
StevenKwgrant: You're not done with mawson?00:04
wgrantStevenK: I would have been if it hadn't crashed.00:05
wgrantNearly done.00:05
wgrantBut I still need the buildd.00:05
lifelessStevenK: hi00:05
StevenKwgrant: Is perfectly fine, tell me when you're done.00:05
StevenKlifeless: mumble?00:05
StevenKlifeless: Or would you prefer something else?00:06
lifelessmumble is still fail on my link00:06
StevenKGet a better one? :-)00:06
StevenKlifeless: Skype or pots?00:07
StevenKBleh, that requires commitment00:07
lifelessI don't think you're craazy00:08
StevenKBad puns will be punishable at the Epic00:09
lifelessi.e. never00:10
StevenKlifeless: On Skype and ready00:12
lifelessStevenK: skype id00:13
StevenKwgrant: Are we there yet?00:38
wgrantStevenK: Just finished about a minute ago.00:39
wgrantIt's all yours.00:39
wallyworldthumper: ping00:44
StevenKwgrant: Didn't you say you'd fix the en_AU locale on mawson?00:56
StevenKwgrant: https://code.dogfood.launchpad.net/~stevenk/+recipes :-D01:15
wgrantStevenK: No. I was going to look at overriding LANG.01:20
wgrantIndeed, my .profile has:01:20
wgrantexport LANG=C01:20
wgrantexport LC_ALL=C01:20
wgrantAnd there are no more warnings.01:20
wgrantStevenK: Also, let me know when you're done with DF.01:20
wgrantI want to stab the publisher in the face.01:20
wgrant(that may be taken to mean optimising publishFileLists, or maybe not)01:21
StevenKwgrant: I'm done once I clean up, but I wanted you to see the evil I created.01:21
lifelesswhat should I do today?01:23
wgrantStevenK: What was the evil?01:23
StevenKwgrant: https://code.dogfood.launchpad.net/~stevenk/+recipes01:23
wgrantBesides what looks like a bug in findStaleDailyBuilds, or a manual request.01:23
StevenKwgrant: Look at the source branch01:23
StevenKwgrant: It was a manual request.01:23
wgrantyou're trying to kill our builders!01:24
wgrantWhat're you testing?01:24
StevenKI was QA'ing my findStaleDailyBuilds() change01:24
StevenKI needed a branch ...01:24
StevenKwgrant: Recipe deleted, you should be good01:25
LPCIBotProject devel build (412): STILL FAILING in 6 hr 10 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/412/01:27
LPCIBotLaunchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=leonardr][ui=none][bug=707103] UI for searching for bugs with or01:27
LPCIBotwithout linked Blueprints.01:27
thumperwallyworld: whazzup?01:39
wallyworldthumper: mumble?01:39
wgrantpoolie: With the oauth thing... you did s/contrib.oauth/oauth/, right?02:02
lifelesswgrant: hey02:04
lifelessin oops 1855H108702:04
lifelessfor th elong query; can you suggest a likely value for archive?02:04
lifelessand the two status values02:05
wgrantThat query suggests it was a copy archive.02:06
wgrantIt's going to be difficult to reproduce entirely now.02:06
lifelessI'm looking for one that will be on qas02:06
wgrantAh, yes, it was the copy archive.02:07
wgrantThere's nothing like it on qas.02:07
wgrantPossible on staging, though.02:07
wgrantLet me see.02:07
lifelessnot even lucid itself?02:07
wgrantThis relies on there being lots of pending builds.02:07
wgrantWe could create one on qas, though.02:07
StevenKSure, how much do you want asuka to cry blood?02:08
wgrantThe first status is 0 (there were probably 25000 or so matching BFJs), the second is 6 (probably only about 30).02:09
lifelessStevenK: it would hardly notice02:09
wgrantstaging's snapshot is from just the right time.02:09
StevenKlifeless: Because it already is?02:09
wgrantBut the pending builds have been nuked.02:09
lifelesshmmm, I wonder if https://help.launchpad.net/Code/Imports can be made snappier02:12
lifelesseasier for users of bzr to follow successfully02:13
lifelessso how do we go about creating one of these archives on [qa]staging?02:14
wgrantlifeless: We need to turn off the build farm, then run populate-archive.py.02:15
wgrantOr we could possibly leave the build farm on and the archive disabled.02:15
thumperwallyworld: are you all good?02:16
thumperwallyworld: we have a laptop emergency02:16
thumperwallyworld: and need to get Rachel a new one02:16
lifelesswgrant: https://qastaging.launchpad.net/builders is full of lies02:17
wgrant"scripts/populate-archive.py -v --distribution=ubuntu --suite=natty -a i386,amd64 --to-user=lifeless --to-archive=bye-bye-asuka --reason='i hate alive servers'" should do it.02:17
lifelesswill that try to build things straight away?02:18
wgrantlifeless: Looks like qastaging has no buildd-manager.02:18
StevenKlifeless: Of course it is. We don't delete builders on qas02:18
wgrantSo you can safely run it there.02:18
lifelessthats correct02:18
lifelessspm: hi02:18
StevenKI think he's lunching02:18
lifelessspm: 6 lines before I said hi, kthxburn02:19
StevenKOn that note, so am I02:19
lifelessStevenK: I'm sure he is02:19
wgrantspm, lifeless: It may need to be "-a i386 -a amd64" instead of "-a i386,amd64". One will work, one will not, I forget which.02:19
thumperwallyworld: too late, off to hardly normal02:20
lifelesswgrant: where is your openid fix02:36
wgrantlifeless: In buildbot.02:36
wgrantIt was testfixed away last night.02:36
wallyworldthumper: sorry, was eating02:36
wgrantSo it is still a few hours away from qasbounce.02:36
lifelesswgrant: kk02:37
spmwgrant: so scripts/populate-archive.py -v --distribution=ubuntu --suite=natty -a i386 -a amd64 --to-user=lifeless --to-archive=bye-bye-asuka --reason='wgrant hates alive servers' <== on LPCONFIG=QAS on asuka?03:11
wgrantspm: I see what you did there.03:11
wgrantBut yes, that should work.03:11
spmsneaky aren't I03:11
spmtechnically it's *you*, not I, as the command would have it. So I had to correct the 'person' sense. <== BIG ISSUES03:12
lifelessspm: thanks03:12
spmho ho.FATAL:  Ident authentication failed for user "lucille" <== fixin'03:14
wgrantI think that is the sole remaining reference to lucille.03:15
wgrantIt is tempting to quickly remove that.03:15
StevenKDeath to lucille03:15
wgrantAh, no, the demon lives on in poppy's ident.03:15
StevenKSigh, it's moving. Kill it.03:15
wgrantStevenK: What should I call the new user? archivepublisher?03:17
spmbut yes. names that match functions, if only loosely, do help us. pls to fix. :-)03:17
spmwgrant: sigh. lucilleball of course. for shame.03:17
wgrantNeeds more "l"s.03:17
spmllllllllllll ?03:17
StevenKwgrant: I'm tempted to suggest 'lolwut'03:17
StevenKJust due to the queries that lucille currently runs03:18
wgrantStevenK: mawson can handle the SPPH indices OK.03:18
wgrantBut not both it and BPPH, it seems.03:18
wgrantOnce hot, the source override queries are all sub-second... But the moment you run a binary override query, they exceed a minute.03:19
wgrantYay, mawson.03:19
StevenKThe BPPH indices suck?03:19
lifelessproposition: the queries suck03:19
wgrantThey're all just a bit big.03:19
lifelessthe number of rows being considered is too high03:19
wgrantSELECT SourcePackageName.name, Component.name, Section.name FROM SourcePackagePublishingHistory JOIN Component ON Component.id = SourcePackagePublishingHistory.component JOIN Section ON Section.id = SourcePackagePublishingHistory.section JOIN SourcePackageRelease ON SourcePackageRelease.id = SourcePackagePublishingHistory.sourcepackagerelease JOIN SourcePackageName ON SourcePackageName.id = SourcePackageRelease.sourcepackagename WHERE ...03:20
lifelessor they are too widely spread out03:20
wgrant... SourcePackagePublishingHistory.archive = 1 AND SourcePackagePublishingHistory.distroseries = 103 AND SourcePackagePublishingHistory.pocket = 0 AND SourcePackagePublishingHistory.status = 2 ORDER BY SourcePackagePublishingHistory.id DESC LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0;03:20
wgrantComponent and Section are small. SPN isn't bad.03:20
lifelessmoving to an actual model of suite would help.03:20
wgrantA little, yes.03:20
StevenKNo, it wouldn't03:20
StevenKIt would make adding a new suite for Ubuntu a lot harder03:20
lifelessby which you mean easier and more controlled03:21
StevenKNo, by which I mean creation of new tables and duplicated data\03:21
wgrantI unfortunately have to agree with lifeless here.03:21
wgrantAnd I normally disagree with his Soyuz model arguments :P03:21
StevenKwgrant: Who are you, and what have you done with the real wgrant?03:22
spm<wgrant> I unfortunately have to agree with lifeless here. <== my world. It has ended.03:23
spmI had 3 cornerstones. Death, Taxes and lifeless/wgrant not agreeing. This is now over. /me hols forearm theatrically and dramatically to forehead03:24
* lifeless applies stablegun03:25
lifelesssomething that shoots stables would be awesome, scary, and worrying.03:25
spmmeh. I play a pally. I can still faceroll and out dps03:25
wgrantYet far more effective than a mere staplegun;03:26
lifelessspm: I need to get that stuff off you03:26
lifelessalso fix my gems etc, I struggle to do 5k dps03:26
lifeless[as ret]03:26
wgrantDEPART, WoW SCUM!03:26
lifelesswgrant: join us, be one of us.03:27
StevenKlifeless: Pfft. My DK is currently doing 9k and I button mash03:27
lifelessits a dk.03:27
spmwgrant: for the record - what are you doing that needed that DB access change? "add to pg_ident: lucille for qastaging access for wgrant doing soyuz builders <...>" ?03:27
StevenKlifeless: Hell, I did 7k as *prot* in H SFK last night03:28
lifelessspm: we're making a copy archive to test performance of some soyuz q's.03:28
lifelessStevenK: prot dk ? again...03:28
StevenKlifeless: Prot pally, dks tanking tree is 'blood'03:28
spmlifeless: ta03:28
lifelessStevenK: I roll between 5 and 9 in prot, depending on encounters.03:29
StevenKDue to classes, we had no reliable CC for the entire instance03:29
StevenKAlthough Holy Wrath is awesome again03:29
StevenKlifeless: Back to work time things. wgrant has tagged my bugs qa-bad, and with the rollback. What will the qatagger do when the new branch hits stable?03:32
* lifeless started work at 6am03:32
lifelesswhats this work time you speak of?03:32
wgrantStevenK: Your thing is OK to deploy since the rollback./03:32
wgrantJust tag the bug qa-ok as normal once this thing is QA'd.03:33
StevenKlifeless: Sorry, s/time/type/03:33
StevenKwgrant: And leave the rollback tag?03:33
lifelessStevenK: the rollback comes from the commit, not the bug03:33
lifelessStevenK: it will all Just Work03:33
wgrantLeave bad-commit-39423423, though.03:34
StevenKwgrant: Are you using mawson?03:41
wgrantStevenK: No.03:41
StevenKPondering how best to create test accounts to QA my branch03:42
wgrantAh, the merge one?03:42
wgrantNo need for test accounts.03:42
wgrantJust find an account with recipes and subsume it.03:42
lifelessnom nom nom03:42
StevenKDon't I need to be logged in as that person?03:43
wgrantYou merge them into you.03:43
wgrantIt will send an email to the mergee with a logintoken.03:43
wgrantYou have DB access.03:43
wgrantOr use adminpeoplemerge03:44
lifelessuse the staging mailbox to read the email03:44
wgrantOr that.03:44
wgrantBut that's slow.03:44
wgrantAnd non-TLs aren't meant to have access, IIRC.03:44
wgrant$ bzr push03:50
wgrantUsing saved push location: lp:~wgrant/launchpad/the-death-of-lucille03:50
wgrantbzr: ERROR: No such file: '/~wgrant/launchpad/the-death-of-lucille/.hg/requires'03:50
wgrantAh, new bzr-hg this morning.03:51
lifelessjelmer: ^03:51
wgrantlifeless: I don't know the archive ID, but "SELECT id FROM archive WHERE owner=2 AND name='bye-bye-asuka'" should tell you.03:57
wgrantAlso, damn, that's a nice UID.03:57
lifelesswgrant: the boss wanted 1.03:57
wgrantStevenK: https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/the-death-of-lucille/+merge/4842404:14
StevenKwgrant: +1'd with a comment04:16
StevenKwgrant: I have to say, I don't quite like the idea of merging random people into my account on DF04:24
lifelessBe the big dog.04:24
wgrantStevenK: :(04:24
wgrantStevenK: Remove email addresses and OpenIDs from some other account, reassign your cookie or OpenID to that user, then merge people into that.04:25
