
brycehbdmurray, aha, awesome00:01
bdmurraybryceh: its not a good solution but something to get the data right now00:02
brycehbdmurray, do you think this issue is important enough to put in for alpha-2?00:02
bdmurraybryceh: I forget it doesn't block bug reporting for X right?00:03
brycehbdmurray, not that I know00:03
brycehactually it might for some cases00:03
brycehbdmurray, I take it you're alluding to say, "Dummy, people being unable to report bugs kinda undermines the whole idea of having an alpha release"00:05
bdmurraybryceh: well more like "If it prevents getting useful data then yes its important for A2"00:06
bdmurraybryceh: or if it makes people goto +filebug instead of using ubuntu-bug ;-)00:06
brycehbdmurray, how's this look:00:08
bryceh        if os.path.lexists('/usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test'):00:08
bryceh            try:00:08
bryceh                ust = command_output_quiet([00:08
bryceh                    '/usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test', '-p'])00:08
bryceh                ust = ust.replace('\x1b','').replace('[0;38;48m','').replace('[1;32;48m','')00:08
bryceh                report['UnitySupportTest'] = ust00:08
bryceh            except AssertionError:00:08
bryceh                report['UnitySupportTest'] = 'FAILED TO RUN'00:08
bdmurraytesting it without the work around - I can still report a bug00:09
bdmurraybut that looks fine to me00:10
brycehbdmurray, uploaded00:16
brycehmight be too late for alpha-2 but we'll see00:16
bdmurrayhave you thought about moving the hook to a "smaller" package at all?00:17
brycehthe xorg package is actually quite small00:21
brycehbut yeah I've thought of maybe moving this apport hook and the intel gpu hook (and maybe the old bulletproof-x bits) out into a separate package00:21
bryceh-ENOTIME ;-)00:22
brycehif nothing else, doing so would help to minimize our diff against the debian upstream packages.00:22
brycehbut I think there might also be some potential for shared code between the three scripts00:22
bdmurrayI thought the 'Unsupported Ubuntu Release' bit would be good in apport proper00:25
brycehbdmurray, thanks yeah I think so too00:26
brycehthere is some logic for figuring out what kind of regression the bug is, which I think might be a bit better than what's in the kernel apport hook as it has less user prompting00:27
brycehfeel free to cherrypick.00:28
brycehI eventually plan to try submitting some of it back to apport, if/when we ever get caught up on the X bugs00:28
brycehRAOF, I'm losing steam as EOD approaches but have hammered the tip off of Spikey McSpike - http://www.bryceharrington.org/X/Reports/ubuntu-x-swat/totals-natty-workqueue.svg00:34
brycehRAOF, if you get a chance today could you look at bugs #707236 and #710961 - two corruption regression bugs00:35
ubot4Launchpad bug 707236 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu Natty) (and 2 other projects) "corruption in xchat-gnome window (affects: 3) (heat: 26)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70723600:35
ubot4Launchpad bug 710961 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[i945gm] Screen Corruption with new Xorg stack (affects: 2) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71096100:35
brycehthanks, I'm going to try focusing on forwarding the new bugs and patches upstream tomorrow.00:35
brycehif there's any you already have an inkling about please put a comment on them - here's a report that might be easier to work from: http://blumonc/Arsenal/Reports/ubuntu-x-swat/workqueue-natty.html00:36
brycehif there's any you want to look into yourself, assign yourself and I'll skip upstreaming them for now00:38
brycehthe couple tagged iso-testing and pcert are also probably high priorities for us00:40
RAOFOk, I think I'm closing in on bug #707236.  Interested parties should try reverting 1ba983034 from xserver-xorg-video-intel. :)02:22
ubot4Launchpad bug 707236 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu Natty) (and 2 other projects) "corruption in xchat-gnome window (affects: 3) (heat: 26)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70723602:22
AmaranthRAOF: Yeah, that looks likely03:09
RAOFWell, not only likely, but reverting it fixes emacs for me.03:10
* Amaranth kicks qwest03:10
AmaranthI may not be able to test for a while, internet is like dialup with slightly better ping right now03:10
RAOFAnyway, I'm working out whether that commit was always broken, or is interacting with the damage updates in Xserver 1.1003:12
Amaranthyay it sped up, building now03:16
Amaranthhrm, need a long line first03:21
Amaranthtest again03:21
