
_marx_we have a blank agenda00:00
Mootbot-UKMeeting started at 00:00. The chair is _marx_.00:00
Mootbot-UKCommands Available: [TOPIC], [PROGRESS REPORT], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]00:00
_marx_[action]for mark, eliminate one of the mootbots00:01
Mootbot-UKACTION received: for mark, eliminate one of the mootbots00:01
_marx_who is here for the meeting?00:01
holsteinlets do it00:01
_marx_is there a log from last time?00:02
_marx_i was away i think w/a family oblication00:02
_marx_local advocacy00:04
_marx_whatchew been up to holstein00:06
holsteinthere should be00:06
holsteinlemme look for it00:07
_marx_it's blank00:07
holsteinwe did a lot though00:07
holsteinpretty much just internalkernel, akgraner and myself00:07
_marx_i can report that there are no ads on craigslist for Ubuntu or Linux events00:07
holsteinsomeone else popped in for a sec00:07
_marx_well we need to get some spark going00:08
holsteinwe straitened out the FB00:08
holsteinbut you know about that00:08
holsteinyou're admin on it00:08
_marx_you too00:08
holsteinOR i tried to make that happen00:08
_marx_well for now we need to double post00:09
holsteini cant join the other one00:09
holsteini would just sent an invite to all of them00:09
_marx_80 something on the first FB page00:09
holsteinto the new one00:10
holsteinand let it go00:10
holsteinfor all intents and purposes, its dead00:10
_marx_need to post meetings there too00:10
holsteinIF there is no admin00:10
holstein_marx_: can you message the other group?00:10
_marx_i believe i can00:12
holstein_marx_: you want to try that?00:13
holsteinjust so all of those folk are formally invited to the new page00:13
holsteini think that would be a good use of this meeting00:13
holsteinif we dont get anything else done00:13
holsteini mean00:13
holsteinwe can still double post for a while00:14
holsteinbut, something formal would be nice00:14
* _marx_ trying now...00:15
_marx_a wall post gets sent to all members?00:17
holsteinnot sure00:17
holsteini think it depends on how they are setup00:18
holsteinIF they get a notice or not00:18
holsteinnot sure who would know the answer to that...00:19
_marx_okay FB won't let me paste in the addy of the new group00:20
_marx_maybe just the name00:20
holstein_marx_: can you add a link?00:20
holsteinto the message?00:20
holsteinmaybe just drop it there00:21
holsteinuse the name in the body00:21
_marx_that's the second time too so we'll see00:26
holsteinsome of those people could be just not active anymore00:26
holsteinmost* even00:26
holsteinOR maybe they do FB once a year like i do00:26
holsteinand when they finally log in, they'll deal with it00:26
holstein_marx_: i say, if you want to action yourself00:27
holsteinand make it offical00:27
_marx_so are your uhours going well in a'ville00:27
holsteinthat you did that00:27
holstein_marx_: i only do the LUG00:27
holsteinthe WNClug00:27
holsteini'll probably make a LUG meeing an ubuntu hour00:27
holsteinat some point00:28
holsteinto try and kick it off00:28
holsteinim not going ot be able to host one00:28
holsteinBUT i would like for someone else in the LUG to take that on00:28
holsteinwe'll see00:28
holsteinits coming up on a year since the last one that i did00:28
holsteinSO, i could do another one00:29
_marx_well a UH can be completely social00:29
holsteinit would be nice00:29
_marx_doesn't have to be technical at all00:29
holsteinand there are a handful of ubuntu folk00:29
holsteinthat would just hang out i think00:29
_marx_i think that was the original intent00:29
holsteinbut, its still too much for me00:29
holsteinto organize00:30
holsteinwell, maybe00:30
holsteini guess i could just set up something ongoing00:30
_marx_coffee joint be there or be square00:30
holsteinsomething that requires no email blurbs00:30
holsteini'll think about it00:31
* _marx_ waiting for that one to come back00:31
holsteini'll do one at the firestorm soon00:31
holsteinnext couple months or so00:31
holsteinto try and spur it on00:31
* holstein got a new computer00:32
holsteinnew to me that is00:32
_marx_i don't make the g'boro lug meetings because of budget constraints00:32
holsteini was giving props to the kernel team00:32
holsteini installed 10.0400:32
holsteinno wifi00:32
holsteinno hot-keys00:32
holsteini plugged it in to LAN00:32
holsteingot the latest kernel00:32
holsteinand everything is working00:32
holstein_marx_: you still host the UH's though right?00:33
holsteinhow many folk?00:34
_marx_just be there for a couple of hours00:34
_marx_some mailing list pr would help, maybe FB too00:34
holsteinthen you gotta do it though :/00:35
