[01:23] I think we'd best release-note that btrfs installations are busted :-/ [01:24] bug 712029, plus it turns out that systems don't work very well when / is mode 0700 [01:24] Launchpad bug 712029 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity btrfs install fails to boot (grub rescue> prompt) (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/712029 [01:24] fixed the latter, not quite sure what's going on with the former yet [02:32] slangasek: if 30.5GB is insufficient to build it, I'm going to assert that there's a bug... [02:33] (all of the armel buildds have 512MB RAM and 30GB swap [02:33] ) [02:47] lamont: hmmmm === bjf is now known as bjf[afk] [06:48] cjwatson, pitti, (and anyone else who's interested) can you please take a pass through https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyNarwhal/TechnicalOverview, and add any key bugs I may have overlooked. === robbiew is now known as robbiew_ [08:00] Good morning [08:00] skaet: yep, will do; already had some passes yesterday, but will beautify and add more bugs from the iso tracker [09:10] do we have an ETA on release? I still have DVDs to test and notes to write [09:42] Riddell: I guess we won't release before skaet wakes up again [09:42] so still plenty of time [09:45] skaet: I went through the current "serious" bugs on the tracker, they are now all on TechnicalOverview; the "what's new in desktop" part is now signed off, too [09:55] Riddell, I'm syncing kubuntu amd64 dvd, but I can not guarantee that I'll be able to test i386 as well, can you or some else take care of it ? [09:57] jibel: yes I'm onto it, thanks [11:44] victorp, ara, cjwatson: good news! I just moved the last lucid package which affects media builds to -updates (i. e. all main packages except the new ubuntu font) [11:45] so I wonder whether we should switch the lucid daily builds to -updates now? [11:45] would be better for testing what we will actually release [11:45] and in theory we could also unfreeze lucid-proposed then (but freeze -updates instead) [11:45] \o/ [11:46] it sounds good to me, we are always testing the latest build anyway [11:51] actually the lucid daily builds were disabled anyway; perhaps as an unintended side effect of disabling daily natty builds, perhaps because of something else; I'll wait for cjwatson/skaet before I re-eneable them and drop the PROPOSED=1 [11:54] I suspect that was unintended [11:55] I'll deal with dropping -proposed, there are a few places where it needs to be tweaked [11:55] ah, thanks [11:55] where else, OOI? [11:56] cdimage run-germinate, debian-cd CONF.sh, the crontab [11:59] stgraber: (or whoever did it) thanks for posting the DVDs [12:00] pitti,ara: lucid daily builds re-enabled from -updates [12:01] ah, thanks [12:01] next build will be tomorrow [12:01] cjwatson, thanks! [13:44] is there any verdict on the amd64 isos yet? is there going to be a respin or will it pass with a workaround note? [13:45] highvoltage: a respin would only be an option if we had a real solution, but we don't [13:45] highvoltage: we currently documented the workaround on the tech overview [13:47] pitti: ok [13:51] are we there yet ? [13:51] :) [13:53] is a xserver-xorg-video-intel_2.14.0-1ubuntu6_source.changes upload ok at this point? fixes a anoying UI corruption [13:53] (I guess it is, just want to double check) [13:58] yes, I think that is OK - it won't be picked up unless we have another reason to respin [14:05] thanks [14:07] I passed the edubuntu amd64 iso with a note explaining that the ubiquity-slideshow-edubuntu package needs to be removed before installation and that that will have to go into the release notes since there's no current fix available for the webkit problem [14:19] The Kubuntu upgrade tests are missing off the ISO tracker. [14:19] I don't think it should affect this milestone, but it'd be good to get it fixed for Alpha 3. [14:25] ScottK: they are present in the "add build set" options [14:26] ScottK: do you still want them added for a2? [14:26] pitti: It wouldn't hurt, but I wouldn't delay anything based on if they get done or not. [14:27] ScottK: added [14:27] I agree [14:27] pitti: Thanks. [14:27] "Known issues" in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyNarwhal/TechnicalOverview has become quite long this time, smells like a new record [14:39] cjwatson, skaet: it seems that despite those ^ we aren't going to respin, I figure? can we lift the freeze now? (#u-desktop folks are getting eager..) === shadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer_ === shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer [14:48] pitti: I'd like to have skaet's ack - I'm just a flunky here [15:10] good morning all [15:10] * skaet scanning back [15:13] pitti, cjwatson, don't see any reason not to lift the freeze now. Its pretty clear that the images we have now are the one's we'll be going out with. [15:14] hey skaet, good morning [15:14] skaet: ok, thanks [15:15] skaet: want me to update #u-devel topic? [15:16] pitti, yes please. :) we