
=== seidos is now known as LongShot
gunndawghey LongShot :)00:10
gunndawgwhats goin on ?00:11
=== LongShot is now known as longshot-numero-
=== longshot-numero- is now known as seidos
red_Hello I have an old Dell xp that seems to have the os guts somehow virised out. no device manager, no sound manager, no system restore, etc. Boots up ok though. Task manager opens. Can I use a boot cd to reformatt the disk and put ubuntu on it?02:03
JoeMaverickSettred_: you mean like boot an Ubuntu CD, wipe the whole disk and install Ubuntu? if so, yes, why not?02:05
red_I just want to use the computer with a good operating system and since it will not hook up to the net I have to get it on there somehow02:06
JoeMaverickSettred_: what might your computer specs be? RAM and hard disk.02:07
JoeMaverickSettred_: and ubuntu is a really good operating system, you know. :)02:09
thewrathhi all02:10
red_dell latitude d610 .99 GB of ram xp professional  74.4 GB disk02:10
JoeMaverickSetthey thewrath :)02:10
thewrathhow is everyone?02:10
JoeMaverickSetteveryone is fine, i believe. :)02:10
MattHarrisondoing good since snowmaggedon was a bust02:10
thewrathMattHarrison, where do you live?02:10
JoeMaverickSettred_: great. you can install it.02:11
red_does the complete ubuntu os fit on a cd?02:12
JoeMaverickSettred_: or if you really want a more low resource, i suggest you try lubuntu. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu02:12
JoeMaverickSettred_: yes, it does.02:12
red_ok great thanks02:13
JoeMaverickSettno problem. :)02:13
yax51is there an ipconfig function that I can access from the terminal?02:16
holsteinyax51: you looking for ifconfig?02:18
yax51holstein: possibly, does it work the same as ipconfig from windows, or very similar?02:19
holsteinyes and no02:20
holsteinprobably just depends on what you are doing02:20
holsteinas to how similar it will be02:20
yax51holstien: what do you mean02:22
holsteinwell, im not too sure how ipconfig works02:23
holsteinive used it very little02:23
holsteinBUT, i would say certain tasks would be similar 'looking' and feeling02:23
holsteinwith ifconfig02:23
yax51aaah, so basically I am trying to flush the DNS cache...02:25
MattHarrisonyax51:  http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-clearflush-dns-cache-in-ubuntu.html02:26
yax51MattHarrison: thanks02:27
gunndawgis 148 processes considered a lot for ubuntu ?03:38
Space-DuckAfter I mount a FTP, can I create some kind of shortcut to automount it later? (The real problem is I have a few FTPs and cant remember the passwords for all of them)03:39
gunndawgman this Cairo dock confuses me03:53
ddecatorDocky FTW03:53
* zkriesse grabs his docky banner, docky shirt, and blue paint03:54
zkriessecome on ddecator let's go touting docky!03:54
holsteinwhats the one called thats in gnome-do ?03:54
holsteinits not bad03:54
ddecatorit's not in gnome-do anymore03:54
holsteinand easy to get going03:54
holsteinddecator: OH03:54
ddecatorseparate project now03:54
holsteinprobably better that way03:54
ddecatorplus the non-gnome-do docky always had more features03:54
gunndawgwell I think docky presented the same problem as cario dock is giving me03:55
ddecatorwhich is?03:55
gunndawgwell I have icons like Pidgin on the dock03:55
gunndawgwhich should do one of two things, just launch the main pidgin program (my friends list) or show active conversations and the friends list03:55
gunndawgbut when I start a conversation with someone, that pidgin icon suddenly only opens and closes that conversation, and has no interaction with the main pidgin program03:56
ddecatorDocky lets you right-click icons and select which window related to the program to focus03:56
ddecatorif left-clicking doesn't bring up the right one03:56
gunndawgthese docks have always confused me, they are always adding extra icons03:57
ddecatoradding extra icons? like when you open a program that isn't on the dock it adds an icon while that program is open?03:58
gunndawgthat as well03:58
ddecatorthat's a feature in Docky that you can toggle on or off :)03:58
gunndawgjust wish I knew why the pidigin icon will only open one of the active chat sessions and not the pidigin menu it self (unless all conversations are closed)04:00
ddecatorit probably opens the most recent window related to the application04:00
gunndawgthats kind of annoying04:01
gunndawgI want my icons to open up the programs they are associated to04:01
gunndawgor make it so when you hover over them, you have lil preview windows of other windows associated to that program, or something04:01
gunndawgor like skype, if I close my skype window and then click skype from my dock again to re open it, it starts a whole new session of skype instead of opening the current one (one I already opened and logged in with)04:04
ddecatoryah that shouldn't happen. i don't think Docky does that04:06
ddecatori tried Cairo, AWN, and Docky. Docky was, imo, the best by far04:06
gunndawgand then if I launch frostwire from the dock it adds another frostfire icon to the dock for it04:06
gunndawgddecator, I'll try docky I guess04:06
gunndawghope it functions like I was thinking a dock should be functioning :(04:07
ddecatorthat last issue can sometimes happen still, but that's usually just after you've added an app to the dock and usually goes away after restarting docky04:07
ddecatori use the docky daily ppa, but i think the one in the repos is pretty much the same04:08
johnny77To use Docky you need a compositing WM, right?04:08
ddecatornot really sure04:08
gunndawgsigh, now I cant get rid of caior dock04:10
ddecatoryah, cairo dock is...persistent04:10
gunndawgI did sudo apt-get remove cairo-dock but its still listed under system tools and still functions04:10
gunndawgoh, think I need to log out and back in04:11
ddecatoryou could use synaptic and search "cairo" to see what other packages show up04:11
ddecatoror that could be it..04:11
gunndawgsigh, its still there04:12
ddecatoryah, i would try the synaptic route04:12
ddecatori feel like i ran into the same issue a couple years ago04:12
gunndawgyeah synaptic took care of it04:14
gunndawgmight as well install docky with synaptic also, should I also install python-docky?04:14
gunndawgnvm, looks like it includes that04:14
gunndawgalright got docky up and runnin04:17
gunndawgDocky is doing the same thing with skype :(04:19
ddecatorreally? that's odd...i haven't had that before04:19
gunndawgyeah keeps running a new instance of skype instead of opening the existing one04:20
ddecatorit might work after a restart. it sometimes acts weird right after adding an app04:20
gunndawgalso adds a new icon for frostwire04:20
