical-appname-here> instead of using kdesudo for kde or so on01:37
FloridaGuygenii-around: thats how i been doing it.....but just opening dolphin as normal user...was giving me that message01:37
genii-aroundFloridaGuy: If you use just sudo, it's not smart enough to know that the dolphinrc file should belong to "mike" or whoever01:38
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FloridaGuygenii-around: but i wasent opening with as root....i was just opening as a normal user..and geting that message01:40
genii-aroundFloridaGuy: Well, whatever caused it, was a permissions issue :) You know now how you can recover from it01:42
FloridaGuygenii-around: now after doing ...  sudo chown -R mike:mike ~/.kde   ... systen settings wont open01:43
genii-aroundFloridaGuy: Likely some cached files belong to another user. Try logging out/back in01:44
FloridaGuythat isent any other user for this system...just me01:44
genii-aroundFloridaGuy: If you just issue: whoami              what does it say?01:45
genii-aroundFloridaGuy: I suspect still some files relating to system settings are somehow owned by root. Would still suggest logout to kdm and back in, try again01:47
FloridaGuygenii-around: isent system settings...kde control center..kcc01:47
=== ubuntu is now known as GinoMan
* genii-around makes more coffee01:49
FloridaGuygenii-around: works now01:49
=== genii-around_ is now known as genii-around
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
thrall_perhaps someone could explain what's going on here: I look up the Handlers of my mouse in the output of /proc/bus/input/devices. I find event8. I try sudo xxd /dev/input/event8. It does nothing. I use the mouse to generate some input. still nothing. I was expecting to see some data. Have I misunderstood something?02:25
diego_How can i execute a script?02:46
sagacidiego_: make it exectable then ./script.sh02:47
diego_like this? ./script.sh in konsole?02:48
genii-aroundmight wwant to use a shebang first line02:48
genii-aroundeg: #!/bin/sh                       or so02:50
diego_so if my script.sh file is in /home/diego/Documentos/02:54
diego_in konsole i need to write first "cd /home/diego/Documentos/"02:54
genii-arounddiego_: then like ./script.sh02:56
genii-aroundOr just use entire path at start02:56
diego_nothin.. i put ./script.sh and nothin happened02:56
genii-arounddiego_: What was it supposed to do?02:57
diego_this is the script02:58
diego_echo "emerald --replace | compiz" > ~/.kde/Autostart/startcompiz.sh02:58
diego_chmod 777 ~/.kde/Autostart/startcompiz.sh02:58
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:58
genii-arounddiego_: If it just came back to the prompt, odds are it ran fine03:02
diego_i will see im going to restart my laptop03:03
diego_it works! thanks03:08
diego_genii-around: it didnt work :(03:26
genii-arounddiego_: I suspect it may have more to do with using emerald and compiz than a script failure. But since I don't use either can't be certain03:27
diego_that sucks because everytime when i start kubuntu i need to put in konsole "emerald –replace | compiz"03:38
DoYouKnow1is there anything I can do to eliminate my connection getting bogged down and disconnecting in kubuntu 10.10?04:11
DoYouKnow1it's a broadcom 432804:11
DoYouKnow1it only happens when I'm at school, not at home... I can't figure out what it is04:12
DoYouKnow1for example, it's likely that if I don't get this fixed before I go to school, it would be impossible to stay connected long enough to do the research there04:14
=== genii-around_ is now known as genii-around
DoYouKnow1or if I don't get some idea on how to approach the problem (right tools, etc)04:15
diego_how can i get compiz at Kubuntu start?04:18
iulian_diego_: you need enable integration04:28
diego_how can i do that?04:28
iulian_in ccsm search preferences need be there and enable it04:29
diego_it is enabled04:30
iulian_ummm try this in console04:35
iulian_$ cat ~/.kde/Autostart/startcompiz.sh04:35
iulian_compiz --replace  &04:35
iulian_emerald --replace &04:36
diego_$: Command not found04:37
diego_wrong sorry04:37
diego_my mistake04:37
diego_i copypaste wrong04:38
diego_this is the result04:38
FloodBotK2diego_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:38
diego_emerald --replace | compiz of at ~/.kde/Autostart/startcompiz.sh04:38
diego_i will see04:40
iulian_$ this you already have it just interval04:40
iulian_dont type it twice04:41
diego_i know was my mistake04:47
diego_i restart my pc and nothin happened04:47
diego_i need to open the konsole and put compiz --replace :/04:47
diego_so? what's the solution?04:52
iulian_ok check this page something with your settings is wrong04:53
genii-arounddiego_: I think your main prob is that there is a specific file format for stuff in Autostart and it's not a shell file04:54