need to work through the rest of today's checklist as well. === bjf[afk] is now known as bjf [15:38] skaet: who is doing the publishing of the images? [15:39] cjwatson: ^ are you, or should I start now? [15:41] pitti, you're down for this release in the task sheet, so go ahead. unless cjwatson *wants* to. ;) ? [15:42] ack, turning the crank then [15:43] I don't want to :) [15:53] skaet, ogra: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyNarwhal/TechnicalOverview doesn't currently link to http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/releases/natty/alpha-2/ for armel; is that deliberate because they don't work, or want me to add it? [15:54] pitti, please add, its an oversite. [15:54] no images were available for A1, and this was a cut paste from that. good catch. [15:54] skaet: well, actually we do have http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/releases/natty/alpha-1/ [15:54] skaet: they might have been broken and thus not announced, of course, I don't remember any more [15:55] pitti, please add [15:55] arm images are good [15:55] pitti, they weren't available when the announce came out last time [15:55] showed up later. [15:55] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyNarwhal/TechnicalOverview -> done; looks ok? [15:56] still gathering a few more tweaks, but pretty close at this point. [15:59] smoser: "Publish the milestone UEC images on uec-images.ubuntu.com" -> can you please do that? [16:00] pitti, make them public, right ? [16:00] smoser: yes [16:00] smoser: I'm currently publishing all other images; they are as good as they are going to be for a2 [16:01] in progress... its ~ a 10 minute operation. [16:06] skaet: I just noticed that my two LTSP entries were at the wrong place on TehcnicalOverview, moved them to the Known issues now [16:06] are we there yet ? [16:06] :) [16:06] stgraber, thanks! [16:08] * pitti feeds the rsync hamsters to pedal faster [16:08] uec-images published: http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/releases/natty/alpha-2/ [16:09] smoser: cheers [16:12] cjwatson, with the perm changes, I don't seem to be able to update the alpha-2 milestone to make it inactive, can you handle? [16:13] hm, I can't either; is that actually necessary? the due date is already past [16:13] ah, but I can still target buts to that, it is still active then [16:13] yeah, don't want folks assigning bugs to it [16:13] :) [16:14] ah, it's not on /ubuntu/, you need to click on the milestone page [16:14] skaet, cjwatson: a2 milestone set to inactive [16:14] pitti, thanks! [16:18] Are there any release for Alpha 2? I was looking at bug 655950 and thinking about having it in there. [16:18] Launchpad bug 655950 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Natty) (and 3 other projects) "Maverick ubiquity confusion w/ auto-resize option results in OS and data loss (affects: 18) (dups: 2) (heat: 105)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/655950 [16:19] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyNarwhal/TechnicalOverview [16:19] bdmurray, ^^ feel free to add [16:20] skaet: I updated http://edubuntu.org/2011-02-02/edubuntu-1104-alpha-2-released (that's not linked to from anywhere yet) to indlude the amd64 bugs, just in case you copy and pasted that to anywhere [16:21] skaet: ah, I see the technical overview page links to it, I'll just update the link since the date will change [16:22] highvoltage, thanks! [16:27] skaet: done [16:27] bdmurray, thanks! [16:35] I've added skaet to ~ubuntu-release, FWIW [16:35] it seems silly not to at this point [16:36] rsyncing is a little on the slow side today, I guess it will still take some 15 mins [16:50] Riddell, changes for Kubuntu look good. Thanks! === shadeslayer is now known as kshadeslayer [17:16] skaet: FYI, we seem to have a problem with some of the cdimage mirrors, IS is investigating [17:16] can anyone else see the images in http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/natty/alpha-2/ ? [17:17] they flip between "empty page" and "works" for me [17:21] looks like a complete page to me [17:21] seems to stabilize now [17:21] it's rsyncing the last folder now, xubuntu [17:22] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/natty/alpha-2/ [17:22] amd64 is there [17:22] skaet: do you know if http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/download still needs to be updated? It currently leads me to a German mirror with a rather ugly page of the cdimage root fs (not to alpha-2 images) [17:23] pitti, yes, I believe newz2000 is waiting for the signal from us. [17:24] will go ahead and ask him now. [17:24] skaet: ok, steps 1, 2, 3, and 5 done now (in "Release day" section) [17:25] :) [17:25] skaet: with "verify" all but above link [17:25] I also tried 6 (check torrents), but all I get is a "Requested download is not authorized for use with this tracker" [17:25] but then again I never really used torrents [17:26] * pitti fixes a formatting error on the RN [17:30] pitti: IS often need to restart the