
LinuxPusheram I too late?01:31
dscasselToo late for what, I wonder?01:39
txwikingerToo late?02:06
dscasselChanging meeting date to Tuesdays.  Next meeting: Jan. 15.02:27
hypatiadscassel: feb 15?02:32
gpchypatia: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-backintime-machine02:45
gpcto attend the meeting02:45
hypatiagpc: lol02:48
gpcit's a VM that uses Wine, all very complicated but the package makes it simple02:49
dscasselFeb 15. :P02:51
BobJonkmanDarn.  I was hoping to try that package02:52
dscasselI'm still writing 2005 on cheques.02:52
BobJonkmanMe too.  that's the last time I had money02:52
crondjust FYI folks07:05
kbothello all14:21
dscasselMorning. :)15:33
BluesKaj'morning dscassel15:43
dscasselBluesKaj: Any luck with natty lately?16:46
BluesKajno dscassel I reverted to maverick , the X1.10 stack removed important xorg files and the replacements broke X on my 2 linuxboxes16:48
BluesKajall's well tho I had backups of all the important and media files, so no data was lost16:49
BluesKajwhat's the gdm app responsible for "desktop effects" ?21:49
hakimsheriffhi people22:09

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