
=== davidm_ is now known as Guest76572
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SmurphyJo. damn - that one's full :)11:48
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MootBotMeeting started at 09:00. The chair is NCommander.15:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]15:00
NCommanderwho's here?15:01
* rsalveti waves15:01
* ogra pretends to15:01
flagme too :)15:01
NCommander[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/2011020315:02
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/2011020315:02
* davidm thinks it's too cold15:02
NCommander[topic] Action Items from last meeting15:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Action Items from last meeting15:02
NCommander[topic] NCommander to talk to the release team on which team to track w.r.t. to bugs (co)15:03
MootBotNew Topic:  NCommander to talk to the release team on which team to track w.r.t. to bugs (co)15:03
NCommanderc/o (again)15:03
NCommander[topic] Standing Items15:03
MootBotNew Topic:  Standing Items15:03
NCommander[link] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/ubuntu-armel.html15:03
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/ubuntu-armel.html15:03
NCommander[link] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/ubuntu-armel-natty-alpha-3.html15:03
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/ubuntu-armel-natty-alpha-3.html15:03
rsalvetishould we list the alpha 2 items?15:03
NCommander[link] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/ubuntu-armel-natty-alpha-2.html15:04
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/ubuntu-armel-natty-alpha-2.html15:04
rsalvetiI think the wi are all done, but just to make sure15:04
rsalvetiNCommander: you need to move your wi to alpha315:04
NCommanderrsalveti: indeed, as qt4-x11 still doesn't work on ARM15:05
janimoNCommander, I have also been debugging the Qt issue. Takes time since qt rebuilds are slow. Not sure what the bug is though :(15:05
NCommanderanything else on work items?15:06
NCommanderjanimo: thanks, its appericated :-)15:06
ograwe should see that we get below 10 items per person on the a§ tracker imho15:06
NCommanderogra: :-)15:07
ograespecially rsalveti and me15:07
janimois that the cat on yopur keyboard?15:07
rsalvetijanimo: want to take another bp?15:07
janimorsajdok, bp?15:07
rsalvetigot too many, and still need to debug sgx15:07
janimoah blueprint15:07
ograjanimo, no, i have no capslock led on the ac10015:07
rsalvetijanimo: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-arm-n-handle-core-boot-files-update15:07
janimorsalveti, ok feel free to assign it to me15:08
rsalvetistill didn't start, but should be fine15:08
ograi'll drop the thin clients spec and am happy to give away the BT remote testing for the mediacenter one15:08
ograthat gets me on exactly 10 items15:08
ograthough the build cluster stuff isnt really tied to the release schedule15:09
rsalvetithe gles porting one is now kind of blocked15:09
rsalvetibecause of the compiz and nux port by linaro15:09
rsalvetiso it should be easy to work on15:09
rsalvetionce it's done15:09
ogracan we do anything to speed them up ?15:09
janimoogra, help out with porting I guess15:09
rsalvetiogra: nops, need dev work from linaro side15:09
NCommandercan we move on?15:10
ografrom my POV you can ... anyone else ?15:10
rsalvetiyup, move15:10
NCommander[topic] Unity 2D Status15:10
MootBotNew Topic:  Unity 2D Status15:10
NCommanderstill broken on ARm due to qt4 being foobared15:11
ograunity-2d MIR was reviewed by mterry15:11
ograhad a good amount of licensing issues still15:11
ograthese were fixed and included in the latest package15:11
ograso unity-2d itself is fine for main15:11
ograthe libs arent yet15:11
ogratwo of them are still missing symbols files15:12
ograwhich i plan to have fixed by end of the week15:12
ograMIRs are ok beyond that15:12
ograso after that fix we theoretically are ready for main inclusion15:12
ograi will try to pull it to main but leave it off the images next week15:12
ograand wait for the QT fix15:13
NCommandergo ogra for handling this :-)15:13
ogra(and also hoping that we get a magical fix with 4.7.2)15:13
NCommander[topic] Kernel Status (cooloney, rsalveti)15:13
MootBotNew Topic:  Kernel Status (cooloney, rsalveti)15:13
