
ohsixany idea why bug 711429 is nonpublic?03:00
ubot2ohsix: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: list index out of range (https://launchpad.net/bugs/711429)03:00
ohsixmarking a public bug a duplicate of a private one suxxx03:01
bjfohsix, i've added a somment asking why it's private03:08
ohsixok, thanks03:08
bjfohsix, not sure why you are asking in the kernel channel though, you might get more satisfaction in #ubuntu-devel03:08
ohsixwell, eyes; most things i have to ask about are fleeting in interest :]03:09
ohsixit being private is almost good for me; then i don't have to follow up on the public one i posted03:09
bjfohsix, it was marked a duplicate by a bot03:12
bjfohsix, i'm trying to find out who "ownes" the bot, it shouldn't automatically mark public bugs duplicates of private bugs03:13
ohsixkeen, i've had it happen two or three times; wondered why it took that path03:14
bjfohsix, there's probably a way to file a bug against the bot03:14
bjfohsix, email sent, i'm guessing this will get fixed up fairly quickly03:18
ohsixmuch appreciated03:18
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apwherton, http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/jfo/kernel-buglist-by-team.html11:19
* apw pops to run some errands11:43
lagWhy would debian/tests/check-aliases fail?12:19
apwlag, aliases are module aliases i beleive12:56
apwdoes it produce any output when it fails ?12:56
apwlag, it should have done12:56
lagapw: No it didn't12:56
apwit is saying that there are two entries for the same alias12:56
lagapw: The 'die' died, but didn't produce output 12:57
lagapw: I know what's wrong12:57
apwlag, can i see the log up to that point pls12:57
SamuraiAlbaany fix for the "cannot reserve MMIO region" issue?12:57
lagapw: The debian packaging system does not use $(make kernelversion)12:57
apwit does make vmlinuz or similar right?12:58
lagInstead it looking for ./debian/linux-image-
lagSorry, other way round12:58
apwit does a make O=debian/build/build-flavour vmlinuz or whatever to be more accurate12:59
apwwhich should work12:59
lagWell $(make kernelversion) produces
SamuraiAlbaThe "cannot reserve MMIO region" is cutting into my boot time on Ubuntu 10.10 :)12:59
lagAnd the debian packaging system is using 2.6.3512:59
apwSamuraiAlba, i don't think i know that issue, got a bug # ?13:00
lagSo it's not looking in the correct directory for modules.alias13:00
apwthe default is to install them insto 2.6.NN-ABI-flavour13:01
apwthat is where they are on my system13:01
SamuraiAlbaBug #577842 in linux (Ubuntu): “shpchp cannot reserve mmio region”13:01
ubot2Launchpad bug 577842 in linux "shpchp cannot reserve mmio region" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57784213:01
ubot2Launchpad bug 577842 in linux "shpchp cannot reserve mmio region" [Low,Triaged]13:01
apwlag, mumble ?13:01
apwfeels like we are spinning round each other13:01
lagapw: Sure13:02
lagapw: https://wiki.linaro.org/PackageYourOwnKernel13:03
apwapw@dm$ make EXTRAVERSION='' kernelversion13:05
apwlag, ^^13:05
lagapw: linux-u8500 ( UNRELEASED; urgency=low13:07
apwapw@dm$ fdr printenv | grep 2.6.3513:12
apwlag, could you paste the output of that13:12
lagapw: https://pastebin.linaro.org/19/13:14
lagapw: http://paste.ubuntu.com/561921/13:16
sorenAre kernel uploads to natty on a specific schedule (like e.g. every Thursday) or what triggers an upload?14:02
tgardnersoren, its fairly adhoc. we're waiting for the A2 release cycle to finish, then we'll upload when -rc3 is out.14:03
sorentgardner: I see, ok.14:05
sorentgardner: Cool, thanks.14:05
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apwsmb, fyi i see you assigned self to CVE-2010-0435 in the cve tracker, but was not reflected in the Awsome sheet, corrected14:35
ubot2apw: The Hypervisor (aka rhev-hypervisor) in Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV) 2.2, and KVM 83, when the Intel VT-x extension is enabled, allows guest OS users to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference and host OS crash) via vectors related to instruction emulation. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2010-0435)14:35
smbapw, did I? That sounds like some old cruft somehow...14:36
smbIOW before awesome sheet existed14:36