genii-arounddiego_: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Compiz#Method_1_-_Autostart_Link gives a sample, you can use a different thing to execute than what they have however04:56
diego_i will see brb05:00
=== genii-around_ is now known as genii-around
genii-arounddiego_: Getting anywhere?05:11
diego_i wanna attach a photo05:12
diego_how can i do?05:12
genii-aroundUse somewhere like a photo pastebin05:12
genii-arounddiego_: Like http://www.tinypic.com05:13
diego_if u see the image i dont have the close and minimize button xD05:14
genii-arounddiego_: What did you put for the: Exec=         part of the .desktop file?05:17
diego_what it says here05:18
genii-aroundBah. I should have clarified to put the emerald <whatever else>05:19
iulian_diego : do you have instaled kde window decorator05:20
diego_now i started with compiz but i dont have my close and minimize buttons05:21
iulian_ok install kde window decorator05:22
genii-arounddiego_: Exec=emerald --replace | compiz05:22
diego_genii-around: where?05:24
diego_iulian_: from?05:24
iulian_in kpackagekit05:24
iulian_compiz kde05:25
genii-arounddiego_: In the compiz.desktop file example that i pointed to you earlier and told you to replace the exe3c line of it with your specific commaqnd instead of the one there05:25
* genii-around breaks out the Advil05:25
iulian_that is window manager like emerald05:25
diego_iulian_: it is install05:25
* genii-around makes more coffee05:27
iulian_in ccsm window decorator is enabled ?05:27
diego_julian_: yes05:29
diego_iulian_: yes05:30
diego_genii-around: done now restart?05:30
diego_ok brb05:31
diego_omg.. u are god!! im going to restart again but this restart works05:33
diego_nope it didnt work this time05:36
diego_but now i have my close and minimize buttons again :)05:36
genii-arounddiego_: Please pastebin the .desktop file you made05:38
diego_oki doki05:38
* genii-around amuses himself by watching the tag-team bots05:40
rwwI see this is not a form of entertainment unique to #ubuntu.05:41
genii-arounddiego_: For starters, remove the first line05:42
diego_ok now?05:43
genii-arounddiego_: Second, line 6 should be: Exec=/usr/bin/compiz emerald --replace05:43
diego_ok now?05:44
noaXessgood morning05:44
genii-arounddiego_: Put a # at start of line 705:44
genii-arounddiego_: Then save the file and re-test05:45
* genii-around slides noaXess a coffee05:45
noaXessgenii-around: thanks ;)05:45
genii-aroundnp :)05:45
noaXessi think my power management works not as it should..05:45
noaXessi disabled screen energy saving but after few minutes screen turn off and no screensaver comes up05:46
noaXessis there a way to check those parameters over cli?05:46
rethushow can i pin a package for kpackagekit?05:48
diego_genii-around: worse.. i dont have my close and minimize button and i didnt start with compiz05:48
genii-around!pinning | rethus05:49
ubotturethus: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto05:49
rethusgenii-around: i have pin it in synaptic, but it doesn't take effekt in kpackagekit05:50
rethushow this systems differ05:50
rethusPackage: xvidcap05:52
rethusPin: version 1.1.7-005:52
rethusPin-Priority: 99105:52
rethusthis in /etc/apt/preferences.d/xvidcap_1.1.7.0 ?05:52
rethussystem should not upgrade to xvidcap 1.1.7-0.205:53
rethusstill appear in kpackagekit05:53
genii-arounddiego_: Ok. Let me research a few minutes. I don't use compiz so can't test directly here05:54
ubottuping-pong, a fun game for all the family05:55
genii-aroundStupid cat keeps yanking my cable out :(05:55
rethus:) i have two of this supid cats05:55
diego_brb re start05:56
rethusah, i got it.05:56
rethusecho xvidcap hold | dpkg --set-selections05:56
rethusso i learnd something new..  kpackagekit is useing dpkg05:56
diego_i dont have my close and minimize button xD05:59
=== francisco is now known as Guest64080
Guest64080hi , i want to instal b43 since sta driver doesn't works for me06:00
genii-arounddiego_: I would try for the Exec line:   Exec=compiz --replace & emerald --replace &                like that with the two &06:00
Guest64080kubuntu 10.1006:00
diego_you would try? or me?06:00
diego_or both?06:00
Guest64080diego, intenta entrar a tu carpeta /home06:01
Guest64080pulsa alt+ .06:01
Guest64080luego busca la carpeta .kde06:01
genii-arounddiego_: For you to edit the .desktop file and make the Exec=   line as i put above06:01
Guest64080y renombrala como .kde-old06:01
Guest64080luego reinicia06:01
diego_genii-around: can u pastebin ur .desktop?06:02
genii-arounddiego_: I don't have a compiz.desktop file. i don't use compiz.06:02
genii-arounddiego_: However, you do06:02
Guest64080diego al u need is to locate .kde on your home and rename .kde-old and restart06:02
genii-aroundGuest64080: That is not going to help06:03