ograwhich according to Riddell is due "any minute" (since a week or so) ;)15:13
rsalvetiwe're now using kernel 2.6.38 for omap 315:14
rsalvetiI fixed one dvi issue we had, patch followed to linux-omap and already integrated at our tree15:14
ograthere were some issues about responsibilities wrt security updates for lucid and maverick15:14
rsalvetiso now we have it working fine for beagle and xM15:14
* janimo somewhow doubts qt 4.7.2 fixes this15:14
NCommanderogra: oops15:14
rsalvetifor omap 4 no other updates15:14
ograjanimo, likely not, but one can hope :)15:14
ogradavidm, was the support matrix discussed with kernel/security ?15:15
ograand are they clear which kernels need support and which not ?15:15
davidmogra yes15:15
davidmI sent rtg a list of what needs support15:16
ograrsalveti, any idea when we get something newer than .35 for omap4 ?15:16
davidmHe forwarded same to the section of the kernel team that does that work15:16
ograi guess thats something for the call15:16
rsalvetiogra: not atm, still waiting more update from the linaro + ti15:16
davidm.38 is looking interesting and will be very late in cycle15:16
rsalvetiyep :-(15:17
davidmI'm working the issue but it's not pretty15:17
rsalvetiyeah, we'll see the same thing as maveirck15:17
rsalvetilate core updates all around15:17
ograthat costed us sound support last cycle15:18
rsalvetiyup :-(15:18
NCommandercan I move on?15:18
rsalvetiyup, nothing else from my side15:18
NCommander[topic] QA Status (GrueMaster)15:18
MootBotNew Topic:  QA Status (GrueMaster)15:18
GrueMasterRelease testing went quite smooth.15:19
GrueMasterNo major issues, only a few minor ones.15:19
GrueMasterLast minute uploads almost clobbered the release image though.15:19
ograand no arm realted ones !15:19
ogra(apart from the muted XM sound)15:20
GrueMasterAudio controls on panda will also need to be fixed with UCM.15:20
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
GrueMasterThere is audio, but it is difficult to control.15:21
ograhey, but we made A215:21
ograand pretty smooth this time15:21
GrueMasteryes we did.15:21
GrueMasternothing else here.15:22
NCommander[topic] ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo)15:24
MootBotNew Topic:  ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo)15:24
ogradid you guys start using the new list ?15:24
janimonew list?15:24
NCommanderQT4 debugging continues with another set of build tests15:24
NCommanderogra: ne wlist?15:24
ograthe one slangasek promotes since the rally15:24
* NCommander hasn't heard of it15:25
ograplease make sure to talk to him15:25
janimoas in mailing list, or list of bugs (porting qurue)15:25
ograNCommander, it was discussed at the rally as well as in last linaro/arm call15:25
ograporting queue15:25
janimoso a set of tags and processes for triaging and fixing armel porting issues15:26
janimoin LP15:26
ograthe ftbfs website isnt really close wrt timing15:26
janimobetween linaro and us15:26
ograi.e. we didnt have the empathy blocker for A2 on it15:26
NCommanderogra: the ftbfs page is only delaARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo)15:27
ograeven 5h after the build had failed15:27
NCommanderyed sometihng like ~30 minutes-ish15:27
ograNCommander, the ftbfs list only gets generated twoce a day15:27
NCommanderogra: that was fixed15:27
NCommanderwith th move to launchpadlib15:27
ograin any case the new porting queue as discussed should be used15:28
janimowith packages taking one day to build it is the perfect sampling frequency :)15:28
slangasekogra: the new list isn't populated yet, sorry - not much there to use yet15:28
ograif you need more info, slangasek can point you to urls and tags15:28
slangasekComing Soon15:28
ograoh, ok15:28
ograso until then use the ftbfs site :P15:28
* ogra hides15:28
janimoplenty of work on the ftbfs site too (kde!!)15:29
NCommanderjanimo: i recommend ignoring KDE until Qt is fixed15:29
GrueMasterYes, kdelibs needs love.15:29
ograblame NCommander, he said all oreal issues were fixed upstream :P15:29
janimoNCommander, sure15:29
GrueMasterMissed release this time around as a result.15:29
NCommanderGrueMaster: that was intentional due to the qt4-x11 issues15:29
NCommanderUntil Qt is resolved, KDE is not on my TODO list 10:30:39 < janimo> plenty of work on the ftbfs site too (kde!!)15:30
janimoI guess upstream introduces new qreal issues when doing a new minor release15:30