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apwsmb, could well be, but as you are assigned noone else will touch it14:36
apwand its xen :)14:36
smbapw, No kvm14:37
* tgardner thinks smb likes xen14:37
smbapw, But anyway IIRC that was the one I thought had been moved to completed14:37
apwoh yeah, doh, can't read for looking14:37
smbtgardner, As much as I like tax declarations :-P14:37
apwsmb, could be ... prob best you sanity check it14:37
smbapw, yup, will do. Thanks for the heads up14:38
tgardnersconklin, I pushed a bunch of CVE updates on the maverick ti-omap branch. since I cherry-picked them from maverick master-next, do you think we need to go through the mailing list ACK process? I'm thinking not.14:40
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sconklintgardner: no, especially if they cherry picked cleanly14:43
tgardnersconklin, yep, that was sorta my criteria as well14:44
apwtgardner, if the patch had an ack as a patch and applies clean its just noise otherwise14:47
apwtgardner, is that a .33 branch?14:47
tgardnerI went through all of maverick master-next and cherry-picked the CVE patches14:47
apwtgardner, i think we should take an ack on maverick to mean an ack for all 2.6.35 based branches; if they arn't a rebase then i'd expect them to get it via cherry without additional comment14:50
tgardnerapw, yep, I think I'll codify that as policy in the wiki.14:51
apwright i am off-ski  .. speak latetr14:52
tgardnerapw, later dude...14:53
=== herton is now known as herton_lunch
lagkamal: Hi :)15:04
kamallag: hey man, howdy15:04
lagkamal: I'm playing around with GPG keys (only because I have to :))15:04
lagWhat's the difference between full and ultimate?15:05
lagAnd how do I change my new uids from unknown to full/ultimate?15:06
kamallag: http://www.queen.clara.net/pgp/art4.html15:06
lagOh, they're already ultimate. They were unknown before?15:06
kamallag: you can mark other people's keys as "full" trust, meaning that you have a high level of trust in their signatures when they appear on other keys ...15:07
kamallag: you should mark (only) your own key as "ultimate", so that gpg will realize that it should absolutely positively trust any key that you yourself have signed.15:07
lagkamal: Did you 'make' me do that for you when you signed my keys?15:07
kamallag: when you create your own key, gpg automatically assigns it "ultimate"15:08
lagkamal: Make them 'full' I mean15:08
kamalI didn't adivse you to fiddle with the trust levels at all15:08
lagkamal: Is 'full' the default then?15:08
lagkamal: For other people's keys I man15:09
kamallag: no, i think the default should be "no trust" for other peoples keys15:09
* kamal afk for a bit15:12
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lagkamal-afk: No problem - thanks for your help15:12
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kamallag: got it sorted out?15:37
lagkamal: I do - thanks dude :)15:38
kamallag: excellent :-)15:38
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amitkanybody's seen (or done) any changes related to the number of open files in the natty kernel? I've just installed natty for the first time and mutt is constantly complaining about "too many files open".15:54
amitkwonder if anything changed in the kernel before I go search for mutt bugs15:54
tgardneramitk, nothing that we've done on purpose.15:55
tgardneramitk, apw uses mutt. 15:55
tgardneras does pgraner IIRC15:56
amitktgardner: yes, I know. I was hoping he'd hit the problem first ;)15:56
tgardneramitk, you're just lucky I guess15:56
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bjfherton, look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel  these are the simplest instructions we have, you can build upon them16:22
hertonok, thanks16:23
tgardnerJFo, what tags should a CVE bug have in order to avoid getting spammed?16:30
tgardnerJFo, bug #711341 for example16:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 711341 in linux "CVE-2010-3880" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71134116:30
bjftgardner, i am putting "kernel-cve-tracker" on all my cve bugs16:31
* JFo adds that to the ignore list16:31
tgardnerbjf, so much shit to remember, so little ability16:32
bjfJFo, i think i mentioned it the other day but can't remember now16:32
* JFo checks16:32