* StevenK blinks04:25
wgrantOr is +adminpersonmerge effective here too?04:26
wgrantI think it might be.04:26
* StevenK tries to work out if a person is a team using only the DB04:28
wallyworldthumper: can you find that working example we discussed? i can see in firebug the post is happening but it's not getting to the back end code.04:29
StevenKAh, teamowner. Sneaky04:30
huwshimiwallyworld: Are you avoiding the natural disasters again this time?04:32
wallyworldhuwshimi: yeah, i'm about 600km south of the action04:32
wallyworldhaven't seen the news today yet so don't know how much bad shit has happened04:32
=== stub1 is now known as stub
huwshimiwallyworld: You avoided the floods too right?04:33
wallyworldyep - just :-)04:33
wallyworldbloody hot today though - and very humid :-(04:33
wgrantThis is why we don't live in Queensland :)04:34
wgrantAlso cyclones.04:34
wgrantAnd floods.04:34
wgrantBut yeah.04:34
StevenKCurrently 35degC in my room04:35
StevenKFeels muggy as hell, too04:35
StevenKwgrant: So, feel like helping? A suitable candidate is merging 'liferea' into 'midori'04:36
huwshimiwgrant: There are other reasons too :P04:37
wgrantStevenK: ~midori hath no recipes.04:37
wgrantIt does on dogfood.04:37
StevenKwgrant:  https://code.dogfood.launchpad.net/~midori/+recipe/development ?04:37
StevenKAnd identically named branches04:38
StevenKwgrant: So, I should mark liferea's 3 PPAs as DELETED?04:39
wgrantStevenK: I'd say so.04:40
wgrantlifeless: Any idea on QAing that last thing?04:40
wgrantIt's advanced subscriptions stuff.04:41
wgrantBut I'm not sure if it's in the UI.04:41
lifelesswgrant: join the alpha team04:41
wgrantI enabled it globally on DF.04:41
wgrantStill couldn't see the UI anywhere.04:41
wgrantMaybe I should grep around.04:41
wgrantAh, the new UI is there if you bypass AJAX.04:43
lifelessspm: so that merge is in the pqm queue in slot 404:43
lifelessspm: but the merge to db-devel is in slot 004:43
lifelessspm: its liable that staging will blow up as a result.04:44
StevenKwgrant: Done, what next? :-)04:44
wgrantStevenK: Did the merge work?04:53
StevenKwgrant: I'm still trying to work out *how* to do the merge04:53
wgrantlifeless: Could you mentor https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/the-death-of-lucille/+merge/48424?04:53
wgrantStevenK: /people/+adminteammerge04:53
huwshimiwgrant: Can you show me how to reproduce bug #392079?04:54
_mup_Bug #392079: "Recent revisions" header on branch page jumps around due to "clear: both" <lp-code> <trivial> <ui> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/392079 >04:54
spmlifeless: no worries. staging blowing up is nothing abnormal :-)04:55
StevenKOh damn it04:56
StevenKI am a muppet04:56
wgranthuwshimi: I think that's fixed.04:56
wgrantthere's now just a clear: left;04:56
StevenKCan I unmerge a team? :-)04:57
huwshimiwgrant: Want to close that bug then?04:57
wgranthuwshimi: Doing so.04:57
wgrantStevenK: Hah. What did you do?04:57
huwshimiwgrant: Thanks mate :)04:57
StevenKwgrant: Forgot to merge in my branch *first*04:57
StevenKSo, bugger04:58
wgrantlifeless: that's why I branched from and proposed to db-devel :)05:00
lifelessgreat minds05:00
wgrantnightly.sh still sucks.05:02
wgrantAnd it doesn't log :(05:02
stubNow lets see if this is just good timing, or if this position cuts out the wireless interference from next door.05:08
stub0.5% packet loss down from 25-50%05:09
lifeless    Hard / Soft  Page ID05:22
lifeless     862 / 8918  Archive:+index05:22
lifelessspm: did that copy archive creation complete?05:22
lifelesshow hard would it be to add an expander to the subscriber portlets05:23
lifelessjust the 'subscribers' and 'also notified' buts05:23
stubwgrant: How do you want nightly.sh improved? We should certainly twiddle all the jobs to use --log-file=DEBUG:/srv/wherever/foo.log and only emit errors.05:24
wgrantstub: it sucks because it doesn't finish within 24 hours, and you can't tell what's going on unless you're subscribed to launchpad-error-reports.05:25
wgrantWhich I am, as of about a minute ago.05:25
stublaunchpad-error-reports only sees logs at the end, so that sucks too.05:25
wgrantBut it at least confirms that update-pkgcache is still running when the next thing starts.05:26
stubSo it needs to echo "Running foo `date`" >> /srv/whatever/nightly.log so we can see wtf it is running, and --log-file added to the command line so we get detailed logs of what is running, syncing the new logs regularly, and commenting out crap running far too long (bugs opened, separate cronjob installed)05:27
wgrantAh, there's the full log.05:27
wgrantCurtis removed a couple of things during the thunderdome.05:27
huwshimiAnother UI branch to be reviewed when someone has the chance: https://code.launchpad.net/~huwshimi/launchpad/remove-icon-alt-528367/+merge/4843005:28
wgrantspm: Could you confirm when scriptactivity says update-pkgcache.py last finished? It seems to call itself update-cache.05:29
spmwgrant: loganberry:update-cache with all the other nightly.sh's05:30
pooliewould someone kindly review https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mbp/launchpad/701545-oauth/+merge/4843105:30
poolieit should be very easy05:30
wgrantspm: When did it finish? It's the one time that isn't logged by nightly.sh.05:31
wgrantI want to know how far over we are running.05:31
spmahh. you should be able to infer that from when the email was actually sent05:32
spmbut one sec05:32
wgrantFair point.05:32
wgrantOh wow.05:32
wgrant7 hours.05:33
spmbut a fix as to "I'm finished date/time" would be nice.05:33
wgrantEr, no, that's wrong.05:33
wgrantThe time on the email seems to be the time the cron job started :(05:33
wgrantAnd pipermail won't give me the headers.05:34
* wgrant finds the mbox.05:34
lifelesswgrant: so its archive 2092905:34
wgrantYou don't have permission to access /mailman/private/launchpad-error-reports/Week-of-Mon-20110131.mbox on this server.05:34
lifelesswgrant: what are the enums we expect ?05:34
wgrantlifeless: The first status is 0, the second 6.05:34
spmwgrant: https://pastebin.canonical.com/42777/ 15 hours05:34
wgrantspm: ... ouch.05:35
lifelesswgrant: what creates the buildfarmjobs ?05:35
* spm won't mention the name of "nightly".sh ;-)05:35
wgrantlifeless: populate-archive.py should.05:36
lifelesslaunchpad_qastaging=> select count(*) from packagebuild where archive=20929;05:36
lifeless count05:36
lifeless     005:36
lifeless(1 row)05:36
wgrantCould you enable the archive?05:36
wgrantI can't see it unless it's enabled.05:36
wgrantI bet qastaging is old enough that it doesn't have any natty chroots.05:37
wgrantHm, no, it does.05:38
wgrantWe have a half-initialised natty on qas.05:38
wgrantspm: Could you rerun populate-archive.py with a new archive name, and maverick instead of natty?05:39
spmhereeeeees-asuka, underway05:40
spmwith apologies to Here's Johnny.05:40
* huwshimi is away05:47
* henninge is here05:49
henningeAnybody feel like doing a review for me? ;-)05:50
wgrantI wonder if I can just delete all DistributionSourcePackageCache and DistroSeriesPackageCaches for PPAs and copy archives.05:51
wgrantNothing uses them except the package count calculation.05:51
wgrantWhich is easily implementable in other ways.05:51
wgrantAnd avoids a million inserts a night.05:53
pooliehenninge, i'll happily look06:00
henningepoolie: thanks, it's https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~henninge/launchpad/devel-710591-sharing-info-groundwork-0/+merge/4841606:00
pooliei infer you're using Idea - is it good?06:02
poolieto me it looks clear and well explained and not obviously wrong06:04
poolieof course i'm not familiar with that code06:04
=== stub1 is now known as stub
wgrantpoolie: You lie.06:08
wgrantpoolie: You proposed the branch to the wrong place.06:08
pooliethat'd be it06:09
wgrantScared me for a minute, since I thought I'd fixed that bug two weeks ago.06:09
wgrantIndeed I had.06:09
pooliei did check for that but must have glazed over the url06:09
pooliein https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/70780806:10
_mup_Bug #707808: Unmerged revisions list does not exclude merged revisions <qa-ok> <regression> <Launchpad itself:Fix Released by wgrant> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/707808 >06:10
wgrantstub: You suggest that the script should log stuff directly to a file, but is there a reason to do that over just redirecting its output in crontab?06:12
wgrantThat's what all the rest do.06:12
wgrantspm: Is qasbounce automatically updating now?06:15
pooliei just tried make check in a branch off lp trunk and got06:16
spmwgrant: should be06:16
pooliea failure in testPPAPublisherOverrides ... connection_raw_execute ... not enough arguments for format string06:16
wgrantspm: Yay, thanks.06:17
spmwgrant: qastaging-logs/qastaging-update.log <== should be on carob for qaasbounce06:17
wgrantpoolie: That should have been fixed in r1230506:17
wgrantpoolie: Broke in r1230206:17
wgrantspm: So it is.06:18
lifelesswgrant: losa long term goal, previously agreed strategy etc06:31
wgrantlifeless: ECONTEXT06:32
lifelesswgrant: output logging / redirect for scripts06:32
wgrantAh, right.06:33
lifelessyou'd need to talk to tom for more info06:33
lifelessso, query stil returns 0 rows06:33
lifelesswith archive 2093006:33
wgrantlifeless: Could you enable it so I can poke around?06:33
lifelessI'd love to06:34
lifelessbut I can't even show the edit page06:34
lifelessis there a trivial UPDATE?06:34
wgrantEr, what do you mean you can't?06:34
lifelesse.g. spm: can you please do 'update archive set enabled=TRUE where id=20930' on qastaging06:34
wgrantIt times out?06:34
lifelesswgrant: yes06:34
spmwgrant: the problem is that LP scripts tend to only write to STDERR. which is bad. because we either get emailed flooded and miss errors, or dump everything to a log and miss errors.06:34
wgrantIt's not complete, but that UPDATe will work for all we need it to.06:35
spmlifeless: wgrant: is that a real "pls make it so #1" request?06:35
wgrantspm: Yup.06:35
spmcoo. the ''eg' threw me06:36
spmUPDATE 1, done06:36
StevenKYou can06:36
StevenKYou can06:36
StevenKYou can't be Number One, your face doesn't look like balsa wood.06:37
LPCIBotProject devel build (413): STILL FAILING in 5 hr 11 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/413/06:38
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=lifeless, wgrant][bug=506630, 669288,06:38
LPCIBot683798] Also merge recipes on person/team merge.06:38
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=lifeless][bug=676372][rollback=12290] Use a custom python-openid06:38
LPCIBotwhich suppresses the Expect: 100-continue that makes loggerhead auth choke.06:38
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=danilo][ui=none][bug=681326] Add a duplicate_only_subscriptions06:38
LPCIBotset to BugSubscriptionInfo.06:38
lifelesswgrant: so, ...06:41
lifelesspackagebuild is still 0 rows06:41
wgrantlifeless: It is.06:41
wgrantI am chasing that once I work out WTF is up with buildbot-poller.06:42
StevenKwgrant: Eh?06:43
StevenKwgrant: What's wrong with buildbot-poller?06:43
wgrantStevenK: It failed to notice that 12309 is good.06:43
wgrantPossibly because the next build started immediately after?06:44
wgrantYou've hacked it recently -- do you have any ideas?06:45
lifelessdoubt that, it gets a vector06:45
StevenKwgrant: It should ignore the currently building job06:45
wgrantlifeless: Ha ha.06:45
wgrantlifeless: It gets the last 10 in case the checkout fails.06:45
wgrantIf it was successful, it only uses the last one.06:46
wgrantBut StevenK's suggestion makes sense.06:46
wgrantDoes it log anywhere?06:46
spmugh. So I'm ignorant on current "how I build Dev LP". I have an updtaed tree, how do I get the eggs?06:46
lifelesswgrant: its noting 12307 is good06:46
wgrantlifeless: It submitted that to PQM ages ago.06:46