gunndawgso all the same problems cairo dock offered04:20
ddecatortry killing the docky process and starting it again04:21
gunndawgyeah still doing it04:22
gunndawgwhich is basically rendering a dock useless if it wont keep track of my currently opened programs/windows04:22
ddecatorthat's really weird...you could try the daily ppa, but not sure if that'd help since i haven't ever had those problems with it04:24
gunndawgim not entirely sure how to use PPA's yet either04:24
ddecatorwhat version of ubuntu are you using?04:25
ddecator"sudo add-apt-repository ppa:docky-core/ppa" then "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade"04:27
gunndawgok its saying it help 1 upgrade back04:28
gunndawghow do I force upgrade it ?04:28
gunndawgThe following packages have been kept back:04:30
gunndawg  docky04:30
gunndawg0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.04:30
ddecatorheld it back? hmm, maybe it has different dependencies. open synaptic, search for docky, click the box and mark for upgrade, and see what it says04:30
holsteinsynaptic like ddecator is easy04:30
holsteinyou can remove it04:30
holsteinand reinstall it04:31
gunndawgi think I got it04:31
seidosdist-upgrade upgrades the distribution, is that what you want04:31
gunndawgwill I need to reload docky for changes (if any) to take effect ?04:31
holsteinits because you are getting it from a different repository04:31
gunndawgyeah, just figured that out, he04:31
holsteinseidos: you need to change sources04:31
holsteinand run dist-upgrade04:31
holsteini use dist-upgrade often04:31
holsteinfor some audio PPA's i use04:32
seidosoh, for ppas you run sudo apt-get update04:32
gunndawgok its all upgraded now04:32
seidosi don't04:32
seidoswhat do you use dist-upgrade for holstein?  aside from upgrading the distro?04:32
holsteinupgrading packages04:33
holsteinwhen a newer package is in a different repo04:33
seidosisn't that just the upgrade command?  sudo apt-get upgrade?04:33
holsteinupdate updates the cache04:33
seidoswait, are you pulling packages from a different version of the distro?  like installing 10.10 packages on 10.04 or 11.04 on 10.10?04:34
holsteindocky is in the repo04:34
holsteinthe default one04:34
holsteinwhen you add the PPA04:34
holsteinyou're askind apt to install a newer version04:34
ddecatordist-upgrade upgrades more parts of the system, but it doesn't do an upgrade from one distro version to another04:34
holsteinwith apt-get upgrade04:34
gunndawgwell bummer, I was hoping to get a working dock set up tonight :(04:34
holsteinBUT it says, wait04:34
holsteinthe newer one is in a differen repo04:35
ddecator"sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" might work too, unless there are dependency issues04:35
ddecatori run that command every day04:35
ddecatorgunndawg: still doing the same thing?04:35
gunndawgddecator, yeah, it also wont open my current browsing session when I click chromium or firefox04:35
gunndawgit launches a new browser session04:35
seidosholstein: ah, checking the man page.  interesting.04:36
gunndawgjust like it did with skype, etc04:36
ddecatordefinitely shouldn't be doing that...how are you adding the apps to the dock?04:36
holsteinseidos: i recently learned about it04:36
gunndawgddecator, I dragged them from my panel04:36
holsteinusing the kxstudio PPA04:36
seidosholstein: yeah, that isn't intuitive to me04:36
ddecatorgunndawg: should work then :/04:36
holsteinseidos: well, when you think about it, its better than having packages come in willy-nilly04:36
holsteinfrom whatever repo04:36
holsteinthis is an extra step04:37
gunndawgddecator, yeah unfortunately its not, :(04:37
gunndawgI just want a working dock!04:37
ddecatoris that what differentiates upgrade from dist-upgrade? i never figured out what made some things only update with dist-upgrade04:37
ddecatorgunndawg: like i said, some of it might work after a restart, possibly of your whole computer, but not sure04:37
gunndawgddecator, also if I close pidgin chat then it completely removes it from the dock04:37
ddecatorgunndawg: try dragging it from the application menu04:38
ddecatorinstead of the panel04:38
gunndawgddecator, k04:38
JoeMaverickSettgunndawg: right click the app, pin to dock?04:38
ddecatoryah, that might work too04:39
gunndawgthat did not work, still opens multiple sessions of the browser, and skype04:39
holsteingunndawg: ?04:39
seidoswe want a working dock for you too gunndawg!04:39
seidosi'm installing docky now04:39
JoeMaverickSettgunndawg: what dock did you install? didn't catch that.04:39
seidoshaha, cool icon, with the anchor04:40
JoeMaverickSetti'm using a daily/beta of docky. works fine04:40
gunndawgseidos, only cool thing about it as far as I am concerened04:40
gunndawgI bet if I exit out of Xchat, it will disappear off of docky04:40
JoeMaverickSetthhmm, strange thing.04:41
seidosgunndawg: it doesn't really make sense to have a dock if you have a panel at the bottom...04:41
ddecatorJoeMaverickSett: me too, i'm using the daily ppa and haven't run into any of the issues he's having04:41
gunndawgstrange and annoying, makes the dock not worth using04:41
JoeMaverickSettddecator: yup, that puzzels me. :|04:41
seidoshmmm, but it is kind of cool...maybe i should get rid of the bottom panel04:41
ddecatorseidos: that's what i did04:42
JoeMaverickSettseidos: i did the first thing i knew about docks. :D04:42
ddecatorand the top panel auto-hides. maximum screen realestate :)04:42
gunndawgI would get rid of the bottom panel if I could get the dang dock working as such that its worth using04:42
JoeMaverickSettddecator: cool, haven't thought about it yet. :D04:42
holsteingnome's auto-hide is lame04:42
ddecatorgunndawg: like i said, my only extra suggestion is to add all of the applications, then restart your comp and see if it works better04:42
gunndawgddecator, I'll give that one last attempt04:43
JoeMaverickSettyup, try... :(04:43
JoeMaverickSetti hate to see it not working...04:43
JoeMaverickSettcoz it's the best.. :D04:43
holsteingunndawg: you have the dock at the top?04:43
ddecatorJoeMaverickSett: window dodge hiding i think is what docky option i have set04:43
JoeMaverickSettddecator: ah, i think mine's on intellihide.04:43
ddecatorthere was something about intelli-hide i didn't like..can't remember what04:44
JoeMaverickSettah, nope, window dodge. :D04:44
gunndawgholstein, no04:44
gunndawgholstein, bottom04:44
holsteinand the gnome panel is at the bottom too?04:44
seidosand turn on autohide04:44
ddecatorif i window doesn't have focus, intellihide doesn't hide the dock, but window dodge will hide it if any window is close enough to the dock04:44