bjftgardner, i think i put it on the wiki page, will verify16:32
bjftgardner, yup, it's there, 3rd bullet under #216:33
JFobjf, I don't see it, but I am adding it now16:33
bjfJFo, ack16:33
bjftgardner, also part of 3. Create an LP bug16:34
tgardnerare we both looking at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Dev/FixingCVEs ?16:34
bjftgardner, yup16:35
JFok, fixed and pushed. Let me know of any other tags you want ignored as you remember them :)16:35
bjfthere is a section above where you added your ARM branch text "3. Create an LP bug"16:36
bjftgardner, ^16:36
tgardnerbjf, sconklin: I'm rev'ing the ARM kernels beginning with Lucid. where is the wiki page that shows all of the flavours and notes for maintenance?16:37
sconklinstand by while I find it16:37
* tgardner did a lazy search with no results16:37
JFodoing another script run now, let me know if you see any other glaring fails16:40
bjfJFo, can you approve my nominations for bug #712609 ?17:01
ubot2Launchpad bug 712609 in linux "CVE-2010-4248" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71260917:01
JFobjf, done17:02
bjfJFo, thanks17:03
JFomy pleasure17:03
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apwamitk, yep i use mutt, have used it relativly recently on .38 i thought17:11
* apw wonders at the wonders of 3G17:11
amitkapw: I'm running 'watch -n20 "lsof | grep mutt | wc -l"' to track the number of open files, 884 currently (in ~1hr)17:14
JFosmb, is bug 445456 still a CVE issue or is it marked incorrectly?17:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 445456 in linux "kvm hangs booting windows XP Pro SP2 or later, since at least 2.6.28-15" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44545617:24
smbJFo, I don't think that ever was one. But let me quick check the reference17:26
JFohas a CVE ref in the description it looks like17:28
smbJFo, Hmm, its long ago but the refence is not completely unrelated. Leave it as is for the moment17:28
smbI will need to have a closer look17:28
JFothanks for looking smb :)17:28
* smb decides to not only hate xen17:29
JFojjohansen, are you still working on bug 326849?17:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 326849 in linux "KVM Kernel bugs in intrepid guests under jaunty host" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32684917:36
JFoit looks stale/old17:36
smbAt least both would be unsupported by now...17:37
JFomy thoughts too :)17:37
jjohansenJFo: I think I let that one fall off when it went unsupported17:37
JFok, I'll close as out of support17:38
JFothanks for looking jjohansen :)17:38
jjohansenhrmm no, no I let that one go when we couldn't get the extra info and kirland moved to invalid17:39
jjohansenso even before it was out of support17:39
JFoyeah, closed WONTFIX17:39
amitkapw: can you tell me the output of 'ls -1 /proc/<pid>/fd | wc -l' where <pid> is the pid for mutt on natty17:55
JFoamitk, I am running your command (for the last while since you posted it) and I only see 33 max17:58
JFobut that is on Maverick17:58
JFoare you looking from Natty?17:58
JFoperhaps I missed that17:58
amitkJFo: Natty, yes. I've got 1024 open17:59
* JFo kicks his natty box on18:00
JFogive me a bit to test some18:00
amitkJFo: thanks!18:00
JFoand I'll let you know what I see18:00
JFoamitk, my pleasure18:00
jjohansenamitk: 318:00
jjohansenamitk: of course mutt is also spitting back an error message so that may be of no help18:01
amitkjjohansen: what error message?18:01
jjohansenno such file or directory18:02
jjohansenamitk: are you using maildir18:02
amitkjjohansen: I am18:03
jjohansenhrmmm so a bug in mutts maildir handling for you18:03
jjohansenis 1024 your max fd for a process?18:03
amitkjjohansen: strace'ing mutt is showing several messages like : "open("/home/amit/Mail/Canonical/ubuntu.kernel-team/new", O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK|O_DIRECTORY|O_CLOEXEC) = -1 EMFILE (Too many open files)"18:04
amitkjjohansen: I didn't change anythning explicitly, haven't checked the default yet18:04
jjohansenamitk: yep, its hit the per process limit18:04
amitkso much for switching to natty toda18:04
jjohansenamitk: you can always up the limit with ulimit but there is definitely a bug if its got 1024 open18:06
jjohansenamitk: I check what my default limits are for maverick and natty and they are the same18:09