ograit is release noted15:30
ograno worries15:30
NCommanderthis is getting annoying15:30
* NCommander has to fix his kb15:30
ograget a new one ;)15:30
ograthey dont cost the world15:30
NCommander[topic] 10:31:48 < NCommander> this is getting annoying15:30
NCommander10:31:53  * NCommander has to fix his kb15:30
MootBotNew Topic:  10:31:48 < NCommander> this is getting annoying15:30
NCommander[topic] ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)15:31
MootBotNew Topic:  ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)15:31
ograawesome !15:31
ograthey rock !!!15:31
ograsiny and sexy15:31
ogra*shiny indeed15:31
ogranothing else to report atm15:31
NCommanderI do15:31
janimoheadless creation postponed after A215:31
ograso we'll have them tomorrow ?15:32
NCommandernm on my news15:32
janimoafter, not shortly after :P15:32
janimoNCommander, yes? what's the news? :)15:32
NCommanderjanimo: we'll beat the headless work into the ground ASAP, its at least fairly straightforward15:33
NCommanderjanimo: you beaAny Other Business15:33
NCommanderoh give me a break15:33
* NCommander goes to find mallet15:33
GrueMasterogra: Pool is frozen.  Have to wait until Monday first thing.15:33
NCommander(anything else?)15:33
janimoGrueMaster, pool?15:34
janimodebian arch or swimming?15:34
ograGrueMaster, pull out your swim suit15:35
ograwill thaw today15:35
* NCommander hopes its the former as the idea of GrueMaster in a swimsuit scares and confuses me15:35
janimoso NCommander did you find the mallet?15:35
GrueMasterOh, you don't want that.15:35
NCommanderanyway, can I move?15:35
GrueMastercan you type?15:35
NCommander[topic] AOB15:36
MootBotNew Topic:  AOB15:36
* NCommander has nothing15:36
ograother meeting times so we can have persia back ?15:36
ogra(not serious here, but it seems to be awkward for him to attend atm)15:37
ograand i must say i miss him15:37
ogrameeting wise15:37
* NCommander thinks it might be easier to move Japan ...15:38
ogrago ahead15:38
NCommanderthen to get us all in times that aren't bad15:38
ograthough i prefer to have more than 20sqm to live in15:38
NCommanderanything else?15:39
NCommandergoing once15:39
NCommanderthree times15:40
MootBotMeeting finished at 09:40.15:40
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=== davidm_ is now known as Guest59916
* charlie-tca is ready19:00
MootBotMeeting started at 13:01. The chair is charlie-tca.19:01
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]19:01
=== tremolux_ is now known as tremolux
charlie-tcathis is the regularly scheduled Xubuntu Community Meeting.19:01
charlie-tcathe full agenda is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings19:02
charlie-tca[TOPIC] Old business19:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Old business19:02
charlie-tca[TOPIC]     * Xubuntu marketing plans19:03
MootBotNew Topic:      * Xubuntu marketing plans19:03
highvoltagehey charlie-tca19:04
charlie-tcaI have not had any time to pursue this further yet, myself. However, if there are any ideas or someone can take an action to put this together on the wiki, please let us knwo.19:04
highvoltagenot sure if this is old news already but congrats on being official xubuntu lead :)19:04
charlie-tcaThanks, highvoltage19:04
charlie-tcaIf there is no one to take the marketing plans up yet, I will carry it forward, so we don't lose the basics19:05
charlie-tca[TOPIC] Team updates19:06
MootBotNew Topic:  Team updates19:06
charlie-tca[TOPIC] Packaging & Development19:06
MootBotNew Topic:  Packaging & Development19:06
charlie-tcamr_pouit: any updates today?19:06
charlie-tcaokay, I can try. Xfce4.8.1 has a few package updates. all the 4.8.1 packages are mainly bug fixes.19:08
charlie-tcaWe do not have an official PPA for Xfce4.8 to add it to Xubuntu 10.10 or 10.04. The individual ppa's available are unofficial by people not associated with Xubuntu or Xfce19:09
charlie-tcaany questions?19:09
charlie-tca[TOPIC] Bug Triage & Testing19:10
MootBotNew Topic:  Bug Triage & Testing19:10
charlie-tcaTesting of the Natty Alpha2 images went great! thanks to knome and j1mc for helping with it19:10
charlie-tcaAny questions for bugs and testing?19:11
charlie-tcaGo ahead, micahg19:11
micahgcomments more that questions19:11