seidosprobably should get rid of the top panel too...they don't really work together04:44
holsteindrag docky up to the top for a bit04:44
holsteinto test04:44
gunndawgholstein, to test what ?04:45
JoeMaverickSettddecator: yeah, that one didn't work as i thought it'd04:45
holsteinso they panel and the dock can breathe04:45
gunndawgok I moved it to the right04:45
seidoswhoa, can't kill gnome-panel, it restarts04:45
ddecatorJoeMaverickSett: yah, i sometimes have two windows side by side, and i used to have 3 docks, so it drove me nuts when i would go between the two windows and two of the docks kept showing and hiding04:45
seidosi autohid it...04:45
seidoser, well the top one04:46
JoeMaverickSettddecator: hehe, distractions. :D04:46
* seidos facepalms04:46
seidosJoeMaverickSett: how did you turn off gnome-panel?04:46
JoeMaverickSettseidos: like how?04:46
JoeMaverickSetti got my top panel still04:46
JoeMaverickSettdocky is at bottom04:46
gunndawgok guess im gonna restart and hope docky works then, so brb04:46
ddecatoryah, the top panel is handy04:46
ddecatorgunndawg: good luck :)04:47
ddecatorjust have it auto-hide04:47
ddecatorso windows can fill the whole screen04:47
JoeMaverickSettseidos: right click the panel > properties ?04:47
seidosJoeMaverickSett: ah, yeah, i have too many things open right now...04:48
seidosah, i'll move to another workspace04:48
JoeMaverickSettseidos: hehe, i forgot about ubuntu having workspaces. :P04:48
JoeMaverickSettmight start utilizing it!!04:48
seidosi don't get it, docky is working okay for me04:48
* JoeMaverickSett facepalms.04:48
gunndawgok back04:49
ddecatoroh man, workspaces are amazing04:49
seidosi'm not using pigin though04:49
ddecatorgunndawg: any luck?04:49
JoeMaverickSettddecator: tell me about it. :D04:49
seidosi <3 workspaces04:49
gunndawgddecator, well I notice something about it04:49
seidosi don't need them right now, but they are nice to have04:49
ddecator5 workspaces in 1 row as a "cube"04:49
gunndawgif I sign into skype, and just "minimize" skype instead of hitting the X, the docky will open skype properly04:49
seidosah, with multiple workspaces, not sure docky would "cut it"04:49
ddecatordocky works great with multiple workspaces04:49
gunndawgbut if I hit X on skype (its still running, I can open it from the top panel) and then try to open it in docky, it opens a new instance of it04:50
seidosddecator: i'll try it04:50
ddecatorgunndawg: that's odd...maybe it doesn't notice that it's still running because there isn't a window, so it assumes it needs to launch it04:50
gunndawgddecator, yeah thats how its acting04:50
ddecatorseidos: if you click something on docky, it'll auto-move to the workspace that window is on04:50
ddecatorgunndawg: strange...any luck with firefox/chrome?04:51
seidosddecator: sweet.  so then i would just need a bigger "docky" maybe :P04:51
seidosi usually use multiple workspaces when i have gimp, totem, and a few other things open...maybe audacity04:51
gunndawgddecator, yeah chrome seems to be functioning properly because it always has a window04:51
ddecatorseidos: me too. and it even goes through the animations if you're using desktop cube or anything04:51
ddecatorgunndawg: well that's improvement at least04:52
gunndawgjust like if I minimize skype it works, well you have to minimize chrome to keep it going04:52
seidosddecator: yeah, not using desk cube.  intel graphics.04:52
ddecatori wonder if there is a bug report for docky about the closing a window thing..04:52
ddecatorseidos: i'm sorry :(04:52
JoeMaverickSettseidos: oh man. :(04:52
gunndawgyeah im not just sure if this docky thing is gonna work for me, sadly, they look so convenient04:52
ddecatorit is. and much more functional than the bottom panel04:53
seidosddecator, JoeMaverickSett haha, it's not a big deal.04:53
JoeMaverickSettddecator: true, tbqh. :D04:53
JoeMaverickSettseidos: yeah, just can still get the desktop wall04:53
seidosdoes anyone ever use empathy?04:53
* JoeMaverickSett is a pidgin fan. :D04:53
ddecatori do04:53
seidosddecator: for what?04:54
ddecatoror did, but now i might try kopete, but i haven't used an IM app in months04:54
ddecatorseidos: i used it for facebook chat and google talk04:54
seidosgunndawg: i'm trying it out04:54
seidosddecator: ah, nobody i know chats on there04:54
gunndawgseidos, alright, let me know what you think04:55
ddecatornope, that's why i stopped using it. plus i have gmail opened in an app tab in firefox at all times, so google talk is open anyway04:55
gunndawgseems like everything you open has to be "minimized" in order to be reachable again by docky04:55
seidosgunndawg: i kind of like it so far.04:55
seidosgunndawg: alt-tab?04:55
gunndawgseidos, no, that is not what I mean04:55
holsteinin my experience04:55
holsteindocky is similar to OSX's dock04:55
ddecatorbut much better04:56
gunndawgI mean some things like pidgin, and skype can run from the panel without the window actually being "active"04:56
ddecatorand more customizable04:56
holsteinwith more options04:56
JoeMaverickSettgunndawg: or ccsm with hide windows shortcut (Ctrl + ALt + d) ?04:56
seidosgunndawg: it does seem like you can't really choose what ends up on the dock.  firefox is there, and empathy, and rhythmbox...they don't need to be for me.  it would be better to have gimp and totem04:56
holsteindrag em off04:56
gunndawgseidos, you can add them and remove them04:56
JoeMaverickSettseidos: drag it to the desktop and poff it goes04:56
holsteinwith a neat graphic and all :)04:57
seidosJoeMaverickSett: nifty04:57
ddecatoralso check out docklets and helpers :)04:57
gunndawgI think I might have to skip out on the docky, its just much frusterating04:57
seidosnah, this is nice.  i have a visual representation of the apps i use04:57
gunndawgfrustration *04:57
seidosgunndawg: but the pretty pictures!04:57
gunndawgseidos, yeah it looks great, I agree. But the way it functions just isnt acceptable04:58
holsteingunndawg: how about indicate multiple windows?04:58
seidosi think i would have to use alt-f2 a lot more...which should improve efficiency over time04:58
gunndawgholstein, what does that mean ?04:58
holsteini just clicked on chromium04:58
JoeMaverickSettseidos: you won't say it's pretty when half of your apps are betas or dailys that don't have docky icons. :D04:58
ddecatorholstein: i think it does that by default04:58
holsteinand it did not launch a new chromium04:58
holsteinit went to the one that was already open04:58
gunndawgholstein, I got the chromium part fixed, its fine04:58
seidosJoeMaverickSett: just for that i'm going to try to find a program i use that doesn't have a docky icon04:59