lifelessspm: you should have a dist-cache somewhere06:46
StevenKspm: utilties/update-sourcecode06:46
wgrantIs it still doing that?06:46
lifelessspm: run 'bzr update' in that06:46
wgrantStevenK: that doesn't do eggs.06:46
lifelessspm: and then 'make06:46
* StevenK looks at hudson06:46
wgrantspm: rocketfuel-get does it all. Otherwise bzr up in ~/launchpad/lp-sourcedeps/download-cache06:47
spmI suspect my original branch is too old for a dist-cache.06:47
StevenKspm: If you use the rocketfuel stuff, rf-get works06:47
StevenKOtherwise, I can furnish you with the script Hudson uses06:48
spmprobably should have gone that path. nm, see if this works.06:48
StevenKspm: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/561781/06:48
wgrantlifeless: Does it log somewhere?06:48
lifelesswgrant: does what?06:48
wgrantlifeless: buildbot-poller06:48
lifelesswgrant: I believe so, on prase06:49
lifelesswgrant: spm may know the location06:49
lifelessand if its replicated06:49
StevenKFailing test on hudson :-(06:49
wgrantStevenK: It does that occasionally.06:49
spmI know Nothing!06:49
wgrantBut I haven't seen it on Hudson in months...06:49
wgrantI blame Windmill.06:49
lifelessspm: wee, thats a quotes page thing :)06:50
StevenKspm: Are you also from Barcelona?06:50
spmalaas no06:51
StevenK(I think that's it)06:51
wgrantspm: hereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees-asuka seems to be a little too natty.06:53
spmwgrant: hrm. not sure how? https://pastebin.canonical.com/42778/06:54
wallyworldwgrant: you still working on getting r12290 unblocked?06:54
wgrantwallyworld: It's stuck behind a laggy buildbot-poller.06:55
wallyworldah ok06:55
wgrantwallyworld: But it should be on qastaging tonight.06:55
wgrantAnd I already know it works.06:55
wallyworldcool :-)06:55
wgrantSorry, it should have been done this morning. But curl and testfix intervened.06:56
wallyworldno problem at all. just trying to get loose ends tidied up sp pqm can close tomorrow06:56
wgrantspm: headdesk.07:00
wgrantspm: That script doesn't take --suite. It's what we've always used, but it doesn't actually do anything.07:00
wgrantBut we've never copied a non-development series before.07:00
lifelessI had a private bet on this07:00
wgrantAnd --to-suite07:01
lifelessit just ignores unknown options?07:01
wgrantTry setting both to maverick.07:01
wgrantlifeless: No, I think --suite is a standard SoyuzScript option.07:01
spmI've just now had two complaints - from both wife and son - to pls quiet down the laughter07:01
lifelesswgrant: which isn't used here07:01
lifelesswgrant: thus effectively unknown :)07:01
wgrantspm: So, s/--suite maverick/--from-suite maverick --to-suite maverick/, and pick a new appropriately offensive name.07:02
spm"wgrant-likes-to-deskhead" ?07:03
wgrantSounds appropriate.07:03
spmyou'll get me in trouble with my family for laughing too loud again you know!07:03
spmlaunchpad@asuka:~$ $LP_PY /srv/qastaging.launchpad.net/qastaging/launchpad/scripts/populate-archive.py -v --distribution=ubuntu --from-suite maverick --to-suite maverick -a i386 -a amd64 --to-user=lifeless --to-archive=asuka-wants-to-get-rocked --reason='wgrant hates alive servers'07:04
spmwith no apologies to Def Leppard.07:04
wgrantspm: are buildbot-pollers logs synced anywhere?07:08
wgrantAdd apostrophes as required.07:08
spmbah. I was chasing that. ta.07:08
wgrantThe build finished 70 minutes ago, yet no push has happened.07:08
spmOookay. more to the point. where does the poller run, if indeed it still does.07:09
spmyeah. found it - was inside another script07:09
spmshould be with the stoick pqm logs. buildbot.log07:10
wgrantAh, indeed. How odd.07:11
wgrantMerge request already in queue07:11
wgrantWell, that's not a very good excuse.07:11
spmprobably a case of "we can easily sync from there over" vs any logical location07:11
wgrantWhat calls buildbot-poll?07:12
wgrantBecause that check is crackful.07:13
wgrantAnd it's not in lp:lpbuildbot.07:13
spmparent branch: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/lpbuildbot/trunk/ ?07:14
lifelesscron pehraps :P07:15
spmor do you mean the wrapper script?07:15
spmor cron...07:15
lifelesswhatever is causing it to not poll when there is a merge proposal outstanding07:15
wgrantSomething stops it from starting if there's already a merge in the PQM queue.07:15
wgrantThat's crackful and I want to delete it.07:15
lifelessthe promotion is orthogonal to the merges.07:15
spmthat's the wrapper script07:15
wgrantI cannot see any reason for that.07:16
wgrantOf course, it'll submit multiple times. Bah.07:16
wgrantBecause it's running multiple branches in one instance.07:17
lifelessthe check needs to be inlied07:17
lifelessrather than as a wrapper07:17
spmit's also been like that for about 1.5 years. so may be dated.07:17
lifelessyou could import the pqm queue class07:17
lifelessor roll your own07:17
wgrantOr ignore it and wait for tarmac.07:17
wgrantIt wouldn't be a problem if PQM didn't take 30 minutes to merge a 1-line diff.07:17
lifelessremove the bzr lookups in the merge and tell pqm to do a lightweight checkout07:18
lifelessvery easy07:18
lifelesswgrant: so tell me again why we have three tables filtering this query ?07:23
wgrantlifeless: Hmm?07:24
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
lifelesswgrant: anyhow, there is a low hanging fruit07:28
lifelesswgrant: I've commented in the bug07:28
wgrantlifeless: Thanks.07:29
lifelessI suspect it can be made faster by not using except07:30
wgrantI don't really know why it uses EXCEPT.07:30
wgrantsinzui: p-r-f seems to be failing with an FTP connection error. Not sure how fatal it is.07:30
lifelesswgrant: it can be made trivially simpler still by the obvious substitution of the relating column07:31
lifelessbut I doubt that will affect performance07:31
lifelesswgrant: so in english, from the composite table bpb, pb, bfj, it wants - for all builds ever made in the archive, those with state 0 for which there is no spr with state6 ?07:34
lifelesswhat is 0 and 6 ?07:34
wgrantlifeless: 0 is NEEDSBUILD, 6 is BUILDING.07:34
lifelessso this is packages for which none of the binarys have started to build?07:35
wgrantlifeless: I believe so.07:35
lifelesswgrant: is this used a lot?07:55
lifelessI have 260ms on 11K packages07:55
wgrantlifeless: It's used on Archive:+index, but only for copy archives will there be more than a few dozen builds.07:56
lifelesswgrant: do you happen to know the 'and its done' row count?08:20
wgrantlifeless: "and its done"?08:21
lifelessthe copy archive08:21
lifelesswe're at 1591908:21
wgrantI would have expected the copy to finish an hour ago.08:22
wgrantYeah, but on mawson it takes 15 minutes.08:22
wgrantAlthough that was only for armel.08:22
wgrantAnd main.08:22
wgrantSo 4000 builds, not 27000.08:22
wgrantI guess that makes sense.08:22
lifeless25K binaries so far08:23
wgrantMust be nearly there.08:24
wgrantSince maverick is not quite as big as natty, and the natty archive had something like 2700008:24
=== Ursinha-bbl is now known as Ursinha
lifelesswgrant: anyhow08:28
lifeless count08:28
lifeless 1718508:28
lifelessthat was08:29
lifeless21:29 < lifeless>  count08:29
lifeless21:29 < lifeless> -------08:29
lifeless21:29 < lifeless>  1718508:29
lifeless21:29 < lifeless> (1 row)08:29
lifeless21:29 < lifeless> Time: 357.483 ms08:29
wgrantSo it's quick now>08:29
lifelessthats the query I've come pu with08:29
lifelessI think we're done - 17332, 380ms hot.08:31
lifelesswgrant: this one - https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/709717/comments/308:31
_mup_Bug #709717: Archive:+index timeouts : ArchiveView.num_pkgs_building can be very slow <lp-soyuz> <oops> <timeout> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/709717 >08:31
wgrantlifeless: Give me a sec, just untangling the db-devel merge conflict.08:32
wgrantStevenK: Is your recipe merger qa-ok?08:39
wgrantIt is an optional extra for the next deploy.08:40
wgrantlifeless: Could you try https://bazaar.qastaging.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/production-stable?08:40
wgrantIt auths me properly, but I'd like a second check just in case.08:40
wgrantPlus your username is longer.08:41
StevenKwgrant: It is, yes. I was waiting for the mail from the qa-tagger08:41
wgrantStevenK: Great, thanks.08:41
lifelessit prompted and passed me through08:41
wgrantThat'll be 20 minute off.08:41
wgrantlifeless: yeah, it's still screwed, but it's qastaging, not auth.08:41
wgrantWe are good to deploy 12309, yay.08:42
lifelesswe should fix that tomorrow08:42
* wgrant prepares the request.08:42
wgrantOh, damn, still need r12307.08:42
wgrantBut that's easy enough, particularly once allenap arrives in 20 minutes.08:43
adeuringgood morning08:45
wgrantI think I want to patch qa-tagger to generate a deployment request template.08:49
lifelesswgrant: theres an open bug for that08:49
wgrantSince collecting these bug numbers is tedious.08:50
Ursinhabug 66739008:50
_mup_Bug #667390: provide wiki syntax bug links in deployable revision reports for easy copying to the LPS report <qa-tagger:Triaged by ursinha> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/667390 >08:50
lifelessUrsinha: good morning ? :P08:51
Ursinhalifeless, morning :P08:51
wgrantMorning Ursinha.08:53
Ursinhawgrant, I'd be happy to review your patch08:54
wgrantI'm thinking about how it should handle rollback=08:55
wgrantI'm not sure there is a sensible way.08:55
lifelessoffer a menu08:56
lifelessor add in rollforward08:56
lifelesswhich is just a yak shave away08:56
lifelessnight all08:57
wgrantNight lifeless.08:58
Ursinhagood night lifeless09:01
wgrantHmm, that's a bit sad.09:07
wgrantUrsinha: qa-tagger is crashing :(09:07
wgrantERROR:qa-tagger:Something went wrong when marking bugs: 'LPQAStagingDeployment' object has no attribute 'deployed_source_revno'09:07
Ursinhawgrant, where are you seeing this?09:12
wgrantUrsinha: https://devpad.canonical.com/~lpqateam/qa_reports/logs/output-launchpad-stable.log09:13
Ursinhawgrant, let me look previous runs logs09:13
wgrantAh, it got a 504 from qas.09:13
wgrantI guess it updated right then.09:13
Ursinhais qastaging down?09:14
Ursinhaor was09:14
wgrantIt just updated.09:14
wgrantIt's up now.09:14
allenapMorning wgrant, what's up?09:14
Ursinhathere's a bug for this too09:14
wgrantallenap: Morning. Could you QA r12307, or tell me how to do it?09:15
allenapwgrant: Sure.09:15
Ursinhabug 68808209:15
_mup_Bug #688082: when qastaging is down deployment reports crash and stop updating <qa-tagger:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/688082 >09:15
wgrantIt's not entirely obvious, and I'd like to get a rollout done ASAP.09:15
wgrantUrsinha: Can you easily run it manually, or should I just wait?09:16
Ursinhawgrant, I can, but maybe it's already running again09:17
* Ursinha checks09:17
StevenKwgrant: Have you tagged my bugs, or should I?09:17
wgrantStevenK: Can't until it runs.09:18
wgrantI think it's */30, but I don't know for sure.09:18
wgrantStevenK: The last run crashed.09:18
Ursinhawgrant, yeah, it's running09:18
Ursinhawgrant, */1509:18
Ursinhawgrant, https://devpad.canonical.com/~lpqateam/qa_reports/logs/output-launchpad-stable.log09:18
Ursinhaon its way09:18
wgrantUrsinha: Ah, I see. Thanks.09:22
adeuringjtv: still aroud?09:22
Ursinhawgrant, which revisions will you request deployment?09:31
wgrantUrsinha: 1230909:32
allenapwgrant: Looks fine, I'll update the bug. However, marking a bug as a duplicate is consistently timing out on qastaging, in recalculateBugHeatCache(). I'm pretty sure that's not my fault :)09:34
wgrantallenap: That's been happening for weeks. It's fine.09:35
allenapwgrant: Cool :)09:35
Ursinhawgrant, I see bug 676372 is blocking other revisions in the report, is that really qa-bad?09:38
_mup_Bug #676372: "Server denied check_authentication" from bazaar.launchpad.net private branch since 11926 deployed <bad-commit-12290> <lp-foundations> <qa-ok> <regression> <Launchpad itself:Fix Committed by wgrant> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/676372 >09:38