micahgthunderbird-locales in lucid-proposed passed verification, maverick-proposed still needs testing19:11
charlie-tcaI forgot, I am sorry to say19:11
micahgalso, Firefox 3.6.14 (Hardy-Maverick) and Thunderbird 3.1.8 (Lucid and Maverick) are available here for testing: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ppa, they'll be released next week when Mozilla releases if there are no issues19:12
* micahg is done :)19:13
charlie-tcaAny help with testing is greatly appreciated. these packages in -proposed are pretty important to get done.19:13
charlie-tca[TOPIC] Website & Marketing19:14
MootBotNew Topic:  Website & Marketing19:14
charlie-tcaAny one have an update? pleia2 is not able to make the meeting today.19:14
charlie-tca[TOPIC] Artwork19:15
MootBotNew Topic:  Artwork19:15
charlie-tcaochosi brought up the question of possible generic icons for default applications.19:17
beardygnomehi all, sorry i'm late - got stuck at work19:17
charlie-tcaThe proposed generic icons for default apps in xubuntu, here is a list, but it's not that *all* of the suggestions have to be accepted or denied, we can also select one or more we like19:17
charlie-tcawelcome, beardygnome19:17
charlie-tcaThe icon list is http://wiki.knome.fi/xubuntu:generic_app_icons , inputs are welcome.19:18
charlie-tcaI would propose that we take this to the ML, if there are no objections to doing it that way.19:18
charlie-tcaOne icon in particular we need to do something with is Application Finder and Catfish. they use the same icon now19:20
micahgis there a reason we're replacing icons for apps that should have their own icons?19:20
charlie-tcato the point of two the same, sure, it gets confusing. Also, ristretto's icon seems a bit ambiguous. We were thinking we might want one that is more "what is that" oriented.19:22
charlie-tcaWe are not proposing changing every icon, but there are a few we are looking at.19:23
charlie-tcaWhen I look at icons like Abiword in Lucid vs natty, the notebook and pen icon in Natty actually made sense to me19:24
charlie-tcacomments and questions?19:24
beardygnomei think it might be better keeping the original icons19:24
beardygnomethat way if people are coming from other distros or os's they will feel more at home19:27
charlie-tcathe only issue I have with that is when the user adds both catfish and app finder in launchers, how do they know which is which?19:27
charlie-tcathey match now19:27
knomei disagree. accessibility is also keeping the system easy to use for people who never even saw a computer. "photo" tells you that the application is used for browsing photos, "coffee cup" doesn't19:27
beardygnomeimo that's one of the biggest problems with open source software19:27
micahgwell, launcher vs app icon I think are 2 different things19:27
charlie-tcamicahg: why? they both use the same icon19:27
micahghowever, it would be cool WRT Firefox/TB to use their icons if they're selected and the generics if not19:27
beardygnomedevelopers give apps "cool" names and icons which don't make sense19:28
micahgcharlie-tca: I was saying that changing the launcher icon to generic makes sense19:30
charlie-tcaThe other question in my own mind is, if we change the icon on the launcher, will it not have to be changed in the menu, also?19:30
charlie-tcaknome has a great point on the coffee cup. I would not ever guess that means a photo or image viewer19:30
beardygnomei would say that for well known apps, such as FF and TB we definitely should *not*/ chnage the19:30
beardygnomeand GIMP19:31
charlie-tcaAs proposed, there are only a few apps in the list right now. It can be expanded as needed, but it doesn't include anything well known19:31
charlie-tcaI think we have to look at the link19:31
beardygnomeFF, GIMP and TB are all on the current list19:31
charlie-tca[LINK] http://wiki.knome.fi/xubuntu:generic_app_icons19:31
MootBotLINK received:  http://wiki.knome.fi/xubuntu:generic_app_icons19:31
* charlie-tca slaps head19:32
charlie-tcaYou're right! I missed that.19:32
charlie-tcaknome: any comment on those specifically?19:33
knomethe list is only a draft and a proposal. it's done to gather comments and thoughts. i personally do not have a strong opinion in keeping or losing the branding, but the idea of changing the icons for launchers in panel/menu only sounds good.19:34
charlie-tcaDo you want the comments sent to the ml to keep track?19:34