ddecatorseidos: find it in the app menu and drag it onto the dock04:59
holsteinwhats the problem?04:59
ddecatoreven if it's custom04:59
ddecatorand you can specify an icon04:59
ddecatorit uses whatever is shown in the applications menu04:59
gunndawgholstein, try using skype with docky04:59
gunndawgor pidgin04:59
JoeMaverickSettddecator: ah, must have been the case. some of my apps don't have icon in the app menu.04:59
seidosoh, the irony, my system looks more like a mac now05:00
gunndawglike right now I have skype on, its tucked up in the top panel as logged in, but if I click skype on the docky, bam I get a new instance of skype instead of the one I am already logged into05:00
seidosi should call it a "friend"05:00
ddecatorJoeMaverickSett: if you set a custom icon in the applications menu, docky will eventually update and use that icon as well05:00
holsteingunndawg: interesting05:00
JoeMaverickSettddecator: oh, okie.05:00
holsteini just had it do with skype as i expected05:00
* JoeMaverickSett didn't know that, sorry for the wrong info. :|05:00
holsteinit launched a new one05:00
ddecatorseidos: because of docky, a lot of people assume i'm use OS X when they first see my screen, haha05:00
gunndawgholstein, exactly05:00
holsteinand maximized a minimized one05:00
seidosgunndawg: let me install skype and see how it goes05:00
JoeMaverickSettddecator: hehe, exactly. :D05:01
ddecatorJoeMaverickSett: i learned that when i used prism and that used favicons which scaled horribly05:01
holsteingunndawg: whats the issue then?05:01
holsteinits going to launch the app?05:01
gunndawgholstein, what do you mean what is the issue? when I click skype on docky it should open up the one that I already am logged into and using, right? not open a new skype window/new instance of skype05:01
JoeMaverickSettddecator: i quit on prism the day i installed it. :D05:01
holsteingunndawg: right05:01
ddecatorJoeMaverickSett: it was nice before app tabs came out05:01
gunndawgholstein, well, thats the problem, it opens up a new instance of skype05:02
holsteinthats what happend for me05:02
JoeMaverickSettddecator: is it? never knew. didn't explore it. :D05:02
JoeMaverickSettgunndawg: ah, same here.05:02
holsteinthe first time, are you launching it with docky gunndawg ?05:02
gunndawgholstein, so then why do you ask what the problem is, if you clearly see the problem05:02
seidosso why not use empathy instead of skype?  does it have video and audio over tcp/ip?05:02
gunndawgholstein, lol05:02
gunndawgholstein, , yes05:02
holsteingunndawg: i did not no05:02
holsteinwhat the problem was05:02
holsteinits not happening for me05:02
seidosah, can't call a pots phone05:02
holsteinthis is exactly what i do05:03
gunndawgits happening for JoeMaverickSett it appears05:03
JoeMaverickSettgunndawg: well, just minimize it then. :D05:03
holsteini click on skype05:03
holsteinit opens05:03
holsteina new one05:03
holsteini minimize05:03
JoeMaverickSettgunndawg: i don't *X* close it, so i didn't experience it much. :D05:03
gunndawgyeah I guess if you minimize it05:03
holsteini click on the same icon05:03
holsteinand i get it maximized05:03
gunndawgholstein, yeah it works if you minimize it, but if you hit the X then it doesnt work like that05:03
holsteinthe x closes it05:03
gunndawgwell the X stores it in my top panel05:04
holsteinand for you its doing what?05:04
gunndawgso i can click it up there, and bam, skype is open05:04
holsteinbut you closed it05:04
ddecatori wonder if rythmbox would do the same05:04
gunndawgholstein,  no thats not how it works05:04
ddecatorholstein: the window, but not the program05:04
holsteinand its like a shortcut at that point05:04
ddecatorthe process is still running05:04
holsteinyeah, im not following05:04
holsteinO I C05:05
gunndawgholstein, if I hit X on skype it closes it, and uses no space on the bottom panel, then I can click the skype icon in my top panel and it opens up, all logged in and everything05:05
ddecatorgunndawg: does it do the same for rhythmbox?05:05
gunndawgso now I am forced to "minimize" it in order to make it work propelry with docky05:05
gunndawgddecator, no clue, I do not use rhythmbox05:05
holsteinno, i get it now05:06
gunndawgddecator, but I assume it would as anything that you can stop a window for but keep the process running, will probably screw up in docky05:06
holsteini didnt know you guys were checking in top05:06
ddecatoryah, neither do i, but i guess i can still test it on here myself, haha05:06
holsteinyeah, im still running in the background05:06
holsteingunndawg: skype ^^05:06
holsteinthe 3 instances05:06
gunndawgholstein, exactly05:06
gunndawgholstein, NOW do you see my point? ;)05:07
holsteinsounds like a bug to me05:07
holsteinNOW i do05:07
gunndawgholstein, heh05:07
JoeMaverickSettseems to me it happens only to skype.05:07
JoeMaverickSetteven if i hit X and press the icon on docky for pigdin, it returns.05:07
gunndawgJoeMaverickSett, I am willing to bet it happends to any program that hides its window in the panel icon (top)05:07
ddecatorexcept pidgin apparently..05:08
JoeMaverickSettgunndawg: interesting. may be05:08
gunndawgJoeMaverickSett, start up a conversation with someone on pidgin and then see how the pidgin icon on docky reacts05:08
JoeMaverickSettgunndawg: well, people are at work at this time of hour. :D05:08
gunndawgJoeMaverickSett, ddecator it wont open up pidgins main menu, it will open up your last minimized conversation05:09
jmarsdenThey are?  9PM here :)05:09
holsteingunndawg: maybe just a little gnome panel05:09
gunndawgJoeMaverickSett, ddecator which is equally not very efficient if your trying to access pidigin main menu05:09
holsteinlike a dock05:09
JoeMaverickSettwell, it's 13:00 here05:09
holsteinat least we know that those do05:09
JoeMaverickSettbioterror: go to bed. :D05:09
bioterroryou're so much ahead of me, joe05:09
ddecatorin other news, rhythmbox doesn't have an icon in the top panel when you use kubuntu...05:09
holsteinat least we know what those do*05:09
bioterrorJoeMaverickSett, I would like to, but I've to go to work05:09
gunndawgholstein, yeah05:09
JoeMaverickSettbioterror: >:(05:09
gunndawgI just put docky into Panel mode05:10
holsteini was trying that05:10
holsteinnot ideal05:10
seidosah, i see.  need the top panel for skype05:10
gunndawgseidos, yeah05:10
seidosand there's no pin option05:10
gunndawgseidos, alas, the problem ;)05:10
seidosgunndawg: so keep top panel, autohide it?05:10
JoeMaverickSettwho needs skype when you have a phone? ;)05:10
ddecatorvideo chat05:10
ddecatorplus, free05:11