wgrantUrsinha: I fixed that like two minutes ago.09:39
Ursinhaah, right09:40
wgrantI forgot I had to manually fix that up, since the rollback was marked untestable.09:40
bigjoolsUrsinha: up early?09:45
Ursinhabigjools, yes sir09:46
bigjoolsor, are you up late09:46
Ursinhano, up early :)09:46
wgrantThat would be quite late indeexd.09:46
Ursinhait's rarer to wake up this early than to be up this late :)09:49
bigjoolsas I suspected :)09:49
wgrantI find that I am more likely to be doing workish things when up early then when up quite that late.]09:50
bigjoolsthe fact that I can't restore any browser tabs with oops reports on them is seriously irritating09:50
wgrantbigjools: jcsackett has a hack for that.09:51
wgrantBut I believe it's blocked on ISD.09:51
wgrantAnd they are sprinting at the moment.09:51
bigjoolsdoes it fix the throwing away of the ?arg ?09:51
* bigjools goes back to AMI building09:52
Ursinhabigjools, that's hateful09:53
bigjoolsyes, it's making me sad09:53
wgrantbigjools: AMI building again?09:54
wgrantDo we have a new apt already?09:54
bigjoolsthe first one doesn't work09:54
bigjoolsI need to build another to see why09:54
bigjoolssomething wrong with the database, it's not installed09:54
wgrantbigjools: BTW, I shelved your a-f changes on DF.09:55
wgrantThen DF crashed.09:55
wgrantIt seems to have survived, but don't be too surprised if something breaks.09:56
wgrant(it stopped responding to ping and everything)09:56
bigjoolsit's been rebooted09:58
wgrantRight, bradm powercycled it.09:58
wgrantCould find no explanation for its vanishment.09:59
wgrantSomewhat concerning.09:59
wgrantAlmost certainly.09:59
bigjoolswgrant: so you QA'd jtv's CommandSpawner stuff?10:03
bigjoolsthe problem is that it does not fix that bug, it needs a new bug10:03
wgrantbigjools: Right. It works fine, but does not fix the bug.10:04
wgrantI will set it back to Triaged when I close everything else later tonight.10:05
bigjoolsthis is just highlighting that we need to QA revisions, not bugs10:06
wgrantYes, it is a bit of an issue. But I think the current process is pretty good apart from that.10:06
wgrantAlthough qa-tagger seems to not be doing much right now.10:06
=== MTecknology is now known as ngx_mteck
=== ngx_mteck is now known as MTecknology
jtvwgrant: Hi!  So you looked at my MF code?  On staging, or locally, or on dogfood?10:37
wgrantjtv: MF?10:37
jtvWell one of the names I considered was MotherForker.10:37
wgrantThat would have been better.10:37
wgrantYes, I looked at it. Looks good. Even works on DF.10:38
jtvI don't like calling classes "manager."  Unexpressive.10:38
* wgrant stabs merge conflicts in the face.10:38
bigjoolsjtv: there's a backport of a-f available10:38
* jtv cruelly laughs at wgrant turn of phrase10:38
wgrantjtv: That's the second set I've resolved in two hours.10:39
bigjoolsI'd like to stab ec2 in the face10:39
wgrantdb-devel hates me.10:39
jtvbigjools: fantastic!  But the code that needs that actually does run a-f in parallel.10:39
bigjoolshow do you know?10:39
jtvbigjools: are you asking me or wgrant?10:39
bigjoolsjtv: either10:40
jtvThe problem with the extra apt-ftparchive option only happens in the code that runs all apt-ftparchive instances in parallel.10:41
bigjoolsI have a feeling we're not on the same page here10:41
bigjoolsstub: around?10:43
jtvbigjools: Okay, let's start again: "how do you know" what?10:43
bigjoolsstub: any idea why my new ami image is failing to find a PG instance?  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/561519/10:44
bigjoolsI am building a new one and pg seems to be installed...10:44
bigjoolsjtv: how do you know that the parallelised version of your code works?10:45
stubbigjools: looks like it is getting confused because PG 8.2 is installed10:45
jtvbigjools: we don't—so far we only know that we can't run the parallel version on lucid's a-f.10:45
stubbigjools: And PG 8.4 is not...10:46
bigjoolsstub: 8.2 is not installed10:46
jtvbigjools: I was saying "that's fantastic" because the backport removes that obstacle, not because Now Everything Works Perfectly.10:46
bigjoolsjtv: ah :)10:46
bigjoolsirc is great10:47
stubgrep isn't finding some critical files anyway, so PG 8.4 is not setup on that box or setup weirdly, like in a chroot10:47
jtvit would also be really really nice if we could now proceed to establish that it works.10:47
jtvbigjools: yes this is something I hate about IRC too.10:47
bigjoolsstub: can you help me debug it please?  I am ssh'ed into the instance as  it's building the image10:48
stubbigjools: When I've installed PG under Ubuntu, /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/* exists. On that box, it looks like it doesn't.10:48
bigjools/etc/postgres is not there at all10:48
jtvpostgresql, not postgres10:48
bigjoolsjust /etc/postgresql-common/10:48
stubIf it is there, then the script is buggered. If not, the PG package installation is buggered. Maybe needs some dpkg magic to set it up?10:49
bigjools/etc/postgresql is not there at all either10:49
jtvI think I added some looping over available postgres versions at one point.10:49
stubI'd uninstall and reinstall the PG packages10:49
jtvWhat do you get for ls /etc/init.d/postgres*?10:49
bigjoolsstub: /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/ does not exist on mawson, yet it has a functioning database ...10:50
jtvlaunchpad-database-setup loops over known postgres versions, from latest to oldest.10:51
jtvIt stops at 8.2, but doesn't check for the case where it didn't find anything.10:51
bigjoolsjtv: exactly :)10:51
bigjoolsI have /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.4 installed10:51
stubThat script would fail on mawson too then. If PG is setup in a strange way, it won't work because files it needs are not where it expects them.10:52
stubThis is lucid?10:52
stubI have /etc/init.d/postgresql10:52
bigjoolsyeah that's maverick10:52
stubSo I'd say the package is installed but some step hasn't been run. dpkg reconfigure or whatever (I just stick to the gui tools).10:53
bigjoolsI am just running the "bin/ec2 update-image" script ...10:54
bigjoolsthat's all that's in the desctructions at https://dev.launchpad.net/EC2Test/Image10:55
stubI can't really help - I know bugger all about packages or ec2 images.10:55
wgrantstub: Want to review https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/nightly.sh-fixes/+merge/48441?10:57
wgrant(I have to wonder why this is in the tree at all...)10:58
bigjoolsstub: well, here's a clue.  Trying to start the PG server and literally nothing happens.10:59
bigjoolsnot even a message to the terminal11:00
wgrantSounds like you might have -common installed, but not the server itself.11:01
wgrantinit scripts will generally exit early if the binary is not present.11:01
jtvOr in this case, if /usr/share/postgresql-common/init.d-functions is not present.11:02
bigjoolsthey are there11:02
jtvIt may help to know what return code you get when you run the init.d script.11:02
bigjoolsremind me of the bash-fu to get that?11:03
jtvecho $?11:03
wgrantecho $?11:03
jtvright after the command.11:03
jtvSo it's not all those nice "am I installed" checks.11:03
jtvNote the init.d script runs with -e, so it can be an implicit failure.  Of anything.11:05
adeuringjtv: could you have a look at this MP: https://code.launchpad.net/~adeuring/launchpad/bug-705652/+merge/48437 ?11:05
jtvadeuring: I will, yes!11:05
adeuringjtv: thanks!11:05
bigjoolsit's because /etc/postgresql/ is missing, it just bails out11:06
bigjoolsno package owns that directory11:06
* bigjools gets caffeine in the hope that the answer will come11:07
jtvGood idea!11:07
jtvColour me copycat.11:08
stubwgrant: Fine here. mthaddon might want a look (https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/nightly.sh-fixes/+merge/48441 )11:09
* stub waits for the intertubes to let him click 'approve'11:10
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wallyworldwgrant: any idea why stuff is so slow to get merged into devel once ec2 has finished with it. and also deployment to qastaging seems slower than usual?11:10
mthaddonwgrant: we tend to prefer the $(command) vs. `command` convention11:10
mthaddon(handles escaping slightly better, not that that's relevant here)11:11
wgrantmthaddon: Ah, I just used the same as the old code.11:12
wgrantI will fix.11:12
wgrantwallyworld: ec2 takes a lot longer since windmill was reenabled, and there has been a bit of a PQM backlog the last couple of days.11:12
wgrantwallyworld: qastaging deployment can also be slow because of the PQM backlog.11:12
wgrantAnd buildbot is slow.11:12
wgrantAnd buildbot fails a lot now.11:13
wallyworldwgrant: yeah, i have probably 3 branches that i want to qa before pqm closes and i am waiting for them to appear on qastaging11:13
wallyworldwhy is buildbot so flakey?11:13
wgrantwallyworld: It should start updating in about 30 seconds.11:13
wgrantwallyworld: To 12314, I believe.11:13
wgrantwallyworld: Windmill and those spurious librarian failures.11:13
wgrantAnd the occasional bad branch :P11:14
gmbWindmill is making me sad today.11:14
gmbJust wanted to spread it around.11:14
wallyworldshare the love11:14
bigjoolsI need to punch something11:15
gmbThing is, it's so easy to come to the conclusion that Windmill is the thing that's to blame rather than my shoddy code.11:15
bigjoolsstub, jtv: TADA11:16
bigjools"Error: The locale requested by the environment is invalid."11:16
bigjoolswhen installing PG11:17
bigjoolsit didn't like my LC_LANG of en_GB.utf811:18
bigjoolsnow, how do I override that in the setup script11:18
danilosallenap, hi, I assume bug 151129 is not really fix committed (marked by qa-tagger for one of your branches?)11:20
_mup_Bug #151129: Can't subscribe to a tag <bad-commit-11972> <bugtag> <lp-bugs> <lp-dogfood> <qa-ok> <story-better-bug-notification> <story-subscribe-to-search> <ubuntu-qa> <Launchpad itself:Fix Committed by yellow> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/151129 >11:20
danilosallenap, fwiw, we believe we've got a lot more work to do on this, and I am not sure what's the best way to indicate this in the bug tracker now that we are using bugs for QA as well11:21
wgrantdanilos: I try to set those sort of bugs back to In Progress when I close the rest after a deployment.11:22
wgrantIt might be nice if we could tag them somehow to prevent qa-tagger from changing the status, though.11:22
daniloswgrant, yeah11:23
daniloswgrant, incremental?11:23
stubbigjools: LC_LANG=C ./whateveryouarerunning ?11:23
allenapdanilos: I had a discussion with lifeless about this yesterday. I've agreed to only land one branch per bug in the future. It is fix committed for the last branch, fix released in spirit.11:23
bigjoolsstub: I meant LC_TIME11:23
bigjoolsbut yeah, about to try that11:23
wgrantdanilos: --incr prevents QA tags, though.11:23
allenapdanilos: Apparently that causes landing to be marked untestable.11:23
gmbSo, interesting fact: Windmill doesn't work over X-forwarding.11:24
bigjoolsit does for me!11:24
bigjoolswell, define "work"11:24
danilosallenap, ah, ok11:24
wgrantmthaddon: The diff is updated with your requested changes.11:26
wgrantIt even still works.11:26
mthaddonwgrant: looks good11:27
wgrantwallyworld: qastaging should be on 12314 in half an hourish.11:28
gmbbigjools: Well, it loads, then it just sort of stops whilst waiting for a pageload.11:28
bigjoolsgmb: oh, it always got further than that for me11:28
gmbYeah, well, it's Windmill.11:29
wallyworldwgrant: cool. thanks. i hate waiting11:29
gmbLet's not expect consistency here.11:29
jtvadeuring: don't you mean logger.getEffectiveLevel() > logging.WARN, i.e. with ">" instead of "<="?11:29
wgrantThat often happens even without X forwarding...11:29
jtvadeuring: sorry, >=11:29