torrent tracker to make it stop sucking [17:30] I'll ask [17:36] pitti, asked newz2000 to get step 7 going (/testing/download), waiting to hear back. [18:14] I'm just going to make a quick change to the wiki page (will be out of it quick again) [18:21] * skaet added mythbuntu link, was missing from announce [18:22] highvoltage, let me know when you're out, couple more bugs to add. [18:26] skaet: do you need me for anything urgent? if not, I'd like to make some dinner [18:27] skaet: fire away [18:28] pitti, enjoy your dinner. Look in your inbox for draft of the announce when you finish dinner, would like your eyes on it before I hit send. :) [18:28] skaet: ack, will do [18:28] skaet: or just pastebin it and put the URL here [18:29] pitti, ack [18:32] * skaet -> lunch, biab [18:43] * skaet back [19:06] pitti, cjwatson - http://paste.ubuntu.com/562153/ any changes you recommend? [19:11] food is in the oven, looking [19:13] skaet: the verbatiim paragraph for XFCE at http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/natty/alpha2 looks bad [19:13] I suggest to remove the ``` and just make it a normal paragraph [19:13] http://paste.ubuntu.com/562153/ looks fine to me [19:15] pitti, yeah, there are some other formating issues I've hightlighted to Matt. Will go in and edit it. He'll be refreshing later. I'm still trying to figure out if we can get the /download/testing working - most of the mirrors haven't picked up Natty yet. [19:15] skaet: I don't think they are supposed to [19:15] alphas are traditionally downloaded from cdimage.u.c. [19:15] ahhh... that would explain it. [19:16] in the announce I switched it over, will do so in the TechOver as well then. [19:16] skaet: right, that works better [19:16] skaet: perhaps put them into the same paragraph then? [19:17] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/natty/alpha-2/ together with the others? [19:17] * skaet nods [19:17] it will be better that way if its not a separate site this time. [19:19] done on announce, will do on TechOver next. [21:04] skaet: Can we release Edubuntu Natty Alpha 2 yet? [21:07] highvoltage, web page needs an update before I send out announce. [21:07] just fyi - ppa builder maintenance is going to look like a rolling blackout [21:08] skaet: ok [21:08] highvoltage, if I don't hear from newz2000 in next hour, I'll send out announce, and let him update the web page with the details later. Some bad formating on page right now. === ogra_ac_ is now known as ogra [22:11] skaet: I'm correct in correcting Amber that the alpha isn't released, right? http://www.ubuntu-user.com/Online/Blogs/Amber-Graner-You-in-Ubuntu/Ubuntu-Natty-Narwhal-Alpha-2-Released-Today [22:11] highvoltage, you're correct. It will be though. [22:11] OMG! Ubuntu announced is hours ago [22:11] s/is/it [22:11] heh, fun of open development. [22:12] charlie-tca: yeah, they always jump the gun, at least no one takes OMG Ubuntu seriously anymore :) [22:12] ok, will send out the announce, and let newz2000 do the update later [22:12] good night [22:12] true [22:13] thanks pitti for all your help today. [22:13] I gave up on OMG a while back [22:13] highvoltage, ok, I've sent off the email. [22:14] ok great, I'll publish the edubuntu one too then... [22:14] skaet: thanks! [22:14] ops is going to start hating me, now [22:15] web site will get cleaned up as soon as it can... be. [22:22] great [22:22] skaet: were you release manager yet for the first alpha? [22:23] highvoltage, yes, was feeling my way in still a bit though. [22:24] * skaet still is feeling her way :p suspect she will be for a while. lol [22:25] imho you did great. this was a rocky alpha and you didn't panic! [22:25] I think that's very, very important :) [22:26] I thought skaet did great on this one. It was a short testing period, lot of bugs, and a rough alpha to get out on schedule [22:26] thanks - its an awesome release team to work with. [22:26] :) [22:26] charlie-tca: +1! === bjf is now known as bjf[afk] [22:42] cjwatson: When you get a chance, could you push the email through the queue on ubuntu-devel-announce@ ? I know a few people wanting to link to the official announcement email there [22:57] charlie-tca, highvoltage - it was jdstrand first time bit-wrangling the archive for a release. kudos to him as well as the excellent pitti, cjwatson, slangasek. The QA, Hardware Cert teams and the community testers are amazing at how quickly they can go through the images and let us know what the images looking like!!! The leads of each of the flavors are great to work with as well for those announces. ;) [22:57] Its a team that is a delight to work with. [22:58] skaet: thanks for the kind words :) [22:58] skaet: nice job to you too :) [22:58] also - http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/natty/alpha2 is now updated. :) [22:59] Release done! [22:59] now on to 10.04.2 and Alpha 3 ... lol [23:01] We keep trying... :-) [23:07] :) [23:07] * skaet -> heading to dinner [23:29] skaet: indeed! [23:33] nhandler: looks like somebody did it