Guest64080genii-around it works for me06:03
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/06:03
diego_genii-around: because i delete my desktop file because i thought it was going to be normal06:03
genii-arounddiego_: Ok. I will make you one and pastebin. Please waity06:04
diego_ok Thanks06:04
genii-arounddiego_: http://paste.kde.org/4020/06:06
genii-arounddiego_: So to make a file in ~/.kde/Autostart     called compiz.desktop      and put the contents from the pastebin into that file, save06:07
diego_yeah i know06:09
diego_brb restart06:09
genii-aroundnoaXess: Did you try something like: xset -dpms          ?06:11
noaXessgenii-around: not yet..06:11
genii-aroundnoaXess: Sometimes monitors have their own builtin shutoff, that disables it06:12
noaXessaha: DPMS (Energy Star):06:13
noaXess  Standby: 3600    Suspend: 5400    Off: 720006:14
noaXess  DPMS is Enabled06:14
noaXess  Monitor is On06:14
FloodBotK1noaXess: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:14
noaXesssorry... just three lines.. i know if each one paste three lines.. ha.. i chat to a bot ;)06:14
diego_genii-around: good news.. my desktop came to normal but the .desktop file doesnt work cause it didnt start with compiz06:15
genii-arounddiego_: I'm currently fresh out of ideas then :(06:16
diego_it says that kubuntu start automatically start with kwin06:16
diego_is there any way to put like 4 seconds after kde is start to start the script?06:17
genii-arounddiego_: You could put something like:  Exec=wait 4 && compiz --replace & emerald --replace &06:18
diego_ok i will try06:18
genii-aroundWith the two & is important together after the wait 406:18
diego_it's still creatin in the 1st line this "#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open" why?06:20
diego_i will re start brb06:21
diego_genii-around: help me with this06:25
diego_it is a script06:25
* genii-around gets more coffee and reads06:25
genii-arounddiego_: I'm not sure piping emerald --replace into compiz works. But i don't have compiz to test06:26
diego_brb restart06:29
diego_i dont know what else to do :(06:38
genii-arounddiego_: I'm also out of immediate ideas. Also it's 1:38 in the morning here so I'm not very sharp right now06:38
ubottuUse the tool in System Settings -> (Advanced tab) Autostart, or System Settings -> Startup and Shutdown, to make programs automatically start in KDE session. See !boot for managing which non-interactive programs start at boot06:39
iulian_diego_: are you with nvidia ?06:39
Guest64080anyone knows how to get work broadcom bcm 4311 on 10.10?06:40
diego_is not a driver problem06:42
diego_it is a s.o problem06:42
iulian_diego_: ok i think first one http://paste.kde.org/4018/ it was ok06:42
genii-aroundGuest64080: Probably need the firmware from package firmware-b43-installer and then the b43 driver06:43
iulian_just somrthing reset settings at second restart06:43
Guest64080genni-atround I already installed the driver06:43
Guest64080but the sta06:43
Guest64080B43 doen'st appears06:44
diego_iulian_: what do u mean?06:44
iulian_at first start everything was fine second reset why06:44
diego_dunno :S06:44
diego_im newbie in linux a few days decided to change to linux so i dunno any script and those things06:45
Guest64080diego_ whats your problem06:45
diego_i want kubuntu starts with compiz06:46
Guest64080diego_ kubuntu has his own effects manager06:46
diego_i know but that can change06:46
diego_that's why its free software06:46
Guest64080diego hablas español?06:47
diego_Claro soy de bolivia06:47
Guest64080mira, diego06:47
Guest64080la verdad yo una vez le metí compiz a kubuntu y se veía feo06:47
Guest64080me quedo mil veces con kwin06:47
Guest64080y si tienes la version 10.10 de ubuntu06:47
Guest64080puedes actualizar tu escritorio kde a la version 4.606:48
diego_ps a mi me gustan mas los efectos que tiene compiz que kwin06:48
Guest64080y tendras un escritorio por demas precioso06:48
genii-aroundGuest64080: I'm pretty sure whatever driver you use, you need the firmware. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/b43 for example says to use the b43-fwcutter  package for instance06:48
diego_Guest64080: yo creo que uso esa version de kde pero bueno.. cada uno con sus gustos no?06:49
Guest64080diego_ puedes buscar como activar compiz en ubuntu 10.10 en google06:49
diego_ya esta activado06:49
diego_tengo los super efectos06:49
Guest64080diego_ la version de kde que viene con kubuntu 10.10 por fecfecto es la 4.3.506:50
diego_lo que quiero es que compiz inicie junto con kubuntu 10.1006:50
Guest64080acaba de salir la 4.506:50
diego_en donde puedo fijarme que kde tengo?06:50
Guest64080abre cualquier aplicacion06:50
Guest64080como amarok o la que sea06:50
Guest64080y donde dice ayuda06:50