jjohansencat /proc/<pid>/limits18:10
ckingamitk, looks like the mutt developer does not subscribe to as many mailing lists as you do.18:14
jjohansenmy bet is he doesn't subscribe to lkml18:17
jjohansenand neither do the thunderbird or evo developers18:17
amitkcking: :) I don't download my lkml email. I use gmail to search thru lkml18:17
JFosame here18:18
JFopainful even then18:19
amitkjjohansen: seems like a mutt bug for sure, or something funky in my setup. http://paste.ubuntu.com/562128/18:22
jjohansenyeah I would say a mutt bug too18:22
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JFo<- lunch18:42
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* tgardner --> lunch19:03
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tgardnerJFo, why are some of these old bugs getting stroked? bug #185025 has its importance changed, but its been fix released for over 3 years.19:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 185025 in linux-source-2.6.15 "Coolermaster Xcraft 360 USB drive fails" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18502519:42
JFotgardner, that isn't me19:46
JFonor any of the scripts19:47
JFoI use19:47
tgardnerJFo, k19:47
* JFo inquires elsewhere19:47
tgardnersconklin-afk, bjf - how do you guys initiate a pocket copy from the c-k-t PPA? Subscribe the SRU team, or just annoy pitti on IRC?19:48
bjfannoy pitti19:50
bjftgardner, ^19:50
JFotgardner, per the LP guys, apparently there was a change to how they calculate that from upstreams19:58
JFoso that was expected19:58
tgardnerJFo, hmm, seems like useless churning.19:59
JFoI agree, but apparently it is an attempt to do the right thing(tm)20:00
* JFo steps away to wrangle with his Natty machine20:16
tgardnerkees, are USN noticed automatically generated? In looking at the Dapper USN I noticed that not all of the CVEs in the changelog were reflected in the USN.20:16
keestgardner: they are manually generated because the changelogs are misleading. :)20:18
keestgardner: the 3 CVE mentioned in dapper were already fixed in a prior release.20:18
keestgardner: but those fixes were reverted in favor of the identical upstream fixes.20:18
kees  * Revert "SAUCE: AF_ECONET prevent kernel stack overflow"20:19
tgardnerkees, ok, looks like you're right.20:19
kees  * econet: fix CVE-2010-384820:19
kees    - CVE-2010-384820:19
ubot2kees: Stack-based buffer overflow in the econet_sendmsg function in net/econet/af_econet.c in the Linux kernel before, when an econet address is configured, allows local users to gain privileges by providing a large number of iovec structures. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2010-3848)20:19
ubot2kees: Stack-based buffer overflow in the econet_sendmsg function in net/econet/af_econet.c in the Linux kernel before, when an econet address is configured, allows local users to gain privileges by providing a large number of iovec structures. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2010-3848)20:19
* kees nods20:20
keesargh ubot220:20
tgardnerkees, how do you want to handle linux-mvl-dove which I just uploaded to the c-k-t PPA. Do you need a USN for them since they contain some CVE patches ?20:21
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keestgardner: yup, if it goes into -security in main, it needs a USN. we can treat linux-mvl-dove just like all the others.20:24
keesi.e. once the archive admin copies it to -security, we'll generate and send the USN for it.20:25
keestgardner: do you want me to add mvl-dove to the CVE tracker?20:25
keesor is this an uncommon situation?20:25
tgardnerkees, ok, I'll try to remember to annoy you when it gets pocket copied. Is there an automatic way for you to get notified?20:25
keestgardner: not yet, but after talking with pitti, he'll ping us when it happens.20:26
tgardnerkees, yeah, you should add mvl-dovve to the mix as we're on the hook for security, etc.20:26
keeskarmic, lucid, maverick?20:28
tgardnerkees, I'll forward davidm's email regarding which ARM branches for which release.20:29
keeshttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Dev/ABIPackages <- they're here20:29
keesI just need to know which to remove the "**" from. :)20:29
tgardnerkees, well, remove '**' from Maverick mvl-dove. I'm still figuring out where we are on fsl-imx51.20:31