JoeMaverickSettlol :D05:11
seidosJoeMaverickSett: i can call brazil for free w/ skype  over the web05:11
gunndawgseidos, I do have top panel in auto hide but its such a habbit of mine to close many programs from hitting X and just opening them again from the top panel, in order for docky to keep working I will need tos tart minimizing EVERYTHING05:11
JoeMaverickSettgunndawg: well, not everything.05:11
gunndawgJoeMaverickSett,  imma slap you!05:11
JoeMaverickSettlol :D05:11
* JoeMaverickSett runs05:12
gunndawgpoint is, now I have to minimize everything that I want to function with docky05:12
seidosgunndawg: just change skype's source code :P05:12
seidosis skype even open source?05:12
gunndawgseidos, imma slap you as well!05:12
JoeMaverickSettseidos: i think it's closed source. :D05:12
seidosgunndawg: go for it, i'll take it like a man05:12
seidosJoeMaverickSett: :(05:12
ddecatorgunndawg: i guess i never ran into that because i always keep windows open and just change workspaces05:13
* JoeMaverickSett nods05:13
gunndawgddecator, ah yeah, I just use one workspace05:13
gunndawgTerminal works how most programs in docky should05:13
gunndawgyouc an right cilck terminal and pick which terminal window you wanna open05:14
gunndawgif you have more than one open, excellent05:14
gunndawgwhy cant pidgin do the same thing?05:14
JackyAlcinegunndawg: What do you mean?05:14
ddecatorgunndawg: it should..05:15
gunndawgddecator, I agree, it should05:15
gunndawgJackyAlcine, what part dont you understand? lol05:15
gunndawgJackyAlcine, the terminal window part ?05:15
JackyAlcinegunndawg: The Pidgin part, like have a menu window selector?05:15
JoeMaverickSettgunndawg: you confuses my docky skills... :|05:15
linuxrunnerAnyone here?05:16
gunndawgJackyAlcine, yes, be able to either launch a specific conversation, or launch pidgins main menu (contact list)05:16
JoeMaverickSettlinuxrunner: yes, many.. :D05:16
JoeMaverickSettlinuxrunner: how may we be of service to you? :)05:16
seidosi <3 linux05:16
linuxrunnerAll right, I am in some deep stuff, and I don't know how to get out... I cannot get my nvidia x server to work.05:17
linuxrunnerNothing helps.05:17
gunndawgwhat docky themes do you guys use?05:17
linuxrunnerI am running under safe mode under the kernel05:17
JoeMaverickSettgunndawg: HUD.05:18
linuxrunnerWhen I open nvidia x server settings, it says, "You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root)05:19
gunndawgJoeMaverickSett, ddecator, any clue how to center the icons in docky while in panel mode?05:19
JoeMaverickSettlinuxrunner: so, did you run it?05:19
linuxrunnerso I run sudo nvidia-xconfig, and get Using X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf".05:19
linuxrunnerBacked up file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' as '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'05:19
linuxrunnerNew X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'05:20
ddecatorgunndawg: nope, sorry. i've never used panel mode05:20
gunndawgddecator, its quite nice05:20
linuxrunnerAnd I have no idea what to do from there, either to edit the config file or to restart x05:20
gunndawgwhat is the difference between a launcher and a docklet ?05:21
linuxrunnerany ideas?05:22
ddecatorlauncher launches an app. docklet sits in the dock and is useful, like weather05:23
ddecatorlinuxrunner: can't you use the Nvidia configuration gui?05:23
gunndawgddecator, alright, so a trash can is considered a docklet?05:24
=== seidos is now known as Obiwan-Kenobi
ddecatorgunndawg: yah, since it lets you see if there is trash (the icon changes) and lets you clear the trash from the icon. clicking it will also open the trash folder05:24
=== gunndawg is now known as darth-maul
linuxrunneryou mean the one under system -> administration ?  That's what tells me that I'm not using the nvidia x driver05:24
=== darth-maul is now known as GunnDawg
ddecatordid you install and activate the driver using jockey?05:25
linuxrunnerI don't know what jockey is05:25
=== Obiwan-Kenobi is now known as seidos
JoeMaverickSettlinuxrunner: System > Administration > Additional Drivers ?05:26
ddecatorthanks JoeMaverickSett, i'm not using gnome right now and i couldn't remember what menu it was in, haha05:26
JoeMaverickSettlinuxrunner: it would be Hardware Drivers, iirc if you were using 10.0405:26
GunnDawgddecator, I added a battery monitor docklet but its not showin up, even after restarting docky05:26
JoeMaverickSettddecator: hehe, no problemo. ;)05:26
ddecatorGunnDawg: really? it should show up on the far right05:27
GunnDawgddecator, nope, just the trash can05:27
linuxrunnerNo proprietary drivers are in use on your system.  Nothing05:27
ddecatorlinuxrunner: ...and you definitely have an nvidia card? haha05:28
GunnDawgddecator, gonna re log, brb05:28
linuxrunnerOh yes, it was working three days ago.  There's an nvidia sticker on my lapper.  There are nvidia files installed in synaptic05:29
ddecatorlinuxrunner: does it show up when you run "lspci" in a terminal?05:30
JoeMaverickSetthttp://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4110246&postcount=13 <-- might this be the fix, not sure though. /me don't have nvidia :|05:30
gunndawgddecator, hmmm still no battery docklet, strange, maybe it needs a full system reboot ?05:30
linuxrunnerYes, it does, GeForce 820005:30
ddecatorgunndawg: shouldn't..05:31
gunndawgddecator, , strange05:31
ddecatorlinuxrunner: is the nvidia-current package installed?05:31
gunndawgddecator, do you have frostwire at all?05:31
linuxrunnerYes, but not nvidia-current-dev05:32
gunndawgddecator, because it also acts funky with docky05:32
gunndawgddecator, I guess the battery docklet only works if your battery is below 98% and not plugged in05:34
=== JoeSett is now known as JoeMaverickSett
ddecatorlinuxrunner: nvidia-current should be what you need, but jocky should see that you need it and activate it for you...05:36
ddecatorgunndawg: huh, that's strange. and no, i don't use frostwire05:36
linuxrunnerddecator: what steps should I take, then?05:36
gunndawgddecator, alright, im just looking for a decent P2P app05:36
ddecatorgunndawg: i used to use utorrent for that stuff05:37
gunndawgddecator, what about for music though ?05:37
ddecatorlinuxrunner: well, launching jocky the way JoeMaverickSett pointed out is supposed to work. i'm not sure how to troubleshoot it not working unfortunately :/05:37
ddecatorgunndawg: i use Rdio which is web-based05:38
gunndawgRdio ?05:38
linuxrunnerddecator, what about activating the x driver?05:38
gunndawgddecator, is Rdio free?05:38
ddecatorgunndawg: nope, i pay for my music now05:39