Guest64080le daz y te dice acerca de06:50
genii-aroundPlease, english here :)06:50
Guest64080ahi te aparece06:50
FloodBotK1Guest64080: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:50
diego_Versión de la plataforma 4.5.1 (KDE 4.5.1)06:51
diego_creo que me pase xD06:52
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.06:52
diego_ok ok i got it06:53
iulian_diego_: script is same http://paste.kde.org/4018/ return it and see troubleshooting there https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion06:54
iulian_there is possible some sethings to reset but where they are in ccsm i have no idea dont use compiz06:56
=== laptop is now known as Guest24459
diego__nothin? :(07:23
diego__I MADE IT! FINALLY!07:31
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ucenik23kazhi sga uche kako da ga zatmnim ekranot08:49
ucenik22so e be08:49
ucenik22kosta ke te ebam08:49
ucenik23chekai koj e 22?08:52
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList08:52
=== root is now known as faLUCE
ucenik23Wa wa wa09:00
ucenik23Zhivi li ste ?09:00
left4deadmwso be09:02
ucenik23Ai privaten !09:02
left4deadmwne e09:02
Riddellucenik23: http://ubuntuforums.org/group.php?groupid=35709:06
=== chris_osx is now known as chris_bsd
=== francisco is now known as Guest82375
Guest82375hi, i need some help09:40
Guest82375is this expression weel typed?09:40
Guest82375sh: for i in `find /lib /var -name wl\.ko`; do mv $i ${i}.orig; done09:40
Guest82375it suppossed tosearch in /lib & /var all files named wl/.ko and rename it but it gives an error09:41
skramer_which package do I have to install to get back the default KDM Login screen?10:16
mantisei just did a purekde11:04
mantiseto remove gnome from my system11:05
mantiseafter i rebooted, no desktop is starting up ^11:05
mantisei only get into the tty login screens11:05
mantiseif i wanna reinstall kde from console11:08
mantisecan i just do apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ?11:08
mantisei just tryed to, said everything was installed, and no upgrades11:09
rorkmantise: you'll probably have to reset kdm as your default desktop manager: `dpkg-reconfigure kdm`11:11
mantiseoh, gonna try that. sec11:11
mantiseok, did that. then just reboot and it should work ?11:12
rorkI think so11:13
mantiseOk, thanks mate11:13
mantisedidnt work11:18
mantisewhen i try to startx/kde11:18
mantiseit says display not found11:18
mantiseor that its not set, and cannot connect to the X server11:19
mantisekeeps saying failed to connect to X server, no screen found11:24
mantisemight aswell just reinstall ubuntu then11:27
rorkmantise: might be a graphics driver problem, I've never had that problem11:30
mantiseyes, it says something with nvidia driver not found aswell11:30
mantisewhen im in console, can i cp a file to my windows hd?11:31
mantisei mean, where do i locate the harddisk11:31
mantisei need to mount it manuel in console ?11:31
rorkyou can do `ls /media` to check if it's mounted, if it's not you'll have to do a manual mount11:32
rorkwhich graphics card do you have?11:32
rorkhi GHH11:32
mantiserork: No, only floppy there. i have an nvidia geforce gtx 46011:33
GHHI Installed KDE in Ubuntu 10.10 . But How can i remove this one please http://i1-news.softpedia-static.com/images/extra/LINUX/small/ubuntu1004installation-small_000.png11:34
mantisei installed the driver in gnome when i had that installed, maybe it removed it when, i uninstalled gnome11:34
GHHI am spending about 1 month but i still can't remove the wallpaper11:35
GHHCan someone help me please?11:35
rorkGHH is that a wallpaper of the plymouth screen?11:35
rorkmantise: you can configure the nvidia drivers with `sudo nvidia-config`11:36
GHHrork, Actually i am not understanding that where it is exist but i saw this is not exist in plymouth11:36
mantiserork, command not found11:37
GHHrork, can you guess where is wallpaper is exist?11:37
mantiserork: i did nvidia-detector<- was the only command i could use11:38
mantiserork: and i got reply: none11:38
yofelGHH: sudo update-alternatives default.plymouth11:38
yofelif you want to change the splash screen11:38
yofelmantise: nvidia-xconfig ?11:38
yofel(with sudo)11:39
yofelif that's not there then the driver isn't installed11:39
GHHyofel, I have my own wallpaper which i want to use11:39
GHHyofel, I mean editing it manually and adding company wallpaper11:40
yofeloh, then the only thing I know is that you can try to edit the splash files in /lib/plymouth/11:40
GHHyofel, Is it not one wallpaper?11:42
yofelno, it's a wallpaper I think + the theme which handles the dots, messages and input11:43
yofelbut I think the background can also be rendered by setting a color gradient in the theme, so no wallpaper at all if that's used11:43
GHHyofel, But i can not find the wallpaper in plymouth11:43