bigjoolsIt was whenever I forgot to set DISPLAY= before running the tests on a machine I'd ssh'd to11:29
wgrantwallyworld: I think these deploys would become a lot faster if we cached the built eggs/ dir.11:29
gmbAlso, it's doing it's "I'm going to fail at random points" thing.11:29
gmbI suspect that the timeouts are a touch too short.11:29
bigjoolsor windmill is pants11:30
gmbWell, that.11:30
wallyworldwgrant: for sure11:30
bigjoolsI think, at the 3rd attempt to build a new AMI, it's DTRT at last11:30
wgrantYay, private codebrowse works on production again!11:30
bigjoolswallyworld: you are a crazy guy - up at 3am - and you're still up?!11:31
wgrantstub, mthaddon: Thanks for the reviews.11:31
wallyworldbigjools: no rest for the wicked :-)11:31
gmballenap: Are you OCRing today?11:31
adeuringjtv: no, I think level <= WARN is correct:11:31
allenapgmb: Oh yes. What have you got for me?11:32
=== allenap changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/| PQM is open | firefighting: - | On call reviewer: allenap | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+activereviews
adeuring>>> import logging11:32
adeuring>>> logging.DEBUG11:32
adeuring>>> logging.WARN11:32
adeuring>>> logging.ERROR11:32
gmballenap: JS fun and games: https://code.launchpad.net/~gmb/launchpad/make-subscriptions-editable-bug-710603/+merge/4835911:32
gmballenap: To test the UI you need to add a feature flag for "malone.advanced-subscriptions.enabled"11:32
allenapgmb: I chose a bad day to quit glue sniffing.11:32
gmbMy sympathies.11:33
allenapgmb: Okay, how do I add a feature flag?11:33
gmballenap: Using PSQL works quite well. Hang on, I'll paste you the necessary.11:33
gmballenap: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/561875/11:34
allenapgmb: Ta.11:34
wgrantallenap, gmb: There's UI too.11:35
wgrantI used it on DF earlier.11:35
wgrantIt's pretty nice.11:35
gmbwgrant: I always forget about that because it needs rubber ducky powers in production / staging / qastaging11:35
gmbBut you're right.11:35
allenapwgrant: Is it a big textarea? Truth be told, I don't understand feature flags properly so it was greek to me.11:37
jtvadeuring: you're right :)11:38
wgrantallenap: It's a big textarea, yes. But it is very pretty and shows diffs and avoids SQL, and has a link to a page which documents possible flags and scopes and their values.11:38
allenapwgrant: Neat :)11:39
jtvadeuring: it may help to extract that piece of code into a function by the way.  The script (mea culpa) does far too little of that.11:39
adeuringjtv: right, makes sense11:40
jtvadeuring: btw looking at this brings up a far greater concern—the script in its current form is hard-wired to remove Ubuntu translations.  Won't work for upstream ones AFAICT.11:42
adeuringjtv: do you mean setting is_current_upstream?11:43
jtvWhich isn't surprising really, given that the bug mentions making it side-aware.11:43
adeuringjtv: setting is_current_upstream would be even more difficult.11:43
jtvWell it may need to set either is_current_upstream or is_current_ubuntu, depending on which side the template is on.11:43
adeuringI discussed this woth Henning and Danilo, and we agreed that it is not worth the effort to implement this11:44
jtvThere's a helper class, TranslationSideTraits, which knows things like "what is the name of the flag that applies for translations on this side."11:44
adeuringjtv: I know about this class -- the main issue is: Setting an Ubuntu translation as current in upstrem might simply be wrong...11:44
jtvYes, but that's a separate policy issue.11:45
jtvIsn't that basically just a big "if" around the unmasking code?11:45
danilosjtv, from my glance at the script, it seems to have both is_current_upstream and is_current_ubuntu options11:46
danilosjtv, and it seemed pretty symmetric to me, fwiw11:46
danilos(other than the "unmasking")11:46
jtvdanilos: it has both options for what exactly?11:46
adeuringI don't think it works for is_current_upstream. But making the script "more symmetric" regarding finding another is_current_(upstream|ubuntu) would affect poilcy...11:47
jtvYes, but that's only the unmasking code which should simply be skipped when deleting on the upstream side.11:47
danilosjtv, it has an option for removing is_current_ubuntu translations, and option for removing is_current_upstream translations11:47
adeuringwell, you can delete translations for upstream and ubuntu in one script run.,..11:48
jtvdanilos: oic—yes, so it should be able to do both.11:48
danilosjtv, adeuring: the only thing is that you have to specify the side yourself when you run the script, other than that I think it's fine11:49
jtvI'm looking again… maybe it's just the unmasking code that has the hard-coding.11:50
adeuringdanilos: ? you can set --is-current-upstream and --is-current-ubuntu, but this affect the filter which messages shall be dleteld11:51
adeuringbut it does not affect the question if any other translation should become current instead11:51
danilosadeuring, right, that's what we are calling "unmasking" (as per the code itself, fwiw :)11:51
jtvdanilos: I think he means the asymmetry in when we should unmask.11:52
adeuringwell, ok... but... perhaps I am a bit slow, but what does this mean for the script?11:52
jtvIn other words, the fact that unmasking on the upstream side is dangerous because it activates Ubuntu messages in upstream.11:52
adeuringjtv: right, that's what I mean11:53
danilosjtv, right, but I believe we have hard-coded unmasking only for ubuntu side, because that's the only thing that made sense in the past11:53
danilosworth checking, of course :)11:54
jtvAt the moment that's a bit implicit in the code (even though it's well-documented); it may make sense to extract unmasking into a function and put an "if" around it.11:54
danilosjtv, sure, agreed11:54
danilosanyway, I am just introducing more confusion into the discussion, so I'll be quiet :)11:54
jtvNo, no, it's fun!11:54
danilosheh, it sure is :)11:55
jtvadeuring: I _think_ the script only removes messages on one, user-selected side (ubuntu or upstream).11:55
jtvWhat may not have been worth the trouble, but would have been nice, is to detect automatically which side that should be based on what templates are selected.11:55
adeuringjtv: well, you have a ton of options to select messages. If you specify simply IDs, both sides can be affected11:56
jtvah, clever!11:56
jtvNever even thought of supporting that, to be honest.11:56
adeuringsimilar for filtering ny reviewer or translator11:57
jtvSorry for all the confusion; I'm a bit rusty with this script.11:58
jtvThe "current_ubuntu" and "current_upstream" flags are further filters, not choices of side.11:58
adeuringjtv: well, my main conclsuion regarding bug 705652 was: it's not worth to make the script more clever, but it makes sense to give more warning11:59
_mup_Bug #705652: Make remove_translations side aware. <upstream-translations-sharing> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by adeuring> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/705652 >11:59
jtvOne relatively simple option might have been to require that the caller choose a side.12:00
* gmb -> lunch12:00
adeuring...and I removed the clause "imported.potemplate = doomed.potemplate" because does not seem to make sense12:00
gmballenap: I'll respond to your review when I return.12:00
allenapgmb: Cool. I haven't done it yet :)12:00
adeuringjtv: ok, we can do that. But how would that be an important feature?12:00
jtvadeuring: yes, I think that's a holdover from a relatively mechanical conversion.12:00
jtvadeuring: true, feature-wise all it brings us is more speed and limited protection against typos in ids.12:01
jtvWhich isn't a huge deal.12:02
jtvI'll try to stay away from the bikeshed.  :)12:02
adeuringI am more inclined to make the script simpler... like the clean up of the WHERE clause. I neede some time to figure out that it was just obsolete...12:02
jtvYes, that's also why it's there: massive conversion to the new model didn't allow us much time to contemplate that.12:03
jtvSo we thank you for spotting it.12:03
deryckMorning, all.12:05
adeuringmorning deryck12:05
jtvadeuring: It does raise the question: does removing a diverged translation unmask a shared one?  But that's not a "sides" issue, more a concern about a previous migration.12:05
jtvOr wait.12:05
adeuringjtv: I think it does. But isn't this a useful feature?12:05
jtvYes.  It gets complicated in unexpected ways: deactivating a diverged message should unmask an underlying shared one, not a shared one from the other side.12:06
* jtv ponders12:07
adeuringjtv: if we try to figure out if there was another diverged translation being is__current_whereever before, we're close to the undo feature...12:07
jtvNo, no, previous diverged translations can go take a hike.12:07
adeuringthat would be really cool, but it should not be implemented in this script, i think12:07
jtvWe don't _like_ translations to be diverged.  :)12:07
adeuringmaybe, but I think there are valid/useful situation12:08
jtvWell we do support them.  We just don't encourage them.  :)12:08
adeuringbut anyway, if we unmask a shared thanslation automagically, that's just fine, isn't it?12:08
jtvYes, I was just verifying that the new code does that.12:09
jtv(The "Imported" table aliases in the queries are misleading by the way: that's a name from the old model.  Now they would be either Upstream or OtherSide, depending)12:10
jtv(Or Alternate)12:10
adeuringjtv: can we leave this for a another "cleanup" bug?12:10
jtvSorry to hold you up like this; I need to restore a lot of forgotten detail in order to grok the work.12:11
jtvI didn't know about the log handler.  You make nice use of it.12:13
jtvadeuring: in the last paragraph of the diff, "current" really should be "ubuntu" or future readers will misunderstand.12:14
adeuringjtv: right, that should read "When a shared, current Ubutnu message is deleted..."12:15
jtvWell maybe not Ubutnu.  ;-)12:15
adeuringsure ;)12:16
jtvadeuring: meanwhile, you have my vote.12:18
jtvThanks for doing this.12:18
adeuringjtv: Thanks!12:18
jtvUrsinha: did you paste that coffee cup (e.g. from the character map), or do you know of a way to type it?  It's so incredibly useful.12:19
Ursinhajtv, I pasted12:19
jtvAh blast ☹  I would so love to be able to type this (without customizing config I can barely read)12:20
wgrantI think we need to add it to the compose key map and SRU to all supported releases.12:20
Ursinhame too!12:20
jtvI want my "ij" ligatures too.  But I'm told they're discouraged now.12:20
salgadojelmer, do you know of a good howto-style guide for using bzr and Launchpad?12:23
jelmersalgado: I think one of the bzr docs describes it pretty well. Let me see if I can find a link...12:34
jelmersalgado: http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.dev/en/tutorials/using_bazaar_with_launchpad.html?highlight=launchpad12:35
salgadojelmer, cool, thanks!12:35
jtvjam: free to discuss bug 701329 today?12:37
_mup_Bug #701329: loggerhead OOPS - error: [Errno 32] Broken pipe <oops> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> <loggerhead:Invalid> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/701329 >12:37
bigjoolsthis ec2 management stuff is archaic12:41
jtvbigjools: which is great because we'll also need that backport in our AMI.12:42
bigjoolsand now my 4th attempt at making an AMI12:48
gary_posterstub, hey.  Could you take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~gary/launchpad/bug548-db-2/+merge/48318 ?  I had to change it significantly.  allenap, you would be a great code reviewer too, if you are willing and able.12:53
allenapgary_poster: Okay, cool.12:54
LPCIBotProject devel build (414): STILL FAILING in 6 hr 15 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/414/12:54
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=sinzui][ui=sinzui][bug=708436] Fixed the width of the tag list so12:54
