
ScottLi'm hoping after the alpha2 image is tested we can make progress on updating the menu for new applications, are there any takers out there?04:05
holsteinScottL: hey04:05
holsteini was going to try and take that on04:05
ScottLit's pretty simple to fix and i can walk someone through an example04:05
ScottLoh, yeah...i forgot about that holstein 04:05
holsteini'll give it a go04:05
holsteini'll ping you when im sitting around bored04:06
holsteinshould be some of that this weekend i hope04:06
ScottLholstein, i'm not in a huge rush currently, just wanted to make sure someone was lined up for it04:06
ScottLideally it would be nice to have it completed before alpha3 through04:07
holsteinScottL: i feel like i can do that04:07
holsteini remember it not looking too crazy04:07
ScottLyeah, it's really not, once you understand what needs to be done and how it just becomes tedious04:08
ScottLi start my rpm challenge this week04:08
ScottLi'm lining up the songs now, playing around with them and thinking of more lyrics04:09
ScottLi should start recording by this weekend for it but only have the month of february04:09
holsteini thought i had missed that04:09
ScottLi've had significant improvement each of the last two years, both quantitatively and qualitatively04:09
ScottLi think this year will not be an exception to that :)04:10
ScottLthis is kinda why i like doing it...first, because if i don't i'll probably put off recording *anything* all year and secondly, because if i keep doing it i'll get better as well04:11
ScottLi need to also look at the release planning page and see what else is in the queue04:23
ScottLi suppose i also need to file out the team report for january since it will be due february 10th as well04:23
holsteinmeeting is on the radar too04:24
ScottLah yeah, we defintely need that04:25
rlameirogood morning13:41
rlameiroScottL, testing Iso now. anything you want me to look at especially?13:42
rlameiroScottL, well, generic tested... quite impressed15:08
rlameiroproblem is taht pd doesnt like much the 3 + periods of buffer15:08
rlameiroinstalling abogani kernel now15:08
rlameirowell quite strange the testing.15:47
rlameiroscott-work, having some weird stuff happening on testing16:07
scott-workrlameiro: yeah?16:07
rlameirowell, lot of xruns16:08
rlameiroeven on low latency16:08
rlameirobut at first generic run very nice....16:08
rlameirobut as i oushed with a pd patch, a pretty simple one it gives a lot of xruns and cracks on pd16:09
scott-workrlameiro: are you running kernel version 2.6.37?  if so it has known problems16:09
rlameirowell, i should say i am using 8 channels output...16:09
scott-workthere is a whole email about cgroups and not being able to get -rt privileges16:09
rlameirono. 2.6.38-116:09
scott-workoh, hmmm that should work then for .3816:09
scott-worki wonder if the -lowlatency is .38 yet16:10
rlameirothere is one ther316:10
scott-worki think abogani was going to work on that, don't know if he's got it yet16:10
rlameirothere is one on the ppa16:10
rlameiroover here the kernel is .38 low latency16:11
scott-worki've had signficiant instability with my natty installs lately and haven't been testing much, just trying to fix some bugs and leaving my computer on when i manage to get it booted16:11
rlameiroscott-work, well, it could be that too16:11
scott-workrlameiro: if you could add your test results to that wiki page that would be awesome16:12
scott-workrlameiro: especially if you are realling loading the comptuer too16:12
rlameirowell i need to understand them first :D16:12
scott-workrlameiro: well yeah, that is true :)16:12
rlameiroi am documenting some with screenshots for memory purposes16:12
scott-workrlameiro: i say that because so far we have experience comparable performance between -generic and -lowlatency16:13
rlameirorebooting now16:13
rlameirolets see how it goes16:13
scott-workpersia mentioned heavily loading the computer during testing16:13
rlameiroi made a little project to record all the 8 channels on ardour... 16:13
rlameirolets see how it goes16:14
scott-workperhaps his thought was that we would discover a performance differential between -generic and -lowlatency when the computer is loaded heavily16:14
scott-worki think so far the tests have been relatively light, i know my original one was16:15
scott-workso i'm really curious to see how your results compare :)16:15
rlameirothere is a problem tough16:16
rlameironoone mentioned on the wiki wich architecture are using16:16
rlameiroi am testing x64.....16:16
rlameirothe xruns are really hard on low latency16:17
aboganirlameiro: Could you test 2.6.37-lowlatency also, please?16:20
rlameiro12 xruns in 1 minute at 8 ms.... unacceptable...16:21
rlameiroabogani, sure :D16:21
aboganirlameiro: Thanks :-)16:22
rlameiroi have your ppa already16:22
aboganiah ok16:24
rlameiroabogani, there is no headers for it...16:25
aboganirlameiro: grab those from previous link16:27
rlameiroabogani, it depends on linux-headers- not linux-headers-
rlameirowell abogani, i will try it later16:46
JFopersia, did you see the 'Search for possible duplicate bugs when a new bug is filed' checkbox now available under https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/<pkg>/+edit for any value of <pkg>?19:38
JFowasn't reported anywhere that I have seen, but I think it was one we discussed before.19:39
persiaJFo, I didn't, but I'm all sorts of excited that it exists.19:39
JFoI thought you would be19:39

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