GHHthat is my problem11:43
yofelI think it does support using wallpapers, but I don't know how11:44
GHHSo is it not possible to remove or using Black screen ?11:44
yofelwell, you can remove the 'splash' option in /etc/default/grub, that *should* give you a black screen11:45
GHHyofel, perhaps you are telling about the "quiet splash" but did not work11:46
yofelthen I'm out of ideas11:47
GHHthanks for tried to help me11:47
mantiseyofel: it didnt work. as su osv :) then gnome must have removed it11:48
mantiseapt-get install nvidia-?11:48
yofelmantise: which driver did you have installed?11:48
mantisewell, when i had gnome, it found an nvidia driver for geforce gtx 46011:49
yofelacutally, try 'sudo jockey-text'11:49
yofelah, that should be nvidia-current then11:49
mantiseok, searching atm11:50
mantiseyofel: when i do jockey-text, it takes a minut11:50
mantisebut nothing happens11:50
mantisejust gonna try apt-get install nvidia-current then ?11:51
yofelafter that run 'sudo nvidia-xconfig'11:51
mantisevalidation error11:53
mantisedata incomplete in file11:53
mantiseundefined device"(null)"11:54
yofelsudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:54
yofelthen try again11:54
mantisereferenced by screen "default screen"11:54
mantiseok, made new file now11:55
mantiseand did the nvidia xconfig11:55
mantisegonna try a reboot, and see if it works then? or just starkde or something ?11:55
mantisehm, still looks like it doesnt work.. ill do a reboot, brb11:57
mantiseit worked after a reboot :) thanks a lot mate :)12:00
mantisehm, isnt ther the software manager in kubuntu ?12:03
GHHSo is there ending helping me about that?12:09
tdnIs anyone using Kubuntu 10.04? Will you check what version kile is in that distro? apt-cache show kile12:22
mandlaHey guys apart from DIA what else is available for ERD modeling?12:37
skramer_tdn: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/kile12:37
skramer_tdn: packages.ubuntu.com is always a good place if you are looking for package information12:38
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Riddellmandla: Umbrello, but it's not well maintained (volunteers welcome)12:39
mandlaRiddell: I dnt like it either, i want something link Visual Paradigm, i have it but it wont run on Wine12:40
tdnskramer_, thanks.12:42
adnenesalut tout le monde !12:51
adnenec ma 1ere fois dans KU irc12:51
GHHI do not know why recovery mode is not working12:55
rork!fr | adnene13:03
ubottuadnene: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:03
BluesKajHiyas all14:31
BluesKajreinstalled 10.10 on my other linuxbox, but the newest kernel ( wouldn't boot after updating .. tried all the fixes I could think of but X was totalling broken, so I just deleted the kernel ...any ideas ?14:34
BluesKajer totally broken14:35
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utkuHow can I change DPI manually? I tried editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf but it doesn't exist.15:22
BluesKajutku, system settings/application appearance /.fonts / forcefonts dpi15:24
utkuBluesKaj: Well, I don't want 120 or 96.15:25
BluesKajutku, well, what you want and what you can getalready determined ..dunno of any other settings15:29
utkuBluesKaj: ok, thanks15:30
thrall_using "sudo xxd /dev/input/event8" I expected to see data from mouse input. instead it does nothing. Have I misunderstood? (event8 is handler for my mouse according to /proc/bus/input/devices)15:39
BluesKajthrall_, what are you trying to do ?15:42
thrall_BluesKaj: Well I'm actually trying to set up a wacom tablet. Part of the process says to test the tablet input with xxd. getting nothing from the tablet event I thought I'd try it on the mouse (which I know works)15:45
BluesKajthrall_, check your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file if you have one to see what the input device mouse settings are.15:47
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thrall_BluesKaj: I have no xorg.conf file15:47
CoJaBodoes anyone know how to fix the "network management disabled" error?15:52
CoJaBowhere network manager gets stick on that ind won't function15:53
BluesKajthrall_, ok you have to drop to a tty , ctrl+alt+f1 , then login , sudo service kdm stop , then sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg , if you have an nvidia card then, sudo nvidia-xconfig , then sudo service kdm start , then startx15:53
BluesKajCoJaBo, are you on wifi or ethernet ?15:54
BluesKajWirelessEnabled=trueCoJaBo, alt+f2 , kdesudo kate /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state, make sure :  NetworkingEnabled=true , WWANEnabled=true16:01
CoJaBoBluesKaj:  yeh, that's what google said too..16:02
S3IndianaIs there an isssue with the Kubuntu forum Getting an error: Service Unavailable16:02