LPCIBotit doesn't wrap (bug #708436).12:54
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=stevenk,12:54
LPCIBotthumper][ui=sinzui][bug=670452] Add display of related branches to12:54
LPCIBotrecipe add and edit pages12:54
_mup_Bug #708436: Bug tag list wrapping <css> <qa-needstesting> <ui> <Launchpad itself:Fix Committed by huwshimi> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/708436 >12:54
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=stevenk, thumper][bug=654585,12:54
LPCIBot710291] Linkify and preserve line breaks in the bug acknowledgement12:54
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=leonardr][ui=none][bug=680733] Fix query used to load recipe build12:54
LPCIBotjobs so those which have failed to build expire off the recent12:54
LPCIBotbuilds list as expected12:54
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [rs=sinzui][ui=none][bug=711527][no-qa] Migrate widgets to the lp12:54
gary_posterthank you12:55
jtvbigjools: is there anything I need to do to get the a-f backport rolled out (df, *staging, AMI, production)?12:57
bigjoolsjtv: file an RT to get the package installed on DF + cocoplum, plus PQM and buildbot12:59
bigjoolsthe AMI you need to do yourself, but please wait since I am currently doing one12:59
jtvbigjools: OK… where do we keep this backport?12:59
bigjoolsjtv: the losas will install it to CAT, but we also need to copy it from mvo's PPA to the launchpad PPA13:00
bigjoolsput it in the LP PPA first13:00
jtvbigjools: what _is_ CAT?13:00
bigjoolsand make it a dependency of launchpad-dependencies13:00
bigjoolscanonical admin team13:01
jtv_thank_ you!13:01
bigjoolsthey have their own prod repo13:01
jtvThey run a business reposessing cattle prods?13:02
bigjoolsthis is a good time to go to lunch methinks13:02
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
gary_posterstub, thank you again.13:25
gary_posterI did a fair amount of changes and investigation--and had to throw out some of the more interesting parts of your patch--because I thought you actively wanted to separate person and team bits.13:25
gary_posterWould you like me to throw together another branch just with the verbose_bugnotifications changes?  It would probably be easy.13:25
gary_posterI tended to think that it would be easier to have a shared settings object too, but it is true AFAIK that selfgenerated_bugnotifications will be specific to people and not teams, so attributes like that exist (I think).13:25
gmballenap: Yay for fragile JS.13:37
gmbI'll look into that shortly.13:37
allenapgmb: Yeah :) You can ignore [2] and on, don't worry, they're just my mumblings. And [1] is only a suggestion.13:44
gmbNoted, thanks.13:46
stubgary_poster: I do want PersonSettings and TeamSettings separate. But your observation threw a spanner in the works. We need to think more about settings shared between teams and people before moving them to PersonSettings.13:55
gary_posterstub, ah ok.  cool, I'll leave it alone then.  Thanks13:55
deryckhenninge, I'll just take a look at the branch for you now.  to review it.14:19
henningederyck: thanks, I'll look at Aaron's14:20
henningederyck: did you just hear me OK or was I a bit faint?14:20
deryckhenninge, no, I heard you fine.14:20
henningeok, cool14:20
deryckhenninge, what's the bzr ignore for .idea for?14:26
henningederyck: I am trying out pyCharm, the idea that Ian demostrated in Dallas.14:27
henningederyck: that is using that directory.14:27
deryckah, ok14:27
deryckhenninge, and what have you disabled for pylint in the test?  (Sorry don't know those codes myself.)14:28
henningeoh, that must be a copy-and-paste error ... ;)14:29
henningederyck: I'll remove that.14:29
deryckhenninge, ok, cool.14:29
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
LPCIBotProject db-devel build (338): FAILURE in 5 hr 0 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/338/14:59
deryckgah!  adeuring, call time.  Sorry.  Was doing henninge's review.15:01
adeuringderyck: no problem15:01
henningeyeah right, blame it on me ... ;)15:01
deryckadeuring, let's bump it a half hour, if that doesn't throw you off.  and let me finish this review.15:01
adeuringderyck: sure, let's do that15:01
* deryck always blames henninge 15:01
deryckhenninge, I have questions/comments about the review... can we get on Mumble for higher bandwidth?15:02
jmlsinzui: hi15:08
sinzuihi jml15:08
jmlsinzui: what's the status of the team subscription policy discussion?15:08
sinzuiI am resolving a merge conflict now. I will send it to ec2 in 25 minutes15:08
leonardrallenap, would you like to review a wadllib branch? they're incredibly rare15:11
=== jcsackett changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/| PQM is open | firefighting: - | On call reviewer: allenap, jcsackett | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+activereviews
leonardrjcsackett: maybe you want to review it? https://code.launchpad.net/~leonardr/wadllib/what-kind-of-link/+merge/4848515:15
jcsackettleonardr: sure.15:16
leonardraargh... did someone do a 1.1.8. of wadllib and not tell me? how did this happen?15:22
bigjoolslatest devel pull is giving me a conflict on lib/canonical/widgets.moved15:23
* sinzui hands leonardr a dagger.15:23
sinzuibigjools: I just got that15:23
leonardrthe trunk says 1.1.7, but pypi says 1.1.815:24
bigjoolssinzui: and Conflict adding file lib/canonical/widgets.15:24
sinzuiI was going to send an email when I got distracted by seemingly impossible merge conflicts with lp.bugs.emum15:24
bigjoolsI am freaking doomed trying to land my branch15:24
sinzuibigjools: rm -r lib/canonical/widgets.moved, then resolve the three listed dirs15:25
bigjoolssinzui: yeah, I just wish I'd not encountered it in ec2.... :)15:26
sinzuiright. Why did it land without a conflict?15:26
jmlsinzui: oh, as in you're landing a patch? great news :D15:28
sinzuijml: yes. mrevell approved the text/help revisons a few hours ago15:29
allenapleonardr: Yeah, sure.15:30
leonardrallenap: jcsackett has it15:30
allenapleonardr: Okay. I would have to choose now to get a cup of tea. Next time.15:31
sinzuiallenap: do you have time to review https://code.launchpad.net/~sinzui/launchpad/itemswidgets-term-title-1/+merge/4848315:41
allenapsinzui: Sure.15:41
allenapsinzui: I got an Unauthorized error followed by Chromium's "This web page is not available".15:43
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
allenapsinzui: Back to simple Unauthorized now: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/562026/15:44
allenapAny ideas?15:44
jtv<mutter>It's the zcml, you'll see.  Knew it the first time I met it.</mutter>15:45
jcsackettleonardr: r=me, with a few suggestions. i've requested follow up from sinzui.15:46
sinzuiallenap: someone change my branch to private without making suer we can access.15:47
sinzuibranch privacy is "funking" retarded15:48
* sinzui looks15:48
sinzuisweet only me and admins can see the branch15:48
sinzuiallenap: I subscribed you to the branch15:51
allenapsinzui: Thanks, got it.15:51
sinzuiI see we have ~launchpad-reviewers setup to leak private information to a list15:52
allenapsinzui: Perfect :)15:53
leonardrjcsackett, sinzui: i've incorporated your comments and i've also been able to reconstruct the missing version 1.1.8 (benji's fault)15:53
bigjoolsso it turns out that ec2 land doesn't warn about uncommitted revisions.... :'(15:55
jcsackettleonardr: cool.16:06
jmlbranch up for review: https://code.launchpad.net/~jml/launchpad/sphinx-it-up/+merge/4850216:23
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
leonardrjcsackett, sinzui: i added another useful method while i was at it. it's revision 23 and very simple16:24
jcsackettleonardr: looks fine by me.16:37
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
sinzuileonardr: r=me17:00
maxbAWOOGA: Code import farm is broken. SourceForge have changed their SSL certificate such that every https: import now blocks with a "This certificate is untrusted: (R)eject, accept (t)emporarily or accept (p)ermanently?" prompt, until the import times out after an hour.17:02
maxbI think we need to find a LOSA to use SQL to suspend all code imports matching https://%.svn.sourceforge.net/%17:03
maxbgary_poster: It's not exactly CHR, but.... ^^^17:05
gary_postermaxb, ack, I'll try to wave my arms around.  ythanks17:05
leonardrjcsackett: maybe you want to take the follow-up branch as well17:06
jcsackettleonardr: sure.17:07
jcsackettjml: sorry, missed your branch up for review. i'll hit it after leonardr.17:07
jmljcsackett: thanks.17:07
jcsackettunless allenap is already looking at it.17:07
allenapjcsackett: Nope, not yet.17:08
gary_postermaxb: is the certificate change legitimate and permanent?  I don't see an announcement with a quick google search17:10
maxbuncertain. I just know it's breaking the importd farm right now. Furthermore, due to the way svn stores certificate exceptions, it would need an exception stored for *each separate sourceforge project*, so that's not feasible17:11
henningeabentley: Thanks for the reply! Can you please push your changes? Or are you not done yet?17:18
abentleyhenninge, I have pushed my changes and emailed a diff.17:18
abentleyWell, I emailed a diff.  Now I've pushed the changes.17:19
henningeah, there is the diff! Thanks!17:19
abentleyhenninge, I replied before I started work, so that if you had further comments, I would get them sooner.17:22
henningeabentley: only other comment is that you could use ResultSet.is_empty() but that is just an optimization.17:25
henningeabentley: thank you for the fixes, r=me17:25
abentleyhenninge, thanks.17:26
gary_posteremergency-ish: who is on bug rotation right now?17:26
gary_posterthat is here and available to do some investigation?17:27
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
gary_posterderyck, do you happen to know where I can find a list of people on bug rotation?17:28
gary_posterah, flacoste's email might work...17:29
deryckgary_poster, hmmm, I feel dumb.  I don't know what bug rotation is.17:29
gary_posterderyck, I mean, not doing feature work17:29
gary_postersquad stuff17:29
deryckgary_poster, ah.  red and green, I believe.17:29
gary_posterok thanks17:29
deryckgary_poster, "bug rotation" sounds much better than "import work" :-)17:30
deryckgary_poster, gah.  ruined my funny.  that was meant to be "interrupt work" but yes, the two names are equivalent often.17:31
gary_posterheh, yeah17:31
=== allenap changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/| PQM is open | firefighting: - | On call reviewer: jcsackett | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+activereviews
allenapjcsackett: If you have time, would you be able to take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~allenap/launchpad/remove-addChangeNotification/+merge/48351? I won't be around to ask question of though.17:38
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
jcsackettleonardr: your diff shows you bumbing wadllib to 1.20; i thought even given the oddities in wadllib version we were now at 1.19?17:42
gary_postermaxb, do you happen to have some specific failing branches you could send me very quickly?17:45
jcsackettsinzui: think you might be able to mumble around 1pm? i finally got some test runs back for the not-ec2ing assertion error branch, and have a weird error i cannot figure out.17:45
sinzuijcsackett: I have interviews at 1 and 317:46
jcsackettsinzui: nevermind then. :-)17:46
maxbgary_poster: Pretty much anything currently on the importds: https://code.launchpad.net/+code-imports/+machines (because each problem import sticks around on the importds for 1 hour)17:46
gary_postermaxb, many thanks17:47
jcsackettallenap: looking at your branch now.17:48
sinzuimbarnett: maxb I see https://dev.launchpad.net/ReviewingCodeImports suggests changing https to http for SF. Do either of you know if there are projects that are https-only17:49