beardygnomewhat icons do we change atm?19:34
charlie-tcaWe use what comes in the icon set in use19:35
knomemailing list is okay.19:35
charlie-tcaI can tell you, if you loaded Faenza icons, everything changes, regardless of branding19:35
visho/ (one doubt..)19:36
vishcharlie-tca, knome : what icon theme are these icons from? http://wiki.knome.fi/xubuntu:generic_app_icons ?19:36
knomevish, i'd suppose elementary, but i didn't work on those icons, so i'm not 100% sure.19:36
knomevish, they might also be custom made.19:36
knomeyou'd have to ask ochosi about that19:37
vishyea.. since they have been taken from Humanity, mostly copied over.. and if just copied over, they should be attributed ;)19:37
charlie-tcathe the best of my knowledge, knome is right, it is elementary19:38
charlie-tcavish: that should be taken up with the elementary icon set artist, shouldn't it?19:38
knomewe'll make sure the licenses and attribution is correct once there is a decision19:39
vishelementary and Humanity have some same icons.. and i did some of those icons on that page :)19:39
vishcharlie-tca: i'm part of the elementary team and am the maintainer of Humanity19:39
vishknome: thanks.. :)19:39
knomeafaik, ochosi is in contact with danrabbit19:39
charlie-tcaOkay, do we need an action for that or will you ask ochosi?19:40
knomewell, we'll just make sure the attribution is correct if we decide something19:40
charlie-tcaGreat. Thank you for doing that19:41
charlie-tca[ACTION] discussion about generic icons to replace existing brand icons needs to be on ML19:41
MootBotACTION received:  discussion about generic icons to replace existing brand icons needs to be on ML19:41
knomeadded a note of that in the wikipage as well as told ochosi19:42
charlie-tcaThanks again. You know more of what that is about than I do19:43
mr_pouitthese icons are in elementary-icon-theme I guess, so nothing to worry about attribution…19:43
charlie-tcaAnd along with the icons discussion, we now a a list of what is happening with gmusicbrowser at http://wiki.knome.fi/xubuntu:natty_gmb19:44
charlie-tca[LINK] http://wiki.knome.fi/xubuntu:natty_gmb19:44
MootBotLINK received:  http://wiki.knome.fi/xubuntu:natty_gmb19:44
beardygnomeis gmb going to be the new default music player?19:45
charlie-tcathat's what I was wondering too19:45
charlie-tcamr_pouit: Have we made any decision yet?19:45
beardygnomewhat's wrong with exaile?19:46
mr_pouitmmh, I think we agreed a few days ago to use it19:47
mr_pouitI was just waiting for the alpha 2 to be released to include it19:47
charlie-tcabeardygnome: we have a comparison sheet at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Specifications/Natty/DefraultMediaPlayer19:47
charlie-tcathank you, mr_pouit.19:47
charlie-tcaYes, gmb will replace exaile in Natty19:48
micahgworking link: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Specifications/Natty/DefaultMediaPlayer19:48
charlie-tcaWe have developers willing to work closely with us to get bugs worked, and specs improved in gmb19:48
micahgexaile development also seems dead19:49
charlie-tcathanks, micahg19:49
charlie-tca[TOPIC] Updates for Xubuntu 10.04.219:49
MootBotNew Topic:  Updates for Xubuntu 10.04.219:49
charlie-tcaWe will have a new image for this release. Testing starts the 15th for it19:50
charlie-tcaWe also have documentation that is actually for 10.04 in it!19:50
charlie-tcaAnything else on 10.04.2?19:50
charlie-tcaTrying to move along then, running out of time...19:51
charlie-tca[TOPIC] Discuss default applications to be used in Natty19:51
MootBotNew Topic:  Discuss default applications to be used in Natty19:51
charlie-tcaWant to tackle this ?19:52
charlie-tcaI believe firefox vs chrome is still there, and lightdm vs gdm19:52
* micahg thought FF vs chrome was settled :-/19:52
charlie-tcaam I behind again?19:53
beardygnomemicahg: which way?19:53
SysiFF4 fixes the slowness issue in firefox19:53
micahgFF :)19:53
Sysinot any fantasies19:53
beardygnomei have installed the dev preview of FF$ in maverick and i think it's a big improvement19:54
beardygnomeon FF319:54
beardygnomebut personally i'm happier with chromium19:54
micahgbeardygnome: I have a testing PPA for the beta releases, ppa:mozillateam/firefox-next19:54
Sysiidk about RAM-usage but i wouldn't make users to switch from familiar and working program to google-slaved app19:54