AmaranthRAOF: Confirmed, that fixes the problem03:21
RAOFAmaranth: Nifty.03:21
Amaranthhmm, got an apport report for memcheck-amd6403:21
Amaranththat's scary03:21
Amaranthodd that regular xchat didn't have the problem, I guess they've gotten out of sync03:24
RAOFMaybe.  Emacs has a similar problem.03:25
RAOFIt's probably only things which draw in specific ways.03:25
RAOFHm, no.04:01
RAOFLooks like that commit is just broken.04:01
bjsniderAmaranth, i have been trying to tell you that xchat is better04:43
Amaranthbjsnider: Oh no, I used it for a couple hours to see if it had gotten better04:44
AmaranthIt's ugly04:44
AmaranthIt doesn't sort networks alphabetically, uses colors instead of icons to represent incoming messages, you have to show the user list to see the lag stats, and I always had to right click a URL to open it04:45
bjsniderall of the things you just mentioned would irritate me in reverse04:46
bjsnideri find the colors better for incoming messages than the icons in xchat-gnome04:47
bjsnideri don't want every stray click opening a url04:47
bjsniderthe networks don't have to be sorted at all04:47
bjsnideri thought your original objection to it was that it didn't have support for any gnome themes and so forth.04:48
Amaranthbjsnider: Not themes, integration (using gconf, HIG, etc)07:09
LLStarksstupid question. is it possible to have a task started in an ssh session continue after that session ends?07:19
sorenLLStarks: Not really on-topic in here, but look at nohup's man page.07:22
arabryceh, hello!08:48
brycehara, hi08:49
arabryceh, we got a similar bug about xorg crashing for intel during ubiquity installation08:50
ubot4Launchpad bug 708744 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Xorg segfaults during installation process (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [High,Triaged]08:50
arawe opened a new one, but it seems to be quite similar to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/70507808:50
ubot4Launchpad bug 705078 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "Xorg crashed with SIGSEGV in pixman_image_set_has_client_clip() (affects: 9) (dups: 2) (heat: 64)" [High,Fix released]08:50
brycehara, what I think would help would be to gather a full backtrace08:52
brycehara, I can look into it more tomorrow; it's late for me08:52
arabryceh, sure, good night!08:52
brycehara, probably what I should do is figure out how to reproduce it on my own hardware08:52
brycehara, any tips on how to reproduce it could probably help08:53
brycehara, ultimately I suspect that the crashes are symptomatic of a deeper issue at work, which remains mysterious08:53
brycehara, I'm also somewhat wondering if it may be a peculiarity of the testing environment, because I've not seen similar reports from ordinary users installing normally08:54
arabryceh, no idea, for us it always happens (using a preseeded installation over the network)08:54
brycehit makes me wonder if this is dependent on some characteristic of how these tests are being installed08:54
arabug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/706117 contains the preseed file08:55
ubot4Launchpad bug 706117 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Installation fails using preseed file and network install (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,New]08:55
arait may help you trying to reproduce it08:55
seb128bryceh, hey, thanks for the dx reports08:56
seb128bryceh, thanks for sending the email to the list as well08:56
brycehara, unfortunately I don't know how to make use of "preseed files" - if you can explain further on the bug report it might help me08:57
brycehseb128, heya, yep glad they're of use08:57
arabryceh, sure, will do 08:58
seb128bryceh, do you think having a summary of natty tasks would be useful as well?08:59
seb128it's a bit similar to the milestoned list08:59
brycehseb128, you mean bug tasks targeted to a particular release, yeah I think that could be of use09:05
brycehseb128, I don't have that hooked up yet though09:07
seb128bryceh, right, I wanted the milestone list to build a list of things we (desktop or contributor) should work on if they want to help unity09:07
seb128but I figure that "bugs that would be nice to fix for natty" are either milestoned or have a natty task09:07
brycehseb128, could you file a bug against arsenal requesting this?  It can be done but might take a bit before I get to it.09:07
seb128so we might still miss the ones without a milestone09:07
seb128bryceh, ok, will do09:08
brycehseb128, yeah agreed09:08
seb128the workaround would be milestone all the bugs we are about for beta or natty09:08