thrall_BluesKaj: What should be different now I have done as you said?16:02
BluesKajCoJaBo, I took those from my settings16:03
BluesKajdid you see a xorg.conf file generated afrter those commands , thrall_ ?16:04
thrall_BluesKaj: no16:04
thrall_BluesKaj: I thought xorg.conf was no longer used?16:05
BluesKajthrall_, open the the run box (alt+f2) , kdesudo kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf  to see the settings16:06
thrall_BluesKaj: /etc/X11/xorg.conf does not exist16:06
BluesKajthrall_, it is used in special circumstances like ppl who tablets16:07
thrall_BluesKaj: I know, but I don't currently have one to look at16:07
CoJaBoBluesKaj: Yeh, I might just restore from backup, hopefully i have one :/16:07
BluesKajthrall_, did you drop to a tty to run those commands or did you just usw the cli ?16:08
thrall_dropped to tty16:08
BluesKajCoJaBo, you still din't answer my question, wifi or ethernet ?16:09
BluesKajthrall_, strange16:09
BluesKajthrall_, what graphics card ?16:10
thrall_BluesKaj: Intel GMA95016:10
thrall_BluesKaj: So I didn't run the nvidia-xconfig16:10
BluesKajok, dunno what else to do thrall_ ...not real knowledgeable about tablet computing and I suppose you've already been here :http://linuxwacom.sourceforge.net/16:14
S3IndianaNo one else experiencing an issue with the Kubuntu forum?16:15
thrall_BluesKaj: yeah that was where I got to xxd from.16:15
BluesKajS3Indiana, http://www.kubuntuforum.org/ , "no service available"16:16
S3IndianaYup same here16:17
S3IndianaThx. for verifying16:17
BluesKajS3Indiana,  np16:17
cjgelleshello @ all here ...16:19
cjgellesi am new here ... how are you all ???16:19
BluesKajcjgelles, hi, btw , @ doesn't work on irc , just use ppl's nicks16:19
cjgellesoh okay sorry ... thank you for the tip BluesKaj16:20
xrfanghi mobile broadband tab is not usable on my knetworkmanager, how to fix it? thanks16:23
BluesKajxrfang, pls explain,useable16:25
xrfangBluesKaj: the tab is disabled (gray)16:25
xrfangI have googled, and installed modemanager (which was already there actually)16:25
xrfangI am 100% sure that my usb modem is compatible with linux. I have used that before, both under kde and gnome16:26
xrfangbut haven't used that for some days, now it seems not recognizing the hardware, or I am missing some software package? I don't know16:26
BluesKaj xrfang , broadband tab, not familiar with that one16:27
xrfang:( ok16:27
BluesKajusb modem is wifi or ethernet , xrfang, I'm a bit confused16:29
Guest25832 /join #dondetuhermana16:30
xrfangBluesKaj: it is not wifi nor ethernet16:32
xrfangit is 3G mobile network16:32
BluesKajxrfang, sorta suspected that ...no wonder I was confused :) ..sorry dunno much about phone surfing16:39
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CoJaBoBluesKaj: Actually i did answer, but it went to the wrong channel -_-' wifi.16:40
BluesKajCoJaBo, so where are you now in terms of connecting ?16:43
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CoJaBoBluesKaj: Going to reimage the machine when i get home16:54
CoJaBoSeems to be the simplest way to fix it, i have no idea whats messed up16:55
thrall_BluesKaj: seems the tablet part of xorg.conf is now in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-wacom.conf16:59
coleWhat if I installed one version of an application via the apt-get and then a more recent version by downloading a .deb and installing it, would the se17:09
coleWould this be safe?17:09
busyfingershi folks can anyone assisit with a probe with  updates?17:18
busyfingersprobem rather, sorry, will have to get that M key sortd out.lol17:18
tborras\join #debian17:24
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thrall__W00T! Tablet now working perfectly! Pressure and everything!!17:45
* thrall__ bounces happily round the room17:45
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Guest80490Can't we install KDE 4.6 on Lucid?17:56
Peace-Guest80490: guess no17:58
Guest80490Peace, yes I see :D I mean, why can't it be installed? Also, I won't be able to install 4.7 and 4.8 as well..18:01
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yofelraffaeleeee: that sould require some system core library updates to get working properly that nobody wants to do and support18:05
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thrall_This seems most odd: creating  the file /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-monitor.conf (in an attempt to fix issues with double-monitor setup resetting on reboot) has caused my wacom tablet (which should be configured according to the pre-existing /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-wacom.conf) to work properly. Remove 10-monitors.conf and the tablet stops working. put 10-monitors.conf back, it starts working again. Can anyone offer an explanation of what is going18:09