maxbthat wiki page advice is greivously out of date17:50
maxbI now change all new sf imports *to* https, because they have stupid connection timeouts on http that break long operations17:50
sinzuiI suspected as much. I found it from an obsolete CHR page17:50
leonardrjcsackett: i decided to take it to 1.2.0 since i added new features17:51
jcsackettleonardr: okay, cool. i missed that bit.17:51
maxbIf we change all existing URLs to http, most of them will probably keep going because they'll only be importing a few revisions at a time. However, new imports over http from SF generally fail17:51
maxbSo it might be worth doing that, to preserve service levels as best we can17:52
danilosderyck, hi, do you happen to know if BugNotificationRecipients are "expanded"? (i.e. if we are creating notifications for entire team, we evaluate it and create them by person instead)17:56
deryckdanilos, I believe the rule is "if the team doesn't have a contact address, send to individuals"17:57
danilosderyck, right, but do you know where is that rule applied? I'm trying to modify addChange/addChangeNotification to remove the changee if they don't want email they generated themselves (by using recipient_set.remove(changee)), but I just figured that we might have a team in there which includes the changee, so that might not work17:58
danilosderyck, I guess it's best if I write a test for this just to be sure :)17:59
deryckdanilos, I'm looking at the code.  I assume it's where the recipient list is built, but am checking....18:01
danilosderyck, I was doing the same thing, and then figured it's faster to ask :)18:03
deryckdanilos, yeah, no. :-)  Sorry, but I never could keep this all in my head.18:04
deryckit's moved around a bit lately, too.18:04
danilosderyck, yeah, I know, and it's still moving around according to allenap :) anyway, I wrote a test which confirms that team is in the list of notifications, which means that it's just a tad bit harder for me to figure out :)18:05
deryckdanilos, lib/canonical/launchpad/doc/notification-recipient-set.txt confirms how it all works.18:08
danilosderyck, basically, since notifications are async, we don't have enough information to decide this when they are actually sent out18:10
danilosderyck, how would you feel about: 1) adding "changed_by" DB column to BugNotification and/or BugNotificationRecipient and 2) flattening out teams for which the changer is member of?18:11
danilosderyck, I'm leaning to 2), and I'd only do it when the "changer" actually wants to suppress email for his changes, but if this happens inside POST requests, it'd be a terribly bad idea18:12
deryckdanilos, so the point is to suppress my own emails, if I've selected this as a configurable option for bug mail?18:13
danilosderyck, exactly18:13
danilostriple digit bug, fwiw, 548 :)18:13
deryckhmmm, db change seems heavy weight.  I would think we could turn this off when we build the recipient list.  or is the db column for performance?18:14
danilosderyck, well, it'd move any harder decision logic back to the backend, so yes, DB field would be for performance18:15
* deryck is thinking18:15
danilosderyck, basically, if we don't introduce "changer" in the DB, we'd have to evaluate all team members and add notification rows for each of them except the "changer" (in this case: I wouldn't change how it behaved previously)18:16
danilosderyck, and since this might be happening on each change to a bug through a web page, if there's a very large team a person is a member of, it may mean a very large number of rows being inserted, and we know that causes trouble18:17
danilosderyck, (iow, I've stopped leaning to 2, and lean more to 1 now, though I'd love to be told that 2 is better because it's easier :)18:17
deryckI'm not convinced we need either :-)18:19
* deryck is still thinking18:19
danilosderyck, excellent, I'd be happy to hear any other option :)18:19
danilosderyck, (though, to be honest, I don't believe there is any other option, but I'd be delighted to be proven wrong :)18:21
lifelessdanilos: deryck: FWIW I'd probably add change to the notification if its not there already18:33
lifelessbut I'm simple minded18:33
deryckdanilos, lifeless -- so I would favor just changing construct_email_notifications to drop the notification if person has this config flag set and he/she is the changer.  can we not work out who the changer is from that function?18:35
deryckI thought if person == email_person in that function, we would have the changer.  but I'm not entirely sure, even after having read through it all, jumping around a bit now.18:37
danilosderyck, there's nothing in either of bugnotification/bugnotificationrecipient which can tell us who the changer is18:38
danilosderyck, we can probably parse one of rationale or something but that'd be pretty fragile18:39
daniloslifeless, so, I am generally in agreement, thanks for the support :)18:39
deryckdanilos, who is BugNotification.message.owner  ?18:39
danilosderyck, I don't know, but isn't that just for comments?18:40
leonardrsinzui, the sooner you can mentor jcsackett's review of my lazr.restfulclient branch, the better--it's all i need to land a huge launchpad branch18:40
danilosderyck, fwiw, bugnotificationrecipient.person is the actual recipient (eg. a team in the case I want to solve)18:41
sinzuileonardr: I am on the phone at the moment I will get to it in 30min18:41
leonardrsinzui, ok18:41
deryckdanilos, I thought "message" was the message being sent, not just a comment.18:41
lifelessderyck: does construct_email_notifications run in the webserver context ?18:41
derycklifeless, nope18:41
danilosderyck, and you are right, it is the message being sent18:41
lifelessso something a little unrelated18:42
lifelessthat I'd like us to do18:42
danilosderyck, and owner does seem to be the person who changed stuff, wooohooo18:42
lifelessis to setup valid participations in backend services18:42
deryckdanilos, so if the message owner is the person who created the notification -- i.e. the changer -- then I see no point in storing that in the db.  especially since this runs offline.  however....18:42
deryckdanilos, if I'm wrong, feel free to add a column. :-)18:42
lifelessthis would let you look up the participation to find out who the work is being done on behalf of18:43
danilosderyck, agreed18:43
deryckdanilos, the down side of adding it if it's already there, is that people will create new queries where none exist today.  just cause they can :-)18:43
danilosderyck, yeah, it's just that I didn't really understand what message was, but you were right all along18:43
deryckdanilos, no worries.  Wasn't trying to prove myself right.  Just wanted to avoid more columns if we could.18:44
danilosderyck, there are plenty downsides to unneeded redundancy, so let's not go into that :)18:44
deryckand I wasn't completely sure, honestly. :)18:44
deryckdanilos, right :-)18:44
danilosderyck, heh, well, you did prove yourself right, cheers :)18:44
deryckcheers :-)18:44
danilosderyck, btw, where is the code that actually assembles notifications for sending then? :)18:44
danilosderyck, (I've so far not touched on that side of things, only up to the point of creating BugNotification records)18:45
deryckdanilos, in lp.bugs.model.bug start with addChange and work your way down :-)18:45
danilosderyck, heh, actually, that's this side of things that I have touched; it seems it might be bugs/scripts/bugnotifications.py18:46
deryckdanilos, ah, the look up side.  sorry.  yes, that script.  the first function there is what you want.18:46
danilosderyck, thanks, very useful help, I'm running off now, but will have this ready for landing tomorrow :)18:48
deryckdanilos, cool.  catch you later.18:48
allenapjcsackett: Thanks for the review :)18:52
jcsackettallenap: you're welcome. :-)18:57
LPCIBotProject devel build (415): STILL FAILING in 6 hr 8 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/415/19:02
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=gmb][bug=711901] Implement LIFECYCLE notification level for direct19:02
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=bac,19:02
LPCIBotbenji][ui=none][bug=699719] A (currently disabled) JS overlay has19:03
LPCIBotbeen added for advanced direct bug subscriptions.19:03
sinzuileonardr: r=me19:08
abentleyhenninge, does this make any sense to you? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/562165/19:34
=== jcsackett is now known as jcsackett-mobile
henningeabentley: looking19:49
abentleyhenninge, nm19:49
abentleyhenninge, it was because it defaults to 0 for sequence.19:50
henningeright ;)19:50
abentleyhenninge, I think this is confusing behaviour, though.19:51
henningeabentley: of the factory method?19:52
henningeI guess it could default to getUniqueInteger19:53
abentleyhenninge, I think that would be better.19:53
henningebut there are so many tests that use this, we'd have to check all of them.19:53
henningewell, we could just see which are failing ...19:54
henningeI guess19:54
abentleyhenninge, or if having a continuous sequence is valuable, we can find out the last sequence number.19:54
henningeabentley: actually, in most cases sequence != 0 would be the important information.19:55
abentleyhenninge, It's also confusing that getPOTMsgSets does not, by default, return all msgsets.19:56
henningetests that test the actual sequence of POTMsgsets would set it explicitely.19:57
abentleyhenninge, I realise that getting active messagesets is probably the common case for that method, though.19:57
henningeabentley: exactly19:57
LPCIBotProject db-devel build (339): STILL FAILING in 5 hr 21 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/339/20:20
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [rs=wgrant][no-qa] Merge stable,20:20
LPCIBotresolving conflicts. Again. We like conflicts.20:20
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=lifeless, stevenk][bug=712249] Remove remaining lucille references.20:20
* jcsackett is having some irc difficulties.20:26
deryckhenninge, hey.  Your friendly neighborhood nag coming your way. :-)20:42
deryckhenninge, hows the work for a fix for bug 710591 coming?20:42
leonardrwhat's the best way to dynamically set the title of a launchpad page?20:55
leonardrie. set it to some non-static value determined by the view code20:55
wallyworldleonardr: see SourcePackageRecipeEditView20:57
wallyworld    def title(self):20:57
wallyworld        return 'Edit %s source package recipe' % self.context.name20:57
wallyworld    label = title20:57
wallyworldis that what you want?20:57
henningederyck: it's underway but won't be done today, we'll be aiming for an r-c tomorrow here.20:58
leonardrwallyworld: not ideal, but let's see if i can make it work20:59
wallyworldleonardr: there may be a better way - that's the one way i have personnally seen21:00
deryckhenninge, ok, thanks21:04
wallyworldStevenK: leonardr: thumper: we having a standup today?21:08
thumperwallyworld: yep21:09
leonardrthumper: my mic isn't plugged in21:12
StevenKwallyworld, thumper; I'm coming, just having laptop issues21:14
wallyworldlifeless: ping21:30
lifelesswallyworld: hi21:34
wallyworldlifeless: i need to qa something but the db for qastaging is so old that i can't do it21:35
lifelesshow so?21:36
wallyworldcan we organise to refresh the qastaging db?21:36
wallyworldthere's some recipe build records that reflect the problem in production but qastaging doesn't have them21:36
wallyworldi need to test on a system that has those particular records21:37
wallyworldi think qastaging db should be updated once a week? but it appears way older than that?21:37
lifelesswallyworld: in this situation is better to create the problem21:37
lifelessrather than wait for a sync21:38
lifelessparticularly as we may well need to fix data in prod so there is never any guarantee that a problem will exist on [qa]staging21:38