ddecatorand Rdio is just getting me by until Spotify comes to the states05:39
gunndawgddecator, oh alright05:39
gunndawgwow, docky takes quite a bit of system resources05:46
gunndawgmore than skype, lol05:46
gunndawgheck, more than anything, its the #1 memory user in my processes05:46
gunndawgwhat a pig05:47
linuxrunnerI'm trying to istall the driver directly from nvidia.com05:47
linuxrunnerlooking for people... not interested in bots.05:54
ddecatornot sure if they provide a .deb or not...either way, the nvidia-current package is the driver, it's just not activating for some reason06:00
ddecatorgunndawg: docky sometimes uses a lot of memory if you use nvidia06:00
ddecatorthe two don't always play nice06:01
gunndawgddecator, yeah well I use intel graphics06:01
gunndawgits a toshiba laptop06:01
ddecatorthen i have no idea :/06:02
gunndawgoh well06:02
gunndawg27.0MiB usage06:02
seidoslinuxrunner: what's wrong with bots?  :(06:03
* gunndawg loves bots06:05
linuxrunnerseidos: they don't pass the turing test06:06
gunndawgthe what test ?06:06
seidosalan turing...poor guy.06:07
seidoslinuxrunner: sometimes they do, actually06:08
gunndawgI just realized my mic doesnt work on ubuntu, it plugs in right next to my headphones06:10
seidosmight mic works now, thankfully06:10
gunndawgis it USB or audio jack ?06:11
gunndawgseidos, you left me hangin!06:21
seidosgunndawg: dude, sorry.  you gotta' include my nickname.  i'm chatting in like 3 rooms right now06:22
gunndawgseidos, haha its fine, are you plugging your mic in via USB or a mic port ?06:26
seidosgunndawg: it's the built in mic that works.  i do want to try an external soundcard at some point, however06:28
gunndawgbecause mine is a mic port and I am wondering if I have to modify something else in the alsa-base.conf to get my mic to work now considering I had to with my speakers which are the same card06:28
gunndawgwell not my speakers, but my headphones06:28
gunndawgseidos, forgot to type your name again, haha06:30
seidosgunndawg: do you know about tab complete?06:31
gunndawgseidos, yeah I just forget to use it, sorry06:31
seidosgunndawg: np06:32
seidosgunndawg: oh, check alsamixer in a shell for frontmic volume.  if that volume is down the mic here doesn't work06:32
gunndawgseidos, which meter on alsamixer is supposed to be the mic ?06:33
seidosgunndawg: hit tab once, should take you to where you need to be06:33
gunndawgseidos, it says L     R    and has capture 100<>100 undernead it06:34
gunndawgseidos, the meter is like maxed out but it doesnt move06:35
seidosgunndawg: hmmm, that's different than mine.  it could be that 'capture' is the line input for your sound card06:35
seidosgunndawg: i don't have a line input device to test with my notebook06:36
gunndawgseidos, http://min.us/mv1Cwm06:36
seidosgunndawg: ah, can you change analog mic boost and int mic boost?06:42
seidosgunndawg: not sure if it you're interested, but if your eyes get tired you can try super (usually windows logo button) +n to invert the colors of a window06:43
gunndawgboth to 40dB now06:43
seidosgunndawg: now try recording something in sound recorder06:43
seidosbest way to test it since the program is so simple06:44
seidosgunndawg: what time is it where you are?06:44
gunndawgseidos, 10:45pm, and where is sound recorder, heh06:44
seidosgunndawg: sound & video06:45
seidosgunndawg: or alt-f2 gnome-sound-recorder06:45
gunndawgits not recording anything :(06:46
gunndawgseidos, no recording06:46
seidosgunndawg: what's the next step?  :P06:47
gunndawgseidos, haha good question06:47
seidoskernel module, alsa, or pulseaudio?  searching the web for "microphone record <sound chip>" probably wouldn't hurt, gunndawg06:47
seidosi forget your chip, something like a connexant...06:49
gunndawgseidos, pulseaudio06:49
gunndawgConexant CX2058506:49
seidosgunndawg: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/70127106:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 701271 in linux "[Conexant CX20585] Recording problem with internal mic" [Undecided,In progress]06:51
seidossorry, we should be checking launchpad first thing06:51
gunndawgseidos, are you suggesting I try "options snd_hda_intel model=hp-laptop" in the alsa-base.conf ?06:52
seidosgunndawg: nope.  but it wouldn't hurt06:54
seidosgunndawg: why?  did you see something like that on the launchpad link?06:54
gunndawgNo, its what was on the link you pasted to me06:55
gunndawgseidos, at least the first fix on that page was06:55
seidosi haven't read the whole thing yet06:56
seidosgunndawg: have you heard of noisebridge?06:56
gunndawgseidos, nope06:56
seidoser, that link says "internal mic" not sure if that will help06:56
gunndawgseidos, ah ok06:57
gunndawgseidos he says its for the "first headphone jack"06:58
gunndawgseidos, unless im reading that wrong06:58
seidosyeah, and it says "mic-jack is also working"...06:59
seidosso, i dunno06:59
seidosthe strange thing, here, though, is why would the options snd-hda-intel model=<somelaptop> make a difference?07:00
seidosif the sound chip is xyz soundchip, then what difference does the laptop model make?07:00
seidosit sounds like the laptop model is a kind of hack for what needs to be a custom driver for each notebook07:00
seidosbut there probably aren't enough developers to make that happen07:00
seidosat least no FOSS developers07:00
francishello... is burg supported here? i have a question for it..07:01
gunndawgseidos well I did apply it to my alsa-base.conf so I am gonna give a reboot and see what gives07:01
seidosgunndawg: good luck07:01
gunndawgseidos thanks, brb07:01
gunndawgseidos ok now when I say something the meter does move, and sound recorder actually makes noise, but its like an empty static07:05
seidosgunndawg: lower the volume now, to something like 50%07:05
seidosi should go to sleep gunndawg, i will hopefully see you tomorrow07:06
gunndawgseidos bah ok :(07:06
=== webjadmin is now known as JackyAlcine
gunndawggood morning07:40
kristian-aalborgseidos: testing with bonnie++ now08:33
kristian-aalborgI ran smartctl but it said everything was fine08:35
kristian-aalborghttp://pastebin.com/3u5L6k87 - bonnie output... nothing wrong?!08:40
gunndawgAnyone have any clue why using either chrome or firefox on 10.10 that my CPU usage pretty much maxes out ?09:19
bioterrorpossible flash09:19
gunndawgoh really ?09:20
gunndawgis there anything I can do about it? pretty sure its not ok to run the system at 99% CPU, some times 100%09:21
bioterrorare you surfing web pages with flash?09:24
gunndawgbioterror, yeah09:25
bioterrorif you just start up the browser, does use 100% cpu then?09:25
gunndawgno, it gradually climbs09:25