Peace-raffaeleeee: welll.. a stable realese = fixed version18:12
raffaeleeeePeace, ok thx for your explanation. I though only the major version should stay the same (4.x)18:15
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diego_Someone knows how to start compiz with kubuntu?18:36
yofelinstall compiz-kde and select it in system settings -> default applications. My knowledge stops there18:37
rosco_ywhat is the *VERY BEST* music player?18:45
rosco_yas in numero uno18:46
rosco_y(I'm wondering which one I should install)18:46
Peace-rosco_y: mmm18:46
Peace-rosco_y: veryt best depends from you18:46
Peace-i use vlc..18:46
Peace-someone use juk18:47
rosco_yPeace-: actually, I'm trying to start an argument....18:47
rosco_yamarok, there's a name I've used before18:47
rosco_yvlc I've used for vidoe18:47
rosco_yand even a little video18:47
rosco_ynever heard of that one18:47
Peace-vlc is a very powerfull music plauyer18:48
Peace-if you enalble the stuff18:48
rosco_yI'll give it a try, thank you!18:48
george_hello! how can I share internet connection on Kubuntu 10.10?18:58
george_hello friends? how can I share internet connection on kubuntu 10.10?19:01
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areichmangeorge_: share with another computer?19:09
raffaeleeeegeorge_ can you explain better?19:09
george_yes, share a wired connection or a 3G modem internet connection with another computer/laptop by creating an ad hoc  wi-fi network. It's very easy to do that on ubuntu 10.10, but I can't find how to do it on kubuntu 10.10.19:11
raffaeleeeeis the kubuntu machine connected to internet?19:12
george_yes, i'm running kubuntu 10.10, I'm connected to the internet using a 3G modem19:13
diego_yofel: it starts with compiz but it start with an error of kde :S19:19
yofelwell, I don't know really, I found compiz-kde too unstable to be actually usable when I tried it once to be honest19:20
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raffaeleeeegeorge_, what GUI program do you use?19:21
Peace-yofel: compiz-kde?19:22
Peace-yofel: here there is kwin effects19:23
george_raffaeleee: I've tried to find the its name, but couldn't. It's the default one, its symbol is like a blue "m"19:30
raffaeleeeegeorge_ ok, so it's network manager19:32
raffaeleeeeKDE version.. I think it should have an option19:32
raffaeleeeefor creating an ad-hoc network19:32
raffaeleeeecan you find it?, george_19:32
george_raffaeleee: I can't find it the option to create an ad-hoc network...19:34
raffaeleeeehmmm george_, i'm googling for screenshots :/ hold on19:35
raffaeleeeeI use wicd even on KDE because I have problems with NM19:35
george_raffaeleee: thanks...19:37
raffaeleeeegeorge_, you could try joining #nm and asking there, cause I can't find screenshots19:38
george_raffaeleee: thanks anyway...19:40
george_raffaeleee: Thanks. I''l try. It would be nice if  NM had the option to easily create an ad-hoc network, just like ubuntu...19:45
raffaeleeeegeorge_ NetworkManager has 2 frontends, one for GNOME and one for KDE.. I think the gnome version has the ad-hoc option, I'm not sure about the kde one..19:46
george_raffaeleee: kde one doesn't have it, at least is not "visible"19:48
raffaeleeeegeorge_ not good news :D anyway I think it's easy to create an ad-hoc network just with CLI19:48
raffaeleeeewait for a moment19:48
raffaeleeeegeorge_ try this link19:50
george_raffaeleee: all right thanks19:52
george_raffaeleee: i'll check that later. thanks for your help. bye19:52
slooksterpsvhey all, I have a question, what package do I need to reconfigure if no effects are showing in the Desktop Effects setting?20:54
webohHow does one install KDE in Ubuntu?20:56
webohdo I need Kubuntu instead?20:59
BluesKajweboh, install kubuntu-desktop20:59
slooksterpsvthere's a couple of ways weboh, you can install kubuntu-desktop via the terminal (or search for it in Software Center)20:59
BluesKajslooksterpsv, which graphics card ?20:59
slooksterpsvati radeon 4200 HD IGP21:00
slooksterpsvit says Desktop Effects are enabled, but: Desktop effects are not available on this system due to the following technical issues: but nothing listed after21:01
slooksterpsvalso it lets me do compositing of xrendr, but I want opengl21:03
BluesKajslooksterpsv, lok in the kmenu/sytem/additional hardware drivers , choose the recommended driver if you have a choice there21:03
slooksterpsvdoesn't jockey find fglrx though? I've installed the fglrx ran aticonfig --initial -f and also put some optimizations for firefox in xorg21:04
slooksterpsvyup it's installed21:04
BluesKajok which kubuntu version ?21:04
slooksterpsv10.10 64-bit, kde 4.5.1, all upgrades 2.6.35-25 kernel21:05
slooksterpsvhmm... I'm going to use the backports and upgrade to 4.6 see if that helps any21:07