wallyworldthe data in prod doesn't need fixing21:39
wallyworldthe issue is with how it is displayed21:39
wallyworldso you mean script some sql and get it run on qastaging?21:39
lifelesswallyworld: I'm familiar with the bug; opinions vary about whether the data is a problem or not :>21:39
lifelesswallyworld: putting that aside.21:39
lifelesswallyworld: yes, geting losa to help you reproduce the issue on qastaging21:40
wallyworldok, so i'll write some sql to generate some records. do i have query access to the qastaging database?21:41
lifelesswallyworld: You don't need sql21:43
lifelesswallyworld: login to qas; make a recipe; request a build; request another build; ask losa to update the finished time on the one that would normally sort lower and check it sorts higher21:44
lifelesswallyworld: they may want sql for the last step, but the losas are pretty familiar with sql too :)21:44
wallyworldlifeless: isn't that sql?21:44
mbarnettwe know nothing about your fancy structured languages!21:44
wallyworldoh ok, i don't need to write the sql myself21:44
lifelessit can also be done via bin/harness without any sql at all21:44
lifelesswallyworld: you may be asked to; but don't prejudge.21:45
wallyworldi'm not familar with bin/harness :-)21:45
lifelesscertainly don't *start* with sql, start with the web ui :)21:45
wallyworldlifeless: ok. i'll grab some breakfast and do it after that21:46
wallyworldmbarnett: i think you know more than you admit to :-)21:46
wallyworldmbarnett: will you be around for another hour or so? can i ping you to help with the data manipulation?21:48
mbarnettwallyworld: most likely.  I should be here, and if i am swamped, i'll fool one of my compatriots into helping!21:51
lifelesswallyworld: the other thing21:55
lifelesswallyworld: remember that the goal of the final qa step is 'ok to deploy'21:55
huwshimiDid someone break the bugs api on qastaging? I'm trying to add tags to a bug and it fails with a 503 (trying to hit this page: https://bugs.qastaging.launchpad.net/api/devel/bugs/664553).21:58
_mup_Bug #664553: Arduino should be in ubuntu software center <Ubuntu:Expired> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/664553 >21:58
james_whuwshimi, 503 means "sorry, try again" here21:59
james_wpossibly it implies a problem with the qastaging appservers or similar though21:59
=== jcsackett-mobile is now known as jcsackett
lifelesshuwshimi: do you see the headers?22:03
huwshimilifeless: Chrome console is giving me the headers22:04
huwshimilifeless: But the status code is "503 Service Unavailable"22:05
lifelessif there isn't an OOPS header, then that is the frontend detecting qas not responding at all within 30 seconds22:06
lifelesswhich isi odd22:06
huwshimiI can't see anything referring to oops. There's some stuff about zope, but that's all I can see.22:09
lifelesspaste the headers?22:10
wgranthuwshimi: A 503 is almost always a timeout.22:10
wgrantThere should be an OOPS ID.22:10
wgrantMost bug changes currently time out due to heat recalculation.22:10
wgrantqastaging seems worse than staging :/22:10
huwshimilifeless: http://paste.ubuntu.com/562237/22:12
lifelessthe oops is probably in the body :(22:12
wgrantI guess the timeout code doesn't know the X-Lazr-Oops stuff :(22:13
lifelessdepends on the render path22:14
lifelessapi -> header; web -> body22:14
pooliehuwshimi, hi22:14
pooliehuwshimi, i am hungry for the fix for bug 708436 but it doesn't seem to be active in https://bugs.qastaging.launchpad.net/bzr22:14
_mup_Bug #708436: Bug tag list wrapping <css> <qa-needstesting> <ui> <Launchpad itself:Fix Committed by huwshimi> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/708436 >22:14
pooliedespite the revision number seeming to say it would be22:15
pooliei may be just confused though22:15
huwshimipoolie: I'm just trying to test that on qastaging, but now I've run into a problem with adding bugs to a task22:16
huwshimi*tags to a bug22:17
huwshimiI'm not sure what happened with my words there22:17
huwshimilifeless: the body didn't have any helpful stuff (it was a standard "sorry, try again later" page)22:17
huwshimipoolie: Oh, now I think I understand your confusion. That is a different bug to the one about tag clouds.22:19
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
huwshimiok seems to be working now22:28
lifelessflacoste: so when you're done with calls; we should talk briefly about the output from the rt meeting22:31
flacostelifeless: i'm done22:31
flacostelifeless: skype me22:31
poolieo/ flacoste22:31
pooliehuwshimi, ah, you're right, i was confusing them22:31
poolieor they were confusing me22:31
huwshimipoolie: It's ok, we were all confused.22:32
wallyworldthumper: you able to tick and flick that mp?22:44
cody-somervilleDoes zope security policy for an object only come into effect when its instantiated or would it also throw an exception if for example you try to delete an object the current principle doesn't have access to via a bulk operation on a result set which is done using SQL (and thus no objects are actually loaded into Python)?22:58
wgrantcody-somerville: Only attribute access on the Python object is protected.23:04
lifelesscody-somerville: can't delete an object you can't talk about.23:06
StevenKjtv: Ping23:06
lifelesscody-somerville: but operations below the object layer are not relevant to the zope security framework23:06
StevenKlifeless: O hai23:08
lifelessStevenK: hi23:09
StevenKlifeless: Could you take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/recipe-errors/+merge/42305 ? It's not a review, but I'm wondering if you agree with the reviewers comments.23:11
cody-somervilleHow does Zope magically wrap objects returned by a storm result set in a security proxy?23:11
abentleyStevenK, I rejected that because I don't plan to work on it anymore and it wasn't approved by the reviewer.23:13
wallyworldlifeless: i have a question when you are free23:13
lifelesswallyworld: quick or involved?23:13
wgrantcody-somerville: The ResultSet is itself wrapped.23:13
wallyworldlikely involved :-)23:14
lifelesswallyworld: if it can wait for me to do a shopping run for Lynne, that would be awesome23:14
StevenKabentley: I figured as much, I'm just trying to understand why there was so much pushback.23:14
wallyworldlifeless: of course. just wanted to see if you were free. just ping me when you are able23:14
abentleyStevenK, so I think he's right that it would make more sense to fix the text of the errors, so that they could just be stringified.23:15
lifelessabentley: FWIW I think the use of the __exit__ to consolidate the exception statements is pretty cool23:15
lifelessabentley: I'm a little ambivalent about the use of it for flow control as well23:16
lifelessabentley: if there was some way to tease that apart, that might make it really good23:16
lifelessabentley: if the exceptions can be reliably stringified - or if they could be given some extended protocol to let us get a web page error from them, that would be simpler overall23:17
lifelesswallyworld: ok, in a bit then.23:17
StevenKlifeless, abentley: I guess my hidden question is "Do you feel this is a good base to start work with, or shall I scorched earth and start from scratch?"23:19
cody-somervillewgrant, Interesting. I assume thats because the store is also wrapped? And if so, what prevents an unwrapped store from being instantiated?23:20
wgrantcody-somerville: Nothing.23:21
abentleylifeless, I think the three cases, no error, user error and programming error, make it difficult to deal with in a ContextManager unless we do the oops handling there.23:22
lifelesscody-somerville: zope security is insurance23:22
* cody-somerville nods.23:23
abentleyStevenK, if this was the only way of avoiding code duplication, I would probably still do it this way.  Maybe you can think of another way.23:24
cody-somervilleDoes Zope keep the the current principle in a thread local storage or is that information only available if you have the request object like in Django?23:25
StevenKabentley: I was tempted to write a validator function that returns None on no error, or the string of the exception23:25
StevenKabentley: And then call it from the two sites23:25
StevenKabentley: Which means we can iterate and get the recipe text set using a AJAX text field23:26
abentleyStevenK, validators are look-before-you-leap.23:27
wgrantcody-somerville: It uses TLS.23:28
StevenKabentley: Yes, I was suggesting calling it before setRecipeText()23:28
cody-somervilleIs using TLS as naughty as the Django folks make it seem?23:29
abentleyStevenK, to be clear, I believe EAFP is a better pattern than LBYL.23:29
wgrantcody-somerville: Just about.23:30
wgrantBut it's convenient sometimes.23:30
StevenKabentley: Sorry, can you expand EAFP?23:32
lifelesseasie to ask forgiveness than permission23:32
abentleyStevenK, http://docs.python.org/glossary.html#EAFP23:33
lifelessStevenK: and I'm with aaron - the default behaviour should be to try and handle rejection, rather than plan and then try. There are some cases where performance or correctness will be better the other way around, but they are precious few.23:34
thumperabentley: unfortunately that isn't how launchpad forms normally work23:37
thumperStevenK: fyi - the webservice just calls set recipe text and returns propagates the error with a 400 response code23:38
lifelesswgrant: :( I missed sinzui23:38
mwhudsoncody-somerville: given the settings module, django people are in no position to regards other practices as evil23:38
StevenKmwhudson: Their moral high ground is on a bed of quicksand?23:38
wgrantlifeless: Why'd you want him?23:38
mwhudsonStevenK: something like that23:40
lifelesswgrant: apache-openid.23:40
lifelesswgrant: bug 71269823:40
_mup_Bug #712698: No way to expire existing sessions <Apache OpenID:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/712698 >23:40
lifelesswgrant: I was going to ask if he could spare a slot for it23:41
wgrantlifeless: Hmm.23:42
wgrantlifeless: Also, re. Debian, what status did you have in mind for squeeze?23:42
lifelesswgrant: dunno; not-dev-focus ?23:42
wgrantThe development focus is not explicit for distributions.23:42
lifelesswgrant: something controls branch stacking ......23:43
wgrantlifeless: Whichever series has status DEVELOPMENT.23:43
lifelessthere are three for debian, surely.23:43
lifelesssid, experimental and $next23:43
lifelesswgrant: also https://bugs.launchpad.net/apache-openid/+bug/712698/comments/123:43
_mup_Bug #712698: No way to expire existing sessions <Apache OpenID:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/712698 >23:43
wgrantRight. Experimental is currently EXPERIMENTAL, Sid is FUTURE, and Squeeze is DEVELOPMENT.23:44
wgrantWe could possibly swap Sid and Squeeze.23:44
wgrantBut making the dev focus explicit is probably better.23:44
wgrant"Given the depths of the cuts already made to reclaim CD space, and the23:51
wgrantfact that we should be taking a leadership position in encouraging23:51
wgrantmigration to Python3, I don't think it makes any sense to keep23:51
wgrantpython2.6 around in Ubuntu for Natty.23:51
wgrantPorting time yay?23:51
james_wporting Launchpad?23:51
james_wto 2.7?23:53
wgrantRight. It's still a bit broken.23:53
james_wthat was surely inevitable before the next LTS23:53
wgrantBut not necessarily before Natty.23:53
james_wyou are just concerned about developers?23:53
james_wdeployment obviously isn't going to move to natty is it?23:54
james_wok, with you23:54
abentleythumper, forms seem to handle setting errors in actions (i.e. asking forgiveness) very well.  The problem we've got here is how best to generalise the control flow.23:56
thumperabentley: I think the main reason for the validation code is to catch all the errors at once, rather than one at a time23:57
abentleythumper, there's that.23:59

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