holsteinmaybe we can attomate a reminder somewhere00:35
_marx_i'd really like to start a refurb thing but several problems exist00:37
_marx_get old boxen, refurb, distribute to needy families00:38
holsteini was thinking about something like that00:38
_marx_overall though we need some team building; we're not connected across the state as well as we could be00:40
_marx_several names here tonight that i don't recognize00:41
_marx_well, i'm not a good chearleader00:47
_marx_i'm more the construction type00:48
_marx_typically some cussin' and name callin'00:48
_marx_not the best motivational techniques for this sort of group00:49
_marx_maybe a good cussin' is in order?00:50
_marx_holstein: closing now00:51
_marx_anything to add00:51
_marx_on the meeting record00:53
_marx_I've been here for some time now.00:53
holstein_marx_: i say close it00:54
holsteini had a call00:54
_marx_This teams spark cannot rely on one person.00:54
holstein_marx_: we did last time discuss..00:54
holsteintrying to get something going on00:54
holsteinacross the region00:54
holsteinmaybe an event in the middle of the state somewheres00:55
holsteinwe can try and drum up more folks for the meetings though00:55
holsteinand get more input on that for later00:55
_marx_We need to find some more ambers.00:55
Mootbot-UKMeeting finished at 00:56.00:56
holsteinakgraner is quite a personality :)00:56
_marx_ah 4 minutes early00:56
holsteinthey dont have to be an hour :)00:56
_marx_well, so i'm anal ;)00:57
holsteini have an annoying hot-corner on my new touchpad00:57
holsteinpastes in some unwanted text00:57
holsteinfrom time to time00:58
holstein asheville  asheville  asheville00:58
_marx_had to be at work today at 8:30, got there at 8:2900:58
holsteini dont even remember putting  asheville  in my clipboard00:58
holstein_marx_: lol00:58
holsteinme too00:58
holsteini didnt notice when i got there though00:58
holsteinnot really work anyways00:58
holsteinvolunteer computer classes00:59
holsteinat my moms church00:59
holsteinvolunteer for now00:59
_marx_winders or ...00:59
holsteinwell, they have win700:59
holsteinbut, i have a server running in vitualbox00:59
_marx_ah, 2 bad00:59
holsteinon my EEE01:00
holsteinand they use putty to get into a screen session01:00
holsteinwhenever possible01:00
holsteinim working on rolling up some custom live iso's for the machines01:00
holsteintricky wifi, and audio hardware01:01
_marx_broadcom wifi?01:01
holsteini think so01:01
holsteinnot too tricky01:01
holsteini have the lspci output somewhere01:01
_marx_so you think this is a bad meeting time?01:02
_marx_or just no interest01:02
holsteingood question01:02
_marx_bugjam or something01:02
holsteinbut im afraid its the latter01:02
_marx_raleigh is heavy w/redhat01:03
_marx_me too01:03
holsteinseemed like we had momentum there for a minute01:03
holsteinbefore the official blessing01:03
holsteini think a few of us were really carrying the weight01:03
_marx_well back to core members in each area01:03
holsteinand got busy with other stuff01:04
holsteinand rightly so01:04
holsteini shouldnt say 'us'01:04
holsteinreally you and akgraner01:04
_marx_no you and internalkernel bugeyed too on uh01:04
_marx_there have been sooo many here on irc01:05
holsteinbut i think you and akgraner really made the approval happen01:07
_marx_who's next on the chair list? not sure that's working at all01:08
* _marx_ goes for a nic fix01:08
holsteini quit01:10
holsteinat the end of nov :)01:10
holsteindinner time..01:11
_marx_corn bread, pinto beans, some fried ham, and some fried cabbage01:19
_marx_ah booths at seasonal events across the state!01:24
_marx_lexington bbq fest booth01:24
_marx_mt. airy stuff, booth01:24
_marx_cost of booth01:24
_marx_ah man01:27
holstein_marx_: i just had a thought15:08
holsteini drive my grandmother around twice a week15:08
holsteinon thursdays15:08
holsteini drop her off at 9ish15:09
holsteinand i come to the local earth-fare for breaky15:09
holsteini could totally try and promote an ubuntu hour then15:10
holsteinnot very 'buisness professional' friendly15:10
holsteinas far as the time15:10
holsteinbut, its something i can just add into my routine15:10
holsteintheres a guy from the LUG here now, so we are kind of having one anyways15:10
Daniel0108hi :)16:05
Daniel0108holstein, are you here?16:06
holsteinhey Daniel010816:40
Daniel0108hi holstein16:40
holsteinim around16:40
Daniel0108where is your friend?16:40
holsteinfor a bit16:40
holsteinhere and there16:40
holsteininternalkernel is who i was thinking of16:41
Daniel0108I still need help with DNS ;)16:41
holsteinIF he's around16:41
holsteinwe were going to point a domain for our LUG16:41