beardygnomemicahg: that's where i got it from :-)19:55
mr_pouitSysi: eh, nice troll ;]19:55
Sysichromium is pretty nice and fast i admit, but it's memory hog at least with multiple tabs19:55
charlie-tcafirefox stays then, mr_pouit ?19:55
Sysi(and i don't like it's adblock and noscript addons)19:55
beardygnomeSysi: i will admit it's less stable than FF, but i can live with that for the moment.19:56
beardygnomei think FF is the better choice for default atm.19:56
Sysimr_pouit: i put it in offensive way, but it's still think we should take into count19:56
charlie-tca[AGREED] keep firefox as the default browser19:56
MootBotAGREED received:  keep firefox as the default browser19:56
charlie-tcaum, do we have any other apps in discussion besides the login manager then?19:57
* beardygnome is installing gmb to give it a test drive19:57
charlie-tcait is nice, from the shimmer website19:58
Sysii think email-client was decided in the mailing list19:58
Sysidoes shimmer gmb theme work on small screens now?19:58
Sysii know many people use xubuntu on netbook19:59
charlie-tcaGrab the gmusicbrowser from the ppa for testing. It is greatly improved over the repositories19:59
beardygnomewhere's the menu in gmb?20:00
Sysii did try it but it was long time ago, i'll see20:00
micahgwhich PPA is this?20:00
charlie-tcaknome: do you know if it works for small screens20:00
beardygnomei have to say on first viewing it doesn't seem very intuative20:00
charlie-tcathat is the gmb ppa20:00
charlie-tcaI am running it in natty.20:01
beardygnomefound it20:01
charlie-tcathat's the repository version, right, beardygnome ?20:01
beardygnomeyou have to go to the settings menu20:01
charlie-tcaThat has been changed a lot alreadyu20:01
charlie-tcaEven I could play music in the latest version20:01
beardygnomebut that's not called settings, it's just an icon of a wrench20:02
micahgdo you need someone to update natty to 1.1.620:02
charlie-tcaokay, enough on that. Send comments to either -devel mailing list, #shimmer or #xubuntu-devel20:02
charlie-tcamr_pouit, knome : you have an answer for micahg ?20:03
charlie-tcaWe are running a bit late again.20:05
charlie-tcalet's ask in -devel, micahg20:05
mr_pouitmicahg: yeah, either you or me ;-)20:05
charlie-tca[TOPIC] Announcements20:06
MootBotNew Topic:  Announcements20:06
charlie-tcaXubuntu Natty Narwhal Alpha2 should be out very soon now20:06
Sysi(sorry for being late, i think that huge disk cover image won't fit to small screens)20:06
charlie-tcamajor bug: can not install amd64 desktop version without the workaround noted in the release notes20:06
charlie-tcaknome: gmb issue?20:07
Sysilast time i heard about it, theme was made big20:07
charlie-tcaSysi: that is gmb, right?20:08
Sysii think nice and pretty easy, but not gonna work on smaller screen20:08
charlie-tcaIt's in natty now, can you file a bug for that?20:08
charlie-tcaI am skipping the launcher discussion, carried forward to next week20:09
charlie-tca[TOPIC] Any Other Busines20:09
MootBotNew Topic:  Any Other Busines20:09
Sysithey then planned doing different small version, i could well report to them20:10
charlie-tcaThat will work good. They appreciate whatever reports we can give them20:10
charlie-tcaany further discussions/comments/questions/ or other?20:11
charlie-tcaWe willl have a meeting next week, 2011-02-10, 19:00 UTC, here20:11
charlie-tcaLet's go ahead and close this.20:11
charlie-tcaI want to thank every one for attending and discussing today! You participation is really appreciated!20:12
MootBotMeeting finished at 14:12.20:12
beardygnomethere's a vote to be had next week right?20:12
charlie-tcawhat voteZ?20:12
charlie-tcaremind me?20:12
beardygnomeor is next week the deadline for the artwork?20:12
beardygnomei forget20:13
charlie-tcaI have to look20:13
charlie-tcabeardygnome: 10 march20:14
beardygnomei knew it was thurs 10th of something :-)20:15
charlie-tcaOkay, after my heart starts again, I can do the notes for this and qa meeting I chaired20:15
charlie-tcaI am learning. The more things I telll that 'bot to record, the easier to do the minutes20:16
beardygnomecharlie-tca: i think you're doing a great job20:17
charlie-tcaThank you. I can only keep trying to get it right20:18
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