BluesKajslooksterpsv, is that a pci card?21:08
slooksterpsvno, laptop, gateway nv5321:09
FloodBotK2doido: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:11
slooksterpsvok so KDE 4.6 made no difference21:26
slooksterpsvso under Desktop Effects -> All effects, nothing is listed there, which is odd, cause it did have like accessibility, etc. etc.21:29
BluesKajslooksterpsv, my old pc with ati inboard didn't run the desktop effects either , the driver wasn't configured to do 3d and dri , unlike the fglrx drivers in previous versions ,like 9.04  I think was the last one21:30
slooksterpsvok... but with Compiz 3d effects work fine, the glxgears shows at least a 500% improvment with the ati drivers vs not, and that, so is it an issue with kwin and the ati driver then?21:31
BluesKajati's support for linux has been going downhill for quite a while now21:31
slooksterpsvkde wise, no offense, cause ATI Drivers in Ubuntu and Xubuntu work great, KDE is the one WM I've had tons of issues with21:32
slooksterpsvI guess DE would stand better, cause technically it is a DE with a WM included21:32
BluesKajslooksterpsv, what about fglxgears , the 6 sided cube which indicates dri and 3d is enabled ?21:33
slooksterpsvhaven't done that one21:33
slooksterpsvbb in about 1021:34
macothe kwin devs have talked to X devs and gotten them to start adding the parts of the X API that they use to their performance testing, instead of them only testing the parts Compiz uses, so things should improve in the next release or two21:34
BluesKajmaco, he has apoint , I recall the gnome desktop and gdm was much better with the fglrx drivers on ati conboards21:36
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slooksterpsvnope none of it worked21:45
slooksterpsvso BluesKaj, what package installs the effects for KDE21:46
BluesKajslooksterpsv, it used to be an altered version of compiz , but now I'm not sure21:47
slooksterpsvhmmm there's compiz-kde, let's install that21:48
inazioulertzeko modua22:01
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FloridaGuyhows come the same repo mirror on 1 distro can be 200 to 300 kbps faster then on another distro22:47
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RealmkeeperFrom: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/NattyNarwhal/Alpha2/Kubuntu ... "Kubuntu will release version 11.04, the Natty Narwhal, in April 2010." ... Shouldn't that be "in April 2011"23:49
Mase_wkthey will go back in time23:49
Mase_wkand release it then...23:49
Mase_wkit's just they haven't done it yet23:50
Mase_wkso we don't know about it. all part of the plan... =)23:50
RealmkeeperAh, okay. Well, I do LOVE my time machine. See you all in April, 2010!23:50
Mase_wknatty is looking good.23:50
Mase_wkRealmkeeper: but yes, i guess someone should file a bug with the website and request they change it to 2011.23:51
Mase_wkHi mantise23:52
mantisei installed a screen saver pack for kde23:52
mantisedefault pack23:52
westmi49319how do I make a program the default?23:52
mantisebut i want the matrix screensaver as i had in old desktop23:53
mantisehow can i get that for kde control module - screen saver23:53
Mase_wki think it's the gl matrix screensaver23:53
Mase_wkor gl screensavers23:53
westmi49319I wanna make ktorrent the default when i click a torrent23:53
mantisein my kde screen saver i have a opengl scren savers pack at the moment23:54
james147westmi49319: for a specific file type the easiest way is to right click a file of that type > propertities > click the spanner icon on the general page (its a little small :p) and set it there23:54
Mase_wkwestmi49319: system settings -> file associations23:54
james147westmi49319: you can also go to system settings > file association  and look for the file type there23:55
RealmkeeperMase_wk: I was just hoping that one of the webmins will just see the comment here ;)23:55
Mase_wkRealmkeeper: i doubt it.23:56
mantiseMase_wk: i can see that i have xscreensaver-gl installed, but it doesnt run with my kde screen saver panel ?23:57
Mase_wkif you want something fixed, irc isn't the way to do it23:57
smifflathis is my first irc, who's proud of me?23:57
Mase_wkmantise: have you logged in / out since installing it ?23:57
westmi49319hmm..so what type of file is a torrent?23:58
mantiseMase_wk: it just told me to shut down the screensaver manager23:58
mantiserestart the program23:58
Mase_wksmiffla: probably your mother and father. I have a son, i am proud of him for every little achievement23:58
Mase_wkso i imagine your parents are the same23:58
Mase_wkmantise: not sure sorry23:58
mantiseMase_wk: np, thanks :)23:58
smifflaMase_wk: that goes without saying, but they're not irc :(23:59

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