
SamuraiAlbaGood bacon to all!11:44
InHisNameSamuraiAlba: you're must be a big bacon lover !13:59
SamuraiAlbaHow are you doing?14:00
InHisNamedidja see the u-tube of the 100,000 calorie ????burger.14:00
InHisNameAbout 2 foot x 2.5" round patty  same size 'bun'   LOTS of bacon layerd all over.  Then several eating it like pigs.14:01
SamuraiAlbaNow to sell my desktop to afford a few...14:02
InHisNameSorry I cant remember how to find the link.    ya+20 letters + burger was the name.  Started like a 'mans' cooking show.   All the ingredients, assembling, along with male sound effects.14:04
InHisNameThey called it a meaty snack or something.14:04
InHisNameNo, don't think there were ANY beans added.  Just lots of kinds of meat.14:05
SamuraiAlbathe drupal room is mean14:06
InHisNamefound it:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCxFn3sAw6814:09
PennBotTitle: YouTube - The Sloppy Roethlisberger - Epic Meal Time (at www.youtube.com)14:09
* SamuraiAlba is perturbed14:10
InHisNameYou can drool when they pile on the Bacon14:10
SamuraiAlbanow to find a buyer for some hardware...14:17
SamuraiAlba2 160GB drives (SATA) $10 each, iPod Video 30 GB $40, SB Audigy 2 ZS Platinum sound card without live drive $30, 2.7ghz AMD Black Edition PC with 640GB HD and Radeon 5450 $200 (needs PSU)14:18
SamuraiAlbaif anyone knows anyone, my email is my nick @ gmail.com14:18
InHisNameSamuraiAlba:  are you sure those drives aren't PATA    I didn't know they made SATA that small.'14:25
SamuraiAlbaI am sure14:26
SamuraiAlbaPulled from a Dell E510 - RAID 1 set14:26
InHisNameI have couple of PC that could use 160gigs but only do PATA.   Too old of a MB.14:26
SamuraiAlbaPCI slots?14:28
InHisNameOne might have a slot or two.   Other ,no.14:28
PennBotTitle: SATA Hard Drive to IDE (PATA) Adapter (at www.satacables.com)14:28
SamuraiAlbaMy google fu is strong...14:28
InHisName$10 aint too shabby.  Where are your drives at ?   Near or FAR-FAR-Away from Doylestown area ?14:36
SamuraiAlbaSicklerville, NJ 0808114:36
SamuraiAlba$20 + ship if you want me to mail em :)14:36
InHisNameI have school in Mt Laruel, NJ   is that <10 mile from you ?14:37
SamuraiAlbalet me ask honey :)14:39
SamuraiAlbashe drives14:39
SamuraiAlba45 minutes south of Mt Laurel14:41
InHisNameuggh, farther,14:42
InHisNameWAIT,  I am crossing bridge so Philly tomorrow afternoon.   Then head north to Mt Laurel.   Are you near there or further south than even Pittman?14:43
InHisNameSaw a deal with Amazon for $0.80 SATA-->IDE   oops I think its wrong way.14:44
PennBotTitle: Twitter (at twitter.com)14:51
andrewIt's the end of the world as we know it!14:52
SamuraiAlbaand I feel fine...14:52
PennBotTitle: Twitter (at twitter.com)17:37
ChinnoDogI always forget I'm not in gnome-terminal when I am at work and paste stuff by accident17:37
andrewI always use Ctrl+Shift+v to paste in gnome-terminal (which I use at work)17:38
ChinnoDogIn gnome-terminal I right click on links to go to them or copy them. In PuTTY it auto-copies and right clicking causes it to paste.17:40
andrewChinnoDog: Ctrl+click opens links17:40
andrew(in gnome-terminal)17:40
ChinnoDogSo... no more ipv4?17:45
ChinnoDogBut we are barely uisng IPv6...17:46
andrewNo, IPv4 will be used for years to come.17:48
SamuraiAlbaGREAT bacon to all!17:54
andrewSave your bacon and learn to drive?17:54
SamuraiAlbaI got my permit :)17:56
SamuraiAlbaNow to sell this iPod :)17:58
SamuraiAlbaJobs came in for tomorrow :)17:58
andrewthat's good news18:09
SamuraiAlbaAntivurs scareware thingy :)18:16
SamuraiAlbarkill FTW!18:16

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