keesokay, but leave it for karmic and lucid mvl-dove?20:32
tgardnerkees, I'm not sure I'm gonna bother with Karmic. Its so close to EOL. Leave Lucid mvl-dove as abandoned for now.20:33
keestgardner: works for me; thanks.20:35
tgardnerkees, I'll let you know if I make any more changes. I'll likely hold off on uploading ti-omap until we've exhausted the CVE tracker list.20:36
* JFo goes to slap around his natty machine20:49
JFothis is really beginning to piss me off20:49
JFoamitk, I know you and jjohansen already pretty much figured the problem out20:49
JFojust wanted to add20:49
JFoNatty is making me want to get the hammer ahold of this laptop20:50
JFoin a purely Hulk Smash sort of way20:50
jjohansenJFo: download the maverick mutt .deb and manually install it20:50
JFodoing updates just now (which is likely a bad idea)20:51
* jjohansen -> lunch20:52
amitkJFo: same problems with mutt on natty?20:56
amitkor just hate it in general? ;)20:57
JFoboth, but in general just now :)20:57
JFothere used to be a really nice "choose desktop environment" selector, that is gone20:57
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JFoand for some reason ,the wireless (that worked so well during install) won't stay connected20:58
JFoI very nearly threw this thing across the room a few minutes ago20:58
JFovery trying20:58
amitkJFo: you can choose the Desktop in gdm _after_ you click on your userid20:59
bjfJFo, bug #712723, bug #712737, bug #712744, bug #712749  (accept nominations please :-))21:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 712723 in linux "CVE-2010-4080" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71272321:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 712737 in linux "CVE-2010-4081" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71273721:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 712744 in linux "CVE-2010-4082" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71274421:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 712749 in linux "CVE-2010-4083" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71274921:00
JFobjf, on it :)21:01
JFoamitk, it used to be simplet than that ;)21:02
JFolooks like I have them all bjf21:15
bjfJFo, thanks!21:15
JFolet me know if I missed any, or if there are more :)21:15
JFomy pleasure21:15
=== ogra_ac_ is now known as ogra
bhanunot find the linux kernel debug images for makerich21:53
bhanunot find the linux kernel debug images for makerick21:53
bhanuI cannot find it in any repositories21:53
bhanuAm I missing something21:53
JFobjf, we have a bug in the new script somewhere (likely something I introduced)22:01
JFoIt only tries to process 2 bugs22:01
bjfJFo, point me at it22:02
JFoit is the new-process-new script22:02
bjfJFo, ack22:02
JFolooks like it has been there for a while as I have been going through the list of bugs that it has been skipping and the overall number of bugs processed gradually dropped until there are only the 2 left22:03
bjfJFo, ok, so, here's "the plan", I'm currently finishing up 4 CVEs, as soon as I get them done I will work on the script and nothing else (within reason) until we get it fixed22:13
bjfJFo, I may be able to start on it this evening but by tomorrow a.m. at the latest22:14
JFodude, no sweat22:16
JFoI am in no rush. I am just glad that we can identify now where the possible problem is22:17
JFoI'm going to keep looking at it, but some is still greek to me :)22:17
bjfJFo, are you running it on cranberry ?22:19
bhanuhow do I install debug kernel on ubuntu22:20
JFobjf, not right now. I am running it on my local machine22:20
JFobeen trying to nail down some oddities while I am trying to document the run steps.22:21
JFothis was the main one22:21
bjfJFo, try it on cranberry, i have an account there now so it would give us a common environment to work in22:21
JFowill do22:22
JFohmmm, can't get a bzr branch there22:26
* JFo tries something22:26
bjfbhanu, i've not tried before, and i'm looking for wiki documentation but not finding any22:28
bjfbhanu, maybe if you said what the problem is that you are having someone would be able to point you at a different solution than a debug kernel22:30
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]

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