holsteinand he was the go-to guy :)16:41
holsteininternalkernel: hey16:41
holsteinim getting you in trouble :)16:41
internalkernellol... Im used to it...16:41
holsteinDaniel0108: , meet daniel16:42
Daniel0108hi internalkernel ;)16:42
internalkernelhey holstein, going to miss Sat I've gotta go to SF...16:42
holsteininternalkernel: not worries16:43
Daniel0108there is my problem :P16:43
internalkernelAND iwas thinking future LUGs - we should get Jfo to talk about VCS like Bazaar or Git...16:43
Daniel0108I just copied the irc log ;)16:43
Daniel0108I hope you can help me :D16:43
internalkernelhe comes to mind since he works with the kernel team...16:43
internalkernelYes... what's the issue Daniel010816:43
Daniel0108internalkernel: http://pastebin.com/iEaa6Npt16:44
Daniel0108here is the issue :P16:44
internalkernelso.. you want any requests to domain.at to forward to domain.com16:45
internalkernelso. for instance like if you go to ubuntunc.com right now... it should just immediately forward you to ubuntu.com16:46
internalkernelor rather our team wiki page I believe...16:46
internalkernelI forgot which... lol...16:46
internalkernelCreate a virtual host file for the domain.at - all you'll need is the ServerName and this line:16:47
internalkernelRedirect permanent / http://www.domain.com/16:48
internalkernelthen: apache2ctr restart16:48
internalkerneland all requests to domain.at will end up at domain.com16:48
Daniel0108internalkernel: I have a DomainOnly host16:56
Daniel0108I can't create files or restart apache16:56
holsteinDaniel0108: they give you access to something though16:56
holsteinthey have to16:56
internalkernelahhh, what kind of access do they give you to setup a redirect?16:56
Daniel0108I can only setup DNS16:56
holsteinOR you should take it to another host16:56
Daniel0108but I can do what I want with DNS :P16:56
Daniel0108yes, but the problem is that I've already paid for it, lol16:57
internalkernelDo you have a Plesk panel or some other type of domain control?16:57
Daniel0108only DNS control, lol16:57
Daniel0108I can just add/edit/remove dns records16:57
holsteinmaybe you should call them16:57
holsteinand ask them just how they propose the domain to be administered16:58
internalkernelWhat you want to setup is a Redirect, I don't think theres a way to do that through the DNS records though - it's something Apache or the web server will have to handle...16:58
Daniel0108holstein, I have to pay for forwarding... and I don't want to pay again16:58
internalkernelsince that machine probably has hundreds of domain names pointed to an IP - the web server makes the distinction between which requests go where16:58
Daniel0108there is no way to point to a domain instead of a ip?16:59
Daniel0108for ips I have MX record16:59
Daniel0108*A record16:59
internalkernelMaybe through the CNAME function16:59
internalkernelA records require IPs16:59
Daniel0108I'll try CNAME17:00
internalkernelCNAME record - Canonical Name might let you map the Domain name to an IP - but when the request hits the webserver it's still going to be domain.at17:00
internalkerneland the webserver is going to go... Not here...17:00
internalkernelI dont think there's not a way to trick the web server into thinking that a result for domain.at means domain.com17:01
Daniel0108ahh... that's unfair....17:01
internalkernelbut hey if you find one, let me know...17:01
internalkernelbecause that would be useful... the only way I know of is redirect through apache17:01
Daniel0108I have to pay like $80 for redirecting -.-17:02
Daniel0108but the domain was cheap -.-17:02
holsteinper year?17:02
internalkernelholy crap...17:02
Daniel0108per year17:02
internalkernelwho are you using?17:02
holsteinprobably should read the fine print though17:02
Daniel0108it's a good provider, but not for domain only :P17:02
holstein'restrictions apply' ;)17:02
Daniel0108ah, doesn't matter :P17:02
Daniel0108I'll just cancel the domain :P17:03
holsteini dont know, forwarding is a feature that i would expect in a domain registrar17:03
Daniel0108the .com works perfect17:03
Daniel0108and it's cheap17:03
holsteinin whatever cost17:03
internalkernelor even a nominal fee for redirecting...17:03
Daniel0108high-speed webspace + domain for like 25$ per year ;)17:03
holsteinthats a 'bait-n-switch' almost17:03
Daniel010810GB, no traffic17:03
Daniel0108holstein, yeah...17:04
Daniel0108okay, I'll leave this channel now :P bye17:06
_marx_holstein: i think your UH idea fits the description; time is early but what the...23:03
_marx_pr it a bit and who knows who might show up23:04

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