gunndawgas I stream live video feeds, or youtube, etc09:25
bioterrorcat /proc/cpuinfo09:25
bioterrorwhat's your cpu and MHz ;)09:25
gunndawgcpu MHz: 2194.76209:26
bioterroroh fast that is09:26
gunndawgmodel name: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU          900  @ 2.20GHz09:26
bioterroropen terminal09:27
bioterrorand put something to stream from youtube09:27
bioterrorand run this in terminal: watch grep \"cpu MHz\" /proc/cpuinfo09:27
bioterroris the cpu at 2.2GHz or at 900MHz09:29
gunndawgcpu MHz         : 2194.76209:30
gunndawgfrom "watch grep \"cpu MHz\" /proc/cpuinfo09:30
bioterrorso the cpu is doing work09:31
gunndawgnow its bounching around 35 - 40%09:31
bioterrorare you using 32bit or 64bit ubuntu09:31
gunndawg32bit ubuntu09:32
bioterroroh, if it's around 35-40%, it's okay09:32
gunndawgthat seems like a pretty heavy load09:32
gunndawgbut what do I do when it starts going above that back into the 90's ?09:32
bioterror35-40% is a normal load for a flash video in a browser09:33
gunndawgoh ok09:33
bioterrorthose require some juice from CPU09:33
bioterrorbrb, I'm going to boot and test if this disk finally works09:34
bioterrorusb pendrive09:34
bioterrortrying to install lubuntu from usbstick09:34
gunndawgwhen I watch the same video on the same site in chromium its up to like 90%09:35
bioterrorvimeo's videos takes more CPU than youtubes09:38
webjadminThey do. =/09:39
bioterrorbut that's becouse vimeo has alot better quality than youtube09:39
gunndawgis it alright to run your CPU that high long enough to watch a video ?09:40
gunndawgam I being overly cautious ? lol09:40
bioterroryou can monitor the cpu temperature09:41
gunndawghow so ? and I am not entirely sure what to high for this particular laptop and cpu09:41
bioterrorI'm a little angry as I cant get lubuntu-10.10.iso to boot from usbstick09:42
gunndawgyour wanting to change to lubuntu?09:43
bioterrorif this world was perfect, we just could do: dd if=foooobar.iso of=/dev/sdb1 bs=102409:43
bioterrorgunndawg, I dont use any other buntus than lubuntus ;)09:43
gunndawgyou goin from ubuntu 10.10 to lubuntu 10.10 ?09:43
bioterrornjaeh, I installed SalixOS last night, I wanted to try their LXDE desktop09:44
gunndawgoh ok, why is that? just curious ? is regular ubuntu that big ?09:44
bioterrorgunndawg, I have my perversions09:44
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eee-bangseidos, ping10:48
eee-bangthis is kristian-aalborg from another machine10:48
eee-bangI'm running the rescuecd now to find out what's wrong10:50
eee-bangthis looks bad, amirite?12:17
eee-bangsorry, small keyboard... it's a script that I usually run, but this looks wrong - note the last line12:18
eee-bangblfriis, hej ;)12:18
duanedesignhello eee-bang12:20
eee-banghi duanedesign12:20
eee-bangI should mention that I'm actually kristian-aalborg12:20
duanedesignlooks like it is trying to remove the old kernels and install a new one. Should be ok, however I like to leave at least one old kernel in case something goes wrong with the new one12:21
eee-bangduanedesign, you have to read it bottom up ;)12:22
eee-bangthe one with uname -r is the one I have... but it looks like the one it12:22
blfriiseee-bang, hej12:23
eee-bang... it's trying to install12:23
eee-bangno, wait... it actually only wants to remove the old kernel12:24
eee-bangany comments on this simple update script?12:45
yofeleee-bang: you might want to add a a full-upgrade run after safe-upgrade, shouldn't be needed in stable releases, but PPAs would be a use case12:54
eee-bangyofel, this is a vanilla install13:01
* eee-bang never heard of that command, also13:02
yofelaptitude safe-upgrade ~= apt-get upgrade, aptitude full-upgrade ~= apt-get dist-upgrade13:03
eee-bangwrong window, sorry ;)13:05
yofelhappens to everyone at some point :P13:05
eee-bangnot the first time, tbh ;)13:06
eee-bangmy script should be a substitute for update-manager, does it miss anything?13:06
eee-bangapart from taking a lot of resources, of course ;)13:07
tronyxping cp14:11
Timo_hey, how can I open a CD with wine? Now it says it doesn't have executable permission, and I can't change the permission because the cd is not writable.14:12
Timo_found it! Thanks anyways.14:17
Timo_- the solution: opening a terminal: cd /media/<thenameofCD> and then wine name-of-installer.exe14:18
proberoshow can I disable my operating system's asking password on screensaver quit ?14:38
Puck`hi proberos14:39
Puck`ouh I'm not on ubuntu at the moment, but I guess you should look around the preferences menu14:39
Puck`Screensaver, maybe?14:39
proberosthere is no option on screensaver menu for disabling password14:40
proberosI also want it is not asking any password anytime ?14:40
=== shadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer_
JoeMaverickSettproberos: may be uncheck "Lock screen when screensaver is active" might do it14:41
proberosok I will try14:41
=== shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer
* JoeMaverickSett waves at Puck` & shadeslayer :)14:42
shadeslayeroh hai JoeMaverickSett :)14:43
JoeMaverickSettshadeslayer: hello. :D14:43
Puck`hi joe14:43
JoeMaverickSetthey, Puck`14:44
JoeMaverickSetthow do you do? :)14:44
Puck`very well, thank you *bows* Yourself? (:14:44
JoeMaverickSetthehe, *bows* am fine too, thank you for asking. :D14:44
holsteinthe lubuntu blog is quite handy15:06
=== JoeSett is now known as JoeMaverickSett
Daniel0108I have a question about DNS entries ;)15:46
holsteinDaniel0108: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_Name_System15:54
Daniel0108holstein, I know15:59
Daniel0108but can you help me?15:59
Daniel0108I have a .at and a .com domain16:00
Daniel0108I set up the .com domain ;)16:00
Daniel0108now I want to connect the .at domain with the .com domain16:00
holsteini suppose i would forward the domain16:00
Daniel0108I changed the .at domains DNS settings, I added a MX 10 entry that points to my .com domain16:00
Daniel0108yeah, but forward isn't possible16:01
holsteinat the registrar16:01
Daniel0108I just have DNS settings16:01
holsteinDaniel0108: i know that is do-able16:02
holsteinnot something i have had to tackle myself16:02
holsteinmight want to search in some more network specific locations16:02
holsteintheres a guy in my loco that does that16:03
holsteinif you want to try16:03
holsteingotta run...16:03
nhandlerAnyone have a fast CLI tool for converting a bunch of .mp4 videos to .ogv ? I've been using ffmpeg2theora, but for some reason, it is taking about 4 times the video length to convert16:05
Daniel0108holstein, thanks ;)16:06
geirhanhandler: tried changing --speedlevel?16:08