brycehI've been lucky with xorg to not have so many bugs (yet) to need to filter on that, but for unity I can see that would be quite handy09:08
brycehseb128, btw with the 'workqueue' report, a technique for managing it is to be very aggressive at setting bugs to Incomplete.  Since the report excludes bugs waiting on responses, that can help keep the report useful.09:09
brycehplus it has the pleasant side effect of making reporters feel they're getting quick responses ;-)09:10
brycehnight (dead tired)09:17
seb128bryceh, right, thanks for the hint, 'night!09:20
mvohey guys, anyone minds if I upload http://paste.ubuntu.com/561936/ ? (xserverxorg-video-intel)13:52
tjaaltonmvo: pretty sure it's ok13:55
alf_Hi! I am using the xorg-edgers PPA. For r600 the classic driver is the default for GL, although when running GLES2 apps the gallium driver is used.17:33
alf_The problem is that when forcing gallium (ForceGallium="true" in xorg.conf) GLES2 apps now complain with "libEGL warning: DRI2: could not open  (No such file or directory)"17:35
alf_GLES2 apps run fine with gallium when not forcing it in xorg.conf17:36
alf_Any ideas?17:36
SarvattEGL_DRIVER=egl_gallium yourapp work?17:37
Sarvattthere has been a bunch of changes for the egl stuff recently in 7.11 and i haven't had time to fix it all up17:38
alf_Sarvatt: http://paste.ubuntu.com/562094/17:39
alf_it uses the softpipe, while when not forcing gallium it correctly uses the hardware driver17:40
Sarvattits because we're renaming the dri2 driver name for the forcegallium thing17:41
Sarvatt(to r600g)17:42
Sarvattnatty mesa doesn't work either right?17:42
alf_Sarvatt: haven't checked, I was following the +gallium PPA before and now switched to the main xorg-edgers one17:43
Sarvatthmm, looking at it I'm not sure how to fix that17:52
Sarvattalf_: to work around it you could just drop forcegallium and make /usr/lib/dri/r600_dri.so the gallium version17:55
brycehRAOF, another funky upgrade blockage - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/71264017:58
ubot4Launchpad bug 712640 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "package xserver-xorg-core 2: failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: installing xserver-xorg-core would break existing software (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]17:58
DarxusHow much of wayland's dependencies made it into alpha 2?  Should a pre-BGRA version build and work, but not the latest with BGRA?18:05
DarxusAnd is it appropriate for me to ask here?18:05
brycehDarxus, some deps didn't make it; I've been waiting on cairo in particular which is still tbd18:07
brycehit was my goal to have it all in by alpha-2 but just didn't have time, too many other priorities18:08
DarxusI understand.18:09
DarxusI appreciate that it's on your list.  And I'll care more when wayland is actually usable :)18:11
jcristauthat'll take a while18:12
Darxusjcristau: Yup.18:14
alf_Sarvatt: Yes, I think I'll do that and keep the old version around to use it with LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH if needed18:44
alf_Sarvatt: though it complicates upgrading as I have to do this everytime I upgrade :(18:44
Sarvattyeah :(18:44
SarvattI'm not sure how to fix it properly, it's broken in natty too from what I can see18:45
Sarvattneed to make the r600 gallium driver accept a r600g dri driver name too18:45
alf_Sarvatt: was the idea of having an r600_dri symlink to either r600c or r600g considered as a solution to gallium vs mesa selection?18:47
alf_I mean gallium vs classic18:48
Sarvattyeah it was but no one wanted to implement all the extra complexity in the mesa packages and you lose the ability to have automatic fallbacks to the other driver if you switch to UMS for example18:50
Sarvattthat option is starting to grow on me though :)18:51
jcristauwhat about just shipping one driver?18:52
jcristauand if you want ums, then tough, you don't get 3d.18:53
Sarvattnext cycle18:53
Q-FUNKhowdy! seems that X upgrade from maverick barfs majorly.19:50
Q-FUNKeverything correctly depends upon video driver 9, but dpkg refuses to deconfigure older drivers during the upgrade, because it would break them19:51
Q-FUNKseems that we need to remove xserver-xorg-video-v4l before we do anything else19:54
RAOFWoot!  Intel corruption fixed.22:00
Q-FUNKRAOF: where? :)22:00
RAOFUpstream, and cherry-picked by mvo.22:01
Q-FUNKalready in natty?22:04
bdmurraybryceh: xorg package hook has CompositorRunning and CompisitorRunning keys in it23:22
bdmurrayalso I'm not sure report[compiz_version] gets set anywhere23:25
brycehfixed the misspelling23:25
brycehyeah that should just be 'compiz_version', darn23:26

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