nhandlergeirha: No. I somehow missed that option. I'll try it in a few minutes to see how big of a drop in video quality there is16:10
nhandlergeirha: It is still taking about 30min for a 3 minte video16:38
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=== Maverick is now known as JoeMaverickSett
geirhanhandler: Ouch.17:01
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gurkan_hi all19:04
gurkan_how to set the smtp server of my provider in my home's mailrc file i use mailutils 2.119:05
bioterrorGNU Mailutils supports two types of mailer URLs, described in the table below. As usual, square brackets indicate optional parts:19:07
bioterrorhttp://mailutils.org/manual/mailutils.html more from there19:07
gurkan_i saw this manual but not enough clear19:08
gurkan_i set smtp://my.smtpserver.stuff but don't work19:09
gurkan_thank u for your answer19:10
bioterrordid you have some programs in your mind which you're going to use for sending mails19:10
bioterrorbut I can tell you a little secret, these questions belongs to server section, not for beginners ;)19:11
gurkan_why did u think that it belong to server section19:13
gurkan_ok i see19:14
bioterrorbecouse neil newbie doesnt use mailutils, instead he uses something like thunderbird or evolution19:14
doezEvening. Can anyone help me with a network problem? My msn-clients are not receiveing all messages that other people are sending. I have pidgin version 2.7.9 and have tried several clients without result. I have to look at the hotmail.com website to actually see if I missed a message, and almost always I lose about 50% of messages taken.19:40
bioterrordoez, tell your friends to use IRC ;)19:42
bioterrornothing much to do, i think19:42
pedro3005doez, emesene? amsn? kmess?19:43
doezpedro: As I said, Pidgin.19:43
pedro3005I mean, tried any of these?19:43
doezYes, amsn.19:43
pedro3005works in windows?19:43
doezThat I don't know.19:44
doezIt used to do.19:44
pedro3005no longer have it?19:44
doezNo, my SSD crashed.19:44
pedro3005you didn't configure any firewall did you?19:45
doezFor Linux, no.19:45
doezThat'd be the first thing id check if I did.19:46
kristian-aalborgis anyone using minitube 1.3? Can't get it to build19:47
doezI haven't done anything fancy at all with the networking part. Still It doesn't work for any client.19:48
kristian-aalborghmm... I got it going... it will search for (and find) videos, but not play them19:50
walkkennMy built in mic doesn't work in my ASUS PC1001PXD-MU17.  alsamixer says my soundcard is a REALTEK ALC259.  I have tried many things, but still can't get it to work.  Anybody have any ideas?20:07
walkkennMrChrisDruif  By the way, like you suggested, I tried the upgrade to the latest version of ALSA and same problem.  One of the things that I realized is the INPUT on the Sound control does not have a list of microphones.20:11
MrChrisDruifDid I suggest that? :D20:11
walkkennMrChrisDruif - yes, day before yesterday I think.  Thanks for the help anyway.  I know it is a problem with ALSA20:13
MrChrisDruifAlright :)20:13
MrChrisDruifWell...I can't remember, but is your problem sorted?20:16
walkkennMrChrisDruif - No, but thanks for your help anyway.  It helped me narrow down the problem.20:23
MrChrisDruifHappy to help, always :)20:23
yax51you it, surprise me how "special" people are sometimes....22:16
pleia2trolls :(22:18
MattHarrisonway too funny22:18
yax51more then likely, but I just came across it while trying to find a solution to fix my keyboard22:19
webjadminyax51: That made my day!22:20
yax51webjadmin: glad I could help, just posted it to my face book as well ;)22:21
=== webjadmin is now known as JackyAlcine
yax51anyway, I seem to be having keyboard issues, it randomly skips keystrokes22:21
JackyAlcineyax51: Skips?22:22
MattHarrisonlaptop or desktop?22:23
yax51JackyAlcine: yeah, when I type and hit a key, it doesn't detect it, it's very irritating..22:23
yax51So when I type it looks like I ca't spell or space things correctly22:24
yax51I am running an ASUS g50vt, and there is not much support on their website for anything22:25
yax51I suspet that I might have to update the BIOS, but I can't seemt o find an update22:26
yax51MattHarrison: Laptop22:27
yax51I thought about calling their tech support, but their tech support is dumb and they are going to tell me to do a reinstall of windows before they can help me22:32
MrChrisDruifyax51: They enforce Windows on us EVERYWHERE =-O....my parents bought a motherboard the other day....got a cd with it with drivers on it for Windows :P22:36
MrChrisDruif(Linux doesn't need drivers ;))22:36
MrChrisDruifWell...none that YOU need to install :P22:36
yofelthen you know why there was no linux support CD in the box :P22:37
yax51MrChrisDruif: not always true, I had to install some drivers to get my audio working properly22:37
MrChrisDruifyax51: Most of the time it works ootb :P22:38
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yax51MrChrisDruif: true, but yeah, tech support won't even talk to me unless I have windows...22:38
MrChrisDruifI know....same <_<"22:38
yax51Which is dumb...because I am convinced this is a BIOS issue22:39
yax51and has nothing to do with windows at all22:39
yax51in fact it was having this problem WHILE I still had windows on my machine22:39
yax51maybe I should call them and lie and say I still have windows vista just to get the BIOS I need....22:40
MrChrisDruifWoohoo...misconception for personal gain :D22:51
MrChrisDruifMake Windows feel it...22:51
MrChrisDruifWhen they give it...give them another call...and tell them you've got Ubuntu installed instead of Windows ;)22:52
yax51I like it!!22:55
yax51I'm going to do that right now!!!22:55
MrChrisDruifAwesome :D23:05
MrChrisDruifLet me know how it goes :D23:05
yax51ok I got the BIOS, but thy want me to install in using winflash23:06
yax51is there another way to install in without using winflash in maverick?23:07
MrChrisDruifYou mean flashing the BIOS?23:09
yax51what about flashrom?23:12
MrChrisDruifYou can flash BIOS with floppy and more modern versions also with usb I thought23:15
yax51so I just put it on to a usb, and boot it up via usb?23:16
yax51ok that didn't work...23:23
=== bgs101 is now known as bgs100
MrChrisDruifyax51: Look it up on google of your motherboard supports it and if it does search on how to do it :)23:26
yax51doing that now23:26
yax51hmm can't seem to find ANYTHING23:39
MrChrisDruifRemind me when you see me again...I'll take a look then :)23:40
MrChrisDruifOff to bed now :)23:40
yax51cool thanks!23:40
MrChrisDruifBye :D23:41

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